#goes hunting for the most important lore
sayonaramidnight · 7 months
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What if she got a new weapon?...
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ape-apocalypse · 2 months
Apes fans have long believed that Freya Allan's human character was called Mae. This name came from numerous articles and interviews, though I feel like I'm now struggling to find a direct quote from any cast or crew that name her Mae. Why the confusion? The new IMAX trailer features a longer clip of apes hunting humans through the forest. Most notably, as we see Freya Allan hide among the tall grass, Noa comes riding in calling two names: Raka, the orangutan seen wearing Caesar's symbol and... Nova? Why would he be calling for Nova and not Mae?
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Fans will remember that Nova was the human girl found and adopted by Maurice during War. Made mute by the mutated virus, but seemingly not actively dying like most humans who get sick, she is given the name while playing with the logo of a Chevy Nova. This name is a callback to the feral human who Taylor bonded with in the first Planet of the Apes film. So the name Nova is not unheard of in this film series but why would a character we've been told is called Mae for months now be named Nova? 
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According to a recently published article by the magazine Total Film, the term Nova is a name apes call humans. This is an interesting revelation to the lore building of ape society. I could see descendants of Caesar's group telling stories of Nova, the one human who spent significant time with their community, and expand her name to a label for all humans as the years go on.
Freya Allan also revealed an additional name for her character. "Noa also calls her Echo, which I love." She's not been able to share much about her character, trying to protect story details, but she did hint more at her mysterious history. All the actors went through movement lessons. This is obvious for those playing apes but it seems even those playing humans had them too, which makes sense given their more feral nature. However, Allan said that “It was a different process for me because of Nova’s backstory”.
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She goes on to describe the experience of learning this new movement, “There’s a sort of rabbit-in-headlights quality to the physicality. It was important in terms of just feeling uncomfortable being around these apes and how scary that is, but also feeling ‘less than’ in terms of how the world is and how humans are within this world.”
Nova… Mae… Echo… whatever her name might be, I can’t wait to see her mystery unfold!
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Dungeon Meshi rewatch ep 4 notes
dearest @eelo I figured I might as well use this opportunity to fulfill a wish of yours and bring my ass back to tumblr 🤣🤣 when this goes terribly wrong and I start living on here again I am totally coming for you btw
new dungeon structure info:
3rd floor is the Golden Castle that is now in ruins
there are toilets in the busy areas of the dungeon, scattered around
skeletons of former castle residents roam the halls LMFAO look at this dude
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most monsters on 3rd floor are bones or decayed so there aren't many you can eat but
Senshi uses golems as a garden bc they've got perfect conditions to grow food
he kills them by hitting their core so that they can harvest veggies
it's against the law to activate magical creatures without permission (Senshi plants Golems without permission lmfao)
you can revive them by replanting them
side note: I really find it interesting how death is not as big of a deal in this universe. It's not like they don't care at all, but there doesn't seem to be question of "is it really the same person/creature"? maybe it's just me, but I feel like I'd worry about that a lot if I lived in their world.
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this quote from Senshi!!!! YES! I agree and I love him for this
turns out Senshi gets his fertiliser by cleaning the toilets on this floor oops (Marcille is NOT happy about that lol)
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another great quote from Senshi, this whole part is awesome. he's basically saying that if he stops cleaning the toilets and tending to the Golems, the whole dungeon will change because the monsters from lower floors will come up to take the place of the Golems etc. It's a delicate ecosystem and everyone plays a part, which is why hunting and eating monsters and giving back to the dungeon is important for maintaining balance. I love it 10/10 lore and world building
Senshi used the veggies to barter with some customers on the lower levels but they probably won't have time for them rn
there are merchants in the dungeon and it seems kinda hush hush secret club vibes but they get in (and then almost get thrown out bc they brought veggies to trade with a bunch of criminals ig lol)
oh the orcs are here! I forgot about them (btw they're Senshi's "customers from lower floors"), anyway they kill everyone but Senshi & friends
the red dragon has been showing up near their settlement so they had to run to hide on the 3rd floor
LMFAO they steal their veggies and Senshi asks if they can stay in their camp so
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orcs think elves look "barbaric" which is also a really nice touch
HAHAHAH I forgot gilrfailure and the orc arguing while Senshi is happily making bread
anyway, bad blood between Orcs and Elves, they each have their own version of the events that paints the other side as the worse one (another nice, realistic touch of world building)
the orc mentions the whole "defeat evil magician, get castle/dungeon" thing and asks Laios what he'll do when he gets it (which he hasn't thought about)
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RIP Crafty
random detail: orc cuisine is spicy
awww that ending was so wholesome
Laios says he'll think about what he'd do with the castle/dungeon if he got it. King Laios is a funny idea tho maybe a bit scary too
random screengrabs:
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the carrots sticking out of Laios' armor are sending me aofhoashfoiah
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beesmygod · 30 days
do the forbidden woods have any connection to the beasts or great ones, aside from being geographically adjacent to byrgenwerth? Are the snake infested fellows just "normal" as far as yharnam is concerned? Like before yharnam got all bloodborney, was the Yharnam Cartographer's Guild map of the woods still just a big circle with SNAKES written?
this is a really good question because, as a lore psycho, i think the understated lore implications of the woods are genuinely fascinating. i think there's a lot to unpeel, even if we take into account that it was one of the places in the game that was chopped up at the 11th hour and scrambled before release.
as always for these lore posts, important nouns are bolded and speculation is in italics. we are going to discuss the woods in three parts: from the gatekeeper to the windmill is "the village". from the windmill to byrgenwerth is "the woods". the subterranean cave shortcut back to yharnam will just be called "shortcut." i'll expand on this shit GREATLY when we reach this part in "you hunted" (I HAVENT STOPPED WORKING ON IT I PROMISE IM JUST SWAMPED) so considered this a light overview. feel free to ask for more details on things and ill do my best to fill in the blanks.
-from the jump, the village gatekeeper is a fucking weird little blip in bloodborne's narrative. i haven't thought about him enough to figure out if he's more than just a spooky, unexplained element but he has some cut dialog that sheds some mindboggling information about yharnam: he seems very confused about WHEN it is and will cite the last time he had a visitor as anything from a year to a century.
-the lamps in this area lighting the way to the village are little burning fetal beasts of some sort.
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i'm starting to understand more and more about how fire operates in the world of bloodborne, since most of the time it appears in the game, it's seemingly impossible. the thing that confused me the most was how old yharnam was still burning if it happened a long time ago. i think it's time to start thinking of the old blood as impossibly combustible and a great source of light/fire. this isn't the first in-universe example of creatures being used as fuel: the lamps in the fishing village are slugs (also infants? they strongly resemble the hunter's appearance as a baby great one in the "childhood's beginning" ending). this is a whole fucking like, thing. it's its own post.
next, the huntsmen enemies here are dressed funny. you probably noticed it but couldn't pin down how. they're dressed in white church clothes! the first model here is used only in the forbidden woods. the two on the left are from central yharnam. note the gloves on the first two; these are church doctors!
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(this post goes on like this for some time)
the white church doctors are the ones that were doing "experimentally backed blood ministration". the butcher's garb further defines it as "forbidden research". these white church doctors are the citizens of this "village". in the clustered buildings where the majority of the huntsmen are, you can find blue elixir and beast blood pellets in abundance. both of these items can only be purchased from the store after obtaining the choir's badge, drawing a firm connection between the white church doctor's research and the goals of the choir.
although, this probably isn't too much of a surprise; it's almost certain that this is where fauxsekfa came from. she took the same shortcut we did, right? i'm not really sure i understand the shortcut too much. but let's talk about it.
although not explicitly stated, i am strongly convinced that this cave is the entrance to the hintertomb. at the very least, it is absolutely an entrance to the labyrinth. the presence of tomb mold, blood gems, parasite larva, and pthumerian giants/corpses makes this very clear. the root chalice for the hintertomb describes it as "a cesspool of noxious snakes and insects"; i think it's likely that the snakes came from the hintertomb given they can be found in the swamps there.
the giant graves here and further into the woods are referred to as "tombstone[s] of a great one".
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the hunter's mark i think would suggest these are pthumerian made. its possible that the hintertomb is spilling out into the world above but frankly all of the graves here are baffling. grave placement and appearance needs more research. the graves in the woods only are developing a strange sort of honeycomb rot pattern not unlike the head of an amygdala. this pattern shows up enough that it warrants more investigation.
the slow poison-inducing "water" here has similar properties to the slow poison pool in the research hall. they are different colors, but have similar origins: the poison pool in the research hall is from the decomposing bodies of the patients, who were exposed to bizarre blood ministration and parasitism. the pool here is likely from decomposing great ones. with this in mind, perhaps the silvery liquid is mercury.
