#i also tried to get scissors or a knife to cut some rope instead of buying it and no one wanted me to have sharp objects fihklng you i
thecherrygod · 2 years
Why does my brain create city patterns and mostly just downtown places so i can them around them in dreams I've been in those streets some dreams ago I'm sure it was the same structure and some of the same places had the same names
Like some dreams ago i was like "oh that place sells ropes" and last night's dream i actually needed rope so i went there?
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honeyctzen · 4 years
scarred leash (prologue) - m.l
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IMPORTANT: This is the prologue for my newest fanfiction and is an introductory to the main character and the themes of this story. It involves sex, bdsm, self harm and themes relating to that matter. It will also not just be sex, but have an actual story and characters falling in love. If any of this is not for you, my other works are much lighter and less “plotty”. I really hope this excites you for the rest of the story, I am very much proud of it. Thank you! - Maisie ♡
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I was sixteen when I chose to leave home without even whispering a word to anyone. Sixteen when I decided I had to go out alone into the world, to make my own way with the little experience I had gathered so far. It took a long time to map out my plan, endless days that turned into sleepless nights. I spent most of my last teenage years memorising a singular night, a night that would lead me into the next stage of my life.
My dusty countryside town was a few hours from the monumental London. I thought about the city all hours of the day, the faraway land that was London. The idea of even stepping foot in it was weird and foreign and still, it was the only place I ever wanted to go. I’d lived in one place for my entire life and rarely ever left the town, in fact I’d only left it a few times. All because of hospital trips. The idea of living away from that place was terrifying and yet, completely exhilarating. Given that back then, I’d been pretty naive to how the world works as I’d never been told of it. I wanted a nice house, nice job, maybe I would meet a nice person and we would have a nice relationship. I had come to learn as my research into London and life in general continued that it wouldn’t be that simple. Everything was complicated. If you wanted a place to live, there was several thousand procedures you had to endure. If you wanted a job, you had to have a thousand different qualifications. I thought after realising all this that my hopes of leaving were over, that was when I had begun thoroughly planning.
Through school and college I was able to obtain the qualifications I needed to move away and work in business. I knew I would have to work for a few years before I gained any sort of fulfilling job, but I had endured years of education, I understood patience. Through research I had found a small flat that I would be able to pay for with money I’d saved over the years and earnings from a job I would later procure. Life would still be difficult, I knew this. I was a young, inexperienced girl moving out to a tumultuous city, it would be dangerous. Though I had concluded long ago that dying in this new fantastical place was far better than peddling on back home, where I would die unknown, just another body in the wet dirt underneath the town church.
I knew by leaving that I was inflicting an unimaginable amount of pain upon my mother, who was as neurotic as she was suffocating. Though I understood she didn’t mean to be, I couldn’t bring myself to feel sympathy for her. My father ran, as did my older brother, leaving me and my ailing grandmother the only people she had left. I wasn’t old enough to understand why my father had just abandoned us but once I grew enough to comprehend love, pain, divorce, I got it. This town was the entire world for my mother but as I got older, she realised it wouldn’t be for me. Instead it would be a restraint.
The first time I recall my mother knowing I would be difficult is when I was eleven. I developed much quicker than most children my own age, breasts already sprouting on my chest, hair spreading over my body. There was a huge wave of name calling, little jabs at my appearance, and while I tried to ignore it, eventually it burrowed beneath my skin. That was the same year I cut myself for the first time. My fingers coiled around a pair of scissors, pressing the metal over the flesh of my arm until a litter of red scratches appeared over the pale skin. Back then, it was just a punishment, a way of controlling myself from completely losing my mind. I stopped it for a while. In natures due course, the other girls grew into their bodies and I was planted back into an unremarkable place among my peers. There was no bullying and so, I forgot about cutting myself for a couple years.
While I had physically matured much quicker than others my age, mentally, it seemed I had been halted somewhere. There appeared no reason for it but the things that my schoolmates were interested in disgusted me. When a friend first showed me porn, I remember feeling vomit rise up in my throat. A woman, bundled up with rope, a muscled, balding man arched over her. The blood curling shrieks that filled the room felt torturous. I couldn’t understand how people liked this, how they liked it enough to pleasure themselves to it. I suppose that was when my fascination with sex begun. Initially, it was hatred, a complete abhorrence for the thing, a vexation that appeared randomly and intensely. If a classmate would mention it, or describe any sort of sexual act, I felt ill. My stomach twisting uncomfortably as the boys all called out derogatory names for the women they had seen in the films and then once again, I grew to hate my body.
I was fifteen the next time I cut myself. It was much more deliberate, much more intense. I had swapped out the dull scissors, for a pocket knife a friend had gifted me. It was able to bury itself much deeper than before and immediately, with the first slice, a tsunami of relief rolled over me. Though, it was a different kind of relief than it had been those years before. I found myself thinking back to the woman I had seen in the porn, the intricate ropes that clasped themselves over her limbs, the pained screams that passed her lips. The man leaning over her figure, how his fingers gripped the flesh of her waist, how he bevelled his teeth down onto her neck until it bled. I found myself recalling each detail of the images I had seen so long ago, and I found myself cutting down into the flesh as the memories scurried across my brain.
I felt guilty afterward, an awful guilt that followed me around for weeks. But then, a boy would mention shapes they had seen in porn and suddenly, I would feel the urge to damage myself again. It spiralled quickly. So quickly that I, myself, was shocked. Instead of recalling images I had seen, I created my own imaginations. Blurred, colourless visions of violence, and sex dulling into one, all as I pulled a knife against my own skin. It continued for months, months of fantasies and cutting and by the time my sixteenth birthday hurdled toward me, I had a plethora of thick scars covering my arms and legs. Though that didn’t faze me when finally, three years after all my friends, my mother bought me a cell phone.  
She would scour over the phone from time to time, checking my messages, calls, emails, and all other forms of communication. Yet, of all the applications on the phone, my mother was the most ignorant to the internet. She didn’t understand the concept of it, let alone know it was built into the mobile and so, I was able to roam free for the first time. And I roamed. My inexperience meant I didn’t know what sites to go to, nor did I know which keywords to search. The titles of the videos that came up almost seemed to be in a foreign language but after a couple of trips to the websites, I gathered the premise of each category. After locking myself in the bathroom, I would go to the sites and type in words such as bondage, submissive, sadism, pain and the things I liked would appear. Though I now understood how people looked at porn, I still didn’t understand why they touched themselves to it. Merely pushing a blade into my leg as I watched seemed to be enough. I wasn’t sure if it was sexual for me, or if it was a punishment thing as it had been when I was younger.
