#i can’t imagine doing it now when just seeing gifsets from the ep makes me cry
i can’t bear to rewatch “the diamond of the day,” but arthur never even found out about merlin being a dragonlord, did he?
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend, like you enjoying the unique feeling of reading episode synopsis that give a feeling of anticipation instead of making me cringe. But I promised a song, and after some wrestling with it (there are a lot of good Buck ones for this week) I think I've settled on Bad Blood (though I'd love to know your pick!). Between the idea of bad blood and being broken from the start, to Buck always thinking/asking why he's not enough, to his talk with Bobby I think it's a good if sad fit.
Oooooh, good choice my friend! We talked about this one once before for Malex, and I think it’s going to be sooo good to talk about it for Buck! My idea was You Are Enough because it would work for both Hen and Buck, but actually this is so much better because Buck isn’t to the “happy acceptance” stage yet, he’s still a little lost in the darkness of NOT being enough. (It’s no coincidence Bad Blood is on the Darkness EP)
This feels like a father/son type of song but that works I think for Buck and Bobby as their relationship is so familial, but also because Buck struggles with his own family legacy. Oooooh, I’m so excited to talk about this one! 
you fixed your eyes on us, your flesh and blood, a sculpture of water and unsettled dust.
when there was bad blood in us, we learned our lesson: genesis to the last generation.
Okay right away I am HIT with the Daniel of it all, because Leukemia is a cancer involving blood cells! He literally had “bad blood”, and then they had Buck basically for parts, but the treatments didn’t fully take, leaving Buck now that he knows with an additional understanding of why he was never enough for his parents! Buck can’t seem to escape what he was born to be with his parents which was a savior baby who failed at the one task he was given.
But I’m also thinking of this in the context of Bobby and Buck’s relationship and how “a sculpture of water and unsettled dust” speaks to the potential Bobby has seen in Buck from the start! He knows what Buck can do, he sees the hard work Buck puts in, but it’s still fluid and unsettled, unfinished because Buck still has more to learn.
so we wrestle with it all- the concept of grace and the faithful concrete as it breaks our fall.
our questions are all the same. identical words; how they feel brand new against different time frames. identical words against different time frames.
Oof, oof, oof. This always gets me because we often think of “grace” as a good thing! Offering grace is giving someone something they don’t necessarily deserve, but paring it with the line about concrete braking a fall just makes me think of Buck offering that grace of forgiveness to his parents and giving them a second chance but we haven’t seen or heard that they’re actually trying to be better, and even in the scene with them after the warehouse fire, they’re not particularly receptive. He also gives Tay Kay multiple chances, he gives Abby the benefit of the doubt for so long and accepts the lack of apology she gives him. Buck is constantly offering grace to others, only to be met with nothing but concrete to break his fall. 
We are also seeing some of the same questions hovering around Buck. This gifset is just a gut punch of Buck trying so hard to prove what he has and being worried his parents/Bobby won’t see it. And we see how hard he takes what he perceives to be a rejection (RSD for the win 🙃), and how he interprets words spoken now in the framework of how his parents spoke them, even if that’s not how they are meant to be interpreted! Which is why Eddie and Chim stepping in to defuse the tension, Bobby affirming that he sees Buck and knows that he’s working hard even if he’s not ready yet, and Eddie knowing how to let Buck get his worries out and then gently teasing him to pull him out of the spiral is what Buck needs (vs being told that he’s just imagining things because he’s being self-centered).
we know it all by heart- the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
we’ve heard it all before- in beauty there echoes a speck of our source. in beauty there echoes a speck of our source.
Okay this chorus is one of my favorites and it’s SO good for Buck, especially now that we know his origin story and being had for spare parts. Because Maddie was always there to remind Buck that he as a whole person had worth and value, and now he has the firefam and especially Eddie to remind him that he is not expendable. That he is greater than just the parts he can offer up to save others, because his whole self is important and loved. I love the undertones here of the “speck of our source” being something outside ourselves, our parents, and outside humanity even!
like firewood, burning bright in the dead of winter, by only a flicker we cling to this life.
so we huddle over maps; is it faith or prediction, will or tradition until we collapse? we argue our bearings until we collapse.
“by only a flicker we cling to this life” is such a powerful line! And so good for a show that often has to rescue people and occasionally members of the crew from the brink of death. They are in a job where they are constantly reminded of the fragility of life, but at the same time it becomes something they get a little desensitized to because it’s a daily occurrence, until something happens that really shakes them and I’m soooo excited to see the episode tomorrow because it looks like Buck at the very least is going to be shaken, and with 6x04 coming up and the Chim in the car/Buck on the bike of it all, I think we’re going to get some re-evaluating of their lives which I can’t wait to see!
This episode we also see Buck struggling with his career trajectory, and personal life trajectory, and he’s going to be having to look at those questions of faith/prediction, will/tradition in both his professional and personal life and I foresee that collapse coming for him as he battles between what he thinks he should want based on tradition (a new girlfriend couch) and what he actually wants (the Diaz family couch), and the greater responsibility he wants at work vs what he’s ready to take on which I think we’ll see more of next week if that’s when he looses someone on a call and how he’s going to handle that.
we study our story arcs- inherently good, or were we broken right from the start?
There is an excellent gifset of this that always hits me in my Buck feels because that’s something he definitely struggles with. We see Buck, the second Bobby mentions picking someone else to cover for him, looking back over his time with the 118 and trying to figure out where he went so wrong that Bobby would rather trust their family to a stranger (and right after another stranger nearly took two of their family from them forever) than trust their family to him. I love that Bobby comes to him and lets him know it’s not that he did anything wrong and he’s being punished by not being chosen, but that he’s just not ready yet, he’s still growing! And Bobby isn’t going to throw him under the bus or set him up to fail because he wants Buck to succeed and believes he will. Buck has spent so long feeling broken and convinced it’s always been that way because it’s a problem with who he fundamentally is that he doesn’t always see how inherently good he is, and that being good doesn’t always mean being ready and perfect for everything right away. 
our hesitant fingerprints trace every mountain, lace every valley until we’re convinced…
that we know it all by heart- every blade of grass bears our mark.
in the name of being brave, though it’s just another word for being afraid.
As I said in our post about Malex, the map imagery here is so interesting as a description of tracing personal/family history. Buck is looking back trying to find where he went wrong to not get the promotion at work/make his dad captain not trust him, and where he went wrong to not be able to keep a girlfriend/couch. I do think Buck needs to be single for a bit to figure out what exactly he wants out of his own life, so he’ll know what he wants in a partner to share in that life (which he’s already doing! Good god man, open your eyeeeees! You have a partner/family/couch already!!) but we know that his searching for self goes a bit awry. I’m just thinking of him taking that armchair for one and putting it where the couch goes (which, can we talk about how HOT that was?! 🥵🥵🥵) which at the time seems like he’s being brave and embracing being alone for now, but whooo boy is it a cover for his fear that he’s NEVER going to find anyone because he’s always been broken and never the right fit. I am just SO excited to see his arc this season and how it’s going to intertwine with Bobby’s arc especially.
we know it all by heart- the whole is so much greater than the sum of these parts. we’ve heard the truth before, for in beauty there echoes a speck of our source. in beauty there echoes a speck of our source. in beauty there echoes a speck of our source.
I’m excited to see Buck working towards accepting himself as a whole person and not just the bits and pieces as he “upgrades” himself. He needs to find the value in all the versions he was before and how each of those parts of his past help make him who he is today! It’s something Eddie and Maddie and the firefam keep trying to tell him, and he might be able to parrot the words back but he needs to fully embrace them, and while it won’t be smooth sailing, I hope we get to see him on that journey this season. I know I mentioned earlier about the “speck of our source” being something outside of ourselves and humanity. a bit of the divine, but I’m also thinking about how we as people are made up of little bits of the people in our lives. Buck may have bits of his parents still inside, but he’s also made up of all the love Maddie poured into him as a kid, by the love and strength and support of the firefam, and by the bone-deep acceptance and love for all of him he gets from Eddie and Chris. I’m hoping we get to see him leaning on that foundation this season as he struggles within himself in a way he couldn’t in season 3. I always find it so weird that some people in the fandom want to bury the lawsuit arc because I find it SO rich and telling about so many characters! Both Buck and Bobby panicked and made poor choices and instead of talking about them, they just grabbed their shovels and dug a little deeper, and Eddie was already drowning. I think it’s going to be so interesting to see a post therapy Eddie and Buck and how they tackle things now, and a Bobby who is teetering on the brink of a breakdown but surrounded by more love, support, and understanding than ever before. This season is going to be a DOOZY, I can just feel it!
Thanks for such a rich choice this week! This song is such a good one and it was good to talk about it again! Fingers crossed this season is a little less messy and we can keep up with the good conversations happening on screen because the potential for this season to deliver some excellent character work for ALL our mains is soooo high right now! Thanks as always for coming to flail with me about this show!
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nomattertheoceans · 3 years
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GIF REQUEST MEME: Favorite season from The 100 - Season four
I love season four for a lot of reasons!! I think it’s the best season of the show and it should have been their last (despite my love for most of s5 ^^) I’m gonna ramble a lot but I don’t want it to take over the gifset so I’ll put it under a cut
Season four is the time of hard, impossible choices for everybody. The bomb at Farm Station, the List, the Nightblood tests, opening the bunker, the anti-radiation medicine…. Everybody is put through the ringer during this season and honestly, this is what I’m here for.
First great point for me personally: They can’t stop the radiations. When season 3 ended with the reveal of the radiations coming, I was legit disappointed with the show, I didn’t want them to spend the season “turning off” radiations miraculously, you know. So when ep 2 of the season aired and the first thing Raven said was “there’s no magic button to stop this” I WAS SO HAPPY!! It immediately got me much more hyped for the rest of the season because I was invested in “riding out 5 years of hell” much more than “let’s find a magic button”. So the season hooked me then ^^
The season is really good at re-using previous themes and twist them in just the right way
Clarke, who was so angry at the council for killing her dad, finds herself in the council’s position, and starts to understand that making such hard decisions is never easy. Making the list for instance, is so different from what she had to do before. The genocide of Mt Weather was an act of despair in the middle of a war, but making the list is a process, she has to truly chose who is “worth” more, which is what the council did when they sent the 100 to the Ground. She choses to hide the truth from everybody despite it going against what she wanted at the start of the show. It’s a really cool change for her character.