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the ladder leading out of this area is fucking insane and i have a hard time understanding what occurred there. like what in the hell is up with that grave you exit into in yharnam. who popped it open. why is it so cavernous. what happened to the contents.
anyway, let's just go back to the woods.
there's really only two more things to mention here before we move on: first, beast roar can be picked up here. it's the undead, still twitching hand of a darkbeast. nothing touched by the old blood can truly die, and these severed limbs are no exception.
second are the butchers. these are the people who collect specimens, hack them apart, and present them to the church doctors for research. they show up in three different ways: the surviving madaras twin wears the butcher's set (the hunter picks up the set from the other twin's corpse), the "executioner" enemies (REMINDER: a better translation would have been "butchers" [or, literally, "dismantling men"], i have no idea why they went with "executioner" outside of their superficial appearance) wear the cape with the popped collar, and there are huntmen enemies skulking the streets below the grand cathedral hunting for victims dressed in the garb. they literally only appear there.
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ah, one more thing. this is the place where you can find the suspicious beggar and interrupt him while he's in the middle of chowing down on one of the biggest families i've ever seen in my life. at first i thought the devs hysterically fucked up the sizes of the corpses, but they're dressed like the citizens of yahar'gul. while not outright stated, evidence strongly suggests that the beggar is irreverent izzy or one of his followers such as the close proximity of one of izzy's inventions and the beggar's clothing reflecting his past as both a veteran tomb prospector gone mad and former church agent. there's a lot of meat on that bone, but for another time.
this is the part you probably remember the most bc it's snake hell. the first thing we absolutely need to keep in mind is that the snake-infested guys you meet are a reference to doobie from jojo. the snakes are parasites to people, but the snakes themselves are also being parasitized? they are covered in ticks, those are the huge bloated blobs all over them. given that the augurs of the great ones are invertebrates...what does that imply about the inclusion of the ticks narratively?
there's something absolutely fascinating happening to the flora and fauna in this section of the woods but it's hard to know what it all means. some notes:
-when enemies in bloodborne die, the game handles their corpse in different ways. some of this is lore related, some of it is to reduce hardware strain. some corpses turn into ragdolls, some explode into blood, some explode into white particles (sometimes with blood but not always). snakes explode into white particles. i got way too into the fucking weeds with this, but (outside of the slime scholars....kind of) all of these enemies either appear or were intended to appear in the chalice dungeons, the nightmare frontier, or the nightmare of mensis (the lecture hall containing the scholars connects the waking world to the nightmare). all of these locations are, arguably, the nightmare.
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-there are statues of amygdala and a presumed evolution of the celestial child sprouting out of the ground. i am almost certain these are original versions of the statues in the grand cathedral and yahar'gul, respectively.
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-remember that strange pond with the fireflies? the only place in the game where there's fireflies? what the hell is up with that lol. i kind of have an answer:
most concrete is this: back when the original boss of the woods was snakeball, you would have faced a rematch in this pond.
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insane theory crafting moment: look, this is stupid complicated and a reach so if i have to get into really defending it it, ill do it in another post. but in bloodborne people can be teleported around via "communion". communion is the means of entering the chalice dungeons and requires three things: ritual blood (or perhaps just liquid, if rom's arena is anything to go by), something to hold the blood (typically a chalice, but sometimes the "chalice" is a skull), and light (this is almost always achieved with candles). this pond is probably full of blood, if the rotten bodies nearby are any indication, and the fireflies offer light. but, look, this shit was cut so don't think too hard about it.
-its in the art book but also in the game (but hard to see): the wall separating byrgenwerth from the rest of the world is melted.
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wait wtf there's dudes in it. lol. what da hell!
oh my. the name for this asset is "wall of divine tomb". cool. every day i lean some new insane shit about this game, for real.
anyway the only other point of interest is whatever the fuck valtr and the league are doing. too deep of a topic for now. anyway, those were the points of interest in the forbidden woods. i hope this was....whatever counts for informative when it comes to video game trivia
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raintailed · 5 months
Im Cooking lore
Namely, headcanons about batflies, owls, and northern vultures
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Batflies are weird bug/bat/bird things. They have both an endoskeleton and exoskeleton (though their bones are lightweight and fragile). They only have four legs and 2 wings (earth insects have 6 legs and 4 wings, by default).
Batflies are important pollinators! They can also be pests, since they can chew into walls to build their burrows (whose entrances are protected by spiky structures).
Their mouthparts are weird - they have a sort of split beak, and the upper/lower portions can move apart. They also have small teeth in their mouths.
On the right is a concept for giant mothflies, a species found in the northern regions. They're larger, fluffier, and have nocturnal habits.
Both of these species are considered primal fauna, though their genomes have been contaminated by hybridizing with modified individuals. This is likely why they are able to chew through metal.
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Owls are a creature i made! This is a rework of them.
They're distant relatives of batflies and are basically if bugs evolved into birds. Most of their exoskeleton has been reduced, with their mask being a remnant of it.
Owls are roughly slugcat-sized and are important to the ancients that once inhabited the northern regions. Owls were bred and trained for falconry. Their mask became a symbol of hunting; this symbol spread south along trade routes, and was incorporated into the design of both vulture species.
This is also a primal species.
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And then! Northern vultures! The story goes that the rough vulture concept was executed by two different groups of bio-engineers, resulting in two species of "vultures" that had similar behavior but very different anatomy. Northern vultures are heavily based on the genomes of owls.
Northern vultures have a similar head shape to real-life bearded vultures.
I'll have to figure out the situation with the machinery on the backs of northern vultures. Perhaps it's technically part of the exoskeleton, and is basically organic machinery? Also, expelling gas is less important for northern vultures than it is for southern/vanilla vultures, since n. vultures have wings that provide much more lift.
Just like with owls, losing their mask is a serious injury for northern vultures. It's literally part of their face! Of course vultures are upset when their mask gets taken!
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Finally, a comparative anatomy thing showing the differences in body segments between batflies, owls, and northern vultures. Limbs and wings aren't shown for visibility.
Like earth insects, these animals have 3 body segments: a head, thorax, and abdomen. In batflies, these segments are distinct, and the abdomen holds many of the internal organs.
In owls, the abdomen is reduced, so the thorax holds more organs. Owls also have one fewer limb pair. The trend seen in owls continues with vultures.
Note that the body segments are more defined here than they actually are. They also probably aren't as... strict?? As what insects have, so they could be divided into sub-segments that can move independently? I have no idea
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floral-moon-light · 7 months
Lore update for Philza on the QSMP! If you haven't seen the Friday the 13th of October stream or vod and/or the Monday the 16th stream or god go watch before returning!
Okay, so Friday the 13th did not really have much of anything lore-wise to talk about. So, to explain what happened that day, the start of the stream was mostly Phil, Fit, and Tubbo talking about a previous day's lore since Fit and Tubbo haven't gotten to hear what happened and Phil taking the two to the places he got his pictures of Tallulah and Chayanne. After which, shenanigans mostly happened involving a museum visit, spawning of seven deadly sins mobs, and talk about Tubbo either getting murdered or kidnapped (and other random stuff).
Once the group minus Tubbo gets back to Phil's house they mostly talked about the eggs and did some decoration of the outside of Tallulah's seed bank with Fit hyping Phil up. Eventually Jaiden comes over and joins in watching Phil work while revealing Jaiden has wings now, or that she always had wings but is now feeling confident enough to show them. At one point Cucurucho comes over and presents Jaiden with her reward for the task she did.
At some point the two leave and Phil decided to got exploring for dungeons, but gets distracted trying to capture a sunbird he spotted. At some point during the chase Cucurucho stops by Phil and gives him a task to go concur some dungeons for a reward (forget what, all I know is it wasn't anything important and the only thing I do remember about the reward was duckcoins). After which Phil goes back on the sunbird hunt for 1 and a half hours, eventually capturing a Sunbird (the admins had to give it to him because the one he caught with a lasso glitched off the lasso, but the admins agreed Phil caught it). This lead to Phil going back to his dungeon hunt, completing a few dungeons, and heading home to get Cucurucho to give him his reward, mentioning during this that he would really like his wings back as the reward but he only got laughed at. After which Phil checked his egg connection chest to find nothing new before heading off to sleep at uppies.
This is a bit of a side note, but I want to talk about what could have happened to Phil's wings since this was discussed on the 13th due to Jaiden having her's out. To anyone who understands birds or avians, there are three possibilities of what could have happened. First, Wing binding, where something is used to bind the avian's wings to their body, preventing them from being used. This is the least likely option because Phil mentions wanting his wings fixed and having a balancing issue. So, something has to be wrong with his wings. Option 2, his wings were clipped, where the avian or bird's flight feathers are cut/clipped, preventing the bird or avian from being able to fly. It is a more likely option because it does mean something has happened to his wings themselves to prevent him from flying with them, but it is something fixable. Option 3: Phil's wings were permanently damaged, and he can't fly because of this. This option is the most extreme and would explain the balance issue best. However, the only way this would be true is if the Dream SMP is canon on the QSMP and the damage from Phil saving Wilbur carried over between servers. I suspect this is not the case, though, since generally, it is considered that damage like that does not carry over between servers (otherwise, Big Q would still have his Toothpick scar). Besides a few nods between characters, there is no indication that the Dream SMP is cannon to the QSMP.
Now, on to the 16th.
