#i do give credits to ian
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found this in me drafts- might as well eh
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biblionerd07 · 1 month
I tried watching some of the Ian/Mickey scenes from season 11 and it made me ill. These are IMPOSTERS. That is not Ian and Mickey!! Especially Mickey!!! Look at how they massacred my boy. But one of the most frustrating parts is that if you watch the deleted scenes it shows that someone in that writers’ room DID know how to write Ian and Mickey but the producers or whoever makes that decision were like “nah, no meaningful conversations that show how much they love and respect each other and are working on their relationship. These fans who’ve been watching the characters struggle for a decade want them to continuously argue and beat the shit out of each other and act like they hate each other!”
#John wells if I ever catch you#there were a very few small spots of goodness and I credit ONLY Noel and cam for that#they were doing their level best#some of the things they had coming out of Mickey’s mouth made me want to drive my head through a wall#in what world am I supposed to believe Mickey was getting blow jobs from other guys#and making a joke out of Ian’s bipolar????#like the one time they remembered they even wrote Ian as bipolar and it was for a shitty line where Mickey throws it in his face#it feels like every season is a whole new show and not connected at all to the others#and then it starts feeling like every EPISODE is a whole new show that’s not connected#why was there like a goofy soundtrack as Mickey’s literal Nazi abusive rapist father moved in next door#Noel was giving us everything and they made a joke out of it#and then they made a joke out of Mickey being conflicted and crying after terry died??????????#I want to kill them#Ian saying frank was worse than terry????? girl in what world??????#Mickey was NEVER insecure about bottoming and he was always adamant about how much he loved it but suddenly it’s an issue#from ‘liking what I like don’t make me a bitch’ back when he could barely LOOK at Ian to…this#also Ian used to be very sweet even when he was being stubborn and self-righteous and even violent#but they really lost his sweetness#and I know it wasn’t just cam growing up bc there were glimpses of it in the way he chose to have Ian move and hold onto Mickey#but the writers seemed hell bent on all of the characters being so horrible to each other#in the early seasons they could sometimes be cruel and selfish even to each other but underneath it all they loved each other#and it feels like when they decided to lean solely into goofy comedy that lost that#it’s just sad to see a show that started so good end so badly#I’ve seen people talking about a spinoff with Ian and Mickey and I don’t even fucking want it with these writers#maybe if cam and Noel were producers and got to choose the storylines#they’re the only ones I trust
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It’s sooo funny to me that Mythic Quest was made by the same people as Always Sunny because they both have their different strong suits and flaws and are successful in different ways and unsuccessful in others, but I was describing the MQ backstory episodes in particular to my sister like: short film festival worthy masters of modern tragedy, pinnacle of storytelling, directing and acting, truly a perfect balance of drama with just the right amount of humour and humanity, and then I’m like from the same people who brought you:
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[Photo ID: A screenshot of Danny Devito’s Always Sunny character Frank staring at the camera holding up an egg and just saying, “Egg.” End photo ID]
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Idk if you take requests , but could you maybe write a fic with Human!Alastor and male!reader where reader exaggerates his whole personality to comply with everyone else and is easily exhausted from it and Alastor "relaxses" reader in that way ?
Thank you in advance and have a good day !
Alastor - [ MASQUERADE ]
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A/N: This request really made me brainstorm but I've decided to break it into 2 parts. I hope you'll enjoy it! As always kindly lmk the artist of the fanart so I can tag them and give proper credit! ❤️
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“You're on air in ten minutes, Y/n. Pick it up before the host gets restless!”
Your so-called manager barked from the dressing room doorway, giving one last glare your way before strutting off, grumbling a string of curses you'd learned to ignore.
“Asshole…” you scoffed, turning back to the striped mirror of your vanity; the large bulbs that lit it gave enough light in the old stuffy backstage space, illuminating every detail of your appearance.
Not one thing could be out of place.
You wouldn't allow it, committed to your role as a rising preformer in the golden age of the stage, and conditioned to perfectionist standards from years of tribulations
Suffering behind a practiced smile won you your stardom. The ambiguous beauty you possessed helped immensely in your success on the silver screen, but the truest contributor to your fame was appeal.
Humourous, intellectual, but most crucial, sex appeal.
That's what kept your admires enthralled, permanently put you in the limelight from the start, and inevitably earned you considerable amounts of money.
You weren't opposed to being called a child of Dionysus himself, envied by those who wanted you. Still, the burden of putting on a show for everyone every day without giving them a glimpse of your faults was excruciating.
Yet, you chose the burden over sulking in the darkness, remaining among the ordinary when you so clearly had the makings of a star, and your status of high popularity among the masses was proof of it.
So be it if your cheeks ached from smiling at frivolous fans that your laugh sounded less like your own the more you forced it, that flirtations of others felt like empty praises, or that every project you agreed to felt less and less stimulating.
So fucking be it.
Fame is fickle; you knew this all too well, but your existence felt meaningless without it.
All the world's riches, the undivided favor you garnered from the public, and the sparkling awards cluttered your penthouse display shelves…
Even with all that at your fingertips, you had yet to feel seen…
Seen and truly adored.
“Two fucking minutes! Get your ass in position. This interview is being broadcast live, remember?” your manager harped at you from the hall, causing you to grunt in frustration before yelling back, “Would you shut your trap?! Fucking hell…I'm coming!”
You set aside the whiskey glass in your left hand, ran your right through your recently styled hair, and checked your reflection one last time.
“It's only a radio show. One little interview and you can go home and get black-out drunk…” the idea of spending some much-deserved time alone after running around doing a press tour brought a sad smile to your face as you stood and exited the dim room.
This would be your last stop, an interview with Louisiana’s prided radio host, and the last person you'd need to put a show on for before returning home.
“Finally…” your manager grumbled as you stepped into the hall, giving you a once over as the two of you strolled down the hall towards the host recording area, “Don't fuck this up. People say this ones a real talker and can make or break ya..” he mumbled begrudgingly.
You paid his incessant pestering no mind, flashing him a suave smile as you both stopped before a heavy door, “Don't tell me you're starting to care about my reputation now? Thought you only saw me as a nice money grab…”
Your smile grew as laughter bubled in your chest, seeing the other slowly become agitated at your backhanded comments.
“Why, you little-”
“Oh, don't be rude, sir. You'll spoil my good mood, and god knows sour spirits bring bad luck,” you smirked, enjoying the scrunch of his nose as his expression reflected his true nature, but before he could snap, you pushed the door open and slipped into the soundproofed station room.
What a fucking pain he is…
You cursed the raging man outside, sighing softly as the sound of jazz lingered through the air and the smell of freshly brewed coffee mixed with a distinct cologne engulfed you.
The space felt and looked inviting, relaxing even, but what caught your attention was the man who occupied it.
He sat in a desk chair across the small room, facing a table full of controls and a mic to match. His face was lowered from the device, glasses resting comfortably on the bridge of his nose as he stared at what you assumed was a script for your conversation with him, but the simmering amazement overtook your curiosity about the paper he held you felt hearing him hum along to the song he was airing.
You didn't dare move an inch closer, satisfied with watching and listening to him from afar, oddly entrapped by the silent allure he cast.
It was no mystery that people loved the sound of his voice. You'd be fooling yourself if you said you hadn't found his commentary enchanting, but looking at him in the flesh, you were sure he'd flourish on the silver screen like no other.
He could indeed win the eyes of many…
Yours especially, and to some degree, he had already, but you hesitated to admit it even as he turned to face you.
Oh…. he is a beauty, that's for sure…
That was the singular thought in your mind as he smiled, standing from his seat before approaching you with all the confidence you'd merely portrayed.
“Hello there. You must be Y/n L/n. I'm Alastor Hartifelt. It's a pleasure to meet you, my friend!”
His voice was as smooth, melting into the background melodies inexplicably, and your heart lightened immensely as he held out a hand for you to shake.
“The..the pleasure is all mine, Mr. Hartifelt..” you inwardly scolded your delayed greeting, losing track of your practiced charm relatively quickly in his grasp. Still, in seconds, you recovered from the blunder while returning his smile.
Alastor took you in with a glance up and down your figure, cataloging every detail of your appearance out of habit, but when his gaze met yours, one thought crossed his perceptive mind.
How curious…
You hid the familiar emotion well; seeing past the veil of contentment wasn't tricky, and though he was tempted to bring it forth.
You two shook hands briefly but firmly. Alastor stepped back, gliding his hand out to mention towards the recording station. “Come, have a seat, and please call me Alastor. We will be on air after all; formalities aren't necessary for an engaging broadcast.” His smile grew, emitting an unearthly kindness as you nodded in understanding before sitting in the chair opposite his.
“You make an excellent point, Alastor. I hope we enjoy each other's company.” You chuckle softly, feeling a tad nervous for a reason unknown but genuinely harboring a rise in excitement, hearing him respond promptly.
“I have no doubt we will…” Alastor muses more to himself, a delicate edge to his voice as he trailed behind you, and a certain twinge of intrigue rattled your spine at the implication.
For the first time in a long time, you weren't dreading the inclinations of your fame, gradually succumbing to the sparks of joy Alastor evoked with the most straightforward words and becoming surer of the fact as he took his seat next to you.
“Shall we begin?” he implies cheekily, and you reply in a quick, witty fashion, “We shall.”
“Care for a drink, my friend? I believe we’ve earned ourselves a cold glass of whiskey… that is, If your evening is unreserved.” Alastor made the offer moments after switching your respective microphones off, quickly arranging the recording panel to a specific setting as he listened for your response.
Your mouth moved quicker than your mind; a distinct rush overtook at the thought of spending more time with the charismatic radio host, “I'd be delighted to join you. I must agree that our interview went quite well. It's rare to have an easy conversation with a stranger these days..”
Alastor raised a brow, sparing you a glance as he finished sliding keys and flicking switches into place to keep a calming stream of music lingering in his broadcast, “So, I'm still a stranger to you?… My, and I thought we were getting on so well…“
He spurs you casually, an air of hurt in his expression, and it stuns you, causing a red hue to rise on your cheeks, “Th-that's not at all what I meant, Alastor…” Your lower head twinges of embarrassment staining your consciousness, and for the third time that evening, Alastor had chipped away at your charm.
He enjoyed it….
Seeing you falter and conform to his standards, though you didn't need to, at any time, you could've remained indifferent to him and taken your leave the moment he shut your mic off, but you remained.
Solely because you'd grown attached to him or the defect he had on you.
Humbling, genuine understanding, but above all else, validation.
