#hannibal coons
storyofmorewhoa · 1 year
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Think of all the many romances that started out a bit wobbly and then worked out.
"Morticia's Romance: Part 2," The Addams Family directed by Sidney Lanfield written by Harry Winkler & Hannibal Coons
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katzirra · 2 years
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We just got done grooming the cats...
Hannibal is ~22lb, and easily is ~24" sans tail, and stupid strong, and William is 14/16lb and like 12" in loaf form... Hannibal takes a literal hour, and Will is like...5 minutes.
Had to back comb Hann for ten minutes to get all the floof he keeps shedding... He turned 2 years old this week, Will is turning 2 next month!!
Also also, they both never let me get photogenic photos. Its always like:
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uglynovemberrain · 26 days
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Random Hannibal art dump
1. Will with song lyrics, as usual
3. Hannibal looking sly (is he plotting murder or his and Will's wedding?)
4. Will as a Border Collie and Hannibal as a Maine Coon cat on school notes
5. Chilton, my beloved
6. Wil
7,8,9: crack
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after the riddlers with dogs ask, i gotta know..what about cats?
"Riddlers with Cats" Riddler Party Ask
Sorry this took a second I am BUSY this month. Life kicks fucking hard but we gotta kick harder right? Time for some CATS.
TW: mentions of animal abuse
Cornish rex mix, baby! HUGE yellow eyes and big old ears. Kind of freaky looking but Edward is in love from the moment he lays eyes on the creature. She is his baby now. She has a soft thin layer of fur that's typical for the breed and he swears it feels like lambs wool. Then he finds out she's a bonded pair with her litter brother...
Gidget and Gadget are their names and causing chaos to Edward's life is their game. Gadget, the male, isn't nearly as strange looking as his sister but still has huge ears and patchier fur. He tends to be the more shy, neurotic one but Gidget wants to get into everything and see everything. She scared the bejeesus out of Oswald when he first came over post-adoption because she practically jumped onto his shoulders from the dark.
Gidget is a shoulder kitty. She especially loves Edward's shoulders because he's so tall. She can see everything up here! If he's too focused on work and she's up there, she'll rub her fact all over his cheek to remind him he needs to pet her. Gadget is "I'll lay next to you and you can pet me but if it's too much then I'll leave" kind of cuddler. Wants to be right up next to your leg but not in your lap.
So much kitty fashion, especially once Gotham winter sets in. It just gets that touch too cold for their thinner coats and it just happens to be a bonus that he can dress them up. That plus a special cat cave he bought for them with a safe heated blanket and they are set. He loves looking over at them and seeing them all bundled up and sleepy with one another.
Similar to the dog scenario, he went to the shelter to get a companion after trying to go straight. He felt... a strange disappointment looking at all the really young kittens jumping around. Too much energy for him at this stage- And a touch too high maintenance. He searches until he finds a long timer, returned at least twice because the cat's been through it. Some kind of Maine Coon mix missing an eye, multiple scars and a botched ear tip from when he was thought to be feral.
He names the cat Hannibal after the famous Carthaginian general because of his old battle scars. Hannibal is cat aggressive, dog aggressive and only marginally tolerates people. He also hides under the bed for the first week he's at Edward's place. In truth, he's not that old, just been in rougher areas of Gotham where people are mean and it's survival of the fittest for strays.
In truth, this is fine with him. He knows what it's like to be wary of others and being a bit beaten up. So he bides his time. Feeds Hannibal on the floor at the edge of the bed. Slowly moves in for pets until Hannibal closes his eyes and accepts it. One night he's late coming home due to nefarious plotting and Hannibal is at the door, softly meowing at him as if to scold and trying to grab his arm for pets.
Edward ends up building one of those complex platform systems around his home for enrichment for Hannibal. Hannibal immediately starts using it so he can try to grab at Edward when he passes and has even managed to knock his hat off a couple times, the fiend.
Sometimes Edward has nightmares that he's being smothered to death. Then he wakes up and it's Hannibal bread-loafing dead asleep on top of his chest.
Siamese mix that he got from Catwoman. At first he was just going to look after it for her while after she was arrested but when she got out she saw how insanely attached the cat was. So she got to stay with Edward. Her name is Lola and she's in love with the quirky man. The song from Damn Yankees comes to mind for him. She was nice to Selina, a darling cat, but Whatever Lola Wants, Lola Gets and she wants Edward. That is her person.
