dingbatnix · 10 months
Rest (part 2)
I was vibin hard with some DreamXD is actually Dream, so this kinda just spawned :D
It was supposed to be shorter, but somehow it just...exploded into a very long word monster.
Anyway, have some sketchy reference art for Dream and Karl’s god forms. (pending till when I feel like it ;D)
Oh yeah thanks to @local-squishmallow for proofreading! : )
Word Count: 8,164
Warnings: Alludations to Fatal Vore, Fearplay, Ect. Pretty mild on the violence this time, actually :D
Also, y’know, my autocorrect says that ‘alludations’ isn’t a word. But it also says ‘vore’ isn’t a word, so screw grammar, I make my own words and rules >:}
Dream was trapped in an incredibly boring gathering. Again. For what seemed to be the millionth time for this century, and it was starting to get on his nerves. Dream hated gatherings. Now, don’t get him wrong, he was a people person, and he actually liked catching up with old friends and meeting the newly-formed gods and goddesses, but in a gathering like this, everything was too formal. He didn’t want to be stuck in a stiff, fancy environment with little to no humor and no fun. He couldn’t even crack a joke without breaking some social rule or something equally stupid.
Now, as both the God of the End and the Overworld, he was one of the most powerful gods to exist (below the Gods of Prime, of course.) As such, it was his duty to keep the peace between the others by hosting such events, but Prime, if it wasn't the most dry, soul-sucking kind of event he'd ever had to participate in. He couldn’t even chat with any of his friends because he was stuck at the head of the room in a gilded seat in case anybody needed to speak to him, or if any of the new godlings needed to meet him. It was so boring.
If he could, he’d ditch the gathering and go hang out with the two mortals he had recently befriended, but for one, the Gods of Prime would chew him out for ‘abandoning his ever-so-important post’ at such an big event, and two, if they found out he was in contact with mortals, the humans would be killed, and he would be stripped of his powers and position for interacting with them.
He stretched his secondary pair of wings out absently, iridescent white feathers glittering beautifully in the amber light of the magicked sconces. A few appreciative humms purred through the room, but he didn't much care for what the others thought of his wings. He would love to be flying right now, or even sprinting through the trees in the overworld, but no, he had to stay here and look important. He held down an irritated scoff and leaned back in his fancy, slightly uncomfortable, seat.
One of the other gods, (and Dream knew their name, he definitely did, absolutely) sidled up to his side and snapped their fingers, a small, fancy cage appearing in the air next to them. Dream perked up a little at the sight, knowing what it meant. Usually, whenever this particular god approached someone (they were a courier of sorts, for between the worlds), it meant that the mortals of the overworld or netherworld had sacrificed an animal or another mortal in that god's name.
Dream’s currently nonexistent mouth watered. Sacrifices and offerings, particularly human sacrifices and offerings, were delicious. There wasn’t another taste quite like it, at least, not that anybody had found. Dream greeted the other god warmly and leaned forward in his seat.
"You've been given two mortal sacrifices, End." They murmured, letting the small enclosure drift into two of Dream’s awaiting hands. He quietly thanked the god, who nodded and moved away, then looked down through the bars to inspect the two mortals that he had been offered. Being the God of the Overworld and the End did have its benefits, he supposed.
And there, smack dab in the center of the cage, cowering down against one another, were the two human mortals Dream had befriended. His stomach dropped, and if he didn’t have such an excellent grasp over his appearance, his body would have fizzled out in shock.
They were terrified, that much he could tell from how they were pressed up against each other, tiny eyes darting from the large, gilded gathering hall around them to the mingling mass of inhumanely-shaped gods to Dream himself. The dual-colored eyes of the older mortal, George, the one Dream often gave pretty gifts and anything else he asked for, eyed him suspiciously. The one with dark hair and fiery bright irises, Sapnap, who Dream enjoyed fighting and competing with, glared at everything, a dark, angry scowl plastered over his fanged lips. Their hands were twined together, and they had their backs pressed against one another in a horribly defensive position.
The probability that they knew why they were there was very, very unlikely, as the language of the gods, the one they had all been speaking, was indecipherable to mortals. The most they probably knew was that they had been left at an altar, and were then brought to someplace that was too bright, stuffed in a cage, and given to some random giant creature.
The two wouldn't recognize Dream, of course, not when he was in his true body. The size, for one, would make it impossible for him to be the Dream they knew. The true forms of the gods were always massive in comparison to humans and mortal creatures. It was a difference that Dream had never truly thought about until just now, when he was presently aware of how tiny his two human friends were compared to himself. His fingers were longer than they were tall.
Then the white mask over his face, one with an 'XD' marked delicately onto the surface. It was a small shorthand for who he was, as the End and Overworld god, though the distinction was hardly needed. Anyone who could feel his aura would know who he was. The mask was similar to the one he wore in his human body, but there was no way they would know it was him. That, plus the dual halos that orbited over his head to form a spherical 'X.'
The four arms his body hosted, two to each of his shoulders, separated him further from the supposed ‘mortal’ they knew, and the six great white wings that sprouted out from his shoulder blades, an eye of ender floating near the wrist of each, threw that distinction even further.
Dream had always taken his human form when he visited them out in the overworld, unwilling to reveal his godly status to them lest they grow afraid and leave him, and to shield his own actions from the Gods of Prime. He didn’t want word of his mortal interaction to get back to them, lest he be cast out and his two friends killed.
It was customary to consume human sacrifices when you received them, but Dream didn’t want to do that. He didn’t want to kill his two human friends! He valued them too much, he was too close to them. He liked hanging out with them and joking with them, and he liked doing the little chase game the three of them had devised, the one they dubbed ‘Manhunts.’
Dream fluffed up the primary pair of his wings, expertly hiding his discomfort, and frowned. He didn’t want to lose that relationship. Not even to have the ambrosiac treat of a mortal.
There was, of course, a way he could safely consume them, but…but that would be terrifying for them. As a God who had the ability to shapeshift, he could do whatever he wanted with his current body. That meant he could form a safe little pocket within himself, to store them for an indefinite amount of time. The best way to get them there, though, would be to act as though he was actually going to eat them, and he didn’t want to be the cause of such fear and panic that they would surely experience.
He decided to leave the cage floating by his side, planning to discreetly release George and Sapnap back to the overworld once the gathering was over, and hoping that nobody would look too closely at the occupied cage, but not too long after he had received the ‘offerings,’ one of the other gods approached him.
The God of Time neared, eyeing the cage curiously. At least, Dream figured he was looking at the cage. Time wore a blindfold around his eyes, a cool lilac-grey that changed color depending on his emotions, that had a dark lemniscate, the symbol for infinity, stitched into the soft-looking fabric.
Dream muttered a small greeting to Time, who returned it absently. He seemed more focused on the two mortals in the cage than anything else, which worried Dream to no end. What was he wanting…?
“Are you going to…?” Time finally asked, gesturing towards the cage in an obvious question. The two tiny mortals flinched away from his hand. Dream thought fast, knowing it would seem suspicious if he outright refused to eat them.
"I'm not in the mood," He grumbled, leaning against his high-backed seat. "The last sacrifice I had gave me indigestion for days." The other god gave him a small, absent nod, fingers tangling in the multitude of chains, trinkets, and time-keeping instruments strung around his neck and shoulders.
"If you don't want them, I'll take them," the God of Time offered, hidden eyes nearly glued to the two humans as he fidgeted with his bangles and watches.
Dream immediately bristled. Oh hell no! Did he want George and Sapnap for himself? Did he want to eat them for keeps?! Dream knew that Time rarely got sacrifices, as most of the mortals didn’t see him as an actual deity. Dream could sympathize for the other god, but like hell would he give his two fragile human friends to someone else to kill.
A few of the eyes that floated about his wings swiveled to glare at Time, and Dream let a low rumble emanate from his chest. It was too quiet for anyone but himself and Time to hear, which was what Dream wanted. He didn’t need to create a spectacle over this, especially not when George and Sapnap were at risk.
"No. They weren't sacrificed to you, now were they?" Dream grouched, maybe a bit too sharply.
The God of Time averted his gaze and raised his long arms in surrender, splaying his hands out apologetically. One of the many ribbons of golden sand that flowed around his body flickered and twisted strangely under Dream's harsh gaze before stabilizing itself.
“What are you going to do with them, then?” He queried, an odd tone bleeding into his voice. He bit at his lip, seemingly nervous, and shifted his footing.
“I don’t know, feed them to the dragon or something?” Dream flared his secondary wings up in a facsimile of a shrug, feigning indifference. He wouldn’t actually feed them to the ender dragon, but it would be a good excuse for why they had suddenly disappeared, and it would back up his unwillingness to eat them.
“That’s such a waste, though!” Time exclaimed, blindfold shifting colors from lilac to a pale fuchsia. “I’ll gladly take them off your hands, End. You wouldn’t have to make the trip to see the dragon if you gave them to me.” The other god pressed, inching closer to the floating container.
Dream hooked a clawed finger through the cage bars and pulled it away from Time, slightly concerned that the other god would snatch it and bolt. He raised his tertiary wings defensively, leaning forward and staring Time down.
“What if I like visiting the dragon? She always enjoys it when I bring her gifts, and she loves the attention. What is with you, Time? You're not usually like this.” Dream snapped defensively, primary wings fluffing up to twice their size.
Time’s shoulders shrunk in, but he pressed on, strangely persistent. Dream was more than a little annoyed and concerned, now. “Please, End? I hardly ever get offerings! None of the mortals really believe in me,” he pushed, seemingly more desperate. Dream brought one of his tertiary wings between them, and, more importantly, between the other god and the two mortals, growing slightly uncomfortable at the God of Time’s intensity.
He realized that Time probably wouldn’t give up on pestering him for the two mortals anytime soon. With a small internal sigh, he came to the conclusion that he would have to take care of the problem in the best way he could think of; ‘eating’ Sapnap and George. Maybe then Time would get off his back about it.
“Actually,” Dream said slowly, tugging the cage in front of him and further away from the other god. “I think I will eat them. I suddenly have an appetite.” The color of Time’s blindfold drained to a pale greenish-yellow, and his fingers tightened in his pendant chains. He tried to protest, but Dream ignored him in favor of focusing on his two mortal friends.
He'd have to do Sapnap first, and get him over with. The fireborn-mortal would fight the most, and probably be the most difficult to get down.
Dream let a jagged black maw form and split the lower half of his mask, testing it a few times by opening and closing his jaw. He didn’t form any teeth, as he didn’t want to accidentally bite either of his fragile friends, but he did shape a soft, pliant tongue, to make the landing into his mouth not as harsh, and allowed saliva to pool over and underneath it so that he could slicken them up and make the journey down easier on all of them. For the faux stomach, he simply opened up a small pocket of flesh between his lungs, just below his heart, and attached it to his esophagus via a small opening near the top of this new space. He supplied air through small connections to his lungs, knowing that his two mortal friends couldn't last as long as he could without breathing.