“My dear, I am only poking fun. I take no offense to your words, and I hope you'll grant me the same courtesy!” Alastor reached for you, thumb and forefinger slipping under your chin to lift it, and you obeyed his gesture with a soft smile. “Oh…I…”
You paused, swallowing thickly as he raised himself from the chair, head lowered toward yours as he stood above you.
Had he always been so tall?
So brooding?
You weren't entirely sure, but your heart raced, every nerve in your body tingled with anticipation as if you were a deer caught in his headlights, but you couldn't retreat or evade him.
“You what?..” Alastor cooed quietly, chocolate eyes on fire with an emotion you'd long forgotten but returned subconsciously.
You needed to be back in control, or the next breath between you two might lead to something…
Your mind played scenario after scenario, beginning to short circuit as he peered down at you, lips only inches from yours, and his other hand reaching to caress your cheek. His touch is searing, warmer than those you'd felt before, intentional, and your entire being buzzed in his grasp as if in a drunken stupor.
He was dangerous… able to tear through your facade easily, which was terrifying.
Don't let him get any closer…
Keep him at a distance…
You've only just met him...
Warnings rang in your head, but your eyes lowered to his lips, and your voice remained quiet as you responded to his question.
“I" 'd like to have that drink before the night ends. Wouldn't you?"With a gentle nudge of your head and a soft laugh, you draw away from Alastor's touch. The space between you increases, and the ability to breathe becomes less strenuous as you stand to your feet, collecting your overcoat before slipping it on, "I'm not familiar with the city yet, so I'll leave it to you to show me around." The chipper in your tone amuses Alastor; you'd perfected the art of illusion so well that in the clutches of what some might consider an intimate moment, you balked and reclaimed sensibility like it never occurred, though you wished for it to carry on further.
He'd met and spoken to his fair share of actors, learned their ticks and telling habits, and used it against them when he saw benefit in toying with them.
However, being able to see right through you evoked another motive for the host, and he dared to think it was mutual.
"Well, I'd be honored to show you the ins and outs of this lively town I call home so long as you promise to keep up," Alastor retrieves his coat, a heavy jet black trench withered accents paired with matching hat, stylish in all the right ways -presumably warm to be in. Still, you were sure if he ventured into the night dressed like that, any stranger would fear him.
They had good reason to, but you didn't need to know why.
Not yet…
With a coy smile, you followed Alastor out of the station, matching his strides as he paved the way to a nearby speakeasy, "You'll find it quite entertaining, my friend. Few visit at this hour, but my dear Mimzy puts on a vine show regardless!" Your heart skipped a beat at the thought of Alastor being infatuated with another, for what reason you weren't sure, but your disappointment flashed clear in your eyes that he took it upon himself to clarify his remark.
"She is an old and loyal acquaintance. Nothing more. Nothing less."
You perked up at the explanation, face burning with a blush as you raised both hands to dissuade his interpretation of your expression, "I understand. You needn't explain anything to me-"
Alastor halted in his tracks, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he peered at you curiously, "Hm, so you did assume we were something to begin with?..."
Shit, was I that obvious?...
"Not at all..." you lie, as calm as ever but internally conflicted.
How could he go about messing with you so boldly?..
And why did it excite you?..
"Your eyes say otherwise, my friend..." he counters your nervous reply with a smug smirk, beginning to walk off as if he wasn't toying with your head, "My eyes?..." you whisper in response.
"They are the doorway to the soul...I've learned to walk through said doors, and you, my dear, hide a lot of fears behind them." Alastor chuckles, ears tingling as you reclaim your spot at his upon reaching your destination. Still, you're less concerned with the dark alley lit with a singular neon sign situated above a heavy lead door and more worried about what he is implying regarding your emotions.
Who was he to know anything?
Sure, he was pleasant to be around, an avid intellectual with a knack for continuing conversation with you, and you had no reason to believe he'd been faking his friendliness to you from the start...
That still gave him no right analyzing you, prod at your exterior with more confidence than necessary, and you intended to let him know it.
A glare beset your expression, mouth open to speak, but you weren't allowed to do so as the lead door swung open.
Alastor guided you close to his side as a gaggle of patrons spilled from the doorway, ranting and raving about the time they had inside. Their rowdy behavior irked him, but you did not comment on the matter as he placed a hand on your back to lead you inside after their dysfunctional departure.
“Drunken idiots,” he mumbled begrudgingly, and for the first time you'd seen the radio host truly bothered. He'd been so composed during your interview, inviting and flirtatious on and off the air, so getting a glimpse of his annoyed state felt like a treat.
At least you knew he had flaws, insignificant but telling ones.
“Um. Alastor, you can..” you paused, unsure if you wanted to let him know he was still holding onto your waist as he led you inside the dim speakeasy. Alastor hummed, irritation gone, and his coy smile widening as you shuffled alongside him. “Y-you can let me go now.”
“Oh, nonsense, my dear! I wouldn't want you to run into unsavory characters like the ones that just passed..”
He quickly navigated the lingering crowd, clearly familiar with the club's layout, and you marbled at its unique atmosphere as he led you through it. “I can handle myself, Alastor,” you tried again to reason, but Alastor was quick to give a response as he ushered you to sit at an unoccupied lounge chair complete with a table and lamp.
“I'm sure you can but I'm rather fond of keeping you close.” He sat next to you after setting his coat and hat aside.
What did he mean by that?..
“How selfish of you,” you feigned disappointment as he shifted to face you with a soft chuckle leaving his lips, “Would you be so kind as to forgive my greed for your attention?” Alastor stares you down, noting how you bite your lip, another nervous tick you'd yet to disregard in his presence. “I'll consider it if you buy me a drink or two..”
The suggestion was meant to sound confident, unmothered by the mounting pressure in your chest, but it came out breathless. You were sure that you'd mastered the art of indiffenece, permanently established a mask of charm, but as much as you wished to maintain the certainty…
Alastair disproved it with little more than a gesture or equally compelling word.
It was unsettling, intoxicating too, but undeniably riveting.
“A small price to pay,” he mumbled, eyes lowering to your lips as you laughed softly and leaned back to admire the other patrons roaming or dancing around. “I never said I was cheap..” you taste him, gaze drifting to him as he shifted closer. You wanted to jump out of your skin as his arm came to rest behind you, head lulling to ward your cheek as he breathed into your ear. The resulting warmth made you shiver, quickening your breaths, and your body tingled with intrigue.
“No…” Alastor affirmed your jest, free hand raising your chin, tilting your head to face him as he continued, “…but you are desperate to be loved. One might say that's just as inappropriate, mon Cher..”
His tone dripped with condensation, a sensual purr loud enough to drown out the jazz and chatter surrounding you, and for a moment, he was all you could comprehend.
You should've felt angry, unsettled even, but his words struck a more profound emotion.
You weren't crazy, a constant wonder for the masses to marvel at and never care about.
Alastor could see you.
He wanted to…
“And so what if I am? Why would it concern you?..” there was no harsh undertone to your question, and it earned a sultry hum of amusement from him. “You've interested me, so I must not ignore your charade. I'm partial to the truth of a person, and you, my dear, abandon it in the hopes of success..”
Spot on.
It is shamelessly hurtful but direct nonetheless.
You clicked your tongue dismissively, attempting to turn your head away from his grasp, but Alastor held you tighter.
A glare crossed your face at the brushing grip he established, but a pool of excitement rushed to your crotch as well.
“I'm not one of your scripts to read, Alastor..” you scoff, rolling your eyes to make your point clear, but he isn't affected by the arrogant gesture.
“My apologies if it seems that way, but my intention to know you, inside and out, is purely innocent...”
“I find that hard to believe…” you retort, very aware of the minimal space between you two, and it became harder to focus on anything else but his soft lips that were stretched thin into a smile.
God, I was doomed from the beginning… you think to yourself as you laugh at your shameless line of sight. “Believe what you wish, my friend, but I enjoy being the object of affection..”
“That's inappropriate to suggest,” you mutter, face burning with blush and your hands raising to grip his wrist and collar. Alastor hummed, amused by your denial, “Mm, I suppose it is…would you like another apology?”
You shake your head, tugging him in by the collar of his shirt, eyes lifting to his, full of determination, “A kiss will do just fine…”
He holds your gaze, checking for mockery, but there is none. “That's the first honest thing you've said all night, mon cher,” Alastor points out in a hushed tone, lowering his head to place a slow kiss on your lips as they pull into a satisfied smile.
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I rewatched Heartstopper for this. Was it helpful? Yes. Did it make me cry harder than the first time I watched it? Also, yes. Will I forever love that show?… (yes). Again, this is just part 1! The second half is being drafted. Please look forward to it. I'm not sure it'll include smut…but I'll debate on that later.
He's so cheekyyyy but I love him for it hehe like he’s just the right amount of ‘cocky asshole’ ya know? ❤️ credit to creator!
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k2ntoss · 5 months
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UNTITLED N°1 !! demon dean
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(gif from pinterest, credits to the owner)
tw ⭒ minors dni, SMUT, dirty talk, dean x f!reader, did i already said this is demon dean shit???? i am vibrating on another level istg, fingering (f. receiving), sex toys (vibrator), spanking, oral (m. receiving), p in v, public space, unprotected sex, etc.
a/n ⭒ ian i swear i'll hunt you down for giving me ideas EVERY FUCKING DAY and yeah, implicit the fact of the lipgloss stuff i wrote for jason but a bit different here, it's 1 am and i'm going back home from a party so prob no proof read, shhhh
words count ⭒ 2.505 (at this point i don't even dream of doing something short)
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dean was changed since the last time you saw him, right before he received the mark of cain and way before he turned into a damn demon, sam and you looked for him for days until you stumbled with him outside of a night club which wasn't the best situation to find the guy who was supposed to be your boyfriend, the one that once treated you like the most important thing on his life and now only thought of you as another one night stand.
and what are you doing at a night club? well, long night and almost no sleep so you decided to take baby for a ride and maybe look for dean and here you are, standing in front of him while you fight the urge to punch him right across the face when you notice the lipstick smudges he has all over his jaw and neck "you're fucking amazing, dean" the sarcasm that drips from your voice seems to amuse him, dean grins at you with arms crossed over his chest as he walks closer "looks like you can't remember you shouldn't take the things that don't belong to you, sweetheart" he ignores your annoyance completely, walking around you with heavy steps almost as if he was a predator and you were a sick little animal to hunt and torture.
