#i dont know jack about her enough to give thoughts on her in any way and especially not this
evilminji · 14 hours
I got distracted, BUT I REMEMBERED!
The Dr.'s Fenton? Would ABSOLUTELY fight a child.
Specifically, Hatsume Mei. Future CEO of Hatsume Industries! And ENGINEERING RIVAL of their's! They may be new to this whole "support industy" business, but they are SEASONED weaponry makers! And that brilliant little upstart is good! Audacious! A THREAT!!!
See, they needed to Move. Things were getting a bit... spicy. They may have made so unfortunate choices, back before they knew the truth about their Son and Ghosts in general.
Ignorance, bigotry, and academic bias are curses in their house for a REASON, after all. They never thought... after all the DECADES of facing it themselves...
Needless to say, they were, are, and will always BE horrified by how they acted. There may have be a whole host of reasons behind WHY they acted that way. But those WHYs aren't good enough. They should have been better. Done better. They don't offer any excuses, but but they can give an explanation, if it's wanted.
And, together, as a family, they got through Maddie n Jack's horrifying mistakes.
God they don't deserve those kids. Love them to pieces. The things they don't warn ya about parenthood, you know? The mistakes you might make. You think you're ready. Think everything's alright. Then your life's work KILLS your son and brings him back.
And you don't notice.
......what sort of parents DONT NOTICE?
They still have nightmares. Feel sick. God, if they were working in ANY other field. With ANY other materials! If it wasn't SPECIFICALLY ectoplasm? He... he wouldn't have come back. Oh god.
So.... so, yeah.
They're working on some things! As a family! Seeing a therapist from the Zone. Lovely... Them? They're a tree person. Neither Jack or Maddie is quite certain what gender pronouns, if ANY, they are supposed to use. They've been defaulting to They/Them just to be safe. Still! Alien therapist! Neat!
But, of COURSE. The BABIES in White throw a FIT. "Wah, wah, wah you've been compromised blah blah blah" oh PLEASE! Just because they've had a little personal growth! And stopped shooting at Phantom in public! And in general! You shoot ONE little Goverment agent for trying to shoot your baby and suddenly YOUR the bad guy!
He didn't even die!
So, yeah, BIT spicy.
Honestly? Feels like a long time coming. They were never very popular. This ultimately just feels like the ends of a road that began in college. Them, the two "crazies" with their backs to the wall, as the government closes in, trying to tear them down for knowing the TRUTH and refusing to shut up about it. Their reputations so deep in the mud, they're tasting bedrock.
At least they are together.
And thank god they've had years to plan for the inevitable.
So? They have the kids grab their go bags and head off too stay with Danny's new celebrity friend from another dimension, Mr Wayne. Nice man, little dim, but since he's willing to open his home to the kids in case of emergency? Perfect. And frankly, as long as Mr. Pennyworth is there, everything will be fine.
Besides! Lil Damian is a very respectful and responsible young man. Tim and Danny may get up to mischief, but they can trust the youngest to put his foot down.
THEM on the other hand?
Not so lucky. THEY have to stay with the house. It's not exactky like they can move the portal after all, it's built in. And this is where the kids grew up! Where Jack and her scrimped and saved, lived out of cars and off nickle noodles, to afford! This is their HOME! And no jack booted THUG is going to take that.
So the kids go first. They go to the command center. Jack takes pot shots while she fires up... THAT machine. The one they wired into the house itself, right along with the Ectoplasmic Shielding. It was all theoretical, once. But not anymore.
Now they have The Zone.
It's been collecting energy runoff from the open gate ever since it opened. Siphoning them into the sub-basment mega batteries. Enough to run two-thirds the planet for the next half a millennia. If only the damn patent office would LET THEM PATENT THEIR WORK-!
But that doesn't matter anymore. No, what matters is checking how full the battery banks are. Decently. It HAS been a while since they've done a controlled drain. Good, that means they have more then enough.
So, with no kids to witness things getting nasty? She pulls out her keys and unlocks the parental commands, flips the the shields to "strobe-kill". Let's see you crowd us NOW fuckers. With Jack freed up to help aim the house? They set to work.
It's... not EXACTLY an exact science, as much as they'd prefer it to be. More of a controlled jump. Set preferences, power jump, hop sideways an unknown distance. Land. Look around.
Is it what you want?
A zombie apocalypse?
Jump again. And again. And again. Until the battery runs out. Then sit... or float...or drift, there, until the batteries refill. You have to be mindful, of course, that you don't lose Shield coverage. Because it keeps the House air tight and together. If you jump and immediately lose power to the shields because you misjudged the energy left in the batteries?
Better HOPE you land somewhere with a breathable atmosphere and no zombies!
And Fentons don't rely on HOPE! They rely on good ol firepower and hutzpa!
Also advanced ectoplasmic scientific engineering! But that was a given.
It... takes a while. They run out of canned peaches. Have to stop TWICE to help cure a zombie plague, since they are the only ones with a still working lab. They were actually sort of joking with the kids about the zombies. Oof. Good thing Ectoplasm eats EVERYTHING. One specialized ecto shot and that disease is TOAST.
Granted, the surviors are all limnal now. But they don't seem to care in the slightest.
Then there was the whole "oop! Planet's gone." Couple of worlds. The one with the crabs. The ocean one. The ice age. The robots. The cartoon horses. The inappropriately dressed high-schoolers with weapons fighting God. The boring one. The one with ninjas...
I mean, they are just NOT having any LUCK!
Okay, next moderately stable world, they are doing a groceries run! A Man can not live off freeze dried meals forever! Well, you CAN. But it's making Jack sad, and frankly that's a war crime. Plus she's run out of tea! AND coffee! A life of no caffeine? She can't endure that.
She's started to eye her son's God awful energy abominations in a can, for God sake! Desperate time's and all that...
Which? Is how? The ENTIRE class of 1-H? Turns to stare in ABSOLUTE HORROR at the cackling, head thrown back, hands clawed, mad scientist "it's alive! It's aliiiiiiive" type insanity that is Hatsume Mei and her "this green goo I found from some guys Quirk" powered teleport anchor.
On SCHOOL FUCKING GROUNDS. An ENTIRE house! Is... is that a blimp? That's English right? What's it say?! What the FUCK is that sh- OH MY GOD ARE THOSE PEOPLE!? MEI!!!!!
So begins... the Fentons Beef With A Child™.
Because! Mei will forever more claim! That SHE brought them to this universe with HER magnificent machine! But Maddie and Jack? At first, trying to be nice about it, helpfully point out, actually? No. THEIR house can and does reality jump. THEY brought themselves.
Mei ignores them.
Crows about her magnificent machine. Scoffs about them thinks they haspd anything to do with it.
Oh... oh it is ON, you tiny pink haired little shit!
Does the Japanese Government want to take control of the situation? Of course they do. They want these scientists and they want that house. Local Nedzu's say? "It's nice to want things" :) *sips tea mockingly*
They landed on HIS school's grounds. Finders keepers!
You may say "threat to national security" but HE says "free support gear for the students and security for the school"! Not to MENTION all this delightful FREE clean energy! They are a delightful couple. With a portal to the fabric between realities in their basement!
Not found of the laboratory, but that's a personal issue. The ZONE however? Oooohohohohoho~☆
It? Would DRIVE THE HPSC and Japanese government BATSHIT INSANE that they can't get at the portal? That threats and stealth Heros and every other method? Just... hits a brick wall. A big ol "lol nope!" Meanwhile Nedzu and occasionally random teachers or students are popping in and out of this house they can get into?
Nedzu especially standing just on the other side of the shields going >:3 neener~ neener~ neener~ Ha ha! I could be mature about this but am CHOOSING NOT TO BE!
@legitimatesatanspawn @mutable-manifestation @hdgnj @hypewinter @babbling-babull
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crushedsweets · 8 months
i am so so sorry for the sheer amount of headcanons i'm making you crank out, HOWEVER... i am so curious as to if you have any headcanons for nina and natalie as a duo. i love the way you perceive them and write them it genuinely makes me so happy
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i had to doodle them . ok. lets go..
nat was one of the first people nina met from jeff, since she and jeff lived in the barn together.
nina thought nat was a lesbian when they first met . that is literally the only reason why she wasnt mad jeff was living with a woman.
although nina was like, one of the ONLY people to notice toby/nat tension and was sooo heartbroken when she realized they were never getting together..... but then was relieved they didnt get together when she got over jeff because 'well i can't be the only single one!'
again, natalie grew up with 0 girl friends, only hung out with her brother and boys. even after meeting the creeps, theyre still mostly guys. so she's just kinda really awkward and weird around girls. not in a like, 'oh girls r so annoying' way but like... she just doesnt know how to fit in. she just feels so different in the worst possible way and always has.
and nina is very girly, outgoing, touchy, friendly, cute, etc. so it was very like UMMM?!? idk. natalie kept snapping at her, assuming she was fake and weird and just trying to get something from nat, but nina was so persistent and just. friendly. it started making natalie feel warm.
nina's presence started to heal natalies inner little girl. she had it stolen from her time and time again, from her dad, her brother, her peers - the operator, too.
so the two are eventually actual friends. they'll text and play mobile phone games together. sometimes they'll just sit on call and nina will be talking her head off while nat does her own thing at home. one time nat was at tobys cabin and nina was talking about toby on speaker and toby walked in and was like 'hey nina' .... nina almost threw up she was so embarrassed.
nina loves visiting nats bar because everyone is always talking to nina and giving her attention and buying her drinks, and at first nat was irritated but it kinda got nat some better tips since the customers started realizing ninas her friend. so nat was pleased. LOL
nat was never the type to go shopping, but she'll follow nina around and sit while nina tries on clothes and carry around all her bags that she buys LOL... ninas made jokes about nat being boyfriend material and nat just flatout says smth about how nina should get over jeff cuz he would never.
nat is friends with jeff but she's oddly comfortable just telling nina that he's a piece of shit. and ninas always like NOOO U DONT GET IT U DONT SEE WHAT I DO and nats always just .. not... impressed..
nina's always inviting nat out to try new foods. nat grew up just eating bread and noodles with butter half the time so it's fun. nina always tries to pay bc 'well i invited you!!!'. sometimes toby tags along but he feels a way abt going in public places..
nina rarely visits jack cuz she has no reason to, but nat is friends with him so sometimes nina pops in and she's always like ^_^ HELLO TALL MYSTERIOUS SLIGHTLY MONSTEROUS MAN... <3... nat smacks the back of her head cuz she's being dumb and drooling over a bunch of rando freaks. ... . ok i love nina and she owes jeff nothing but she is def not loyal LOLLLL AND SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO FAWN OVER EVERYONE she's a fangirl at heart.
they watch a ton of shows together. nina got nat into horror kdrama stuff, but they have to watch in dub cuz nat cant read the subtitles fast enough . . . at first nina cringed but now she doesnt care.
nat's painted/drawn nina several times, and nina almost cries everytime. she's put the drawings up on her wall before but anytime nat's at her apartment, she takes it down bc 'i dont want my art on ur wall stop it' LOL... kinda rude but whatevs.
ugh theyre just so fucking cute guys im sorry i love them . holds them. brushes their hair.
