#friendly neighborhood libra bitch
lixzey · 1 month
here are some facts about me to help with deciding:
- i'm a libra
- enfp
- friendly with a resting bitch face
- people pleaser lmao and mostly the life of the party (according to my friend)
- i'm obsessed with olivia rodrigo, the neighborhood, and chase atlantic rn
- mentally unstable lol
- smart, i get high marks most of the time
- mommy issues 🤝 daddy issues
- i have three older brothers
- i love writing! (duh)
- fave color is red. any shade, as long as it's not obnoxiously bright. i love pink, blue, purple, green, and black too! (basically my entire wardrobe)
- a slut for fashion 🤭
- anger issues lvl 999
- drinks so much water, it's crazy + plus i hate it when water has an aftertaste
- nail biter, like my nails are history at this point
- i hate brushing my hair in the morning, so i just put it up in a super messy bun
- i cry when ppl get mad at me :(
- physical touch is my love language
- everyone says when i get mad, i look so deranged like wtf i'm not (yeah, i'm in denial) + but i am nice!
- hopeless ass romantic who falls way too fucking easily
- wears glasses
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venusian-bitch · 5 years
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intro -- bio -- headcanons -- timeline -- stats
( charlie rowe. 24. he/him. cis male. ) are you a HERO? something tells me that beaten-up sneakers and empty takeout containers, crumpled lab notebooks, bruised ribs and a goofy smile make you who you are, PETER PARKER. with the powers of SPIDEY POWERS, you’re sure to have a determined, burdened personality — and you definitely belong to UNAFFILIATED. were you listening to HERE COMES THE ANXIETY by THE WOMBATS on your way to the subway? it suits you. we can’t wait to see what you do next! ( claire. 23. she/her. gmt. )
character name: peter benjamin parker age: 24 (october 14, 1995) faceclaim: charlie rowe voiceclaim: yuri lowenthal skill set: spider physiology: enhanced speed, strength, & flexibility, regenerative healing factor, can stick to walls; master acrobat/gymnast; danger precognition; genius-level intellect; some pretty nifty web-shooting technology affiliations: spider-gang, avengers (rip), solo family: may reilly parker (aunt) ; ben parker (uncle, deceased) ; mary parker (mother, deceased) ; richard parker (father, deceased) ; ben reilly (clone/brother) zodiac: libra wiki link: i don’t believe in canon!!! but i am a little bitch about spider-man and am basing him mostly on the ps4 version, with healthy helpings of 616, the raimi and spideyfield adaptations, and some mcu for variety (i have a whole essay on it somewhere; don’t ask for it unless you have a death wish)
***i have not yet seen no way home i’m sorry leave me alone***
was your character “blipped” out? if so, what did they return to and how is it affecting them? if not, who important to them was blipped out, and what has it felt like after those five years have passed? ( if your character is a dc muse:  what were they doing when they passed through the portal? )
He sure was (ripeter)! He had been established as a solo vigilante for a few years, but had just started to find his footing with the Avengers in the Big Leagues when the world... skipped forward five years without him. The mentors he had only barely begun to find were gone; Aunt May was five years older; his college graduation got screwed up (don’t ask him about his class year--it’s a touchy subject). He returned to people like Miles suddenly his age and a whole new set of responsibilities cleaning up the messes left behind by the time he missed. There weren’t even the Avengers anymore, not as he’d known them. There were just SWORD and SHIELD, and he was just trying to get by.
And then, of course, there was the Mysterio of it all..........
where are they living? are they living with anyone?
Good question! Peter lost his job as a lab assistant after Mysterio revealed his identity, and with no income comes no ability to pay rent. He’s... uh... between places at the moment, mostly crashing with Miles and his Aunt May until he gets back on his feet. He’s working on it, okay?
why is your character affiliated with who they’re affiliated with?
The Spidey Gang, mostly! For most of his life, Pete’s been a solo hero, but he did ally himself with the Avengers (in fairness, he was young and and broke and starstruck had no idea what he was getting himself into). Since the Blip and Tony Stark’s death, he’s gone back to the solo side of things. He just wants to do good, to be good, to stop making things worse instead of better. He belongs to New York; he needs it as much as it needs him. He’s tried going off to do Grand-Scale Cosmic Good, and look where it got him (a pile of dust, trending on Twitter). He wants to help, he has to help, and he somehow just keeps ruining everything he touches. 
He’s not giving up, he’s just... processing. He’s also never been very good with teams--too bossy, too needy, too impulsive, too annoying. He has some ties to SWORD and SHIELD, but they’re not binding. He’s mostly mentoring his own cohort of new spiders. They’re not vigilantes, they’re freelance, thank you very much. New York City’s ground-level friendly neighborhood spider-people, back in action.
who are their major friends, allies, and foes?
