#i just think arti would be especially passionate about it
amerricanartwork · 5 months
RW Headcanon: How Arti Gives Back
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In the RW community on this site, I’ve heard quite a few Artimand thoughts about how Gourmand would help Artificer heal from her trauma and grief. And while that’s all good, something that’s continuously puzzled me when shipping Artimand romantically is, “but how would Artificer help Gourmand?”
Let me tell you, one of my all-time favorite qualities in a ship is the characters helping each other improve themselves, especially in ways no other character pairing can. And while it’s easy to see Gourmand helping Artificer improve, given the vast amount of grief and lust for vengeance she has to overcome, and since Gourmand probably has a natural inclination to help others in need, what would she give to him in return? And to add to that, why would Gourmand fall in love with her and choose her as a mate, as opposed to just casually looking out for her and straight pitying her at worst, especially when she’d most-likely appear very un-qualified for romance initially?
Well, I’ve developed some thoughts and headcanons for that, and I’ll put them below the cut! Please let me know if anything could be improved, or if you can add to it! I’d love more reasons to think of these two sweethearts!
Option 1: Combat
Arti would help Gourmand improve his combat skills. The way I see it, Gourmand is a very strong warrior, but doesn’t often engage in combat simply because he doesn’t see a need for it outside of defense. Even then, due to his kind nature, he typically only fights back enough to deter predators, not kill them. However, with Arti being a carnivore, and having LOTS of experience with more complex combat situations than just defense (mostly from scav encounters), I like to think that Arti would give Gourm more combat tips and they may even end up bonding on occasional hunting trips together. And it would circle back to Arti because Gourm, with his cooking skills, would make the resulting meals from their hunts taste SO much better than what Arti is used to, allowing her to slow down and really enjoy food in a way she hasn’t been able to with her warrior lifestyle!
Option 2: Motherhood
This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Given Arti was a mother once, and Gourmand’s story ends with him getting 2 pups, I could easily see him wanting Arti to stay around to act as a mother for them. Not only would that give her the chance to embrace motherhood again, but it would take some pressure from Gourmand because he has a partner (and an experienced one at that) to help him with parenting! I mean, don’t get me wrong, Gourmand is undoubtedly great with pups, but even so it’s good to have some help! Even more so since (depending on what general age you headcanon the pups as) he’d likely have to leave his pups alone while getting food; it’d be nice to have someone with her own experience caring for pups who can look after them during those times and, to add onto the first option, even help teach them how to hunt and survive on their own!
And heck, I personally actually like to imagine that, a little later, after she gets comfortable enough and fully overcomes her grief, Artificer would actually have a second litter with Gourmand (naratively-speaking, this would signify the completion of her character arc)! Of course it’d be a big deal for Arti, but just imagine how much fun Gourm would have exploring the new experience of getting to raise biological pups this time! And I can just see him being so, so thankful that Arti somehow managed to give him even more family to love!
Option 3: Passion
So this one’s the most personal-headcanon-based, and built off my personal depiction of Gourmand as a character. In my headcanon, Gourmand starts out as a rather reluctant leader of his colony. I have this whole idea of what specific event led to him becoming the leader, but to summarize, it seemed like a very sudden chance event at the time, yet from it he was more-or-less unanimously chosen to lead by the other Outer Expanse slugcats due to him having shown great creativity, survival skills, and protectiveness. Gourmand himself, however, doesn’t really feel he’s fit to be a leader; he’s used to an easygoing life just peacefully surviving and doing his own thing, not managing and defending an entire colony! He’s so used to seeing the simple parts of the world that he often underestimates himself, so something as “grand” as leadership often appears too great for him.
That’s where Arti comes in. I like to imagine that Artificer is extremely passionate, but that for a long time after her pups’ deaths, that passion was manifested almost exclusively as immense rage, grief, and desire for revenge against their killers. But imagine if, once she gets comfortable with Gourmand’s colony, she begins to show that passion in positive emotions! Not only would she, after seeing what he’s capable of in hunts, help him see that he IS the perfect leader for his colony, but just IMAGINE: Arti hyping Gourm up as the biggest, strongest warrior in the Expanse, just before the two prepare to take down a king vulture; or Arti patching him up after a really tough battle and assuring him he’ll be even better next time; or Arti teasing Gourm and them chasing each other around as they spar together in the OE fields; or Arti getting all dramatic as she recites tales of her epic scavenger battles to his eager pups; or Arti showering Gourm with kisses after he makes a REALLY good meal with her favorite meats!  There are SO many possibilities for hypeman Arti, and I figure that, once Gourm sees her fiery spirit used in a positive way, especially to help him and his family, he can’t help but fall for her! And this idea is part of why I like the Spicybun ship name so much - while Gourmand helps Arti mellow out, Arti literally spices up his life! They just compliment each other so perfectly!!
MAN do I love these two so much! This is about all I have right now on this subject, but again, I’d LOVE to hear any other ideas for how Artificer would help Gourmand, or additions to these ideas! I just adore the “opposites attract” ship trope (although I personally prefer to call it “inverses attract”), and I think Artimand is easily one of the best examples of that in Rain World! 
Thank you to anyone who made it to the end of this wall of text! And let me know if I should share any more Rain World headcanons, because I’ve definitely got more!
Oh, and if you've found this, @melissa-titanium, hope you like it again! Let me know if you ever want me to stop @-ing you with these Artimand headcanons, by the way!
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holdoncallfailed · 15 days
do you ever think about the parallels between damon and graham and paul and john? the childhood best friends and inseparable creative partners, one is the pusher for the dream, and the other one is the arty emotional live wire, the jealousy, competitiveness, emotional breakdown, and dissatisfaction/unhappiness with their dynamic. eventually, one gets a new creative partner, and the wedge becomes a chasm. yet only one of them got the opportunity to fully reconcile while the other was robbed of it.
of course, they're not the same, and the level of success does make for a lot of that separation. but I see how much time and effort it took for damon and graham to rebuild their relationship, knowing it couldn't go to what it once was but still working to repair it. glad they did, especially when you hear paul say that one should never put off telling someone you love them.
yeeeesss this has been a point of great interest for myself and certain other rpf scholars on this site (hi @elena-ferrante). watching paul in get back really reminded me of damon lol...i think it's interesting that part of the tension between d&g and j&p is that the domineering control freak "spokesman" member of the pair comes across as the one calling the shots but is in fact so full of admiration for and places such a high value on the opinion of the other that he becomes sort of deferential to him... i think they all struggle(d) with their identities and public images being intertwined. but i also think that there is/was more love between them than we could possibly understand from the outside. i really sincerely think that john and paul would have reconciled if they'd been given enough time.
speaking more broadly to your point about the wedge & the chasm: i think another thing about why bands are so interesting and why they capture the public imagination is that they frequently present this homosocial fantasy of companionship that is very much rooted in an adolescent configuration of life , i.e. hanging out with your friends all the time, doing whatever you want, responsible for only yourselves, obligated to each other out of a shared passion. and that lifestyle is not compatible with The Institution of Adulthood, i.e. stable career, marriage and family-rearing, which still feels compulsory—if not totally inescapable—for most people in [heterosexual] society. a band can be a world unto itself but it is not the real world. there are soooooooooo many examples of bands falling apart once a member gets married and/or commits to a new creative partner because that development inevitably ruins the fantasy on which the band was built, consciously or subconsciously. the real world comes careening back into focus...and you can't ever get that old life back once you've deviated from it.
i think the assumption within heterosexual society that homosociality is something that one "ages out of" is very pervasive (and homophobic, natch, but we don't have to get into that now). that homosocial relationships—or even friendships more generally—are always ultimately secondary to romantic relationships (specifically marriage) is something that i think a lot of people struggle with as they move further into adulthood (i know i am lol). it just happened on a much more drastic scale for these guys because of their fame.
also so much of the stuff in this post is very damon & graham coded...
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well anyway let's all kill ourselves.
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ludwigbeilschmidts · 8 months
a symptom of being human - pruk
master post.
how did they meet?
they both actually go to the same university and study the same thing (art history), but they don’t talk because they sat WAY apart from each other. maybe bumped into each other on campus once or twice but since they both also live on opposites sides of town they don’t even ride the same bus.
they meet, instead, at a demo. it’s a left wing antifa demo and they don’t actually have a lot to do with each other, just kinda marching beside each other until the cops come and they run away together.
and then they’re like “wait i’ve seen you around before”- that’s how they realize they go to the same uni.
what made them realize they love each other?
it’s complicated.
you’d think they’d be fwb first and then slowly fall in love, but you’d be wrong.
gil usually sleeps around but since he came out of a pretty shitty relationship he doesn’t want to just fuck around with people who might have transphobic thoughts in their head.
so he wants to find out what kinda person artie is before fucking him.
artie is a proper english gentlemanTM.
he’s also just glad to have a friend bc he’s lonely.
he doesn’t really have any friends aside from his online buddies.
so he is happy to just hang out with gil but WHOOPS guess he’s gay.
he realizes too late he’s catching feelings and at that point he’s well past forgetting about it.
gil, ironically, realizes around the same time, and after some long talks with his dad, decides he should confess.
also knows that if artie says yes he’s gotta come clean about being trans.
he hasn’t planned for shit but arthur also decides to confess, so the day comes, they’re studying together, just hanging out in arthur’s room and arthur goes “i’m kinda in love with you”.
and gil is like “holy fuck i was about to tell you the same thing bro. cool. are we dating”
he then, rather nonchalantly discloses that he's trans, because that's an important piece of information for arthur to know.
