#hehe hoho haha ok
moontheyo · 1 year
What's the difference between a snowman and a snowwomen?
Doesn't matter. Gender is a snowcial concept.
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dinisuciyanti · 1 year
Mengejar PhD #42
Tepat H+8 (27 Oktober) jam set 5 subuh, beliau membalas email revisi ku. Selalu ya pagi-pagi, alhasil soundtrack ku setiap bangun tidur adalah:
Bangun tidur ku buka email (:
Isinya tentu saja membahagiakan,
That’s looking great.
XYZ (beliau menanyakan beberapa hal, minta pendapat jika aku ok dengan idenya. Untuk kesekian kali, beliau selalu meminta pendapatku terlebih dahulu)
Other than that, I think it is now a very strong proposal.
(WAWWWW STRONG proposal ceunahh, terharu gak luuu T____T)
Terus di akhir kalimat, beliau nanya komen terakhir spv 3 (postdoc). Hari itu 2x bales-balesan email, keknya beliau lagi free ya, wkwkwk. Memastikan the last stuff yang gak penting-penting banget. Detail juga yak belio. 
Besok paginya (28 Oktober), lagu “Bangun tidur ku buka email” berkumandang lagi. Balasan spv 3 ku:
The research proposal is looking great. I have no further comments to add.
Balasanku versi kali ini ada haha hehe hoho nya, abis bingung kan gimana caranya biar ikrib wakakak
Many thanks for all the input for these 3 months!! haha I am still waiting for the update on the next PhD submission on the website. Hope all is well.
Setelah back-and-forth meyakinkan beliau dari bulan Juli kalau aku tertarik dengan studinya, terus mulai propose proposal dan bolak-balik revisi 3 bulan, skip apply studi lain karna udah ngerasa “ah sayang banget sama belio, masa aku apply yang lain”, skip submission September padahal tinggal revisi dikit, juga pernah di titik terendah “yaudahlah apa gak usah sekolah, capek banget ya allaah T___T, nunggu email aja capekkk”.
Akhirnya moment ini datang juga. Moment proposal yang dibikin bareng-bareng sama spv 3 bulan ini approved to the max. Segini belum tentu dapet beasiswanya. Well, yang penting dah megang orang penting yang akan membimbing selama PhD *crying*
Di saat yang sama, rasanya lupa kalo punya calon spv lain yang LoA-nya dah ku pegang. Tapi ya gimana ya, email yang aku ngabarin kalo aku gagal beasiswa dan mesti defer setaun aja gak dibales beliau. Mungkin aku emang gak penting karna gak punya duit buat sekolah dan riset disana. Hehe
24 Januari 2023
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celotehnyafia · 7 months
Gabut Story
Nulis lagi yang dalam keadaan gabut, hehe at least masih tetap produktif iya kan? Selagi gabut, nulis-nulis random aja namanya juga gabut sah" aja...Gabut ini fenomena apa ya? orang kalau gabut pada ngapain? Scroll tiktok? Bikin Story Quote? Scroll IG akun" kocak? I've never been feel so calm like this alone yang tidak benar" alone actually karena dalam rangka menunggu emak" adu argumen dengan penjual baju dan kerudung..... Skip skip, lanjut kita ke gabut story, entahlah kerandoman tulisan apa yang akan ku tulis ini, let it flow like a snowball... Jujurly vibesnya ini enak banget buat nulis, hot outside, see people, west music, coffee, bukan main damagenya kalau anak sekarang bilang wkwkkw.... Oke lanjut kita cerita setelah lumayan lama hibernasi karena banyak iklan. Cerita lucu aja penggunggah kebahagiaan... Cerita cinta lagi, aku udah banyak numpahin semua di twitter yang sekarang jadi x, hoho.. Bahas cinta paling enak karena ringan & kriuk" crispy, banyak micin penyedap yang bikin makin mantap rasanya, apalagi sih ini cba aku nulis gajelass haha... Cerita masalalu versi angle yang kocag ajalah ya jgn yang galau" ttg kisah" yg pernah gagal mari kita tertawalah bersama... Di usiaku yng masuk kategori anak millenial yang mutasi kepribadian karena corona sekarang mencoba untuk menyikapi hidup yang tidak terlalu serius dan spaneng, lebih santay tapi tetap ibadah.. Oke mukadimah dulu, ini bukan bermaksud untuk sombong atau cenderung kebodohan berulang yang pernah dilakukan di masalalu talks about relationship yang serba situationship... Bukan bermaksud membuka aib ya, hanya sabagai pelajaran semata agar lebih bijak ke depan dalam melangkah... Ngga mau nyebut merk, cuma kalau tak pikir" dulu aku pernah dating di suatu kafe ngobrol soal masa depan yang endingnya adalah kesimpulan pada ego masing-masing yng sangat prinsip dan tidak bisa mencapai titik temu. Endingnya, selang berapa bulan kebarakan dong tempat dimana pas TKP itu, dan selang berapa minggu hubungan yang tidak baik-baik sja itupun kandas tanpa drama lagi malah cenderung legawa, better putus aja daripada hubungan kaga jelas contoh HTS, TTM dsb malah hubungan yang sangat menyiksa ya ngga sih? Dibilang ada hubungan kaga officially dating, mau lepasin 1/2 hati ujungnya putus juga, kasihan anak orang yang hatinya selembut bakpao wkwkkwk... Semesta memang tak pernah bercanda kalau kasih kode mana yang baik dan tidak untuk masa depan kita... Mungkin dia baik tapi belum tentu untuk visi misi jangka panjang sampai akhirat... Ada juga yang manis di chatting dengan segala janji" Investasi bodong, pas kopi darat eh ternyata cekap semannten maturnuwun utk membuatku tidak bermain dating apps lagi.. Ada juga yang baik tapi dia terlalu lemah nyalinya karena menganggapku seperti menara gading, padahal juga aku ini juga manusia biasa kayak lagunya band Raja hihi, setidaknya pamit dengan baik... Ada yang romantis kali tiap hari kerjaannya kirim puisi dari internet dan lirik lagu dangdut klasik, ternyata bukan tipe aku yang demikian...Ada yang dewasa dan open minded tapi beda benua... Hikmahnya adalah, masalalu yaudah bagian dari cerita hidup kita suka tak suka, life musti go on, say thank you to them, ngga usah baper dan sok"an susah move on ala" gen z ya khan? karena mereka sudah bahagia dengan hidup mereka sekarang dan kita juga berhak dengan hal serupa dengan cara kita. Mungkin jika bukan karena itu, kita ngga akan pernah introspeksi dari setiap cerita "anda belum beruntung" sebelumnya, hehe.. Kalau belum jodoh, gagal maka taaruf lagi, sesederhana itu rumusnya... Btw cukup deh cerita gabut aku, sekarang sedang baik - baik saja menikmati kehidupan sebagai jombla sambil berbenah semoga menjadi wanita dewasa terkait cara pandang hidup dan bisa menata prioritas wajib dalam hidup...Entar juga ketemu yang se*frekuensi dari segala sisi, tetap yakin dong aku sama Tuhanku... Udah itu aja cerita kegabutanku hari ini, smoga masih dan makin produktif nulisnya smpe bisa terbit 1 jilid novel biar nnti bisa dibaca anakan cucuku, aamiin...
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soir-rouges-esprit · 9 months
xx1.d: The Jester, as he laid flat unconscious on the brick path still located deep within The Sewer ... She had jet-black hair tied up in a ponytail. Ashen skin. A piercing through the tip of her nose just above her nostrils, with a small little chain wrapping over her nose connecting each side. And glowing brown hazel eyes with a light splash of green rounding her outer pupils as to outline the dangers of looking past the event horizon into the black hole darkness that was the pupils themselves. Soul stealers they were. You could see straight into her soul and deeper intentions immediately, especially with the shadow of her worried expression … she was … an Apparition … I think here to haunt me again, to remind me … that I needed to live some more … to suffer some more … because I’ve yet to meet the person I was supposed to all along, and make their path easier … to make life better. I wake fully and she says “Are you ok? Can you hear and understand me clearly?” Yes … I feel ok and can hear you perfectly. “Thank god *phew* I honestly thought you were gonna die in front of me, and that scared the shit out of me!” sorry … I have a tendency to get myself injured, and have an extreme lack of self-preservation that infrequently kicks in, most times only in my final moments. “Oh god … you know what you are?” what? “An idiot!” A laugh was forced out of me … because in truth, it was a hilarious thing to say to someone who just nearly died … and because, it was the holy truth that was held oh so self-evidently. I replied. Yeah … that’s fair to say about me regardless of my position in life past or present. "I'd assume the future too?" Probably yeah. I’m kind of a problem just so you know, generally a disaster. As I rested my head on her lap looking up at her. “What do you mean?” she giggled. I just kind of bring that bad mojo to people around me … I think if a god exists, he’s been trying to kill me for years and just fucking it up everytime because he's just bad at it or something, and that somehow gets the people surrounding me hit with stray lightning bolts of doom … the damn big loser. Me one billion wins … God … fuckin negative points! “You seem lost, and like you know more than you’re supposed to all at the same time” exactly! … you get it. What'd you do to my friend over there? "Kicked him in the head" Woah! Really? That's fuckin dope. "Haha yeah … DOPE" … you makin fun of me? "Me!? … no I'd never … ever … again" HA ok we'll see about that. "Hehe, are we meeting again?" Well yeah of course … I'm a magnet for problems. "HOHO Woah OK! Haha … well nice to meet you, faulty lightning rod. I'm Lily." I laid there in shock and said … Lily huh? I knew someone named Lily once … she was special. "Well … I like to think I'm special … I mean … look at me!" She said while pushing her hair over her shoulder with her hand in a glamorous style while showing she was totally full of herself. I see that ha, and I love that … [To Be Continued]
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geekysprinkler · 2 years
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raylan and boyd + saying each other’s names
1//Sierra DeMulder, Today Means Amen//2//C.T. Salazar, Headless John the Baptist Hitchhiking// pprfaith, maybe you're my favorite sinner//Ocean Vuong, On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous// Catchclaw, Like You Own It//Jodi Picoult, Handle with Care//GoldStarGrl, Twang
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thenickelportrust · 2 years
hehe haha hoho which ro would you romance >:3
Ooo boy!
I mean all of them fjdjdhdb I don't write what I wouldn't enjoy reading / playing so I'd love all their romances bffjdhd they're all ones I'd wanna romance!
.... ok but also if we're being completely honest I'd probably go for Raf first. Angsty soft man who's desperately in love with the MC??? Heck yeah my dude that's my type.
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ticklykitty216 · 3 years
Brawl Stars Tickle Headcanons
Ok so I may have fallen into another fandom-
I cannot control the rate in which I get into things!!
