#game translation
dkniade · 6 months
What does albedo's title actually means,"Kreideprinz" in German it translates to chalk prince,but i tried to translate the Chinese one and it said "son of the chalk" what is the difference,can you tell me??
Kreideprinz, Albedo’s Chinese Title, and Albedo and Rhinedottir’s Relationship 
(Albedo Character Stories, 1.2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon: Act IV, 2.3 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms: Act I, 3.5 Windblume’s Breath: Act III)
Hello! Thank you for the question.
(This was actually one of the first Genshin things I tried to translate back in late 2021 but I couldn’t explain it very well so here’s an encore.)
Okay so Genshin Impact’s English localization does this thing sometimes where they’ll take the Chinese name of a noteworthy group, building, or other special item/concept, and localize it into the language(s) from the culture(s) the region is based on. (E.g. In the English version, Fischl’s speech is often localized with German terms but she’s just using lots of purple prose in Chinese.)
With that being said, Albedo’s title in Chinese is 白垩之子 (baie zhi zi). 白垩 means “chalk”, as in limestone (compare with 白垩纪 (baie ji, Cretaceous Period). I don’t know much German if at all, but to my knowledge, the “kreide” part of “Kreideprinz” also means “chalk”, and “prinz” means “prince”, meaning “Kreideprinz” is “Chalk Prince”.
子 however feels a bit ambiguous in this context… It could mean “son” (e.g. 儿子 / erzi), or “person” (e.g. 男子 / nanzi = man, 女子 / nüzi =  woman), and 子 doesn’t necessarily mean “prince” by itself, however 王子 / wangzi (lit. king’s child) does mean “prince”. (Compare to 公子 / gonzi = “young master”, aka childe. Yes, that Childe.) Also, 弟子 / dizi means “follower”, or “disciple”, be it in a Daoist context or a scholarly context. 
All in all, 白垩之子’s meaning depends on the context a lot, specifically in terms of how Rhinedottir and Albedo see their relationship. Perhaps HoYoverse is intentionally being ambiguous. 
In order to know the nature of Albedo and Rhinedottir’s relationship from both their perspectives, we need to examine Chinese terminologies used to describe their relationship. (And even then, it varies a bit over time…)
Character Story 3
In Albedo’s Character Story 3, Rhinedottir is described as both 师父 (shifu, master/mentor) and Albedo’s only 亲人 (qinren, family member). HoYoverse translates this second term to “kin” (one’s family and relations).
Original CN: “师父的地位显然最为特殊。对阿贝多来说,她是唯一的亲人”
My EN TL: “It’s obvious that his master’s position [in relation to him] is the most special. To Albedo, she’s his only family member.”
Official EN TL: “And yet his master is unquestionably the most special to him. For Albedo, she is his only kin.”
Here, from Albedo’s perspective, Rhinedottir is his master and only family member.
Character Story 4
But we know from Albedo’s Story 4 that 白垩之子 is a title Rhinedottir gave him when he finished his studies under her, so it’d be helpful to know what the title 白垩之子 meant to Rhinedottir, and whether in that moment she saw him as her son (儿子, erzi), or apprentice (弟子, dizi), or creation…
Here, 出师 (chushi) is “to serve out one’s apprenticeship”, and Rhinedottir is again referred to as 师父 (shifu, master/mentor). The official English localization does not specify these two concepts.
Original CN: “此外,还有一件较为特殊的礼物:师父对阿贝多出师一事给予书面认可,并授予他「白垩之子」的称号。”
My EN TL: “Aside from this, there was another relatively special gift: his master left him a written acknowledgement that he’s served out his apprenticeship, and gave him the title of [Chinese equivalent of Kreideprinz].” 
Official EN TL: “If one were to push the definition a little, she had left him another gift — the title of Kreideprinz, and with it, a written acknowledgment that she had nothing further to teach him.” 
Here, Rhinedottir and Albedo are explicitly described as having a master/apprentice relationship. 
Character Story 5
And in Albedo’s Story 5, his nature as a homunculus is strongly implied. Rhinedottir is described as, again, 师父 (shifu, master/mentor), but also that she is 有别于父母 (youbie yu fumu, different from a parent) yet it’s also explicitly stated that “Albedo’s life comes from her”. 
Note that 父母 (fumu) is (technically) “father and mother”, but it can refer to both birth parents or adoptive parents because the nature is not specified. The English localization doesn’t go into detail here and Rhinedottir is simply stated as “not his birth mother”.
Original CN: “师父固然有别于父母,可毫无疑问,阿贝多的生命来自于她。”
My EN TL: “His master is of course different from a parent, but there’s no doubt that Albedo’s life comes from her.” 
Official EN TL: “She was not his birth mother, but there is no doubt that his life stems from her.”