My understanding of my own sexuality went little further than this and my adventures on the websites dwindled until they stopped. It had grown to stop making me feel any better, and so I began inflicting more serious physical harm upon myself. The hospital visits followed soon after, as did my mother’s rantings about how unhealthy that stuff all was for me. For once, she paid attention to me. It almost felt nice, deserved. But I couldn’t hold it for long, as quite abruptly, my grandmothers health began to decline. She died a while after growing sick, and the absence of her in the house made my mother somehow more insufferable. And though we lived in the same house, it was almost as if we were separated by an unseen barrier.
I didn’t completely mind, it gave me enough solitude to go about my planning. Endless research into where I could live in London, what jobs I could obtain with the qualifications I would acquire after leaving sixth form. It took a while to find what would suit me right but after I finally latched onto it, my future suddenly felt full, meaningful almost. I now had something to look forward to, something to work toward. So, I studied harder, concentrated on the daydreams of my new life away from the idle cottage town. My grandmother had left some money to both me and my mother, more to me. I insisted I was able to tend to my own finances and after long bouts of pleading, my mother agreed. I had money, two months left at sixth form and then I could leave.
Time blurs together, memories jumbling, I can barely remember the last few months back home. But what I do recall vividly, is the night I left. I had booked train tickets the week prior and planned to stay in a hotel while I found somewhere to live. I needed to be close to the central city, I knew that much, though, not much else. I’d found a job interview for admin staff at a stockbroking company. My business a level came in handy, and my odd passion for calculations and numbers did too. If I could just get this job, if I could get that flat, I could make it.
I chose to leave during the night, climbing from my bedroom window, scuttling across the streets like a fragile hedgehog. I’d never even snuck from my house once before and the first time I was, I was doing so knowing that I would never come back. With every step I took I thought I would be caught and hauled back home by my hair. Each step further from the slanted bungalow made my heart beat a little faster until, gradually my pulse slowed, and the gentle pitter of my feet grew to calm myself. Though I didn’t feel completely secure until I passed the welcome sign to the town. But once I did, I felt a weight pulled from my stomach. A sudden notion that I had done it, I had gotten away like my father and brother did years ago, like my grandmother had in death. I was now free to do everything I had lost the chance to do through my mother’s coddling. I could drink, do drugs, have sex with an endless stream of people, work. I found myself grinning as I wandered further from town, the dishevelled map directing me toward the train station. The smile pulling at my lips until I worried they would rip. And it only widened when I spotted the station, when I saw my train, when I boarded, when the train began to drift from the docile place I had called home.
I knew that now, I was reborn, I was my own person. It had taken three years to map everything, to prepare myself for life away from the secure blanket I had been smothered with all my life. But now, it had all come to fruit. I dreamt of London on the train, my head pressed against the window, my scarred legs trembling with the thought of all the things that I could do. My chest thick, and heavy with excitement.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
London was everything I had imagined and so much more. It was larger than anything I had ever seen back home, with each building bigger than the next and thousands of vehicles filling the roads. As the train eventually rolled into the city, my eyes clasped over each detail that began to emerge. The differences of the people that wandered the streets, the warmth in the chatter that clambered through the train windows. Everything was so different, so good. I found myself smiling away as I watched from my place in the tube container, my toothy grin shining back at me in the reflection. I was finally there, finally apart of everything I had read about.
Walking the streets was even better, even more real. My feet paced the same tempo as everyone else, my body dipping between the mounds of crowd as I ambled through the roads, glancing down at the map I had printed back in my murky home. The directions were confusing, each street twisting awkwardly to the next and what should have been a five-minute walk turned into two hours of working out where I was. Though eventually, after consulting several locals, I found my way to the flat I had seen in the ad weeks ago. It was in what my mother would have called a ‘ghetto area’ but it was still much larger and greater than the street I had lived on all my life. It looked a normal house though split into three different flats, with a garden leading up to the two doors and ivy climbing up the sides of the home. I’d felt nervous to knock, I wasn’t particularly sure why. Perhaps because the person to answer could have been my future roommate but now, thinking back, I shouldn’t have been.
The person that had answered was taller than me, her gangling arms hanging low, one raised to her mouth as she nursed a cigarette. She was beautiful in an odd way, striking, her nose large and hooked, hair shorted and burnt from styling. She smiled widely when she spotted my obviously anxious face, her voice pouring out in its deepness.
‘The tenant?’ She mumbled through puffs of the intensely clouded cigarette.
‘Um, yeah.’
‘Cool, cool, yeah, sorry, come in.’ Her accent was prominent, thick and harsh but calming all at once. I smiled as I stepped into the flat, the stairs immediate at the entry. I stood beside my single suitcase, my backpack still on my shoulders, her gaze dancing across them before she turned away. She climbed them ahead of me, her feet clattering against the wooden steps and I trailed behind, eyes clinging to each detail of the walls. I wanted to take in as much as I possibly could, I wanted this to be my home, my sanctuary.
Once we stood in the depth of the flat, the girl began to speak again, pulling the cigarette from her mouth for a moment. Throwing her body onto the dusty sofa and awaiting me to sit beside her. I allowed the bag to drop to the floor, my feet pushing it further from me. My lanky limbs folded in on themselves as I perched on the seat, features impossibly too bright for the dullness of the flat.
‘You’re eighteen?’
‘Nineteen.’ I corrected abruptly.
‘Okay, you just have to be eighteen to rent, but that’s fine then,’ she said, inhaling from the stick before releasing the dense cloud into the room, ‘so, um, this is it.’
‘Um, what’s your name?’ I ask quietly.
‘Oh, shit, sorry, I’m Rose, and you?’
‘Ellie.’ I mumbled.
‘Are you the owner?’
She snickered, ‘Uh, no, my uncle is so I get a discount, barely, but, it helps. Um, he doesn’t really care who moves in but I, I do, I live here, so.’
‘You’re not from here?’ She asked, finally pushing the cigarette into the ash tray that sat near her. The smell still strong but dissipating enough for me to open my mouth to speak.
‘No, I um, actually moved here today.’
‘Yeah, um, so, I’m new to this.’
‘Where you from?’