Also be warned, this is a long ass post, and I mean it’s LONG
*EDIT: I added Stu, Belle and Squeak to the post. They’re all at the top of their respective sections/rarities except for Stu, who’s at the bottom of Common. I also added a “Keep Reading” break after the Common section*
*EDIT 2: I added Buzz and Griff, they’re at the top of their respective rarities*
... Anyways here are some headcanons-
*** Common Brawlers ***
Switch, Ler leaning
She’s a very goofy ler
She loves teasing when tickling, mostly verbally
Also loves to chase lees around before she strikes
She’s got super ticklish sides, knees and calves
Her laugh’s loud and contagious
She totally switches between speaking in english and in spanish when tickling/being tickled, change my mind
She’s a fighter though so you want to be careful when tickling her
Her sides, belly and feet are super ticklish
Her laughter is absolutely MANIC
Very squirmy, and thrashes a lot
She gets super flustered when teased
When she’s in a ler’s position she tends to dig a lot when tickling
Switch, Lee leaning
Listen, 9/10 times this man is all bark and no bite when it comes to tickling
It’s super easy to get him, like it’s almost a little sad
His belly, ribs and armpits are his spots
He gets super flustered when tickling, and will try to talk when being tickled
This man 110% begs before you even lay your fingers on him
He can be quite the cheeky ler when he’s not getting wrecked
He verbally teases a lot (His favorite is “Coochie Coochie Coo”)
(He’s Shelly’s frequent victim)
Bull is a scary ler
He doesn’t normally tickle people, but when he does he’s merciless
He’s super big and strong, so there is no escaping the Bull
He’ll cradle you in one arm and go to town on your stomach
Or he’ll pin you down and use one hand to keep your hands up and get you with his other hand
Also verbally teases
He’s got ticklish ribs, back and armpits
His laugh is super rough and deep, it’s actually kinda scary
Oh, oh god she’s baby...
She squirms a lot when tickled
She has the CUTEST giggles, her giggles will water your crops, and cure you’re acne-
Her ribs, sides and feet are her worst spots
She’ll try and curl into a ball to escape
Blow raspberries on her belly and sides and she’s dead, you killed her
She snorts if she’s tickled for too long
Gentlest ler in the west
Switch, Ler leaning
He doesn’t tickle people very often, because he thinks it’s really silly, but in the few times he does-
He’s very quick when tickling
Switches spots quickly so you don’t get used to it
His teases, they rhyme my guy
The rare occasions he’s a lee, he’s very squirmy
His laugh gets super jittery and squeaky, and wheezy, and he hates it
He’s not ticklish
Though that doesn’t mean he won’t laugh along side you
He won’t go after you unless you’ve been messing with him (or ya’ tried to tickle him)
He’s also very sporadic when he tickles
He’s VERY good at teasing, both physically and verbally
Despite being a little off his rocker, he’ll never take it too far and will stop if he thinks you’ve had enough
Again, he doesn’t really tickle people that often (He does sometimes tickle Nita and Leon though)
He’s normally a very serious and stoic ler, but on rare occasions he’ll get playful
If he’s in a playful mood he’ll chase you down and tease you
He’s surprisingly a very gentle ler, despite being serious and a kinda scary looking ler
His chest, ribs, neck and back are ticklish
He’s not super ticklish, but if you get those spots he’ll laugh
He has a very deep laugh, it’s actually kinda calming
Ok, so somehow this little bomb robot is ticklish
Don’t know why, don’t know how, he just is
He’s ticklish around his sides and under his arms
And if his head isn’t attached to his body around the the edge and inside where his head rests is ticklish too
He’s actually kinda cute when you tickle him, he fails around when tickled
He’s also a really dangerous lee because if he’s tickled for too long his head might explode so watch out
His ‘laugh’ gets high pitched and he ‘stutters’ quiet a bit (Well, more than he usually stutters)
He can’t really tickle people back because he doesn’t have hands...
Though he can (technically) blow raspberries
Again, somehow this little robot’s ticklish (Jeez, who’s making all these ticklish robots?!)
His little robot feet and ‘sides’ are ticklish
Also if you lightly scratch his buttons he giggles and squeaks
If you manage to get him flipped on his back and tickle him there’s really nothing he can do
His laugh is very squeaky and high pitched, and he’ll ‘stutter’ as well when tickled
If you tickle him for a while and then stop, and then ask him if he wants to “Play Again” he’ll get SUUUPER flustered and crash (Not really)
He’s not really the best ler, but he’s trying
Switch, Ler leaning
She is, such a mean ler
Her nails are well manicured, and they’re merciless
She's both really good at physical and verbal teasing
She’s coo and baby talk you while she finds your worst spots
But she, herself, is deathly ticklish as well
Her belly, armpits and feet are her death spots
Her laugh is very high pitched and she giggles a lot when tickled
Will scream if you quickly tickle her death spots
1,000% will retaliate against you
Is surprisingly a playful ler
If a little cocky and arrogant, but still playful all the same
His verbal teases are very hit of miss because he stutters a lot
But his physical teases are on point, likes to spider and scratch along the ribs and sides
He’s kinda ticklish
His spots are his ‘hips’, armpits and his stomach to some extent (you have to hit it just right to get him laughing)
He tries to curl into himself if tickled
His laugh is, quiet literally, all over the place
He’ll try to talk while you tickle him, but if you hit him with the “Can you repeat that? I can’t understand you when you’re laughing” he’ll literally short circuit
He’ll never admit it out loud, but Stu really likes tickling (or well, the idea of it) and he kinda wishes he was more ticklish in places (he likes the contact)
*** Rare Brawlers ***
El Primo:
If you were to look up the definition of a switch, you would just see a picture of El Primo
He’s such a carefree guy, who’s willing to get silly and have tickle fights with just about anyone (And I mean anyone)
He’s so strong he can easily pin you down and tickle you silly
He’s not that good at physical teasing, but he’s good at verbal teasing
He’s a really gentle ler, he might take it a little too far, but he’ll profusely apologize if he gets a little rough
His whole torso is ticklish, along with his hips and thighs
His chest and collarbone are also pretty ticklish as well
His laugh is pretty carefree, though it can get a little high and jittery if you drill into his hips, thighs, and ribs
He’ll sometimes let you win tickle fights
He also 100% switches between speaking in english and in spanish, you cannot change my mind on this one
He’d probably be more of a switch if it wasn’t for the fact that’s SOOOO ticklish (and weak)
He’s ticklish pretty much anywhere you get your hands on him
Though some spots that never disappoint are his ribs, hips and feet
The best part about him being a skeleton is that you could, say, take one of his ribs out and tickle it, and he’d still feel it like it was still attached
His laugh is also carefree and happy, like Primo’s, but just in general it’s higher pitched
Oh lord, he get’s so flustered if you tease him, especially if they’re music related
In the rare chances he’s a ler, he’s quite cheeky
His boney fingers are quick and precise
He also rhymes/sings when he teases you
He’s also pretty gentle when it comes to tickling, so he won’t take it too far
Switch, Ler leaning
She’s such a teasing ler
She makes a bunch of puns while she tickles you
She’ll also coo and baby talk you while she goes to town
Also playful, will give chase before a tickle fight
She’s also super strong so she can easily pin you down
100% uses her plants to help tickle you (Because she’s a filthy cheater)
Surprisingly ticklish despite appearances
Her ribs, neck and feet are her most ticklish spots, though her thighs don’t disappoint as well
Her laugh is pretty goofy, and it can go pretty high if you switch spots quickly
Switch, Lee leaning
AGAIN, for a robot, he’s shockingly ticklish
His legs, ‘belly segment’ and neck are his ticklish spots
The palm of his hands are also ticklish
His laugh usually stays the same pitch wise, but some places make him either go “hehe”, “hoho” or “haha”
He’s a little squirmy, though he’ll probably just try to push you away
Despite being a robot he’s not really that strong (physically) so he might struggle to pin you down
Though he is surprisingly good at verbal teases for some reason??
He acts innocent as a ler but don’t let him fool you, he knows exactly what he’s doing
Tends to spider his metal fingers all over, with one hand normally going up while the other goes down
*** Super Rare Brawlers ***
Switch, Lee leaning
Despite having 90% of his body covered by a barrel, he’s still got some ticklish bits
His feet, and under his arms are quite ticklish
Like 8-Bit, if you knock him onto his back and kinda hold him there while tickling him there isn’t much he can do (unless he had his super charged)
Darryl actually kinda likes being tickled (But he’d never say it out loud)
His laugh kinda switches between his pirate “Yo ho ho”/”Yar har har” to more giggly and squealy “hehehe”s
Darryl is actually a pretty good ler (Though he’s not the best)
He’s good at both physical teasing and verbal teasing
He uses pirate slang/pirate talk and it honestly makes the tickling worse
He so uses the feather in his hat, you can’t tell me otherwise
Switch, Ler leaning
She’s a rude ler, not mean, but rude
She’s really good at physical teasing, but will sometimes throw out some really good verbal teases
Is surprisingly playful, but like, in a rude way
Totally does that thing like she’s gonna get you, but at the last minute pulls away
Also pretty strong so can easily pin you down
She scream laughs when tickled
Her hips, feet and arms are super ticklish
Ribs also never fail to disappoint
She squirms and thrashes if not properly pinned down
She swears a lot when tickled so...
Switch, Ler leaning
May not look like it, but he is a switch
He’s quite ticklish compared to his other robot ‘friends’ and he hates it
Pretty much everywhere is ticklish, but the area around his stomach that you can see into? There. That’s the spot
He flails when tickled so you might want to be careful...
He is also a scary ler
Very strong, can easily pin you
He is so mean with his teases, he’s alright at physical teases but it’s the verbal ones he’s king at
He WILL chase you down, and he WILL catch you
Surprisingly or unsurprisingly Carl is super ticklish
His armpits, neck and his entire lower half is SUUUPER ticklish
If you get him when he’s in his minecart he’ll just flails and giggles (and gets super flustered)
If you get him outside his cart and go for his legs he LOSES IT
He has such a squeaky laugh and giggles, he gets super embarrassed by it
He also will try to talk while being tickled so he just ends up babbling
In the rare chance he is a ler, he’s very mischievous
He likes to poke and prod around ticklish spots
His teases are absolutely ridiculous, verbal mostly
Also totally baby talks and hits ya with the “Coochie Coochie Coo”
Ruthless pirate is ruthless
She is secretly (not so secretly) the master of tickle torture
Her finger are quick and precise when it comes to finding your most ticklish spots
Great at both verbal and physical teases
Also pretty strong, can pin you down (But will most likely try to tie you up)
Tends to scribble and spider around until she finds a death spot, then she targets it and will use different methods to tickle you there
Can’t stand being tickled though-
Her feet, ribs, armpits and neck absolutely destroy her
Can’t take what she dishes out
Though she’s a tough cookie and won’t crack immediately 
But when she cracks, oh boy does she crack
Her laugh is all over the place
She feather sensitive, that is all
*** Epic Brawlers ***
Switch, Ler leaning
Griff isn’t a huge fan of tickling, because time is money! And he can’t be wasting time on such childish things!