Fake stomach prepared, he braced the cage with two of his hands and reached into it with a third hand, intent on grabbing the dark-haired human. The bars yielded to his touch, automatically bending around his wrist as he stuck his hand through them.
He moved quickly, surrounding Sapnap in his fist before the tiny mortal could scramble away, pulling him from George’s desperately grabbing hands, and lifting him from the solid metal floor, then up through the bars, out of the cage.
Dream did his best to ignore both of their cries of fear, as well as Time's strangled gasp, as he lightly tossed Sapnap into his newly-formed mouth and closed it. The tiny mortal cursed, shoving at the roof of Dream’s mouth and kicking violently at his tongue. He held his wince and squashed the human against the roof of his mouth, soaking his clothes in saliva. He then pushed Sapnap to the entrance of his throat and swallowed, ignoring the clawed fingers that drew blood and the furious shriek Sapnap let loose.
The sound of tiny screaming drew a few curious glances from the other gods, but they soon looked away. The consuming of mortal sacrifices was normal for them all, so the screeching humans were nothing interesting to watch.
As Sapnap slid down to the safe stomach, Dream turned his gaze down to his brunette friend. George had actual tears in his eyes, and his breath was coming in such short, harsh pants that it was a small miracle that he hadn’t passed out already. Dream felt a pang of regret ring through his chest, but he pushed it down. He had already made his decision. It would look incredibly suspicious if he backed out now.
Holding back another sigh, he stuck his hand back through the cage bars and moved to grab the little mortal. George pressed against the bars of the cage, chest heaving, then tried to lunge underneath Dream's clawed hand as it approached. Instinctively, Dream slapped his hand down on top of the human, slamming him to the floor of the cage and trapping him underneath his palm. Dream winced at George's strangled cry of pain, and resolved to apologize for that later. As well as for everything else. Profusely.
Carefully, he scooped the struggling man up and pressed him between his fingers and palm, negating his struggling. “Fuck off, you monster!” George screeched as Dream brought him out of the cage. The spoken English was a jarring difference from the language spoken in the godly realm, and usually Dream enjoyed hearing it. Now, though? It hurt.
Gently, he shoved the now definitely crying, cursing mortal into his mouth and closed it. Dream ignored the saltine taste of the human’s tears as he ran his tongue over George’s body, and when he finally swallowed, it was a relief to no longer have to endure the flavor of his fear and anguish.
They both tasted amazing, aside from the fact that it was his two closest friends he was eating. Of course, mortals always were like the sweetest ambrosia, and usually Dream really would enjoy it. Not now though. Not this time, not when it was George and Sapnap. He held back a shudder and straightened his shoulders. Now he just needed to wait for the end of the gathering, so that he could explain everything and let them go.
Through everything, Time's gaze never left him. He couldn’t see the other god’s eyes, but something about his aura felt desperate, felt heart-broken. Dream forced himself to brush it off. If Time wanted human sacrifices that bad, he could work harder to make himself known to the mortals. These two, he could not have.
Dream could hear them crying from inside of him, and though the sound never left his body, it haunted him. It tore at his heart, and he wanted to reassure them so badly, but he couldn’t. If any of the other gods knew that he was friends with mortals…
Something sharp spiked into his flesh from the inside, but the wound healed almost immediately. Dream held his winces, and eventually, the two mortals gave up and stopped stabbing at his guts.
Eventually, Time wandered away, a sickening green wash coloring his blindfold. Dream didn’t watch him for too long after he left. He was more focused on the no-longer struggling contents of his gut. They were scared, that was for certain, but maybe it had been long enough that they had realized they weren’t going to die?
Death shot him a knowing look near the end of the gathering. Dream held back a wince. Of course she'd know that he didn't actually eat the two mortals...their lives were her domain, after all.
He raised his primary set of wings at her, daring her to say anything, but she only quirked her lips in a serene smile and turned away. Uncertainly, Dream folded his wings back down and settled back into his chair. Death wasn’t one to call someone out on something, and she was actually quite nice. Maybe she wouldn’t report him to the Prime Gods? He hoped not. He’d have to talk to her when he next got the chance, as soon as he could. He didn’t want to risk anything, even if she didn’t plan to turn him in for breaking one of the Gods of Prime’s laws.
After the gathering, Dream swept from the hall, regally declining any sort of accompaniment from all of his godly friends. He couldn't run through the halls of the citadel without arousing confusion and concern, but he damn sure wished he could. His two mortal friends had spent too much time already being scared for their lives, and he wanted to reassure them as soon as he could.
Before he could enter his chambers, the God of Time intercepted him, stepping out from behind one of the thick, decorative sconces that bordered the door. Dream stopped, reflexively puffing up his feathers and crossing all of his arms. What did Time want now…?
Usually, he and Time were on pretty good terms. They weren't close enough to know each other’s chosen names, but they got along very well. He liked Time, but right now, his behavior was starting to freak Dream out.
"The mortals, you didn't kill them, did you?" Time blurted before Dream could say anything. Dream froze for half a second before forcing himself to look composed. How did he know…? Should he be worried? He didn’t think Time would turn him over to the Gods of Prime over such a small thing as refusing to give him his sacrifices, but…
Dream looked over Time. The other god’s shoulders were pushed out bravely, but his hands were shaking. His multitude of necklaces and pendants jingled with the movement, and his blindfold was still that same sickening shade of greenish-yellow as before. The golden streams of sand that drifted around his body, usually quite smooth and tranquil, seemed more scattered, frantic, even, and were swirling much faster than usual. His face was pale, and he couldn’t seem to stop chewing at his bottom lip.
Dream cocked his head and flared out his secondary wings. "What would make you say that?" His mind was racing, already coming up with possible excuses to toss out at the slightest hint of suspicion. If that didn’t work, he was already mapping out ways to subdue Time, maybe knock him unconscious, and after that…well, the God of Memory still owed him that favor…
"I asked Death, if–if I could have their souls back from her. She said that she didn't have them. So that means you still have them.” The other god blurted, shoulders hitching down just the slightest bit. “That means that they’re still alive…" Time’s chin dipped down briefly, and quickly rose up again. Dream realized with an unsettled jolt that the other god had glanced at his abdomen, where the two mortals currently were.
Dream froze for a moment, then mentally shook himself. He was on equal ground with Time, as they were just about the same in power, so he couldn’t just attack him straight out. He’d either have to bluff his way out of this, or distract Time long enough to catch him unawares.
"What if I do? What does it matter to you?" Dream blustered, straightening up to his full height. The fact that Time was pretty much as tall as he was gave him little pause, but he pushed past it and stared the other god down. “I already told you before, I’m not going to give them to you. They’re mine.”
The God of Time flinched back at the intensity in Dream’s voice, and he seemed internally conflicted. He opened his mouth to say something, blindfold flushing to a pale blue-green, then closed his jaw. The sand around his body fluctuated as his internal debate raged, but finally, he managed to speak.
"I–" Time wavered for a moment longer, then sighed a long, resigned sigh, hands tangling up in his clock chains again. "I know the black-haired one. I–he–. We're good fr-…acquaintances. I don't want him dead." He mumbled, casting his head down and away from Dream.
He perked up suddenly, a fierce hardness solidifying in his aura. The sands around his body condensed into more solid trails, and the color of the cloth around his eyes twisted up into a violent reddish-orange.
"I know I broke the rules, but I don't care. The Prime Gods can stuff it. I’ll even fight you over this, End, I will. Just give them to me, and I’ll leave you alone, okay?” Despite his strong words, his hands were still distinctly trembling. Between Time’s fingers, Dream could feel the unmistakable pressure of the other god’s magic coalescing. He was obviously ready for a fight, even with his visible anxiety.
Dream himself was left speechless at this new revelation. Time knew the black-haired one, knew Sapnap…? He was thrown off-balance by this information, and didn’t know how to react. That, and the fact that Time had basically just insulted the Gods of Prime! He was lucky there was no one else in the corridor. He could be excommunicated for that!
His higher thinking finally kicked up into gear. If Time already knew Sapnap…that meant that Time was in the same boat as Dream was. That meant that he could tell time of his own involvement, and, more importantly, avoid a fight while he still had his fragile mortal friends inside of him.
Dream sagged inwardly at this final thought, and made up his mind. He would, could tell Time, and this whole unfortunate mess would be resolved.
Outwardly, he showed no emotion other than his wings folding down against his back and his feathers smoothing down once more. "Come on, then," he finally said, beckoning the God of Time towards his chamber door. Time faltered, blindfold melting into a strained brown, and a befuddled twist curled over his lips. He didn’t immediately move to follow Dream, so the End God flicked a tertiary wing out and waved him forward again. “We…we have to talk, and I don’t want to do it out here.”
Cautiously, the other god followed him as he pushed open the heavy chamber door and entered his rooms proper. Dream could feel Time’s suspicious yet hopeful gaze on the backs of his wings, but he ignored it for the moment.
Once the varnished door was closed and firmly barred, Dream slumped and let all six of his wings droop down until most of his primary feathers brushed the polished floor. Normally, he wouldn't be one to let the other gods see him be anything but strong and in control, but…well. This wasn't a normal situation. Plus, he and Time were already fairly good acquaintances, so he didn’t much care.
Quietly, he flicked out a wing and cast a privacy ward over the room. No word of the upcoming conversation would ever reach any ears other than the occupants of his chambers.
Time looked at him oddly as he set up another charm to warn if someone was approaching the entrance of Dream’s chambers, but otherwise said not a word. He was waiting for Dream to speak first, it seemed.
"I know them both." Dream finally sighed, making his way to the doorway that led to his, in mortal terms, ‘living room.’ Time made a strangled, surprised noise as he followed Dream into the room. “You–ah–what? You know them?” Out of the corner of his vision, Dream saw Time’s blindfold flush up to a bright, startled yellow, and his sand seemed to poof out in a spastic burst.
“Yeah.” Dream wearily eased himself down onto one of the low-backed burgundy chesterfields surrounding a short, gilded glass table, mindful of jostling his tiny passengers, and gestured for Time to do the same. The other god sank down onto the cushions opposite of Dream, confusion still twisting up on his features.
“I…I hang out with them, in a human form, when I don’t have any duties to attend to.” He started to explain, leaning forward to clasp two of his hands together. “I thought…I thought you just wanted to actually eat them. Sorry.” He gave Time a small, apologetic smile with his still-present mouth, and waited for the other god to reply.
Time stared at him for a long moment, before letting loose a long, heavy breath. He ran a hand through his curled hair and glanced at the baroque-styled ceiling. “Ohhh, thank Prime. Thank Prime. Ohhh, you have no idea how scared I was, that you had actually…actually killed him.” He looked back at Dream, then tilted his head down towards the End God’s abdomen. “So…Sapnap’s okay? Err, they both are?” He hesitated for a moment, then added, “I’ll admit, I don’t know the other one.”
