#hobby swap au
ratspaghetti · 1 year
I feel like info dumping on hobby swapped so- ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Hobby swapped is basically what it sounds like, all if not most characters will swap their occupations/interests with another character, while maintaining their personality! (Or mostly, as having different interests will always affect your personality)
For hobby swap, the main cast is swapped as seen below
•Sunny has Hero's
•Hero's has Aubrey's
•Aubrey has Kels
•Kels has Basil's
•Basil's had Maris
•Maris had Sunny's
These changes have changed the fate for these characters, friendships where there where disdain, characters final resting place being changed with big trauma™, and some personality changes in characters because big things have been different, those things will be explained in a later post!
-Some other changes in swaps!
•Vance and Kim are swapped with Daphne and Bowen and vice versa
•Ms Candice is swapped with Polly and vice versa
•The Maverick has Mincy's
•Mincy has Cris's
•Cris had the Mavericks
•Kels Mom is swapped with Sunny's and vice versa
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lamentfulwarbler · 1 month
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Chuuya Week Day 5 - Alternate Universe
(Drawn for @chuuyaweek2024 ‘s Chuuya Week)
Textless version under the cut
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whamss · 11 months
personally i’m not a fan of alpha kidswaps a lot of the time bc i don’t feel like they bring about particularly interesting changes in the characters (specifically in strilonde-centered works) but something i always find fun conceptually that i feel is an undertapped market are timeline swaps. so putting the strilondes in the present and crockenglishes in the future. kind of something i like to roll around in my brain every now and then
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my-gf-is-kazuichi-soda · 11 months
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I never finished this comic, but Ultimate Programmer Kazuichi hugging a Blahaj
Pridebert designed her
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genderenvyninja · 1 year
You ever heard of Tony Signorini and his legendary prank? This man (back in the 1940's) put on special lead shoes that had 3 toes and weighted 13 kg and walked around on beaches, making people think for YEARS that there was a 4 and a half meters tall penguin coming up on the beach
It wasn't revealed until almost 40 years later that it was a prank.
Venice would totally want to do something like that
Bro spent YEARS of his life just fooling a population for fun DEFINITELY A VENICE BEHAVIOR
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pechikka · 2 years
god the lobcorp lp is still so good
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kleefkruid · 1 year
Every fun post on here that encourages people to have hobbies/be creative always gets an avalanche of "Some people are poor Karen" type reactions and respectfully, you're all super annoying. I've never lived above the poverty line and this is a list of hobbies I have that were cheap or entirely free:
Read books: Go to the library, lend a book from a friend
knitting, crochet, embroidery: Get some needles from the bargan store and ask around, people have leftovers from projects they'll happily give you. Thrift stores also often carry leftover fabric and other supplies. And talk about your hobby loud enough and an old lady will show up and gift you their whole collection, because there are way more old ladies with a closet full of wool than there are grandchildren who want to take up the hobby.
Origami/paper crafts: get some scrap paper and scissors, watch a youtube tutorial
walking: put on shoes open door
pilates/yoga/etc: get a mat or just use your carpet, watch a youtube tutorial
Houseplants: look online for people that swap plant cuttings. There are always people giving out stuff for free to get you started. If you're nice enough you'll probably get extra
gardening: You're gonna need some space for this one of course but you can just play around with seeds and cuttings from your grocery vegetables.
aquarium keeping is a bit of an obscure one but I got most of my stuff second hand for cheap or free and now I have a few thousand euro worth of material and plants.
drawing/art: You get very far just playing with bargan store materials. I did my entire art degree with mostly those.
writing: Rotate a cow in your head for free
cooking: again one you can make very expensive, but there are many budget recipes online for free. Look for African or Asian shops to get good rice and cheap spices.
