francepittoresque · 3 months
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PATRIMOINE | Port d'Orléans : jadis l'un des plus grands de France ➽ https://bit.ly/Port-Fluvial-Orleans Le port fluvial d'Orléans a été l'un des plus animés du pays. Connaissez-vous son histoire ? Remontons ensemble le fil du temps et plongeons-nous dans le passé du bouillonnant Orléans du Grand Siècle
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chiltern100 · 1 year
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meatmousse · 2 months
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If sweet water mermaids existed, they might look like this. Just like river dolphins, they have a pretty pink tail.
After hearing all the different dolphin horror stories, I can never look at them the same. Now I find them visually scary, but I have to say, river dolphins look the scariest.
The fish on the left is a Leafy sea-dragon seahorse. I know they are ocean fish, but I was scrolling through Pinterest for references and this one just looked the coolest. Definitely look it up!
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kizaba · 4 months
KIZABA - Fluvial Valdivia - Chile (One man show)
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alexcarril75 · 2 years
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#fervenzas #fervenzasdegalicia #naturaleza #nature #galiciamaxica #galizamaxica #galicia #cascadas #bosques #forest #fragas #areasverdes #areasnaturales #paisajes #rivers #rios #fluvial #rutas #senderismo #escapadas #aventura https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd35JwBsNaK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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1terre · 1 year
Livraison par drone sur le réseau fluvial
Aujourd’hui (en 2023), la livraison de marchandises aux entreprises et aux particuliers en est à ses balbutiements, ce mode de transport étant strictement encadré par la DGAC (Direction Générale de l'Aviation Civile) qui réglemente le trafic aérien, impose des licences aux pilotes et des zones de non-vol ("no-flight zones") en raison de la présence de public ou de sites sensibles. Et on peut tout à fait comprendre cette position qui répond au sacro-saint principe de précaution. Cependant, dans d'autres pays, notamment aux USA et en Australie, des expérimentations ont lieu et permettent d'avancer sur la technologie en réalisant des essais dans des zones peu densément peuplées. Voir la video ci-dessous avec l'exemple d'Amazon, même si ce dernier a récemment procédé à des licenciements massifs, y compris dans sa filiale Amazon Prime Air ce qui a eu un impact certain sur le développement de ce mode de livraison pour lequel l'objectif de 500 000 colis livré d'ici 2025 devra très certainement être revu à la baisse…
En France, c'est l'ex-Chronopst, DPD, filiale de la Poste, qui est à l'origine d'une expérience similaire comme le montre cette video:
Dans toutes les expériences menées de par le monde, et notamment dans les pays industrialisés, l'aspect règlementaire constitue le principal frein et la technologie peine encore à offrir toutes les garanties de sécurité qui permettraient d'étendre les zones en les rapprochant des lieux d'habitation, où se situe le plus gros potentiel pour cette activité.
Du simple particulier au professionnel de la logistique, le concept de "dernier kilomètre" est un casse-tête récurrent. En effet, si le transport d'un pays à un autre, d'une ville à une autre est à présent plutôt bien maitrisé avec différents moyens de transports (air, mer, fer, route), la livraison de la plateforme logistique (l'entrepôt) au client final reste l'étape la plus complexe, surtout dans les grandes villes où l'on plaint ces chauffeurs-livreurs, à bord de leurs véhicules de livraison tenter de faire leur travail en stationnant en double file, bloquant le trafic et se faisant ainsi copieusement insultés par les automobilistes, puis reprenant le volant ils essaient de boucler leur tournée dans les temps impartis par leurs employeurs qui bien souvent leur fixent des objectifs très ambitieux… Même les velos-cargos ont du mal à se faire admettre par la communauté des cyclistes sur les pistes cyclables qui sont désormais de plus en plus saturées aux heures de pointe dans le cœur des villes…
Le drone pourrait être la solution miracle, assurant une livraison ultra-rapide, à moindre coût et avec une faible empreinte carbone (par rapport à une camionnette, même électrique). Pour cela il faut repenser le concept même d'urbanisme mais il est possible de s'appuyer sur un réseau existant, naturel et répondant aux normes de sécurité voulues par les pouvoirs publics: le réseau fluvial. en effet, quasiment toutes nos grandes villes sont traversées par un cours d'eau, très souvent déjà utilisés pour le transport fluvial par péniche. Or la navigation fluviale se limite au centre du fleuve afin d'empêcher toute collision avec la rive. Cette zone de sécurité est matérialisée et est donc pour l'instant inutilisée, du moins par l'Homme. ne pourrait-on pas imaginer des routes utilisant ces couloirs au-dessus desquelles les drones pourraient voler sans risque de s'écraser sur des personnes et ne gênant ni le trafic routier, ni le trafic aérien.