The day started out simple; everyone was getting on because an event was happening. And that day, Wilbur finally returned to the server after completing his months-long tour. However everyone was doing their best to not release what happened to the eggs to the man, including Phil, to give Will at least a little time of being happy. And so everyone met Wilbur, and there were apologies to Phil about the Hatuna Miku joke. Leading into everyone gathering at the spawn for the event.
Said event was a spy mission on a federation meeting inside the maze. So the server had to go through the poorly lit-up maze, and by the gods, chaos occurred! So many people got lost in the place, and during this time, Phil finally revealed to Wilbur that all the eggs were missing. This led Wil to leave the event because he was frustrated by the seeming lack of worry or work to find the eggs. Phil, though, continued with the event, letting Wilbur have time to understand the extent of how bad things are. And so the group entered the feneration meeting, with Tubbo's laptop completly crashing some time during this so poor man had to be told what happened the next day, where we learned 3 things.
1. The federation has no clue whatsoever happened to the eggs and are investigating the situation themselves to try and find the eggs. (as for why my best guess is to try and return order to the island because the residents without the eggs are... Dangerous.)
2. The federation did send Forever into the nether to investigate the eggs disappearance only for them to lose contact with him. But, they will be continuing their investigation by sending someone else in to continue where Forever left off and figure out what happened.
And last but not least 3. The federation released the minnyme mod, a mod that basically puts level-able Pikmin that look like their controller into the game (yes, that is my best way of describing them).
Side note, these tiny creatures are not meant to be a replacement for the eggs. And it looked like originally these creatures were meant to be given to the federation workers possibly to either help keep them safe or to increase their worker count.
Soon after the server members were found out and worked to escape, in the process they managed to steal the items needed to spawn the minnymes for themselves. After which the group escaped and the federation had to pull a coverup to make it seem like the island members were meant to gain the minnymes.
After this Phil meets up will Wilbur again who had finally realised the full extent of what was going on with the eggs and allowed Phil to fully explain the situation and everything they had discovered so far, as well as Phil explaining how he had gotten in contact with Cheyanne. In addition to this the two had found a water frame playing a specific song that Wilbur had used to find Tallulah after she got separated from him on their first day together. He then went on to copy the song down into a notebook to try and get a message to Tallulah.
Towards the end of this, Slime came and visited, and Phil revealed about the code(?) egg that Smile was hanging with, with Phil and Will following Slime so the man could reveal what happened. During this, I will state I had trouble keeping it together and watching the stream/vod due to the multiple minutes long s*x innuendo between Wilbur and Slime that even Phil was having trouble keeping it together for! This then led into an attempt at a comedy show between Slime, Will and Baghera involving the goldfish joke.
After this Phil and Wilbur went back to Will's house where they were joined by Cellbit for a bit as Will set up his message box to Tallulah before the musician asked for some time alone. After Phil and Celbit left they talked about what has been going on with the eggs and the pair decided to mostly not use the minnymes.
After this the pair met up with the others at the spawn where Phil had an out of character chat with Quackity that led to Phil having to put big Q's minnyme into a glass box because Q's stream or computer seemingly crashed.
After that Phil set off to go to bed for the night.
I hope this catches everyone up for when Phil returns after his vacation with his goddess Wife.
Have fun!
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blubushie · 1 year
READ THIS BEFORE YOU SEND ASKS/INTERACT. ASK BLU ANYTHING DAY (ABAD) is on the first full weekend of every month!
MINORS: Block the "#blu lewd" tag OR I WILL BLOCK YOU and do not DM me unless it's to ask to join Blucord. This goes ESPECIALLY if you're 16 or under. Adults on the internet are not your friends, and I am not comfortable speaking with you privately without a third party present.
G'day fellas! You can call me Blu, and I can be invoked like some Lovecraftian horror by mentioning Sniper in the TF2 tags. King of Sniper Lore (and Australia), Messiah of Bludaism, also known as the "Sheepshagging Roorooting Horsehumping Mountainfucking Melonpiping 13x-Divorced Breastmaster Hitman Inenrt Dingoboy Piss Cheese Jorts Bludysseus Blu'nt Bushgod Sniper Blog" despite not being a Sniper blog (and not actually shagging a sheep or rooting a roo or being married to start with or caring all that much for cannabis, I'm a psychedelics bloke). I'm just Like This.
Been told I'm the "Sniper kin of all Sniper kins." Not sure what a kin is these days but from what I've heard I'm content with not knowing.
This is my only blog. I have three sideblogs. One is @blu-doods, where I post my shitty stick figure art for laughs, and the other two are @art-reblugs, where I reblog art on (I reblog art here too, but the pickings are far more slim) and @post-reblugs (same as art but for text posts).
Again, not a Sniper roleplay blog. That said feel free to call me Sniper as a joke because I do very much enjoy it. Just keep in mind that I am my own person and not a fictional character. There's a real person behind the screen.
Sometimes I go on tangents and start infodumping. You can find the masterlist here. Also please read my DNI list and check out my pronouns page (I spent so much time on it).
My ask box is always open to whatever you want to say. Questions, comments, infodumping, or whatever else comes to mind. I particularly enjoy things relating to TF2, astronomy, nature, classic cars, and weapons. :]
If you find a weird animal or plant and want to know what it is, send me a picture with the location and there's a fair chance I can ID it! ("Location" doesn't need to be city, just state or general region!)
If you're looking to do art or something of me, please see this post for a guide to what I look like and this post for my rules on what is and isn't acceptable!
We now have a Discord server! If you want to join just DM me :]
My avatar was done by the incredibly talented @grumpygrumblet!
I have autism, selective mutism, and some other issues that aren't really important. Point is that sometimes it can be hard for me to talk or properly put my thoughts into words. This makes me come across as cold sometimes. I'm not good at communicating with words and I'm better at expressing it in person where I can rely more on touch. I apologise if I seem rude because I'm not trying to be. Let me know and I'll try to articulate what I mean to say in a gentler way.
I'm 23.
Bushstraight. AMAB transmasc. Weird bloke.
I grew up in Alice Springs and spend most of my time in the NT. On the first Friday of the month there's a good chance you can find me at the Daly Waters Pub. CU in the NT! (Not now though because I'm stuck in America for the foreseeable future. Oops. Try me again in 2025!)
I hunt professionally for pest control. Usually it's invasive animals like pigs, cats, or feral dogs. I'm also licenced to occasionally deal with nuisance native wildlife like crocodiles, but aside from assisting in relocation efforts I've yet to be called out for a crocodile. I'm alright with this—I really don't want to shoot a crocodile.
I also hunt to feed myself and my dog. Her name is Misty and she's an Australian Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix. You can see her here or by checking out my "mistyposting" tag.
I used to participate in kangaroo culls and by law I have to shoot them in the head so if you ever want to know what it's like to pop skulls, reckon you can ask me. Also on the kangaroo thing: if you're Australian and from 2020-2021 ate kangaroo or bought kangaroo dog food or leather, there's a chance I'm the one what got it to you.
I'm a bushie. This means I'm a survivalist who lives out in the bush. I technically live in a van (ute + camper in the tray) but if there's good weather I'm usually sleeping outside unless it's an area with a lot of dingos (they don't usually bother people but I'm not going to take risks with my dog). I have no permanent residence and I move from place to place for work. Occasionally I have to go into cities for work (I'm looking at you, M*lbourne) but these are thankfully rare occasions and only when I'm strapped for cash.
Sometimes while clearing a squatter's land I'll find Psilocybe mushrooms and take them back home and get high when I'm done working. It makes for an interesting experience and my favourite thing to do is lay on the top of my van and watch the stars for a while.
I have a mullet and I am awful proud of it. It's easy upkeep since I can cut it using the mirror of my van.
I've drank my own piss on more than one occasion. The first time was because I was dying of dehydration out in the bush and it kept me alive for 2 days until I found water. The second time was for science. Certified Piss Kink Guy. (Editor's note: I do not in fact have a piss kink.)
I have infinitely large balls.
I am a bogan. I am proud of that too. Viva la boganism.
I am Ameristralian. I was born in the US and came to Australia when I was 2 years old—both of my parents are American but my parents lived in Australia for work. I grew up in Australia but when my parents split Dad went back home to California to buy back my grandfather's station and I spent most of my high school years in California (years 10-12) and lost my accent. I now live in Australia with a very thick American accent so I get the "lost tourist" spiel a lot and I reckon I'm never going to stop having to prove I'm Australian. It's gotten me into pub fights before and will continue to do so. I had a stroke in 2023 and now have my Aussie accent back LMAO
I've been told I'm "Sniper IRL." (Cheers, bloke I met in a Sydney pub, for getting me into TF2 by telling me this.)
I fucking love crocodiles to a possibly dangerous degree. Technically I love everything nature and especially animals, but crocodiles are just something special to me. I blame Steve Irwin and the fact my favourite thing to do as a nipper was go up to Darwin with Mum during the dry season and go croc spotting.
I like TF2, nature (particularly plants and animals), astronomy, and history. My special interest is sniping. I also love science and medicine. PLEASE ASK ME ABOUT THESE THINGS BECAUSE I LOVE TO TALK ABOUT THEM.
I swear a lot. I will not apologise for it. Fight me, cunt.
