#free audiobooks online
booksruncom · 11 months
Best 5 Free Kindle Unlimited Books You Should Read
Looking for some amazing new reading material? Interested in free online books specifically? We’ve got recommendations for you. Here’re five fascinating books you can read with Kindle Unlimited. Look no further; we’ve got the best list for you. Continue reading Untitled
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soracities · 23 days
Hi, do you or any of your followers have any recs for audiobooks? Preferably that are free, I just would like to listen to something while knitting but not sure how to start exploring since I don't know who are good narrators or things like that. Thanks so much!!
i don't listen to audiobooks unfortunately but any audiobook devotees please please send in your recs for anon, thank you 💗
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harmonyhealinghub · 3 months
How I Spent January 2024: Exploring the World Through Free Audiobooks on the Libby App
Shaina Tranquilino
February 7, 2024
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As we kick off another year, many of us find ourselves seeking new forms of entertainment that are engaging, enriching, and easily accessible. In January 2024, I embarked on a personal challenge to listen to one audiobook each day using the Libby app connected to my local library. Little did I know that this simple decision would lead me down an incredible path of free entertainment, clutter-free living space, and a wealth of information.
1. The Power of Audiobooks:
Audiobooks have been gaining popularity in recent years, offering a convenient alternative to traditional reading. With busy schedules and limited time for leisure activities, listening to books has become increasingly appealing. By utilizing the Libby app, which connects users with their local library's vast collection of digital content, I discovered an extensive catalog of audiobooks waiting to be explored.
2. Free Entertainment at My Fingertips:
One of the most significant advantages of utilizing the Libby app was the cost-effectiveness it offered. Unlike buying physical copies or subscribing to audiobook platforms, borrowing from the library through Libby allowed me to enjoy countless hours of captivating storytelling without spending a single penny. This not only saved me money but also opened up doors to genres and authors I may not have otherwise considered.
3. No Clutter, No Problem:
Another unexpected benefit I experienced during my month-long journey was the absence of physical clutter caused by accumulating books at home. As someone who appreciates minimalism and values a tidy living space, relying on digital copies eliminated any concerns about storage limitations or adding unnecessary bulk to my shelves. It was liberating to indulge in diverse literature without worrying about where to store it all afterward.
4. Gaining Information and Expanding Horizons:
Beyond mere entertainment value, my audiobook challenge allowed me to gain knowledge and broaden my horizons. Each day, I delved into various subjects, genres, and perspectives, ranging from biographies to self-help books, historical fiction to science fiction. My understanding of the world grew exponentially as I absorbed insights from different cultures, eras, and ideologies – all while going about my daily routine.
5. Developing a Daily Ritual:
Listening to an audiobook each day became more than just a challenge; it turned into a cherished ritual that enhanced my overall well-being. Whether accompanying me during mundane tasks or providing solace during long commutes, these narrated tales transformed formerly monotonous activities into moments of inspiration and intellectual stimulation.
My January 2024 journey spent listening to one audiobook per day through the Libby app connected to my local library was nothing short of transformative. Not only did I uncover a vast array of free entertainment options but also found myself immersed in captivating stories that expanded my understanding of the world. Moreover, by embracing digital copies instead of physical clutter, I maintained a clean living space without sacrificing literary exploration.
If you're looking for an accessible way to enjoy an abundance of literature while minimizing expenses and decluttering your home, I highly recommend exploring the wonders offered by your local library's partnership with apps like Libby, or even Audible, Spotify, and YouTube! Embrace this modern form of reading and embark on your own adventure through the power of audiobooks!
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papasmoke · 1 year
in my mind there's still at least a 40% chance that that primmie anon's just fucking with me
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Is ACOTAR actually worth reading? I get that it's mostly just a cringey romance novel with fairies but I'm still kind of morbidly curious anyway.
Honest answer: it depends entirely on your bullshit tolerance levels and your personal boundaries.