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luvhughes43 · 5 months
I need to know the Hughes fams thoughts on vivienne
this has been sitting in my drafts for so long so i’m just going to post it even though it doesn’t feel complete (to me)
the hughes had seen how jack was with you. how comfortable he was, how much he liked not being some sort of commodity.
vivienne was entirely different. not even in a bad way, but she was always focused on being the picture-perfect couple.
"jacky!" vivienne cooed, pressing her check against jacks in greeting. jack smiled at her, wrapping his arm around vivienne as she got comfortable on his lap.
luke and quinn shared a look, trevor outright rolling his eyes at the sight of the couple. trevor wouldn't openly admit it, because if you asked him he was all for whatever his friend wanted, but he was team y/n.
if jack noticed the looks, he didn't pay them any mind. he knew how much his family had grown to like you, and with time... maybe vivienne would grow on them too. that wasn't the case.
⋆ ★
"sweetie, can you help me with the salad?" ellen asked, gesturing to all the uncut vegetables sitting on the island. vivienne looks over, raises her brows, and then looks back at her phone.
"hmmm.. i just got my nails done" vivienne replies in a grating voice. she flashes her nails in Ellen’s direction, and then turns back to her phone again.
"i'll help you mom" luke speaks up, shooting out of his chair and walking over to the island. "she's rude, isn't she?" luke whispers to his mom who purses her lips and nods.
"shes... different" is all ellen says before she turns to the oven.
luke rolls his eyes before whispering back, "you can admit that you dont like her. its okay"
ellen sighs. "jack had a rough time after the break up. if hes happy with vivienne, then hes happy. we barely know her. maybe shes really great"
when jack walks into the kitchen, vivienne stands up from her seat at the table. "jack! lets help your mom and set the table, yeah?" vivienne says, completely forgetting about her manicure that, well... hindered her abilities to help when asked.
"luke, enough."
⋆ ★
"we gotta debrief this," luke sighs as he shuts the door to quinns room.
quinn looks up from his ipad and his brows furrow. "what?"
"vivienne and jack, obviously" luke speaks easily. he sprawls himself across his older brothers bed and waits for quinns opinions.
when they didn't come, he continued. "you dont think she's a little..."
"okay yeah shes annoying, but what's that have to do with me?"
"nothing. this is about restoring the balance of-"
"you watch too many movies" quinn laughs, interrupting whatever luke was about to say.
"you know what, trevor would love to talk about this with me" luke grumbles. he stands up from the bed, and quinn is quick to pull him back down again.
"okay, no. we can talk about it" quinn responds, pausing his show and setting his ipad on his side table.
"their relationship just feels... fake ... like, i dont know. like remember when jack brought y/n here last summer?" quinn nods, urging his brother to continue. "i've never seen him so happy. he genuinely liked her,"
"i mean, i think he likes vivienne" quinn adds.
"well sure but its different"
"i think... i think jack loved y/n. thats why its different with vivienne. they dont have the same dynamic" quinn shares his thoughts and luke thinks it over.
"yeah..." the boys both sit in silence for a minute.
"that really sucks" luke finally responds.
"and maybe youre being too hard on vivienne? i know you really liked y/n but its not your relationship. maybe she'll grow on you?"
"hey! lets not act like you like vivienne! i see the looks you give me!" luke defends, not wanting to get into his own feelings (aside from not liking vivienne) dissected by his older brother.
⋆ ★
essentially, none of them really liked vivienne but nobody wanted to admit it (aside from luke) to jack. they just want him to be happy after the breakup even if it means putting up with vivienne.
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ihavemanyhusbands · 3 months
hihi, it's me back in your inbox to give you more will graham (because you deserve it, i deserve it, we all deserve it). and, i don't know how you are about song requests (ish request, kind of not really) but! shackles by steven rodriguez is...omg so good. like, will is just so utterly in love with her he doesn't know what to do with himself. all she has to do it ask for it. anything, anywhere, anytime (anything) and it's hers.
Hiii! I dont get a lot of song based requests (and im not entirely sure how they go about) but hell yeah i need devoted Will soooooo bad!!!! (Also im so sorry i dont know that song but i’ll listen to it and get a vibe!!)
Also sorry AGAIN but somehow Hannibal sneaked in there too 😭😭😭
It was Hannibal who teased him about it the most, but that wasn’t to say nobody else noticed.
Jack was too polite to say anything, mostly because he needed to be on Will’s good side. Beverly, on the other hand, didn’t hold back when it came to using the word whipped.
For the most part, Will brushed it all off. Why should he care about other’s opinions of all he did for you?
All that mattered to him was making you happy. You didn’t really ask for gifts, but as soon as you expressed interest or desire for something, he would immediately get it for you.
He doted on you like no other, going to great lengths to please you. It was all worth seeing you smile, and the mix of gratefulness and adoration in your gaze.
You tried to spoil him as much in return, in any way you could. That included getting the people in his life off his back whenever you could. Especially Hannibal.
He watched in amusement as Will went to fetch you more tea from the kitchen, without you having to ask for it.
“You have him well trained,” he remarked, eyebrows raised. “Tight leash?”
You shrugged, but gave him a slight warning look from the corner of your eye. “I don’t have to do much else but love him in return.”
Hannibal inclined his head, acquiescing. “I have to say, I haven’t seen him so taken by someone in some time.”
“Is this your attempt at flattery, Hannibal?” Will said, stepping back into the room with a steaming cup in hand.
You kissed Will’s hand as he handed it to you, willing him not to get defensive.
“I think Hannibal’s just jealous he hasn’t experienced being so devoted to someone,” you said placatingly, grinning slyly in Hannibal’s direction. “Can you blame him?”
“You might be right,” Will said, squeezing your hand. “Hadn’t thought of it that way… he sure brings it up a lot.”
Hannibal raised his hands in surrender. “Fair enough. I will make no mention of it… quite as much.”
You rolled your eyes, but snorted in amusement. Will, for his part, didn’t seem to mind, for he was too focused on you looking up at him.
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totentnz · 7 months
a little something for the AU @bishicat and me have been fucking around with. essentially everything is the same but my v (viper) gets to be unhinged and without a brainworm, making viv's life just a bit more chaotic lmao enjoy!
"i'm not a chair jockey, viv." viper was clearly annoyed at the request for help with this gig. "coulda told me before what you were up to, woulda joined ya." there was a pop up in viv's user interface; access requested. johnny popped into her vision now. "don't."
it had only been a few days since v crawled from the wreck that was the arasaka tower gig and he had watched her stumble and fuck up for long enough. when he said he didnt want her dead anymore, he was telling the truth: he needed her to fix his past mistakes and she wouldnt be able to do any of it with the way things were going right now. she lost all her implants and was now living the life she had given so much to avoid. it was a fucked up stitch and he felt for her, perhaps he even appreciated her unwillingness to lie down with the fallen. they had to get through this together and two heads were better than one, especially if one was filled with hot air and pipe dreams, johnny thought.
he was sitting on a barrel next to her. though she didn't reply to him and her hesitation meant she was willing to hear him out. "don't trust the chick." he lit one of his cigarettes and took a drag. "sides, shouldn't allow any runner into ya system." he watched her, tried to grasp what was going on in her thoughts, was curious to see if she would give his words the time of day, see if she would even consider if what he was saying was true. "she's not any runner though. i trust her." the engram rolled his eyes and adjusted his position to face v. "clearly ya do but that don't mean you should." johnny was getting agitated now, how could she be so blind? within a year she was betrayed twice: first by saka, then by dex and yet she would still a person so blindly; a person going by viper of all things.
"what the fuck are you talking about? you --" their conversation was interrupted by the voice on the holo. "viv? c'mon you said this was time sensitive." this interruption pissed him off even more. she was so full of herself, thought her time was so precious, on her netrunner high horse. "sorry, giving you acess now." viv finally said and johnny would've held his breath if he had any. this could be the end, he was given a second chance at life and it would all end so quickly just because he had to wake up in a gullible gonk's skull. however, nothing did happen, yet.
"a'ight. look up for me, find a camera." viper instructed, the tone in her voice was a bit too playful however. "why are all netrunners fuckin weirdos, control freaks?" he wondered. johnny wasnt surprised when viv looked around like she was told to; what a great employee, following orders without questions.
soon multiple icons depicting a snake bearing it's fangs popped up all around her vision, meaning viper was hacking away already. it was all so fast these days, she didnt even need to be present, didnt need to be physically jacked into any port to fuck with the system. it freaked him out though v being completely unphased by it was somehow worse.
"your funeral." johnny jumped down from the barrel he sat on just to appear on one of the catwalks in the factory a few feet in the air. "you've seen my memories, you know her as well as i do! you know she can be trusted!" viv argued. "yeah, that's what worries me. how long's it been since the two of ya last spoke? 4 years? more? an' she hasnt changed a bit? 's just ready to help ya? pick up exactly where ya left off? after you abandoned her for a corp? doesnt seem likely to me." he paraded, walking up and down the metal walkway, erratically taking a drag from his cigarette after each question. "it's called friendship, johnny, know ya dont trust nobody. doesnt mean i have to." viv ducked behind one of the barrels to hide from the patrol that was making their way back into the hangar and johnny threw the cigarette bud down at them.
"place should be your playground now. doors unlocked, cameras on loop, turrets shut down." there it was again, that chick really thought she was the best runner there is, ridiculous. he was itching to give her a piece of his mind, another downside of not having vocal chords of his own.
"thanks val, owe ya one." viv replied with a smile and johnny stretched out his arms, letting himself fall off the catwalk. "on my way over there now. how're ya doin this?"
johnny appeared right in front of v now, if he had a smell she would be able to make out the cigarettes and tequila from nights past. "ya think saka just let you go? ya think they didnt send someone? after ya stole from them?" it was clear to him: arasaka would never let him go and this was the oldest trick in the book. step one: find someone from your past. step two: replace them or start to control them. step three: you are now under constant surveillance and soon they will control you too. his mind was racing now and he once again wondered how she was unable to see it.
"oh, for fuck's-- think she's a sleeper cell? sent to take me out, soon as i spill some corp secrets?" v's dismissive tone only strenghthened his belief that their friendship was an elaborate con to get to him. it had to be. "clearly your gonk ass still doesnt know what saka is capable of."
"bitch! quit talkin' to ya fuckin' hallucination!" viper yelled from the holo. v just had to tell her so called friend about their sitch huh? and viper was all too eager to believe it. sure it was true but who would believe any of this? someone who is supposed to believe it, gain her trust, clearly.
"plan 's to do this silent." v used to be good at it, doing things quietly, but now without her implants and no eddies to buy new ones things had proven to be more difficult, much to both of their frustration. only reason she called up viper for help was due to her not being able to efficently hack her way into this.
"gotcha, will stay on the call, keep me updated, yeah?" something would go south, it was just their shit luck and even if it didn't happen naturally, the runner had everything she needed to put v into an even bigger debt. "i smell a rat v." johnny said, finally disappearing for good.