"yeah? i couldn't care less, what the hell are you doing here?" right behind the club the parking lot is almost empty, the led lights drawing shades on your bodies and the muffled music being almost completely hushed by your voice "having fun, can't a man have fun with a bunch of pretty girls? or are you getting jealous?" he has always had a smart mouth but this time his words do hurt a little but they also fuel your anger "you're being an ass, dean" words come out as a growl, avoiding his question because he already knows the answer damn well, it doesn't take humanity to understand that she loved the dean she used to know and that this dean only made her remember him but here again, he couldn't care less about your feelings right now.
"and you're being a pain in the ass, darling" he'll reply once he's in front of you, a devilish smirk on his lips at the same time he leans in making your heart rush because even with dean being a demon there was still an ounce of the man you loved and that minimal part of him still wanted you and only you, it was enough for it to take over and make you notice the glimpse of desire he had, a growing need to press his lips on yours and pin you against the impala, the same one that has already been the place for a good amount of the times you've let yourself melt into each other's touch and oh, if the evil side of dean hasn't used those memories to get off to your vulnerable image when you tremble under your lover. the way he stands so close to you, how he looks at your lips and licks his owns makes you shiver, making your lips part before he gives into your dean's needs; his lips are over yours, a bruising kiss as his hands grip your waist roughly, his touch making you moan from the pain his hands inflicted on your flesh.
once he pulled back you were panting and dean was living for that, his hand ran until it was on your neck "i think i have something in mind that you could enjoy, i miss someone misses fucking you dumb..." he whispers while tilting your head up to make you look up at him, green eyes fixed on yours made feel hypnotized until the point you walked to the passenger seat as dean got behind the steering wheel, the sigh making you even more hungry because the way he drove always made things to you. dean made the engine roar, pulling into the road until you both were sure it was safe to start anything. dean leaned to your side, his arm going behind your sit until he was able to reach a small vibrator he had used before with you, one of your road adventures from the past "are you gonna be good for me?" his voice was filled with a hint of what felt like mischief but also that cockiness that was part of him, you knew that maybe this wasn't the best idea, you should be the one driving to take dean back to the bunker but you mind was full of the bunch of memories of your boyfriend's dick deep inside of you and that was enough to make you forget any other responsability for at least a while, it had been a good long time since the last time you had any kind of sexual interaction thanks to him so, why not take the chance? so you nodded at him, lips pressed in a thin line as you waited for his next move.
there's a smirk on dean's face as he drives single handled, twisting the small vibrator between his fingers, dropping it on your thigh while you shift on your seat "sit pretty and spread those pretty legs of yours for me" he orders simply and you obey, legs spread enough for him to reach with his hand, undoing your belt and buttons before he slides two fingers under your clothes, starting to caress you slowly, torturing he plays with your clit circling over it before he pinches it softly making you moan shamelessly "fuck, dean..." you mutter when one of your hands goes to grab his wrist to make him stop when his fingers circle a bit faster "oh, you're being a little killjoy" he taunts with a click of his tongue but he takes his hand off you to grab the toy, turning it on just to slide it until he's able to press it against your sensitive bud, the vibrations making you gasp and hold onto the leather seat "just as slutty as always, aren't you? bet you've been dreaming about being fucked by me a lot lately" words making you moan and buck your hips, your eyes fixed on his movements when dean takes his hand away again, fingers coated on your wetness which he licks while glacing at you, the action only making you squirm in need of his mouth on you "and also as sweet as always, mhm, i could pull over and eat your pussy but i have other things in mind... close your legs, baby, and don't even think you can cum before i say you can."
with your legs closed the vibrator was pressed a little harder on your clit, it makes you sigh and whimper in the five eternal minutes it takes dean to find a good place to pull over, behind a small bar. he opens the door, getting to the back seat and sitting there, legs spread and his arms across the back of the seat "aren't you gonna come here, baby?" he asks teasingly, of course he was asking you to walk yourself out of the car and to the back seat, shaky legs and overstimulated, cursing him on your mind but still growing needier so when you get off the car and open the back door you can't help but bite your lip when dean is there undoing his belt and taking it off slowly with his eyes glued to you "come here and lay on my lap, sweetheart" he takes your hand in his, pulling you in taking advantage of your weak legs to make you lay on his lap, tummy flat over the seat while your hips rest over his legs when he closes the door before his hand stops on your ass, stroking you softly as he started to pull your jeans down slowly exposing your silky panties, chuckling lowly at the sight of the wet spot between your legs where the vibrator was still making you squirm and moan "so fucking wet, mhm? thought you would be harder to break down... such a easy whore" dean's voice is as rough and low as all the times you've found yourself so needy and hot for him, the big difference was that right now he was indeed a big bad wolf about to eat you alive.
every thought was erased of your head as soon as you felt his belt comming down to hit your ass, making you moan as dean's free hand snaked between your thighs to pull off the vibrator "oh, the little girl enjoys being spanked? you have a pretty sick mind, huh, you like being treated as a slut?" another spank falls on your rear, making you squirm and hold back a loud whimper before you nod "i love it... when you treat me like that" you moan, your reaction brings a wide grin to his face as he lets the leather belt fall again on your ass, the red marks of it standing over your skin as a sing of the way it would bruise by the morning, fuel for dean to keep it up until your cheeks were all red, your hips up with your ass on the air and your eyes teary from how much you needed him "god... dean, please" you beg and he growls at your voice.
"down. on your knees" he is quick to command, making you kneel on the floor, sitting all pretty and obedient between his legs as he undoes his jeans, pulling them down with his boxers making your mouth water at how hard his dick was in front of you "open that pretty mouth of yours, i want to fuck your face" the amount of dirty words turning you, leaning in you place your hands on his thighs while your tongue runs over his lenght tasting him and moaning softly at the way dean is looking at you. the growl he lets out when your lips are wrapped around his tip is gutural, his left hand going to grab a handful of your hair while you suck on him, tiny licks on him that leave your lips shiny from his precum "never thought a slut could look as pretty as you, mhm, those lips all pretty and shiny for me" he says in a low and raspy tone before he pulls your head by your hair, pressing his cock between your lips to make you swallow him right before he starts to move you, his hands making you bob your head causing you to gag and choke. your eyes are closed but it doesn't stop a few tears from falling from your eyes while dean pushes his dick into your mouth, throat fucking you between growls and moans of pure pleasure, smirking each time you gag and chuckling when he lets you pull away to breath but it doesn't take you too much until you're again looking to put his dick into your mouth "oh, baby so hungry... a needy whore that loves choking on my cock"
you whine when dean pulls you away from him, his hand grips your hair to bring you back to his lap but this time he makes you sit with your back pressed against his chest "i need to fuck that sweet pussy of yours, sweetheart, wanna see you ride me like a fucktoy" he whispers into your ear before making you lean forward, your ass perfectly pressed against him and a nice view of your hips and waist when he lifts you up and pulls your panties to the side before pushing his dick inside your snug walls in a rough thrust "so damn thight... gonna make you scream, baby" dean growls while his hands hold your waist to urge you to start moving.
at first you're just grinding your hips against his, feeling his dick moving inside of you in a way that made you moan softly but the need building inside your tummy made your movements change into quick and sloppy hops while you held yourself on the front seats, tits bouncing and your ass slapping against his body "that's a good bunny, fucking yourself on my cock like a good slut" a low moan escapes his lips and his hands are sliding under your black top, lifting the fabric until his hands are squeezing your breasts "you know how i love it when you're not wearing anything under your shirts? love this perfect tits of yours" you moan when his fingers are toying with your nipples at the same time he decides to move his hips to meet your movements, making him reach deeper inside of you.
anyone who came out of the bar sober enough could see what was going out inside of the impala, the sight of you bouncing with your eyes closed and mouth open as you moaned loudly enough to be heard if someone came closer to the car, it only turned you on more and it showed in the way your pussy clenched around dean like a vice, his strokes only going faster and harder when your legs started to fail you to keep on bouncing on him "who would have thought you would like to be seen getting fucked like a whore, mhm, you enjoy the way everyone knows you're getting dicked down so good, baby?" and you nod, your moans making it hard for you to speak properly, dean is laughing at you and it's humillating but it also makes you hornier "dean... i need to cum, please" your pleas are met with a hard squeeze on your tits and a hard thrust "really, bunny?" he asks with a smirk, hands back on your waist before he leans in to press a kiss on your back "do it, baby, cum all over my cock" and it takes you nothing, your pussy is squeezing him hard making a dark growl escape him and you're about to ask him to fill you up when dean lifts you, sitting you on his lap " 'm not filling your greedy pussy, love, not like you deserve it" he grunts, his hand around his dick as he strokes himself.
dean growls behind you, he's fisting his cock and moving his hand using your wetness to make his task easier and the lewd sounds make you eager to feel his hot load wherever he wants to put it on you "mhm, want me to cum on your dirty body, slut?" he asks with a smirk as his hand slows down for a bit "yes, please..." you say softly and it's the only thing dean needs before he cums behind you, white streaks painting your back and ass as he bites your shoulder harshly "there you go, huh... such a nasty whore" dean mutters on your neck, kissing your skin and nibbling on it "the best fuck i've had lately"
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saintobio · 7 days
first of allllll…. i think the time momjo sending the child guardian paper (?) that satoru typed out of anger is a hint…. and then satoru telling yn that sachiro called akemi mama… this honestly hurts alot more, imahine carrying your baby for 9 months, taking care of baby sachiro for 3 years alone, all the sleepless nights… and sachiro just ugh u dumbass small brain toddler (literally). anyways, satoru looking at akemi during suguru and shoko’s wedding, his hand rubbing akemi’s stomach at the cabin when she was in pain. honestly this part was akemi faking her pain or…? cuz there was a line that said after satoru asked if she wanted to go home her face didnt show anymore pain ? lololll idk. i dislike (hate) gojokemi but i think theyre gonna be endgame with all these theories coming up oh godddd. and the way yn threw the necklace into the lake, satoru went to search for it but did he manage to find it ? no. but during sn yn (well, suguru) found gojos wedding band. so in sy, yn threw away satoru’s “heart”, and it was never found again, thats a hint (?) bruhhh i hate thissss (i love this so much actually it made me feel so much i love u saint) i also recall the first time satoru and akemi first did it together he said smthg like i could learn to love u ? if i remember correctly. and the morning at the cabin after yn and gojo did it, yn was crying bcs they had a heartfelt talk ? and u mentioned they both felt guilty. the guilt is…. yeah.