Please ask me about the shit I've seen out in the bush. I have so many stories. Actually, just ask me anything. Just talk to me in general, please. I need it.
I like knives (penchant for Bowie knives and machetes), firearms (penchant for antique bolt-actions), and old cars. I think pre-1970 Land Rovers are pretty spiffy. I can alternatively be invoked by incorrectly stating what model of Land Rover Sniper drives. It's a bloody 1965 Series IIA!
If you wanna learn the rest of the lore, you'd best delve the blog. ;]
I can also be found on AO3 also under Blubushie.
blu lewd: Horny asks and reblogs of suggestive art. I'm making a tag for this since I've been getting so many asks from thirsty anons (I love you, thirsty anons). MINORS: BLOCK THIS TAG OR I WILL BLOCK YOU.
haemocyanin: Usually reblogged gore art (blood is not included in gore, I'm talking viscera). Also includes discussion of gory topics. THIS TAG IS STRICTLY GORE. Please block this tag if that makes you uncomfortable.
blu slew: Discussion of hunting. May contains photos from hunting. This includes animal death/animal gore, so anyone who is uncomfortable with seeing this PLEASE BLOCK THIS TAG.
blu a fuse: Rants/sad hours/personal journals. Basically me screaming into the void. May include discussions of trauma so if that bothers you please block this tag.
blu jarate: Anything that mentions piss in referral to urine because it's brought up a lot on this blog (not in a kink way, just in general). Block this tag if piss makes you uncomfortable.
blu boos: A personal medical journal of sorts. Block this tag if talk of injuries disturbs you.
Postbin: Hate asks. Will probably include transphobia or homophobia or intersexism because people pick on the easiest things ay? Block if you don't want to see people clowning on me.
💙: Random thoughts or stuff from me. No worries, I don't ramble often. Also contains reblogs of things I just Vibe With that don't fit any of my other tags. Formerly #bluposting
blu news: Updates on my life. This may include failsafes.
blu zoo: Discussions of animals and plants. May contain pictures of things I see on my adventures!
blu whos: Answered asks. Please send me asks or talk to me in literally any way as I often spend weeks without even seeing another human out in the bush and let me tell you it is NOT good for one's state of mind. I may not like people but humans are social animals and it's a terrible Catch-22. Ask me about my work or life or my fic or about TF2 lore or Sniper or literally anything please.
abad: Discussions or asks from Ask Blu Anything Day, a monthly... Event? Where some of my ask rules are suspended. ABAD is your licence to go nuts in my ask box, and the rule of ABAD is that I have to answer everything honestly.
blu drew: My sketches. I don't do digital art so all of it is traditional and usually of varying quality. It's typically animals or plants I see out in the bush.
blu bushie: My adventures in the wilderness.
🍄🍄🍄: Contains discussions of drugs.
🍄: Triposting! These are trip reports from the times I get high on various different drugs, but usually mushrooms. Also contains any posts I reblog or make while under the influence of drugs. (Formerly #blu flew)
🍺🍺🍺: Contains discussions of alcohol.
🍺: Drunkposting! Contains any posts I make while under the influence of alcohol.
learnin the blus: Random thoughts/rambles regarding my fic.
blu hoohs: NOT MY ART. Just stuff I've REALLY liked and reblogged. My own art is never tagged with this.
blus clues: Me speculating on headcanons and lore, usually about TF2. I love lore speculation.
sniperposting: Shit specifically about Sniper since I seem to talk about him so much. Also things from my life that Sniper would also probably do.
blu pew: Weapons, mostly firearms and knives.
bushman: Reblogs relating to survivalism, bushcraft, hunting, fishing, nature, and the land. Also includes reblogs of things related to these.
stockman: Discussing my former job as a stockman.
true blu: Things specifically relating to Australia. Usually cultural things.
code blu: Things relating to medicine. This especially applies to bushmedicine.
blursed: Reblogged shit that I think is cursed. Usually text posts, sometimes images.
blusome: Just uplifting things I see and reblog. Everybody needs some added light every now and then.
blu spew: Funny things. Titled for me spewing out my coffee in the morning when I see them.
blu polls: My polls.
blu views: The VERY rare occasions I discuss politics. Most of this is either about firearms or rarely nature conservation.
mistyposting: Posts relating strictly to Misty.
moonyposting: Anything relating to Mundy, my emu. On this blog he's referred to as "Moony" so as not to have him confused with Mundy from my fic (or canon Mundy).
blu tunes: Anything relating to music.
blu chew: Anything relating to food.
ford blu: Anything relating to cars.
blu id: Posts where people ask me to identify animals and plants.
blu marbled jack: Anything relating to Jack. This is because I once saw him eat an entire block of cheese.
ask game: Ask games I find.
answered asks: Answers to things I've asked.
blubook: Posts relating to literature. It's a pun about the Australian boobook, a type of owl. Get it? Because owls are smart? And it's reading? Nevermind.
fanart: Art specifically of me because I had one person do it (cheers Lilac) and now I'm making a tag of it just in case other people do more.
blucord: Discussing things that go down in the Discord server.
blu muse: Poetry I write (because apparently I'm doing that again).
blu misc: Anything that doesn't fit into the rest of these tags.
blu queue: Queued posts.
blu reviews: Submitted posts.
bluroarer: Things I'm tagged in.
smoke signals: Back-and-forth discussions in reblogs.
dozposting: Posts about my lovely lady, @eyes-like-iron-fangs-of-rust
horseposting: Me talking about horses. I fucking love horses.
dream journal: Where I log my dreams.
eminence: Me infodumping about DND/my DND character Redd (cuz Redd + Blu = eminence purple).
PMP: Info relating to my job as a pest management professional.
matildaposting: Me discussing my late 70s Dreamer camper or other campers.
🌌: Wereshitposting—late-night blogging I get up to when the world is quiet and I can't sleep.
Also I'm writing a Speedingbullet fic on AO3 because it's boring out here and I have brainrot so go read that I guess, cheers. Chapter 10 is my magnum opus.
Here's the link to the original F/M version of the fic, and here's the link to the M/M edited version of the fic. The M/M version isn't as good and there may be pronoun errors here and there because the F/M is my primary focus and how the fic is originally written. The M/M version is also discontinued at Chapter 7 as I couldn't work Jesse's backstory properly into Jake. Sorry, folks.
If you're looking to do fanart or something I have a reference for Jesse and Suki. I also have an appearance detail for the rest of BLU team. (If you do fanart of Jesse and Mundy together I will love you forever and ever.)
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dollsuguru · 3 months
?????( KAIRO????????? YOU CAN’T CASUALLY MENTION KING!SUGU/KNIGHT!READER AND THEN MOVE ON I’M ABT TO EXPLODE 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
ok but “call off your dog” is THEEE dynamic ever to me actually like it’s so good …. that feral devotion…. reader being like his attack dog…… i’m just thinking abt this vine 😭😭 the dog is knight!reader the owner is king!sugu and satoru is the one abt to get bitten LMAOOO
YOU’RE SO RIGHT ABT THAT DYNAMIC gojo is a squealer, suguru’s an instigator, & reader is just :3 BARK
& KDKDKDKDKD LISTEN IT’S SOMETHING I THOUGHT ABT A WHILE AGO ONLY MOMENTARILY but i will say king!geto infiltrates my thoughts from time to time </3
omfg i haven’t really thought of the lore of this au in depth 😭 i just know i wanted it to be feral violent dark devotion <3 just very intense and raw but VERY genuine like there’s genuine love there that makes them soooooo insane <3 i think the idea of king!geto is just delicious…
there’s rumors across the kingdom where the now king!geto murdered his parents in cold blood in order to usurp the throne (is this real or not? who knows? not me…) to those he dislikes/who dislike him: he’s a cunning king… sly… manipulative… calculating… tactically/strategically intelligent… he’s like a viper <3 venomous serpent fangs ready to strike when the opportunity presents itself, his fangs leaving ragged bloody raw bite marks in his opponent’s necks where they simply won’t ever survive // on the flip side/more human side he’s a young king after all so in the privy of his castle/palace he’s a bratty, huffy, dramatic king :> a funny lil twist from the demure, elegant, alluring king that the townspeople see
BUT on the opposite end for those he adores/adore him: he always looks out for them! he really does LOVE his people i think the reason that he’s SO beloved is because he wants to create a better world for his subjects! he’s kind, caring, & always has their best interests in heart! he keeps them safe, he goes into the town to speak to vendors/assess how to help them, & then plays with the little children (nanako mimiko megumi yuji & yuuta are especially fond of the king and he’s especially fond of them <3 they’re all his little babies <3)
as for knight!reader… omfg insane human i love them. they’re like if a wolf, raven, & a panther had a baby. just a rugged/morally grey/sick sick sick individual 😭 i think in the beginning their devotion stems not necessarily from Love for suguru & the royal family but from the Love of fighting/killing! they were a ward of the infamous assassin toji zen’in and worked under the tutelage of king ryomen sukuna, a tyrannical & heinous king. they have a scar that runs from their left eyebrow down their eye on the middle of their cheek courtesy of sukuna </3 they’re like an undomesticated dog who needs to be reared in through trial & error, strictness, & punishment.
