#forced birther
seymour-butz-stuff · 2 years
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And - to forced birthers - this scenario makes sense.
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tedkaczynskiofficial · 9 months
Too lazy to read the arguments pinned in my table of contents, huh forced stillbirther?
Whatever this is in response to, there's a reblog button for a reason. My queue is usually at least a few days long, and I don't sit around contemplating things once they're queued.
I don't scroll on Tumblr as my job; it's not lazy to not care enough about random blogs to go and see if they have a manifesto, lol.
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odinsblog · 6 months
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Just to emphasize: Mike Johnson is an antivaxxer, an anti-abortion forced bither, he believes the job of poor women is to give birth to an infinite supply of low wage jobseekers, he is a climate change denier, he wants to cut Social Security + Medicare + Medicaid, and he’s a “Trump won!” Republican. And House Republicans just unanimously voted for him as Speaker of the House.
Please take note: there are no “moderates” in the Republican Party.
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rabidhiss · 2 years
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As 🙄 as this sounds. This is the voice of the Conservative party. Think about this when you vote. Think about homophobes, liars, forced birthers and bigots. Think of it as a giant ass in the sky shitting and shitting on you daily because that’s what it is. There’s always a choice: do you help stop constant evacuations of god, forced birth, bigotry, and homophobia, or do you simply grin and collect their literal fecal goulash in your eyes and ears? I just want this to be as plainly said as possible because it’s me doing my part. I could die tomorrow (🙏 please let it end) and I just want to make sure you know you have a choice. That is all.
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glitter-soda · 1 month
If a woman wanted to get an abortion based purely on vibes, I would 100% support her btw
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unbidden-yidden · 1 year
Honestly I'm so out of energy for playing nice with the forced birth crew. The pearl-clutching, sanctimonious high horse bullshit about ~*☆loving the babies♡*~ while meanwhile there are currently pregnant children who can't abort their rapist's baby without crossing state lines, as if they were the criminals. There are currently pregnant adults who will now be at severely escalated risks for domestic violence and who are now less able to leave. We need to start protesting outside state houses and CPCs and anti-choice churches with giant signs with the faces and ages of the dead kids and with graphic pictures of uterine prolapse and rupture. Oh, we're too close to your door? I'm sorry, the state laws let us protest right here and heckle anyone entering to the point where you need an escort.
Banning abortion weaponizes the very bodies of those with working uteruses against them and treats them like breeding stock.
"The cruelty is the point" yeah? And? If that's really the case, if the point is to sadistically inflict pain and suffering and torture and death, then it's high time we started treating that like the threat it is and responded with proportionate force.
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hmsindecision · 4 months
It is impossible to be a feminist and not believe in the right to abortion access. It’s quite literally not possible.
Believe in my right to a career and a bank account? Well, some man can rape me and tank my career by giving me a child and trauma that I don’t want.
Believe in women’s mental health and healing from trauma? Impossible to heal when women are forever connected to their abusers—men forcibly impregnating women is a way to make sure DV victims can’t get away.
Opposed to pediphilia? Well if that 11 year old gets pregnant, are you going to force the baby to have a baby? Even if it rips her body apart because she is just a baby? Even if she never gets to move on from what he did?
Opposed to porn? Well, now that woman can’t escape because her pump boyfriend baby trapped her. He’ll make pregnancy fetish fuel.
Believe in lesbian rights? Oh but what about when a man with a corrective rape fetish impregnates us? Are we supposed to be one happy family and tell baby about how they are the product of a hate crime?
What about women who have to grow up knowing they are the product of violence? Do you know what it does to the human soul to be unwanted? How would you feel knowing that?
If you don’t believe in the right to abortion, then women’s rights are a side dish to you, a treat we may have late at night, after the men and babies are asleep.
If my womb can be stolen, my body is not free, and I will never be free.
Abortion is about freedom and choices.
Sometimes abortion is the only way a woman can say no.
If you do not believe a woman has the right to say no, you are a misogynist.
If you hate abortion, it’s probably because in your heart you’re hoping that fetus grows up to be a man—the only people you really think are human.
Women are not made to suffer.
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holysaintscathedral · 10 months
Sure, priests can be hot up until they actually start talking and stating their out-of-touch and bigoted opinions on people and things.
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theprideful · 2 years
no amount of anti-choicers screaming about saving children will make me abandon peoples right to autonomy. no amount of picket signs and right-wing commercials and anti-choice propaganda and tearful facebook posts about “saving them both” will make me forget about the living, breathing children and the fully grown humans who have been abandoned, hurt, and cast out by these same people who call themselves “pro-life”. no amount of “pro life” crocodile tears will ever prove that they are anything other anti-life. pro life is a lie. these people are pro- forced birth.
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nebulamist · 4 months
Abortion is a fundamental right because because everyone has the right to bodily autonomy. No one can use your body without your consent.
And before anyone says, ‘Sex is consent,’ it isn’t. Even if it was, consent can be withdrawn. If you initially consented to donate an organ to somebody, but then changed your mind and said you didn’t want to, the doctors can’t strap you down and take it anyways.
You can’t even take an organ from a dead person if that person didn’t consent in life. It’s sad that now, many pregnant women are seen as less than cadavers. They’re seen as broodmares and incubators.
Pregnancy and childbirth always carry a risk of permanent bodily damage and death, but the forced-birthers don’t care because pregnant women are no more than walking fetus incubators to them.
Because they can’t imagine that women should like to demand life, liberty and pursuit of happiness for themselves.
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phoenixonwheels · 2 years
Republicans only “love” (give lip service to) the concept of children, and even then only the concept of unborn (and therefore un-needy) children. Republicans hate actual children. They will happily and self-righteously watch children starve, die of preventable diseases and be slaughtered in their classrooms.
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super-sootica · 9 months
'Low birth rate is the biggest emergency facing the world' - moronic statements that come from the mouths of the mega rich because they want infinite slaves for their capitalism machine.
It's so forced birther logic, you want to force more people on this earth but you don't care what happens to them while they are here.
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odinsblog · 9 months
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prettyvintageafternoon · 11 months
So, a woman in Massachusetts is suing a Crisis Pregnancy Center after they told her that her ectopic pregnancy was healthy and viable. She ended up having go get an emergency surgery to remove one of her fallopian tubes after she almost died from hemorrhaghing.
This is fucking insane.
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lunarian-anarchist · 1 year
Now that the anniversary of Roe V Wade being overturned is coming up in roughly 4 months; do y’all remember those pro forced birthers who made a whole show about “doing more for the mother” and “helping with childcare” to deflect from the fact that they supported 10 year old rape victims giving birth?
Where are they?  Hmm?  Cause a couple of months after this happened all these pro forced birthers talked about how they were going to support the moms via financial care and how they were going to fight for things like free school lunches and child healthcare and adoption and blah blah blah blah.
They  said that “now” is the time to prove that they weren’t just woman haters and they actually gave a shit about the mother and oooohhh we’re gonna do soooo much to help the mom we aren’t monsters we promise :(
Where y’all at?   Probably fighting to put women in prisons for miscarriages I’m assuming lol
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hadesoftheladies · 5 months
radblr hate of religious women (I’m not talking only the patriarchal ones) oftentimes doesn’t make much sense to me because whether you’re a feminist or not is contingent on whether you believe in male oppression and female liberation and are willing to do what needs to be done about it—not whether you believe in god or not
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