‘A little town just outside Sheffield, I, um, hated it, figured it was time to get away.’ I explained as briefly as I could, my fingers instinctively pulling on my sleeves whilst I spoke of home.
‘For a bit or are you staying here long term?’ She questioned, eyes flitting once more over the lack of things I had brought with me. It hadn’t been that I had forgot much, I hadn’t owned many things back home, not things that warranted bringing anyway.
‘Long term.’ I answered immediately.
‘And you’re gonna work here?’
‘Hopefully,’ I chuckled, ‘I have a job interview tomorrow, so, I um, I’d find work anyway, so I could pay, but,’
‘Cool, so, you want to move in then?’ She proposed, her voice soft, speaking the question as though it held no merit. My stomach churned, lips parting in another goofy smile, head nodding vigorously.
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Hi!! I am in love with your writing. The Sugar Daddy Rengoku is the bomb. Can you do it to our resident wind pillar Sanemi? 😭 Thank u
Hello, Anon! Thank you so much lol it’s still half-assed tho, so I’m trying to improve the skill here hope you saw the difference!
Thank you for the long waiting! 🌺🌸💮
Shinazugawa Sanemi x Reader (Daddy Kink) (NSFW WARNING)
Warning: Rope Play, Spanking
Sanemi opened the apartment door and slammed it back, putting out his shoes to the racks. A sigh breath escaped from his mouth
He just out for only 30 minutes but sweats were dropping like crazy from his forehead. It’s hot summer, anyone would be extremely tired.
One of his hand were occupied with plastic bags contained ice creams and the other hand was busy. His fingers were focused on the phone, making swirl movements, sometimes wavy, sometimes up and down. He didn’t have any intention to stop
He put the ice cream in the freezer and went straight to your shared bedroom
“Hey?” He knocked the door thrice.
No answer.
“Are you inside?” He actually checked on the room, but still no voice
“Ah, what a pain in the ass. She probably asleep. I’m coming.”
He twisted the knob and pushed the door in.
“Ah. I forgot.” He smirked, still fully playing his fingers on his phone. He sat down on the bed.
You were on bed, but not asleep and not looked so good either
Both of your hands were tied to the headboard. The ropes beautifully spiralling your wrist that made you attached, down to your stomach and your thighs. Your leg was bent fully at the knee, and tied just below the knee and just above the ankle.
Your face wasn’t good either. Some fabric covered your mouth, it’s not just some- it’s a tie, you bit it with all of your might. Your eyes were red and teary. Sanemi was wondering how many litres tears you wasted while he’s gone, dropping freely onto your cheek, then the sheet. Your bare chest were huffed up and down, letting heavy breath filled your lungs
The adjustment made your leg spreading wide. It’s weird because the roping didn’t force you to open your leg wider and could make you draw your legs closer to cover ‘it’
To cover the shameless of viscous liquid dripping from between your legs.
A faint buzzed sound was heard. Every time the buzz getting louder, your eye’s pupils were widened, following with your back arched to the air.
More tears were streamed down
You shivered and trembled, muttered something Sanemi couldn’t hear
“Aah, I can’t hear you. What’s the matter, little princess? Can’t talk when you were tied up and stretched your legs for me?” He caressed your hair. “How is it feel like? After your daddy went out somewhere, letting you unoccupied like this?”
He tapped his screen phone once more, controlling the wireless vibrator into modified auto-setting he made
You shook your head left and right, still muffled something
“Mm, 1000 miles.” He read the manuals on his phone. “I wonder if I could play with you from across the city if I went away for a long time.”
He looked at you once more and chuckled
“What a nice waterfall.” He pressed your soaked white-laced panties. “Seems yummy.”
You looked at him with a glimpse of hope when he finally put the tie out of your mouth.
“But you’ve been bad because you wet the sheet.” He smirked again. “My kind baby girl will never be a bad person.”
“But Daddy- Ngh!”
He suddenly spanking your left thighs, grabbing it with his claw and smacked it again, leaving some red marks.
“What a bad girl.” He took scissors from the nightstand and slowly cut your panties, revealed your fully wet pussy. He tapped 'Off’ button and pulled your wireless vibrator from there.
It’s empty, your lower part is finally empty. You finally could rest from over stimulation. The tremor on your body was decreased
Your undies looked delicious, Sanemi had to licked his lower lips
“I’m about to give you some rewards but…” He looked sad. “You’ve been bad.”
“No! Daddy, I’m sorry, I wet your precious bed. I won’t do it anymore.” You pleaded. “I will do anything so you won’t be mad again.”
“Anything?” He brings his face closer to yours.
“Mm, I will consider it if you said the magic word.”
“Daddy, please?”
“Good girl. Here’s a little gift from me.” Sanemi kissed your forehead and make a swift so your body is in between his legs.
He undone his zippers while you squirming under him.
A hot thicked length was sprang out. You could feel the blood rushed to your face.
“It’s so big, Daddy.”
“Oh, I hope you won’t forget your plead, babydoll.”
He grabbed your head, slowly pushed his length down to your mouth
Of course you choked and made a gag reflex.
“Uh-oh, you wanna be bad again?”
You closed your eyes, and slowly received his whole
“Good girl.” Sanemi slowly pushed and pulled his dick, still hung his hand onto your head. It took short period until he started to thrust in faster pace
You can’t do anything but whimpering and bucking your hips up, trying to get his attention. You even twisted your wrist, hoping it will loosen and let you go.
“Not now, honeybun.” He groaned and held your hip down. He’s so close to cum. “Fuck.”
When he cums, white thick liquid was shot out to your face. He let out heavy breath and looked down at you
“Thank you for the meal, Daddy.” You licked his cum on your lips. “I wish I could move and tapping your seed with my fingers to my mouth. They are my favourite.”
“Such a needy girl.”
Sanemi took a knife, released you from the ropes except your legs. You made a slow movement, took the rest of his cum from your face to your fingers. You licked your index finger like a kitten.
“You want more, baby girl?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“The magic word?”
“Please, please make me squealing. Please make me hopeless, please make me fully yours!”
“You asked this, baby doll.”
He positioned his head between your legs. No more wasting time, he’s licking, biting, sucking, eating out your clit and your labia without pause
You were crying in ecstasy, trying to put your leg together but he held one of your tights on the place. You also tried to hold his head but he’s too far, so you swifted to grab the sheet instead.
“Daddy, no! I’ll wet your bed again!”
“Then try to not to!”