arthur does not care and gilbert is very happy to be his boyfriend regardless. does not tell him about the whole dying thing because he’s not yet convinced it’ll last. boy is he surprised when two years later arthur proposes.
random hc's.
gil and arthur are a power couple, they sass each other constantly, but they're also mean girls when it comes to everyone else.
they also work surprisingly well in a domestic setting. casual squabbles about who has to do the dishes and take out the trash.
they switch between german and english pretty regularly. sometimes gilbert will talk in german and arthur will talk in english. this happens especially in the mornings, when they're both too lazy to switch languages. sometimes they'll switch mid-conversation as well.
after they've gotten married gilbert develops passionate opinions on tea, and arthur develops passionate opinions on bread. sharing your culture or something.
arthur and gil have two dogs (rita and hugo, named after hugo the jungle creature). rita is a german shepherd and arthur's dog, and hugo is a swiss shepherd and gilbert's dog. they had hugo first before arthur decided he wanted his own.
arthur had the "perfect proposal" when he proposed to gil, because gil would always complain about proposals in movies and how he would hate that, and arthur asked him then what the perfect proposal would be, and he'd kept that in mind ever since.
they do visit the uk together regularly, mainly to see arthur's family, but also just as a vacation spot.
gilbert makes fun of how arthur talks, except that because arthur is the main person he speaks english with aside from alfred, but obviously he talks to arthur way more he starts adapting a "bri'ish" style of speaking english.
arthur makes fun of him for it instead, in a shocking turn of events, except arthur adopts various german slang terms and phrases that he sprinkles in without knowing whenever he is speaking german. they're both great at making fun of the other for doing things they do themselves.
arthur tries to get him to say "innit" and gilbert refuses.
arthur: one day you will say it.
gilbert: you don't even say it?!
he does end up saying it and arthur is ridiculously proud of himself.
regarding gilbert dying.
terminal illness! discussion of death and dying!
gilbert's illness is a looming threat in their relationship. an eventuality. arthur is not handling it well but he's trying to. for gil.
when arthur proposed, gilbert and him had a very, very long talk about gil's illness and what that meant for the future of their relationship.
about them not being able to have kids, and that they won't be together for long.
after they had that talk about, arthur decided to marry him regardless.
"if i can't stay with you for the rest of my life i at least want to stay with you for the rest of your life".
gilbert makes joke about him dying and arthur is deeply uncomfortable with them, and it tends to be a big point of argument between them. arthur and ludwig often talk about that subject, though, because they're both the person that understands the other best.
arthur tries to not talk about it too much with gilbert, because doesn't want him to feel guilty about how scared he is of their future. of his future, without gilbert in it. he's having trouble planning ahead, and he doesn't want to plan ahead, either.
he's lost in the present.
gilbert knows, of course he knows, he'd be stupid to not know. and he tries to not have it be the focal point of their relationship, but of course, sometimes things get too much to handle, for both of them. they cry about it, together and they don't necessarily feel better, but it's cathartic enough that they can focus on the here and now again.
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fiotrethewey · 11 months
Sending you Leela/Romana and Leela/Narvin, *braces for emotional insights I hadn’t considered before*
Send me a ship and I'll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
Honestly, any Gallifrey ship is a good ship because there's always so much to look into, but I am glad I get to talk about my favourites.
I don't have the best memory when he comes to events when it comes to ships because I struggle with what I did yesterday, but I have plenty of emotions about them.
Leela and Romana share a common history, knowing the Doctor when they first meet, and I think just that alone is enough to build a friendship to last a lifetime, and it rings true here with these two.
I absolutely ship it. During First Days of Phaidon, I made sure to reference Romana as much as possible. In my mind, Romana is never far from Leela's thoughts, even though she is so far removed from getting to see her. Their relationship has gone strength to strength, and Leela will do things for Romana she absolutely doesn't want to do - which really bloody solidifies things for me.
I really do need to re-listen soon, especially since I've come out as sapphic myself, I think I'll read it in a lot more powerful way than I did the first time I listened almost 6 years ago.
I probably could sum it up with that famous line from Erasure:
"You do have the most devastating smile, you know."
I think for me, Leela/Narvin was such a comfort ship. They hated each other with such a fiery passion, he looked down upon her, and she loathed him. As time progressed they both were able to see each other's points of view, and instead of standing on opposing sides they stood on the same side, back to back to face anything the universe would throw at them: usually in Romana's name.
I was so lucky to be able to be part of their reunion for First Days of Phaidon. Initially, I wasn't sure it would be as emotional as it was, until Matt and I decided that Narvin would be separated from Leela for an entire human lifetime. He's changed so much since his beginnings, allowed himself to trust, allowed himself to listen - and I think that she has been able to see that in him and grow to care for him in her own way.
As the wonderful Artie pointed out in their post about Leela and Narvin - the best part about any Gallifrey pairing when it relates to the series is that it leaves so much space for the ships to be whatever you want them to be. It can be platonic, it can be romantic, it could be an asexual pairing, it could be an OT4, or an OT3, whatever you think it is there is the room for that and I think that's a beautiful thing.
I think that's enough rambling haha!
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icegoddessrukia · 2 years
I know you don't ship Brittany with anyone else other than Santana and for obvious reasons because those two are perfect together. However, if you had to pair Britt with anyone else either before she dated Santana or in s2 or s4, who would you choose? It can be OCs or existing characters or Santana 😉 or no one 😁
Naya Rivera? 😄
Britt would definitely flirt with her openly lol. Probably has a shrine in her closet for her. Santana would be very jealous and hate her.
In all seriousness I’m such a hardcore Brittana shipper that I really honestly can’t pair her with anyone else, especially anyone in canon. Everytime I come up with the idea to ship Brittany with someone as a midgame ship they just end up being like a watered down version of Santana. I can’t ship Britt with any of the existing characters because there’s just no one she really meshes with. So short answer is: no one. It’s like how AniDala is for you.
Brittany is actually a very shippable character because she genuinely likes people and she likes experimental sex and she opens herself up to them much more easily than Santana does with other people who aren’t Britt. She’s also very adaptable and accepting. It’s easier for Brittany to date people who she isn’t passionate about and just kind of pretend and find good in the situation, whereas Santana just can’t fake it and she’s really super obvious about her annoyance/disinterest with whoever she’s with. So if Santana didn’t exist I could see Brittany settling with a good person even it was mediocre with them (not the intense passion she gets with Santana) but she still loved them in a lesser way.
It would be hilarious to see Pezberry’s reactions if Britt and Finn had ever pretended to date in season 2 or something. I mean Brinn would never be into each other like that ever but I think they’d both find it funny because San and Rachel would be like 🤬🤬😡. Brinn would be like two golden retrievers. So Brinn for a fake dating AU. Bike would also be hilarious as a fake dating AU because Santana/Tina would flip the fuck out and Mike would definitely play it up to troll Santana. I’m sure Bike have been mistaken for bf/gf before and they’re both so attractive/popular but they’re just friends.
I think as annoying as B*rtie was at the time, it served its purpose in season 2. It showed Brittany that she can have a proper relationship with someone who claims her openly and gives her the emotional fulfillment she deserves. So even if B*rtie isn’t my ship and Brittany wasn’t truly *in love* with him I probably wouldn’t change B*rtie other than write their storyline in season 2 better because the whole love triangle could have been handled much better but it was alright.
Artie and Brittany was such an important character growth point for Santana because prior to that Santana was just kind of… expecting Brittany would always be there to have sex with her/comfort her regardless of how Santana acted. She didn’t realize how much she loved Brittany until she was taken by someone else. She didn’t realize that she wanted a *relationship* with Brittany and not just a fling. On top of that Artie wasn’t cool or rich or popular or physically strong so it made Santana realize that those things aren’t always what are important in life. She never in a million years thought Brittany would want someone like Artie and boy did that open Santana’s eyes.
In season 4, I firmly believe Brittana should have never broken up in the first place. It should have been them going back to one of their houses and having a good cry/discussing what was wrong and then some good makeup sex because they just needed to communicate. The love was there and they would only have been separated physically for a few more months. I also firmly believe Br*m was a terrible idea and should never have existed. There’s no way either of them would have been into each other. Sam was just a friend to her and he was much more invested in Mercedes (and Quinn before that). IF they absolutely had to break up Brittana, then I’m not sure why Brittany even needs to date, she could have been single and explored her independence for a while. Maybe had a hookup with Jake if he wasn’t with Marley because he was cute and definitely her type (Santana would have killed him).
If she absolutely had to be with someone in season 4, why not an OC from outside of the Glee club? It would make more sense. They definitely would be similar to Santana - dark haired, serious, sassy and maybe with some lowkey anger issues. They’d probably be a jock too like San because I headcanon Britt is really into jocks (with a slight nerd side to them). I’m not sure if I could torture Santana like that though because she would have come back in season 4 and be devastated to see Britt with someone else. These two only really fit with each other.
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uravitypng · 2 years
Hi!! Can I please have a HP ship matchup?? (and forgive me if I make a mistake in the writing, I'm not fluent in english yet♡)
I'm pansexual and genderfluid, that uses all the pronouns.