BUT ALSO, satoru once said that yn has always been the one, sera when she saw gojo after forever told sukuna that he looks different when hes being with akemi, like hes not being himself? but that was when they first got together so idk about now. him not calling gojokemi exclusive. oh how they were happy and loving when yn got pregnant 🥹 but well it lasted until… yeah. also u said something about gojo gonna be on his knees again, since yn is now depressed and suicidal, i think for her heart disease shes gonna sign a DNR, then satoru on his knees maybe begging the doctors idk gawd idk someone mentioned dnr and i just… 🙂 its not that she wanna leave sachiro either, but i think shes telling herself everything will be better if she dies since sachiro, still very young, doesnt even really remember yn (just why sachiro) and called akemi mama… also why the hell didnt gojo use protection when fucking akemi oh gawd pls hate u satoru if she gets preggo.
anyways, i cant wait for gen to be back. i love u gen and ian.
oooh i also remember that you said there was a scene that inspired the birth of sn/sy, was it in chapter 11 ? or we’re not there yet…
honestly why dont yn just join shoko and suguru and be in a happy poly relationship ever looollll just kidding. my heart hurts, im still all in for gojoyn endgame but it doesnt seem realistic. ive been cursing gojo and akemi ever since the chapter came out loolll gotta give myself credit for being able to do my exams while still thinking bout this. 💀
omg there’s a lot to unfold here idk where to start 😭 but i just wanna say, it’s amazing how you’re so thorough in remembering those details in sn/sy bcos i honesty don’t have enough attention span to do that !!! sdjsj now while i can’t answer everything you mentioned, i can say a few things:
- akemi isn’t faking her pain, she’s truly struggling from it
- gojo doesn’t want kids outside of marriage (or should i say if not with yn), so he’s definitely careful with it.
- yes, it is indeed sy11 that birthed the sequel :’) i had that scene in mind before sn was even finished
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em-harlsnow · 1 month
I wanted to do another speed write, so here it is.
They're sitting in the living room, and for once they're all together.
Together, except not, because each of them is off in their own bubble and it feels like when they were kids. When they could just be around each other without reason or need to talk or have a purpose to be there for.
Ian and Mickey are beside each other on the couch, watching something from Ian's phone. Debbie absentmindedly braids Franny's hair as she watches some documentary which is playing. Carl is playing a seemingly very intense game of draughts with Lip across the living room table. Liam pours over his homework on the other end. Tami is messaging one of her coworkers in the armchair.
The only one missing is Fiona, and the loss is acute but bearable.
Lip cheers as he manoeuvres his piece to take three of Carl's at once. Carl huffs and rolls his eyes, clearly losing but choosing to continue playing anyway.
It's then that Liam closes his maths book and opens up his backpack, placing the completed homework inside and pulling out a coloured cube.
"Lip." Liam states, tiredly.
"Mhm." He's focussed on the board, trying to absolutely annihilate his brother.
"Can you solve this?" He asks, holding up the Rubik's cube in one hand, staring at it like an enemy.
Lip turns and looks at it, frowning. "No. Why?"
Liam sighs. "If I can bring it in solved my teacher said she'd give me extra credit. We all got one."
"Just move the stickers around." Lip advises.
"I already thought of that. It doesn't have stickers, the colours are just on each piece. It's a fancy one."
"Liam, your teacher's scamming you. Those things are impossible. The only people who can solve them are magicians or just really lucky." Lip tells him.
"They're not impossible." Mickey snarks, rolling his eyes. "Give it here." He makes a gesture at Liam.
"Why?" The boy asks skeptically.
"I can solve it." He explains, like it's obvious.
"Really, Mick?" Lip says with a voice full of doubt.
"Yes, asshole. Now hand it over."
Lip raises his eyebrows but Liam tosses it to Mickey.
"You can solve a Rubik's cube?" Ian questions.
"Yes." Mickey replies as he starts shifting the sides and the middles, turning it around in his palms to figure out the patterns. His tongue pokes out of his cheek as he focusses. "It's been a while, I'm rusty. So it might take a minute."
Lip snorts. "Just admit it's impossible."
"Shut the fuck up, dick."
The rest of the room goes back to their own devices, momentarily entertained by the conversation but ultimately disinterested. Only Ian continues to watch as Mickey plays around with the colours, slowly building the cube to completion. Even Liam turns away, choosing to start on his English homework instead of watching something he doesn't think will yield results.
It's clear no one thinks he'll actually be able to do it.
Ten minutes of clicking pieces ensue, and Ian returns to his phone.
After another ten minutes, the cube is slammed onto the table, six perfectly neat and completed sides displayed clearly.
Ian glances up to see it, and has to double take. Lip looks stunned, and Liam looks at the cube like it's his greatest enemy.
"Woah." Carl states.
"How did you do that?" The youngest Gallagher rages. "I've been trying all day!"
"I learnt ages ago. Found one of 'em in the back of a car we stole. Got bored and used YouTube to learn it. I could probably do it in less time now that I've figured it out again." Mickey shrugs, and Ian looks fucking awed.
"There's no fucking way you just solved that. You didn't mix it right, Liam. I'll make it really messed up, then I bet he can't." Lip challenges, messing up the solved puzzle again.
Mickey shrugs again. "It ain't about how 'hard' you make it, Phillip. It's a system."
Lip ignores him, then presents him with a thoroughly scrambled product a few moments later.
"Solve that." He says, smugly.
"Easy, bitch." Mickey smirks, then starts again.
Ian watches with extreme interest, this time and the rest of the Gallaghers are just as transfixed.
He completes the white side first, slowly building the red, green, blue and orange, then working on the yellow. At a point, it looks almost done, only the yellow corners are out of place. Then, Mickey messes it all up.
"Don't do that!" Ian shouts. "You're messing it up again."
Mickey's attention never leaves the coloured squares. "Fuck off, I know what I'm doing." And he keeps turning the faces until suddenly it all comes together again. "See, Lip. Doesn't fucking matter."
Lip looks horrified. "There's no way."
"That's cool, Mickey." Debbie chirps, grinning at Lip's reaction.
"That's so cool." Carl's eyes are sparkling. "Even Lip isn't smart enough to do that."
"Shut up, Carl." Lip rolls his eyes, kicking at his brother playfully. "It's a kids game."
"Yeah, a kids game you can't do." And then the two are tussling light heartedly.
But Ian's attention is completely on Mickey, who seems absolutely calm about the whole thing.
Later on, they're lying in bed together and Ian won't stop staring at him.
"I can feel you looking at me, man. What's up with you?" Mickey asks, thoroughly unimpressed.
"Solve it again." Ian orders without explaining, extracting Liam's (again messed up) cube from the nightstand to his husband.
"Why? You don't believe I can do it?" Mickey counters, prepared to prove him wrong.
"No, I think you can. But-" Ian leans in to whisper into his ear, "-I wanna see you do it again."
Mickey raises his eyebrows. "Coloured squares turn you on, Gallagher?"
"Mmm. Hot husbands who know how to solve the coloured squares turn me on." Ian grins down at him salaciously.
Mickey laughs and Ian shoves at his hands where they're clutched around the cube.
"I'll suck you off while you do it." Ian tells him, moving down his body.
"I like the sound of that." Mickey drawls and starts moving the pieces hurriedly.
Ian smiles.
Okay, I don't know what happened to this, it wasn't meant to get smutty but my brain went to kink and I obey my brain.
Either way, I hope you enjoyed.
This may or may not have anything to do with how proud I am that I can solve a Rubik's cube.
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iridescentpull · 11 months
Letter from Anthony to Ian (August 24, 2017)
**NOTE: There might be a few spelling mistakes so I apologize! This is a transcript of Anthony's letter put together for your reading!**
Hello old time friend. I have a lot to say to you that has remained unsaid for many years.
First, I want to thank you for being such a great friend to me in my very fragile teenage years. I came from a broken home with very little money and no means to explore the world outside of suburban Carmichael. You introduced me to your loving family, who welcomed me and loved me with open arms. They helped me travel and showed me a way of life that I hadn't been exposed to. You personally were supportive and overall were a very good friend to me who I felt could share anything with. 
I'm not sure why, but something changed. I feel our best friendship ended around 2009, and a resentment started growing between us. I started feeling a judgment in the tone of your voice. A sense of hostility in your actions. Did I do something that upset you? Did I treat you poorly? Did I make you feel insignificant- downplay the importance you had in our company and imply you were not as responsible for our success as me? 
I know I struggle with many things, and I'm so sorry if i ever put you through emotional turmoil in order to fulfill my own quota of self-importance. I always wanted everything I made to be just that- something I "made" with your help. I considered smosh to be something you only tagged along for, and I'm deeply sorry if I ever made you feel like you didn't deserve as much credit as me. You may not have done some of the heavy lifting I did in the early days, but definitely encouraged us to keep going and you kept things light and full of laughs as we did it. We accomplished so much and I am now just realizing how important you were in making that happen. 
I have so many things I have treated that I regret and so many things I wish I could apologize to you for doing- I really wish you would give me a chance to speak with you. There are also so many things I wish you would explain to me. 
Why have you consistently made me feel ashamed to be myself in front of you for so many years? The time I asked you what you thought about my shoes when we were seventeen and you told me you thought they were hideous- and I could tell you only said it to hurt my feelings. The time you talked shit behind my back on facebook to the girl we were friends with that I introduced you to. The amount of things you said behind my back to our high school friends about me and my relationship. The snide remarks you made about me being vegan. The times you made me feel stupid for making any content whatsoever that was not directly smosh-related. The snide remarks about anything I made that put my true emotions out there for the world. I just wished you were better at communicating.
I know I'm not any better but i feel like i tried with you. I tried to break out of my comfort zone and talk about things that made me feel uncomfortable. When we were in New York for our "Ghostmates" tour we got drinks and I opened up about how embarrassed I was that my previous relationship was so obviously bad to the outside world and how naive I was to think I would actually marry someone like that. I was vulnerable and breaking down all my walls in hopes you'd return the favor. But nothing. The conversation was once again one-sided.
Am I just horrible to open up to you? Have I made you feel uncomfortable to open up around me? Have I made you feel all the ways you've made me feel? Are the ways you treat me nothing but an echo of how I treat you? Am I the one at fault here? Did I create a problem that went way further than the point of no return? Is this all because of me? 
But I don't think there is a point of no return for friendships as deep as ours was. I am reaching out to you as an ex-best friend. I want to talk about things and lay them all out there so we can possibly mend things. And if we don't become friends again, at least we can say we tried. But why avoid trying all together? 