Applied to Rhinedottir though, parent is used as a counterexample here in Chinese. Sounds like some sort of experiment with dubious morals (confirmed in 2.3). 
So how would a master who’s not a parent see a living creation such as Albedo…?
1.2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon: Afterword (Act V)
Albedo again refers to Rhinedottir as his 师父 (shifu, master/mentor) in his soliloquy at the end of 1.2 The Chalk Prince and the Dragon, when he talks about Durin.
Original CN: 莱茵多特…师父…这就是你曾经创造的巨龙「杜林」吗?
My EN TL: Rhinedottir… Master… So this is Durin, the great dragon that you created back then?”
Official EN TL: “Rhinedottir… Master… Is this your creation, the giant dragon Durin?”
And yet—
2.3 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms: The Snowy Past (Act I)
We also get confirmation in 2.3 Shadows Amidst Snowstorms that Albedo is a synthetic human (“artificial human” also works) created by Rhinedottir, who, according to him this time, is his mother and teacher.
(Though, Shadows Amidst Snowstorms happens in Mondstadt, meaning he’s known Klee and Alice for quite some time now, so perhaps Alice taught him the meaning of “mother”.)
Original CN: “我是一个人造人。将我创造出来的,正是我的母亲和老师——坎瑞亚学者,「黄金」莱茵多特。”
My EN TL: “I am a synthetic human. The one who created me is none other than my mother and teacher—the Khaenri’ahn researcher, “Gold” Rhinedottir.”
Official EN TL: “I am a synthetic human being... a human forged by human hand. The one who created me, my mother and teacher, her name is Rhinedottir — a researcher from Khaenri’ah, also known as "Gold."”
3.5 Windblume’s Breath: Joy Above the Clouds (Act III)
…which changes everything, so much that I was quite frustrated when I first watched it, but let’s look at this again from a more rational perspective.
Rhinedottir says, in a casual tone as the animation shows flasks and test tubes—
Original CN: “我养了一个儿子呢。许多个孩子,最终只剩他一人。也算是当了母亲吧?” 
My EN TL: “I’m raising a son, you know. Of the many children I have, only he remained in the end. Guess that would still make me a mother?” 
Official EN TL: “I'm raising a son. Of all the children I had, he's the only one left. But I suppose that still makes me a mother?”
Okay, so in the 3.5 cutscene, Rhinedottir sees her relationship with Albedo as a mother/son relationship.
So where does that leave us, with Albedo’s title 白垩之子?
Remember how I said 子 (zi) depends on the context?
Some interpretations:
Albedo Story 4, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedottir is the master; Albedo is the graduated apprentice — 白垩之子 could mean “Disciple of Chalk”
Albedo Story 3 and 5, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedottir is the master, family member, and not-really-parent figure; Albedo is the apprentice — 白垩之子 could mean “Son of Chalk”
1.2 Dragonspine Act IV, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedotir is the master — 白垩之子 could mean “Disciple of Chalk”
2.3 Dragonspine Act I, Albedo’s POV: Rhinedottir is the mother and teacher; Albedo is her creation and homunculus. — 白垩之子 could mean both “Son of Chalk” and “Prince of Chalk” (Kreideprinz)
(Prince in a metaphoric “fancy title” way, like how Childe is not actually a nobleman despite his title…)
3.5 Windblume Act III, Rhinedottir’s POV: Rhinedottir is the mother, Albedo is the son — 白垩之子 could mean “Son of Chalk”
…Albedo can’t seem to define clearly his relationship with Rhinedottir, even though Rhinedottir seems to consider him her son, at least in the cutscene.
*like it’s a dramatic monologue*
What is “mother”? What is “ master”? “Son”? “Apprentice”? What is… 白垩之子?
The truth of this title, does “Kreideprinz” encompass all this…?
I don’t know.
Or in other words, maybe he’s whatever you want him to be, based on the context.
…Thank you for reading! ^^
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chromiusmixin · 2 months
May be goofing around.
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Might be doing a bit of hex editing.
MIGHT be interested in translating a certain Win95 dungeon crawler.
To be fully transparent: Sorcery Saga (Madou Monogatari): Tower of the Magician!
Dunno if I'll do much, the dialogue's all over the main executable and even adding or removing a single byte from it makes the game entirely unlaunchable. (I found that out just trying to format the window title nicely!)
I'm also having to find stuff purely through mojibake shown in an existing YT playthrough.
The one major blessing I have, is that the game has no qualms with properly writing english text, having a font for it and all!
Might not go through with this since I have no Japanese fluency, unless other people are interested and willing to hop on board.
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stellarcanopy · 9 months
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Behold! The thing I've been spending most of my time on for the past few months years!!