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carpe-astra · 1 year
Six Degrees of Keven Church
The Docks: A boat owned by Charles Crumby
Keven Church ::so, there's a boat. a rickety fishing boat. slightly green. or it would be if the paint wasnt chipping off. the name of the boat…who remembers? maybe something like Pearl's Promise. or Jack's Grundle. it's not like the fisherman who owns it is around enough these days to care as it sways back and forth innocuously in its docking station. or whatever REAL sailor's call it. especially late at night ::
Spektor Iocaine ‡There is a boat, and there is a woman, and the night is still fairly young as the woman made her way along the pier with quiet steps drowned by the susurrus murmur of waves. She had watched from nearly the moment the sun had sunk below the horizon, waiting to see if there would be any change. Not that there had been, which had prompted her to near the little boat and climb aboard. If he was there, perfect. If not, she could snoop.‡
Keven Church ::inside isn't much different. loose papers that don't actually say anything. some weathered maps of land, sea, and stars. a few odds and ends that an old man might collect. you know, just to remember the good old days. but nothing too personal. otherwise, a clean interior. but empty of any living thing. or unliving… near the helm, there is a sort of old radio set up::
Spektor Iocaine ‡Finding little that could be deemed useful, Spektor set everything back to rights as she had found it, reluctant to leave much evidence of her being there at all. Eventually finding herself near the radio, which goes through a short inspection. Then she clicks it on, hovering at the volume button to turn it down immediately if it was violently loud. A lesson learned from Lemaigne's vehicles.‡
Keven Church :: there is nothing at first. then static. it crackles softly, alive on some other end in the unknown oblivion. then the static ends::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She had never interacted that much with Keven - if at all really - but there had always been the thought that he was much more clever than he let on. Had to be, if he had avoided being snagged by the Tremere for so long.‡ Mr. Church? I'd like a moment of your time, if that's you.
Keven Church :: more static….:: ::then finally……………a heavy breath:: Who d'a feck are ye? An' what are y'doin in m'feckin' boat? ::he sounds a bit drunk. just slightly tipsy::
Spektor Iocaine ‡Maybe he was thinking over whether or not to answer. Or there was no one at all. She hoped it was the former, but she wouldn't have been surprised if it was the latter. Just when she was just about to give up, the heavy breath put her back into focus.‡ You may not remember, but my name is Spektor Iocaine. I work with Miss Kára and Mr. Bellerose. And I am on your boat because I have been trying to find you, in order to discuss a few matters.
Keven Church :: she would have heard his laugh if he'd bothered to press the button when he did so. but people dont do that when theyre genuinely laughing at something they find surprising. or stupid. unless they're fucking anime villains or something:: Yer f'rgettin' someone. ::fingers snap:: Dat blonde lass widda pinched face. Cunt. Ye work widdem blood pricks too. Bloody blood pricks. ::a brief awkward pause before:: Feck off. ::is added on at the very end. just in case she doesnt get the hint::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She doesn't deign to respond to the first part, instead settling back to relax while they spoke. The blood pricks were the important part here, at any rate.‡ There are a great number of things I'd prefer to be doing with my time right now, Mr. Church, but unfortunately, 'fucking off' is not one of the options I get to have. ‡A pause, considering her words before continuing.‡ I can understand your reluctance to even speak with us given what you know. But I can explain if you're willing to listen.
Keven Church Boo feckin' hoo. ::is the muttering response to her clever comment about having more important things to do. it tells him 1) he's not a significant pawn in whatever her gang's agenda is, and 2) she thinks by making him believe he's not a significant pawn that he's safe from whatever intentions she has toward approaching him tonight. mother fuckers:: Explaaaaaiiiiin. I'll be fartin inna wind while ye do. ::silence. her turn to speak::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She couldn't help but to smile.‡ Despite our working relationship with the blood pricks, we have no intentions on turning you over to them, first and foremost. Secondly, we only have a working relationship with them due to a circumstance in which their Scourge was held in the basement of Embraced for quite some time, being… questioned. ‡Adding inflection and tone to indicate the questioning hadn't been the most gentle.‡ Because of that, it seemed prudent to create that working relationship, rather than allow him to try and hunt us. ‡Straight and honest with the man, rather than trying to lead him around with her words. She presumed he might appreciate the clarity more.‡
Keven Church ::as one who is hunted by a Scourge, the very same Scourge in fact, certainly he can understand the need to work things out in a civil manner. desperate measures and all that. there's a long, presumably pondering silence without any static at all. just Spektor standing or sitting or leaning all alone with her side of the radio, waiting::
::then, once again:: Ye still dealin' widda't spooksy magic cunt?
Spektor Iocaine ‡She's taken to sitting, perhaps in some rickety old chair that Keven himself had sat in a time or two. Comfortable with the silence, though her thoughts wander. Parsing through everything she's said thus far, and hoping it would be enough. His final question is what made her realize why Dixie had liked him so much.‡ We are. But I do not think it will be much longer, in truth. We've already begun to corner her.
Keven Church ::this time he does deliberately laugh into the radio. just one, simple:: HAH. ::a few clicks:: Good luck widda't. Hells ye needs me fer den?
Spektor Iocaine ‡Kára had never made her privy to the why but Spektor had her own theories. Most of them were likely ones that Keven would laugh at, just has he had just now.‡ It is my belief that Miss Kára has seen you to be instrumental in one of her visions, in handling the Tremere and neutering them, if not removing their influence entirely. And frankly, you being receptive to showing up when we ask does a great deal in the face of a Scourge who was incapable of finding you in the first place. No?
Keven Church ::there's a very loud:: PBBBBBBBT! ::a grown ass man blowing a raspberry:: Aye. Ye gots a point. Fer a dumb hoor. Ah'll….t'ink 'bout it. Jus' keep yer crazy cunt blondes off'a me.
Spektor Iocaine ‡It's rather loud in the otherwise silent area, but she lets him get it out of his sytem. Her lips curl in, before releasing them.‡ I do try. And that's all I ask for now, Mr. Church. Is that you at least think about it. Perhaps you could stop in sometime as well, and I will make the promise that no one of ours will stop you if you decide to leave. I'll do my best about the blondes, as well.
Keven Church ::there's another breath. then the static ends. for good this time. Spektor has been dismissed in as much a way as the salty dhampir can achieve::
Spektor Iocaine ‡She lingered for some time, just in case, listening to the lap of waves against the hull of the boat as it drifted. When the static doesn't return for a time, she concludes it over. Only hoping she had said enough of the right things to bring him around for whatever real purpose the Elder Gangrel needed him for. Spektor set the chair back right, clicked the radio off, and then departed from the boat to make her way towards Embraced for the evening, and update Kára.‡
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journalsandshit · 7 months
08/06/2023 - letter
i never got to talk to you about how this made me feel but ive been thinking a lot about it lately, so i guess now would be the time. i dont fully understand what happened but it hurt really bad and i think it might have changed us and our relationship forever, whether you realize it even happened or not.
on the sunday of the week before spring break, i had a conversation with you about carolina and about your relationship with her. that night you had a conversation with her that, admittedly, makes me feel sick to think about. i wrote about that conversation on 03/19/2023, and about some of the issues following, but this is gonna be a much more in depth analysis (?) of that.
following that conversation, in the week leading up to spring break, i did not get to hang out with you outside of school one single time. you were with her, and then with cam, and michelle, and trinity, and who the fuck knows who else. all i know was that you werent with me, and you werent talking to me, and you never told me why. i went home after sixth period. when i asked you what the plan was, you said "im not sure yet, ill let you know." but you never did let me know. so every day, for five days, a five days that i really needed you, i might add, i went home, and sat on the couch, and waited for you to ask for me. but you never did. i cried more in that one week than i had in months, and its only gotten worse after that. i knew i was leaving for most of spring break but it felt like you didnt care at all. if you had cared, you would have made time for me, but you didnt, so i was alone, all week, and i didnt know what i had done to make you hate me all the sudden. you didnt even have me bring you to school that week so i didnt get the one time when i knew i was garanteed to have you to myself without any of your idiotic relationships getting in the way. i was so alone and i thought that that was the worst it would be. i wish i had been right.
also around that time, you asked me to give you all of your clothes back. that was heartbreaking for me. you didnt tell me why and when i asked you just said that it was weird and that you wanted them back. i specifically remember that you used the word "weird" because thats what made it so painful. we arent dating, and we never have been, but weve shared clothes for the better part of a year at this point and weve always made jokes about how people think were dating all the time. weve never cared about what other people thought about our relationship. at least i thought we didnt, but clearly you did, or you let other peoples concerns (carolinas concerns) get to you enough that you werent comfortable with us being us anymore. i gave your clothes back and cried and asked what was happening with us, and you said nothing. you said we were okay, and i said i was sorry. but you know what? i shouldnt have to be sorry. i didnt do anything wrong, you did, and your stupid fucking girlfriend did, but i didnt and i still felt like i should be sorry for what i was doing "to" you. and then i asked, after agonizing over it for days, why you wanted the clothes back, and you confirmed what i thought, carolina said it was weird and that she wasnt comfortable with it.
that was, i think, the beginning of the end
the next week was spring break. i flew out to new york on saturday morning, and you called me while we were on the shuttle bus. i thought that that had meant that you were gonna talk to me like normal, but i was wrong.
that i whole week i texted you every day and i waited and waited for you to call, but you didnt. i needed you really badly then. i was stressed out and afraid bc i was spending so much time with my family and i was touring colleges and i felt so far away from you and i needed to know that you wouldnt forget about me when i moved up there. you, however, found new friends to replace me right away. you hung out with cam or carolina pretty much every day and didnt try to talk to me until it was too late to call bc i was in a shared hotel room with absolutely zero private space. i missed you so bad every day and it was so much worse knowing that not only had you just replaced the time that we spent together with other people, but also that, on some level, i had done that. i had started your whole "getting to know each other" bullshit with carolina and i forced myself to have to see you doing things together and "bonding" and i couldnt do anything about it bc i was two thousand miles away and you wouldnt ask to see me anyway because why should it be at all different from that horrible week before.
i saw you the day i came home, and i think the days after that, but something was wrong. you didnt touch me anymore, you didnt tell me you loved me, you barely stopped talking about how much fun you had had with your girlfriend and your other friends.
it was like that for a while. i was scared and alone and i needed you but i couldnt ask for you or even ask you what was going on bc i was so sad and afraid bc i had already clearly fucked up so bad.
then we went back to school and shit got so much worse, but i cant justify doing that here so ill tell you about that in another letter
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feathery-fall · 2 years
Hello hello! I noticed your hc requests were open so what about Licorice cookie? I don't see enough tk content for him, -Vio
his worst spots are his ears, sides, stomach, and backs of the knees, but pretty much anywhere is fair game
two absolute sweet spots are anywhere just behind his left ear(left specifically) and where his ribs meet his sides
loud, shrieky laughter, or when those sweet spots are targeted, high pitched(sometimes silent) cackles
when he's in a lee mood, he's often too embarrassed to go to anyone, so he uses his magic on himself
he's been caught a few times. he thinks he plays it off well
keyword is thinks, as he does not
aside from magic, the main people who tickle him are Dark Choco, Poison Mushroom, and his lil minions Bat-cat and Shwarzwälder
DC does is whenever he's being kind of annoying, PM does it just whenever they feel like it, BC and Shwarzwälder do it after failed missions to cheer him up(or if he's being too naggy >:( )
Enchantress does it sometimes too, as a sort of punishment for failing missions(it never goes too far though, she's very careful)
sometimes the others poke him to get his attention, and it's not that they mean to tickle him, he's just. very sensitive
the main people he tickles is PM and Bat-Cat(because no one else let's him close, rip)
sometimes PM asks for it, sometimes Lico just feels the urge to, but either way they always end up happy
and Bat-Cat does that cat thing where they refuse to get leave his lap/hood so Licorice kinda has to force up them up lmao
he's tried tickling DC before but it didn't work and just ended up with him screaming on the floor
he almost tried with Pomegranate but the glares she sent told him not to
he uses his magic to tickle others but he finds he prefers more hands-on methods(mostly only uses it for restraining or to catch them off guard in time to weaken them)
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wh6res · 3 years
one more time | markhyuck
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"if i'm going to teach you how to fuck her right, you’re gonna need the best seat in the house, markie!" — lhc 
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warnings. dubious content, swearing, bondage, voyeurism, masturbation, exhibitionism, mentions of stalking, fingering, oral (f receiving), degradation, there’s a knife (but no knifeplay), a threesome, implied kidnapping 
disclaimer. i dont condone anything. this isnt a normal relationship. this aint love.
