#how my style forever alludes me...
blubibbpo · 2 years
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a drawing from a year ago of what could have been...
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ribbononline · 9 months
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New fic by @silverjirachi out wahoo wahoo! Go support it!!
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Ever see a depiction of St. George and the Dragon? It's pretty fair to say if you've seen one, you've seen them all: Georgie on a horse stabbing a flailing dragon creature, princess piously kneeling in the background, vague landscape alluding to the homeland of the artist's patron.
The most varied part is the dragons. No one had a real definition for the thing, it seemed. For your pleasure and entertainment, I have ranked some medieval depictions based on how impressive George's feat seems once you see the dragon.
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Paolo Uccello, 1456
This is a terrifying beast. The hell is that. Uccello was one of the first experimenters with perspective, so the thing also looks surreal, like it's taking place on Mars, or a Windows 95 screensaver. I would not want to fight that, I would not want to be tied to that. (Sometimes the princess is tied to the dragon for some reason.) 10/10
Horse thoughts: Maybe if I look at the ground it will be gone when I look up
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Unknown artist, c. 1505
This is a rare change of form for the dragon; it's the only one I've seen actually flying (or at least falling with style). It doesn't look particularly deterred by the spear through its throat, either. Also, George looks appropriately nervous. On the other hand, it hasn't got teeth, it seems to be fuzzy rather than having scaly armor, and George is bolstered by his army of Henry VII and his children, most of whom definitely didn't actually die in infancy. Still, wouldn't want to fight it, wouldn't want my pet sheep near it. (Sometimes the princess has a pet sheep for some reason.) 9/10
Horse thoughts: I am so glad I wore my mightiest feather helmet for this
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Raphael, 1505
We are coming to Dragons With Problems. This guy looks about comparable in size to George, and does have wings, but doesn't seem to be using these things to his advantage (and has he only got one wing?) And how does he deal with the neck? He does have a comically small head, but holding it up with such a twisty neck seems complicated at best. But most egregiously, he is doing the shitty superheroine pose where he is somehow simultaneously showcasing his chest and his butt, with its unnecessarily defined butthole (more on this later) (regrettably). 8/10 bc it's Raphael
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The Beauchamp Hours, c. 1401
We had a spirited debate about this one at work. Again, the dragon has gotten smaller, and this one hasn't got even one wing. He's basically a crocodile. So the debate became: would you want to fight a crocodile if you had a horse and a pointy stick? Would the horse trample the animal, who can't get on its hind legs, or freak out and throw its rider? Would the pointy stick be enough to pierce the croc's thick hide? In this case, George seems to be controlling his horse and putting his pointy stick in the dragon's weak spot, so we can be impressed by his skill and strategy. However, his hat is dumb. 7/10
Horse thoughts: Dehhhh
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Book of Hours, c. 1480
Here we have the same kind of croco-dragon, but George's focus on his strategy has gone out the window. He's flailing around, not even looking at his target, he's about to lose his pointy stick, he hasn't got a hand on the reins, and his sword seems to only be poking the invisible dragon over his shoulder. All he's got going for him is that his hat is slightly less dumb. 6/10
Horse thoughts: Yay, new friend! Come play with me, new fr- what is happening
Final dragons put behind this Read More for your safety:
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Rogier van der Weyden, c. 1432
I'm thinking this guy is at least semi-aquatic. Webbed feet, wings that seem more like fins, bipedal but top-heavy, jaws that seem more for scooping than biting. Maybe she's crawled up here from the nearby body of water to lay her eggs, and this is all a big misunderstanding. Moreover, George's dagged sleeves seem entirely impractical for the situation. 5/10
Horse thoughts: i got my hed stuk in a jar and now it is this way forever
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Unknown artist, c. 15th century
I hate this. I hate everything about it. Why has it got human eyes and teeth. Why is its nose melting. Why has it got a dick on its face and balls under its chin. The fin/wings are back but they look even more useless. Also, George is shifty as hell, schlumped over in his saddle with his bowler hat thing over his eyes. The baby dragon at the bottom eating some hapless would-be rescuer is kind of metal. 4/10 at least the thing is gonna die
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Crack
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Book of Hours, c. 1450
Remember what I said about the buttholes? First, sorry. Second, yeah, we're back to that. I'll admit this one is less about the danger from the dragon itself than the very specific choices the artist has made. They didn't need to do that. It's a lizard. They don't even have. And it's like they had an orifice budget and they skipped an exit wound for the spear to focus. Elsewhere. It's so detailed. And George had an even dumber hat. 2/10 take it away
Horse thoughts: I Have Smoked So Much Weed
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Book of Hours, c. 1415
This is just bullying. There isn't even a princess. That is clearly an infant. Look at that smug look on George's face as he swings his sword that's bigger than the whole little guy. This is the equivalent of when DJT Jr. hunted those sleeping endangered sheep. 1/10
Horse thoughts: ....yikes
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And this is the previous one, but now the baby dragon is cute. He's chubby. He's got toe beans. He's Puff the Magic Dragon. His eyes have already gone white, implying that George is just kicking its corpse around for funsies. What's the difference between the dragon and the lamb in the background? That the dragon is dead, like our innocence. This George is truly deserving of the dumbest hat of all. 0/10 plus one more butthole for the road
Horse thoughts: Perhaps it is we who are the buttholes.
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tohellandback99 · 6 months
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I have been doing my stuff, as you can see. I had been gone… uhh, see;
I was getting top surgery. Mm 😌
Wendell and Wild’s one year anniversary had passed, but it wasn’t lost on me. I would like to share some words, my feelings for a moment
At the beginning of November last year, I had simply wished to watch something on Netflix for the first time in forever. I’m not much of a movie or tv show person-I’m more of a gamer. (Unless it’s a stop-motion film)
Anyway, I saw Kat’s picture on the front of the movie and my jaw felll to the floor because of, “how the HELL, did I not hear of this movie?” Which I’m only a little bit happy about because I like being surprised (ONLY when it comes to finding a good movie,) and in this case, was absolutely absolutely bewitching. Beguiling. Refreshing. but people in NETFLIX should not have thrown this to the wind. This can actually help people! I read that it was made by Jordan Peele working with Henry Selick, a duo I would never have imagined but understood from their works that they would be, a wonderful pairing. And I find myself lucky that I hadn’t heard people online say that it is like Coraline because it’s not… It is BEEEEETTEEERRR! 😍 IT IS LOVE! It is my childhood fever dream doused in chocolate and fucking cheeeese *slaps table* iwantmoreofit
It was quite an emotional roller coaster of a movie. It’s one of those films that you’d say, is an “experience” as opposed to a “story.” Kat and Raul are BY FAAARRR characters that I would have liked to see on television in my childhood years. Instead of Johnny Test, Chowder, Total Drama-anything-it’s-all-the-same, and Ed, Edd, and Eddy. 😤 Kat and Raul are people that I’ve been surrounded by in my life that I prefer, and have BEEN, in my life. So much so that I struggle to call them “characters” instead of people. And I can relate and see my child selves in both Kat and Raul, A LOT. (dressed in a punk style and grew up with and enjoy quite a bit of punk music. used to have a Mohawk when I was Kat’s age! There’s more but I don’t want to say,) It was terrifying for a bit because it made me feel like I don’t exist. I can’t
I cried when she found her source, her key. And gave herself a hug and how it became one with her. The “shadow Kat.” I think. My passed therapist calls a “source” or a “core” that holds trauma, the key. 🥹 That was so intrinsically true and relative to someone doing trauma work that I’m immensely grateful. Exists. In a movie like this.