Major friends: The spiders! The MJs, Gwen, Miles, Cindy, Anya, Harry, & co. Once he and Ben learn to trust each other, they’ll get there, too.
Allies: The Avengers, I guess? The dispersed remains of Team Iron Man
Foes: Mysterio (rip asshole); J Jonah Jameson and the Daily Bugle;  the general public at large, apparently; the thugs of New York City; law enforcement
whose hands do they believe the country should be in?
Whoever will take down the Daily Bugle TikTok account. (People that care. People who will do good. People who will take care of their own.)
what’s their current mental state at? their physical state?
Oh boy. Oh buddy. Oh man. Physically? Fine, I guess. Hasn’t slept in forever and probably hasn’t had a vegetable since 2017, but fine. That hardy spider physiology’s keeping him in good shape forever (he’s been hit by at least one train, and he’s still kicking). Mentally? Bad. Worse than usual. Guilty as all hell, terrified, and so angry. His secret’s out there; everyone he loves is at risk because of him; he’s torn a hole in the universe trying to clean up his mess. He’s haunted by the people he couldn’t save, the things he couldn’t do, the time he missed, the people he lost. He’s feeling a little unmoored and very lost. He can be Spider-Man, that’s okay; he knows what he’s doing in the suit. It’s being Peter Parker he’s afraid of.
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krakenator · 5 years
CHAPTER 1 aka “Stranger Danger”
I’m rereading The Property of Hate by @modmad and overanalyzing it to hell and back because i can’t stop thinking about the story and getting madder and madder about the PUNS I keep finding. I’m scratching the itch and trying to find All The Details. Current plan is just to go chapter by chapter, feel free to chime in with stuff I miss! There’ll be a masterpost up soon linking everything in one spot
SPOILERS are sprinkled around extremely liberally. Masterpost
Okay, so just a million things right off the bat on page fucking one
‘The Hook’ is of course a term for the beginning of a story. Grabbing one’s attention and convincing them to go off on an adventure, so to speak
Speechboxes! Everybody’s got their own distinctive ‘way of speaking’ in this story. RGB’s are rectangular, but those straight edges are offset by these really loopy, meandering, and elegant speech tails. It’s just. Such immediate characterization.
Like, even the pose. The way RGB introduces himself by crouching on her drawers like an incredibly dapper gremlin. It creates a similar contrast to his speechbubbles- prim and proper existing simultaneously with fae and kinda ridiculous
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So considering we’ve got a fairly detailed picture of roses up on Hero’s wall on the comics opening page I think we can assume this is some type of Important maybe. Just off the top of my head, isn’t the rose Englands national flower? IDK how relevant that is outside of RGB being incredibly, incredibly British
Oh god damnit I just scrolled down to go to the next page and fffFFFUCKING BLUE ROSES ON THE BUTTONS okay. Blue rose symbolism! They don’t exist naturally. You won’t just find one in the wild outdoors, so they represent the impossible, the mysterious and achievable.
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Seeing blue roses right off the bat = important story theme probably. Impossible dreams are my first thought. RGB’s seemingly hopeless plan to save a world everyone else has given up to be doomed. Hero’s wish to go the fuck back home please after she’s had her fill of deadly adventure. RGB and Hero are setting out to achieve the impossible, defeat Her, and save the World of Make Believe
Last point for the first page; RGB’s drool. Except it’s not drool, we later learn it’s equivalent to blood, and he bleeds emotions he’s feeling. While recruiting Hero, RGB’s prominent feelings are, unsurprisingly in hindsight, a fair load of sadness but tinged with a dose of cheer. His last Hero failed, and every single one before that, but he’s still daring to have hope, the absolute madman. What he’s actually dripping most though is what looks like curiosity- it may be mixed with a bit of anger, which I wouldn’t begrudge the guy. Angry that he has to start over, again, angry that his world is dying, angry that he’d the only one doing anything about it
Ok but imagine you woke up to find a man crouched on your bedside table smiling this super-wide “TRUST ME!! :)” smile and blood dribbling out of it and welling up between the teeth. Like, I’m laughing, but I’d be screaming
OKAY BUT FINALLY WE’RE PAST THE FIRST PAGE. We get a clear look at Hero’s drawings taped to the wall, and check it- one kinda looks like the Idea they run into a few chapters ahead. The other picture might also be showing the House of Paint? I mean, there’s a sun there so that’s off, but the clouds and steps leading up to Madras’ door look right
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And now we get Hero’s speechboxes! They’re circular in contrast to RGB’s boxes, and colored orange. The balloon tails don’t loop-de-loop all over the page like RGBs but they’re not ‘standard’ either- there’s always this little jag to them closer to the text
RGB’s speechbubbles are actually one of the plainest/most conventional in the entire story
Excluding the tails of course. Those never ever take the most direct or efficient path to his face. Yeah, it adds an impression of silliness, but also speaks to the fact that RGB takes creative and weird solutions out of situations. I’ll laugh about the entire Click arc later but like really. REALLY. RGB DID ALL OF THAT
I love how Hero’s first actual words to RGB send him immediately into ?????????????. He keeps up this huge grin for most of The Hook and this is the first time his “I’m your friendly neighborhood TV nothing to see here!!” demeanor gets shaken up
the ladder hurts Hero’s feet, so why does she sleep on the top bunk? The bottom bunk doesn’t have any bedding on it so it’s not like she’s regulated to the top by any kind of sibling dibs
Weird... weird detail to be showing us modmad..... 