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Bien sûr il faudrait définir une altitude optimale pour garantir la sécurité des biens, des personnes et aussi des animaux, notamment des oiseaux qui n'ont pas à subir un envahissement de leur eco-systemes par des machines au service de notre société de consommation (même si le transport de médicament par drone est l'un des principaux moteurs de cette évolution).
Aujourd'hui cette idée n'est pas à l'étude du côté des VNF qui rappelons-le, tirent l'essentiel de leurs revenus non pas du transport fluvial ni de la plaisance ou du tourisme mais bien de la dérivation des rivières vers les centrales nucléaires... Mais promis, on trouvera des moyens de contourner nos belles centrales pour éviter qu'un inoffensif drone de transport ne soit abattu par la défense anti-aérienne comme s'il s'agissait d'un drone kamikaze de Greenpeace!
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Old terminal. By train or by boat. To Algarve or to Lisbon. You choose. ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] #barreiro2830🇵🇹 #barreiroportugal #barreiro #barreiro2830 #barreiro #terminalfluvial #terminal #terminal #fluvial #railway https://www.instagram.com/p/CnppxQPL7q4/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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healthiansvideo · 1 year
The first case of the mysterious illness Tomato Flu was reported on May 6, 2022, in Kerala. There have been many cases reported with the disease spreading to other parts of India as well.
Know more about this Flu with our guest speaker: - Dr. R.K Mehra Med Superintendent Aakash Hospital Malviya Nagar, New Delhi
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patern29 · 1 year
Naviguer à Paris, port et règles de navigation
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Naviguer à Paris est une expérience extraordinaire. Focus sur une croisière entre monuments historiques et ambiances parisiennes sur la Seine.
Naviguer sur les fleuves et les canaux offre d’innombrables opportunités de découvertes. Une des plus belles croisières est sans doute de naviguer à Paris. Car oui, il est possible de visiter Paris avec votre bateau. Bien évidemment, nous sommes quelques uns, sans doute, à avoir déjà profité d’une petite croisière sur la Seine, pour découvrir Paris, en bateau. Il existe de nombreuses sociétés qui proposent des excursions en vedettes touristiques, ainsi que des croisières sur Seine personnalisées . Mais il est possible de naviguer à Paris avec son propre bateau. Bien évidemment quelques règles sont à respecter, mais Paris offre tout ce qu’il faut pour profiter pleinement d’une croisière d’un week-end. Comment naviguer à Paris ?
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La Seine est un des plus grands fleuves de France. Celui-ci est navigable, depuis l’estuaire de la Seine, et Le Havre ou Honfleur, jusqu’à Vitry le François ou Reims. Naviguer sur la Seine permet de découvrir des paysages magnifiques. En remontant le fleuve depuis la mer, il est possible de naviguer, en voilier en gardant le mat. La Seine maritime remonte jusqu’à Rouen. Ensuite, il faudra naviguer sans le mât pour pouvoir passer les différents ponts. Vous pourrez remonter jusqu’à Paris assez facilement. Naviguer sur la Seine ne pose pas de grandes difficultés. Vous devrez porter une attention particulière aux péniches de commerce, qui sont parfois très longues, et qui ont, bien évidemment, toujours la priorité. Enfin, les conditions de navigation peuvent être délicates, aux abords du centre historique, du fait de courants délicats, notamment en période de crues et à proximité des îles de la Cité et Saint-Louis. Le port de l’Arsenal
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Paris dispose d’un véritable port de plaisance. Le port de l’Arsenal est situé sur le bassin du même nom. Le bassin de l’Arsenal relie la Seine au Canal Saint Martin. Le port est situé sur ce bassin, entre le 4ème et le 12ème arrondissement. Il donne sur le quai de la Rapée et la place de la Bastille. Il dispose de 177 places, sur ponton. Il peut accueillir des bateaux de 6 à 25 mètres, à l’abri des remous de la Seine, derrière une écluse. Pour demander l’ouverture de l’écluse, il faut contacter les agents portuaires sur le canal 9 de la V.H.F ou par téléphone au Le tirant d’eau est de 1.90m et le tirant d’air de 5.20m. Ce port est bien équipé, et plutôt au calme du tourbillon de la vie parisienne. Il géré par une société privée, sous contrat avec la mairie. Les règles de navigation Comme nous l’avons vu, naviguer