My criticisms of this movie come out of love for this movie. If I didn’t like it I wouldn’t have cared to critique it. All I wanted was more, generally. More time, because there’s a lot of interesting things that were alluded to, but left out. And that’s all!
So my art is this time, this is an art journaling thing that was never supposed to be one but I lost control and before I knew it, realized what it was becoming. It’s chaos. I’m trying not to be embarrassed of that, eeehhhhhhhh 😓 mrrp, *squint* *chirp!* I had to improvise in a way that felt right.
I drew and painted Kat, and drew her almost entirely without reference. She’s not crying because of Raul! Absolutely NOT. I was going to do something with her but didn’t have the space so I made this as a practice and, I am obviously still needing to get better at painting her. I am so much happier with how I draw her now. I drew Sweetie because I needed some sort of guardian before I continue. (She was so easy) And then, this genderbent Oogie Boogie was stuck in my head and I drew and painted her too, all villainous and imposing. It made for a great challenge I’d say
Oh yeah, right yes… RAUL, has a purple winding stair case behind him. Of course… *sips tea* yes, that’s the appropriate way to get things done simply. You know who your favorite character is when your brain suddenly is like, “hey! Let me surround him with a winding staircase 🤩” 🤭 what the hell
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pb-dot · 1 month
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The talented and kind @owlsandwich went and designed (with some input from me) a city crest for Thereafter, the post-apocalyptic fantasy city in my Serial Novel (check out the FAQ.) I am forever grateful for his wise guidance and saint-like patience with my flighty ass.
To speak briefly on the symbolism we went for with this thing. The idea was to make the crest tell the history of Thereafter and how its founders conceptualize the nascent city. The matted gold represents the nourishing, elevating nature of the magical worlds from which Thereafter is built. These worlds are places of wonder and magic, yes, but also functionally training grounds for tween adventurers from our reality, per the Portal Fantasy trope. The purple is meant to represent the majestic glories, riches and dignity of the worlds lost to The Calamity.
The Calamity itself, this impossibly large and impossibly violent destructive force, a natural disaster of the supernatural, if the reckless efficiency with which it annihilated magical worlds doesn't speak to a focused consciousness of some sort. To represent this incomprehensible disaster, we went with intersecting lines in black, representing sorrow with outline in the raguly style that is meant to represent difficulties or challenges, as well as alluding to the imagery of something being cracked or broken.
For a little while in the design progress, this was all there was, but the addition of a symbol really pulled it together for me. As it stood, the city crest represented worlds of learning and majesty forever lost to calamity, and while that's not really incorrect per se, it is a bit of a bummer for a symbol of this sort. So, we added the beacon, both to represent the calling of our protagonists, the Heroes in a sort of Gondor Calls For Aid-type of situation. In addition, I feel this beacon also functions like a sign for safe haven, a place for those whose homes have been destroyed to seek safety and, perhaps, a fresh start. It also ended up looking like the beacon cast golden light up/to the sky and down/along the ground on account of the gold color, while leaving the shadows around purple, which I thought was neat.
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taylortruther · 3 months
In the midst of all these deeply controversial and infamous lyrics of Taylor's, I've always wondered about Question, one of her most confusing songs till date for so many reasons.
First of all, for a song so obviously inspired by one of her exes, Taylor is very bold for including lyrics like "You painted all my nights a color I've searched for since" And "Does it feel like everything's just like second best after that meteor strike"???
I mean firstly I can't for the life of me pinpoint WHEN Question was written, or atleast supposed to be written. It's obviously looking back at a relationship in retrospect (hence the first lyric being "I remember") so like...was this written DURING Joe? Is she seriously saying that the two month situationship that happened more than a decade ago screwed her up that much?
Also speaking of Question, it also reminds me of the insane "star crossed lovers" and "soulmates" narrative she was hinting towards during the OG 1989 era. She was going HARD on the superlatives; We NEVER go out of style// You know for me, it's ALWAYS you// I'll NEVER forget you as long as I live// I would stay FOREVER if you say don't go etc...like it confuses me SO MUCH you have no idea.
What do you think? I really wanna hear the theories on Question. Midnights, atleast as per Taylor's own words, is a purely autobiographical album. I don't think she has ever alluded to anyone else being "the one that got away" this bad in all her other songs. It's a pretty popular theory that The 1 is also about Harry.
Anyways what do you think?
well, i think harry makes sense, given the ootw references with color and ootw intro.
as for writing those things in her present: i don't really find it strange that a writer would write about previous relationships and how they affected her. even if they affected her in a good way. i think if you look into your own past you'll find that you're still hurt, or fond, or whatever, of people in your past and they informed who you are now. and if you're an artist, maybe they still find their way into your work.
i don't pearl clutch about how joe might've felt about her writing about exes. idk. if he had an issue, they presumably talked about it.
also, this logic is funny (not laughing at you anon, but just this idea, which i've heard many times before) because it implies that taylor is unique in that she reflects on the past. but she's not. she's unique in that she puts out albums, but the rest of us still deal with our regrets, memories, the ones who got away, the what-ifs, we just suffer in silence LMAO. however, this is something i learned as i got older, because, well, regrets take time to pile up.
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izacore · 1 year
Of course Anne and Gemma hugging and crying while hearing the song doesn’t mean it’s about Gemma, but added to everything else, it all adds up. And he also didn’t say that ESNY was about Robin, and he was asked about it. And we know it’s about Robin because he alluded to it being about “receiving bad news about a family member” in a secret show (not in an interview). I think he just wanted songs to be relatable to fans, even if they were specific for him. Like, I think SOTT is very obviously about Matt Irwin but Harry didn’t mention it, even though he did talk about Matt other times.