Dream nodded, straightening up a little and glancing down at where the two mortals were. “They’re both fine. I formed a separate, safe pocket of air to hold them in for the time being.” He jolted, then, at a sudden realization that flooded his body with guilt.
“They don’t know that it’s safe!” He blurted, six wings flaring up in alarm. “I…I didn’t tell them.” Time’s lips creased in concern as well, at his words, and he leaned towards Dream. “You can get them out, right? Or at least tell them?”
Dream sucked in a short breath with another nod. “Yeah, but they probably won’t trust my words. I’m gonna let them out.”
Gently, he touched at the area of the faux stomach, readying to push at it and squish its contents up, but paused. He had to prepare himself for whatever confrontation came in the next few seconds. Whatever happened, he knew it was not going to be pretty. Neither human was someone to be trifled with when they were upset.
Finally ready, he dug his fingers into his abdomen, squashing the bottom of the faux stomach flat and forcing the two small bodies up into the tube that connected to his esophagus. They cried out, startled, as Dream’s muscles tugged them upwards towards the outside world.
He closed the flesh up behind them as they rose, no longer needing the faux stomach, and not wanting them to fall back down into it.
They passed up into his throat, and slid into his mouth. One, and then two small weights rested on his tongue once more. He could feel them clinging to one another, the flavor of their desperation and fear absolutely pooling against his taste buds, and it made him feel awful.
He cupped two of his hands together and brought them up to his mouth. Very gently, he opened his jaw and slid the two trembling bodies onto his palms with his tongue. Saliva clung to his skin wherever the two mortals touched, but it was fine. He could clean everything up later.
When he lowered his hands to get a good look at them, George let loose a small cry, scrambling back in his palm and pressing up against the barrier his curled fingers made, while Sapnap lunged in front of the other man, trying to block him from Dream's view.
Dream shot a small, worried glance towards Time, then looked back down at the two soggy mortals he held in his hands. He…He was unsure of what to say, of where to start. Seeing them here, now, in the godly realm, in his hands, it really hit him, how much power he had over them, how truly insignificant they were to the grand scheme of the Prime Gods.
Dream pushed that thought away with a special kind of dislike and settled on apologizing, first and foremost.
“I’m…I’m sorry. I didn't mean to scare you guys.” He apologized, speaking in English, the most common language down in the overworld. The two of them wouldn’t understand the speech of the gods. Time leaned forward, probably trying to catch a glimpse of them, so Dream lowered his hands down even more and waited for the two mortals to say something.
At the sound of his voice, George had frozen. His bi-colored eyes were wide with shock and a large dose of fear, and his lips were slightly parted. Sapnap, meanwhile, jolted out of his frightened stupor and exploded.
“Who the fuck do you think you are–what even are you, you bastard? What kind of jackass decides it’s okay to–to fucking eat somebody?! What’s fucking wrong with you?!” Dream could feel the human’s ire in the form of heat as he snarled forward over his palms, and it was only George’s restraining hand on the fireborn’s bicep that kept him from trying to lunge for something vital on Dream’s immense body. “Fucking—why are we even here?! Let us go, before I shred you into pieces, who the fuck even are you–”
One of Time’s hands was covering his mouth. Dream couldn’t tell if he was shocked at the mortal’s outburst, or amused. From the way Time’s blindfold had shifted to a pale grey-green, he’d say surprised and worried. Dream himself didn’t know what to say, but he didn’t bother trying to shut the mortal up. Once Sapnap got started, there was no stopping him. He’d have to work himself out first, before Dream would be able to get a word in edgewise.
A thought drifted into Dream’s head, and he decided to follow it. If it could get Sapnap to stop ranting…
Without a word, Dream let his godly form start melting away. His wings shivered and sank into his back with the slightest sound of shifting of feathers, eyes of ender popping quietly out of existence, while his two free arms merged into the ones holding George and Sapnap. He let the little jewelry and bangles he wore disperse, as well as the dual halos orbiting his skull, and he even went so far as to change his long, flowing robes into the usual attire he wore in his human form. A cropped, bright green hoodie over a tight black undershirt, and baggy, tan cargo pants. Finally, the markings on his mask changed from an ‘XD” to a simple dot-eyed smiley face.
Despite the immense size his body still held, Dream looked, for all intents and purposes, human. He even used his shoulder to push his mask up to the side, finally allowing him to see the two tiny mortals eye-to-eye.
Sapnap’s rant faltered at the sudden sight before him. “—and…Dream…?” The man’s mouth went slack in shock. George, meanwhile, had tightened his grip on the other man’s arm, and had gone as white as a sheet.
“Hey,” Dream greeted hesitantly, keeping his voice low, only now realizing that speaking at full volume around their weak human ears may be a bad idea.
“What the fuck,” Sapnap hissed, stumbling away the few steps he had taken and pressing his back up against George, who wrapped an arm around Sapnap’s chest and stared agape over the fireborn’s shoulder. Dream could feel both of their heartbeats hike up significantly against his fingertips, and he winced. He didn’t know if that had helped at all, but at least it had gotten Sapnap to stop cussing him out.
“I…” He started, then paused, slowly gathering what he wanted to say. Time had leaned forward so far that he was practically on top of the glass center table so that he could see the two humans, but neither of them had noticed the other god. Their eyes were focused on Dream, and Dream alone. “I guess I have a lot of explaining to do,” he finally mumbled, glancing away to look at Time. The other god met his gaze and gave a small noise of uncertainty, one that Dream definitely felt. What did one say, when you had lied to your best friends about your humanity, and especially when the truth had come out in such a way as this? Dream didn’t know.
At the noise Time had made, George had whipped around and let out a small cry of alarm when he caught sight of the other god, tumbling away to press against the heels of Dream’s palms. He dragged Sapnap with him, who only now caught sight of how close Time was. He let loose his own startled cry and shoved George back behind himself, now facing the God of Time with a violent, apprehensive expression on his face. It made Dream feel a little better, to know that they’d rather have him at their backs instead of Time, who was their current unknown, but he knew it was only because of circumstance. He didn’t know if they’d want to associate with either of them after this.
“Who–who’s that? Who are you?” George demanded, voice shaking. His minuscule fingers tightened in Sapnap’s shirt, and Dream was hit with the distinct desire to bundle them both up against his chest and hide them both away from the world, from everything. This was awful, seeing them so terrified of everything.
“It–it’s me,” Time blurted, directing his gaze at Sapnap. The fireborn’s eyes widened, shock coloring his features once more, and his tiny hands scrambled to grasp at George’s for support.
As if just the sound of his voice wasn’t confirmation enough, Time spoke again, more insistently. “It’s Karl,” he nearly pleaded, leaning back over the table just the slightest bit. His blindfold flared to a bright, hopeful-looking blue, and he bit at his lip nervously.
Dream jolted at the sudden drop of Time’s chosen name, and watched in mild shock as Time's form twisted and wavered until a human body emerged from the shifting sands. His wavy brown hair was the same, though now adorned with thick brass goggles, and now Dream could see his eyes, a warm amber in shade, blindfold gone. The majority of his clocks and pendants were gone as well, only a small golden hourglass with a delicate chain looped around his neck. Instead of deeply violet robes, he had a cropped multicolored hoodie, much like Dream's own green one, with a dark undershirt and simple dark cargo pants. Multiple thick belts were looped around his hips, and a simple brown book bag was strapped over his chest and hanging from his side.
A strangled croaking noise escaped from Sapnap’s throat, and he dropped most of his weight against George as his legs weakened on him. Dream moved a thumb to try and help steady him, but the way both of them flinched back stilled his movement. He retracted his silent offer of support. “What the fuck,” Sapnap whispered once more, reaching up to cover his mouth with a trembling hand. George grunted in concurrence, glancing uncertainly between the looming forms of both Dream and Time–Karl? Was he allowed to call him that? Since he hadn’t expressly given Dream his chosen name? Dream didn’t know.
“What…What are you two?” Sapnap muttered, looking up at the two of them and clutching at the pale arms wrapped around his chest. “Where the…where the hell are we?”
There was a long moment where neither he nor Ti–Karl, he decided, answered. “We’re…gods.” Dream finally stilted, killing the sudden silence that dropped over them all. “We–you’re uh, in the Void. The, the Realm of the Gods. You got…sacrificed.”
Another strangled noise came from them both this time, and Dream could see George’s legs shaking now, as well. Oh, End, how badly did they hate him now? Hate Karl?
“Can you—” George started suddenly, then stopped, swallowing to clear his throat. “Dream. Put us down. Please.” Dream nodded hurriedly, lowering his hands down to the surface of the glass table that Karl was rapidly scrambling off of, and flattened his fingers to allow for a ramp to the clear surface.
The two stumbled off of his hands onto the glass, supporting each other even as they sank down to the ground on account of their shaking legs. They eyed the translucent ground warily, and beyond that, the dark rug covering the smooth stone floor beneath them.
Later, Dream would have to clean the footprint-shaped spit trail from the glass, as well as the puddle where they were sitting, but for now it could wait.
For now, he wiped his saliva-sticky hands off on his pants and decided to apologize to them again.
"S-sorry. For scaring you guys. And–and slapping you so hard George." Dream cringed at the mention of the memory, and George winced. "Are you okay?"
Slowly, the brunette nodded, dual colored eyes glittering in the light of the enchanted sconces lining the room. "It's…it's fine. Just a few bruises, nothing that won't heal quickly."
Though he knew that the mortal was probably lying about the severity of the bruises (he had slammed him down pretty hard) Dream breathed a breath of relief. If George was in severe pain, he'd be tearing into Dream about stupidity and for hurting him.
“Why—why the hell did you eat us?” Sapnap suddenly demanded, sitting up straight and glaring over George's shoulder. "What the fuck was that about?!"
“I…” Dream faltered, glancing up at Karl for help. The other god’s eyes darted between the three of them, and he sucked in a heavy, preparatory breath before speaking. “He thought I wanted you two. To, um, to eat.”
Dream joined in, thoughts gathered enough to know what to say. “I…I thought that I only had three options. Err, keep, keep refusing and have somebody get suspicious and probably report me to the Prime Gods, give you to him,” Dream jerked his head at Karl, “to be, what I thought, actually eaten, or,” he paused again, sucking in a steadying breath. “Or just do it myself, where I knew you’d be safe.”
"It's also tradition," Karl butted in, face twisted in a way that made it seem like he wanted to be anywhere other than there. “Nobody–nobody’s ever rejected a sacrifice. There would be an upheaval if someone did.”
Dream noticed that he didn't mention that humans, especially those that had been sacrificed to the gods, were delicious. It was a tactful move, one that Dream would follow along with. There was no need to make the two mortals hate them both even more.
"It also breaks a lot of rules, one of us interacting with mortals." Dream added. "If the other gods had found out, you both would be dead, and Karl and I would probably lose our positions, or at the very least be cast out of the void."
