#horse girl eddie munson au
Room/character closeup #2 (going in order from most to least popular based on the poll)
~Eddie & Steve's room~
Edit bc I accidentally posted this before I meant to: spoilers ahead for my full house au, as can be expected
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Did you notice the pattern on the rug bc it's important to me that you notice the pattern on the rug I spent a good bit of time searching for this one specific rug guys I'm serious about this. Is it incredibly dark humor? Yes. But it is humor nonetheless
One of my first priorities/things I took into consideration when working on this room was that I didn't want it to be too bright or have any sort of potentially eyestrain-y patterns. Steve has suffered repeated head trauma and I wanted his room to be a safe space where he doesn't have to worry about triggering a migraine or fucking with his vision or getting dizzy just from his surroundings. Hence why they have a darker, more subdued palette than most of the other rooms (which I guess you don't know yet since this is only the second one I've shown you but just trust me on this)
Beyond that, I admittedly had a pretty difficult time trying to figure out what I could do that I felt like both Steve and Eddie would vibe with decor-wise while still being a cohesive theme
Didn't want it to lean too far either way into metalhead freak or preppy golden boy territory, and besides I do think Steve's whole aesthetic isn't entirely his own and is at least partly influenced by the expectations placed on him, so I tried to go for a fairly neutral sort of vibe here
For some reason I settled on some blue jean lookin ass wallpaper, a rug patterned with the our-dimension-version of the critters that very nearly took their lives, and a few choice items to put on the walls
First off, the ship painting
This was sort of an unexpected last minute addition, partially bc I thought it looked nice with the rest of the room and partially as a character reflection
I wholeheartedly believe that Eddie Munson would fucking love anything pirate related, he probably was a pirate for Halloween at least once growing up, and he just thinks sailing ships are super cool. Plus the painting just felt like it would appeal to a fantasy nerd lol (it reminded me of the chronicles of Narnia actually but that's not really important)
And as for Steve, at least in this au but I know I'm not the only one who thinks so, he really likes water. Being in it, on it, around it- he likes swimming (refer back to his noted complicated feelings about the pool from my basement post), he likes the beach, he likes the ocean, and he likes sailing. He hasn't been many times but I'd totally buy the Harringtons having been on a yacht or some shit at one point or another. This character note may or may not be related to both his job at scoops ahoy* and him being on the swim team in high school, which is one of those things that at this point I honestly don't know if it was at all canon or if it's just one of those headcanons that become so popular in fandom that it feels that way, and at this point I can't be bothered to fact check it
*I think either he had a prior interest in sailing-related stuff and that was part of what initially drew him to that job specifically, or that working there sparked an interest which only grew with time, like maybe some of the silly slogans and terms used in ice cream flavors and maybe even the uniform stirred his curiosity/memories of going out on the water with his folks during the summers before they decided he was old enough to be left home alone for weeks at a time, and he started looking into actual sailing and found out he really liked it. (He can't stand the uniforms now though bc they trigger traumatic flashbacks, for both him and Robin)
Next, the bass/electric guitar on the wall, which I feel is pretty self explanatory honestly. It's Eddie's (although he does offer to teach Steve how to play- haven't decided yet whether Steve takes him up on that)
And then there's the horses (photo? painting?)
This is where the whole "horse girl eddie munson" thing came from; the whole idea was initially born of me trying to decide what I could put on their wall, liking this poster and asking myself if Steve and Eddie struck me as people who were into horses. As it turns out the answer was "hell yeah" and it spiraled into an entire fic idea of its own, which can be found here. As for this au, the background of them both having a "horse girl" phase/being into the idea of cowboys is still a thing, but obviously it doesn't progress the same way as that did (steddie cowboys my beloved but these particular multiverse variants are stuck playing house with their traumatized found family and slowly realizing that they actually enjoy co-parenting >:3 and this way everyone gets to stay together)
Also, speaking of the steddie cowboys thing this inspired, Eddie is trans in the full house au but Steve is a cis man (unlike in the other au). However Steve does have some gender moments here and there, like the kids "jokingly" calling him mom and him lowkey vibing with it (oh no I'm already doubting my ability to stick to the Steve being cis plan- bigender Steve agenda where did you come from??)
But yeah basically both of them are secretly horse nerds lol and that's something they discover while they're arguing over how to decorate (aka when they agree on this poster) and end up bonding over
And now for a note about their placement in the house (specifically who they share a floor with)
I've already explained that/why I wanted them on the same floor as Dustin Lucas & Erica, although I don't think I mentioned that Lucas and Steve are really close in this au* and it goes without saying that Dustin is super close with both of them
*it just feels right to me; also Steve was the only one of his friends to come watch his basketball game and Steve did chew Eddie out about that whole situation at some point but by now everyone is pretty much on good terms
Sometimes when any of the kids- but especially any of those three- have bad nightmares or can't sleep, they bunker down in Eddie & Steve's room,* the door of which is always open (metaphorically that is, but once they start dating... well let's just say the kids better knock or they're going to have yet another reason to be scarred for life lmao)
*some may think they're too old for stuff like this but I say- fuck that. A major theme of this au is acknowledgement of how these guys have had a large portion of their childhood stolen from them and the people around them are working to help them get it back, to let them just be kids and to make them feel safer than they have in a long time, so they're allowed to be "childish" and that's going to play a part in many of the events and details of this au. The same goes for the older guys too btw; like with this example specifically if Robin or Steve is the one waking up from a nightmare they find the other and both crash on the couch together for the night. You're never too old to seek comfort from your loved ones
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cyraclove · 1 year
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sneakity peekity 👀
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pacinglikeghosts · 2 years
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how the kingdom lights shine (just for me and you)
ronance | royalty au | preview post
hello! i'm back again with my next ronance fic, this time a royalty au! it also has a bit of hidden relationship, as all good royalty aus do. honestly, i feel as though i should call this a six chapter robin and nancy character study with a royal background, since to my core i am a character study lover. 
it will have a bit of steddie as well, however not nearly as much as fake dating did! this is ronance centric, because i am and always will be a ronance writer, but nancy is set to marry steve (this is NOT a stancy fic, though! like...quite literally the opposite) and steve expresses a few times his interest in eddie! my friend does plan to write a steddie companion piece to this, so y’all won’t be missing out on that front. 
anyway...onto the summary: 
Nancy knew what princesses should be. Polite, dedicated, subservient, pretty. She knew that princesses should marry the first suitor worth his riches that came along, because she may not get a better (or another) chance at marriage. No matter how demeaning, she was no more human to her father than the kingdom’s exports when it came time to find her a husband. No matter how much she hated it, she knew she’d have to grin and bear it. She wouldn’t be in love with whoever she was forced to marry if that time came, much less satisfied, but she’d survive. Or die trying.
as always, layout credits to bunivys!
coming soon to an ao3 page near you :)
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fairyysoup · 1 month
it will come back
part one
a.k.a. sever the blight (eddie's version)
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pairing(s): werewolf!eddie munson x fem!milkmaid!reader
summary: You don’t go into the woods. You don’t talk to strangers. And you don’t, under any circumstances, approach a wolf. Unless one shows up bleeding at your door.
cw: dark themes, mature content, animal cruelty, animal death mention, gunshots, physical abuse, reader is a servant to an abusive master, misogyny, suggestive themes, fairytale au, some kind of historical fantasy period, inspired by The Company of Wolves by Angela Carter, eventual smut (in later parts)
a/n: hiiiiiiii :) so remember when i said i'd stop posting fic on tumblr? well one mental breakdown later i decided that was literally making me miserable and ruining my hobby! so i'm back. it's me, hi, i'm the problem it's me <3 this is a reupload
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There are things they tell you about the woods from the time you are born, weaning you on them just the same as you are weaned on milk. Don’t go into the woods on a full moon. Don’t talk to strange men. Likewise, if you see a strange man alone in the pines on the full moon, run and don’t look back. And don’t, for any reason, approach a wolf at any time. They’ll kill you before you turn the other cheek.
In your twenty-some-odd years, you have never seen a wolf. You’ve heard them howling, distantly, so deep in the forest that you don’t even feel the need to be frightened by it. They exist in there, somewhere, going about their business as wolves do.
Sometimes you hear about the wolves wandering into town. Old Mr. Thatch, from just over the creek, said his pigs were slaughtered in the night. He’ll have to spend a fortune to get a few more. Torben Plack from the end of Warder’s Row saw one drinking from the horse trough outside the inn last month. 
There are whispers of wolves when a baby is missing from its crib. There are whispers of murder in the night. There are accusations that some of the townsfolk themselves are wolves in disguise.
Nonsense, the lot of it. Or, that’s what you believe. That’s what you choose to think about it– even though you’ve been told time and again that a pretty girl doesn’t think, a pretty girl believes and does what she’s told. She doesn’t go into the woods. She does her chores and she says her prayers and she marries a boy with a healthy income and lives quietly, rearing children until she can’t anymore.
(You don’t believe that, either.)
You don’t have the luxury of making any other choices, though. You are a servant, a milkmaid in the employ of a rather cold Master– you have no time for philosophy or discerning what you do and don’t believe about the local folklore.
You milk the cow. You chop the firewood. You feed the chickens. You harvest the cabbage and you don’t complain. You sleep on your bed in your shack– or, servant’s quarters– behind the grand house and you don’t, under any circumstances, question the Master or his wife. You wash the bedsheets after he sloppily takes his wife to bed, and you try to hide your disgust. 
You usually do what you’re told. Usually. 
On a night when the moon hangs round and full in the sky, lighting the stretch of land beyond your small shack in a milky blue haze, you’re building a small fire in the fireplace when you hear it. The howling. It’s so much closer than you’ve ever heard it, almost as though the wolves are just beyond the treeline that backs up to your master’s land.
You pay it no mind. Normally, the wolves are on the hunt for something– small animals that titter through the woods, unassuming until it’s too late. The howling will be distant soon, and you’ll be able to sleep soundly while the rest of the town frets about the dangers of the wolf-men, locking their windows and bolstering their doors. 
Just as you thought, the howls drift away slowly. You snuggle down into the covers of your bed, and you barely flinch when Mr. Thatch fires off a pistol over the creek, ringing through the dead night louder than hell. These things mean little to you. You’re more interested in what the land of dreams holds for you tonight– it’s one of the only reprieves you get from your long days of work.
It isn’t until ten minutes later, when you are mere inches from sleep, that you hear a soft whining outside your cabin door. At first, you think it’s the wind. Then, when it gets louder, you wonder if you’re imagining it.
And when it turns into a soft howling, well. That’s not your imagination.
You wrap a woven blanket around your shoulders and leave the door open when you step out into the chilly night. You don’t have a candle– you could always knick one from the Mistress, but that might risk getting caught, and you don’t love that idea. So, you contend with the little amount of light that spills out of the open door from your small fireplace, and you squint into the dark toward the source of the sound.
It takes shape in the form of a wolf. A big one, covered in black fur and curled up beneath the gabled roof, as though attempting to make itself smaller. It shivers and whimpers miserably, tucking its paws close to its body. 
You shrink back in the doorway, drawing your blanket closer around your shoulders. The hum of crickets in the bushes and in the grass across the pasture covers the shakiness of your rapid breathing. You don’t know what to do. You couldn’t possibly be expected to bother the Master this late at night– even if it is a wolf, the barn is shut up and the animals are safe. You’d probably be expected to just stay put in your little cabin and wait for it to go away on its own. Maybe in the morning the Master will find it and skin it for the Mistress’s bedquilt. 
The image makes you shudder. This poor thing– even if it is nearly as big as you, even if it’s a nasty predator in the eyes of everyone else– is clearly looking for some sort of reprieve. Just the same as you do at the end of the day. You can’t let it be skinned alive just for searching for safety.
“Hey,” you whisper softly, and you know the creature hears you, because it flinches badly. Almost as though it may bolt away in a panic. “No, no… don’t be frightened.” 
You lower yourself down towards the ground, tentatively inching forward as the creature turns its head to blink up at you. Water brims its dark eyes, sparkling in the low light from your open door. Streaks of tears flatten the fur on its snout; the wretched thing lets out a noise like a sob, hanging its head like it doesn’t have the energy to stand you off.
“I’ve never seen a wolf cry before,” you tell it quietly. You’ve never seen a wolf, period, but you don’t need to tell it that. You’re not sure that it can understand you, anyways, but you keep talking like it can. “Are you hurt?”
The wolf snorts, sneezes loudly, and then trembles. There’s a high pitched whining, a heart-shattering noise that cuts deep into your chest as the beast cowers away from you. The whine turns into a low growl when you move a bit closer, but it doesn’t sound like it really means business. More like it doesn’t know what to do with your closeness. 
“Hey,” you say again, more insistently. You inch your way forward, crouched low to the ground, holding your blanket around you with one hand as you reach the other out toward it. You’ve never tried to approach a wolf. You don’t know if it’s similar to trying to gain a domesticated dog’s trust– hold out your hand, let it catch your scent. Show it that you mean no harm, allow it to come to you. “I’m trying to help you, okay? Let me help.”
The wolf growls for a moment longer before finally relenting, and reaching its head forward to sniff curiously at your hand. You don’t know what you expect– perhaps that it would drop its head again, or back away cautiously. Instead, the wolf surprises you by pushing its head into your outstretched palm like a sad puppy.
“Oh,” you coo, stroking the wolf’s soft head as it trembles. Its ears twitch against your fingers, and it snuffles a few times, its body shaking with each, like an all-too-human fit of sobbing. “Okay, baby. Let’s get you inside.” 