About the stuttering, he was asked if it was about Louis. I don’t personally believe in Larry but I’m neutral on it, I’m not an anti. Whether Larry is real or not, imagine he wrote the song about his sister and is promoting it. And he gets asked if it’s about either his secret boyfriend or an ex bandmate people think is his boyfriend. Of course he’s gonna be taken by surprise and confused. Clearly he wasn’t expecting the question. And he did say “if you hear the lyrics you can tell what it’s about and I would lean towards no.” So in a gentle way being like “this isn’t romantic” (which, again, he said in an interview with USA Today in 2017 as well).
You can obviously think it’s cringe. But to me, Harry writing a sweet song about his sister and her getting emotional over it and his mom loving it so much is super cute. It doesn’t take away anything from anywhere else to me. I think making incest jokes is disrespectful because the song isn’t romantic at all it’s not sexual. It’s just sweet.
Like, even if you do think it’s romantic (I truly don’t see it at all), imagine you’re wrong and despite being so sure of what you believe it turns out it was always about Gemma and you were making incest jokes about them. Won’t you feel kinda bad? How would you feel if someone misinterpreted something you did for a family member as romantic and blamed you for it and said you’re a weirdo and creepy and made incest jokes?
Sometimes this fandom can lack so much empathy. We forget that the boys aren’t our friends and they’re people with feelings and thought processes that are completely separate to ours.
Why do you guys insist that the song being romantic would mean it's sexual when one automatically doesn't warrant the other lmao you can be romantic without commiting a sexual act, so this reasoning doesn't speak to me at all.
For me taking everything into consideration adds up to it being about Louis so we could have this conversation forever. I just don't understand why you all aren't so hell-bent on making other songs that use similar lyricism about Gemma? Sunflower? Kids in the kitchen - obviously about them playing during their childhood. Canyon Moon? Going back to his family home, since Gemma brings him home. We can go on and on, but in my opinion context matters 💁🏼‍♀️ Nothing was stopping Harry from simply laughing it off when asked the question in the interview. Also no, I wouldn't feel bad cause like you said, those people are not my friends, I don't know them, will never meet or talk to them so I can laugh about a situation where everyone is denying reality to prove that Harry Styles did not write a love song for his sister.
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bestworstcase · 1 year
I'm sorry if you're not familiar with the RWBY game Grimm Eclipse but I was wondering how you imagine Salem interacting with the games antagonist Dr Merlot if they ever met.
not only have i played grimm eclipse this specific question is something i have spent a normal amount of time thinking about. although i am going to be brief (<- actually) because i may or may not have Plans™ for him
(with the asterisk here that my feeling on grimm eclipse generally is that it has interesting ideas but is also fundamentally and to its detriment a video game uninterested in worldbuilding and most of this thinking has been in the context of picking the things i like out of the broader framework of “toxic slime mutates grimm into grimmier grimm” and amalgamating those bits and pieces more thoroughly with the text being alluded to, which is to say that in my head dr. merlot isn’t trying to make bigger and badder grimm he is trying to make people, dr. moreau animal vivisection style. i have to shout out jeff williams for giving me a solid leg to stand on here bc lusus naturae Gets It.)
grimm eclipse is really interesting in this regard because i do not remotely get the sense that merlot even knows of salem, let alone knowing her personally—contrast it against V1-2 and the dearth of subtle hints toward her existence is very noticeable. so on the one hand we have an actual immortal quasi-divine grimm lady, and on the other a mad scientist trying to transform the grimm into sapient beings primarily to feed his own god complex. the grimm lady despises her creators and has dedicated untold millions of years to getting rid of them forever; the mad scientist sees the grimm as mindless raw material that he is sculpting in order to ‘perfect’ it and be worshiped by it for doing so; and, importantly, the common perception that grimm are mindless beings (or at best acquire a crude sort of intelligence over centuries if they survive long enough) does not seem to be accurate at all, as we’ve seen even very young grimm exhibiting emotion and individuality as well as coordinating with each other and even using tools (<- bricks my beloved).
i think there is a fundamental incompatibility here. i think salem would find merlot’s quest to twist grimm nature into a vehicle for self-aggrandizement repulsive, and i think merlot would both take her existence as living proof of his own rightness (that the grimm can be remade into “higher beings”) and want to subjugate her (because he styles himself as god to the grimm). it is difficult for me to imagine a scenario where they come face-to-face that doesn’t end with merlot a messy smear on the floor unless he does a very good job of masking his true ambitions—which isn’t impossible, given that merlot industries seems to have been a well-regarded corporation prior to the destruction of mountain glenn. (that he knows ozpin socially/professionally well enough to call him oz is also suggestive—while ozpin’s opinion of him now is obviously quite poor, there’s grounds to think they were on friendly terms at one point, prior to the destruction of mountain glenn and subsequent discoveries of what merlot industries had been doing.)
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justdalek · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Music Ranking
Wooo, ranking time! I'll rank the episodes in a different post lol
Forgive me, I'm gonna use the knowledge that I grabbed from my dropped music minor (aka lots of music nerd talk)
I'm also gonna put out what I think each of these songs were based off of in the context of theater (my opinion, not fact in the slightest)
Happy Day in Hell (7/10)
(Based on all Broadway openers ever)
The "opening number" for the show, and Charlie's "I want" song, I think it's pretty strong. It gives the audience a great way to see the pride ring as well as locations that we are going to see later in the season. The only two things that bring it down for me is the weirdly abrupt time change to a triple meter (from what I can count the song goes from like a 4/4 to what seems like a 6/8) that feels like an unintentional whiplash effect, and the brain lyric seems a bit out of place from the rest of the song. Other than that, solid opener
Hell is Forever (9/10)
(Based on rock musical numbers, such as Fright of Their Lives from Beetlejuice)
I'm not usually a fan of rock style musical numbers, but Alex Brightman's performance knocked this number out of the park. This number also gives a great insight on how not all of Heaven is actually nice, especially in terms of their views on sinners.
Also, when the music drops out and it's just clapping sent chills down my spine, I freakn love when numbers do that
Alex, your Beetlejuice is showing-
Stayed Gone (10/10)
(Based on villain duets and talk singing, such as Master of the House from Les Miserables and Your Fault/Last Midnight from Into The Woods)
My absolute favorite number in the entire first season hands down. Vox and Alastor being petty to the max is my bread and butter. Also, the fact that this number highlights the real world thoughts of radio vs T.V./streaming is so freakn cool (saying this as a mass comm major who deals with both of these lmao).
Alastor's solo at the end is so terrifying, but uuuuugh Amir does such a wonderful job with balancing petty with sheer sadistic evil.
