#i love the dmc anime
ladyespera · 5 months
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in the garden of the lost (looking for dante)
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tonitart · 9 months
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Uh oh Nero!
[Katamari Damacy parody]
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midnightkolrath · 8 months
I've brought this up before awhile back, but I think ALOT about how V, Vergil's human side, looks alot like his mother
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Then I think about Visions of V and how they dive more into Vergil's thoughts of feeling too weak to be able to save his mother and how much bitterness he has over believing that his mother saved Dante and not him
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Not to mention how VoV goes more into how V feels about Dante stealing his kill of Cavaliere Angelo (Who he actually did take on and could've finished off earlier in the story, had he not had a trauma response upon having a flash memory of being Nelo Angelo upon seeing Cavaliere flee)...and with its battery being Trish, who looks like his mother. Felt like his opportunity to make things ""right"" in his mind with it being the closest of saving his Mother as he could get.
Its why V opens up with Trish after she's saved by Dante, with revealing who he really is and asking if his pursuit in trying to make up for his actions leading up to the plot of DMC5 were right or wrong
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Its something you can pick up in the game itself, but seeing it more touched upon in VoV is great
Plus the painful irony of how much he does share with his mom in appearance. His HUMAN self.
I do wonder if he was designed abit with that in mind...I don't think its mentioned in the artbook notes, so who really knows?
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soriplvzu · 4 months
Nero - Devil Bringer
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Nero from Devil May Cry 👹💙
Alcohol markers + watercolours 🔫
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blue42fox · 8 months
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Netflix!Dante, my beloved
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supranatra · 10 months
Making sparda an overbearing, dominating figure with a soft spot for family and general neutrality on humans is good but i think super happy funtime guy sparda who is incredibly enamored with his family and outwardly super duper nice (almost appearing and sometimes is naive or gullible) to humans but when alone or pushed in just the right way he morphs into that nearly cruel and dark figure he was considered long ago is better. :)
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jangmo-othewarrior · 1 year
The Intricacies of Demon Culture
(or a bunch of loosely based on DMC Canon headcannons and theories, take your pick)
Demons come in many different flavors, and the word 'demon' is essentially the same thing as saying 'rectangle; it is a broad category with smaller subsections within it.
Devils are inherently smarter and more powerful demons. The main way one can tell the difference between a lesser demon and a devil is the capability to speak a human language; devils often wish to at least interact with (kill) a human in their lifetime, so they go out of their way to be able to communicate. This is not always true, but it works as a good rule of thumb.
There are also artificial demons, but their classification is a little bit more broad then you would think. There are demon-made demons (Trish, Nightmare) and human-made demons (Lucia, all of the antagonists from DMC4) in this category, but this category also includes demons that do not naturally exist. Malphas is actually in this category due to her being a fusion of two separate demons (which was shown in Nico's notes)
Human blood is seen almost as a drug, as it gives demons power. However, non-devils tend to go crazy from too much, almost like an overdose. It is an issue in the demon world.
There are two main types of groups in demon culture: Family groups and Political groups.
Family groups function like extended families, with a priority on continuing the family line. Demons like Empusa fall into this category, with their priority on collecting blood and serving the queen, who furthers the line.
Political groups are when different species or multiple families group together for some reason. Mundus' army is a great example of this, but another great example are the Cerberus devils. They are referred to as a 'tribe' not a pack, so there must be multiple families within said tribe. The existence of a King Cerberus also implies some sort of political hierarchy, most likely based on power and age.
There are also groups of demons who merge these two categories, where different species co-exist in a family setting. The Cerberus tribe is another example of this, as KC refers to the Cerberus from 3 as 'kin' despite them looking nothing alike.
The Spardas are officially option 3 due to their already mixed heritage and the amount of different 'beings' they hang out with. Two artificial demons, 3 full blooded humans, the descendent of a demon summoner, and Kyrie, who Nero would say deserves her own category.
Everything with demons is physical. They disagree you? Be ready for a fight. They hate you? Be prepare for them to kill you. They do like you? They are still gonna fight you, but at least they aren't actively trying to take off limbs.
Sibling demons are known to fight constantly, both to shown superiority, and, in more close-knit demon families, to help each other become stronger.
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tiny-chubby-bird · 6 months
I'm maybe only an hour into DMC5 but good god I can't get over how everyone's so cheesy and putting their cool act up to 110%. Nero won't stop throwing one liners at everything and everyone and V looks like he's 19 yet he talks like an old goth man who is super into Edgar Allan Poe and aspires to be Dream of the Endless.
I love them.
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thebeastunleashed · 9 months
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Nessus from Dante's Inferno: An Animated Epic (2010)
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liulyam · 19 days
i’m thinking about content so specific and niche no one’s ever even conceived of it (jace and kallist in devil may cry world au)
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inmijnhart · 9 months
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¦¦ cuddly horses in the French Alps ¦¦
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midnightkolrath · 7 months
Dante and his deeper layers I've noticed in the 2007 anime
I originally meant for this to be a WAY bigger dig/analysis, as I want to go episode by episode...but I decided to minimize it for now because this anime gives me brainworms so often, lmao.