He noticed Karl glance at him at the use of his chosen name, but he said nothing about it. Dream dipped his head at him, indicating that the other god could use his name as well, if he so chose.
"If it had been someone else, if somebody else had been sacrificed, would—would you have killed them?" George asked.
Dream fell silent and turned his head down. He…He did not want to admit to anything, even if it was true. The dead silence was deafening, other than the sound of Karl nervously shifting on the sofa opposite him.
"Have you–" Sapnap started, then stopped. He was silent for an incredibly long moment, and then said decisively, "Nevermind."
Neither Dream nor Karl needed to ask what his question was. Have you had sacrifices before? Have you killed before?
The answer was obvious. But they weren’t willing to say it.
"So…"George started, clear hesitance coloring his tone. "What's going to happen to us now?"
They were shivering. Dream didn't know if it was from fear, or from the saliva still soaking their clothes and the fact that the room was a little chilled.
"Do you guys–do you wanna wash off, or something…?" Dream ventured, pointing carefully at the slick dampness still dripping from their clothes. The two looked down in disgust, but shook their heads regardless. “Maybe later,” George muttered, reaching down to try and wring out his shirt a little bit. “I don’t know about Sapnap, but I really don’t want to be touched right now.” The by either of you went completely unsaid, but both Dream and Karl could read between the lines.
Sapnap was nodding, and it really, really did hurt, how neither of them seemed to be able to trust the gods, but after what had just been said…Dream didn’t blame them. He couldn’t blame them. He’d be scared, too.
"We'll take you two back to the overworld, then, when you’re ready,” Karl broke the choking quiet by answering George’s previously asked question. He wrung his hands together, biting at his lip as he carefully ventured forth his next words.
"If you ever feel like talking to either of us ever—ever again after this, or–or if you need help, just…just call to the God of Time, or the God of the Overworld, okay?" Karl implored hopefully, leaning forward from the cushions of the chesterfield. "We'll hear you, wherever you are."
"I think…" Sapnap trailed off, bisected orange eyes drifting down to rest on a smudge on the glass table. Dream held his breath, hoping against hope that the fireborn wouldn't reject them outright.
Sapnap looked up, first at Dream, then at Karl, where his gaze lingered. "I think I will. I just…I need time to process. Uh, all of this.” He then turned his eyes to George, who was looking contemplative as he wiped his damp hands on his damp pants. After a long, long beat, he finally glanced up and met Dream’s gaze. A whirlpool of emotions were swimming in his eyes, most indecipherable for the God of the End. What he could see, though, wasn’t promising. Apprehension, wariness, the gleam of calculation, tiny hints of lingering fear…Dream didn’t know if George would ever want to see him again. The human may feel like it was too dangerous, may feel like Dream had betrayed him…Dream wouldn’t argue, if that were the case and George wanted nothing to do with him, but…
Dream would be heartbroken, that was for certain.
“I…I don’t know, Dream.” The brunette finally spoke, turning his eyes away again. “I…you’re a god. How am I supposed to respond to that? You ate me, ate us, what do I say?! I’m going to have nightmares from this whole…everything, and now that I know it was you…” He trailed off, glancing at Dream’s chest, then quickly away. “Maybe in the future, I don’t know, but…not, not right now, okay?”
Dream’s heart pinged painfully at the human’s words, but he wouldn’t let himself be crushed. At least George hadn’t decided to completely cut himself off from Dream? The End God had to hold onto that, and hope that it would keep him afloat.
“Okay,” was all Dream said, even though his brain was screaming at him to plead and beg for George to accept him now, because he was still the same guy he knew, just bigger and more powerful than any mortal could possibly fathom.
A solemn moment imposed itself over them all as the four of them mulled over the events that had transpired. Karl was fairly happy with the outcome. Sapnap would…probably come around, eventually, and it’s not like mortal time would be very long to wait, for a god. As a bonus, he had learned that End, no, Dream, had broken the same rules as he had, and in that, he had found a new kinship with the other god. He did feel bad for Dream, though, because it seemed like his other mortal friend, the brunette, was rejecting him. He hoped that George wouldn’t hate Dream for any of this.
Sapnap was still processing. His…very close friend, Karl, had turned out to be a god, (of either time or of the overworld, he wasn’t sure which) and that scared him, but…he could get over it. Karl was still Karl, after all, no matter how big or scary or powerful. Same with Dream. He would get used to it, he was sure. He was just mostly happy that they weren’t going to die in the gut of some giant deity. Everything else? Piece of cake, a flat breeze. Sapnap could deal.
George…George didn’t want to believe any of this. Dream, his very favorite friend, was a god? Dream, the man who could make him laugh in almost any situation, had eaten him? Had eaten Sapnap? What was George supposed to think? Even if it was for their ‘safety’ or whatever, at least he could’ve given some sign, some warning? George knew that he’d be having night terrors after this awful experience. He’d already had trouble with sleep, but now? Oh, he was so screwed. A small part of him hoped, just maybe, he would be able to force himself to interact with Dream without freaking out, but every time the thought crossed his mind, uncontrollable shivers wracked up his spine, and he felt sick to his stomach. He didn’t think he could do it. He didn’t want to. At least he still had Sapnap. At least they were both alive.
Dream wanted to cry. Or smite something. Maybe he could go fry a pillager outpost after this? Maybe. George…he didn’t think George wanted to be around him after this. He really, really hoped George would come around, but he doubted it. He knew the mortal wouldn’t. George was very, very stubborn, which meant that Dream had just lost him. He tried to cheer himself up by telling himself that he may still have Sapnap, and that he had just gained a closer relationship with Karl, but it didn’t help much, not when it was compared with the loss of George.
His thoughts turned to whose fault this all probably was, and a sudden realization that had a snarl crawling over his face passed through his head. He needed to know, so that he could smite them, for causing all of this mess. That, and the indignant anger over the fact that his two humans had been slated to die.
"Who the fuck had the gall to sacrifice you two?!" He abruptly growled, and Sapnap snorted at the sudden outburst. Soon, they were all cackling uncontrollably, and Dream felt just the littlest bit better about it all. Maybe things wouldn’t turn out so bad…maybe.
So, a while later, like, several months or something, George runs into some trouble, alone at night being attacked by a hoard of mobs, and he’s desperate. His armor is gone, his sword is about to break, and he will die if he can’t think of anything. So, he does the only thing he thinks he can do: he screams for Dream, he calls for the overworld god to help him, please, and then suddenly the mobs are being mowed down, one by one, by a (thankfully human-sized) green clad man. Then there’s a terse, heartfelt moment between the two where Dream says that there isn’t much worth doing without George. A bunch of emotions are laid bare that night, but they reconnect, and grow very much closer to each other. 
Sapnap is elated by the news, as well as Karl.)
Taglist that I fucking forgot o~O
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu
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skullsnbruises · 1 year
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The chocolate milk threatened me so I cleaned up a sketch Gogy did!! I hope everyone likes it :3
-london [he/him]
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colossal-red · 2 years
Who do you plan to bring in for the Blorbo AU?
I was actually really hoping that someone would send an ask in relation to this au. Thanks Squishy!
But as for this au, I shall provide the current list of characters!
Dream XD
BadBoyHalo (Demon)
Wilbur Soot
Philza Minecraft (and he is quite old)
Anyone not mentioned is currently undecided.
(Also Entry #2 is going live, shortly after this ask does!)
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zeroistyping · 2 years
my goddess. - dreamxd x fem!reader
word count: 1.9k words
cw: possessive!dreamxd, anal play, overall very rough, oral sex (receiving), somewhat praise? (xd calls you pet names), kinda dub-con at first but it somehow turns fully consensual, unprotected sex
masterlist :)
please give me feedback for this 🧎🏼‍♀️
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He felt powerful. Watching all the people from above, messing with reality and dimensions and people in general. But his eyes were only on you.
You, the girlfriend of the most feared and powerful individual Dream, the one he despises. He tried everything, looking like him, talking like him, laughing like him. But still, your eyes were on Dream only. It was almost as if you're obsessed with him.
XD wanted you to stop, to turn around and to look at him. He wants to see the same admiration in your eyes just for himself. The god was selfish, yes. But he had everything he wanted but you. He had riches, power, control and more. In any world he travels he could get anyone he wants. But he wants you.
And you don't want him.
Everything around you turned black, your body went numb and the last thing you could do was to gasp.
When you were able to open your eyes again, you could find yourself in a cloud, surrounded by other clouds in a white space somewhere. Around you was nothing but void. Were you dead?
"You're awake!", an excited voice almost yelled. It sounded far away but so close at the same time and it hurt your ears, the deep scratching coming from each corner of your surroundings was confusing and loud, causing you to place your hands above your ears while closing your eyes shut.
Suddenly, the voice went softer. "Sorry, sunshine. Didn't mean to cause any harm.. are you feeling alright?"
The voice was familiar but you couldn't put your finger on it. It felt warm but cold at the same time.
XD decided it'd be best to impersonate Dream again, but not to an extent where you'd think it's actually him. So he used a bit of his voice, quite similar looks and changed your surroundings into your house. Still, if anyone would show up to your house they wouldn't see you there.
You decided to study the creature in front of you. Usually when people would talk about the god DreamXD, they'd describe him as at least 10 feet tall, with a light gray mast with an XD on. They'd say he wears a dark green cloak, covering his head almost entirely with golden highlights at the end. A chain with an emerald, shaped in XD around his neck and a powerful weapon of any kind in his hand. They'd explain that he'd have giant wings that he doesn't even have to use.
But the creature, no, the person in front of you looked different. He was tall, yes. You'd guess around 7 feet at least, towering over you, with a white cloak that covers just everything that needs to be covered. His tanned collarbone was on display, and his black fingernails nervously scratched it from time to time. No wings on his back, no mask covering his face but the chain was there, shining in a beautiful, bright green.
His eyes were almost normal, but not really. While one side has an X as its pupil, the other has a D.
"Why.. Why am I here..? Or why are you here..?" Your words came out like a whisper, too terrified to anger the literal god in front of you.
"Because you're my queen. My goddess."
Each word that came out of his mouth was like posing, it made you drown in the mattress you sat on. His words alone made you feel more powerful than you've ever felt before.
"Your goddess..?"
"Of course." XD answered without hesitation as he kneeled down in front of you. But even though he was on his knees, his face was at the same height as yours. "I've been watching you for quite some time now, you're the only one worth my time. I could watch you for decades and not get tired of it. But you waste all your time on that.. stupid Dream.. why would a goddess like you waste your time on a manipulative asshole like him.."
His eyes turned red the second he mentioned your boyfriend but you already forgot about him. The strong presence of the god made you forget everything.
"Wont waste my time on him anymore, I promise. Let me be your goddess.."
While XD called the human version of himself, Dream, a manipulative asshole, he was one himself. He used magic, dark magic, to make you feel aroused. To make you feel desperate to the point it's getting uncomfortable to not do anything sexual with him. Admittedly he did not use a spell on you to forget about your so-called lover, but it made him feel good that he had to do almost nothing to make you drench in your own wetness at the thought of him.