sur la Seine ne porte pas à complication. Cependant, arrivé sur Paris, vous devrez respecter certaines règles de navigation, que vous trouverez sur le site de la direction Territoriale du bassin de la Seine. Ce règlement doit se trouver à bord du bateau. En effet, si vous voulez découvrir la Tour Eiffel, Le Grand Palais ou Notre Dame, il vous faudra naviguer entre les nombreuses vedettes promenant leur flot de touristes. Il y a de l’affluence sur les eaux parisiennes. Pour commencer, la veille sur le canal 10 de votre VHF est obligatoire. Votre vitesse doit être comprise entre 6 et 18km/h et le dépassement est strictement réglementé. L’accès à certaines zones est réglementé comme : - Le bras de la Monnaie, qui est autorisé uniquement dans le sens montant, pour les bateaux de longueur inférieure à 60m. - Le bras Marie, qui est autorisé uniquement aux bateaux à passagers et aux pousseurs à vide dans le sens avalant. - Le bras de Grenelle qui  est autorisé uniquement dans le sens montant, par les bateaux de longueur inférieure à 90m. Enfin, une circulation alternée régit le grand bras entre le pont de Sully et le pont au Change. Pour résumer, si paris est une grande Métropole urbaine, nul doute qu’une croisière sur la Seine, entre les plus beaux ouvrages d’une des plus belles villes du monde laissera des souvenirs inoubliables. Read the full article
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elblogdejulioteran · 1 year
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Aliviadero de emergencia y arqueta de riego. Ramal Norte. Melgar de Fernamental. (Burgos). Pocos metros antes de llegar al acueducto de Abánades, caminando en dirección sur desde el puente de Carrecalzada, se encuentra una arqueta de regulación de agua para el riego, un aliviadero de emergencia para evitar el desbordamiento del canal a su paso por el acueducto de Abánades, la última construcción del canal en tierras burgalesas. A partir de aquí, el trazado del canl vuelve a adentrarse en la provincia de Palencia, en dirección a Osorno La Mayor. https://micanaldecastilla.wordpress.com/2021/02/22/aliviadero-de-emergencia-y-arqueta-de-riego-ramal-norte-melgar-de-fernamental-burgos/ #ramalnorte #ramalsur #ramaldecampos #Valladolid #Palencia #Burgos #castillayleon #esclusas #caminodesirga #dársena #acueducto #turismo #patrimoniocultural #cultura #ocio #patrimonio #historia #ingenieríafluvial #gastronomía #fluvial #canalfluvial #enología #viticultura #fitur https://www.instagram.com/p/CLmPepBJ530/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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viajarconrosana · 2 years
El agua es el protagonista de muchas rutas y escapadas veraniegas, algunas más apacibles, otras de vértigo, pero, sin duda, nos deleitarán con paisajes únicos, bellas panorámicas, miradores, grutas naturales, imponiéndose, sinuosos caminos diseñados por la naturaleza. Sólo es necesario atarse las botas, preparar la equipación senderista y disfrutar de la jornada en plena naturaleza, antes,…
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meatmousse · 2 months
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This is probably what I'd look like if I was a river
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alexcarril75 · 2 years
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FERVENZA DO RIO PEREIRO. #boqueixon #fervenzas #rios #rivers #galiciamaxica #galicia #paisajes #riopereiro #bosques #forest #fragas #fluvial #fervenzasdegalicia #nature #naturaleza #cascadas (en Boqueixón) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cd3t0q9MDBl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Movimiento en Ámsterdam
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fandomrose · 5 months
Neuvillette post 4.2 reverse comfort.
This fic is canon compliant. Almost character study-esque.
Friend's to almost lovers
I believe that post 4.2 he would begin opening himself up more to humanity and therefore would begin to consider romance even if he could lose them to time.
There will be some spoilers but they are more implied than anything.
I kept it Gender neutral and as appearance and trait neutral as I could as such it should be friendly to most.
Anyway please enjoy. 💙
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The clean-up and relief efforts post-prophecy were almost complete and Fontaine was almost back to functioning like normal. You were aiding some of the Maison Gardinale and Gestionnaires with cleaning up the inside of the Palais Mermonia, a commission you were taking on as a Fontaine-based adventurer.