That said if push comes to shove and given the opportunity, he’s quite the cheeky ler
He’s a king at verbal teases, though that doesn’t mean he’s not good with physical teases as well
He’ll hunt down death spots and exploit them
Most of the time he won’t show mercy, but every now and then he’ll “feel bad” and stop before he goes too far with the tickling
Griff will do everything in his power to avoid being tickled
His armpits, ribs, hips and feet kill him (especially his feet and hips)
His hands are also somewhat ticklish
His voice and laugh go all over the place when tickled, and certain technics do certain things to his voice/laugh
He also talks a lot when tickled as well
Will try to bargain with you to stop tickling him, and will actually pay if you do and promise not to tell anyone
Switch, Lee leaning
He tries, super hard to keep the fact that he’s super ticklish a secret
If you so much as ask him he’s gonna deflect and then try to get outta there
He, is so ticklish. His death spots are his ribs, armpits, hips and feet
He’ll try and fight you off but if you just keep tickling him he’ll eventually stop and try to just shove you off or pry your hands away
His laugh is, at first strained (He tries to keep his laugh in) but after a while it get’s stupidly happy sounding
If you manage to get his scarf off, blow a fat raspberry on his neck
He will literally make this strangled pterodactyl screech before turning into scream laughter, he literally can’t stand having his neck tickled
He will absolutely DESTROY you when he retaliates (not if, WHEN)
He will use his scarf to pin your hands down while he wrecks you
He’ll hunt down your death spots and just target them, he’ll sometimes switch to other spots, but only because of when he goes back to your death spot it feels worse
Not super good at verbal teases, but physical? He’s a king
(He’s unfortunately a frequent victim target for Colette)
Switch, Ler leaning
She’s can be quite the mean ler
She’s decent and both physical and verbal teasing
Her main strength (other than being able to pin you down) is how she’s able to make you feel helpless
That and she’s a smug ler so it call comes together to make her tickling worse
It’s actually kinda easy to get her back
Her belly, hips and thighs are her worst spots
She squeaks when she laughs, and she hates it (If you point it out to her she gets super flustered)
100% will retaliate after being tickled, doesn’t matter who it is, she’ll get you back
Switch, Lee leaning
She’s quite ticklish everywhere, but her feet and legs are her death spots
Sides and neck are also a good spot
She’s surprisingly strong despite her appearance, so she might accidentally hit you or kick you if you aren’t careful
Her laughter, is so sweet
But with that being said she’s quite a mischievous ler
She’ll talk down to you and baby talk you while she tickles you
She also does that thing where she pretends to strike then pulls back before she makes contact and coos at you when you react
Despite her being strong it’s kinda easy to turn the table on her
Oh god, another baby
She’s ticklish all over, but her sides and belly do her in
She very squirmy and tends to try and shove you away
Her laugh is so sweet, it is pure
She begs a lot when tickled and also tends to talk when being tickled
Her ears are also ticklish, and she giggles like crazy if you tickle them
In the rare occasions she’s ler she’s literally the sweetest ler
She never takes it overboard
Robot baby
She’s so small and round, she’s ticklish everywhere
She’s the most ticklish robot out of them all
Much like Darryl and 8-Bit, you knock her over and there’s nothing she can do
Has the sweetest laughs and giggles
She kinda likes being tickled, but won’t go out of her way to ask for them
Also a very sweet ler
She’s mischievous, and sweet
She’s good at both verbal and physical teases
Also super strong, will cradle you and tickle you
Can, and will- “Chase you down to tickle town!”
She WILL find you most ticklish spots, there is no hiding from her
She’s only ticklish in one place, which is her thighs
Her laugh is loud, and deep
Depending on who you are, she’ll either let you tickle her or she’ll fight back
He doesn’t get in much on the tickling action, but he is (surprisingly) a switch
He’s actually very sweet as a ler (despite appearances)
He’ll also cradle you in one arm and tickle you with the other (It’s his go-to position, especially against Mortis)
He’ll laugh along side you as he tickles
Very leisurely with tickles, unless you’ve annoyed him, then he’s a little rough and might target certain places (*coughMortiscough*)
He’s actually pretty bashful as a lee
He tries to push people away and cover his face when he laughs
His ribs, hips, and neck are pretty ticklish, though his chest and forearms make him laugh as well
*** Mythic Brawlers ***
Squeak is a weird one for sure
They’re kinda ticklish everywhere
Verbal teases work well enough on them
If they’re standing when tickled they’ll stamp their feet on the ground, if laying down they’ll try and curl up
Vibrations also tickle them
They’re laugh is very high pitched and squeaky (pun unintended)
If tickled for too long they kinda just, melt / turn into a puddle of dog slobber (ew)
Not really much of a ler
They don’t quite understand tickling (though they do like it)
Isn’t that great at tickling, but they try their best!
She normally doesn’t tickle people unless provoked
She is so quick when tickling, her hands move so fast you’ll struggle to catch them
Will test everyone of your spots until she finds your death spot the slooowly start to hone in
Loves teasing you about your laugh and how quickly it fluctuates
She’s also extremely ticklish
Her hips, legs and feet are deathly ticklish
She will try to run away if you try to tickle her
She’s quite squirmy and might kick you if you’re not careful
If you also tease her about her laugh she’ll get super flustered and stop working
Oh, you better believe she’ll chase you down (and you better be ready to chase her too)
He is such as cheeky ler
He’s great at verbal teasing, and prefers that over physical teases
He’ll poke and prod around until he finds a death spot, and then he’ll slowly tickle is way either up or down to it
He probably has some elixir or solution that makes the skin extra sensitive to touch (or it’s literally just baby oil but he calls it something else to make it sound ‘fancier’)
He’s actually pretty ticklish despite appearances
Ribs, armpits, sides, hips and knees will do him in
His back is also surprisingly ticklish, but he keeps it covered most of time
His laugh is just, naturally evil sounding, even when he’s being tickled silly
Will 1,000% get you back, just not straight away (unless he’s angry)
Mortis, the bringer of bats and doom, is so horribly ticklish and will jump out of his skin if you brush up against him
His ears, neck, ribs, belly, hips and feet will absolutely murder him
If you drill into his hip bones or the spot between his rib bones he’ll literally die (not really)
He tends to flail his lanky limbs around so you might want to be careful
His laugh is all over the place, and he cackles and giggles a lot
Though, speaking of doom, if he gets his hands on you he’ll rain doom down upon you!
He knows just the right things to say to get under your skin and make you squirm
He’ll also fake you out with tickles and will laugh, mockingly at you if you flinch away
Don’t worry, if you do the same thing to him he’ll literally short circuit
Mr. P:
Angry penguin delivers angry tickles
He goes straight for the death spots and doesn’t let up until you’re close to passing out
He can’t really verbally tease you (maybe taunts?) but he sure can physically tease you
He 100% uses his porters to help torment you
He’s only ticklish in 2 very specific spots that only Gale and Lou know about
He honks and squeals when tickled
Very dangerous lee, will attack you if you keep tickling (he MIGHT get you with tickles, but very unlikely)
Doesn’t really understand tickling
They’re pretty much ticklish everywhere
AGAIN, if you knock them over they’re helpless
They tend to flail and will probably try to hit you on purpose
They’re laugh is so cute though, it’s so high pitched and giggly
Like I said, they don’t really understand tickling so they don’t know how to tickle back
They’re trying though, and you gotta give them credit where it’s due
Also will try to avoid tickling/tickle fights
She pretty leisurely when she tickles, though she can be merciless if you annoy her
Can and will use her shadow clones to tickle you
Can’t really verbally tease, but she’s really good at physical teases
Will slowly rake her nails down your sides
Is only really ticklish on the hips, thighs and sides are also good, but the hips are where it’s at
Will try to shimmy and shake out of your grasp 
Her ‘laugh’ gets a little more high pitched when being tickled
Will probably try to attack you after you’re done tickling her
He’s pretty playful when it comes to tickling, mischievously playful...
He’s surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) very ticklish
His belly, sides, ribs and ears are suuuper ticklish
His laugh is more high pitched and giggly when tickled
If you blow a raspberry on his belly, dude, he’s gone
Despite his appearance, he is quite the mischievous ler
He’s quick, and he’ll find your worst spots and tickle them for a while
He so will use a few extra hands to help him
Despite using extra hands, he most like won’t restrain you unless you thrash around a lot
*** Legendary Brawlers ***
Oh no he baby
He is so ungodly ticklish, like it’s kinda scary how ticklish he is
He’s ticklish everywhere, but his neck, sides, and feet are the WORST
He’ll squirm and wriggle like crazy to try and escape
He’ll also try and turn invisible to get away
He has, such a cute, childish laugh
He snorts when tickled, and Nita always points it out and he always gets embarrassed when he does
If he wasn’t so ticklish (and weak) he’d make for a terrifying ler
He can just, turn invisible and sneak up on you and go to town
He’ll try and find your death spots, but honestly it’s so easy to turn the tables on him, he probably won’t find them
Not a huge fan of tickling, thinks it’ll ruin his cool/tough guy image
But if you really bug him (and he doesn’t kill you) he’ll go for it
Hope you aren’t feather sensitive, because his hands are covered in them
Will hunt down your death spots and tickle the crap out of them
He’s super good at physical teases, verbal is hit or miss
He’s surprisingly ticklish for a bird
His armpits (wingpits??), ribs and hips are shocking ticklish
His laugh is super ridiculous, he caws when he laugh and it makes him sound super goofy
If you’re not tickling under his arms/wings he’ll try and fly away
He will either kill you or get you back, there is no in between
Loves starting tickle fights, even if she end losing horribly in the end
She has firm, quick hands
She’s also strong, and will put you in an odd position that’s highly effective
Is a big fan of baby talk while teasing, will also make lame puns while tickling
Everything from the hips down are super ticklish, along with her neck and shoulders as well
She has a very squeaky laugh, and snorts if tickled for too long
Can’t take what she dishes out, you start making lame fire puns at her she’s gonna lose it
Also switches between english and spanish, I don’t make the rules
They’re a lee???
No one knows if they’re ticklish or not
The verdict is yes, because if you tickle them they make motions like they’re laughing
But if you tickle them for too long they’ll shoot out spikes everywhere
He’s a scary ler for the fact that they’re COVERED IN SPIKES
Yeah, probably not the wisest decision to tickle Spike (Unless you’re Colette)
Though if you must, the technically they’re ticklish everywhere
It’s super easy to catch him by surprise, and it’s one of the fastest ways to wake him up
He’s pretty ticklish everywhere, his whole torso, armpits, neck, and knees are super ticklish
He’ll try and slap you away and squirm out of your grip so watch out
Depending on where you tickle him, he’ll either let out tiny, tired little giggles or loud boisterous laughs
He whines a lot when tickled, and he can’t stand being teased
He’s honestly not much of a ler
When he gets a small burst of energy, he might scribble over some sensitive spots
If you lightly tickle him while he sleeps, he’ll still stay asleep but he’ll let out these cute little giggles and squirm
*** Chromatic Brawlers ***
Buzz tries to be serious whenever he can be, but he can’t help but break and be silly
Despite his small size he’s actually pretty strong for his size
Quite the tease, he’ll make these rules while tickling and if you break these rules he punishes you severely
Uses “cootchie cootchie coo” way too much when tickling
He squeezes a lot when tickling, will also spider his fingers over sensitive areas
His go to move is raspberries, he’s a long winded dino so he’s gonna deliver some long, hard raspberries
Can, and will nibble areas like the ribs and belly
He’s quite ticklish
His feet, armpits and belly do him in
He tries to be serious and will try to take control of the situation, but if you keep going he’ll eventually break down and become a giggling mess
He squirms a lot when tickled and will try to curl up if give the opportunity
His little tail wags and slaps on the ground when tickled, point this out to him and he dies inside
Cheeky, very teasy ler (surprisingly, or unsurprisingly playful)
Despite her old age, she’s still pretty strong and fast, so she won’t hesitate to chase you and pin you down
Is scarily good at both verbal and physical teases
1000% baby talks and coos when tickling, will also call you “honey, sweet thing, buttercup, etc.” when tickling you
Very unpredictable, will try and hunt down your death spot and then switch between that and another spot
She would SO, shove her gold hand up your shirt while it’s cold to make you shriek
Quiet ticklish herself, though she’d never admit it
Her ribs, sides, hips and feet will do her in
The back of her neck and ears are a little ticklish as well
She’ll try and swat you away saying things like “Do you know who you’re messing with?” to try and scare you away
After a while of trying to scare you off she’ll try and fight you off (If she actually hurts you she’ll get huffy, but will eventually apologize)
When you’re done you better keep your distance for a little while,  because she’s already planning her ticklish revenge on you, “Mom never misses”
Colonel Ruffs:
Switch, Ler leaning
He’s not a big fan of tickling, thinks it’s too silly (yet he still finds himself in tickly situations)
He’s rather small and he’s not the strongest, but boy is he quick
He’s super really good at physical teases? Verbal is also hit or miss
He sometimes can’t help himself from laughing along while he tickles
He will never admit it, but he kinda likes being tickled...