Join a non-profit: Cities will have creative organisations who let you use woodworking machines or screen presses or laser cutters or 3D printers etc etc etc for a small fee. Some libraries also lend out materials.
candle making: You need some molds (cheap), wick, two old cooking pots for au bain marie melting and a ton of scrap candles, ask people to keep them aside for you.
a herbarium, flower pressing: Leaves are free, wildflowers too, ask if you can take from peoples gardens.
puzzles: thrift stores, your grandma probably
Citizen science: look for projects in your area or get the iNaturalist app
And lastly and most importantly: Share! Share your supllies, share your knowledge. Surround yourself with other creative people and before you know it someone will give you a pot of homemade jam and when you want to paint your kabinet someone will have leftover paint in just the right color and you can give them a homemade candle in return and everyone is having fun and building skills and friendships and not a cent is exchanged. We have always lived like this, it's what humans are build to do.
And all of it sure beats sitting behind a computer going "No stranger, I refuse to let myself have a good time."
Anyway I'm logging off bc I'm making some badges for a friend who cooked for me and then I'm going to fix some holes in everyones clothes.
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notherpuppet · 25 days
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Sketch Masterpost
• Alastor and Lilith dynamic 🦌🖤
• Luci in the Sky with Demon 🍎📻
• Happy Ace Bday 🦌🕸️🌈🎀🍒🐍
• Alastor Recovery Sketch 1 📻
• Radioapple Overlord High School Anime AU 🍎📻📺
• The Boredom of Alastor the Radio Demon 🦌🐈‍⬛🪡
• Sketch Dump (Alastor, Gender swaps, Radioapple) 📻🍎🖤🌈
• Lucifer soothes Alastor 🍎📻🕸️
• Alastors 🦌
• More Alastors 📻
• Alastor and technology 📻🕸️
• IRL moments with Hazbin cast 🌈🎀📻 🕸️🐈‍⬛🪡🐍🍎
• Mid Spicy Chaggie and Random doodles 🌈🎀🦌🍎
• Alastor Valentines Day Fit 🦌
• Alastor Recovery Sketch 2 📻
• Niffty’s New Hobby 📻🪡
• Alastor doodles 🦌
• Demon Godfather 📻🌈
*this post is subject to change if/when I make more Human AU posts, so be sure to return to the original post
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
Dpxdc Au - Tim and Danny are Twins, have been through all the introductions and after a few years decide to have The Audacity. 
At some point it hits the two of them, that they really do act alike sometimes. Like, mannerisms and small detail micro expressions, the whole nine, so Danny and Tim decide to take advantage of this.
Parent trap style swapping but all within the same household, they cut their hair and swap clothes, and get in a few practice runs around the halls of Wayne Manor. No one in the family catches them through at least 3 family dinners, so they go for the larger gambit. 
Tim wants to go to high school for a bit and get back into skate boarding with low stakes- Thats what he tells Danny at least, he really wants to spend the time dismantling the GIW from the epicenter in Amity Park. It works out that Tim accomplishes this in record time (explosives didn’t require ethics in his opinion) and does actually get to enjoy his hobbies again for a bit. 
Danny wants to tell off the WE board members and get some proper Red Robin training so he’s not so dependent on his powers when facing human enemies (they were squishier than ghosts, restraint was key)- That’s what he tells Tim when the reality is he’s going to lead a hostile takeover of DalvCo. and well, yeah, actually get some training in. 
No one catches on except for Kon. 
After they’ve swapped back and their missions are debriefed, Tim asks him why he never fell for it? Simply put: “Uh, dude. Your twin doesn’t have a heartbeat half the time, it was pretty easy to tell.” 
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specklx · 3 months
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💙💫 introducing uty: devotion, my (revamped) personal take on an undertale yellow swap au !! i’ve been working on this little fun project for the past couple of weeks and am so excited to finally talk more about it :-D! starting with kanako the human!!
- The sixth fallen human, bearing the soul of integrity! Her reasons for traversing to Mt. Ebott in the first place was in search of a missing friend. She didn’t even know monsterkind still existed!
- Chatty and affectionate! Careful, her smile is contagious.
- As much as she loves dance, she loves maskmaking even more. She’s taken it up as a second hobby!
- She longs for adventure, and longs to be useful to someone. Discovering the underground certainly helped to fulfill both of those. At least in some way.
