#i also don't always have the time or energy to check for the sneaky ones
gideonisms · 1 year
because I have gained more followers recently and just had to block a very obvious terf again I would like to emphasize that my personal beliefs are:
All people should have bodily autonomy
This includes the right to fuck with your gender and present how you wish, among many other things
men are not biologically superior or inferior to women, but their place in society is such that they can more often get away with abusing their power, and they frequently do so, as many people with lifelong power over others will be tempted to do
Oh my god I shouldn't have to say this but the reason women in the US are losing their rights isn't because they're losing class consciousness because more people are coming out as nonbinary
and it's bogus to expect you can change society by just making sure women never date or interact with men and they all dress the way you want and no one ever transes their gender. talking points from a christian homeschool convention in 2005.
I try to keep this blog a fun light-hearted place to talk about books I enjoy and vent about personal situations that basically don't matter. which is why I don't get into this stuff a lot. but if any of the above beliefs is a real sticking point for you then we will most likely find ourselves at odds and I don't see what value you could gain from following
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evansblues · 8 months
Temperance in reverse. If that’s a yes, it was a bad idea. At least the cards are consistent. ///
Hello I saw your cards reading for this Wedding business and if you don't mind can offer my interpretation of them. Feel free to not post if you dont want to. But seeing that Moon, Temprance(rx) 7 of swords(rx) and 7 of cups. you have 3 cards of lies, illusions,
That moon and 7 of cups topping and ending cover this reading with an air of illusion. Something is not as it seems. That 7 of swords is the card of planning and trickery and he's worst when he's Reverse. The 7 of swords is Manipulation At its finest and I don't like it with the moon and 7of cups. but when he does show up reversed you are meant to double check what you are seeing/hearing. I also note that you have two 7. 7 in tarot are usually a challenge we have after we left the stable energy of the 6. There's something that must be faced
The temperance in reverse is Inappropriate and imbalanced. So Inappropriate decisions and actions have been made. No one is thinking of the Consequences that Happen after the actions that have been taken. A reverse temperance is unhappiness and recklessness. Temperance forthought can be hidden by that moon. like putting lipstick on a pig. But with those two it always best to seek help in overcoming the challenges you face and the decision you have to make.
All and all something is not right and nothing is adding up with this wedding business with those coming out.
But its just my opinion
I like it. It’s the 8 of cups, not the 7, the 8 is about walking away. It also related to the moon traditionally, as intuition is what makes the person leave. Actually, I was wondering if this might be about a contract ending, because of the hands and the quills and the leaving. Cups are emotion, so like, fuck it it’s over. This was why I was thinking about this being a bad PR push. It could also mean someone was rash (temperance) sneaky and underhanded (the 7 swords) then someone rage quit (8 of cups). This reading has been sitting here since I pulled it. The moon, as I said, always comes up for them and often means illusions, or delusions as may be. I think I got the 8 of cups before when I read on a wedding, strange. I can tell you what I never get is any of the happy cards.
Anyway, it could mean her PR team overstepped and he either decided it’s the last straw or uses that to break the contract. I mean it’s not terrible legal advice to say “just let her go overboard, then you can do something about it.” But again, I could be wrong. Time will tell. I remain hopeful they will make it to their right paths. Call me an eternal optimist. If not, we’re still here.
Alternative interpretations are always welcome. Thank you anon, you are onto something.
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trench-rot · 7 months
3, 8, 12, 14 & 19 :3
Ahhh thank you Emily! Sorry this took longer, I've been chipping at this through the week when I've had time, hooray for weekend! I also couldn't pick and did everyone so apologies if you were only looking for one specific pairing, alas-
3. Jealousy issues?
chloe x jacob - Ehehehehehe... yeah. They both have trusting and more confident moments, but they come later on in the relationship. Immature rage cases both of them in the beginning. For being such strong minded individuals they sure are codependent, and it is not a cute look.
theo x john -Theo isn't the Jealous type. John however... is an absolute dramatic insecure pissbaby. Hurts his own feelings more than thrice.
pie x sharky -Pie isn't easily bothered, Sharky isn't either, more whiny about it than actually jealous.
8. Have an AU thought?
chloe x jacob - I have butcher shop thoughts now and again, but I've never run with it.
theo john - Boy oh boy oh boy oh BOY. Ehem. So I have a wing AU for my angel baby boys bouncing around my cranial. Very biblical. Very Lucifer/Michael coded. Very angsty. Physically restraining myself from only painting Theo and John as angels over classical pieces repeatedly over and over and over. -There are also fae John/human Theo thoughts.. the pushiness/anger to get people to say yes could so easily be translated into name grabbing. He would also be SO pretty jdhfgkzjyg
pie sharky - They don't have any extras *yet* but I feel like there will be more than a few overtime.
12. How Are there communication skills?
chloe x jacob - Being a creep who psychoanalyzes everything its easy for Jacob to read her moods often before she does, and act accordingly. Chloe is fucking exhausted and the ease of not having to use her brain to full capacity is an addictive out. That goes to say that they communicate very poorly. Jacob is in denial of most of his feelings as it is, while Chloe is a disassociation queen and lets things bottle up until everything bursts out in one go.
theo x john - Theo is excellent in communication. He's always one to consider others feelings and still say his bit, the "hey I just need to rant for a second" guy. John does communicate his emotions decently, but his emotion chart is often off kilter in high emotion circumstances. This is.. less than effective when it comes to communicating how he actually feels. It can take a few drafts for him to get to the right place.
pie x sharky - Pie's bio mom was a therapist. This means shes clinically good at communicating even if there are times she doesn't have the energy. Burning out often leads her to shutdown and talking can be too much in those moments. She can handle Sharky's more immature and direct ways of communicating either way, and the two of them are basically mind melded. Sharky is very outspoken about his feelings just in a way that's not always the most delicate.
14. How did they first meet?
chloe x jacob - Chloe and Jacob's very first encounter is one of my favorites. Jacob found her camp, with Chloe in her sleeping bag on the forest floor. His goal to capture her, he mounted her sleeping form much like you would attempt to capture an alligator. Huge commotion, she bit his hand, he knocked her out with a stick. Wasn't a whole lot she could do, arms pinned to her sides with his legs and all. I REALLY love the imagery for this that lives in my head and hope to one day be able to comm it and poster print it.
theo x john - John came up to the whitetails to check on some shipments and pick up some new Chosen to bring into the valley. They never spoke, but lots of 'sneaky' staring. John wanted to bring Theo, which Jacob shut down immediately. He wasn't going to part with his best soldier and closest thing to a friend he's had in years. The pining never stops though, and it was instant obsession for John.
pie x sharky - Pie came to Hope County as a pre-teen. Before then she grew up spending summers with her uncle, helping to run errands and keep up on the farm. Pie would run into Sharky sneaking around, and later they were in the same class before Sharky dropped out.
19. How are they at parties or gatherings?
chloe x jacob - Chloe is either intoxicated and the biggest flirt, or standing in the corner not talking to anyone at all. Party? Jacob is *outside* the building. - With gatherings when she's comfortable Chloe is very much the unhinged goblin child of the group. It takes quite a bond to pull this side out of her though, it's not common she's comfortable enough. Jacob 'capt stick in the mud' is the entity haunting the group, unless there's a rare occasions he's in a good mood with only Theo and sometimes Chloe too. He has standards to uphold.
theo x john - Theo is always a joy at gathering. Social enough, outgoing and supportive of his comrades. Chaperone with a violence tolerance, he'll let a fight play out if he thinks it'll be interesting. He's there to stitch up any of his idiots if they need it. John is a bit of an overbearing drunk, very clingy. If hes not comfortable getting wasted with the people there he's not going. - Theo and John are both professionals in gathering/meeting situations. Theo is used to holding meetings, trainings and debriefs with his men. Jacob is almost never without him, and Theo is a guest at holidays/family meetings. John having experience from his profession as a lawyer can be as put together as he needs to be, easily fooling a majority into thinking he has it all together.
pie x sharky - LIFE of the party- both of them. Pie maybe a bit safer than Sharky, but together they can lift almost anyone's spirits. They now have a routine of coming to party, and then leaving exactly 2hrs in to go play by themselves. Sharky's 'social battery' holds a much better charge than Pie's. - In gatherings, neither of them are afraid to speak their mind confidently and engage in a group setting. Pie is always one to quietly observe first, analyzing everyone in the room. Shaky is just here to have a good time, comparatively.
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Hola my loves 💙 this is a quick energy check in for whenever you see this timeless reading. Made with lots of love and care, I wish you a great day / week😚 💖✨
🎨🎭Moodboards for each Pile coming soon - turn on notifications to know when it's up☺️
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🦋💕Pick a cards list 🎴✨
Cake Pile 🎂💖
I see you emerging victorious. You may get some good news soon. Be wary of people who seek to benefit off your success.
Keep your inner circle close and confidential.
🐍Be on the lookout for betrayal. A friend or supposed well wisher could be secretly jealous.