"Wanna be my goddess, yeah..? I can make you my goddess.."
He did not waste any time, whispering something underneath his breath to make both yours and his clothes disappear into nothing before gripping your thighs and pressing them apart. Before diving into your clenching wetness, he looked up to you. He waited until you nodded, giving him a signal of consent.
When you did, XD was devouring you. Eating you out like a starving man. His tongue was long, way longer than average. Instead of circling your sensitive clit with it, it was thrusting inside you as deep as it could, reaching all of the right spots and more. The god groaned as he tasted your juices, it was officially the best thing that ever came across his taste buds.
Your hands were buried in his hair, pulling it hard while moaning louder than ever before. White pleasure rushed through your veins and all you had in your mind were the letters X and D in the same cricked form his eyes were. If his tongue could do things like that to you, what could his dick do?
You didn't need to ask if you're allowed to cum, he made it clear that you should let it all out by the day he was slurping up everything you gave him. His claw-like fingernails cut deep in your thighs, drawing blood but both of you couldn't care less.
In that moment it was just the god and his goddess.
A high pitched moan left your lips as you came, hard. Juices squirting everywhere but especially right into his mouth. He couldn't get enough of you and you have an addictive taste and scent.
He was about to get you cleaned up, thinking you had enough for just the first night but he was proved wrong when you pulled him closer by his jaw, pressing your lips roughly against his while your other hand placed itself on his toned body.
"Need you so bad, XD.. my god.."
Who was he to deny such a generous offer?
His length was longer than average and quite big in girth. 11 inches were way too big for a human to take, especially with that little preparation. But you were willing to at least try. "Give me all you got, XD.. I can take it, I promise.. just need to feel all of you.. don't care if you hurt me.."
Your words came out in a mess, sweat formed on your forehead the second he just aligned himself with your entrance and your violently shaking thighs squeezed around his waist to pull him somewhat closer.
"say red if you want me to stop, my goddess. I will stop immediately.", he whispered into your ear before he gave you another kiss. The kiss was used to distract you from the immense pain shooting through your entire body the second he thrusted just a third of his length into you.
Tears swelled on the edge of your waterline but you were able to pull yourself together, to drunk on the pleasure you felt and the promise of pleasure you're about to feel when the god in front of you destroys you completely.
XD kissed your cheeks as he slowly inserted more and more of his length into you, trying his best not to hurt you. But something, some sick voice in his head, told him to wreck you for making him suffer for so long. For making him wait for you.
So he did that, the last third of his dick was thrusted into you quickly, not caring anymore. The scream escaping your throat was just a sign for him to make you shut up so he used his hand on your throat, choking you with just enough pressure to go silent.
His pace was quick, not giving you any time to adjust to the gods' length inside of you. The hand he didn't use found itself on your ass, lubricated with his spit.
When he destroys you, he thinks, he has to do it the right way.
Without a warning, his thumb circled your rim, making your eyes go wide open. Even though you had an amazing sex life with Dream, he never once dared to go as far as sticking something in your behind. And you'd be lying if you said you weren't the tiniest bit excited.
Moans after moans left your lips, sounding like music to the gods ears. It motivated him. Something inside of him forced XD to go further, so he inserted his lengthy thumb into your bum, moving it just the tiniest bit all while the pace of his thrusts never faltered.
Your shaky legs felt numb, blood trickled down your thighs from before when he cut them open with his fingernails, mixing with your juices and the spit that dribbled down XD's mouth. He couldn't contain it, his mouth couldn't shut close.
"XD.. god.. please.." At this point you forgot what you were begging for.
XD felt himself getting close after fucking you for anhour. For him it was embarrassing. Each time he has intercourse with another individual it'd last for hours with no break but with you it was somehow different and he couldn't explain it himself. It felt right.
"Gonna cum inside, yeah? You'd like that?"
Instead of his just thumb, two fingers were now buried in your behind. You couldn't respond, too fucked out to form any comprehensive words or think of an respond so you just nodded. In that hour he pulled orgasm after orgasm out of you, and it was tiring but satisfying at the same time. You couldn't get enough.
"Fuck..", he whispered before biting your neck, hard and shooting his seeds deep inside of your drenched cunt. A lost scream-like moan was heard from you before you drifted off, somewhere between sleep and unconscious. But it was alright with you.
The god stayed in that position for a while before slowly pulling himself out of you. He never wanted to forget the sight in front of him. The way your body shined in the light of the room, covered in sweat, blood and spit.
And on your neck, in the same position he just left one of the biggest marks in history, formed a small "XD" in black ink.
He officially claimed you as his goddess.
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no but the fact that philza and dreamxd simply exist at the same time is actually so fucking funny. because can you imagine being philza in that situation.
you’re a demigod. you’ve been alive for thousands of years, as is normal for your species. You vaguely know of this other demigod guy, who’s about the same age as you.
Then, one day, you hear that he’s trying to convince everyone he’s the God. Now, surely people won’t believe that. With the existence of demigods, and several well-known gods (kristin, the blood god, etc etc.) people will know that he’s lying. Plus, he’s being really pathetic about it. He gets really insecure if you try to call him human (eventhough you’ve known him for thousands of years and he has always been partial human), he’s obviously pandering to Dream because of his god complex, and he’s building a giant dick measuring contest ass statue for himself. Surely he won’t convince anybody that he’s anything more than a demigod.
Then not only does he convince several people, the dream’s-god-complex-bootlicking fucking WORKS. i do not know how philza manages to stay so calm because i would be losing my shit
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missycolorful · 2 years
c!Phil just looking at the giant stature of DreamXD, a mighty and powerful god and just goes, "My wife is cooler."
"She doesn't need a statue, unlike some egotistical gods."
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heartkade · 2 years
Post-Red Banquet -> Present Day lore recap!
Lore and arcs summarized for each character who’s part of the Egglore finale, up to present day. Just a basic refresher to know where each character is at currently
*Updated to Ponk’s lore stream “A Helping Hand” so it’ll be outdated for current egglore
Was granted fairy wings from DreamXD
Sam employed her and c!Boomer to work under Awesamdude Inc. She is the bank manager. Boomer and her share a strange connection/familiarity, and became fast friends.
Sam holds what happened at the Red Banquet against Hannah, but she wants to move on since it’s “all in the past.”
Boomer tears off her wings accidentally, they declare each other as enemies and fight. Sam wants them to fix their issues for the sake of the business. She’s upset at both of them for not caring.
Currently: desperate to have her wings back, wants to ask DreamXD but can’t get in contact
Locked the Egg away after the Red Banquet, was still the Prison Warden. On the side, works on Awesamdude Inc. for the bank and Las Nevadas for Quackity.
Big reveal that he can transfer his soul between (possibly artificial) bodies that lay dormant all around the server. He knows c!Boomer from the past.
The whole giant Prison Saga which I’ll sum up very briefly: People die on his watch, he continues getting corrupted mentally by the Warden role. Allows violence, kidnaps and takes lives himself believing it’s for righteous reasons, and everybody escapes from the prison in the end. Very few people trust him now.
Gets locked in the prison as retribution. c!Dream visits every day, breaks down his willpower, and takes a canon life.
Has nothing else to do but throw himself into work with Awesamdude Inc. Regularly doing projects with Sam Nook and Foolish.
Egg Resurgence Arc. He finds out that the Egg is growing in power, realizes his methods to contain the entity didn’t work, and is worried about Bad.
Sam Bucket Saga
Currently: just disturbed by everything.
Post-Red Banquet, moves into the Summer Home to regain Foolish’s trust and heal from egg control, they become good friends, and she later moves out
Confronts Sam for chopping off his hand. Finds out that Foolish went on a date with Sam and breaks off their friendship. Cuts off all ties and lives in a cave for a while.
Later rebuilds their friendship with Foolish.
Confronts Sam again after the prison break for what he’s done. Is disappointed in what Sam has become, when he used to be such an amazing person.
Still lives in a cave, not doing too well & had another bad encounter with Sam
Currently: desperate to get his hand back and went to the Egg for help (egglore finale)
Still unsure of how she got to the dsmp, had gotten amnesia from her ship crashing during a storm.
Accepts that everybody on the dsmp is evil in some way, even herself for killing Antfrost at the Red Banquet. Ant and her mutually apologize. Was still upset at Bad.
Slightly involved in the L’Sandburg War arc
Gets her restaurant exploded. Later on decides to leave, wanting a new start.
Currently: birthday party
Half demon, knows Tommy from childhood. His parents died in an attack on their village, and after many years of traveling he arrives in the dsmp. Tries to befriend Tommy again.
Immediately gets attached to Badboyhalo as a father figure. Views Sapnap as a brother.
Big reveal that they can relive past moments of war and violence as auditory hallucinations. Hears the Red Banquet but doesn’t believe that c!Bad would’ve ever hurt anyone.
History lesson from Eret. c!Dream prison escape happens.
Everybody on the server seems on edge and depressed now, Eryn is upset that he can’t help. Feeling lonely & also scared by the past violence he heard, they hide underground for several weeks until c!Aimsey comes and the two become friends.
Currently: deflecting their emotions but otherwise is doing okay
Apologized to everyone for his involvement with the Egg and Red Banquet.
Continued to work as a prison guard under Sam.
Takes his work vacation only to come back and find that c!Dream has escaped the prison. Sam blamed him for not being there to help.
Ant talks to Bad and they confront Sam for abandoning the Badlands and blaming them when he should be responsible. After more arguing, Ant quit the job and left.
Currently: unknown
c!Seapeekay (C!PK)
Fox that can travel to different dimensions and ended up in the dsmp.
Is given a tour by Ponk and later Badboyhalo. Bad repeatedly loses his memory of meeting CPK during this because of the egg trying to control him. Foolish quickly intervenes and brings the two to the Summer Home. Bad later takes CPK to the egg room, before managing to stop himself and disinfects the two in a panic. (this is one of my favorite lore streams)
One day CPK hears creepy voices, curiously goes to the source (egg room) then passes out.
Starts changing his preferences to the color red & his fur becomes discolored.
Another day when cc!CPK is not at the computer, his character begins unconsciously moving on its own. He goes to the Egg and touches it, then runs away. 
He and Aimsey make a team devoted to fixing things but it doesn’t work out. He decides to destroy stuff instead and his house gets exploded.
Currently: unknown. probably not doing very good
Was not willing to apologize to everyone for his involvement with the Egg and Red Banquet. Trying very hard to repress it out of guilt.
Continued to work as a prison guard under Sam.
Decides to live with Foolish at the Summer Home, beginning the very long rollercoaster ride that is the Roommate Saga. Many arcs are part of it, in order we have:
The L’Sandburg War arc
The DreamXD Statue arc. We find out XD hates Bad for some reason.
