#genius inc otome
sixknight · 2 years
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Karasu, Hayato, and Yukio ending portraits from season 1 of Soul of Yokai
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Shinigami Soul Agency, Season 1 (Part 2)
Episode 8 
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Chase after Atsushi.”
I follow him out of the forest as the last of the sun’s rays disappear behind the mountains.
MC: Why are you running away?
Atsushi: I’m not. I finished my job, and now it’s time to head back.
MC: I don’t believe you!
Atsushi: Nobody ever does. It’s fine.
Atsushi: You shouldn’t, anyway.
Something ignites me and pushes me forward.
MC: Atsushi.
I’m surprised by the softness of my own voice as I take his hand in mine.
His elegant and slender fingers remind me of a pianist’s.
(Holding his hand like this feels natural…)
(But the touch of his skin still sends my heart racing.)
Atsushi: What’re you…
He stops and doesn’t turn to me, but like a secret, his fingertips subtly weave through mine.
MC: Talk to me, please.
The wind of summer’s eve picks up for a moment, and the rice fields begin to glow with stars.
In a way, they look like smaller versions of souls.
Atsushi: … What is it that you’re expecting me to say?
Atsushi: Or do?
When he finally turns around, his coat billows behind him.
Atsushi: Because it doesn’t matter—nothing will scare you away!
Atsushi: And things I could do, I don’t want to!
MC: Is that what you want me to be? Afraid?
Atsushi: Yes!
MC: Why?
Atsushi: Because humans are not meant to be like you, and Shinigami aren’t supposed to have empathy!
He’s like Setsuna, except Setsuna believes it’s his role, whereas Atsushi… fears it.
MC: Humans aren’t all the same, Atsushi, nor are Shinigami.
MC: Both you and I have the free will to—
Atsushi: Free will?
He laughs sardonically.
Atsushi: That’s nothing but an illusion.
Atsushi: If you think either of us has had true control over our lives so far, you are so painfully wrong.
*Challenge him.*
MC: I don’t think so.
MC: I believe all of the choices we’ve made are what brought us to this very moment.
MC: And that’s why it’s so special.
*Question him.*
MC: If that’s true, then was you saving me earlier during the fight also pre-determined?
MC: Was that just fate?
Atsushi looks at me with wide eyes, unable to respond.
He casually lifts my hand and brings it to his face. 
I run the fingers of my other hand across one of the stitches marking his skin, and he lets out a sigh.
Atsushi: Such lovely hands…
He’s trying to distract me… and it almost works.
MC: I’m not asking you to change, Atsushi.
MC: I just wish you’d stop trying to push us away with your tricks.
MC: We’re not leaving your side.
Atsushi: Why? Explain it to me.
MC: Because I think at the end of the day, we all need each other.
MC: I need you.
Despite everything, he and I aren’t so different.
I understand the loneliness in his eyes as well.
His finger brush against mine, pulling at the tips until our hands part.
MC: Even if you hide it, I feel like I see the real you, and I hope that side of you will shine.
Atsushi: Don’t…
I watch a firefly land onto his shoulder and hold out my finger for it to crawl onto.
Atsushi: Don’t get your hopes up…
MC: I believe in you, Atsushi.
Taking his palm again, I delicately guide it into the shape of a cup and place the firefly in his palm.
MC: And I want you to believe in yourself as well.
MC: I hope I can see that before it all ends.
A delicate gasp escapes him while the light of the firefly reflects in his gaze.
Atsushi: I have no doubt that your soul will shine brighter than anything in this world.
Atsushi: If only it didn’t have to end…
He won’t look at me, but that’s fine.
I enjoy watching him enjoy these little pieces of the human experience we all take for granted.
Riku’s Premium Option, “Hold onto Riku.”
MC: Please don’t let go.
I press my face into his chest, digging my finger in the back of his shirt and clinging to the fabric.
Riku: There’s no way I could.
He strokes my hair while I try to hide away from the world.
MC: I hate this.
MC: I hate everything.
The rage that lingers in the shadow of my sorrow is begging to be released.
MC: I-I wish I could’ve ended that ghost’s—
Riku: No, you don’t…
I know he’s right, and I bite my lip in anger.
Riku: H-Hey…
Riku places his hand on my cheek.
Riku: Look at me…
The softness and warmth of his touch ground me.
I don’t want to pull away.
I want to stay like this and make the pain disappear.
Riku: I don’t know the right words to say to make this OK or to make you feel better.
Riku: But you don’t have to hold back…
Riku: Especially with me.
He wipes a drop of blood off my cheek.
MC: Riku—
MC: I—
Every time I try to say something, my words are replaced by hideous cries.
Riku: Hey, hey… It’s alright. You don’t need to say anything.
Cupping the back of my neck, he pulls me into the crook of his shoulder and lets me soak his shirt with my tears.
MC: It’s not fair! She didn’t deserve this!
MC: Why didn’t I bring her home?! Why didn’t I hold onto her tighter?!
Riku: You know how this works, MC.
Riku: All of it is inevitable. It’s the one fate every human can be certain of…
Riku: So, please… Don’t blame yourself.
MC: How can I not?!
I grip tighter onto his shirt as he rests his chin on my head.
MC: There’s no way to save her?
Riku: Shinigami…
Riku: We can’t change a soul’s course, even if we want to.
(Humans are fragile.)
(That’s something Atsushi doesn’t let me forget.)
My emotions are all muddled together
MC: Stupid lists!
I bring my hands around and ball them against his chest. 
MC: Stupid rules!
MC: Stupid agency!
But Riku just pulls me closer again, and I fall sobbing into his arms.
For the first time in my life, I feel a comfort that makes the pain in my heart and mind bearable.
Riku: If I had all the answers, you wouldn’t be dying.
Riku: I’d make sure of that…
Riku: Oh, little wisp, you have no idea how—
Atsushi: Hey, eyes over here.
Riku sighs.
Atsushi: I can’t waste any more time unless we want one more ghost hanging around.
Setsuna: Riku.
Riku: MC, I’m sorry, but we need you to get out of the way, alright?
He gently pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.
Riku: I promise you, she won’t be in any pain.
Season 1, Episode 9
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Embrace Atsushi.”
I wasn’t aware until now that being held by Atsushi was something I needed.
MC: To be honest, I’m struggling.
I place my hands on his shoulders and rest my head against him.
MC: I have my moments where my optimism carries me and others where I feel hopeless.
Atsushi: Because of her?
My heart aches at the reminder.
MC: Yes, but I think it’s more complex than that.
Atsushi: I didn’t—
He takes a sharp breath, trying to navigate through words he’s not familiar with. 
Atsushi: I didn’t want to.
Atsushi: I wish it didn’t have to be me.
Atsushi: I didn’t get it myself, but when I saw you with that expression, I just…
He drops his head in his hands and exhales an uneasy laugh.
Atsushi: I don’t even know what I’m trying to say.
One of his hands falls to his chest, and he clutches at his heart with clenched teeth.
Atsushi: I resented myself for the pain I caused you!
Atsushi: I was ready to leave her be…
We both know the reality of what would’ve happened if he had.
How Ouka would’ve been trapped in a record of her own memories until we chased her down and…
Atsushi: I don’t understand why, but these things I’m feeling are a burden to me, and yet—
Atsushi: I enjoy them because I only feel them when I am with you.
MC: I’ll admit I felt… betrayed.
MC: Afterward, I wanted nothing to do with Shinigami.
MC: I thought ‘Why did humans have to suffer with death and loss, but you don’t have to?’
Each word is a struggle to get out, but I push through with a trembling voice.
(This is the first time he’s ever been so open with me.)
(I can’t close up now.)
MC: But then I remembered that’s not true.
MC: None of it is your fault. It’s no one’s fault.
MC: There’s only one person to blame for this, and that’s whoever is responsible for this—the one she was trying to tell me about!
Tears start to roll down my cheeks again, but I’m too exhausted to fight against them.
MC: The world can be incredibly cruel when we feel powerless, but we have to keep pushing forward.
I find the confidence to reach for his hand.
MC: I’m sorry the responsibility fell on your shoulders and also that I took it out on you. It wasn’t fair.
MC: I forgive you Atsushi. And I know she would as well.
Atsushi’s fingers are delicate when he brushes my cheek, and I close my eyes to focus on the relief his touch brings.
Atsushi: This world has been cruel to both of us.
Atsushi: But it also brought us together.
Atsushi: Perhaps this is a sign that we should weave our fates together as one and become the makers of our own destiny.
The way his eyes glimmer with hope reminds me of a sunrise and the light it brings after the world falls into darkness.
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Cling to Setsuna.”
MC: Why…
I lean against his chest and curl my fingers into his shirt, unable to hide my tears.
MC: Why?! Why?!
MC: I’m so hurt and angry, but I know I have no right to be!
MC: I know what Shinigami do.
MC: I know what would’ve happened to Ouka had if  Atsushi didn’t do his job, but—
I didn’t know if it was possible to cry like this and feel every splinter of pain as it leaves you.
Setsuna: I’m sorry.
Setsuna wraps his arms around me and rests his forehead against my hair.
His touch, and those words, are like a shock to my mental state as everything goes quiet.
Setsuna: I’m so, so sorry.
Setsuna: I wanted to keep you away from this world.
Setsuna: When I said humans didn’t belong here, it wasn’t because I didn’t believe in your capabilities—
Setsuna: It was because you were never meant to know this kind of sadness.
Setsuna: You should have never bore witness to this macabre profession of ours.
MC: It hurts, Setsuna. B-But I can’t—
I swallow back more tears.
MC: I can’t ignore it this time.
Setsuna: All these years, and you’ve been holding onto it all…
He cups the back of my neck and delicately tilts my head back.
I could get lost in his eyes like this until the end.
Setsuna: Silly girl.
Setsuna: You always want to do everything yourself, don’t you?
MC: What else was I supposed to do? I had no one.
His jaw tightens as he swallows.
MC: Until I met Ouka, but even then, this wasn’t her burden to carry. She tried…
MC: But I didn’t let her in. I-I just—
It feels natural to return his embrace and rest my cheek against his heart.
MC: Can I stay like this?
Setsuna: For as long as you need.
Setsuna: I’ll stop running away. I don’t think I can anymore.
MC: Why have you been running away?
He doesn’t answer.
The forest feels alive while we sit in silence, but it’s not sinister like the old lady expressed.
Setsuna: Would you believe me if I said I was afraid?
I wipe my tears against my sleeve and attempt to crack a sarcastic joke.
MC: Of me? I guess I am pretty intimidating, huh?
I’m relieved when a soft chuckle hidden in a scoff escapes him.
Setsuna: Something like that.
MC: I knew it.
The way Setsuna’s fingers card through my hair could send me to sleep.
When I meet his gaze again, his eyes have turned serious.
Setsuna: I can’t feel, MC.
Setsuna: Not because it’s impossible, but because this line of work, my lineage, and my family’s expectations require me not to.
Setsuna: Even as servants of the dead, we are not immune to the heartache of our victims.
Setsuna: I purposefully don’t involve myself myself with human affairs because, believe it or not—
Setsuna: I’m not inherently strong enough to shut off my emotions completely.
(For him to have shut everything off, he must’ve experienced something painful…)
Setsuna: Maybe all of this would be easier if Shinigami didn’t have emotions to begin with.
MC: Or maybe our last moments are meant to be filled with compassion and hope.
MC: But would a human know?
Pulling away, I take his hand in mine.
A peace offering.
Setsuna: Nothing less than what a Shinigami would.
The edges of his mouth curl up into a gentle smile as his fingers entwine with mine.
We stay like that for several minutes, but then he pulls away with a sigh.
Episode 10 
Riku’s Premium Option, “Kiss Riku.”
I look between us.
(His hands are so much bigger and masculine than mine…)
But when I meet his eyes, they’re filled with the compassion and light I’ve come to expect from him.
MC: There’s a beauty in being a Shinigami too, Riku.
MC: No matter how you try to spin it, you’re not a killer.
MC: You’re a protector, someone who guides souls on their way to whatever afterlife awaits them.
I lace my fingers with his and brush my lips against his knuckles before pressing a kiss to the back of his hand.
MC: These hands have wiped my tears, carried me through my lowest moments, and held me when I couldn’t hold myself…
I lie facing him on the grass and watch the breeze play with his hair.
MC: And now I understand why it’s difficult for you to let others in…
MC: Thank you for opening up to me.
I move closer to him and place one final kiss on the corner of his mouth before wrapping my arms over his shoulders.
Riku: I…
He sighs.
Riku: So that’s what this is.
Riku: How unexpected…
He whispers to himself, and I decide not to ask about it when his arms slowly return my embrace.
Riku: I didn’t think my mind would ever stop racing.
Riku: But when you came into my life, you brought a wave of calmness.
Riku: Being with you fills me with so much peace and happiness.
Riku: I don’t ever want to let you go…
I press my cheek against his racing heart.
It makes me so happy to get to know this side of him.
(And maybe it’s selfish but…)
(I don’t want anyone else to see it.)
Riku: Ah.
His brows knit together into a conflicted frown.
Riku: I’m sorry MC, but…
Riku: This is no good.
He pulls away, and his tone turns impish as he suddenly squeezes my sides.
I burst out into an uncontrollable fit of laughter.
Riku: I knew you’d be the ticklish type!
MC: Wh-What?! What’re you—Riku!
Caught off guard, I struggle to get back at him.
Riku: I needed a distraction.
MC: From what?!
I squirm off of him and try to roll away, but I can’t escape his reach while I’m laughing.
MC: I sw-swear to God, Riku!
Riku: Heh, you look too cute like this.
I try to weave my hands through his own attacks to get to him, but he’s too strong.
Just when I find an opportunity to strike, he catches my wrist, and our faces are suddenly inches apart.
The warmth of his breath on my skin causes me to shudder. 
Riku: Damn. I can’t escape it.
His gaze flickers between my eyes and mouth.
Riku: This is dangerous…
MC: Is it?
I try to steady my breathing, especially after realizing what I’ve just said.
Riku: We should head back, before I make a mistake.
He lets go and sits up.
But I stay there, lying in the grass, and replay what just happened in my head.
(What’s with this frustration?)
(Why’d he pull away?)
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Accept Atsushi’s flower.”
The white petal glimmers against the sunlight as I hold out my hand to accept it.
When I meet his eyes, the intensity of his gaze causes the butterflies in my stomach to take flight.
(Something’s changed within him…)
(His playful and teasing self is nowhere to be found.)
Our fingers gently brush as he hands me the flower, but that small touch is enough to set my nerves aflame.
MC: It’s beautiful, thank you.
His eyes light up with excitement.
Atsushi: It’s said that he planted fields of calla lilies throughout his kingdom so that when she arrived, she wouldn’t miss the mortal realm.
MC: That sounds like quite a lot of dedication, but surely calla lilies aren’t enough. Why did she deny him? 
Atsushi: When she discovered his identity, she thought of him as a monster and was repulsed by him.
Atsushi: Being betrayed by the only person he thought understood him drove him mad.
MC: … Because then it would mean that she never understood him from the beginning, and it was all a lie.
He nods once before stilling himself in anticipation of my judgment. 
MC: While I don’t agree with him kidnapping her, it sounds like he deserved someone better.
Atsushi: That’s why it’s dangerous to let yourself become enamored by another person—especially if they belong to the world above.
MC: She just wasn’t the right human for him.
Atsushi: Oh? Then who would be?
His eyes dance back forth between mine.
My breath catches in my throat, and I whisper my next words against the flower.
MC: I’d go with you to the underworld.
MC: Perhaps, I could be your queen, and we could rule together.