“Are you a monster?” “the very worst one” that’s a lotta blue dripping off yer chin there, stop crying
The mom is a character for two (2) seconds and even she gets her own unique speechbox; blue, fuzzy and barely connected, which does a really great job of communicating that she’s basically still asleep without ever having to see her
‘happy boi about to bring newest kidnapping to the sky world’
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That’s a Mary Poppins reference, that is. RGB exclaiming ‘spit spot!’ earlier also got be thinking of Poppins
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Clouds look so fluffy out of airplane windows, I’m honestly jealous
Doors! Gotta wonder where they all lead. Gotta wonder if they’ll get more use past this outside Hero’s recovery Time
I’ve just spend like 15m trying to figure out what the symbols above the doors are and I THINK it’s alchemy? “libra sign upside down” is luckily an easily searchable term, and that symbol in particular is for gas becoming liquid
I think the door beyond that has the alchemical symbol for gold? I’m not having luck on the others, including the door they actually go through here/its sister door Hero opens after the Elastic Valley fiasco.
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RGB are you pissed that you had to tell this kid your name yourself? Are you upset about manners?? She’s like 7 dude cmon have you met a 7 year old. Thinking about it, possibly not, all the confirmed Other Heroes are definitely older- they all come across to me as adults
well, actually, who even knows how old Assok is. They might be the exception
The little ‘peephole’ eye popping open when the right key is close is nice atmospheric detail, but it kinda makes me wonder if there’s a person like. Seeing out of that eye. Whether someone gets a little notification every time one of these doors is opened
It’s the World of Make Believe! Stupendous! Break-taking! Modmad is exceptional at colors and beautiful environments full of personality! Hero’s last chance to turn back is gone!
Hero only being awake for 20 minutes before becoming Instantly Tired = biggest actual mood, my god. Me too sweetie
Except I can’t blame trees. And a sort of magical jet-lag effect. Yo, are sleeping tree’s making you sleepy the same sorta thing where when one person yawns everyone yawns
I just really like how this tail loops around RGB’s physical actual legs. It makes it seem like speech is a tangible thing that interacts with the world and that you could, like, touch or something. all it’s missing is a shadow
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God, fuck me. That’s the yellow brick road. God dammit. Son of a bitch.
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RGB, pg 14: do not touch me, do not look at me, don’t speak to me, you have tentative permission to breathe
RGB from the Market onwards: carries her multiple times (admittedly, almost always exactly like you shouldn’t), picks her up, swings her around, hugs her when she’s scared of the dark, ‘I Have Longer Legs, Hop On’ piggybacks, protecting her by putting his own bod in harms way, general Manhandling of Child
I kid, I kid, it’s more complex than that. For one, RGB doesn’t want Hero getting hurt cause she’s Important and has Heroing she can’t do if she’s injured. Second, that whole “don’t get attached” thing gets thrown out the window on like day 2
“I’ve only known Hero for a day and a half but if anything happened to her I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself”
RGB is honestly... super bad at not attaching to people. honestly, actually terrible at it
Ooh! Those flowers! I didn’t realize those always happen when Hero’s sleeping. They also look like she’s drawn them herself! That’s honestly… lethally adorable
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Fun fact technicolor dream shell snail changes colors every panel
RGB bleeds static? What emotion is that? I dig it, unconscious is an emotion and i feel it in my soul
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w...white noise.... god DAMMIT
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ey, the tree’s look different in the light of day- all those blurry fairy light ‘leaves’ are gone now. 