The Arkers and Grounders take the decision to test the Nightblood against Luna, the Rock Line thief, and Emori’s will. An obvious reminder of s2 but that I appreciate. I liked the Mt Weather story because of this: the mountain men were the antagonists but they also were the same as the rest of the show, they were doing whatever they had to do to survive, whatever it took, no matter how cruel it could be. We see in this season that when faced with the same decision, our protagonists reach the same result: sacrificing other people’s bodily autonomy to survive is worth it to them. It’s a really interesting theme to bring back because it muddies the waters of who’s right and wrong, and it highlights that in the end, there is no black and white answer.
This season gives us my personal favorite version of Clarke: she’s the closest she’ll get to a true antagonist (only comparable to s5 but s5 is a little bit of a mess so I still prefer her in s4). She has one conviction: saving her people. And to get it, she is ready to lie, to cheat, to kill, whatever it takes. It is interesting because I always saw Clarke in that light. She always believes that she has the right idea and she will do what it takes to get what she thinks is best. That’s where she is interesting to me (I’m not interested in her being an innocent victim forced to take decisions, that’s not how I see her at all and I find her a little dull in that interpretation haha but that’s for another post). Clarke stealing the bunker is a cruel act, but man, it’s incredibly smart. At that moment she knows she’s condeming many people (some of whom very close to her) to death, but she believes deep inside her that it’s the right thing to do so she’s willing to do it. And i really prefer her in those ruthless moments.
Octavia’s arc this season isn’t my favorite, but she is at her best during the last few episodes for me. The creation of Wonkru is one of my favorite scenes of the entire show, even though I saw it coming a mile away lmao (1200 spaces, 12 clans, it was easy to see where they were going!). I love the scene, I love the place it comes from (Octavia channeling Lincoln’s convictions was brilliant). I might not agree with her decisions (skaikru definitely deserved more spots than the other clans), but it makes perfect sense for her character to make this decision. The scene of her talking to Skaikru and telling them they’re no different from the others, and they have to choose or they all die, is also one of my favorites. Octavia received no mercy on the Ark, she had a terribly tragic childhood because of those people who are now begging her for their lives, and she doesn’t budge. The Ark, and the Ground, forced her to be that way, and she doesn’t back away. It’s also all a brilliant introduction to what Wonkru and Octavia will become in s5 (but again, that’s for another post lmao)
I love that we get the introduction of Spacekru because I love their little found family and the scene where they reach the Ring is so good!
Murphy’s speech to Clarke makes me tear up everytime I see it (it really was one of the strongest moments of acting of the entire show, Richard Harmon is amazing in it). Emori also blows me away in the previous episode, the way she’s shown to be ruthless, and cunning, and also how well she reads people. She knew they would come to test someone, and she did everything she had to for that someone to not be her. I love her ^^
I like the plot of the second dawn bunker well enough! (although I will never change my mind that Cadogan was a dumbass for putting it where it is instead of IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FOREST WHERE THERE’S NO RISK OF BUILDINGS FALLING ON IT LIKE WHAT LITERALLY HAPPENED IN S5 OKAY anyway…..), it’s far from perfect but I like that it explains the people coming to greet Becca in s3, and I like that we expand a little on the origins of the Grounders culture (even though I wanted more about this). It’s kind of an “easy” solution, but at the same time it’s not. It was established early in the season before being abandoned, and even once it’s found, it’s not at all a perfect and easy solution. They have to fight for it, decide who lives there, it’s a pretty interesting development. What I mean is that it’s not discovered one episode before the end and it doesn’t solve everything. If anything, it creates more conflict. Which I appreciate alot.
ALSO ALSO Echo is a badass general in this season and I love it. She goes from being a spy in earlier seasons, to full-on commanding armies and being a strategic mastermind and I love it! She’s also ruthless and cunning and I lvoe that for her. It’s also such a good season for her and Bellamy!!! I lvoe all of it ^^
This season also has one of my favorite underrated quotes!!!! I’m gonna use a gif here cause I’m not at the limit yet lmao
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“It’s unity day.” GODDDD it’s so good. It’s simple, but it conveys so much information and I love it:
Unity Day: the stations coming together to survive -> we’re virtually in the same situation here.
It’s a happy occasion, a day of survival and hope, just like the hope Octavia gave all the clans with her decisions
But it’s also a day of death and loss. She’s giving Kane a choice: join Wonkru with 100 members, or die in the flames.
It reminds us of the history of the Arkers, and I love when world-building does this thing where both characters are shown to have such a close cultural background that three little words are enough to convey such a strong message. It’s a detail but I love it and I wanted to ramble for a little bit ^^
Clarke’s sacrifice: This is when it gets to “meh” points for the seasons for me. Clarke deciding to stay behind to save Spacekru was a good moment. Yes, I know that if she hadn’t climbed the tower they all would have died anyway, but still. It’s a great moment for her character. She has hurt those people time and time again during this season, she was ready to let them die more than once, and I think she regrets it (although again, I like to see the extremes she’s willing to reach in this season). In that moment, she doesn’t decide that it’s too late to survive so she might as well give up. She knows she’s going to die, and she gives her last moments to save the lives of the people she hurt in the past. And I really love this. That is….. Until Clarke is revealed to not have died. I truly believe that she had reached the ending of her arc in the show, and it would have been a great ending to her character. But that’s also because I believe the show should have ended in s4 lmao. If it had ended, then maybe they could have left her death ambiguois, by showing her reaching the safety of the lab, but not showing her again afterwards. That way, we had no way of being sure she survived, but it was left ambiguous enough to make us decide her fate outselves.
The perfect ending: I didn’t choose the last gif randomly. That scene of Raven and Bellamy looking down on the Earth was in my opinion the perfect shot to end the show. At that point in time, we are left in a place that is very similar to where the show started: the Earth is destroyed by radiations, some people are waiting it out in space, some people are waiting it out on the ground. it mirrors the premise of the show (although in a much smaller scale), but this time, we’re left with hope of what might come in the future. Those two groups know (or hope) that they will reunite, especially with Octavia and Bellamy, the relationship at the core of the show, being separated. If the show ends here, we have come full circle from the pilot episode, and we can imagine how those two groups will reunite in the future. I find that ending the best possible for the show, so even though there’s so much I like about season 5, I wish the show had stopped at that moment, at that shot of Raven and Bellamy looking down on the Earth.
That got reaaaaally long, so…. sorry about that xD If you’ve reached this far, feel free to tell me what you think of this season (or the others haha) or send me asks, or request for other gifsets!!!
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macgregorhoughton · 3 years
First off, thanks for sharing your headcanons, I love them! I'm really hoping theres gonna be ride references too, from the clips we're getting the puns at least. I'm gonna be watching the backgrounds for any sneaky references to the Society but I bet you're right, its going to be in there somewhere. I’m the same with the Native issue, I’m a bit worried how they’ll deal with it but hope they might have a bit of awareness and address how messed up some of the stereotypes the ride had were- cont
Response under the cut! (following asks copied there too for reference)
First of all before I respond to anything, you do not have to apologise. This is quite literally my dream way to spend my time- talking to someone about a thing I like at length. The fact that you checked all the posts I made and took time to respond to them with your thoughts means the world to me.
2- I’m also really hoping we get a lot for McGregor (wtf is with that alternate spelling Disney?? But I do want the other two to call him Mac, I’d love that), learning to relax and find his place. I LOVE that Lily gets to do physical comedy, you’re right female characters often only get to be funny so long as that means they can still be sexy while doing it. Lily looks like she just goes “nope” to that and dives headfirst into a bit of slapstick and I love her already- cont
3- I really like Dwayne, hes got a warmth to him that comes across in Frank, even if hes trying not to show it to the siblings at first. I really want proper sibling moments too and I love that little one we got in the clip. Like, “you don’t get to laugh at my sister, now excuse me while I go give her a hand while laughing at her”. Like thats a great example of having siblings, I’ll help you out, but I’m totally going to mock you while doing it, but no one else can. BTS have me hopeful too- cont
4- I love your idea for the coming out scene. I think they’d be walking a very fine line in order to get it right, but if they did it could be wonderful. I really really hope we get that scene, no skirting around it or making vague illusions, I want McGregor to say “I’m gay” outright. Like, we’ll all know he is even if they don’t let him say it but for once I want Disney to live up to what they promised and let an actual main character be actually gay.- cont
5- I love the connection with the lights for our trio in the posters, I didn't put that together. I really want them to be a proper Trio, I’m really hoping this is a success so we can get sequels. Even if they’re terrible I still want them to see these three together. FRANK IS HUGGING MCGREGOR, I’VE GOT A GOOD FEELING ABOUT THIS ALREADY. I don’t really have many thoughts on our three villains, other than I'm getting evil musketeer, smug plantation owner & WWII in that order- cont
6- I LOVE THAT GIF SET OF THE PUNS SO MUCH!! McGregor’s little smile and his laugh, hes loving it, Frank is loving getting a reaction, Lily is going to eventually find it funny how unfunny they are. I can’t get over how much I love McGregor’s little face in this, I can’t want for this scene, I’m gonna join you in imploding. Also, in your protective brother gifset, is he wearing a little tartan/ plaid suit? Love it. And on that note, I adore Lily’s costumes- practical and realistic but flattering
7- ok so thats me taken up far too much of your ask box, I haven't even property looked at the press tour things yet, but I do have one more thing, I have a theory about how Jack ends up in the middle of Emily and Dwayne's kiss if you'd like to hear it. Thanks for kickstarting this fandom and the wonderful gif sets, we're so close now! - Skip
So on to my very long response!
I've watched SO much about the ride just so I'm prepared to catch any reference. They just released Behind the Attraction on Disney+ and ep 1 is about the Jungle Cruise ride (Dwayne Johnson is in it too!). He talks about how much he loved the ride as a kid and used to imagine himself as a skipper which is SO cute and I'm so happy his dreams came true (and I find it very relatable as someone who dreams about being a raptor handler at Universal).
I'm genuinely a lil mad that the spelling changed. Because if you google it really everyone thought it was McGregor, they must've at some point released something on the movie for the press with that spelling and then changed their mind. Now everyone has it wrong because I suspect these featurettes are also gonna be the DVD/Bluray extras so I'm confident this is the final spelling. However I will continue to live in denial until I see the other spelling ON SCREEN.