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When you're successful people will immediately want to cast their lot in with yours but the mob will quickly turn against You if you mess up. Be wise. Don't let success go to your head🧠 Stay calm, and confident. Enjoy your wins for you've earned them ❤️
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💫Star Pile
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Everyone bitches about the boss. Don't take it personally - Matthew to Amy
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I see you taking greater control of your life and incorporating more structure and discipline. Learning to be firm with your time, resources and boundaries. Doing what's best in the long run even if you have to make some sacrifices along the way. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown. Responsible people are the least liked but that's why there's only one king for a population of thousands. Do your duty without worry if being liked. Best not to make enemies along the way but be firm and be righteous. Divine masculine energy. Authority. Power and control. Good judgement. Law abiding figure. Strict moral and legal code. You might wanna keep an eye on the expenses.
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I once knew a man who was heir to the throne of a great kingdom, he lived as a ranger and fought his destiny to sit on a throne but in his blood he was a king. I also knew a man who was the king of a small kingdom, it was very small and his throne very humble but he and his people were all brave and worthy conquerors. And I knew a man who sat on a magnificent throne of a big and majestic kingdom, but he was not a king at all, he was only a cowardly steward. If you are the king of a great kingdom, you will always be the only king though you live in the bushes. If you are the king of a small kingdom, you can lead your people in worth and honor and together conquer anything. And if you are not a king, though you sit on the king’s throne and drape yourself in many fine robes of silk and velvet, you are still not the king and you will never be one.
- C. JoyBell C.
🌈Rainbow pines
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Sneaky business going on with you? Do you feel uneasy around some people? Trust your gut. Is there something you're hiding? I'd originally intended to pick out ribbons for this Pile but heard rainbow - some of you could still be in the closet and feeling more discontent about having to lie? A parent or authority figure may be concerned about you - is there someone you could confide in? Just be responsible and discerning if you're a minor still living with your parents if you think it could go downhill.
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If this sneakiness refers to shirking off duties for school or work, your absences are not going unnoticed.
Be forewarned. Stop doing sneaky shit and use your wits. For some of you this could also be a message that some of the memories of pain you're carrying are doing more harm than good and it's best to ditch those memories in the past. Get rid of the excessive baggage. Cut some cords. You may be called to let go of some self destructive thoughts and self sabotaging behaviors. The subtle art of not giving a fuck is an excellent book to pick up if you haven't read it yet
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Hugs and kisses
💜💙💚💛🧡❤️ 💖
Your glocal tarot reader
Jahn 💖
Please like / reblog if this resonates 🌄
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nobodies-png · 3 years
Okay. So this is like, the funniest prompt that I found, wrote a bit for, and forgot about. I wrote it for a different fandom, and then thought "Organization XIII would be funny for this..." Org. XIII is turned into children and now the Reader has to (make sure they don't die) take care of them. Ages like... 4-9 because that's when children are the funniest. Do what you will with it
ngl im a sucker for old cliche prompts like these, every fandom has at least an au for this specific setting or some kindergarden au lolol
anyway here’s some HCs as to how they’d act and stuff !
Xemnas :
One of the oldest kids, but you don’t really know what to make of him. You were expecting Xemnas to still lead the rest, scare them into submission with a simple glare or something - turns out he’s rather timid. Barely speaks, you get the feeling he’s ignoring you on purpose, just makes a lot of faces and noises to indicate what he’s feeling. 
Somewhat clingy too, but unlike Demyx and Xigbar who want to get your attention through any means possible, Xemnas just grabs onto the hem of your shirt and follows you everywhere in silence. Doesn’t cause much trouble, but he doesn’t help you keep the others in check either, a true neutral I guess. 
Sometimes, he will just disappear and show up whenever you least expect him. Loves to climb and sit on tall places. Spaces out a lot. Compared to the rest, you can probably leave him to his own devices, as long as he’s not left alone with Xigbar or Larxene. 
Xigbar :
Actually the oldest, but pretty annoying and high maintenance. If he got on your nerves as his regular self, then you’re in for a fucking ride - this Xigbar is here to cause problems on purpose. He likes to talk, a lot. And it’s sucks because it’s usually endless and mindless chatter or pointing out everything that he sees. 
If he starts to get bored, he’ll scurry off to bother someone else, but it usually ends with someone crying or hurt. Don’t even bother keeping him on a leash, the bastard is too smart to be contained. 
Xigbar is one of those kids that can be extremely useful if you get him on your side, as he has no problem snitching and ratting out the others. The best way to keep him from losing his other eye or gouging out someone else’s is to bribe or trick him into helping you (just know that he can also be bribed by the other kids, Xigbar WILL betray you). 
Xaldin :
You expected Zexion to be the loner type, but turns out it’s Xaldin - he’ll always be on his own or avoiding the others, usually around the kitchen since you’ve banned everyone from going in there until they return to normal (not that they listen to you, but oh well). 
Xaldin is pretty much like those kids who hate being treated like kids and who pretend to be above the rest. While he might seem calm, it’s really easy to get him riled up, a simple “I bet you can’t do this or that” and he’s off to prove himself. 
Oddly enough, he gets jealous easily - if you give Roxas a cookie or whatever for behaving, then you GOTTA give Xaldin one too or else he’ll throw a fit. The best thing you can do with him is be honest and confess that you need him to chill the fuck out and Not Die :tm: while you take care of the others, he’ll feel all grown up because you told him the truth and will calmly stay in his room. 
Vexen :
One of the oldest kids, the stereotypical kid who only has ONE interest and won’t shut the fuck up about it, which is cute but not everyone has the patience to sit through a 6 hour talk about dinosaurs. You never expected this baby Vexen to be so into dinosaurs out of all things. Of course, just because he only talks about them, doesn’t mean he’s not curious about all that shiny lab equipment. 
You can’t keep him distracted with dinosaur books all day, he still has the heart and mind of a scientist ! Because he’s a very obvious nerd, he’s the target for a lot of members in the organization, namely Larxene - and when Vexen gets flustered or frustrated, he freezes up. Literally. He WILL freeze the entire room too.
Your best bet is to pair him up with Zexion or Xion, since they’ll gladly sit down to listen and learn. The three will gladly stay locked up in the library learning and reading. You just gotta hope Vexen doesn’t instantly crush Zexion and Xion’s dreams by ruining their fairytales with facts and logic.
Lexaeus : 
Also one of the older kids and the tallest too. This Lexaeus is just as stoic and intimidating as the original, but apparently he’s also very sensitive. Everytime he speaks to you it sounds like he might be about to cry. But he looks fine ? So you really don’t know what to do about him. 
Either way, Lexaeus is also very helpful and responsible, so you can trust him to watch over the rowdy kids and keep them relatively safe, just try not to pair him with the suuuper loud ones. 
Probably the type to take the blame and responsibility for any pranks gone wrong under his watch, even if you fully know there’s no way he’s responsible. Lexaeus is the epitome of “I just want everyone to get along”. Somehow, he’s very gentle with the others (as gentle as one can be when straight up dragging Xigbar out of the ventilation system) but he’ll break any toys and other items given to him.
Zexion :
Zexion is very very small, so you can probably understand the stress he’s going through, surrounded by these animals. Like Xemnas and Demyx, he’d be pretty clingy but he wouldn’t be able to follow you around or cling to you with all the others pushing and fighting around. 
So you can either just carry him on your shoulders or leave him with Lexaeus or Vexen as mentioned before. If not, Zexion will wander and either fall asleep in the Grey Area or find the library on his own. 
Not a problematic child, really. Zexion lacks the energy and the feralness to join any shenanigans - he's also smart enough to know that he’ll be better off listening to you and staying clear out of safety hazards. Though there’s always the chance of other members taking advantage of Zexion’s naive and curious nature.
Saix :
You were expecting him to be a tiny version of his regular self, bitter and strict. Surprisingly, he’s way more fun as a kid, glued to Axel by the hip too. They’re the duo you should look out for - Axel is the one who gets them in trouble and Saix is the one who makes sure you never notice they were behind it all. 
The one with a TERRIBLE temper right after waking up. Saix won’t hesitate to bite and claw anyone who tries to wake him up, even Axel knows better than to try. If it’s nap time, let him go, don’t even try to stop him. Don’t let anyone else near him.
Other than that ? A very nice kid in general, he feels a sense of responsibility when it comes to the younger members, so he’ll be the one to keep Axel in check whenever Zexion, Roxas or Xion are around. As for the older ones ? They’re on their own.  
Axel :
Axel is the first one to say “fuck” and it spreads like wildfire. So if you start hearing a bunch of kids swear at the top of their lungs, you know who caused it. You’ll also know because you’ll find him laughing and wheezing on the ground. 
Somewhat naive, if you tell him he can’t say “invertebrae” because it’s a swear world, he’ll believe you. But SURPRISINGLY he’s very aware of how dangerous his fire powers are - like, Axel wants to cause trouble on purpose, but he doesn’t really want anything to escalate and get anyone actually hurt. Unless it’s Vexen. If it’s Vexen, then it’s fine by him. 