- She follows her heart over her mind. Even if it hurts her in the end.
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mcyt-aro-week · 5 months
Welcome to MCYT Aro Week!
What's that? MCYT Aro Week is a week to celebrate aromanticism in the Minecraft YouTube fandom! We noticed there wasn't a lot of hype for aro CCs, characters or headcanons, so we want to celebrate them! As with most appreciation weeks, you can create any kind of art (including writing, music, webweaves, playlists, anything really!) inspired by the prompts!
How will it work? The event will have two prompts per day, and participants can choose between them or combine them! During the week of the event, please tag our blog and use the #mcyt aro week tag on your post, and we'll reblog your creations! The event will run from March 11-17th, with different prompts assigned to each day, but if you need to post your creations a day late that's okay too! We'll reblog creations for the event for at least a week after the event ends, so that all late submissions still get to be featured!
Who's running it? This event is run by 4 mods:
Mod Rain (they/them) - @stardustanddaffodils
Mod Khads (she/he) - @rabidcanadagoose, formerly @/clethos
Mod Pixie (she/they) - @severevoiddragon
Mod Vwoop (they/it/ey/vwoop) - @ranvwoop
Okay, when is it? 26th July - 1st August 2024!
What are the prompts?
FAQ & Previous Events under the cut!
March 11 -March 17
March 11: Unconventional relationships / Trope subversion
March 12: Loveless / AU
March 13: Solidarity / Hobbies
March 14: Aro joy / Adventure
March 15: Spectrum / Baking
March 16: Coming out / Found family
March 17: Aromantic (free day!!)
"Can I do headcanons?" Absolutely!
"What is aromanticism?" Aromantic means you do not feel romantic attraction to others, but it's a wide spectrum ranging from absolutely no attraction, to little, or anything in between!
"Can I do asexual instead?" We're prefer you not to. You're welcome to do aroace (aromantic asexual) characters, as this still includes aromantic, but we'd prefer not to swap to asexual, as they are two separate identities!
"How about NSFW stuff?" We'd prefer not, but since we can't stop you, we simply won't reblog any NSFW art!
Do I need to create for all the days? Nope! However much you want to or are able to participate is perfectly fine!
"What counts as aromantic?" However you want! Any portrayal is great!
More questions to come!
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ratspaghetti · 1 year
Hero hobby swapped au doodles (these are beta designs since i am not that good yet)
Hero has a shovel
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His outfit
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About to snap at someone
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He is- still shy
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mochippyyy · 4 months
Ven and Vel getting jobs xD
Dancer AU!! (technically Veneer isn't a dancer in this but my explanation will be on the bottom! TLDR it was just cool so yippee [there's lore!!!!!!!])
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Also! sorry@imadumdumjewel for the late reply!
If you guys req anything, I'll get to it, just may be a tad late...
Anywho! I ran a lil poll on Twitter to decide on the types of jobs they would have so here we go:
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So I actually forgot to put dancer Vel/artist Ven because I kinda thought Ven would kinda fit the thing but after I finished this art I was pretty happy I didn't put it on there lol.
I honestly think that the other job options seemed pretty interesting, but no one really suggested any other jobs, and almost everyone was enthralled with the idea of dancer Ven & Vel.
For Veneer:
At first, my friend and I were planning this, but nothing really felt right to us. I did suggest Ballerino, but it didn't feel like something Veneer would do without Velvet, because they kinda come in pairs. Gymnast was also a suggestion, but after a couple minutes, it was swiftly discarded because I didn't want to draw Veneer's toes.
Anywho, while searching for other options, ice skating appeared, and my friend suggested an interesting idea as to
Lore time:
When Veneer was young, his parents pushed him towards traditionally male hobbies, such as sports and more sports. When his dad saw a flyer for an ice hockey team, he signed him up immediately. However, some mischievous kid had taped a different number to the hockey flyer, so Veneer's father ended up signing him up for figure skating instead.