"I really like Dwayne, hes got a warmth to him that comes across in Frank, even if hes trying not to show it to the siblings at first." Yes! I love that every character is a trope that I ADORE. Frank is the cynic who thinks everyone just wants to cheat you anyway and miracles don't exist who eventually cracks and warms up to people and shows that there is a soft, warm person in there after all. Lily is wildly optimistic and aggressively individualistic, not trying to fit in or caring about what anyone thinks and will probably have a moment of losing that optimism and doubting herself after all. And McGregor is the person who appears to think he's better than everyone, who's pampered and refuses to sacrifice any of the luxuries he's used to until he reveals he's gay and you realise most of it was just a show to cover up how hurt he really is. Three PEAK character tropes we're working with here and COMBINED with a reluctant-allies to lovers and a siblings trope.
"Like, “you don’t get to laugh at my sister, now excuse me while I go give her a hand while laughing at her”. Like thats a great example of having siblings, I’ll help you out, but I’m totally going to mock you while doing it, but no one else can" I have a gifset for that queued already, I love that you also focused on that rightaway bc I really went "Siblings! peak sibling energy!!" and gifed it immediately.
Based on the reports (that I cannot stress enough I have no idea how accurate they are) he doesn't say "gay" but it's unambiguous what he's talking about. Let's hope that's true! I'm imaginging some sort of "relationships with men" or "no interest in women but rather men" or sth like that. I hadn't really considered that it might be ambiguous to someone who doesn't know he's supposed to be gay so that's a new fear unlocked lmao
I'm going to be so sad if we don't get sequels cause so many franchises with several movies don't have a core group of actors that are just friends and get along as well naturally as these three. Or if we get more movies and Jack isn't in them or sth like that. Like any future where these three aren't the leading trio in more movies is a nightmare.
"I'm getting evil musketeer, smug plantation owner & WWII in that order" this sent me I swear. I'm most interested in Edgar Ramirez bc I'm curious abt the whole "conquistador alive "today"" thing. also what's up with the snakes lmao.
McGregor laughing at Frank's puns alone could sustain me another year if I had to wait that long for the movie. Luckily I don't have to. It is so wholesome tho, like the fact that they're gonna get along and also get closer and McGregor won't end up sidelined for being a bitch until the last minute or sth is so wonderful.
And yes! It's tartan! We've seen p little of the beginning of the movie in London and since that's gonna be focused on just Lily and McGregor I'm so excited bc we got so little content so there's gonna be SO much in the movie to look forward to that I can barely even piece together!!! (All we know is lily will steal the arrowhead before falling out of the window which mcgregor sees and he immediately follows her so I assume he knew to come there and that there's a scene where she asks him in one of their bedrooms about wanting to go on an adventure. So I'm assuming the bedroom scene comes first and she'll tell him about the arrowhead, he'll refuse to help her but decide to come last minute because he's worried about her (and the worry is immediately proven right as she falls out of a window lol). But we know so little that it's a really loose theory.
And yes!! Lily's costumes are so good. Frank calls her Pants so they will absolutely address that she's dressed very unusual for a woman of her status in 1916/17 and I hope they explore that a little and address where she even gets her clothes and everything. I mean Emily Blunt looks good in everything but the costume department really made something gorgeous with this. She is, for the time the movie is set in, very gender nonconforming which I love in a female lead. And Emily described Lily's fighting style as very Indiana Jones and brutal without much tactic or thinking and just brute force and I really would die for this characterisation. Like when I compare this to similar female leads like in The Mummy for example they're usually highly feminine, aggressive only in their attittude and witty banter but always emphasised to be beautiful and wearing dresses and lots of (usually historically inaccurate) makeup and they get like one scene where they smack the bad guy with sth heavy or sth so noone can say they're a damsel in distress even though they are. But Lily feels very much like a coherent person to me. She's very unusual for a woman at her time, her desire for adventure is in line with how she fights and dresses but she doesn't seem to have the "uwu I'm not like other girls" thing going on, she's just exactly who she is and wants to be.
and of COURSE I wanna hear your theory are you kidding! Cause I still haven't figured it out at all lmao. I just settled on "she probably meant he was off screen but right next to them while they filmed it" or sth bc I couldn't make sense of it otherwise.
also I haven't posted everything new directly here I think, but you probably know where to look for the new stuff. like there's some clips on their instagrams and most stuff is on youtube.
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whydoyouthinkileft · 6 years
aos spoilers
Deke's surviving skills are something I need lol I'd have never thought about, running to hide in the vents like that, and of course he lived such a shitty life, he'd know where to go Also Deke's speech about how he comes from another universe is one I made several times? because if their changes affect Deke's timeline, then they never went to a destroyed world and they won't change it and re-start the paradox. If Deke dies, it's because of a fight he's in. And Jemma is once again betting her life on theories they have
Deke 'self-serving' tho... the guy literally went to die to bring the team home and save the world, instead of escaping with other humans or letting Daisy go to Enoch while he stayed with the team, and he’s been trying to give people back up and help instead of ditching them, but okay 
can the show also properly acknowledge that Deke was a human enslaved and forced to grow up inside the Lighthouse, watching his loved ones get sent to die as a kid, forced to live a life in which he had to take care of himself, and had never seen the outside world, just heard some stories about the fantastic past planet and then fixing the framework so he could see a replica of it himself, but of course nothing tasted or smelled right since he never really got the chance to see the real thing, and lemons were a treasure and people almost killed each other over disgusting food tossed to them the way you give animals theirs, pouring it on the ground (food used to sterilize them to control the population), and sometimes the matrics shoved in their arms went red and you had to kill people or be killed until you were one of the left standing? it's not only traumatic, it's hell, and this man is so well-adjusted, considering, and he just wanted to see the real world but instead he chose to stay at the Lighthouse and help ?? because it was killing me, the way he was freaking out in the elevator 
someone who can actually upload gifs on tumblr should make a gifset of all the horrors we have seen in that future and of the things Deke told us about it  
I LOVE DAVIES AND TALBOT SO MUCH, all their lines! And Piper mentioning it’s two who can’t be killed - including Davies in it, the writers were teases lol 
wait TALBOT is going in there??? why??? what the fuck????
also Mack in this whole episode is amazing, but I'm dying at the Moment(tm) they made out of him letting Coulson borrow a shotgunaxe (I commented on his fight with Elena under the read more but in any case I agree with both)
is Talbot going to stop all this darkness bullshit? it's making me so anxious oh my god I love it and yes, it is, gravi-Talbot
I love that Coulson keeps trying to confess at every turn, or at least address May's confession and how can Talbot control the powers??
and Daisy is going to come back to find WHAT lol nobody can leave that damn place, you go away five minutes and come back to the place falling apart
DID SHE?? go grave digging to pull the drug out of her mother's body?? oh my god ?? __
some Jemma / Jemma & Fitz critical stuff:
oh god, I could have been okay with Jemma going against Daisy orders just because she believes Daisy is focusing on Coulson so she had to do something about the particle accelerator, and having a fight with Daisy, but not with the way she was at the beginning of the ep, like she's siding with Fitz, can't look at people in the eyes, and hugging herself every time she's uncomfortable - she did it when Fitz was cutting Daisy, she did it when Daisy looked at her and Fitz angrily in this episode - because it's still and always giving me the vibes of 'wife who will literally accept anything from her husband and claim that nothing is wrong, they need no help, just love, but is actually internally freaking out'
also now Fitz critical stuff after read more (and always not happy with Fitz and Jemma's relationship too), I'll try to refrain from writing more about this (but people, including me, criticize Jemma all the time, it's criticism not being anti, so I shouldn't feel so nervous saying it), and I just need to get it out of my chest, but before that I'll write one thing here:
I will never find Fitz being so hard on Deke funny, none of the scenes where he is make me smile, they just make me roll my eyes. It's why I also block the anti tag. Because I can agree with criticism against Deke, especially from Daisy, but when it comes to those scenes I just... cannot find it humorous. I found funny the 'ugh Deke' part back in the future with the whole team being done, even if I liked him it didn’t matter, it was funny to me, but the way it's playing now? not my thing.  
it just makes me think that while Fitz and Jemma could always be rude to people, this is too different from how he was before, the level of it, the attitude, especially in the context of everything else he did and said recently - can you imagine Fitz being like that with Skye in s1 when in the first episodes she tried to joke around and didn't understand science, so she had several goofy moments? or with Ward, constantly, instead of trying to be nice to him too and warming up to each other? or with Hunter who is so much like Deke? and Fitz himself knows what it's like to look for a connection and get that kind of attitude, the 'you are not smart enough, good enough' especially from a parental - or grandparent - figure? so uh... no. To me there was also never anything wrong in Fitz being much nicer before. There are plenty people who are caring and forgiving and would put aside their needs to help others while still not letting others walk over them.
I always complain about Jemma's flaws, for example how she can be hypocritical as hell, so I think it's fair that I admit what I don't like about him either, and if this is the new Fitz, I miss the old one. If I met this character now I wouldn't like him, same way I don't like Sherlock. I loved Fitz so much, the way he was, he wasn't perfect but he was amazing to me, but the character he is now? he's not one I'd be a fan of. He's NOT badly written, like Jemma who has no realistic reactions, just not my cup of tea as a character or person. (Now Jemma, if she had realistic reactions, would probably not be my fave person either, I can't know because she’s everything that other characters will need her to be depending on the scene). It's one example of how traumas can change people, but I don't have to like the way you become just because it has a good explanation.  
Which is why the fight Mack and Elena had was exactly the kind of fight I have wanted for FS in s2 when Jemma was starting to unravel and be murder-y with Ward, and also a similar fight about Fitz thinking she'd be capable of hurting Daisy, and also a fight about change that was resolved, and possibly I just wanted that kind of fight and conflict and messed up emotions and 'we've been through too much and it messed you up' now in season 5 with the way Fitz has been since the Framework (but because she loves him, everything is okay?) I find unsettling that Jemma was just okay with everything he was saying, always.
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lizacstuff · 6 years
Anons 7x06
Lots of anons in my inbox, a few under the cut. The tone of most asks is not complimentary towards the season or episode, you have been warned. 