He licked your clit tremendously, still not forget to put his fingers and thrust them in and out
You can’t hold it
You squirted on his face without warning, letting out some sweet moans escaped from your trembling lips
Sanemi didn’t mind a bit. He licked your squirt and took some with his fingers, shoving it to your mouth
You were grabbing his fingers with your little hand and started to lick your own cum.
After done it, you rest for a bit. Your chest was up and down. You let the drool streamed down from your corner lips.
“You’ve been a bad girl again.” Sanemi leaned on you, whispered on your ear.
You suddenly grabbed his neck and bites the skin, making mark there.
“Forget about the good little girl, Daddy. I’m your bad baby girl who needs your punishment.” You purposely make a playful tone.
“You dare to try me, princess.” He smirked, and spanked on your thighs. “Spread that legs wider, fucking show me how bad you will be.”
You opened your legs like he ordered too with no shame.
Again, he didn’t waste time. He thrusted his length into your lower hole with no hesitation, with fast pace from the start
You kept moaning 'Daddy’ like endless loop, you even tried to buck your hips more but no baby, do you think I will let you come sooner, Sanemi said.
He always hit the spot, the good spot that made you scream and squealing under his touch
“That’s it. Keep the good whore and I will reward you more, baby.” He pulled your hands and turned you around. Now your ass is on the air, with your head succumbed into the bed sheet
He grabbed both of your breasts, holding onto it and continued to thrust without pause.
One of his hand stopped to fondle your breast and pulling one of your hand, make it more easy to him to pound you to death, to make your mind went wild.
“Daddy! Daddy! I’m coming!!”
“Cum for me, little girl. You deserve it.”
You squirmed under his chest while he catching you up with one or two hard thrust. Both of you were screaming the pet names.
You could feel your lower part full. Sanemi pulled out and pumped his length more, making some white spot on your ass.
His cum slowly dripping from your hole, your pussy making wet sound when you turned around to see his face
He put his whole body onto yours. You let out your heavy breath
“… Are you alright, baby?”
“Um-hum, Daddy.”
“I will cut the rope.”
“Is it hurt?”
“My wrist and thighs? Yeah a little bit.”
You dipped in the bathtub with him. He grabbed your wrist and started to kiss it.
“Why don’t you say the safe words if it really hurts.”
“I agree to do this.” He sighed.
“Just so you know, I wanted to stop in the middle. I don’t want to rope you like that again.”
“It’s fine, you like it too, right?” You stood up from the bathtub, he followed behind.
He already changed the sheet before bathe. After finished wearing your shirt, he brought you tea, ice cream and biscuits.
“You must be exhausted.”
“Not really.” You threw yourself on the bed. “You even didn’t hit me that hard, Sanemi.”
“Hey, I won’t hit you that hard, beside-”
“Daddy~ Feed me please?” You playfully mewled onto his hand.
He stoned but back to earth quickly.
“Daddy will never let his baby girl starved. So, open that mouth for me, princess?”
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dammnimagines · 6 years
Writer - @dammnimagines
Requested - nope
Disclaimer - I do not own any of Baby Driver’s characters and/or ideas all credit goes to the creator and producers of Baby Driver
Pairing - Miles (Baby) X Reader
Summary – (Y/N) is taken by Doc and his team when it’s suspected that Baby is a cop.
Warning(s) - violence, swearing, and bad writing 
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(Y/N)'s sleep was interrupted by crashing coming from the living room she quickly stood, grabbing the knife that was inside the nightstand drawer next to the burner phone that hasn't rung in a good two weeks since she told Doc she wouldn't be working with him or any of his teams for at least a while since she was sick and wasn't at her best to be running from the cops but in reality she's carrying a child, Baby's child to be specific. (Y/N) hasn't told anyone but Baby about the news not wanting the word to spread to Doc in any way, she was just over two months in and it hasn’t gotten to him, thankfully. Both her and Baby were beyond excited but also scared.
With a knife in hand, (Y/N) made her way into the living room of the home she shared with Baby and Joseph; she only wore one of Baby’s shirts and a little pair of underwear, her normal sleeping attire. Upon looking at the scene in front of her, there were knocked over shelves, the kitchen was raided, and records were thrown everywhere.
"Joe!" (Y/N) yelled out even though she knew he couldn't hear her. She went to his side as he laid on the ground next to the small dining table that usually held Baby's cassettes, (Y/N) took note that they were missing before turning to Joe once more as he started signing quickly to her.
"Three robbers? Are you sure?" (Y/N) said and signed back to him but before he could sign back his eyes got wide as someone grabbed (Y/N) by her hair which she quickly and expertly got out of by grabbing their hand and spinning behind them as they let go of her hair, pushing their arm up into an uncomfortable and vulnerable position as she could easily break their arm with enough force upwards. She grabbed the gun she noticed was tucked into the waist of her attacker and pointed it at the person she noticed standing by the door. She quickly recognized it as Darling and the guy she was holding was Buddy.
"Darling?" She questioned, "What are you doing here?"
"I'm sorry, Angel." Darling said gently, using (Y/N)'s codename, the only name she knew her by. (Y/N) gave her a confused look before she heard someone come up behind her and she quickly turned coming face to face with Bats before the butt of a gun came into contact with her head knocking her out cold.
(Y/N) came out of the darkness, her head was pounding and she tried to raise her hand to her head but discovered her hands were tied together painful tight with zip ties, one of her ankles were tied with a rope to one of the legs of the table that wasn't too far away, it was pulled taunt though. She was laying on an old couch in the familiar planning room of Doc's, a piece of fabric placed in her mouth and tied behind her head.
"Where are they? What did you do with them?!" Baby yelled out and he was forced back into his seat.
"Oh, the cripple?" Bats said rolling in on Joe's wheelchair, "Oh, don't worry about him. He's good. He ain't going nowhere."
"No!" (Y/N) tried yelling out seeing Bats in Joe's wheelchair, knowing he was most likely the one who put Joe on the floor angered her. She tried rolling over to see better only to fall to the ground, she barely caught herself with her hands.
"Angel!" Baby yelled out trying to stand up only to be forced back into his seat once again by Doc.
"Ah. Ah. Ah." Doc began his warning, "I wouldn't do that if I were you. Unless you want to see her pretty face all messed up." Baby gave Doc a look that could kill.