At first, Veneer thought he was out of place, after all, the ratio of boys to girls was significant and he found himself to be the only one in that class. He didn't enjoy it much and regretted that he didn't join Velvet in her breakdancing course. However, as he unwillingly went to classes, he slowly started gaining a love for the sport and noticed how beautiful it was.
That led him to go down into professional figure skating and join competitions, eventually leading him to go down in history. For Velvet
My friend suggested swapping traditionally male and female dance styles, which led to the eventual conclusion: breakdancing. Velvet is a strong-willed character who would definitely try to get her way (as shown in the trailer of the movie) and take the classes that she liked.
Lore time:
When Veneer got signed up to do ice hockey, Velvet felt like she didn't have to deal with her little brother all day, and felt that she had a lot of time to herself. At first, she found a lot of things to do every day, running to places, going to parties, and just generally having fun.
At this point, Veneer was still unwilling to go to figure skating classes, (turns out Velvet was the mischievous kid who changed the number on the ice hockey flyer into a figure skating course phone number) but since his father had already paid for a year, he had to go anyways. Velvet would purposely use this to upset Veneer when she didn't get what she wanted, but then would accidentally make Veneer cry, resulting in her getting lectured by her parents, and Velvet holding back tears as she apologized to Veneer (she was totes in the fault here tho).
She realized that the more free time she had, the more her parents would lecture her. She decided right then and there that she would sign up for a class. She spent days, scrolling her phone and watching videos of different skills to decide what she wanted to do. However, nothing caught her eye.
Then, one day, she saw a kid do a flip, and slip and fall miserably. First, she took a video and laughed, and then thought to herself, "Hey, I could do that waaaayyyyy better. That kid's a failure!" And so she threw herself into learning it, but unsurprisingly, she fell flat on her face.
She was unhappy with this result, so she immediately went to her parents and asked them to sign her up for a breakdancing course. However, she had a tendency to give up when things got annoying/hard, so her parents turned her away each time. However, both the nonstop pestering and the fact that she no longer was bullying Veneer (because she was too busy following her parents around and throwing tantrums), they finally gave in.
From then on, she started breakdancing classes, and Veneer was upset because now his sister got to do something she liked, but Veneer was stuck in ice skating hell. He was very unhappy for some time, but then decided, "If she's gonna be happy, I gotta be happier. I gotta upstage her". So, he took to ice skating and started focusing all his efforts on it.
Velvet, seeing her twin brother become increasingly devoted to learning the trade she had forced him into while she had just started to get bored of breakdancing, felt a spark of competition and decided to practice harder.
Her parents were really impressed. Periodt. Now they are famous both nationally (Veneer) and on the streets (Velvet, for breakdancing, not giving up). YIPPEE
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silliest-heartaches · 8 months
Ohh my god DRINKKK!! Dude I love them sooo muchhh. I just love imagining them being head over heels for each other yet constantly denying their feelings, because of how they view themselves, yet still finding comfort and solace with each other. They are so. YES. PERFECT. AUGH.
And I love how you use they/them for Ink and she/her for Dream!!
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GOD YEAH I LIKE THEM SO INCREDIBLY MUCH... tbh the main reason i started liking them was bc i was thinking abt them and how doomed yuri coded they were and. The worms Wormed in from there,,,,
I actually use he/they and she/they for ink and dream respectively but!!!!!! I love all hcs and interpretations of them for REAL. nonbinary people who are gay as fuck for real,, very inherrently queer ship regardless of how u see either of them i think...heart seeing them as t4t transmasc and transfem forever personally though so thats what i see em as hehe,, also in my head theyre both aroacespec (though the specifc kind varies from au to au though i do consistently see ink as ace and dream as demiaro :>>)
Im not sure how long these will be so...hcs under the cut lol
- okay well while in my mind while error is technically the First Entity ink sees that isnt just a normal entity, dream is like their First. Friend. you know. Like when error first saw him he was screaming and crying for the hills bc it was also his first time seeing another outcode so. that reaction BUT with dream she was more filled with gentle confusion... this is a bit after she unstoned in the apple incident but still was new to au hopping and naive to most danger so they became friends!!! Questionably so.