MC: Does such a place even exist? I was told there was no heaven and hell…
Something flickers in his eyes before he fervidly presses me up against the tree and pins my hands above my head.
Atsushi: You shouldn’t tempt me like this…
His lips brush along my cheek as he lowers his mouth to my ear.
Atsushi: Or else I will truly steal you away to a place where nothing can harm you…
Atsushi: Except perhaps me…
Atsushi: Even if I have to go against it all, I’ll create that place where only we can decide our fates.
Atsushi: We’ll live a life untouched by the chains of others and the society that imprisons us.
My pulse races faster as a small shiver shoots down my spine.
But the attraction I feel outweighs any fear I might have.
(It’s like he’s seducing the darkness within me using his own…)
(I need to admit that I’m drawn to him and the twisted world he lives in.
Atsushi: Is it wise to surrender yourself in such a way?
His breath burns my cheeks as he moves to rest his forehead against mine.
MC: Only if I get a field of dark purple roses.
He closes his eyes and shudders a sigh before pulling away and releasing my hands.
Atsushi: You’re crazy.
Atsushi: The human who won’t run away from the monster right in front of her…
Atsushi: You really are my queen.
Season 1, Episode 11
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Confess my feelings.”
MC: Because I care about you!
His mouth parts in a soft gasp, and I force myself to look away.
I’m too embarrassed to meet his eyes after putting myself out there.
MC: A manager who doesn’t take care of himself will never be in the position to take care of others.
MC: But even then, it’s not a leader’s responsibility to do everything for their team members.
Setsuna: Are you trying to tell me that I’m too invested in the lives of those dearest to me after that confession?
Setsuna: Humor me, MC…
He lowers his voice and tilts his head.
Setsuna: When you say you care, what exactly do you mean?
Setsuna: How much do you care?
I’m taken aback by what he’s implying.
I sheepishly reach to tuck my hair behind my ears, but Setsuna beats me to it.
MC: You’re meant to support them by guiding and mentoring them—
Setsuna: That’s not what I asked. You’re side-stepping my question.
Setsuna: Besides…
He goes back to resting his hands on the wall on either side of me.
Setsuna: You’re forgetting one thing.
MC: And what’s that?
Setsuna: I’m not your manager, and I don’t want to be.
MC: Then what are you?
His gaze searches my face as if looking for an answer.
Setsuna: I wonder…
MC: Setsuna.
I tug at his tie, pulling his face closer to mine.
MC: Why are you being cryptic like this?
His lips curl up in amusement, and for a brief moment, I find myself lost in his smile.
I had no idea he had a playful side to him.
MC: Who’s driving who mad now, huh?
I stand on my toes to look him in the eyes as if it’s some sort of competition, but he doesn’t falter.
Setsuna: Surely you’ve learned by now, MC…
Setsuna: Shinigami are always hiding something—it’s a part of who we are.
Setsuna: Every action we take in this realm comes with its own set of consequences.
He straightens up, towering over me once more, and lifts my chin with his finger.
My hand lingers on his tie, trembling slightly
Setsuna: And those consequences will haunt us for the rest of our eternal lives.
MC: You say that as if I’m one of the things haunting you, Setsuna.
MC: But I’ve never met you before any of this, so whatever it is you’re holding onto, keep me out of it.
MC: I think you’re a great leader. I just wish you would allow yourself to rely on us more.
He leans down, and I can’t help but feel that he’s about to kiss me.
I quickly close my eyes, leaning up to meet him.
Setsuna: Come on. It wouldn’t do for us to get caught like this in a hallway.
Setsuna: At least, I know how you really feel. 
My eyes shoot open as I release the grip on his tie.
My cheeks feel like they’re burning.
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Kiss Atsushi.”
I close my eyes, my heart threatening to burst with a mix of anticipation and strange anxiety.
But nothing happens.
I furrow my brow as Atsushi chuckles softly.
Atsushi: Oh? I wasn’t expecting this reaction…
My eyes fly open to see him watching me with an impish smirk.
I’m about to proclaim my embarrassment, but then his breath ghosts across my lips.
Atsushi: Just kidding~
MC: Ats—
His mouth lands on mine in a gentle kiss that awakens a longing I hadn’t acknowledged until now.
It only lasts for a moment before he breaks away, and I find myself trailing after him.
MC: You don’t have to hold back.
He laughs under his breath and tangles his slender fingers in my hair to tilt my head.
Atsushi: I was savoring you. I haven’t even started yet~
His eyes dance over my face, and my skin tingles with a warmth that shoots through my body before he pulls me back into him.
My breath catches in his throat.
He parts my lips with his thumb before closing the distance again with an impatient and desperate kiss.
Atsushi: I…
Atsushi walks me backward until my thighs bump the desk.
Then he lifts me by the waist and sets me on top of it.
Hungry kisses explore my skin.
He moves from my mouth to my jaw then across my neck.
Eventually, he reaches my collarbone, and I gasp at how sensitive the feeling is there.
It’s like my nerves are on fire.
Atsushi: I will not let anything take you from me.
Wrapping an arm around my waist again, he pulls me toward him and locks my wrists together with his other hand.
His thumb traces along the indents left by his chain, and when he suddenly presses down against them, I let out a weak gasp.
Atsushi: Not even death.
He pins me against the desk, and just when I think there will be a moment of rest, I find that I’m very wrong.
He continues to brush his lips against my skin as he speaks.
Atsushi: The flower I offered you.
MC: Wh-What… about it?
It’s difficult to talk when his kisses take my breath away.
Atsushi: I’ll build you a perfect world and give you a throne of scythes.
An airy laugh escapes my lips.
MC: Wouldn’t that hurt?
Atsushi: Ah—but you chose me, right?
He pulls away and takes a deep, ragged breath.
Atsushi: So we both know that won’t be an issue.
MC: And where are you getting these scythes from?
I tilt my head, curious to hear his answer.
Atsushi: From anyone that stands in our way.
I swallow, knowing he’s not joking.
Atsushi: I’m still thinking about what kind of crown would suit you best.
With Atsushi, there’s no going back—not that I’d want to, but we’ve already created a secret world where we can reside.
MC: Hmmm. How about mistletoe and poppy?
He closes his eyes, and his mouth grows into a wide smile.
Atsushi: Beautiful.
At the sound of footsteps coming from behind the door, I jump from the desk and frantically pick up the items that were knocked over.
Season 1, Episode 12
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Kiss Setsuna.”
Closing my eyes, I stand on my toes and kiss him quickly before pulling away.
The heat of his lips lingers on mine while my fingertips explore the memory.
MC: I guess I should’ve asked, but—
Setsuna presses a hand to the small of my back and closes the distance between us again.
His mouth crashes into mine and a frenzied sense of urgency and desperation takes over.
Both of us are aware that our clock is about to reach midnight.
His kisses are fire, igniting my very being as he explores my jaw, my neck, my collarbones—
Impatiently, I pull his face up, and he finds my lips again.
The weeks of tension between us, the words left unsaid…
Everything is finally coming to a head.
Setsuna: MC…
My name is a sigh on his lips as he deepens our kiss and runs a hand through my soaked hair.
I don’t want this to ever stop.
Setsuna: When I said…
He breaks our kiss, but his mouth hovers before mine as if putting distance between us would cause him physical pain.
Setsuna: That you would be my undoing, this is what I meant.
Setsuna: You have no idea how much I still want to say to you…
Setsuna: How much I want to take you someplace far away where no one can find you…
Setsuna: Until I can figure out a way to save you once more.
MC: Setsuna…
Setsuna: I need to hang on to any hope I can find, even if I’m lying to myself.
Setsuna: Our lives have been intertwined because of a decision I made, and I need to take responsibility.
MC: Just stay by my side, Setsuna… That’s more than enough.
He embraces me, and I fall into his arms.
MC: All I ask is that you don’t hesitate to be someone else’s guardian angel when they desperately need it.
MC: Just don’t get yourself in trouble again.
Setsuna: I can’t believe you’re trying to order me around. Is this payback?
MC: Barely.
Setsuna: I refuse to follow such orders.
MC: Setsuna, please!
I’m begging him because no matter how much I want to live, I can’t change my fate.
Setsuna: No. I won’t accept a world without you in it…
Setsuna: So your command is meaningless—
He doesn’t finish his sentence.
Instead, his words are replaced with another kiss, this one gentle and unhurried.
His lips slowly coax the smoldering embers of our earlier passion back to life, and when his tongue brushes against mine, I shiver.
Setsuna: Take those words back.
I whisper against his touch.
MC: Alright.
Breaking our kiss once more, he picks up the umbrella and holds it over us.
Setsuna: I know it won’t do much at this point.
MC: You did say you wanted to see me dance me in the rain. I guess you got your wish.
MC: When you’re lonely on rainy days, think of me and close your eyes, I’ll be…
I choke back on my tears.
MC: I’ll be right there beside you.
Setsuna: MC…
Setsuna: Are you sure about this mission?
MC: Positive.
He laughs bitterly.
Setsuna: Even though I knew the answer, I needed to ask.
Setsuna: Then let’s go.
Everyone’s Premium Option, “Express how important they all are.”
I clear my throat, and they all turn to look at me.
MC: I just want to say how much I love the tree of you and how grateful I am to have spent this time together.
MC: Atsushi once asked me if I would have any regrets, and—
A small laugh escapes me.
MC: You were right, Atsushi.
He cocks his head, proud of himself.
MC: My only regret is leaving you three behind and not having more time with you.
MC: But even so, I can pass happily. And I hope…
My Shinigami friends can’t say anything, but I don’t blame them.
MC: That you can continue l-living happily… and f-find peace.
(Crap. Crap, crap, crap.)
MC: Agh.
I wipe the tears away with my sleeves.
MC: I told myself I wouldn’t cry.
Riku: Little wisp…
He places a hand on my shoulder.
Riku: That was a lovely speech, and I definitely feel special, but you keep missing the one we keep saying.
(They have so much confidence that I want to believe them.)
(… But I don’t want them to be disappointed.)
Setsuna: It’s a part of our mission. And as you should know by now, I’ve never failed a mission…
When he trails off, I know he’s thinking about his job to collect me thirteen years ago.
I sneak him a thumbs-up to tell him it was a success, since he hasn’t told the others yet.
Atsushi: Well, that’s a humble brag if I’ve ever heard one.
Riku: He does that. Get used to it.
Atsushi: I don’t think I want to.
(You guys…)
Atsushi: It doesn’t matter anyway. I’m taking her far away from here once we’re done.
Riku: I dare you to try.
Setsuna: … MC?
Their banter stops when they turn and catch me overwhelmed with happiness.
MC: You’ll never know how much I love it when the three of you are like this.
Riku: I wasn’t playing arou—
Setsuna: Shh.
MC: Exactly.
MC: Being here with you three just as you are has brought me so much joy.
I smile at the image of them staying together and living normal lives once this is all over.
They deserve it so incredibly much.
MC: Each of you gave me something I’ll always keep with me.
MC: Setsuna, thank you for the time I was given.
Atsushi and Riku both turn to Setsuna for an answer, but he avoids their eyes.
MC: Riku, thank you for helping me see that life is something that can be enjoyed.
MC: And Atsushi, thank you for trusting me and helping me find myself when I was lost all this time.
MC: Please continue to share these things with those who need them—and watch out for others like you do for me.
(I hope my words can bring them peace.)
Leaning in, I place a kiss on each of their cheeks and then look away.
(I want to live.)
(Because of you guys, I know just how beautiful it is to cherish the time we’re given.)
Season 1, Episode 13
Riku’s Premium Option, “Ask Riku to help me undress.”
MC: I’m not asking this because of the circumstances—I’m asking because it’s you.
I can’t tell if my voice is shaking because of the cold or because I’m nervous.
Riku: What’re you saying, MC…
His voice breaks.
MC: C-Can you help me take this off?
I close my eyes and wait for a response that never comes.
Just as I’m about to curse myself for putting us in this awkward situation, I hear cautious yet steady footsteps behind me.
They draw closer until I can feel Riku’s heat against my back as he whispers in my ear.
Riku: You want me to undress you?
I shudder at the caress of his breath along my neck.
MC: M-My fingers are shaking too much.
Riku: Uh-huh…
Even though I can’t see his face, I can sense his nervousness as he reaches around me.
His sculpted fingers subtly tremble as he works his way down my shirt.
MC: Where’d all that confidence go?
His hands freeze at the last button, and as the shirt falls from me, I catch it.
Riku: MC…
He pushes my hair to one side, and his fingers dance across my neck, leaving me lightheaded.
Riku: Even though I know you’re anything but delicate, I can’t give in with you.
Riku: You’re more precious to me than anything in this universe.
Riku: I want you, but…
Riku: I desire your heart even more.
He places a fleeting kiss on my shoulder and wraps his arms around my waist.
(His skin is so warm…)
Riku: I love you.
Hearing him say those words fills me with a euphoria I’ve never known…
But also an unbearable sadness…
(We’ll never get the chance to be together…)
The thought breaks me.
Riku: That’s probably the last thing on your mind right now, but I needed to tell you.
Riku: I swear I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that your name gets removed from that list. 
He gently turns me around, rubbing my arms to try to warm me up.
Once I’m facing him, he leans in and kisses me gently.
Riku: I don’t want to live with any regrets.
Riku rests a thumb on the bottom of my lip and leans in for another kiss, but we’re interrupted as Setsuna calls for us.
Riku: Damn it.
He closes his eyes, trying to will away his frustration.
When he finally opens them again, he gazes into mine with a fiery determination.
Riku: No matter what, I’m not leaving your side.
MC: Same.
It’s hard to say more when I know this world will cease to exist for me after today.
Riku wrings the water out of my shirt and hands it back to me, averting his gaze while I slip my arms through and button it up.
I quickly press my mouth to his, wishing that I could do more but knowing I can’t.
His tongue traces my lips as I pull away, and we both fight against the desire to embrace for just one moment longer.
Riku: We got this, little wisp. Let’s go.
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Save Setsuna.”
I dash to where Setsuna is lying badly injured on the floor.
MC: You idiot! Why’d you go and risk yourself like that?!
A faint glow flickers in and out around him.
(Is that… his aura?)
(What does that mean?!)
Gripping the base of a chunk of debris, I start to pull.
MC: Get…
It’s a struggle, but I manage to lift it off him.
The muscles in my arm feel like they’re tearing.
MC: Up…
I move to the next large piece, and then the next, over and over until I can no longer feel my hands.
By the time I free him, I’m running off pure adrenaline.
He lets out a loud groan.
Setsuna: MC…
MC: Oh my god…
I throw myself down in front of him and push aside his bloody hair so I can see him properly.
He blinks with confusion until his eyes refocus.
Setsuna: You could never follow orders, now could you?
I laugh in relief and shake my head, trying to see him through the tears in my eyes.
MC: You know me…
He staggers to his feet and presses a hand to the side of his head.
Setsuna: Agh. Useless… How could I let myself get injured like this?
MC: You’re not useless. You just saved my life!
I press my lips to his cheek with urgent desperation.
Setsuna: MC…
He turns to me, wide-eyed, as if I’ve just woken him up.
Setsuna: I’m going to be alright.
I take his hands and cup them in mine.
MC: I think the building is falling apart, Setsuna. We need to get out of here.
Setsuna: Where are the others?
His eyes dart around the room, suddenly alert.
They narrow when he spots Riku and Saburo caught in a deadly waltz, their scythes clashing against one another.
Setsuna: I need to help him.
Setsuna: Atsushi! Get her out of—
Atsushi: Sorry prince, there’s no way she’d leave without you two.