What are you afraid of? I know I've been callous in the past, but please give me a chance. I've changed and I'm now a more understanding person. All I ask for you is for you to stop being a fucking asshole. Just kidding. I had to say it. I just want you to treat me with respect again.
After everything I've observed in the past few years, I'm starting to truly believe you may not be a good person anymore. Do I even want to know the bitter, grumpy, vengeful person you've become? Is it better that I keep my distance to ensure I don't get even more hurt by you in the future? 
I feel like you've become the bully. You are so upset by so many things but you keep it all to yourself. No one knows what's really going on inside your head, but you take the easiest route and put a fake smile on and walk around like you have a life to envy, but deep down inside you're hurting. There's more going on than you even know, All things that slowly come bubbling up to the surface through your skin, they boil under the surface and fester until they finally burst with a shitty loaded comment or a passive aggressive outburst. 
I feel like I haven't known the real you for so many years. Does anyone know the real you?
Do you know the real you?
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callivich · 5 months
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Just a reminder for anyone new or anyone who has been lurking:
I know it’s difficult coming into a new fandom but everyone in the Gallavich fandom on tumblr is very friendly and kind, so don’t feel nervous - just jump in and say hi.
Make an intro post and check the #gallavichintro tag to find fellow fans!
Like seriously just send a message or reply to a post. We’re here to have fun, the idea of new people is great because it means more engagement.
When I say people are nice, I mean it. I’ve been in so many different fandoms over 20+ years and this is genuinely the kindest group of people I’ve ever encountered online in a fandom space.
Give your blog an icon. People tend to assume that ones without are spam blogs and may block immediately. Here are some great icons you can use with credit: here / here / here
If you’d like a Gallavich banner for your blog, send me a message - I’d be so happy to make you one! I’ve got ones free to use here / here.
Please don’t steal gifs and repost them, here’s a great post explaining why. And another one explaining the gif search function.
Reblog content you enjoy and write in the tags or reply to the post - how much you liked something or if you have other thoughts…..creators love to hear this!
Use the tags. They’re the best way to get your posts noticed if you’re new- #gallavich #ian gallagher #mickey milkovich #ianxmickey any or all of these will work. When you make a post, you should see a little grey box that says something like add tags to help people find your post, just type in there. (You don’t need to use the # symbol. Tumblr automatically does that.)
There are so many brilliant active communities that you can take part in - I’ve done a roundup post here & I will update it with new communities.
If you feel creative? Got for it. Don’t worry about what people think, just share your work. Write that fic or headcanon or meta, draw that art, create that gifset, design that aesthetic piece, share that playlist. Chances are that a lot of people will enjoy your work!
Don’t feel shy about promoting your work either - tag it with #gallavich & the tags mentioned above.
Recommend what you’ve enjoyed! There is no time limit on sharing links to fic, art, headcanons, gifsets, posts of any kind…..reblog/share what you love and keep sharing it. Whether it’s brand new or years old, sharing the work is great idea.
Go back and explore things. Older fics on ao3, gifsets and art from years past, moodboards and headcanons that are years old. None of these things have an expiration date. So reblog them, share them, let people experience them for the first time and allow people to enjoy them for the 2nd/3rd/4th time.
Comment!! It’s such an important thing to do in fandom. Whether it’s on new work or old work, whether you write long comments or just a keyboard smash and emojis - it’s great way to share love to creators, to support/encourage/inspire them and to get involved in fandom. Check out Ian and Mickey’s guide to commenting and other posts about commenting: here // here // here
Share your ideas. Whether it’s headcanons or meta or fics or art, share it. Feel free to explore your ideas. There’s always room for discussion, analysis and creativity.
If you see ask memes or tag games going around, take part! Or even reblog one of these games and tag some people you’d like to get to know better! Don’t feel intimidated, it’s always nice to be tagged.
Keeping reblogging posts. Not just once or twice but again and again. The queue is there for a reason. And each time you do? You’re sharing it with your dash.
Remember, pretty much everyone starts out as a lurker and when it comes to being creative - everyone starts at the beginning. Those writers and artists and creators that you are in awe of? They all started out at square one. Everyone practices and creates over and over again, that’s how it goes. The more you write or draw or create, the better you get. And fandom loves to see it.
Need ideas or inspiration? I’ve got lots and lots of prompts for you!
This is a relatively small-ish fandom but it’s active and there is nothing nicer than new people joining, so don’t hesitate - jump in. It’s so much fun and we’d love you to join us! 💖
If anyone has any tips or encouragement they’d like to share, please reply to this post! 💖
And if you have any questions about using tumblr, send me an ask!
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threadsun · 1 year
Hi there! I was wondering if we can get some headcanons for the SWWSDJ boys celebrating their birthday with us? (I only thought about this because idk if you know this but Jack’s birthday is June 15th-)
Of course~ I'm working on another birthday request for Jacky Boy, but it probably won't be done until tomorrow, so... :3c
Jack isn't really good at the whole "sitting back and letting other people take care of things" stuff, so he'll want to plan the whole day. He'll make sure it's something that you both enjoy! And he'll use his birthday as an excuse to get you to take care of yourself and do all those little things you usually complain about him making you do.
He's not very good when people make a fuss over him, but when it's you he'll make an exception. He'll be flustered by everything you do for him on his birthday, but he'll enjoy it all. If you ask him what he wants to do, he'll tell you that he just wants to hold you and spend the day with you. But he won't say no to a romantic dinner~
He's absolutely the type to make a huge fuss over his own birthday. He'll convince you to do all sorts of things with him because "you wouldn't say no to the birthday boy, would you?" He doesn't even need to break out the kitty eyes, you can't say no to him. Luckily, he only uses his power to make you do a movie marathon with him.
He likes to make it a smaller thing, but stretch it over the whole week of his birthday. Just buying himself little treats or hanging out with friends. On the actual day, he'll want to spend it all with you. Taking you to all of his favourite places, sharing cake with you, taking silly pictures to commemorate it and everything!
He doesn't celebrate his birthday. Well, he didn't before he met you. It was sort of just another day, one that he doesn't have any happy memories of. But if you want to try celebrating his birthday, then he'll go along with it and try to enjoy it for you. I'm sure that the two of you can make some happy memories together.
He wants everything to be perfect on his birthday. He'll book everything himself, or give you his credit card and tell you exactly what he wants you to book. You won't have to guess about what gift he wants either, he'll tell you that too. He'll make sure the whole day is perfect for both of you, no expense spared, of course!
All he cares about is the cake. He wants to bake it with you! He'll wake you up nice and early on his birthday and rush you through breakfast so you can spend the rest of the day in the kitchen together, making the most elaborate birthday cake. It's the perfect excuse to bake with you, and it's all he wants to do on his birthday!
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) || Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 15a (Dreams) || Chapter 15b (I Sing A Song of Love) || Chapter 15c (You Can Do This If You Try) || Chapter 16 (Let That Feeling Grab You Deep Inside || Chapter 17A: Never Tear Us Apart || Chapter 17B: It’s Tough To Be Somebody, And It’s Hard Not To Fall Apart  || Chapter 17C: I’m Wishing, Lord, That I Was Stoned || Chapter 18: Turn The Page ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 19: When You're Alone, Do You Let Go?
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Love bites
Love bleeds
It’s bringing me to my knees
-- “Love Bites,” Def Leppard (1988) [click here to listen]
Pittsburgh || Early October, 1988
Ian Murray hissed as his sister-in-law sutured the gash on his forearm.
Claire Fraser briefly glanced up before turning back to her work. “Are you going to tell Jenny about this, or is that something I’ll need to do?”
Ian sighed. “I’ll tell her. God knows she worries enough as it is.” He took a deep breath as Claire’s needle pierced his skin. “You know she hates not being on the road this tour – she’s so happy we’re finishing up next week, and that I’ll be home for the break. Young Jamie has been teething – she’s not sleeping too much these days.”
Jenny Fraser Murray – Jamie’s older sister, and Ian’s wife – lived with their three small children on the Fraser family farm in upstate New York. The farm where Jamie and Jenny had grown up, and where their mother Ellen had died when Jamie was eight and Jenny was ten, and where their grief-stricken father had raised them before suffering a fatal stroke eight years ago.
Growing up without a mother had been hard enough – but it was the loss of his father, just when Print was starting to make a name for itself in the New York City club circuit, that pushed Jamie into his addictions.
That neither of his parents had seen his success, was one of the deepest regrets of Jamie’s life. Which was perhaps why, Claire mused, he had always been so kind and thoughtful with her Uncle Lamb.
“Breathe deep. This is the last one.”
Ian did, and Claire quickly and thoroughly pushed the needle through Ian’s arm one final time, before tying off and cutting the suture.
“Good. All done, just one more thing.”
Claire unspooled a few lengths from her roll of elastic bandage – black, instead of the typical tan color – and wrapped it around Ian’s sutures. “Here you go. I want to check on this tomorrow, and the day after. You’ll need the stitches for at least a week, and you really shouldn’t get this wet.”
Ian took a deep breath and carefully flexed his hand. “The show is gonna be interesting tonight. But at least I can still play. Thank you, Claire.”
She smiled, already rolling up her suture kit and rearranging the medical bag that she’d had to use quite a few times this tour. “Glad to be of service.”
“Hey.” Ian touched her hand, and she met his gaze. “Give yourself a bit more credit. You bring more to the table than you know.”
Now it was her turn to sigh. “I feel so out of my depth sometimes,” she admitted, quiet so that the roadies out in the hall couldn’t hear. “You know that I know nothing about this world. Jamie is working so hard to show it to me, and you and Angus and even Colum have been so gracious.”
“You make it easy, Claire. Jamie loves you. We only want the best for you. And I – ” He squeezed her hand. “I really want you here. You’re such a breath of fresh air for all of us. He’s changed so much in the past year, and you’re a big reason for that. You’re good for each other.”
She smiled.  “I never thanked you for being the one who got him to treatment.”
Ian snorted. “I was tired of watching him make bad choice after bad choice. It only got worse as the band got bigger – I’m sure he’s told you that.”
“He has,” she said sadly. “But you were there. You saw him. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for you. You and Jenny.”
His eyes unfocused just a bit, clouded with memories.
Pulling open the door to the band’s dressing room, one night on the ’86 tour. To find Jamie kneeling on the ground, snorting lines of coke off his guitar case, just as quickly as the lighting guy from the touring crew could lay them out.