-to elaborate, when they first meet dream is still stuck on the ideals of toxic positivity and pushing through hardship no matter what... i think this is something they eventually grow out of and dream will eventually learn to see the need for balance eventually but one of their first disputes happens when ink is running low on ink and most of whats left are the Negative Emotions within him alongside the especially strong panic that he usually feels when they get like this... dream would try to comfort him and try to say that itll work out in the end no matter what and that they just need to push through and that itll be okay like normal comforting words because dream is an empath and can sense feelings right,,i feel like its comforting in some cases but when things get Really Bad and especially when the main reserves of feelings that ink has are Negative, they heavily override his normal sense of self and i imagine they get a lot more. Snappy.... theres also the additional hc thingy of ink also really overexaggerating his feelings and overplaying them a lot for the sake of trying to feel more intensely (doesnt work, just drains him faster and will never truly feel natural to him...personally think that ink feels a lot of disconnect from his feelings) which could be considerably offputting to dream (though before adding swap to the group she thought it wass normal because she had only seen the fake pretend nice joy of the village influenced by her aura and not Genuine Feelings)
I think eventually through the years they would learn a lot from eachother...like with ink learning to be more naturally charismatic and dream learning to see past toxic positivity and have his perception on emotions change for the better (ie in learning that having different emotions are okay, so long as there is a balance)
id do alot more hcs but tbh what it boils down to is: toxic codependent yuri. intensely up and down relationship where theres an insane amount of love and attachment but also a lack of self from the both of them because they are only able to see themselves as a Thing to the other. Also exes who turned out to be besties. Thry got together and broke up wayyy before blue (they casually tell him stories about it and for the parts that he does know about he is horrified for.) Oh and they share hobbies and do parallel play alot. dream is more music oriented and can play the cello and flute. ink can play the ukelele but hes more familiar with drawing and painting duh. Also they have a garden. they love growing flowers but their favourites are sunflowers. Also have writing sessions together. Also may/may not also have beautiful princess disorder. (The both of them)
im so sorry this is so incoherrent but erm. yeah im very normal abt them (half of this stuff comes from oc projection the other half is like. Mental illness while in the shower tbh)
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h-didanart · 1 month
*ahem* Hello fellow fans and au makers! I am here to showcase my silly little au. Allow me to introduce you to our main characters:
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These are Sunset and Moonlight, from The Sunset and Moonlight show! Close ups and info dump below
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Where to start where to start, okay, a general description of the AU should be good to start with yeah? Yeah
This is a swap au, but unlike what I usually see swap AUs do, this is less of a full personality swap and more of a ‘bend the characters to a point where they change roles’ thing.
Sunset Rays Celestial-
Sun is a tired and apathetic guy. He would like to be left all alone in his room for the rest of his days, but that’s not really a good thing so he’s fine just living a calm and drama-free life.
His hobbies include cleaning, painting, sewing, and gaming. The cleaning has gotten embedded into his code to a concerning degree, he will clean a spot over and over for hours if he’s having a bad day. He got into art while he was undergoing “repairs”, he found painting to be a fun activity despite its messiness, and sewing has proven to be fruitful for his wardrobe. He’s gotten so good at these that he actually gets commissions and is paid very well. He prefers to draw with pastels and markers when he can. The video games are a shared hobby with his twin brother, Moon, they both play together sometimes. His favorite game is Cult of the Lamb.
He has a malfunction of sorts where his voice box will give out randomly and he’ll be unable to talk. It’s annoying but he doesn’t really mind, he has gotten really good at sign language from it. Plus, he uses it as an excuse to avoid talking to Moon whenever he gets the chance to.
The Computer absolutely hates his guts and has sent him off to various different dimensions. He’s acquainted with quite a few people and even has friends.
He has very good aim, both in video games and physically. He usually uses it to throw something at Moon to get his attention. Or to get him to leave him alone. Or to annoy him. Or just because. This has proved to be a really bad habit.