It's a good thing Edward has no intention of getting another animal because she is fiercely jealous. Yells at him in this loud high pitched tone when she's not getting enough attention. Then almost burrows into his hand like he can't pet her hard enough. Loves sleeping on his written plans and blueprints, to his chagrin.
She WAS an indoor/outdoor cat until she came home with an injury from another animal and he realized the world outside was a little too rough for his darling Lola. She is more than fine with this because it means more Dad time. And more bed and couch time. She gives wicked side eye to any goon that tries to get her to move from a good spot.
When she sees him after a while of being apart her tail violently shakes and quivers which he was worried was a health concern. Nope. Just means she's VERY happy to see him.
If he really gets into a giggle fit she'll start yowling to join him. It's actually very cute, she just wants to be included 10/10. Unfortunately sometimes this just makes him laugh even harder until he's about to pass out.
Zero Year
He has a slutty, slutty ragdoll he got from a breeder because A) He wanted a fancy breed and B) this man is in such desperate need of affection and validation that when she flopped into his lap and arms, she also flopped directly into his cardiac muscles. He names her Helen after Helen of Troy given her beauty. She has a special formulated diet he gets from bougie pet stores, way too expensive.
Bless her heart, she's so stupid. Once pressed her forehead to the window after he cleaned it and he got worried something was wrong. She was just trying to go through the window. Once he ran to the bathroom because she was screaming and he found she had climbed onto the shower railing and couldn't get herself back down. Shoves her head under the sink sideways but doesn't understand why the water is streaming away off her face and not in her mouth.
Helen loves to interrupt his evil villain monologueing via stream by showing up in front of the screen and flopping over his arm with a head empty look on her face. It's really difficult to be intimidating and showing off when you just have a baby going =A= and begging for pets. He's tried shutting her out of the room but then she just cries loudly at the door until he lets her back in.
He loves to have her in his lap and he just buries his face into her tummy. It's like the softest pillow you've ever felt in your life. She has the deepest loudest purr when he does this which just spurs him on to continue being a dork about it.
Zero sense of stranger danger. Batman could walk in at any point and she'd walk over to flop at his feet for pets. Edward hates this.
It's... a tabby. That's not actually a breed, mind you, it's the fur coloring but he's got no idea what it's pedigree is so it's a tabby. It was too weak, too scrawny when he first found it. The fact it came up to him showed how desperate it was for care which he begrudgingly gave. Then it purred and caught a rat that had been plaguing his workshop. Fine. You can stay.
And so let him be known as Orion, the great hunter in the stars! Eh, clever, right? Orion makes himself at home and comes to adore Edward- no one else. Anyone comes by and he's either hissing or growling. Edward jokes that it's not just the rat pests he keeps away. He builds a cat tree and platforms as a sort of reward for his friend.
Sometimes his lab is filled with loud cursing because Orion decided everything on the table needed to go. He stretches and suddenly there's a flurry of wrenches falling to the floor. It's absolutely the thing Edward dislikes most about the cat. Though, really, he should be happy Orion hasn't decided to try and eat some of those yummy small screws he keeps lying around with no care.
When it's just the two of them and he can see the stars through a window or a computer camera, he'll pull Orion into his lap and quietly tell him that's where he's from. It's a silly little thing, but almost everyone does silly things when they're alone with their animals. Orion purrs feeling Edward's gloves over his body. Loves the soft pressure.
When he falls asleep at the table, Orion licks his face until he wakes up. No one can figure out if Orion is just checking to see if he can eat Edward or he's genuinely concerned for his owner sleeping in a weird place. Edward votes on the first scenario.
Selina insisted that he needed some kind of companionship after everything that happened to him. While he scoffs this off, he accepts the tiny wriggling little creature she brings to him. She says it's a stray she found. No idea what breed but it's a tortoiseshell coloring. Yes, she did this intentionally if you know anything about torties.
Selina also informed him she already came with a name unless he wanted to change it. He left it alone. Delilah it is. Sweet, quirky Delilah. Even from a young age, she lets the old man know she's a little bit sassy and not afraid of him despite their great size difference. Very vocal when he's doing things she doesn't like such as using the vacuum cleaner.
He likes booping her nose to irritate her, just a little. Antagonize her to puffing up and nibbling on his skin. She doesn't bite although he knows she could easily tear him open and has on occasion with her claws. Usually an accident but sometimes she's overtaken by the spice in her soul.
