#father unknown
harboretum · 5 months
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Good morning 🍊
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Michael, texting Henry: The violent rabbit that is my father who hates you escaped the attraction’s fire.
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cherry-bomb1985 · 2 months
I feel like The Father and Hell both understand and experience love in all the worst ways.
The Father sought to create a life form that would follow and love him unconditionally. It wasn't enough that he had a great cosmic kingdom of angels who are unquestioningly loyal, no, he needed something that knew suffering and mortality and the threat of oblivion, and would still find love at the end; love for him above all else. But after numerous implied failures at that, in his desperation, he instead created the threat of eternal damnation to force them to love him in order avert that fate. Lucifer's words must have been like a splash of cold water, but by the time he realized sheer magnitude of suffering he had unintentionally set into motion, it was too late. He could not destroy Hell; he could not stop the cycle of violence.
That guilt drove him to seek a death that, from the looks of it, eluded him in spite of the hollowness consuming him. And now he is... somewhere, helpless to stop his experiments from consuming one another and themselves in a glorious show of blood and violence.
And then there's Hell itself, who seems to recognize love as an act of violence and cruelty. It is something that derives joy only from the suffering of other living creatures. God gave it so many toys to hurt and break and reform, and Mankind gave it new ones. Why would it understand love as anything but? It gave Minos a facsimile of the son he is most ashamed of, and delighted when he cast it, once more, into a labyrinth. Gabriel flattened all the souls within it's confines beneath his heel and gave those that did bend false hopes.
Now there's V1, tearing its way through the remaining layers and creating a spectacle of violence like nothing Hell has ever witnessed before. How could it not love them all for all the entertainment they've provided?
But deep within its recesses, hidden away from the eyes of Heaven, there was a Gutterman. A machine built for war, who eventually came to love that which it gave it life at the cost of their own. Enough to give the human welded within their coffin the mercy that both Heaven and Hell had denied them; enough to write a single love letter to them, even knowing that it would never be read by its intended recipient.
So, as things turn out, you /can/ teach a machine to love. And they will understand and experience it more sincerely than God or Hell ever could.
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koko2unite · 1 day
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peony-pearl · 2 years
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"Iroh ignored Azula” Well what if I didn’t believe that and the greatest irony of Avatar is that Iroh was one of the folks who encouraged her strategic thinking that she would use to later hunt him down
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Meg, to Lester: And I say this with love, but …
Meg: It’s crazy you haven’t been murdered yet.
Lester: I know, right?
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just-naemi · 2 months
I love when lili told Qian u have been a brother a father and a mother for me . It's so touching when the people we love recognize what we are doing for them . I felt like Qian needed to listen to those words he needs to be told that's he's loved , that's he's been doing fine, although all the hardships he went through since he was a kid wasn't for nothing . Qian raised a FAMILY and him carrying on his shoulder all the parental figures to raise it😭
#unknown series is making me so emotional
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koumeowkami · 25 days
i'm literally pleading BEGGING on my knees for gcrest to explore a bit more cozmez's past and their relationship with their mother to understand what they went through as kids. like okay we know their mom was a prostitute and was abusive with them ... and then what
literally all we know about it is from the ain't no love lyrics. but i just wish we could get flashbacks of little cozmez, a pov of their lives back then... i want past interactions with their mom SO BAD it would give a huge insight on their trauma. i remember how they mentioned them being kicked out every time their mom had a client at home and they were only four. FOUR YEARS OLD !!!!! i can't believe gcrest never developed this topic further :/ i'd rather see that than them arguing about something for the nth fucking time
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blueberry-bastard-boy · 4 months
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He's giving coraline vibes
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alien-ally · 3 months
i dont watch a lot of shows, but its been a while since i saw such an emotionally charged confrontation in a bl show. i believe great acting can elevate any confrontation scene (even if the conflict was contrived) but uh here, we knew this all along. we knew the pain was coming, i did, it was delicious, and braced for impact but i still am in shambles. wei lili packing random packets of food from the house for yuan, unable to focus on eating when yuan sits with that face, getting him to pass stuff just to talk to him. a resounding 'tell me, what's wrong?'. never have siblings been so real lol. also, i deeply appreciate the character of Sanpang, cause i think he's supposed to be the reflection of society, but in a far more gentler, loving way for he actually does care for both of them. lol he himself doesn't know 'what's wrong' exactly, just that something should be cause yk it's Wei Qian. also, he's far more nicer than in the novel i've heard. and not homophobic at the very least.
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The Yellow Rabbit: Did you get my flowers?
