#flea folk
thenixkat · 2 months
I do know that due to Laios' thing about trying to talk shit out first and generally not retaliating or defending himself when people are being dicks to him in this au people sometimes forget that he's a werewolf a lot and when they do remember tend to view his wolf forms with 'big friendly dog' lenses instead of a 230+ lb giant carnivore who very much could tear them to pieces if they keep pushing him and hitting him but chooses not to b/c grown folks are supposed to use their words/he'd rather not harm folks if it can be avoided/fighting back never worked out much in his experience.
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prairie-daughter · 2 years
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christ is watching (from a flea market in missouri)
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invizigothx · 15 days
This little grey tabby we had seen around the neighborhood a few times showed up again and some folks from down the block were in awe of her cuteness and good manners... So Brendan grabbed a cat carrier from our place and they scooped the cat! He just got a text saying they are going to take her to the vet for a wellness check etc asap. What a happy ending!
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tariah23 · 4 months
And what a time this was
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tainted-sweet-meats · 6 months
I saw you at the Philly flea market on Friday night. Just wanna say that I love your stuff sm, esp the sticker I bought 💜
HELLO HELLO!! Thank you for the sweet comment and for buying my merch/art. I hope you really enjoy it. You definitely made my experience at Punk Rock Flea Market amazing! <333
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wc-confessions · 2 years
I think I might have fleas again :(
um ew fleapelt
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cinnamon-notes · 6 months
Went shopping at the Christmas street markets. I love old women's warm souls. They'd be looking at you the whole time while you'd be leafing through the old books they sell, and then you'd show up with one in your hand to pay it, and they'd come up with the simplest line ever that warms up your soul in a way that YOUR COMFORT BOOK READ UNDER YOUR COMFORT BLANKET WHILE YOUR COMFORT PERSON IS GIVING YOU THE MOST COMFORT HUG AND YOU'RE DRINKING YOUR COMFORT DRINK could never
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absentlyabbie · 11 months
i'll tell you what converted me to being all-in on keeping cats indoors only:
living for a year and a half in a rural area with a sudden feral cat colony explosion on the property.
i moved in with my folks for a bit and at that time, one (1) stray cat mama had taken up residence on the property, but was too feral to let my mother anywhere near her. but especially after she brought three kittens around, mom fed her and the kittens in hopes they'd grow trusting enough she could catch for spay and neuter at the minimum. momcat stayed mean and hella wary, but the kittens would hang around a little nearer and play with my mom via long stick, but still wouldn't come close enough to touch or catch.
unfortunately, two of the three kittens were girls and started having kittens of their own before further progress was made, shortly after i moved in. and that was pretty much instant doom.
there were so many kittens. SO MANY. multiple litters. every time we turned around, more kittens.
we fed them. we hunted for and located the kittens every time anywhere on the property and would move them to a repurposed doghouse anytime a mama cat had them somewhere else, so that they could grow up human-socialized and we could spay/neuter them when they were old enough. (also it was a handy tactic to push the issue of the mamas getting more used to/trusting of us themselves. only really worked with one of them, though.)
and we watched them die.
we watched litter after litter of kittens never make it to the age they could be spayed or neutered. the moms stayed, for the longest time, too skittish to more than briefly touch, much less catch and crate for a vet visit.
it sounds like a silly joke to say i have kitten-related ptsd, but i absolutely do.
too many goddamn times i'd walk out of the garage and find the carport and gravel drive strewn with tiny bodies. others simply went missing, never to be found.
one in particular, i wish i hadn't found, and the visual literally haunts me still, almost a decade later.
i saw so many kittens die of snake bite, spider bite, wild dogs, birds of prey, hit by cars, respiratory illness, covered in fleas and eyes crusted with infection.
and we loved them all. scrimped for antibiotics if the vet could be convinced to give it to us despite our being unable to bring them in. bought flea collars and ointments. we cared for them and fed them and petted them and played with them, brushed their fur and cleaned up their little faces, put ice in their water in hot summer, rigged a heating lamp in their house in the winter.
and they died. horribly. that property is pocked with unmarked graves of kittens and cats.
all the best intentions, not enough resources, and it didn't matter anyways because the population went from three to almost twenty (at times, over thirty) in the blink of an eye.
they died and died and died. our hearts broke over and over again. the stress and anxiety wore us down like sandpaper. i think, by the end of it all, we managed to find less than 10 of them all homes, including batman the disabled kitten i found a home across the country through tumblr.
it was carnage and tragedy, frankly. and we were helpless.
it only ended because they started dying faster than they could be born, and because we finally caught the two remaining mom cats in traps and got them spayed.
the points about outdoor cats being invasive predators devastating to local wildlife populations is true and valid and important.
but i know cat people, and cat people who don't know better than to let cats outdoors. what matters to you is the cat itself, generally. the cat being happy and taken care of.
keeping cats outdoors, letting them outdoors, is not taking care of the cats. it's not protecting them. it's not giving them any happiness or invigoration that couldn't be provided to them as indoor-only pets with just a little research and effort.
they die. they get ill. they get hurt. they're at risk of predators, and cars, and disease, and carelessly cruel children and deliberately cruel adults. they're at risk of disappearing on you because someone else saw a cat outdoors and intervened to give it a better, safer life not in conflict with the local environment.
and if that offends and angers you that someone would just take a cat they saw roaming outdoors, even collared, and that it sounds like i'm endorsing that, i am, but not if you intervene and be that person yourself for your own cat.
if what matters to you is doing right by your cat because it's family and a living creature whose happiness and health and safety is important to you,
keep them indoors. not part time. always. exclusively.
edit: since apparently i need to clarify this, i'm saying cats should live inside, that they should not live outdoors, even part time. visiting the outdoors supervised on a leash or in an enclosed catio is not the same as even part-time living outside, and i am certainly not advocating against it.
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nyc-looks · 4 months
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Maria Daniela, 41
“All my pieces are second hand with the exception of $20 shoes I bought on sale 7 years ago. $3 sample handbag I bought at a carpet upholstery store 8 years ago that was hanging behind register to show off fabric. Sweater and vest are both handmade and thrifted. Costume pantaloons I bought on side of the road upstate NY. Skirt by Janine is from Anoushkas Attic at flea we were both vending at. What’s inspiring me right now is all the folks who speak up and are a microphone for the marginalized and oppressed whose voices are silenced every day. I’m also moved by the resilience of all indigenous people and the love for their land. Grateful for the freedom to move around when others are limited and their basic needs are taken away by imperialist fascist oppressive systems built by design.”