His belly and feet/paws are his weakness
If you tickle his belly juuust right, his leg starts kicking (and his tail starts wagging)
Same thing if you tickle behind his ears
He might try and bite you though, if he does he will normally (begrudgingly) apologize
Switch, Ler leaning
Horrifying ler, legit scary
She WILL chase you down, and she WILL get you
She’ll also just, tickle you out of no where
Her fingers are quick, and precise, and she WILL find all your death spots and tickle them
She’s scarily good at both physical and verbal teasing
Will also baby talk and coo at you
She’s actually really ticklish, and she’s ticklish everywhere for that matter
Her armpits, belly and feet are her worst spots
Actually likes being tickled silly and if you stop she’ll whine and ask you to continue
Blow raspberries on her belly and she turns to putty beneath you
Her laugh is absolutely all over the place and manic, but it’s also somehow really cute?? (How does she do that?????)
Probably the 2nd most ticklish robot
Pretty much ticklish everywhere, but his feet and hands are possibly his worst spots
Like most of the robots, if you knock him over he can’t do anything to help him 
He talks a lot when tickled so he ends up blabbering and stuttering over his words
Can’t stand being teased, he literally loses it
In the rare chances he’s ler, he’s gentle but cheeky
Also will hit ya with the “Coochie Coochie Coo”
He loves spidering up and down sides
Finally, a robot who isn’t ticklish!
He doesn’t tickle often, but when he does he can be quite cheeky
He’s got quick fingers
He’s pretty good at verbal and physical teases
He’ll comment on your laugh and how squirmy you are as he tickles you
He might accidentally take it a little far, but he’ll apologies for it
Not ticklish
He’s playful when he tickles
Not bad at physical teases, but is better at verbal teases
He’s normally not one for restraining but he will if you’re too wiggly
He normally does quick tickles to the side or little pokes and prods
He’s the master of cheer up tickles though
I TOLD YOU this post was long...
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nomorejust1ce · 3 years
ok so and my toe business? i just learned how to ride a bike right. i was riding over to my car to go get starbucks (because i’m white and also ok so like ok cooper in twin peaks says to always get yourself a little present every day and i was like well who am i to say no to freaking dale cooper right??!! anyway.) so i am biking over and i am trying to brake but for whatever reason it’s not working??! or i’m not backpedaling hard enough or something. so then i panic and i put my legs down and oh my god lo and behold i am wearing shitty $1 flip flops. i don’t even notice at first i’m like haha oopsi ^_^ and prop the bike up next 2 a tree and go into my car. i’m like hmmm my toe hurts but it’s prolly nothing!!! i should look at it anyway i guess i mean it’s prolly nothing hehe. hoho. haha. it is BLEEDING LIKE A MF!!!! and sooooo gross too… there was like concrete and gravel and mulch and all kinds of dirt and tree debris where i busted it open… seriously nasty. anyway i am like 😨😨😨 completely SHOCKED somehow and i limp my little ass out of the car and to my dorm. ok and like ok. the car lot is pretty far from my dorm and i’m already something of an anemic myself so this is just not a tasty combo. i am almost there when my vision starts to get spotty and i’m seeing these like orbs of light and i’m like fuck fuck fuck freaking my shit the fuck out so i sit down just having a panic attack like hmm, should i tell someone? hmmm i dunno… how about… i just sit here and vague post to my friends? that’s a good idea? yes? yeah? but it gets worse and i give and tell them and then im just laying there on the ground and ppl walk past me just Staring without a word and im like how did i get here? anyway moral of the story wear closed toed shoes when ur biking and also blood is pretty cool to look at sometimes but when it is coming from u it is considerably less so. good night ladies and gentlemen
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hooman-lyfe · 3 years
“Gapapa gak pake khimar, yang penting hatinya baik.”
Udah lama banget gak nulis, jadi tulisan pertama di tahun 2021 meskipun dah lewat jauh banget. Sebenernya bingung sih mau ngebagiin apa yang menarik. Ada beberapa ide sebenernya yang muncul untuk di tulis, tapi beberapa hari kebelakang agak mager aja haha (dont try this at home gess). Tulisan ini berangkat dari kegelisahan hati -cieelah- bukan ding wkwk, dari snapnya salah satu sahabat saya yang sampai saat ini masih available buat meminang (yok yok yang udah siap dipinang merapat, tak kasih kontaknya terus buat undangan di HQ Invitation yess wkwk) terkait penggalan argumen yang disampaikan oleh Syekh Ali Jaber (alm.) dalam suatu podcast. Secara pribadi, saya sangat sepakat dengan argumen tersebut, yang kurang lebihnya tentang amal dan aib yang menjadi rahasia setiap manusia dengan Tuhan-nya. “Eh, eh, kok ga nyambung sama judulnya?” Sabar, yaa, boys and gurls. Tarik napas dulu terus nyeruput mie merk baru namanya h*lalin, enak loh (btw, tulisan inin tidak disponsori oleh merk apapun!)
Next, yes, ngebacot mulu sik -,-. Pada pernyataan tersebut syekh Ali menggunakan perumpamaan seorang wanita yang belum berjilbab untuk tidak dijustifikasi sebagai sosok yang negatif. Ya, itu statement yang menenangkan menurut saya, dan cukup jelas pula maksud dan tujuan pernyataan tersebut, bukan? Karena setelah pernyataan tersebut beliau menegaskan secara generik bahwa setiap manusia memiliki rahasianya dengan Allah, memiliki aib yang Allah sembunyikan, pun memiliki amalan disisi Allah. Ya, sekali lagi sudah sangat jelas arah dan tujuan dari pernyataan awal tadi termaksudkan untuk apa. Tapi, kok yaa masih ada aja yang nyeleneh, dimana ada yang terpikirkan bahwa pernyataan syekh tadi sebagai lampu hijau bahwa wanita tidak wajib menggunakan jilbab/ khimar/ hijab/ apapun nama yang kalian sematkan. WHAT? Hmm. Belum makan keknya situ-situ yang mikir begini, yes. Sini makan mie dulu kuy bareng saya.
Jadi gini, korelasi antara khimar dan laku itu sebenarnya bersifat privat. Maksudnya gimana tu? Yaa, penggunaan khimar yang akan merefkleksikan laku tersebut tentu saja didasari oleh niat, dan niat merupakan hal yang hanya diketahui oleh seseorang yang sedang berniat tersebut dan tentu saja Tuhan. Oleh karena itu, baik atau buruknya perilaku seseorang tentu saja didasari oleh niat yang ada di hatinya, bukan pada khimarnya. Kewajiban wanita muslim dalam menggunakan khimar atau jilbab saya rasa sudah selesai dibahas pada pasal aturan aurat. Justifikasi seperti, “cewek tu kalo pake jilbab dah pasti baik,” atau, “cewek tu kalo jilbabnya panjang dah pasti sopan dan kalem,” atau “cewek tu kalo nggak jilbab apalagi roknya mini-mini gitu pasti cewek gak bener.” He? Tolong? Maksudnya?
Saya mau cerita nih beberapa case, tapi janji dulu kalian bacanya mesti sampe kelar dan tanpa justifikasi. Otaknya ajak kerjasama untuk buat mulutnya diem, batinnya juga tu suruh diem jangan banyak komen, jangan mudah nilai orang baik atau buruk. Oke? Lets start. Betewe kisah-kisah yang aku ceritain di bawah ini ada yang nyata dan ada yang fiktif yaa.
Saya kenal sama seorang akhwat, khimarnya panjang (tapi gak panjang berlebihan gitu yang sampe lutut terus akhirnya ngejeplak juga lekuk tubuhnya pas ketiup angin -,-), pakaiannya sopan, cerdas ma syaa Allah, kalem banget anaknya, dan yang pasti nggak suka contekan karena itu dosa kan yee, oh satu lagi tutur katanya yaa Allah lembut banget (tapi bukan lembut yang ngalem gitu). Ada lagi ni, saya tau sama seorang akhwat, sama ni khimarnya panjang, disegani banyak orang, pinter, pekerja keras, patuh banget sama orang tua, tutur katanya tegas sama yang bathil ma syaa Allah, tapi masih suka ‘maen’ sama ikhwan sampe lepas khimar pulak, luar biasa, yes. Lalu, ada lagi nii akhwat pake khimar yang nggak terlalu panjang, masih suka pake jeans kadangan pake dress, kadangan deket sama cowok kadangan bilang mau ta’arufan aja, tergantung mood wkwk tapi anaknya open sopan, baik banget sama orang tua dan sama temen-temennya, gak cuma itu sama binatang dan tumbuhan aja care banget, hobinya suka ngambilin sampah yang dia temuin dijalan, biasanya tasnya penuh tu sama sampah. Ada juga ni cewek yang gak pake khimar, pecinta kucing sejati, cantiiikk banget, pinter masak, posisinya strategis di kerjaan, temenan sama siapa aja, ramah dan sopan banget, yang pasti cerdas, pake khimarnya pas ada event tertentu aja, sekali waktu gak sengaja ngeliat beliau di ruang istirahat pas kondisinya lagi kosong banget lagi baca Al-Qur’an sambil nangis dan bacaannya pas dan merdu banget, rasanya kek tertampar T_T. Ada juga cewek gak pake khimar yang hobi bonceng tiga di jalan-jalan yang kalo dicuitin malah makin menjadi-jadi wkwk.
See? Hatinya masih terbiasa menilai baik atau buruknya seseorang gak nih? Hehe. Gak ada niat apa-apa kok, saya cuma mau nyampein, perkara khimar dan laku itu gak bisa disatukan secara gamblang. Ketika seseorang menggunakan khimar yaa cukup kita ketahui bahwa kewajibannya menutup aurat secara baik telah tertunaikan. Clear, cukup, gak usah ada embel-embel. Terlepas perilakunya baik, sopan, merefleksikan Islam atau nggak yaa itu urusannya sama Allah. Gak usah ikut campur kita yang manusia, kita yang hamba ini diem aja udah. Balik lagi ke pernyataan syekh tadi, kalo otak kita mikir dikit lebih jernih gak mungkin tu kepikiran kalo khimar itu gak wajib, yang penting perilakunya baik.
Kalau mau berbuat baik, beramal baik gak usah nunggu pas udah pake khimar. Kalau mau pake khimar gak usah pake alasan mau jilbabin hati dulu. Apapun kebaikan yang tengah kita kerjakan niatkan untuk Allah, dan apapun keburukan yang tengah kita kerjakan baik sengaja ataupun nggak semoga segera Allah kasih tau dan bisa segera memperbaikinya.
Yes, itu ajew. Maafkeun kalo gak berkenan hoho. Bye.
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urbubu · 4 years
Ini hari ke berapa sii? Oh aku kelewat sehari dong. Huhu. Sepertinya aku ketiduran selepas nugas negara deh. Ok lah akan aku rangkap hari 11 dan 12 di hari ini. Gapapa lah ya. Huhu
Hari ke-sebelas yang minta aku buat bicara tentang SAUDARA.