note. prolly going to hell for this but who cares. markhyuck for @nakamotocore​ i wuv ya ie please get better soon! TT and dom hyuck for my napaka kalat na mami @donghyukcore​
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against all rational thinking, haechan is getting bored from seeing the pathetic five feet distance between you and mark when he comes home. he tries to understand the other male in the relationship. truly, he does, even if he highly doubts that celibate little mark lee can pleasure you the way he can but everything's practically past that line now. donghyuck just wants to have some fun with you two, is that too much to ask for? at this point, he's blatantly ignoring the fact that you and mark don't even like each other.
but haechan cares for mark just as much as he cares about you and he won't just let his best friend miss out on all the fun things he can do to their little doll, right? what kind of a friend would he be? once haechan shoves him into a world of temptation and sin and pleasure, mark would kiss his self-induced celibacy goodbye.
plus, you've been awfully naughty these days.
talks about wanting to come home or getting at least a few rights to have gadgets were the only thing you said whenever you see him. it went as far as practically growling and running away from haechan when he tries to initiate something with you, screeching your lungs out and saying, "don't fucking touch me, you creepy little psycho!"
deflowering mark.
punishing you.
he'd be killing two birds with one stone.
he's fucked your stubborn little self into submission once, but all that overprivileged tv sessions might've put silly little ideas into your dumb little head again. alas, no worries, he'll just have to do it one more time. and maybe, now with the aid of his good 'ol buddy mark, they'll both be able to screw you up so good you'll never want to leave their clutches.
"gumdrop, can you come here for a second?"
haechan isn't deaf to the exaggerated groan you let out from the living room and it grates on his nerves how utterly brave you are for being passive aggressive. you reminded him of a little girl in a temper tantrum because they weren't given any candy - and when you show up in the master bedroom clad in your little pink dress, eyes upturned and sharp, a pathetic little girl was all he can think of when he saw you.
only now did he notice that you had even detangled your hair from the intricate braids haechan spent at least twenty minutes doing earlier this morning. where was mark all this time? why wasn’t he there to stop you? geez, you both are so going to get it, this time!
"what do you want?"
"can you give me a hug? i felt awfully stressed at work today. i need my little gumdrop."
this was obviously a test. don't get him wrong, he'll still punish you but if just this one time you learned to swallow that bitchy attitude and come crawling to him as the perfect lover should, maybe he won't be too harsh.
but he gave you too much credit, he thinks. of course his dumb cockwhore doesn't know shit. of fucking course, you wouldn't know it was a test. not when you scoffed, rolled your eyes at him, and spun in your heels to walk back to the living room.
"beat your meat with your own hands, creep."
haechan's reaction is immediate, his long legs allowing no delay in crossing the room to mercilessly fist your hair. he had pulled your hair so bad you thought it was going to rip right at the roots, all of his pent up anger due to your poor behavior channeling into that one grip.
you feel his scoff of disbelief against the curve of your neck as haechan pulls you flush against his body. "what the fuck did you just say to me?" he laughs patronizingly. "beat my meat with my own hands – aw, baby! that has got to be the best one yet!"
it truly was, though. he's not going to lie. out of every vicious snarl and hate-induced words you said to him, that particular offhand comment takes the cake. seriously, sometimes haechan thinks you're deliberately trying to make him furious – gumdrop, if you wanted to be fucked silly, all you had to do was ask.
he hurls you to the mattress, breath knocking right out of your lungs. before you can even sit back up and crawl away from haechan, he's already crawling over your body to sit directly on your stomach, fiddling with something on the headboard. you nearly scream in frustration, no matter what you do, you just can't throw him off of you!
"i don't know why the fuck you're behaving this way but it's gone too far. one more time. do i need to fuck some respect into you, one more time?”
a new wave of motivation surges through you when you hear the familiar click clacking of metal. your eyes widened just a fraction, the only thing that gave away the unease quickly seeping under your skin. if not for haechan's perceptive eyes, he would have missed it.
he merely used one hand to grip both your wrists in a vice. "no!" you squirmed, tossing and turning and trying with all your might to get him off of you. "no! i don't want that – not the cuffs!"
he loops the respective bands around your wrists with practiced ease. the last handcuffs he used had torn and marked your skin, something haechan wasn't fond of. only he can paint your bare skin with colors.
thus, he bought newer ones. the bands were a bright shade of red, connected to each other using a medium sized chain that loops around one of the steel wires of the bed, and the little bells attached to the bands ring with your every movement.
haechan knows the bells drove you crazy. its incessant ringing driving you up the wall as you couldn't keep your hands still whenever he fucked you to oblivion – he knew how much you loathed the sound of the bells, all the more reason for him to enjoy.
and mark, too. speaking of which…
you stubbornly pull at your bounded hands, glaring at the man before you as he studies your state. the corners of his lips curl up at the sight of you struggling. "you always look so good in red, gumdrop."
before you were given a chance to reply, he stormed out of the room with a sense of purpose bounding his steps. "lee donghyuck!" you screamed. "fucking come back and get me out of these, you pervert!"
he can hear you thrashing in your chains and yelling profanities from a room away. where was the demure girl he turned you into after only a week living in the apartment? though funny enough, the blood in haechan's sadistic side rushes in excitement at the prospect of wiping that glare off your face. it wasn't the fear, nor your submission that gets him off. it was the idea that he can and he will break you down no matter how many times you try to build yourself back up again.
he's not too sure whether he's going to eliminate that dirty mouth you've developed, though. because you did make him snort in the most unattractive way when you told him he can fucking jack himself off when he had been merely asking for a hug. this aggressive side you developed is… nice. he can work with it.
"can you ask your play thing to keep it down?" mark hisses, flinching and making an offkey sound with his guitar when a certain screech from you caught him off-guard.
haechan smiles.
"why don't you shut her up?"
it took a good few minutes trying to talk mark into stepping into the bedroom where he's got you chained to the headboard, but alas, haechan can be persuasive if he wants to be.
frankly, the younger man is sick and tired of hearing both of you bicker – it's no wonder you've developed a sharp tongue! it's all mark's fault and yet it's haechan that has to do the dirty work of setting you straight all over again. you're a tough cookie to crack, someone hauntingly immune to the violence and chaos.
and yet…
"you don't – don't seriously plan on doing this, do you?" your eyes go back and forth between the two males, primarily addressing the younger, devil-spawned male. haechan, ever observant, picks up the light tremor in your voice.
haechan had uttered a playful "if i'm going to teach you how to fuck her right, you're gonna need the best seat in the house, markie!" before forcing the older boy to sit by your side, mark's thighs grazing the temples of your head as your eyes awkwardly flutter up to the spectator.
mark couldn't deny he was intrigued by the emotion reflecting in your orbs. when your eyes met, it was a silent plea, he just knew it was. and unlike vulnerable and helpless you, mark, to some extent, still had at least some sense of freedom to him. he can choose to walk away, to stop haechan from trying to get him laid, maybe even talk the other boy into postponing your punishment.
but he'll do no such thing.
not because he has a moral compass (he doesn't, really) but because mark knew firsthand, there's no stopping haechan once he sets his mind into something – and right now, if that boy wants to punish you and use mark to fulfil his exhibitionistic fantasies then that's what'll happen.
your bottoms were the first to go, haechan's blunt nails digging into your skin as he pulled it down slowly, patronizingly, while watching bemused at your squirming. "this is how you know she needs a reminder," he says, addressing mark. "a good princess should take whatever's given to her like a good girl but if she's being an ungrateful brat –"
you flinch when he harshly smacks your thigh.
"– she gets what’s coming for her, right?"
there's a second's delay with mark's reply. haechan didn't mean for the question to be rhetorical, he wanted an answer from the other boy.
"right, mark?"
"r – right…"
haechan laughs, flipping the skirt of your dress up. "what, are you that excited for pussy that you're stuttering? that's cute."
you hear mark intake a sharp breath when haechan dives in to give you feathery kisses in your inner thigh. he always starts off this way, after figuring out this gets you wet way faster than simply kissing you.
as haechan starts talking, lips lazily grazing over your skin, you fight hard not to utter a single sound as you pull on your chains. "listen carefully, markie. do you hear those whimpers? she likes it," you feel the prickles of his sharp stare. "she's just too much of a fucking brat to admit it. go on gumdrop, your fighting spirit makes this all the more interesting."
you hate the patronizing tone he used as his hands trail higher, and higher until it's pinching at the bud of your clit. and against your whole being trying to keep your lips sealed, alas, it parts and creates a soft whimper that has mark stiffening next to you.
haechan lays his tongue flat against your folds. you weren't in the least bit wet yet to accommodate his size, but that's easy. he merely circles the bud with the tip of his tongue before pushing two fingers in. months of standing in the shadows outside your window had made him memorize the movement of your fingers whenever you pleasured yourself.
he felt the jolts of the bed as you shook your head side to side, trying with everything you can to hold your moans in. a corner of his lips can’t help but curl up. "what, gumdrop? too shy to lose yourself because we have an audience? don't worry our celibate little friend over here seems to like it. go on, give him a show."
too lost in the ministrations of his lips and fingers, you don't see haechan meeting eyes with mark, nodding at an object lying on the bed side table. you can only shudder when the cool tip of a knife presses against the base of your throat, hooking under the collar of your dress as mark slowly rips it off.
but haechan doesn't have the patience. "dude, give that to me. at your phase you'll get her naked tomorrow. let the tip cut her skin, the bitch deserves it anyway."
you scream when he drags it unceremoniously down your front, narrowly missed tearing at your navel. there are a few pricks of pain here and there for when the knife accidentally nicked your skin. he sure was ruthless as can be. why did you even bother acting like a brat, cursed him out, when it gave you no benefits whatsoever? did he unknowingly transform you into this sick little masochist that thrived on his sadism?
it was a defeated whisper. the last of your resolve turning into dust as the breath escapes your lungs. why did losing feel so heavy in your chest? you don't notice your arms slumping, nor your head nodding off to one side, the weight of your horrible reality sinking into you once again as if you had only been kidnapped yesterday.
but it had not been yesterday. it's been days. weeks. months. and the last time you sneakily got ahold of mark's phone and searched for your name, the last news clip or article published about your disappearance had been three months ago. that only meant one thing.
they weren't looking for you anymore.
just like that the world continued, other people's lives continued. all the while you're stuck here, rotting in the arms of your captors.
haechan's face emerged in front of you. he smiles and you would've believed he felt an ounce of guilt if not for that wicked stare in his eyes. "you've always been most beautiful like this, gumdrop. the hope disappearing in your eyes upon the realization that no one's coming for you anymore – i love it. i love you, my pretty girl."
he placed a chaste kiss on your forehead but he might as well have shot you straight in the heart.
there was no warning, nothing to ready you for the sudden intrusion happening on your bottom half and it was so bad, that it made you shut your eyes, hands wrapping around the chains as tears started falling across your cheeks.
rough fingers reached out and wiped them away.
something felt off.
the fingers were too calloused, opposed to the softness of haechan's nimble fingers. and while the aforementioned male had more length than girth, the person who's thrusting himself inside you is the complete opposite. he's stretching you out too much, not even bothering to give you time to adjust when he's already bucking his hips like an animal.