"Why don't you play us a song Baby!" Buddy demanded more than asked as he went over to (Y/N), yanked her up to her feet by her hair and dragged her over to the table just to the right of Baby and to the left of Darling, he pulled a knife out of his pocket, "I won't hesitate the minute I get the nod from Doc to mess her up." He warned Baby, a hand still in (Y/N)’s hair, pulling her head back, exposing her neck.
With shaky hands, Baby grabbed a random cassette and put it into its player, hitting play. It was his mixtape from when Griff asked if he was slowed, (Y/N) was there and she nearly ripped his head off for saying that about Baby but he stopped her before she could put him in his lane like he needed to be. Everyone was looking at each other before Darling began laughing.
"This shit is bananas, dog. B-A-N-A-N-A-S" Darling said in a sing-song voice while playing a pen.
Doc grabbed one out of the bag that was left from being dumped onto the table, Baby and (Y/N) both knew which one it was from the casing it was in. Doc showed the rest of the team the writing on it after he investigated it: The Best News
Doc put the cassette into the player and hit play. It was dead silent as the mixtape of (Y/N) telling Baby he was going to be a dad with light music playing in the background filled the ears of the entire team.
"So that's why you haven't been picking up your burner." Doc said staring right at (Y/N).
"Leave her alone." Baby growled out.
"Baby. I will easily make it so you can see that child now instead of months from now." Doc threatened and Buddy lifted Baby's shirt that (Y/N) was wearing, exposing her stomach that was slightly rounded and putting the knife on it. This made (Y/N) whimper out of fear.
“Take these fools back to their shithole. I’ll find another driver.” Doc said, his back to everyone.
“No.” Baby quickly stood up, “you’re not getting a new driver. I’ve been on every heist since we met. I don’t screw on the cops I screw on the road.” Baby was looking at every member of the team as he spoke. “And I’m not slow, I’m fast. I’m your driver for tomorrow. I’m driving.” He looked at Doc.
“Well you heard the kid.” Darling laughed leaning forward, “he’s the driver.”
“I guess he his.” Doc said, “let go of Angel.”
Buddy listened to the command but not without forcefully pushing her down onto the table, scratching her face. Baby was at her side in an instant, untying the rope connect to her ankle.
“Doc. Let me take her home.” Baby said helping (Y/N) sit down in a chair, pulling at the cloth to get it out of her mouth.
“You better be back an hour before this heist begins.” Doc showed a little mercy and with a nod from Baby he picked up (Y/N) and went to the red car parked outside of the elevator.
“You’re gonna be okay.” Baby said as he buckled (Y/N) in for her. She couldn’t tell if he was reassuring her or himself with that statement. She only nodded.
It was barely 4 o’clock as Baby drove as fast as he could back to their home, knuckles white on the steering wheel.
“Baby. I’m okay.” (Y/N) whispered out and gently grabbed his arm, he relaxed under her touch.
“I’m sorry. This is all my fault.” Baby had arrived at their home and shut the car off, looking over at the beauty he called the love of his life. He had no headphones in and no sunglasses on. He didn’t want or need them around (Y/N).
“It’s not. Now please, I’m so tired and sore.” (Y/N) whines out and Baby quickly got out of the car, over to her side, picked her up, carried her up the stairs to the apartment and put her in their shared bed before going to help Joe and also carried him to his bed after triple checking he wasn’t hurt.
(Y/N) laid in the shared bed her fingers, that were still zip tied together, were running on her tummy gently as she smiled at the thought of the child.
“Here.” Baby came back into the room with a glass of water, pain-killing Medicine, scissors, several small rolls of bandages, and a wet rag. (Y/N) offered her hands out to him and he gently cut the zip ties to reveal the raw skin underneath, Baby gently rubbed at them before handing her the medicine and water.
“Thank you.” (Y/N) smiled at the boy. Baby took the glass from her placing it on the bedside table and grabbing the wet rag and placed it gently over my wrist, the coolness felt nice to (Y/N) as she sighed in content, Baby smiled softly to himself knowing she was now okay before lightly wrapping the bandage around her wrist and then repeated the process with her other wrist then her ankle. After Baby finished he took the rag and glass of water to the kitchen while (Y/N) decided to change shirts. 
While changing, (Y/N) did not notice that baby had come back into the room and situated himself on the foot of their bed, admiring the beauty of the woman in front of him.
“Baby! You scared me!” (Y/N) jumped when she turned around to find Baby staring at her lovingly.
“M’sorry” He mumbled and held his arms out for her to go into which she did quickly. (Y/N) now stood between his legs at the foot of their bed, his hands placed on her lower back pulling her closer to him, head resting just below her breast as (Y/N) had one hand wrapped in his hair the other was placed on his back drawing little patterns.They sat like this for several minutes in a comfortable silence. (Y/N) was the one who broke it.
“You’re going to come home to me right?” (Y/N) knew the skills Baby held when it came to driving but she still worried, she didn’t want to face the world without him.
“Of course, I’ll always come home.” Baby looked picked his head up to look at his lover, “I’ll always come home to you and our little one.” Baby pressed a kiss gently to (Y/N)’s slightly swollen belly then smiled back up at her. “Always.” 
(Y/N) smiled back at him before pressing a deep kiss to his lips as he returned it and then moved his hands to the back of her thighs to pick her up off the ground which caused both of them to let out a little laugh. Baby gently set (Y/N) down on her back on the bed as they continued their kiss, yet a few minutes later (Y/N) was the one who broke it apart.
“You’ve got to get at least some sleep.” (Y/N) said and Baby nodded laying down next to her, pulling the covers up to cover the two of them. 
“I love you.” (Y/N) said.
“I love you, too. Now get your rest and I’ll be home before you know it.” Baby told (Y/N) before kissing her forehead and pulling her close to him. She was safe in his arms.
A/N This was my first imagine on this blog, I hope you enjoyed!! I apologize for any grammar and spelling errors or if it didn’t make sense!
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roxy-davenport · 6 years
Really, Dean
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Beta: @chaosinacoffeecup
Word Count: 1,231
A/N: This was written for @webcricket’s SPN Advent Challenge Day 7 with the prompt, “Rock- paper-scissors. Kidnapping, show level violence and a TON of sass.
                  Also on AO3 (http://archiveofourown.org/works/13035990)
“We finally caught the Winchesters, Alan. Us. Two lower level demons. How awesome is that?!”
“I know, right? And they can’t even move. Completely tied to the chair with some of the strongest ropes imaginable.”
“Lucifer is going to reward us, Marvus.”