Waktu di hari awal lalu aku nulis kalau aku anak perempuan satu-satunya kan, ya? Haha iya benar karena aku punya dua saudara laki-laki. Oke, aku akan ceritain mereka ini kayak mana.
Adik laki pertama, sering ku panggil Zam. Adik aku yang ini anaknya out of the box banget dan pastinya random gila. Aku sering banget ketawa gara-gara ni anak soal suka banget ngasih joke bapak-bapak. Allah, kenapa adikku begitu?. Kalau bicara masalah akademis dia anaknya gak bisa diragukan:(. Jelas beda banget sama aku yang gini-gini aja. Adikku ini punya hobi gambar dari dia kelas 2 SMP, kegemarannya tersebut berawal dia sakit dan harus menginap di RS untuk beberapa waktu yang lama. Kalau ditanya sering cekcok apa kagak? Oh ya pasti. Karena aku anak pertama aku sering mendominasi dan gak mau kalah plus si Zam ini anaknya juga stubborn banget, ya sudah kalau kami sedang adu ini itu orang tua aku cuma bisa kicep. Hehe. Hal yang normal banget kalau bertengkar gegara masalah sepele wkwkw. Adikku ini cita-citanya mau punya komik sendiri dan bisa kuliah di luar negeri. Linguistiknya bagus juga sih daripada aku. Si Zam ini sekarang kelas 2 SMK kelas TKJ jalur Samsung. Oh, ya kami punya kesamaan yaitu suka banget sama Rich Brian wkwkwk. (Unimportant:')
Adik laki kedua, aku manggil dia Gar. Nah kalau ni anak beda lagi ceritanya, si Gar ini bawaanya kalem, lembut, santun, pengertian dan manutnya ga pake nolak. Jiwa perempuanku gugur:(. Adik aku yang ini meski secara akademis bisa dibilang sangat jauh dari 2 kakaknya tapi yang buat salut aku itu si Gar anaknya kreatif banget dan ulet saat dia punya projek buat ini itu. Dia sering banget di bully sama teman-temannya larena ya dia gak menonjol dalam bidang eksata tapi dia pernah cerita ke aku kalau dia mau berusaha untuk apatis. Yang kuat ya dek:(. Adik aku ini anak yang paling deket sama orang tua beda sama aku dan Zam yang lebih condong ke Bunda. Kesayangan ortu pakai banget hey. Iri? Oh tentu tidak dong saya hoho. Karena kata Bunda, kalau kita tau makna adil itu bagaimana maka kita akan paham menyayangi anak-anak dengan adil harus seperti apa. Noted ya, Syair.
Adek-adekku (hiyaaa) kalau mbakmu ini ada salah dan misal suatu hari nanti kamu baca ni tulisan maafin mbak ya kalau banyak salahnya. Mbak bangga banget punya kalian. Mbak selaku anak pertama berharap semoga kehidupan kalian dari segi belajar, finansial, pertemanan dan segalanya akan bisa lebih baik dari mbak. Mbak hanya bisa bantu semampunya mbak dan semoga lagi hal tersebut bisa buat kalian semangatnya lebih melangit lagi. Oh ya, satu lagi tolong banget jangan bikin mbakmu ini cepat tua. Hehe. Makasih dedek-dedek mbak.
#day11 #30dayswritingchallenge #siblings
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local-thembo · 4 years
1, 8, 35 for the da ask please!
1. How did you get into Dragon Age? A then-friend told me about DAO repeatedly, and she ended up buying it for me! I wasn’t really into video games then, but my first session in DAO lasted over 6h so you could say I was pretty much hooked (I was also terrible but that’s ok)
8. Preferred class overall? Mage!! Hoho fire! Haha ice!! Hehe lightning!! Magic cool. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
35. Who do you want to see return in the next game? Well I mean I’d love to see more of Alistair and Zev, even as cameos, but I’m not entirely sure I trust BioWare with that..... More realistically, I’m kind of hoping Dorian will come back?? Also maybe Fenris, especially if the game takes place in Tevinter!!
Send me Dragon Age questions!
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ikaaika · 6 years
#WritingChallenge 5 : Inilah Aku, 30 Facts About Me
Ini tulisan bakalan gak dishare ya haha. Biarkan tersimpan rapi di blog ini dan tumblr. Manatau ada yang mau mencari tau dan penasaran tentang saya bisa mampir ke blog. Sihiy. 30 Facts about me. Yah, inilah aku, semoga engkau menerima ya wkk. yuk lah simak bagi yang mau simak.
1. Thinking Person?
Dalam tes STIFIn, ada yang bagian thinking namanya. Teman-teman di FIM sudah ada yang tes ini dan beliau itu thinking. Dan beliau menyamakan hal tersebut denganku. Ada apa dengan thinking? katanya sih anak thinking itu doyannya mikir. Logikanya juga lebih dipakai. Benrkah? mari tes dulu wkk.
2. Anak Pertama dari 3 Bersaudara
Yes. Aku adalah anak pertama dari 3 bersaudara sekaligus cucu pertama dari orang tua mamak yang jarak dengan adik-adik lumayan jauh. Dengan adik yang pertama (perempuan) itu jaraknya 5 tahun dan adik yang kedua (laki-laki) jaraknya 14 tahun. Jauh pisan!
3. Sahabatnya Laki-Laki
Yak! Inilah pusaran pertemanan yang masih menjadi kontroversi bagi orang banyak sampai sekarang. Gak tau kenapa memang dari jaman SD itu temannya laki-laki. Dan selalu menjadi perempuan satu-satunya. Selalu menjadi tempat curhat para laki. Bahkan uda ngajar gini dekatnya sama anak laki-laki. Aku pun bingung sendiri. Bukannya tak ingin punya sahabat perempuan. Teman perempuan ada, tapi untuk terlalu dekat tidak. Pernah dekat nanti akhirnya menjauh. Kesal akutu. Entah deh
Jaman SD, kawan pulang dan pergi jaman sekolah itu laki-laki. Bareng-bareng naik sepeda kebut-kebutan. Jaman SMP, punya teman, kami berempat, selalu pulang bareng karena searah dan tetap menjadi perempuan sendiri. Jaman SMA juga begitu tapi dengan lain orang. Bahkan sampai buat geng dan masih bertahan sampai sekarang. FAIZ namanya (Febry Ardi Ika Zuned). Dan jaman kuliah nambah makhluk sebiji namanya Pino. Punya impian kalau nanti masing-masing punya pasangan hidup, pasangan mereka jadi sahabat aku. Luycu aja gitu hahah.
4. Sedikit Tomboy a.k.a Abang-Abang
Gak tomboy tomboy kali lah. Biasa aja. Tetap jadi perempuan kok. Tetap mau jadi syantik seperti perempuan lain. Masih tetap pakai rok. Santai-santai. Walaupun suara ngegas kek cowok. 
5. Lulusan Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Medan
Alhamdulillah diterima di Pendidikan Fisika Universitas Negeri Medan jalur undangan tanpa test. Aku tinggal dadah dadah sama yang lain wkkk. 
6. Sastra, Sains dan Seni a.k.a Multitalent
Well. Orang bilang aku itu multitalent. Iya bener! Aku bisa sekaligus penyuka sastra, seperti nulis cerpen, puisi. Bidang sains itu bisa dalam Fisika, Kimia, Matematika. Dalam hal seni, bisa dalam hal musik, gambar dll. Tapi sedih sih, jadinya gak fokus heum.
7. Punya Motor Jadoel
Nah ini nih yang buat beda. Motor Jadoel punya bapak keluaran tahun 1985. Kemana-mana sama motor ini nih. Sudah terlanjur sayang. Kalau dibeli orang gak rela. Malah rencananya anak aku yang make lagi wkkk.
8. Gak Pernah Koleksi Boneka
Nah! Gak pernah koleksi boneka. Alasannya kalau dari mamak nanti malaikat gak masuk. Pernah dikasih boneka, tapi habis itu cuma masuk lemari. Teman-teman pun ketika aku milad juga gak pernah ngasih boneka. Bagus-bagus! Malah dulu saat kecil kata mamak bapak aku punya koleksi mainan mobil-mobilan, kereta api serta pesawat. Oke fix!
9. Emosian
Nah, masih belajar untuk gak gampang marah. Tapi marahnya sama orang rumah dan tempat-tempat yang sudah aku anggap rumah. Kalo sama lingkungan baru dan orang baru gak bisa hehe.
10. Egois
Mungkin ini efek sebagai anak pertama dan jaraknya ke adik-adik itu jauh. Pernah menjadi segala-galanya dan menjadi prioritas mamak dan bapak. Jadinya terkadang gak mau mengalah sama adik-adik hehehe. 
11. Sudah Transformasi Hati
Sebelum mempunyai hati yang kuat seperti sekarang, pernah masuk ke fase punya hati baperan. Hingga akhirnya terus belajar jadinya hatinya kuat sekarang hehee. 
12. Jarang Mandi :'(
Ini aib sih wkkk. Iya agak jarang mandi. Satu hari itu mandinya sekali aja. Kenapa? Karena selalu pulang malam dan mandi malam itu gak bagus.Banyak Alasan!
13. Hobi Makan
Ini merupakan hobi yang sukses buat berat badan bertambah! Pengennya sih makan banyak gak gendut. Tapi apalah daya punya gen yang makan sedikit langsung gemuk. Heu.
14. Pernah Sakit Paru-Paru Basah
Ini terjadi ketika akhir semester 2 di kelas 3 SMA, yaitu sekitar awal tahun 2013. Mulai batuk tidak berhenti selama 5 bulan lebih. Gak pernah ke dokter cuma diobatin dengan obat herbal. Alhamdulillah sekarang sisa-sisanya. 
15. Kaki Panjang
Nah, kalau ini memang akunya yang gak bisa diam. Selalu aja keluar setiap hari. Nanti dari agenda satu ke agenda lain. Gitu aja terus sampai capek.
16. Cuek
Cuek dengan gak pedulian sama gak sih (?) Iya memang cuek bin masa bodo parah. Contohnya gak mau urusin hidup orang fokus sama hidup sendiri. Gak mau dengar apa kata orang dan tetap berpegang teguh pada prinsip. Contoh lain saat ada demo masak buibu di sekolah, aku malah sibuk sama laptop. Parah memang.
17. Bisa Nyanyi
Banyak yang kaget aku bisa nyanyi. Serius bisa. Dulu mah vokalis nasyid wkkk.
18. Ambisius
Yas. Aku orangnya ambisius. Gak ambisius kali. Intinya kalau uda pengen pake kali harus dapat walaupun gak bakal maksa juga sih. Lebih ambisius kalau sudah ada rival. 
19. Pemalas
Nah, kalau di rumah ini pemalas parah wkkk. Kalau sudah diam bakaln di kamar dan di tempat tidur aja sambil main hape.
20. Merasa Salah Jurusan
Nah, pendidikan fisika sebenarnya jurussan pilihan. Tapi setelah dijalani kok gak cocok ya. Gak dapat fisikanya. Maka dari itu, studi lanjut ambil fisika murninya. Hoho
21. Simple Person
Simple Person a.k.a gak ribet person. Gak suka muluk-muluk. 
22. Gak Mau Samaan dengan Orang Banyak
Aku suak berbeda dari orang-orang. Mau jadi orang yang limited edition. Misalnya saat orang berbondong-bondong daftar PNS, aku gak mau. 