"shh, it's okay. i'll take care of you…"
this wasn't haechan.
and when you fluttered your eyes open to see mark's boyish little face, you can't help that look of betrayal painting your features. at least you only had to deal with one obsessive, sex-deprived freak. now, you're not so sure if you can handle both of them.
how foolish of you to think that mark's self-induced celibacy stretched far and wide when in reality, he was also just a boy with his own needs. a slave to his own temptations.
how cruel. so, so cruel.
in the back of your mind, you were thankful haechan cared enough to properly get you in the mood or else you would've been staining the bed sheets red by how deep and frantic mark’s thrusts were. it felt like he wanted to tear you in half.
"if i didn't know better i'd say you're experienced, markie! i wouldn't fucking know you're a virgin by how much you're humping her like a dog.”
curse him and his dirty mouth. his constant degradation is making it easier for mark to slide in and out of you, and a proof for that is the lewd slick sounds echoing in the room partnered with the older male's deep grunts – a complete opposite of the pitched, whiny sounds haechan makes.
'gumdrop, come on! be noisy with our first-timer here just how you're always noisy with me, yeah? don't be such a killjoy." the pout in his voice is evident, coming from the side of your ear.
you wish you had never turned your head, otherwise you wouldn't have to see him pumping his own dick in his hands right in front of you. the glare you shot probably looked pathetic, what with all the tears streaming down your face and your little theory proves true when you see his mouth quirk up to the side.
"i fucking hate you."
"mark, fuck her harder, wouldja? until she learns her fucking lesson."
the disturbed stare you gave him does not slip his notice, his hand's pace turning erratic, spurred by the slick sound of your walls, skin clapping, and mark's broken whines.
make him stop, your eyes said. please.
but haechan only shoots you an innocent smile before shaking his head. "didn't you tell me to beat my meat with my own hands?"
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moxfirefly · 3 years
B D J O V for Donnie, Karl and Alcina? (yes I am in love, no I dont have regrets uwu)
My 3 loves? Well why not! And pls enjoy the ficlet styles I’m going to opt for when doing dirty secrets! This is a little long so is going under the cut.
🩸🍷Alcina Dimitrescu🩸🍷
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and on the other)
A bit of an odd one here but she loves backs, like your actual back. The line of your spine, if you have those back dimples, ufff. She loves the shape of it if you’re on the more curvier side, she loves the skin, and your rolls, and any stretch marks. Just picture that elegant hand of hers ghosting over your back, nails maybe even claws.
On herself, well Alcina is aware of her assets and she’s very aware of her chest, both she’s quite proud of but she’s really proud of her figure over all.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
There was a pretty seamstress in the village who always was brought up to the castle to help with her dresses. She was a pretty thing in Alcina’s eyes, very much her type. When your making or fixing or measuring a tailor made outfit for a 9ft+ woman well it gets tricky and a little more handsy than usual. Alcina didn’t mind, the seamstress didn’t either. It was interesting following simple commands even if they were asked upon her with nothing but grace and poise.
So as Alcina sat for the 40th time to have something around her neck marked to be fixed, she had to stand between her legs to best approach and see the mistake. Only sitting did she have the best chance at seeing her at a more eye to eye level (well as best as it could be).
She isn’t dumb, she knows curiosity, want and lust like the back of her hand. Sees the nervous swallow of the seamstress whenever hands glide across her chest. The whispered ‘pardon my lady’ when she rests a palm on Alcina’s throat and takes a needle to the neckline with all the gentleness she can muster. Of course it’s the moment to prick her finger, the quiet hiss and scent is enough to alert Alcina and without waiting for her to fuss she takes that bleeding digit and kisses it, tastes the bead of blood, all while looking straight at her. When she still sees lust there, oh does she pull her closer.
One of her maids walks in about twenty minutes later, an array of materials in her arms so she doesn’t quite catch how the Lady of the castle smooths her dress and tries not to laugh, chest heaving a little and legs closing a tad. The maid greets her with her usual honorifics before leaving the requested materials, she notices the seamstress isn’t there and arches a brow at the room. “Lavatory” is all Alcina says before the maid makes a question. She nods but feels something isn’t right with the current picture but still leaves.
Once gone.
The seamstress crawls out from under Alcina’s skirt, mouth shiny, hair disheveled and nice set of teeth marks at her bosom.
It becomes a frequent thing after that.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
It’s not to say she needs to because she sincerely feels she has anybody at her beck and call who is willing ready and able. But on the rare occasion she indulges in some self care, it’s mostly in her luxurious tub. Feeling the warm water, her hair clean and smelling of that weeks chosen fragrance, well it gets her thinking and thinking leads desiring and if there isn’t anybody she’ll handle it. Slow, she loves drawing out her own pleasure, loves to feel that rise but stops before it’s too close. She’ll do that, edge herself a little bit more before biting down on her lip to muffle a more particular louder cry.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Both. She lives for giving it and she loves to receive it. She is just, wow, so incredibly good at it, she’s goes about it in such erotic and passionate way and if you’re not looking like you are being possessed by the devil then she up’s her game to make sure that happens. You can squeeze her head with your thighs all you want, she’s built different lol she can handle it. Don’t yank to much on her hair though, claw at her all you want but easy on the do.
She’s had a few inexperienced lovers which she has to guide when they want to go down on her. She’s very particular of what and how she likes it, but she’s patient enough to teach you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
I’ll do you one better, https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRSKhUoh/
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and on the other)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) shout out to @imthegreenfairy88 for helping me out with this one.
The first few times he indulged in this he was very adamant in keeping it to himself and to himself only (with time and reassurance he chills out) but the first time he tried doing ‘back door’ stuff on himself he was very surprised about how good it fucking felt and every so often he indulged in it. There’s an occasion where he ends up in bed with some tourist, gun to his head he doesn’t remember their name but he sure fucking remember the blow job and fingering combo that they gave him that had him seeing fucking stars. He tensed up at first was about to say something but they crooked their fingers just right and swallowed his cock at the same time and words were out the window along with thoughts.
He was so far gone that it didn’t cross his mind that when he begged for another finger, he gave himself away and if their eyes weren’t indication of how delighted they had been, feeling two more additional fingers really proved the point.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
I mean I’m saying yea, he has to get creative with it sometimes so as to not get bored, but he picks up a few things he enjoys (he is creative after all) he’s definitely ruined his fair share of pillows, loves rutting into them. He has beat off probably in any section of the factory but shower is better for clean up. He for sure has done it outside of the factory, probably relaxing on a chair and if the weather is nice enough, it’s not like anybody is gonna suddenly drop by. He likes a tight closed fist when he’s close but enjoys a teasing touch to start things off, really enjoys grabbing his balls when he does it. Very messy messy boy when he cums.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
This man blows you like his life depends on it. VERY sloppy but it’s really hot, it’s how eager he is about it and how willing he is to suffocate and or choke on it. He’s told you to sit on his face multiple times at multiple moments of the day. He loves the taste of you, loves feeling suffocated by your thighs. You know what they about big noses too 🥴🥴
As for receiving he likes to dish out what he takes. So expect some rough mouth fucking, he will make you gag, he will make you all teary eyed cause he enjoys it. He’s fine with it without to be honest, he much prefers to be balls deep in you but if you enjoy doing it then expect hip thrusting.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not super loud, but he isn’t mute. He groans and moans but he’s also a talker so expect a lot dirty talk. His voice drops in a way when he’s fucking you that it makes your toes curl. He’s all breathy pants when he’s close. Lots and lots of cuss words.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and on the other)
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He likes the taste of his own cum.
He denies it, really denies it, just says it’s his way of cleaning you up after a nice romp but he really has a way of proving the opposite. Donnie has ‘finished’ on you in every way shape or form. On your stomach, back, face etc you name and each time he has cleaned you up he’s either wiped it up and sucked on his fingers or he’s just full blown licked it off of you.
And there is something so disgustingly erotic about that you haven’t or don’t want to call him out on it. You’ve gone down on his multiple times and he very eager to kiss you after your done. One time you purposefully left some on your chin and lips to see if he’d clean it up first but nah, kissed the heck out of you. His favorite is cumin in you and then going down on you. The first time he did that, it was enough to make your toes curl till they cracked and just as you were about to say something he was yanking another orgasm from you. The combined taste of his and yours release? Fuck now that was his favorite.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Does it and does it often. He’s not prudish about it, it’s free oxytocin and for a guy who’s convinced he’s never gonna get a shot at being with somebody physically, might as well practice some self love.
Loves visual stimulation but he’s really into audio stimuli. Likes those audios where he feels he’s there with the person or the ones where they give instructions. Donnie is really into edging and if he’s got the time and privacy he can literally edge himself for a couple of hours. Has at times managed hands free orgasms. Has made cock sleeves or basically fleshlights (ah ingenuity), can have his moments where he’s super slow and teasing about it, light strokes and all that. Can also have moments where he basically fucks his fist to the point of making some pretty obscene wet noises. If listening to audios or watching videos he really loves trying to cum at the same time as the person in the vid or audio. Has a bottle of lotion right on the desk but that shit is so cluttered with stuff that nobody has picked up on it and honestly it’s kinda funny.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Oh my lord is he OBSESSED with giving oral. It’s such a big turn on for him. He just loves how intimate it is, he loves how he’s giving you pleasure in such an intimate position. LOVES over stimulating with his mouth, loves feeling thighs trying to break his head, happy to die down the suffocated in his favorite place, loves feeling a hand at the back of his head and pushing him in further.
He’s not crazy about receiving cause he knows his size is a challenge but he’s not opposed to it, he much rather get a hand job from you.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Loud and not afraid about it. He enjoys the fuck out of it and is going to be vocal about it unless it’s adamant to be quiet because people are around. His churrs are really nice, deep but not as baritone as say Raph’s, but they feel and sound so good.
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
The Boy Trap Prt 3 | Luke Hughes x reader
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summary: Hmmm how about the twins going to the lake house and Jack can also tell them apart and is flirting (friendly flirting/joking around) with Hallie and the boys are like 👁️👄👁️ that's your brothers girl when obviously it’s not??
word count: 0.7k
the boy trap masterlist🌷
you spent most of your summer at the hughes lake house in Michigan, because your twin Hallie, was doing a summer internship in Toronto and was gone most of the time anyways, so you didn’t go straight home after the semester ended.
Therefore, none of the boys at the lake house, aside from the Hughes brothers, knew you were a twin. They just thought you had a sister named Hallie who was coming to stay for a few days at the lake house. 
