#i liked the ginger tho
edgy-abomination · 7 months
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gingerbread (it was made with actual bread and fresh ginger)
its shaped like ghosts n scaredy cats, im not sure thats clear tho
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last year my mum said I have the same round face as Tintin so I should cosplay him. unfortunately she was right. I'm even the same height as him at 5"6 🥲
I went to comic con with my mate @tenderlyhands! They're cosplaying Midas Papos, a Greek merchant from the 1961 live action film Tintin and the Golden Fleece. He basically shows up, seriously serves with his amazing button up, gets told his friend died then is immediately shot. guy deserves a break so he went to comic con after recovering I guess
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inkdemonapologist · 2 months
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nobody asked but since I've seen a lil chatter on the DCTL Graphic Novel on tumblr too, here's the thread I posted on twitter, speaking as someone who's done a little freelance work as a comic artist, under the jump:
Main thought about the DCTL graphic novel preview is: yeah, I've made designs like that when I was being paid by the page and expected to just throw in extra design work for free and I have a deadline and no time to scour the source material or really put my heart into the design No shade to the artist; every complaint I have about the pages we've seen is that this looks like someone who was just working (quickly) from a script. The artist is likely not a Big Fan, so they only know the info and descriptions they're given. And the artist's portfolio shows they're capable of the kind of designs and dynamics this comic needed. its possible they phoned it in for no reason, but feels more likely to be "not enough time/not paid enough/not given enough info to give it that level of care." Which, don't get me wrong; an important level of craftsmanship and care is missing and im not gonna blame the artist but i AM gonna be a hater abt it lmao It's not just about designs; the convo with Joey is another good example. It's a literal illustration of the things Joey said and did in that scene, but it's missing the point -- that scene is our introduction to the way Joey throws Buddy off-balance. That energy is missing. And that's the sort of thing that needs the script to convey this purpose well to the artist, that needs the artist to have time & freedom to invest in portraying it, that needs time & investment & knowledge to ask for adjustments at early stages and get the page right one more note: begging batim fans 2 think abt the plot of DCTL and realise why "maybe we will not make the creepy guy who dies at the end a black man in this" is perhaps a reasonable choice. like im a fan of poc norman headcanons too but pls recognise this would be a tough call!! anyway, genuinely cannot wait to see how off sammy is gonna be in this lmao. will he be a mid non-design like norman or will he be conventionally handsome or will he get graphic novel dave miller vibes b/c hes an antagonist? will we get the fabled black hair sammy??? i cant wait
TL;DR I strongly suspect this was an issue of not enough time/not enough money. That design looks nothing like the description of Norman, right? Like, there's hundreds of different AU designs of all shapes, colours and sizes that you could create that would still look like Norman Polk, but somehow they managed to make a character that isnt ANY of them, lmao??? So... how could that happen, unless nobody gave the artist a description of Norman? Or if they did, how did that design make it past anyone else, unless there wasn't time for revisions or a system worked out for revisions, unless whoever was managing the comic project thought it was fine if the designs didn't fit with the descriptions in the book? If everyone is doing their job, then the artist is given the information they need without having to go do unpaid YA novel research before they can start drawing. That's why you have a writer adapting it!!
Anyway I could yell about this for 15 years so I'm going to shush for now BUT I JUST FEEL VERY STRONGLY ABOUT IT LMAO.
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meowjings-arsb · 2 months
Once this Stardew Update hits the Switch, I might actually disappear off the face of the earth
Prolly means I should make another farmer oc while I'm at it hm...
Every spoiler and snippet of the update log that I see is sending me into a hjghfcdrxsxdcfbhiyvcrxterctvuybgiy
I should expand more on Fay tho tbh. I haven't given her enough love i feel. Mostly because I don't know how to draw her got danged hair-
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flufallo · 29 days
I know it's not the real thing but I want to go
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bestiereblogs · 3 months
am I dumb why do y'all give Gideon a tan I pictured her white as a ghost from living in their weird mountain cave
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charrchan · 11 days
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In memory of my pet phasmids, it's been a few years now but I still miss them.