23. Gak Bisa Minum Obat!
Gak bisa minum obat! Maksudnya aku gak bisa telan obat. Berasa mengerikan. Karena di pikiran terlintar kalau nanti bakal sempit jalan obat di kerongkongannya. Dan itu bertahan sampai sekarang. Makanya paling benci kalau sudah sakit dan disuruh minum obat.
24. Phobia Binatang yang Jenis Serangga 
Geli aja gitu rasanya. Apalagi serangga. Ngerih. Kecoa apalagi dan dia terbang. Bisa lari dan jerit akutu.
25. Aku Kuat!
Nah, aku punya sistem imun yang kuat. Jarang sakit. Tapi sekali sakit ya parah. Makanya orang selau bilang, ika bisa sakit?
26. Pernah Pacaran!
Orang-orang gak percaya dan bakal kaget aku pernah pacaran. Mungkin karena bawaannya cuek dikira gak pernah. Dan ya aku pernah! Bukan berbangga. Intinya aku pernah jahiliyah. 
27. Pernah Juara OSN Pertamina Se-Sumut
Bukan maksud sombong. Juara lomba ini tanpa disangka-sangka. Itu saat tahun 2015. Isinya asal-asalan. Eh, juara. Aku bilang sih ada hikmah. Soalnya saat itu aku ke Bali, dan uang tiketnya itu hutang sama teman. Jadinya langsung terganti sama uang hasil juara OSN. heheh
28. Indomi Lovers
Indomi lovers mana suaranyaaaah. Selalu suka hunting indomi keluaran terbaru dan wajib dicoba.
29. Moodyan
Kalo ini sih seperti nanti sedih terus tiba-tiba ketawa aja. gak bisa diprediksi
30. Tidak Tahan Pedas
Jadi aku itu gak tahan pedas. Tahan pun hanya level tertentu. Karena kalau levelnya tinggi bisa bisa tangan ini kaku gak bisa digerakin seperti kena stroke ringan.
Sudah dulu ya. Capek woi
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hallodit-blog · 6 years
Tanya Jadi Rasa #3
Hello guys long time no see yaa haha perasaan udah 1000 purnama gua ngga nulis lagi disini wkwk gua sempet lupa sama akun dan password gua… ya mungkin karena udah mulai makin banyak yang gua inget yaa.. membuat memori di otak gua ga secerdas V-Gen yang kecemplung kuah sop mendidih juga masih OK hmm. Nah gua mau lanjut lagi Tanya Jadi Rasa #3 hohoho semoga lu semua tetap bertanya-tanya yaaa haha ya kalo engga, juga gapapa sih~
Okay, waktu itu tanggal 10 Desember 2016 hmmm H-1 gua nembak cewe gua haha itu guuyss yang namanya kata2 romantis udah numpuk sampe ke ubun-ubun tapi gua tetep harus ngendaliin diri gua biar semua indah pada waktunya. Tanggal 10 itu hari sabtu malam minggu yes benar, biasanya gua kalo malem minggu ya di rumah aja.. dari dulu begitu, ga pernah ada tuh istilahnya nongki2 di luar rumah.. yaelah ngapain amat, kamar gua udh cukup nyaman kok.. dengerin streamingan lagu jadul/jazz klasik udah enak banget buat gua.
Jujur gua agak lupa dengan kejadian di tanggal 10 itu ya, yang pasti entah kenapa streamingan gua kok mendadak jadi lagu2 romantis hahaha mendukung hati gua banget nih yang lagi kasmaran. Kalau gua gasalah ya, cewe gua itu lagi tutor hari sabtu jadi dia agak sibuk dengan hapalan-hapalannya dan tugas-tugasnya di kampung inggris. Jadi kita ga terlalu banyak ngobrol pas tanggal 10 itu. Okay, hari berganti jadi minggu, tanggal berubah jadi 11 hmm gua ikut kondangan bareng ortu di alam sutera, tepatnya di menara top food selaras dengan perasaan gua yg udah nyampe titik “top” untuk nyatain rasa suka ke dia hoho meski gua gatau ya bakal diterima atau ngga, secara dia kayanya bukan tipe-tipe orang yang mau pacaran.
Ya guys jadi cewe gua ini pas jaman kuliahnya beuh subhanallah dah, gengnya geng anak alim dan gapernah sekalipun gua liat dia jalan bareng cowo (gatau sih kalo di belakang gua) haha lu Tanya aja langsung sama orangnya @sitikhalqiahtijarah. Flash back dulu sedikit ya, jadi dulu tuh pas jaman kuliah awal2 dia sempet dideketin sama 1 cowo gitu yang kayanya udh cinta mati banget sama dia, soalnya cowo itu agak ngancem “gua bakalan sakit jantung” atau apalah kalo misalnya cintanya ga diterima sama cewe gua haha lebay banget tuh cowo, jantungan jantungan aja lah nasib lu #jahat. Itu jaman awal kuliah, maju lagi pas masuk ke jurusan haha nih..
Dia juga dideketin sama 1 cowo, cowo ini kenal dia karena sempet 1 kelompok pas orientasi fakultas haha menurut jarah.. oiya next gua sebut cewe gua pake namanya aja ya. Jadi menurut jarah, cowo yg ngedeketin dia ini orangnya serius banget wkwk hobinya baca buku dan organisasi, jauhlah sama gua yang cuma kang kebon hahaha setiap si jarah chat sama cowo ini, topiknya serius-serius banget like, what is your life purpose? Haha terus cewe gua jawab “mau jadi orang yang bermanfaat”, nah cowonya nanya lagi “bermanfaat kayak gimana, apa tolak ukurnya, gimana penerapannya?” wagelaseh ujian doctor mah lewat hahaha lebay gua.
Singkatnya, akhirnya si jarah nanya ke dia “ada ngga perempuan yang lagi mau lu seriusin?” kalo emang dia mau serius sama cewe gua kan, langsung aja jawab “ada, kamu” gituu tapi cowo itu jawabnya muter2, makanya cewe gua perlahan mulai jaga jarak.  Udah ya flashback nya haha capek. Siang itu gua kondangan sama ortu, disitu gua udh gelisah hehe tapi gua sama jarah masih wa-an ngobrolin nikah pulak alamak hahaha singkatnya pas gua otw balik dari kondangan itu, percakapan kita isinya begini nih:
R : eh tadi bagus lho acaranya.
J : oiyaa.. wow.. eh ngomong2 lu ada rencana nikah ga dit?
R : ya adalah….. (gerogi)
J : emang kapan?
R : kepoooo hahaha (mencoba mencairkan suasana)
J : ish~
R : emang lu kapan jar?
J : gua si under 25 yang pasti… kalo lu?
R : gua juga sama, ya kalo calon gua maunya under 25.. gua juga sama~ hmmm jar, sebenernya gua kagum sama lu.
J : ih apaan nih? Mau bikin baper gua ya? Wkwkwk
R : …. Mati *hahaha
Sumpah guys disitu antara otak, hati, sama tangan gua udah agak-agak ga sinkron haha hati gua udah pengen bilang jujur aja, otak gua bilang nanti aja, tangan gua? Bhay! Hahaha. Hmm sampelah gua di rumah… cuci tangan sama kaki terus tidur sebentar. Senja pun tiba #ea gua pun mandi dll sampe akhirnya gua balik ke tempat tidur lagi dan ngecek wa hehe dan ternyata ga ada wa dari dia, hmm gua sedih hahaha gua mau meng-clear kan kata-kata gua yang tadi siang, yang bilang bahwa gua kagum sama dia itu mau gua jelasin lagi. BERSAMBUNG
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enstaries · 7 years
Ask open yay! How about 1-B going for a movie? Or well, trying, lol. You can add some Torikasa or Yushino :3
aaaa this went pretty ok! i’m not sure if popcorn is too big of a thing in japan, but it’s definitely the highlight for kasa-kun (and co)~
  “Can you stop eating all my popcorn like a glutton, Tsukasa!” Tori cries out, slapping Tsukasa’s hand away from the popcorn box. “Hmph, I barely even had any! No thanks to you, you greedy little a-oof!”
  Tsukasa had elbowed him sharply at his side, his face a black scowl. “Oh, shut up, don’t be so pretentious!”
  "Excuse me? I paid for this too, how dare you tell me not to eat it!“
  "When did I tell you not to eat it, Tori-kun?” Between the flying insults, Tsukasa manages to stuff his cheeks with the popcorn. “Now you’re putting words in my mouth! Tsk, tsk, what a nuisance.”
  "Ugh! Stop using big English words I don’t understand! Take this!“
  Tsukasa’s yell rings out in the cinema, and this finally draws annoyed hushes from the rest of the crowd trying to enjoy the movie in peace - something Tsukasa and Tori had neglected to consider ever since they first entered the cinema.
  Beside Tsukasa, Sora uses his inside voice to tell the two, “HiHi, it’s good and all to have fun but… Tori-chan and Kasa-chan must be quiet! You are disrupting the others.”
  Tsukasa turns red. “M-my apologies. I rarely go to cinemas, if ever, so having strangers watching alongside me is definitely… surreal.”
  "Tch, who cares about these peasants?“ Rather than being embarrassed, Tori is defiant. "If I displease them, then they can leave!”
  "Mm, I’m pretty sure that’s not how cinemas work, Hime-Chan,“ Mitsuru says, visibly troubled by his friend’s outburst. He reaches into the popcorn box that he shares with Sora, and gobbles it down. "Why not be more like Shinobu-chan and Yuu-chan? Look, they’re so quiet and happy together?”
  Indeed, since the start of the movie, the two sitting at the extreme right of the boys have been quiet - more so, Shinobu has been. His eyes are glued to the screen before him, but not because he is fixated with the movie, but because if he daren’t make eye contact with the boy next to him. His hand shoots out, sneaking over to the popcorn box, and his fingers touch Yuta’s; as if he had been struck by electricity, he snatches them away, crying out.
  "Uh, Shinobu-kun? Did I do something wrong?“
  At the other end of the row, Tori rolls his eyes. "Oh please, it’s because Shinobu thinks this is a date, that’s why he’s being so shy and quiet! Honestly!”
  "Haha, then why not look at this as if it’s a date?“ Sora asks. "In that case, it’ll be a triple date, right? Since Tori-chan and Kasa-chan are sharing popcorn together, then the two of you are on a date!”
  Mitsuru looks over at Sora, his eyes shining. “Whoa, whoa! Does that mean I’m on a date with you, Sora-chan?”
  "Of course we are, HeHe!“
  Overhearing the conversation, Yuta gulps a little. "A date?” he whispers to himself, looking over quickly at the terrified Shinobu next to him.
  Maybe… maybe sharing popcorn is a thing couples do on dates! Gleeful in spite of himself, Yuta shifts a little more to Shinobu.
  On the other hand, Tori and Tsukasa are not at all happy about this arrangement.
  "Excuse me? A date? With this brat?“ Tsukasa seethes, and he raises his voice. "I rather die. In the first place, who decided that I had to share popcorn with Tori-kun?”
  "Uh, you did? You said you wanted caramel popcorn, and so did Tori-kun!“
  "That’s right. HoHo, and then Yuu-chan preferred to share salted popcorn with Shino-chan! That’s why!”
  "P-please wait a second, de gozaru!“ Finally, Shinobu’s attention is diverted, and desperately, he turns to the others. "I did not demand to share this popcorn treat with Yuta-kun! I just… I just-”
  "You didn’t want to?“
  The hurt on Yuta’s expression makes Shinobu squeal in shame, and he ducks down. The rest look on for a second, then burst into laughter.
