#his music is super nice???
maxsix · 4 months
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Hanteo Music Awards 2024
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serotoninny · 1 year
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why-the-heck-not · 3 months
hozier releasing music, thank u king for this 3:55mins of delusional stressfree time
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legolasghosty · 2 months
🐑 Alternate Universe- Magic, Mutual Pining, Demonic possession, Furbies
Oh dear...
Alex is attending one of the most prestigious magic academies in the country, on the orders of his parents of course. Even though Laiz Fier Academy reviles even the name of the only type of magic he's ever been good at. His parents swore he'd find another specialty here, and he'd let himself believe them, like the idiot he is. He's scraping by in classes. Barely. At least he's managed to make a couple of friends and figure out how to sneak into the library stacks to find books that will actually help him hone his skills.
However, Alex realizes now there's a reason why it's not recommended to do your first summoning alone. Because, while he does manage to summon a demon, it doesn't exactly end up in the silvery urn he'd laid in the center of the pentagram.
So now he has a talking, demonic Furby to hide. One that, despite its too-wide eyes and disconcertingly smooth voice, Alex thinks he might be developing feelings for.
(Fake fic ask game!)
#legolas tag#legolas ask#julie and the phantoms#willex#so okay in my head#Alex is super good at a specific branch of magic#which usually would be awesome since he was born into a high power magical family#unfortunately the thing he's good at is demonic magic#which is.... unpopular to put it lightly#his parents send him away to school in the hopes that he'll latch onto something else with so many options to explore#that doesn't happen#he meets Luke and Julie (both music magic) and Reggie (animal magic)#and they all become friends#and they all figure out how to sneak into the stacks together#where Alex finds all the hidden away books on demonic magic#cause it's not actually Evil like people think#just... darker in source than most#Alex may fall down a bit of a spiral about his abilities and worth though#and ends up attempting to summon an actual demon to help him learn magic#but... well he must have messed up the binding part of the ceremony?#Cause he does get a demonic magic coach#but said coach (Willie) goes into the Furby Reggie got him as a prank birthday present#and well... Alex knows he should figure out how to undo it and send Willie back to Hell or wherever#but then he has to rush to hide him first before he gets caught#and then they end up chatting a fair amount over the next few days#because Alex is a world class insomniac and Willie just doesn't sleep#but Alex is kept too busy with classes and stuff to go back to the library to find the stuff to sort out the mess he's made#and if Willie knows how to do it he isn't sharing#(he totally knows but it's his first time in the human world in ages and Alex is nice and kinda cute tbh so...)#and...they become friends? And also develop massive crushes on each other?
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dididems · 1 year
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The Theatre Cat tells a story…
For Cats-pril day 11; Gus used to be the resident storyteller of the tribe, until the words he wanted to say couldn’t leave his mouth anymore and every tale seemed to be a little more the same. He’ll happily listen to any wonderful story the kittens have to offer him, though.
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semercury · 4 days
Spent $5 on the digital remains, and I feel bad bc I'm anxious with money rn for understandable reasons, but ultimately I am glad I got it. The booklet was really neat to look through, and seeing crossed out lyrics and how the songs evolved is really special to me. Also the live tracks were fun to listen to, despite my headache.