I'm a brazilian, my house is Slytherin (but I have LOTS of Ravenclaw qualities), my sign is Leo and MBTI is INTJ. I have tan skin, dimples, brown eyes, straight black hair that goes below my waist and bangs. About my body, I think what stands out the most are the really thick thighs and the hands and feet that are really small. I wear glasses (I have astigmatism and myopia, my grade is VERY high); where i live is SO hot but i really like to wear sweats and pants so sometimes it's kind of hard but i think i wear any kind of clothes? I like to experiment with new styles and I really want to dye my hair but I didn't have the opportunity; I'm absolutely addicted to wearing necklaces, bracelets and especially rings, I'm always wearing several.
I have a quiet, observant, sarcastic and motherly personality, although from a distance it seems that I will be rude to you, I will actually be very calm and give you soft smiles. I can get stressed out easily but I don't show anything but glare, and above all I NEVER raise my voice, even in a fight the only thing I'm going to do is keep my voice calm with a firm, authoritative tone. I LOVE protecting and caring for people and listening to them talk about what they like, I always give them my FULLY attention. My love language is 100% touch, I am always touching the people I like and care about. Another thing is that I'm not a submissive person in a relationship, like no.
I'm completely in love with all kinds of art, especially dancing (I'm ALWAYS dancing while listening to music, which is pretty much all day long) and drawing/painting (sometimes I end up doing a whole drawing and not even realize it). I love reading and I always have a book with me, physical or digital. I love animals, I have cats, dogs, parrots, turtles and cockatiels, and I would give my life for them all without a second thought. Oh, I also love anything horror related with passion and bake, most of the time I don't even eat, I just bake and give it to people because I love it when they say they like what I made.
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Okay so hear me out about this, it's going to be fun. You and Draco would absolutely bring out the best in each other. Your observant and sarcastic nature drew him in straight away, it keeps him on his toes and he never gets tired of it. Draco appreciates your motherly personality as well, he pushes a lot of people away and there is not a lot of people in his life that acts warm towards him so at the beginning it put Draco on edge slightly and he didn't know how to respond to the situation until he adjusted and grew to love that part of you, just like the rest of you. You always listen to what he says and give each other your complete attention. Malfoy struggled at first with communication and giving things like his complete attention to the things you say but overtime you helped him better himself in those areas to express himself better and actually be able to show his feelings towards other people instead of bottling them up.
Sometimes you both get stressed out and get in fights, neither of you want to back down in situations because neither of you are naturally submissive people, you make up after both of you apologise and always come to a middle ground. It leaves a good dynamic for you both because neither of you want a power difference dynamic, being able to challenge each other, not wanting the other one to be a pushover.
DRACO IS A DANCER, that man can really dance, with his upbringing its no surprise, so you and him always dance together, he's brought you to fancy balls and gatherings before he's had to attend because his heritage and you both always have fun dancing around in the ball room, swaying next to each. He's never been a particular arty person he's always preferred writing and more academic things, however he really enjoys watching your draw and seeing your finished pieces, he thinks they're amazing and he loves how passionate you are about it.
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tamarinfrog-art · 2 years
Starting Full time Job. Patreon closing. Future.
I've been writing this journal in my mind past two years. And today is finally the day. Lost my faith at some points. But here I am.
As the title says, I have found a new full time job and I'll be starting in mid April. I started looking for a new job properly about two years ago. And well, world stuff happened but I am glad the search has finally come to an end for now. I worked with a nice company as a freelancer a bit and now they are hiring me for full time. I'll be doing art stuff for them.
Now, this obviously means things will be changing here. I'll put together a little FAQ under.
When will Patreon close? 
This March is the last patreon month I'm making content for. I'll be keeping patreon around till the start of summer, but I won't be creating any official new content nor charging any money there from current members.
(You can still join the patreon and pay if you want any of the old exclusive content while it's still open. Note that I won't take any commissions anymore.)
Will you be taking commissions in the future?
Maybe. I'll be keeping my company name so technically I could still accept commissions if I wanna do some extra work and money. Right now I have no plans but maybe. (I'd more likely be open for projects like the Deviantart commission I did November 2020. But no video game projects. My contract does not permits that.)
Will you still do art streams? What about game streams?
Yes! I enjoy streaming so I'd like to continue doing weekly art streams and game streams when ever. However, since art streams technically were my job and no longer are, I'm more inclined to just relax and not do them if I feel like taking a break.
What happens to Bottled Up?
BUP will continue as a passion project. Which is honestly what I want it to be. A personal project I do for fun and no stress of making it "marketable" and something that would make money. I'll do it for myself. And if people enjoy, that's a bonus! I however, cannot promise regular weekly updates anymore. It will update whenever I get pages done. I do think it will be better for the comic in the long run. While it was nice to "force" myself to make the comic with the regular weekly update. It honestly also stressful and didn't always leave me with much time to plan and write.
What other art will you do?
I'll still also do fan art. You can expect the usual, pokemon, ice climbers and such. I'm also really feeling animations at the moment so hopefully more of those.
What will happen next?
My work won't start till mid April. And I'm considering these weeks up to it as a holiday. So I'll be taking things a bit easy. There are still patreon stuff I wanna do. Including a big document about Bottled Up and how it came to be and first draft of the world and how different it was. This document will be posted on patreon first and this summer publicly. BUP will also go for the no-schedule-update-cycle. Next page will happen when I get it done. Please give me time to relax a bit now and get used to new life cycle with a fulltime job.
I think that covers most of it. If you have anything else in mind, you can ask in comments.
There's a lot else I wanted to write about. Reflect on these 7 years I've been doing patreon. Especially past two years.... Which, honestly were roughest of my life. And covid had nothing to do with it! That was just a cherry on top of the personal shit sundae that was going on at the time. None the less, I'm still dealing with that stuff. But I think I'm doing better now and looking forward to re-plan and build my life. I am getting older and I have plans and things I wanna do now with my life.
None the less, I do wanna thank you all for taking a time to read this and following my art. I like drawing for fun. And if you enjoy my drawings. That's super nice.
I do also wanna thank the people who supported me on patreon and thought my art was worth that support. You kept me afloat these past 7 years. And I'm eternally grateful to you and how much I grew as an artist, especially thanks to your commissions.
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This is pretty much 7 years of commission work.
Thank you all. Much love. See you next time. Hei Hei.
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oumaheroes · 3 years
NZ and Artie hcs pretty please! Something 🥺 thank youuuu
Sorry this took me so long to answer!
I should start with something 'overall' first. I've enjoyed seeing different fandom interpretations of New Zealand throughout the years- as a shy golden boy, to rambunctious fellow play fighter, to mud weary tomboy, to a poised daughter, or all at once. For me, potentially due to how Zea has been canonically drawn, New Zealand is non-binary. What they've got going on under there ain't my business and they certainly don't care. I’ve therefore given them the name ‘Alex’- for the feminine or masculine version, who’s to say.
They very much live by the feeling 'I am New Zealand', and whatever that entails. Nothing more, nothing less.
Childhood/ Teenagerhood:
England had really settled into the swing of things at this point. He was used to children, used to parenting in general- the ups and downs of it - and used to keeping his children at more of a distance emotionally than he had with Canada and America. So, by the time Zea came about there was a smoother transition into family life than there had been for poor old OZ. Australia, who had a few brief years of England as a more affectionate, happy, and relaxed parent, was abruptly cut from contact for a few years and then reintroduced to someone stricter and far more distant and which has left their relationship a bit strained at times.
Zea knew nothing else. From the get go, England set a standard of behaviour and maintained it. On the one hand this was good: Zea never struggled around England, either in being comfortable in his presence or with the 'new' rules that were in place, and also never suffered from any sort of consequence that came from having a parental figure suddenly do a 180 on you.
On the other hand, they did grow up slightly lacking in the affection department. They knew England loved them, but as soon as they became a little older there were less hugs, less kisses, less of playing silly games and more study, learning, and filling their days with their own company. They were used to this and it didn’t bother them at the time, but compared to their older brothers, or younger ones (seeing him with Sealand does spark some bitterness), they certainly missed out, and have inherited England’s current (in)ability to interact physically with loved ones- they’re not overly touchy-feely and express love through acts of service or gift giving.
Mainly though, Zea's childhood was good and quite stable. They were home schooled, but England also used to like sending them off for playdates with noble families with children to get them more acquainted to people their physical age, or would take Zea with him into town to work with their politicians or their tradesmen. Zea thus spent a lot of their time waiting, either sitting on the floor of England's study, or somewhere around him outside, watching and listening to him work and talk shop with people.
Nations are robust things, sturdy and, surrounded by their people, not really in too much danger. I think England was rather lax in this regard with his children (someone who had a childhood of wandering around villages, foraging for food, and being personally thrust into war from a young age will hardly find a town centre in the 1800s dangerous) and used to leave New Zealand with some local children for entertainment if he needed to go and do things that required a bit more time than a quick chat.
Because of this, a humdrum of business is something New Zealand finds to be a soothing white noise, something they can filter out or tune into easily, and they appreciate this unorthodox education. They’re also very happy with their own company and can entertain, and soothe, themselves independently.
Not to go on too much of a tangent (because I do do that, in these posts), I just want to quickly touch upon Zea and Oz’s relationship because I think that helped cover up for what they were lacking in terms of openness and easy affection from England- Zea because they never really had it, and Oz because he was missing it. Due to how close they are geographically, and potentially because England on some level felt guilty for his inability to fully let himself go and open up to them, New Zealand and Australia spent quite a lot of time with each other in either of their lands from England moving them about with him when he visited one or the other. Both were also sometimes taken back home with him to the UK and a lot of Zea’s exposure to a more ‘traditional’ Kirkland upbringing comes from their time with their bother- playfights, arguments, mischief, and an open easiness with each other’s raw and unfiltered company.