Jamie pounding on Ian’s hotel room door at four AM, somewhere in the Midwest. Ian opened the door, startled, and Jamie tumbled in, guffawing, gripping an empty bottle of Jack Daniels, racing across the room to hoist up the window and toss the bottle to the street fifteen stories below. He turned, grinning stupidly, to look at Ian in triumph – and startled a bit to see Jenny in the bed.
“Hey sis,” he slurred. “When did you get here?”
Jenny crossed her arms over her chest, shielding her five-month pregnant belly. “Maybe if you hadn’t had that liquid late-night snack, you’d remember.”
Ian cleared his throat. “Had Jamie not listened to me – to Jenny and me – that morning in Sacramento, and had we boarded the plane to London later that week, he would have come home in a body bag, and where would we be?”
Claire pursed her lips. So many times she had wondered how her life would have been – how Jamie’s life would have been – had he not made that one small choice to finally get the help he needed.
“Claire, I’ve known Jamie since we were seven years old. We grew up together at Lallybroch. I married his sister. He’s my brother. And now you – you’re my sister.”
She blushed, so happy.
“I want only the best for you. For both of you. I’m always here. Jenny is, too – well, even though she’s not here, she’s always going to be here for you. Because that’s what family does for each other.”
Claire’s eyes shone with tears. Heart so full.
Ian smiled, and patted the back of her hand. “Keep that kit out, in case I pop the stitches tonight. Can’t have blood gushing onto my bass in the middle of a song.”
Colum filled the open door of the dressing room.
“Ian – this is your fifteen minute warning until curtain.”
Ian held up his arm. “I’ve got an excuse.”
Colum winced. “I don’t want to know. I’ll just thank God yet again that we’ve got a bona fide doctor with us this tour. I love Arch Bug, but he didn’t exactly develop a good bedside manor when he was a corpsman in ‘Nam.”
Ian smiled and stood, grabbing the bass that leaned up against the wall. “She’ll be ready if I need more.”
“Speaking of which.” Colum turned to Claire. “Your husband is looking for you.”
Claire snapped her medical bag shut. “Where is he?”
Colum crossed his arms. “Two doors down on the right. But if you’re asking about his headspace right now, it’s getting very close to me asking the opener to play an extra song so that you can do whatever it is you do to calm him down.”
She pursed her lips, and fished in her pocket for a fresh stick of Doublemint. “He’ll be on time.”
to be continued...
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slxthxrxn-sxmp · 2 years
Ah begging for jurassic park cuddling headcanons !! With whatever characters you'd like :))
OOoh yes I think we could all use some fluff rn
(None of these gifs are mine credit goes to the owners and I do want to say that i just picked gifs that fit the vibe in no way am i trying to exclude anyone from this headcanon)
Warnings: not beta read or edited, mentions of sex, mentions of making out , explicit language
Alan Grant
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- Ah our old Dino man I feel like he wouldn’t typically initiate physical touch - Lets get down to business though because he has a very protective nature which gets heightened after the park experience and this means that he prefers to have his back to the door or window so his body is a barrier between you and anything that comes into your shared room - when you do finally get his to cuddle it escalates really quick not in a yall are finna have sex kind of way but in a ever body part will be touching your legs will be tangled together hands are being held and do not be fooled he will tease you about it in the morning when he gets up to get you all morning coffee or tea - Now if you not in the mood for that kind of cuddling he totally understands but he does want to have some connection especially if you are feeling off like a simple hand holding, hand on the waist, forehead resting on the back of your neck or between your shoulder blades -He just wants to make sure you are there and won't disappear and that you know he is there for you
Ellie Sattler
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- Cuddles are an everyday thing, not because shes clingy but its just how she shows her affections and that she trusts you - Do not be surprised that she places her hand on the small of your back, on you shoulder or arm (also little butt touches) - She will be big spoon but if shes had one of her nightmares after shes been to the park please hold her turn on the bedroom light maybe try make her some warm tea - While cuddle she also while be going into deep conversations about anything and everything “Whats your favorite plant ?”, ”Do you want kids ?”, ”Do you ever wonder what would happen if you chose a different career ?”
Ian Malcolm
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- Ian is fueled by cuddles. some people use caffeine, he uses cuddles and physical attention - I do not make the rules (👀) - Despite this he will devote his attention to you touching your hair, if you have freckles or scars or your face he’ll trace them as if they are constellations - His all time favorite thing is nuzzling his face in your neck like a cat and while he’s doing that do NOT be surprised if he gives you little soft kisses on your shoulder and collarbone - He likes to listen to your heart beat ( before and after the events of the park but if its after the park he likes to ground himself with the steady beat getting the thumping of the T-rex out of his mind)
Claire Dearing
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- Claire is a multitasker now if you ask her for undivided attention she will give it to you a tv show running in the background or a podcast playing would be appreciated - At the beginning of y’all’s relationship sue wouldn’t be big on cuddles but once she realizes that this thing you guys have is amazing and needs to be cherished f u c k she will come up behind you when you are doing anything and hug you, slowly rubbing circles on your stomach with her thumbs - Most of the time you will still have to come to her for a good cuddle session but if she picks up on you being stressed or slightly out of the vibe she will drag you to bed or the couch and snuggle into each others embrace - If you try the historical picture with the two females one straddling the other doing the others make up thats it she will be absolutely whipped
Owen Grady
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- With this Dino Trainer expect a lot of goofing off as he is not one to be serious all the time in his intimate life - A cuddle session will almost definitely lead to a make out session not everytime but you know most of the time - He will initiate physical touch it is a love language of his and he is not ashamed of it - Lazy self care day alright you guys will be doing face masks in bed (he likes you to put his own for him and will act like he doesn’t even know how yo put it on himself) Lazy self care morning alright lets order some food via grubhub and binge a new tv show
Zach Mitchell
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- His a big tough guy he doesn’t like cuddles those are for babys- yeah he likes to lay his head in your lap and beg you to play with his hair - Zach is plagued with nightmares from that hybrid dino his aunt claire made one time it was so bad his parents had to call you over to calm him down - now if he is doing something lets say gaming because he is in fact a gamer boy™ he will swoon so hard if you slide into his lap facing him, wrap your arms around his torso, and put your head in his neck - He is a thigh man no questions asked he will trace shapes on your legs. you got scars ? they are beautiful. cellulite? adorable adds personality. stretch marks ? they look like cool lightening on your legs. so badass.
Franklin Webb
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- This man is always stressed and the quickest way to his heart is a quiet night in laying in bed - Typically he likes to hold you in any sense its a security thing but after a particular rough day at his work he will flop into bed and ask in a tired voice for some cuddles and this means he wants to be held because other wise it feels like he may fall apart -One time you decided to read to him while he was on top of you with his head on your chest and now it is his favorite thing on earth - On special days such as birthdays or anniversaries he’ll sneak out get your favorite breakfast then make it all fancy and serve it to you “Bon appétit, my sunshine.”
Zia Rodriguez
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- Lets get this straight (hehe) she likes being cuddled aka shes the small spoon - She is a titty person she just likes them. Man titties, small titties, big titties, perky titties, average titties, top surgery titties, lopsided titties, and even boob job titties. They are Gods human pillows are she will take advantage of the opportunity if you give her the all clear to lay on your chest because it is simply her safe space - If by some miracle she hasn't fallen asleep on your warm embrace then she will kinda be like Ellie and talk about everything especially the beloved dinos - Please kiss her on the top of the head and tell her you love her and you are proud of her she has to hear so much shit about her job that it would be very appreciated to hear some positives
Kayla Watts
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- She likes to act tough but she will melt into a hug or any attention you really give her - she does not care for what position. will be both big spoon and little spoon depending on the day. her all time favorite thing though is when you lay on her stomach with your body between her legs - Listen her job is anything but savory and she feels absolutely blessed to have you in her corner willing and able to comfort her - Often times cuddling happens after cleaning up some of her nicks and scratches or when she comes back from a job - She is the supreme partner because she is a stomach lady and if you got love handles… all the better for when you both cuddle
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riatheghoul · 3 months
The Summoning
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Pairing: DPR IAN x Black Reader
Song: The Summoning By Sleep Token
Warnings: smut, p in v(not explicitly stated), lots of praise, use of pet names: baby, pretty girl, dear, darling(come on you know why😏) also sir for Ian, this is my first smut and I don’t think I ate this up y’all please give me feed back in the comments.
Word count: 2,312
Disclaimers: I do NOT own any of these picture credits to the owners and this is PURE FICTION AND ITS ALSO UNEDITED
Tag list: @cookiesdiaryx @penny44224
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I heard my song. But it was in a different form or maybe even a different genre. Something about this time felt different. It felt like a spiritual awakening. And God that base it’s like it’s calling out to me, I need it. When my body finally relaxed on the ground below me, I realized I was on a stage and there were about 4 other people looking at me in awe.
“Wow that really worked!” the long-haired one’s mouth swung open. You looked around trying to get a feel of your surroundings before your eyes locked with his. Eyes that told a story and tattoos that illustrated it for the whole world to see. You can practically taste the sexual energy emulating off of him. I wonder that would happen if I- your thoughts were interrupted by the one with the undercut “so we kinda need your help” you stared at him “well were gonna need to hurry it up here because I have things to do” you commented “actually let me start with a few questions first before we get into the serious stuff yeah?” your voice smooth like silk. All of them nodded in agreement “ok” you began “so first I need names and things like that, then I need to know what position I’m supposed to be in so that it benefits all of you. From what I’ve observed you guys are a band and most band have a knack for gangbangs which I don’t mi-” your blabbering was cut short by the drummer “wait you think we want to fuck?!?!”
Your face was disdainful “well I’m a succubus which Is a demon that feeds off of sexual energy. Most people summon me because they want just that, sex” you explained. You hear a voice to the left of you “Fuuuuuuucccccck” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose “cream when you went the crazy witch lady what spell did you ask for” he questioned looking at undercut who now have noted it named cream. “Well, I asked her if she had a spell that could help us bring in an audience and she looked me up and down and handed me the song” he answered holding up his hand in defense. The short haired one let out a frustrated breath and turned to look at him out of habit “ok first things first we don’t want sex” you pouted at him hoping that he would change his mind, but he didn’t even look into your eyes. He continued “and as for names mine is Christian but everyone calls me Ian, the one with the sort of long hair is artic, the one on the keyboard is cream, and the silent one is live.” You nodded looking around at the four boys in front of you.