Oct 8, 2023 ∙ Upper West Side
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RUN RABBIT, RUN RUN RUN. ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: DARK! King Aegon ii Targaryen x Common Folk! Reader prompt: Aegon has been watching you from years. Now that he is King, he intends to make his intentions clear. key: Y/n = Your name, R/n = Random name, E/C = eye color word count: 1, 000+ words
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He was six and ten when he first met you, well more of, he saw you from a distance. You were a pretty little thing⎯well, for some common folk girl, you were pretty. From what he saw from a distance, you worked as a barkeep, cleaning tables and sometimes serving ale or whatever shitty drink they served at that tavern. 
You were pretty, maybe growing more so in a few years, but enough for the other drunks to take notice as well. He didn’t like it. Even though he had never spoken to you, or really interacted with you at all. You were his pretty little barekeep to gawk at.
It took everything in him to not set Sunfyre upon all of them, burning the shitty little tavern up in flames. So then, he could take their charred remains and show what happened when others touched what was his. But, he digressed. For now. 
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Slowly sauntering into the tavern, he searches for you in the crowd of common folk, his gaze predatory and determined. Since his coronation as King, he had been busy, far too busy to leave the Red Keep to go to Flea Bottom. All he wished for now was to have a drink and watch you as he had done a dozen times before. He was sure if he was going to speak to you yet. It wasn’t that he did not have the courage to speak to you. 
He was a Targaryen, and now King, he had nothing to feel ashamed of or worried about. But rather he liked the way you squirmed under his gaze. He liked the way you would grow stiff and then blush a soft pink when you realized that it was just him. It was adorable and a good ego boost to know that he could get you all flustered without even needing to speak. 
“All hail the new King!” Some drunk slurs aloud, “From the King of Flea Bottom to the King of the Seven Kingdoms!”
“All hail!”
Rolling his eyes at the drunken babbling that filled the tavern, he sits down at his usual table, kicking his feet up on a chair. Drumming his fingers against the table, he looks around for you, growing wary as he doesn’t see you in the tavern. Clenching his jaw tightly as his temper starts to rise, he holds back at lashing out, his mind running a million miles per hour.
“Where the hell is that damn girl?! Y/n!” A barkeep behind the bar rants, “Oi! You, go get Y/n.”
Not even the other barkeep’s knew where you were at. You weren’t here. You were always on time. Why the fuck were you not here? Where the fuck were you at?
Feeling his temper bubbling with each second that he doesn’t see you, the loud slamming of a door fills the tavern, nobody paying any mind to it. Seeing you walk inside all soaked from the rain, he instantly calms down at sight of you. 
Slowly trailing his eyes over your soaked figure, you look ethereal like this. Hair all soaked and clothes sticking to you like a second skin, accentuating  your curves. Feeling a presence beside him, he snaps out of his daze, seeing some other barkeep trying to speak to him.
“Can I⎯” 
“No, no, her. I want her.” He orders, pointing at you. 
Watching as you dried yourself off with a rag, he smirks at how your linen underskirt was practically sheer. He wondered, if he spilled his seed in you, would a bastard grow in your belly? Would then he be able to whisk you away to the Red Keep, far far away from the drunks and fools that surrounded you both? After all, you would be so grateful for him to do such a thing. You, some lowborn common folk girl, getting the luxury of carrying his child in your belly. 
“Bring me her. I will take nothing but what she brings to me.” He orders.
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Feeling a familiar pair of predatory eyes on you, you slowly turn around to see the now King, watching you. He sat at the same table as always, in the center where he and those silvery locks could be gawked at. Furrowing your brows in confusion, you watch as R/n walks away from the table, rolling her eyes hard with a scowl. Cocking her head to Aegon, you didn’t even have to ask to understand that he had rejected her. 
Wiping your hands dry with the rag, your eyes locked onto Aegon’s, e/c meeting predatory violet eyes. Shivering at the gaze, R/n motions for you to go to him with a cock of her head, her iration clear as day at not getting any coin from him. Mustering up your courage, you walk over to him, coming face-to-face for the first time ever. He was a lot more handsome up close. Alluring violet eyes, silvery white Targaryen hair and pouty lips. 
“Do you wish to make your King happy?” He asked, his voice rough and low.
“I do, your grace.” You nod, “ How can I be of service to you?”
“I can think of many ways.”
Growing tense at the lewd comment, you shift in place, unsure if he was jesting with you or if he was being serious. You have never spoken to him up to this point, just watching from afar or in passing. You could not tell. Chewing on your bottom lip a little nervously, he places a hand on your waist, letting out a full belly laugh. Weakly nodding unsure, he slowly trails his hand down to your hip, not quite inappropriate but not appropriate at the same time. 
“Can I get you some ale, your grace?” You ask, attempting to change the subject.
“Or mayhaps some bread from the kitchen?” You try again, “I am sure we can find something for you if that is what you desire.”
Blushing under his intense gaze, he slowly stands up from his seat, looking like a predator stalking its prey. Tilting your head up as he towers over you, you resist the urge to cower, not wanting him to see your fear. In your time working here you learned men tended to like seeing women cower, it was like a game to them. Softly gulping as he digs his nails into your hip, a voice in the back of your head tells you to run away, that he was dangerous. But, your legs would not let you move. 
“Your grace?” You whisper, your voice weak. 
“Then you will not scream, cry, or protest as I take you back to the Red Keep.” He whispers, “I would hate to have to kill you when I have just gotten you within my grasp. Now walk, my little rabbit.”
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teaboot · 3 days
Update on the kitten that was thrown out of a car:
it’s a boy! I have dogs, bird, etc so I couldn’t adopt him myself, but my best friends family took him in. We named him Sylvester. He had a vet appointment yesterday and apart from being flea bitten and very underweight he’s unharmed from the fall and healthy. He is the SWEETEST little man, fully socialized and litter box trained so he was probably a kitten mill baby that didn’t sell. I talked to some locals and they said that folks in that neck of the woods are really superstitious about pure black cats, so that could have something to do with it.
Oh, wow, I'm so glad he's doing well!!! Man fuck that shit, I hope he has a long and happy life with your friends!! ♡♡♡
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asumofwords · 10 months
Smoke, Fire and Ash
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st. Tags will be added as the fic goes on.
This is a dark!fic. 18+ only. Read at your own discretion. Please read the warnings before continuing.