She likes jumping onto the bed when he tries to make it and simply rolls over onto her back when he tries to scold her. Never touch her stomach, it is in fact a trap. She knows this, Edward knows this after once or twice of falling for it. He pretends that never happened.
She dislikes being picked up but will allow him to move her when she's somewhere she's not supposed to be. For the most part she stays off of tables and furniture since he doesn't like animals up on there, but she will not allow him to kick her off the bed. This is her bed, his room is her room, any argument on that end will result in a lot of annoyed meowing and batting.
2022 Riddler
He got a little black cat he found on the street after saving it from assholes in an alleyway. They were hurting him- her? him. Edward rushed it to a local emergency vet and waited for hours with the little guy. A large portion of the tail had to be removed and the vet asked Edward if he'd rather put the cat down- Which Edward vehemently denied. Sure he didn't have a lot of funds but...
So he's got a cat with a nub for a tail. One of the nurses calls the cat a sweet little Biscuit and that's what Edward ends up calling him. Originally he was going to name the cat Ramanujan after Srinivasa Ramanujan the mathematician but then he'd have to constantly explain to the idiots around him about conjectures and the significance of his equations. Biscuit is fine.
Biscuit is an expert at making biscuits, mostly kneading into Edward's face late at night when he's trying to sleep. Or his chest. Surprisingly it helps to ease his restless mind to something of peace. He'll actually get a few hours when the cat purrs and massages him to rest.
Biscuit is pretty quiet other than the purring. He almost never meows, something Edward suspects is a result from having to hide so often. He knows the feeling. He was worried Biscuit would potentially hunt or try to hurt his rats but the cat just likes to lay next to the cage and purr. A strange reaction of a creature that used to have to hunt them for survival.
Biscuit just wants to be loved and love other living things. Edward almost envies how forgiving and peaceful the cat is. If only he could curtail his own rage the same way.
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charliedawn · 1 year
The sad bois (TM) are the main slashers and characters of this blog, because all of you are sad and all of you deserve pets
So here's my list sorry if it's a bit long
Freddy - Hairless Cat, they look like rotisserie chickens and are one of the most affectionate breeds (also sometimes they occasionally grow hair but in patches and I feel like that weirdness suits him)
Michael- Maine Coon they are fucking massive and they fit his vibe
Jason - Newfoundland, big aquatic and loyal, will save him if encounters water
Brahms - Border Collie Lab Mix, Loyalty of the Lab as well as the affection and clinginess of the border Collie, it will never leave him alone
Penny - Komodo Dragon I refuse to elaborate
Pennywise - Doberman, scary and defensive on the outside but cares about family and very docile if approached and trained correctly
The Horde - St Bernard, I feel like all of them would love it and they provide great emotional support
Bo - Bassett Hound, a good hunting dog and companion, when they lay down they look like they're melting
Vincent - Xolo dog, Also Hairless but excellent emotional support dogs, their skin retains warmth and they're very comforting to hug
Lester - Opossum, weird cat will never leave and sometimes bring trash
Hannibal Sr - Tarantula, I also refuse to elaborate
Hannibal Jr - Small Alligator, toothy and honestly a great gaurd dog
Morgan - Python or Venomous snake, He could teach it to attack on command and they'd make a great deadly duo
Kevin - He already has a pet but he is on the list because I feel bad excluding him
Peter - Sugar Glider, it fits him, it's cute and eats fruit, it's also incredibly soft and affectionate and will love him no matter what
And that ladies and gentlemen in the list of Sad Bois and possible pets
Freddy : "...What is that ? An ugly rat ? It looks deformed."
The cat *hisses at him*
Him : "Yeah. Back at ya, Garry." *he already named it**likes it but doesn't want to admit it*
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Jason *staring at the cat*
The cat *staring back at him*
Michael *smiles**he likes it*
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Jason *smiles* : "Thank you. But...I hope it won't eat my frogs."
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Brahms *opens his arms wide and the dog literally tackles him to the ground*
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Penny *stucks his tongue out and giggles when the komodo dragon does the same*: "I LIKE HIM !"
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Pennywise : "Oh great...Another Penny. He's too active for me. I need my naps." *still wakes up every morning to take him on a walk*
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Hedwig : "DOGGIE !" *hugs the St Bernard*
Patricia : "Now, wait a minute—!"