In the time since my last post, I've finished building the main game (stages 1~6) of Treasure Castle Labyrinth, one of my long-time favorite Touhou fangame concepts. It's fully playable! Start to finish! Right now! (On most Windows operating systems!)
TCL creator's official game page: https://irodorian.com/houten Bulletforge DL page: https://www.bulletforge.org/u/naudiz/p/dong-fang-bao-tian-jing-treasure-castle-labyrinth
The EX Stage and other extra content will be added over the following months. I'm really proud to have gotten this game out the door, and I hope a lot of people enjoy playing it! :D
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liquidsevens · 1 year
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Solidus: "... (he mutters something. Mouth movement only. Leave the dying words up to the users' imagination)"
probably the most famous trivia for MGS2 revolves around all the content cut due to the aftermath of 9/11.
a lot of people think that extends to Solidus Snake's final words before he dies. many folks believe that before censorship, the script, and by extension, the game, contained some final words that may have even been fully voice acted.
in reality, there was nothing. it was always meant to be a moment where we, the players, try to imagine what he might have said. the storyboard above (and the text excerpt) is from "The Document of MGS2", an interactive disc that includes the WIP translation, character models, etc. for the game. if you're a fan of MGS2, especially its aesthetic, i highly recommend you explore it. its got a ton of content to just watch, read, listen, or generally mess around with.
The Document of MGS2 (NTSC-U)
Agness Kaku (Translation)
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natarice · 2 days
A3 - Event Story - Nomadic Bartender (2/11)
* = TL notes at the bottom of the post!
Guy: Haah... haah... are we there yet?
Guy's Father: Yep, here we are.
Guy: Wow, I can see so much of the town!
Guy's Father: It's a pretty good view from all the way up here.
*Guy: Oh, my shoes are untied.
*Guy's Father: Hm? You choose Mankai?
*Guy: No, I said my shoes are untied!
Guy's Father: Ah, I see. Right. Anyway, not a lot of people come here. It's your dad's secret spot.
Guy's Father: Hm, it should be passing by soon.
Guy: ?
Guy: Wow!
Guy's Father: Huge, right?
Guy: Yeah! Way more huge than my model plane!
Guy's Father: The airport's not far from here. Real planes are even more huge when you see one up close.
Guy: That's so cool. I want to try riding in one.
Guy's Father: You'll definitely get to someday. We'll go to the country where your mother was born.
Guy: When's someday? During next summer vacation?
Guy's Father: Ah, well, that might be a little soon.
Guy's Father: If I keep saving money, I might be able to make something work by the time Guy finishes elementary school...
Guy: Then, can we come here again? To see the plane?
Guy's Father: Sure thing. We'll come here together again, I promise.
Guy: ...
Guy: A nostalgic dream... I wonder if it's because I spoke to the charm yesterday.
Guy: I can feel the warmth from that memory... a memory I thought was gone forever, but maybe the charm helped bring it back.
Guy: Ever since I got that model plane for my birthday, I became interested in airplanes. My father brought me all the way out there just so I could see a real one.
Guy: I wonder if that promise can ever be fulfilled...
Guy: If so, maybe it would also be possible for my father to see me perform on stage someday.
Syu: Yo.
Guy: Welcome.
???: ...
Guy: Who might this be?
*Syu: This is Tohru, my father's former assistant.
Guy: Welcome in. It's a pleasure to meet you.
Tohru: ...
Syu: What's the matter?
Tohru: Ah, no... it's nothing. Just feeling a little timid now that I'm here.
Tohru: I've actually been curious about this bar for a while, but I never had the courage to come in. So I'm thankful for the invitation.
Syu: Oh, so you already knew about this place.
Tohru: Well, I'm interested in Zafran cuisine. It's rather rare around here, isn't it?
Guy: It is, yes.
Syu: You're a popular, well-regarded producer now. I'm sure you get plenty of invitations to go drinking.
Tohru: Haha, I suppose it's still a little hard for me to take in. I didn't have much money when I was younger.
Guy: You're a producer?
Tohru: Yes. Before Syu's father took me in, I was an actor. But it didn't work out at all...
Tohru: Then, I became his assistant and helped with production work, too. I was able to make many valuable connections during that time.
Guy: (An acting career that didn't work out. He sounds like my father.)
Guy: (Now that I think about it, my father would be about the same age as this man. It's possible they were actors around the same time, even.)
Guy: It sounds like meeting Otomiya's father was an important turning point for you, then.
Tohru: Yes, absolutely. I believe everyone has a place or position in this world that best suits them.
Guy: I wonder if my father ever found that for himself...
Tohru: Are you interested in theater?
Guy: Yes, I'm actually an actor.
Tohru: Oh, is that so!
Syu: He'll be the lead in an upcoming play. Would you like to go?
Tohru: Absolutely. Which theater company?
Guy: The Mankai Company. Do you know it?