His sigh of exasperation turns into a low chuckle.
Atsushi: And neither would I.
MC: We’re a team.
MC: We said we were all in this until the end.
MC: And I’m not leaving until we can all walk out together.
Saburo: What a lovely wish.
Season 1, Episode 14
Everyone’s Premium Option, “Stop Saburo.”
I anxiously look around me, trying to find something that I can use to stop him.
There’s not much time for me to make a decision, though, and as I rack my brain, one thought pushes itself to the forefront—
(I’m alive.)
(And I’m not going to die today.)
MC: You’re not going anywhere.
Despite the pain, I suddenly feel invincible.
I take a deep breath, brace myself, and grab Saburo’s robes.
Setsuna: MC!
Saburo: Don’t touch me! You should be dead already!
It’s too painful to continue holding him back, and when I let go, he scrambles to get away.
I quickly pull out my charm and shoot Saburo with a beam of light, stunning him.
Grabbing the chain he used to drag me earlier, I work fast to tie him up.
Saburo: Why you—
He collapses to the floor, fighting at his restraints with no success.
Riku: Quit yammering, already!
Riku runs up to us and slams the end of his scythe into Saburo’s back to keep him down.
MC: Atsushi?!
Riku: Taking a nap.
I frown at him, exasperated.
Riku: I set him down outside. He’s fine.
Saburo: You have no idea what you’re doing…
Saburo: You’ll regret this, people like her deserve to—
Riku: Blah, blah, blah.
He forms a talking gesture with his hand and rolls his eyes.
Riku: Can we get this over with already?
Riku: I wish the honors of finishing you off went to Atsushi after everything you’ve put him through…
He cocks his head and glares at Saburo with obvious disdain.
Riku: But this will have to do.
Riku: Setsuna?
I turn to find Setsuna overcome with rage, his body tense with an unfocused gaze. 
Setsuna: If we keep him alive, I could make him suffer more.
Riku: Oi! What're you saying?! Snap out of it.
MC: Setsuna…
I cup his hands into mine, and that seems to break whatever trance he’s in.
But his eyes are still filled with fury when they meet mine.
MC: I… I get it…
MC: What you’re feeling, I've felt it too.
But you said it yourself—it’s your role to bring order to the world, not chaos.
MC: And that human, the one he possessed. He’s still in there…
MC: Trapped in a body taken over by a Shinigami that’s tormenting him.
MC: He needs peace.
I lean in and kiss his cheek.
Setsuna: I don’t even know what’s going to happen to Saburo after I… What if—
He swallows and grits his teeth.
MC: Justice… That’s not up to you.
MC: If you declare yourself judge now, you’ll be no better than him.
MC: I love your passion. It makes you want to do everything on your own… But you can’t.
MC: And that’s OK.
He shudders as he sighs and lifts his scythe, and I take a step back.
Setsuna: Maybe you’re right 
Setsuna: But for now, there’s still something only I can do.
Saburo looks petrified and can’t speak.
Setsuna: To the human trapped in this body, I grant you a peaceful rest.
Setsuna: And to the Shinigami who has turned from his path to torment the living…
Setsuna: Return to the shadows from whence you were born.
I don’t turn away as he swings.
Saburo drops to the floor with a thud, and we stand there in silence as a small, glowing orb rises from his body.
I’m about to ask what we do with it, but we’re interrupted by an explosion of fire coming from the back of the room.
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Kiss Atsushi.”
Before I know what I’m doing, I’m already bending down to press my lips to him.
He lets out a rough, muffled laugh as he weakly returns my kiss.
When I pull back and look down at him, I choke up so badly that I have to force the words out.
MC: Why?!
MC: Why’d you do that?!
Atsushi: Priority one—MC stays alive.
He coughs as he props himself up.
MC: You thought you were going to die!
MC: You can’t save me then die!
My breathing is ragged, and my heart races as I’m overwhelmed with emotion.
MC: You said you were going to collect my soul!
MC: That you’d take me far away!
My tears won’t stop.
MC: You offered me that damn flower!
I sound crazy.
MC: Wh-What was I supposed to do if…
My voice drops to barely a whisper.
MC: If you didn’t wake up?
Even thinking about it hurts… Like someone’s driving a knife into my chest.
Atsushi: MC.
MC: What?!
Atsushi: You’re beautiful.
Atsushi: You shine brighter than any soul I’ve ever seen.
Atsushi: I would’ve found my way back to you.
All my fear, anger, and frustration drain from me, and I bring my hands to my chest.
Atsushi: Whether that meant breaking the ground beneath your feet and taking you with me…
Atsushi: Waiting for you in my kingdom…
Atsushi: Or finding you in another life—
Atsushi: I wasn’t ever going to leave you.
He pushes my hair away from my face and brushes his fingers tenderly along my cheek.
Atsushi: My precious, terrifying, spirited queen.
Atsushi: You’re mine. Not even fate can touch you.
Atsushi pulls something from his pocket—a white calla lily.
It’s a little worse for the wear after the fight, but it still causes me to cry harder.
He places it in my lap, and I throw my arms around his waist.
MC: Atsushi…
Aware of my surroundings, the kiss I plant on his lips is quick, but sweet.
MC: I’m taking the flower but that’s because I want to.
MC: Souls aren’t something to be possessed. They’re ours and ours alone. But…
MC: We get to choose who to give them to… whether that’s family, friends, or lovers.
He lifts my chin.
Atsushi: Are you giving me yours then?
Atsushi leans in, but before I can answer, the guys each hook an arm under his and pull him back.
Atsushi: You’re so lucky I’m weak right now.
Setsuna: Sounds like he’s alright.
Riku: We should get him out of here then.
Setsuna: I’ll bring MC home.
Riku: I live in her direction. I’ll take her.
Atsushi is pouting, and I almost feel bad thinking about how cute he looks in this moment.
Atsushi: When I get my energy back, I’m destroying you both.
Riku: Yeah, yeah, whatever.
I pick the flower up and bring it to my nose.
(Atsushi, my soul is yours.)
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Shinigami Soul Agency: Season 2, Part 2
Episode 8
Enma’s Premium Option, “Charm Enma to stall for time.”
I push away all feelings of hatred…
And draw upon every ounce of unwarranted empathy I can muster for the man before me.
MC: Hey, listen to me…
His brows jump, and he grabs my wrist as I reach my hand to touch his face.
Enma: What’re you—
I can feel the way he tries to get into my thoughts, looking for an ulterior motive.
When I remove his hand, he hesitates.
His face tightens as he tries to fight something internally.
MC: You actually don’t want to hurt people.
As my voice breaks while saying it, and I strengthen my resolve, pouring as much sympathy as I can into my thoughts.
He flinches at my touch, and I gasp at how inhumanly cold he is.
After a brief moment of silence, his eyes searching my face, I feel him retreat from my thoughts.
Enma: So now she gets it…
Enma: I am nothing like those weak fools you choose to surround yourself with.
I mentally heave a sigh of relief.
(He’s still a monster, but the monsters I’ve grown accustomed to don’t have this level of self-awareness.)
Enma: I do what I must. Whether people get hurt along the way or not does not rest on my conscience.
Enma pinches my chin and, and I lean into it.
MC: What did you have to go through to become a Writer?
Enma: I inherited it.
Enma: You don’t understand how powerful a Writer’s knowledge is.
He pauses.
Enma: It will torment you.
MC: Does it torment you?
My heart drums against my chest in a conflicted wave of emotions, and I realize that some of the sympathy I’m feeling is real.
Suddenly, his tendrils reach into my mind once more.
Enma: Ah, you—
His brow furrows, and his focus drops to my lips for a split second before he backs away.
An exasperated, breathy laugh comes from his amused smile.
Enma: You shouldn’t feel sympathetic.
Enma’s usually articulated speech becomes whispered and shaken.
MC: I’m still human.
MC: One of our most controversial traits is finding the capacity to feel something even when one doesn’t deserve it.
A smirk tugs at his lips.
Enma: Is that your excuse?
His head tilts to the side, and whatever energy that has kept me in place thus far disappears.
I can move but I don’t.
Enma: But I’m a monster—or so you say…
He’s teasing me, playing my game, but I no longer know who has the upper hand.
MC: So you think you don’t deserve any kind of… compassion for what you’ve gone through?
Enma: Absolutely not. I’ve accepted my role and will finish what’s been started…
Enma: Why? Do you?
He lowers his mouth close to mine, and I can taste the wine on his breath.
Enma: We could find out right now…
He runs a finger along the palm of my hand.
Enma: Make me feel something…
Enma: Anything…
My breath catches as he stares deeply into my eyes, and carefully, I take a step back.I hear a faint echo of my name, and the sound snaps me out of my stupor.
MC: You’re an evil, evil being, Enma, and you’ve abused the role entrusted to you.
MC: Your actions will never be justified.
MC: I don’t know your story, but it’s clear that somewhere along the way, you lost yourself entirely.
MC: I hate that for just a moment, I felt that true sympathy for you.
Neither of us breaks eye contact.
Enma: That is indeed a weakness…
Enma: I’m glad you corrected yourself. It’d be a mistake otherwise.
MC: You don’t need to remind me.
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Return Setsuna’s love.”
A surge of warmth spreads throughout my body.
MC: If you’ll have me like this… and set aside your guilt, then I’m also yours—I always have been.
MC:  Before I knew who you were, before I fell in love with you…
I cup his face and fight to articulate my thoughts.
MC: You’ve saved me twice.
MC: I don’t know what the universe has in mind, but this, right here…
MC: Was pretty obvious.
MC: It just took a while.
Setsuna: It did, indeed.
Setsuna delicately places a kiss and moves to a place more on my eyelids and then my nose.
With each one, a trail of glistening green light radiates from where he touches.
(I wonder if this is the connection…)
Setsuna: When this is all over, I’ll take care of this—
His eyes follow the tiny bursts of light down to my arms.
MC: I like it.
MC: it doesn’t feel any different, and it doesn’t change the way I feel about you.
Setsuna: Atsushi was miserable, MC…
MC: His didn’t come from a place of consent, purity, or love…
My heart breaks once again at the thought that his and my experiences have always been so polarized.
(Atsushi deserves the world.)
Setsuna: You don’t mind this?
He brushes a thumb over the vines.
MC: Do you?
He kisses my wrist.
Setsuna: Not at all. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful.
MC: It’s our story, every leaf—a memory. But Setsuna…
I smile at the thought.
MC: Why was the flower the most important thing to you?
Setsuna: Does it need saying?
He rests his forehead against mine and sighs.
Setsuna: As much as I don’t want to, I need to leave and finish things. Riku and Atsushi are downstairs waiting.
I freeze up.
(The party. Enma.)
MC: How long was I out for?
Setsuna: Forty minutes.
I try to get up, but the pain and Setsuna’s hand prevent me.
MC: I’m going with you.
Setsuna: Your chest was ripped open, MC.
MC: I’m dead.
Setsuna: Not yet, not fully. Atsushi said…
He looks away with a wince.
Setsuna: The transition period makes you vulnerable. Saburo had to lock him up in a room to prevent him from acting on his misery.
I clench my hands, and an unfamiliar rage bubbles within me.
Sensing it, Setsuna holds me against him and brushes my hair.
Setsuna: I know.
Setsuna: So please, just try to rest.
MC: You know that won’t be possible for me.
I expect him to shut down my protest.
Setsuna: You’re covered in blood…
He sighs.
Setsuna: At least get out of that damned dress, then.
It’s only now that I notice my upper half is wrapped in cloth while the bottom half of the dress remains intact.
MC: I think it’s the perfect armor to ‘greet’ him in.
He looks me over, and I can only imagine how I must look based on his concern.
Setsuna: Alright.
Episode 9
Riku’s Premium Option, “Comfort and kiss Riku.”
I’ve never seen this much blood before.
But all I want to do is take him in my arms and hold him.
MC: I-I—
With trembling hands, I bend down to brush the hair out of his face.
Then I lean in and leave a kiss on his lips.
As I gaze down at him, my tears drop from my cheeks to his.
MC: I love you too.
MC: So don’t you dare say it like it’s a farewell!
Riku: You’ll drown me with those tears, little wisp…
He tries to lift his head to look at his body, but he’s too weak.
Riku: Your reaction is telling me it doesn’t look good.
I wipe my eyes and force myself to put on a smile.
MC: You’ve seen better days.
Riku: I appreciate the honesty.
MC: I don’t have anything to stop the bleeding.
Riku: I’ve seen emergency responders press down on wounds with their hands before… but this is a first for me…
His speech begins to slur, and I send out an angry thought to any deity that may hear me.
(You will not take him from me.)
MC: Right. Like this?
I press my hands against his chest, and he cries out in pain.
MC: Oh god. I’m sorry—
Riku: Shh… Hey… I just appreciate the effort… Just—
Riku: Keep your hands there… It’ll numb eventually, right?
Riku: It’s my fault I’m so weak. A drink would make this so much easier.
He forces a laugh, trying to get me to smile like he always does when he knows I'm low.
MC: Don’t be silly…
He looks past me, and I follow his gaze to see Riku’s attacker now involved in Atsushi’s and Setsuna’s battle.
Riku: You can’t stay here while they’re fighting.
He coughs, and a gurgle trapped in his throat stops my heart.
MC: I need to get you out of here!
Riku: Hah… I knew asking was pointless…
Riku: You’ve always been so stubborn.
He tries to chuckle, but it comes out as more of a burble.
Riku: How about this… If you’re hurt… you won’t be able to—
Another cough.
MC: OK… alright…
MC: You have to stay awake though.
Riku: Another kiss for motivation?
I let out a laugh of frustration and love.
MC: You’ve just been stabbed and you’re making jokes.
His weak grin grows wider.
Riku: Your smile is gorgeous.
Riku: And especially sexy when you’re on the hunt with vengeance.
MC: Enough of this…
I lean in to kiss him and can only taste my tears.
Riku: Don’t be too hard on her…
MC: She’ll get what she deserves.
Female Acolyte: How incredibly revolting.
The acolyte finds space to distance herself from the fight and limps toward us.
I don’t spare her a glance, but I can feel my rage building.
MC: I love you so, so frustratingly much that if you don’t open your eyes after this, I will find a way to haunt you.
Riku: You can’t do that. I’d be the dead one.
MC: Riku!
Riku: Besides, I love you more.
Riku: Now go save the others—they need help.
Riku: I’m glad I got to see you…
Riku’s head slumps to the side, and I let out a cry.
Atsushi: … Riku?
I look up to see Atsushi staring at us with empty eyes.
Setsuna: Don’t stop—
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Follow Atsushi to our kingdom.”
(The calla lily symbolizes rebirth.)
MC: It’s funny…
MC: Only now, on this third chance of life, do I feel complete.
I take the flower from him and close my eyes as I inhale its delicate fragrance.
An odd sensation overtakes me, and when I open my eyes again, I find myself standing in a throne room with Atsushi.
MC: Where are we?
Atsushi: A world I created just for the two of us to escape to.
He takes my hand and leans me toward my rightful seat at his side.
As I sit, I look down at the calla lily still resting in my hand.
A burning sensation in my palm causes me to jump slightly, and Atsushi’s affectionate expression turns worried.
Atsushi: Allergies?
(If only…)
The heat worsens, and it feels like my hand is physically on fire.
Atsushi: This doesn’t have to do with Setsuna’s siring of you, does it—
Suddenly, a flame bursts from my hand, threatening to ignite Atsushi’s flower.
But just as quickly, his cool, soothing hands are cupping mine and calm the flames.
He looks up at me with a raised eyebrow.
MC: The pen… was passed onto me.