You might hear “Y/N, LOOK” before seeing Axel in the kitchen casting fucking Firaga on a bag of Totinos or something. He and Demyx somehow keep getting targeted by the Dusks, who love to play pranks on them. 
Demyx :
Most likely to eat food off the ground, or anything shiny and colorful, really. He has the exact same vibes as the little brother who likes to follow people he thinks are cool to try and impress them, just to be considered a cool kid too. 
Demyx is very clingy but also a sneaky kid, he can easily cry his heart out so you’ll pay attention and protect him from people he’s pissed off. This is literally why most of the kids don’t like to be around him, cause he’s THAT kid who will ruin everyone’s funs by calling the responsible adult if he gets upset.
Instead of being musically inclined, Demyx just makes a lot of noise - constant loud humming, blowing raspberries, stomping his feet or tapping/hitting things, repeating funny noises or phrases he picks up. Probably has an old ass iPod or an MP3 you can distract him with.
Luxord :
DO YOU KNOW THOSE LITTLE KIDS WHO ARE SMARTASSES ? The ones who act like they know the mysteries of the world and give you a look of superiority because you clearly don’t know what tubby custard really is ? Yeah, that’s Luxord.
Full of fun facts that he LOVES to brag about, but most of them are fake and he’s none the wiser. You cannot correct him either because it’ll be like telling an 8 year old that Santa isn’t real. Thankfully, you don’t HAVE to correct him because that’s what Xaldin is for. 
Most likely to steal Xigbar’s eyepatch for himself and somehow convince everyone else that it was HIS eyepatch in the first place. How ? We don’t know, we just don’t know. Also Luxord might just steal little trinkets from everyone and stash them under his bed like the little creacher he is. If you can’t find your keys, you know who’s got em.
Marluxia :
A natural big brother figure. Very understanding too, even if you’ve heard from Larxene that he’s tired of everyone pulling his hair and that he might shave it all off just so they all stop. Yeah, there’s some lingering resentment in there. He’s 50/50 on being a little bastard and an angel.
Marluxia volunteers to help you take care of the other kids, mostly because he likes bossing others around and because he also likes reading books to Zexion and Xion so they fall asleep. 
LOVES to leave trails of petals and flowers wherever he goes, but REFUSES to clean up. Always seen with Larxene - Marluxia is also lowkey competitive so he sees the Axel + Saix duo as rivals. In what, exactly ? Who knows. VERY picky with food too. Actually, just very picky and petty in general.
Larxene :
The one kid who develops a personal vendetta against you from day 1. Larxene DESPISES being told what to do, so if you’re constantly telling her not to do this, to do that and whatever, she will make your life a living hell and do the opposite out of spite. 
You didn’t hear this from me, but Larxene is GENUINELY upset that she keeps accidentally zapping people whenever she plays with them. It’s really hard for her to apologize too, so you’ll have to step in a lot to de-escalate the situation.
Larxene sticks forks in outlets JUST to scare others, since she cannot get hurt at all by electricity. She just seems to enjoy making others afraid.
Roxas :
One of the youngest, Roxas doesn’t KNOW what “using your indoor voice” means, he’s either DEAD quiet or SCREAMING about how he’d like to have ice cream as a treat, please and thank you. It’s really fucking funny to see honestly. Just make sure he doesn’t sneak up on you and scare you shitless.
The type who gets dragged into shenanigans rather than cause them - he’s a very neutral and calm kid otherwise. The worst thing he can do is just steal everyone’s dessert or something because of that intense sweet tooth he’s got.
A lot of the older kids LOVE trying to get him and Xion to laugh, because Roxas has this permanent poker face AND because they both have really funny snort giggle laughs. 
Xion : 
Also one of the youngest, very sweet, patient and polite ! Xion also tends to be very clingy, always needing to hold hands with someone whenever she walks around Castle Oblivion. No one has the heart to tell her no, either.
Can get VERY VERY irritating and angry when someone tries to make fun of her or Roxas. Like a little hurricane of puppies - Xion won’t stop pestering all the meanies until she’s received a proper apology. If she somehow ends up hurting someone, she’ll insist on making up too.
Xion also tends to copy people she likes, similar to Demyx. You might catch her imitating your movements or way of speaking, or even copying the Dusks’ movements - but just make sure she doesn’t see you, Xion will explode out of embarrassment.
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Extraordinary Dragon (Part 1/6)
After about a century of me being gone and not writing a new story, I am back with a mini-series! 💙
I didn't have a good idea for a new OC so I decided to write a cute and fluffy story about Charlie training a dragon with a sad and mysterious past.
I would like to thank @am-i-space @madelineorionswan & @the-al-chemist for giving me ideas for the names of the dragons mentioned in the story. You are the best 💙 Since some of the dragons are mentioned in the later chapters I will make sure to include which dragons you named in the Masterlist for the story 💙
If you'd like to be tagged in every part the dragon with your name is mentioned please tell me and I will gladly do so 🤗
Warnings: Charlie being excited and obsessed with dragons.
Word count: 2,869
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A dragon's roar awakened me. It might sound terrifying to some, but it is a pure melody for my ears. I have been working in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary for almost 10 years now. Come to think of it tomorrow's the anniversary.
My co-workers constantly tease me, telling me that I'm a workaholic. I always disagree with them. I just love dragons and working with them. Am I a bit obsessed with the creatures? Maybe. But who wouldn't be so excited about having their dream job?
There is something so soothing working with a beast that can swallow you whole, yet if you have the right energy and you treat them right they can be more obedient than a Crup.
When I first got the job I worked with a team of researchers. Since I have never seen a dragon in real life before starting working, my boss Matthew wanted me to learn about their behavior and study them to be better prepared to do other things.
They all thought I will be bored out of my mind – because I applied for the care of dragons position and not researching – but I loved every second of it. All I had to do was wake up every morning and go to the assigned habitat and observe the dragon there and take notes. It's like reading a book about the creatures – something I did almost every day of my 7 years at Hogwarts – but you get to be around them every single day.
My mother thinks I am insane for wanting to be around such dangerous creatures and I had to promise her before I left for Romania that I will write home every day otherwise she is coming to get me at once. I guess she needs to know daily that I wasn't eaten by a dragon. The thing is that being hurt by a dragon is less likely than falling off a broom, so I don't know what she is so worried about.
The only one of my family members that knows about all my injuries and all my scars is my big brother Bill. He understands that I don't mind getting hurt and he doesn't get a heart attack every time I end up in the infirmary. It's nice to talk to someone about these things outside my workspace. Even though being a Curse Breaker isn't the safest job in the world, Bill's number of scars can't even compare to mine.
We do have protective gear and gloves but sometimes the dragon's fire and teeth are just too strong. We are lucky that we have wonderful healers that take care of us and we have remedies that heal burns within minutes so it's mostly just an annoyance.
The year after my training I worked only with Common Welsh Greens. The year after that I tamed two Antipodean Opaleyes and it was the best feeling to see them get excited and welcome me with a friendly roar every morning. Even though they were both adults it felt like dealing with two kids and it was so much fun. The latter are such sweethearts and I even taught one how to roll over. They are like dogs but bigger, way bigger.
After that, I tried to convince my boss to let me work with a more dangerous breed. It's not that I didn't like what I did but I like a challenge. I needed 2 months to convince him to let me work with 2 Chinese Fireballs and by the smirk on his face I knew I was in for a treat. They were brought to our reserve so they could breed but no matter how much others tried nobody succeeded at mating them.
When Matthew finally gave in – not seeing any harm in letting me try before they send them back – I remember I danced around my hut for a solid half an hour being so excited to work with them the next day.
I was surprised that nobody thought of the strategy I choose. It was true that they brought the dragons to us together but they didn't know each other and since nobody thought of trying to acquaint them first, I gave it a go.
After 3 days they were best mates and I gave them 4 more days to fully feel comfortable with each other before taking them to the mating habitat. I am more than proud to say that since then they have been parents 2 times. I did some great things since I started working in the Sanctuary but you never forget your first big achievement.
Due to Matthew being absolutely in awe of me succeeding after a week he allowed me to work with a bunch of Swedish Short-Snouts even though usually only a dragonologist with 5+ years of experience can work with them alone.
I was amused when I saw the faces of some of my older co-workers when they found out – thinking they were going to get the job. I love working with them even though they are the ones responsible for most of my scars. Just after the first day, one burned my entire forearm and everyone thought I was going to back off because of it but it only made me want to work with them more.
Now, after almost 10 years I have worked with every single breed of dragon except my favorite – the Hebridean Black. They are one of the most dangerous and stubborn kind and only a dragonologist with a lot of experience gets to work with them.
I got the glimpse of one when I was working with the research team but no matter how sneaky I tried to be, Matthew wouldn't let me get anywhere close to them. I even got a chance to work with a team that took care of a sick Norwegian Ridgeback even though they are considered to be the most dangerous.