ACOTAR has nuggets of gold and for me it's worth reading because of individual characters and Lore Potential - which is why i primarily interact with this content via fanfiction/fandom. But there is a LOT of stuff in the books that I try to ignore - like let's set aside the issues with representing marginalized groups (the entire main cast is white and we are always reminded about how STRONG and BEAUTIFUL they are compared to a supporting cast containing multiple black and brown characters who should logically be just as powerful if not much stronger [special shoutout for Helion Spellcleaver, my favorite minor character], and this series contains one of the worst instances of maybe bi maybe lesbian who even knows coming out drama that I've ever read.) The main couple is genuinely insufferable, the plots are often thin, and the world is inconsistent because it constantly has to bend to accommodate the male hero, because he's a legitimately awful person who the author wants you to believe is a misunderstood hero. Events and character motivations are retconned as a matter of course. This series also handles topics like sex, abuse, and trauma legitimately poorly - I've seen reviews of people getting quite legitimately triggered by things like a heroine having a "recovery arc" that involves her loosing all of her agency and autonomy, reproductive abuse by the main hero, and other examples.
But! Let's take Lucien for example. In a better book, he's the main character. A biracial, disabled faerie whose main job is to secure political alliances for the Court. He's charming, friendly, flirts for fun, and has a mischievous streak. He steals every single scene he's in. He has lived his entire life in a bloodthirsty royal court where his only solace is his mother, tormented by six older brothers and an incredibly abusive father who once murdered his fiance because he believed that she wasn't good enough to marry a royal before he escapes to sanctuary offered by his closest friend. This guy immediately becomes ride or die for the main heroine in book one and almost gets himself killed trying to help her multiplie times. He hasn't even learned the identity of his real father yet! He's currently in what amounts to a magical arranged marriage with the main characters sister which has a lot of really excellent potential. Of course, the author is not super interested in writing this and repeatedly teases a love triangle with the sister and a character who is canonically employed to torture his Courts enemies and loves BDSM for some fucking reason. (No this was considered essential character information for this random ass guy.)
So it goes.
The worst instance of this was Nesta, my favorite female character. She's the main heroines eldest sister so in book one she plays the Evil Spoiled Sister role to her martyr little sister - until 3 quarters of the way into the book it's revealed that Nesta is immune to faerie magic and tried to force her way into the faerie kingdom to rescue her little sister after she's taken away to fulfill the curse. Nesta is a strong, brilliany, and inconvenient heroine who has a lot of heart even though she masks it with indifference and rage. The author later proceeds to browbeat her for this inner strength and agency, declaring via the narrative that she was always a bad ungrateful person and she has to learn to Become Good and Nice and Sweet and a warrior like her angelic sister who suffered so so much for her sake - then and only then will she deserve to be loved and cared for!!!
And that for me was when I knew that there was no saving this series.
Basically my advice is to read the first ACOTAR book. If you can't get through it, you find it tips your bullshit meter one way or another, you can't stand the main characters - literally whatever! Then don't bother with the series. If you can ignore a metric shitton of BS and prospect for the bits of lore/characterization that you like, then I say put the blinders on and enjoy. Book one is a beauty and the beast retelling with a sprinkle of the Ballad of Tam Lin for spice - its a decent YA novel that I do legitimately enjoy reading. But because i got attached to the leading man of THAT book, I'm not sure I can recommend the rest of the series on good conscious even if the cool lore bits that I like come later - (I'm especially interested in Summer Court geography, the one thousand libraries of the Day Court, and I have a theory that the true magic of the Dawn Court is time manipulation.)
Tldr, I have very strongly divorced the series canon from the content I make and consume about it - I have recreated entire personalities for the majority of tje cast and supply my own lore - and if you want some better fanfics about the series tho I've got you COVERED.
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shalom4real · 7 months
How I Made $20,000 Selling PLR Ebooks on Amazon
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In today’s digital age, there are numerous opportunities to make money online, and one of the most lucrative methods is by selling PLR (Private Label Rights) ebooks on Amazon. Over the past few years, I’ve personally generated $20,000 in revenue through this venture, and I’m excited to share my journey with you. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of PLR ebooks, discuss the steps I took to succeed, and provide you with valuable insights to start your own profitable journey
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ebookfriendly · 1 year
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Just a reminder that a one-stop destination for Jane Austen books is Project Gutenberg. All her novels are available as free ebooks and audiobooks!
(via Jane Austen books – free ebook and audiobook downloads)
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karel565 · 1 month
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sammyscloset · 2 months
For My Book Nerds!
As an Amazon Affiliate I can give away some free trials to Audible, so I will provide the link below for a limited time Audible membership. Enjoy :) <3
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audifyz1 · 8 months
Discover the Power of Audiobook Creation Online with AUDiFYZ
In today’s fast-paced world, people are constantly lookout for convenient and efficient ways to consume content. Audiobooks have emerged as a popular choice, allowing individuals to enjoy their favorite books while on the go. With the advent of technology, creating audiobooks has become more accessible than ever before. In this blog, we will delve into the power of audiobook creation online with AUDiFYZ, an innovative platform that serves as an audiobook maker and creator. Read on to explore the seamless process of converting ebooks into audiobooks and discover the benefits of using AUDiFYZ to create audiobooks for free.