Summary: You are the eldest daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon Targaryen. You are forced to navigate the difficult surroundings of your upbringing and the eventual disintegration between your family and the Hightower's relationship. What will happen when your older and estranged uncle suddenly takes a more sinister interest in you? (Dark!Aemond x Reader)
Characters: Aemond Targaryen X Reader, HOTD characters.
Note: Oh my GOSSSSSH, with every chapter I post, we get closer and closer to the end and I'm literally wriggling in my chair in excitement, like holy shit! hahaha, anyway, I so hope you enjoy this new chapter and the remaining ones to come! ENJOYYYYY <3
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Chapter 101: The Merciless Queen 
“If we are to give Flea Bottom gold to build new dwellings, whose to say that the other small folk across the realm won’t decide to take arms and demand the same?” Lord Tyland Lannister, elder brother of Jason Lannister and Master of Coin argued, seated amongst the other Small Council members who seemed to be in a disarray since the slaying of their previous King, Aegon.
It had been a few days since his death, and whilst Aemond and yourself could not keep your hands off of each other, there was no denying the tension that still circled around the two of you. 
You had been coronated as Queen Consort, a short lived affair in the throne room with only the Small Council present, letters written to be sent out shortly thereafter to their supporters. There was no celebrations to be had, no drinking or dancing. It was short, brief, and most importantly, political move.
And now, all sat in wait for the more pressing question at hand.
What was to happen to the treaty?
And yet despite this question, and the sheer multitude of meetings with the council, Aemond let the unknown hover over your head like smoke, filling your lungs thickly and choking you.
When once Maester Orwyle had asked the same question, which was asked more than once a day, Aemond had barely given the man a second glance, and redirected the question elsewhere. 
In no time however, much to the urging of Otto Hightower and Lord Jasper Wylde, word would soon reach Dragonstone, and the Green Council would need to be ready for such events.
There was a very real possibility that at the knowledge of Aegon being indisposed of, and the Greens thus only having one dragon rider, may invoke the wrath and fury of all the Black’s power. 
And in this moment, they had it. 
And the council, knew it. 
There was an all encompassing feeling of dread that filled each member. The anticipation being a most poisonous thing, and at any loud noise or uncertain sound, Alicent Hightower would jump in her seat, eyes skating to the doors of the chamber they were in, or looking out the window to the skies. 
“Then see to it that they do not.” Breezed Aemond, the Conquerors Crown seated atop his head, ruby glinting in the light of the chambers.
“I do not see why we need to do so in the first place, Your Grace.” Maester Orwyle spoke, “The small folk are not in need or want, nor do they know more than what they have.”
Aemond blinked slowly, finger impatiently tapping on the table as he looked at his men and mother, the gold ring upon is finger clunking on the wooden surface.
“We have the gold, not much, but enough. As it is, their disdain for us was exaggerated by my brother and his selfish disregard for their needs." Aemond began, "I couldn’t care for what they do below in their shit and piss, but my Lady wife has spoken of the benefits of having the love of the small people, and we are in dire need of support.”
You shifted in your seat, suddenly feeling the eyes of all the Lords at the table, and the ever present scowl of Alicent Hightower directed at you. Swallowing, you licked your lips, fingers finding your council sphere and spinning it in its dish.
“My mother is loved by the small folk, as was I,” Before they dubbed me the Merciless, “‘The Realms Delight', they named her, most beloved and fair, much the same for my sweet aunt Helaena."
You paused, letting your gaze stop on Alicent, "Where as when they think of the King, they have little good things to say. Two Kinslayers on the throne would no doubt further press their disdain." You turned back to Aemond, "The support of the common folk is important when ruling, it makes things easier, and if the time comes, they will take up arms to support your cause.”
Larys Strong’s voice carried across the table, his high lilt directed at you. His hands were crossed over the top of his cane delicately between his knees at the table, “My spiders have told me that there are ample supporters of your rule, Your Grace.”
You scoffed, “Supporters of the Faith perhaps, or the whispers of the old militant sect even, but that support lies with Alicent, and they would surely have issue with mine and Aemond's union, as is our tradition as Targaryens, and also the very issue of us both being Kinslayers," You looked to Alicent, "Which we are very much reminded of. But the small folk, the true small folk who live in poverty, where sickness and disease is ripe, have no positive feelings of loyalty towards a King who does not see them and gorges upon riches unimaginable. My father took to the streets and killed every rapist and murderer in Flea Bottom, punished thieves and crooks, and the small people felt safer.”
“They were scared out of their wits.” Otto sighed, “The small people need nothing but the clothes on their backs. Simple minds think not of extravagant pleasures.”
Anger rolled through you, “Having proper housing and not living in the streets is not an extravagant pleasure. I would say it is a right for them to live freely and happily, to pursue their desires and passions.”
Jasper Wylde placed his long fingers upon the sphere, several gold and silver rings adorning the digits, “The Queen makes a point, Your Grace. King Jaehaerys was loved by the small folk for his benevolence, and the actions of Maegor the Cruel brought him nothing but trouble. Perhaps the spending of a few Gold Dragons on Flea Bottom’s worse affected slums could bring you support, especially now that the treaty is in question.”
Lord Jasper Wylde, Master of Laws, opened the conversation for the treaty to be discussed. 
All eyes were now on Aemond, who sat stiffly in his chair, one elbow upon the armrest, the other still tapping against the table.
“Has word reached Dragonstone?” Aemond questioned Larys, noncommittally. 
The brunette leant forward, bowing his head slightly as he spoke, “As it were, a spider intercepted an attempt to alert them. Though I have no doubt they will receive word by the morrow.”
The King hummed.
“Will the treaty be renewed, Your Grace?" Maester Orwyle began, eyes flicking to you, then back to the King, "I believe it to be prudent that we do so. As it were, we are outnumbered in dragons. You are but the lone rider here at the Keep.” You narrowed your eyes at Maester Orwyle, “Perhaps if we sent word and new terms, Rhaenyra will be-“
“-No.” Aemond’s word cut through the air like a knife. Crisp. Icy.
“No?” Otto questioned, “The realm will fall to war again if-“
Your heart beat against your chest like a drum, iciness spreading across your skin and at the base of your skull.
“What do you mean, no?” You breathed.
Aemond did not turn to face you.
You snapped, “If you do not sign a treaty, they will come for you, Aemond. My mother and father will come to claim what is theirs.”
The King’s nostrils flared, “Let them. I ride the largest dragon in the world. If my half-sister wishes to declare war at the risk of your safety, then it shall be your blood upon her hands, not mine.”
Your breath caught in your throat.