Back on topic and to summarise, New Zealand's childhood relationship with England was a good one. As I mentioned in my Canada headcanon post about a similar topic, England is very, very good with small children and Zea was no different. But as they got older this decreased rapidly, something that they considered perfectly acceptable at the time but now is something they sometimes look back on with a small amount of hurt and confusion.
Teenagerhood they were very used to being on their own and, funnily, when you think about what England was trying to do, very independent. Not independent like America, with his fights for recognition as an independent entity removed from England, but independent personally. A childhood of watching England work and playing often by themselves meant that Zea as a teenager was studious, quiet, and happy to be left alone or taken out for company (similar to Wales in personality, I reckon. Need their alone time and will take themselves away if this is not given).
Arguments with England were rare- Zea’s not one for butting heads but would much rather learn the ins and outs of everything and then put forth and argument for change. England may be a hothead and stubborn, but he’s not closed minded. It’s how you approach him that matters and Zea caught onto this early. Whereas Australia would shout or refuse to do that he was asked if he didn’t want to, or would put up some form of fight, New Zealand would instead do the task, do it well, and then request time with England to formally present him with all of the reasons their proposal was far better.
England being told he is wrong will likely not listen if he believes himself to be right (even if he has doubts, someone telling him that his way is bad will make him stubbornly cling to it just to prove them wrong and himself justified for doing it in the first place- clawing and scraping for even an inch of a victory). But England being told that someone has thought of a different way, and asking for his opinion on it, is far more likely to inspire change. He feels valued and goes into the discussion with an open mind that most often went in New Zealand’s favour.
Because of this, they do have a reputation of having England wound around their little finger from a young age. But really, they were just smart enough to figure England out and use it to their advantage. They were also smart enough not to overplay this hand, and so their teenagerhood was peaceful and calm.
As adults, the two are on very good terms. England prefers adult children to teenaged ones, especially calm, well-mannered ones, and this relationship improved after Zea got their independence. Rather like a burst of relief from England’s end, I feel- he’d spent so long paranoid about his colonies leaving him that this clouded his enjoyment of them. With them finally independent, that worry is redundant and he can enjoy them for the people they are. And Arthur likes Alex, he really does. He finds them mature, funny, and intelligent. The two have similar hobbies and interests and England often spends time with them travelling about to beaches or passing book recommendations back and forth.
Being nations heavily shaped and surrounded by the sea, this is something that is a huge passion for the both of them and they often go sailing together on the ocean, either on smaller boats by the shore or for larger trips out to sea. Arthur willingly took all of his children out to sea, but Alex was the only one who really took to it and shares a similar hunger for it as he does. They’re probably the least openly affectionate pair of all of the Arthur- child relationships, but that doesn’t mean he loves Alex any less and, most of the time, Alex knows this and is content with the way things are. As mentioned in my Canada post though, England is trying to improve himself in this area in the modern day and he’s trying really hard with Zea, (though this is sometimes awkward for the both of them.)
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mediocre-writerr · 3 years
betty [quinn fabray]
quinn fabray x fem reader
summary: the last part of my quinn fabray mini series! this takes place in the pov of quinn and her side of the story! enjoy : )
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*not my gif*
“Quinny?” my mom poked her head through the door, “You got to get ready for school.” she says softly. 
I groaned as I shoved my head into a pillow. I didn’t want to go to school today or well ever for that matter. 
And you’re probably thinking: Quinn what teenager actually wants to go to school? 
i did...once. When I didn’t fuck up the best thing that ever happened to me. Meeting her at her locker, holding her hand down the hall, singing songs to her in glee club. All of it. But that’s all faded away like a moment in time. 
“Not today.” I mumble. 
“Quinn, honey, I let you miss so much school these past couple months. I need you to go just this once.” she whispers before closing the door. 
I let out another groan as I pulled the covers off my body. Stumbling my way into the bathroom. As I look in the mirror the pit that was in my stomach continued growing. 
I hated how I looked. I hated how I felt. I fucked up. It was all on me.
And it all started at junior prom.
“Love, dance with me!” Y/N yelled over the loud music that was playing, trying to pull me out of my seat at the table I was sitting at. 
I smiled widely at her enthusiasm before raising my eyebrows at her. She knows I hate the crowds. Sure, I was popular and wanted the attention.
But there’s a difference between walking down the hall like a bad ass than being trapped in a crowd of thousands, feeling like you’re suffocating and sweating.
“This is my favorite song.” she pouted when I gave her the look. 
I pulled the hand that she had in her hand closer to me. Giving it a sweet kiss, “Next dance, I promise.”
She pouts a little before running back off to the dance floor. I sat there drinking the spiked punch, letting the alcohol burn all the way down my throat and into my stomach. Leaving a warm sensation behind. 
I watched Y/N’s every move. She wasn’t very far away from where I was planted. Jumping up and down, doing crazy dance moves, with Sam. 
I love Sam with every bone in my body, but I was always jealous of the blonde boy. He was a nice guy, funny, good looking and super close to Y/N. 
“Looks like your girlfriend is having more fun with Sam, than she is with you.” Santana says, leaning against the chair I was sitting on.
“I don’t like the crowds. She knows that. She’s just trying to enjoy her prom.” I mumble, trying to ignore her snide remarks. 
Santana hums in response before taking a sip of her own punch, “Sure, let’s keep telling yourself that. And I’ll be the one saying ‘I told you so’ when she leaves you for him.” 
That was it. That’s what started my insecurities. 
Was I good enough for Y/N? Or will she find her own non-complicated love with Sam or Finn? Was Santana right?
After procrastinating for God knows how long, I finally made it to school. 
“Quinn!” Mercedes yelled getting my attention away from locker. 
I tried forcing on my best smile, “Hey what’s up?” 
“You’re coming to Y/N’s party tonight right? Everyone’s gonna be there! I don’t want you to miss it.” Mercedes said.
I shook my head looking down at my shoes, “No. I wasn’t planning on going. I don’t think she would want me there anyway.” I mumble.
Mercedes looked at me sympathetically, “Well I want you to come. Dig yourself out of the depressing hole you’re in and come hang out with people who care about you. Think about it, okay?” 
I nod before she goes running off to talk to Kurt. I open my locker and stare at the cardigan hanging off of one of the hooks. My eyes dart around my locker to see the pictures of the two of us hanging on the walls. 
I miss her.
The bell rings and I weave my way through the somewhat crowded walls and into my anatomy class for homeroom. I take my seat next to Jacob Ben Israel and sigh softly. 
“Alright class take your seats!” Mr. Barnson yells as he walks in the door, taking his bag off.
I look at the empty stool next to me. Y/N wasn’t in here today. She must’ve stayed home. I wish I could’ve, especially after what happened yesterday. 
“Jacob, you’re going to be Ms. Fabray’s new lab partner.” he says and I watch as Jacob’s eyes lighten up.
The afro-hair kid coming to sit next to me, “Can I smell your hair?” he asks, disturbingly. 
I shutter in disgust and raise my hand, “Yes Ms. Fabray?” 
“What happened to Y/N?” I ask.
“Ah, Ms. Y/L/N switched homerooms this morning.” he says nonchalantly while looking back at his list for attendance. 
The day went on and on, dragging like a bad movie that wouldn’t end. Until finally it did. 
I walked to school today. I’ve been walking to school the past couple months. It was a nice break to just clear my head and think about everything. Sometimes it hurt to do, but it was much needed. 
I didn’t want to go straight home today. I didn’t want to go home and just lock myself in my room, curling up into a ball of nothingness. So I walked around more. 
“Quinn? Do you need a ride?” I hear a voice ask.
I turn towards the voice to see Mike and Tina in his car, “No thanks. I think I’m just gonna walk.” 
“Okay. Well we’ll see you tonight, right? We all miss hanging out with you.” he suggests.
“I don’t know.” I say looking anywhere, but them.
“You should.” Tina says before the light turns green and they drive off with a wave. 
I continued walking until I found myself at the mall need Breadstix. I hate the mall. 
I used to love going there with Santana and Brittany back during sophomore year of high school. When I was dating Finn and head Cheerio, but now it just reminds me of everything that went wrong. 
When my insecurity was at its greatest peak. 
“Hello beautiful!” I say as I answer Y/N’s phone call, walking through the mall. 
“Hi love! I miss you so much.” she whispers and I smile softly.
I hear rustling coming from her side of the phone, another girl’s voice, “I miss you more.” I say softly, “Who are you with?”
“Oh I’m with my friend Lizzie. She’s also a intern here and we’re just having dinner! She’s really cool!” Y/N said excitedly.
The rest of the conversation was about her internship and the amazing stuff she was learning and the new people she was meeting. How much she was having.
I should have been happy for her, but all I could think about what was, how much her life is better without me? What a fun life she could have without me? 
I left the mall that I was once walking in and nothing seemed good enough to buy. I was getting closer to my house as I was walking on the broken cobblestone. Just thinking about her.
How much I just want her to come back home and into my arms. How much I want her to let me know that I’m the only one she wants and that I am good enough for her.
Someone’s car came by slowing down next to me as they rolled their window down, pulling me out of my thoughts. Santana was sitting in the driver’s seat with her sunglasses on. Her usual high pony was down which revealed her curly brunette hair. 
She looked like a figment of my worst intentions. Her lips stained with a dark red lipstick and the way she was eyeing me. It just sent shivers down my spine. 
