#facial kits
skincareproducts850 · 9 hours
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Skin Perfect No.1 Pakistani Beauty Cream
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Get Complete Facial kit Online at Best Prices | Skin Care
Shop for the best facial, skin care, body care, dead sea facial kits at discounted prices from La Cure. Achieve glowing & healthy skin with our complete kits.
Embrace the power of the dead sea with this fantastic facial set (dry/normal skin). What it is: A full-service facial powered by Jordan's Dead Sea minerals and vitamins for the best skin possible.
This group includes:
1. 90 grams of Dead Sea Mud Soap
2. A 150g tube of Dead Sea Face Mud mask
3. A 100 ml bottle of Dead Sea Cooling Toner enhanced with Dead Sea minerals
4. 60ml of Dead Sea Protective Day Cream
5. 60ml of Dead Sea Repairing Night Cream
6. 40ml of Dead Sea Eye Cream
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glamvedaskincare · 2 years
Best Facial Kits For Salon-Like Glowing Skin It is necessary to rejuvenate tanned and dull skin through facials in order to exfoliate lifeless skin cells and rejuvenate them. A facial kit like hydra facial kit includes a variety of skincare products, such as face washes, moisturizers, masks, and lotions, which nourish and soothe skin.
Visit site to know more
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tizzymcwizzy · 2 years
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everything i ever knew was shaped by you, my god, my guide, my family, my leader, too, but as the heavy hand came down, time and time again, i held my breath and stopped my tongue and wondered when
when would these bloody breathing walls fall and set me free, when would i be let to fly and get away from thee
just thinking about my personal headcanon for why hunter wears gloves... hope it's not too sad for you dhdhhdfh :')
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libertyeveningsun · 6 months
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Willow textposts part 17
Part 16
Part 17.5
images are mix of Willow stills from imdb, stills edited by @/KomixBro on twitter, and screencaptures by me
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iftitah · 8 months
okay i did the scrub it had miniature glitter confetti like stuff?? pretty my skin kinda reflecting light and stuff oooh
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So recently I went digging back through the original comics and I found the moment Jake decided to put on the ol’ push broom. And let me tell you… It’s a nice look. But dude is going out to his cab every day and taking the time to apply a fake mustache so that it looks good and real. Then he goes back to his (steven’s) home and takes off the ‘stache. 
IT TAKES TIME TO PUT ONE OF THOSE ON. Like, putting on any fake hair to make it not look like a silly costume $5 wig is EFFORT. You have to get the expensive kind, to get the spirit gum out, to make sure it isn’t going to slide off if you get sweaty or rained on. Brush it right. Maybe even apply a bit of makeup around it to blend the edges in. Then you have to take care of it! You can’t just toss it in the glovebox or drink holder! Lay it flat and protect it from dust and things. Jake took care of that thing! 
So naturally being me and absolutely obsessed, sleep deprived, and tired of reloading tumblr over and over again at 3am waiting for someone to wake up so I can get my Moon Knight fix…. I sat down and over-thought about it. 
First, I want to point out just how different Jake looks from Marc and Steven. 
Comic book Steven looks like a classed up Marc and Marc looks like a man that crawled out of a dumpster that used to be on fire and is now mostly just expired takeout, raccoons, and ash. Show Steven looks like someone you want to hug and read a fashion magazine once but got confused and now just wears fun shapes and colors because it reminds him of a show he saw once on TV in the 80s, while Marc looks like he thought a good disguise was wearing a hoodie and slicking his hair back. 
I digress. 
But Jake? Jake is a man that set out to look like someone else. To build his own identity. In the comics he looks solid. Set jaw, the mustache, the hat, the style. He looks like a friendly uncle (depending on the run). So different from Marc’s scowl. From Steven’s clean shaven class. He feels like one of the common people that can blend in. To be friendly and enjoy himself. 
In the show he honestly looks so amazingly different. The thin lips. The sharp jaw. The fashion choice that even makes his body build look so different. He looks taller, slimmer, lanky, and fast. From a distance Marc is shorter appearing but he is also built. Steven looks softer and squishy. It’s amazing what posture and fashion will do to change the shape of someone. 
But even then, Marc and Steven are so similar in appearance. Probably beyond easily confused for one another if you aren’t in the know to check the eyes and eyebrows. Aside from Steven’s curls flowing wild and free and his fashion choices, he has no problem with this. He’s never needed to have a problem with this. Steven has always been his own person and not aware of Marc. 
Marc makes his difference known by his choice in fashion that makes him comfortable and his hair. But he’s no stickler for it. He’s never needed to have a problem with this either. 
So why does Jake? Let’s look past the obvious “They are different people and of course headmates are going to have their own view of themselves”. Let’s actually look at Jake’s history. 
Unlike Steven, Jake has been very much aware of the other two while they aren’t aware of him. Can you imagine the number of times he has had to pretend to be either of them? Keeping his head down, mustering his best accent, or faking a smile as he left a situation. 
Jake is unknown. Unthanked, unappreciated, and overlooked. He carries his own trauma and he keeps them alive. He sees himself as different from the other two. He is the force that holds it all together in the background. He’s also lived his own life, even if Marc isn’t aware of it. 
It is possible Marc has far more missing time than he really thinks. He could easily miss days or months and think nothing of it. Maybe Steven was having a go of it. He could even miss a year and not care. Marc is so in loathing of himself that the less he fronts in his lowest of times the happier he is. It’s easy to see Jake taking that time to not only protect Marc, but to steal a little time for himself too. 