Again, it’s a shot in the dark. You back slowly away from the creature, whose watery eyes blink up at you, and then you stand, and open the cabin door wider. The wolf doesn’t move, still continuing to shake with its uneven breathing.
You take a step into the door, and watch as the wolf slowly struggles up out of its cowering position. On all four legs, it seems to be favoring its right front leg, lifting its left paw limply upward. When you take another step back into the cabin, and it follows, it shudders a breath and limps badly on its left leg. 
“Good job, honey,” you tell the wolf gently as it tentatively follows you into the cabin. 
You don’t know whether to leave the door open or to shut it; you’re not sure if there’s any wisdom in shutting yourself in close quarters with a wild animal, but you also don’t want the Master to find it come morning. You suck your teeth and swing the door shut, quietly latching it and hoping the damned thing doesn’t suddenly decide it’s too hungry. 
You turn, and take two steps before dropping to your knees in front of the fireplace, where the most light hits the ground. You drop your blanket to the floor, and pat your lap as you look at the creature shivering a few feet away. “C’mere. Lay down.”
As far as you know, wolves don’t normally lay down and play lapdog for strange humans, but this one does. You wonder at it, remarkable in its size and beauty, as it flops down tiredly onto your floor and rests its head in your lap. Through your cotton chemise, the wolf’s chin is warmer than the heat of the fire.
You pet the wolf’s head again gently as you examine its left leg. It doesn’t seem to have any major wounds except for a spot of wetness on the side of it. When you lift it, the wolf in your lap whines loudly.
“I know, baby,” you coo at it, trying to pet its head as soothingly as you can while you look over the mangled leg and paw. Through the fur and dirt, you see a patch of pink skin matted with bright red, and your own hand comes away smeared with blood. There is a bad gash, enough to still be bleeding. 
You don’t want to jostle the animal now that it’s relatively comfortable, so you bend backwards and sideways to reach the cup of water on the shelf at your bedside. It’s what you have on hand to clean the wound– you suppose you could sneak into the grand house to steal some soap, but just the same as the candle, you’d rather not risk it. You take your time in pouring cool, clean water on the wolf’s wound, rubbing dirt and blood away from the gash. In your lap, the beast huffs softly in response.
“I don’t know what you’re doing out of the woods,” you tell it as you tenderly clean its wound, expecting that you’re only speaking to settle your own nerves, “but you ought not to come around here too often. The men here are bloodthirsty. Don’t want you getting any more beat up.” 
The wolf heaves a sigh. For what it’s worth, you take that as some sort of acknowledgement. 
“I can’t do much else for you besides this,” you continue softly. The wound is clean now, the fur gone wet enough that you can pull it aside and peer at the gash itself. It’s quite deep, straight, and slices from the middle of its leg upward at a diagonal. It continues to ooze even as you examine it, painting your fingers red. You tip a little more water onto it. 
You grab one corner of the blanket you’d used to wrap yourself, and rip a strip off along the grain. The light pink fabric looks almost comical when you wrap it around the wolf’s leg, tying it and tucking the tails in gently so that it won’t fall off too easily. You figure, eventually, the damn thing will come off while the wolf goes off on its merry way. You don’t delude yourself into thinking you’ve got a pet, now.
“I wish I could give you more,” you tell the beast, petting your hand down its mane, feeling the silken fur slide through your fingers like the plushest finery that you’ll never be able to enjoy for yourself. “But, I suppose, you can rest here tonight. If you promise to stay polite.”
The wolf doesn’t fuss when you slide a stiff pillow under its chin, and slip back under the covers of your bed. You gaze at it, curled up in a big black mass on your floor in front of the hearth, and you wonder why on earth a wild animal would be so well behaved. 
You wonder how a wolf is capable of crying.
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You wake in the early morning light expecting to find a big black wolf sleeping in front of your hearth. Instead, when you rouse and rub the sleep from your eyes, you find that the wolf is gone.
In fact, there appears to have been no wolf at all. No blood on the floor, no black fur on the pillow that has inexplicably reappeared on the foot of your bed. Your water cup is full. And the door to your cabin is latched, just the same as it had been last night, after you let the wolf in.
By all appearances, nothing happened last night. There was no wolf. You half expect that you dreamed the entire thing. And you would continue to believe so– but, the end of your pink woven blanket is still torn, missing a strip from the end, frayed along the grain.
You slip from your bed and fling open the door to your shack, emerging into the cool morning air. You look down at the nook beside the door where the wolf had huddled in the dark, seeking shelter away from harm. There is nothing there to suggest that it had been there last night. 
But you know it to be true. You know it.
How could a wolf, a four legged creature with full use of only three of them, manage to unlatch your door, step out, and then relatch it from the other side? How could your water magically refill itself? It’s a mile to the well in the town square, and it’s not like the wolf could have done it. 
Broken from your thoughts, you hear a shriek of your name. You lift your head to see your Mistress, fully dressed, feeding the chickens. The daily chores have already begun.
“What are you doing outside in your underclothes?!” your Mistress yells, flinging grain down at the birds. “Go inside and dress yourself this instant, you wretch! And begin your morning duties!” 
You jump, darting back behind the door. You hadn’t thought anyone would be out yet. “Sorry, Mistress!” 
You rush to grab your stays from the end of your bed. You’ll pay for that one, you think. 
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There are a million reasons why you prefer doing your chores out of the house. 
One, the Mistress isn’t around to rag on you over every little thing. Two, you don’t have to be watching over your shoulder to make sure you aren’t in the Master’s way. And three, you can take all the time you want to do other things as well, as long as you get done before dinner has to be served. 
Your skirt is filthy, but it’s a beautiful day, and the creek that separates your Master’s land from Mr. Thatch’s land is babbling quite a bit, and it makes doing the washing up much easier than it otherwise would be. Which you’re happy about, since your arm is so badly welted you can barely curl your fingers. 
You sniffle and lift your apron to wipe your nose. Then you wring out the Mistress’s petticoat– of which there are far too many for one woman to reasonably have– you whine at the strain on your injured hand, and you move to the basket of other soiled clothes. You think about blowing your nose in the Master’s linen shirt, and you’re about two seconds from doing it, too, when you hear a splash nearby. 
“Shit,” says a man’s voice. There are a couple more splashes around the bend, and then yelps, and then there’s one enormous splash, and a laugh. 
“Hello?” you call, trying to peer around the bank of overgrowth beside you. Then, there’s a cacophonous amount of splashing, which makes you screw up your face, and a man emerges from around the bank of greenery.
You pause, holding your Master’s laundry in your hands over the water like you’re wondering whether to dip it in or not. Really, you’re just shocked to see a strange man on your Master’s property at all. He’s out of breath, rosy cheeked and soaking wet from the chest down.
“Um,” is all you can say.
“Hello there,�� the man says with a rakish grin that flashes sharp teeth at you. You blink a few times, just to make sure he’s really there. And when you do satisfy yourself with the fact that, yes, he’s very real, you then have to acclimate yourself to the idea that he’s also absolutely beautiful.
His very pretty face is framed by long, dark hair, and his eyes are strikingly dark. There’s something on his skin peeking out of the open collar of his burgundy blouse, but to look at that from this distance means to look at the way his shirt clings to his body, and then his trousers, and if you weren’t already struck dumb, now you are.
“How– how are you– um.” You wave your hands around, gesturing to the general area around you. “Whatareyoudoinghere?” 
“I think I was going for a swim, of sorts,” the man laughs, holding one arm out a bit to indicate his damp appearance. 
“Who are you?”
“Now, there’s a question for the ages.” The man tromps forward through the water, splashing along gracelessly and with exaggerated steps, like he’s trying to make you laugh. “Generally speaking, no one really cares who I am, just what I want.” 
“Okay,” you snap, irritated by the man’s jovial attitude and his need to speak in riddles. “What do you want? Why are you on this land? What business do you have here, and with whom?” 
“Whoa, hey–” the man holds up his hands, and grimaces like it’s painful to do so. Then he recovers with a flashy smile. “I don’t mean you any harm, princess. I have no business anywhere, I was just following the creek and seeing where it leads. Guess the time got away from me.”
“I’m not a princess,” you grumble back at him.
He tilts his head, his smile lingering as he looks at you. “Just an expression, no need to be nasty.”
You scowl down at your master’s clothes, and then plunge them into the water like they personally offended you. “Following the creek from where?” He points his thumb over his shoulder, towards the trees. “You came from the woods?”
You squint up at him. “What’s your name?”
“Eddie Munson, at your service.” He bows dramatically and takes another step towards you. “And may I ask who you are? Or shall I just call you ‘My Lovely Lady of the Creek,’ for time immemorial?”
You tell him your name flatly, and turn your face away as he gets closer, suddenly very invested in getting sweat stains out of your Master’s linen blouse using a cake of lye soap. “You should know not to go into those woods alone. There’s wolves.” 
 “Oh, I think I can handle myself in the woods, sweetheart.” Eddie smirks down at you. “Anyways, who wants to be in the trees on a day like this?” 
You grunt. You don’t think the man will be going away anytime soon, which is bad news for you, because the closer he gets, the more inclined you are to look at him. Then, you’re more inclined to talk, and you’ve already been punished once today. You don’t think you could handle another.
The man, Eddie, sits himself down on a large rock jutting out of the water next to you. He watches you for a moment, scrubbing with one hand at the cloth on the board in the water, and then he points down at your arm. His billowing sleeve flashes red in your peripheral vision, along with the silver of the rings on his hand.
“What happened here?” he asks softly, his voice losing its humorous tone.
You look down at the welted skin. It stings, but the cold water numbs the pain just a bit. Now that he’s brought your attention back to it, your eyes prick with tears again, and you sniff. “My Mistress caught me outdoors in my chemise.”
“She should count herself lucky. It’s a sight to behold.” 
“What?” You blink up at him. From this angle, him looming over you on a boulder, the sun rings his head in gold like a halo. “How would you know?” 
“I’m… supposing.” Eddie bites his lip, staring off to the side for a moment, as if suddenly at a loss for the right words to say. “You’re a very… beautiful girl. I can only imagine.” 
“That’s forward of you.” 
“Besides, it doesn’t answer my question,” he rushes out. He scowls back down at your arm. “What did that to you?” 
You heave a sigh. “Well, the Mistress told my Master. And the Master is very heavy handed with a cane.” A small sob constricts your throat for a moment, tears pricking your eyes again so badly that you have to stop working and close them. Your sinuses burn from the effort of holding it in.
“You were beaten because you went outside without a petticoat?” Eddie remarks incredulously, “That’s ridiculous.”
“Well, I… I was also late to start my chores,” you admit in a wobbly voice. “So I suppose I got off easier than most would…” 
“It’s cruel. I’d love to see how he would take it, if the tables were turned.” Eddie’s dark eyes flash dangerously when you look up at him; there’s something in the set of his jaw and the steely expression on his face that makes you think of the growling wolf last night. After a moment, he softens towards you again. “Why were you late to your chores?”
“I…” you trail off. You think about telling him about the wolf, but you wonder if he’s the kind of person who will go into town and yell about the wolves trying to steal women in the night, and you could do without the embarrassment. “I had a nightmare. Slept too late.”
Eddie clicks his tongue and rocks backward a bit. “A nightmare,” he repeats, considering the word like it’s a part of life’s philosophy. “What about?”
You don’t respond for a few moments. You’ve moved on to washing a pillowcase now, which is significantly less soiled than your Master’s blouse. “Why do you care?”
“I care because I hate to see My Lovely Lady of the Creek in distress. Even if she is completely vexed by the sight of me,” He says lightly, as you tilt your head down to hide the way your cheeks burn. He reaches up his right hand and produces a silver coin from behind your ear. You stare at it in puzzlement as he hands it to you. “What was your nightmare about?”
You hesitate just a moment before taking the silver coin. “Is this bribery?”
“Absolutely,” Eddie announces with a wry smile. “For your thoughts.”
You sigh. You could use the coin, you’ll admit. Maybe you could buy yourself a new robe, or a loaf of bread from the baker, or any other of the myriad things you’re in want of. 
You tuck the coin down the front of your bodice, where it slides down and gets stuck between your ribcage and your chemise. Eddie’s eyes follow the path that it takes between your breasts with a hungry glint in them. 
“There was a wolf,” you tell him quietly, going back to your work. “It came to my door bleeding. I brought it inside and nursed it. But when I woke, there wasn’t a wolf. It was just a nightmare.”
“Oh,” Eddie hums amusedly. “I wouldn’t call that a nightmare. I’d rather call it a dream.”
“A dream?” you echo with a scoff. 
“Yes. A lovely dream, with a heroine and a lonely beast in need of kindness.” He leans towards you, his hands on his knees. “But, you know what they say about wild things.”
You huff with indignance, but humor him, because you’re curious in spite of yourself. “I don’t know. What do they say?”
“You shouldn’t show them kindness,” he whispers, so close to your ear that you can feel his breath on your neck. “They’ll keep coming back for more.”
You startle, standing up with a noisy splash of water as you yank the last of the laundry from the creek. There’s a flush under your bodice that you don’t like, sticking to the coin that’s going hot against your skin as you think about it even being there. That it was produced by his hand. The more you think about it, the more you imagine it as an extension of his body, touching you just beneath your breast. 