At around midday Lady Furina arrived at the Palais and immediately went to see Monsieur Neuvillette. Not an odd sight but the expression on her face and her complete lack of acknowledgement of anyone else's presence was odd. Whatever it was that she was seeing Neuvillette about, it was serious.
Worry pricked the back of your mind for the couple of hours that she was in Monsieur Neuvillette's office for. If Sedine noticed your mild distress she never mentioned it, just giving you an extra slice of cake for lunch. It was around lunch that rain started to fall steadily from the sky.
You and Neuvillette weren't the closest of companions but you had a pleasant enough relationship with the man. It could be said that you were one of the people he had allowed himself to get close to. And you held a, in your mind, healthy amount of affection for the man. As a result he and Lady Furina were on your mind the entirety of your hired time.
When it came time for the end of your shift Lady Furina finally emerged looking exhausted and you swore you could see a couple of tear tracks run down her cheeks as she briskly walks through the Palais office. You wonder in the back of your mind if you should check on her but before you can make up your mind Sedine approaches.
"Um hello, I was wondering if you have the time to take this water to Monsieur Neuvillette? I know it is the end of your contracted time with us today but ah,-" She gestures to a waterproof box labelled 'pyro treated Mondstadt spring water.' It looked far too heavy for a Melusine to carry.
"Ah Sedine of course I can. Don't worry about it." You pick up the box, struggling with the weight a little, there is quite the volume of water. You guessed a stressed Neuvillette craved fresh spring water. You nod to Sedine before approaching Monsieur Neuvillette's office. Sudden nerves overtake you as you remember Lady Furinas visit. You take a deep breath and knock on the door gently with your foot.
"You may enter." Monsieur Neuvillette answered the knock and you push the door open gently with the same foot you knocked with. He sounded tired as well though that was unsurprising, as far as you were aware he was almost single-handedly trying to lead Fontaine in the relief efforts.
"Hello Monsieur I was asked to bring this to you- 'pyro-treated sping water from mondstadt.'"
Neuvillette looked up from his desk and relaxed a little upon seeing you there. "Ah hello, thank you for bringing that to me, please just rest it on one of the benches." His voice sounded strained and tired as he spoke, a far cry from how put together he typically sounded.
"Neuvillette-" you began, as you put the box of water down on a bench. Seriously though why does this man have so many benches and sofas in his office? "-are you alright?" You wince slightly, unused to offering comfort to a stoic man.
Neuvillette pauses clearly debating whether or not to say anything. You begin to doubt yourself just as Neuvillette, uncharacteristically quiet and hesitant, speaks up. "Could I- trust you with something? It won't be too detailed but- I could use some advice... if you are willing." I note that the rain outside seems to be growing heavier.
"I- of course-" you walk closer and stand by his desk giving him your full attention.
There were a few moments of silence, Neuvillette clearly debating what so say and how to say it.
"I feel conflicted-" you almost startle at the suddenness of his proclamation, staying silent you just listen. "I understand my function and my duties, I understand Furina and her need for a rest after all of this and I understand what we must do for Fontaine to prosper once again." He pauses again deep in contemplation at how to say what he wants to say. "I understand why this happened and why- certain things I cannot say had to happen but. Even with this understanding I feel grief at this turn of events. Everyone is safe and Furina is free to live a normal life, I understand my position and I am whole. By all accounts I have everything I wanted and yet I cannot bring myself to be happy."
You feel stunned, you have never seen Neuvillette like this, the rain was coming down like it did on the day of the Great flood. And there were tears? Yes tears, screaming down his cheeks. He didn't even seem to notice them. The next words out of his mouth break your heart a little. "Why? I don't understand."
After a mere moments hesitation you step around his desk and stand before him, the action grabbing his attention. You lift your hands to hover over his cheeks. "May I?" You whisper. Neuvillette looks a little confused but nods anyway. You place your hands on his cheeks and wipe his tears. He seemingly unconsciously leaned into your touch "I don't, and can't know the extent of these feelings as I don't have all of the information but, it sounds like you are grieving. Not to mention the built up stress that the prophecy and its event have likely caused you. And I can assume that conversation with Furina was not a wholly pleasant one?"
He simply shook his head sadly taking your hands away from his face. He looked like he wanted something but couldn't figure out what. You pause and open your arms, again he hesitates, confused, but steps into your embrace and gingerly wraps his arms around your shoulders, you feel him tremble slightly. You figure he is likely unused to physical contact.