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abrahamvanhelsings · 8 months
it's been a good few days since we made our (re)acquaintance with our good professor dr. van helsing, which means im going to do what i promised to do literal months ago and present my historical faceclaim: dutch reformed church minister (dominee) cornelis eliza van koetsveld (1807-1893):
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one of the most well-known ministers of his era, he started out as a simple village preacher and ended up as court minister - he even baptised queen wilhelmina of the netherlands (1880-1962). he was also, like many dutch reformed ministers in the 19th century, a fairly popular author. it was relatively common for dutch ministers to write fictionalised accounts of their experiences, especially in the countryside, about the people and their habits, the day-to-day occurences, their own efforts to teach and guide their flock correctly and the difficulties they encountered. such accounts usually included some kind of social commentary (van koetsveld's later work was inspired by dickens) and moral lessons for the readers as well. van koetsveld's most popular book can be found here, though it is of course in dutch.
so why van koetsveld? going off his looks alone, when i saw his picture for the first time, i was struck by how in almost every single one of his portraits, he looks kind and caring and yet - there is something mischievous about him, like he's in on some joke or a little piece of knowledge that you, the onlooker, have not yet been made aware of. he looks like a knowledgeable elderly man who also knows how to have little fun - which, to me? is van helsing to a t. and it's not just in his face: his written work exudes the authoritativeness of the 19th century preacher but is full of witty comments and sharp wisecracks that still make me chuckle when i read them.
there is also something else that endears him to me, and that makes me think he's a good fit for van helsing: van koetsveld founded the first dutch school for special education of what we now know to be neurodivergent children, the 'hague idiot school' (1855-1920). the name of his institute doesn't translate particularly well to modern times, but it is important to view this in context: the children who attended this school were generally thought to be feeble-minded and therefore incapable of development, but van koetsveld disagreed with that sentiment. now i don't think van koetsveld would've believed vampires to be anything else but a baseless countryside myth, but his views on neurodivergent children show a certain open-mindedness, to think differently from other people, that is a core trait of van helsing too. (somewhat in that vein, for anyone interested, when the time comes, ill make a post on his conduct towards renfield)
tl;dr, when looking at his pictures i can easily imagine him doing any of the things we see van helsing do in the books: teasing seward, maintaining his gentle but firm bedside manner around his patients, getting up to the various nighttime shenanigans from the next few weeks, and van koetsveld's real-life temperament, as far as can be established, seems to collide quite well with the character of van helsing.
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vaiyamagic · 15 days
I maaaay have stayed up until 2:30 in the morning because I unlocked the catalogs in Stardew Valley and decorated the entire, fully upgraded house.
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lazulisong · 5 months
I'm so mad about this novel I'm following on novelupdates.
Like it's stupid and I love stupid but the original protagonist is replaced by like a transmigrator?
And this dingus reads enough BL and enough transmigration novels to recognize the novel he's in BUT he does NOT realize that transmigrating as the PROTAGONIST of a face slapping novel is a real bad sign????
No! Red flag!!!! If you are transmigrated into a face slapping novel it should be as the ANTAGONIST or there is no drama!!! If you are transmigrated as the protagonist you ARE the fucking drama!!!!!!
"٩( ᐛ )و OH BOY SWEET LIFE HERE I COME!! I CAN DO ANYTHING I WANT!?? I'll just act like a giant green tea bitch!!! The world loves me!!!!!" I'm.
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Okay now that I’m actually watching Sons of Garmadon, there’s actually some really good design choices that I love, but I will never forgive them for Jays hair…
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edgy-abomination · 7 months
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gingerbread (it was made with actual bread and fresh ginger)
its shaped like ghosts n scaredy cats, im not sure thats clear tho
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sucktacular · 1 year
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Went to Anime North this weekend! Kinda just loosely hung around but here's a vest-less bunch of selfies of my Matt cosplay!!
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teabutmakeitazure · 3 months
i am thinking about dissimulation childe and i need to cope aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
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flufallo · 20 days
I love Ron's face in this scene tho 😭
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David: you must hate me BC I'm in love with exer I'm sorry :(
Ron: ???? I'm literally a homosexual wdym
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rosquinn · 7 months
patiently waiting for the outis canto (<- i need to see pjmoon trojan war adaptation NOW like please please please PLEASE can we see diomedes achilles and helen please PLEASE I NEED IT pjmoon can we have odypen old women yaoi I'M BEGGING YOU holy shit guys what if they put that scene where diomedes and odysseus go to the trojan camp together at night GUYS DO YOU THINK WE'LL GET ODYDIO YURI DO YOU GUYS SEE WHAT IM COOKING)
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