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mordcore · 10 months
kinda silly how inaccessible the local library is
so a library card is €10/year. not a lot but if you're on benefits it's for free so like heck why would i pay for it right?
but if you want a free card you have to appear in person. it doesn't work online.
but due to understaffing the office times are not the opening times. thusly the one time i showed up there with my paperwork there was no one in.
i'm severely disabled and i just haven't had the physical strength to try to go again nor the leftover spoons to risk failing again.
i'm probably gonna do it online. it's just, man, i realized that my last attempt was 6 months ago. i'm still without a library card.
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inplateaus · 1 year
audiobooks are god i am a lowly believer that doesnt want to read boring books for uni
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vandijkwrites · 6 months
sorry if you've already answered this 700 times, in which case totally feel free to ignore. but how do you lengthen your attention span? is it as simple as watching/reading progressively longer things?
First of, I am by no means an expert, but I'm happy to help as much as I can! There are a lot of great articles, books, and podcasts on the topic if you want any further info.
The most important thing to realize is why are attention spans are getting worse:
Information overload and distractions make it difficult to focus. (Ex. social media and text notification going off while you are doing other tasks)
Intentional multitasking gets your brain used to doing more than one thing at once so it becomes very difficult to make it do only one thing (Ex. having the tv on in the background while doing other tasks)
Consuming a lot of media focused on having minimal downtime and immediate gratification decreases our patience and ability to do slower tasks (Ex. watching a lot of action packed movies and short TikToks)
Getting constant small hits of dopamine from social media decreases our ability to do tasks that don't give us dopamine hits (Ex. getting likes from a post or messages from friends)
The solutions to most of these come down to two things: (1) Do only one thing at a time (2) Limit distractions from that task (3) Reduce immediate gratification
So some example of ways to do that would be:
Read a book without your phone being on hand to distract you.
Watch TV without multitasking.
Reduce time on social media, especially social media focused on short videos.
Spend a day or part of a day without technology.
Spend time with friends without looking at your phone.
Watch slow-form content like unedited lecture or panel videos where people are just speaking at their normal pace without cutting pauses.
Listen to music albums all the way through instead of shuffling and skipping.
Eat meals without multitasking (ie mindful eating)
Make yourself a cup of tea and sit on a park bench or by the window and watch some birds.
People-watch at the coffee shop.
Write long emails or letters to friends and family instead of short texts.
Call and have a conversation with a loved one without multitasking.
Take a walk and enjoy nature.
Don't scroll through your phone while waiting in a line.
Read long posts when you come across them on your dashboard.
Have an ebook on your phone to read whenever you would normally scroll through social media.
Don't go on your phone/online for a certain amount of time before bed.
If you are having trouble doing these things, try to do one tasks but increase the stimuli of that task. For example, read a book while listening to the audiobook at the same time. Or listen to music while watching a lyric video. These are great baby steps!
Another great baby step is (like you said in your question) doing things for progressively longer amounts of time! Set a timer for a certain number of minutes and then read without distraction for that amount of time. That way it won't feel like it is never ending and you can track your progress.
Obviously not all of these will be for everyone and some of these are too hard for people with ADHD or serious attention issues, but they are a good place to start!
I hope that helps 💕
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tl8tobv9 · 2 years
The Gulag Archipelago 1918-1956 by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn audiobooks free windows online | fiction and literature audiobooks free windows online
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92l0heyu · 2 years
The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty audiobooks free mac online | fiction and literature audiobooks free mac online
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queerliblib · 4 months
"One of the most exciting instances of fighting bans I’ve read about recently was in a CNN feature on The Queer Liberation Library, an entirely online nonprofit collection of hundreds of ebooks and audiobooks centering LGBTQ narratives that’s free to access. It launched in October and represents a creative way of circumventing book bans given social, political, and financial barriers to accessing queer literature. Existing entirely online, it welcomes people who might not be able to physically access spaces selling or lending queer books."
-Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya, LGBTQ Fiction Sales Are Up, but We Still Urgently Need Creative Ways To Fight Book Bans, @autostraddle, December, 27th, 2023.
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