You and Luke were still asleep, so instead of waiting for you to wake up, Hallie decided to just go and introduce herself to the boys that were sitting on the back porch. Her flight got in late last night, so she didn't get the chance to meet any of the guys yet. however, she has meet the Hughes brothers on multiple occasions.
“Morning!” Hallie said as she slid open the sliding door and made her way onto the porch. It was full of guys, and there were no available spots to sit. “Morning y/n” Trevor responded and Hallie just smiled. She wasn't sure if the boy just thought she was y/n, or if Trevor just genuinely didn't have an idea that she and y/n were twins. 
“Hey, you can come sit on my lap if you want” Jack smirked up at Hallie from where he lounged and the rest of the guys, minus Quinn, looked at Jack in shock. “Jack…” Cole Caufield trailed off with a confused look on his face. “Jack wtf thats y/n?” Trevor basically yelled. "y/n as in your younger brothers girlfriend y/n" Trevor continued, shocked that Jack would hit on his brother's girlfriend.
“Hey guys whats up?” you said as you walked into the unfolding scene. 
“WHAT THE HELL?” Trevor screamed standing up, he pointed an accusatory finger back and forth between you and Hallie, and then to Jack. Hallie, Jack, and y/n all laughed at Trevors gaping mouth that was sure to catch flies.
“I am so confused right now…” Cole whispered as Trevor started ranting about aliens taking over the Hughes house. 
“Trevor, Hallies my twin!” you laughed, effectively cutting off Trevors long winded rant. He looked like a mixture of shock and confusion.
Luke walked out of the house and wrapped his arms around you. he pulled you into his chest, and rested his head atop yours. 
“LUKE DID YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS?” Trevor was shouting again. “about what?” Luke asked sleepily. “That your girlfriend has a twin? Duh?”
“yeah obviously” Luke replied moveing his head to nuzzle against your shoulder, making you giggle. 
“Oh well thank god because we thought jack was flirting with your girl for a second there” Alex Turcotte piped up from his seat beside Jack. 
“You were flirting with Hallie? There's no way… Luke tell your brother to stay away from my sister” you said turning your body to face Luke. “Jack don't flirt with Hallie” Luke said half heartedly as he turned you back around and placed his head back against your neck. 
"so what are everyone's plans for the day?" Quinn asked trying to get out of this situation. he didn't want to hear Jack flirt with anyone, and he definitely didn't want to hear anymore of Trevors rants.
"no actually lets circle back to Jack flirting with me! I think we could come up with an arrangement or something-"
"NO! ENOUGH!" you yelled at your twin cutting her off, effectively waking Luke up. "we can't look alike and date brothers there's just no way" you groaned while pulling Lukes arms back around your waist.
"I don't know i think it could be kind of fun"
"Jack shut up!" you and Luke both said at the same time.
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Liked by y/nuser, bestiegirl, and others
hallie: the girls are back😎
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y/nuser: dont ever leave again.
bestiegirl: okay now come back to me!
jackhughes: can the one on the left in the first pic give me her number?
y/nuser: NO STAY AWAY!!! SHOO!
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Liked by lhughes_06, hallie, and others
y/nuser: my summer so far🌊📸🫂
tagged: lhughes_06, hallie, and others
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hallie: wow i dont even get a dedicated post… i see how it is !
hallie: what happened to our mary k and ashley posts💔
lhughes_06: so happy youre here
y/nuser: i love you💗
lhughes_06: i love u more❤️
trevorzegras: simp🤮
jackhughes: k so about your sister…
y/nuser: this is my nightmare.
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Liked by lhughes_06, bestiegirl, and others
y/nuser: twin is back and shes flirting with my bfs brother🧍‍♀️
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hallie: awww thank u for this lovely dedicated post sister!❤️
y/nuser: 😐
bestiegirl: if she dates jack does that mean i get to date quinn?
y/nuser: neither of u are dating them pls stop this madness😭
jackhughes: once again im asking if-
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wisconsin2002 · 2 years
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You know the older I get the more I realise that cartoon communities and fandoms nowadays are really impatient and can't let a story roll out... Or.. They want so much obvious information spoon fed to them.
I've noticed it a bit with Amphibia fandom and I've noticed a lot aswell in TOH fandom aswell.
With Amphibia it's been.. People saying that Anne has just completely forgot and doesn't care about her friends and barely even thinking about them.
The constant nights that Anne spent on her laptop, looking for quite literally impossible and almost non existent information that the human world doesn't know about.. Trying her hardest to bring her friends back home and writing letters to her friends families during the holidays...
ITS RIGHT THERE! Anne has shown she cares so many times its actually mind boggling to me that this hot take even exists at all.
The one hot take I do understand is the one with people saying That Sasha doesn't seem to show that much care for what happened to Marcy. That one for sure should have been discussed more and maybe it will who knows. But Sasha was a big part of both Marcy and Annes life and it feels like we've just seen what Anne meant to her for the most part. I hope we can see more of a balance with the trio and their past and how that connects with them now.. Other than.. "SaShA tOxIc MEaNie BuLy Bad."
Ahhhh.. Now Owl house..oh boy
Okay.. Hot take analysis number 1
We dont know Jack shit about her and the fandom already hates her cause she didn't live up to their evil Luz headcanon and expectation.
At the end of the day. Yeah.. I guess you can say that the writting got slopy there a bit and was dissapointing..
But I mean you can also say that yall had mountain high expectations from a show that was told time and time again...was cut short and had many writing problems and production problems along the way because of COVID delays aswell.
I mean if you didn't see the plot holes coming idk what to tell you man. Feels bad dude.. Have a cookie🍪
I for one adore Vee and I think she's great but I also do feel a bit suspicious cause it all just seems so easy and knowing Owl house's mysterious nature in the show...Vee could maybe possibly be.. a Trap.
Analysis number 2
Amity and Willow
Some people say that the whole reason Willow and Amity's bond hasn't gotten stronger is because of Lumity.
Now I can't say I've seen this often but I have seen it enough times to be like
Wtf.. No seriously like what the actual fuck?
I thought it was obvious since Understanding Willow that Willow is giving not only herself but also Amity time and space to grow past what they went through or atleast time to where they feel comfortable enough to talk about what they went through together in the future with a healthier mindset and growth. I thought it was obvious that while Willow still has not warmed up to Amity enough to go back to the way things used to be... They respect and understand eachothers past struggles that lead up to those unfortunate events... But I guess it wasn't to some people... Why?..
People want shit spoon fed to them!
Well if you want spoon fed info.. Dana Terrace herself was actually asked about Amity and Willow already becoming friends in the future seasons.. My memory is a bit foggy but I think she said something around the lines of Willow had been through a lot and so has Amity and they both need time to just figure themselves out right now before any of that can happen.
Now my memory is a bit foggy so take what I'm saying there with a grain of salt.. Altho I for sure do remember Dana talking about where Amity and Willows relationship goes from here.
Also I will agree that Willow is a gem that no doubt deserves so much more screen time. 👏
Analysis number 3
Lumity and chemistry
I dont see this often at all cause lumity is such a beloved ship by many including myself💜
But some people.. NOT ALL.. But some say they have very little to no chemistry...
Let me tell ya something buddy.
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If these two.. Can dance for 1 minute and that being the only piece of chemistry they have.. Can manage to make the shipper twerk their asses and make piles on top of piles of Artwork and fanfics off of that singular dance to the point in time it completely overshadows the actual Canon relationship in the show...
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And this Rated PG stalker can be considered a good love interest.
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Than these little cuties are fine💜
I won't lie. It's not a perfect relationship. There are flaws for sure. What relationship doesn't have flaws?
But the woman broke her damn leg for Luz and literally jumps into danger for her with no hesitation whatsoever. They get a pass.
No to mention that they bring out the best in eachother. Amity Was a forced self a centered Bully whom was about to let Luz get dissected and gutted like a fish.. And lost touch of everything that once made her happy to give herself this fake persona of a rich entitled bitch All to fit into the family name of the Blight family tree. And Luz Is a wild extroverted nerd that never really saw the complicated side when it came to her choice of choosing the path to become a witch.
Both on different paths... And both having obstacles keeping them in that path with choices to make and not exactly knowing how and where to take things anymore.
That's why I love it. Lumity was a great solution to both of their cries for help. Because now they have eachother in their lives to help eachother out with any issues that come their way. They both no longer feel like they only have one choice to make and one path to follow.
In terms of Lumity having no chemistry...
Well I think I typed enough of an essay🤣.. Just thought I'd talk about some hot takes that had me pretty confused.. But they are opinions at the end of the day so I'm not really here to change anyone's mind... In fact I do understand where people come from with some of their takes.. I'm just here to inform in a way I guess or talk about something that's been on my mind as well.
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
Alright my sweet! I'm here with a soulmate request.
So I gotta go with Jack, because who doesn't love being soulmates with a secret agent man? As for the trope... There are so many to choose from and I love them all BUT let's go with "the first words you say to your soulmate are somewhere on their skin". I'm a sucker for that one.
Have fun darling!! 🥰🥰
helloo dear heart! have a fanfic about you n your man, you absolute ray of sunshine 💕
hope you enjoy!
warnings:fluff fluff fluff. enough fluff for a really nice waiting room chair.
soulmate requests / follower celebration
It was a weird day, but your dearest friend had insisted.
This will be a fun use of your day off, she promised. And...
If there was anywhere you were going to find your soulmate, it was here. Deep in the bowels of the distillery, there were secrets in each room, behind each lock, and sewn into every suit cuff as far as the eye could see.
Statesman Headquarters.
Sugar, that's supposed to be classified.
The words on your arm near tingled with each step you took, because you were being told with no uncertain terms, that everything you were seeing, hearing, and feeling was absolutely classified. Ginger rolled her eyes as her coworker chattered about privacy and the history of Statesman, smiling good-naturedly.
"I dont think I should be here," you murmured, tilting your head at your friend.
Her hands were stuffed in her lab coat pockets, and she shook her head. When the papers got signed and the tin on your hands was given a final suspicious look, she ushered off with you.
"Listen," she said, her strides long as she took you back through the labyrinth to her lab. "I'm allowed to bring my friend to my coworkers, so they can thank her properly for the best damn cookies they've ever eaten, just like anyone else."
You laughed, feeling lighter. The cookies had started out as an innocent gift for her to take to a holiday party, and according to her, became high demand. As often as time and ingredients allowed, she would beg you for enough to feed a small army, swearing up and down that they were like magic for her mysterious team.
She could be stubborn when she wanted to.
"You just want to show off your work to someone new."
And she winked. "Damn right I do."
After long moments entering passwords, she lead you through a heavy door, adding, "And it wouldnt hurt these guys to know that you're single."
You sputtered, wanting to protest that you were fine waiting for your soulmate, before deciding not to make a fool of yourself. Almost dropping your overfull tin was enough.
There was a handsome man sitting at what you could only assume was her main desk. And by ' a handsome man', you of course meant the most confidant, dreamy, gorgeous all-American gentleman you'd ever seen. When you snuck a glance at your friend, wondering if she was as rosey-eyed as you were, you were shocked to see a blend of annoyance and confusion instead. Any traces of teasing were gone, serious business overriding all of in a single second.