It Starts with Sorry (8/10)
(Based on "apology" numbers, like 'Til Him from The Producers)
This is such a cute number, especially as it's the start of Sir Pentious' redemption arc. I feel like lots of people need to listen to this song.
Respectless (8/10)
(Based on "dueling genres" such as Feed Me/Git It from Little Shop of Horrors)
I love Velvette so much here. The way that she takes control of the situation by carefully observing Carmilla while also being a #bitch was such a clever use of show don't tell. Zestial's little lyric is also smart, and a nice foreshadowing nod to episode 7. Also, I didn't think that Latin-style music mixed with hip-hop/rap would gel so nicely here.
Whatever It Takes (3/10)
(Based on power ballads such as Memory from Cats)
As I alluded to in my deconstruction of transitioning musical numbers post, this is my least favorite musical number by a landslide. I really don't like how loud Zestial's solo is (no shade at James Monroe Iglehart, I think this was the music director's choice and not his own), especially when the context is that this is a private conversation between him, Carmilla, and her daughters. Honestly, the volume becomes a consistant issue when the electric guitar riff comes in and Carmilla becomes super loud. When it's Vaggie's solo, the instrumentation feels so out of place for her as she's singing quietly. When the two come together, Vaggie is completely smothered by how loud Carmilla is singing (doesn't help that Vaggie is singing a high-ish soprano part. Carmilla is belting out the alto part with her chest voice, which is easily overpowering Vaggie belting with her head voice).
I think the kicker to the whole number is that in the context of the show at that point, Vaggie and Carmilla haven't truly met face to face, and we the audience have not known Carmilla long enough to realize that she and Vaggie have a lot in common. I do get that this number is a set up for episode 7 (which we'll get to that in a minute), but we needed just a bit more time to get to know Carmilla on a personal level as well as Vaggie to understand why they both sang this number "together"
I also dislike power ballads, and this one really did not win me over
Poison (10/10)
(Based on pop song "video" numbers, such All You Want to Do from Six)
Man, this song hits deep, especially the ending. This is a really great way of both showing and telling Angel's life before and while at the hotel when he's working for Valentino. The ending hits the hardest with him wanting an out, but he feels like he has no power nor will to leave. It's both a super catching song, and a very deep song when you understand the full context of it.
Loser, Baby (10/10)
(Based on friend number duets and "cheer up" numbers such as You're the Top and Be Like The Bluebird from Anything Goes)
This is my second favorite of the bunch. Husker spitting facts instead of sugar coating Angel's situation is such a true friend thing to do, and like with It Starts with Sorry, more people need to listen to this song. Both Angel and Husk admitting and embracing their faults is so nice to see, especially as they become closer friends after that song.
This song also has so many chromatic intervals that I love so freakn muuuch, Andrew and Sam did so good with writing this one.
Hell's Greatest Dad (9/10)
(Based on "competing" numbers such as Pirelli's Miracle Elixir from Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street)
The return of petty Alastor duet! With Hell's leader no less! This song's lyrics is really clever with showing that Lucifer- while he means well- doesn't actually know how to speak to his daughter, while Alastor is able to manipulate the situation by showing that he was indeed with the hotel since day one and essentially getting Charlie on his side since her dad has done really nothing aside from letting Charlie go to that meeting with Heaven a while back. The second half of the song really hits with the blood family vs found family argument, and it's a very interesting conflict idea for Charlie.
Devil Went Down to Georgia vs Piano Man made me cackle like a maniac.
When Mimzy interupts, I actually hated it when I first watched it. After rewatching the episode, I freakn love her interruption. That woman just saved the hotel from an all out brawl that was fixing to explode.
More Than Anything (8/10)
(Based on family duets like Happy/Sad from The Addams Family)
I'm kinda topsy-turvy about this song. Like the beginning kinda doesn't do it for me, probably because it is a slow start. When Charlie and Lucifer begin their duet, I almost thought for half a second that the writers were gonna pull a "they thought they were thinking the same thing but they actually don't" trope (I was thinking that Lucifer was thinking that Charlie was going to shut down the hotel after talking to him about his failed attempt, while Charlie was thinking that Lucifer was on board with the hotel idea). I'm super glad that they didn't do this trope at all, and the harmony between the father and daughter is just so nice to hear, gave me chills.
Welcome to Heaven (7/10)
(Based on "cheery" openers, such as Hello from The Book of Mormon)
The companion to Happy Day in Hell, this is more pop/contemporary style than Broadway, which is a nice genre to go against it (you could argue that it's new-age music vs old theater music). The way the music guides us along to how "great" Heaven is compared to Happy Day in Hell's was of showing how Hell can improve was such a nice subtle comparison. It's a cute intro song for Heaven.
You Didn't Know (9/10)
(Based on "realization" numbers like Defying Gravity from Wicked)
Ah, the revelation song. I do love the reprise of Hell is Forever, especially the change in lyrics to reflect what Heaven and Hell really is: shades of grey. I do wish that Emily's realization of the extermination was explored longer, even before the song (like Emily was becoming suspicious of Sera's actions).
Adam and Lute revealing Vaggie to Charlie had such a nice horror chord to it, I just don't like the still they used for Charlie (it looked rather silly to me)
Out for Love (8/10)
(Based on "motivation" numbers such as The More You Ruv Someone from Avenue Q)
The better version of Whatever It Takes, very catchy and has a nice message. Buuuut what still drags it down is that Carmilla and Vaggie's relationship was never built up (especially with Carmilla insinuating that she has met Vaggie before and realized that she's a fallen angel long before Charlie did).
The dropbeat did save this one tho.
Ready for This (10/10)
(Based off of "rally" numbers, such as Sister Suffragette from Mary Poppins)
I love a good rally song, especially since this song was hyped up before the episode was dropped. Charlie's worry that she'll fail her people is nicely sutible, but is prominent throughout the song, even with her brave face.
The musical references to older Broadway shows (mainly Rogers and Hammerstein, the Sherman brothers, Cole Porter, etc) gave my brain a nice scratch that I didn't know I needed.
Alastor and Rosie's duet is by far my favorite part of the song, especially because it's in a minor key to remind us that Alastor still has a sinister motive behind his decisions, with Rosie on board with it.
More Than Anything Reprise (8/10)
(Based on quiet "reprise" numbers, such as Proud of Your Boy Reprise from Aladdin)
Oh thank god, a quiet ballad at last. Ngl, all the ballads up to this point have been rather loud, so it's nice to have a quiet ballad that is also is shared between Charlie and Vaggie. Those harmonies got me to almost cry on the first viewing as Vaggie is reassuring Charlie that everything will be fine, even in the face of angelic death.