Eddie snickers to himself as you hurriedly, shakily, smack the last piece of laundry into the basket with the rest, and pick up the washboard from the water. With a frustrated huff, you stand and rest the basket of laundry on your hip. You gaze out across the creek, and then away towards the trees, and finally, when you’re sure you can form words, you turn back to him. 
“Goodbye, Mr. Munson,” you say stiffly, so that you don’t trip over your own tongue. It comes out icily as a result, and you turn away to hide the way that you blush.
“Until we meet again.” Eddie presses his lips together, as though he’s stifling a laugh. Then he says, in a slightly bossy tone, “Take care of that arm for me, princess. Don’t want you getting any more beat up.”
You whirl around to ask him to repeat that– what the hell did you just say?– but when you do, the man is already gone. Along with any trace of his presence by the creekside. 
Except, the coin he bought your dream with still grows warm against the heat of your skin, under your bodice. 
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rebelfell · 19 days
unforgiven, I’m a villain
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outlaw!eddie x fem!reader
cw: old west au, alcohol, prostitution, oral (fem recieving)
Been in the drafts too long, it’s starting to climb the walls. Not a whole lot of plot but also not much porn, so not even sure what it is. For the four people who might be interested 🫡
18+, MDNI┃1.6k
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The first time you saw Eddie Munson, you didn’t think much of him.
He was young and scraggly. Thin in the way most of the underfed young men in your town were. His eyes were sunken in from a lack of sleep and his skin a sallow color that made the stark black of his tattoos stand out even more. Nothing he wore fit him, everything either too small or too big, all of it so weathered and threadbare and filthy it could have been pulled off a corpse.
He rode into town with his fellow outlaws, road-weary and beaten down by the scorching desert. And the first place they came, naturally, was your mistress’s tavern. They were but a meager band of four then, wanted for petty crimes. The bounty on all of them combined wasn’t enough to tempt even the most desperate of characters, so they flew under the radar for a long time.
It would be years before they reached the level of notoriety and ill repute that made them the ire of every lawman from here to the Pacific. They had not eaten a proper meal in weeks, had barely any money to their names. Yet here they were, ready to waste what little they did have on someone to warm a bed that would be cold and empty come morning.
Your harsh judgment of the men who frequented your mistress’s tavern was swift and unyielding.
Anyone who felt it simpler to pay for the company of a woman must only see them as objects to be consumed. There were some who came only to sip a whisky at the bar and leave, but you felt quite sure it was only because they lacked the nerve or the pocketbook to request a room.
Eddie was different, though. You had felt it that first night you met him, and he only went on to prove you right.
They called him The Puppetmaster for how he orchestrated his dealings. Achieving his means through whispers in the right ears and tugging at invisible strings only he seemed able to see. It led to his name being said only in hushed, reverent tones. Fearful of falling prey to his wrath.
On the days before he saw you, he always found a river or stream to bathe in and cleanse himself of the odors that clung to his body after being on the run for weeks, even months, at a time.
All the other girls were jealous—they’d be mad not to be. While they were getting pinned down by boorish men who stunk of horse and booze, you were being ravished, worshiped, and every inch of you was being tasted by the fastest tongue in the west.
You tried not to gloat, tried not to let on how exceedingly lucky you were. But they all knew.  How could they not? The evidence was blatant. From the way your skin glowed; from the way you would float around your living quarters as if still in a dream; from your cries of pleasure that rang out through the hall that they all knew to be genuine down to their bones.
Everyone wanted to take your place. The moment his horse was tied to the post outside, they all but threw themselves in his path. Corsets laced tight enough to crack a rib, cheeks and lips obscenely painted with rouge, lashes fluttering like wings as they flapped fans in front of their heaving bosoms trying to draw his eye. Still, it was all for naught. 
Eddie only ever asked for you.
The first few times, it was by name. But your mistress quickly learned the benefits not of giving the most wanted man in the state what he asked, but giving it without having to be. Now she simply directed him upstairs to the largest and nicest room made up already with her finest linens, where she would have you waiting for him.
You loved watching him come in.
He upheld his stony demeanor until the door closed behind him, projecting that rough exterior everyone expected of him right up to the moment you and he were alone. And then, like magic, it all melted away with the click of a lock sliding into place. No longer gruff and mean and serious, he was just a simple young man, besotted with himself at seeing you again.
Soon he was paying triple your normal price, thinking the excess must be going to you. He only found out the truth after you, regrettably, told him you were lucky to see even a fraction of what was collected for the pleasure of your company.
Disgust curdled his handsome features and his hand clenched into a fist until you reached out for him and splayed his fingers wide with yours, inter weaving your grasp and drawing him instead to the heat between your legs as distraction.
He continued to pay the excessive rate, if only to stay in your mistress’s favor, but started trying to pay you directly with the money he had accrued from his less than honorable endeavors.
“She searches us,” you told him, dejected as you pushed crumpled bills back into his hands.
It made Eddie seethe, but he didn’t press the matter any further—unwilling to waste his time with you arguing. By morning, those same notes would have found their way between the pages of your book that rested on the nightstand. And you wouldn’t find them until the next day, when your heart would race as you squirreled them away as best you could in the bottom of your trunk.
Then, with trembling hands, you would stuff them in an envelope along with the rest of your meager earnings to be taken to the post office and mailed to your sister back home. She would be shocked to find such a drastically greater sum than you typically sent, and her tender heart would surely pang at the thought of what you did to earn it. 
You only wished you could assure her this was the only money you’d enjoyed making in years.
By his next visit, your gratitude could not be contained as you ushered him into the bed without a glimmer of hesitation. And after, your passions sated for the time being, you would lay entwined on the bed exchanging languid sighs and soft breaths, his hands skating up the length of your legs, fingertips tracing the curves of your calf and following the bend of your knee.
He would tell you how much he had missed you. How he’d thought of you every night he slept on rocks that dug into his back as he stared up at the stars and imagined you looking out your window at the very same ones. And you would smile, only half believing him as you buried your face at the juncture of his shoulder to kiss his neck and let your warm breath tickle his ear.
Not for the first time, he would ask you why you stayed here. Why you did this. And you would give him the same coy answers you gave everyone before turning his inquiry back on him.
“What about you?” you ask him, gently brushing back the tendrils of dark hair that framed his face. “Surely, a man like you needn’t pay for a woman’s company anymore.”
“Of course I do,” he states plainly. “When the company is you.”
The words warmed your chest like a swallow of bourbon and you drew him closer, pressing your lips against his that were dry and chapped from the sun and wind. The beeswax you had spread on your mouth slipped onto his own, you hope offering him some needed relief. He opens wider to taste you more, his tongue darting inside the warm, wet cavern he’s made a second home.
It’s polite and delicate, moving in an intricate pattern that swirls and dips and peaks until he pulls away and starts to venture downwards. The coarseness of his short beard tickles your skin as his lips brush along your neck, sweeping down your chest, between the valley of your breasts, over your quivering stomach as you shudder with need in anticipation.
He maneuvered you to lay flat on your back, your head propped up on the pillow so he could watch your face as he tasted you. The pleasure of having his mouth was one so exquisite, you were certain nothing and no one else would ever compare.
You almost—almost—felt guilty, knowing he was spending his money for this, yet you were the one reaping the benefits.
It was plain to see his affinity for it, though.
When you spread your legs before him, his dark eyes danced in the candlelight as they took in the sight of you. He worked his way slowly towards your center, lips skimming over the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, his eyes never leaving your face as he pressed his nose into your mound. And he would gasp and pant and moan into you as his hot tongue laved through your folds, drinking you in as though the fountain of youth trickled between your thighs.
The other men who paid for you saw you only as a tool for release. A means to an end. Their end. 
Not Eddie.
His own pleasure derived from yours, his gratification brought on by the unraveling of your body he orchestrated with his fingers expertly stoking the fire in your core and his lips locked in a tight seal around your most sensitive nerves. His hands gripped at the fleshy expanse of your thighs, keeping you prised open as they shook and your back arched and you keened with praise.
The places he took your body were otherworldly. You ascended planes you’d never dreamt of, leaving behind the confines of your reality for something far greater—a place where you were no longer a purchased good and he no longer a purchaser. Not even a man and woman anymore, just two celestial bodies colliding over and over again throughout millenia.
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arelliann · 6 days
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Project 007 for @steddiebang2024 written by the amazing @blipblot who you can find on x/twitter, stay tuned for Sept/Oct!
When Chrissy Cunningham is murdered in the small town of Hawkins, Colorado, all signs point to known cattle thief Eddie Munson. With a hefty bounty placed on his head, he high tails it out to the wild prairies of Kansas to hide and escape the gallows. Unluckily for him, the recently disgraced heir to the Harrington Cattle Company manages to find him anyway. Steve Harrington intends to drag Eddie back kicking and screaming if he has to, hellbent on collecting the bounty for mysterious reasons. Together they make the long journey back home, arguing and fighting the entire way while trying not to fall in love.
Content Warnings: Violence typically associated with a Western novel/movie, uses of guns, Steve has shitty parents
Tags: Alternate Universe, Slow burn, Enemies to Lovers, Western Au, Angst with a happy ending, Bounty Hunter! Steve Harrington, Cattle Thief! Eddie Munson, Horse Girl Steve Harrington, Platonic Stobin
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Hey Cowboy!
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Cowboy!Eddie Munson x Reader (18+)
Summary:After a long day of working in the fields, Eddie comes home to find you sunbathing topless in the garden. (No real plot here let’s be real, it’s just a set-up for some filth.)
Warnings:18+, Smut, Small bit of fluff, Flirting, All of the petnames (Darlin’, Sweetheart, Little Missy, Princess, Pretty Girl), Making Out, Nipple Play, Thigh Riding, Teasing, I don’t think I’ve missed anything but let me know so I can tag it.
Word Count:2,084
Authour’s Note: I was inspired after seeing @oneforthemunny ‘s Summertime Writing Game prompts, and really wanted to try my hand at writing Cowboy!Eddie since I’m already obsessed with him. It’s my first time writing an AU fic for a character, so please be kind. I’ve read through this a few times so I don’t think there’s any spelling mistakes, but I could be wrong, so be kind with that as well.
It had been a long, hot and busy summer day for Eddie, the sun had been beating down on his skin all day as he wrangled his cattle to a new field, as well as repairing the fence to keep his herd from straying too far. He wiped the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand as he finished up for the day.
Eddie rode his horse back to the ranch, before setting Bandit back in his stables, the horse snorting with a soft snuff.
“You did a good job today” he praises, gently patting the horse between his ears. “Get some rest, buddy” he says, earning him another soft snuff from the black and white horse. 
He made his way back to his house. His home he shared with you. However, before he can even set a dusty boot over the threshold, he notices a little handwritten note stuck to the door.
"There's freshly made lemonade in the fridge, grab yourself a glass and come meet me out back, cowboy x"
Toeing off his cowboy boots and kicking them outside the door he makes his way through the house. He slips his hat off, hanging it up on the hook in the hallway, before pulling free his unruly dark curls from the bun tied at the nape of his neck. 
As he makes his way into the kitchen to grab himself a glass, he can't help the slight smile that tugs at his lips as he sees you've been busy too. Multiple pies set on the windowsill to cool. You'd been working hard on some new recipes ready to sell at the up-coming county fair and if anyone knew you, then they were probably all too aware of your famous fruit pies. They were the reason that you'd met your cowboy in the first place. You owned a little bakery just in town, and Eddie had been just another customer. 
He strolled in with an air of confidence as he told you all about how his friend, Steve, had told him that this was the best bakery in the town. 
"Told me that your pies are the sweetest thing he's ever eaten, Darlin' and when I heard that I thought I'd better come see for myself" he smirks.
You smile at his cheekiness, and you pretend to ignore the butterflies in your stomach at being called "Darlin'". The pet name rolling off his tongue like it was the most natural thing in the world.
"Well what sort of pie would you like, Sir?" You ask, trying to at least remain professional in your own bakery.
"Well they all look so damn delicious" he says, eyes pouring over every pie behind the glass showcase, "How 'bout I let you decide for me? Although, I hardly doubt that someone as sweet as you could make anything taste bad." He flirts shamelessly and  winks at you with a grin.
"I think a slice of Peach and Raspberry pie will be just the thing for you, Sir." You tell him as you move to cut him a decent slice. The Peach Raspberry pie was one of your most popular flavours, so hopefully your new customer would enjoy it too. 
He pays for his slice and you hand him his plate. He takes it to one of the small tables set up in your bakery as he begins to tuck in. 
Just as you're about to ask him if he's enjoying his food, a rush of customers come in for the afternoon to take away a slice of their favourite sweet treat. You serve them as quickly as you can with a smile, but your eyes are always drawn to the mysterious, tall, dark-haired man sitting in the corner.
The rush of the afternoon dies down, and the last customer walks out, the bell above the door ringing loudly as they do, and the man who had previously been sitting at the table in  the corner of your bakery gets up from his seat and begins to stroll up to your counter once more.
“Well I gotta commend you on your choice of pie, Sweetheart, it was delicious. I was hoping you maybe had some left for me to take home?” he asks with a politeness and drawling southern charm that catches you off guard.
“Well unfortunately we’re all out of raspberry peach pie, it’s one of our best sellers” you smile proudly. “..but I do have a few slices of our apple and cinnamon pie left, and between you and me, that’s my favourite.”
“Well you’ve not steered me wrong with your choices yet, so I trust that this’ll be another excellent pie”
You cut him a generous slice and go to box it up for him to take home.