“He definitely is. I can see it now. We’ll be his two favorite demons. We’ll be revered. Demons will bow before us.”
“Yeah and they’ll think we’re clever, Alan. They won’t make fun of us anymore. We won’t have those…nicknames.”
“Oh, come on. If you’re going to drone on like this, please just kill us,” Dean said utterly frustrated with the situation. “These guys got the better of us? Wow! We should think about retiring,” Dean mused.
“Dean, you’re not helping,” Sam chimed in.
“Dean’s right, Marvus we gotta kill ‘em.”
“Okay, yeah and we shouldn’t dally. Someone might come to their rescue and all. Okay, so who kills who?”
“I wanna kill Dean,” Alan replied with a dark chuckle.
“That’s not fair!”
“Uh, yeah totally fair, Marvus. This plan was my idea after all.”
“No way. It was my idea to blindside them on a hunt.”
“Yeah, but I chose the specific hunt. Did I not, Marvus?”
Both demons let out loud groans and thought for a moment about how best to resolve the situation.
Meanwhile, Dean tried to get his pocket knife to cut through the rope. So far, it was going as slowly as possible because the rope was almost impossible to cut through. One glance at Sam’s frustrated face told Dean that his brother was in the same boat. Great.
“Oh, I have an idea. Rock-paper-scissors,” Alan suggested with a huge smile on his face.
Marvus gleefully nodded his head and they started the game. “Best of three.”
Alan agreed and started the first round. Alan was prone to picking rock and Marvus was prone to picking scissors. Round two they switched it up and Alan choose paper and Marvus choose rock. The third round, Alan choose scissors and Marvus choose paper. Mixing up their options still had Alan winning. Alan always won at games, he was wonderful at reading people and guessing what their answers would be.
Alan smiled triumphantly at Marvus. “Okay, I want Dean. Can’t wait. I get to kill the legendary Dean freakin’ Winchester. Oh my god. Such an important moment.”
Marvus groaned. “I’ll kill the giant,” he said in a forlorn voice, as if it were a punishment of some sort.
Alan closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of power he had over the hunters and thinking about the future he was going to have once he killed Dean. He was imagining accolades from demons in the form of pats on the back and lots of hand shakes. He’d be famous. He’d be on the wall as one of the most important demons.
Alan and Marvus were so caught up in the fact that they had captured the Winchesters that they weren’t really paying attention to their surroundings.  
“So, how should I kill Dean? The death has to be special, right? We could play rock-paper-scissors for the death? I can see the gears turning. You have ideas about how to kill the Winchesters and you’ll be upset if it isn’t fair. I do the dirty work and you might be able to do the planning. Okay, let’s go.”
And just at that moment a knife went into Alan’s heart from behind. A bright light flashed in his eyes and a squelching sound could be heard before the demon’s body fell to the floor.
“Oh, sorry did I interrupt something? He was such an attention grabber, just kept talking, couldn’t make a good entrance. Thought hi just wouldn’t do, whaddya think? My entrance needs work?” you asked with a smirk.
Marvus gave you a confused and slightly fearful gaze before he came charging at you. You quickly grabbed a lamp from a nearby table and threw it at him, watching as it broke on his strong and muscular chest. Damn, this one was not going to go down easy unless you were quick. The lamp broke Marvus’s momentum a tad, enough for you to use all your strength to both stop his movements and thrust him away from you. He staggered on the uneven floorboards and fell down onto his back with a thud. You quickly jumped on top of him and shoved the knife into his heart.
When Marvus was killed and the crisis diverted, you slowly meandered over to the Winchesters, eying their small efforts to get out of the rope. It looked like they made hardly any progress.
“How long you two been at it?”
“A few minutes,” Dean said in an angry tone. You scoffed at his rather obvious lie.
“Taking your sweet time there with the rope, why? You boys wanted to stay for the monologues or the game of rock-paper-scissors?”
Dean gave you a death glare. “You gonna help us here?”
“Gosh golly that doesn’t sound like an apology. Here I am, the damsel in distress who can’t defend myself. I need a big strong man at my side, the kind of man that lets two idiotic demons best him on a hunt. That strong man. I’m incapable of helping you, Dean. I’m just not strong enough. I’ll break a nail”
“Now wait a minute. That’s not what I said.”
“Yeah, it totally is. Well, not the breaking my nail part but the rest of it, yep.”
You went over and cut Sam out of his confines but left Dean in his. You bent down, knife eye level with him. “You got scared ‘cause of that close call and you benched me or tried to, saying I couldn’t protect myself. Well, if I didn’t get out of the Bunker and save your ass, you’d be toast right about now. So, next time, don’t bench me ‘cause if you do, I’m not rescuing your ass again. Capesh?”
Dean groaned and nodded before mumbling, “Thank you.”
You would have wanted a more audible thank you but the important message got through his thick skull and that’s all you wanted. No need to belabor the point, you already won. You nodded and walked over to the Impala, standing by the passenger door.
“You really should let me drive Dean, you’re in no shape and you boys smell like a sewer.”
“It’s always a pleasure with you, Y/N.”
“Could say the same Dean-o. Gonna let me drive Baby?”
“I’m fine. I can do it.”
“God dammit Winchester, you are so freakin’ stubborn. If you drive us into a pole, I’m killing you.”
“I’ve driven in much worse condition like with a bullet wound in my stomach, just ask Sam. This is nothing.”
“I see. Well color me unconvinced. I’ll just sit right here in the passenger seat, just in case you freak out or have a seizure at the wheel.”
“It’s a small cut darlin’.”
“That small cut is still bleeding and has bled through your undershirt. Get the fuck in the car so I can patch you two idiots up. Don’t make me say it again boys!”
Dean had the good sense to get in the damn car and drive off. You honestly had no idea where these two would be without you. Another hunt, another day and this time Dean owed it all to you.