Finale (9/10)
(Based on all Broadway finale numbers ever)
Man, what a true Broadway closure. Charlie mourning Sir Pentious' death, Lucifer and the gang comforting her and raising her up by helping her rebuild the hotel, the Vee's trio, Alastor's solo, and the reprise of Happy Day in Hell melds so well.
Alastor's solo especially is so chilling compared to the rest of the upbeat song foreshadowing possibly his fate for later on? But it still doesn't deter the song in the slightest. The melody and the culmination of Happy Day in Hell is a wonderful send off to the first season!
All in all, almost all these song are full blown bangers! I can't wait for season 2's album to see what they do next!
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viir-tanadhal · 1 year
Listened to the new Lost EP songs (except living in the past which was out before) for the first time a few hours ago - Here's my first, full song impressions under the cut because I wrote a lot
The Lost Room: When they said what the inspiration of the song was (The Young Törless), I expected the music to reflect that too and have a darker sound to it. Instead, it's much lighter, but even so it has an eeriness to it I really like befitting the themes. The lyrics have a very literary style to them too with a crypticness surrounding this "the lost room" and what goes on in it. I think Neil captures the themes of the book/film very well without going into detail about what the narrator is put through explicitly. All in all, it lives up to how much they've talked about this song and wanting to release it in some form and I'm glad it saw the light of day on this EP.
I will fall: ok this is the song I knew I'd probably like before having to hear any of it because I always love their love songs. I can see why stuart price would call it "twee" because of the lyrics but one of my favorite songs from hotspot is you are the one which you could argue lyrically is like that too so of course I love this song. Neil writes yearning and romantic lyrics v well where it just feels very authentic and from his own experience and feelings - While he assumes characters very often in songs, he always puts himself and his experiences in them, and I feel like this song has some of that. It's also interesting the use of "I will fall" because of the whole Love Comes Quickly vs You Choose debate - I will fall fits into that category of falling for the other person right away in the moment, that it's somewhat out of your control, rather than the more pragmatic approach in You Choose of choosing to fall in love and choosing whether to act on it. Now I'm a bit sad this wasn't included on Hotspot, it would've fit right in with you are the one and only the dark, plus it's musically similar to happy people in a way. but I'm guessing they chose you are the one instead as the songs are fairly similar and that song has more connections to Berlin than this one. Also, given the timing of the song being written, it's interesting to think of this song as a prequel to you are the one, where that song is after the narrator has arrived to see this other person and they are committed to one another forever (also gets me wondering if the dancier version of YATO was like this too....) Even though it's a bit cheesy, Neil always delivers with love songs and I will fall for it every time :)
Skeletons in the closet: I mean, it was apparently written with their musical in mind, so of course it was going to be a little campy and full of double meaning ("padlock on the drawer" is the line where i went 👀) with that title. "Skeletons in the closet" is such a psb kind of phrase that I'm surprised it's taken this long for Neil to incorporate it. This is one I'm looking forward to hearing their commentary on because I have some idea about what the lyrics might be alluding to (the use of history and that the musical takes place late 90s-2000 gives me some ideas...) but I'm not sure without having the lyrics written out but otherwise I like it as is and Neil saying "shake and rattle those bones" kills me but in a good way
Kaputnik: Neil spoken verses are back helloooo. Right off the bat I like the piano chords on this. Obviously this song is prescient ("my tanks will drive and park on your lawn... and crush all of your flowers") and I feel like it has a nice partnering with The Dictator Decides on Super (again, like a prequel in a sense). Like Skeletons in the Closet, this is one I'd like to see the lyrics for to fully form an opinion and view of the song. The repetition of "kaputnik" doesn't bother me either as the chorus because this is a more verse driven type of song anyway. While it's my least favorite probably of the 4 new songs, I do still like it and the structure of the song.
I like all of thr music of the songs as well, Chris did a good job making it fit all of the songs, with Kaptunik's more minimal and simplistic soundscape, to the kind of bones-rattling invocation on Skeletons in the closet. They're all very well done and polished demos and I wish they had gotten b-side or album track releases as I feel like they all have great bases and the lyrics are all well done but I'm glad they've been collected together on this EP.
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larrytimelines · 2 years
Olivia's speech for ELLE Women in Hollywood - Oct 17 2022
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Olivia Wilde would be the first to say her journey to becoming one of Hollywood’s leading actresses and female directors has been far different from any man’s. The Women in Hollywood nominee spoke at ELLE’s Getty Center celebration about just that: “the burning hellfire of the misogyny that defines this business.”
Her remarks came after Don't Worry Darling co-star Kate Berlant introduced her, noting how Wilde’s filmmaking style stands out in what is still a very male-dominated industry. “We need more voices like Olivia Wilde’s in Hollywood,” Berlant said. “She’s an artist and a visionary. And the women in her movies actually drive the action. They’re not just window dressing for men’s desires.”
Although Wilde only playfully alluded to the drama surrounding her film, she nevertheless used it as a jumping-off point, joking, “You are not a woman in Hollywood until you’ve begged to be placed into a medically induced coma until your press tour is finished.”
Read Wilde’s full speech below:
"Wow. I’ve learned so much from all of you tonight—mostly that there are apparently other covers with other women on them. Which is a real curveball. I was so honored and, frankly, shocked that you all showed up for my cover party, but this makes more sense. It tracks; it’s fine.
I’ve known some of you for a really, really long time, I believe it’s been 20 minutes. Some of you I could’ve even met when I was a casting assistant; I was the one who over-served you coffee for three hours and then told you we had no bathroom or parking validation. Sorry about that. You were great; we just went another direction. So, for those of you I’ve known forever, hi again. Still me. For those of you I haven’t met yet, it’s a pleasure. I am Olivia, member of the Sigourney sisterhood. I was an actress who started producing and then finally got the courage to start directing, and I wouldn’t have started any of it at all if I knew Twitter would be invented. But here I am. It’s a real thrill to have what is undeniably the greatest job on the planet.
I’m here tonight because the wonderful Nina Garcia did me the honor of adding me to a truly extraordinary list of women who have not only inspired me forever—forever—but who forged the very shape of this industry through their hard work, bold choices, and resilience. I am gobsmacked by this moment. I am deeply grateful for the support that it represents. These opportunities like tonight, to gather as women, are crucial. They’re extremely impactful. They offer us a chance to look into each other’s eyes and say, ‘Keep going.’ Because, let’s face it, it’s not always easy to keep going. In fact, sometimes it’s tempting to excuse ourselves from the burning hellfire of the misogyny that defines this business and say, ‘Good night, good luck, I’d rather eat glass for a living.’