and you may think… What The Hell are they doing as suguru’s knight then??? 🤔🤨
well if you saw a single knight take down an army of bandits all by their lonesome wouldn’t you be intrigued…? regardless of anything you know that they’re CAPABLE & able to PROTECT. which is the most important thing <3 the perfect duo: a king who already has a screw loose in his head and a knight who never had any screws in their head to begin with <3
basically knight!reader is a fan of the hunt more than anything <3 imagine them walking towards suguru all bloody with a wild glint in their eyes and a massive smirk… suguru for once in his life found someone/something he can’t control…
… but suguru likes a challenge and he likes to tame <3 reader isn’t a brat, they’re just so feral & need to be put on a leash for their own benefit/the benefit of those around them <3 he wants to domesticate this undomesticated dog and train them properly. my knight!reader is the type to submit willingly but only to those they respect.
that’s why the “call off your dog” aspect is so delicious to me……… reader is so feral and violent and always has their fangs bared, their canines sharp & bloodied. and suguru is always holding their leash, ready to draw them back or ready to tell them to “attack.” it’s all based off of suguru’s whims & orders at the end of the day. knight!reader bows only for suguru and suguru alone <3
sidenote suguru & his knight have like . sadomasochistic tendencies . not necessarily Sexual vibes but like……… the knight is quite masochistic & suguru is quite sadistic (to each other… but they love it… another facet of their Sick dark weird devotion towards one another)
and also by dark devotion i mean reader is on their knees with suguru’s knuckles against their lips, the epitome of: “let me kill for you. let me bloody my hands, let me show my love in this way, in a violent way, the only way i know how.” and suguru cradles them like a father would a baby: “let me tame you. i’ll bark out the orders and you’ll follow through. because you devote yourself to me. and because i love you. i will show you my love through control & intense passion, the only way i know how.”
also i have a Certain Scene in my head that ultimately showcases their love for one another and i’ll just say it here bc i don’t think i’m writing this story anytime soon and i know i’ll forget if i don’t write it down 😭 but after a battle or smthn reader comes back bloodied and scarred and for once in his life suguru feels genuine fear. it’s unbecoming of a noble king to carry someone who is Designed to Protect him to his personal bath, but he does so regardless. i think one of the MOST intimate things is to give someone a bath… and he does that. he’s no longer a king and you’re no longer a knight… he’s a worried young man who bandages & bathes you, who needs to take care of his beloved by doting on them oh-so carefully & oh-so softly. it’s almost like a purification process for both of these characters too.
and then suguru sees something on the knight’s body… it looks like a tattoo but it’s a brand (think of sukuna’s markings but along the knight’s stomach & back) suguru then really looks at the knight and realizes that… this person is just so tired. weary. young. they enjoy the hunt but they’ve always existed to serve others, to protect others, to take the punishment so others don’t have to…
i think he gains an extra layer of respect for reader and is almost… sad? i think he thinks abt if they met under different circumstances would they still be tied to one another? had he been a teacher and had reader been a butcher — would the devotion still be there? and then he catches the knight’s eyes staring into his… and he’s positive. 100% certain. no matter the era no matter the circumstance no matter which lifetime they’re in — the intensity of their raw devotion towards one another withstands the test of time. also TRUST the knuckle kisses that the knight gives suguru are soooooo reverent
BUT yeah blah blah blah this sets up the NEXT scene which would be suguru giving reader a hickey in the bath (his own form of branding) and sukuna sees it the next day 😹 like “oh? you took my little rottweiler puppy and made them a refined wolf… good for you.”
i’m all over the place but ESSENTIALLY that’s the gist of it all 😭 there’s SOOOOO much more lore/twists/turns and such the further i think abt the story but omfg……….. you know what maybe i will write this soon 🫡 they’re my beloveds
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midnightsun-if · 7 months
*cracks fingers* we need more lore
(Disclaimer I've been trying to keep up w/asks; but your pretty darn active (tytytytyty soo much for that!) and I might have missed something)
Assumption: vampires can enjoy food and not just liquids (otherwise our sis might be torturing us with the smell of cookies; ooooff) Is a vampires sense of taste also enhanced as it goes hand in hand with smell?
Assumption: Vampires can cry, is it normal tears in the game or blood? (Down for either tbh just curious at this point)
Is silver something a vampire or a werewolf should generally avoid? (Does it burn the skin, does it cause a unique reaction in their blood, does it somehow weaken them ect)
Werewolves; I do not believe anyone has asked what happens on a full moon? Is it just "a legend"? Do they have to transform that night? Or do they simply get grumpy, or anxious, or irritated, ect?
A lot of lore has elemental beings such as Phoenix's being weak of the climate of there opposite element(aka North Pole bad). Do Phoenix's experience this? Or is any race weekend by climate for that matter?
I am also assuming Phoenix's do not just...burst into flames and rebirth when very injured based on other questions about immortality/races/C?
Speaking of my favorite RO! How large is their bird form more or less? We know that the wolves are literally big enough to put a saddle on apparently; flames aside, would a Phoenix theoretically be able to carry a person? Even if its LoTR style eagles in claws?
Regarding the Shadow-Kin, are they more rogue/spy vibe....we talking full on DND assassin stabbystabby or more corporate espionage?
I’m always willing to give you more lore whenever I can! Of course, things are subject to change as I flesh things out, but I’ll try my best to give you most concrete ideas I have!
I enjoy interacting with you all as much as I can! It’s something that brings me tremendous joy, especially when you all include little blurbs about my characters and what you’re excited to see. I truly appreciate all the support that Midnight Sun has acquired. ❤️❤️❤️
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Vampires can enjoy food, not just liquids?
Correct. Though I wouldn’t say they enjoy it necessarily. Vampires can definitely eat human food but it doesn’t really do anything for them, and some vampires find the taste absolutely revolting or just muted so they don’t see the point of doing it. Most of the time, for the vamps that do eat human food, and actually wish to enjoy it (somewhat), and get sustenance from it, blood is added into the mix. So you’ll have things like blood cookies, or blood suckers (lollipops), and various other things.
Is a vampires sense of taste enhanced?
It is in a sense, but not in a way that you’d be able to pick out every single ingredient individually, which is another reason why the vampires that find human food revolting stay away from it. For the ones that don’t it just adds a little kick, but nothing that’d be considered detrimental to the “experience”.
Vampires can cry— is it normal tears or blood? Something else?
It’s actually broken down venom! As you’ve probably noticed a vampires venom is of great importance— not just because it’s the thing that changed them/keeps them still kicking, but it offers a lot of other bonuses that wouldn’t otherwise be available. Vampires, and the venom in a sense, try to copy humanity as closely as it can (with some obvious differences) due to the fact that humans used to be the main food source, it’d made hunting easier and blending in a smooth transition.
Hence vampires being able to “bleed” if a wound is deep enough. As the blood a vampire drinks not only satiates their hunger but it also flows through their veins to give a semblance of… being alive, I guess. It’s why if a vampire hasn’t fed in a while they start to turn colder (in a temperature sense), look a bit more pallid, and generally look a bit worse for wear. (Of course, the blood that you’d bleed isn’t actually yours but that’s just semantics.)
Is silver something that vampires or werewolves should generally avoid?
Not at all! No one truly knows how that myth started up— some suspect it was just a ploy to make Hunters think they had the advantage when they actually didn’t— but it’s not the case in the slightest.
In fact, when the Voltaire Family has to host the annual unity ball (let’s just call it that) wherein Hunters attend, Scarlett wears silver everything (necklaces, rings, etc), because it’s a long proven myth that’s been debunked but is still a wound in the Hunters ego. She has a blast every time she sees their faces. (For those wondering why Hunters would be allowed near other supernatural species, it’s because since the supernatural world has tried to integrate with humanity they haven’t really needed to be in supply. They’re more bounty hunter type things now, going after criminals and the like.)
Does the full moon have an influence over werewolves like in the myths?
Yes and no. Younger wolves, that haven’t really learned control, or haven’t been trained accordingly, can be swayed a bit more by the moon, but it doesn’t force them to shift, nor does it turn them into mindless hunting machines. However, the legend does have a kernel of truth on why the myth started in the first place. Centuries before, when the supernatural world was still hidden, werewolves typically had big hunts on the night of the full moon, as it gave off more light, and one pack in particular was quite… ruthless. Stories spread of it, of that pack and it’s unrelenting intensity, and the werewolf myth with the full moon began.
Some wolves do get a bit grumpy during it though. Not because the moon is doing something, but because people always have something to say about it. (Sloane has never had a good time.)
Are Phoenixes weakened by the cold? Are there any species that are?
Phoenixes are quite hardy, they have to be, but do they enjoy being in colder weather? Not particularly, but it’s not something that’d be of great detriment to them. Are they comfortable? Not really. Would they be able to survive? Yes. It’s something that they could do, in a sense, but wouldn’t particularly enjoy. Though Ice Phoenixes feel the exact same way about fire.
As for other species? The underwater species tend to avoid heat, at least an excessive force of it, due to the fact that it feels like they’re drying out (though it just depends on the different types), but I’ll have to go back through my notes to look at specific species! I’ll have to remind myself to make a post about that!