“Here you go, Sir” you say as you hand him the white to-go box tied up with a red and white gingham ribbon.
He hands you the money and thanks you kindly.
Just as he’s about to turn and make his way out the door he looks at you over his shoulder, his lips curving up into a cheeky grin
“Name’s Eddie, by the way.” he tells you with a cheeky wink before walking out.
That was over two years ago and Eddie continued to visit your shop once a week, with occasional second visits on the weekend, because as he jokingly told you “you make it very hard to stay away, Darlin’. Between your amazing pies, and your beautiful self, I don’t know what a man’s gotta do to catch a break around here.” 
It wasn’t long before all the flirting from him had turned into him asking you on a date, and you subsequently saying yes. One date turned into two, and two dates turned into you staying the night at his place, until eventually you had been living together comfortably in Eddie’s big country house ever since he asked you to move in with him.
Eddie pours himself a glass of your homemade lemonade. The cool sweetness of this drink immediately cooling him down after working hard in the field all day.
He looks out of the kitchen window to see you in the back garden spread out comfortably on a sun-lounger. 
You’re lying on your front, hair twisted up in a bun on your head, you nose buried in between the pages of a book.
However, it was your state of dress, or rather undress, that had caught your cowboy’s eye. There you were, in the smallest pair of white bikini bottoms, and the expanse of the sun-kissed skin of your back was uncovered. You weren’t wearing the matching bikini top. You were lying in the sun completely topless.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here then, Little Missy” Eddie drawls out as he makes his way towards where you’re laying.
“Hi, baby!” you beam, turning your head to look at him. His long hair falls around his shoulders, and his skin is bronzed with a sun-warmed glow, and the freckles on his nose are even more prominent from working those long hours in the hot, southern sun.
“Seems as though the top half of your bikini has gone missing, Darlin’” he teases, the rough pads of fingers running up the spread of your back and shoulders.
“Didn’t want tan lines, Ed” you explain. “Besides, it’s not like anyone’s gonna see me like this, we’re so far out, there’s literally nobody for miles.”
“That’s very true.” he smirks, you weren’t wrong, his house was tucked away, no neighbours of any kind to speak of for quite some distance. “That gives me an idea, Princess. Sit up for me, will you?” 
You do as he says, setting the bookmark between the pages of your book and placing it on the ground beside you. You turn around in your sun lounger, facing Eddie, your bare breasts fully on display for him to admire.
Eddie easily picks you up with his strong arms as he sits in your sun lounger, placing you in his lap. The coarse material of his denim work jeans are a rough contrast against the soft skin of your thighs.
“There we go.” He drawls, his chocolate brown eyes taking in the view in front of him. “Now that is a pretty sight, indeed” 
He makes sure to kiss you. Kissing you deeply and passionately as he tongue sweeps between your lips. The passion he ignites in you warms you from the inside. You could kiss him for the rest of your life and that would be enough for you.
His big hands creep up from where they were resting on your hips to cup your breasts. He gives the soft flesh a gentle squeeze, and his thumbs rub over your nipples, perking them up from the attention they were getting.
He watches your expression change, watching as quiet little whimpers fall from your lips and you begin to slyly rock your hips against his thighs.
“Oh, my pretty girl likes that, does she?”  he playfully teases, a smirk playing at his lips.
You continue to rock your hips against his thigh, the denim of his jeans providing a delicious feeling of friction as you grind yourself against him. 
Your own hands suddenly find themselves wandering up Eddie’s plaid shirt-covered chest, your eager fingers toying with the buttons. You undo the top four buttons of his shirt enough to see his chest, where his tattoos are on display for you to see. Your favourite tattoo of his is a small horseshoe tattoo over his heart. A tattoo he'd gotten when he realised how much you meant to him. When he'd had it done, he showed you and explained that it's because he was lucky to have met you, and he still counts his lucky stars that you're still with him each and every day. 
His mind wanders to that little velvet box he's got hidden away in his bedside drawer. He'd ask you, one day, when the time was right.
He leans his head close to your chest, his lips leaving a trail of wet kisses over your collarbones, and between the valley of your breasts. He makes sure to give equal attention to each of your breasts, showering every inch of soft skin with as many kisses as he could. His tongue darts out from between his pink lips, to swirl around your nipple, before he sucks it into the warm heat of his mouth, teasing it to a hardened peak and releasing it with a wet pop, before turning his attention to the other nipple and giving the same attention.
You’re desperately rutting your hips over his thigh, chasing the high of your orgasm. The tight feeling in the pit of your stomach growing stronger with every shift of your body over him. You were getting close, your hands gripping the fabric of his shirt to ground yourself to him.
“You getting close, pretty girl? You gonna come for me, ain'tcha” he teases in his southern drawl.
His big hands holding firm on each of your hips help you to rut yourself over his thigh. Your clit pulsing with every drag against his jeans.
“That’s it pretty girl, show me how good you can ride" he huffs out with a lazy smirk. "Come for me, make a mess of my jeans.”
And with a few more rolls of your hips the ever-tightening knot in the pit of your stomach snaps, and you're riding out your orgasm with a pulsing shudder and whimpering moan.
"That's a good fuckin' girl, swear you look so pretty riding my thigh like that, Darlin'" he praises as he helps you to ride out the aftershocks of your orgasm.
Taking a moment to catch your breath, your fingers reach out towards where his cock is pressing against his Wranglers, a very obvious bulge confined under the denim. You begin to unbuckle his belt with a 'clink' but his big hand reaches out to stop you before you pop his button and can unzip his fly.
'Your turn now, Ed…Wanna make you feel good too.." you tell him, your eyes already sparkling with desire. 
He picks you up with ease, throwing your body over his shoulder like you weigh nothing, giving you a quick and cheeky slap to your ass as he does.
"Let's take this inside, shall we?" He asks with a sly smile. "I'm not finished with you quite yet, Princess."
@munsonology @sunflowerdaydreamer @mcbeanzontoast @penguinsandpotterheads @harringtons-cupid
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crappymixtape · 1 year
crappymixtape recos
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going to try and do this at least once a month toward the end of the month – sharing fics that have just blown me away ❤ so many talented writers on here omg 🥺 show them some love and reblog! xoxo.
❤ love notes from emmy 18+ – @upsidedownwithsteve ( just the best valentine's day moments • steve harrington / eddie munson x reader )
❤ i want you to want me, camp eddie 18+ – @upsidedownwithsteve ( summer at camp, counselors with eddie • eddie munson x reader )
❤ country club – @harrywavycurly ( working at a country club and seeing eddie for the first time • eddie munson x reader )
❤ lover six – @theemporium ( love notes to steve in the tip jar at scoops • steve harrington x reader )
❤ steve harrington zombie!au – @luveline ( zombie!au where steve comforts you before you reach the safety of the camp • steve harrington x reader )
❤ touch 18+ – @justsomestoriessx ( starts out as fluff, goes straight to some of the best smut of all time • eddie munson x reader )
❤ pity f*ck – @fiveraccoonsinatrenchcoat ( you and steve at a party and the banter is witty af • steve harrington x reader )
❤ quiet my fears 18+ – @fiveraccoonsinatrenchcoat ( accidents and steve and how he makes it better • steve harrington x reader )
❤ baby blue – @finalgirleddiemunson ( steve helps you paint your fingernails ;] • steve harrington x reader )
❤ dying to get you dizzy 18+ – @schoopsahoy ( part two to roller skate girl and steve! • steve harrington x reader )
❤ project sunshine, series – @midnightrainmayfield ( series focused around reader with powers / el!vibes and steve • steve harrington x reader )
❤ caramel, part 1 – @stvharrngton ( started as a prompt, steve getting kicked out while you're broken up • steve harrington x you )
❤ caramel, part 2 – @stvharrngton ( follow up to part 1 above • steve harrington x you )
❤ no good at waiting, bonus one-shots – @familyvideostevie ( expanding more on the amazing relationship that comes out of no good at waiting • steve harrington x reader )
❤ sore loser 18+ – @lovebugism ( wrestling and horsing around with your bff steve and things come up • steve harrington x reader )
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steddie-fanfic-recs · 11 days
seeing daylight
by Ayes, itskleo
Rating: Explicit Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson Additional Tags: Cowboy AU, Cowboy Steve Harrington, Sweetheart Steve Harrington, Top Steve Harrington, Soft Dom Steve Harrington, Service Top Steve Harrington, Horse Girl Steve Harrington, Woodworker Steve Harrington, City Slicker Eddie Munson, Self-Hating Eddie Munson, Vegetarian Eddie Munson, bitchy eddie munson, Bottom Eddie Munson, Eddie Thinks He’s Gonna Dom But Is Very Wrong, Boy Gets Handled Like A Wild Horse, Good DAD Wayne Munson, Waiter Tommy Hagan, Eddie Has Neglectful Parents, Not All Drug Users or People With Criminal Records Are Bad Parents!!, But these ones are, TW: Implied Homophobia, Competence Kink, Pet Names, Barn Sex, Building a Life, Rodeo Violence, Author Handwaves Cattle Ranching, Anal Sex, Rimming, Blowjobs, Prone Bone, Bondage, Body Worship, Frotting, Sub Eddie Munson Words: 32,904 Chapters: 1/1
Eddie Munson is sick of New York, sick of his parents, sick of himself. He doesn't expect to find anything better on his uncle Wayne's cattle ranch— but he doesn’t anticipate a cowboy named Steve Harrington.
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steviestits · 12 days
Siren's Call, Sailor's Fall - Part 1.1
Written for an anon prompt, which can be read in its entirety on this fic's masterpost.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: T (Later parts will be E) Summary: When Steve is dragged onto a business trip with his parents, he thinks that it's going to be a lonely couple of days under the California sun, until he meets Eddie and the other members of Corroded Coffin. Eddie takes a liking to Steve and initiates him into their little group. However, Eddie's group hides a terrible secret, one that is connected to the dead bodies that kept being found along the shore and the strange transformation that Steve is undergoing. (Lost Boys Au but with mermaids instead of vampires) Eventual TW: Hypnosis, Extremely Dubious Consent, Feminization in the Clownfish type of way, Mermaid Transformation, Bad Guys Win
Eddie was bored as he slowly walked along the aisle of the carousel. The calliope music played merrily around him, but he ignored it in favor of glancing at the other riders in a disinterested manner. They all stared at him, though, watching him grip each horse’s pole, lazily leaning on one before moving onto another. He appeared strange among all the bright lights and thinly-dressed tourists as he instead wore all black from his leather jacket to his ripped jeans.
No one here looked particularly appetizing, Eddie thought, and some even looked as if they’d give him an outright stomach ache. He wanted something new, something fresh, something that he couldn’t get here. Despite all the tourists around, none of them fit the bill. It was frustrating, to say the least, and his teeth itched to bite into some fresh meat.
A girl made eye contact with him as he passed the seated bench on the carousel. She gave him a flirty smile. He thought she looked disgusting, but she was better than nothing, so he leaned in to give her a sultry grin back. However, the girl’s boyfriend noticed their movements and stopped talking to his gang members, so he could turn his full attention to Eddie.
The boyfriend, of course, decided to pick a fight with Eddie, reaching over the girl to give him a shove. Eddie laughed, letting the guy shove him, before he pushed back with more force. That angered the rest of the gang members, and they stood up to try to intimidate Eddie, except Eddie had his own crew, Corroded Coffin, who grabbed some of the unruly members from behind to hold them back.
Looking at the other members, Jeff had grabbed the largest guy of the group. Jeff himself wasn’t intimidating, despite being dressed in all black with his leather jacket splayed open with nothing underneath beneath besides a woven kelp necklace, but he was strong, which all he needed to be imposing. Gareth stood and blocked the guys in the second bench from reaching Eddie. They grabbed onto Gareth’s battered, brown leather jacket and tried to move him by force, only they couldn’t even though the boy was half their height. Grant stood in the path of the rest of the other crew. He gripped the poles of two horses in a relaxed manner, looking bored in his black jacket and mesh top combo, not seeming to feel the angry beatings being delivered to him by the irate opposing gang members.
Eddie would’ve shown the asshole how hard he could really shove him, but a baton suddenly pressed against his neck. He didn’t have to look who it was since he knew right away that it was that bastard security guard that had been on his case lately. The security guard was on some kind of crusade to make the boardwalk family-friendly again, which meant the permanent eviction of Eddie and his crew.
“I told you to stay off the boardwalk,” the guard growled into Eddie’s ear.
Snorting, Eddie pushed the guard off him, but still turned to leave once the carousel stopped. He supposed that settled dinner for the night. A laugh bubbled from Eddie’s mouth, while thinking that he hoped the guard wouldn’t be too uncooperative when he received his “invitation” to the meal. Eddie planned to make him their guest of honor, after all.
Sending the special “invite” to the guard wasn’t much trouble for Eddie and the others in his crew. They made their way underneath the boardwalk, each lighting a cigarette as they waited for the park to close. It wasn’t a long, maybe an hour or two, before guests began to file out into the parking lot, finding their cars, and driving away without paying any heed to the member of Corroded Coffin who lurked in the shadows nearby.
Lights shut off one by one as the rides powered down, going dark for the rest of the evening. In the parking lot, eventually only the glow of the dim streetlamps illuminated the area around them and the sole car remained. Eddie motioned to the others, signaling them to head back so he could hand the invitation to the guard himself. They all gave him a knowing grin and shared a laugh before they left to take their positions.