But we won’t let each other give up. Recently, I’ve had several opportunities to personally experience this power of encouragement from other women in this business. It often takes the form of a tight grip of your shoulders and an intense stare into your eyes and a defiant ‘Do not let them fuck with you.’ And it’s always really tempting to reply, ‘Well, if I didn’t know things were bad before, I do now.’ Just kidding; it’s always very much appreciated.
But, you know, these moments are profound. Because they’re maybe our most honest acknowledgement of a constant battle we are all fighting, in which we are allies. Relying on each other not to fall back and stop advancing because we are up against a seriously massive force of opposition that has, for centuries, tried to rein us in. If one of us steps back, we all step back.
So, no matter how much the patriarchy relies on us to cut each other down in order to weaken our collective power, we have to resist the urge to play by their self-serving rules. Remind the world and specifically our daughters that we aren’t so easily manipulated. So this evening, here tonight, thanks to Nina and to everyone at ELLE, this is one of those moments. I feel energized by you all, and I feel motivated to keep fighting through the hellfire. In some ways, the challenges are all a part of it, right? Real badges of honor, par for the course. Let’s face it: You are not a woman in Hollywood until you’ve begged to be placed into a medically induced coma until your press tour is finished. Until then, you are just a woman residing in or around the Hollywood area.
I love my life. I love my job. What more could I ask for except to be the only cover, but that’s another conversation I’ll have with Nina privately. Thank you so much. I’m deeply honored.
-Full speech transcript, Oct 17 2022. Link
Watch it here
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gratisdiamanten · 1 year
Ok my real answer is “the fic that will hurt me the least” but if I just blindly Russian roulette for pain style choose, let’s go with Permanent Havoc of Little Mistakes!
For "fic that will hurt you the least" I would say All You See Are Sympathetic Eyes, which is a slow burn csa recovery fic set in San Francisco in the 90s. Which is saying something if that's the least hurtful one, but at least the ending is satisfyingly happy and things in fact get better for the characters.
Sad one's below the cut, lowkey an essay, apologies!:
Permanent Havoc of Little Mistakes is like.... Definitely top tier horrible sad gratisdiamanten fic. Like, I'd put this one, Go in Fear of the Sun, Cherish Me to Sleep, and Apokatastasis on the same tier of just kind of hopeless, "sometimes it just doesn't get better" loving tragedy. That one's kind of based on an interest I had when I was 14 that has haunted me for years and made me think a lot about the love people have for others who may forever be completely unknown to them..
Basically, it's a fic about a community in the American Pacific Northwest trying to put together who this unidentified teen found dead in their town limits was, and then in that nonlinear format kind of increasingly alluding more and more to the person he'd been. And honestly it's obviously Max to the reader but for most of the fic he's not named, but you just learn more and more about who he was in his last months and then in the last parts of the fic who he was as a child.
Honestly, it's kind of exorcising the paranoia demons I had in my teens, addressing what tended to haunt me most and what drew me to the online communities where people worked so hard to find out who people could have been. Genuine respect and tenderness in a lot of those spaces, a lot of sadness and horror at the idea of not even being able to be properly mourned. The humanization a name gives you. The uncanniness of a poor reconstruction (Seb in this fic is vocal and adamant about how he's very sure Max did not have dark eyes). It's also about the little things that tie very disparate people together and what ultimately identifies a person, sometimes after YEARS and years.
It's also lowkey a light criticism of the true crime genre as a whole, which is more fascinated by unmasking violence rather than the ruin and the love entrenched trying to piece things together in that ruin. The aftermath and the aftershocks etc etc. More about humanization and empathy for stories you will only have fragmented parts of.
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natromanxoff · 2 years
Queen + Adam Lambert live at the First Direct Arena in Leeds, UK - January 20, 2015
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• The band performs to a crowd of 13,000 in Leeds.
“[…] On Tuesday evening, Lambert performed with gusto and, whilst alluding to Mercury and his influence (Lambert claiming during the performance that without Mercury 'I wouldn't know what I was f**king doing'), did not impersonate the late singer. Rather, he evoked all the characteristics which made Mercury a legendary showman: involving the audience, revelling in the attention and drawing focus to his fellow band members during their solo moments. Yet he still retained his own unique and highly professional manner throughout.
It is evident, 25 years after Mercury's death, that May and Taylor still miss Mercury's presence both as their friend and lead singer, with many tributes paid to him throughout the show. May performed a solo rendition of 'Love of My Life' and encouraged the crowd to participate, as Mercury often did, before the song ended with one of Mercury's performances projected on stage. Taylor later sang a touching rendition of 'These Are the Days of Our Lives' whilst images of the band, excluding the now retired John Deacon, flashed up on screens around the stage.
In many respects, this is what makes Queen great: their ability to perform both crowd pleasing anthems and heartfelt tributes to love and loss. Lambert, who may have outdone Mercury on the effeminacy scale with his performance of 'Killer Queen', also demonstrated his ability to perform in a more sombre yet still appealing fashion whilst singing 'Save Me' and 'Who Wants to Live Forever?'.
Mercury is irreplaceable but Lambert has the voice and the style to ensure his legacy lives on. May and Taylor remain at the top of their game and appeared to be greatly enjoying themselves and, more importantly, so were the audience. Ultimately, it was a flawless performance which sensitively paid tribute to Mercury's legacy. It showed how May and Taylor are still outstanding musicians, truly justifying Lambert's assessment of his two older band mates as 'rock icons'.”
- Elinor Cosgrave, Contactmusic
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By Elliot Mitchell and Danny Payne.
“[…] I Want It All, Radio GaGa, Crazy Little Thing Called Love all fit Lambert's vocals like a glove and as the crowd embraces him his charisma shines through.
But it is when Mercury makes two singing appearances on film singing Love of My Life and a Bohemian Rhapsody duet with the newbie that he completely steals the show from beyond the grave.
It almost unfairly leaves Lambert to cope with the consequences but he cleverly addresses the problem proclaiming “I love him just as much as you guys”.
Inevitably the show concludes with We Are The Champions and Lambert wears a crown – symbolically not quite as big as the one Mercury used to wear – but still a crown.
If The Show Must Go On then this killer Queen will certainly rock you.”
- Paul Jeeves, Express
“There was a point in the first half hour of last night’s two-hour show where I realised my face was hurting. It was then I realised that I’d been grinning non-stop since Brian May started thrashing out the opening chords of “One Vision”. […]”
“[…] Right at the end of the show, Brian May turned the spotlight on Adam, asking “What do you think of the new member?” At least a full minute of rapturous applause rained down. It was great to see, yet again, a stage full of world-class musicians with nothing but respect for one another, selflessly pushing each other forward to take a bow. Sheer class.”
- Mark Gilroy
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By Mark Gilroy.
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By Diana Kat.