Tohru: ...
Tohru: ... Yes, I do. How nostalgic. That troupe has been around for a long time.
Tohru: Years ago, just after they were first established, I went to see one of their plays with my son.
Guy: ...
Guy: ... He went to see the Mankai Company with his son... ? No, he can't be...
Syu: Oh, I didn't know that. The Mankai Company's one of my old haunts.
Tohru: I never mentioned it to you before, did I. It wasn't a play you performed in, after all.
Syu: Ah. Which play did you see back then?
Tohru: Hmm, it was--
Guy: ...
Tohru: It's getting late. I should be heading home, or my family will be worried.
Tohru: I feel so comfortable here that I lost track of time just chatting away.
Syu: It's great, right? You should become a regular here.
Tohru: If I can gather up my courage to come back by myself. Would it be all right if I stopped by again?
Guy: ... Yes, any time.
Guy: ...
Hisoka: ... Guy, you've been wiping that same glass for a while now.
Guy: ... So I have.
Hisoka: Did something happen? You've been a little weird since Syu came.
Guy: No, it's nothing. Don't worry about it.
Hisoka: ...
Guy: ...
Azuma: Talking to your father again?
Guy: No, not this time. Not exactly.
Azuma: Is that so?
Guy: ...
Guy: (There's too much overlap with my father. Could he really be... ?)
Guy: (I could ask for his full name. Wait, he said he has a family.)
Guy: (If that family includes a son, that would be who he saw the Mankai Company play with.)
Guy: (Or, after he and my mother divorced, he started a new family...
Guy: (In that case, I would only cause trouble for him if I tell him I'm his son.)
Guy: (I've thought a lot about the possibility of meeting my father again some day, but I never imagined something like this would ever happen...)
TL Notes
Citron-style jokes are hard... I did my best haha. If you're curious about the original joke/pun/whatever you call it, young Guy says でも、草がぼうぼう… (demo, kusa ga boubou... | but the grass is all overgrown...) and his dad goes ん?春夏秋冬? (n? shunkashuutou? | Hm? The four seasons?)
Not 100% sure Tohru's name is read this way. I believe it's the most common reading, but other possibilities include Tetsu, Akira, Osamu, and Itaru... well, the last one is pretty unlikely in this case!
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longshotte · 2 years
Code Geass: Arthur on the Misty Streets preview novel English translation (Genesic Re;CODE)
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Code Geass: Arthur on the Misty Streets
Written by Kouhei Azano
Translated by Longshotte
Case 1: A Scandal Most Demonic, Scene 2
222B, Baker Street.
That is Conan’s current residence. As the north-south main street, Baker Street runs through the heart of London’s West End, with 222 overlooking it.
Opening the front door and ascending the stairs, Conan’s bedroom is located on the third floor of the building. The sitting room, dining room as well as his flatmate’s bedroom are all on the second floor.
Opening the door from the hallway, Conan entered into the sitting room.
“Ah, welcome back.”
“…Spare me the pleasantries.”
Lounging in the room was a girl, wearing an oversized shirt under suspenders that held up her trousers. She tosses her newsie cap into the centre of the table as her jacket hangs from the back of her seat. Her boyish fashion sense is supported by her hair as well, which is cut into a shoulder-length bob. At 18 years old, she’s only three years the junior of Conan, yet the appearances of the two betray that close gap. Behind the lenses of her glasses, her spirited eyes were fixed on him.
“Listen, Miss Hudson, no unmarried woman, no matter whether she is the landlady’s granddaughter or not, should be barging into a bachelor’s flat as often as you do.”
“Oh please, use my first name for once! Say it with me; M-a-r-y! If you keep just calling me Hudson, someone’s eventually going to end up getting confused.”
“…Again, you must stop acting so chummy like this.”
“You’re really still hung up on that? Why do you even care so much?”
“I am your elder. That is reason enough to care,” Conan replied with a sour look as he turned to hang his coat on the rack.
The spacious, aged sitting room was beautiful, and from a glance was obviously too much for a single working student in all aspects. Beneath the round table surrounded by a set of four chairs lay a faded carpet. In the middle of the room is a fireplace, along with two armchairs in front of it. Elsewhere is a couch large enough to nap on and two desks, one for writing and another for working. In addition to the furniture, bookshelves and cupboards of various sizes fill the empty space along the walls. Everything, seemingly, meticulously cleaned, arranged and orderly, just as Conan wanted.