Eddie watched from his hiding place as the guard exited the boardwalk with a lunch pail swinging from his hand at his side. There was no hint of caution or fear as the guard walked towards his car, confident in his ability to keep the park safe from hooligans like Eddie. This made Eddie laugh, which caused the guard to pause and look around. When he didn’t see anyone, he continued walking to his car, though a bit more cautiously. They always tasted better if they were at least a little bit afraid.
Once the guard had nearly made it to his car, Eddie left his hiding spot. He moved with lightning speed, one second standing out of sight behind a pillar, then the next, he was behind the guard who hadn’t heard anything as he reached into his pocket to pull out his car keys. Eddie held up his hand, focusing as crimson and white spines rose along the length of his arm. He turned his arm and pricked the guard’s neck in a similar fashion to how he had grabbed Eddie with his baton, though Eddie’s spines were a bit more deadly.
“Hey there,” he said, watching the guard’s eyes bulge as the venom coursed through him. “Just want to say thanks for accepting the dinner invitation. We’re all honestly delighted you could join us.”
Eddie gave the guard a wide grin before he picked the rotund man up by his collar and easily tossed him into the ocean depths. Three pairs of webbed hands rose up from the water, gripping the body of the guard before dragging him under. Slowly, Eddie walked into the dark ocean, growing more scales the further he went into the surf. He eventually disappeared, diving deep below, and a pool of red blood dyed the area around where he had vanished.
Masterpost ~ Part 1.2 (Coming Soon-ish)
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Was working on a thing for the au and a new headcanon occurred
This most likely won't be plot relevant, like, at all, but for some reason now that it's in my head I'm kinda stuck on it
It's just that Eddie secretly loves horses. That's all. That's the headcanon.
Will this matter story wise? No, no it will not. I'm pretty sure they will at no point encounter even a singular horse over the course of this fic
Look me in the eye and tell me Eddie Munson wasn't a horse girl in middle school
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corrodedcoughin · 2 years
This may have gotten out of hand but uh... Pirate Eddie and Royalty Steve au
Prince Steve Harrington is the eldest and only legitimate child of King and Queen Harrington. Rich, privileged, and so so lonely. A puppet of his parents. He got thrown into lesson upon lesson at their insistence.  Swordfighting, war tactics, horse riding, map reading, Latin, politics, money, and deals and anything his parents could throw at him.
And some of it he actually enjoyed. He loved to sword fight, to train, to ride his horse and hunt. Anything that involved getting out, moving his body. And some of it he was good at. He knew people- their thoughts and feelings and how their emotions influenced their actions. He knew what to say to get someone to listen to him. What carefully placed words and insults could have someone cowering. He could manipulate anyone if he wanted. But all that was still never enough for his parents. He was never enough.
He fell in love with Nancy but her family wasn't prestigious enough for the Harrington's. She ripped his heart out and crushed it between the palms of her hands so he supposes that doesn't even matter anymore.
He befriended the noble courtiers of Tommy, Carol, and Nicole - but they were only in it for the money and the influence. They didn't care about Steve. Power hungry assholes who got off on being above others. It's a wonder his father didn't like them more.
And then it was all for fucking nothing. Their trips to other kingdoms started getting longer and longer until Steve barely sees them anymore. And he isn't allowed to be involved in the day to day running of the kingdom - his father has advisors for that - so what's the fucking point of Steve?
He turns himself around. Tries to be nicer. Better. Befriends a girl who works on the palace grounds - Robin. And a young squire - Dustin. People his parents would despise but he loves with all his heart.
And then there's Eddie. Eddie the Banished - wanted pirate in his own right but more well known for being the son of the Dread Pirate Munson. Who sailed the seas, slaughtered the navy, stole from merchants, was wanted for years before it all caught up with him and he was imprisoned and hung at the gallows.
Following in his father's footsteps wasn't exactly what he wanted for himself - but he was good at it, he was poor, and he wasn't about to conform to the standards of a society who despises him. So he leans into it. Puts on the mask of the terrifying pirate they want him to be. With his long curly hair, tricorn hat, long black coat and sword always at his waist.
Was the underdog for a long time, but is now getting well known in the pirate and unlawful community of being someone who takes in people who need a place. His crew is full of them. His little sheepies.
On a fairly frequent basis Eddie will dock his ship in a secluded cove near by the Kingdom of Hawkins. Eddie dresses down, blends in with the crowd, becomes just another guard on a ship at the dock. Eddie dresses down, blends in with the crowd, becomes just another dock worker off shift. Where he can sell what needs to be sold, his crew can stock up on supplies, and Eddie can visit his uncle Wayne. The man who raised him once his father was hung, who loves him even with his career.
It's on one of these trips where he meets Steve. A man clearly high born, but dressing down to blend in with the people a bit better than normal. He intrigues Eddie. Plus, he's handsome as hell. And so he approaches him. They talk, they flirt, and neither man reveals who they really are. And then they leave.
Only, next time Eddie visits Hawkins, he meets Steve again. And they talk and flirt and agree to meet up next time Eddie's in town. And it keeps happening, both men feeling a pull towards the other. Until it comes to a head and one night they're kissing in a dark alley behind some shitty tavern they were drinking at. They rent a room above the tavern, spending the night naked and wrapped in the others arms. Only it isn't just a one time thing. They continue to see one another when they can.
Eventually, Eddie admits he's a pirate and Steve replies that nothing could change how much he loves him. It all seems too good to be true. And it is.
One day, they get caught by the royal guard. Eddie gets locked up in chains and dragged to prison. Steve gets a full guard to drag him back to his father - home from a trip for once. Steve hates himself. Hates how he wilts in front of his fathers steely gaze. Hates how he'll be haunted by the look on Eddie's face as he gets dragged away in irons as he realises that Steve isn't just some noble - but the Prince.
And then I have such a VIVID SCENE idea stuck in my head of Steve breaking into the prison to see Eddie. He needs to see him. To talk to him. And if that means throwing his name around and blackmailing a few guards then so be it. Steve is wrapped in a dark cloak, satchel over one shoulder, dim lantern in one hand. He walks down the corridor, searching the cells for Eddie. He finds him down the end, hunched over a ripped straw mattress.
"Eddie," he says, voice an exhale of air. Eddie whips his head up, turning to look and as soon as he sees Steve he is rushing towards the bars of his cell. Both of them, hands reaching through the bars and desperately grasping at clothes, at skin - pulling the other as close as they possibly can. Steve can feel the bars digging into his body but in the moment he doesn't care.
"Why didn't you tell me Steve?" Eddie asks. Voice quiet.
"Because of this. Because I didn't want anything happening to you because of me. Because..." Steve stills. "Because I'm not Prince Harrington when I'm with you. I'm just Steve. And I was selfish and wanted that feeling to last as long as I could."
"Stevie," Eddie replies, gaze melting into fondness as he peers at Steve through the bars. "Nothing could change how much I love you."
Steve is tearing up now. That's what he said to Eddie when he revealed he was a pirate. "You're using my words against me"
"What can I say," Eddie replies. "You're a smart guy."
"I'll get you out of here Eds. If it's the last thing I do." Steve says. And he means it.
And then they're kissing through the bars, desperately, hungrily, hands gripping clothes and necks and pulling and grasping. Lips on lips with the cool metal bars pressing into their faces.
oooooh babe you fucked me up with this one!!! The heartbreak and pain and soul crushing lonliness Steve has endured in his life! The love and acceptance he has found in Robin and Dustin. The fact that because of Eddie he is finally having fun, finally feeling wanted and desired and cared for!!! Prince Steve my heart belongs to you! and i LOVE the scene you described! Kissing each other through the bars because they just need each other in whatever way they can get to each other!!! I really love the idea of pirate Eddie and have this little image in my head
Before Eddie's ship, Hellfire, docks the crew get ready. They change the flag, hide the canons, stow everything suspicious below deck. They get on their civilian clothes and they are excited, yes they love the sea but getting back on land gives them all chances to rest, to find their land locked friends and catch up with their families and Eddie is no exception.
He changes into less conspicuous clothes, swaps out his obvious pirate garb for more understated black trousers, long black great coat with tarnished buttons, simple shirt, no obvious symbols of thieving and lawlessness. He doesn't remove all of his jewelry though, he knows he should, would blend in better but there isn't day since his 9th birthday that he hasn't worn the necklace Wayne gave him. Refuses the remove the ring gifted to him by Gareth when Eddie agreed to take him in. A large majority of his jewellry means something so he keeps on what he can.
And with that Eddie Munson is on land, walking amongst the unsuspecting. THe thing is he can't really blend in, not properly, Eddie has always walked with a swagger in his step and it's only gotten worse from his time on the sea. He has played the 'fearsome pirate' character so long he doesn't really know how to turn the persona off. So he's sitting in a tavern, looking cocky because that's a way he keeps himself and his crew safe, when the most handsome man he's ever seen walks in. Jeff notices Eddie's change immediately and nudges Gareth 'watch out, captain is in the throes of love again'. Eddie slaps the back of Jeff's head but he doesn't contradict the statement as he makes to stand and basically struts up to the bar. Eddie slides some coins over the surface of the bar and nods to the man 'whatever you want, I got it' winking as leans back against the bar surface. The man gives him a once over,
'hmm don't know if you can afford my tastes'
and steps in close to Eddie. Eddie reaches for the man's hand and pulls it up to his mouth, planting a kiss just above his knuckles 'sweetheart you are going to be trouble, lucky for you, I love trouble. I'm Eddie, do you have a pretty name to match the face?'
The man lets Eddie keep a hold of his hand as a smile spreads across his face 'Steve, you can call me Steve'
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3000 Follower Celebration!!! *Closed*
Same rules as last time! Please stick to the character list I’ve provided, I randomly generated them as a challenge to myself so go wild! No defined tropes or au’s this time so give me your best ideas!
Anakin Skywalker
Arthur Curry
Billy Hargrove
Bruce Banner
Charles Xavier
Chris Redfield
Clark Kent
Dean Winchester
Derek Morgan
Din Dijarin
Eddie Munson
Emily Prentiss
Ethan Winters
Glenn Rhee
Hannibal Lecter
John Winchester
Johnny Storm
Logan Howlett
Matt Murdock
Peter Parker
Pietro Maximoff
Rick Grimes
Sam Wilson
Steven Grant/Marc Spector/Jake Lockley
Will Graham
“No no, don’t close your eyes, keep them open for me.”
“Can you put on some clothes? I can’t concentrate.”
“I never thought I would see you again.”
“Please-please, I need it so fucking bad.”
“Come on, just one more. One more and then we’re done.”
“I could do this all day.”
“Did you just say the world was ending?”
“Look at him while I fuck you.”
“Jesus, loosen up, you’re squeezing me so tight.”
A kiss in the pouring rain
Falling asleep tangled together
“Come home.”
Adopting a pet together
“Do you really want to leave or are you just doing it because someone else told you it was the right thing to do?”
She fell first, he fell harder
“I can practically hear your thought from here.”
“Get your mind out of the gutter, I have to go to work.”
“You are my home, you always have been.”
“I want a family with you.”
“Will you just shut up and let me go down on you?”
Trapped in seperate rooms, able to hear the other but unable to see them or touch them
“You’re so dumb. I love you.”
“I miss you even if you’re only in the next room.”
“That’s it, keep going. Such a good girl.”
Save a horse, ride a cowboy
@lokiandbuckysdoll @writing-for-marvel @imyourbratzdoll @onlystarshere @livingdeadblondequeen @minervadashwood @darkhairedmenrule @nana1000night @evansrogerskitten @holylulusworld
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sherifftillman · 9 months
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@cheerscoopscentral's cheerscoops week 2023 | day 3: social media-specific AU
Title: A Discordant Romance Pairing(s): Steve Harrington x Chrissy Cunningham, some background Gareth x Will Byers if you squint Tags: Stranger Things (series), fluff, modern AU, streamer AU, chatfic (set in Discord) Word Count: 5.7k Summary: When Eddie Munson gathers all his streamer friends from all the walks of his life, sparks fly for two in particular. A/N: I don't know why I thought making a chatfic based in DIscord was a good idea, but formatting this was a nightmare lmao. Still, I think it paid off. Other than the fact I've had to replace the usual @-system with "@." in the preview so that this hellsite doesn't' tag random blogs, even when I explicitly remove their tag links from the HTML editor. Love that sooo much.
read on ao3 here! preview under the cut:
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Server: eddie’s minions - #general
EddieTheBanished @.everyone figured instead of wasting a good server for a one-time event, i’d keep this up in case people wanna stream together again
aguywhohatesparties really? that’s what you came up with?
EddieTheBanished it’s my server i can name it what i want to 🙂
madmaxmay making a new server where everyone’s equal, who’s in [☝️13]
EddieTheBanished 🙁
Server: better name pending - #general
EddieTheBanished there, is that good for now?
madmaxmay i actually kinda dig it permanently
CallMeTheFreak Same. Should also be our next album name.
madmaxmay i want writer royalties
EddieTheBanished why?!
CallMeTheFreak Deal. [🤝3]
EddieTheBanished et tu with the reacts, @.GarethTheGreat @.JeffWithAJ? what is this mutiny
madmaxmay lol you guys are great. you should come back on tud sometime
lilmisschriss ooh, could a certain bat-wielding orc also make an appearance there?
kingsteve oh no
madmaxmay OH YES
you’ve been watching us?!
@.JaneTheEleventh !!!!!!!!!