A year ago I got a chance to be part of an exchange program at the Swedish Dragon Reserve and I worked with a Peruvian Vipertooth and a Ukrainian Ironbelly. My boss wasn't happy about the latter one as he reckoned I was too inexperienced to be around and try to tame the largest breed of dragons but as you can probably tell from what I told you so far, I was over the roof about it!
The Ironbelly might be the largest but they are among the least vicious ones – none of my co-workers would agree with me as most of them are terrified of them but I think they are adorable thinking since they are the biggest they are also the scariest. It's the same as with dogs – sometimes the smaller ones are more dangerous.
I got out of bed with a grin on my face. Even though I don't like to admit it I like reminiscing on my biggest achievements.
I made myself some breakfast – eggs and bacon as usual – while blasting music on my wireless. Nothing like singing while cooking and reading the letters my family sent me.
Mum and dad were going to visit George and Ron for the weekend. Bill and Fleur decided to repaint their living room. Ginny invited me to one of her games next week and Percy got another promotion.
I walked to the wall where I had a calendar hanging to mark the date of Ginny's game. It was the perfect event to meet with most of my family members and I love supporting her. I am proud of all my siblings' achievements but Ginny being the only girl among 6 boys made us all have a soft spot for her - even Percy, even though he would probably deny it if someone asked him about it.
Since I was working with three different dragons at the moment – Peruvian Vipertooth named Hel and two Romanian Longhorns Lasair and Rocker – I double-checked my schedule to see which one I am supposed to visit today. As I thought, it was Lasair. I know my schedule by heart but always check it twice– I don't want any dragon to be jealous thinking one is getting more attention from me.
My routine with the dragons was simple. First, they get their breakfast which is usually a piece of their favorite meat, except if it's our Common Welsh Green Crystal – she is the only dragon I have ever met that is a vegetarian and she mostly doesn't want to eat anything else than apples. It took us the longest time to figure out why she doesn't want to eat – vomiting out all the meat we gave her – until we moved her to an habitant with a pumpkin patch and them mysteriously disappearing overnight.
After the feeding, I like to play with them. That usually includes large balls or levitating rocks after which they can jump and run. Then it's my favorite part of the day – the flying lessons. We transport them to the part of the reserve that is built like a large stadium in the middle of the forest surrounded by mountains and it has 10 obstacles that the dragons have to learn to overcome so they are cleared for free-flying sessions.
After flying it's time for a brief pause to get the dragon back to its habitat and calm it down before giving it dinner and tucking it in.
Flying is the most fun thing we can do at our job. When Matthew told me that I am finally allowed to fly with them, I had to excuse myself and go to the bathroom because I felt like crying my eyes out. I wanted to fly on a dragon ever since I was a kid and even though I heard rumors about training them in that way, I always thought it was too good to be true.
The first time I flew on a dragon was with a dragonologist named Jim. He showed me how to properly prepare the dragon to be in the mood to have a person on its back and how to lift off and then safely land. Vulcan the Opaleye was just the loveliest when I trained with him to trust me to the point that he would allow me to fly. Even though my dream is to one day fly on a Hebridean Black, I wouldn't change my first flight for anything in the world.
Vulcan was more than obedient and so careful to make me feel comfortable and constantly made sure I was still on his back. He flew in a straight line and at an even pace making me feel so safe that I let go of his shiny scales and lifted my hands in the air. I wanted to shout from all the adrenaline and excitement that ran through me but I didn't want to startle the dragon.
It's safe to say that I didn't sleep at all that night. The second I laid in my bed I felt as if I was still in the air with Vulcan and I couldn't help but wish to do that every day.
"Good morning, Lasair. What do you want to eat this morning? Boar, deer, moose perhaps?"Lasair lifted her head sleepily at me. I teased her with the options, knowing full well that moose was her favorite. If she could speak she would ask me if I can't remember her favorite meal.
"Don't worry, you'll get what you want." I winked at her and put on my gloves before taking out my wand and levitating the big chunk of meat to her.
Lasair was one of the rare dragons that ate her food slowly, so I loved to sit down next to her and watched her chew. If Matthew saw me, he would probably murder me for sitting so close to a dragon but he doesn't know that Lasair and I have an agreement of her keeping me alive and I give her some extra meat for dinner in return.
"So, Lassy, I have some bad news." I cleared my throat as the dragon stopped chewing and tilted her head toward me. "We have to sharpen your claws today."
Lasair groaned and went back to her breakfast.
"I know, I know. Not your favorite thing to do. Trust me if it was up to me, we would rather do something more fun like play with your favorite tire or play fetch with your ball. But the boss said it was time."
Lasair didn't react to my words but laid on the ground once she finished her meal and wrapped her tail around me.
"You know that cuddling and being cute won't work on me." I chuckled. "Not this time, at least."
The dragon's nostrils started to smoke and I knew she was trying to negotiate.
"Between you and me," I whispered, "I'll throw in another piece of meat if you'll be a good girl like last time. How about some boar for dessert, huh?"
Lasair let out a gentle roar, giving me a sign that she agrees with my terms.
"That's my girl. I knew we'll find a common ground." I grinned at her and got up so we could start our day.
"Okay, Lassy. I will need you to step on this mat and do the burying motion. As if you were burying the bones of a deer." I explained when Lasair looked at the mat in confusion.
I mimicked the gesture and she copied it and walked to the mat with grace as if she was a princess.
"There you go! I am so proud of you, Lasair. You really want that extra piece of meat, huh?" I laughed to myself.
"So that is how you get all dragons to behave as if they're Crups?" I turned toward the voice and saw Matthew's amused face, observing my work with the Romanian Longhorn.
"You were never meant to find out," I said in a dramatic voice.
"Oh, it's fine." Matthew swung his hand. "You'll need all the skills."
"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brows at him as I stepped to Lasair to show her to step a bit forward so she could sharpen the claws on her back paws as well.
"Do you know what tomorrow is?" Matthew asked, observing my every move.
"No." I lied. I knew that tomorrow will be 10 years since I work in the reserve but I didn't want to boast about it.
"Come on, Charles. I know that you out of everyone here you’re the one who counts how long you are working here for." He smirked at me.
I couldn't believe it. He remembered that it's my 10th anniversary? I couldn't help but grin.
"What about it?" I tried acting casually.
"Well, the team was thinking about what to get you as a present..."
"Matt, you don't have to get me anything. You know I am just happy being surrounded by dragons." I smiled appreciatively.
"Well, how about you get surrounded by a new dragon?" He winked at me.
"What are you on about?" I narrowed my eyes at him. I was getting impatient, the excitement in me growing.
"We are getting a one-year-old Hebridean Black in a week from the MacFusty’s." Matthew started to explain. "And since you are so good at taming and being best mates with the three you’re taming now, I was thinking of assigning it to you."
"Did...did you just say a Hebridean Black?" I said in a voice that was barely a whisper. I couldn't believe what just came out of his mouth. He was going to let me work with my favorite breed?
"You heard correctly, Charles." Matthew's smirk was growing larger.
"But...but I don't have enough experience, you said so yourself. You...you should give the job to someone worthy, to someone who will know how to handle the breed." I knew that I should've just shut up and thank him for the opportunity. Working with a Hebridean Black has been my goal ever since I can remember, but I have to keep my head clear and think of what's best for the dragon.
"Thinking like this is exactly why I am giving the job to you even though I told you the last time you begged me that you need at least 7 more years before you can work with them." Something in his eyes shifted. He had the exact expression on his face as he did when he assigned me to breed those two Fireballs.
"You are up to something. What's wrong with the dragon?" I pursed my lips at him.
"Oh, the dragon is just fine. Lovely, actually. I bet you two will have a lot of fun." The sarcastic tone in his voice told me that he was hiding something from me but I didn't dare to ask him about it.
He deemed me ready to work with a Hebridean Black. To work with my favorite breed. I am not about to jeopardize that if he thinks I am the one for the job. In a week my biggest dream will come true and there was nothing in the world that could ruin that.
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i-need-air · 4 years
Meeting small Hawks.
Pairing: Hawks x Reader.
Summary: HCs about what would happen if you're sent in the past (thanks to a villain quirk) with Hawks and meet tiny Hawks.
Notes: Love the "Their kid came from the future because of this quirk thingy and now they meet their daddas" so I thought what would it be if we reversed it. Hope you enjoy! ♥
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× you coincidentally ran into each other (which happened often) when you were both patrolling
× he's always so smug and flirty with you but today he was extra about it
× like holy shit this man knows how to compliment but whatever, no big deal
× the thing is you're just at the point where you kinda lowkey are realizing you have feelings for this smug idiot but you're also kinda denying it because Hawks screams trouble, also you don't trust him; does he flirt like this with anyone??? why is he teasing you so much????? he's too hot to be real???????