#stuff sarah says#i want to crawl inside his brain and take a look around and understand the process#i want to have a long conversation with him about writing and the creative process#i probably never could. im too shy. and he has that midwest sarcastic avoidance aggressive type#and ive got that midwest sarcastic avoidance avoidant type#idk. this whole album is just really special to me#might have to see if i can burn a physical cd of it from the digital album and keep it in my car or smth#if i ever end up super financially stable i want to get a record player and as many records of theirs as i can#my oldest little cousin has one and listening to it made me want one. music just sounds nice on a record player#oh also listening to the live tracks made me wonder if ill ever be able to see them live#ive been to one (1) concert in my life when i was less anxious of a person and it was surprisingly roomy#ive seen videos of their concerts. everyones packed like sardines. everyones yelling (like on the tracks)#if i could guarantee it would be a good day i think id be fine#but like im im anxious that day or have a headache (my head is pounding rn...) like...#idk. maybe the adrenaline would make it go away#i remember talking to my mom about how they have shows near me in october but i didnt think i could go#bc of money + anxiety + other stuff and shes like well your birthday is in november#and its just like... i dont know what life will look like next month. much less october...#like i dont want to make plans and buy tickets and then have to cancel bc of a funeral or sudden changes you know?#anyway. the booklet is really cool#i wish they sold the journal by itself bc i really want that lol
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capn-o-my-soul · 20 days
just listened to some holst after a several-months-long break and damn i forgot how much i liked this guy like two years ago
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forffax · 2 months
Slowly warming up to Ci Flower.... I do rlly love both versions of this song! The v flower vers sounds much more "nilfruits" but that's just bc that's what they've always used I think svdhs.
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harrylights · 2 months
ok i just need to write down these whack 1d dreams i’ve had the last couple days
#so two nights ago it was that zayn had a reality dating show and i was ON IT#and the whole time i was like 😭 i’m too gay for this can i leave pls#it was in this place that was both super tropical but also a desert#and zayn INSISTED we keep going on these long ass walks thru the sand i was just like bro can we go back#and he got mad at me when i said i needed to go take a walk to decompress after this story about his ex that he told me#it was so vivid and surreal#but then the dream i just woke up from i was part of 1d in like 2013 era???#and it was sooo busy so many interviews and a couple fan meeting things#and i was like damn this is exhausting#but also got to see these beaauuutiful places#like one of our hotels was suspended directly over this crystal blue water that had orca swimming thru it and we swam w the orca#and both harry and louis separately plotted w me to pull pranks on each other#harry was also like?? psychic?? like he could send images into everyone’s heads but he only did it w nice things lol#and then randomly at the end he came to work w my at this body jewelry company i used to work for#but like he was still him and on our application form to work there we had to disclose our income for some reason#and on his he was like i’m not telling u this 😐 don’t push it#like w the emoji too fhdhskeldk#but i’m out here like why am i dreaming of these guys even more when i’m taking a break from them#like i still listen to their music ofc but i don’t have the energy to participate in the fandom rn#it’s like they know and they’re like#u thought u could forget about us!!!!! syke bitch we’re haunting ur dreams now <3#but whatever i’ll take this over the other vivid dreams i’ve been having lately#anyway#rowyn rambles
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intomybubble · 11 months
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Bby boys i love them
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movedtodykedvonte · 2 years
What sort of music would you think Spamton would listen to, especially during his prime in the 90s? I for one elect him to listen to copius amounts of Billy Joel
Billy Joel, Abba, The Beastie Boys; I figure these are some artist from the 90s he would listen to from the light world.
I don’t really thing of artist but I feel like big shot circulates around living a lie. I feel like around others he listened to a lot of more upbeat sounding music, pop hits and occasionally hits from the prior decades, jazz and anything he thinks sounds agreeable cause that what he’s trying to give up. Something memorable like those old hits, confident and peppy like modern hits and something you don’t mind being around like idle jazz.
In private I can imagine he may like blues or something slower and more melancholy. Not exactly sad but something to unravel in and help drop the mask when he was still able to. I don’t think any of it was sad per say just more niche and him. He was always too scared in my head to share any of his old past interests before he made it big so I also figure all these songs are pirated onto a shitty disc of an old ass walk man he still has as a puppet.
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eggy-the-boy · 2 years
Kholby conformed that Noel is a cat person!! It’s a win for cat people everywhere!