JaneTheEleventh i am glad you are watching @.lilmisschriss. i like watching your streams too, with max. you are very friendly with your chat and it’s very nice. [❤️4]
madmaxmay pleasepleaseplease join a campaign with me and el!!!!!!!!! @.lilmisschriss
lilmisschriss you girls are so sweet, but i don’t know the first thing about this, i’m just learning as i’m watching and there’s so much to catch up on!
madmaxmay i’ll teach you everything. if we can get @.kingsteve to play through a whole oneshot without his character dying, we can do anything
ToothlessBard sorry, remind me, who is this WE you’re referring to? because i’m pretty sure I’M the one who taught steve everything he knows
kingsteve you know i can still read that, right? [🤷1]
okay fine. i’ll do another one of your stories ONLY if @.lilmisschriss does it too. and if henderson gets off his high horse
madmaxmay @.WiseWilliam GET WRITING, WIZARD BOY WONDER [🫡1 🧙1]
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amor1st03 · 2 years
The Princess and the Bard | Eddie Munson
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Fantasy au LORT type beat, princess x civilian type thing
Warnings: Idk fighting?
In which: the princess sets out to save her Kingdom and brings a handsome bard to help her
A/N: This is inspired by the fantasy au fanart I keep seeing literally everywhere of Eddie and it also has very heavy influence from the LOTR (I finally got round to watching all 3 of them and all 3 of the hobbit films, yes, I know I'm late to the party but as a kid, I could never get into them) so full credit to the artists of the art and to Tolkien for inspiring this. Idk if someone else has written something like this but I was like screw it, I'll give it a shot. Also I wrote some of this after a night out and I've edited it but I must admit drunk me is not that bad of a writer, she has some good ideas lmao. Just a last couple of things before I let you read on in my head I ended up having quite a developed world like I fr got into this thinking of all these cute moments I see happening in this fantasy world so be prepared, it's long. Also, I have literally no idea how to write a fight scene but I tried my best lol. Anyways, I'll leave you to it now, hope you enjoy!
"Come on, Willow," You whispered to the horse as you guided her out of the stable. The grass crunched beneath your feet as you sighed looking down at it. Once a luscious green, it was now dull and grey. You crouched down to pick a dying flower and twirled it between your fingers.
"We will save our land," You spoke softly, "We must."
"Your highness?" A voice broke your train of thoughts as you stood and turned to face the familiar girl.
"Your highness, what are you doing?" Your lady-in-waiting questioned.
"No one's around, you don't have to call me that."
"You know we can never be too sure, Y/N." She smiled.
"You know what I'm doing."
"You're going to join the battle."
"Yes. I have to. You heard what the oracle told me. This is my Kingdom, I must fight for it."
"And I will not stand in your way." You smiled at her as she came closer to you. You embraced her.
"Please try and make sure no one sends word to my father. I want to find him and the army before he sends some of them to find me."
"I'll try and give you as much time as possible."
"Thank you. You're my best friend, you know that right?"
"And you're mine," She replied.
"Now, I dismiss you of your duties today, go home and enjoy time with your wife." She pulled away and smiled at you.
"Be safe."
"I will," You said as you walked back to Willow and mounted her.
"Good luck. You can do this."
"I have to do this. To save the Kingdom."
You were lost. You hated to admit it but you were. You had spent most of your life stuck inside the castle other than when you snuck out with Robin dressed as a civilian or the few short trips you took as a child with your parents. As the future Queen of the Kingdom, most of your duties were inside the castle, observing your father and preparing for when you would rule. The lessons in etiquette and politics had always been boring but there was one benefit. Your training for battle. It always felt like a way for you to release any emotion. It also made you feel more powerful like you would be able to protect yourself and your Kingdom. Of course, you had never had a chance to prove you were a warrior as your father forbids you from ever even setting foot on a battlefield.
You knew you could prove yourself, well that was if you ever managed to find your way there. As you moved through the forest you heard a branch snap somewhere in front of you. There was a scream. You hurried Willow along until you found the source of the noise at the edge of the forest. There you found a man hanging from his foot caught in a trap. Beyond the trees, there were crop fields you could only assume he had planned to sneak in and steal some crops before he got caught in this trap. The man was trying to reach up to where his foot was trapped and release himself.
"Jesus H. Christ," He muttered. You rolled your eyes as you slid off your horse and approached him quietly. Without a single word, you unsheathed your sword and swung it at the rope, cutting it. The man crashed to the ground with a loud thud. He groaned in pain before jumping up and brushing himself off.
"Thank you," He said, sheepishly.
"Who are you, thief?"
"I am no thief, well only occasionally. But mostly I am a bard and a traveler." He moved and reached for a lute that had been resting against a nearby tree you hadn't noticed. "And my name is Edward Munson, but most call me Eddie."
"Well, Edward Munson, let me ask you one thing. You say you are a traveler, does that mean you know the way to the border between our Kingdom and the Kingdom of Dark?"
"Yes, in fact, I do. I know this land better than almost anyone."
"Can you take me to the border?"
"You said you only had one thing to ask me. That is a second question." You raised your sword and pointed it at his throat. He threw his hands up and tried to back away a little but backed into a tree instead. "Yes, I could take you but why should I? Who are you?" You lowered your sword and reached for the hood that had been blocking your face. When he saw you he gasped and proceeded to lower himself onto one knee.
"Your highness, I apologise, I was not aware it was you."
"You don't need to kneel." He looked up at you before rising to his feet again.
"I will take you, m'lady. But the journey is not easy."
"I didn't plan on it being." You waited a minute, unsure of how much to share with him. "I am on an important mission, the lives of everyone in this Kingdom depend on it. But be warned, if you betray me, I will kill you without a second thought."
"A may be somewhat of a thief, but disloyal to you and this Kingdom, I am not."
"Good, now how long will this journey take? Now that there are two of us making the journey I fear we may be undersupplied."
"It could take a few weeks, at least two."
"Well then, we should make haste. First, we'll head to the closest village and find you a horse."
You and Eddie had been traveling for close to two weeks. You had collected more supplies and managed to bargain for a horse for Eddie. After that, you traveled across baron wastelands and through snowy mountains. When you reached the mountains, you knew there was no way you would be able to take the two horses with you and with tears in your eyes, released them. You hoped maybe one day you would see your horse, Willow, again. Now here you were, camping in the woods at the bottom of the mountains you crossed.
You and Eddie had quickly grown close and learned to trust each other. Near the summit of one of the mountains, you walked along a narrow, rocky path when Eddie's foot slipped. He managed to catch himself and hold onto some of the rocky surfaces as you reached out your hand to him. You had never experienced the sheer amount of panic that coursed through your veins as you reached for him. With all your strength you managed to pull him up over the ledge causing both of you to fall back onto the ground. You stared up at him in relief. You let yourself take a moment to really focus on his features. Had he always been this handsome? Yes, you thought, you had just been too caught up in the journey to really appreciate it.
"Are you alright?" You asked, your voice barely audible. He nodded looking down at you before quickly jumping up. He cleared his throat before offering you his hand and pulling you up onto your feet.
"They should really put up warnings, this path is certainly not safe, any second we could be falling to our deaths."
"It's not meant to be traveled on, it just takes longer to travel around it."
"Right. Well, yes, we are in a hurry so best be on our way, just watch your step."
"Me? If I recall, it was you who was hanging off the edge just a moment ago, not I."
"I'm not listening!" He said in a sing-song tone as he continued to walk ahead.
"It is you that needs to watch your step, not I!" You laughed.
"Still can't hear you." He began to hum loudly as you rolled your eyes with a smile. His lightheartedness had made the journey so much easier. It was also the reason you had come to care so much for him. He was easy to like. Easy to love, but no, you were sure you were getting ahead of yourself. Your feelings for him didn't matter. They couldn't after this was all over you would be separated. If you won the battle, you would return to the castle and be forced to continue with your duties. If you lost, the world would be all death and darkness. You would lose him some way, eventually.
Now here you were, in the woods with him, leaning against a tree watching the flames of the campfire dance in the breeze.
"We've been traveling for almost two weeks now to the edge of the Kingdom. I know it must have something to do with the battle going on there but what really is the princess doing so far away from home?"
"What? You think I can't fight alongside the army?" You asked but your tone was light.
"I'm sure you're perfectly capable of fighting in the war, I have no doubt. But it's just unusual. I've rarely heard of a princess fighting alongside the army." You sat in silence a moment, contemplating whether or not you should explain what you had set out to do but you knew you trusted him enough, and really who was he going to tell? There was no one traveling with you and you knew, as tough as he had been throughout the journey, he was no match for you.
"My father did not want me fighting even though I offered to. He left with his army a few days before I set off. I felt helpless and in the hopes of livening my spirit my friend helped me sneak out of the castle into the marketplace disguised as a civilian. There I encounter an oracle who pulled me aside and told me it was no use hiding under my hood for she knew who I was. She ushered me and my friend into a tavern and told me she had been expecting me to come into the town sooner or later and that she had important information regarding the battle."
"What did she tell you?"
"Well, you know why we are fighting right? A year ago the Dark forces snuck into the palace and stole the Crown Jewels. Our source of magic, it's what keeps the lands alive and thriving. Over time as my father began to build and organise our forces, the land started dying, and illness and disease swept over the Kingdom. The only way to save was to fight the Kingdom of Shadow and retrieve what was stolen. The oracle told me there was a prophecy centuries ago that this would happen and the only person who would be able to take the jewels back would be a princess of human and elven descent."
"Elven descent? Your mother."
"Yes, my mother." Elves were said to be the most beautiful creatures of all. They lived outside of your Kingdom but often visited as they had a fondness for humans. Your mother had been the daughter of an elven nobleman traveling to the town when she had met your father on one of her visits. There were few elves who married humans as they had to give up most of their power but your mother had done so to be with your father. She had died when you were only ten after she fell ill.
"That is why I must make it to the battlefield and find a way into their fortress and retrieve the jewels. To save our land. The oracle said I had to succeed or we would all perish."
"Woah. So no pressure then," He joked. "Sorry, not the right time."
"Definitely not." But you couldn't help but smile a little. Eddie smiled back.
"You know my story, now tell me more about you. You've told me about your travels but tell me where your come from, your family, your story."
"I come from the same place as you do, actually. The town I mean, not the castle, obviously. My father left us when I was little. My mother said it was better off that way anyway. I haven't got much to say about my childhood, it wasn't particularly special but it was happy. It was my uncle who introduced me to the lute and that is how I discovered my love of music. I still visit home quite often but I love to travel."
"When I'm Queen my father won't be able to stop me from traveling. I want to see as much of our Kingdom as possible, as much of my people as possible."
"If we make it out of the battle alive maybe I could show you my favourite places."
"We? You're joining the fight." There it was again, that panicked feeling.
"Yes, I know I'm not some great warrior but everything you've said about fighting for your Kingdom, I want to help too. You've been training me in case we encounter anything and I think I'm getting the hang of it. I was thinking I could help you make it into the fortress, it might not be much but I will offer my full loyalty to you, your highness."
"How many times, you don't have to call me that." You tried to push the feeling of panic aside. At least if he came with you into the fortress you could keep him by your side but now you weren't only scared for yourself but him as well.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. It's just your the princess, it feels weird treating you like another commoner."
"Why? We're all the same really. My mother always told me that a King or Queen's duty isn't to dictate but to serve and protect. I may be a Queen, but I am still human, just like you."
"Well, half-human."
"Yes, half I suppose but still."
"I think you will be the most caring and just leader this Kingdom has ever seen."
"I hope so."
"In fact, I think you will be the greatest of all." You smiled brightly at each other but were soon interrupted by the noise of movement behind you. You quickly turned but couldn't make out anything in the dark.
"Quick, put the fire out." Eddie did as you said as you slowly moved towards where the noise had come from. You withdrew your sword and listened. You heard voices in the distance and recognised the language.
"Trolls," You whispered to Eddie."Vicious creatures if they catch you trespassing which is exactly what we happen to be doing right this second." You moved to collect your things, keeping an eye out for them. Eddie copied you. As you slung your bag over your shoulder you caught sight of a group of trolls. At the same time, they noticed you.
"Here, take this," You handed a dagger to Eddie. "Go, I'm right behind you." The two of you took off running, branches scratching your cheeks as you raced away. Trolls were lawless creatures, they wouldn't care that you were the princess, they would kill you without a second thought. You heard footsteps behind you, nearing. You couldn't outrun them and there were too many to fight. You had to find somewhere to hide. Frantically, you looked around the area. You grabbed Eddie's hand and pulled him to a hollow tree. You pushed him inside before squeezing in beside him. You prayed the dark of the night would be enough to conceal your hiding place. Eddie breathed heavily, you felt his chest rise and fall against yours, fear evident in his eyes. You took one of his hands and placed it on your chest, slowing your breathing.
"Breathe," You whispered, looking at him in the eyes. He held your gaze as he took a deep breath in and out. You heard the footsteps of the trolls getting closer and closer and then you saw them pass your hiding place, their backs turned to you. It fell silent before you slid out from the tree trunk followed by Eddie.
"Close one," Eddie sighed from behind you as you looked around. You turned to face him.
"Eddie, duck!" You shouted. He ducked down as a troll swung his sword towards Eddie's head barely missing him. You charged forward and pushed Eddie aside. The troll brought his sword down towards you and it clashed with yours as you stopped it from striking you. You pushed the troll back and he brought his sword into the air, preparing to swing it down again but you were too quick. You surged forward, striking the creature in the heart. He staggered back before falling to the ground. You retrieved your sword from the creature before turning back to Eddie. He had stood up again as was still in shock from the attack.