× he was praising you because you reached Top 20s when someone screamed for help
× a young kid recognized you both and told you that there's a robbery he escaped from, explaining there are some guys at a jewelry store near-by so y'all just rush there
× well you kinda fell behind cuz he's like already in front of the store talking to the masked robbers like they're just chatting about the weather, although he was just negotiating and telling them casually to let the employees and the civilians inside the store out
× so when he sees you tho, he winks at you and in a blink the robbers were on the ground
× so you just alright then fucking show off 😒 because he waited for you to see him be a little shit
× so while everything is settling, you both going inside the store to check on everyone, he twists his head fastly towards you then rushes to your frame, grabbing you while you turn just in time to see another masked robber (seems he was hiding) that was about to touch your shoulder. although Hawks pulled you to him just in time, so he was barely tapped on the cheek instead of you
× and then you see white
× so when you can finally see again around you, a sensation of dizziness running through your body, you notice Hawks hugging you like really, really tight
× also... did the villain teleport you? both of you were in what seemed a random office building or sumthn
× he brushes it off but you can see that he's worried because y'all fucked up man
× he's scolding himself, he should've paid more attention but you were there, existing, so stunning and the way you rolled your eyes at him? gorgeous, like pls do it again he's a simp for u & now he's paying the price for it like boy–
× anywho! he looked around and sent some feathers to just map the place while you were trying to figure out wth was going on
× meanwhile Hawks was just noticing stuff; he knew these halls, he knew that three doors from there, he'd take Hero History class, he knew the floor below them was a training ground, he knew the door just behind them was where he–
× so you were confusion to say at least, looking at the plain white walls, searching for something, anything actually
× doors had signs on them but very vague, like that one door with the letter K on it, the others labeled C1, C2 and C3, everything spotless and dead looking
× "Sorry, dove, hate to interrupt that cute and intense thinking face of yours but we have to bolt" he said, pointing at the cameras
× so y'all just hide, you thinking without purpose but he was actually leading you somewhere, that somewhere being a floor below
× "we've been seen here and we shouldn't be" or more likely this place should have been destroyed years ago he thought but dreaded the thought of the Commission finding another kid like him
× you question where you're going but he just smirks at you
× there's no people anyway but you avoid places where cameras are pointing at so it makes you feel suspish, but you trust #2 Hero's judgment; he was #2 for a reason, right?
× you reach a door with a sign saying Surveillance and you ooooooooh real smooth for a second, big bird brain there
× and he has no difficulty unlocking it with two of his feathers (him winking at you again, show off pt. 2)
× you're basically ordered to look-out mainly cuz he didn't want you to catch a glimpse at the cameras; if the commission was doing this again, it should be Top Secret
× but what he doesn't fucking expect is to see you on the screen, legit full in the middle of the camera view (pls he cries inside why did u guys avoid all the cams–) and a tiny frame approaching you
× mainly same energy as And I OOP– plus moment of realization
× back to you: looking around super-sneaky until you hear a noise and you decide to explore around the corner but when you find nothing you turn around
× "Uhm, who are you?" you hear a tiny voice behind you and you jump in place because holy shit it was so quiet and now someone's there and you almost die of a heart attack
× turning around, ready to fight, you just find a tiny human being
× adorable human being with... weird similar eye-markings like Hawks and tiny, fluffy, adorable red wings
× you die in the spot cuz???????? adorable child cosplaying the guy you like?????????????? wait what? like? uhm bad brain bad
× so you just crouch down to his height and smile at the baby while he looks at you with big confused yellow eyes that are waaaaay too similar to Hawks'; and that freaks you out, did the mf have a love child or something because they're copy-paste
× "Are you my new teacher?" he asked again, small smile on his features and hnnnggg ♥
× but you shake your head, telling him you're just passing by
× he looks a lil disappointed but nods, fidgeting with the Endeavor in his hands, to which you laugh quietly
× "so you're a Hawks fan I see?"
× he blinks at you, golden eyes wide with confusion and he asks "who?" and u OOP–
× the kid knows who Endeavor is or at least has a plushie of him but is cosplaying as Hawks and never heard of him like??? unless??????? you calm yourself and chill because maybe he didn't know who Endeavor is and he thought it was a random toy and the cosplaying you had no actual excuse for but even worse when he just:
× "but I am a big fan of Endeavor, see?" he said, small excitement coming from him, toy still in his hands now raised in front of your vision, smol chubby hands hounding it safely but proudly
× hnnnngggg ♥ ♥
× "what's your name, little angel?" you ask him as you really try to connect the dots here
× "I'm Takami Keigo and I just moved here" he smiled at you so softly "I'm here to become a hero like Endeavor"
× you'd have to search for Hawks now because this was very, very suspicious but for now you just loved the little kid, deciding you wanted one (maybe you should snatch him 👀)
× and talking about your favorite winged hero, he was having a mental breakdown in the Surveillance room, no biggie; he figured it out while looking at the rooms on the screens, specially the training area, and then at his mini-self talking to you
× so he sends some feathers to you to drag you back to him discreetly
× nothing can be discreet with you because as you were telling smol Keigo that he's gonna be the best hero ever and so on, a feather tapped you on the back and you just screech cuz WHO DAT, you turn to see the feather and feel your soul coming back into your body
× but tiny Keigo sees it too and he's thrilled because look look i can do that too! but with smol feathers and your soul just departs from your person yet again
× because that ain't a cosplay
× that is Hawks.
× while you stop functioning as way-too-adorable-baby-Hawks uses his feathers lift the Endeavor toy to your hands, you just take it and stare
× "did you like it?" golden eyes shining proudly at you; hnnnggggg ♥️♥️♥️
× snapping out of it, you compliment him telling him he's the coolest while taking the toy from him and try to catch one of his feathers jokingly, making him do a cute giggle
× and Keigo, this time big boy Keigo is waiting behind the corner because he really doesn't want to be seen by himself? one feather waiting on the key set to delete all video footage, prepared to bolt the shit out of there yet... he was just waiting for something, not even knowing what himself
× yet he knew as you made mini-him (?) (he's still having an existencial crisis) laugh again his heart squeezes, but he doesn't have time to savor it anymore
× "Keigo, where did you go?" a male voice startled the 3 of you and you p a n i c™
× but not as much as big Hawks tho, he sends all his feathers to drag you away instantly
× the last image on smol baby Hawks is him being startled as he tried to reach for you as you were forcefully yanked away, a suited up man appearing, catching a glimpse of you for a second then alarms blowing everywhere
× Hawks had it all planned as he yanked you to his body, rushing towards an opened window, commanding his feather to delete the security footage and going back to him
× and when he jumped, you in his arms, you saw white again
× you both appear in the same location that you vanished from, just in the middle of the jewelry store as cops were walking around, secluding the zone
× Congrats, you gave the cops a frighten; good times 💕
× so you're in his arms (a g a i n but nobody's complaining 👀)
× and he just smiles down at you so tenderly you almost shiver in place, never seeing that face on him before and it makes you feel Things™, he just runs his hand on your shoulder blade as he wraps his wings closer to you two, cops just startled and confused but none of you cared
× you wanted to touch his cheek as you're finally embracing your feelings after what just happened
× you're looking at Takami Keigo
× so you move your hand and something falls out of your embrace, since y'all are high on adrenaline it spooks the f outta both
× looking at your side you see the Endeavor toy, a small, fluffy feather stuck in its small toy belt
× and you panic because yOu basically just fucking stole a toy from a little kid and you're about to tear up and he just looks at you with his brows raised cuz my boy wasn't expecting that
× "Hey, hey, it's okay" he says through a chuckle, stop being so adorable
× but no it's not okay? the smol baby loved Endeavor and you took the toy and you keep calling mini-keigo smol baby and Hawks' heart is playing heavy metal in his chest and he has this goofy stupid adorable smile on his face and
× he leans down to kiss you
× soft, sweet, he breathes you in yet keeps the smile on his lips
× "Mini-me didn't mind, I'm sure" (white lies, white lies)
× but you, all flustered, just panic again because AAAAA and you just give him the toy, telling him you're some years later but it's his to which he sees ✨ ✨ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ✨ ✨ in his mind around you while you ramble and talk and blush and oh god he loves you– wait what.
× "Well, little dove, I think I have some explaining to do" he whispered above your lips, taking in your flushed face (was living for the moment ngl) "How about we talk about it while we grab lunch? Hmm?"
× "I'd like that, Hawks."
× "Oh, when we're alone, you know what to call me." he whispered in your ear then turned to the police officers that just witnessed everything...
× wait, is that a crowd of people outside with their phones out?
× oh fu–
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Look at this smol babey! LOOK!
Art is made by the amazing @kadeart, I'm surprised I found out about them just now, they're amazingly talented. Check out all their stuff!
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
Can i get a match up, if that's ok?
I'm 5'8, but i wear boots most of the time, so 5'9-10. I'm pretty chubby but I'm not self conscious about it. But I'm also pretty strong, last time i checked i could lift about 180lbs.
I'm ace and demi-romantic. So it's likely that we would be friends first, and go really slow with the dating part of the relationship.