“My blood?”
Aemond did not even turn to face you.
Your hands slammed against the table, and you shot out of your chair, leaning towards your husband as you sneered, "Have you learnt nothing? You are blinded by your hatred. You will be our ruin, not Aegon.”
Aemond breathed sharply, eye solely on you as he spoke to the table, “Send coin to Flea Bottom. Hire masons and workers, or let the small folk build it themselves.” He looked to his men before finishing, “Clear the chambers.” He commanded the room, and all Lords and Lady Alicent, stood and quickly shuffled out of the room, leaving Aemond with an enraged wife.
“Are you to doom us all with your stubbornness? Have you gone mad?” You growled, “Your thirst for the throne will kill us, Aemond. My mother and father are not to be trifled with. My brother and sisters are not to be trifled with. Do you think that we will survive this?”
Aemond simply stared at you, hand still on the table tapping, whilst the other gripped the arm of the chair fiercely, knuckles white.
“Is it your true desire to have another war? Or is this a foolish little boys dream?” You said in disbelief, looking down at him from your standing position, hands still flat against the table to ground you, “I barely survived the last one, and yet you wish to play games with my mother and father? With my life? Do you know what they will do to you? What they could do to you? You would be dead before you even reached the skies.” You sneered.
The King’s lips pulled into a thin line, brows furrowed as he looked at you, barely contained anger burning behind the violet of his eye.
“They would not do it if it meant jeopardising your life.”
You flinched backwards, as though he had hit you, curling your hands into fists at your sides as you tried to steady your breathing, but panic coursed through your veins, and your throat grew tighter with each passing second.
"Is that a threat?”
Aemond frowned at you, the lines in forehead pulling the crown down in the slightest of movements. It was as though he was offended by your question, and though you had questioned every natural fibre of his being. 
“You think I would harm you? After all that has happened? After all I have done for you?” His voice became raised, anger leaking into each syllable. 
You scoffed, “You just said that them acting would put me at risk. What will you do? Have Ser Cole at my side, sword ready to cast against my neck or plunge into my heart?” 
Aemond leant forward and sneered, “Do you truly think so lowly of me? I did this for you! I love you!”
“Then do this for me, too! Renew the treaty, Aemond.”
“I can’t do that.” He breathed.
The backs of your calves hit the edge of the chair as you leant back, looking at your uncle from down your nose, “You can. But you won’t.”
Aemond did not respond.
“Sign the treaty.” You said more sternly, anger causing the words to come out harsh, and biting.
The King's broad chest rose and fell in his robes shallowly, his one eye watching you as his hands flexed upon the table.
“Why do you wish to sign a treaty with them? After all they have done?” Aemond growled.
After all they had done?
“They cast you aside! Abandoned you here to be tormented by Aegon.” Aemond continued, voice rising.
“They did not abandon me!” You snapped, hurt and betrayal causing tears to prick in your eyes.
“Oh? But they knew what would happen to you once you were wed to me. They let you be raped. You were sold to me like a brood mare.”
“And who did those things to me?!” You screamed, a tear falling down your cheek, “Who, Aemond? Who raped me? Who defiled me? Who scarred me? Because it wasn’t them.”
Aemond’s anger seemed to bleed out of him as he looked at you.
You pushed the chair backwards hard with a kick of your foot, sending the high-backed wooden seat to crash against the stones loudly, “You raped me. You hurt me. You did that. Not them. You! You act as though you’re innocent in all of this!”
“I don’t-“
“-I will not survive another war.”
The anger was back.
Aemond’s lips curled in disgust, “You expect me to bend the knee to your mother? The very woman who wished to punish me after her son took my eye?”
Your face fell, “No.” You declared, “I expect you to give the treaty a chance. Countless lives will be lost if you start another war, Aemond. Needless blood will be shed. Could you live with yourself knowing this?”
The answer came so quickly, that it seemed that Aemond had not even needed to give it a second thought. As though he had already weighed all possibilities against each other, as though he had measured the odds.
And still, he had said yes.
You swallowed thickly, wishing the damn lump to leave your throat. And so quietly, you asked a question which clawed at you from the back of you mind. A question of doubt. Of fear. Of another ‘what if’ that you had to bat away with a swift blink of your eye.
“Even if it is mine?”
It was an uncomfortable sort of silence, and this time, Aemond did not answer straight away. Not like how he had a moment before. As though he had not weighed up this question in his mind yet, or perhaps he had, and had come to no conclusion. You watched his face as he stared at you, his seeing eye flickering across your face as a finger twirled the ring upon his hand.
“I will not lose you." He began, making a move towards you, "But I will not bend a knee to Rhaenyra, and kiss her old cunny for the sake of peace.”
His tone was final, he had hissed your mothers name like a curse, and there was no changing his mind. No shifting of the tide that had been steadily building for months now, a tide which had moved away from the shore, sucking the water and life away from the beach, revealing the jagged rocks that were hidden beneath.
You blinked again, another tear falling down your cheek.
Your uncle continued, “And if it need come to war, then so it shall be.”
It was so point of fact. 
So emotionless.
Void of anything other than finality. 
War was to come.
And there would be no changing that.
“But,” Aemond’s voice startled you from your thoughts, your eyes racing over his face, “You are Queen now. My Queen. Something that is and was always your birthright.”
“Like my mothers.” You sneered.
Aemond ignored your comment and continued, “And you, as Rhaenyra’s heir shall sit the Iron Throne in her place. And then, when the time comes, our heir shall follow."
It was clear to you then, that Aemond had thought on this.
"If Rhaenyra’s concern for succession is blood, then she can be satiated in knowing that the daughter she denied shall sit where she is owed by her birthright.”
You stepped towards him, hands clenching and unclenching, “Aemond, please. Think about this. You are asking me to depose my mother.”
“I ask nothing of you. I am telling you, zaldritsos. I will not have you be pushed aside again for your bastard brother. I will not bend the knee to my half-sister. This throne is ours. It is ours by birthright. And I will be damned if I let anyone take you away from me again."
The air in the chambers shifted, and you inched towards your husband as he continued to speak.
"Do you think that if I bent the knee to them, that your father would let you stay wed to me? Think on it a moment, Y/n. Do you think that your mother would let you stay wed to a monster? The man who killed her son? They will take you from me."
You stepped away from him, turning your back as your mind raced a as you looked around the chambers, eyes casting out the veranda at the clouded skies. Dread settled in your gut.
You didn't want to be parted from him.
You loved him.