Despite being generally apathetic, he’s actually pretty good with emotions, being able to read them well on others and act accordingly.
He also knows magic.
Crescent Moonlight Celestial-
Moon is an energetic and nervous guy. He wants nothing more than to live happily with his brother. And do science, he’s a nerd.
His hobbies include science and gaming. On the side of science he specializes on robotics, programming, and inter dimensional studies, with some advanced physics as well. He’s a genius, basically. Gaming is a shared hobby between him and his twin brother, they both play together sometimes. He seems to have taken a liking to the Kingdom Hearts series, but Pokémon will forever have his heart.
The killing code is very much still in him, it manifests as heat on the back of his head and irritability. During a full kill code episode he’ll be extremely aggressive, on top of having increased physical capabilities and virtually no filter. He dreads having those and constantly checks his temperature. Independent from the kill code he has a bad temper.
He isn’t exactly a ‘people’s person’ yet due to having been the active Daycare Attendant for a few months he has grown acquainted with a few of the Pizzaplex animatronics. Montgomery took a liking to him. Because money.
Because of reasons he has a lot of bunkers on a lot of different parts of the world. He remembers them all thanks to the collection of tree branches he has picked up when he visited. These are jokingly called The Whacking Sticks (and is a genuine joke, he just likes collecting sticks)
He wanted to learn emotions better so he decided to find the code that controls emotions in himself and turned it on all the way. He’s starting to realize this wasn’t a good idea.
A master acrobat, he loves flying with the wire.
In case it wasn’t clear yet, Sun and Moon switch places in this au. Things may change, and I may come up with funny details later, but I hope you had fun reading this little introduction to my au
More stuff about them to come at some point!
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abbytabbys · 19 days
What are the Mane 6's lives like in the Swap AU?
I’m not sure if you mean swap main 6 or fim main 6 so I’ll do both
Cheese sandwich runs sugar cube corner and plans the parties in ponyville! He’s very goofy and even has a pet chicken, her name is boneless. He has no family, but the cakes quickly integrate him into theirs (they’re not swapped with anyone)
Pinkie pie travels though equestria spreading cheer! Once she left the rock farm and first saw cheese throwing a party, she’s been estranged from her family ever since.
Sweetie belle is a popstar, she puts on shows all over equestria, but prefers ponyville as it is her home of course.
Rarity is still a dress maker, but as she’s so young she hasn’t yet found it’s what she wants to do most in life. She’s sees it as just a hobby.
Scootaloo is a master trick skater, and a bit of a menace. Many see her as immature, but she’s just having fun in life!
Rainbow dash really just want to fly! She looks up to scootaloo a lot, wanting her skills and confidence. She’s just a bit too clumsy, and her overprotective parents aren’t much help to fix that.
Big Mac is a skilled apple harvester, and make up guru. Sweetie belle commissions dresses from rarity for him sometimes, as he is her best friends younger brother.
Apple jack is the youngest Apple sibling, and daddy’s girl. She’s ambitious, emotional, and maybe a bit too honest.
Discord is a kind creature who lives on the outskirts of ponyville, right next to the everfree forest. Ponies are a bit scared of him due to his appearance, but they grow to not judge based on looks quickly. He’s still a little insecure though, but his animal friends know just how to cheer him up.
Fluttershy/flutterbat is a bat pony nearly a century old. She caused an entire famine before her containment, and she promises she’ll do it again if she pleases. She can be cruel, and knows just what to say to make somepony cry. She uses her stare to hypnotize others into doing her bidding.
Spike is the guardian/dad of Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle. He’s more brawn than brains, and is impulsive in nature. He moved to ponyville by order of princess Luna, and is a bit nervous due to not feeling very accepted in canterlot. He quickly makes friends, and takes Twi practically everywhere with him.
Twilight sparkle is a filly, and definitely still a bookworm. She’s more outgoing than in fim, and is a bit sad to leave her old friends, but promises she’ll visit! She’s the brains of the group, letting everyone know what danger lies ahead.
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