#gotham 4x18
gothamnetwork · 1 year
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jerome + jeremiah in Gotham, Season 4 Episode 18: That's Entertainment
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winnie-the-monster · 1 month
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ozymoron · 2 years
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only kinda obsessed with this fucking loser i swear its only kinda ignore how often i post about him
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countessrivers · 5 months
Author Interview
I was tagged by @myulalie and @polarnacht1. Thanks
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
2. What's my total ao3 wc:
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
Likely influenced by time as 3 of these are Gotham fics which have been up for longer, but 2 of them are DW and they're (relatively) newer.
Tells Me "Worship in the Bedroom" - Bruce/Jeremiah, E
An encounter in a church, after Bruce gets left behind. Follows on from the end of 5x03 'Penguin, Our Hero'.
Deadly Fever, Please Don't Ever Break - Ten/Simm!Master, T+
The Master bares his teeth, free hand moving to press against the Doctor’s stomach. 
“Don’t,” the Doctor says, tightening his grip on his arm. 
“Make me.” 
The Doctor feels a burn where the Master’s hand is pressing into him, even through his clothes, but he doesn’t flinch away, squeezes the Master’s arm even harder instead, and brings his other hand up to pin his shoulder. 
The Master isn’t going to run again, the Doctor’s not going to let him. 
The Doctor lands on Earth, and feels a familiar presence he'd thought lost.
Lacrymosa - Bruce/Jeremiah, M
"Lie, pretend, hide, change your name, put on a mask, lock yourself away in the centre of a labyrinth - it doesn’t matter. Nobody can run forever. "
Jeremiah between 4x18 and 4x20.
Sweet Blooded and I'm Stranded - Ten/Simm!Master, E
The Master isn’t doing anything as pathetic as avoiding the Doctor. Because that would be pathetic.
And he’s not.
(Not pathetic. Not avoiding the Doctor.)
*** The Master (who is doing fine, and doesn't need the Doctor anyway) stumbles back across his own timeline and runs into a Tenth Doctor who still believes he's dead.
One Hand on my Cheekbone, One Hand on the Rope - Bruce/Jeremiah, M
Bruce is not dealing well with a great many things.
Jeremiah just happens to be at the top of the list of things he's not dealing with.
Or maybe, he's just the straw that broke the camel's back.
Bruce, in the aftermath of 'Ace Chemicals'.
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do. I'm very, very behind (so sorry to everyone who has left a lovely comment on one of my fics) but I intend to catch up. To begin with I just like/thanking and acknowledging people who took the time to leave a comment, and then it sometimes will give me a chance to talk some more about the fic and my thoughts/ideas behind it.
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
Roots in my Dreamland (Midam) maybe. It's not too bad, but Adam is still technically stuck in the cage and isn't having a great time. There were plans for a series that would follow through to the end of the show (with a happier ending) and maybe I'll come back to it one day.
Similarly, my To Sit in Hell With You (Bruce/Jeremiah) series, which I'll admit I didn't plan well because I would write the parts on a whim/when inspiration struck and not chronologically so while it all makes sense in my head, in hindsight I don't think it's the best experience for readers. Ultimately it had this stockholmed/broken Bruce story - with Arkham Kight vibes - that was fairly angsty, and the last entry in particular which focused on Jim and Bruce, was definitely that.
And One Hand on my Cheekbone... is basically just angst.
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
Devotion (Yassen/Alex, T+) is the only one that really stands out to me as having a proper happy ending.
A lot of my fic is smut, so does a happy ending count?
7. Do you write crossovers?
Not strict crossovers, but AUs based on another setting often enough. I have a Star Wars fic in the works that name drops Anakin and Obi-Wan if that counts?
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
Not strictly hate. I've had some very odd comments that have nitpicked (what I think are irrelevant) details while not even mentioning whether they finished the fic, much less enjoyed it, which I think is just entirely unnecessary. Or have requested that I write an idea they have, again without commenting on the fic they're posting on. But that's the worst of it.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
Not that I know of.
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
The only one I'm aware of is One Hand on my Cheekbone...
12. Have you co-written a fic?
13. What's your fav ship?
It varies. Right now, Alex/Yassen, but if you go through my fics you'll see the range. Doctor/Master is a pretty eternal one.