Dennis *wearing a mask* : "THE GERMS !"
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Bo : "...What am I supposed to do with that short-legged muppet exactly ? He is no huntin' dog. He couldn't catch sh*t." *still smiles when the dog starts sniffing his shoe* "...Cute though. Well, I guess I have no choice but to take ya home, huh buddy ?" *picks him up*
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Vincent *stares at the dog and pets it*
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(I'll do the Hannibals separately, If you don't mind sending your request again ?)
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p-clodius-pulcher · 10 months
Hannibal would be a Maine coon cat and scipio africanus would be a rat terrier tbh
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mothman-clarice · 1 year
I'm back again :) As promised I'm gonna expand on my last hc post about the miss peregrine's crossover au, this time I'm gonna ramble about a clannibal interaction I thought of at work today.
So in this au hannibal has the ability to turn into a cat. As for why I made his peculiarity cat related, cats are one of the deadliest species on earth having wiped out hundreds of species across the world.
They're considered the world's most invasive species because of how many small animals they kill (yet another reason why cat owners should keep their cats inside at all times...).
They're prolific, lethally efficient, and engineered to be the perfect hunters. Cats will hunt for sport or simply out of spite and even sadistically play with their prey sometimes. They are loners who prefer solitude and lurk in the night.
All of these qualities I believe suit hannibal perfectly, hence he is a cat shapeshifter.
Now of course we all know hannibal and clarice are madly in love and nearly inseparable so they like going out together a lot, whether this be on a date or to the store.
Hannibal knows it will be near impossible for someone to recognize him in public if he uses his cat form so he uses it often
He also knows clarice loves when hes in cat form so he gets a little joy out of that too
In order to get away with bringing him in places like stores clarice tells people hes a therapy animal in training. She even has a fake name for him since "hannibal" would be an odd name for a cat lol. The name is Pinot Noir (Pinot for short) because I had to lol (also the cat form he takes is a solid black Maine coon. Noir means black in french so it fits him even better)
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She has him wear a service animal vest in public just to be safe.
He likes walking around with clarice so she always has him next to her feet. She has to put a leach on him though to keep up appearances which he pretends he hates but secretly kinda likes
Given hannibal's cat form looks GORGEOUS he often gets a lot of attention from people in public, asking what his name is, how old he is, the usual questions strangers ask pet owners
Heres an example interaction I imagine would happen
Clarice and Hannibal are out at a sports supply store looking at hunting gear.
Shes standing in front of a rack of bows with hannibal sitting next to her feet looking up at the display. Hes mentally picking one out for himself while clarice does the same.
Eventually he decides on a bow that looks good and makes a small meow to get clarice's attention.
C: oh have you found one you like?
He nods, standing up and gently pawing the one he likes.
C: oooo yeah I thought you might like that one.
She goes to put it in their cart when she hears a stranger gasp.
(S is for stranger here) S: (in spanish cus this is in argentina) oh my god look at that beauty!! Pardon me but I just couldn't help but marvel at this stunning animal you have here!! What is its name?
The stranger excitedly approaches hannibal before happily looking at clarice for an answer
C: (sort of taken a back she answers in spanish, which shes still learning) oh haha, thank you! His name is Pinot Noir but I mostly call him Pinot. Hes a therapy animal in training so I keep him with me a lot. I dont mind though, hes very polite and affectionate.
S: oh I'm sure he is polite! Look at him, that's the face of a noble gentleman right there!
Hannibal is of course a little surprised but he cant help but feel a little flattered and proud. His eyes close as though he was smiling with humble pride, his tail stands up with a hook shape towards the tip, slowly swaying.
S: oh hohoho!! Look at him! Hes looks so proud! Its like he knows I'm complimenting him! What a smart little boy you are!
She starts to scritch his chin to which initially he flinches but quickly succumbs to the glorious feeling of chin scritches
S: I must ask, how old is he?
C: about 5 years old, I raised him from birth so were practically joined at the hip.
The woman finally pulls away leaving hannibal feeling sad from the loss of chin scritches.
S: You werent kidding about him being very affectionate! How do you train him? Does he know any tricks?
C: oh well he can understand a lot of spanish and English words. It's not required for therapy animals but I like to train him a lot since its enriching for him and good for us to bond.
They continue chatting about cats for a while but eventually hannibal starts getting bored. He communicates this to clarice by gently pawing at her foot and meowing.