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!! Hero glows the exact same way when she’s asleep! RGB, however, is not. Tree’s have leaves when they dream, huh
oh god tree’s have LEAVES when they DREAM
...we’ll come back to this thought when we get to the sick sun tree cause that thing is a whole other can of Lore worms
In a different direction, there must be some sort of difference between Tree Dreaming and People Dreaming, because dreaming trees do NOT trigger RGB’s weird stuntman nightmares
these particular trees are also see-through; i can’t remember if they’re all like this throughout the world? will have to pay attention and see
oh- OH. also just made the connection for why trees provide a saf(er) haven- bottled nightmares will very shortly be used to dispel fears. Dreams repel Fears! It’s best to sleep near tree’s because just you dreaming might not be enough to keep things at bay while your rest
And the chapter’s finished off with a new character and new speechbox to go with it! It’s the first to use a different font and text color to our main characters
Honestly though, what is UP with the Butterfly? It’s clearly keeping close tabs on them, and only speaks to Hero when RGB is unconscious or otherwise occupied. It clearly doesn’t wanna be seen by him, which is shady. It shows up like twice? And the other time RGB and Hero don’t even know it’s there and listening. Between that and the Eyes, like… does it have it’s own agenda and interests or is it an agent of Hate? Idk man maybe I’ll pick up on more Butterfly stuff on this readthrough
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*notices that the plant it was resting on withers once it flies away* ... that’s no good. especially if that butterfly can do the same to trees
...... ah. it kinda can. Consider, please, Hate’s likely role in the demise of the Sun, and Her confirmed ability to smother them in [-----]
Butterfly’s parting words: “be wise”. Hero’s next and immediate action: doodle RGB’s face
And that’s the Hook! Join me next time when Hero has a fun play date with some new friends everything goes wrong almost instantly.
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vulpinesaint · 5 years
whoops i got tagged by @datgurlmacs (💖 u boo)
zodiac: libra-scorpio cusp, technically libra but as a violent bitch myself i often feel closer to scorpio
height: 5′9. possibly closer to 5′8. i ignore that in favor of the fact that i drank a lot of milk as a kid and am therefore now tall.
last movie i watched: into the spiderverse! i would die for miles morales and i would gladly become the noir dude
last thing i googled: "i cry in french”
favorite musician: love brendon urie, and nothing but thieves has a gorgeous style on their ballad songs especially
song stuck in my head: do it all the time by i don’t know how but they found me (in a role reversal, the emo band name is long, not the song name)
other blogs: quite a few, actually. @positiveschmositive @emopoetree @jumbleofaesthetics
do i get asks: lol no but i wish i did (hint hint) (i’m an attention whore send me stuff)
blogs following: 568
amount of sleep: from 4 to 14 hours, depending on the day
lucky number: i love 7 and 9 and any variation thereupon, they’re just great numbers.
what i’m wearing: link (costume) hoodie, flannel, two sports bras (i don’t condone unsafe binding kids just btw), ripped black jeans but not in a good way, and griffindor socks.
dream job: writer, actor, singer, failing that english teacher, or maybe something with biology idk. love that artsy stuff and science is super cool. maybe i’ll strike it big as a poet though who knows
dream trip: everywhere! all at once! (probably actually the trip i’m taking this summer, though—my mom and i are going to italy and i can’t wait to see the ruins and the coliseum) (actually my dream trip would be to ancient rome but that’s another thing altogether)
favorite food: fuckin’ love ravioli. or any pasta really i’m an italian bitch in more ways than one
play any instruments: yep! ukulele and i’m teaching myself guitar. i used to play piano but i stopped and i need to pick it up again
languages: english, obviously, and i’m learning french from a wack-ass teacher
favorite songs: uhhh cough syrup by young the giant, vampire money and planetary go by mcr, take this lonely heart by nothing but thieves
random fact: my preferred gender is bastard (kidding. i have really really specifically named playlists)
describe yourself as aesthetic things: (tarnished) gold, red neon, red converse, sunshine, a forest in a high fantasy novel, pop punk, a paladin’s sword
tag 21 people: as if i know 21 people on this hellsite 
@friendly-neighborhood-ash @racetrackthiccins @rainykingdoms @virgils-jacket @rayofsunshinethings
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dankmeme-astrology · 7 years
The Signs as Things That I Have Said in the Past Part 5
ARIES: I push potatoes out my dick. Not even mashed, like the whole thing TAURUS: Oxygen is my son GEMINI: Hi it’s me your friendly neighborhood meme-obsessed borderline savage bitch CANCER: Please don’t fist the bees LEO: The ice cream whores are conspiring against me VIRGO: Well I’m sorry my huge 12 inch dong isn’t enough for your tiny bitch ass LIBRA: Just put mustard on your furniture SCORPIO: I hope you get super glued to the back of a man who is scared of his own reflection so you have to deal with staring at the face of true evil SAGITTARIUS: What if we used to poop out eggs but a nuclear disaster happened and our DNA changed to make us poop out… Ya know… Poop CAPRICORN: My boobs are about the size of my chances in life AQUARIUS: How the hell do cows even have sex PISCES: Flour tortillas have the most nostalgic smells
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