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I Did Something Bad
A song about:
The Beards
1. Joe Jonas
2. Taylor Lautner
3. John Mayer
4. Jake Gyllenhaal
5. Connor Kennedy
6. Harry Styles
7. Calvin Harris
8. Tom Hiddleston
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>I never trust a narcissist but they love me
Several of the men could be described here. Jonas/Mayer/Gyllenhall/Harris?
>So I play 'em like a violin and I make it look oh so easy
Could be alluding to how she metaphorically plays the violin sadly at the demise of the PR relationship in her songs. Poor Taylor dumped by the mean bf.
>’Cause for every lie I tell them they tell me three
She makes them look like cheaters or mean after the relationship but some of them make up their own lies after the fact too (eg Mayer implying he was wounded over ‘dear John’). Perhaps she feels some just didn’t play fair over the arrangement behind the scenes too.
>This is how the world works, now all he thinks about is is me
They are left with endless questions after the ‘relationship’ once it’s over and they are forever branded by her as ex gf. E.g. Jake and the scarf.
>I can feel the flames on my skin, Crimson red paint on my lips, If a man talks shit, then I owe him nothing
She is offering publicity and perhaps access or collaborations to raise the guys profile in return but if they step out of line the deal is off. Calvin talked shit (‘I grew a beard to get a Grammy’ tweets) and dissed her so the deal is off.
>I don't regret it one bit, 'cause he had it coming
It wasn’t his first fuck up (caught in a Thai massage parlour)
>They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good
She’s been dating a girl and that has been breaking into the mainstream
>I never trust a playboy but they love me. So I fly him all around the world and I let them think they saved me
Tom and Taylor and the jetting around. He saved her from Calvin.
Harry was a playboy too with a womaniser rep.
>They never see it comin' what I do next. This is how the world works you gotta leave before you get left
Then she dropped them.
>I can feel the flames on my skin. He says, "Don't throw away a good thing"
Maybe one or other beard wanted to keep it going (eg Tom who seemed more into it than her).
Or this is her Dad or Scott B advising her that it’s a successful PR strategy.
>But if he drops my name, then I owe him nothin'
She’s pragmatic and ruthless, if she’s getting bad PR or any negative impact the deal is off
>And if he spends my change, then he had it comin'
If he’s costing her too much cash for no good PR return he’s out.
>They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good
It just felt so good
They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one
They got their pitchforks and proof
Their receipts and reasons
They're burning all the witches, even if you aren't one
So light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
Light me up, go ahead and light me up (light me up)
Light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
Light me up (light me up), light me up (light me up)
They say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good?
They say I did something bad
But why's it feel so good?
Most fun I ever had
And I'd do it over and over and over again if I could
It just felt so good, good
Oh, you say I did something bad
Then why's it feel so good, good?
So bad, why's it feel so good?
Why's it feel, why's it feel so good? (Bad)
It just felt so good, good
She is burning her PR narrative. Her whole brand was screwed after snakegate and she was being dragged for all her historical PR so all bets were off. Her reputation as a serial dater was a facade anyway so she doesn’t care now she’s singing about it.
Collaborative effort with:
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evaemiel · 5 months
The Cat-alayst - Week 3 of #aphabetsuperset
HUMAN. Get up.
I require sustenance, mother. SUSTENANCE.
I see how it is. Sleeping still. Why sleep so long all night, human? Why not stretch your limbs in the early morning? That’s prime time for hunting; all the little tasty morsels come out then. So easy to snatch them up, human, if you got out of your nest before dawn.
Your laziness is frankly unbecoming. I will now lick my behind in front of you to show my disdain.
Hmm? Why not catch something myself if I’m hungry?   Preposterous, the sun is up now. Besides, I already caught so many; they are sure to all be dead. I have to wait for new ones to spawn. Yes, that’s how it is.
Moreover, YOU OWE ME. No forsaking your responsibilities. So where is my brekky?
Oh, you think you can ignore Cat? Ignore cat AT YOUR OWN PERIL ! Lest I remind you of all the reasons you should be grateful to me (and thus should feed me immediately, all the time).
No, I’m not talking about my myriad of excellent qualities, of which I possess so many that it’s hardly fair to mention them. (YOU could stand to mention them more, though.)
No, what I’m alluding to is that I have changed you in so many ways. Admit it, would you be where you are today if it weren’t for me?
No, of course not! You’d lie around all day and expect someone else to take care of you!
And now, because I’m here, you have a purpose in life. Please contemplate how generous I have been and continue to be.   Also, I need some scratches below the chin, human. Yes, rrrrrrrrright therrrrrre.
It’s true, isn’t it? You wouldn’t know what to do with yourself on long, cold winter evenings until I graciously lay on your lap. You wouldn’t know the joys of the hunt or the pleasure of late-night roaming. If I didn’t remind you it was food time, would you even eat? Remember, you would not even live in this house if it weren’t for me; ‘t was I who “needed a garden”.
I herald the times of change, human. There’s a before me, and then there’s me, forever after.
And at any time, I may choose to alter your life again without warning. That is the only true nature of cat — to be the disruptor of things.
I can’t believe there are people who think they should emulate our wisdom, our acceptance of life, our contented living-in-the-moment. Ha, and they call themselves philosophers! Have you ever known me to be content? Pretentious slander. Not that I’m not wise; of course I am, but my wisdom is mine alone. Why would I go around sharing that with humans? Such a wasted effort on creatures so vain they keep reinventing the mirror in whatever metaphorical way they can. Such poor taste. Would never happen to me.
Though — if you so crave an inkling of my insights, I will give you one if you get up?
Ah finally! Let me press my scent against your leg; that seems to motivate you.
Listen. LISTEN; you need to choose to go out there and get the juicy bites, human. They won’t leap into your mouth out of their own accord. (Okay, there was that one time. Luck is sometimes the stupidity of others.)  You need to have patience, focus, fast thinking, and even faster paws. But most of all? You need to feel the moment, human, as it moves through you and guides you. All that is left is to seize it, and then — success! You got that?
Good. Now come and feed me.
Credit Image – Vintage Victorian style cat engraving. Original from the British Library. Used under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication Font – Bungee font family. Used under SIL Open Font License
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moonlightperseus · 8 months
Oh don't even worry about it! Half the time I send the anons *at* work so I can't really judge!
I also think that's more so what I do, bit then because of that I'm like "oh I guess I'm done now" bit then the second someone is like "oh comics?" I am feral. Even recently I was at work (the store I work at is doing Reno's so we had to be there to stock over night, ie: there's like 4 people in the store total) and the person I was working with was like "yeah I went to Comicon?" And I was like "why did you go to comic-con if you don't like comics?" And long story short I infodumped so much (she was at the very least, pretending to be engaged in the conversation and I will forever love her for that) that a floorer from ACROSS THE STORE was like "wow they're really nerding out over there huh."