He stood, almost tripping as he looked at you, a little wide-eyed for his reputation. His mustache moved, and time slowed as you held eye contact before-
"No," Ginger's finger blocked your view. "Save the flirting, Whiskey." It was her best no-business tone, and both of you snapped back into reality. "What's going on? Why are you here?"
The man - Agent Whiskey - looked sheepish, hooking one hand in his belt and using the other to scratch the back of his neck.
"Stay here for just a moment?" Your friend looked apologetic and you nodded, nearly collapsing as they stepped away. Moments before, youd been given a brief tour of the government's most elaborate secret, but now, your knees felt weak.
What a weird day.
It got weirder.
You hovered nervously as lights blared and displays ran data faster than you could read and agents ran in and out.
Neck craning, searching for Ginger, you watched as she was pulled left and right, setting up a command center right in the conference room next door.
"I'm so sorry," she managed at one point, grabbing a cookie from your box, "You wont be able to leave until this mess gets cleaned up." And you nodded as she was whisked away again.
There was no one you knew in sight except... that Agent Whiskey. Jack someone called him. Hands on his hips he took control, steady and stern, neatly reigning in the chaos.
You told yourself you were watching him for guidance, comfort maybe. Not because he was handsome as a sunrise. Certainly not because his gaze kept meeting yours, no matter the crowds, and each time the clocks seemed to stall. Not because your whole body ached to be close to him and ... and you almost thought he looked like he wanted to be close to you, too.
When he caught you watching him, he'd smile, almost proud, fingers twitching at his side. He kept stepping your way, too, before a call of his name made him turn on his boot-heels, cursing under his breath.
You felt small.
A man they called Tequila kept tapping his hands on the table. You heard protests that the agents in the field needed backuo or at least guidance and headsets were tossed. He and Whiskey shared near-crazed grins and worried glances as the muttered urgently into their communication systems.
The tin of cookies near sang at your side, and you slipped forward, just placing it open between them.
You wanted to help.
And at their big bites and briefly closed eyes, and sagging shoulders, it was your turn to feel proud.
Then you retreated again, savoring a certain cowboy's nod of thanks, accompanied by a wink that warmed you to your toes.
Eventually, things seemed to calm.
There was no cheers, but deep sighs and clumps of people dispersing with claps of hands on backs and shoulders.
Headsets were hung to charge, and you walked back towards Gingers desk, hoping for your friend to reappear.
Instead, when you arrived, Jack was already standing in front of it, holding a box cleaned even of crumbs.
"I can give you the recipe," you offered, feeling suddenly shy. What they did here... it was so intense. All the little texts of thanks Ginger had sent you finally made sense - your cookies were extraordinarily normal, beautiful in their simplicity. Absolutely lifesavers in their chaotic world.
The man in fron of you shook his head, perfect brown hair ruffled slightly, the ends peaking out from beneath his head. Feeling like you already committed to the offer, you tried to reach around him for a wayward stack of sticky notes and a pen.
"It's just flour and butter and brown sugar and -"
"Sugar, that's supposed to be classified."
He smiled more confidently, the realization in your eyes apparently spurring him on.
"Next time, whaddya say you just show me how it's done?"
Dark eyes, crinkling with genuity and twinkling with mischief.
"Can I? I mean - would you - I mean," He stepped forward, right in front of you, and you squeaked. "Sure."
He was so close and... and you felt like you were missing something.
Not taking his eyes from yours, his hand found your hand, gently guiding it to his arm, where he had at some point pushed up a single sleeve.
I can give you the recipe.
Your eyes found his again, the confirmation almost moot. He had been pulling you in since the moment you laid eyes on him, he was just... right, he was... you would have to leave a note for Ginger.
It felt like you were the only two in the world that mattered right now. Jack could feel it too - you could see it, even as he smirked.
"Sounds like a mighty fine idea to me."
taglist: @fangirl-316 @scribbledghost @writeforfandoms @beautyagegoodnesssize @princess76179 @mrsbentallmadge @pbeatriz @saradika @zinzinina
Whiskey taglist: @0celestialbitch0
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
halllooo 🐌 anon here! i know i havent requested anything for a while but thats just bc i didnt have any ideas and ive been kinda busy but im back and ive come with another c!ponk request! okay so reader (gn or he/him) works with las nevadas but ponk doesnt know that but one day they get curious and follow reader to las nevadas and hes pretty surprised and i dont really have any idea of what happens next so u can decide! it can also be fluff or angst or whatever u feel fits best! anyways make sure ur eating and drinking enough and getting enough sleep and taking ur meds if u take any and byeeeeee
hi 🐌! no worries i'm glad to have you back! i chose to use he/him and make this kind of angsty, if that's okay. stay safe and healthy anon!
Don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
c!Ponk x [he/him] Reader - Truth
genre: /rom, c!ponk, angst with happy ending, las nevadas!Reader
warning: none! (let me know if i missed something)
masterlist <3
The sun was starting to rise, the morning dew shined on the grass outside the window. As much as you hated it, you knew sooner or later you would have to pull away from Ponk and make the trip back to Las Nevadas.
You sighed and looked over to him, sleeping so peacefully, quiet and calm breaths escaping their mouth. You smiled and began to roll out of the bed. You were almost out of the bed before an arm wrapped around your waist.
"No...don't leave me, stay here all day." Ponk groaned, half asleep.
"Ponk I've gotta go to work love."
"Nope, no work." You laughed, falling against him slightly. You placed a hand on his cheek, stroking your thumb against his cheekbone.
"I've really got to go. I promise I'll be back soon." You kissed his cheek, removed his arm from your waist, and got up, grabbing your jacket before closing the bedroom door.
You walked through the greater SMP, admiring the new pop-up buildings, and reminiscing on the old.
You didn't even notice a still half asleep Ponk following behind you. For as much noise as he was making you couldn't seem to notice. You were lost in your own thoughts. For the last few months, you had to keep your place of work a secret. You weren't sure how people would react to you working at Las Nevadas, and further, for Quackity. The only people who knew at this point were Quackity and the others who were beginning their transition to the new faction.
Ponk had struggled after the Red Banquet to forgive Quackity, even though it was Q who had technically freed her from the Egg's grasp, something not even you could do. But Ant had lost a life, and Ponk wasn't sure if they could forgive Puffy for that or Quackity for allowing it.
You waltzed into the Needle, Quackitys headquarters and took the elevator to the very top. Ponk hadn't risked getting spotted by anyone and stayed at the ground level, waiting, watching.
The elevator doors opened up, and you walked over to the railing, Quackity standing, looking over some papers.
"What can I help you with today Big Q? And we gotta make this quick, I have a lot to do today."
The man snorted, "Yeah, right. Now would I be where I am right now if I let people who work for me tell me about how much time they have? No, I wouldn't. Take a seat."
You sighed, quickly pulling out your message to send Ponk a text about how you would be late. Q sat across from you, going on and on about how the business you were chosen to help him start was lacking, as were you with your progress getting to Las Nevadas.
"I can't have slackers, but I really don't like the idea of anyone else having you working for them, so I'm torn. I could give you a second chance, make a new deal...or I'll just have to convince you another way to not go working for someone like Tubbo or Jack. Not even Techno."
You let out a sigh. "All right, just get to the point."
"Well, it's simple. Either you get settled down here completely in the next 3 days, or I'm going to convince you to."
You rolled your eyes. He couldn't force you to do anything. How could he?
"How's Ponk doing?" This caused your breath to get caught in your throat.
"Oh please, you think I don't know? I know everything about you y/n. Your history, your alliances, friends...partners. And I need to in order to keep you under me."
"He doesn't even know about this. They don't even know I work here. You have no reason to hurt them other than to hurt me."
"And if I have to I will." He checked his communicator, and the message catching his eye. "Sam and I have some business to attend to. Consider what I've told you, and come back to me with either an answer or through action. Have a good day, you're dismissed."
You sat shocked for a moment before you stood and stomped off the balcony. By the time the elevator stopped the tears had rolled down your cheeks as you thought over the choice you'd have to make.
The thoughts ran around your mind as you walked outside of Las Nevada's borders and into Snowchesters, a weight lifted off your shoulders.
You took a seat on the soft ground, not too worried about the cool air. You needed to think.
"Y/n?" His voice. His lovely, sweet voice. You turned and found Ponk standing there, rubbing his arms to keep warm.
"Hello love, what are you doing here?" Quickly removing your jacket you handed it over to her.
"I, um, I followed you from the house. I figured...well I wanted to see where you go when you leave me."
"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry Ponk. I-I should've told you sooner, I was planning to but I didn't know how you'd react."
He smiled, resting a soft hand on your cheek. You relished in the touch.
"Don't worry about it. I don't care for you working with Quackity, as long as you're happy and safe. Speaking of...I heard what he told you."
"You did...?"
He nodded, a smile resting on his calm face. "Yeah, but I'm not worried. I'll always be there with you, by your side. And we're gonna get through this, together."
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constellaj · 3 years
Please talk more about your reboot!
16: If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
okay so how i would re-do CANON is completely different from how i would talk abt a reboot so im gonna touch on a couple things in both contexts! the reason for the difference is canon rewrites imply i can go back in time and introduce dp fresh and new, before anyone knows what it is; but for a reboot, id be working with an audience that has a better understanding of the source material, so i dont need to spend as much time explaining, but i also need to keep everything recognizable
REWRITE: i would def make it more danny's fault that her dad lost his job, like danny was intentionally being reckless and shattered some security stuff, and he has a whole mini lesson about learning to not just run in guns blazing. i would probably remove the dating stuff with her and danny (and tuckers crush) too, I think them wanting to be good friends is good enough for freshman year
REBOOT: the fandom already knows valerie exists, so i would actually skip the whole shades-of-gray introductory episode and have her be present as the huntress from day 1-- probably even before danny got his powers. cujo is also HER dog, and her backstory-- we'd find out in like, season 1, that a natural ghost portal (maybe one wulf opened) ripped open on her dog and killed him, and since then shes had a vendetta against ghosts cause of how reckless they are and their disregard for life-- of course, cujo isnt actually dead. cujo is a halfa. a puby halfa. anyway instead of a hoverboard she actually rides cujo around cause he can fly and its big and epic. valerie has BEEN amity parks ghost-eradicating superhero for at least a year (tho shes been in the shadows abt it) and her hatred towards danny actually just becomes really petty, like them flying next to each other chasing skulker just going "I got this. no I got this. no I got this" and they just get in each others' way and its a mutual grudge.
BOTH: i am NOT keeping in vlad giving her the suit to watch danny under any circumstances. it was only utilized half assedly in canon (when vlad couldve just had an invisible duplicate watching him instead) anyway, and I dont have any reason to keep it in a reboot either. instead i want her tech to be a combination of half-stolen and half-gerryrigged stuff and she slowly slowly learns how to build her own.
I also dont want anyone knowing her secret identity, except maybe her dad, and sam or tucker. i think it works better if danny isnt privy to this magic info
REWRITE: i would honestly just remove him. the episodes hes in arent particularly interesting, theyre just generic "we need a plot about x" filler and he's not compelling enough a character (at least in writing) to carry a better plot that another antagonist couldnt. i'm serious
REBOOT: unfortunately in a reboot he's gonna have to pop up somewhere or else ppl will be like "where IS HE" so I'm going to stick with running some kind of ghost circus, maybe a few occult things, but cut out a lot of the spooky magical knowledge and mcguffin stuff. maybe i could make him like, someone from vlad/jack/maddies college who always felt pushed around by them and so he has a vendetta? and theyd be the only reason he even learned abt ghosts in the first place. idk in either way I want to force him into being irredeemable but also include LYDIA (the tattoo girl ghost) way more-- I want to give her an arc that ends in her tossing freakshow aside and running off to be a ghost vigilante.