However, if one were to look closely, they would quickly notice small bits chaotically tampered with across the room. Certain documents and files about to spill from their shelves. Distorted bits of scrap metal whose use was anyone’s guess, lined up together in a row, alongside junk that had clear uses, yet none of the ones that come to mind would explain why it would be laid out here. In especially poor condition is the work desk, which is stained with oil and scorch marks. Crumpled blueprints, copper wires, more metal bits, as well as various bolts, nuts and screws were strewn about.  Accompanying them, different tools like wrenches, screwdrivers, hammers, as well as rulers, compasses, and even beakers filled with chemicals were set down haphazardly on the desk. In front of the desk was a scribbled note, pinned to the wall by way of a knife.
And, finally, there was the fact that the previously mentioned fireplace had been entirely ‘remodelled.’ As it burned, a low hum came from it. The mantelpiece was lined by polished gauges, with cords and pipes running through it like veins and vessels. These connected not only to the hearth, but to all manner of machines throughout the sitting room.
This all is the chaos that Conan’s flatmate leaves in his wake, as naturally as he breathes.
“…So, what of Arthur?” Conan then asked Mary.
In that moment between question and answer, from another door—the one that led to his flatmate’s room—
It was a sound akin to something bursting.
Someone unversed with occurrences like this would have believed a pistol had been fired into the wall. While Conan hadn’t an idea of what exactly the cause of the noise was, what he did know was that it wasn’t uncommon for such a thing to come from the other room. He simply took this to be evidence of him being at work in his room.
“…The same as usual, then, I take it?” Conan took a seat within the chair closest to him with a sigh, tossing the newspaper in his hand onto the table.
Mary, noticing the paper, let out an “Ah!”, her lenses flashing against the light as she sat up.
Conan, realising his mistake, gave a pained frown.
“That article—! Hah, I knew you were looking into this, Conan!”
“Again with that familiarity—that besides, I simply had it because a fellow at university handed it to me.”
“But still, that means you at least—”
“—Not I, my colleague—”
“—Oh, come on, I know none of your other friends care about this ‘Jack the Knightmare’ and their antics,” Mary says, leaning over the table, smugly puffing up.
“Yes, well, I wouldn’t have to take an interest in this if our so-called renowned detective could bother solving it! That damnable Arthur Holmes!” Conan meets his gaze with Mary’s, whose eyes now have a burning vigour in them. Breaking from the stare of the landlady’s granddaughter, he glances back at the newspaper on the table.
‘Jack the Knightmare.’ The name given to the killer that currently stalks the streets of London. The found victims have been a variety of ages and genders, have no relation or contact with each other, and have no consistent times of death. Sometimes there is only one murder, and others there will be three bodies found in one night. No connection can be found between the locations they happen in, other than being within London and its suburbs. Therefore, they are classified as indiscriminate murders, with no known commonality in targets.
Yet, despite the victims having no links, the crimes themselves had several common aspects. Firstly, most of the murders are perpetrated during the night. Secondly, a knife is always instrumental in the killings. Finally, a mask is always found at the scene of the crime. It is for this reason that the killer is believed either to be the same person or a group working in tandem. As such, they have been given the common title of ‘Jack the Knightmare’ for their nightmarish acts. A truly bizarre criminal who has gripped gossip-loving Londoners with both fear and curiosity. And, of course, the tabloids were quick to pick up on this story.
“You know, we’ve been getting a lot of letters writing about it recently at the Strand. The editor-in-chief has been nagging me for days to get Arthur’s comment on what he’s gonna do about it. What in the world has he been up to!?” young Mary Hudson, reporter for Strand News, questioned. As the daughter of their landlady, she regularly takes advantage of her unique position to gather stories for her ‘Detective Column,’ which has since become incredibly popular.
“I can just tell you his comments myself, then. He’d either say ‘I’m not interested’ or ‘It’s a job for the bobbies.’”
“I can’t use that! I need something inspiring! Something befitting of a heroic detective!”
“Then I’m afraid you’re looking for something we can’t offer.”
“Still, I need to try! It’s what a reporter is supposed to look for!”
“A journalist is supposed to print the truth, not empty platitudes.”
Mary simply adjusted her glasses with a snicker at Conan’s frankness, not letting him get to her sentimentalist attitude. Correcting her was a fool’s errand.
The victim of the latest case was a young woman. The newspapers were all eager to report on her death, no doubt in part due to her good looks, as well as that her body was found near Primrose Hill. While nearby an upscale residential area, the fact that it has been the stage for murders and duels previously in the past has stirred the papers to gather any information about the incident that they can.
The sound echoed from the next room once more, and was now cascading. 
Conan and Mary looked to each other, neither saying a word, and both with a face that told them that neither wanted to be the one to check on him.
And then, breaking that moment of anticipation,
A loud explosion broke through the air of the room, shaking the entirety of 222B, Baker Street. Conan and Mary both reflexively clung to the chairs they were in.
“Okay, isn’t this a bit much, Conan!?”
“Argh, that damn dimwit is too smart for his own good!” With the explosion still ringing, Conan rises from his chair and toward the door leading to the adjoining room.