Forevers  @purgatoan, @killerofthesouth, @charliebradbury1104, @chaos-and-the-calm67, @chelsea072498, @everyday-supernatural-af, @neversatisfiedgirl, @toogardenenthusiast, @winchesterprincessbride, @one-shots-supernatural, @take-me-tonirvana, @hellsmother, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @faegal04, @deals-with-demons, @mamaredd123, @atc74, @hamartiamacguffin, @donnaintx, @love-kittykat21, @impala-dreamer, @evansrogerskitten, @lucifer-in-leather, @riversong-sam, @rosie-winchester, @chaosinacoffeecup
Dean  @jayankles, @faith-in-dean, @bennyyh, @ruprecht0420 @supernatural-jackles, @jesspfly, @webcricket, @faegal04,  @faith-in-dean, @bennyyh, @ruprecht0420, @donnaintx, @amanda-teaches, @salvachester, @akshi8278, @kdfrqqg
@aprofoundbondwithdean, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @manawhaat@mrswhozeewhatsis, @dr-dean, @nichelle-my-belle, @theficlibrarium, @bowtiesandapplepie, @winchestersmolder, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @thegreatficmaster, @notnaturalanahi, @bkwrm523, @faith-in-dean, @writingbeautifulmen @salvachester, @whispersandwhiskerburn,  @impala-dreamer, @samsgoddess, @scorpiongirl1, @for-the-love-of-dean, @mysupernaturalfics, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings, @fiveleaf, @frenchybell, @deansleather, @deandoesthingstome, @curliesallovertheplace, @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname, @waywardjoy, @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious, @kayteonline, @supernatural-jackles, @wevegotworktodo, @ilovedean-spn2 , @quiddy-writes, @babypieandwhiskey,  @wi-deangirl77, @deantbh, @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @revwinchester, @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell, @taste-of-dean, @clueless-gold, @deanwinchesterxreader, @melbel45, @winchester-family-buisness, @atwistoffate, @hexparker, @alangel1895, @quiddy-writes, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen. @supernaturalismylife, @pinknerdpanda, @deandoesthingstome, @fandommaniacx, @meganwinchester1999, @winchesterfiesta, @i-dont-know-how-to-write, @babypieandwhiskey, @wayward-mirage , @spn-fan-girl-173, @shelovesallthethings, @revwinchester, @klaineaholic, @salvachester, @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid, @jelly-beans-and-gstrings, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki, @fandommaniacx, @teamfreewillimagines, @deanwinchesterforpromqueen, @castieltrash1, @supernaturallyobsessed, @memariana91, @writingbeautifulmen, @plaidstiel-wormstache, @idreamofhazel, @revwinchester, @supermoonpanda, @ageekchiclife, @i-dont-know-how-to-write, @vintagevalentinexx, @ohwritever, @ruined-by-destiel, @winchester-writes, @thinkwrongways  @sammit-janet @bowtiesandapplepie, @itsemmyb, @ezauraemmaline, @matteson-crazed, @castielspahdehrah, @charliesbackbitches, @crzcorgi, @gryffindorable713, @deerlululucy, @walkingencyclopediaoffandom, @mrsjohnsmith, @manawhaat, @growleytria, @thegleegeneration, @samtomydeanwinchester, @sinceriouslyamellpadalecki, @i-never-said-a-pilot, @thewinchestielboys, @supermoonpanda, @sis-tafics, @amaranthinecastiel, @kittenofdoomage, @samanddeanwinchester67, @ferferelli @lilyoflothlorien, @myfand0msandm0re,  @ackleslaugh @noisilyyoungpuppy, @fangirling-instead-of-working, @eyes-of-a-disney-princess, @chrisatplay, @kayteonline, @spnsimpleman, @faith-in-dean @for-the-love-of-dean, @mamaimpala, @zanthiasplace, @sleep-silent-angel, @pada-ackles-reads, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @gadreelsforbiddenfruit, @trenchcoats-and-bees, @curliesallovertheplace, @jencharlan, @not-so-natural-spn, @skybinx-blog, @thebunkerismyhome, @feelmyroarrrr, @beachy2014, @fandom-book-nerd, @tia58, @sams-little-toy, @sunriserose1023, @saving-things-hunting-family, @winchesterswoonathon, @jotink78, @babypieandwhiskey, @howmanytuesdaysdidyouhave, @supernatural-jackles, @avasmommy224, @angelwingsandsupernaturalthings, @marasficrecs @mysaintsasinner, @chelsea-winchester, @besslincoln-bruh, @wheresthekillswitch, @maraisabellegrey, @notnaturalanahi, @hexparker, @mysaintsasinner @winchestersmolder, @winchester-family-business, @melbelle45, @quiddy-writes @deanwinchesterxreader, @winchester-writes, @chelsea-winchester, @klaineaholic, @revwinchester, @sis-tafics, @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish, @shelovesallthethings, @wheresthekillswitch, @besslincoln-bruh, @idreamofhazel
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tracelii · 7 years
Homebound 2/?
@paperbaghero wants some more then more is the least I could do, holla holla.
 “Are you guys sure about this?” Amy nervously went though every key on the ring, flipping them one at a time, stopping at any of the extra items on the keyring. She wasn’t really looking at them, but it was keeping her busy. She looked around the group, and how unsure they looked, noting how no one answered her right away.
“I mean, no, we’re not sure, but someone has to take the cars or we’re not going to have any transportation tomorrow or even leaving your house.” Tyler pointed out. “So you take one, Kathryn takes one, and because he’s ungodly good at rock-paper-scissors, Bob takes the third car, and we all meet up at the house.”
“Listen, it’s a talent.” Bob wiggled his fingers.
“Lets leave it at luck.” Jack spoke. He was holding for dear life as the leash he had (honestly, it was just a rope tied to one of Chica’s collars that was just connected to another collar so it would fit around Mark’s neck) pulled taught, and Mark buried his head into a bush for a second, then raised his head, and trotted casually back over to the car.
He interrupted the whole conversation by sitting by Amy, looking at her, and clearly speaking “Oh, we going home now?”
“Oh, we’re talking now, are we?” Ethan asked.
“Yea, we are going home, but I’m taking the car.” Amy admitted, but reached over to sort of pat his head. “You’ll be walking with the guys.”
“Walking?” Mark asked incredulously, suddenly sounding a lot like himself. He yawned again, then shook his whole body before sitting again. “That’s gonna take forever! Why are we walking!”
“Because your furried ass is not going to fit in the car” Bob added helpfully.
“My furried-“ Mark noted the leash leading from him to Jack, who only smiled nervously. He also noted his arm, covered in said fur. “… Oh. Shit.” He started to whine now as he turned around in place, spying his tail and furry butt. “Oh man. Oh man oh man- How long have I-“
“You’ve been total wolf for about 2 days.” Kathryn noted. “You haven’t said anything until now.”
“You tried to sit Ethan and Jack to death!” Wade added helpfully.