Vanessa: Yeah. “Sorry I stabbed you.” Probably not a card the florist gets to write everyday.
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coockie8 · 9 months
Hohenheim: You know, sometimes I feel like I failed you as a father.
Edward: Only sometimes?
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haru-chi · 10 months
I've been thinking about why Natsume Takashi's family called "Natsume" his mother and grandmother family name and not his father which normally should've been ??
We've always took this name for granted so we never question it even when we know about his family's history. I speak of myself that I never question it or find it weird till now ><
I feel it was something that triggered this idea suddenly but can't remember which event or scene did, or was it a late realization on my part or was it Seiji's remark in that scene hmmmm
I believe I find it weird because he had the same family name as Reiko herself .. since if Reiko was married then she too would go by her husband family's name thus her daughter too .. but Natsume had the same family as his grandmother not his mother which led to many questions in my mind either about him or Reiko but let's focus on Natsume for now …
It's weird, isn't it ?? or am I the only one that think that ??
It's known that the wife takes her husband's family name after getting married. also, his father is known unlike his mother's mysterious father so there's no reason to use his mother's family name. plus, his mother was the first to die too and he mostly was raised by his father, so it wasn't the other way around for him to maybe had his mother's family name.
Why give him his mother's family name then ?
his name "Natsume" Takashi wasn't passed down by only the yokai to link him to Reiko. I mean this name isn't exclusive in the yokai side of the world for it to make sense why he had this family name, even in the human world he's known as "Natsume".
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Then I remember the orphanage incident that Seiji mentioned … how his relative never put him in one again in fear he might ruin their family image in society given how weird he is that he was kicked out of the orphanage .. "let's keep this disgrace within the family" they said (I so wanna kill them for this remark)
Do you think that's why they changed his family's name after his father's death ? So, they can blame it all on the other family "he's crazy like his grandmother, our family has no such weirdo" or to have an escape route by saying "he's not from the family" .. thus if he did another problem …. oooooooh wait … what if they changed his family name AFTER the orphanage incident ??? so that if he did another big incident or his name get to be known publicly then this name won't trace back to their family or image ?? ( this idea just clicked right now and .. I .. it make sense that I hate it ugh)
I'll stop here, I feel more damaged the more I think or talk about this and sure hope this whole idea in unfounded > - >
can someone tell me it makes no sense and nothing is weird in him going by his grandmother's family ?? T^T
this idea is painful if it's true >-<
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huldrabitch · 3 months
A doodled idea of how The Barista might look based on our relatives appearance and color-scheme!
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I probably used a reference but its been years since i drew this so i dont have the file anymore!
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quortknee · 6 months
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some of my durges heehee some of my tavs: [part 1] [part 2]
#HIII dont read the tags if you dislike talks of extreme violence OR murder OR torture OR cannibalism OR just general bhaalist activities lol#if u do read the tags though llol hiiiii sorry for the ramble but erm. enjoy ig#something ive done with all my durge playthroughs is have orin take a trophy from each of their bodies in some way.#in this case; casimir's horns and carrion's right eye#she took casimir's horns and capped them in gold as a slight#before da lobotomy cas said the way shed kill herself after murdering the world was to forge herself a crown of gold from her own horns#cas wanted to be king of the murdered world in the name of her father. therefore crown. yeag#“crown” as in she would pour molten gold over her horns and let it drip down and boil her alive before she joined murder dad in death#so thats exactly what orin took from her#she made her horns into a golden crown then took it from her by cutting them off#in my head orin made the crown of horns wearable and would wear it during their duel#carrion's trophy situation is different from casimir's#carrion's name pre-orin lobotomy is still unknown to her#carrion was just the first thing she remembered when she woke back up after everything#all because orin called her that while torturing her#orin picked at her body like it was carrion and she was a vulture. she plucked out her eye and cut her open and ate her flesh and innards.#and when carrion finally remembered this she decided to keep the name and wear it with pride#as she would the the world's final piece of carrion#made to be the final rotten meal for her father to supp on after the world dies by her hand#she would be the carcass that houses the world. a true gift of flesh and murder only for her father#ALSO orin kept carrion's eye in a jar on her desk to look at fondly while doing her creative writing or whatever idk.#after carrion killed orin and found her eye she ate it lmfao#ok that’s all bye :3#my art#my durges#bg3#bg3 art#artists on tumblr#baldurs gate 3#dark urge
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footageforfriends · 26 days
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okaaaay let's start with some small traditional stuffs and see if this works out. any unknown enjoyers in the club?
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