I think so! It was like genuinely when it first came out- i had two influences, one very specific person on my tumblr (you, I believe) and then like a friend at the time.
I didn't like it either but this time it didn't stop mr- the tales however I'm not caught up on. I found them less engaging. (Granted, was that a "I don't think I like this" or a "I forgot I liked comics and now it's been months so I don't actually know what I was reading or where I was in said thing"?)
I hate zombie media (though I tend to have a lot of dreams about zombies lmao) so I understand that. I haven't read any of them or even watched an episode. I just think that's like their BIG name. (and Spawn, but I can't tell you shit about spawn)
I absolutely LOVE the new run. Like I know it's only one issue in so I'm saying that a little early but I was SO excited when Sin was mentioned. I used to write Black Canary fan fic and I had a little idea I never followed through with where Sin came back, mostly because I was just angry that she didn't exist anymore. (granted she came back as a villian, though she switches sides. I don't remember most of my thoughts but I remember designing the costume and trying to include obvious inspiration from black Canary's without being like, a direct copy. (things like fishnets, for sure, but not even full leg fishnets. Iirc it was more so kind of like pants with cut outs that showed fishnets- bit all of this is extra beside the point)) so I was OVERJOYED when she was brought back. I am so intrigued and Dinah deserves her daughter back. (I understand the sister thing in context but that's not how I see it ever)
I ALSO am so intrigued, honestly. Plus it's extra funny because if you take into consideration the Green Arrow and Black Canary run: this is the second family member of Dinah's the Amazon's have stolen.
I was really mad when the BoP movie didn't include Babs (especially since she started it, so how do you make an origin story without the origin?) But I agree that I don't mind this at all. Especially since she is mentioned and it really does keep them as bestfriends (well, it alludes to that so if you're me and you say so that means it keeps them as bestfriends) I haven't read a lot of batfam comics aside from Batwoman bit honestly I love Cass too, she shows up in one of the older runs just as a "friend" of Dinah and idk id die for her. Barda I LOVE (to be fair I am a lesbian and I do have a thing for women built like tanks) so I'm super excited to see more of her!! And I agree that I've never heard of zealot.
Harley is great too!! I was really excited for her and Dinah's relationship (because yes, those would've been injustice panels- and they are BEST friends in injustice and they own my entire heart) but I was disappointed when Harley didn't like Dinah. It makes sense in context but I'm still like hey no love her.
To be so honest I didn't even bother trying to read it but I love that you did. That makes it easier for me. I love the whole vibe of her having to plan. I feel like she'd be good at it given her time leading both the JLA and the JSA.
I'd also just like to say that I find the new bop art style beautiful
Injustice is a lot of fun, but like I said I might be biased. It's hard to say, because when I started reading it I had really only read a couple Harley Quinn and wonder woman comics and all things considered was really just a fake fan. But I read it and it turned me on to comics as a whole. (especially, since I said in my initial ask, it's what introduced me to Dinah). I would recommend it to people just starting out especially because it's the kind with such a big cast of characters you can meet new ones and get acquainted with them and it broadens your horizons so to say. (I also play the games, though "play" is a strong word because I suck at video games- I haven't gotten through either story, but my brother let me watch the lil character endings for my favourites when *he* beat them). But at the same time, yeah men. Men exist in it. Like a lot.
I also haven't finished bombshells tbch. I love the style of it but I bought the first volume and was just so sad about how much comics cost that I didn't buy another volume (95% of my comics are used, gifted, or bought from the dollarstore)
I absolutely love getting to nerd out about comics lmao so this is great-
And I will say for wlw I LOVE Secret Six, which is a villian team, and tbch I haven't gotten through the whole run (I just keep getting tired of comics as a whole, not of it) but it's written by Gail Simone at the same time as her BOP run (though I know she's hit and miss) but it involves a lesbian polyam relationship (and one of the women involved is built like Barda so that gets extra points from me)
(well tonight i’m responding while at work lol)
first can i say i openly welcome infodumping about comics!! i find the dc universe particularly sooo interesting (i’ve enjoyed some marvel comics as well, but like the world itself doesn’t intrigue me the same way?) i’ve been into superheroes ever since i discovered like the animated shows when i was a kid (i thinkkk the first one i watched was the animated avengers assemble? i watched several of them but my most beloved is the justice league (& justice league unlimited) show. in my completely unbiased opinion, i think the animated shows are a great gateway into the comics world. i devoured every single one i could find. i also really enjoyed the x-men ones & have thought about trying out some x-men comics bc of them. (but the x-men world is another one sooo fucking big idk where to begin lmao)
also god. “i forgot i liked comics and don’t remember where i was at” is SUCH a huge fucking mood god. esp bc there’s always SO GODDAMN much of comics (not that i’m complaining) it’s like. wait have i read this already?
yeah ik there was a lot of upset fans over the bop movie with it not including babs and with turning cass into an oc (which. now that i’ve actually read her comics i understand the full scale of how much they uhh. changed cass for the movie) but i am simply such a bitch for black canary and jurnee smollett dinah sooo godtier that that movie was simply everything to me lmao, i feel like it had a lot of potential to set up for a proper bop movie (one that’s not centric on harley) and like. maybe even bring in babs, they WERE doing the batgirl movie so ig it sort of makes sense if that’s why they left babs out of the first movie but like if post batgirl they added her to the movie bop lineup that could work! and then they fucking canned the batgirl movie which i’m still pissed about and now the dceu is kinda like. imploded? but i’m gonna hold on to the probably somewhat delusional hope that i will get to see jurnee smollett dinah again 😭 (also like my dream is jurnee smollett BC with luke mitchell GA, which is an especially out there dream since luke mitchell as ollie exists only in my head & heart)
also totally get the comics being expensive thing, while i have physical copies of the original bombshells run that i got thru i think a combination of being gifted and buying them for myself as a little treat, i used hoopla (online library app) to read the bombshells united run. hoopla is like my main (legal) way of reading comics tbh, however if you need an…alternative 😉 access to a LOT of comics this site has been my best friend. i do genuinely recommend trying to continue bombshells its genuinely my absolute favorite. like DC peaked with bombshells and i will die on that hill. i would love if dc gave bombshells an animated film or smth. another thing i will hold out hope for jsjsjfjsjs. i just really love dc bombshells (it definitely helps that it’s super wlw. i am a changed man from bombshells vixen and hawkgirl being a couple. and supergirl kissing lois lane <3)
i will definitely have to add secret six to my list of comics to checkout bc wlw content is always a huge win for me!!!
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