His eyes widen, and he speaks low and cautiously.
Atsushi: The List Writer’s pen?
MC: I’m assuming there’s a way to get rid of it or pass it on to someone else, but yes!
I expose my palm to him—a glowing symbol is carved into it, and he traces the pattern with a finger.
Atsushi: You never do get a break, do you?
His brow furrows together.
Atsushi: I wasn’t expecting this.
MC: I-I don’t want it.
Atsushi: I know.
MC: Can I just refuse not to write?
I know the answer, but his response confirms it for me.
Atsushi: I’m assuming that’s why it’s punishing you.
MC: Then what do I do?!
He lifts my palm to his lips and kisses it.
Atsushi: Exactly what a queen does… but that depends.
Atsushi: Will you be a benevolent queen… Or will you fall to the same fate?
His ocean eyes are serene and tranquil as they gaze into mine.
Atsushi: No matter what you’ll choose, I’ll stand by your side.
MC: I would never follow that path!
MC: The suffering of others… I could never…
Atsushi: Exactly.
He closes my hand and cups it against mine.
Atsushi: Then don’t fear it. Especially now that we know it’s somewhere safe.
Atsushi: I wouldn’t have wanted it to go to anyone else…
He tenderly pulls me into a slow and deep kiss, careful of my injuries.
It’s soothing and peaceful, and I wish I could stay here in this moment forever.
MC: I’m afraid…
He speaks back in short and delicate kisses.
Atsushi: I’m right here. Always. Now and forever.
Atsushi: I love you, MC.
MC: I love you, too…
Even Atsushi’s touch can’t seem to drown out Enma’s last words.
He tried to warn me but those warnings could easily be lies.
Atsushi: I know where your head’s gone. Let me help you clear your mind…
His mouth hungrily falls to my jaw, and he signs it with his touch.
MC: You caught me…
Sighing contentedly, I fall into his embrace.
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serugiuli · 9 months
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This drawing was abandoned in my gallery. I think it became cute, I just forgot about it.
Tarquin from Monstrous cravings.
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nyxs-sins · 11 months
So like, does the Otomania/Genius Inc. community exist or is everyone in hiding because they’re embarrassed about how much money they spent on diamonds to kiss the pretty characters?
Please I need people to talk to about this obsession! 😭😭😭
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simplymortal56 · 11 months
I live for Ifrit’s innocence concerning dating. Expert in bed, rookie in romance. It’s cute!
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aftongiulien · 6 months
Hey i'm back with a question.
Should i post some of my art?
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twistedtummies2 · 5 days
Oh, Not YOU Again...
SO! Some of you may recall our old pals of Genius Inc. They're the publishers of the games "A Villain's Twisted Heart" and "Lullaby of Demonia," among many, MANY other otome-style games. Yeah, been a while since I talked about 'em, right? Well, I have looked into several Genius Inc. games since those two, but none of the others I checked out could really keep my interest. HOWEVER, the company just announced a new game that's coming out soon and...well...
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...Okay, is...is this some kind of joke? Oh, not the game itself, I mean...have I been cursed, or something? This is, the fourth or fifth time I've come across an "anime boi hottie" version of Sherlock-bloody-Holmes. And only one of those four or five was really absolutely awesome beyond belief, with the rest so far ranging from "okay," to "nah," to "I need to play more of Fate/Grand Order to really decide." Have I just been put under a spell that announces I shall spend the rest of my bloody life finding anime boi Sherlocks and judging them (partially with kinks in mind)? I...guess I COULD complain, if so, but...I'm more just rather confused. o_O Also, I swear to God, if either of the other gents on display here turns out to be Moriarty...this really IS a curse. I've already got two Moriarty crushes, I don't need a third strike! XD
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lovelyminako · 1 year
Someone explain this please
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soulofevie · 11 months
*Hugs sakuya*
Sakuya: You never change...
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daeva-agas · 11 months
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Genius Inc otome games have only like one CG per route, if that. It's mostly story-and-sprite based.
I'm someone who really likes looking at CGs, so this just makes me :/ about the games TBH.
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sixknight · 2 years
Taking the Villains out for a motorcycle ride
He won't show it but he's a bit nervous about this, this thing hardly seems safe, especially compared to those metal carriages you'll be riding alongside.
He has a bit of a problem with the helmet. You end up having to give him a hair tie so he can tie his hair in a bun so it won't get in his face. He also complains about the helmet being too stuffy but when you tell him the alternative is having bugs hit his face at high speed and the possibility of instant death in a crash he quiets down.
He is... awkward for the whole ride. Mostly because he has to hold onto you. He's very stiff at first, trying not to hold on too tightly, but the moment you make a turn and have to lean you feel his arms wrap around you more, he isn't even sure if it's because he's nervous if you'll fall off or if he's nervous that he will. He will ignore any comments on him hanging on tighter as his cheeks dust pink under the helmet.
You try to keep to slower, less busy roads so he can relax a bit. Once you make it home is when he truly relaxes though. While he can see why you'd enjoy riding around like that he'd prefer a different form of travel. Although being that close was rather nice.
He's ecstatic that'd you want to take him out on a drive with you! Especially since it'll be just the two of you. ;)
Oh? What's that? He has to hold on to you the entire time? "Don't mind if I do!" he'll say wrapping both arms firmly around your waist with a wide grin. If you're taller than him he'll lean his head against your back during the ride, if you're shorter then he'll lean it on your shoulder.
He is having an absolute ball on this ride! He's amazed at how fast you two can go and finds the whole drive to be fun. And it helps that he gets to hold you the entire time.
Once you two get home he asks if you can take him for a ride on it again. He might even ask if you can show him how the contraption works so he can drive and have you hold onto him next time. ;) This is a bad idea do not teach him he will try to show off for you and possibly get hurt.
Grimm is a little cautious of this machine you call a "motorcycle", it doesn't look very safe. Wait? That helmet is the only protecting you? Yeah this definitely isn't safe. Still, he'll give it a try, you obviously know what you're doing on it.
Absolutely flustered the moment you tell him he's going to have to hold onto you while you drive. He hesitantly wraps his arms around your waist. At least this helmet hides his face so you can't see how much he's blushing.
Once you actually get out on the road he has a great time! He's enthralled by absolutely everything around you two, from the trucks to the buildings you pass, and he's amazed at the speed of this thing! He sees why you ride around for fun now!
Once you get back home he asks if you two could go for another ride again soon! He'll also have a ton of questions about how the motorcycle actually works. And you can teach him to drive it if you want to, he'd be a safer driver than Hook.
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Shinigami Soul Agency, Season 1 (Part 1)
Episode 2
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Call his bluff.”
My heart is racing, but against all odds, I manage to hold myself together.
MC: I-I can’t believe you’d talk so casually about souls like this.
MC: Do you not have any shame? You stand in a position of power!
MC: You hold control over whether or not humans have a successful transition into the afterlife!
He stares at me, expression unwavering, before he suddenly throws his head back and laughs.
MC: I’m serious! There’s nothing funny about this!
Atsushi: You have no idea, human, how wrong that statement is.
He wipes a tear from his eye, nodding.
Atsushi: Tell me you’re not resentful for having to be a part of the world that others get to live blissfully ignorant of.
Atsushi stands in front of me, uncomfortably close, and I try not to take notice of his ethereal features.
(He reminds me of a painting…)
(A stormy sea under a darkened sky, the sun clawing at the clouds to let it through.)
Atsushi: Going around talking to yourself… working with death every day. 
Atsushi: People probably think you’re crazy, right?
Atsushi: And all the while, you’re trapped on the outside looking in at a more peaceful world you can never be a part of.
His voice turns harsh.
Atsushi: Now tell me you don’t think the same feeling exists for my kind.
My breath catches in my throat.
(How did he know?)
MC: You’re right. I do feel like that sometimes. But I’ve had no choice but to accept that this is my life.
MC: Besides… if it means I can help others somehow in their final moments…
I close my eyes and push back my memories.
MC: You’re not here to take my soul, and death doesn’t scare me.
Atsushi: Your confidence is astoundingly unwarranted…
MC: I’ve danced with death once before, so I know what it’s like… Call it unwarranted all you like.
MC: I also know your reports, and I really do think you take care in your work.
MC: I empathize with anyone, Shinigami or human, who wishes they didn’t have to follow this path.
MC: I don’t claim to know what those above had in mind when the worlds were built this way… 
MC: But I’m sure there are reasons for it that we’ll never know.
Atsushi: How naive of you to make such a creator out to be benevolent.
I frown, speaking slowly as I collect my thoughts.
MC: Maybe. But I’m grateful that I was given a second chance. Many others aren’t…
We stand there for a moment in silence, not taking our eyes off one another.
Atsushi: I’ll hold you to those words when the actual time comes for me to collect your soul.
MC: Who says it’ll be you?
Atsushi: I do.
The certainty and confidence in his voice causes my breath to hitch.
Atsushi: Congratulations, MC. You’ve caught my attention.
(He’s an enigma.)
(A Shinigami who smiles as if he has no care in the world-)
(Yet it’s so clear to me that he’s in pain.)
Riku’s Premium Option, “Ask Riku what he has in mind.”
MC: Go on then.
MC: Tell me how you could help based on your theoretical needs and human experience you think I lack.
Riku: I know you don’t have experience in this area, little wisp.
MC: I mean it without involving… 
I look away and feel heat rising to my cheeks.
MC: You know…
Riku: Ah. That’s it then.  I’m out of ideas.
MC: You really have a one-track mind.
Riku: Think what you will.
He shrugs.
MC: That’s not an answer.
Riku: You didn’t ask me a question.
I huff.
MC: Do you really not care about whose heart you’re leading on and possibly breaking?
Riku: I don’t have an interest in breaking hearts.
Riku: And leading them on? That would be on them, not me.
Riku: I’m always transparent from the beginning.
Riku: You see, little wisp, not all humans are looking for love, and that’s OK.
MC: That sounds… lonely.
Riku: For you, maybe—for others, not so much.
Riku: Life is short. Live it as best as you can! Besides…
Riku: Why not humor the irony of it all?
Riku: Humans and Shinigami could never end up together anyway, despite being forced into the same vicinity.
Riku: But it is fascinating…
He nods, sinfully biting his lip and chuckling to himself.
Riku: You humans spend all your time cowering in the shadows, either avoiding us at all costs or admiring us from afar.
Riku: And you see—that last part gets me.
He leans in forward, almost whispering.
Riku: What could be so attractive about death?
Riku: We’re not sirens but some of you are drawn to us anyway.
His voice is smooth like silk, becoming one with the air that silently moves between us.
Riku: So, tell me, you neither run from us nor toward us… What do you want?
I stand there silent, trying to understand what he sees in me that I don’t.
Riku: And this.
He takes a step back but keeps his eyes pinned on me.
Riku: This is what irritates me. You obviously want something but never take the time to figure it out.
I shake my head as if coming out of a strange trance.
MC: What does it matter to you what I want? We’ve only just met.
He shrugs.
Riku: Maybe we should figure it out together, hmm? That’s how I’ll help you.
Riku: I’ll just have to think of more vanilla ways, nothing that this brain can’t do.
MC: I may agree if you promise not to treat me like one of your flings.
Riku: You don’t have to worry about that.
I’m not sure whether to be relieved or offended.
He straightens his shoulders and rolls his neck, sighing pleasantly as it pops.
Riku: Now, I usually don’t care about being late for meetings, but I can’t be bothered to listen to Setsuna’s nagging tonight.
Riku: I’m sure we’ll meet again soon.
MC: I’m heading this direction anyway, so let’s part here. It’ll be awkward otherwise.
Riku: Isn’t ‘awkward’ the human experience?
(What exactly does he think the ‘human experience’ entails?)
Episode 3
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Move closer to Setsuna.”
His unlikely invitation has me hesitating.
MC: Is this a test?
Setsuna: Three…
Setsuna: Two…
MC: Wait!
Before he can finish his countdown, I quickly scuttle to his side.
A huff of laughter leaves him, and I stare straight ahead, unable to meet his eyes.
MC: Thank you…
I’m hyperaware of our proximity as I catch the leathery fragrance of his cologne.
Setsuna: If this is how you like to spend your free time, you must’ve gotten sick often. No wonder your parents were against it.
MC: Lucky for you, I don’t catch colds easily. You’ll be seeing me tomorrow, don’t worry.
I’m finally feeling warm, but I’m unsure if that’s because of his jacket or the blush blooming on my cheeks.
Setsuna: Is that so? You could almost convince me that you’re superhuman.
(Ah. So he does have a sense of humor… It’s just the dry kind.)
MC: Would that make you less offended by my presence?
Setsuna: No. I’m still going to do everything in my power to get you off this task force.
MC: I just don't get it. You don’t know me well enough to make the judgments you do.
When I look up, he’s staring down at me through his silver lashes, and I have to steady my gaze.
Setsuna: Do I have to? It’s quite simple. You don’t belong here.
MC: It’s not all my doing. I was practically dragged here by the agency on Coming Of Age day.
Setsuna: Why didn’t you run?
His chest rises as his body tenses.
Setsuna: Forget it.
Setsuna: It’s none of my business how you can stand here without a shred of fear, next to the thing that will end you.
The callousness of his words no longer hurts me.
(This sounds personal.)
MC: Then why comment on it like it is?
Setsuna: Don’t be mistaken. The human psyche is of no interest to me.
MC: But it sounds like you’re intimidated by human fragility.
His jaw clenches as he looks away.
Setsuna: It’s indisputable that your lives aren’t even a grain of sand on the timeline of the universe.
I pinch the lapel of his jacket to keep it from falling.
MC: Even if that’s true, you can’t deny we’ve left our mark on that same timeline.
Setsuna: You don’t seem to understand.
He turns his body to mine, and I feel an unexpected sense of tension between us.
MC: You’re not making it easy to.
Setsuna: I know.
His gaze dances across my features before dropping to the ground, causing a familiar tug on my chest.
Setsuna: It looks like the rain has finally settled. Take the coat with you, especially if you want to convince me that you don’t get sick.
He slips his jacket off, and I soon find myself holding it close to my chest, oddly calmed by the lingering scent of him.
As he walks away, I’m left searching for an explanation behind the interaction we just had.
(The way he communicates is so calculated that I don’t even know if we’re having the same conversation.)
(I want to know what he’s holding back.)
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Explore with Atsushi.”
(I know he’s only saying that to get me to go with him, but…)
Truth be told, the idea of staying here alone creeps me out.
MC: Alright, I’ll go with you, but no games.
Atsushi: Aw… But that’s half the fun… 
MC: Do you not have any hobbies?
He freezes, puzzled.
Atsushi: What a mundanely human thing to ask. Dearest mortal… 
With one swift motion, the tip of his scythe lands a hair’s width from my chest.
Atsushi: My hobby is you.
I don’t dare breathe.
Spinning on his feet, his coat sways with the evening breeze as if beckoning me to follow.
Atsushi: Come on then.
(Any sane person would run. Why is it that I don’t?)
Atsushi: I hate to admit it but I’m impressed.
Atsushi: You’re inhumanely calm despite this whole situation. I could almost mistake you for being one of us.
Atsushi: But I suppose we’ll have to see what the rest of the night brings.
MC: It’d be nice to understand why you speak to me like this… I don’t think you’re doing it to upset me.
Atsushi: I just have a point to prove. That’s all.
MC: If I’m dead, it’ll prove nothing, and you’ll just be left.
I throw the back of my hand to my forehead like a damsel in distress.
MC: Unsatisfied.
He smirks and laughs to himself.
Atsushi: Your sense of humor is just as twisted as mine. I’m not sure how I feel about that.