“Quinn, get in, let’s drive.” 
And those four words was all it took. Well four words and a human full of loneliness. 
A car honks shaking me from that terrible terrible memory. Leaving me with a mind and head full of thoughts. 
Should I go to the party tonight? Will she want me there? Will I regret not going? 
There’s two ways me going would play out.
1.) I would get there and she would open the door and slam it on my face. Then she would open it again just to tell me to go fuck myself. 
I shutter at the thought of the most likely scenario. The sun was setting turning the sky into a cotton candy looking sky. What a beautiful sky for a stressful decision. 
Santana laid next to me on the grassy field of my backyard. It was a cotton candy color as the orange hue blended with the dreamy blue. 
I spent the week driving around with Santana. We would go exploring the small town in Lima or just drive around singing to random songs. 
We laid there in silence just staring up at the sky. She took my hand in hers intertwining them together. And in that moment I didn’t care. I wanted to feel something, anything. 
Anything besides this pit of loneliness. 
She turned her head towards mine. And in a beat her lips were on mine. It was soft at first yet passionate. Then the next thing I knew, clothes were flying off, and hands were roaming. 
2.) Y/N opens the door and sees me standing there. I apologize for everything, she leads me to our spot in the backyard. And kiss me in front of everyone. 
Yeah like that would ever fucking happen. 
I didn’t know what I was expecting when Y/N came back from Pennsylvania. After the many nights spent with Santana, I dropped her. Or well ghosted her I should say.
I didn’t answer her calls or her texts. I knew what I did was wrong and I decided to just end it before things could get any worse. 
Was it fucked up? 
Yes, but I did what I had to try and salvage what I had left in our relationship.
I thought I could get away with it too. Until the guilt started eating me alive. The pit in my stomach wasn’t loneliness, it was guilt. 
And then Santana told Brittany. Brittany told Artie. Artie told Tina. Tina told Mike. Mike told Puck. Puck told Mercedes. Mercedes told Kurt. Kurt told Blaine. Blaine told Rachel. Rachel told Finn. Finn told Sam. Then finally, Rachel told Y/N since no one else had the heart to. 
Y/N slammed my locker shut causing me to flinch back, “Tell me she’s lying.” she whispers, her voice breaking. 
“Who’s lying love? What happened?” I say attempting to take her in my arms, but she took a step back.
“Tell me that you didn’t hook up with Santana while I was gone. And that it’s some weird vendetta against you.” she whispers staring at me. 
I couldn’t lie to her anymore. It was killing me. I didn’t want to lie anymore. I just needed to tell her. 
I just stared at her desperately trying to find an explanation. Desperately trying to apologize and explain everything to her, but no words came out.
“You did didn’t you?” Y/N asked barely in a whisper.
I nodded sadly and a sob escaped her lips. 
“Y/N please let me-” I try to say and she shakes her head.
“No. We’re done Quinn!” she yells in between sobs running off. 
I looked up and found myself in front of Y/N’s house. 
I wasn’t trying to go here. I guess my feet just carried me here. The party was in full swing and through her window I could see her just sitting there, nursing a cup. 
Her favorite song was playing and she wasn’t dancing. She was just sitting there, trying to smile, but was struggling too. 
It hurt me, knowing that I’m the reason for her pain. 
I hesitantly knocked on the door and the door flung open. Y/N was standing there and she was shocked, but her eyes softened. But it didn’t matter anymore because she covered it up with a harder shell. 
She came out and stepped onto the porch, closing the door behind her.
“Happy birthday.” I whisper.
She mumbles, “Thanks.” 
“Can we talk please?” I ask.
She was thinking about it. I could tell. Her eyes were furrowed and she was biting her lip. She looked in deep thought before nodding and leading me to the backyard garden.
There was a bench swing hanging from the trees. And we took a seat on there together. 
This is the spot. Our spot. 
We had our first kiss here. I asked her to be my girlfriend here. Everything happened right here. 
“Y/N I’m sorry. And before you say anything I know. I know sorry means nothing and it has no excuse for what I did. But I am so deeply sorry. I don’t know much and I don’t have much to say because I wasn’t expecting to come tonight But I do know that I miss you and you were the best thing that has ever happened to me.” I whisper letting all of the tears spill. 
She lets out a shaky sigh, “I know. I forgive you.” 
I smile softly and I try to lean in to kiss her, but she immediately pulls back. Leaving me embarrassed and heartbroken.
“Just because I forgive you doesn’t mean that I want to get back together. I know you know that what you did was wrong. And I trust you when you say that it wasn’t anything special. But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. I love you Quinn Fabray, but I just can’t do this right now.” she whispers back.
She begins to wipe away the tears from my cheeks. I took in a deep breath before embracing the feeling of her touch. Y/N closes her eyes and rests her forehead on top of mine. 
I cup her cheeks into my hands. My thumb trying to memorize all of the crevasse, cheek bones, every little feature. 
“I will always love you and maybe we’ll be together one day. Just not today.” she whispers pulling away and kissing my cheek softly, “Goodbye Quinn.” 
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oigimi · 3 years
. family .
. arthur x reader . 943 words . day 4 entry for @scummy-writes​’ arthur week .
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How far just had Arthur fallen from the man he used to be? A few years ago, he scoured his local pub looking for “delicious birds” to feast on and never meet up with again. He drank until he was sick and vowed never to stick with one woman for more than a night. But now, here he was, finishing up the room in the mansion where his baby was going to sleep. Never before did he even think he’d get married, let alone have a child with his wife. But here he was, eagerly preparing for his baby, and fantasizing about the life he was about to have in a few months. The life that he’d built together with you that he didn’t think he deserved. A life of happiness and warmth, and endless promises and love that he couldn’t get anywhere else. One he never thought he’d have.
The room was pastel yellow and had patterns of animals and flowers going in a line. It was full of storybooks, some written by himself just for the baby, toys, stuffed animals, and anything else that a child could ever want. Arthur had insisted on purchasing most of it, but plenty of it had been gifts from the others. Comte especially insisted on providing you and Arthur with baby toys, and you ended up with a little more than you needed. Nevertheless, too much was better than too little, and the both of you couldn’t be more grateful for all the support you had gotten from everyone.
Arthur snapped out of his thoughts and turned around, making a beeline for his bedroom. You were there, laying down on his bed, with your hands on your swollen stomach. Murmuring to yourself, you had the most serene smile that Arthur had ever seen. You’d been married for years now, but the sight of you in his bed, carrying his child was enough to make him fall in love with you all over again. He couldn’t help himself. He just had to make his presence known, and hold you in his arms. He sat down next to you and kissed your cheek, guiding your head to his chest. “Good morning, love.”
“Morning.” You hugged your husband and sighed. He was warm, and that was something you always had known. Arthur’s hugs were the warmest, and they were especially perfect on mornings like these. “How are you?”
“I should be asking you, Mrs. Doyle,” he chuckled, kissing your hand and pressing it to his cheek. “How is our little stinker?”
“She’s doing fine! Missed her daddy, I bet.”
“Oh, how sweet.” Arthur put his hand on your stomach and grinned when he felt a little kick. “There she is!” he whispered, leaning in closer. “Good morning, little love… We’re very excited to meet you. Daddy’s going to give you a big hug and a kiss every single day.”
You giggled and tilted your head. “Mommy’s gonna sing you songs and snuggle you until we fall asleep together.”
“I changed my mind. I want to do that.”
“No! I’m gonna sing her songs!”
“I will!” Arthur kissed you and smiled, rubbing your noses together. “You’re going to be a wonderful mother to a beautiful little girl… I just know it. I hope she looks like you. I’d love a miniature version of you running around.”
“No, I think she should look like you.” You looked up and poked the beauty mark underneath his mouth. “She should have this at the very least.”
He shook his head. “A baby girl with your hair and eyes and my little mark? I’ll take it. Ah… Vic is going to have a lovely little playmate.”
“That’s right. We need to introduce them. Is he going to be good with her?”
“Of course he will! Vic will adore her, I promise.”
You sat up and stretched. “Oh, that’s good. Hey, Artie…” He turned and kissed your brow, rubbing your arm.
“What is it, my love?”
“Thank you… thank you for everything. Thank you for loving me, thank you for marrying me, and thank you for being mine. All the men and women in the world and you chose to marry me.”
He blinked for a moment and pulled away. “Did I hear you correctly?” he started softly. “You’re thanking… me? Love.” He gently pulled your chin up to meet his gaze and shook his head. “My beloved wife, I wouldn’t be the man I am if I hadn’t met you. I’m not a brilliant man. I’m no one to thank, because marrying you is the obvious choice. Y/N, you’re beautiful and passionate and clever and just so adorable and sexy… Anyone would be out of their minds not to choose you. Your love gave me a life I don’t deserve, and I just can’t thank you enough for it. I should be the one thanking you. You, and this lovely little lady right here.” He put his hand on your stomach once more, sitting in silence as he waited for another kick. He looked over at you, and smiled, reaching over to wipe your tears away. “Oh, don’t cry, love.”
“Sorry,” you whispered. “It’s just so nice having you in my life. Arthur, I love you so damn much…” You laughed and wiped your eyes again, hugging your husband’s neck.
“I love you too.” Arthur pressed your lips together, closing his eyes. He sat for a moment, holding you softly to his body, cherishing the love he felt radiating from you. When he pulled away, he couldn’t help but tear up himself. “Thank you for this beautiful little family, my beloved wife.”