Anonymous said:Seems like there must not be a lot of Regina fans out there, despite the ER making a lot of noise. Demos held steady. 
I wouldn’t count those numbers before they’re hatched.  Sound like the show was preempted in certain markets (Boston, a huge DMA, for one) so the numbers should be adjusted for that when the nationals come out on Monday. Right now OUAT is getting credit for whatever replacement programming the affiliate put in it’s place. 
Anonymous said:I'm seeing that for some areas the episode got pushed back till early Saturday morning. Do they take into account when figuring out the ratings? I'm already seeing ERs complaining about it and saying if the ratings are bad that's the only reason why. 😒
See above. The overnights (today's ratings) include viewership for whatever aired in OUAT’s place.  Monday they should adjust to reflect more accurately how many people watched the actual episode. They are right, though, in it negatively impacting the live numbers. However, it shouldn't really impact the L+3 or L+7 numbers. 
Anonymous said:Is it bad that I laughed outloud when I saw that Regina gave everything Ivy she needed to cast her curse? Just like the time Regina pushed Lily too far and she turned into a dragon and endanger the town? Or the time she told Zelena to go after Hades and change him and refused to listen to anyone's concerns and everyone almost ended up trapped in Hell? I'm surprised the writer's still don't see the pattern like fans do.
Even without malicious intentions, she’s a disaster who ruins everyone’s lives. It’s bizarre that the writers continually follow the pattern, but never have Regina question her own judgement when she’s doing it. Whatever else happens, Regina makes emotional, unilateral decisions that usually end up biting other people in the ass. 
Anonymous said:Why would Regina stop henry for having a tlk with jacinda to break the curse? they don't have chemistry but they have been written as tl, at least make them kiss to destroy this stupid season one for all
Because Ivy did something, that Regina remembers, that will put the people that Regina “loves” in jeopardy if the curse is broken.  We don’t know who is in jeopardy or how. 
Anonymous said:So the reboot it's all Regina's fault? Why am I not surprised? Having Henry all for her and without snowing and captain swan, obviously a villain like her was behind this
Regina isn’t being purposefully villainous, but her stupid choices have landed them in this position.
Anonymous said:So regina thought she never adopted a child and its now forced to live with him not knowing her and can't break the curse?? Also her soulmate still dead and she is away from sb and her "family"&"friends"? Hahahahahaha karma is a beautiful thing!!! So she is alone and miserable and childless? Jefferson, snowing of the early seasons and the whole ef1 is laughing and partying
I suppose she is getting a little bit of karmic retribution, but I wouldn’t consider her knowing Henry is her adult son, and still being close to him even though he doesn't know, as quite the same thing as orphaning Emma and Snowing missing out on raising her or knowing her for 28 years.  
Anonymous said:Its weird since I thought Shoe Believer had an okay start in the beginning. It wasn't anywhere near CS or Snowing but they were still okay. With every episode they just feel more and more dull and forced.
I always thought it was forced, particularly in the pilot, but I thought it might grow as the season progressed. I’m not feeling it.  They are telling us it’s true love, not showing us.  Unlike CS, Snowing or RB where we saw those relationships develop over time, this feels completely unearned, and a TLK would be like  Zades or Red Warrior where it feels like complete out-of-nowhere nonsense.  CS had to go through multiple seasons of trials and tribulations, both proving they would go to the end of the world or time for one another, before the show would even whisper True Love at them.  The writers have lost their mojo when it comes to writing a love story.
Anonymous said:After this weeks episode I'm more thankful than ever that Regina is far away from Captain Swan and everyone in storybrooke. They don't need to suffer the consequences of someone who has failed as a queen and a mayor.
Honestly, it being canon that Regina and Rumple are out of Storybrooke, is the silver lining to S7.  
Anonymous said:I’m kind of confused , since 7x02 I’ve been trying to keep up with show . But I haven’t been paying that much attention ( I usually just put it on the tv while I’m on my computer or something, so it’s really just background noise ) but I do have a question, who is that hag in lady tremaine’s basement thing ? And also ..... can you list the people who are aware that there was a curse / who’s now awake . Cuz I can’t keep up
That’s the witch.  Right now I think the only characters awake are Ivy, Regina, and sometimes Alice when she isn’t on medication.  I could be wrong though, because my ability to stay focused during this show has not been great. 
Anonymous said:I stopped watching s7 after 7x02 but as someone who still watches it/keeps tabs on it do you know if the timeline is explained like now that Lucy is born and is 10 years old does that mean captain swan's child is around that age or is Emma still pregnant cause time moves differently?
They haven’t really answered that question yet as far as I know. My gut is that very little time has passed in Storybrooke and as we speak Captain Swan is preparing for their baby. But that’s my gut, not fact. 
Anonymous said:I'm so mad - this was the last drop for me with this show. I have been watching S7 for Colin (I'm a Nielsen family and my viewing does count for the ratings) but what they had Henry say last night was the last straw. Swan Believer and their amazing dynamic in season 1 was what kept me watching the show (until CS came along ) and to have to see the writers IGNORE what was once the backbone of the original show (Emma/Henry) to prop an abusive mother/son relationship is absolute bullshit.
cont - previous ask about Swan Believer. I feel sorry for Colin and for the cast and crew, but from now on I will not be watching the show anymore. Nothing about it excites me/makes me happy. It feels like a chore. And these writers do NOT deserve to get renewed nor to get anymore chances to ruin their own canon of what was once a beautiful show.
Describing it as a chore is pretty spot on. I understand you wanting to watch for Colin (especially as a Nielsen household) but you gotta do what’s right for you.  That line seemed completely unnecessary. There were a lot of ways they could have had a nice mother/son moment without going there. 
Anonymous said:I just saw a gifset of Regina waking up from the curse. So that's really the reaction she chose to go with? She really hasn't seemed to grasp the subtleties of acting, has she?
No, she has not. However, I have to say that Lana’s acting as Roni in Hyperion Heights this episode was the least of the episode’s problems. 
Anonymous said:Did you see any of Lana's answers to her fans on Twitter? Besides laughing at the idea of her wanting to do a remake of Silence of the Lambs and play Clarice, when she was asked what she's learned from Bex she said that red heads have more fun than blondes. I imagine in this situation you answer these questions quickly and don't contemplate on your answers, but wow did that seem like a dig. And if you look through the comments all of her rabid fans seemed to think so too and were loving it.
I thought a more accurate tweet would have been  “Red heads kiss my ass better than blondes."  ‘Cause Bex has had her lips permanently affixed to her ass for years now, just the way Lana likes it. 
Anonymous said:I'm indifferent about Wish Hook, and I wouldn't mind if his daughter was Alice and they got a storyline together, but they got nowhere in this episode? And going by the promo, the mess of the wish realm strikes again as Wish Hook was realm-traveling apparently. How did a non-wish Rapunzel from a separate realm come across someone who didn't exist until present-day 6x10? This is unexplainable.
Do we know that Rapunzel is from a separate realm and not from the Wish Realm?  It would be unbelievable to think that WishHook left the WISHAU before it was created with EQ’s “wish” in 6x10.  I think looking for any sort of logic or even in-universe fairy tale logic to make sense of anything to do with the WishRealm, including WishHook, is an exercise in futility.
It simply doesn’t make sense, and each episodes they change the rules to accommodate anything they want to do.  Of course I think it’s nonsense, but I’d still rather this and have CS safely tucked away from this ridiculous season, than have them using the real Hook this season.  Because honestly I don’t care about the integrity of the storytelling in S7, I only care about CS. (though that doesn’t stop me from poking fun at it.)
Anonymous said:I honestly was not one bit surprised when Colin said he was still under contract this season, but at the same time I do believe he enjoys playing this character and I'm sure he feels loyal to the show, it has been his big break. But I have to believe with the storylines and the material he's given, if not already, then by the end of filming he'll probably be in the same mind frame as Bobby. 100% only there for a paycheck. I just hope his agent is actively seeking better opportunities for him.
We really don’t know what he’s thinking or feeling, but low ratings have got to affect things on set in some way, so it sucks if he’s in any kind of stressful environment.  Even if it’s just them getting pressured to send out scripted PR tweets for each episode. On the upside, other than 7x02, he’s been in these eps so rarely, that I’d guess he’s not working more than 1-2 days per episode, which probably means a lot of time that he can be home with his family and newborn.  It might be a blessing for them right now. As I said we can’t know, but I just wish the best for him and his future career.
Anonymous said:Was there something wrong with the Rogers' scenes? I thought they were pretty decent, especially his interactions with Alice.
To all my anons wanting to know about Rogers scenes, you’ll have to come off anon if you want to chat about it. 
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televinita · 7 years
Zoo 3.11, “Cradles and Graves”
Maybe, you’re gonna be the one that saves me
I don't know if I'm more upset that this show had the gall to unironically use (a cover of)“Wonderwall” for dramatic effect, or that after 3 days of my inability to stop watching this episode, it's actually working for me.
I distinctly remember bursting out laughing when the first lyrics hit my ears, and now I'm like, teary eyed and nodding sagely through that whole montage. "Wow. So deep. So profound and meaningful."