Do Phoenixes get reborn?
They used to. It’s a gift that has since been lost. For reasons that you’ll uncover within the game.
How large are Phoenixes?
Phoenixes, at least when you’re talking about the shifters, vary in sizes from a Peregrine Falcon to a Martial Eagle.
However, actual Phoenixes, where the name was derived from, were much bigger and would easily be able to carry a person. (Like with Dragon Shifters, actual dragons are always bigger.)
Unfortunately, Phoenixes have gone extinct and only the ones that had been blessed with their gift are left.
How big is C’s shifted form?
C is quite large for the typical Phoenix. They have a wingspan of about, roughly in any case, 13-14 feet.
Shadow Kin specification?
It’s more corporate type espionage, at least in the scope of Midnight Sun, but afterward, you can HC your MC taking various other paths!
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teecupangel · 1 year
So, I'm watching The Witcher: Wild Hunt gameplay - it's amazing and I want to cry because in total it's almost 30h of videos and aaaaAaaaaaaaAAAAAA - and I noticed that when you use the witcher's senses, things glow red, gold and silver (?) according to importance, functionality and usefulness. And my ADHD brain immediately: hey, doesn't that look like eagle vision?
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So! Witcher Desmond, anyone?
Here’s the Desmond (and some more characters) gets isekai’ed into the Witcher world ask I got before for more Witcher AU idea.
Witcher 3 is one of the greatest RPGs. Honestly, the main reason why I haven’t finished it is because it keeps crashing my PS5. XD
So a witcher!Desmond has been knocking on my head for quite a while now.
Of course, we are taking a lot of liberty from Witcher lore in this one, mainly to ‘preserve’ some of the core elements of AC lore.
Now, Witcher is known to be made so, in this setup, Desmond came to the School of the Eagle in mysterious circumstances that only their leader, also called the mentor, knows. Some say he was sold off by his parents. Some say he was a bastard son of a high-ranking noble that wished him to be striken off the ‘records’.
Regardless of the reason, Desmond grows up to be a witcher with three other kids.
Altaïr is an orphan who was sold off to them, supposedly of unknown origin. He’s quite close to a veteran witcher named Umar who treats him like his own son. (You decide if Umar dies in this one or… just goes on his own Witcher travels)
Ezio had a family. Or… he believed he had a family. His memories are fuzzy but he believed he had siblings once but he’s not sure if it’s real or if he was dreaming them. Giovanni, an older witcher and one of their training instructors, found Ezio as a small child near their headquarters with a letter saying that the child’s name is Ezio. That’s all he knows about Ezio’s past.
Ratonhnhaké:ton was actually taken from his mother when he was young and was supposed to be sold off when Bayek, one of the oldest witchers in their school, got into a fight with the slave ‘traders’ and Bayek had tried to bring Ratonhnhaké:ton home, only for them to find his village gone. Even with the witcher sense, the villagers’ trail ends by the nearest coast and Ratonhnhaké:ton decided to become a witcher to become strong enough to find his village (and his mother).
The four of them develop a close bond with one another, one which the other witchers don’t really try to push because folks get testy with just one witcher… four witchers traveling together? It’s unheard of and, frankly, would get them more in trouble than it’s worth. They do tend to find one another even though they usually travel alone, usually because they decide (on their own) to hunt the same monster or follow the same rumor.
Unorganized Notes:
Altaïr is the most proficient in signs in general and uses them regularly with his regular attacks. It’s normal to see him use Igni in close combat after striking his opponents with his sword or Aard to keep other enemies back while he’s focused on one of them.
Among the four though, Desmond has the highest mastery over Axii and he has no qualms about using it to calm down other people or make them do what he wants. During battle, Desmond usually uses Axii to confuse his opponents and create an opening.
Ezio rarely uses Axii as he feels uncomfortable manipulating other people’s minds. He usually cast Quen before charging into battle, just to be safe.
Ratonhnhaké:ton prefers to use Yrden as a trap for his opponents and also uses a bow with specialized arrows (poison, silver, etc). He’s also the most skilled in hunting his target and sometimes doesn’t even need the witcher senses to find clues.
Among the four, Ratonhnhaké:ton’s the one to mostly use potions and decoctions. Altaïr mostly just creates them out of curiosity and experiments with a lot of possible combinations but rarely uses them, most of the time just giving them to Ratonhnhaké:ton or the other two if they meet and his inventory is getting full. Ezio tends to only use them if he has no other choice and Desmond… uuuhh… Desmond mostly forgets them. They oil their swords liberally though. That’s just good sense. (“Good sense would be drinking-” “What’s that? I don’t hear you. I think you’re too far away.” “I’m right beside you.” “Huh? I might be getting something with my witcher senses. Please wait.” “That… that’s not how it works.”
Cristina and Sofia are two sorceresses that Ezio has… past dealings with. The other three don’t want to know the details.
I was contemplating if Leonardo should be their Dandelion but I think it’s better if we keep him as he is, the multitalented mad man we all love. He’s also a very avid Gwent player who taught the boys how to play Gwent. Most of the time, he provides information and rumors to them.
All witchers of the School of Eagles have a Hidden Blade made of silver. It’s mostly not used because, as veteran witchers say, “If you’re close enough to use it, you’re too close to death itself.”
Honestly, the plot is more or less ‘witchers doing witcher stuff and finding each other in the big world for some reason’.
If you really want a more solid plot, Desmond’s parentage has been left a mystery so we can play it with later. Making him the Ciri with William Miles being king would lead to an actual plot of the most powerful people in the world looking for him.
And hey, if Desmond is meant to be Ciri, he would have elder blood in him that has been mutated by becoming a Witcher, making him more powerful even if the powers of the elder blood should only be activated by women.
Or… you know… Desmond is an anomaly all by himself not because he’s the Ciri of the plot but because he’s the actual Desmond Miles from AC world that got deaged and transported to this world after the Solar Flare and he has no memories of it. The Wild Hunt is after him because he doesn’t belong in this world and becoming a Witcher granted him more powers than he should have.
… there was also this vague idea I had of Desmond being sold off to become a witcher but he ran away before he could become one then things happened and he became a sorcerer instead. Then he meets up Altaïr who is now a witcher and remembers him as the boy who ran away. But… that’s as far as I got. XD
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visionthefox · 2 months
A bit of a crack theory but I wonder(based on the previous anon ramble)...Sun can use star power, not the same as Lunar but he's arguably the most skilled person alive(since KC is dead) who isn't an astral that can use it, and he can use magic but just doesn't and nobody ever bothered to teach him, and even if the gaming videos aren't exactly canon new Moon said in one of the most recent ones he hates magic and doesn't want to use it, I have no idea if Lunar can even use magic because didn't Golden Freddy say somewhere that magic and star power are antithetical to one another? Either way what I am trying to get at is that Sun has some experience channeling star power and casting magic, who says he couldn't end up mastering and using both at once? He's not an astral so if magic and star power don't mix he wouldn't just automatically implode or something if he used both at once and was careful with it, imagine if he was actually allowed to be smart and competent and be taken seriously as one of the main characters again? Since right now he really feels a bit like a side character how in many of the recent episodes there's some excuse to ditch him in the first 5-10 minutes (in the lore episodes anyways he's in the gaming ones all the way through), though I would fear that if he became that powerful everyone would start going "he's mad with power!" for no good reason This is a bit of a crack idea I'll admit
(small note here- I stared to not believe the gameplays are really part of the lore as they used to be. I feel like. in lore, the logic is that they record a hell lot of videos and post them slowly- while they can not control what part of their life is actually posted in the channel- is why you get a rather happy moon right after his best friend just died.. hah just my hc to not fully believe most gameplays!) wait anon I love your idea here! but keep in mind- when he "shoot" Eclipse with his own magic, he did get "ruined" badly, but clearly he survided this- and a whole ass space lab explotions - dude here be like the ultimale life form! I do do believe IF IF Sun gets to maybe master his powers - because we know he was training in secret before NewMoon found out... who is to say he is back at it again? to train again! but- I feel the bigger issue here is the trauma related to helping using magic- last time he did, Moon got reset.. if he does try again- I feel is because he is so deeply mad, or so deeply desperate for all this to end.. we know he used to get emotional.. Solar death even if the two were not close, did hurted him, maybe because he now see his brother sad- that makes him sad.. so that makes him want to step in- because just like old Moon- new Moon is working himself til complete tiredness.. so say- Sun does get to train- he is master in Magic- once again- the idea is that he wants to protect his family-- I think the only bad thing is now the "mad with power" but the "im not so weak now huh?" mentality.. he goes to beat Eclipse just because he keeps bothering Moon, he hunts down BM because they took the FC.. and finally.. face Ruin.. and is here when moon needs to stop him.. BUUUUT that means make Sun important again! sadly.. seems like the show will only Focus on Moon for a long month.. BUT I LOVE YOUR IDEA ANON!!
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nonuggetshere · 6 months
Was PK really the crybaby of his clutch? Why did everyone think PK was dead?
PS: I would love it if you ever decided to info dump on us about all your wyrm ocs and what their personalities are, because everyone sounds super fascinating!!