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1908jmd · 3 years
blaine and kurt for that character ask <3
Oh Angel - you spoil me!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff I'm clueless about HP houses. But whatever any one else who's an expert says
best quality: His ability to love - especially his dad and Blaine, and loyalty and support to Blaine and his friends. His resilience. HIs willingness to change for the better. His amazing talent. His gold lame trousers
worst quality:  He can be pretty snide/harsh at times -thinking of Hairography with Rachel. And sometimes when he's grumpy he can be selfish, and not really think of how some of that impact on Blaine (thinking mainly end of 5/6.1) but by end of 6 he was working on his issues
ship them with: Well - obviously Blaine
brotp them with: Mercedes, Santana, Elliott
 needs to stay away from: Rachel, maybe by 6 it was better; Sebastian - but Kurt's an intelligent guy, he knows that himself
misc. thoughts: Glee would have been nothing without Kurt Hummel
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general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life 
hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang (he's gay, so i don't think of him like that. Now Darren...if single and realistic....)
hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff As above, I'm clueless about HP houses. But whatever any one else who's an expert says (help me out @ghostpavarotti)
best quality: How long have you got? His devotion and his passion for Kurt; his ability to love all his family and friends; his desire to help everyone; his modesty; his willingness to share with others; his immense talent; his sense of justice and equality; his happy nature, his sunshine qualities; he's great fun to be with. Can he just be my best friend, period??
worst quality:  His impulsiveness and sometimes stupidity, which makes him make stupid mistakes. Well one major one.
ship them with: Well - obviously Kurt
brotp them with: Sam, Tina, Mike, Brittany, The s4 Newbies, Santana, Rachel, Artie
 needs to stay away from: Sebastian and Hunter. Pigeons , Facebook
misc. thoughts: How could anyone say this character is toxic and abusive?? (oh and Nightbird)
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lunaf1 · 2 years
Are you still open for shipping requests? If so, here’s some information about me:
In terms of appearance I am 5’2 with brown hair and light blue eyes. I have loved formula one for most of my life, I look up to drivers such as Ayrton Senna, Michael Schumacher and Damon Hill. Though of course, there’s some amazing drivers on the grid currently! I’m a big Sebastian Vettel fan, though admittedly McLaren is my team.
In my spare time (when I’m not watching F1), I love reading (I’m a huge Potter fan!) and doing arty things like drawing, painting, sewing, crocheting and stuff like that!
I’m currently working as a waitress, though my dream is to do something with my passion for reading like research or editorial work - I guess my biggest hindrance is my lack of confidence. I’m very shy and introverted as a person, mg strengths lie in my academic ability for sure!
Even though I am quite shy and introverted I am quite quick witted and dry humoured, this often surprises people I don’t know very well. I am a lot louder with friends and people I’m close to.
I hope this information is enough to go on - I’m looking forward to see what you come up with!!
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I ship you with Mick Schumacher.
While your appearance would bare little matter to Mick, I feel like he would find the height difference amusing to tease you about, affectionately of course ("are you sure you're going to be able to reach that?" he'd smirk, watching you go to grab something you're perfectly within reach of).
You would both bond over your love of the classic F1 years, especially as Mick's own father was such a prominent figure during those racing years. He would also insist on introducing you to Sebastian, mostly because he's an important person in Mick's life, but also because he knows how much it would mean to you to meet him. He would pretend to regret his decision to introduce the both of you when you both resort to teasing him ("What are we doing here? having a conversation or creating international bully Mick day?" he'd joke as he, you, and Sebastian have banter.)
Of course, Mick would be in awe of your creativity and would definitively push you to do more, especially where your career aspirations come into play. It would break his heart so see your confidence falter so he would do everything in his power to help you see how amazing you are ("If only you could see yourself through my eyes, you really are incredible"). He would also love that you're a Potter fan, given that he is, too. He'd often reference his and your Hogwarts houses (whether you're in the same or different ones) and your compatibility based on that. He would also be in awe of your quick wit, and would often counter it with dry comments himself.
His favourite moments with you would include the small things - not just the big gestures like you flying out to watch him in races and such. He would think of the time he was reading over race notes while you read your novel, or the time you drew him a daft drawing and he kept it on him during a race for good luck or the time you stroked his hair for hours in one night when he couldn't sleep for nerves about a particular race until he did, finally, fall asleep in the comfort of your silent presence.
Hope this was okay! Like I said in my initial post opening requests - this is just a bit of fun and should not be taken seriously. That being said, I hope you enjoyed your result.
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into-crazy · 4 years
My own thoughts on Arthur Fleck/Joker with a female s/o with long hair
I had already done one of these with J, and I figured, why not do one with Artie! So as stated before, my hair is very long. These are just a few possibilities of how that would tie into being in a relationship with Arthur/Joker. I'm just trying to get back into my writing groove. Anyways, I hope you enjoy lovelies!💖💖
Things that happen/occur regularly..
To be clear, there is not one part of you that Arthur isn't infatuated with. He adores every single part of you. Anything you feel self-conscious about, he'll be sure to give extra attention to.
Got stretch marks? He will trail his fingertips- and sometimes his tongue during intimate moments- along those gorgeous lines. Any marks, moles, or freckles you despise? He'll tenderly kiss those beautiful marks that decorate your body. Have body rolls or feel like you're lacking in certain areas? He will lovingly caress, squeeze, and feel those wonderful parts of you. For what you see as flaws, Arthur sees as fine works of beauty.
Along with the many things he loves about you, he's definitely enamored with your hair. Which is rather quite long in length.
No matter what it is you are doing would he often find himself staring at your strands. Especially when you are combing and styling them. Any way you choose to wear your hair, he doesn't have a specific preference as he appreciates each look equally and individually.
He finds it fascinating how expressive your hair is when you wear it down, styled or not. It's as if it has a life of its own to accurately accommodate your moods.
How he can't help but slowly run his fingers through those wonderful locks. It took him a while to take it upon himself- with your assurance- to simply just do it without asking. So unsure, shy, and gentlemanly was he to always ask if it was okay. Even when you'd surely and patiently told him it was more than.
He's got long locks of his own. And it makes him feel good and loved when you lightly play with his strands. Twirling one of his chestnut curls around your finger or smoothing your hands through his hair and telling him how handsome he is. He had always longed to have someone he cares deeply for to give him that form of intimacy and for him to graciously return. Now, he has that and more with you in his life.
Arthur showers you with lots of compliments and heartfelt comments.
"Your hair's beautiful, my love." // "It's so long and soft." // "I really like that hairstyle, you look amazing. My lovely angel, you always do."
You find yourself blushing and smiling at his words. "Really? Thank you baby! I actually tried today, I'm glad you think so."
Your braids are very pretty to him. Watching you effortlessly maneuver your fingers to twist and weave the tresses into a thick bind, it never fails to captivate his eyes. He'll be extra careful when he runs his hand down the length to simply feel the smooth grooves. Even the simplest of braids he finds elegant on you.
Sometimes he'll even ask if he can braid it for you. Which you'd happily oblige. The first time he brought it up, he was nervous. It even shocked him when you asked if you could also do his. You braid little strands here and there on him, not all of his hair. Now, it's a relaxing activity you both like to do in the comfort of your home every once in a while.
There are times where your mane can be an absolute bother. You tend to get headaches when you put it up for long periods of time because it's just so heavy. Arthur catches on to that, and expresses his concern. He never wants you to be in any discomfort.
"Please love, let your hair down. I know it's bothering you." He'd even remove the hair tie from you himself. Able to ease his worried nerves when he finally hears that deep sigh escape your lips. With your eyes closed in contempt as you let him take care of you. "I don't know how you do it, y/n."
He admires your will of willing to deal with the hassles and fusses as a price for wanting to keep the length.
You both enjoy shampooing each other's hair in the shower. You can count on some really amazing scalp massages, because Arthur gives the best ones! And he loves when your nails gently scratch along his own scalp. At times it'll become a silent competition of trying to give the other the best massage.
Going into the transition of Joker, these things very much remain the same.
Bedhead moments..
Alright, so maybe Arthur's lied just a teeny, tiny bit before. His personal favorite way to see your hair is when it's like this, in its most natural state. You tend to sleep with your hair completely down, leaving your locks to sprawl freely along the pillows.
He couldn't get enough of how gorgeous you are in your slumber. Completely carefree in your upmost vulnerable and graceful state. When he was up before you or couldn't find sleep of his own would he lay there and admire you.
When you're cuddling, he'll bury his nose into the crook of your neck and inhale the scent of your conditioner. Your scent is completely intoxicating to him, it's the smell of home. Some nights where he found it difficult to rest, would he try to be lulled asleep breathing in your soothing essence.
Quite frequently will your strands accidentally get snagged under his arm or trapped under his weight.
"Ow! My hair-" You'd wince, clutching the ones that are trapped.
It'll take him a second to register what happened. When he does, the sweet man immediately lifts himself to release them and apologize. "Oh shit- I-I'm sorry! I didn't know your hair was right there."
Only for you to laugh softly and assure him it was okay. "It's alright baby. It was an accident, I know you didn't mean to."
Little NSFW..
Arthur's a very passionate man, especially when it comes to making love. So passionate and intimate is he, that even if you're having rougher sex or a quickie does he always make you feel loved.
Powerful is your love for one another, that making the other feel special comes naturally and right.
No matter what kind sexual activity you are doing would his hands be touching you in any wonderful way. Those warm and worn hands are constantly roaming over every inch of your body which he can access.