C: oh looks like hes getting tired, I've gotta go but it was nice talking to you.
S: of course! And it was more than a pleasure meeting you, Pinot!
Ok that's all I have the energy to write now but I'll love to further explore the shenanigans cat hannibal will get up to!
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worldofbryant · 2 years
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This year will be the 4th straight year that I'll be away from Daphne for Christmas. This time, next year, I'll be in Missouri. There's no ifs and or buts about it. I ought to be in my own place too and living half way decently. Today is the 3rd day that I've had my partials. I do like having them and it has boosted my confidence greatly. I've noticed that I've been smiling more and whenever I go to the bathroom, I'm smiling and posing with my partials showing. I've gotten compliments about my smile from mom, Richard, Lo-Lo, Damani, Cierra, Daphne, Monique, Denitta and Gwen( yes, I said Gwen). Gwen says that I have a nice smile and that maybe with me smiling, I'll get a girlfriend. In response to what Gwen said, Daphne said that, ' nope, its not happening'. Daphne is right to a degree. I'm not focused on having a girlfriend now but, eventually, I do want someone to love and to grow old with. I've been single for 5 years and the loneliness is killing me. I like Monique but, I'm not gonna stay here in South bend long enough to see where it goes cause, I want to/have to be closer to Daphne. I don't see me coming close to being with anyone in Hannibal. I was involved in a wreck Friday in Niles( Michigan) when I was taking Dustin Coons to his aunt's house. I was turning around to come back to South Bend when this young woman was coming southbound and hit my front driver side and busted my front headlight. I've got to work on getting that done along with my getting passenger side windshield wiper fixed too. Merry Christmas everyone! May God bless you all!
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weirdlandtv · 7 years
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The Great Lewis and George Expedition.
Story illustration by Fredric Varady, Augustus 1955.
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storyofmorewhoa · 1 year
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Gomez: Great Scott! Who is that? Fester: Well, that's just Morticia with her hair all combed out. Sloppy kid.
“Morticia’s Romance: Part 2,” The Addams Family directed by Sidney Lanfield written by Harry Winkler and Hannibal Coons
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nemolimodino · 2 years
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@skepticalfrog sending lots of love and good gay vibes ! Nasty comments not allowed 💜🌈
(Bending my back to hold this cat on my stomach cause hes so huge and yes he is digging his claws in my chest. Ouch)
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katzirra · 3 years
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Hello, little man...
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so, hannibal is a cat person. right. after the fall when theyre finally together (finally) and rebuilding an animal family, hannibal indulges. he get a cat.
obviously, he's extra, he buys the best bred and fancy cat he can find. worth thousands. a beautiful maine coon.
the issue? when hannibal brings it home, will takes a moment to look at the cat.
then up at him. then at the cat. he bursts out cackling. ugly laughing.
"... hannibal, you look like the damn cat."
Mmm, I disagree that he is a cat person in the sense he would only like cats as pets. He is in love with Will “adopt any stray dog in sight including Dr. Hannibal the Cannibal Lecter”. If we are talking about him being cat-like, then sure. I do think after the fall they will both get a cat, because I also believe Will likes cats, they just did not suit his lifestyle/needs at the time of the show. 
Hannibal is extra, but he knows how many health problems come with purebred animals (more often than not). He could do a lot of research for reputable breeders, but I do not see him getting a maine coon, I am going to be honest. But even with the most reputable breeders, there are health problems more common in certain breeds. Your best bet for a healthy animal is a "we don’t know but it sure is [animal]”. I do find it funny on the topic of “Hannibal getting specifically a cat and not a dog” and a maine coon is one of the most doglike cat breeds lmao. I also don’t think Hannibal looks like a maine coon but that’s just me. Maine coons are beautiful and look a bit like Ron Perlman, but I see Hannibal as a slinkier kind of breed. His body build is strong and solid, but its the energy about him.
I like to think Will has influenced him and instilled enough of his own habits and beliefs that Hannibal would value a stray cat or a cat that can only be described as “domestic [hair length] breed”. Hannibal values the personality and the potential for something more than its worth when it comes to living things. I like to imagine him taking in stray cats as Will does dogs and by some camp miracle, everything gets along.
Now, whatever pet he gets, he 100% will spoil the absolute shit out of and spend way too much money on collars, toys, etc. Obviously money is not an issue for him but I just don’t see him wasting it on a purebred. 