“I’m Vespera” you said still slightly confused on why they needed you, so, you asked. “Oh yeah sorry…” Gojo apologized “Can you play electric guitar?” he asked and you looked at him even more confused then you started. “Our electric guitarist split and we only summoned you so that you can replace him and attract people so, can you play?” he asked basically pleading with his eyes. You sighed snapping your fingers and an guitar appeared in your hands. You began to play, losing yourself in the music and before you knew it you guys were on in 5 minutes. You were just finishing your makeup for the show when Ian walked in. You looked up at him through the mirror smirking “how do I look?” you said with all of the innocence you could muster up and it seemed to work because he bit his lip. When he noticed what he was doing he snapped out of it “you look great” he coaxed. You pouted then tilled your head at him “just great?” you questioned he took in a deep breath “you look beautiful” he answered sincerely.
You got up walking over to him not realizing how short you were compared to him but here you were looking up at him while he looked down at you. You stood on your tip toes and placed a small kiss on his neck “thank you” you whispered before you left the room to put your in ears on. After everyone gathered themselves you guys stepped on stage to perform. You used your temptation powers to get everyone’s attention as soon as you guys stepped out. When the song started you started playing and feeding off of the energy from the few people looking at you with hungry eyes in the crowd. The only person that you could think of was Ian. The way he looked at you. The way he bit his lip. The way his neck felt on your lips. You were staring and he noticed just in time for your shared solo. When you guys met in the middle of the stage to play together the tension was so thick it was suffocating. You wanted his so bad it made you sick. No one mortal or immortal has ever made you feel this way about them. As soon as the song was over you guys walked of stage and the crowd was screaming like the dead. That was the most fun you’d had in a long time.
After a few hours of celebration, the guys got into a taxi and started telling the driver where to go. The boys were in the middle of a tour, and they were staying at a hotel nearby. When you guys got there each of the boys were either to tired or to drunk to say good night. Everyone started walking down the hallway or rooms then you stop clearing your throat to get their attention. “Hey guys whose room am I sleeping in tonight?” you asked the boys looked around at each other. “I think Ian should do it he’s the one who lost tonight’s bet anyway” cream slurred Ian’s eyes widened “man fine” he grumbled leading the way to his suite. Once inside all you guys did was stare at each other for a while. You the realization that the tension never shifted after the show dawned upon you and before you knew it he was kissing you. The kiss was full of passion and something else that you could quite put your finger on. He pulled away from you to catch his breath “I’m sorry I should have-” you interrupted him “please don’t start that shit and kiss me or I swear I’ll-” now it was his turn to interrupt you he grabbed your throat pulling your body to his. You looked his deep into his eyes and tried to read his mind but there was nothing. I guess this is what Edward felt like with Bella- your time to think was short lived when you felt his lips met yours again. But it was only for a short time you whimpered no longer feeling his lips.
“God you’re so pretty baby” he praised you heart skipped a beat and all you could do was whine and pout. “Unh uh come here” he said lifting you as if you weighed nothing then placing you on the edge of the bed. He kissed your neck leaving a few hickeys here and there causing a few moans to slip out. He got down on his knees and rested his arms on either side of you as if it were to keep you trapped. “I’m gonna taste you please say yes” he looked up at you with pleading eyes. You nodded your head and in return he shook his “no baby I need to hear you say it. I need your permission” something about him asking for your permission pulled at your heart strings. No one had ever ask for permission before but here he was making sure to have your full consent and god did it affect you. You could feel your arousal seeping through your panties, practically dripping on to the bed sheets. “yes please~” you urged grabbing his hands and placing them at the waistband of the mini skirt you wore tonight “yes what pretty girl?” he asked as he kissed up your thighs never breaking the eye contact he had with you. “p-please sir~” you whispered but only loud enough for him to hear
“good girl~” he coed at you “lift your hips for me” he requests and you do as your told after your bottoms are off he sits there admiring your pussy. The way it clenched on the air around it. the way it glimmered in the light of the full moon outside. He just had have a taste. He dipped his head down between your thighs devouring you as if this was the last time he’d ever get to touch a woman. Every flick of his tongue felt like heaven and it just made your cries grow louder and louder. You hips bucked against him want more “that’s it baby ride my face” he instructed pulling you closer to him fucking his tongue into you in the process. “I’m gonna cum please I need to cum” you begged him through the moans that escaped your throat. He pulled away from you and grabbed your hands “don’t look away” he instructed. All you could do was nod then he went back to tongue fucking you. You held your head up holding eye contact with him It was only a matter of second before you came. It was all too much. The eye contact. Him holding your hands. Your eyes rolled in to the back of your head as you came down from your high squeezing his hands with all your might. “That was the first time that any mortal has ever made me cum that hard” you confessed as your breathing slowed. He got up half way and kissed you. You took that as a way of him claiming his victory and you. He pulled away standing up straight taking of his belt “I was going to make you suck me off but I need to be inside you now say yes” he said taking his pants off “yes fuck yes~” you sat up taking of top you wore and scooted yourself further on the bed. He followed sit in between as you and you basically started drooling looking at the tent in his boxers. “it’s ok baby” he reassured “Go ahead. Touch it” he almost dares you. You take it out yourself stroking it a few times just to add some more lubrication thought you don’t really need it. small groans fell from his lips and fuck he sounded so fucking sexy it throw you off your train of thought. “slide it inside you dear” he urged and you listened. He let out a noise that you’d kill to hear over and over and over again. Once he was finally all the way in he started to move.
In the beginning it was slow deep strokes you could practically feel him kissing your cervix. “Fuck please~” you moaned he shook his head at you “you have one more chance to correct yourself darling” he warned “please sir faster~” you begged. He picked up his pace fucking into you like a crazed man making sure to hit your spot as many times as possible. He grabbed your face ”I want you to ride me yeah?” he asked, you nodded your head vigorously. He turned over so you could stratal him putting his hands on your hips. You began bouncing up and down on him moving the fastest that you could in your sleepy state. “come on honey I thought guys fed off of sexual energy” he stated recalling the answer you gave to their earlier questions. “I do but I still need sleep what goes up must come down” you answered stopping your tempo “but I can use the last of my energy on you then take it back while I sleep” you offered he nodded at you “make it quick baby I need to cum” he quipped. You gathered all of the energy you got so far and began bouncing again and this time the amount of energy you posses is scary but you can handle it. “YES YES YES YES YES YES~” you chanted “that’s it baby keep going don’t stop” he groaned gripping your waist “I swear to god if you stop you won’t be cumming tonight do you understand me?” you nodded. “No please I need to come please let me come. I’m so close please tell you are too” he began fucking into you just to help “yes baby I am don’t fucking stop” you both kept going until you guys came at the same time. He pulled you down by your neck kissing you deeply “good job baby, now what do you say?” he asked while kissing your forehead softly regaining his breath “t-thank you sir” you answered “good girl come let’s get you cleaned up.” He said pulling out of which earned a whimper. He went to the bathroom after tucking Himself back into his boxers. When he go back a few minutes later he had a warm wet towel that he used to clean in between your legs.
After checking in on you and a shit tons worth of praise he laid down next to you holding you close to him fearing that any second you could leave and never come back. “since you a demon and all does that mean our deal is up and you have to go do other things or people?” you shook you head at him sleepily “no our deal isn’t up and even if it was I kinda like being in a band” he chucked half way asleep “good because your mine now”
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A/N (before official post): i think yall are gonna like this
A/N (after official post): i worked really hard on this and its my longest x black reader as of right now please enjoy and comment, repost and all that fun stuff MY REQUEST ARE OPEN IF YOU WANT TO AND ALSO TO GET ON MY TAGLIST JUST LET ME KNOW AND I CAN ADD YOU ok enough yelling love ya byeeeeeee~
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yukidragon · 5 months
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Jack is le snake {forgot the specific species}
Shaun is a black cat, change my mind
Ian is a Shiba Inu, change my mind
But what about Nick and Joseph? Would Joseph be different than a snake? Maybe a dragon? I can see that.
Would Nick be a species of bird {raven/crow for example} or would he be a reptilian?
Goodness, these questions are making me wanna draw them again and remove my artblock!!! >w<
I don't think Jack's specific snake species was ever given even after I made the initial fursona headcanon post, but he was a white snake with red markings, as you can see here with this gorgeous picture Sauce drew. Credit, as always, goes to them for their amazing art.
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On that note, consider joining the SnaccPop Studios patreon for even more gorgeous art if you haven't already. It's definitely well worth it in my opinion, and it helps support the team!
I totally agree with you that Shaun is a black cat. A shiba would definitely fit Ian.
The species I would pick for Nick is, hmm... Sadly, we have pretty limited info about Nick, so it's hard to say. My first thought is an animal that fits well with therapy dogs. Perhaps a cheetah who has two little puff pom pets to help him with his stress after a certain snake keeps slithering through the grass.
Well, maybe a not. Aside from the therapy dog angle, there's not much about Nick that screams cheetah to me. Plus we already have a cat with Shaun. A raven is a good possibility, but I'm not so sure. I'd need to give it some more thought...
Joseph would probably be a snake like Jack considering Jack is just Joseph wearing a clown mask, essentially. Though I certainly would enjoy seeing him as a dragon, regardless of the name he uses, as evidenced by the past couple dragon Jack headcanon posts here and here. Heck, you could have the best of both worlds with an eastern dragon that has a snake-like body. It would fit with Jack having supernatural powers.
It would be interesting if Joseph as a snake has a more muted color palette, while Jack's is brighter. It feels like there should be some sort of metaphor with a snake shedding its skin and looking different afterwards here somewhere...
As I recall there is a legend about a carp becoming a dragon. Maybe a snake could do the same. What if Joseph started off as a snake, but became a dragon as Jack?