“Oh yea, I’m ready to never talk about that again.” Jack snorted slightly. “But you cant talk while we’re walking you. You’re supposed to be our fuckin’ gigantic dog. That wears clothes.”
“I bet you’re all having a great har-de-har about this one.” Mark murmured under his breath.
“Oh yea, being trapped in an office with a huge fucking wolf is my idea of a joke.” Ethan said brightly “And putting Amy, the only person furry-you consistently listened to, in a car far away from us and you is even funnier”
Tyler looked around at the group. “We might as well get started if we’re getting to the house at any kind of decent time.” He nodded. “We’ll be fine, especially since Mark is aware of it all now.”
“Alright, lets do this then.” Mark sighed. He closed his eyes as Amy kissed his forehead and gave him a little smile.
“I’ll see you at home, alright?”
It brought a smile to his face, but unfortunately for his current face it was less of a smile and more of a ‘showing of his rows of sharp pointy teeth’ and it showed in everyone’s face exactly what they thought of that (aka fear). He lessoned his ‘smile’, and his tail wagged instead.
“Can you control that?” Wade was peeking behind him. “Like, can you wag it in a pattern? Or resist the urge to wag?”
“I don’t fucking know, Wade.” He stood up, first to his fill 8 or 9-foot height, then sort of… dropped onto his hands and feet. He took a few four-legged steps, then decided, out loud “this is weird.”
“It sure is.” Kathryn nodded at them, then jingled her keys. “See you back at the house”
“See ya. Play nice. Don’t eat anyone.”
“Fuck off, Bob”
“Love you too, Mark.”
Soon, it was only the 4 of them—the 5 of them ‘standing’ there.
“So…” Jack started, looking at Wade- at Tyler, and Ethan. “Better get going. Giddyap.”
“I’m going, I’m going, bow-wow-fucking-wow” Mark turned, stalking off in the presumed direction of his house.
“Listen, be grumpy all you want, just don’t blame us!” Ethan jogged to be up besides Mark. “So…. Whats it like being a furry.”
“Ok, would you like me to say dog or wolf. It’s the same question. Like, sometimes you understand us, and then sometimes its full dog mode. Barking and digging holes and everything.”
“Did I dig a hole??”
Ethan grimaced. “Uh… No?”
“I mean, unless there was always that giant hole right in front of the office building.” Wade noted.  “If so, it’s a design choice I’m not going to openly judge, but I will wonder about it for the rest of my life.”
“Hey Mark, watch your step buddy, you’re gonna take my arm off!” Jack said, picking up his steps to keep up.
“Maybe I should!” The wolf made a chuckling noise, peeking back at the company of three behind him.
“Alright, alright, now he’s just plottin’ against me!” Jack yelped as he nearly tripped on the sidewalk, and had to run a few steps to keep up. “Quit it!” He half whispered, half yelled. “Mark—damn it- Oof-“ Jack had looked behind him where Tyler and Wade could only send him semi-sympathetic looks as the speed-walking put distance between them, but very rudely ran right into the back end of the wolf, bouncing off of him and ending nearly breaking his ass on the concrete. “Oh man what the fuck-“ He rubbed his back, and looked ahead at Mark now standing before him, his ears up, his stance on alert.
“Mark do you hear something?” Ethan curiously looked around before staring at the Werewolf, who’s eyes were darting back and forward with purpose. The blue-haired boy stumbled back as Mark gave one booming bark, paused, then started to bark wildly, as if his life depended on it.
“What the heck!!” Wade exclaimed. “What set him off??”
Jack covered his ears, but reached for the leash as he started to climb to his feet.
Mark took off.
“Shit!” Jack cursed as he reached for the cord it again, but it was just beyond his fingertips as The dark-haired creature turned sharply, heading into a park. Jack jumped to his feet, but the others were already running after their friend, calling his name.
Ethan dove for the rope first, being the closest, and he certainly got it with minimal incident, landing onto the relatively soft patch of grass the park had graciously granted him, and soon after Wade had grabbed him to help, landing next to him (not as gently) and also grabbing part of the rope. This did almost nothing to slow down Mark, who gladly dragged the two screaming boys further off into the park this wild evening.
Tyler hadn’t quite reached them in time to add to the weight, and picked up his feet as he tried to keep sight of just where Mark was going and carrying his friends off to. Soon Jack had joined and overtook him.
“LET GO YOU IDIOTS!” Jack yelled out of them.
“WE’RE TRYING!” They both yelled.
“DO YOU THINK THIS IN FUN—OW,,, FUCK-“ Ethan reached up to the tangle that now had he and Wade firmly stuck, and as Mark had suddenly came to a stop (And was sniffing around a tree), he knew he had maybe seconds to get them free. He patted his pockets for his pocket knife, and elbowed Wade as Wade accidently elbowed him. “Keep still, I got this!”
“I need both of my arms to live!” Wade yelled.
“Hey- Hey Mark!” Tyler called for him. “Mark, you looking for Amy?”
Mark’s ears perked up, and he turned towards Tyler, who looked more than a little startled.
“Uhh--- Uh… Yea, we’re going to see Amy, arnt we?” He asked carefully. He put his hands out. “Come here, Mark.”
Mark’s tail wagged and he tilted his head curiously at the words. Tyler noted to his left that Jack was very gently heading over to the two tangled boys to either grab the leash or help free them.
“Come on, you remember me, right?” Tyler moved closer to him, hands still out, until there were mere feet apart. “I’ll take you home and you can see Amy, but we gotta head there first.”
Mark watched Tyler carefully, then stepped forward to sniff his hands. His tail started to wag as he picked back up his head, seemingly recognize him, and his tail started to wag furiously as he lowered on his front paws, and after a few seconds before pouncing.
Tyler went down as Mark landed on top of him, licking at his face and wagging his tail happily.
“Ohh--- Oh man--- Yea man, me too.” He turned his face away, but the licks kept coming.
With Ethan’s knife, Jack cut the two boys loose from the rope, but shortly after, Mark hopped right off of Tyler, spinning excitedly in a circle before running off.
Everyone currently laying in the ground didn’t immediately move, though Jack (the only one that was standing) tried to at least see where Mark was running off to.
“I didn’t sign up for this.” Wade said with a sigh, looking up into the night sky. He rubbed his wrist before slowly sitting up with a groan.
“Neither did I” The three other boys complained.
“Alright you guys, we better go get him.” Jack said, huffing air out of his nose. They picked themselves up before they got going once again.
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