Over this time, Jake notices he can grow facial hair easily. It probably looks good. During certain periods having a mustache was considered very adult and in high fashion. It’s easy to change a face with just a little facial hair. Easy to look in the mirror and see someone else. To shape it and decide what you want to look like. 
Steven developed his own identity and clung to it so desperately. His name tag, his name spelling, being acknowledged for who he is. This was Steven’s way to say “I am Steven. I am my own person. I am my own identity.” 
Jake found his own identity through how he looked. His name isn’t as important to him yet because no one knows who he is. But they can see him. He can be himself with a hat for comfort. A popped collar. A bit of facial hair. He can feel like this is his own body. He can take care of the body. He can lovingly groom it. He can dress in things that make him comfortable. After all, Jake is the protector and he also protects the body. I wonder how many times he’s been slammed to the front only to find the body dehydrated, unshowered, filled with alcohol, and scarred up. 
My headcanon is that Jake takes pride in taking care of the body. Once Steven is in the loop, Jake will start to shut down the staying up all night business and enforcing hydration breaks. This is how he loves. 
So why the mustache? An easy way to move further from Marc Spector’s face. Also a way to let them switch from one face to another. Comic book Jake is NOT a fan of Marc. The only one that dislikes Marc more is Marc. So Marc wears the mask to hide. A way for him to pull on his own identity. 
The comics have been all over the place about the relationship between the three. Understandings, alliances, arguments, and attempted takeovers. But one thing they have always agreed on is that they each have their own autonomy. 
Jake might even have body dysmorphia. Honestly, Marc might have it as well, but for different reasons and in different ways. Jake sees himself in his headspace and when he is looking at the body, it doesn’t quite line up. So he is going to do his best to feel comfortable in the skin he is given. Marc’s problem is that he can only see the bad in himself when he looks at the body and does what he can not to see the body at all. 
Have you ever stared at your reflection and thought, “This isn’t what I’m supposed to look like?” It’s a surprisingly common thing. It’s also quite common in autistic individuals. 
So going back to the show, Jake’s sense of style is SO different from the other two that it’s easy to see him trying desperately to find a way to feel at home in his own skin. The gloves, the jacket, the hat, the collar. It isn’t just about style, though that helps. Jake is making his own image and doing his best to look in the mirror and see himself. 
I feel like I’m being less coherant than normal (which is saying something). So I’ll probably come back to the body dysmorphia thing at a later time if people think there might be something more to it to explore. 
In the mean time, appreciate that lovely ‘stasch. Let Jake have his moment in the cab carefully putting it on his face and lining it up perfectly. He’s Jake Lockley, new york cabbie with a heart of gold and a fist of steel. 
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oliveoomph · 1 year
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Kit & Jade
Willow (2022) - s01e04 - "The Whispers of Nockmaar"
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atlantis-scribe · 2 years
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nerd-at-sea5 · 1 year
jade is so done with everyone she's just backtalking and sassing the whole party
and like. boorman and arik deserve it ngl like i love yall but no kissing and no king thanks
the face when boorman asks to kiss
the 'little help princess?'
the face/'yeah this convo is over' when arik says he's their king
the face when arik and the crone are making out
literally the entire moment w kit and the curiass. like. honey.
just. jade is so done w everyone her chaotic side is coming out and i am HERE for it
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Get Complete Facial kit Online at Best Prices | Skin Care
Shop for the best facial, skin care, body care, dead sea facial kits at discounted prices from La Cure. Achieve glowing & healthy skin with our complete kits.
Embrace the power of the dead sea with this fantastic facial set (dry/normal skin). What it is: A full-service facial powered by Jordan's Dead Sea minerals and vitamins for the best skin possible.
This group includes:
1. 90 grams of Dead Sea Mud Soap
2. A 150g tube of Dead Sea Face Mud mask
3. A 100 ml bottle of Dead Sea Cooling Toner enhanced with Dead Sea minerals
4. 60ml of Dead Sea Protective Day Cream
5. 60ml of Dead Sea Repairing Night Cream
6. 40ml of Dead Sea Eye Cream
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I love how weak them Lightwood genes are loll
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andrwgarfields · 2 years
as much as i want joe to play wiccan i also dont want the jewish rep to be taken away from wiccan since thats important to his identity as much as his queer idenitiy. id love for joe to play wiccan as theyre bith gay but afaik joe isnt jewish so i think thats were a lot of the backlash is coming from.
also the ppl are saying that joes acting isnt fit for the role cuz hes only played one on screen character thats shy and awkward but they havent seen the trials where joes character is much darker and fits the role described for his marvel chracter. this is why i wish the trials were broadcasted somewhere on tv so ppl can actually see his dualitiy
no I totally understand what you mean :/ which is why im conflicted as well :( i’ve heard abt the backlash elizabeth olsen had due to the same issue, its just that based on the casting brief, they also did not specify the character as being jewish so i feel like it would a wee bit unfair to put this just on joe! Bt I definitely get what you’re coming from!
EXACTLY! I think the fact that he got thru the auditions says something? we know how intense their audition rounds are, joe definitely wasnt the only one going for it so the fact that he got it SAYS something!! also how i wished i could see the play! I’ve heard so much good things abt joe and how different his character was as compared to charlie and based on the on set pictures you can already see him shifted to another character like I remember thinking to myself, thats definitely not charlie…thats someone out for revenge!!
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ganseybois · 2 years
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pls explain why he had to be so pretty here
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agentsmiths · 2 years
jon snow getting a spin off as if he isn't the most boring character
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skincareproducts850 · 9 hours
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 Tan Removal Orange Face Scrub In Pakistan
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