Atsushi: Tell me—how can you be so indifferent?
Atsushi: Your acting is so good. It’s almost convincing…
MC: I’m just numb to it all. It’s only complicated when people make me think about it.
Atsushi: So you don’t want to. Think about it, I mean.
MC: I can’t. There’s a wall there when I try.
Atsushi: Ah, so there is a mask… You just can’t remove it yourself.
MC: Isn’t there a saying that if you wear a mask for too long, it becomes one with you?
Atsushi: I think you’re right. We can’t both be right though.
MC: Why not?
Atsushi: It’s not that fun that way, is it?
MC: We need to get you out more so you can learn what ‘fun’ actually means.
MC: Although, according to Riku, I’m no fun either.
Atsushi: Oh, but you very much are.
He stops and turns his head to me, tilting his head with an all-too-alluring smile.
Atsushi: You have thirty days to prove which one of us is right. I’m going to enjoy it~
MC: Not everything has to be a game, you know.
Atsushi: Ah, but it makes existing bearable.
He looks to the sky and takes a deep breath.
Atsushi: You’re quite good with handling Shinigami, aren’t you?
MC: I know more Shinigami than I do humans…
Atsushi: And yet, you’re still human. You must be so lonely.
MC: Are you?
His smile widens as he closes his eyes and pauses.
Then, without responding, he skips away.
(Neither of us answered…)
Episode 4
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Tend to Setsuna.”
Without looking up, Setsuna points to his left.
Setsuna: You’re both headed that way. Same train, right?
Riku: Lucky for me, yes.
MC: Um… Riku, can you go on ahead?
Riku: Huh?
MC: I’m going to stay back with Setsuna for a moment.
Both Riku and Setsuna raise a brow in unison.
Riku: I guess it’s best not to ask.
Riku: Don’t worry, little wisp… I’ll be sure to get the details tomorrow.
He grins and waves before heading off.
Setsuna: I don’t understand. What could you possibly—
I take my handkerchief from my bag and reach out to dab the blood from his cheek…
But before I can, he grabs my hand to stop me.
My breath hitches.
Setsuna: Don’t.
His voice breaks on the word, causing my chest to ache.
MC: But you’re bleeding…
When he swallows and looks away, I can’t help but feel like I'm missing something.
Setsuna: It’ll heal on its own.
MC: Are you sure? You acted like this hadn’t happened before.
Setsuna: Our biology is different.
Setsuna: You’ve let your guard down. You treat us as if we’re the same, but that’s a lie.
Setsuna: I’m a Shinigami. You’re a Human. You’re a fool to think that we’re at all similar.
(He says that but… I can feel the warmth of his hand through his leather glove.)
(The streetlights reflect in his eyes when he gazes at me…)
(And the blood smeared on his cheek is as red as mine.)
(Seems similar enough to me.)
MC: Well, guess I’m a fool then.
Setsuna: What?
MC: I have twenty-nine days left.
Setsuna: I told you to stop talking ab—
MC: Why? Does it upset you?
MC: Are you angry that you’ll have to bear witness to it?
MC: Is that the real reason you want me off Task Force Mors?
(I don’t actually know what’s bothering him, but I’m trying to understand.)
MC: Do you feel too human? I think Atsushi feels that way too… and Riku clearly thrives off it.
Setsuna’s mouth tightens to a thin line.
MC: The only difference between us is our circumstances.
MC: If my final days are with the three of you, then I want to make something meaningful out of it.
MC: Even if it means I have to pretend that we’re friends.
MC: So humour me. Even if you have to pretend as well, that’s enough for me.
Setsuna: It sounds like your confidence is faltering. Did the ghost from earlier throw you off that badly? 
His eyes flicker to our hands, and he gently lets go.
MC: It felt lonely. I think it scared me.
He inhales deeply and looks away.
Setsuna: Why are you telling me this?
MC: I don’t know. I guess because I thought you’d listen.
Setsuna: Well, you’re mistaken.
His words hurt for some reason, and I find myself getting frustrated.
When I reach up to try to clean his wound again, he freezes beneath my touch again.
MC: Having a heart isn’t the worst thing in the world, you know. You should try it.
I gently wipe away the blood before dropping my hand.
Setsuna: I did once.
His eyes shift to mine.
Setsuna: And I regretted it.
I can’t say anything.
Instead, the summer breeze fills the silence as I wonder what hurt him enough to ruin his humanity.
(Humanity? Yes… I’m starting to think they have it as well.)
Riku’s Premium Option, “Share my feelings with Riku.”
I steady my wildly pounding heart.
MC: What?
Riku: You heard me.
His proximity  is making it difficult for me to think clearly.
Riku: You and Setsuna are frustratingly similar.
Riku: He also refuses to talk about anything that bothers him. He just keeps it all locked inside…
Riku: But I can’t let you do that because I’ve seen what it’s done to him.
His eyes dart between my own.
MC: You know well as I do that Setsuna won’t react kindly to my tardiness.
Riku: I don’t care. This is more important.
Riku: Even though I did think you looked pretty cool the other day when you told him off—
Riku: It became clear you’re the stubborn type that hides behind a straight-laced persona.
Riku: And I don’t think it’s fair for you to suffer alone.
Riku: You’ve had the shock of your life, and no one here gets it. It must be such a burden on you.
(Now that I think about it, he’s always been the one asking if I’m OK.)
MC: Riku…
(And I don’t know how to handle it because it’s nothing I’ve ever experienced.)
(I really appreciate this side of him…)
MC: I’m alright.
He bows his head in defeat.
MC: Hang on, let me finish!
MC: It’s not that I’m hiding my feelings. It’s just… I can’t.
MC: I can’t show that side of me.
Riku: Why not?
His expression is gentle—a mix of curiosity and patience.
(I can’t believe I’m admitting this…)
MC: It’s a side of me I don’t like.
Riku: I see…
Riku: Is there a chance you’re just afraid of it?
I tuck my hair behind my ears and look away.
MC: That’s likely a part of it, but I don’t think I’m ready to look any deeper than that right now…
MC: And that’s not because I don’t trust you.
Riku: If you’re not ready, that’s fine.
Riku: I just wanted you to know that it’s OK to feel these very normal emotional responses.
(Sometimes I feel like he understands me more than I do.)
MC: Is there a reason you’re so in sync with us? Humans, I mean…
His eyes dart away for a moment.
Riku: No, I’m just surrounded by you guys all day, every day.
(He hesitated…)
Finally, he takes a step back and I feel a pang of loss.
Riku: Anyway, little wisp, I guess I should let you go.
Riku: Don’t get caught up in Setsuna’s bull.
Riku: You shouldn’t take it too seriously.
Riku: Especially when you’re…
His words trail off as he looks at the ground.
In a sudden shift that catches me off my guard, he throws a hand on my shoulder and smiles.
Riku: Forget that. Good luck with Setsuna.
(He’s forcing his smile.)
(I don’t like seeing him conflicted like this.)
MC: Wait! Riku, why’d you—
He spins me around and gives me a push to Setsuna’s office.
I try to stand my ground but end up tripping over my own feet.
MC: You’re going to make me—
Before I completely lose my balance, his arms wrap around my waist from behind.
MC: F-fall…
Episode 5
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Get food with Setsuna.”
I don’t want to pass up a chance to spend more time with him.
MC: OK. Did you have something in mind?
I hold back a smile.
Setsuna: Shinsaibashi is close. Follow me.
The streets are busy as usual, but that just means I stand out less.
MC: Superiors usually pay for their subordinates, right?
Setsuna: Not if you ask so directly. Besides, didn’t you just have a go at me?
I bite my lip.
MC: Didn’t you do the same back?
There’s no real bite to my words. Most of my frustration from earlier is gone.
Setsuna: Don’t tell me you’re expecting an apology.
MC: Yes, in the form of food.
Setsuna: And your apology to me?
MC: I’ll stop bothering you after today and focus on my work.
Setsuna: … Do you mean that?
I’m confused by his frown.
MC: I think we get on each other’s nerves easily, and…
MC: I don’t want there to be friction between us in my final days.
MC: Besides, I think I like you more than you like me.
Setsuna: What?
His face betrays shock and I point a finger at his chest.
MC: Not like that.
I walk on ahead.
MC: What kind of food do you eat at home?
Setsuna: Probably the same things as you.
MC: Really? So we are similar, at least in that regard.
Setsuna: Ah, but you’re missing out on flavors that no human can detect.
MC: Of course you have special taste buds…
I run-up to a stand to order and soon return to Setsuna with a steaming plate of food.
MC: The okonomiyaki from this shop is the best…
Setsuna: I’m sure it is.
MC: Take a bite. This is your apology.
I cut off a piece with my chopsticks and bring it to his mouth where he hesitates.
After I narrow my eyes, he leans in and eats it.
(He’s… smiling?)
Setsuna: Riku’s not wrong about human street food.
MC: You think so?
I reach out and pinch his cheek to make his smile wider.
Surprisingly, he lets me.
Setsuna: I thought you were going to leave me alone after this.
His tone is exasperated, but his lips twitch with a playful smirk.
I can’t explain why.
Maybe because it’s because of the extreme emotions  I felt earlier or the relief I feel now…
But I’m suddenly laughing.
Setsuna: Are you well?
When I look at him, his confusion only grows.
MC: Your smile…
He huffs and crosses his arms.
MC: There’s nothing wrong with it! I just haven’t seen it before.
Setsuna: People are staring at you.
MC: That’s fine.
MC: It feels nice… This feels nice.
Meeting his gaze, I realize that there’s something about his eyes that I enjoy.
(It’s like a foreign yet familiar comfort…)
Setsuna: Continue then. Keep laughing, MC.
(Sorry, Setsuna, but I don’t think I can bear to leave you alone after all.)
(Being with you feels too nice.)
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Climb up with Atsushi.”
MC: I imagine the view is great, but how are you expecting me to get up there?
He rolls on his back and tilts his head over the edge, watching me upside down.
Atsushi: Oh, I think the view is better down there~
MC: Very funny.
I purse my lips, hoping he can’t see what his comment did to my cheeks.
(His wicked smile isn’t helping…)
Atsushi: Alright. Let’s get you up here.
He flicks his chain over the edge and gestures for me to grab it.
Atsushi: Trust me—it’ll feel like gravity doesn’t exist.
MC: This is an accident waiting to happen.
But I grab onto the chain with both hands.
Atsushi: The only death that’s following you at this moment is me. Lucky you~
I settle down next to him and look out over the streets.
Atsushi: You should be proud of me. I was tempted to scare you.
MC: Well, I’m glad you didn’t.
I give him an awkward smirk as he stares ahead.
MC: It’s nice up here.
Atsushi: Right? I actually enjoy watching the organized chaos of your world.
Atsushi: I’m still waiting for something truly interesting to happen, though.
MC: So you can jump in to chat?
Atsushi: Why would I do that?
MC: Because, like me, I think that you yearn to find others that accept your quirks.
MC: I understand the resentment that comes with not being able to fit in.
For once, Atsushi doesn’t respond.
MC: When Ouka and I found each other, she helped me move past that.
MC: So it’s OK to wait for that ‘interesting’ to come along, just don’t let it consume you.
He suddenly bursts into laughter.
MC: H-Hey!
Atsushi: Ah, little human, you’re the most fun I’ve had in a long time.
Wiping a tear from his eye, he offers me his hand.
Atsushi: Come on. Let’s get you back inside before people start thinking I stole you away for good.
I take it, but I wasn’t quite ready to leave just yet.
Atsushi: What are you going to tell Saburo? He’s not especially forgiving, I’ve heard.
MC: That’s why rumors are just rumors. He’s actually rather kind and forgiving.
MC: I’ll just tell him you held me back. He wouldn’t be surprised, right?
Atsushi: Do let me know how that goes.
He reaches up and straightens the lapels of my uniform.
Atsushi: Lovely.
His hands stay where they are, and when he looks at me, I am suddenly aware of how close he is.
Atsushi: You really are beautiful, MC, and your unwavering confidence is starting to get to me. But…
His smile leaves his face, and I release the breath I was holding.
Atsushi: Your naivety is overwhelming.
Atsushi: I wonder if that will reflect how your soul looks… If so, I’m sure it’ll be beautiful.
MC: That’s…
Atsushi: Too bad that you’ll never know. Oh—
Atsushi: I heard Setsuna whisked you away for a reaping. How did it go?
Atsushi: Did you like how it exposes a human’s true self?
I look away, remembering what it was like to witness death.
Atsushi: Hmm… Fascinating.
Atsushi leans next to my ear, and the warmth of his breath makes me lightheaded.
Atsushi: Don’t worry. I’ll be kind to you. I’ll make sure it’s me~
MC: I-I trust you will.
Atsushi: Well, time to go.
Atsushi: But one last comment to stir up your mind—
Atsushi: I think I’ve found that ‘interesting’ thing.
He turns and waves a hand over his shoulder as I stand there, gripping my shirt to calm my racing heart.
Episode 6
Riku’s Premium Option, “Be honest with Riku.”
MC: I’ve never thought about it before…
My mouth twists in thought.
MC: I mean, I’ve never been in a position to…
MC: I’d imagine it’d be nice.
MC: How about you?
He scoffs.
Riku: Shinigami don’t feel such things. We’re not programmed that way.
MC: I don’t believe you. You’re telling me that no Shinigami has ever fallen in love?
Riku: Yep.
MC: Liar.
Riku: What’s there not to believe?
MC: You’ve just shown me that there isn’t much difference between humans and Shinigami.
MC: But I also know you’re not a massive fan of forming close relationships.
Riku: How long have you spent thinking about me to come to this conclusion?
I ignore his comment.
MC: You’re curious, but you don’t want to allow yourself to be vulnerable. That’s why you like to play around and—
Before I can finish speaking, Riku catches my fingers in his and abruptly leans over me.
Riku: Are you lecturing me about love when you’ve probably never even kissed someone?
He stares me down with a gaze so intense that my cheeks begin to flush with warmth.
MC: I-I was just expressing how I’ve begun to understand you…
Riku: So you have kissed someone.
His eyes drop to my mouth, and I try to hold myself together.
MC: Why are you so hung up about my love life? Especially when you avoid attachments…
Riku: I wonder.
MC: It shouldn’t matter to you whether I have or not… We’re not even together…
Riku: It matters if you haven’t. I’m not concerned if you have…
He trails off, tilting his head in thought.
Riku: As long as it's never with anybody else again.
MC: What’re you…
He pulls back, and it takes a moment to catch my breath as I sit up.
Riku: Well.
His smile is laced with mischief as he plucks a wild clover from the grass.
Riku: If you ever want to have fun before your time is up—I’m free.
Without thinking, I take the flower from his hand and stick it behind his ear.
MC: Yeah, yeah. Thanks, but I’m good.
MC: Especially when you don’t know what you wa—
Riku: I know what I want.
MC: Y-You do?
Riku: Are you jealous?
My laugh is overly dramatic.
MC: Absolutely not. I’m happy for you.
MC: Wait.
MC: Then what was that back there?! You can’t be playing these games when you—
I stop myself and shake my head with disappointment.
MC: Shameless. You’re shameless! I’m taking this back.
I reach to pluck the flower from his ear but he bats my hand away.
Riku: It’s mine now.
I try again, but he fends me off.
Riku: And that kiss—if you ever decide you want it, it has to come from me.
My hand falls to the grass as the breeze dances between us. 
And when he meets my eyes, I find myself wondering what it would be like to be held by him.
(Even if he is a pain in the neck sometimes, he brought me to his quiet place just to get my mind off things.)
MC: Riku… Thanks for sharing this with me.