Im a pretty low energy person.
I've been told that I'm very thoughtful, kind and funny. I'm also very stubborn, and have a fun fact and joke for almost everything.
I have a pretty high amounts of anxiety, and i do get depressive episodes but I've gotten a bit better a pulling my self though them.
I don't prefer being out in busy areas, because i tend to get overwhelmed.
I have kinda a weird thing with food to.
I grew up with not a lot of it. So I tend to stock pile probably more then i need, and keep a list of what i have. I have some anxiety about running out of food.
If your someone that I'm close to, I'll probably ask when was the last time you ate. (Exp. "Did you have breakfast yet?" "What did you have for lunch?" ect.) I also always carry some kinda snack with me.
Hobbies: well it changes fairly often and I'm always trying out new hobbies. Currently im in to wood working, salvaging an restoring/rewiring speakers, oil pastels, and knitting. And the of course the classics standbys, music, reading, tv shows and cartoons, and naps.
I also love to learn, when it's something that caught my interest.
Weird extra: i make nests out of pillows, blankets. My bed is one big nest, and i have a smaller one on the couch.
Also, it makes something inside me very pleased/satisfied when someone i care about is all comfy-cozy.
Anyway that's all i can think of, talking about myself was surprisingly hard.
-🐌 ☕
Hello hello! It looks like you were stuck between two guys. Since I haven’t done one for him yet, let’s pair you with COFFEE (fellswap gold papyrus)
In the beginning, coffee is insanely shy and almost a bit skittish. It takes a while for him to warm up to new people, but once he does you’ll wind up with a goofy, witty and very loyal friend. Coffee is only attracted to those that he already has a close emotional bond with.
Coffee is pretty socially anxious himself, so being with him means that you’ll both struggle to talk to the cashier lol. At home dates are probably the best option.
Coffee would be good at helping with your food stockpiling. He’s a logical sort and will help keep you from buying more than you need. Coffe also doesn’t mind a SO who bags or mother hens a bit. He’ll take the reminders to eat with grace and will find it pretty caring actually.
Dating coffee includes:
Coffee’s job is actually restoring and beautifying old antiques! He’s a master at it too. He’ll be a good teacher if you’re determined to learn
Coffee loves to cuddle! Your blanket nests are his favorite to be. Just remember, he’s the big spoon. Coffee likes the feeling of curling protectively around his SO, cuddle sessions and naps together are a must for him
Coffee is a pretty big prankster himself, and he’s also sneaky as hell. Only very close friends know this about him. It’s not uncommon that you wake up to a pretty scenic picture painted on your face
If you’re wondering, the second choice was oak
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Thru the Window- Joe x Reader
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(prompt: you're living in the Netherlands with the Def Leppard crowd while they're recording Hysteria. You're Joe's girlfriend, but you're both trying to keep your relationship a secret)
Inspired by the song "Thru the Window" by REO Speedwagon (a song about this ever so classic and adorable trope. I also tried to use as many of these lyrics as possible :3D)
(June 1986)
Joe's eyes shifted over to the clock on his nightstand yet again after another five seconds had passed. He just couldn't help himself. It was 11:22, and 11:35 couldn't possibly come soon enough. A warm breeze blew through his open window, hitting the bottoms of his feet as he lay flat on his back. There was adrenaline pulsing through him so ardently that he tried to will it away, but it was no use. He was too excited, and he had to wait at least another ten minutes or so before he could act on it.
His eagerness had certainly slowed down time itself tonight, and it had definitely gotten the better of him in multiple ways.
For one thing, his leg wouldn't stop bouncing. For another thing, he'd gotten changed far too early, and was laying on his bed in his date clothes. His "date clothes" (being a rather unflattering combination of a Cheap Trick t-shirt tucked into some sweatpants) weren't meant to be anything to look at, but he wanted to be as casual as possible. The goal was to be unrecognizable (as much as you could be at this time of night), but pleasing. 
Either way, Joe knew you wouldn't mind it. To him, these 'dates' you two had weren't done for the looks. You saw each other enough that you didn't give a shit about proper attire.
Joe's hands were neatly and formally folded on his stomach as he stared up at the dark ceiling of his hotel room. With nothing to distract him, his mind was on the verge of running mad. There were so many things he could've been thinking about as he waited, such as the tremendous progress that had been made in recording the new album, whether or not the jukebox at the pub got fixed yet, or what he'd have for breakfast the next morning.
What he actually chose to think of was "Why did I turn off the light, again?"
Some answers were quite simple.
"Oh yeah. Cos' to everyone else I'm 'asleep' right now."
The light being off was just a small but vital detail to the plan you two had for the night.
Once his own question was answered, his mind moved onto the next topic: another five seconds had passed. Joe turned his head to look at the clock again. 11:23. Great.
His head angled back upwards, seeing the imaginary dots and waves of colors appear before his eyes in the dark. His leg still bounced, his hands began to weave together, and he closed his eyes to hum the first tune that came to mind. It was necessary to drown out the sound of the ticking clock in his head.
Joe inhaled slowly, and held the breath for a quick instant. Just ten more minutes, he told himself. Ten more minutes, and then he could go. Ten more minutes. Ten. Two sets of five. Five sets of two. Just ten more-
"Fuck it," he lowly said as he sat up and put on his shoes. 
Oh well. These dates weren't about being on time, either. 'On time' was late, after all. He wanted to decide when the time had come.
After slipping on his shoes, double checking that he had his wallet, and triple checking that his door was locked, Joe pushed open the window sash to create a more ideal opening to slip through. Into the darkness he went, out onto the fire escape, then he descended to the ground below. He began on the second floor, so each step lower was done with the utmost caution. 
When he reached the next level, his heart jumped upon seeing the light still on in Malvin's room. Flattening himself next to the window, Joe carefully climbed over the railing of the fire escape and lowered himself down until it was safe enough to let go. 
His feet met the ground, making a firm landing. He looked back up at the lit window and grinned under the open summer sky. He'd slipped away like a thief in the night.
Joe's legs began to move, trotting to the other side of the hotel (the side by the lake), and feeling the warm breeze rushing by his face. He couldn't help but smile; all his pent-up adrenaline was finally being put to use. 
 As always, he made sure to race for the shadows of the building to make a trail no one could follow. He was always beyond careful, making sure nobody would ever see or hear his driven intentions. It was better that no one knew. It was more fun that way for both of you.
Your silhouette became clear to him once he reached the other side, your window now visible on high. Joe slowed his run until he was a few yards from the base of the hotel. His head angled up to your room, taking note of the dim light from within. You weren't facing the window, but Joe knew you were waiting for him on this summer night. 
He could've sworn he sensed your excitement, too; he could practically hear your heartbeat. It may have been his own heightened sparks of joy pounding in his ears- as he knew he was unarguably early. Still, date night was date night, and the singer was eager to kick things off. There was no time to lose. It was time to announce his arrival.
After reaching down into the grass and locating a small stone, Joe found a trajectory from where he stood, and flung his attention getter up at your window.
Your eyes shifted over to the clock on your nightstand once another five minutes had passed. It was 11:27, and 11:35 was just around the corner. Smiling, you turned back to your mirror and leaned forward, finishing up the last bit of your makeup. A warm breeze blew through your open window, lifting thin strands of your hair up to slightly flutter in front of your eyes. 
It was true that you didn't need to dress up in any way, but your excitement had gotten the better of you. The plans for the night urged you to be dolled up at least a little bit. Who cared if it was going on midnight? You were still going out on a date, and you were still going to be in public. Some jeans and a crop top were just right for the occasion- with it being a warm and breezy night. The outfit was casual enough for the pub that you and Joe called your own, but flattering enough that you knew Joe would love it.
You drew back from the vanity and admired your appearance. Tonight would be great without a doubt. All there was left to do was wait for the man of the hour. Maybe you'd wait at the window and-
The sound of something landing behind you grabbed your attention. You turned and looked to the floor, spotting a small stone. Your eyes squinted from confusion, but your mouth angled into a smile.
To the window you went, and you gazed outside, seeing Joe down on the lawn below.
"Really?" you gently scoffed at him.
He looked a bit embarrassed, "Sorry! I didn't see it was open 'til it was too late..."
You chuckled and shook your head, turning back to stuff your wallet into your pocket and to switch off your lamp. With your room now dark, and your door locked, you slipped away through your own window, and made your way down your own fire escape.
Joe held out his hand once you were within reach, and led you down the remaining stairs.
You told him, "You're early."
He immediately retaliated, "You're lucky."
"You don't have any acquaintances living below you," he tilted his head sweetly, "When I climbed down just now, Malvin was still awake. He could've caught me, you know..."
You rubbed your thumb over his hand and scoffed, "I doubt that- you're too sneaky."
"Could say the same about you, you know," he teased back, placing his other hand on your waist and moving in closer.
"That's why we're a good fit," you declared before moving your hand to the back of his head and kissing him. Another breeze blew around you both as he locked you in the embrace.