So, lets get into this light dig of added bits for Dante's character from the anime and just how neat the anime is on what it covers.
Early on in the anime, there's parts of the anime where Patty unknowingly berates Dante about having a picture of his "girlfriend" on his desk, not knowing its actually his mother. Same episode, she talks to Dante about her own mother, and how much she wishes to meet her, after being orphaned for unknown reasons (We learn why later but you know).
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And BOTH times, Dante doesn't respond, save for a quiet distant stares off into space or seemingly ignoring her. For the first case, he very much likely excuses it with the fact that she's just not aware of the truth of the picture but not outright scolding her over it.
Like...he doesn't snap or correct her or anything. He just remains quiet. And we know how much Dante loved his mom (his color palette even matches hers for gods' sake) and how he got when facing Trish in DMC1 (which this takes place after). Shows just how those events really changed him afterwards. Especially since this is also after he thought he killed Vergil with his own hands...which the anime VERY MUCH shows the depression he has. He's in it deep for alot of it.
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Back to the second part of the Patty thing though, as much as he pretends he isn't listening or doesn't care, he very much WAS listening to her, as later in that episode, he easily figures out where she went (into a trap where a demon disguised itself as her mother to lure her) due to the poster she was gazing at which reminded her of her mother, and the discussion they had right before she ran off.
Like, this man may be the way he is and PRETEND he isn't paying attention to people sometimes, but like...no, when its important, he VERY MUCH is. Speaking of which...episode 3.
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This is one of the fun parallel episodes where the situation reflects a part of Dante's life...such as when a demon falls in love with a human, who was originally supposed to serve his master. Obviously, a parallel to Sparda and Eva's relationship, Dante's parents.
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Even when its found out that the guy is the target dante's supposed to be after, Dante literally takes time to hear him out and question him over his love for a human woman. Dante's the result of such a relationship, so it makes sense he'd stop to listen.
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In the end, he decides to go against killing this demon, despite what his client wanted. He sees firsthand and knows that this is actually a couple in love. Like...he gets it. For obvious reasons, but he also MADE SURE it was a true love relationship. Pretty wholesome actually.
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An obvious one if you've seen the instruments and jukebox in his office, but episode 6 adds on that Dante 'gets' music and how it can touch/relate to people. I think its a cute additional touch. :' )
I wanna dig into this episode more eventually, but its obviously music themed. And Dante hangs out as a bodyguard for some fellow music enjoyers. Just one of those nice further looks on the general work Dante does, which this anime does a great job in doing.
Episode 7 onward is where shit gets deep into more parallels and just the kind of guy Dante is, while going through it this whole series. Helping a spirit get laid to rest by pulling a prison break and rescuing her brother (Episode 7)...
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Having his status as the son of sparda ending up getting someone originally close to him (Supposedly anyway, its implied that Dante grew up with this guy and was raised by the same mother figure...which Dante denies, but we know how he can be, and he was likely trying to protect him in a way) hurt and said person thrusting hate on him for it as that was why a whole village got burned down...and the guy originally believed and had genuine faith that it wasn't Dante's fault (Episode 8)...
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Meeting students (who are brothers, one older and one younger) of his father, arguably bonding with one of them and having to put both down in the end (Episode 10), which can be seen as a cruel parallel to himself and Vergil...(And even going through the effort of respectfully setting a grave site together for them)
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And the final episodes, 11 and 12, are the conclusion of the whole arc that was built up in the background...but its also a show of Dante and Patty's relationship becoming so close as she goes to personally save him after he was impaled by the big bad. Its a pay off for the growing bits of them spending time together from episode 1, and later a neat easter egg nod in DMC5 where Patty calls to invite him to her birthday party, showing they still very much keep in touch. (And the novel Before the Nightmare goes more into why, exactly, he actually didn't want to go, but we'll dive more into that later one day).
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I'll likely more deeply elaborate about the anime one day, but like...there's a reason why its such a gem in the series. Short, but did great with the episodes it had. A treat for those who want to see more layers for Dante. Its so SO good.
Like you may or may not like the 'slice of life' parts, but its necessary for what they were going for, I think. I know I skipped a few things, but I hope I got the big highlights atleast. Go check out the first anime, its a pretty damn solid ride.
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werewolf-artfriend · 2 years
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their cuteness
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wyverncult · 2 years
watching the DMC anime. i liked this scene :)
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solarismp3 · 3 months
why to you like megumi and yuuji as a ship? Isn’t satoru and geto better?
Mmmh idk I like both ships but I’m not head over heals over either one of them tbh. I started watching jjk cuz of geto he was my favorite character actually. But idk after he died my interest in jjk also kinda died megumi was the one that caught my attention he’s cute and a bit crazy I kept coming back to jjk just to see him bruh I didn’t even answer your question hfhfjfj
well I like yuuji and megumi because they’re really cool characters. I feel like they’re just really nice as a pair (not in a ship way aswell) and they compliment each other well. They seem to always have each other’s back like good old childhood friends
geto and satoru is kinda top tear cuz the whole killing each other thing y’know but I think satoru is kinda a bit too annoying so I’m not like very interested. And I hate the kenjaku guy he’s really ruining it for me ugh
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werewolf-girlfriend · 2 years
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