A list of things I did not care for this week: the IADG bullpen unless Tessa was talking. Now that we've got that out of the way... Some things I like about the first 5 minutes -Imagining the Darkest Timeline version where they are all already dead by the time Clem finds them. -The (unintentional?) hilarity of the fact that Jackson's blood waits for the exactly perfect moment to ooze under the door for maximum dramatic effect -The fact that Mitch is found on the stairs instead of where he was shot, which suggests to me that he got to feel the full horror of seeing both Max and Jamie on the ground before he succumbed to his own wound (which is probably just an irresponsible directing choice because if he had, I'd think he'd be a little more grateful about the whole them-not-being-dead part, but it's fun to think about! Otherwise I just get bogged down again in wondering about the logistics of GSW injuries.) Ctrl + Z I loved it, but my parents and I could not stop laughing during the entire resurrection scene. "So I guess everybody's actively dying and no one can help us, but it's cool. Just gimme some of that tank serum (totally valid medical term) and mix it with water (just your basic home remedy recipe), and then we'll suffocate them back to life and five minutes later their mortal wounds will be fine and we can get on with the real problems." A.K.A. So there's example 57 or so of an entire episode's worth of possible plot being pushed aside because this show refuses to take a breath. We could have wrung so much more emotion out of Clementine, whilst ignoring her own signs of labor, trying to triage her father, grandfather, adoptive mother, surrogate uncle I'm pretending she is already attached to more than I'm sure she is, and other surrogate uncle who is also her best chance of saving her baby, the most important of all, if something goes wrong in delivery. ...and GDI now I gotta go find a special episode of Grey's Anatomy to get my mass tragedy fix. But I'm grateful that even at Zoo speed, they still gave me a little taste (in two flavors!) of people suffering the after-effects of injuries the serum couldn't fully fix. You're Responsible, You're the One to Blame, It's Your Fault :( to everyone being too busy hating her to notice Jamie cradling a clearly injured arm. But I love absolutely every sentence in this 7-way argument, including but not limited to Mitch's strangled "are you full term? how long was I out?!", the group-wide reveal of when exactly Mr. Duncan disappeared, Jackson's deadly-quiet anger, Jamie's valid defense of her actions, Mitch trying to take his daughter and blow this popsicle stand at a doubled-over limp, Clem taking her sweet time mentioning the quarantine, Max and Jamie's "oh" realizations about the plane, and Mitch's fabulously cranky echo and "what now" attitude. Last but far from least, the disgusted "I can't even look at you" was kind of my favorite part? I dig it when one member of an OTP is that intensely furious at the other out of hurt. (see also: Castle at the end of season 4)
A+ Comic Relief Laughing for 1 million years at Clem hopping off the exam table pantsless while all the men in the vicinity double take and look away* (except for Sam, whom Mitch hilariously whacks on the arm for his impudence, in my favorite sight gag since "Special Consultant") *the fact that Abe also does this, while understandably instinctive and appropriately respectful, is also kind of hilarious given where he just was 
Oh My Darling(s, Sam &) Clementine (who can't make a good shipmanteau to save their life) I don't have enough interest to do it myself, but it sure sounds like the story of how they met would make a pretty great YA novel plot. Anyone who doesn't actually want to spend the month trying to be a paid author need a NaNoWriMo prompt? Particularly someone who likes world-building, because this show leaves things wide open to fill in the details of U.S. society outside New York and the plane. Speaking of which! Did Clem happen to share with him the part of her backstory about being raised as an orphan basically the same way for the same reason? Because that seems like it would decently bond them. I like this parallel. Also update, I am getting a lot fonder of his face, mostly because he shut up and stayed out of the way except when I needed him to chime in to be sweet and supportive of Clementine (or side with her dad about ranking her over the baby on the priority list). He seems like he's really tried/is trying to be a good partner, and I'm impressed that he holds his ground despite a faceful of largely unwarranted hostility from her. I might actually be okay with him being the head of his family, even though up until now my head has danced with visions of Clem raising her baby under Mitch (and Jamie)'s purview and/or roof, Last Man Standing style. (although I guess there's always Reba-style, where both young parents are under that roof) (I realize I'm making a lot of assumptions about everyone's ability to stay alive and/or live a semi-normal life)
Beta Ship 2.0 / My Wonderwall** There's something immensely funny to me about the juxtaposition of Jackson being in his Brooding Cave Of Isolated Despair while Tessa is in a brightly ilt location, in the middle of the hustle and bustle and basically being like, "Buck up and stop being so melodramatic." (Jackson: The prophecies have spoken. Food turns to dust in my mouth. A great wave shall fall upon us all. // Tessa: is your plane out of groceries again?) But on a serious note, I love so much that he's thisclose to broken until she pulls him out of it that I'm not even gonna whine about him asking Tessa to do the same thing he's punishing Jamie for. Though in his defense, he did say "stop" her and not "kill her,” which is an important distinction for him. **My friend once wrote a Jim/Pam (The Office) parody of Jim/Pam stories using this title, and that is at least 50% of why I can't take this song seriously even though I actually have always loved it. 
I Don't Know What To Do My Whole Brain is Celebrating "How do you know the name of Jamie's scorpion?" "Because my son and Jamie have, uh, very lively pillow talk."** !!!!!!!!!! NO BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE.
The fact that Abe pipes up despite a sucking chest wound just so he can help take the mick out of Mitch is glorious. The cranky and ineffectual "shut up" in response is THE BEST. I love that Mitch has just always blatantly refused to publicly acknowledge how he feels about Jamie, despite the fact that everyone and their mother is like,  "Oh yeah, I know Mitch. Snarky scientist, walks around with hearts in his eyes to match the one on his sleeve?" (Mitch, in the distance: I do not LOVE her, okay, I just...miss her when she's not around, think about her all the time, and I imagine us one day running towards each other in slow motion and I'm wearing a brown suede vest.) I doubly appreciate this exchange because I was wondering when the hell these people actually sleep and I was getting worried there was no recognizable place in canon that they might have both had a chance to go to bed at the same time. **This writer could not have more clearly been flagging us with a fic prompt. Max Morgan, Love Doctor My very favorite of the small moments in this ep is Max insisting that Mitch let him patch him up. I was all on board for some serious injury, but I loved the subversion of his attention being caught by the scars I thought the show had forgotten about instead. "Oh, Mitch."
That just kills me. I want to unpack their relationship right here so much more, but also, it's 7pm on the night of new Zoo. Suffice to say Mitch isn't the only parent who suffers over the thought of his kid being in pain tonight, and that's beautiful. And gosh do I love him quietly, individually, nudging Mitch and Jamie back towards each other. The promise that Mitch will understand eventually was an immediate balm upon my soul. If Max says a thing about my ship, it must be true! Mitch + Being A Mess of Emotions About His Daughter (if anyone wanted to make a gifset off of this theme I would not be opposed) Words cannot express how thrilled I am that Mitch gives zero bothers about Sam's baby daddy rights and takes up prime positioning to stroke Clementine's hair nonstop throughout the whole labor,* even stealing the requisite final "you can do this" encouragement. He also gets to be the first one to hold the baby and it's amazing.
* and makes some pretty wonderful faces over how hard it is to see her in pain and not be able to do anything about it -- and remind me I've got either some meta or a story scrap about how this is what Audra was on the front lines for all those years he selfishly hid away, telling himself it was for the best P.S. As much as I love that Mitch just falls apart in full Worried Dad mode and can't seem to process a single medical term or physical symptom as it pertains to pregnancy, you know that if Abe weren't a sex doctor and the writers weren't butts, Mitch would absolutely be whipping out the stethoscopes and telling us all about the time he delivered a baby gorilla so this is basically the same thing -- I imagine Clem would take loud offense here -- while roping in Jamie as a delivery nurse to follow his instructions to the letter (because there are some things fathers just should not do no matter how brilliant they are). Things I would like to know Why Mitch -- who apparently had a through and through -- is the only one whose gunshot wound is still bothering him Why Clementine didn't once ask where Jamie was. (at which point I'd really like to see Mitch try and explain that one.)
It is straight up ridiculous to me that 19-year-old girl in labor, surrounded by men, would not want a woman with her, particularly one she loves. This is the most "what...man...[wrote] this" moment I have ever had about TV.
Did I just miss it, or is it kinda weird that Sam doesn't bat an eye upon finding out Charles Duncan is actually a different person and his girlfriend's father? 
Leftover Thoughts
This show is so nuts, I am just now realizing I didn't even stop to wonder how the hell Abigail reanimated herself last week before now.
Mitch being a testy bitch @ Abe is a thing that just does not get old. ("You put hybrid goo in my daughter? Was that not worth a little chat?")
Aww @ Mitch's mini pep-talk about being a good parent, followed by the "OK time to go" and the sweet "I'm having this baby?" / "You are having this baby."
I also really enjoy Mitch deciding to be cranky about Sam just because he's there and he can. It's kinda like sniping at Logan, but more fun and with way better reasons. (Which I hope is exactly what Mitch says when Clementine inevitably tells him to knock it off)
"Goodbye frequent flyer miles" lmao
I love that instead of shutting down the beacon by cutting the wire, they multiplied its effect by a thousand and destroyed a city, to which the response is basically, "Whoops."
"You've been good for my son. Take care of him for me." So I LOVE THIS, but also: dammit Max that is not what "die for our ship" means.
But I love the moment where Jamie and Max, individually, hear the baby crying. The joy dawning on their faces is so pure it actually makes it worthwhile that they're not present at the birth itself.
(I know we're especially mad about Jamie. But honestly, if it means All Mitch All The Time, that's an OK trade to me.)
tl;dr if something is not mentioned please assume I loved it
(will be links shortly) Mini essays analyzing Jamie V. Jackson, Mitch/Jamie and Max's death.
In conclusion: I spent my entire night writing this, but it was worth it. Future Me is gonna love looking back.
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sophygurl · 7 years
Woot! Tagged by my new we-finished-a-series-at-the-same-time-and-desperately-need-to-talk-about-it book buddy @blackandwhitemotley​! (I seem to collect these - hi @wingedsaboteur​)
1) Name/Nickname: Rosemary is my name. Soph or sophy tends to be a nickname to anyone who met me on the internets first for obvious reasons. I will accept the shortening of my name - Rose - only if I can tell by the way you said it that you know the full name is Rosemary (I can tell okay). I only accept Rosie if my inner child is out because that’s HER name though I accept Rosy , from one friend who asked permission a long time ago (hey @ladynorbert​). I let any and all kids call me me Aunt Rose, not just my nieces and nephew (who is too young yet to call me anything), and my oldest niece still loves to call me by her baby name for me - AuRoo. This was probably a longer thesis on names than the question is meant to be, but that’s me!
2) Gender: Cis genderqueer woman is the best descriptor for my gender and sex. 
3) Star sign: Leo - rawr.
4) Height: 5′3′‘ - just short enough to have short people problems but not quite short enough to be seen as short.
5) Hogwarts House: I’ve had long conversations about this with one of my closest friends @c-l-ford, and we really can’t come up with a true consensus. I think I’m a combo of all four, but I realize that’s a cop-out. 
6) Favourite animal: Felines of any sort, though I’m an all around animal lover (bugs don’t count).
7) Hours of sleep: 8-12, though closer to 8 these days since the Lyrica is helping me to sleep more normally.
8) Dogs or Cats: Cats obvi, but I do love dogs. 