You open your mouth to speak again but Neuvillette beats you to it. "I just don't understand why this time is different. My chest hurts when I think about it and my head starts to ache. And I know the rain is causing trouble for everyone, we are trying to dry Fontaine not drown it again."
"Um- I know this may be a controversial statement but I don't think you need to understand emotions, and why you are feeling them, in order to feel them in the first place. Just let youself feel, catharsis is good for the soul. Or so they say."
Neuvillette pulls back from your embrace looking conflicted again. "Catharsis hmm." Neuvillette looks out the window frowning at the sight of the rain. Your gaze follows his. It was hard to know what he was thinking, he always was difficult to read.
Silence falls again but a question that follows something he said earlier pops into your mind. "Neuvillette..? Why would the rain be your fault?"
Neuvillettes gaze turns to you and he sighs ".. you know don't you?"
You definitely had your suspicions, you've been around him when it's raining enough to make connections but consequence is not causation and you thought it was silly at the time, even with his long life. But his response..
"You are the hydro dragon aren't you Neuvillette."
"Yes" He said simply and easily as if admitting that was the easiest thing he'd done all day. You couldn't bring yourself to be surprised it made too much sense.
"I see, that make sense" was your own equally as simple response.
Things went quiet again but it was still raining, lighter but still raining. "Neuvillette, what do you think about what I said? About 'not needing to understand' and 'catharsis'?"
"Wouldn't understanding emotions make it easier to feel and express them?"
"Not even regular people understand emotions or why they happen. Alot of the time they 'think' they do though. And there is nothing wrong with that we all have things we don't understand, and yet we push through and do it anyway. You didn't understand why you were asked to be ludex but you still did your duty. So why is a lack of understanding stopping you from experiencing the emotions you feel?"
"... I don't know how to answer that. Truthfully I don't know myself."
"How about we stop trying to use our brains for now? We can just feel, let yourself have time to grieve Neuvillette. If you are worried about the rain.. well there will be less rain in the long run if you let your emotions run their course now."
Neuvillette looked down at his hands that were resting on his cane then back up at the window. "How do I do that?" His voice sounded oddly small in that moment. He desired to let it out but couldn't figure it out.
"Think of what was upsetting you and let it run through your mind. Don't will those thoughts away just let it happen."
"... can I hold you again?"
"You can" You answer quickly sensing the mild desperation in his voice. Neuvillette dismissed his cane and almost fell into your arms. You could feel him trembling again as you watched the rain get heavier. You almost unconsciously started rubbing his back as he quietly cried into your shoulder. You get the sense that while the saying is 'hydro dragon hydro dragon, don't cry' that this hydro dragon has not yet actually cried. You lose track of time at how long he embraces you but eventually the sky clears. Night has fallen and the moon and stars almost appear to shine brighter.
I feel Neuvillette take a large shaky breath before he removed himself from your arms once more.
"Thank you. You really are a wonderful person." Neuvillette's voice was tired but he did sound slightly more relaxed. You find your face heating slightly at his words, feeling unused to such praise from him.
"It's not a wonderful trait to be there for someone you care about. It's only natural."
"Hmm I suppose but that doesn't stop you from being a wonderful person with wonderful traits."
The bluntness of his words only seemed to heat your cheeks further. You say nothing as you take up a spot next to him looking at the clear sky. A new closeness between the two of you that you can only imagine what could happen between you next.
And for Neuvillette the events of the past few weeks had opened up the dam he had unconsciously built between him and the rest of Fontaine. He now, like Furina, wanted to experience what it was like to be human. His waters ran free and, as he looked at the stars shining in your eyes, he began to long for an experience he previously thought impossible for him.
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 4 months
There isn’t going to be an archon war in the cyanide narwhal one where Childe changed the trajectory of the future. Does this mean Liyue harbor doesn’t get built?
it certainly won't be the same city, that's for sure; but i'm fairly certain i included a part at some point where guizhong mentions/wonders about having planned to expand/set up a trading hub in that plateau. as in, she's already thinking that if they ever get past osial and haishan's bullshit and maritime trade with mondstad, sal vindagnyr, and inazuma becomes profitable, then that plateu will for sure be the best spot to expand the assembly to.
so no, it won't be liyue harbor. but it would probably be a second city of the assembly, if that makes any sense. with ajax there it might get to resemble the in-game liyue harbor quite a bit also hahah,,,
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