The air was charged as you spoke, voice shaking, “So what now? Are you to send word to them?”
Aemond stood behind you, the chair scraping against the stone floors.
“I will be sending Otto and Ser Cole to Dragonstone as envoys to give word to Rhaenyra and Daemon. They will be told that their blood sits upon the Iron Throne as Queen. They will be allowed to live where they do. My half-sister can have Dragonstone, I have no need for it when I have Kings Landing and you. And they will bend the knee.”
You shook your head, still not turning to face him, “You should know that they will not.”
“Not if you don’t encourage them.”
Your eyes widened as you spun on your heel to look at him.
He was deathly serious.
“You wish for me to ask them to bend the knee to you?” You laughed.
Aemond frowned, “A letter from the Queen is a hard one to refuse. Especially if the Queen is their own daughter. Tell them of the fears that you have. That war will break if they do not swear me as their King and you as their Queen. They can remain on Dragonstone, and you shall remain here, with me. Where you belong.” 
He seemed so sure that it would work. So sure that a simple letter from you would bring the water back to shore. But the tide was gone from your reach, and you were anchored on the coast atop a beached ship with no way to get off. 
Aemond stepped forward, cupping the side of your face gently as he looked at you, "They will listen to you.”
You grasped his wrist tightly, “I am not so sure.” Your voice was quiet, so fragile, like the finest of glass from Essos. One octave higher, one shift against your throat could cause them to crack or break.
If you did this, you would be betraying them.
You would be deposing your mother.
Aemond pulled you into a reassuring kiss, one he poured love and adoration into as he cupped your face in his hands. When he pulled back, his eye roamed your face softly, “I do not wish to see bloodshed, nor do I wish to see you harmed. This is the only way, surely you can see that."
And you did.
You did see that.
You saw it all clearly.
Your husband pressed another kiss against the top of your hairline, your eyes sliding shut as you breathed through your nose, preparing yourself for what you had to do.
"I trust that my Queen will know what to do.”
And you did.
You knew what you had to do.
And so with a short nod, you agreed to his terms.
“I will have Otto deliver your letter by hand.”
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Thanks so much for reading along with me, if you wish to be added to the tag list please let me know :) Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated ! Enjoy <3
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Bold is who I cannot tag!
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thebadboyfanclub · 1 year
Look At Me, Princess (Harwin x Reader)
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This was a really nice spin off since I wanted to write about Rhaenyras aunt and someone that Rhaenyra could have a close bond with also having Harwin as your love interest is always a plus
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There’s one person princess (y/n) Targaryen loved more than her family and children and that was her dearest niece, Rhaenyra Targaryen who looked up to her aunt ever since she was a toddler, Rhaenyra had formed a bond with the youngest sister of Viserys like no other, mayhaps because (y/n) was only 10 when the princess was born so (y/n) plus understand the struggles she was going through better than anyone since they were still fresh in her mind.
No matter the reason Rhaenyra felt most comfortable in the presence of “the people's princess”, (y/n) was an interesting character, it seemed like she had the best features of both of her brothers, she was fair and optimistic like Viserys but also adventurous and outspoken like Daemon, both of her brothers spoiled her rotten, no harm would come to her if they had something to do with it, it only took for a simple mist of tears to well up in her eyes for Viserys to fill her hands with gifts and Daemon to roll heads.
“You look beautiful Rhaenyra”
“Thank you, I was going to say the same for you, I see you have not held back on the jewelry”
“It is my name-day, the tourney is held in my job honor, and as my dear brother says “it is an opportunity to gather an established suitor” so, in my opinion, it is just enough, besides, I was never known for my subtle taste”
Rhaenyra giggled at the answer of her aunt, (y/n) was one of the most luxurious women Rhaenyra has ever laid eyes upon, ever since she could remember her aunt was dressed in the finest of dresses with the most intricate patterns, and her neck was decorated by rubies and pearls as were her earlobes, she would bathe in goat milk and rub rose oil on her to keep her skin looking youthful.
Her dress was in Targaryen red with golden details sewn all over it, Rhaenyra wondered how long did it take to create this dress to be worn by the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms who remained unmarried, Viserys had begged her to marry but she refused any man that asked for her hand, all of them wanted to lay with a Targaryen, the sense of power excited them none would even spare her a look of it wasn’t for her name.
“I must thank the knights that decided to partake in this tourney held by my beloved brother and your king for my name day, I am honored to feel such warmth from you on this special day, I shall keep this brief since I believe no one came to listen to me but to watch the men in action, let the games begin”
Everyone clapped as (y/n) sat back down and winked at her niece who was smiling brightly, poor little thing had yet to adapt after the second wedding of her father, and to her best friend at that, Rhaenyra leaned on (y/n) more than ever and (y/n) was right there to offer a shoulder and an ear, she knew the pain of living without a mother very well.
“I ask the favor from the woman of the hour, princess (y/n) Targaryen, the heart of the realm”
(Y/n) had done her best to keep the peace within the small folk, but the starving masses had torn her heart open, she talked her brother's ear off to offering food and water in the flea bottom and paid for the orphanage to be fixed and in proper condition, that is where “the heart of the realm” name came from.
(Y/n) rose from her seat with a flower crown in hand and stopped in front of the stand, she leaned enough for the flower crown to slide down the spear of the strongest man the Seven Kingdoms could offer, Ser Harwin “Breakbones” Strong who waited patiently for the princess that was smiling as bright as the sun.
“I wish you good fortune and thank you for the kind words Ser Harwin”
“You honor me, princess”
He replied before he commanded his horse to the other side, (y/n) was supposed to walk away as well and sit back in her seat, surprisingly she remained still, her eyes following the Commander of the city watch until he charged at his opponent who to no one’s surprise loss against the knight dressed in blue armor.
(Y/n) smiled and clapped for him only for Ser Harwin to bow his head in gratitude, after that, she went back to sit next to Rhaenyra, the young niece had a playful smirk on her lips.
“Ser Harwin is a very handsome young man”
“Indeed he is”
“And Strong, who else would be better suited for a dragon?”
“You are rushing my dear, where is the fun in marrying Ser Harwin just because he asked for my favor? Things like this shine better with time”
“Princess (y/n) Targaryen with her brother Prince Daemon Targaryen”
(Y/n) and Daemon walked into the room side by side, no one knew where to focus, to the luxurious princess or the rogue prince who made his first appearance after his wedding was recently dissolved.
(Y/n) was the one to inform her brother about the feast, she was aware of the feelings Rhaenyra had developed for her older brother so she thought it would be a good gift to her niece.