When it was broken, he quickly stepped back and pulled on your arm, urging you to come along jokingly, "Now quick, before anyone sees-"
He dragged you forward, adding, "I've got a good feeling the jukebox is gonna be fixed tonight!"
You laughed as you began to run next to him, both of you now running freely through the night in the open street. The energy between both of you was high, making it a thrill to be alive in that moment. Such high emotion was bound to make the date night better than it'd ever been, taking you both where you'd never been before.
 Yes, you could have taken one of your cars, but then there would've suddenly been a higher chance of someone seeing that at least one of you was gone. It was just another minute detail to ensure the safety of your plan. Even the pub you and Joe normally went to was one that the others probably didn't even know existed. 
The route to get there was a simple one; you always liked to say that it was "over the bridge, five blocks east, and down a dirt road that is barely a street". You were both still running when you ran over the bridge, eager to get to your relationship's safe haven. It was only when you reached said bridge that you slowed to a normal walk. 
You hugged Joe's arm, laughing and panting as you crept around the neighborhood "It's such a perfect night- I'm so glad we planned a date tonight."
"Yeah, couldnt've asked for anything better," he grinned up at the stars, "We made an easy getaway, too."
"Not often we get nights like these. Remember the night you were in my room and Phil almost came in?"
Joe cackled up at the sky, recalling, "Ah- yeah, can never forget that one. We barely got away with that one. How did he not hear me talking?"
"I have no idea, but I've never hidden someone that fast in my life- let alone someone as big or as naked as you were."
"Oi!" he whined, "You want a date or not?"
You giggled and rested your head against his arm, "I'll behave, I swear."
"Good, cos' the fun hasn't even started yet," he warned, tenderly putting his other hand on your arm. In a few minutes, the dirt road was in sight, looking like a familiar and secret setting of a dream. At the end of the street, the glowing lights of the secluded pub were now visible.
"I'll race you," you smirked before bolting away from Joe and down the street.
Instantly, he bolted after you, "Hey!"
He caught up quickly (his long legs being an advantage), and stopped you by gripping the back of your shirt. He did his best to take you in his arms, but tripped in the process, sending you both down to the dirt at an angle. You both hit the ground laughing, rolling onto your backs and cackling up to the summer stars.
"Sorry-" Joe huffed. You both paused for a second or two, then he rolled over to quickly straddle and pin you to the ground. 
"What are you doing?" you laughed at him, as if you didn't already know. He stroked your hair back with a loving smile, leaning down and softly kissing you. He was tender for only that second before kissing his way down to your neck, making you squirm underneath him.
"Ah- Joe!" you squealed, your face flushing up, "Cut it out! We're outside-!"
"Oi!" a different voice sounded off not so far away. You both turned your heads to see the owner of the pub standing out on the front porch, sending a parental scowl at the pair of you.
"Adrian- he's mad, I tell you!" you adopted a fake tone of helplessness.
"She started it," Joe blamed with a smirk.
"You two again, huh?" Adrian scolded you, "I'll be having no filthy business at the porch of my pub, you hear? Save it for the pool room."
"Yes, dad," Joe whined, shooting a cranky scowl down at you, rolling off and helping you up. You hit him on the arm playfully, him flinching at first, then putting his arm back around you. You both faced Adrian and began to walk up to the porch.
"I haven't seen the pair of you for almost 2 weeks, what's happened with ya?" he asked.
You answered, "Ah, studio troubles."
"And you're still keepin' this a secret, I take it?"
"It's the way we like it! It's more fun that way," Joe told him, " 'Our little secret' keeps the adrenaline going. Is the jukebox working again?"
"Been working since last week," Adrian's eyes followed you both as you edged closer, "Got 6 new singles on it now."
Joe's eyes lit up, "Oh, brilliant, which ones?"
"Ah, I can't remember, you'll see them soon anyway."
You got to the porch, Adrian holding the door open for both of you. With your date a threshold away, you stopped and asked him quietly with an air of implication, "Oh, also... when will the pool room be open?"
You looked at Joe with a devious smile. He returned it to you, beaming with similar energy.
"I can have everyone out of there by midnight if that's what you want, darling," Adrian gave a single nod, a glint of understanding in his eyes.
"No need to rush it, mate," Joe clapped a hand on his shoulder, "Take your time. We've got all night, after all."
"Well I've only got until 2:30," he warned, "So I'll let you kids know as soon as I can."
"You're the best," you leaned up and kissed Adrian's cheek, "Thanks for everything, as always."
"Don't mention it, love. You two be careful, now."
Both you and Joe droned as you walked inside, "We know."
With that, you both disappeared into the warmly lit building, feeling the summer heat as well as the heat of each other. It was always a dream come true with Joe no matter what; a dream with no one else to flaunt it at except each other, and it was more than enough. 
Your own little secret world was just between the two of you, and that was the way you liked it best. That was all either of you really needed, anyway; each other.
The end
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milasartblog · 4 years
Winter holidays (part 5)
Several days passed since our crew celebrated Christmas together. Liya and Axel spent those days together, having fun and just enjoying their time. Anoli, Nazeel and Chris spent those days walking, chatting and just relaxing. Good time for Chris and Anoli to learn each other more and be sure in their feelings to each other. Lucifer of course spent those days good, but in his own way. Michael could have some time to rest before New Year.
And finally New Year Day came. Everyone got together again as they talked to each other about their time spending.
Anoli: So you were with Axel all these days?
Liya: Yep, spending time together before a new year comes~
Nazeel: Also walking like we did?
Liya: Yes, dear~ Just like you did together~
Chris (whispering to Anoli): I'm highly doubt about their time spending together. Axel looks a bit tired and....red from blush?
Anoli (whispers to Chris): I know what you're thinking. Well, Liya is like this, i can't change her nature. I just hope that Axel can still find powers to say no sometimes.
Nazeel: Momma, Mr Chris, what are you whispering?
Anoli and Chris: Nothing!
They both smiled as blushed a lot from nervous while Liya smirked and petted Nazeel.
Liya: How about you check how is Sona? Maybe he needs a company?
Nazeel: Oh, right, i need to feed him.
And Nazeel went to check Sona. Suddenly there was a ring from the door and Axel went to open it this time. Behind the door was Lucifer.
Lucifer: Hi, everyone! Sorry for being late a bit, demon traffics and so.
Axel: Demon traffics?
Liya: It's in our language "Needed to deal with little troublemakers"~ And don't worry, Lucifer, you're not late~
Lucifer: Good~
As Lucifer entered, Axel closed the door. Anoli and Chris looked at Lucifer. Chris still felt a bit uneasy after first meeting with him and yet tried to be himself.
Chris: H-Hello, Mr Lucifer.
Lucifer: Just saying my name is enough, buddy~ No need to be official. Don't worry, i will not bite~
Anoli: Oh, hi, Lucifer. Decided to meet New Year with us?
Lucifer: Well, more like to be sure that our little buddy is safe and sound.
Chris: Umm, he is? He is feeding Sona now. Oh, speaking about food, i need to check if it's ready.
Anoli: Okay, Chris, call me if need help.
She and Chris smiled as he went to the kitchen. Lucifer looked around as came to Anoli and whispered.
Lucifer: I just want to be sure that nobody will make a sudden attack on Nazeel. You know that not all angels and demons accept the fact of Nephilim's existence.
Anoli: I know. And it's honestly sad. I wish Michael was here too.
Lucifer: He will be~ Just a bit sneaky for now, if it's okay.
Anoli: Why?
Lucifer: Well, Nazeel doesn't know him in person yet, sooo-
Anoli: Oh, yeah, true, sorry. I will introduce him to Michael later.
She smiled with sweat as heard that Chris was calling her. She asked Lucifer to help Liya and Axel with setting up the table as went to the kitchen. Nazeel was helping too as Sona ate a bit and followed his owner. Everyone was doing their task and soon the table was set. Nazeel decided to change his clothes into his favourite hoodie he got on Christmas.
As everyone took their places, our crew started a celebration, chatting and laughing. Lucifer had a small chance to tell some of the stories from his life in Hell. Chris of course was a bit astonished, but Anoli reasured him that no living creatures got hurt during such stories. Nazeel was enjoying food as noticed how Anoli and Chris got closer to each other, not only like friends, but....soulmates?
After dinner, our crew decided to play a bit some board games before clock strikes twelve. Liya and Lucifer of course tried to cheat as they are demons. Anoli and Chris tried to prevent it as everyone laughed and had fun. Sona joined the fun too as moved figures a lot while Nazeel tried to put them back.
As everyone had fun, Anoli and Chris looked at each other's eyes with blush and then looked away.
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They were not sure how to start, what to say and how to react. Moreover, who will start? They couldn't hide their feelings to each other anymore. Since the moment of them meeting each other in real life and not only as a messenger and saved soul, not only as good friends.
Anoli: Chris, i-
Chris: Anoli, i-
They didn't finish the sentence as got silent again and blushed.