You checked around to make sure there would be no other surprise attackers when something caught your eye through the trees.
"Look, over there." You pointed it out and Eddie turned to look. The two of you made your way over to it, pushing your way through the foliage. You stared in shock as you made your way to the clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a shimmering lake. "Luctus," You whispered.
"The River of Mourning. I've heard the rumours of its beauty but this is just. Wow," Eddie said, beside you.
"Could the other rumours be true?"
"It's worth a try. M'lady?" He held out his hand as you took it and led you towards the lake.
"It seems to be one of the only places that hasn't decayed yet."
"Maybe because it's already full of the souls of the lost," Eddie said as he knelt down at the edge of the lake. You knelt beside him. "Ready?" He asked and you nodded. Together you reached out and touched the water. It had a pleasant coolness to it. Suddenly, wisps of blue light danced off the surface. Starlight sparks seemed to be jumping off the surface and floating in the breeze. The sparks morphed into human-like creatures. Souls.
To one side you watched as the souls of three young children chased each other around laughing amongst themselves. On the other side of the lake, you made out a couple dancing across the surface of the water. You looked around searching for one face in particular. And there she was. Making her way toward you. You felt tears prickle your eyes. You turned to Eddie and saw a similar sad look in his eyes. You followed his line of sight and made out a woman making her way to him. The soft smile on her lips and bright eyes were the same as Eddie's.
"Your mother?" You asked.
"Yes," He replied, his voice cracking.
The two of you stood as the souls approached you. You felt a tear slide down your cheeks as your mother brought her hands up to your face, stroking gently. It felt like the wind kissing against your skin.
"My darling daughter."
"Mother," You choked out a sob.
"Come, let us walk, give them some privacy." She nodded toward Eddie and his mother.
You began walking along the water's edge as your mother followed along the surface.
"You've been so brave, darling. Your task is not an easy one, so much pressure is placed on you but you can do this. You have made it so far already."
"You know about my task?"
"Of course. I have always been with you. You must thank that boy for me for giving my daughter company for the journey and making her smile like she used to." You blushed slightly at your comment.
"I wouldn't be here without him. I haven't been to many places. I would still be lost, wandering in circles if it wasn't for him."
"You care for him, I can see it in your eyes. I had that same look when I met your father."
"Yes, I care for him but it can never happen?"
"Why not?"
"Father expects me to marry a nobleman."
"In my absence, your father has grown cold but he loves you more than anything else in this world. And he understands the importance of love. He will come around to it if it will make you truly happy." You smiled at her.
"I hope so."
The sky was now a rosy pink colour as the sun began to rise. Soft clouds burned with the light of the new day.
"We don't have long now, the sun is rising."
"Mother, I don't want you to go."
"I'll always be with you my dear." Tears started streaming from your eyes.
"I love you."
"I love you too." She leaned forwards and kissed your forehead as the sunrose higher in the sky. As the sun peaked over the trees, she began to fade. She moved away to look at you one last time and with a soft smile she disappeared. The lake glittered in the sunlight but the souls were gone. You walked back over to Eddie and embraced him.
"I'm sorry about your mother, I shouldn't have made you talk about your childhood before, bringing up the past can hurt."
"No, it's alright, you didn't know. Besides, it's because of you that I'm here right. I got to see her again." You sniffled, just enjoying the embrace.
"We should get going."
"Yes, you're right. We didn't stray too far from the our path, I should be able to find a way back on track for us." With one last look at the lake he turned and continued walking.
The two of you continued walking through the forest for a few more days. Camping in more overgrown areas to avoid anymore trolls. On the third day since your visit to the lake, you came to the end of the forest.
"I know this place. The Great Meadow," You said. "I've only ever left the Kingdom a handful of times, when I was 8 my mother brought me here. It used to be beautiful, I remember all the beautiful flowers but look at it now." Everything looked grey and dull.
"It will be beautiful again. Because you're gonna save it," Eddie stated. "Come on, not far now, the border is close, the army will be there by now." Eddie stepped out onto the grass when a swarm of fairies appeared from the tall grass. His footsteps had disturbed them from their hiding place. They flew around you, looking at you and Eddie with interest. One pointed at you and held her hands above her head moving it down to touch her head, as if she was placing a crown there.
"I'm the princess, yes," You laughed softly as the small creatures. "We did not mean to disrupt you we are just trying to get to the border." You turned to look at Eddie who had a few fairies on his arm. A couple were flying beside him, messing with strands of his hair.
"Hey!" He shooed them away with his hands. The fairy that had been communicating with you, who must have been some sort of leader, clapped her hands to pull the others' attention away from Eddie. They flew towards her and formed a group. All except one which had gotten caught in Eddie's hair. You laughed as you moved towards him, untangling it. He watched you carefully as you did so. The softest smile graced his lips when your eyes met his.
"Go on, little one," You said to the fairy in your hand, who flew off to join the rest of her group. The leader of the fairies looked between you and Eddie with a knowing smile. She flew towards Eddie's hand as everyone watched. She tugged at his sleeve, pulling his hand forward. Then, she used one of her hands and beckoned for you to come closer. You stepped closer and she reached for your hand too. Pulling it towards Eddie's. When your hands made contact the rest of the fairies seemed to burst like a firework, fluttering around the two of you.
"Oh no, it isn't like that." But you didn't pull your hand away.
"She is a princess and I am a mere bard. It is definitely not like that." Eddie pulled away. The few of the fairies shook their heads. "I'm sorry, but we most go." He moved forward.
"I hope we see you again," You said to the fairies before catching up to him. "They were lovely things, don't you think?"
"If by lovely you mean annoying then, yes, very lovely."
"Oh Eddie, you can't really mean that." You laughed slightly.
"Did you see them? Gawking at me and messing with my hair."
"Well, they do take interest in pretty things." He stopped in his tracks.
"What did you just say?"
"You heard me."
"I think I must be hallucinating." You laughed again.
"Come on, like you said, we must go." You continued to walk leaving the dumbstruck boy a few steps behind you.
As you neared the end of the meadow you started to make out tents in the distance.
"Look, there is, the army. We're almost there." The two of you continued towards the army. Your father had assembled all the Kingdom's finest warriors and on top of that took anyone who volunteered to fight. You felt a sense of hope as you saw the sheer amount of people your father had managed to assemble.
As you walked into the army camp people seemed to do a double take as whispers of 'the princess' weaved through the crowds. You did your best to ignore them, instead turning your head to smile at Eddie. When you saw your father standing outside one of the tents talking to the general you felt a bit of fear and worry wash through you but you were here now and nothing would stop you from fighting. As you approached your father, he turned to see you. Shock was evident in his eyes at first but then anger took over.
"Y/N," He said in a stern voice but didn't shout.
"I've come to fight. I am the future Queen, I should be here."
"Come with me." You turned to look at Eddie before following your father. He guided you to the edge of the camp, across the other side of the battlefield there was a large hill. On top you could make out the dark tents of your enemy.
"You see how many of them there are. They have equal our numbers if not yours, I can't have you fighting. You're right you are the future Queen and that is why you must survive."
"Do you doubt me, father? All those years of training, I can fight and come out of this alive."
"I've told you, no, you can't."
"What sort of Queen would I be if I let my people fight and die while I hid away in my castle? I need to be here not just to fight, but I will be the one to retrieve the Crown Jewels."
"No, you will not!"
"Father, you don't understand, please just li-"
"Enough! Enough of this madness, you will not fight, I forbid you! Guards, take her to the spare tent and do not let her leave." Two guards approached and took either of your arms before you could reach for your sword. You tried to fight them off but they dragged you to the tent and hauled you inside. They stood outside and guarded it. You laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling as hopelessness washed over you. A voice outside broke your thoughts.
"I've come to bring her food. And entertainment. The King said I could."
"Be quick," One of the guards said in a rough voice and stepped aside allowing Eddie into the tent.
"Eddie!" You sat up.
"Here, brought you some soup, awful stuff but somewhat edible." He handed you the bowl. "So, conversation with your father didn't go as well as you hoped?"
"Great actually, I just have guards keeping me in here for fun," You replied sarcastically, earning a laugh from Eddie.
"He found me after they took you here. Got a bit angry at helping you to get here but thanked me for protecting you on the journey. I told him it was the other way around."
"Oh yeah, what did he say to that?"
"Didn't even say anything. Moved on and ask if I would join the fight. I said I would. We fight at dawn." You sighed.
"I need to find a way out," You said in a quiet voice.
"I'll help you. At the back of the tents when the rest of the soldiers have headed to the front of the battlefield I reckon I'll be able to sneak around and get you out," He whispered back.
"Could you get my sword too, if possible? I think they took it to the armoury tent."
"Yeah, I'll try. For now, eat up and try not the throw it back up."
"Is it that bad?"
"Try it for yourself." You took a spoonful and placed it in your mouth. You pulled a face of disgust.
"You're right, it's awful." The two of you laughed together.
"Maybe you would have preferred the moldy bread?"
"Absolutely not." Your laughs died down and you sighed, looking at the boy. You brought your hand up to his face and brushed his hair out of his eyes. You broke apart when someone cleared their throat.
"I granted you five minutes to see my daughter, now please leave and give us some privacy."
"Yes, your highness." Eddie gave you a soft look before leaving the tent.
"What do you want now, father?"
"That boy, you're too attached to him. You must let him go. I suspected something when I first saw the two of you walking into this camp but now I'm certain."
"I think I love him, father."
"But you must let him go. When you return to the castle you will announce your engagement to Lord Harrington."
"But father-"
"No, you are to marry him."
"But why? Why must I marry him?"
"He comes from a noble family and is a good man."
"I never said he wasn't but why must it be a nobleman? Why don't I get to choose who I marry?"
"Because I am your father and the King."
"But what about love? I do not love Lord Harrington," You cried. "Why did you marry mother? Was it because she came from a noble family or was it for love?" Your father remained speechless. "If mother hadn't been from a noble elf family would you still have married her?"
"That is beside the point."
"No, it isn't!"
"Your mother was an elf, even if she wasn't from a noble family it still would have been more respectable than marrying a commoner."
"I hate that word. Commoner. They are people, just like you and I. People we live to serve and protect, or don't you remember mother's words?"
"I have had enough of this disobedience, you will marry who I chose and that is final!" He shouted and you remained silent, staring at him with a sad look in your eyes. He turned and stormed out of the tent, leaving you alone once again. You laid back down on your bed as a sob escaped you. You continued to cry until sleep finally overtook you.
You were woken up by some rustling behind you. Still tired, you tried to ignore it assuming it was just people moving around out there. You shut your eyes again until you felt a tap on your shoulder causing you to jump up from the bed quickly.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you, princess," Eddie whispered. Behind him, there was a cut in the tent he had made with the dagger you gave him. "They really should find stronger material for these things. Anyone could get in."
"Is it almost dawn?"
"Yeah, most people are at the front now, preparing for the battle. Oh, that reminds me. Here you are, m'lady." He handed you your sword which he had managed to steal from the armory tent. Together, you made your way out of the back of the tent and managed to sneak to the edge of the camp. Once you had made it to the outskirts of the camping grounds, the battle had begun. From a distance, you could see the two armies charging toward each other and clashed. It was a blood bath and as much as you wanted to help out you needed to make it to the fortress. Near the outskirts, there was a stable where you managed to steal two of the horses. Luckily, most of the soldiers were already fighting so it was easy to take them unnoticed. The two of you mounted the horses and set off.
Sneaking around the two fighting armies was the hardest part. You had to travel quite far out and looped back around but most of the Kingdom of Shadow was wooded areas so it was a lot easier.
"This place gives me the creeps," Eddie said with a shiver.
"Yeah, me too but once we make it through these woods the fortress should be right there."
You had been right. The two of you had traveled for another half an hour or so when the trees became sparse. There was just a small stretch between you and the fortress now. But it was heavily guarded. You hid behind a boulder and watched as the guards did their rounds.
"We'll never be able to just sneak in there, we need a disguise," You told Eddie who nodded in agreement. The two of you devised a plan. You found a small rock on the ground and threw it a little way in front of you. Before hiding behind the boulder. Two guards came to see what had made the noise.
"Hey, over here." Eddie stood up and whispered when they were close enough, as you slowly moved further around the boulder, hiding from their view. The two approached Eddie. The first soldier that came towards Eddie swung a giant club toward him narrowly missing him as he ducked. While it was distracted trying to attack Eddie you jumped out from your hiding place and hit it hard on the head with the hilt of your sword. Knocking it out. It collapsed to the ground but you didn't have much time as the second creature charged forward. You quickly held out your sword as it clashed with the creatures, pushing it back. You swung again, managing to cut the creatures arm. As it charged towards you again, angered by the wound you had given it, Eddie had picked up the club and quickly hit it over the head, knocking it out. He breathed out a sigh of relief.
"Job well done, I'd say," He said as the two of you began to take the armour from the two knocked out enemies.
The disguises helped you sneak into the fortress, along with you pretending to be a wounded soldier and Eddie helping you inside. You kept your heads down as you avoided others that were moving around inside. You weren't exactly sure where the Crown Jewels were being held but when you saw a guarded doorway leading to the basement of the fortress, you were fairly certain they would be down there. You approached the four guards that were stood around the door.
"We need to get by you, if you'll excuse us," Eddie said in a gruff voice.