The L’Cactusburg Prank War arc. Bad & Skeppy’s house got moved to Ohio.
Dream prison escape, Bad quits his job as a prison guard along with Antfrost.
Egg Resurgence Arc. One part being the CPK tour egg-control thing already talked about above. The other part follows Bad and Foolish trying to find out why the Egg is growing stronger, as bloodvines are growing around the Summer Home & Foolish’s builds.
Bad moves out, ending the Roommate Saga “for now”
Sam Bucket Saga
Currently: friends with Sam Bucket, concerned about the Egg and is gathering people for Puffy’s birthday party
The Egg
Got drowned in church prime by Foolish Post-Red Banquet
Tried to get revenge on Foolish and infect Bad again during the Egg Resurgence Arc
Successfully infected C!PK instead
Was “destroyed” by Foolish but actually just moved somewhere else (has similar properties to an ender dragon egg)
Momentarily stopped by Sam Bucket
Currently: growing more powerful. uh oh.
As for the lore of characters that also have a good chance of being in the finale:
Post-Red Banquet, the Egg was in his head until he drowned it in prime water. They apparently have a long history that Foolish doesn’t remember.
The Roommate Saga & the Las Nevadas Saga happening at the same time
DreamXD Statue arc, became besties with XD and was granted immortality and knowledge of the Death Book.
Egg Resurgence Arc same as with Bad. Foolish used his immortality to destroy the Egg; the action kickstarting the Sam Bucket Saga. The egg moved locations and is now more dangerous.
Roommate Saga end & Las Nevadas Finale
Currently: fixing Las Nevadas with c!Quackity
Was slightly involved in the L’Sandburg War and L’Cactusburg Prank War arcs. Him and Bad’s house got moved to Ohio so they rebuilt it.
Currently: living quietly at his house
Has mostly been planning things with c!Dream after the prison escape
Slightly involved in Las Nevadas Finale
Currently: unknown
Sam Bucket
Was a victim of the Egg long ago. He wanted his dog Francis back and the Egg said it could help
Realized he was being controlled and discovered the egg’s weakness to iron. Buried himself with the Egg so hopefully no one would ever find it again. Now has an extended lifespan and teleportation powers
Badboyhalo rediscovered the egg and got corrupted. Sam Bucket wasn’t able to stop the Red Banquet & could only watch
Could physically appear as a result of the Egg Resurgence arc
Sam Bucket Saga. Is trying to protect people from the egg
Currently: saaaam bucket
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
i loved starman SO much . you did an incredible job writing the atmosphere and rising tension for it and it's still my favorite horror fic in the fandom. what was the inspiration behind it? what're your tips for writing the atmosphere of your work? :0
aaaa thank you so much that makes me so happy to hear!! I'm so proud of starman so I'm so happy that there are people who still enjoy it :)
the inspiration behind starman was partly that it was originally posted as part of a challenge/prompt event we did in a discord server I'm in. it was supposed to be a horror fic and we used a randomizer to figure out which characters it had to focus on, and by sheer chance the randomizer spit out wilbur, tommy, and dreamXD. so I knew right off the bat I was doing an eldritch/cosmic horror kind of thing with dreamXD being involved.
along with that, a few years before I participated in this challenge I had taken a trip to visit family in oklahoma. now I'd been to oklahoma several times before, but it'd been many years and it was my first time going there as an adult. the first thing I noticed while I was there was how unsettling it was to be in such an endlessly flat landscape after having grown up surrounded by mountains and hills my entire life. it made me feel like i was being watched. since I was really into cosmic horror at the time, I ended up spending that trip writing an original horror story about a giant eye watching over a small oklahoma town. so then fast forward several years to the randomizer throwing out crimeboys + dreamXD as a prompt, and I immediately thought back to that original short horror story I'd written during my oklahoma trip and decided to rewrite it as a fic.
of course there's inspiration from annihilation with the colors and the weird blood and all that. also there's the obvious inspiration from house of leaves with the formatting towards the end. I got the idea while I was in the middle of writing the fic, and while my immediate reaction was "I don't think I can actually do that on ao3" I then thought about it some more I was like "wait holy shit I might be able to make that work" and I'm so happy I did.
so that's where I came up with the idea! as far as tips for the atmosphere, I tried to focus on making the town feel restrictive and small. even though we go to several locations (wilbur's house, the gas station he works at, the cow pasture, the field he and tommy lay down in) it all circles back to the church. and I had a very specific color palette in my head while I was writing it, with the town itself mostly being described in shades of green/yellow grass, blue and white skies, and brown dirt roads. this was to contrast with all the bright unnatural colors associated with the eye to make it feel even more jarring and wrong. but to be fair a tool like that would be far more effective in a visual format rather than written format lol
there was also the game of being very careful with where I chose to fuck up the formatting. the formatting itself helped a LOT with the atmosphere because a jarring format shift like that can really fuck with a readers head. I had silent rules for myself about how I would integrate it more and more as the fic went on, and what kinds of descriptions would lead to a format shift. I wanted it to be gradual to give the readers that sense of looming dread as it became more and more common, because then they knew the end was near
overall I just tried to describe things in a way that emphasized the isolation wilbur felt from everyone around him (besides tommy). he'd grown up being the only person who could see the eye, and that alienated him from everyone else. that was one of the major things I tried to focus on, although keep in mind I wrote this in february of 2022 so I barely remember what my thoughts were while I was writing it. I wish I could give more specific advice but yeah it's just been a long time. hope that helps though!
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mushiewrites · 2 years
Helping Hands
This was meant to be a small ficlet from this ask I got from @covenofwives, but apparently I have no self control and ran with it. I absolutely adore this, thank you coven!
From this prompt list: 9 - "tickle me?"
(lee!GeorgeHD / ler!DreamXD : 3k words)
HD had let out a long huff of a sigh - he didn't know what else to do.
When XD had come to visit him again, he was expecting it to turn out like it had many times before - XD's tickling fingers against his ribs, his laughter pouring out of him with no way to contain it. It had quickly become one of his favorite pastimes. However, it was different this time.
XD had been here for a while now with no indication that they were going to tickle HD. The deity told HD about things happening around the server, babbling on with stories that he couldn't begin to care about or focus on. His mind was purely stuck on one thing - tickles.
The smaller God racked his brain for ways to provoke XD. He had already tried interrupting them on multiple occasions, only to be talked over, or have his mouth covered by one of XD's giant hands. He had tried to poke at XD, getting a small chuckle from the God before they continued on with their story. HD was truly at a loss here.
He wasn't sure how or where he got the idea, but HD suddenly fell back dramatically, laying across XD's legs, his arms above his head. The sudden movement cause the deity's robe to move as well, exposing HD's lower tummy and sides. He tried to act as nonchalant as possible, biting his lip to stop a smirk from spreading - he knew this would get XD's attention. But to his complete surprise, XD looked down, chuckled and had the audacity to pull down HD's robes to cover the bare skin.
"HD, you're so dramatic. Let me finish my story and then you can whine about whatever it is that's bothering you, okay?" XD smirked and continued on.
HD gripped his hair tightly out of frustration, letting out another sigh and a groan. XD must be absolutely clueless! HD knew they were busy yapping away, but he would always get tickles, and a lot of them. He was sure his annoyance must be radiating off of him at this point, but XD just continued to smile, their fangs almost visible under the bottom of his mask that bobbled every time they spoke. HD's frustrations must have been louder in his mind than he thought, because he heard a sudden "poof" above him, eyes growing wider as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.
A white hand appeared, followed by another. They fussed with the brunette's hair for a moment before moving toward XD's top set of arms. They followed them down to each hand, gripping them and moving them towards the God that was currently sprawled across his lap.
"HD, what are your hands doing?" XD chuckled in amusement, allowing their hands to be pulled and eventually placed over HD's tummy. HD couldn't help but let out a squeak when he felt the sharp nails touch down over his robes. The smaller God shrugged his shoulders, refusing to look up at XD as the blush on his face grew a darker red.
"I-I don't know! They're idiots!" HD tried to play it off as if he didn't know what was going on, when it was the most obvious thing in the word.
Apparently obvious to everyone but XD, because the very next second XD moved their hands off of his tummy, giving a small "alright then" and continuing on with his story.
HD practically growled out in frustration, sighing and moving to sit up when one of his helper hands appeared again, pushing lightly at his chest to keep the God laying down. Four other helper hands were currently attempting to grab at XD's hands, pulling once more until they were planted on HD's tummy, only for XD to move them away a few seconds later. Another groan, another tug at XD's hands, another cycle of HD huffing and puffing when XD inevitably moves their hands off the smaller deity.
"It seems like your hands are trying to tell me something, HD. Is there something you want? Or something you need from me?" HD heard the low rumble from above him, continuing to cover his face as he had been out of pure embarrassment after the third or fourth time of this run-around. HD felt himself giggle nervously, cursing himself for not remaining calm and collected. He moved his hands away from his face after a deep breath, looking up at XD and shrugging his shoulders in fake confusion.
"I dont knohow XD, like I said, idiots." HD's voice had wavered, and he knew that XD had heard it but chose to ignore it on purpose. That's when the light bulb finally went off in his head - XD was ignoring him on purpose. His face was impossibly hot, he could feel the blush spreading to his neck and ears as he realized that XD had been playing him this whole time.
"They may be idiots, but it seems like they want something," XD began, bringing a hand up and tapping their pointer finger twice against HD's stomach, making him jump with a yelp. HD was impossibly flustered at this point, unable to stop the nervous giggles from fluttering up and out of him and allowing a few to escape from behind his hands that were again shielding his face. "Or rather, I guess it would be you who wants something, huh?"
"Nohoho!" HD was full on cackling at this point, moving to sit up but being pushed back down by one of XD's hands. He glanced up quickly at the God in confusion, his face immediately turning to a look of scared excitement as he watched XD bring one of their hands up to their face, no doubt making a show of admiring their own claws and wiggling them in a way that they knew would make HD's head spin.
"No what? No you don't want something? Or you do want something, and are too shy to ask for it?" HD's face dropped as he realized XD had him right where they wanted him. He let out a long whine, kicking his legs pathetically and pressing his hands harder against his face in hopes of pushing the blush back down. However, it was unsuccessful, and the blush only spread more as XD suddenly latched all four hands onto HD's tummy, causing him to shriek and kick out before the God even moved them.
"XDEHEHEE!" HD screamed out when the deity squeezed once, their top two hands settling on the middle of his ribs while the bottom two had settled on his lower sides, right above his hips. HD bucked up in surprise, feeling the sparks fly through his torso even though XD hadn't moved again after the first pinch.
"Yes HD? Do you have something you want to ask me?" XD leaned forward a bit more, now towering over HD, making him recognize how much bigger XD was than him - how easy it would be for XD to take him apart if he really wanted to.