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carbonateddelusion · 1 year
guess who's going to PRIDE bitches
#rox rumblings#me things#edited to add my thoughts:#im super excited! im so hsppy i live in a big big city rn#they have PRIDE they have a MUSIC FESTIVAL GOING ON they have DRAG SHOWS im so fuckin excited#my family told me they highly doubt anything will happen and part of me wants to knock his teeth out for saying that but. yk.#that's how family is sometimes... still leagues better than the sperm donor#also my brother graduated and i got to watch from a livestream <3<3<3#i'm having such a good run of luck after all this bad shit i'm running on a high a little#i'm not MANIC but. it's nice. i feel free.#i'm gonna pick out something cute. maybe do some face painting. do my makeup a lil... spray on sunscreen and bug repellant#pack a hefty flashlight and my pepper spray. pack some protein bars probably.... i don't eat enough protein so#physical activity gets me lightheaded and shaky very easily#i plan on linking up with someone's mom or smth. someone i don't know but in a group yk. since i'm arriving alone#. oh fuck i could get someone's number . .#OH FUCK I COULD GET SOMEONE'S NUMBER..... SHIT......... GOD...#i am a gay disaster that realization shouldn't have hit me as hard as it did.#but the thought of someone- someone i'm actually INTERESTED in- who looks like ME and is like ME flirting with me irl- bowls me over#looks like me as in. yk. visibly lgbtq yk? at least there...#i can pass fine and i have petite white woman privledges but. that's aside from the point#i am having various other thoughts but it's late at night i don't want to get too worked up nd then not be able to sleep!!#it's on the 17th in the afternoon about a 15 minute drive away <3#i'm gonna have to pack SO much water and food..........
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deus-ex-mona · 1 year
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when the yuutsu of the getsuyoubi gets too out of hand yk—
#i wanna complain about my monday so hi tags you’re my rant victims now—#so like i was already super crabby this morning after sleeping through 2 alarms. which was the perfect start to the monday really.#i ended up leaving the house late (as you do) and when i finally got onto the train that’d take me to my workplace… there weren’t any seats#standing for an hour-long journey across the country when you wanted to nap along said journey is unwarrantedly angering y k ಠ‿ಠ#and when i finally reached my stop… the bus that i had to take to my workplace was right there at the bus stop. i could make it if i ran!!!!#so i ran… but there were these two ladies walking at a snails pace down the stairs leading to the bus stop. ಠ‿ಠ#so ofc i missed the bus by a single second. like,the bus pulled off from the stop the moment i ran up to it. not. fun.#so i was a little late to work (still within the grace period though which was cool ig)#then i was told that i’d be stationed at the worst workstation and i!!!! aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!#the freakin’ calibration check thing kept failing by 0.20!!!!!!!! it was soooo closeee but nooooo it just had to fail.#thankfully my coworker helped me with part of the workstation while i suffered. nice dude.#i kept (almost) falling asleep in front of the computer while waiting for the checks and stuff though. but i couldn’t actually sleep so :(#it’s too early in the week for this nonsense </3 i hate it here </333#and then i found out that ✨drama✨ happened at work on saturday… but i was completely unaware of it bc i’m oblivious af. truly saddening#i could’ve witnessed greatness— but noooo i just had to loop my music at full blast instead#anyways the workday passed exhaustingly. i gained my energy in the afternoon though. which was dumb bc it meant my morning was unproductive#and ofc when i was about to clock out… i got a scam call while i was in the workplace bathroom. how auspicious#and thanks to the few minutes that i wasted on that bs i missed the earlier bus out of the workplace. yay#and ofcccccc when i finally got a seat on my commute back… i’m stuck between 2 manspreaders. the temptation to kick their legs is real ngl#literally hate it here </3 i should’ve called in sick today#i just hope that i won’t have to teach the interns anything tomorrow… fingers crossed mans#i’m just. sooooooo tired. and done with this. why can’t sunday come sooner </3#inedible blubbering
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nnagicshop · 1 year
also apparently i've memorized the sound of my neighbor's truck (he's done some work to it) cause i heard it and was like lol there he is and then he pulled up next to me and we're not even at home
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babydarkstar · 9 months
also rip jimmy buffet. i listened to you all summer
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