BOTH: dear god the infinity gauntlet is stupid that needs to GO AWAY. especially for the reboot cause it would exist in a post-mcu world and way too many people would complain about it
REWRITE: amp him up to a far more sinister and villainous character. the crushing on maddie isnt enough, I want to show him on-screen performing experiments on ghosts and himself, dismissing everyone else cause he thinks hes smarter than them. i want him to be actively sabotaging the fentons at every turn. i would also clarify that he doesnt actually want danny as a son, but as a trophy-- a line where danny says something along the lines of "you don't want a son. you want a slave". i want to make him a character who wants to destroy the entire planet and put it in the ghost zone so he can be the true ghost king and i want to make this all evident from day one. if i'm writing a series villain you can bet i'm going to write a GOOD one. less petty drama here and more actual stakes.
REBOOT: it seems silly but sense with reboot we have the benefit of hindsight and recognizing that vlad wasn't a big series villain, theres no way i'd actually go back and write him to be such. for starters, of course, theres the fact that anything he does would really be an exaggerated part of the original, and it would bore an audience to see the same story again-- theres also the fact that it doesnt seem right to take a character who was treated as a joke half the time and suddenly make them big and important. no, instead for my reboot i want to lean into the petty gay uncle vibe. he had a crush on jack and now just casually insults him. he moves mansions every now and again by just haunting the family who lives in the one he wants, and taking over-- i mean, who is gonna believe that an actual ghost haunted you. he dislikes danny not because he has some concept of 'evil' and 'good' but bc danny is just too damn active. of course he actually does care about danny and his safety deep down, it's just on the surface they have very conflicting motivations-- not to mention that danny has been raised on legends from his parents of the villainous Wisconsin Ghost, who has to be stopped at all costs.
BOTH: i want jack and maddie to KNOW he's a half ghost and to actively be hunting him down for it, maybe bc they think hes possessed, or been a ghost tricking them this whole time, or the victim of a tragic lab accident who needs to be put to rest, etc. whatever the case it will give vlad actual tangible reason to despise them and genuinely suspect they dont have dannys best interests at heart. i think it would be neat if vlad was cynical and every time danny hit him with the "I'll expose us both. at least theyll still love ME" vlad could be like in the back of his head "oh god theyre going to kill this child"
REWRITE: cut her out. we don't need her character at all. maybe replace her with a more ominous shadow duplicate / clone that actually looks like danny himself and doesnt really have a name? you could probably combine her and dark dans characters for their arcs
REBOOT: instead of a clone from vlad, she's a guys in white creation using some of dannys dna after he was captured (and vlad broke him out bc he was like "ugh i guess i have to save this child")
BOTH: vlad actually cares abt her (duh), shes nonbinary (double duh), she gets the funny dissolve into goo powers
i had more i thought i was gonna write but this post is already very long and also im running out of coherency for this LUL
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just-a-fangirl13 · 3 years
Thoughts & Theories about MacGyver 5x10 [MacRiley]
This episode was absolutely INSANE. Im writing out my thoughts once and for all because I need to stop thinking about everything that happened (I highly doubt I will be able to but here's to trying)
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Straight off the bat, I was screaming *internally* and yelling at Mac when he showed the diamond to Bozer. I suspected it yesterday when we got the snippet of Murdoc saying the words DIAMOND and RING with extra emphasis..(everyone on twitter said I was jumping to conclusions.. I thought so too honestly) But damn I did NOT expect them to actually do that!
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Now here's why I am not mad about it anymore. [this is my interpretation you are free to disagree]
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Firstly, when Mac told Bozer he was going to propose he didnt say I’m doing it because I love Desi or I want to spend the rest of our lives together or because she’s the one (doesn't mean he doesnt care for her ofcourse)
He said “Ever since I lost my dad & Jack, I have been thinking about the bigger picture and a commitment to make things work is exactly what Desi and I need right now. A grand romantic gesture.” He wanted to propose for stability so he could finally be on the same page with her. They never really defined their relationship before and this was a way for Mac to final bring it together. A grand romantic gesture is usually something people use to win their partners back which is what Mac was trying to do I guess. It almost sounds like he has to do it so he doesn't lose her again 
(ill get to my second reason in the end)
Then ofcourse Bozer tells Riley about it so she can be prepared. Bozer is such a good friend. He is supportive of Mac AND wants to protect Riley. I love him for it! He really is doing everything to be the best friend he can to both of them. (Leannas death was so painful and I just want to hug him but thankfully Riley had that covered.)
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Next we get the BIG REVEAL. The moment all of us had been waiting for. 
The moment that SHOOK Angus MacGyver and CHANGED EVERYTHING!
Rileys Feelings!
“You want me to say it out loud? Fine. Yes I had feelings for Mac. There I said it. and yeah watching him and Desi together was breaking my heart so I moved out of his house. I should have said something to him a long time ago but I didn’t and now its over. ”
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I had the opposite of a HEART ATTACK! (my heart rate was through THE ROOF!)
I have to say they really really outdid themselves on this reveal. 
SIDE NOTE: If anyone comes for Riley and tries to call her a slut or a home wrecker? You will have me to deal with. Even after Murdoc played the clip of her confession she still tried to deny it and brush it off so it wouldn't complicate things for Mac and Desi. If Riley had wanted, she could have easily told Mac this to his face while he was dating Desi and then let things happen from there but she DIDNT. She kept that secret buried so deep she herself was in denial.
(also if anyone calls Mac a player or anything like that.. I will end you. He is doing his best to deal with everything that has happened to him and people keep giving him shit for it....)
Anyways, we see Mac’s expression & he is just confused and shocked and clearly not trying to think about it because it changed EVERYTHING for him. 
[Murdoc saying I THINK IM ON TEAM RILEY was a HUGE HIGHLIGHT for me! I love him so damn much!]
Desi took it really well too actually. If they keep going down this road of growth and maturity for her I think I could actually like her again. (Russ too when he apologised to Bozer) 
She didnt throw a hissy fit or say I knew it or look at Riley like she was the villain. She focused on the mission & I respect her for that.
(Riley does say, “the next thing you are going to hear on that recording-” and then gets cut off by Desi.. If this will come into play at some point later on or if it was just her trying to explain herself, remains to be seen.)
Then after the climax, we finally hear Riley say the words to Mac in real time and we get our FIRST MacRiley hug of the season! 
At this point I thought they would agree to be friends and make the friendzone thing clear BUT NOPE. (you have no idea how happy I am about it not going down like that!)
I was also a puddle on the floor. SO
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“Mac look-”
“You don’t have to say anything if you dont want to. Really.”
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“I want to. Last year in Germany. I realised I was starting to have feelings for you. Real feelings. I didnt want to make anything weird between you and Desi. I didnt want to mess up our work or our friendship so I decided to bury it. Until the feelings passed.”
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“Emotions aren’t a science. You can’t control them.”
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Gosh they are so perfect together! The way they look at each other and the HUG! OH MY GOD THE HUG! Its just perfection.
Now we also see this from Desi’s POV. Again no anger or jealousy from her. I think it was an understanding. She realised that she and Mac were never going to work.. maybe a little pain but honestly everything that went down with her and Mac was her fault too. The lack of trust and understanding was always a problem for them. Sure, things were going well but she didnt seem like she was ready for a commitment if im being honest. If Mac had proposed I think Desi would have said no.(again nothing wrong with that) 
She didnt want to label their relationship..they haven't said the words I love you to each other and I dont think they even live together. It really was way too sudden.(these are just things im assuming people define how well a relationship is going by.. I have no experience.)
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Then ofcourse we have what im calling the goodbye scene. Its the break up before the break up in my opinion.
Desi tells Mac that they should pretend the last 24 hours never happened (that might actually include Mac wanting to propose but make of it what you will..) and that they should have a clean slate. But its very clear from Mac’s face and Desi sees it too that he isnt 100% onboard with it. He cant forget about it.
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Which is when Desi says “Look Mac just do whatever you feel is right” and Mac looks confused.
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She then gives him a goodbye kiss. 
Look if you have ever watched any show/movie before where the characters are saying goodbye to each other or breaking each others hearts...THERE IS ALWAYS A KISS ON THE CHEEK. A final farewell of sorts. 
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That is what it seemed like to me. It was Desi telling Mac to do what he has to. Even if it inevitably leads to their break up.
Again real emotional maturity from Desi here!
Then we get the scene, Monica Macer (the show runner) tweeted about back in December.
Mac knocking on someones door. If im being honest? I thought it was Desi’s place and he was going to propose...
BUT it turned out to be Riley’s.
Mac clearly hasn't stopped thinking about what happened. I wouldnt either if my best friend who has put her life on the line for me and trusts me 100%, now has feelings for me? That would turn my world upside down too.
especially if I had feelings for her that I buried so deep that I never acknowledged them.
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Also this is my scenario for how their first kiss goes down just FYI.. (Mac showing up at Rileys doorstep and finally confessing his feelings and kissing her *probably won't happen that way now though, but I still love it*)
Mac hesitates for a second before finally knocking on her door.
“Mac? Everything okay?”
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“I can’t pretend like the last 24 hours didnt just happen. They did. So I gotta ask. Did it work?”
“Did what work?”
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“Hiding your emotions and letting it pass. Did they go away?”
and I proceeded to pass out. My brain just checked out...
Now initially in all my freaking out I thought Mac was asking Riley about his feelings. If HE buried them deep enough would he still be able to move on with Desi but then I rewatched it and I realised he was asking RILEY if her feelings were still there, if there was still a possibility of something ever happening. 
She never told him its all good now! my feelings are gone and it was a long time ago. She told him she buried it but he needed to know if a future with Riley was something tangible. 
So this was my second reason for not being annoyed about the proposal. The writers used it to show what a huge impact it would have on Mac. How much Rileys feelings would actually mean to him. the GAME CHANGER it would be.
A friend of mine said it was kinda funny and a little jarring but I liked it. (I could have done without the proposal) But I understand why they did it. They couldnt have Mac and Desi break up the same day Riley’s feelings came out because then people would hate Mac. They had to make him want to take the next step with Desi but then drop a bomb on him, that would make him question everything.
Again this is what I took away from it.
I do get that some people are not happy with this and some said it was too sudden *not like we’ve been waiting since season 1 or anything* but I think after 5x11 things will slow down again. Mac may break up with Desi only at the end of the season when he finally comes to terms with his feelings. (Some people are still cautious and I get it but after everything that just happened I find it hard to believe that Mac and Riley won't end up together after all.. not to mention the leaked script conversation between Mac and Riley from 5x15)
Now I dont know how the final scene ends.. they definitely dont get called away for their solo mission immediately after because Mac’s cheek injury is relatively healed in this stills, which means Riley does answer Mac’s question. She may try to avoid it or deflect but he is standing right there so...who knows.
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Next weeks episode is a MacRIley solo mission and lets just say things definitely are heating up a bit..*wink wink*
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