"Nohohoho! XD stohop teasing!" HD whined through his hands, spreading his fingers a little so that he could see the hands resting along his sides, making sure he wouldn't be caught off guard again. He felt the vibrations of XD's laugh against his right arm that was pressed against the bigger God, causing HD to jolt away with another high pitched giggle due to how sensitive he was from all the teasing.
"I think you want to ask me something, HD," the cloaked God began, skittering their fingers slightly against HD's sides to watch him buck up again with a strangled laugh that he had attempted to gulp down. "I think you want tickles."
XD had known since the minute they walked into HD's cave of clouds that he wanted tickles - it had become such a routine thing for the two that it was an unspoken agreement to do it at least once every time XD came to visit. Today though, XD had seen how desperate HD had been and decided to make it into a fun game - well, at least a fun game for XD. And so they had acted oblivious to HD's advances and taunts, holding in the urge to jump at the bare skin of the smaller God's tummy in favor of continuing to tease him until he broke.
"I-Ihihihi don't!" HD managed to finally get out between his giggles, squeaking every now and then when XD's fingers would twitch. He was so on edge, even the clouds that grazed the back of his neck were making him squirm.
"No? You don't want tickles?" XD asked, watching as HD lowered his hands slightly, the cogs turning in his head slowly as he figured out what to say next. "Because if you don't want tickles, then we don't have to do it! That's no problem at all." XD smirked as he watched HD's face turn into a pleading expression, clearly fighting with himself on whether to suck up his pride and ask for them, or keep his tough facade up a little longer. XD could tell it was only a matter of time (and a few more well placed pokes) until he would absolutely crumble.
"W-Well Ihihihi…." HD trailed off, unable to say anything else before retreating back behind his hands. XD knew how embarrassed he was but was surprised when yet again four white hands appeared, gripping at each of XD's wrists and attempted to move them back and forth, they guessed as a way to see if it would tickle HD. But XD kept their placement of their hands firm, not allowing the ethereal hands to move them an inch.
"Go on?" XD prompted with a light squeeze, a bit softer and less teasy than they had been. They chuckled softly as HD let out yet another whine, the thousandth one in the past hour. XD reached up and gently moved HD's hands away from his face, audibly cooing over how red the smaller deity's cheeks were. HD had his eyes squeezed shut, too flustered and embarrassed to open them and face XD.
"I…." HD cracked his eyes open for a split second, immediately squeezing them shut when he saw XD was completely focused on his face and brought his hands up again to cover his face. XD wasn't having it and quickly grabbed them again, holding them down on either side of HD's head. The smaller of the two let out a long, high pitched whine, seemingly flustered beyond repair at this point. XD decided to show him a little mercy - how could they not? HD was being the most adorable he'd ever been.
"HD, look at me," XD giggled softly, laughing a little harder as HD let out another whine before slowly cracking open one eye, followed timidly by the other. His hair was a mess, his hands were fidgeting in XD's grip, and he was chewing on his bottom lip, unsure of what to do with XD's undivided attention, especially in such a compromising situation. "All you have to do is tell me what you want. Just once."
"But-" HD was cut off by a playful snarl from XD, making him roll his eyes.
"But nothing! It's just a simple little question," the deity smirked down at HD, making him shrink in on himself. "And don't think I didn't see that eyeroll. It's good to know you're still a brat, even in your most flustered state." HD let out a chuckle at that himself, tugging at his hands a bit but finding that he was still trapped in XD's grasp. He knew what he had to do at this point, but he really really didn't want to - it was too embarrassing to want in the first place, let alone ask for it.
XD watched as HD turned his head to the side, pressing his face into his shoulder as much he could, and could barely make out the muffled request spilling from the God's lips.
"What was that?" XD asked, shaking their head slightly with a chuckle as HD repeated the same sentence, still pressed against his shoulder. The God gave two squeezes to the spots above his hips and smirked as HD jolted up like he'd been electrocuted, a squeal and high pitched giggles following as XD caught him off guard. The smaller God whined, finally turning his head towards HD. He could feel how hot his face was and only guessed how red, but he knew he had to ask or he'd never get what he wanted.
"T-tihihickle me? Plehease?"
XD didn't need to be told twice, wasting no time and using their bottom set of hands to squeeze rapidly up and down the brunettes sides and ribs, causing him to scream and arch his back before falling back into XD's lap in hysterical laughter. XD still had a hold on HD's wrists with their upper set of hands, making sure to hold them high above his head as the lower set made their way up his ribs and under his arms. HD shrieked, cackling and thrashing and kicking his legs as much as he could, but XD just maneuvered himself and brought one leg up to lay across HD's legs, making it harder for him to squirm away.
"EHEHEX DEHEHE!" HD screamed out as his armpits were ruthlessly tickled, his eyes squeezed shut as he pulled and yanked at his arms, trying his hardest to break free. XD's nails were quick and precise, targeting the most sensitive spots in the small spaces under his arms.
After time and time again of being tickled, HD could still never understand why his body was always rejecting the tickles when they felt so agonizingly good to him. He cursed himself for not being able to sit completely still and let XD tickle him to pieces without a fight. He was, however, thankful that XD was so much bigger than him, knowing the God could keep him right where they needed him in order to really wreck him in the way they (and he) wanted.
HD continued to squirm, his laughter rising in pitch as XD made their way down each rib, scribbling across and between every single bone, leaving him in stitches. XD was usually lighter with their tickles, but he also knew XD could read him well, and XD could sense he'd wanted to be pushed a little further for some time now. Apparently XD felt today was the day, digging their thumbs into the divots of HD's hip bones, making him scream out before bucking up in hysterical cackles. He moved his hips back and forth the best he could to dislodge the tickling fingers, but it was no use. He was trapped in XD's hold. But if he's honest, he couldn't even pretend to be upset about it.
"You wanted this so badly that even your helper hands tried to make me tickle you." XD smirked, laughing as HD screamed when they lifted up the deity's robe once more, revealing their fangs as they quickly leaned down and blew a raspberry, followed by another. HD bucked his hips up again, turning side to side as much as he could until he felt a fang graze over the middle of his side where he was most sensitive. The God screamed, kicking as much as he could and thrashing around, anything to get away from the nibbles. But they were gone as quickly as they started, XD giggling to themselves as George continued cackling.
It continued on for sometime - XD digging up and down HD's ribs and sides, focusing on the places that got the most reaction. It was only when the deity reached HD's thighs and began squeezing up and down them that his laughter began to go squeaky and silent. HD tried to hold on for as long as possible, loving being tickled there even though it was a death spot. But when XD picked up one of his legs, digging into the back of his thigh, his laughter went completely wild, cackling and laughing hysterically, squeaking out his safe word in between strained laughter.
XD stopped immediately, gathering up HD in their arms and holding him close to their chest. They looked down at the giggly God in their arms, still laughing up a storm, his face pink and his smile stretching across his whole face as he looked up at XD with stars in his eyes. XD could tell HD was so far gone, stuck in a world of tickly bliss as he continued to stare up at them with no real focus. XD began running their fingers through the thick brown locks of tangled curls, telling HD how good he did and making sure he felt comfortable and safe as they stood, making their way over the the mess of blankets HD kept on his bed.
XD sat down in the middle of the heap, ready to put HD into them so that he could rest. Though the God wasn't surprised that the minute XD went to put him down onto his bed, he whined and latched tighter onto the green cloak, signaling he wanted XD to stay.
"I'll cuddle you until you fall asleep, okay?" XD finally sighed out, chuckling as they watched the smile on HD's face grow impossibly brighter. He nodded his head in agreement, yawning and rubbing at his eyes as he settled more against XD's chest. XD let themselves lay back against the mounds of clouds, looking down at HD as his breathing had finally evened out.
"HD? …I didn't push you too hard today, did I?" XD asked quietly. HD realized that the larger God was probably overthinking everything, even though HD had literally asked for it and had a safeword in case he wanted it to stop.
"Absolutely not. I….I loved it." the smaller God mumbled the last bit against XD's chest, groaning and hiding his face in embarrassment as XD cooed, clearly hearing his statement.
"Really?" HD could hear XD's smile, refusing to look up, knowing he would melt seeing XD being so fond over him.
"Yes. Now shut up, idiot. I'm trying to sleep." he felt XD's chest rise and fall as they giggled quietly, bringing a free hand up to run it against HD's back. Before he knew it, his eyes were closed, and he was slipping into a deep sleep, a smile permanently on his face thanks to XD.
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dingbatnix · 7 months
Tumblr media
Day 2: Admiration
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Mmm I love a good galaxy stomach, don't y'all?
@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156
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mysterious-gizem · 5 months
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
😐 What embarrasses you most about your own writing?
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP. (DO IT!!!)
🌙  What time of day do you prefer to write? Why?
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
👩‍🏭 If one of your fics was going to get you arrested, which one and why?
⏰ Do you spend more time reading fic, writing fic, or do you do both equally?
Many questions....... :3
I was expecting at least 1 or 3 questions😭
But yk what it doesn't matter >:]
💖 — Personally I like to think my writing does have potential, I've been obsessed with books/stories since I was a kid, but for now, it's average :)
😐 — When I read back to my old wips/writing a somehow, it sounds better(like bro, how did I come up with "The sun unveiled itself from the horizons"
📥 — Any! I love ppl interacting to basically anything :>
🖊 — For years, giants hid from the human race, a small yet brutal and chaotic species. Eventually, the giant race grew to realize they could overthrow the human's easily, human's were cocky, they couldn't accept that they weren't top of the food chain anymore. Oh, that was their first mistake. The giant's only requested equality. Yet, humans waged a war against beings that were stronger, faster, and of course, bigger. And that was the second mistake, upon many more they would make.
🌙 — No specific time ngl, but I often write on afternoons.
👨‍👩‍👧‍👧 — Actually I know a few people who also write fics irl, but I don't randomly go saying it =]
👩‍🏭 — One of them is "My Brother and Me," DreamXD and Dream being cute brothers, with some angst XD
⏰️ — Definitely reading, it also helps me gain more ideas for my own fics.
These were a lot but thank youuu >:3
Have an array of food :]
— 🍪 🍩 🍫 🥧 🍭 🍬
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batwritings · 1 year
Hi! Would it be okay to request something with XD's wings? I was thinking maybe something nice and fluffy about the reader and him cuddling, and his wings kinda wrapping around them as they slept. And, in the morning the reader was confused on why they were around them. Then maybe XD would be a little confused himself as he doesn't know why that happened.
Ooh, yes! Enjoy!~
XD was actually rather shy about showing you his wings at first. It wasn't that he wasn't proud of them or anything like that. Quite the contrary! DreamXD held a lot of pride in his beautiful ivory wings that spread across his back. Even the smaller sets he wore were a sight to see.
But that was actually part of the problem. Everyone who had ever met DreamXD and had seen his borderline angelic wings wanted to touch them. There was also the assumption that one of the fluffy white feathers would bring some kind of good luck to whomever had plucked it from the deity.