But, no sooner had Conan reached for the knob than the door swung open from the other side, as if it was lying in wait.
And thus entered the dubious man himself. Wearing round, black lensed goggles, an apron outfitted with bulging and overflowing pockets, and leather gloves protecting both his hands. In his right hand he carries a curious metallic rod, and in his left a strange metal box, connected to the rod via a cord. Though they couldn’t see his eyes through the tinted lenses, his wide, satisfactory grin was plainly visible across his face.
“I’ve done it! My latest project!” he declared emphatically, stepping further into the sitting room.
As he slammed the rod and box down on the table, Mary quickly snatched up her cap.
Peeling away his goggles, he says, “This is a masterwork, if I dare to say myself. Go ahead, look for yourselves!” The young man—Conan’s flatmate, Arthur Holmes—had the same proud look a child would have showing off the favourite insect he had found.
“…How magnanimous of you to say after shoving it into our faces…” Conan says, faintly disgusted. “So what manner of device is it this time? From the explosion a moment ago, it seems even more dangerous than your usual fare.”
“‘Dangerous’? Perish the thought! As long you are acquainted with the controls, it is as safe as can be! Amusing to think how important safety and control is to a weapon, isn’t it?”
“‘Weapon’!?” Unease washes over the pair who were waiting. Out of the corner of his eye, Conan barely notices Mary silently backing away from the table.
“Quite so. What I’ve invented here is an electrified sword, in a sense. The box here is the power source, and the body of the blade acts as the electrode. The voltage it generates is enough to send a painful shock through anyone who so dares to touch the blade!”
“Fine, we understand how it's used now, but what I am asking is why you made it in the first place!”
“I’ve decided to dub it the ‘Electric Sword’, or ‘E-Sword’ for short. However, this is still in the prototype phase, my next step is to miniaturise the power supply and integrate it into the rod itse—”
“Don’t simply dance past my question!”
When Conan raises his voice to cut him off, Arthur simply lets out an “Ah,” and raises his eyebrow, looking a bit bored. “I had no particular reasoning behind this invention, or any of them, really. An invention is an idea, and an idea is akin to a revelation gifted by our insatiable appetites for knowledge. To seek meaning behind a revelation is nonsense, Conan.”
“That is to say you essentially made everything up as you went.”
“And let me repeat myself, it is not at all dangerous! In fact, it’s even less deadly than a normal blade. It would be quite difficult to die from it.”
“‘Difficult to die from it’… How encouraging. —Hold on now, why are you pointing it at me? And what was that switching noise I just heard!?”
“It would be faster to demonstrate than to explain, wouldn’t it?”
“Demonstrate it on yourself, then! And now it’s sparking! The sparks are flying all over! In which world do you consider this as safe!?”
“Oh, calm yourself. As long as the voltage is low enough, you’ll be fine— Well, that’s odd…”
“Wait, Arthur! Let me get my camera ready—”
“Mary, this is no time for you to play reporter!”
Conan and Arthur were locked across from each other, the table between them. As they squared off, Mary took out her folding camera, one of the latest designs made in the Britannian mainland.
Then, a knock came at the door.
“Mr. Holmes, are you there? There’s a visitor here looking to speak with you about the ‘Jack the Knightmare’ case,” the voice through the door says.
Hearing this, the three look at each other.
~To Be Continued~
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scrittainparallelo · 1 year
today's game is 'leave the kids alone' by YasamanFar (on itchio).
this game was created during the 'woman life freedom' jam and it focuses on the conditions of schoolgirls in iran.
my team KITranslation and i provided the italian game translation, go check it out!
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watchingwisteria · 5 months
listen there really was just something about how in the book, snow’s 3-page descent from hesitant lover boy to deluded psychopath happens entirely in his mind. lucy gray gives him no indication whatsoever that she suspects him, that she’s going to leave or betray him. he’s just sitting quietly in the cabin waiting for her to return when that seed of calculated suspicion, which he has needed to survive the capitol, takes a hold of him and chokes the life out of any goodness left inside him. it really drives home your terror as a reader that “oh my god did he kill her? did she escape? what happened to her? why would he even think that?” in a way that when the movie had to adjust for visualization it lost some of that holy shit this guy has lost it emphasis.