During your shared moments of passion would his fingers tangle into your hair to bring you closer to him. He does it with such tenderness. Badly does he need to have you as close as possible. To transfer the heat of your bodies, the rapid beating of your hearts through your chests, and the harmonic vibrations of your sweet moans.
Many of these things never change even after he makes the transition into Joker. After all, he still is your Arthur underneath the clown persona.
Though there are changes. Some of which are pretty drastic as he no longer holds back on anything. Which means he isn't afraid to voice what he wants, or take it rougher with you when you're both in the mood.
He will definitely tug your hair around a little firmer and more confidently when he's taking you. And he definitely loves it when you reciprocate.
Oh, and his greasepaint tends to get everywhere. So you can expect to have traces of his signature colors along your strands in various spots.
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theyaskedmeto · 3 years
what i think each og new direction member's social media presence would be like
basically i’ve been doing nothing all day and i’m way too addicted to social media and i started thinking about this so here we are. also i’m just gonna pretend social media was a big thing when they were at school (it obviously wasn’t but lets pretend this is set in like 2016 or smth)
rachel berry
lets be honest rachel would be so damn annoying on social media (not like that’s a surprise tho she’s annoying anyway)
she’d definitely use instagram the most
she’d post photos of her and finn holding hands and caption it like ‘My world, I love this boy 🔐❤️🌏✨’ and then deletes them all when they break up
EXCESSIVE use of emojis 
posts selfies and quote song lyrics in the caption
posts what she’s listening to on her stories (usually boradway) and feels very entitled because of it
posts singing videos 
santana and brit probably bully her in the comments of her posts lbr
honestly i can’t see her having any other forms of social media tbh, she just always uses instagram
auto caps stay ON at all times bc it’s ‘against the rules of basic grammar’
tries to talk in the nd groupchat but no one likes her or listens. like ‘What song should I do for a solo this week’ and then it starts a massive argument
finn hudson
one of those boys who just takes photos of The Scenery™ and no photos of him
maybe posts some photos of him and rachel when they’re together though
actually he probably does the same thing as rachel like ‘Can’t believe this girl is mine 😍💗’ and commenting ‘Love You ❤️’ on her posts but it just seems v high school
probably not very active but uses instagram the most
does a lot of those ask thingys on instagram like ‘send me an emoji and i’ll say what i think about you’ LMAO
i feel like he’s not very involved with it because he prefers video games more lol
uses ‘😂’ unironically
auto caps on and doesn’t even know having them off is a thing
noah puckerman
USES SNAPCHAT. nothing else. but he does have insta
has sent streaks to everyone he’s friends with on sc and will continue to until he’s like 25 
posts way too many mirror selfies with the flash on without his shirt off (ew) 
literally never talks in the nd groupchat
auto caps on - actually he probably Types Like This All The Time
has A Rule that if he’s talking to a girl he has to not reply for at least 2 hours but if it’s a guy then he has to reply asap (bros before hoes type vibe)
blaine anderson
i really don’t think he’d use it that much??? i feel like he’d get too overwhelmed ahdkjhdjs
he’s probably very involved with tumblr and is part of the star wars fandom/marvel fandom
his ao3 history is between him and his computer only
ppl wanna be his friend on tumblr because he’s just nice and kind 🥺
he’s probably quite popular on there - has a lot of followers
but he doesn’t really use any others - has an instagram but there’s no posts on there
maybe he tries to spread awareness on his insta stories???
hates snapchat with a passion 
uses :) :( <3 ;_; way too much (he’s on tumblr)
has auto caps off. like he’s a fanboy okay he’s on TUMBLR fgs. 
occasionally talks in the nd groupchat but is normally a bit intimidated by all the arguments it causes 
v open about his sexuality on his insta (has a 🌈in his bio🥺)
brittany pierce
she uses all of the main ones (insta and snapchat)
posts loads of photos of lord tubbington on there and adds loads of gifs on her stories
such!! a wholesome!!! insta page!!!!!
lots of mirror selfies with the flash on
bad spelling 😔
tries to do those story bingo things but gives up when she gets confused
also has another insta account to build her fondue for 2 channel 
auto caps OFF
uses all the pretty emojis way too much like ‘went to the park 🏞 it was so ✨💗 fun!!! 🌸🌈☀️ we had a good time 😍’
is the QUEEN of the nd groupchat along with santana. tbh her and santana would just use it as their place to talk about everything rather than private messages
santanna lopez
her whole instagram is just selfies
uses snapchat quite a lot but when she gets older she stops completely and deletes it ‘snapchat is for straight ppl’
cyberbullies rachel ajhfdsjhd
does ops on her story and is just brutally honest to everyone who asks 
auto caps stay on but sometimes she forces her keyboard to type all lowercase
NEVER uses emojis. not even :( or :) she just never uses them ever
has a tiktok addiction for when she gets sad about britt (especially s2 when britt isn’t with her)
kurt hummel
uses instagram to show off his outfits 
especially when he gets older and lives in ny!! 
there’d be such cute lil videos of him and blaine on his story like taking videos of his ootd and then blaine photobombing and then he zooms in on him and laughs ok i’ve thought about this too much
compliments all his besties on their photos like ‘So gorgeous 😍’
auto caps stay religiously ON but uses a lot of abbreviations like ‘btw and ily’ etc
in the early days of him and blaine being together, he’d be quite private about it but around the time just before he leaves for ny they get more public
only uses emojis for reactionary purposes eg. to compliment friends
posts photos of anything. honestly i want to see his insta it’d be so cute
has a private instagram for his close friends where he shitposts his whole life like ‘Dad��s taking us to get mcdonalds!!!!’ with blaine
sam evans
posts shirtless pics and all the girls thirst over him ajdhksjdk
uses insta more than snapchat but always sends streaks (maybe when he’s younger tho like around season 4 i don’t think he would be anymore)
also v wholesome though??? like i think he’d post pics of what flowers he got his mum for mothers day 
posts pics of mercedes on his story when they’re together 🥺
posts his favourite songs on his story
auto caps ON bc he doesn’t know having them off is a thing lol
uses 😂 unironically
mercedes jones
doesn’t post much on any social media platforms but is always liking everyone elses posts and complimenting her friends
posts more on her story than anything else
when she gets more confident in herself tho, she posts more (especially when she moves to new york)
occasional photos of sam when they’re dating with a lil love heart emoji on her story
lots of emojis but she uses them when necessary
auto caps on!!!
tina cohen-chang
THE SAME AS RACHEL WITH MIKE but like 10 times less annoying and people actually care
literally the cutest couple on instagram with the new directions group
uses the nd groupchat quite regularly bc people actually LISTEN to her there
has a cute lil gc with sam and blaine with some weird ass name
switches to auto caps off after she goes through her goth phase 
uses :) and :( and also a few pretty emojis eg. 💗☀️✨🌟💐🍬 to make her captions looks pretty
v quick replier
quinn fabray
this bitch has too many emotions for social media ok?
just watches tiktok to cheer herself up but it makes her more sad
has an instagram but never posts on there
if you wanna message her just text because she’ll never reply otherwise
disappears off the face of the earth during her skank phase. deletes her instagram and everything
auto caps on but it doesn’t even matter because she never even needs to use her keyboard 
(we’re talking s3 tho. in like s1 she’d have been into it to keep up her persona lol. her insta would’ve defo had over 1k followers)
mike chang
uses insta more than sc and posts photos of him and tina on his story 
fast replier - loyal king
fully ignores the nd groupchat because he avoids drama 😌✨
non caps because it ‘looks friendlier and not like you’re shouting’
will help you with your homework if you have any questions 
like ‘hey have you done this english homework?? i can’t find any good quotes that’ll help with the question’ and he’ll reply fast with a whole list bc he’s an academic KING
would love to post some dancing videos but gets too scared :(
artie abrams
has no social media and is rlly annoying bc its so hard to contact him
auto caps on. i mean like how would u know having them off was a thing if you don’t have any socials
fully punctuates every text
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darkshadow90 · 3 years
Arthur Fleck x reader: He gets...passionate after his coworkers don’t believe he has a girlfriend
Summary: You and Arthur have been dating for a little while. One day while he’s at work, he tells his coworkers he has a girlfriend. They don’t believe him, and mock him. He comes home to you, and you experience the passionate and dominant personality in the bedroom.
A/N: Hey guys. This is one of two BDSM/kink requests I received from someone here on tumblr. They requested to have Arthur become rough and dominant with the reader. The sex becomes intense and the reader uses the safe word but at the same time she doesn’t want him to stop, so Arthur keeps going. This is my first time writing something BDSM/kink related. I don’t participate in BDSM in real life, and I’m not sure if it’s something I’d be into. I’m also not extremely knowledgeable in these areas. I know basic things, but I don’t know if I know enough to do a good job writing it. I can’t see Arthur becoming rough and dominant for no reason. I think he would have to be in a bad mood or jealous. That being said, I don’t see any harm in writing something different. Warnings: rough sex, dominant behavior, possibly dub con, NSFW. If you’re underage, don’t read this. Anon, I hope you like this even if some things might be different from your request. The BSDM itself may be a bit softer than what you initially requested. I don’t think I’m experienced enough to write rougher BDSM. I also don’t have much experience writing NSFW content/smut in general, so I hope this is okay. Sorry it took so long 🙂 Please let me know if I missed any warnings.