9) Number of blankets: Like, I know this is asking the number of blankets you sleep with on your bed, but the phrasing makes me wanna go around and count all the blankets I own. But okay - I sleep with a light blanket during warmer months, and throw a big comforter over the top during the colder ones. 
10) Dream trip: I’d love to take a cruise through the Mediterranean, taking stops in Sicily, Italy, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Israel, Morocco, etc. 
11) Dream job: At this point, I’d really just love to be working again in any capacity. I miss it so much. I miss feeling like I had a purpose, and knowing I was doing a good job, and working harder the next day, and thinking about getting promoted, and just generally - yea - being my workaholic self. Which makes being too disabled to work for over 15 years now kind of a bummer. 
12) Time: 1:12 pm
13) Birthday: July 29
14) Favourite Bands: I’m never up on new music, so I’m gonna go with some of my classic faves here - Areosmith, Cheap Trick, The Doors, The Indigo Girls, Journey, The Monkees, R.E.M., Queen
15) Favourite Solo Artists: Ani DiFranco, Blondie, Dar Williams, Janis Joplin, Joan Jett, k.d. lang, P!nk, Tori Amos (and yes I added an s to make this one plural too, no fair asking for multiple bands but only one solo artist)
16) Song Stuck In My Head: Lady, by Styx
17) Last Movie I watched: Hidden Figures, though my stupid body fell asleep at the last third or so of the movie, so I’m gonna have to re-watch. (When I woke up, I turned to my friend and said “I missed the ending, did they ever make it to the moon?”)
18) Last Show I Watched: Madam Secretary (I’m a few eps behind though)
19) When Did I Create My Blog: I wanna say about four years ago??
20) What Do I Post/Reblog: So many. I’m a huge TV nerd, so lots of reblogs of gifsets and meta (and sometimes my own meta or short opinion bit) about lots of shows both past and present. I also dig me a lot of books and some movies, so those show up. Intersectional feminism is a big deal to me, so I signal boost a lot of stuff along those lines. I love memes, puns, cute animal pics, gender queering, and pretty shiny things. I might occasionally post personal stuff. I’m chronically ill and that affects my life to a large degree, so I’m likely to reblog stuff about that if it shows up on my dash. Around May - June, I’m likely to be posting about WisCon, my local feminist SFF con that happens Memorial Weekend each year. And in a couple of days here it’ll be November 1st which is when I let my Christmas nerd out to play, so there’ll be a lot of that then too. 
21) Last Thing I Googled: haha, it was actually the song Lady by Styx because I couldn’t remember who sang it, and because once I realized it was in my head, I wanted to listen to it.
22) Other Blogs: No other tumblrs, though I do (very) occasionally post on my Dreamwidth account - same name as this tumblr. 
23) Do I Get Asks: Not very often, though I love it when I do! I adore interacting with folks, so come at me.
24) Why I Chose My URL: sophy from sophia, the feminine divine aspect of god, and also just wisdom/knowledge in general (I was studying philosophy and religious studies when I came up with the sophygurl handle the first time). Then I added -gurl at the end because it was less likely to conflict with other ppl who wanted to combine sophy and girl together to make a name. lol
25) Following: 267 (this is why I can never catch up even on a good day)
26) Followers: 582 - can that be right? Do I have those reversed? I guess a lot of those are spam accounts. 
27) Lucky Number: 5
28) Favourite instrument: Drums of all kinds.
29) What Am I Wearing: lol a silky nightgown paired with an old comfy sweatshirt over the top and comfy pj pants underneath, and warm socks.
30) Favourite Food: Dark chocolate, broccoli, potatoes, and my family’s recipe spaghetti sauce - which I’m gonna make in a few days for the first time in ages woo!
31) Nationality: USian. 
32) Favourite Song: Imagine, by John Lennon. 
33) Last Book Read: The Root by Na’amen Gobert Tilahun 
34) Top Three Fictional Universes I’d Like To Join: Oh geeze, most of my fave universes to read about/watch are not ones I’d want to personally be involved in, so let me think. Maybe the world in Practical Magic, Starhawk’s The Fifth Sacred Thing but only if I could be part of the Bay Area world and not the LA one, Realm of the Elderlings - preferably in the Rain Wilds over other areas.
Tagging: other than the one who tagged me - if you got tagged in the body of this post for other reasons, consider yourselves tagged to do this! Otherwise - tagging anyone who wants to. Make sure you tag me so I’ll see it when you do it tho! :)
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janiedean · 7 years
You don't have to post this but here's some links to the Theon stuff selkiewife(.)tumblr(.)com/post/163908091005/robb-who-had-been-more-a-brother-to-theon-than-any (look in the notes) sing-for-theongreyjoy(.)tumblr(.)com/post/163908319201/a-thought-on-theon-quote-1 and that re-x person is going around attacking people for even making jokes. Like someone made a joke saying Theon was thinking "oh shit" when he saw Jon and they replied to it being like "this is ridiculously out of character (1/2)
you idiot" like they actually called them an idiot. then someone else said something they didn’t like and they spoiled the rest of the season for that person out of spite. then someone else posted an analysis of the Theon and scene and they were like “rewatch please. this is inaccurate” like it’s gotten to the point where people can’t post in the tag without getting a snarky comment from that re-x person. they hate anyone talking about the books and they hate anyone having a diff opinion (2/2)
okay, I’m going to reply in a moment to the other question but this arrived later and at this point I might just get it out of the way.
I could not have published this, true, and I was tempted to for a moment, but since both users have actually, er, blocked me, I imagine after that time I said that if someone didn’t like the show but could enjoy alfie’s performance it didn’t make them a BAD FAN (or maybe before? who knows, no idea), and I imagine they’ll see this just if someone links them, I have absolutely zero fucks left to give, so.
a) I find it really immature and honestly ridiculous that anyone would go around and tell people how to feel about the show and on their own gifsets - some of us like the book, some of us like the show, it’s all valid and for the love of god it’s not a personal offense to them if someone likes the book better than the show and it’s not an offense to alfie or anyone involved in this discourse;
b) I didn’t even watch the ep yet (I’m not downloading it from the internet of my hosts and I’ll watch it when I’m at @incblackbird‘s two days from now anyway) but I saw that gif and tbh theon could have thought ‘oh shit’, like, IT’S A JOKE;
c) calling someone an idiot over a joke in a tv show is fucking immature again same as telling people all over that they didn’t understand what they’re watching because tbh more than one person can play this game and we don’t want to go there;
d) ‘rewatch, this is inaccurate’ is hardly a way to interact with people;
e) I’m really fucking glad I’m missing most of this since I can’t see their posts (since I’m blocked);
f) it’s a fucking tv show y’all need to chill
g) theon greyjoy was a character from the books first so anyone can talk about the goddamned books if they please the tag is for all material about the character and not just for the show version
in conclusion: I can’t fucking believe we’re all people past middle school and this is happening.
and now I’m going to address the goddamned other wank post. thanks y’all. ( @lordhellebore says hi btw and agrees with everything I’m relying messages xD
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top 10 teen wolf episodes as rated by me i guess
IN the order from most to least favorite, and i did not include any 6B ones because it isn’t fair for me to use those when the season isn’t finished yet. (EDIT: season is now finished and while none of the 6B episodes made the ranking i did adjust the honorable mentions accordingly.) this is long & i had fun making it
3.19 Letharia Vulpina: ok ok so just like Everyone Knew I Would i did pick this one because of all the prime derek/chris material—that all-important moment where they had their claws and gun trained on each other, being handcuffed to a bench together, derek saving chris’s life despite insisting he wasn’t gonna—BUT there’s literally not a single second of this episode i don’t love. we open with deaton being a total badass and scaring the shit out of some yakuza dudes, then KIRA gets to be a badass, and then there’s a small scott/allison/isaac moment when he’s all laid up (which was my ot3 for a little while in 3A…don’t judge), allison gets to threaten peter with a stun baton on her girlfriend lydia’s behalf, and that doesn’t even BEGIN to get into the absolute delight it is to watch everyone running around trying to deal with all the chaos the notgitsune is causing (we even got to see coach get shot, which was actually pretty funny??). between all of that and the plot twist at the end (that we all saw coming…but hey) that it was really the nogitsune pretending to be stiles all along (and the very…gay…thing going on with him and scott), it’s literally like, the perfect episode. there was even a rain battle at the end i fucking love rainy scenes. PEAK television.
4.12 Smoke & Mirrors: my two favorite characters on the dumb werewolf show are derek hale & scott mccall and this episode is like a great big flashing sign that says “LOOK AT HOW AWESOME DEREK IS AND LOOK AT HOW AWESOME SCOTT IS!!!” because scott finally gets to KICK PETER’S ASS and comes back from something he shouldn’t be able to come back from because he’s SCOTT MCCALL, TRUE ALPHA, and how can we forget my son derek finally achieving the full shift and giving that big old “FUCK YOU” to kate argent. if that wasn’t enough, my third favorite character chris argent gets the second-closest he’s ever come to weeping in this entire series when confronting the sister he can’t kill at the end. also kate is in this episode and she’s the best villain i love her presence onscreen. also peak television.
1.12 Code-Breaker: i love s1 SO FUCKING MUCH bc it was so tightly plotted - it’s like back to the future and holes, it’s one of those things where every line serves a purpose and there’s no spare bits, and tw’s plot becomes such a mess later that it’s honestly really amazing. so code breaker is my favorite one because all the plot stuff comes together really well, and it’s just like well-done overall, there’s that sick backwards shot of allison, chris’s Angst when he realizes his sister is a serial killer, scott trying Really Really Hard and derek being Really Really Done (why don’t they have more scenes together…), stiles and peter cracking me up with the laptop password gag, like…there’s literally no part of this ep that isn’t a delight (also again kate is in it i love kate as a villain). it’s wonderful 10/10
3.14 More Bad Than Good: i had a real hard time with this one vs. the one immediately before it, the first one of 3B, but i love both bc i love watching scott stiles and allison absolutely losing their shit. in the end i like this one better bc 1. you get to watch them beat it and 2. they finally find and rescue malia and i FUCKING LOVE malia, my own daughter, also the scene where she reunites with her dad makes me misty every time. bonus content: watching araya hack off peter’s finger :D :D :D AND this is the first time derek gets to make heart-eyes at braeden. i’m so happy whenever he’s happy!!! 