PSS: Since finding siblings has been common in au's anytime Flower's outside Hallownest, I should let you know that I was beset with the immediate image of one of PK's relations hauling in Ghost to Flower and PK by their scruff and going, "They were found raiding the kitchen. Why do they look like they're yours???" And PK's speechless and Flower's dissolving into tears and Ghost just starts flailing because: Hey!! Their sibling is hurt, and THAT'S THE GLOWY PERSON THAT TOOK THEM SO I BET IT'S THEIR FAULT LET ME AT 'EM!!!"
Bonus points if Ghost yanks a kitchen knife from their void to menace PK's knees with.
Will paste all of it under the cut
And KDHDKDHDJ YEAH Ghost would be a Menace
So wyrm culture places a lot of importance on strength, kingdoms led by wyrms tend to be heavily militarised, war-mongering kingdoms,
Ebur was an outliner in that he did not care for these things, he was born a weak runt and even as his condition improved he still preferred to curl up next to their dame and watch his siblings playfight. Despite this he wasn't at all disliked by his dame or siblings, who indulged in his interests as well and whenever he played with them his siblings tried to pick games that he could play too.
The hatchlings grew and eventually started to learn how to hunt and went out with their dame to learn how to navigate and survive in the wastelands
But an unfortunate rockslide and tunnel collapse (or a flash flood? Probably would work better, there fuckers are made for digging so I dunno how Addamas couldn't just. Dig him up) separated Ebur from his family, when he was still too young to live by himself. After days of searching Adamas couldn't find him and assumed him to be dead, and young Ebur was left to fend for himself
He knew enough to survive on his own even though it was hard
I've been toying around with the idea of a mortal taking pity on him and taking care of him for a while before it pretty much became unsustainable to feed a giant log of meat, but it's just an idea for now, nothing concrete yet
So PK's family assume he's dead and he gave up looking for them a long time ago,
Also he's like the only one who fully ascended into godhood
Adamas: She's an old wyrm, she had many clutches in her lifetime and the clutch which Ebur belonged to was her last, having had them much later in her life she decided they'd be her last. She's a much more "typical" wyrm and a tough love kind of gal, she shows her hatchlings love through her actions but also thinks the best way for them to learn is to throw them in the deep water straight away. She values strength a lot like other wyrms, although she doesn't think physical strength is all there is to it - she saw potential in her youngest son's cleverness and regrets not being able to help him hone it. While most wyrms value their scars, seeing them as trophies of their battles, Adamas thinks it's foolish; believing instead that scars just prove that you weren't quick, smart or fast enough, they're not a bad thing to have but you shouldn't be proud of them and should learn from them instead - a sentiment a lot of her hatchlings inherited from her, including Ebur.
Another thing about her that goes against most wyrms, she is completely uninterested in leading anything or anyone. Having had her own empire back in her younger years she had now completely abandoned that type of lifestyle, preferring to wander alone.
Long after her last hatchlings left her nest, she lost a fight with a younger wyrm. Driven away from her old territory and gravely injured she travelled into the mountains, burring into the side of it and deep in the peaks where she would eventually succumb to her wounds. Being reborn, she now permanently resides in her old tunnels in the mountains, hunting small critters, travellers and picking from her own rotting corpse for sustenance. She's quite content in her new situation, preferring the peace and quiet the cold mountain peaks give her.
Fossor: The oldest of the clutch as well as the biggest and strongest of them. She can hold her own yet prefers not to fight, taking on their dame's philosophy about scars and turning it up to 11 - choosing to immediately resolve your problems with violence and fighting is a sign of cowardice and weakness. Nonetheless, she's a devastating opponent to face. Although they were originally named for their passion for digging (the damn nest had so many holes after Fossor was born), they certainly earned the second meaning to her name - gravedigger.
They were quite protective over their little siblings when they were young, especially the smallest of the clutch Ebur and partly Melpomene. After it was time for them to leave the nest Fossor was the one who stuck the longest by her siblings before finally splitting off to found her own kingdom. She chose not to be reborn into her second form, finding her wyrm form to be way more convenient, and it helps avoid her any trouble from the majority of possibly hostile neighbouring nations.
They took on a mortal as a mate, and although he is long gone by now the two of them had a child - Nivalis. Although at first her conception was only for political reasons and convenience, Fossor quickly grew to adore their daughter. Nivalis is now a beloved princess, one who helps their parent a lot in running the kingdom (the small stature loser to mortals does have its benefits) yet keeps dreaming about one day leaving the nest and getting to explore beyond the kingdom's borders.
Ossum and Adustus - The middle children, the two of them were tied at the hip from the day of their hatching. Both named for their colouring, Ossum meaning bone and Adustus singed/burned...and Ossum partly thanks to their old habit of playing with the cleaned remains of their prey. Ossum is the more reserved yet hotheaded of the two while Adustus is the levelheaded extrovert of their duo. After their last sibling, Fossor, left their side the two decided they'd stick together permanently. Life as a duo was exceptionally hard for two gigantic apex predators so they chose to be reborn, and as neither is interested in ruling anything they chose their forms to blend closer with the mortals, hoping to not be recognised for who they were. Now, they still travel together, spending a few months in any given kingdom before moving on. Occasionally they like to visit their siblings and dame.
Melpomene: (@bluethepearldiver oc, just relying info here) The second youngest and the second to split off from the group, she found a village of wyrm and casted off her old form to join them. After protesting against invading a neighbouring mortal village she was exiled and presumed dead, only to later return and kill the village leader.
Io: (Again, Blue's oc, relying info) First sibling to split off so he could found his own kingsom, which he now rules alongside his mate Careuleus (gay rights <3). He's more of a typical wyrm with his style of ruling, certainly aggressive yet still somewhat benevolent. He took on a smaller form to be with his partner
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robby-bobby-tommy · 1 year
Guys, guys, I just watched Martyn's episode and it was a banger. But the last bit with rhymes really caught me off guard so I want to talk about it.
Firstly I'm glad watchers returned! Their lore is super interesting and I'm looking forward to more of it. But all it is left for me to do now is overanalyze the rhymes they've left.
Secondly I know nothing about the original meaning, it's just mine interpretation. There's a high possibility that awaits you below is just mine undiagnosed apophenia (the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things)/j. So buckle up, and enjoy the ride.
"Every grain that passes comes to rest"
Hm, there's nothing special about this line. Implied passage of time mb.
"A pillar built another test"
I'm very dumb so I'm a bit confused about this pillar part. Which pillar are they talking about? My guess is Skynet, but I'm not sure.
The test is probably the test of trust. How much Scott trusted Martyn with his life and vice versa? Will TIES go on each other? Will Bad Boys betray each other? Will Bdubs kill Scar as he promised to Etho? The list goes on and on. The trust was always a big theme in Traffic SMP, but now it's very important. Like the amount of trust you need to have to let your buddy kill you in a survival game is just enormous.
"These fickle unguided hand"
Well.... Yknow..... Hand. Martyn's nickname from wayyy back in the third life, given by the red king Ren diggity dog himself. And, as we all can see Ren isn't in this season (this explains the word "unguided"), but in some clip from Martyn's stream I've seen he wanted to collaborate with Ren. So what if he'll appear as a watcher? Watchers made it clear that they like Ren very much, so why can't he speak through/be a part of watchers? In the Watchers Lore video ( https://youtu.be/UlMVxRNSPhQ ) Martyn said he'd like to link himself to Ren so in every season they'll be together at some point. And the Hand kept his promise cuz him and his king were in the same team in both Last Life and even Double life. Maybe they'll be able to connect through Watchers?
" Forever moulding in the sands "
This is probably represents this survival games in general. This people will always "mould" back in these servers, kill each other, suffer and ect just to please Watchers' desires. They have no choice nor way to escape from this eternal battle.
The sands might represent either the sand in watches or the desert from the third life, who knows.
" The thrill to kill The fleeting gill "
Now this is pretty obvious. It's just a description of the events from episode.
" All washed ashore To settle still"
Now this line probably resembles the end of the hunt for greens and the start of yellow mellow peace.
" A single day and then it's gone "
Now this is a bit confusing. I don't actually know what it means. It may refer to the end of the season, that is the last day. Or maybe something else..
" Doomed to repeat: Our will be done. "
Now this goes back to my take on eternal, inescapable cage of this survival game. They all are doomed to repeat this circle of death, unable to ever stop.
"Our will be done" Is the most interesting Watcher phrase.
Honestly, the phrasing is very important in this poem so maybe I misinterpreted some of it, but it's all I can think of rn.
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
I have been following you for a while because you have verbalized very eloquently some of the things I felt were wrong with the Fandom without really being able to put my finger on it.
I especially like your criticism of Peter.
Which brought up a question that I have been wondering for a bit.
In season 5 Lydia could free Mason from the beast because of her banshee powers. Which made sense with the lore. But recently I was reminded of the final of season 2. Where Lydia was able to bring Jackson back to (semi-) human so he could be killed and ascend to werewolfness.
Now the reason that is stated in the show was that they are in true love. Which is never again brought up and even later refuted in a conversation between Lydia and Allison (were Lydia says she has never felt anything like Allison).