Speaking of dragons, expect more dragon headcanon posts because it's the year of the dragon and y'all are enabling my dragon fantasy indulgence and I love you for it. 💖
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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jovenshires · 4 months
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endless au edits: smosh theatre's seasonal lineup (3/4)
no matter what else you have to say about it, one thing is certain. smosh's summer show is a fascinating choice: a production of godspell directed by zoe moacanin. smosh fans may know moacanin from directing last year's infamous performance of les miserables, which was the first show in almost a decade to star both smosh founders, ian hecox and anthony padilla. in a P.I.T. interview with hecox, he revealed that les miserables was moacanin's "brainchild." from the beautiful, minimalistic set to the haunting, romantic stage direction, hecox credited it all as her idea. "the show would not have gone on without her," hecox said. "she's one of the greatest directors i've ever worked with." moacanin's understanding of tragedy and theatre itself truly make her a force to be reckoned with. with a standout crew to support her, including arguably smosh's most talented stage head alex tran, i think we can all preemptively agree that this religious comedy-drama will lean far into the latter and leave not a dry eye in the house. it will surprise almost no one that shayne topp is staying atop the heap of most leading roles in smosh productions as he takes on the intimidating role of jesus christ himself. jesus is a high-energy, charismatic, strong leader that others instinctively follow - all words that accurately describe topp. when i reached out to him to set up a potential interview (coming soon), he had this to say: "it's truly such an honor to be working with zoe [moacanin]. she's extremely talented, and this cast has really captured my heart. i'm so excited to put on this show." i'll have the pleasure of sitting down with topp next week to dive further into his character and his relationship with the cast. speaking of, his fellow lead actor is none other than chanse mccrary, who will be playing john the baptist/judas. mccrary is known for speaking out about how his sexuality and race affect his career, both in how he's perceived by others and how it informs his art. to see him play such a double-edged character will be fascinating, as he will act as jesus's confidante as well as his downfall. smosh theatre is often highly praised for giving their actors room for interpretation. mccrary has taken that and run with it in the past, and i have no doubt that he'll do that again. mccrary shared on his instagram that he's "excited" for the upcoming performance. "i've had so much fun working on this show; this is truly one of my dream roles. come see me and @ shaynetopp sing all for the best and maybe kiss, who's to say". well, he certainly has me sold. godspell is a unique show in that theatre companies often name all of the characters after their actors. smosh is following that unwritten rule, releasing the rest of the cast solely as the songs they sing rather than the characters' names. the incredibly talented arasha lalani will be singing "turn back o' man," performed by the mary magdalene-esque character. lalani has played mostly high-strung, comedic roles with smosh thus far, and she's damn good at it. but as she showcased as cosette in the aforementioned production of les miserables, she absolutely has the range. backing her up in the ensemble of apostles are relatively up-and-coming actors marcus munguia (singing "light of the world" as the comedic, up-beat, class clown apostle) and peter ditzler (singing "all good gifts", a character notably sweet and innocent yet slightly slow on the uptake) among others. the stark mix of both classic smosh members and newer actors makes for a perfectly balanced cast, one that will make this old show feel brand new.
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alexjcrowley · 1 year
I am sorry but I need to say a couple of things about Brad Bakshi, even though I haven't finished season 3 yet. I am not attacking anyone's characterization, let your headcanons and interpretations thrive, but I want to share my take because sometimes it's like I watched a different show.
I either find takes that are "Brad is a lovey-dovey tsundere" or "Brad is a fuckboy, no attachment, he doesn't do feelings". And man, I do not agree with either. It's something in the middle for me.
First of all, Brad is way more caring than some people give him credit for and I will prove it.
He may be an asshole, but he is completely self-aware of it. Poppy, Ian, even David think they're good people, even whan they do or say very questionable things, Brad knows he is being a bastard. He never hides it, never tries to put up an "holier than thou" act, never tries to make people believe he is a good guy. He doesn't try hiding that is an asshole because deliberately acts like one. He wants to be seen as an asshole. He goes out of his fucking way to prove it.
Turning himself in at the end of season 2? "Oh, but it gave him street credi-" it's pretty convenient he wanted street credit when going to jail could also be beneficial to Jo. Otherwise he could have straight up done inside trading himself way before Jo put herslef in trouble.
The whole animal thing? The fact that he was a mouse? Let's pretend for a moment he actually filled it randomly, he happened to get mouse by mistake. Why do you care so much people do not associate you to a mouse? If you're an unforgiving asshole, it will show even if a random test (that people will probably soon forget about) gave you mouse. Look, let's say I make Donald Trump fill out this test and he comes out as a mouse. I will not stop thinking he is a piece of shit! If the test was so meaningless he filled it out randomly (or so he says), why does he care so much about Jo's opinion on it?
Brad is a performative asshole. He does his job in the less nice way possible, but he never sabotages others just because. He tries with that whole buscuit thing, but that's the most damage he causes to someone and it's thrashing a piece of biscuit and give an evil speech that just hans there. Rest of the show? He always ends up helping out people, if not out of kindness, out of understanding every cog needs to fuction properly for the whole Mythic Quest machine to work. He doesn't go out of his way to damage other people, the worst he does? Mean comments. It's performative. It's all performative.
And you know how I know that? Breaking Brad. The Kate story tells us one thing: Brad is a naturally caring person. Kate was a pig. Not a dog, not a cat, not a turtle, not even a fish, animals we are used to consider as pets. Kate was a pig, an animal considered dirty, ugly, ungraceful (fat, but I will not talk about Brad's ED here), the word "pig" is even used as an insult, plus the pig is famously known as the animal you can kill and not waste a single part of it.
A pig is the perfect animal to impart a lesson of cruelty. You don't feel sorry for a pig. And what does Brad do, with this wretched creature? He names her. Zack doesn't, Zack tells us he was on board with killing the pig, it's Brad who can't do it. Zack doesn't care and Brad cares too much, even when he knew Kate's fate was doomed from the start. Right there, you have a character who, despite being taught to be cruel, can't help but care.
"Oh, but this happened when Brad was a kid, he hardened as he grew up" okay, then how do you explain him begging Zack? The thing is, I do believe Brad wanted to get more out of Mythic Quest and was angry bis brother tried to destroy it, I am not saying "Brad is caring because he doesn't want to lose his job", that's fairly normal. The point is, Zack asks him to beg for it, and Brad does. I have seen characters in more desperate situations refuse to plea, but Brad does it. With less resistence than I would have imagined. Instead of being like "I would never beg you, I will not submit myself to this humiliation, I'll find another job", he grovels. He puts his pride second for a company which he will leave the moment his friend Jo (and if I say colleague instead of friend it's even crazier!) is in danger.
Quickly compare it to David asking a whole company to walk out when he gets fired.
Brad is a performative asshole. He didn't have it in him, he taught himself to act and speak like an asshole, and he learned the part well, but his heart is not in it. If you watch Succession, it's like Kendall, he is not a killer. He can pretend to be killer, but he is not.
So now it seems like I said people who view Brad a repressed lovey-dovey tsundere are right, but just wait, i haven't finished yet.
The thing about teaching yourself to be someone else is that first, some habits stick, second, what doesn't stick, you try harder to make it so.
What I mean is, precisely because Brad is a caring person, he tries very hard not to seem like it. It means that if someone shows him kindness, Brad will refuse to accept it twice as hard, because he is fighting towards a natural instinct to show kindness in return.
Someone finally lends Brad a helping hand? For the exact reason he feels like he wants to take it, he'll turn it down. It's not that he is not touched by that care, it's that he can't afford to show it. That's the whole point of the performative assholery, repressing his natural responses.
I see a lot of someone pays Brad a compliment and he blushes because he doesn't know how to take it, but to me is like no! He doesn't blush! The whole point of fighting his own instincts is that he doesn't show his feelings. It's not that he doesn't know what kindness is so he reacts to it like a caveman would react to a computer, he knows exactly what kindness, care and affection are and he deliberately avoids them.
To me Brad doesn't do feelings because he doesn't want to. Brad fights his natural instincts because they're very strong (so he is lovey-dovey on the inside), but, at the same time, that fight implies a lot of trained resistance to his nature (Brad doesn't want to do feelings).
Being an asshole doesn't come natural to Brad and that's why it's so difficult for him to act kind: because being an asshole is not a random trait of his personality he may be willing to change, it's a carefully crafted mask he doesn't want to get rid of.
It's the difference between explaining something to someone who doesn't understand it and someome who doesn't want to understand it.
And one last thing (because you kidded yourself if you thought this wasn't about Braddavid).
I get that, especially at first, especially to keep that mask on, even if Brad had feelings for David he would take a long time before admitting it and I can see him reluctant to put a label to the relationship, because that would be admitting that he cares.
But let me take you back to Brad begging his brother to leave Mythic Quest alone. The moment he senses David might slip up from his fingers (for whataver reason: David might have found somebody else more emotionally available, is growing tired/sad of Brad's emotional distance, etc.) Brad is Back On. Brad is putting the effort to verbalize his feelings, is putting a name on the relationship and, one day, he'd even be willing to put a ring on it. He is "Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it" coded and you can argue you with the wall.
(Plus, I feel like, exactly like his performative assholery mainly comes from mean comments, he may not be very affectionate when it comes to words of affirmation, but by his behaviour you can tell he cares. He is all about quality time, acts of service and gifts he diguises as not gifts. He tries to be subtle, but he can't help revealing in someway he cares about people).
If Brad could beg his brother, one the people he hates the most in the world, to let him have Mythic Quest for a while more, he could surely find the courage to tell the person he loves that he loves them. "But his pride-" he flushed his pride down the toilet when it became an obstacle to him. He came back to his old company as a janitor, which sadly many people do not considered to be a valuable job, especially since he used to be the Head of Monetization before. He had none of that "oh my God, this job is not well paid or respected enough for my previous standards" crap. He is way less prideful than a lot of people think. Getting where he wants to go, obtaining what he wants to gain is way more important to him than his pride.
Last note, this man in possessive. And I don't necessarily mean in a toxic, abusive way, but you can't deny that he is. He wants to own people, he probably rarely calls in favours from them because he gets high on how long he can own them. The "Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it" comes back into the play, this man is jealous. Again, of course this was about Braddavid, shame on you if you didn't catch it, but I have seen too many "David is too affectionate, Brad is aloof and cool" and I don't buy it.
Brad may not be into PDA, and he may not show it with words, but when he is in a committed relationship he is committed. He may say it's casual, but this is just like Kate. No matter how many times he tells himself he won't get attached to a person and that every relationship ends, at the end of the day, if he truly cares about that person, he won't be able to kill the relationship like it was nothing and go on with his life. I cannot imagine him breaking up with someone because "oh no, I am getting too involved", that's the whole point, he cannot do that, or he'd be a killer, he would have been able to kill Kate and let go of Mythic Quest and let Jo end up in jail. Even if he did break up with this person, it wouldn't come natural to him and he would an absolute wreck, haunted by the memory of this person like he is haunted by the memory of Kate.
It's the duality here! Brad's all about the duality, nature and (self) nurture fighting one against the other. And I have mainly found stuff in which this duality is not shown.
If you made it to this point, thank you for indulging me in overanalysing this character, have a wonderful day.
P.S. I forgot to mention, Brad totally watches those animal predators video for desensitization. Because he couldn't kill Kate so he teaches himself to be insensitive to animal cruelty. The kid who couldn't harm his pig is not watching animal on animal violence for kicks and giggles.
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