6.05 Radio Silence: this episode is everything i love about 6A all wrapped up in a nice neat lil package. i love 6A bc it totally fucking surprised me by making me like things i did not think i’d like, the biggest being stiles/lydia. and like…this season fuckin SOLD me on it, the way she fights tooth and nail to get him back and the way he’s so patiently waited for her reminds me 2much of claire & ben from @cambionverse and the beginning of me being sold was this ep, when they had the wall between them, and when they finally talked on the radio. and this episode even made peter hale interesting for 30 entire seconds which i thought was impossible—it was cool that he did One Genuinely Selfless Thing by going through the portal to save malia, and later when malia and scott had to take his pain to get at stiles’ keys you could almost imagine for a second he got to pretend someone actually DID care about him, that’s his reward for doing a single selfless thing. it was also stellar to see stiles (and the jeep!!!) again and see him working the problem from the other side it was like getting real sam back after half a season of soulless sam in spn s6 DO NOT call me out for referencing this show
4.05 I.E.D.: go look at these gifsets and read the tags. now come back. …okay okay aside from, That, which i won’t repeat as to avoid two paragraphs of capslock, derek also smiles in this episode. even scott is alarmed by it. HE’S HAPPY i’m happy he’s happy!!!!! i’m happy he loves scott!! i’m happy he spends half the episode trading long lingering looks with his future boyfriend!!!! but if that wasn’t enough this episode KEEPS ON GIVING because at the very end the calaveras show up and bully chris into saying the original code, and forgetting his daughter’s, which is deeply relevant to all my headcanons about the code lowkey being like indoctrination (watch that shit again it’s fucking wild…), and also it’s one of the only times in the series where he looks genuinely freaked out and i love watching his Turmoil™
6.10 Riders on the Storm: this is also everything i love about 6A in one ep, just like, less concentrated, bc there’s also the nazi werewolf (tho even PETER HALE getting judgy @ the nazi was truly a highlight). its got all the Big Damn Reunions, its got STYDIA, its got peter actually being slightly interesting, its got scott mccall: badass. its actually also got lydia martin: badass, which like…About Damn Time. it’s even got chris argent: badass, and it’s also got chris argent: badass smooching on a beautiful lady w/ his hands in her hair!!!! (her: that was so hot! me: GIRL ME TOO) also they thought this was the last stiles ep ever so his goodbyes to everyone were like really sweet & made me emo af
3.22 De-Void: so obviously i love this one because derek’s line when he was under thrall about “you’re NOT my ally you’re a HUNTER” got me into the dumb rarepair i wrote like 60k for so far but also i do genuinely deeply love the sequence where they exorcise the notgitsune from inside stiles’ head—lydia facing her fears in the ruined prom dress is such amazing imagery + im gay for the scott/stiles reunion. bonus content includes chris & allison interaction which breaks my heart (he’s so proud of her!!) and the tense kickass scene in the loft in the opening where the notgitsune (SCARY MOTHERFUCKER) is trying to goad chris into shooting it. i don’t love ALL of this ep bc it has so much thumb twins (& from here down there are no more perfect ones…sad) but i love MOST of it and the parts i do love are fantastic. so. i’ll deal w/ thumb twins
3.06 Motel California: look i know this episode should disturb the fuck out of me bc 1. derek and jennifer bang & in my eyes that isn’t a consensual encounter and 2. all the creepy ass suicides but like…honestly there is something so soothing about motels to me, i’ll put this one on to just chill out anyday. like it is delightfully creepy and i love all the meat to everyone getting hit with their baggage (uh…except the thumb twins), but mostly it’s the #mood i love. i actually even like the derek scenes before the sex starts because he is So Wounded and So Sad (“everyone around me gets hurt” BYE) and they rarely let him actually emote at all so it’s very refreshing
2.03 Ice Pick: this was like…such a perfect & amazing introduction to the new betas like if the new ppl in s4 and beyond had gotten this kind of good introduction (and hadn’t been killed off so quickly…) i would love them about 10x more. it’s got that nice s2 vibe that most ppl are into and i still love erica & boyd w/ all my heart!!! (DONT really love how creepy derek was w/ erica but we’ll blame it on being the alpha.) i also love how fucked up the scene with allison tied to the chair was & the fucking fight between derek’s pack and scott at the end…like scott gets to win a 2-on-1 fight and then derek gets to be mr. cool alpha dude and kick his ass. i LOVE THOSE FIGHT SCENES and bc of this episode “iron” is my derek theme song. so.
HONORABLE MENTIONS aka these were on the original list but didn’t make the cut:
1.11 Formality (aaalllll of derek’s ugly backstory this was when i knew i loved him)
2.10 Fury (the first ep i ever watched live, will always be fond of it for that reason even tho i don’t give 2 shits about matt)
2.11 Battlefield (the theme of doing things bc of the power of love will always get me, it was also the only teen wolf episode i ever made gifs of, back when i knew how to make gifs)
3.12 Lunar Ellipse (for scott becoming a true alpha for REAL + derek’s big ol’ well-deserved fuck-you to jennifer, i didn’t love 3A but this was such prime derek & scott material)
3.13 Anchors (like i said: watching stiles, scott, and allison all COMPLETELY lose their shit, also did you know the anchor allison chose in this ep ws her new code? Interesting)
3.24 The Divine Move (listen...you can laugh at the cheesy sfx ALL you want but when i watched kate argent come back from the dead to menace derek hale like his own worst nightmare come to life LIVE with mine own two eyes i jumped out of my seat and YELLED like everything about that moment was absolutely PERFECT and very few things are ever gonna top it)
4.08 Time of Death (derek learning to use a gun and then getting it on with braeden…bye)
4.11 A Promise to the Dead (not only chris unsticking himself from the wall for allison and scott’s sake but also derek and braeden walking around his loft half-naked in the rain...nice)
5.05 A Novel Approach (the stiles and donovan altercation…the first 15m where he acts with his face without saying a word…enough said)
5.18 The Maid of Gévaudan (i'm bitter about the flashback because i want ALLISON but it was a nice origin story + scott fighting the beast all on his own to save that library full of kids was one of the only truly amazing moments of 5B)
6.08 Blitzkrieg (the sheriff rebuilding stiles’ room and saying goodbye to claudia makes me really for real cry but there’s so much nazi bullshit that i couldn’t justify having the episode as a whole being one of my favs)
6.13 After Images (chris argent absolutely losing his shit the entire ep, fucking love it)
6.19 Broken Glass (derek hale's comeback and he got to spend all of his screentime with chris argent! i seriously considered poking this into the #10 spot but ultimately the sideplot i hated with malia and scott had so much more screentime i can't use it - i can't list an episode i'm always skipping parts of!)
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chiisana-sukima · 7 years
The Eldritch Bunker
***Collaboration Welcome. Add Your Headcanon Too***
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...because we are going to continually expand these characters                    -Jerry Wanek (thanks, @hazeldomain, for the production shorts!)
@chiisana-sukima (that’s me!) wrote, in a post that didn’t work for adding, because reasons: I think the Bunker is a Good Puppy, and loves Dean, Cas, and Sam all. But because it is a Smart Puppy, it tries really hard for each of them, but sometimes the outcomes aren’t quite what a Human might expect.
Cas and the Bunker understand each other the best. Cas understands about the Bunker being a deeply, weirdly inhuman creature whose existence is too large for mortals to fill. And the Bunker knows Cas gets bored and lonely at night while his human friends are sleeping. So when Cas wanders through the Bunker at night, the Bunker lets him explore its maze-like recesses and dimensions full of wonders and magic that Dean and Sam will never see. When morning is approaching, Cas has to gently remind the Bunker that it’s time for him to go back up to the surface levels where Sam and Dean live, so that the Bunker can lead him out, because even Cas can’t find his way back on his own.
For Dean, there’s an alcove off the garage, full of tools and parts for all the classic cars. And sometimes when its in an especially helpful mood, the Bunker leaves parts for Baby around too, or a better brand of oil than Dean usually buys, and Dean feels suspicious, because how could the MoL have had any of those things, but maybe Sam picked them up, but Sam’s not really into cars…. sometimes it’s best not to question. 
And also for Dean, the way to the dungeon is a little straighter, the corridor a little wider, the locks a little stronger, the soundproofing perfect. The holy water is always well-stocked and the salt never runs out. In the shooting range, the targets are far enough back that they’re right on the edge of Dean’s ability, so he doesn’t just keep getting useless bullseyes over and over. The bunker makes no judgements; it was built for war.
For Sam, one might think the library would be perfectly organized, all the information Sam could want catalogued and easy to find. But the Bunker knows Sam better than that. Sam likes a challenge, and the Bunker likes to learn. It scatters things around for Sam. There are always cluttered new storerooms, another archive, more magical tools to sort. That way Sam will have things to occupy his mind. He’ll make new connections, figure out things the Bunker didn’t know itself. 
And Sam’s room- the Bunker is still angry that Lucifer managed to find it. It’s the best warded room the Bunker has, radiating a false nonexistence so strongly, that from the outside it’s barely there at all. But Cas had been to it too many times already before Lucifer occupied him, and Lucifer was determined.
The Bunker is determined too though. It won’t happen again. When Sam walks through the library, sometimes books fall off the shelves and land open to pages on complex warding patterns. If he’s not paying attention as he walks to his room, there will occasionally be an ancient clay jar of holy oil in the hall that he’ll somehow fail to notice until he’s already kicked it over and broken it. By now there’s a solid wall of holy fire soaked into the floorboards outside Sam’s door, just waiting to be set alight, and a fire spell has etched itself into the wood of the door frame.
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@trisscar368  wrote: Sam’s room - yes PLEASE, because your idea of it being warded like that works perfectly with the fact that it keeps changing location.
The Bunker decided not long after the boys moved in that Sam would be safe when he slept; there were too many nights when Sam would still wake up breathless, the names of lovers and lost friends and tormentors alike all dying unspoken on his lips.  Too many nights where he refused to sleep until it was almost dawn, choosing to distract himself because the memories are just a little too close at hand.  So the Bunker cocoons his room away every night in the depths of the maze; it makes sure to have him back before morning, though it doesn’t always quite put him back in the same place, not after Dean snuck in that one morning to play music on full blast.