MC: I think I understand why you come here now.
His soft smile sets my heart aflutter.
Riku: Don’t mention it, little wisp.
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Caress Atsushi’s cheek.”
I stroke his face gently, finding his skin smooth and soft between the stitches.
MC: You don’t have to do anything.
MC: Just know that I understand you.
MC: You may be a Shinigami, but it seems we have more in common than you think.
Atsushi stiffens imperceptibly, then huffs out a laugh.
Atsushi: Are you sure you’re human?
He pinches my cheek, and my hands fall away as I’m pulled out of whatever trance I fell into.
Atsushi: I know of many female demons…
MC: How could I possibly be one when I’m dying?
He lifts up my chin with his finger and moves it from side to side.
Atsushi: You could be possessed. Or doing the possessing.
MC: You know that’s not possible.
Atsushi: Do I?
Atsushi: Then explain how you’ve bewitched me.
I gasp as he leans in, his breath hot against my skin.
MC: You’ll have to answer that for yourself.
MC: Even if I want to, I don’t know if I can breach the world you live in…
Atsushi: So you think I’m crazy as well?
MC: I don’t think you’re crazy, I think you’re just lost.
He swallows, the reverie in his eyes replaced with awe.
MC: But not by choice…
Atsushi: You have no idea what you’re talking about.
MC: I do. Because I’m lost too.
MC: But it’s not either of our faults…
Atsushi: Are you suggesting that we’re two souls fated to be together even though I don’t have one?
Atsushi: How tragically beautiful and poetic… I should warn you, though.
He moves to rest his lips beside my ear.
MC: A-Atsu—
Then he whispers, each word sends a shiver through me.
Atsushi: If you continue to lure me in like this, it’ll be difficult for me to take your soul, and then you’ll be left as a ghost.
MC: How…
I take a moment to steady my breathing.
MC: How are you so confident that you’ll be the one taking it?
Atsushi: Because there’s no way I’d let anyone else touch you.
Atsushi: Only I can ferry you to the vault of souls. Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle~
MC: You’re not making sense…
MC: You find human souls worthless. What about mine that’s so enticing?
MC: If this is a game, it’s a strange one.
Atsushi: I like beautiful things, and your soul will be absolutely breathtaking.
Atsushi: A beacon for the shadow that stalks me…
His words are an enigma.
Atsushi: I’ll carry you with me wherever I go.
MC: And when I fade?
He backs away, changing his demeanor and flipping his hair as if nothing happened.
Atsushi: I haven’t thought that far ahead. Our journeys can be fun, though.
I can’t move from the wall. My heart is beating faster than the wings of a hummingbird.
Atsushi: Hmm? What’s this?
Atsushi innocently eyes me up and down before his lips curl up with satisfaction.
Atsushi: It’d be pointless to fall in love with me, MC~
Atsushi: One, your clock is running out… And two—
Atsushi: You’ll only hate me in the end.
He steps away and walks off, without a second glance, leaving me struggling to catch my breath against the wall.
Episode 7
Riku’s Premium Option, “Kiss Riku on the cheek.”
I rest my hands on his face, and do my best to match his height, rolling on my toes to kiss his cheek.
Admittedly, I have to jump a little.
His skin is soft and warm beneath my lips.
And when I pull back, the flush on his cheeks mirror my own.
Riku: MC, wh-what’re you—
MC: How’s that?
Without hesitation, I wrap my arms around his waist and embrace him, resting my head against his chest.
(His heart is racing…)
Riku: O-Oi!
He awkwardly squirms for a moment before placing a hand on my head.
We’re silent for a moment, but it’s a comfortable silence.
Riku: Careful now, little wisp.
Riku: A man could get the wrong idea.
The way he runs his fingers through my hair is gentle and soothing.
He doesn’t need to say anything else because I already know.
MC: I wish I had gotten to know you months ago.
(Maybe that’s the one regret I’ll hold on to.)
MC: If I wasn’t… on a time limit, do you think we’d have turned out like this?
Riku: Is that what you would’ve wanted?
I nod into his chest.
MC: I can imagine you pulling me into adventures with all sorts of consequences.
MC: And secretly, I’d enjoy every moment.
Riku: A Shinigami and a human? Unconventional, but we’d find a way to make it work.
Riku: I’d take you to my realm  for a quick tour, maybe drag you to a festival with spirits dancing around all night long.
MC: So illegal.
Riku: Yet so fun. I’d protect you.
Riku: You know… I’ve never been against bonding with humans.
I can’t help but snicker.
MC: Clearly.
Riku: Hey. I’m being serious.
I’m surprised when he playfully tugs on my ear.
Riku: But I think beneath it all is the fear that it will come to an end eventually.
Riku: You guys don’t live as long as we do, and it’s not easy to…
His voice breaks right as he pauses.
Riku: … to say goodbye. Which is why—
Resting hands on my shoulder, he pulls back and brushes my hair out of my face.
Riku: Sucks.
Riku: But I made the decision a while back to see this through with you.
(Is he saying he’s going to be lonely when I’m gone?)
(That he’s going to miss me?)
Tears begin to blur my vision.
MC: I-I’m sorry… 
Riku: Wh-Why’re you apologizing?!
Gently yet awkwardly, he tries to brush away my falling tears.
MC: B-Because I don’t want you to mourn for me…
His breath hitches.
Riku: I mean…
He sighs, unable to find the words.
Riku: That’s how it is, little wisp. But let’s not think about it now, hmm?
Cupping my face, he delicately wipes away the last few tears.
Riku: I want you to live in the moment. Got it?
Riku: This time we get to spend together is worth it.
I nod, leaning into his touch.
(I don’t want to say goodbye.)
With a sigh, I lead us back to the station.
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Lean into Setsuna’s touch.”
I’m drawn to Setsuna even though there’s no proper explanation for it.
(Being with him feels like running towards the finish line that keeps getting further and further away.)
(But the sparks that fly between us makes me feel truly alive.)
I lean in as his fingers brush against the edge of my mouth.
Setsuna: Stay still.
His fixated gaze is too much for my already racing heart.
(This is a joke… right? Setsuna would never touch me like this…)
Crumbs from my earlier treat fall onto my skirt and I’m dragged back to reality.
His thumb lingers on my lips.
Setsuna: You’re still so childish.
There’s a tender smile between those words which throws me off.
I reach into my bag and pull out a handkerchief to wipe my face.
MC: Why didn’t you say something?!
Setsuna: I didn’t care. Why are you embarrassed?
MC: I-I’m not.
All I want to do is yell at myself for thinking such silly things.
Setsuna: Your cheeks are saying otherwise.
Unlike Riku, he isn’t flirting. He’s just speaking facts.
MC: You’re not really sparing me, are you…
MC: Do you guys not blush? It’s quite a normal thing to do…
Setsuna: No, we do. I just don’t understand why you’re doing it.
I open my mouth to retort but then I catch his smirk.
(Is he actually teasing me?)
MC: Hey!
I sigh and shake my head.
MC: I am surprised though…
Setsuna: About?
MC: You touching me… You usually keep your distance.
I rest my chin against my knees and find a ladybug in the grass to focus my gaze on.
Setsuna: Oh. That’s…
When he doesn’t continue, I finally turn to him and see him frowning into space.
Setsuna: Your presence is becoming a part of my everyday life.
Pinching the bridge of his nose, he lets his head fall back against the trunk.
Setsuna: And with each day that passes, I lose my ability to—
He cuts himself off, and I’m taken aback by the animosity in his voice.
But this time, it seems reflected inward.
Setsuna: Nevermind. Forget I said anything.
(You lost your ability to do what, Setsuna?)
MC: Does my presence really bother you that much?
Finally, he meets my eyes, and his piercing stare takes my breath away.
Setsuna: I never minded your presence. If anything, the opposite is true, and that’s the problem.
I lean closer, and tilt my head as if that will help me understand him. 
MC: I don’t get you Setsuna.
Setsuna: I know. It’s best like this. 
Setsuna: Just know you’ve done nothing wrong. This is my burden to bear.
I have so many questions, but without having said much, Setsuna has said a lot.
MC: Why are you afraid of being open with me?
MC: Is it because of your family? Your position?
Once again, his eyes tell a story that I can’t understand.
Setsuna: We have a train to catch, MC.
(In a way… This feels like the most he’s ever told me.)
I’m achingly desperate to know him.
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Shinigami Soul Agency Season 2 (Part 1)
Episode 2
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Ask Atsushi to sleep with me.”
MC: Your silence…
I close my eyes for a moment.
MC: Why?
MC: Why’re you not…
Atsushi: What? Pestering you?
He laughs.
Atsushi: Because my overwhelming admiration for you isn’t what you need at this moment.
MC: But what if it is?
His lips part, eyes widening as his hands fall away from his face.
MC: I don’t know if it’ll take my nightmares away, but I know I’ll feel safer with you next to me.
I make space for him on the sofa, and he warily makes his way to me.
Atsushi: Safer with me?
Atsushi: Just how many sleepless nights have you suffered through?
MC: More than I can count… but it’s only become bearable recently.
Atsushi: What do you need from me?
MC: You. Just as you are.
There’s doubt in his expression, but he kneels next to me and brushes my hair aside.
The motion lulls me to a place of tranquility.
Atsushi: I don’t deserve these words coming from you.
MC: Then I don’t deserve your forgiveness from that day.
Atsushi: You don’t understand…
There’s hesitation with each stroke, as if I’m something delicate, something fragile.
Atsushi: How can something broken mend perfection?
MC: I’m not perfect, Atsushi. Besides—
MC: You forget that two broken things, when put together, can become whole again.
With each gentle stroke, I fall further into that strange place between consciousness and darkness.
MC: And together, those broken pieces are more beautiful than they were before.
Sleep catches up to me. My speech slows.
MC: Its cracks radiant with a gold that’s a match for even the brightest of souls.
I groggily gesture once again to the space I’ve made for him and see a smile between each heavy blink.
Atsushi: If that is what you wish. 
His fingers follow along my jawline and trace my lips.
Atsushi: I’ll fill your thoughts with me, and only me, until your demons are so revolted by my presence that they run.
With a finger, he motions for me to turn around, which I do.
Atsushi shifts himself onto the sofa to lie beside me, and we fit together like two imperfect pieces.
He stretches an arm across my chest while my head uses his other as a pillow, and I sigh into his embrace.
Atsushi: Demons will run when they see whose queen you are.
I gasp as his unusually hungry kiss brushes the skin below my ear and causes a gentle flutter of butterflies in my stomach.
His lips are like silk, his breath warm.
MC: Atsushi…
Atsushi: They’ll run when they hear that an all-powerful woman made even Death beg with mercy while on its knees.
I entwine my fingers with his and bring our hands to my heart.
Atsushi: So sleep, my queen.
His voice is alluring, and it’s enough to make me believe that the monsters in my nightmares will never reach me.
Atsushi brushes another kiss against the nape of my neck.
Atsushi: I’ll be here when you wake.
Riku’s Premium Option, “Take a walk with Riku.”
MC: Sure, a break would be nice right about now.
Riku lights up and sticks his tongue out as Atsushi glances between us.
Atsushi: Go, but don’t be late.
He glares up at Riku through his lashes.
Atsushi: I know where you live.
In the shop, we don’t speak, and I rely on Riku to point at the snacks he wants.
It’s an unwanted reminder of what it means to be with a Shinigami that can’t—shouldn’t—interact with this world.
After we’re done, we quietly start the journey back to my place.
Riku: We’ve been walking for a while and you haven’t said a word.
Riku: This isn’t exactly what I had in mind.
I nod and look down at our clasped hands with a sigh.
MC: Earlier in the shop, I didn’t like that nobody knew that you were there…
MC: I know I should be used to it, but… you don’t exist in their eyes.
MC: And I know it shouldn’t matter—
Riku: But it does.
Riku: I get it.
We pass a small neighborhood park, and Riku immediately grinds to a stop. 
Riku: Hey, let’s take a break here for a while.
MC: You want to swing?
He leads me to the swing set and gives me a solid push.
Riku: I hate it that I can’t be a normal boyfriend to you, MC, but…
He slips into the swingset next to me with a content sigh.
Riku: I almost lost you. So I’m happy, even like this.
MC: Am I selfish? Despite knowing the harm it may cause, I don’t want to stay away from you…
His perfectly sculpted lips turn up into a tender smile.
Riku: I want you to be selfish.
Riku: Anything you want, you deserve to have.
I shift my weight until the swing falls into a constant pattern, and Riku follows suit.
Riku: I want you to live without a care in the world.
My head falls backward, and my hair catches with the evening breeze.
Riku: Exactly… like this.
I close my eyes and take in the moment.
Riku always has a way of making me feel better.
MC: You’re always so easygoing, and I love that about you…
MC: But surely there are things even you worry about.
Riku: Sure, of course. Like your wellbeing.
When I open my eyes again, for a moment, I imagine the sky above me is from their realm.
Riku: Your happiness.
MC: But what about you?
Riku: Our happiness.
He gives me a soft smile.
MC: We should get back… but first—
MC: We’re going to see who can jump the farthest.
Riku: You serious?
Riku: That’ll definitely be me.
MC: We’ll see.
MC: Three… Two…
MC: One!
I’m ready for gravity to pull me down, but I don’t expect it to be so harsh.
My feet meet the ground, but my knees betray me and send me crashing into the dirt.
Riku: MC!
I roll my back to find Riku hovering worriedly over me.
I expect to feel pain, but instead, I’m laughing into the cool night air.
Concerned Passerby: Ma’am? Are you alright?
It’s too much to explain, especially when my laughter doesn’t make space for words.
Concerned Passerby: Um… I’ll just be going…
Riku: She’s gone. Oh man, you should’ve seen the look she gave you.
MC: Good.
I rest my hands against his chest.
MC: I don’t care.
With bewildered amusement, he drops his forehead against mine and places a single giddy kiss on my lips.
Episode 3
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Capture him by the tie.”
I don’t say anything and stop him by grabbing his tie.
Heat flares throughout my body as he meets my gaze with narrowed eyes.
MC: You can’t leave your office like this when everyone knows I was the last one in here.
I work on redoing the knot, not making eye contact and trying not to get distracted by his exposed collarbone.
Setsuna: And what if someone were to walk in right now? You don’t think this would look more suspicious? 
My hands freeze around his tie when he lowers his voice and places a hand over mine.
I try to brush his fingers aside, but he's unwavering. 
Setsuna: How often do you think I’ve had to tie this foolish thing in my lifetime?
Annoyance and a hint of amusement lace his words.
MC: I don’t doubt your abilities…
Setsuna: … But?
(I’ve been caught.)
MC: You’re right—I wanted to do this.
His hand falls from mine as I attempt to stay composed in my flustered state.
MC: I wanted an excuse to be close to you. So let me fin—
Setsuna: Do you really think I would’ve walked out of this office in such a state?
My heart is drumming as he dips his head to where I can feel the warmth of his breath.
(He left it like this on purpose, assuming I would…)
Setsuna: Every part of my being wants to lock that door, cancel all my meetings, and savor those not-so-accidental skin touches across my skin…
Setsuna: While you struggle to fix my tie.
He softly pinches my chin, making me look at him.
Rarely do I get a glimpse of a hunger as fierce as this in his eyes.
Setsuna: And I…
He steps forward, locking me in place against his bookshelf with his knee.
Setsuna: Will get so impatient—especially when I discover that you have absolutely no idea how to tie one…
Setsuna: That perhaps I’ll just decide to use it on you instead.
He leans his head down toward my lips.
A whimpered sigh escapes me, and he freezes up.