The blonde god can remember vividly the day you first saw his wings. Your fingers reaching out, as if on instinct and the way he immediately retracted them, a fierce look in his neon green eyes. You apologized instantly, taking his giant hands in your own. You did your best to reassure him that you wouldn't ever dream of ever hurting XD or his wings.
Deep down, the god of the SMP knew you weren't that kind of person. You weren't the kind of individual to go around causing hurt for the sake of hurting or because of some weird rumor or superstition. Yet the past couldn't be undone; it would be some time before you actually got to see them again.
It was late when DreamXD came to get you out of your study. You'd been cooped up in there for the past couple of days and if your eternal partner knew anything about mortals, it was that they weren't meant to be awake for as long as you had been. Clawed hands plucked you from your seat despite your protest as he walked you both down the hall to bed.
Once you were actually nestled up against him, your body was losing it's fight quicker and quicker. You sighed heavily when you felt the soft circles his claws drew on your shoulder. Your tired eyes were struggling to stay open as sleep started to draw you in.
"Rest now my little star," DreamXD hummed, gently kissing your forehead. "Your work will be waiting when you wake." You didn't have the energy to fight him any more as your dreams finally claimed you.
When morning came, the sunlight blaring down on you, you could feel how much harder it was to pull yourself into consciousness. 'Maybe I was working harder than I thought,' you mused in your mind. Yet upon finally peeling your eyes open, there was a different reason.
Folded over you, neat and pristine were two large wings. They encompassed you in their warmth, the down amazingly soft against your skin. Above you, DreamXD was reading over information he'd gathered about his realm, a soft green blush across his cheeks.
"I think I'm finally starting to trust you."
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mcytgtlibrary · 2 years
Tag List
Here is a list of all of the different tags I’m going to be using on this blog so that you can easily know what to search for! Along with descriptions of some of them. I will update this whenever more tags are suggested/added.
Character Tags giant!character: For the larger character(s) in a work! For example, the human character in a borrower fic or the giant character in a fic with giants and humans. Examples of the tag include giant!Dream or giant!Techno. tiny!character: For the smaller character(s) in a work! For example, the borrower character in a borrower fic or the human character in a fic with giants and humans. Examples of the tag include tiny!George or tiny!Philza. sizeshifter!character: For characters that are sizeshifters! Sizeshifters are characters that can change their size, either growing or shrinking. Sometimes they can control it, and sometimes they can’t. If the characters grows or shrinks, I will also tag them as giant or tiny. For example, a fic with a sizeshifting Grian who grows would be sizeshifter!Grian and giant!Grian.
Other Tags Art: For drawings, animations and comics! Fic: For fics and writing! Minigiant: For works where the giant character is a minigiant! A minigiant is still a larger than typical size difference but not quite as big as most g/t content. Sizeshifter: For works where a character is a sizeshifter. God: For works where one of the characters (often the giant) is a god or some other powerful divine being! DreamXD is a great example of a character who would have this tag. Borrower: For works where the tinies are borrowers! Borrowers are tinies who live in houses, kinda like mice, and usually they’re trying to stay secret from the humans. Giants and humans: For works where it is giants interacting with humans, and not humans interacting with tinies!  Avian: For characters that are birdlike or have wings! Merfolk: For works where there are merperson/merfolk characters! Naga: Works with a character who is a naga, which is similar to a merperson except half snake instead of half fish. Fairy: Your classic “little magical character with wings!”  Fae: Specifically the more traditional fae instead of the tiny winged fairy.  Alien: For works that have alien characters! Dragon: Works with dragon or dragon hybrid characters! Powers: For fics where a character has powers, more along the lines of a superhero! Magic: Fics where a character has powers that are more magic related. Ship: For works that include shipping! I will only reblog ships that fall within cc boundaries. Ships will also be tagged as “character x character” in alphabetical order to avoid any confusion over ship names. For example, a fic could be tagged as ship and George x Sapnap. Fearplay: For works where one character is specifically trying to threaten/scare another character and having fun with it. If done accidentally, I will use the tag ‘accidental fearplay’ instead. Angst: For works that have angst. This allows people to either filter that out if they want to avoid it, or to search specifically for it if you’re in a mood to read some angst!
Trope Tags Lab: The “nonhuman character is held captive in a lab” aus! Abduction: For works where a character is captured by aliens. Shrunk: When a character gets shrunk, whether it’s by magic or a potion or something else! Not in cases where a character is a sizeshifter. Growth: When a character grows in size, whether it’s because of magic or a potion or something else! Not in cases where a character is a sizeshifter. Manhunt: Mostly for works that follow the manhunt format, but it can really apply to any works where some characters are hunting another character. Sacrifice: That trope where a character gets sacrificed to a monster for whatever reason!  Language Barrier: For stuff where characters might not speak the same language or be able to understand each other! Muzzle: For things where one character is muzzled/gagged/something else that prevents them from being able to talk.
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melodyfsoul1 · 1 year
My DreamSMP Head Canons:
Species: Shark Totem Demigod
- c!Foolish is immortal, meaning he cant die of old age, but a critical injury can kill him (the amount of his canon lives is unknown)
Being a god he can shapeshift into multiple forms
1) Sky/Life & Death God, a humanoid Totem of Undying, resembling a golden statue with colorful scarab wings, in this form he can control Life & the skies/ weather. The Totem of Death is basically the same as the 1st, but with faded colors, and red instead of green markings, he controls Death
2) Ocean God, a human or golden shark/ (merman) esque monster. He has gills & lungs so he can breathe under & over water. He controls the ocean/tides, is more feral and shark like and automatically shifts into this form when fully emerged in water
3) Human, 6'1f, looks like ccFoolish, but wears egyptian style clothing around the Summer Home.
- He owns a Snowchester uniform and a couple of fancy clothes for special events
- He never uses this form because he feels vulnerable by his limited human abilities, only c!Eret has ever seen it
4) God Form, a humanoid golden Totem with scarab wings and a shark hood, gills, claws and shark teeth, controls all attributes of the weather, tides, Life & Death
- c!Foolish heals in the light of his beacon in his pyramid or in water (2nd one takes a lot longer tho)
- his Totem body is made of solid gold, including organs etc, and he bleeds liquid Emerald
- since c!Foolish's body is solid gold, he doesnt get affected by temperatures unless its extreme heat like lava and can not be hurt by regular hand to hand combat, but is vulnerable to materials harder/ more dense than gold, like Diamond or Netherite Weapons
- scars on his golden skin look like kinstugi, a "Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum"
- He hides the scars from the Red Banquet at all costs, under golden armor & accessoires to not be reminded of death /feel vulnerable
- I imagine c!Foolish to be a younger god, somewhere around 900 years
- being a Totem, c!Foolish can feel if a soul dies and gets resurrected. The first feels like a bad feeling washing over you, the resurrection causes him physical pain since its unnatural
- c!Foolish can revive people at will, but it takes one of his own lives in return
- when reviving people and when he dies the sound of a Totem popping can be heard
- because his death & respawn, works different from mortals, his actual body never disappears like it normaly would, so critical injuries will leaves scars
- when c!Antfrost killed c!Foolish at the Banquet it took him 2 attacks to kill him fully. The first strike was a sword through his back & chest, but that didnt kill him immediately, so c!Ant went for the neck decapitating him
- the only time when c!Foolish respawned, was at the Red Banquet when the Egg surpressed his powers, his body turned to gold dust and he respawned in his pyramid. This is why c!Foolish was in denial after his death, he had never died like a normal mortal before / wasnt aware he even could die like that
- c!Foolish's personality as a young god was wild, carefree, arrogant, angry, blood thirsty and had no appreciation for life
- after becoming a Totem of Life, he  avoided violence, treated living beings with care, is very protective, loyal, patient, cheerful & friendly to you if you treat him well.
- c!Foolish may seem like a gentle giant, but he is no pushover & not naive, considering his long life experience. He can stand his ground, uses his abilities when needed to intimidate and is observing and cunning.
- After the Red Banquet he became a lot more reserved again, stressed, anxious and paranoid with the fear of dying, desiring his immortality back which is why he made the deal with DreamXD
- c!Foolish is aware of Lady Death and is a lower god under her & DreamXD
- the only person c!Foolish considers to be his close friend is c!Eret, but he gets along with most people he interacts with. Other people he has some sort of attachment to are c!Puffy, c!Ponk, c!Sam, c!Ranboo, c!Michael, c!Tubbo and c!Aimsey
- c!Foolish can give life to objects like Totems, which is how he "got" his children, c!Puffy brought him a normal Totem of Undying and c!Foolish gave life to it
- doing so, Totems start morphing from a regular Totem/Object to a living being, limbs & abilities growing over time (like a tadpole)
- Depending on what kind of nature the Totem God is, they have different attributes & animal body parts. Foolish Jr. has wings since he is a Sky Totem, and Finley has shark fins since she is an Ocean Totem
Plus some old concept art I made of my c!Foolish design, its a bit outdated, but I still like it a lot
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oddluver · 1 year
Dream SMP: S2 HC/Predictions?
So, S2 is an attempt to reset the server and everyone (as far as we know, besides c!Dream, c!Tommy, and c!Tubbo) have amnesia. What if c!Karl during the time of the nuclear explosion was time traveling? Would c!Karl be the only person to sorta remember the old way of life? I mean he would fit right in being another amnesiac.
How about c!George who was put to sleep by DreamXD? Would he wake up to think the reset was just another part of his dream? HC: c!George wakes up in his mushroom cottage in Kinoko, perfectly whole and undamaged, spared by DreamXD. He walks outside and sees everything around him as vibrant, but vacant. Even more so than usual, he ventures out of Kinoko driven by the need to see people for it’s been too long since he last slept. Where is everyone? He visits the place that formerly held Pandora, but all he could see was a giant crater. The surrounding land was kept intact, almost frozen in time. DreamXD allowed the prison to be the only thing destroyed along with past ties to c!Dream. It allowed everything to be erased including the people of the server. But, only keeping the one person it desperately wanted, a friend. No more distractions, no more c!Dream for it would be the new c!Dream and they can start over together. 
We all know the Egg can’t be destroyed (at least to current lore.) What if the Egg comes back to take over the new server with everyone being amnesiacs? Mind control was the biggest threat from the Egg and with no one remembering to teach them to stay away from the Egg, would this just create another cycle? A successful cycle in which the Egg hatches and wins?
Where is c!Karl? Who is c!Karl? Without c!Sapnap’s support, how will he keep grounded after every trip? c!Karl said that c!Quackity murdered him, but we as the audience don’t know when. 
What if only the trio has amnesia after being directly at Ground Zero? Why is there no nuclear fallout?
Also c!Wilbur would be the only person to actually survive considering his ass moved back to Utah (of all places.)
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dailydreamxd · 2 years
“Me, my friend, and his giant DreamXD body pillow.”
Immediately thought of that meme but fitted for todays drawing lmao.
-Blue Words Anon
you're right this is actually what happened
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