  "Shinobu-chan, Yuu-chan, you two are so silly!” Mitsuru says, and that’s the end of the cinema shenanigans.
 The six of them are finally quiet, and the rest of the movie-watchers sigh in relief.
  But moments later, Tsukasa leans over to Tori.  "Sorry if I was hoarding the popcorn just now,“ he says, and before Tori can wave him away, Tsukasa offers him a devilish smile. "I’ll feed the rest to you-” he holds up a handful of popcorn “-if you want? One by one.”
  Tori opens his mouth, and screams.
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kamilahdwi · 7 years
Kesebelasan Medseh (1)
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Assalamualaikum Readers!
Oke, jadi hari ini adalah hari Sabtu, 14 Oktober 2017 dimana semakin hari semakin mendekati Memoar. Oke ini terlalu baper haha, tapi ya begitulah adanya haha. Jadi dimalam ini saya ingin menceritakan kepada Mbak Mas netizen semua tentang perjalanan kehidupan organisasi saya selama tahun 2017 ini :)
Semuanya diawali dari gambar diatas. Yap, itu adalah gambar pertama penyambutan pengurus Salam UI 20. Saat - saat pertama juga saya berkenalan dengan manusia-manusia hebat yang sudah hampir 9 bulan ini melekat di otak dan hati saya (cie). Oke saya perkenalkan satu persatu saja ya, supaya Mbak Mas netizen gak penasaran hehe.
(Paling Kiri) Amanda-Saya-Soyuri-Syifa-Sofia-Fida-Rara-Sam-Fauzy--Ardi (Paling Kanan)
1. Amanda, nama lengkapnya Amanda Rosdiana Fitri. Ia merupakan mahasiwa FKM 2016 asal Jombang. Anaknya alim-alim unyu ngeselin gitu haha. Amanda ini jago desain loh dan dia juga PO Gebyar Nurani. Amanda ini anak terakhir dari dua bersaudara. Amanda paling doyan nongkrong loh, tapi nongkrong yang berfaedah haha, dia sering banget ke berbagai kajian di penjuru UI. Selain itu, dia juga aktif dibidang sosial dan politik. Wah mantap banget yah! Sukses terus Man :) 
2. Sofia Yumna Ariba, alias Soyuri. Ia merupakan mahasiswa FIK 2015 asal Depok tapi ngaku ada darah Magelang-nya haha. Soyuri itu anaknya narsis-lucu-berisik gitu haha. Paling bisa bikin suasana syuro MedC rame pun juga jadi kedistract (haha maap ya soy). Soy ini kemaren jadi artis Salam TV loh yang judulnya “Jangan Over”. Soy ini meski baru masuk ke dunia desain, tapi udah kece badai loh karya-karyanya. Dia pernah jadi PJ Desain Ninufest, PJ Medis OKK UI dan segudang kepanitiaan lainnya. Soy ini punya 7 adik loh, wah kakak terdabest dah! Sukses selalu ya My SoffiaKitty haha.
3. Asysyifa Al Afifah, atau biasa dikenal Syifa. Ia merupakan mahasiswa FKM 2016 asal Depok. Anaknya rebel-gakjelas-diem-tapi ribut juga wkwk. Dia ini aktif banget di Kaderisasi Nurani (mantaplah naks kader haha). Syifa ini rumahnya di Depok dan sepaket sama Amanda (yah namanya juga sefakultas). Syifa ini jago banget loh desainnya bahkan dia pernah bikin ilustrasi lucu gitu. Syifa ini paling susah ditebak haha. Mantap! Sukses selalu ya Syif :)
4. Sofia Utari Ramadhani alias Sofia. Dia ini adek kelasnya Soyuri saat SMP dan SMA. Sofia asalnya dari Bekasi. Anaknya alim-ngegemesin-kalem gitu. Hafalannya udah banyak loh gengs, kita doakan semoga tetap istiqomah ya! Nah Sofia ini dari Geografi 2016. Dia juga aktif di MII loh bagian Syiar. Sofia ini kemaren yang ngurus Selembar Madani dan bendahara MedC. Tetap semangat bikin peta Sof, eh semangat dalam menjalani apapun maksudnya haha!
5. Fida alias Amany Mufida. Fida ini kayaknya satu-satunya anak MedC yang bisa nyetir mobil haha. Dia aktif banget di fakultas. Sekarang dia jadi Sekretaris salah satu acara akbar Vokasi Akuntansi. Oiya bahkan dia udah magang kerja loh. Tapi akhir-akhir ini Fida agak sulit dihubungi :( Fid, cepat balik ya hehe, pada kangen kamu nih hoho.
6. Ratu Muitara Azima Sukmaningrat, alias Rara. Ia merupakan anak Cirebon yang kuliah di Vokasi bagian Publikasi 2016. Anaknya cerewet-fashionable-tapi sok kalem gitu haha. Kalo dijapri pasti jawabannya yang paling lengkap dan panjang haha. Rara ini aktif jadi penyiar radio di Fakultas juga loh :) Waktu itu dia juga jadi pengisi suara (dubber) video Qurban Salam TV. Sukses terus ya Ra!
7. Syamsu Rijal Efendi atau biasa dikenak Sam/Su. Anak Elektro 2015 paling gercep, berpengalaman, dan panikan haha. Sam yang anak Jakarta abis ini jago banget otak-atik barang, katanya sih cita-citanya pengen punya Syamsu Electronics. Kita doain bareng-bareng ya gengs! Nah Syam ini jago banget editing video. 99,9% video Salam TV itu doi yang ngedit haha. Syam ini juga pinter banget loh gengs! Dia jadi asisten laboratorium di Teknik Elektro :) Mantap Soul Syam, sukses terus ya!
8. Fauzy/Habiby yang memiliki nama lengkap Ahmad Fauzy Habiby Prasetya. Doi anak Situbondo dan Geografi angkatan 2016. Fauzy ini anaknya rame -sibuk-ngeselin gitu haha. Amanahnya segudang loh. Banyaknya banget organisasi dan kepanitiaan yang dia ikutin haha.. bahkan saya pun tidak dapat mnyebutkannya satu-satu. Fauzy ini jago banget mengoperasikan berbagai aplikasi mulai semua jenis aplikasi desain 2D bahkan sampe aplikasi editing video. Wah sukses terus ya Zy!
9. Ardi, Muhammad Lazuardi Nuriman. Nah, Ardi ini asalnya Malang. Ia mahasiswa Ilmu Perpustakaan 2016. Dia polyglot loh alias penguasa 4 atau lebih bahasa. Desainnya Ardi juga bagus-bagus loh! Di Formasi FIB pun dia masuk bagian media dan tahun ini jadi PJ Desain UI QO. Ardi ini anaknya pendiam pake banget haha. Mantap! sukses terus ya Di!
10. Regina Diah Rachmawati alias Rere. Nah Kak Rere adalah anak MedC paling dewasa (red: lahir duluan) dibanding anak MedC lainnya haha. Kak Rere kebetulan banget gak ada di foto :( soalnya waktu itu izin pulang duluan hehe. kak Rere ini anak Biologi 2014. Kak Rere pernah menjadi PI di KSE dan saat ini aktif sebagai Aslab di Biologi. Kak Rere ini anaknya ngeselin-rame-dewasa gitu hehe. Sukses dan semangat terus Kak Re!
Yak itu dia profil singkat 10 anak MedC (plus saya jadi Kesebelasan Medseh). Meskipun keberadaan mereka selama 9 bulan ini gak selalu di MedC (yak jadi curhat) tapi mereka semua merupakan harta saya yang paling berharga. Mereka semua guru sabar saya, guru ikhlas saya dan juga insyAllah jadi salah satu jalan saya buat lebih dekat dekat dengan Allah.
Tanpa mereka, mungkin saya cuma sebatang lidi yang gak akan pernah bisa membersihkan sampah yang berserakan. Tanpa mereka, mungkin saya tidak akan mengerti apa artinya bertanggung jawab, salling percaya, dan berbagai nilai-nilai berharga yang mungkin gak akan saya temukan di bangku kuliah. Tanpa mereka, mungkin saya akan terkungkung dalam kesepian dan kesendirian. 
Jadi di penghujung malam ini, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih yang sebesar-besarnya karena masih mau bertahan di MedC. Terima kasih masih tahan dengan saya yang cerewet dan sering gak jelas ini. Terima kasih sudah mau berjalan sama - sama di jalan dakwah ini.
Tak banyak yang bisa saya berikan ke kalian. Hanya balasan dari Allah lah sebaik-baiknya balasan untuk kegigihan dan kerja keras kalian selama ini :” 
Pun saya juga ingin meminta maaf mungkin selama kurang lebih 9 bulan kita bersama, masih banyak keburukan dari tingkah laku maupun perkataan yang saya lakukan. Saya minta maaf mungkin masih belum maksimal dalam memenuhi ekspektasi kalian. 
Bismillah, semoga ukhuwah kita ini gak berhenti disini. Semoga Allah tetap mempersatukan tali persaudaraan ini, hingga kelak kita dipertemukan kembali di surgaNya :” Aamiin.
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tuyetthienduong · 5 years
E con yuii
Nhuc tine hoang acxz
Thieubthuong ghe cuoi nua hugi lan n
Hihi chiu all
Chong phu max hihi
Hey so cc higi hay ko
Huhu nhu cu jha
How to sx
Same just sc
Hoan di luon hihi
Doi nua
Nhu cu hay vai
Huhuhu hihi
Doi cc
Elebuzz seecsang trung jihu
Elebuzz chong ma hihi cing only
Anh hoang bao dep ma huhh
Jerk huhu
Kk la qua
Mac gia huhu noi doc nhu tgat
Thay may cai nan ko toi tu than tu bao do ko noi nua
Kp huhu
Bf dung hihi huhuhay qua ctl
E full cac shit nho co tu nhan roi ma (1(
Huhu co
Bf tue ma ctl hihi huhu
Hieu chua noi vu mo nhac la gd tao tinh toan ki roi max
Sao fairy cac minh nhu cu ta
Tai hay do hihi huhu
(1) co thuong na
Cac shir max la ko ai de y a tai quen nhuc roi mo thay ro ban linh kheo nhu than luon hihi rhuong thuong *quay duoi*
Dap mat hsd1 thang jn ghe lam sau vu nay kick hihi don len hsd5 chiu nhuc max luin chong be only moi gap kiep nay thang lam thobg hihu huhu
Idol co so tu than ma (2)
Idol huhuhuhiji cyl
Ngjia la huhu............. Ghe style
Tum lai Thang Duy huhuai trong soshir cung biet ban linh phi pham het a hihihi ctl
Quen nua thou dou mat nay hihi mai tu tu chubg hihi
Ok by all hiui
Cjing bis shir jerk hehw
Dap bt cac cho peace huhu
Tum lai huhu chobg thi sao
Ream may me huhu nguoi nhu vay ma ctl hihi lam tgeo huhu by me
Me yuki tabata hih
Tum lai by all y chang em kyon hihi khou nghi cach noi doc babg cach di an etc
Tum lai cai tran ver2 hihi
Hihi so ong kia roi hihi
Pk nhan intercac moi diet ishir hihi
Sap dax isgir for huhu
Huhu lo her roi hihi tumlai hwr cax ...... krnh cac hihi ghe sryle
Hihi chobg blick cac hihi
Hihi thanks irger id do thabg de M gium hai dua luon o chubg tu rgan
Em cotinh sinh con ko
Tum det hihi huhu lo nua Go cac hihi lo .. Jerk hihi
Bi dat boy ba nguoi huhu
Dap cax shit 5 nhujb y chang hsd 1 ma ca bNg hihi
Tum lai hugygy de so hai thien ha kgutet kde diep cac xhiy hwt phai ko sai jeek ko biet
Herk rgap honnhihi ctl
Huhuhu lo het
Huy duc ok
Co onh nay duoc a tao cac vibi
Cin lai elw cacgihih chatlt
Tum kai mm hihihi ngu tgat lo
Dell cac da yh cac you ..........