"Nobody is allowed in," One of the guards replied.
"So we're gonna have to do this the hard way," Eddie replied before pulling his helmet off and dropping it to the floor, you repeating his actions. The guards were startled but were quick to jump into action. The two of your fought them. Along the journey you had trained Eddie a little but you found he was quite a natural at it and a quick learner. You had managed to take down two of the guards as the remaining two contained to swing their swords at you.
"You really should have stolen a sword for yourself from the armoury."
"I like my dagger, I think it's cute."
"Cute has no place in warfare," You said as you managed to twist your sword against the guard's sword, sending it flying out of his hand.
"If cute has no place in warfare, then what are you doing here?"
"Oh shut up."
When the two of you had managed to take out the other two guards you moved quickly through the doors and down a spiralling staircase that was lit with torches placed in brackets along the walls. At the bottom of the stairs was a long corridor. You squinted and at the end you were able to make out some sort of swirling smoke.
"This is why only I can get it. See the smoke, it's poisonous to humans. Only a few creatures can walk through it unaffected. One of those few being elves. Because I'm half human it will hurt, most likely, but it won't kill me. Eddie, I need you to stay here, keep an eye out."
"But I don't want you to go alone."
"We don't have a choice, Eds." He looked at you with concern before nodding. You embraced him as he whispered to you.
"Stay safe and be quick, we won't have long before they find the guards up there."
"I will." And with that you hurried off down the corridor. Eddie watched as your figure disappeared in the smoke. It stung to walk through but when you came out the other side you were in a large room. In the centre, you recognised the glitter of diamonds and emeralds and rubies. The Crown Jewels. But from the shadows, a figure stepped out and approached you. The Shadow King. Without a word he raised his sword ready to fight.
"I knew you'd come. In the shadows, I am able to watch you and the rest of your kind. You're journey has not been easy but it will all be over, soon." You swung first but he easily dodged it. He charged forward and you stumbled back onto the ground, dropping your sword. He leaned towards you pointing the end of the sword at your throat.
"You should have listened to your father. Imagine the heartbreak it will cause. First your mother's death and now yours. It will drive him mad, I won't even need to invade your Kingdom, he will ruin it all with cruelty and coldness."
"No, he wouldn't. Only you could bring so much sorrow to the world." You reached for the sword, your fingers brushing against the hilt.
"Such a brave princess. I see you do not fear death. Maybe I should kill someone else then? Let insanity of too much grief and not being able to protect those you love drive you insane. The man you came here with, perhaps?"
"Eddie," You whispered, as streak of fear struck your heart.
"Eddie. That's it. Make you watch as the final light leaves his eyes. I'd enjoy that, I've seen the secret glances and soft smiles shared. But don't you know, princess? Royalty and commoners are never a good mix."
"You leave him alone. Don't you dare touch him."
"What will you do about it, princess?" He stared intently down at you but was surprised to find a smile break out on your face.
"This." You had kept him talking and had managed to reach for your sword. You swung and cut into his arm as he jumped back. You were quick to your feet and kept striking him again and again. His threats had fueled your determination as you managed to knock the sword from his hand. You lunged forward one more time sinking your sword straight through his chest. He collapsed to his knees before finally hitting the ground. You breathed heavily as you stepped away. Before collecting yourself and quickly heading up to the podium where the jewels stood. You quickly got them and placed them inside your pocket before running back through the corridor towards Eddie. He was stood with his back to you, watching the staircase for any movement. He heard you running towards him and quickly turned to see you.
"Y/N, are you alright?"
"Yes, I've got them and the Shadow King is dead, we need to go, now." He smiled at you before the two of you took off up the staircase. Luckily, no one had discovered the guards laying on the floor as most were fighting on the battlefields outside. You made your way outside the fortress where a few guards who remained outside of it, spotted you and came charging towards you. The two of you fought your way through them, running towards the two horses you had left tied up a little ways into the woods. You quickly untied and mounted them, and guided them out fo the forest. The horses ran the outskirts of the battlefield, the shadow soldiers were too slow to catch up and those in front slashed their swords at you but you managed to break your way through. You and Eddie were left with several gashed on your arms and limbs but you were alive. Your own soldiers spotted you and tried their best to occupy the shadow soldiers. You managed to find your own father fighting two shadow soldiers. You and Eddie hoped of your horses and let them run free. It wasn't long before the two of you were engaged in combat with soldiers.
"I've got them father. Eddie and I, we got into the fortress. We just need to drive back the shadow army." As he defeated another soldier he gave you a quick look of shock before another soldier lunged for him. The battle was long and difficult but eventually your forces were able to drive the shadow army to retreat.
"I'm sorry I ever doubted you, my dear."
"It's alright, father, you just wanted to protect me."
"I did but you don't need it, I see now you can protect yourself. And I see that you should have full control over your own life. I thought a lot about what you said the other day about your mother. If she had been a human civilian I still would have loved her and wanted to marry her. And you should marry for love too. One day you will be a great leader but I also want you to be a happy one and spend your life with those you love. You have my blessing to be with whoever you chose." You smiled brightly and hugged your father. "Go find him," He whispered to you. You nodded with an excited smile before running to find Eddie. He had just walked out of the medical tent where they had fixed up his wounds. You practically jumped into his arms as he wrapped them around your waist.
"Come on, let's go for a walk, I need to tell you something." The two of you walked to the outskirts of the army camp.
"Look," You said to him. "The grass already is regaining some of its colour now that my father has the jewels. Everything is going to be alright." He smiled at you.
"What is it you wanted to talk about?" You looked down nervously to the ground.
"Well, I-" But before you could say another word you felt a piercing feeling in your back. A shadow soldier had managed to hide in the tall grass that was near the edge of the camp. He had jumped forward and stabbed you.
"Y/N!" He shouted as you fell into his arms. A soldier nearby saw the commotion and sprinted forward killing the shadow soldier. He stared down and watched as Eddie collapsed to his knees, still holding you. "Don't just stand there, quick, get help!" The soldier quickly took off running.
He looked back down at you with tears in his eyes.
"Hey, look at me, you're going to be alright."
"Yeah." You smiled a soft but sad smile up at him.
"Earlier, what I was gonna say," You choked out. "Before my father said I had to marry a nobleman but he told me he's changed his mind. He said I get it's my choice to make. It's you, Eds. You're my choice if you feel the same. I-I love you." He smiled down at you as a sob escaped his lips.
"I think I've loved you since you first cut me down from that tree," He replied. You laughed softly but winced in pain. "I want nothing more than to marry you." You smiled again at him as he kissed your forehead, his tears hitting your face as the light faded.
The pain in your side was the first thing you noticed when you woke. You opened your eyes, squinting because of the bright lights. When your eyes adjusted you saw a few nurses mulling around the tent. Next to you sat Eddie, holding your hand.
"You're awake," He said with a bright smile before turning to one of the nurses. "Could you send word to her father that she's awake?" You tried to sit up but winced in pain.
"Hey, woah, just stay laid down, you're okay."
"What happened?"
"The soldier that was with us managed to find some nurses. They were able to get you back here and save you. When you passed out I thought that was it, you know. I thought I'd lost you just when everything was finally looking up." His eyes began to fill with tears.
"Hey," You reached up and stroked his cheek gently "You could never really lose me." He leaned into your touch, placing his own hand on top of yours. You were interrupted as your father rushed inside.
"Y/N." He said softly.
"Hi, dad," You replied.
"I'm so glad you're okay, how are you feeling?"
"Tired and a bit sore but I'm alright."
"That's good at least but you should get some rest, my dear." He turned to Eddie. "May I speak with you?"
"Yes, your majesty." Eddie squeezed your hand before standing up and leaving the tent. Your father kissed the top of your head, smiling softly at you before following Eddie out of the tent.
"Walk with me, will you?" Your father said you Eddie who readily agreed. the two walked around the camp. "I take it, before she was hurt, my daughter spoke with you."
"Yes, she did."
"And now I'm asking you sincerely not as your King but as a father who wants what's best for my daughter, how do you feel about her?"
"Well, from the second I saw her I was mesmerised but I'm sure most people are when they first meet the princess. But then we spent countless hours traveling and talking to her made those hours seem like mere minutes. I found she was kind and funny and just."
"She is the future Queen of our kingdom, which can be either be a selling point for suitors or something to scare them off. I worry dearly about her and I want her to marry for love and happiness, not convenience."
"I can see why you worry but she is incredibly independent and knows her own mind and what she wants. It's one of the things that I admire so deeply about her. She is the future Queen but before that she is Y/N. Sweet and loyal, quick-witted and brave. Yes, her power is daunting, of course it is, but that daunting feeling is nothing compared to the strength of my love for her." Your father smiles at Eddie.
"Well then, in that case, you have my full blessing to marry her. I know you will love her as she deserves." Eddie broke out into a grin. "You can talk to her after she has rested but for now how about you fetch your lute and play me something, I've heard rumours that you're quite the musician."
"Eddie," You said softly as you woke to see the boy sitting beside you again. The doors of the tent were pulled apart, outside you could see the fading light of the day.
"Hey, you. How are you feeling?"
"Much better now that I've rested."
"That's good because when we get back to the Kingdom we have a lot to do, you know planning a wedding and all."
"A wedding?"
"Right, getting a bit ahead of myself there."
"Eds, what are you talking about?" You laughed a little, sitting up in the bed.
"Well, going back to what you said earlier. If you'll still have me, will you marry me? I don't have a proper ring to give. Who knew battlefields would be a bad place for engagement ring shopping? But I made you this in place until we can get one." He pulled out a small ring he made with flowers by tying the stems together. "It's not much, I know, but it will do, for now. So I'm asking you again. I love you and I really want to be with you, so will you do me the honour of marrying me?" He got down onto one knee in front of you.
You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. The smile was so big it made your cheeks ache but you didn't care. You leaned forward and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him forward. He wrapped his own arms around your waist, hugging you.
"Of course, I'll marry you."
"I'm glad you said that because I think you're father's pretty set on the idea after we talked."
"And to think, he wanted me to Lord Harrington first? You're a much better choice."
"I love you, your highness." He pulled away to smile at you. You rolled your eyes at the name.
"I love you too, thief."
"Hey-"  You laughed softly before pulling him to you, capturing his lips with your own.
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teddy-boar · 2 years
Historical!AU, with rich noble girl Christine Cunningham and stable boy Edward Munson:
Chrissy's family is moderately noble, having some distant ties to a local lord but nothing too fancy. They're probably merchants or vintners.
Eddie's mom died in childbirth and his father passed away in an accident when he was four. His uncle Wayne raises him
The two kids met for the first time when Wayne deemed him old enough to start working with him in the Cunningham stable, which was when he turned 8 (it was the ye olden days, ok? so this is normal 😀) and Chrissy was 6. Instant puppy crush, but neither understood what they were feeling. Eddie used to think rich girls were just snobby spoiled little things that hated his kind, but Chrissy was different. She was kind and gentle and smart and curious. But only when they were alone. He saw glimpses of her with her parents and other nobles and she looked completely different, stiff and proper like a porcelain doll in her fancy get up.
They developed a timid little friendship over their childhood years whenever Chrissy could sneak out to come see him and the horses. He taught her how to feed them and brush them, promising to teach her to ride someday but she was afraid her mother would reprimand her. Chrissy always had to bath herself thoroughly after a day spent with Eddie before supper came because her mother could smell the horses and the hay on her, and she didn't want to get lectured every time she went out to see her friend.
They start to spend more time together when they're in their teens after Chrissy is granted a little more freedom to roam around. And slowly, they start developing more intense feelings for each other and both are terrified.
Eddie talks to Wayne about it one day and the man immediately warns him off of it, "Because we're not the same, her people and us. We're dirt beneath their boots and they will never see us as equals. Best you bury those feelings, boy, before you get yourself in trouble."
Chrissy is specifically horrified because ever since she was born, she's been told there's only one person she's supposed to love and to one day marry, and it's the pastor's son, Jason Carver. She's met Jason a few times and he's a nice boy, he's polite, he's got great table manners and he can command the room's topic of discussion even as young as he is. But she doesn't love him, she loves.... Oh no.
So the two bury their feelings deep within, tension builds every time they are around one another because they just want to kiss the other
Cue the angst!!! The Cunninghams and the Carvers finally settle on an engagement and the kids are to be married in a few months. Chrissy withdraws herself and stops coming out to see Eddie. Eddie is just gutted but there's nothing he can do.
Quickly, the wedding day draws near and Chrissy just gets more and more depressed. And on the night before the big day, she sneaks out of the family manor, ventures out to the town, and finds the Munson home. Eddie lets her crawl into his window, unbelieving that this is actually happening, and they spend the whole night staying up just talking about all their feelings and emotions. They kiss and Chrissy feels like she can breathe for the first time in months.
"Let's run away together..." Eddie suggests, and through her tears, Chrissy says yes.
Eddie knows of an abandoned shack deep in the woods where there are rumors of witchcraft and demonic happenings around, but Eddie likes to use this place as his hideout and knows it is harmless. They rebuild the shack as well as its surrounding area and make it their home in the woods. Eddie steals livestock from a few farms in town to raise his own animals, while Chrissy gardens and plants their fruits and vegetables. They are self-sustainable, and thanks to the nefarious rumors of the area, no one ventures out here to find them. They can live in peace and quiet with just each other.
Feel free to add more or write a fic. Please write a fic of this, I beg of you. I don't have the vocabulary to write a period piece, I just really want one.
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