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
I have a few in both the Gotham and Supernatural fandoms. There's a chance I could go back to them, the hyperfixation would just need to swing that way again. I've mentioned a few above, but also Talking While the Wolves Close In (Midam, AU post 'Point of No Return) though that is one I particularly *want* to finish.
15. What are my writing strengths?
I like to think my smut is pretty good at this point. In general I think my writing flows quite well too if that makes sense. I've been told something similar about my academic writing, so I think all that practice has meant my writing - content aside - looks/sounds/reads/flows well.
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I struggle with dialogue. A line here or there is fine, and I like to think I can make it in-character, but full conversations I struggle with, particularly then trying to match it with movement/the characters actually doing things. Or maybe I then overcompensate and include too much of that when a bunch of back and forth dialogue would be fine without the "interruptions". I guess the problem is I can't quiet tell what the right balance is.
Can't do long plotty fics either. Wish I could, but I always lose steam/motivation before I can finish it. And/or it feels like so much work to get to the bits and pieces I actually want to write within it.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
Fine when done right I guess, but I've never done it apart from maybe a word or two here and there (where I'm pretty certain I've got it right). I know a few languages but none fluently enough to be confident basically. I stuck some Russian in the note of my first AR fic that was the translation of a joke alluded to in the fic itself (taken from the Archer episode the fic was basically parodying - he finds the grenade "hanging from the lampshade") but otherwise I tend to cheat and just say they're speaking another language, potentially using italics.
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
DCEU as far as anyone checking my AO3 knows, but there was some earlier stuff for Star Trek '09 way back when I think (that will never see the light of day).
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
At the moment I don't really have a burning need to write for anything other than what I already have.
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
Lacrymosa is one I'm really happy with, but I also still really like Our Old Friends Are Now Our Enemies (Bruce/Jeremiah, post-series), Hold Me Down (Alex/Yassen, Alex/Julia vamp AU), Strange One... (Alex/Julius/Yassen), and My Doctor's Can't Explain (Alex/Yassen)/
And tagging @too-many-rooks and @pigandpepper if you’re interested.
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manyakejderha · 1 year
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Akli dengenizden başka…
Gotham [4x18]
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alpacasandravens · 4 months
If you had to choose just one episode of tv to watch for the rest of your life, what would it be?
hard toss-up between gotham 4x18 one of my three soups and dr who 1x13 the parting of the ways. probably gotham episode because sometimes i enjoy tv that doesn't make me cry
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itaroma42 · 3 years
Jerome [4x18]: I know this isn't gonna end well.
Jerome [4x18]: But the whole middle part is gonna be awesome. :D
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jeremiahwasajoker · 4 years
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@violentvaleska made a very interesting point about Gotham’s deleted scenes regarding the Valeska twins, and made me wonder...how many scenes are out there that we have no clue about? Take the picture above for example. Was there an extended version of the 4x18 ending? Is that why that last scene seemed to cut out really quickly to reveal the title card? If only there was a way to know...
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marthaskane · 5 years
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I actually didn’t know it was your birthday, I just happened to be strolling in the neighbourhood. Ah. Either way, its good to see you. 
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honestmrdual · 5 years
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esperata · 5 years
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gif courtesy of @stabbybabz (https://stabbybabz.tumblr.com/post/172901849851/sit-tight-all-right-oh-and-oswald-cobblepot)
I was rewatching "That's Entertainment" because... well, why not? And I started thinking about how Oswald probably drags this story out all the time.
First I'd guess he'd want to tell Ed. Maybe with a few alterations to make it sound better. But you just know he'd be bringing this up whenever anyone asks what good he's ever done for the city.
The time he flew a blimp and saved the city from a crazy laughing gas. And did he ever get any thanks? Nooo... cue rant about Gordon and the GCPD
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jokerasylum91 · 6 years
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Outstanding Visual Effects In A Supporting Role Gotham “That’s Entertainment”
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winnie-the-monster · 1 month
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ozymoron · 2 years
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im so normal about him
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Batcat + Birthday cake ? I think yes.
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spicywatson · 6 years
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Oswald in 4x18
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