“Congratulations my sweet Nyra, may the mother bless this wedlock with a plethora of children”
(Y/n) spoke before she got up the steps and hugged her niece, the kiss she placed on Rhaenyra's forehead reminded Daemon and Viserys of their mother Alyssa, even though (y/n) had never met her she would still mirror their late mother in so many aspects of her life.
“Thank you, aunt, mayhaps you are next”
“That is a possibility your father would adore”
“I wish for you to have a husband by your side is that so bad?”
“No brother I was just jesting, let us enjoy this night”
(Y/n) took her appointed seat next to her brother Daemon who sulked in his chair and stared daggers into anyone he laid eyes upon, (y/n) wondered what life would be like if she was Daemon or Viserys, she loved them both and would give her life for them but she had to recognize the privilege of being born a male, a prince at that, one had a target on his back for killing his wife and the other sacrificed his love for a babe that did not survive and is now married to a much younger lady.
Would she suffer the fate of Aemma as well? Or mayhaps marry someone she is not interested in out of duty like her niece? Her thoughts were interrupted by a young man dressed with the sigil of a lion bowed before her.
“Princess, my name is Gregory Lannister, brother of Jason Lannister”
“Pleasure to meet you, my lord, to what do I owe this introduction?”
“I was hoping you would accompany me for a dance”
“The princess will-“
“Be delighted, thank you, my lord”
She interrupted her brother who was ready to attack the young man. It was time for (y/n) to face the music, she is not getting any younger and as a princess, there was not much that she could do but marry, she had managed to slip through the cracks for so long though she could not always run away from it.
The Lannister lord seemed delighted and offered his hand for her to take, his touch was soft and gentle, he guided her to the middle of the crowd, and with a curtsy, they followed the music for the custom dance.
“How does it feel to see your niece be wed?”
“It is a wonderful day for my lovely Rhaenyra, lord Laenor will be a great king Consort for her”
“He is an honorable choice that is true, is that what marriage is for you as well”
“Wedlock is an oath given to the gods, to trust and to hold, it is a sacred act that I hope I will experience myself”
“I am certain you had your chance with multiple suitors would I be overstepping if I asked why have you chosen to stay a maiden?”
“As mentioned I believe marriage is sacred, call me insane for wanting to find a man that I enjoy being around and not just a man that appears to be a match for the realm”
As the two of them grew into a discussion (y/n) did not have the mind to notice a man that gawked at her like a hawk, Ser Harwin Strong had followed her with his gaze and had yet to pull away from her, his hands turned into fists as he saw the man’s eyes shifted down from her face and to her cleavage.
Gregory cared nothing for (y/n) nor her personality, it was all a mediocre act to get his hands at the pot of gold which was befitting behavior of a Lannister Lord.
“You are letting your true self show son”
“I am just guarding the princess”
“You can fool anyone but not me”
Harwin did not respond to his father, he had nothing to say that could prove to his father that he did not have a soft spot for the lady that was spinning around and her dress taking most of the space on the floor, she was perfect to him, a woman that anyone would be lucky to have so he couldn’t help but wonder why was she dancing with a man that was beneath her? He wasn’t clever nor strong nor did he have anything that could help his courting with her besides the Lannister sigil.
No one could have guessed what was coming next, a blood-curling scream went through everyone’s eardrums as the crowd became one mesh, in a blink of an eye Harwin lost sight of the princess, baffled he started shoving people out of the way in hopes to see her, knights were throwing commands as the people screamed and ran for their lives.
(Y/n) attempted to move out of the circle only to be met with someone’s back which caused her to fall back and hit her head on a piece of wooden furniture, the impact on her head was enough to bring her into a sense of lightheadedness, Gregory lifted her by her waist and pretty much carried her outside until they were secluded to a more private and dim lighted area, (y/n) blinked profusely to clear her foggy eyesight but to no avail, her legs felt weak as she had to support herself from Gregory.
“I can’t breathe”
She felt Gregory’s hands go up to the strings of her corset, she was about to thank him for loosening the tight piece of clothing until the corset started to become loose as to expose herself, thankfully she was quick enough to bring her hands up to her chest and keep it there, her mind tried to find an excuse as to Gregory being in shock and not knowing exactly what he was doing.
“My dress”
“It is alright (y/n) we are alone”
“No, my dress is untied”
“I’ll be quick”
(Y/n) finally met his eyes, the eyes that she could not recognize, dark and almost demonic, her hands were occupied with keeping her corset in place to shove him away as she was starting to get squeamish, her stomach turning as she fussed to get away from her.
All she felt was his weight leaving her but she did not count that he was keeping her up, (y/n) slid down and curled into a ball from fear of what was to come, it was at this point that she saw a man towering over Gregory and punching him repeatedly, a part of her felt relieved for the immediate justice of Gregory’s attempt to harm her, her other part trembled about whom it was and who could have seen them.
A voice as soft as silk reached her ears, Harwin strong had knelt to take a good look at her, make sure she was unharmed, he had run out to look for her only to find her in distress whilst the Lannister bastard wanted to defile her, (y/n) flinched when Harwin reached for her and although it hurt him he understood that she probably does not wish to be touched.
“Listen to me princess, in any minute people will start to pass by and if they find you like this they will not ask questions, they will just start whispering, we must take you away to your chambers, can you walk”
“I don’t think so”
“Can I lift you?”
“Alyssa be careful”
Harwin heard (y/n) call for their eldest daughter as he entered the hall with a letter in his hand, the scene was heavenly in front of him, his beloved princess sitting on the couch with a fan in her hand to cool herself, her swollen belly was protruding from her dress, it was almost time for her to start her labor for their fourth child, their two older children, Alyssa and Alamea running around in mischievous nature chasing one another around and the third Arran was only two years old was sitting down next to his mother playing with his toys.
All of them had inherited their father's hair, dark brown curls, only little details telling of their Targaryen ancestors, Alyssa had her grandmother's eyes, Alamea had a few strings of blonde hair and little Arran had lavender hues, (y/n) never complained, she enjoyed the fact that she could see her lovely knight in their children.
“How are you feeling my dear?”
“I’m burning up but that’s nothing new”
Harwin sat next to her, contemplating how to go about this, his hand found her belly to caress it lovingly, the last thing he needed was to cause any complications with the news that he must share with her, he had done his best to shield his family from the outside world, brought them to harrenhal to maintain a peaceful life away from the menaces that lurked at court, his offspring should never be taint by the monstrosities that found a home in the red keep.