I immediately regret the sound with all my being.
Setsuna: Damn it.
He pulls away, backing into his desk and gripping its edges while I struggle to keep my balance.
Setsuna: My apologies.
Setsuna: I won’t let that happen again.
I can’t even oppose his statement, knowing the implications of what just happened.
Setsuna finishes knotting his tie and clipping it to his shirt before pacing to the door and pausing.
Riku’s Premium Option, “Play into his jealousy.”
MC: If this is something you’re so concerned about…
I look up at him without raising my chin.
MC: Then why don’t you take me to your world?
Riku: MC…
His eyes fall to my lips.
MC: We’ve seen a lot of mine together already, yet you’re not interested in showing me yours.
Riku: You want me to take you to a place that’s just dying to blow out your candle?
MC: Why not? Or would you rather Setsuna have all the fun?
His cheeks turn into an angry shade of red.
Riku: Look.
The focus it’s taking him to finish up with his point before giving in to me  is obvious.
Riku: Technically, I’m taking you there now. But whatever Setsuna showed you isn’t the realm you’ll know for the next two weeks.
Riku: You’re a beacon the moment you step into that place. If something were happen to you—
He tenses up.
MC: Don’t worry, I know you’ll protect me…
My fingers find the edge of his jacket and pull him closer to me.
An almost intoxicated-sounding giggle bubbles up from my throat.
Riku: Shh…
He pulls me around to the side of the vending machine that faces into a darkened alleyway.
MC: I thought you didn’t care about what others thought.
The heat from his body pinned up against mine makes it hard for me to remember how to speak.
Riku: I’d rather you not catch the attention of the midnight randos.
MC: You’ve appeared before.
MC: You could… do it again?
His eyes keep dropping to my lips, and I tease him by wetting them with my tongue.
Riku: Here?
He cocks his head.
Riku: Now?
His impish grin sends my heart racing, and out of nowhere, the machine releases a drink.
MC: Also, what about this vending machine—
My banter is silenced as his lips crash into mine with ravenous desire, and I gasp from the weight of his body pressing against me.
Riku: You’re going to have to be quieter than that if you don’t want to get caught, MC.
I can feel his smile as he teases me, lips barely grazing against mine.
MC: Then you should have waited until we were on the other side. 
Riku: Ah, yes…
Riku: So we can piss them off even more through PDA.
Riku: I like it.
His hungry kisses trail down my neck as his fingers creep down my neck as his fingers creep to the buttons of my blouse, and the sound of my own moan pulls me back to reality.
MC: Riku.
I place my hands on his cheeks and pull his face back in front of me.
(Squishing his cheeks like this makes him look pouty, and I want to melt from the unexpected cuteness.)
Riku: Got it.
His hands slide back down to my sides.
Riku: I guess the last thing you want to be known as is a woman that influenced a new horror movie.
I bite back laughter at the thought.
MC: ‘Found in an alleyway levitating in bliss as if seduced by the devil himself.’
Riku: That good, huh?
He takes my hand, and we leave behind the unassuming vending machine.
Riku: Be sure to tell that to Setsuna if he ever makes another move.
(I don’t want to make Riku too jealous… That wouldn’t be healthy…)
(But I can’t deny that it’s fun to rile him up sometimes.)
Episode 4
Riku’s Premium Option, “Call Riku to help undress me.”
I awkwardly crack the door open and whisper loudly for Riku.
He soon appears at the door.
Riku: What’re you… Why’re you whispering?
MC: Can you help me? I have no idea what I’m doing.
Riku: Sure.
I feel guilty when he walks in and finds all the clothes he put away for me on my bed.
MC: I’m not familiar with the Shinigami standard—especially for your European counterparts.
Riku: To be fair, you’re asking the wrong guy, but I know what Setsuna asked me to get should be generally safe.
He intently examines the pile and then chooses a blazer with pointed shoulder pads.
One side crosses over the chest and snaps into place along an epaulet.
Riku: Something simple underneath will work just as fine.
MC: Perfect.
I grab the piece from him and pull the oversized shirt over my head.
Riku: MC—
I freeze, the shirt blocking my vision, and realize what’s just happened.
I quickly put the shirt back on and find Riku already at the door, about to give me space.
Riku: You love getting me into undressing scenarios with you, huh?
He laughs to himself.
Riku: Did you forget that ultimately, despite being a Shinigami, I am a man?
Riku: Come outside when you’re ready and I’ll have a look.
MC: I haven’t forgotten…
Admitting this, heat ignites across my skin.
MC: I… don’t mind seeing you like this.
A moment of silence passes between us.
Riku: Shit.
He releases the handle, and his forehead falls against the door.
Riku: I see.
Riku: So then…
His unusually low voice breaks before he ambles over to me, taking the blazer from my hands and throwing back to the pile.
Riku: You wouldn’t mind if I helped you with this?
My fingers fall to the edge of my t-shirt, and he carefully begins lifting it off of me.
MC: No.
The word is barely a whisper as I shudder from a mixture of the cool air and desire.
The shirt falls to the floor, exposing a part of me that feels less vulnerable than me sharing the innermost, grim corridors of my mind.
Riku: Or this?
His fingers trace along my collarbone, down my sides, and to my waist, where he playfully snaps the elastic pulled taunt across my hips.
MC: N-No…
Riku: Setsuna’s outside, you know…
Riku: I’m very tempted to see how well you can hold back any noise.
His hands slide up to wrap my arms around his neck, and he pulls me flush against him before resting his hands along my waist once more.
Riku: But I’d rather not chance it… I want to keep those sweet cries to myself.
A kiss hovers over my lips—
But it never happens.
Riku: Now, little wisp, you should change before I go crazy over everything I can’t do to you at this very moment.
MC: … That’s probably the best choice…
I lean in without thinking, aching to meet his lips, but he’s better than I am and pulls away.
Riku: Now to leave the room and act like nothing happened.
He runs a hand through his hand with a sound of frustration before leaving, and I collapse into the bed.
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Go to Setsuna’s room.”
I stand in front of the door, hesitating to knock in case I wake him up.
My concerns are answered, however, when I see a glimpse of light barely escaping through the bottom of the door.
MC: Setsuna?
I don’t hear a response.
I bite my tongue, and turn to retreat, accepting that I won’t get to see him tonight.
(I shouldn’t be putting him in this situation to begin with.)
(If his family were to find out somehow…)
Setsuna: Hold on…
I’m surprised to hear his soft response as he unlocks the door and opens it.
Setsuna: Is everything okay?
I nod and sheepishly look away.
(Just as I was about to make the wise decision to leave…)
MC: May I come in?
(Is that really it, MC?)
I shake my head at myself, but I still can’t meet his gaze.
MC: M-May I sleep here… tonight… with you…?
His eyes widen, lips parting in surprise.
Then he takes a deep breath.
Setsuna: Of course.
He opens the door for me, and when I enter, I recognise the same style of shirt I woke up wearing this morning, sitting on his dresser.
(So it was his…)
Setsuna: Is this because of your dreams? I didn’t mean to invalidate you earlier.
MC: Partially, but also because I know this is one of those fleeting moments I’m not sure will ever come again.
MC: And… it’s fine.
MC: I don’t think I’m willing to talk about them, seeing as I don’t fully understand them.
I sit on the edge of his bed as he tenderly covers my shoulders with an extra throw before sitting beside me.
Setsuna: I’m afraid, MC.
His voice shakes with his admission.
Setsuna: Riku’s right.
Setsuna: I want you by my side so I can protect you, but I equally want you to run far away to protect yourself from me—from my family.
Setsuna: Lately, I’ve felt powerless against circumstance, no matter how it may seem. All I can do now is try to gain more influence—
MC: Stop.
I place a finger over his mouth.
(I think I know about this side of him for a while.)
(A self-destructive love that will allow himself to burn to protect the ones closest to him.)
MC: Do you feel this, this proof that I am living?
I take his hand and place it over my heart.
I lower my voice to a whisper.
MC: Can you hear it? How it’s racing for you even though it shouldn’t be in this realm?
He cups my cheeks with intensity and draws my gaze to his.
Setsuna: Exactly. And what am I doing to ensure it never stops?
Setsuna: What am I meant to do when you come to me like this even if we both know better?
MC: Do we know better? I’m tired of pretending, Setsuna.
Setsuna: I understand.
Setsuna: Maybe, for now, we can just stay like this.
He fixes the blanket around me and lowers me into the bed, where I rest my head on his shoulder.
Setsuna: Sleep well, MC…
Setsuna rests a kiss on my forehead, but I wish it were more.
Instead, I just tell myself…
(For now, this is enough.)
Episode 5
Setsuna’s Premium Option, “Kiss Setsuna.”
All I feel is the desire to cling to him and never let go.
MC: I’m sorry…
I wrap my arms around his neck, drawing him into a kiss just as the door slides closed.
(I could never betray you.)
Even though he’s surprised, his lips embrace mine briefly before he tries to speak.
Setsuna: Wait—
He seems hesitant to draw away. His eyes follow the path of tears I didn’t know escaped.
Setsuna: Talk to me.
He brushes a tear away.
(What am I supposed to say? What can I say?)
MC: Kiss me, Setsuna, before the door opens, and we have to go back to pretending like everything is OK.
Setsuna: You expect me to kiss you when you’re very blatantly distressed?
MC: Yes.
MC: When would you kiss me otherwise?
MC: You always come to me when you sense something is wrong and I need you.
MC: I need you now, Setsuna.
He inhales and turns toward the elevator panel, where he presses and holds two buttons.
Setsuna: We have thirty seconds before we reach the top.
He lifts me up by the waist and backs us into a corner, pressing my back against the wall as I lock my legs around him.
Setsuna: You’re going to tell me everything that happened.
He brushes his mouth along mine, teasing me with a kiss.
MC: N-Nothing happened. I got lost.
I let out a gasp as he nips the shell of my ear.
Setsuna: I’ve only seen you cry once like that before.
His voice is nothing more than a breathy whisper.
He kisses away a tear, and I wonder if this is as agonizing for him as it is for me.
(What could I say that’s still truthful?)
MC: Fine.
Setsuna: Fifteen seconds.
His lips crash into mine with longing and suppressed desire.
But I can also feel a deep resentment that has everything to do with our circumstances.
His intensity makes me feel faint, my body light as air as I surrender to his passions.
Setsuna: Ten seconds.
His skin is fire, contrary to his ice and distant persona.
My fingers tangle in his hair while his hands slide under my shirt.
(Five seconds.)
His hands finally meet my skin and roam along my stomach, making their way south to—
Elevator: Floor 110
He releases me, and I let out a sigh of frustration.
Setsuna: What is it you were going to tell me?
He turns away to fix his clothes, and I attempt to do the same before the door opens.
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Let Atsushi take care of me.”
Atsushi: While I know I said I was bored, this is not what I was expecting.
I’m wrapped in the softest bathrobe I’ve ever known while Atsushi towels my hair.
MC: You’re not the least bit thankful that I got you out of work?
Atsushi: Hmm…
He leans forward and makes eye contact through the mirror as he grabs my chin and squishes my cheeks into an awkward expression.
Atsushi: You should be thankful that this place is still standing, MC.
I shudder and wonder just how close we were to an Interrealm incident.
(Is this what he was planning earlier?)
Atsushi: You finally believe the lengths I’ll go to? Good.
Atsushi: I’ve somehow managed to rope Riku in as well.
(They both live for chaos, I guess that’s not too surprising.)
(The only difference is their approach…)
MC: Was it difficult getting over here?
He sets the towel aside and grabs a brush along with a hair dryer—a mundanely human thing I didn’t expect from him.
Atsushi: I enjoyed the challenge and seeing the horrified faces of our Smrtka friends.
Atsushi: I might as well get some fun out of being considered an abomination.
Atsushi: Even so, they’re friendlier than our colleagues.
MC: Smrt… ka?
Atsushi: Our Czechoslovakian counterparts.
MC: Honestly, I was trying to figure that out but didn’t know how to ask them…
I follow the lines across his face.
(You’re so beautiful, Atsushi…)
He stops blow-drying my hair when he catches me.
Atsushi: Why’re you looking at me like that?
(The last thing I want to do is bring you more harm and suffering than you’ve already endured…)
MC: What do you mean?
Atsushi: You’ve learned something…
(I should’ve known to keep my expressions hidden.)
MC: I visited the old town where a famous clock is. I read about it before in school.
Atsushi: We both know that’s not all there is to the story.
He places his hands on my shoulders and plays with my hair at the nape of my neck, refusing to break eye contact through the mirror.
Atsushi: Your stubbornness wouldn’t allow you to waste time on earthly articles when a threat looms.
MC: If that’s the case, then you should know why there are things I can’t say.
Atsushi: Are you going to betray me like I did you?
MC: I could never. Atsushi: Are you sure?
His fingers slide down to tease the sash around my waist.
MC: I’m not speaking.
Atsushi: Hmm.
The robe loosens, falling at my shoulders to expose my collarbone.
His teasing touches at the back of my neck sends a wave of shivers through me as he takes my now-dry hair and positions it out of my face.
Atsushi: Have it your way then~
Atsushi lowers his hips to my shoulders, imprinting a trail of slow kisses.
I bite back a gasp.
MC: St-Still… won’t—
A knock on the door interrupts us.
Riku: We need to talk.
Episode 6
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Allow Atsushi to mark me.”
His eyes drop to my lips.
(It’s been a while since we’ve…)
Atsushi: So, where do you want me to mark you first?
A rush of heat shoots through my body, and I feel lightheaded.
Wh-What am I supposed to say to that?
He smiles impishly and draws a line with his finger from my lips to the buttons of my pajama top.
Atsushi: Riku bought these?
I nod.
Atsushi: I saw you more as a t-shirt kind of girl.
MC: I don’t think about it too much. They’re pajamas.
Actually, now is the only time I’ve ever thought about them, and I’m relieved they’re cute.
(But I don’t want to be thinking about Riku right now, Atsushi!)
His smile grows wider as he fiddles with the buttons and slowly begins undoing them.
Atsushi: Where is your mind going?
MC: You didn’t need to remind me that Riku bought these.
MC: I don’t want to be thinking about him while…
Atsushi: While what?
He pauses at the third button.
MC: For death’s sake, Atsushi.
Atsushi: I haven’t seen you this shy before.
MC: I’m not shy!
I cover my face with my arm, only for him to pull it away.
Atsushi: You were saying~
It’s hard for me to grasp how much I’ve missed his presence.
MC: My heart is spinning, my heart is on the verge of exploding, and I’m incredibly overwhelmed by how close you are.
MC: I don’t know what to do.
Atsushi: Really?
MC: Yes!
A slow smile spreads across his face as he looks down at me with half-lidded eyes.
I see the gears turn in his head. He’s found a new game.
Atsushi: So if I do this… 
The moment he plays with the final button, the realm’s deadly chill kisses my skin, but it’s soothing against the fire raging inside of me.
Atsushi: And this…
He kisses my collarbone and down my chest.
(He’s being so gentle… unlike when—)
One of his kisses lands a sensitive patch of skin, halting all thought as I shiver.
Atsushi: You’ve got goosebumps…
I can feel his lips turning into a smile as he trails burning kisses along my cold skin.
MC: W-Wait, Atsushi…
My mind feels muddled, and I notice the slur in my words.
He pulls away and sits me up, staring down at me with heated eyes.
Atsushi: I’m sorry, I forgot your mortal coil is still acclimating to this world—
MC: No, no, it’s fine…
MC: I’m just cold.
He picks up the blanket and wraps it around me.
MC: Can I sleep here?
I can barely make out the concern in his eyes.