Anoli: Ummm, you can start first.
Chris: Oh no, ladies first.
Anoli: Well, i insists, please.
Chris: That's okay, I give you a chance.
They got silent again as looked at each other and then away with blush. For some minutes they didn't say any word while others enjoyed board gaming time. Then, Anoli and Chris looked at each other again with smile.
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Anoli and Chris: I...
They knew it was no use to take it long. They turned to each other as held their hands.
Chris: Anoli, i....i need to tell you something. For long time i have never had such amazing friend and supporter like you.
Anoli: And i haven't met such nice and amazing person like you. I know that every person is amazing in their own way. But....you're more incredible.
Chris: So as you, Anoli.
They smiled as kept holding hands. Nazeel meanwhile looked at what Chris and Anoli were doing and asked Liya.
Nazeel: Mommy, what are momma and Mr Chris doing?
Liya looked at Nazeel and then at Anoli and Chris. She smiled.
Liya: This is what we call "confessing feelings" to each other.
Nazeel: Like you did with Mr Axel?
Liya nodded as Nazeel's eyes sparkled. Axel looked at Liya and Nazeel as noticed that they were looking at someone. Lucifer got curious too.
Meanwhile Anoli and Chris didn't notice that they were watching. But did they care? The clock was almost at 12th and they knew that less time left before New Year.
Chris: You know what i will say now.
Anoli: I do. And you know what i will say too.
Chris: Hehe, yeah.
They smiled as looked at each other's eyes and in one breath they said those important three words.
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Anoli and Chris: I love you.
As those words were said, everyone got amazed. The clock was almost at 12th as Chris and Anoli got closer to each other.
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When the clock stroke 12th, they fell into deep passion kiss. The fireworks sounded outside as everyone started to cheer and were happy for them. Even Axel got surprised from such turn of event.
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Axel: "Oh wow, what a man.."
Axel thought to himself as Liya and Nazeel cheered up for Anoli and Chris.
Liya: Congratulations to both of you!~
Nazeel: Yay! Momma and Mr Chris confessed to each other!
Anoli and Chris jumped a bit from surprise as looked at everyone with deep blush. They were not expecting others watching them, but they smiled and laughed. Lucifer smiled too, as noticed that Michael was standing next to him.
Michael (whispers): Got on time?
Lucifer (whispers): Just in time~ Did you prepare fireworks?
Michael (whispers): I asked some nice people to launch fireworks. Hope i don't look too ridiculous wearing the same outfit from Christmas.
Lucifer (whispers): No, that's fine. You did great. And don't worry about outfit, it's better than just appearing all of sudden as stranger.
Michael (whispers): So did you with keeping them safe today. And you're right.
They fist bumbed with smile as Nazeel ran to Chris and Anoli, hugging them and being happy for such news.
Michael (whispers): Well, i better come back to Heaven. Gabriel needs my help.
Lucifer (whispers): Sure, don't worry. Happy New Year~
Michael (whispers): You too.
He smiled as disappeared sneakely. Lucifer looked at our crew who was smiling and cheering for new couple as smiled himself. Axel was still surprised how Chris could be so brave in such thing. He thought to himself that he has to be like this too sometimes, has to be also first to show the appreciation and love, like Liya did to him. He looked at Liya with blush.
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Liya: Now that it's official, we need to celebrate it~
Chris: I will have just cola
Anoli: Agree
Nazeel: I will have pineapple juice. I'm so happy for momma and Mr Chris.
Anoli: Me too, dear.
She smiled as petted Nazeel's hair. Axel kept thinking that it's now or never. It was one chance.
Liya: Then, i will go and bring some-
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She couldn't finish the sentence as suddenly felt Axel's lips on hers. She got blushed deeply as felt his passion kiss. When he stopped she looked at him confused.
Liya: A-Axel??
Axel: Liya, i can't hold this anymore. Since that day when we became couple, you were always the one who showed feelings to me, who made me feel loved. And i was always afraid to take step first. But I can't keep doing this anymore.
Liya was astonished by his words as everyone were surprised too, even Lucifer almost coughed.
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Liya: Axel, you...
Axel: Yes, Liya. I want to show love and support to you too. Even that you're demon, i don't care. For all of my life i have never felt like this before. I was just a boy who was never brave towards others. So, Liya, from this moment, i will always show love and support like you do.
Liya couldn't say any word for a moment. She had never felt such energy from Axel before. Usually men would not be like this towards her as she was a demon, succubus. And now seeing Axel like this. Everyone were also silent, waiting for a moment. Axel was ready to hear everything from her. But Liya only smiled and laughed lightly with blush. Axel was not sure about her reaction as everyone were confused.
Liya: Axel, you're such unpredictable boyfriend~ Why did you wait for special day to say it?~
She hugged his neck as Axel got blushed, but smiled and laughed nervously.
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Axel: Sorry, i was just not sure how you would react.
Liya: Silly, i have been waiting when you will take first step~ And i'm so proud of you~
They smiled to each other as Anoli and Chris cheered for them. Nazeel was a bit confused.
Nazeel: Did Mr Axel confess again?
Lucifer: No, buddy. He just finally became a man~
Nazeel: Really?
Lucifer: Yep. He finally took a first step and he became bravier~
Nazeel: Oh, i see. That's so great! Congratulations to Mr Axel! He is the braviest!
He said happily as Axel blushed even more from embarrassement, but smiled. Even Sona barked happily as ran around and everyone laughed.
Lucifer: Well, we forgot another thing to say~
Anoli: Oh, yeah, we totally forgot about it.
Chris: Don't worry, we can still say it now.
Nazeel: Agree! Let's say it together!
Everyone: Happy New Year!
And with such words, our crew continued celebrating the coming of new year happily. Maybe confession doesn't suppose to be on holidays. And yet, holidays make such moments even more majestic and beautiful^^
And that's the last part of winter holidays stories^^ It took longer as usual, so sorry for it^^" And yet, i still hope you will like it and will also enjoy holidays^^
Happy Holidays to you, guys^^
Anoli, Liya, Lucifer, Michael and Axel belong to @wildstarfan and @milasartblog (both me)
Nazeel, Sona and Chris belong to @captainthane
Okaria et Feria belongs to @wildstarfan @captainthane and @jenny626
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my1ns1des · 6 years
I'm kind of really frustrated I want a good cuddle and I'm so jumpy and nervous cuz I don't trust that boy he's sneaky and manipulative I won't even leave my wallet there for that reason now I don't know if he's going to rob them or what or try something or I can feel it in my bones something's Brewing that boy don't have enough good sense in them you know you're not supposed to do it my God also says it's going by that crack head of a brother I'd watch that jewelry and I watch everything else I take that string and I tie it all down there's enough of it I just want to know the piece that I missing I'm not going to talk about it to him because I doubt Jason would help me figure out what the missing pieces is cuz I don't even know if he knows I'm missing some part of the big picture is he the new puppy is that what I'm missing it could make sense but I don't think so I think it would be more obvious they would not be so frustrated with him and then the Poetry thing like a bitch stop trying to get to my man's heart that's mine I write poetry and keep it in a binder admittedly I've only shown him one thing and I don't think he even remembers that but I can do good work I mean shit I won an award for my writing before I mean no one came just like anything else I ever won but it's whatever actually that's not true I had to have my mom give me a ride to New England tech when I ranked 3 Rd in the nation 1st in the state for knowledge of Linus window and iOS terminology and hacking and she stayed...that was nice idk I still hold some resentment even for like when I was gonna put on a piano concert thing with the school I was in they didn't show ....that was the last time I played in public I was kinda embarrassed and they were like I didn't know either way I'm way off topic and I digress and it just frustrating in the more energy I put towards it it's not worth it but back to what's really important oh my God his dick felt so big in me and so good and it felt so good to just get kisses and to be cuddled and rubbed I hate that I was nervous and worried because I'm afraid to lose Jason I love him so much so he is the only one in the world that means something to me and I had a good night I needed love I needed him to be dominant I need to be wanted and loved he did all that but boy when am I going to miss him pounding me out and I'm going to miss the spanking and talking loud some of the fun things we do that turn him on and me and just hanging out naked being able to check him out and think damn you sexy and I could see him trying which I love cuz he's trying for me and it was sweet and kind and thanks I guess for noticing me and loving me and being a support system to me I guess I wish I could tell him but I don't want him to think I'm being to needy and clingy either ugh it's so hard to want to be perfect for him or just me for him I don't want to smother him and push him away but I also woory what if today's my last day on Earth I shouldn't think that way but I do I don't want to die tommorow and leave him saying I wish I said I love you more or questioning my love for him I want him to know I would be there always dead or not to help him and I hope he wouldn't forget me I'd hope hed never get over me and visit me and tell me he still loves me I think about my grandma she crys everyday he's gone I wouldn't want that for him but id want him to remember me as the boy who had his heart and the true live of his life. ...idk I'm sad now I can't keep writing
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