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showdown-of-asks · 3 years
What is the one thing that you regretted the most, that impact your heart and mind? ~🖤
Raimundo: Oh boy... As you probably already know I did a lot of shit in my life and I regret almost every single one of them...Well, maybe except some good pranks, those were funny, but honestly - I regret joining Wuya, believing her, being unpatient little piece of garbage, and letting down my team then. This impacted my heart and mind cuz now Im not that trustworthy as I would of been If I wouldnt do that. That's about my Xiaolin-life, when it comes to my life before the temple there's also couple of things I regret the most in my life that impacted me, but they're too harsh and too private to put them out here.
Clay: I regret not being better older brother to my sister Jessie than I was to her, and not having good relationship with her when we got older. But now we're good, that's the only thing that matters.
Omi: I regret that I never meet my parents and I dont know who they are...Or were. But that's not my fault, and there's nothing I coon do about it, so Im not sure if we com call it,, a regret".
Kimiko: Im afraid I dont have any major regret's...Well, maybe beside being a little bit too much under hot water too often and being just a little bit too emotional 😅
Jack Spicer: Me? I regret nothing! What could Evil Boy Genius like me have to regret?! Beside taking mother's kitchen-robot and making jackbot out of it? 👉👈 OR putting my pudding to the fridge for someone to eat that instead of me? See? NO REGRETS!
Wuya: I cant believe Im saying this, but same as Jack: I have no regrets. Oh no wait, I have: That I didnt kill Dashi the first time I saw him.
Chase Young: *sigh* Ehh, I cant believe Im saying this, but I have the same answer as Wuya...
Hannibal Roy Bean: Dear Child, I will not share my personal life story here, that's just... Unnecessary 😈
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katzirrart · 3 years
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Oh my god, did I never -
Okay so if you follow me anywhere, Mina passed in December ;; my 20 year old baby gorl. Then there was a whole JOURNEY to getting my two boys. My friend Mark joked about my cat being named Hannibal because what else do you name a black maine coon with gold eyes apparently.........
Then we joked about naming the other cat Will and, well. Hannibal came from Ukraine from a breeder at a high price, and Will came from a couple in Kansas for cheapsies and they’ve been painfully hilariously in character since. They terrorize eachother, and love eachother and they fill the huge hole in my heart.
ON THAT NOTE - THEY’RE HARD TO DRAW. The bottom doodle is closest I’ve gotten lmao, but even that’s different now. I wanted to do a Beatrix Potter inspired piece to celebrate the love my pets have given me in a whimsical childhood nostalgia way.
I’ll finish that some day!
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l3viathanpup · 3 years
Hannibal OC
(Main oc)
Name: Delilah Page Carter
Gender: Female
Age: 32
Occupation: Veterinarian/Book writer.
Race: Irish/American
Sexuality: Pansexual/polyamorous
Eyes: left is green right is grey (Heterochromia)
Hair: jaw length ginger hair with bangs.
Face details: pale skin, freckles, slight upturned nose, heart shaped mouth, and downturned eyes, and an oval face shape.
Height: 5’8
Weight: 186lbs
Disorder: ADHD, anxiety, depression
Body type: pear shaped with a bit of muscle.
Personality: To random people, blunt a bit cold, emotionless, mean-ish but respectful. To close people, still blunt sometimes, nice, puts others before herself, can be mean still, goofy, giggly. She honestly will laugh at anything.
Likes: Dressing fancy for no reason(but loves sweat pants), green, most animals, most food, matcha, orange sherbet, all music, flowers, rain, the smell of rain and paint, painting, binge watching shows.
Dislikes: Fish(food), fishing (ironic😭) therapy, chickens, alcohol, medication, bad storms, reading, hot weather.
Current relationships: Beverly Kats(best friend) Hannibal lector(therapist/friend) Shaun Banks (boyfriend) River Lane(close friends) Will Graham(acquaintance? Met a few times between sessions)
Cats: Black Maine Coon named Charles(male). Twin Havana Brown kittens named Coffee(male) and Caramel(female). Black Bombay Cat named Bit*h(female)
Dogs: Siberian husky pup named French Fry(Male). Albino German shepherd named Sasha(female)
Snake: Ball python named Sir Wiggles.
(Yeah she’s an animal person)
I don’t have much of her backstory right now. Ok eventually but I do have pictures of how I imagine her animals and I’m going to also draw her with her pets.
Here are her animals.
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