#seeing some discourse and im not saying lucy grey didnt know#im saying she never dropped the kind of hints that she knew like she did in the movie#or if she did snow isnt worried about them until he very suddenly is consumed by them#snow is not concerned about whether or not she believed him. of course she did! hes snow!#but then shes gone…. for a while……#and its the sudden immediate drastic unravelling that comes across so clearly in the book#that i knew wouldn’t translate to screen yet still cant help but miss#the hunger games#coriolanus snow#tbosas#lucy gray baird#not a crime or anything just a note that i cannot stop thinking about#the ballad of songbirds and snakes#this is all from memory of reading it quite a while ago. so maybe 3 pages is an exaggeration#but i remember it happening VERY quickly and without much external cause#like we as the reader have no indication as to whether shes nearby or not.#snow has no idea either. he just SUSPECTS. and his suspicion breeds the hatred that has been bubbling inside him all this time#he hates how she undoes him. he hates that he WOULD run away with her if shed let him keep his secrets#and he HATES more than anything that she makes him WANT to tell his secrets#he wants to be vulnerable and reveal the ugly nasty parts about himself and still be loved#but he does not let himself and it is everyone’s downfall#he chooses cruelty bc it is easy and familiar and makes him feel more powerful than the vulnerable give and take that real love requires
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selenityshiroi · 11 months
Zelda travelling around Hyrule after the Calamity and people are tripping over themselves to tell her stories about the Hero because they love that feral cryptid mad man and are so proud of him
'I met him when I was about to get eaten by a Hinox...he jumped off a horse, fired 12 arrows in the blink of an eye and then got smacked in the face with a tree...but then he came back and hacked away at it's legs with this stupidly big sword until it finally died'
'He was wearing this weird patched together mask that looked like a monster but he made enough curry for everyone so we didn't like to ask'
'But...the hero was a girl? She wore these lovely green silks and every time she came out of the Gerudo Canyon she had a bag full of electric safflina to sell to Beedle over there. The Gerudo think she's an amazing fighter, which says a lot, and she always thanked me for looking after her horses when she went into the desert'
'I swear to Hylia that he ran through here wearing nothing but his underwear and a mask shaped like a leaf...claimed he was looking for the Children of the Forest. Sorry, Princess, but I'm not sure he was quite right in the head at the time'
'He used to creep in here silently wearing this grey mask and with enough lizards and beetles that we could make enough elixirs to last for a month. Not sure I ever saw his face without it'
And the entire time Link is stood neatly dressed, three steps away, listening to every word and no one pays him the slightest bit of attention. Because none of them cotton on that 'prim and proper Royal Knight' Link and 'I will defeat this Lynel with a stick, a pot lid and a bucket load of adrenaline' Wild Child Hero is the same man. Especially with how many masks he owned.
When they walk away and are out of sight and earshot Zelda just raises her eyebrow with a smile and he is like '...I can explain...it made sense at the time'
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diezmil10000 · 24 days
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"Entrégate a tus deseos, Elise."
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dkniade · 5 months
Translation: Albedo’s Birthday Letter 09/13/2023
Game: Genshin Impact
Developer: HoYoverse
Fan Localization: Dusk
I will again try not to make it sound choppy while still maintaining Albedo’s character…
(Requested by @ai56, and by my own interest.)
I remember how flustered I felt when I first read it, calling him something like a “poetic bastard”…
“(as an artist) so you understand!! ...WHY IS THIS GUY SO SMOOTH. Whoever wrote for Albedo’s birthday message this year KNOWS WHAT THEY’RE DOING. you poetic Dragonspine bastard is this what living in the City of Poetry does to a person (affectionate)”
“Oh but, the idea of adding a few strokes upon an old work’s cracked dry paint… Brings to mind Albedo doodling around his imperfection (star mark) which in theory sounds cute but it is the neck we’re talking about
“But, adding a few strokes… Hmm, how inspiring. I’ll have to try that sometime with my art too. Of course it doesn’t quite feel the same on a digital artwork but… I guess for too long I’ve held the belief that physical artworks are prone to destruction.
“No, actually, an artist I knew in real life has also told me the same thing about adding new strokes to old artworks—or even painting over them completely.”
It will be in this order: original Chinese text, my rough-ish translation, my more polished translation, official English localization, layers of metaphor, and translation notes.
Original Chinese Text
My Rough-ish Translation
After a painting is complete, I like to take it out once in a while to admire it again.
People say that the goal of painting is to capture a fleeting scenery and render it eternal. Yet even paint of the highest quality would crack, with that fleeting scenery long gone.
But I’m not displeased by such change, actually.
When I find that the paint on an old work is cracking, occasionally I’ll follow the cracks to add a few strokes. To think that it would even end up as a new favourite work of mine…
It’s like those rendezvous that people enjoy. After identifying the hardships—like frost left by the winds of time—on each other’s faces, they sigh in regret, yet this deepens the affections of both parties.
Or perhaps for a painting, time itself is a type of pigment.
If you have the time to meet up, this painting called “You and I” would also receive a few more brushstrokes.
My More Polished Translation
When I finish a painting, I’d take it out once in a while to admire it again.
People say the goal of painting is to capture a fleeting scenery and render it eternal. Yet even paint of the highest quality would crack, with that fleeting scenery long gone.