But if I remember correctly then it was Peter that said that Lydia could do it through love (might be rembering wrong tho).
Now my question is, do you believe that it could have been a part of Lydia's banshee powers manifesting that brought Jackson back? If yes, do you believe that Peter knew that this was what was happening?
Because that would be huge. Especially in terms of his stans always claiming he is always willing to share information.
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One of the worst things about fandom is how much it misses when, in its enthusiasm, it focuses on applying exterior tropes to a story in which they don't fit. Teen Wolf lampshaded the principles behind its storytelling frequently, but the fandom, so invested in seeing a completely different story, just ignored those instances.
Let's take your example: Lydia was able to partially free Jackson from the kanima state and how she was able to free Mason from the artificial possession by The Beast. In my opinion, it was fully justified by the show because it conformed to the principles established within the narrative. In this case, there are four principles, which I will go over.
The evolution of truth into legend. Jennifer summarized this in Alpha Pact (3x11): "Argent… The French word for silver. Ah, ah, ah. Interesting how truth becomes altered by legend… When it's not actually the metal silver that kill werewolves but the family." There are truths in the supernatural world but like many things in history, they have been obscured by the passage of time or by the agenda of those writing history. In this case, there is indeed a myth that you can cure a werewolf by calling out its Christian name. In the show's universe, this turns out to be partially true, but it's not just anyone who can do this. Lydia's voice is powerful enough to achieve this result, but so is Scott's. Remember, he calms down a raging Isaac twice in Unleashed (3x04) and Frayed (3x05) and an angry Kira in a Credible Threat (5x17). How? Well, that goes into the second principle.
Identity is important to the supernatural. The saying "the shape you take reflects the person that you are" is repeated often enough throughout the series for us to comfortably use it as a lens through which to view the action. Again, Jennifer seems to give us some insight, though this time in The Overlooked (3x10): "It's a way of not completely letting go of your identity, since your name is so tied to your sense of self." When Lydia and Scott cause others to revert, they are empowering who their targets actually are, allowing them to resist the supernatural power threatening to overwhelm them. As evidence, the most inhuman and inscrutable of the enemies in Teen Wolf have no real names to speak of. The nogitsune and the anuk-ite are types of creatures; actual names seem unimportant to them. The Dread Doctors shed their identities through masks and generic titles (the Surgeon, the Pathologist, the Geneticist). The Wild Hunt is a force of nature, and it increases its power by erasing the identities of others.
However, sometimes the name isn't enough. Why? Emotional connection is a component of supernatural power. A werewolf is out of control until it finds an anchor. The sacrificial ritual required an object with meaning to find the parents, and it required an emotional tether to pull them back. Scott found the strength to break the Berserker skull when Liam reminded him of their bond. Sebastien was distracted by what he felt for Marie-Jean and Scott felt for Allison. Stiles was summoned from the Wild Hunt when people re-established their emotional connections to him. Jackson didn't revert from the kanima state because it was a banshee who called his name; he reverted because of the emotional connection he had with that particular banshee, whom he felt a connection to so much he gave her a key to his house. As another aside, Jackson is mostly uninterested in the goings on during the movie, but he's always there. Where is he? With Lydia. Even though he's with Ethan now, the emotional connection to her still exists.
Yet, why wasn't this principle always clearly known by the characters? Well, there's another principle for that. Peter Hale is a lying liar who lies. He's a con artist, and con artists are known for presenting information in a precise way to get what they want. He obviously knew what Lydia was -- she was his back-up plan -- but he just waxed lyrical about the 'power of human love' because he didn't want to share that information with Derek just yet. He stressed the ruthlessness needed against Berserkers at the end of season 4, because he needed to keep the others focused on survival, not their emotional connection to Scott. He relented in 6B because he realized that the daughter he wanted to protect had created an emotional connection -- however short-lived -- with Scott, but he hid that information.
Lots of people like to be critical about Teen Wolf with the excuse that the writers were making it up as they go along. I personally reject this because I feel we were supposed to come to the story through the teen-age point of view; like them, we didn't have all the information and that was part of the payoff of the show. As for "making it up," maybe they did and maybe they didn't. It doesn't really matter because in the end, the show remained consistent in its storytelling by adhering to the principles it clearly established.
It's not a plot hole if the audience doesn't like the rules by which the story operates or the audience couldn't bother to pay attention to them in the first place. I hope this answered your question.
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remy2fang · 8 months
Play A.K.I. in World Tour Mode before Arcade Mode
The story flow makes more sense that way. In an old post of mine (right here), I mentioned that most character stories in Arcade Mode takes place before the events of World Tour. I still stand by that. In A.K.I.’s case, it’s different. Her World Tour story seems to take place before her Arcade story.
Starting in World Tour, AKI sends you (the avatar) on a quest to see what the Shadaloo remnants are up to. You meet these Shadaloo remnants, and they all seem to be allied with JP. They also think that Ed will be the next Shadaloo leader like M. Bison, even though Ed goes against this organization in SFV. You come back to AKI and tell her the scoop. AKI then writes a report (and love letter) to F.A.N.G about JP and his plans.
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You give this letter to FANG. FANG reads it and gets mad at JP for leaving him out on his plan to use Ed.
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This is where we start with Arcade mode. Because FANG is mad at JP, he sent AKI to teach JP a lesson.
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After beating JP, she issues a warning to him to not get ahead of himself and let FANG handle the revival of Shadaloo.
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The Ed DLC is going to be interesting lore wise. Neo Shadaloo was mentioned in the main World Tour story, and it’s mentioned again in AKI’s story. But most importantly…are we going to see more FANG content too?? FANG had been wanting to revive Shadaloo ever since TOXICITY. Seeing that AKI has already sent the message to JP, we might see FANG in a more active role later on, whether it be playable or a very important NPC (like Bosch). Or…AKI might take on the role as the F.A.N.G of SF6? She might be the driver of the plot like FANG was while FANG acts like a lesser “M. Bison” of SF6 where he sits back and do nothing but be the “Big Bad” lol. But I much prefer FANG being more involved in the story haha.
Also to note, it seems that the DLC have the avatar more involved with character stories. Base roster cast and Rashid didn’t have the avatar affect their arcade story. In AKI’s case, she would not have hunted down JP if it wasn’t for your assistance in gaining information for her in the first place.
Now that I think about it, it’s wild that the Avatar gets to be in a weird alliance with a former evil Shadaloo boss. Majority of the Avatar’s Masters that were involved in SFV Season 1 fought against F.A.N.G and the organization.
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Hey! Just wanted to say I really enjoyed part three to your til dawn series! I really enjoyed reading reader getting chased down by the creeps, especially Bens little cameo, I really like the inclusion of them and makes the story feel a lot better, if that makes sense! I was jsut wondering, what were the other storylines were, since you mentioned that there was 4 different ones that you scrapped and I’m really interested to hear what they were like, if that’s okay with you
hi!! yes ofc i’d love to share :) i really wanted the other creeps to make a cameo. honestly for this fic i wanted to emphasize the importance of the worlds merging. so i knew walking into part three the other creeps were going to be a big part of it. i’ll talk about the ones that almost made the cut since they’re the most interesting.
concept 1: i thought about having Jack kinda sitting you down and explaining the mansions, the other creeps, his diet, etc to y/n and it not going well. (obviously a normal person wouldn’t give a thumbs up) i may make a one shot about this concept, but i originally thought about Jack chasing you, his hunger clouding his judgment or desire to keep you or something in between. i scrapped it bc i couldn’t find a way to incorporate the other creeps & i thought it was kinda contradicting to be his mate then hunted down cause Jack was out of control
concept 2: this one really almost made the cut until i realized the entire concept made EJ really ooc in till dawn. in this one he was going to bring you to the mansion, introducing the idea of you to all of the creeps but it not going well. i thought playing on the discrimination of having a human in the mansion. masky, being a proxy, in this one was super against you residing there. (cause yk proxy lore) the plot in this one was ben introducing the idea of a ‘game’ one where EJ proves he can protect you and control his hunger at the same time. the creeps would chase after you, their inability to catch you up to Jack. He’d be the last one left and would (plot hole) be hungry, so catching you and ignoring the blood pumping in your veins would be a real challenge. i mainly scraped this one bc in till dawn i don’t see EJ putting you in danger by bringing you to the mansion when his roommates are so unhinged.
in till dawn i really wanted emphasize that even though your dynamic with EJ begins with obsession and infatuation, after he mates with you his character develops just a bit. for him it goes beyond that now, unable to process love, he just thinks you’re his world. a fragile world that needs endless protection and him by your side.
i thought incorporating Slender’s mansion was not only a nice cameo, but a good tie in for EJ’s character. the mansion is all he knows socially, the only people he’s been exposed to all of the years he’s been this way. it’s all he has. and now that he has you, merging the two long term is unavoidable. plus, i like writing about the dynamics of the creeps and the head cannons i enjoy/how i envision each characters behavior.
lemme know if you have any other questions or thoughts i’d love to hear them. i’ve been in the creep fandom since i’ve been 12, im so glad there are folks out there who still enjoy it like i do. <3
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