“A raven came from Dragonstone”
He simply informed as he passed the piece of paper to her, (y/n) who was clueless as to what it said grabbed it with excitement, wanting to read news of her family.
“My beloved aunt,
I write to you with great grief to announce to you that my father, your brother, Viserys has passed.
Unfortunately, this letter is not just to inform you over the kings passing, it is to ask for you and your family to come to my aid as I go against my brother Aegon who has usurped me and was crowned in front of the masses, claiming that he is the rightful heir due to his gender.
Please, I beg you for your love and guidance, in return I offer you the position of being the hand of the queen and your husband to be the commander of the queens guard, I need you by my side as you have always been the light of hope at my darkest of moments.
Rhae Rhae”
Tears welled up in her eyes as her hands trembled over what she was reading, her eldest brother was gone and before his body grew cold the Hightowers declared war on her Rhaenyra, Harwin took the princess in his arms as the tears escaped and sobs took over her body, he hated seeing her like this, he had done his best to keep her happy and now the pain of losing one of the few members of her immediate family engulfed her to such a degree that he saw just her younger self clinging on to her brother for dear life.
Even though (y/n) had created a family of her own, Viserys was someone she adored, her kindhearted brother, (y/n) dug her nails on top of Harwin back out of desperation as he was the one that she could always snatch upon and feel some level of safety, the man that always stood in front of her and took all the pain just so she can be out of harm's way, now that meant that he endured her nails piercing through his skin in an attempt to bring her some type of comfort.
“I must go to her”
“You cannot travel my love, what of our children?”
“You are right I suppose, I am sorry”
“Magdalena take the children elsewhere”
“I want to stay with momma”
Alyssa complained, (y/n) was in shambles and she had every right to be but Harwin wanted to spare them from witnessing such a tragic scene of their mother being miserable.
Once the children were out of sight (y/n) wiped away her tears and her eyes bounced from one thing to another since they refused to focus because her mind was scattered with thoughts that came all at once, a headache was surely soon to follow.
“Look at me, princess”
Harwin's voice was low and endearing, he pulled her out of her delirium the minute her eyes found his deep blue hues, oh those bewitching eyes that held a tremendous amount of admiration for his lady wife, his princess, Harwin took one deep breath through his nose and then out the mouth, (y/n) followed as Harwin wanted to slow down her heart and breathing, soothe her enough so they can plan together.
“Harrenhall shall declare for Rhaenyra, once I give birth we will ride for dragonstone”
“Alyssa is young she cannot go through a war”
“We can take them to Lys, we have friends there”
“If you become the queens' hand and I go as a commander it means we risk our lives”
“I cannot leave her”
“Harrenhall will declare for Rhaenyra, we will send an army to her and bend the knee to her, I give you my word for that, bullet us enjoy a few days of peace until we decide.”
“Fine but I will send a raven to her”
“I love you, princess”
“I love you more, Ser Harwin break bones”
Harwin leaned to place a gentle kiss on his wife's lips, he feared for what would come next, if she dies there was no reason for him to keep on living, but if he refused her she would end up despising him or try to run away, he had no choice but to bargain with her.
The next morrow Rhaenyra received a raven from Harrenhall, she put everything to a halt in order to read what her aunt was writing, she knew she was asking for too much and the princess that was days away from starting her labours had every right to refuse her or remain cordial.
“My Rhae Rhae,
I grieve for my brother, I will forever hold the moments I had with him near my heart, and with utmost love, I also know he is probably cursing at his son from the other side over this treacherous crime.
I also of you to understand that I wish to stay at Harrenhall until I give birth, in a few morrows time my children will go to Lys for sanctuary, I want them away from any type of war.
My husband and I will be by your side, as we only recognize the firstborn daughter Rhaenyra Targaryen as the true heir to the iron throne.
My flesh and blood, my strong niece, you will have your throne and crown.
I love you
Requests are open!
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seat-safety-switch · 3 months
You gotta support your local small businesses. In my part of the world, those community-owned corporations are mostly payday loan places and dealers selling new kinds of just-barely-legal, get-them-while-they-last convenience store research chemicals. Oh, and hot tub streamers, but that's very seasonal.
Recently, the media has noticed the fact that nobody can afford to live on one job. They recommend that you instead turn your spare time into a second, worse job. Experts are coming on, talking about where all the opportunities are in arbitrage, which is a fancy word for "buying shit cheaply and then selling it for more money."
As a result, there's dozens of folks scouring the flea markets and classifieds, looking for car parts to resell to make a little bit of extra cash. That gets in the way of my ambition, which is to obtain a lot of car parts for very little money, never sell them on, and perhaps be buried with them like a pharoah of old.
Recently, I got into a bit of a scrap with a dude who was trying to scavenge the entire interior of a '69 International Travelall when I was in the area. I thought it was beautiful art and was excited to meet a new friend, but it turned out he was merely a capitalist with no love of the beauty that the thirteen-letter shit spreader corporation bestowed upon the world.
This state of affairs means I gotta get to the junkyard early, on new-cars day, so I can scoop up as much crap as possible. That precludes me from having a real job, which is not so much a schedule conflict as a confluence: I don't want to work for a living either. Don't worry, though. I've figured out a way to keep my parole officer off my back. All I have to do is sell the parts to myself, for imaginary money, and write it down. Voila, it's income, and income that's been legitimized by the "hustle culture." It's not fraud if it's written on a spreadsheet.
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honesty-my-policy · 4 days
i'm so infuriated
I'm not Jewish and I'm so infuriated at the world.
I can't imagine how it must feel to be Jewish. Especially as this entire ordeal has made me dive more into educating myself about Jewish history and how the world truly has always blamed everything on the Jews.
How is everything their fault?
Even the crucifixion of Christ has been blamed on the Jews when it was a Roman tradition?
Martin Luther who is known as one of the original reformers in Christianity's history wrote a book called "On the Jews and Their Lies". In which he advocated for burning down synagogues, Jewish homes and if that didn't work, Jewish people!
Apparently, somehow, Jews caused the Black Death despite the fact that the most predominant modern theory is that due to climate change in Asia, rodents began to flee the dried out grasslands to more populated areas which ended up spreading the infected fleas they carried, thus spreading the disease. The fleas infected not just rats but ground rodents in general, so once the rats migrated the fleas could jump to any ground rodent and the infection spread.
Some of the craziest modern stuff though has come mostly from the Middle East (i wonder why)...