But I’m not displeased by such a change.
When I find that the paint on an old work is cracking, I’d occasionally add a few strokes while following the cracks. To think that it would even end up as a new favourite work of mine…
It’s like those rendezvous that people enjoy. After seeing the hardships the frosty winds of time left on eachother’s faces, they sigh to themselves in regret, yet this deepens the affections they have with each other.
Or perhaps for a painting, time itself is also a pigment.
Should you have time to meet, this painting called “You and I” would also gain a few more strokes.
Official English Localization
After completing a painting, I like to take it out from time to time to admire the work.
People say that the purpose of a painting is to capture the beauty of a moment for eternity. But even the highest quality paints will crack with time, and that moment's beauty will long have begun to fade.
However, I don't mind this change at all.
When I find that the paint has begun to dry and flake, I will often brush over the fissures with new strokes, and the new piece thus created is one I can continue to cherish.
Just as people enjoy regular gatherings, seeing the wrinkles left by long years of hardships, worries, and lament on one another's faces thickens the bonds between friends.
Or perhaps for a painting, time itself is a kind of pigment.
Should you have time to come for one such gathering, we will be able to add a few more brushstrokes to the painting called "You and I." .
A raw translation will not do. I need to understand what Albedo is feeling at this moment. 
Reading at it again, he’s possibly alluding to the Japanese pottery-repairing technique of kintsugi, where you piece together a broken object with lacquer dusted with powder gold, putting it back together while allowing the cracks to become part of the artwork. 
……Doesn’t it symbolize him perfectly, with his “pontil-mark” star mark of imperfection and humanity?
Layers of Metaphor
finished artwork has cracks so he mends the cracks with paint strokes following the cracks’ shape 
This is like how hardships endured by a person over the years shows on their face
The adjusted painting is a new work worth admiring
This is like how seeing resistance to hardships over time deepens the bond between friends
Different events caused by the flow of time change people, like how different pigments change an artwork
Meeting with Albedo again would allow him to see how time (and travel across Teyvat) has changed the Traveler and himself, like adding strokes to the artwork he calls You and I
T/N 1: The second line in the original says 将一刹那的美景化作永恒, juxtaposing 刹那 (chànà, instant, moment, split second, etc) with 永恒 (yǒnghéng, eternity). I’ve chosen to render this as “to capture a fleeting scenery and render it eternal”. Such is the nature of painting, and of course Albedo has the patience for it.
T/N 2: In the original’s fourth line, “如此竟能得到一幅新的得意之作” seems to suggest some slight surprise at the result, hence my choice of “to think that it would even end up as a new favourite work of mine…”, instead of the sureness in the official loxalization’s “and the new piece thus created is one I can continue to cherish.”
T/N 3: 风霜 (fēngshuāng) refers to hardships, and the literal translation would be wind and frost. Quite poetic for a dweller of the snowy mountain, Dragonspine, in the Anemo Archon’s region. Frost left by the winds of time here (more surface translation of the 岁月在彼此脸上留下的风霜 section would be hardships left on echother’s face by time) was my attempt to preserve the image and not an intentional nod to the Ad Oblivione (“the wind that flows forever” or “the thousand winds that return to one” described by Aranaga in the final part of the Sumeru World Quest “The Final Chapter”)… I think. Perhaps Albedo was referring to it discreetly?
T/N 4: 心生(xīnshēng) means to feel (an emotion) in one’s heart (directly, an emotion being generated in one’s heart). 慨叹 (kǎitàn) is a verb meaning to sigh (with regret) however, so it’s strange to use it after another verb that takes a noun phrase… I suppose 心生慨叹 could be an over-the-top way to mean sigh in regret.
Overall, the official English localization is very good. Some subtle differences are perhaps not caught (mostly the feeling of subtle surprise about reworking an artwork, and the line about hardships and the imagery it brings), but in the end, it’s just as poetic as it is in Chinese.
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royalarchivist · 10 months
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Cellbit: [In chat] Go back to my castle, dumbass
Cellbit: [In chat] *handsome
Roier: "Handsome" ah, look how he treats me in-character. In-character he calls me handsome, but outside of the role he says, "Hey, you stupid fcking idiot, bastard idiot, look at my Sims stickers." That's how he talks to me. 😔
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cubedmango · 11 months
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one day aai fans..... one day
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psychictimestone · 4 months
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Thinking about Silver and the references to his love of (blue) skies 🔵☁️
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satsuha · 10 months
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scrittainparallelo · 1 year
Hello folks! My team KITranslation and i are proud to announce that the Italian translation of cantusmori's game Froggy Pot is finally available! We really liked this cute yet introspective game... 100% recommended!
Contact me if you're interested in translating YOUR game at [email protected] or by sending a DM.
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