It had been a long day for Arthur. He wasn’t invited to social gatherings very often, but on this particular night, he was. “Hey Arthur, me and the guys are gonna grab some drinks at the pub. Wanna come?” Gary was always nice to Arthur. It made him feel good to be included, but he felt bad he had to decline Gary’s invitation. “Thanks Gary, but I can’t. I need to get home to my girlfriend.” His coworkers were silent for a moment, but soon began laughing in disbelief. “Hey, boys. You hear that? Art got himself a little girlfriend,” Randall snorted. “Yeah sure, whatever you say, Artie. What girl in her right mind would want to be with you? I bet she’s with you out of pity.” One of the men said. “Yeah. That’s the funniest joke you’ve ever told, Arthur. Maybe you would make a good comedian after all.” “The poor girl probably hasn’t been with a real man before.” The last two men chortled. Gary was the only person who wasn’t laughing at Arthur. He gave him a sympathetic look and signaled he would see him the next morning. The last thing Arthur heard from one of the men as he left Ha-Ha’s was “See you tomorrow. Give it to her good, big man,” followed by more laughter.
Arthur didn’t take the subway home. He walked. He was fuming.  They had the nerve to mock you like that. He was used to being made fun of. It wasn’t new to him at all. But to suggest that you had no experience, that you had never been with a man before, that you were only with him because you pitied him and didn’t know what you wanted was more insulting to him. ‘How dare they talk about her like that? Y/N is the person that makes me feel the happiest I’ve ever felt. She’s amazing. If she has any doubts about me being a real man, she won’t have any after tonight. I’ll give it to her good alright.’ He felt heat building up in his stomach. He was determined to eliminate any doubts you might have.
He made it to the apartment and quickly unlocked the door, opening  it. You were getting ready to make dinner.  “Hey Arthur how was-”  you were interrupted as he grabbed you, nipping the side of your neck. It wasn’t hard enough to case pain, but it got your attention. You gasped at the sensation, and he kissed you. He kissed you roughly, and nipped your bottom lip. You felt your face heat up. “I need you. Take off your clothes and get on the bed.”  You nodded and went to the bedroom. Arthur was very glad he had already washed his clown makeup off and changed back into his regular clothes before he left Ha-Ha’s. He was very eager to be with you.  You were laying on the bed waiting for him. He was always stunned by how beautiful your body looked, even though he had seen you naked several times. He got a soft scarf out of one of the drawers and tied your hands together. “You’re always so good for me.” He became rougher in his  actions. He kisssed you again, rougher, it was more demanding. He made his way to your neck and bit you. “Fuck!” It wasn’t painful. It surprised you more than anything. Arthur usually got a bit more dominant when he had bad days. You decided you would ask him about it once he had gotten everything out of his system. You found it attractive when he took control. “That’s right, baby. After tonight any doubts you have about me will be put to rest.” You weren’t sure what he was talking about, but you didn’t have much time to think about it. He left little bite marks has he moved  down your body.
When he finally made  his way between your legs., you whimpered as he nipped each of your thighs. Your core was throbbing and you tried to break free from your binds. Arthur had tied them tightly so you couldn’t break free. He noticed you were trying to break free. “I want to touch you. Please.” Your plea went straight to his groin. “No. I’m not done yet. If you’re good and wait just a little bit longer, I’ll untie you.” You nodded and let him continue. His breath was warm against you. He was finally where you needed him. He ate you like he was starving. He wasn’t usually this aggressive when going down on you, so whatever happened must’ve upset him. You didn’t mind. It felt amazing. He applied more pressure and went deeper inside of you. “Ohh my god, Artie.” Your voice was barely audible. He groaned, sending a pleasurable vibration through you. Your body felt like it was on fire and you felt your stomach tighten. You were close, but just as you were about to come, Arthur pulled away. You whined in frustration. He was removing his pants. “You’re doing so well. Tell me what you want.” You were overwhelmed and almost breathless. “You. I want all of you, Artie.”  He untied your hands. “Hold onto me.” His voice was slightly lower than usual. You grabbed onto his shoulders. He finally thrusted inside you, roughly. You were startled by the slight pain. He kept going. His thrusts were brutal. It felt like the wind was being knocked out of you. You said your safe word, but you didn’t really want him to stop. You dug your nails into his shoulders as a way to steady yourself. The mix of pain and pleasure was enough to send you over the edge.
Arthur helped you sit up. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I heard you say your safe word, but I couldn’t stop since I was in the middle of an orgasm.” “I know. It’s okay. I was just overwhelmed by everything. You didn’t hurt me.” “Are you sure?” You cupped his face in both hands. “Yes, Arthur. I promise you didn’t do anything wrong. I’m fine.” “Do you want me to run you a bath?” “A bath sounds nice.” Once you finished your bath, the two of you ate dinner and watched a movie. “So what happened today to get you riled up? Was it work again?” “Yeah. Gary invited me to go have drinks with him and the guys tonight, and when I told them about you, they didn’t believe me. They laughed at me, and lightly insulted you. I took it personally especially what they said about you. Well , everyone except Gary. Gary didn’t laugh or say mean things. He’s always nice.” “Well, why don’t I come to your work and meet the guys.” “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Y/N.” “Oh, come on, why not? I’m a big girl. Besides, think of the look on their faces when I throw their shit back at them. It’ll be fun. I’ll get to meet this Gary you talk so much about.” Arthur sighed. He knew he wouldn’t be able to get you to change your mind. “Okay you can come. Just be careful.” “Everything will be fine, you don’t need to worry.” You kissed him on the forehead and continued watching the movie. The next day would be very interesting, indeed.
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noobsomeexagerjunk · 3 years
Paul please be ok  also TCB why did you premiere the ep way past my bedtime i stayed up til 1 am
A moment of silence for Prism and her fireworks
Paul got scratched; is it me or did the wounds heal supernaturally quickly?
“Why is the drunk guy dressed like a doctor?”
Henry is at this point committing malpractice, most especially if he failed to recognize something off about Paul’s healing due to his alcoholism
Artie has the right idea not accepting anything from Henry imo
Our town council consists of Agnes, Aubrey, Cliff, Rita, Sybilus, and Riley; that’s town tourism, town history, town mining, town mortician, town bank, and town guns—interesting that these are the facets of Connor Creek
very few of the other townspeople attended this meeting: Jeremiah, Odie, and Crispin
who/what the hell is keeping Crispin from talking??? um that’s concerning
actually what does Crispin do?????
thank goodness she is just a figurehead; we stan a lovely dog Mayor
“It started as a funny joke but then we took it too far”
ngl we should’ve easily deduced TFCC being “Truman for Connor Creek” it was so obvious and based on my exploration of this tag no one came to it; it’s literally in her campaign posters
to be fair, it was obvious that Truman being pro-mining would immediately imply she was in kahoots with Miner Mole
actually, Artie and Paul were very slow to figure this out upon further inspection
i find it very important that Truman only came to Connor Creek two years ago—that’s still a lot of time
i wonder if Truman genuinely thinks Miner Mole is good for Connor Creek; she’s not native to the place, unless she has connections to the corporation pre-moving into town/pre-election because this will mean she is deliberately a pawn of Miner Mole
like, what if Truman Hensley is a red herring
personal opinion but Truman has style
i’m surprised they let Artie do that ngl
Madison running in her brother’s place is a power move but she’s running out of grief and will impact her decision-making significantly
there is a strong suspicion that Paul might turn, or his dreams are demonstrating a strong sense/manifestation of his paranoia
TCB-typical trip sequences are always cool
their dad’s name is Burt
Silas is a piece of shit but man he will not hesistate to fight those who make an enemy out of him; he plans well and this will be a danger to the Reynolds party
that man and his obvious ego deserve to soak in piss
oh to throw my drink at the bastard
i love Quinn and his passion for intricate dishes
Madison is me when I write in a fit of inspiration on a piece of paper; the number of my schoolworks that just look like that is astonishing
the footsteps seem to have come from the Dead Canary and into the forest; we have no idea who left prior to Artie leaving, but we know that at the moment, it isn’t Madison or Silas, as we just saw them with Artie, nor Desmond, or Quinn, who work there
it can’t be Paul, assuming he’s resting in the inn bed
is it Henry??? he should be a bar regular but we don’t see him in there at the time of the scene; unless he was obscured in some distant corner, we have reason to believe that those footsteps are possibly his
there are two werewolves in the shadows; what are they doing
is Artie’s ring made of silver because we dwelled on it for a while
Artie please leave dude your brother now has truth to his deductions
what is that cabin in the middle of the woods doing being unchecked??? the people of survelliance that we know would be Wallis, Garmen, Helen, and Madison; arguably Odie since he delivers the mail
the cabin is also on private property, so there is a chance that the place is protected though, obviously by our town council
There are two people dead and all they care about is the Town Election, one of which was a former running candidate
seriously is Paul going to turn??? this poor vegan boy is not gonna like it
we should keep an eye on the members of the town council
Out of the six, the ones we know who are Pro-Truman/Miner Mole are:
Agnes (to expand the town, according to her webseries debut)
Cliff (to improve his way of life, as elaborated in Chapter 3)
arguably Riley (has shown sentiment against Ryan’s radical behavior in Episode 2)  and Sybilus (an accountant for Miner Mole, as revealed in Chapter 2′s preview and Episode 3)
Since majority of the Council are pro-Miner Mole, this should explain why the mining operations are going on at all; we are left with these two:
Aubrey, who can be deduced as undecided but leans away from the plans of Miner Mole (Episode 2)
Rita has expressed being against the plans of Miner Mole (Chapter 2)
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