Apparently, Israel has remote control sharks that can attack Egyptian civilians and tourists, at least that's what a Governor of Egypt things. source
According to a fundamentalist group of Muslims called the Wahhabis, the Jews have a secret ally they've been conspiring with... the Gharqad tree. A tree, they call it the Jew tree. source Which is identified as either nitre bushes or Lycium which is part of the nightshade family, it's such a thing that the TREE WIKI PAGE TALKS MORE ABOUT THAT THAN THE TREE ITSELF source
Palestine once said that Israel was breeding super rats that could grow twice the size of a normal rat - just to chase Arabs out of Jerusalem, note this was in like 2008, where are these super rats NOW? source
The Nation of Islam (an organization) accused Jews of tricking people into thinking slavery exists??????? Sorry, "still" exists. This was originally in 1996, the gall this motherfucker had in 1996 to say "Where is the proof?" - oh, his name is Louis Farrakhan btw and there is an entire section dedicated to him on the anti-slavery website iabolish.org - his page
Also, Pokémon is a Zionist conspiracy plot to overthrow Saddam Hussein, at least, in 2001 that was what some Iraqi security personal reported. source
listen... I won't lie. I love a good conspiracy theory because to be honest, the amount I trust my government or anyone in authority is so small that just about anything could come out as true and I'd be so un-phased.
but blaming the Jews for everything when they make up an estimated 0.2% of the population versus say the 23% that is Muslim? Which there are approximately 50 Muslim-Majority countries in the world, though depending on sources the exact number differs.
If anything Christianity (32%) and the unaffiliated (16.3%) should be eyed at. Also, how come no one ever gives the folk religion people a hard time? Not that anyone deserves to be given a hard time as long as they aren't hurting anyone, it just boggles my mind to be honest.
sources for numbers cited came from this website: https://worldpopulationreview.com/
anyway, woke up this morning and just wanted to say this cause I'm mad and I want to show my support but also call out stupid people. I'm here to fight for Israel and the Jews, fuck off pro-palestine simps.
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clerifik · 6 months
the outsiders headcanons !
(christmas edition)
- christmas always reminded him of his parents because it was their favourite holiday, but it was also his favourite holiday, so it was bittersweet.
- he started hauling out the christmas decorations a day after thanksgiving.
- both soda and ponyboy were as excited as fleas on a dogs arse when they started decorating
- EGGNOG WHORE. he drinks it by the litre.
- he insisted that he didn’t need any help when getting their tree, and nearly killed himself in the process
- “hey son, do you need any he-” “IM FINE!”
- unironically walks around in a santa hat during the entire month of december.
- even though money is tight, he makes sure to buy the gang gifts. besides his brothers, he especially focused on johnny because he knew that chances of his folks forgetting about him were pretty high.
- wakes everyone up at 6am to christmas carols. (darry nearly chucked a pillow at his head once)
- again. insanely excited to decorate.
- he’s literally 5 years old. he’d throw on his snow pants when it began to snow & he’d spend hours out there building snow forts, making snow angels, etc etc.
- once built a full force snow fortress in his front yard & the gang was like “????” because who the hell has that kind of time.
- only thing he hates ab christmas is that he gets sick INSANELY easily during the colder months…and he’s a total whiner, so you’ll hear about his minor cold (that he’ll talk about like its cancer) for WEEKS.
- makes stockings for everyone because he’s just so cutesy like that
- pretty lights make his brain go brrrr
- the first christmas they had together without their parents, darry made the mistake of not-so-hiding the presents marked with “santa” out in the open of his room, so pony just had to stand there and stare with his jaw dropped because WHAT DO YOU MEAN SANTA ISN’T REAL????
- it actually put him through quite a bit of distress.
- ugly christmas sweater LOVERRR
- they had a tradition since they were really young, that the youngest puts the star on top of the tree, so to carry out the tradition darry just casually throws pony on his back so he can put the tree topper on.
- ALSO drinks eggnog by the litre… he just manages to make himself sick
- will spend HOURS decorating a tree, its his favourite part about christmas.
- he’s also a whore for tinsel. he loves how it shines.
- soda thinks its really funny to put bows in his hair with the left-over gift wrap supplies. pony just stares at him with the 😠 face.
- lowkey kind of hates christmas.
- before the gang, he’d be forced to sleep in his house a lot because it was far too cold in the lot, and that never ended well.
- they’d also hardly ever celebrate christmas, so he’d see his classmates talk about everything they got, and see all their new clothes, while he was just thankful his dad didn’t hit him that day.
- the gang definitely made up for it though, they helped him get into the spirit.
- darry & dally always buy him stuff for christmas, and he can’t help but feel insanely guilty. that adds to his disliking towards christmas.
- johnny does like looking at decorations, though. sometimes dally would walk around the neighborhood with him & just look at christmas lights together.
- dally was a big christmas fan… but he’d never let the gang know that. because HEAVEN FORBID dallas winston ever enjoys something in his life
- he thinks he’s the ultimate edgelord clearly.
- much like johnny, he didn’t grow up with a proper family to show him what christmas looks like, so he tried to stay around the curtis’ place as much as possible.
- sat there on the couch watching them decorate the house and it took every bone in his body not to take over the decorating and do it himself because GOD were they unorganized & uncoordinated.
- our little interior design queen 😋
- but REMEMBER… nobody’s allowed to know he actually enjoys christmas.
- eat sleep breathe candy cane hot chocolate (same dally dw)
- everyone thinks he takes johnny to see the lights just for him.. but little do they know dally absolutely loves them too.
- the first year darry bought dallas a gift he just sat there like “…? me? for me?” then had to excuse himself to the bathroom so he didn’t have a breakdown.
- proposed that they made a cigarette garland instead of popcorn.
- randomly appears with the weirdest decorations possible.
- he just casually brought a 12 foot train set to the curtis house and sat there for 2 hours assembling it on their livingroom floor.
- picks up every individual present and starts shaking it, listening like he can determine exactly what it is by the sound.
- “hey johnny! i think you’ve got a gold bar in here…. dallas. sounds like a big ole lump of coal for you pal.”
*cue angry dally noises*
- dressed up as santa & decided it’d be a fabulous idea to go door-to-door for a little meet and greet.
- a family called the fuzz on him & he’s never ditched a costume so fast in his life.
- walked around the streets whistling, and when the cops approached him & asked if he saw a guy that fit the description, he just pointed down the road & walked in the opposite direction.
- comes over to the curtis house on christmas just to eat their food & then leave
- raccoon core
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