Nghe tieng huhu huy danh kon minh en nho ma co csxml
Huhu lo roi ma noi roi ma chi la tum lai me de cua nnhibi
Tum lai than nong ne moi diet all jihi by fan ctls huhu
Anh hoang hihi nhu may dua kia vay a huhu
Tum lai sao so hai thua....... so mot xa vay hihi lap lanh ma dao hihihi
Kim xax o nha biet main hihi
Hihi kd 2 ma huhu nfuoc lai hihi hogo hehe
Huhy ko phai cai 2
Bf ua hibi hohi
Huy sao lay anh ha
Em ctl hihi
Tum lai sao em song duoc o do vat
Id kiabao em de hai dua do jerl nhau same him hihi gat a thing
Huhu ko nhan no cax
Huhu lo hiai hoho
Huy thang hihi same doi lai de canh tranh van kdsbhnk hihi
Tum lai em max ma bhu td + mm hihi ao cc hihi hjoho dust het roi hihi si sbit hihi ctl eyc
Dung hihi
Bf hihi quanh lin
Jerk hihi anh quanh lon diet hwt show cax rpi hihi cai cget em ai cho nguoi sep hihi gjen nwn nhu cu hihi lo roi huhu mbh vo tinh oi
Dap cax jn de hihi
Dap d fall cax ne
T lai ade shit hihi lo hoai elenuzz oi cong
Dap mat chobg hut hibi
Huhu lo het
Chonhs bist em co gji h lun ko
Thic cc ma thich huy vi lun hihu
Hihi ao cmm
Huhu lo hoai bt chongs hihi take ot shif
Hihi lo roi
Tum lai ro 4 cac ne
Hihi lo nua roi
Xkng my mother oi gium mm sc 0s hihi its me hiji
Hihi lo huhu roi hihi mua gionh vay a hihi mat giong so hai jerk do nen ko dam hihi oi roi
Hieu chua khoi tum cac cax poke lo hihi p no huhu ghe linga oi hihi pp goc y chang ghe hibi
Huhu lo roi cai than y chang mat nho du hibi de khoa huhu ghe qua cax hihi cac 5 an toan max cong em hihi
Bfs know hihi elebuzz dam dien
Dam het hihi
Nho jerk a hihu d cax
Nhu cu jerk noi sao ko doi duoc huhu etc... Vi no co that everything moi thu
Sao thich mac cac du vay
Huy vi em dep hihu
Bsch vi hay hihi.......
Jn vi hay va dep.......
Chong moi vi huhuhu hijhiji hohohoho hahaha hehe hubuhu... Love
Chobg cax huhy vi em dep trai toi tri can gY thzt luon ma nhu rm gio chi la ki khiem cax de do all tui kia biet nen jerk tu 0t too hihi
Thong minh bwt trong dY hihi yhiobg
Diet tap oi gium roi by ts huhu all huhu a shit cuoi
Bg dung dung dung
Jerk da anh di hihi
Dap xac 5
Lam nam di hihi
Jerk dung luon kdn hihi
Cac n bihi xiu
Jerk dung su con lai ba thu nua hihi
Bi dap nay gio do nguyen cac moi bi giet boi ho
Lun 1m7 sui ts bao hihi bfs know cuoi me dong loki di no huy ver2 biet luon cuoi roi hihi biet ma kbn hihi
Mot thu nua huhu by jwrk ....
Dap cac hsd1 thang kia giong thang jsrj nay nbu xhua hihi doi duoc
Cuoi ctn hihi elebuzx thunder bolt to jsrl lan dungb scared by snorlax bht.....
Kp hihi
Bf dung huhihi
Jwrk chan ba roi nguy hiem cm hihi
Kp huhu
Bf dung hihu
Bfs dont nen kbn gio kb may cai kia luon loki huhu
Lam max thi nho cac hihu
Dubgvvay hihi pjai deny truoc max grown up hibi ngupo thi hai. M copy.....
Bf us ......
Uh ma con du 1 cax
Bfs tru hihi
Bug jerk huhu kp
Bf same.....
Co thich ts ko
Lo qua bs 2
Hihi td a co chong em bao huhu
Lo roi ma cax lo vay ma hihi cmm
Elebuzz see sang trung ke ca khi jdrk do sinh li cua con trai de bank shit dirt rou ....... Ks hihi lo nus by me hihi
I must xonfess
Nw te ru a ta ahi ma ru e ra ki o ma tu
Tr cac huhu t cacacacacca huhu mote em ko yeu cau gi ca tri qua de mgpao phong hihi floor 3 boz yeah long story short
Red cac manh uq jihi. Ash boy o do hihi
Cn diet moi damn oi do mat y chang hihi oi ts thanks hihi chay di mad lanh bs hihi
Kp huhu dep trai ahit
Bf... Not dts hihi
Dap cac huhu big shit for huhu
Dap had 1 ne hibi
Dung dung
Bfs same....
Anh hoang oi gium lem hinh nhu shit
Co thich mad ko ha hihi thich nghr nhac bang ttt kp dee hihi no do car cac huhu luon
MT huhu chur u au hehe
Bua nay nua si bui huhu lix 8:"00 cca fau thai lirrn hon cac hihi nhu cu vi maz ma hihi co phupv nya max vi truong thanh roi giet ban all roi hihi khoi dap cac hsf1 ne cgong chinh an toan att
O chung thanh ko duoc roo hihi assb nhe 27/7 noi doc dr du no huhu hio khli can hiji
Assb np fung c,, n ba thanng ko no do max
Nhau g nua hohi bien by MT
Dap cac hsd34 ne hihi ghe nha hsd1 yeu nhat
Em 1m7 dng hihi jerk gion nat ha
Chu gi nua by MT
Nhan vibhuhu no me2 ma di dien nen chongs ko du 19 hihi same birt too bfs kb........
Lo. Max ma ko biet nya hibi
Kil sg by ts just noe do maci millisn do dung hihi khoi shit lo dnh rii
Dung lsn jerk cac qua danh chongs huhu kbn banh cai ctvluon mu la mat 1 cac con birt gihi ko hoi phuc vi ko co mat tu day oceans thing
Huhu lo roi hihi
Lumos 35 vo luon anh 23 tuong lai moi xu dep thang kia hai chong duy nhat dung su hihi thayvroi do hihi nguoi thuobg hihi hoho haga heh
Theo su moi la quen 6 chong
13 con lai nhu cu hihi quen me no roi ko co linh co q ko co qt ko co jsrk do xam lon hihi lo rou hihi
Rou = na ke ru
T cac hihi gioi wua hihi ba chu hihi hoho haja hehe
Em sv roi nhu cu LTK huhu MT moi giet hlp mad
Co mmoi di du hoc ve 16 roi hihi pp la jsrk hai me kia anh em dung su dung nho bat nhu thuong
Huhu buz...... Thich vi thich va zuet ac em dubg... Ft ghe ko dam va ko rhe dam lua ba sua nay elebuzz hihi trai
Dung moi xobg kiem mad hihi bbbbbbb... F hihi
Kp nha bs bidt huhu hihi haha hehw chi jerk mad...... Dung
Bf dung......
Lolo rou linh luon la chong hihi dam bang elebuzz vo thang viet su lan hihi
No do
Elebanf lit ice punch hihi
Kp bang beam thanf lan sons
Ua no thong minh vay do tu noi trong troupe bang luon hihi jsrk tji lay tui nay
Dumg cho roi do Master of GYM Icr
Elebuzz huhu sang qua hihi haha hehe vus of us
Linh a hihi
11 dua teu dung tui nay ao qua men im
Hieu cjua blizzard thang dung de tra on linh qua luon gap doi
Selp vis 2 same nhu tjois shit huhu
Qua con nay hihi dung
Bf huhuhuhu.... Ua
Uon di vai by MT
Vua 2 xong hihi
May tien hoa huhu tao huhu het huhu thuonh huhu roi hihi sao cong hihi no biet nen hihi
Vua lua nhan hai con lay etc dang hoang max nha huhu hihi haha hehe tu hao qua
Poke vua tum lao uhuhu lanh max huhu
Lo hoc max gioo hihi nen dung len dau pika vuavhuhu bihihaja hehe thuong vai no do lay etc hihi haha hehe
Con dau do hoc ngu hon pika huhu hihi hoho haha hehe nen pika ghen hihi da elwvuzz nw no khoa
Huhu lo roi da ice dung tienbhoa giet huhu do qua help seleobhuhu lo thien vi con mp tron eyc not nguoi bf true hihi
Het rii bao di an bua sau dep gai jon noi xao do hihi cao 2m14 nhu cu chong td can aobg hihi
Giey no kp hihi td nho hihi kongs hihi jerk max fake bar true bf sane.....
Huhu lo thiong huy nhat hihi dung vay qia 17 nua nhan hun chan nguvelebuzz case
Anh Tung 23 nhan cax huhu mp3 best see sang trungblo elebuzz song sinh only one ko jdrk etc
Var huhu... True
Thank me ytiumph huhu ghe qua
Bao sui ngay dau chu shit moi biet so ghne hon jerk hekr viwt nua canh hihi icr brwm sons
Vay moi yem hihiji.....
Icr sbit sons
Bao mm pbb only hihi
Chong be la qua nan thoi nhe
3 rhang kia ko dam quay vi huhuhu
5 dua hehw
Anh Joang buhu dic ingerviewed la dao mat day sx fll imtrct ryc ko che hay vay ha
Anh Hoang huhu jihi hohohaha eheh si chet day huhuu hih
Hhuh lo roi toi thua ko che johiho ma ko biet sao ra sang trung
Ice king tai ban char hihi hohi....
No do hohi cong elebu thang lua so chet em hihi
Qua hihi no ko do
Nhu cu hihi dap mat cjonh moi
Jekrnoi khen em tao khoanh co 10 ty mat 1 huhuhuhu
May dua kbn tja xho me Ha Ho 5 dua too ko team em gui ....... that
Bfbhihi dung di guwt day
Kbn.... Hoj anh anh hoang
Hihi khoi tra lii
Poke yeam cac huhu rang chiu het bua nay nha
Dell + cac huhu .......
Kiep sau lin hhi
A dumas noi no fro cap do la sap fi xu nguoi do hihi
Huhu loroi
Khoi jerk het hihu
Ao nay la rheone fiey cac huhu
Ashit huhu lo chubg tinh voo ca do vat giu chi no am hihi kbn . vo het chongs team wua manhFull cac luon new his E may me di an ma lo qua a gms amd tesm thich hihi Huhu loroi jeeh huh jih. Su moi do nhu cu hihi noi dau Team noi lai day moi ngat de sc ko hia Dung huhuhu khov gium tram dt lay tien gap ba dr huhu me v2 Fb full loi funh xong hihi.
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