Atsushi: I’d prefer it if you did… especially when you’re not feeling well.
He lifts me up and gently lays me on the bed.
MC: Besides… if we’re like this, I know you’ll fight away the demons in my dreams.
Atsushi: Ah…
He brushes my hair aside as my eyes grow heavy.
Atsushi: I’ll give you weapons to fight them, but I’ve come to accept that this is another place I cannot reach.
Atsushi: So, MC, like we discussed…
Atsushi: He has every reason to fear you. I’ll be here when you wake up…
The last thing I remember is a gentle kiss.
Riku’s Premium Option, “Return my feelings.”
I cup his cheek and lean toward him.
MC: I love you too, Riku.
His smile turns into a gentle laugh.
Riku: It’s funny thinking back to when we first started talking.
Riku: I was the worst.
MC: You were not.
MC: Besides, your womanizer charms never got to me.
Riku: I’m not sure if I should be insulted or relieved.
(The fact that we still can have these silly conversations during difficult times is comforting…)
MC: What? That your powers didn’t work? I wouldn’t say that’s fully the case…
Riku: Oh?
He hands me a pillow and then grabs one from himself before shifting to rest on his side.
MC: I found myself making excuses to run into you, but my pride stopped me from accepting my feelings.
MC: It wasn’t because of your flirting… It was because of the moments when I saw you for you.
Riku: So that’s why we kept meeting each other in hallways we shouldn’t have.
The colors from the fire ripple through his hair.
Riku: Around inconspicuous corridors that I was tempted to pull you into…
MC: You do love not-so-secret corners…
(Does that mean he was interested in me for a while?)
Riku: Is it wrong to show you off as mine?
Riku: I want the world to look at us jealously, wishing that they were us.
I squeeze the pillow to my chest.
Riku: You’re blushing. I like making you blush.
He winks.
Riku: It’s proof of these powers.
I’m about to throw the pillow at him, but he catches my wrist and pulls me over to straddle him.
He then rests his hands on my waist while mine play with the fabric of his top.
Riku: That was rude, you could’ve hurt me.
He pouts playfully.
MC: It’s a pillow.
Riku: So?
Riku: Surely that calls for an apology.
I’m about to protest, but then he points at his lips.
(Riku… I swear…)
MC: I only give apologies that mean something.
MC: If you rather I kiss you, then I’ll kiss you.
A smile tugs at my lips.
Riku: Ah.
He groans and sits up, so I’m now in his lap.
Riku: You’re taking too long…
He cups the back of my neck and beckons me with a deep and sensuously slow kiss that I don’t hesitate to return.
Riku: Good girl…
He pulls away with a smirk before once leaning in to kiss me greedily.
MC: Nuh-uh—
I shove the pillow in his face, and he makes a muffled sound.
MC: Someone could walk in.
Riku: Then we should go back to my room.
He grabs the pillow, but I quickly replace it with another, making him curse.
Despite trying to be quiet, laughter escapes me.
Riku: Seriously, MC?
The frustration in his voice is too amusing.
Riku: Ok, you know what—
He pushes me into a pile of blankets and pins my wrists on either side of my head.
Riku: Got you.
When our eyes meet, his shameless desire causes something to stir within me.
We both hesitate for a moment—
And then Riku pulls away.
Riku: Let’s get you to bed.
Episode 7
Riku’s Premium Option, “Jump into the water with Riku.”
If the water wasn’t tantalizingly warm, I might not jump in—not even for him.
MC: How deep is it?
Riku: The shore dips into a never-ending abyss, but you’ll never drown—
Riku: Not with me. Ever.
I stare into my reflection.
It’s a version of me that belongs in this realm, not the one sitting here whose body has been rejecting it since day one.
Riku: You’re taking too long…
Riku: Teasingly tugs at my legs.
(How many times has he hidden his discomfort under his smiles?)
MC: Any creatures I need to know about?
Riku: It’s not the River Styx if that’s what you’re asking.
Pulling away, I follow his lead and remove the outer layers of my clothes before sliding into the water.
MC: It is now…
Riku goes silent, his shoulders rising from a deep breath that leaves his mouth slightly open.
MC: Was my joke that bad?
Riku: What?
With bright red cheeks, he dips into the water.
(I never thought he’d react like this…)
MC: Did you think I was just going to jump in fully clothed?
Riku: I don’t know what I was thinking to be honest.
Riku: I mean—no, that’s a lie.
Riku: In my head, this is exactly how I wanted it to play out…
He wades through the water to reach me and rests one hand on my waist and the other on my cheek.
Riku: Never mind. It doesn’t matter. I’m rambling.
I sigh into his touch as I try to memorize the feel of his skin on mine.
MC: I have a proposal.
Riku: What is it?
His brows knit together, and I wrap my arms around his neck.
MC: If I can live here permanently, as a human, we can stay like this.
Riku: What? No way.
Riku: Your body’s already gone through enough—
MC: So has yours.
MC: If it means we can do this…
I lower his mouth to mine, brushing it with a kiss.
I’m enamored by how the water accentuates his flawlessly shaped lips.
MC: And this…
Mirroring my palms against his, I guide them in front of us, and he locks his fingers through mine.
MC: Without having to hide, then I’m fine with it.
MC: You’ve already done so much for me…
He clenches his jaw, torn by my proposal.
Riku: What about this place has you so entranced?
MC: It created you, and…
MC: I love you.
He shudders, eyes darting across my face.
MC: Think about it. We won’t have to sneak into the alleyways anymore.
I give him a knowing look.
Riku: That's only happened twice! And I couldn’t help myself…
He traces my lips with his, his touch leaving them sensitive.
MC: All the exploring… and dates—
Riku: Listen.
Riku: If we do this—there won’t be a single Shinigami who doesn’t know that you’re mine.
I’d forgotten about the controversy of ‘us.’
Riku: It’s not going to be easy.
Riku: But nothing about this has ever been easy.
Riku: So, I don’t care, so long as you don’t…
Riku: Because I love you too, MC.
MC: Then it’s a deal.
Riku pulls me into an unyielding embrace with kisses made of smiles and bliss.
Atsushi’s Premium Option, “Listen to Atsushi’s desires.”
MC: I think I already know.
A flush of warmth encompasses me.
Atsushi: That’s cheating.
MC: What? How is it cheating?
Atsushi: Because I like to win.
I don’t bother to correct his illogical statement, because it suddenly dawns on me that he’s perfected his way of grounding me.
(Even when he can’t ground himself…)
MC: Go on, then. What did you have in mind?
Atsushi: Well, for one—
Atsushi: It’s a shame… What a beautiful dress…
(I’m surprised he can admit this.)
Atsushi: But I think it’d look even more beautiful ripped to shreds, on the floor…
His hands roam down my arms and over my waist before gripping the fabric tightly as though he’s fighting the urge to do just that.
Atsushi: And you before me… just like this…
Atsushi’s fingers trail gently over mine, and my mind goes to a place that lets me forget everything for just a moment.
MC: Could we… not do that now?
Atsushi: But then what would you wear?
MC: Nothing.
MC: I would just not go to the event tonight…
Atsushi: I like this dream.
Atsushi purrs and steps toward me, intentionally backing me up against the wall.
Atsushi: But I can wait until we kill your demon and return you to your throne.
MC: When did you go from pitying me as a weak human to thinking I’m as strong as a queen?
He leans an arm over me against the wall, listening carefully.
Atsushi: I never thought you were weak or pitiful.
Atsushi: You terrified me. You were the woman who defied death and didn’t fear it, and that was everything I wasn’t.
Atsushi: Even now, you stare it in the face, making promises you shouldn’t.
MC: How’d you know I—
Atsushi: Your soul is mine, MC. Of course I know.
My breath hitches.
Atsushi: So, how’s that crown now?
His grin could be mistaken as bloodthirsty, but I know that’s not the case.
MC: It won’t fall off again.
Atsushi leans in and bites my bottom lip.
Atsushi: There she is.
Impatient, he parts my mouth with his thumb before surging against me like a tsunami, and I’m immediately swept away by his all-consuming kiss.
MC: A-tsu—
Atsushi tangles his fingers into my hair and gently tugs so our eyes meet.
Atsushi: You probably shouldn’t do that.
MC: What? Say your name?
MC: A-tsu—
His thumb is back in my mouth, and I bite it with annoyance—something that doesn’t bother him.
Atsushi: I can’t sew.
MC: So?
He rolls his eyes at me.
Atsushi: I’m not sure our little friend would like it if I destroyed your dress before the party.
Right when he’s about to continue, the sound of the door opening interrupts him.
Atsushi: Damn it, Riku.
Reality hits me in the face when I realize what’s to come as Atsushi releases me.
Riku: The driver’s here.
Riku freezes, eyes narrowing while looking me up and down.
Riku: Little wisp…
(This is it, isn’t it?)
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serugiuli · 1 year
My devil lovers
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0 notes
voltage-vixen · 1 year
‘Tis the Season for Love Content Creation Challenge Masterlist
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Here’s the Masterlist from @xxsycamore’s and mine ‘Tis the Season for Smut Challenge! The featured content includes an assortment of creations, and includes works from the following fandoms:
Cybird    >Ikemen Prince    >Ikemen Vampire    >Ikemen Sengoku    >Ikemen Revolution Genius    >My Secret Spy Lovers Genshin Impact Mystic Messenger Obey Me Twisted Wonderland Voltage    >Ayakashi Romance Reborn    >Court of Darkness    >Destind: Mr. Almost Right    >Kings of Paradise    >Oops! I Said Yes?!    >Star-Crossed Myth
 A 🎨 next to a creation indicates it is artwork.
*Please be advised that some of the content created for this challenge contains NSFW content and to respect the creator’s warnings and labels while also reading at your own risk.
The Fluff Prompts
Starting with preparations way too early
Ikemen Vampire
One More Christmas With You: Comte de Saint Germain x MC  @xxsycamore
Star-Crossed Myth
Recovering My Star’s Shine: Zyglavis x OC  @fang-and-feather
Sipping hot chocolate and then stealing a kiss
Ikemen Prince
Right Here: Clavis Lelouch x f!Reader  @scorchieart
Sipping Hot Chocolate and then Stealing a Kiss: Leon Dompteur x Reader  @violettduchess
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Luke Randolph x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Revolution
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Harr Silver x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Senogku
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Kennyo x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Sipping Hot Cholate and Stealing a Kiss: Jean d’Arc x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Like You as You Are:  Shizuki x MC  @lost-khione
Sweet Drink: Koga x MC  @lost-khione
Oops! I Said Yes?!
Cocoa Kisses: Shu Hasunuma x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”
Ikemen Prince
A Little Bit Short: Yves Kloss x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Make Me Reach for the Stars: Yves Kloss x MC  @xxsycamore
My Shining Star: Gilbert Von Obsidian x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Okay, maybe I DO need help putting the star on top of the tree.”: Chevalier Michel x Reader  @violettduchess
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”
Ikemen Prince
A Chaotic Christmas: All princes, Emma, and OC in a platonic grouping  @myonlyjknight
A Sweet Moment: Yves Kloss x OC  @fang-and-feather
Ikemen Revolution
“This gingerbread house just WON’T stay up!”: Harr, Loki, and OC in a platonic grouping  🎨    @krys-loves-otome
Sharing a scarf
Ikemen Prince
Scarf Sharing: Leon Dompteur x Reader @violettduchess
The Scarf: Licht Klein x Reader  @myonlyjknight
Warmth: Gilbert Von Obsidian x OC  @gilbertvonobsidian
Ikemen Sengoku
A Warm Winter Day: Kicho x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Sharing a Scarf: Kennyo x OC 🎨   @krys-loves-otome
Ikemen Vampire
Attention On Me!: Napoleon Bonaparte x MC  @xxsycamore
Mystic Messenger
Snuggles in the Snowfall: Jumin Han x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”
Ikemen Prince
Ice Skating: Clavis Lelouch x Reader  @violettduchess
Kings of Paradise
“I said that I’d teach you how to ice skate, I didn’t say that I know how to ice skate.”: Yosuke Sagara x OC 🎨  @cupidocherie
Forced to wear an ugly Christmas sweater
Ikemen Prince
An Uncanny Resemblance:  Silvio Ricci x MC/Emma  @midwinterrmemento
The Ugly Sweater Party: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Ikemen Vampire
Our Ugly Getalong Christmas Sweater Party: All residents of Comte’s mansion in a platonic pairing  @xxsycamore
Being the MC/LI’s fake date for a Christmas party/ball
Ikemen Prince
Fake Date: Nokto Klein x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Mine For a Christmas Night: Jin Grandet x Reader  @xxsycamore
What a Difference a Year Makes - Chevalier Michel x Reader  @aquagirl1978
My Secret Spy Lovers
My Rescuer: Masamune Araki x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
Dancing Between Emotions: Toichiro/OC   @fang-and-feather
Surprising their partner in the morning with a new pet underneath the Christmas tree
Ikemen Vampire
Birds Of A Feather: Dazai Osamu x MC   @xxsycamore
Court of Darkness
Puppy Love: Toa Qelsum x MC   @chirp-a-chirp
Destind: Mr. Almost Right
The Gift of Family: Rei Rindoh x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Obey Me
It’s A Wonderful Life: Diavolo x gn!MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Twisted Wonderland
Traditions: Malleus Draconia x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ayakashi Romance Reborn
First Shrine Visit: Gaku x Futaba  @lost-khione
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The Smut Prompts
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Warming up together after a snowball fight
Ikemen Prince
Warming Up Together After A Snowball Fight: Chevalier Michel x MC @ludivineikewolf
Genshin Impact
The Winnings of War: Childe x f!Traveler  @voltage-vixen
Wearing nothing but a ribbon around the neck
Ikemen Prince
A Kitten for Christmas: Sariel Noir x Reader @norel-ravenclaw
Ikemen Vampire
I’m Yours Tonight: Arthur Conan Doyle x OC  @fang-and-feather
Fun under the blanket
Ikemen Revolution
Fun Under the Blanket: Fenrir Godspeed x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Vampire
Another New Year: Napoleon Bonaparte x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Bodies roasting by the open fire
Ikemen Prince
Bodies Roasting By An Open Fire: Clavis Lelouch x MC  @ludivineikewolf
Ikemen Sengoku
Warlord Roasting By An Open Fire: Nobunaga Oda x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“A kiss under the mistletoe doesn’t have to be where we stop.”
Ikemen Prince
Don’t Stop: Jin Grandet x Reader  @aquagirl1978
Insatiable Cravings: Silvio Ricci x Reader  @ikemen-prince-writers-posts
Ikemen Revolution
Mistletoe Not Require: Zero x f!Reader  @chaosangel767
Court of Darkness
Nothing Else to Compare: Roy Invidia x MC  @chirp-a-chirp
Star-Crossed Myth
Sweet Heat: Zyglavis x OC   @fang-and-feather
“I’ve decided I don’t want to be on the nice list this Christmas.”
Ikemen Revolution
Dalim, Baby: Dalim Tweedle x f!Alice  @voltage-vixen
Ikemen Vampire
The Gift of Your Touch: Issac Newton x OC  @fang-and-feather
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”
Ikemen Vampire
A Joyful Wish: Charles-Henri Sanson x Reader  @aquagirl1978
“Actually, there is one more thing on my wish list.”: Vincent va Goh x OC 🎨  @krys-loves-otome
Obey Me
A Wish Come True: Diavolo x f!MC  @voltage-vixen
“Those clichéd traditions are exciting for me, now that I have you.”
Ikemen Prince
Yours For A New Year’s Morning: Jin Grandet x Reader   @xxsycamore
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