It hasn’t quite forgiven Dean for what happened under the Mark.  Oh, it doesn’t blame him particularly for destroying doors when he was a demon; he was a demon, he was barely the same creature.  The Bunker treated him as such - it has no eyes after all - trying to protect Sam by weaving extra passages between the two of them, only letting Dean find Sam when Castiel was close enough to help.  But since that last day with the Steins, with what happened in the library, Dean’s room has a habit of being slightly… misplaced in the morning.  Dean hasn’t said anything.  He still hasn’t forgiven himself, so why would the Bunker?
It wishes Cas would stay more.  It quite agreed with Kevin (oh, the Bunker tried to commune with Kevin’s ghost, but he just couldn’t hear the Eldritch being the way Cas can) that Winchester pity sessions are annoying.  Dean tends to be happier when Cas is around, and, well, the Bunker grew rather attached itself when Cas stayed those few weeks when he was ill.  It tries to feel more like home, this weird amalgamation of ideas and memories of all the people who’ve stayed inside its walls, but it doesn’t quite know what Cas wants; austere hallways of light?  Or dimly lit rooms smelling faintly of whiskey and leather and gunpowder.  Cas doesn’t know what he wants either.
The six weeks when the boys were gone were hard on both Cas and the Bunker.  He had a habit of forgetting the lights, wandering the halls in pitch black, losing himself in the grief and the guilt, trying to hide from the shadow of Lucifer.
Lucifer, now it hates Lucifer.  It hates the scent of rust that trails in his wings.  It hates how Sam stopped sleeping again when the boys knew Lucifer was free.  It hates how Cas sometimes wanders into the kitchen expecting to see a television on the counter, and stands there staring while he remembers where he is.
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@floralmotif  wrote: Follow me below if you want to engage with headcanon speak dabbling in the idea that the bunker is an eldritch abomination. It’s just fun:
I’m actually not sure if it would like people in the same sense as a dog would. It would probably allow Cas a bit more reign just cause he can perceive it a little better and may be able to handle the concepts it presents without his brain shorting out. He may also be unaware of its nature on a conscious level. If this thing were actually a being, it would be pretty powerful even as presented. Amara needed Cas to find Dean in the bunker. This would mean that the bunker theoretically is more powerful than Chuck or Amara or is at least capable of hiding from them. It is no creature of creation. It just kind of settled there, perhaps drawn by the MoL or maybe it manifested on its own and they found it. They may be the only perception of human things its ever experienced. The Winchester’s found it after and it still had the same appearance. It’s possible it looks that way because the MoL were the first to meet it and the Winchesters don’t do anything to tell it any different. It may just be a void in reality with no perception that there is an outside at all. It’s like a computer display. It can display coffee as much as it wants but it doesn’t know what coffee is.
That being said, it’s a lot more fun to imagine it has a personality that can enjoy things and can create easy passage for sleepy Winchesters when it’s 3am and they have work to do. So Dean can find the kitchen easily even when it took him 3x as long when he was a demon. He doesn’t question it, neither of them do. It’s weird sometimes but they wave it on and the Bunker doesn’t mind that its unknown. It’s rather glad of it. No one has ever known it. The closest is maybe Cas but if Chuck didn’t notice the massive being of the cosmos, he probably wouldn’t either. Sometimes though, the bunker opens places for him. It wants to see how far it can go and Cas is a calm and curious being himself.
Perhaps it can sense intent or longing, or fear. It carefully arranges itself for whatever situation feels comfortable for it. The emotions of humans are perplexing but it isn’t a violent creature, it tries to avoid it.
                       (some shorter headcanons below the cut)
 @somekindofsaviour asked: Sam said in ep 12x12 that he has uploaded the Bunker library to an online archive. Don't you think that's really unrealistic? There must be thousands of articles and books in the library. The keywords alone would be a nightmare.
@grey2510 answered: I agree that it’s unrealistic. That kind of job would take FOREVER to do properly on one’s own, even if that’s ALL Sam were doing (and not ya know, hunting and making sure the world doesn’t end). (...)
Who knows. The Bunker already seems to have magical tech capabilities. Maybe it has magical digital archiving. Bonus feature!
@floralmotif​ (in response to a gifset where Mary is walking, and the corridors are going a different direction than usual): Now I’m thinking of an instance where the bunker gets Mary lost. She wanders around until finally getting to the kitchen and Sam and Dean think she’s slept in and she’s like “I got lost. This place makes no sense” and they both look at each other and offer her coffee in concern and confusion because they don’t perceive the Bunker’s nonsense most of the time.
@eruthiawenluin wrote:  #but what about when demon/MoC!dean is roaming the halls?    #and the bunker is //confused//    #because it can sense that there’s something wrong with him but this is //dean//  #but it tries to give sam some reaction time when dean’s after him    #and sam is almost killed for it and stays away from certain areas of the bunker   #and it kind of… panics?    #sam’s already hesitant to call him ‘home’ because of his history (and lack thereof) with 'home’  #so he’s always careful to create detours for sam   #the bunker is a bitter sam boy    
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So I just caught up on “Breakdown” (yeah yeah, I know, I keep missing eps and watching them way late - people keep hogging my TV and I keep getting distracted, I can’t help it!) and:
1. This was actually a legitimately freaky episode with the brief dip into torture porn. Like the parts with... Donna’s niece, Ginger, whatever-her-name-was (I just watched and I already forgot, lmao), and the poor dude who got hacked, those were super horrific and it felt VERY old-school SPN. Which I really, really loved. But also, jfc. Now admittedly I did try to veer away from spoilers and I did pretty well, but between out-of-context gifsets and the title, I thought the episode would either be A) revolving around Sam and Dean having breakdowns and having to mutually come together and work through them, little-to-no supernatural threat, which would’ve been fun, or B) Sam and/or Dean freaking out at the sight of the workshop and flashing back to Hell and having aforementioned breakdown, which also would’ve been fun. Until the vamp flashed his fangs, I also legit thought the twist would be that it was a 100% human enemy/enemies but SUPER fucked up serial killers and cannibals and evil, evil people, a la “The Benders”, with it just being people kidnapping and brutally killing each other while other people watch on camera as snuff films on the Dark Web(TM) and pay for body parts as trophies, and Sam and Dean once again remembering Humans Are the Real Monsters. But I did appreciate the return to actual horror, so hopefully they keep it up because that’s why I watch SPN in the first place.
2. They also laid on the political stuff pretty thick, huh? lol. I didn’t mind too much, but it got to be a little jarring at times. Kinda reminded me of Charlie. Which... now makes me think Ginger and Charlie could’ve been a cute super-liberal redhead couple, hm!
3. Speaking of cute couples, I really started digging Doug and being like “aw, he and Donna are so cute!” right in the same scene he skadoodled. Dang. Well, maybe they’ll reconcile in the spinoff or something. Also, the mention of veganism by the vamp dude made me think in the part where Doug’s like, “No! I’m not like you guys, I can’t do this, I-I-” and the way the political themes were going in the episode I was fully prepared for him to say, “I’m vegan!” Which would totally be my excuse to get out of having to go kill monsters and get made fun of by demons :c and inevitably die gruesomely for having even glanced at the Winchesters.
4. Why the fuck was nobody reacting at all to Vamp Dude being such an unbelievable over-the-top douchebag, even before they found out he was a vamp? He went from “lololol yeahhhhhh that babe was HOT” -> “lololol yeahhhhhh I arranged for her to get kidnapped” -> “lololol yeahhhhhh I send people to get horribly tortured to death and their body parts auctioned off, check it out” And no one even gives him a dirty look, they just bring him with? Like I get they were focused on Ginger and Dean did rough him up earlier/they did ask why he was doing it, but it felt very much the plot was hurrying along with allowing time for real human reactions and the way all of them failed to react to almost all his comments was just super weird, with how they just let him stay smug and cocky and unbelievably evil when he was supposed to be human. I guess they didn’t have time to bring him to the police, but surely Dean would lose his temper again and beat the shit outta him, Dean’s not a very calm and controlled dude. Or at the very least unleash the angry Batman voice unto him and scare the shit out of him. And he’s responsible for putting Donna’s niece in danger, he just admitted it, so it’s weird she didn’t get much reaction to it either. Like even if he was written and acted less douchebaggily, more outrage and anger from the other characters would’ve been more in-character.
5. LMAO the scene where all the monsters are seeing Sam about to get sliced like “*gasp* yesssssss. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.” Like holy shit, is it happening?? is it really happening?!?! (Dean: no.) It’s weird also that they didn’t show Sam and/or Dean getting one last win over the watching monsters by being like “hey guess what, now we know where you fucks all are and we’re going to hunt down and kill every one of you” or “uh, uh, uh, GAME OVER *take 30 seconds to clumsily shut off camera*” OR “don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our YouTube channel, fuckos *shoot camera*” We didn’t even get to see the monsters reacting to Dean saving Sam. Like no screams of rage. Not even one wibbly-lipped monster-pout!
6. Sam mentioning Cass in the last line made me suddenly remember Cass has been rotting in a cage in Hell with Lucifer for... quite awhile now. Probably standing with his face against the bars, staring into space like “Whyyyyyy is it taking so long to get me out of this, Lucifer is so annoyyyyyying, Asmodeus’s accent is so cringyyyyyy” (Poor Cass. Putting it in that light made me be like, damn, he does have it rough. How many other obnoxious characters are they gonna stick him with indefinitely?)
7. FBI Monster Man was actually pretty smart about it (in theory, he could’ve just shot Sam without waking him up and giving him the big speech first, but that’s okay, I appreciate him trying to be smart with the writing forcing him to be dumb) but that would’ve been a spectacularly gruesome fate for a character, holy shit, imagine if a recurring character had actually been killed off that way, that would’ve been so messed up and upsetting. I imagine lots of H/C fics were born the night this episode aired. I want to read em, this concept had a lot of weight for me and I have my own idea for it that I want to use (but it’ll take approximately 20 billion years to get to at the pace I’m writing, I do still got +12 seasons to get through with my SPN fic-verse). If anyone found/wrote any, reblog this (or if you’d prefer, message me and let me know if you don’t want me to reply publicly) with it, I’d dig it!
Overall I’d give it about a 7/10, mostly because obviously I really liked the concept and the execution of the horror a whole bunch. Some flaws but pretty good casefic, especially for recent seasons. (Y’all know I just want teh horrorrrrrr.)
0 notes