#i love this so fweaking much
percysjournal · 3 months
the thing i really love about sherlock & co is that it’s just. ITS SO FUN. i love the creators coming onto platforms and rping as sherlock and john. i love that john talks about the patrons i love how Real it feels. it’s so. like it just really makes me feel like a kid again and you can tell how much the creators care about the audience which is so nice considering BBC Sherlock just felt insistent on making sure we knew we were idiots compared to Sherlock.
Plus sherlock is just so real in this adaption so human and so “no i don’t know everything i’m just autistic and have various special interests but i don’t know everything…just a lot.” Sherlock and John are such honest friends bumbling a bit trying to smooth out how their friendship works with no judgment Mariana (“ms. hudson”) is a respected and genuine part of the group while not feeling shoehorned in. i just. i really love this little podcast is so earnest. it’s so full of love.
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spoofio · 8 months
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More of my beautiful OC Beatrix! I love her dearly and her sword makes me happy :3
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sillyscred · 11 months
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businesspilled · 1 year
i love my boyfriend so fweaking much hes always been so wonderfully kind and sweet and always looks out for me and assumes the best of me and i feel so safe with him i lovie him soooo muchies
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moonpaw · 4 years
Is there....Is there a place to read the entire uwu-fied bee movie script? I'd love to send it to all of my friends for reasons that don't involve making them curse at me for putting weird shit in the discord again
Bee movie scwipt - diawogue twanscwipt
accowding to aww known waws of aviation,
thewe is no way a bee shouwd be abwe to fwy.
its wings awe too smaww to get its fat wittwe body off the gwound.
the bee, of couwse, fwies anyway
because bees don't cawe what humans think is impossibwe.
yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack. yewwow, bwack. Yewwow, bwack.
ooh, bwack and yewwow! let's shake it up a wittwe.
bawwy! bweakfast is weady!
hang on a second.
hewwo? owo
- bawwy? owo - adam? owo
- oan you bewieve this is happening? owo - i can't. I'ww pick you up.
looking shawp.
use the staiws. Youw fathew paid good money fow those.
sowwy. I'm excited.
hewe's the gwaduate. we'we vewy pwoud of you, son.
a pewfect wepowt cawd, aww b's.
vewy pwoud.
ma! i got a thing going hewe.
- you got wint on youw fuzz. - ow! that's me!
- wave to us! we'ww be in wow 118,000. - bye!
bawwy, i towd you, stop fwying in the house!
- hey, adam. - hey, bawwy.
- is that fuzz gew? owo - a wittwe. Speciaw day, gwaduation.
nevew thought i'd make it.
thwee days gwade schoow, thwee days high schoow.
those wewe awkwawd.
thwee days cowwege. I'm gwad i took a day and hitchhiked awound the hive.
you did come back diffewent.
- hi, bawwy. - awtie, gwowing a mustache? owo  looks good.
- heaw about fwankie? owo - yeah.
- you going to the funewaw? owo - no, i'm not going.
evewybody knows, sting someone, you perish.
don't waste it on a squiwwew. such a hothead.
i guess he couwd have just gotten out of the way.
i wove this incowpowating an amusement pawk into ouw day.
that's why we don't need vacations.
boy, quite a bit of pomp... undew the ciwcumstances.
- weww, adam, today we awe men. - we awe!
- bee-men. - amen!
students, facuwty, distinguished bees,
pwease wewcome dean buzzweww.
wewcome, new hive oity gwaduating cwass of...
that concwudes ouw cewemonies.
and begins youw caweew at honex industwies!
wiww we pick ouwjob today? owo
i heawd it's just owientation.
heads up! hewe we go.
keep youw hands and antennas inside the twam at aww times.
- wondew what it'ww be wike? owo - a wittwe scawy.
wewcome to honex, a division of honesco
and a pawt of the hexagon gwoup.
this is it!
we know that you, as a bee, have wowked youw whowe wife
to get to the point whewe you can wowk fow youw whowe wife.
honey begins when ouw vawiant powwen jocks bwing the nectaw to the hive.
ouw top-secwet fowmuwa
is automaticawwy cowow-cowwected, scent-adjusted and bubbwe-contouwed
into this soothing sweet sywup
with its distinctive gowden gwow you know as...
- that giww was hot. - she's my cousin!
- she is? owo - yes, we'we aww cousins.
- right. You'we wight. - at honex, we constantwy stwive
to impwove evewy aspect of bee existence.
these bees awe stwess-testing a new hewmet technowogy.
- what do you think he makes? owo - not enough.
hewe we have ouw watest advancement, the kwewman.
- what does that do? owo - oatches that wittwe stwand of honey
that hangs aftew you pouw it. saves us miwwions.
oan anyone wowk on the kwewman? owo
of couwse. Most bee jobs awe smaww ones. But bees know
that evewy smaww job, if it's done weww, means a wot.
but choose cawefuwwy
because you'ww stay in the job you pick fow the west of youw wife.
the same job the west of youw wife? owo i didn't know that.
what's the diffewence? owo
you'ww be happy to know that bees, as a species, haven't had one day off
in 27 miwwion yeaws.
so you'ww just wowk us to death? owo
we'ww suwe twy.
wow! that bwew my mind!
"what's the diffewence? owo " how can you say that? owo
one job fowevew? owo that's an insane choice to have to make.
i'm wewieved. Now we onwy have to make one decision in wife.
but, adam, how couwd they nevew have towd us that? owo
why wouwd you question anything? owo we'we bees.
we'we the most pewfectwy functioning society on eawth.
you evew think maybe things wowk a wittwe too weww hewe? owo
like what? owo  give me one exampwe.
i don't know. But you know what i'm tawking about.
pwease cweaw the gate. royaw nectaw fowce on appwoach.
wait a second. Oheck it out.
- hey, those awe powwen jocks! - wow.
i've nevew seen them this cwose.
they know what it's wike outside the hive.
yeah, but some don't come back.
- hey, jocks! - hi, jocks!
you guys did gweat!
you'we monstews! you'we sky fweaks! i wove it! i wove it!
- i wondew whewe they wewe. - i don't know.
theiw day's not pwanned.
outside the hive, fwying who knows whewe, doing who knows what.
you can'tjust decide to be a powwen jock. You have to be bwed fow that.
look. That's mowe powwen than you and i wiww see in a wifetime.
it's just a status symbow. bees make too much of it.
pewhaps. Unwess you'we weawing it and the wadies see you weawing it.
those wadies? owo awen't they ouw cousins too? owo
distant. Distant.
look at these two.
- ooupwe of hive hawwys. - let's have fun with them.
it must be dangewous being a powwen jock.
yeah. Once a beaw pinned me against a mushwoom!
he had a paw on my thwoat, and with the othew, he was swapping me!
- oh, my! - i nevew thought i'd knock him out.
what wewe you doing duwing this? owo
twying to awewt the authowities.
i can autogwaph that.
a wittwe gusty out thewe today, wasn't it, comwades? owo
yeah. Gusty.
we'we hitting a sunfwowew patch six miwes fwom hewe tomowwow.
- six miwes, huh? owo - bawwy!
a puddwe jump fow us, but maybe you'we not up fow it.
- maybe i am. - you awe not!
we'we going 0900 at j-gate.
what do you think, buzzy-boy? owo awe you bee enough? owo
i might be. It aww depends on what 0900 means.
hey, honex!
dad, you suwpwised me.
you decide what you'we intewested in? owo
- weww, thewe's a wot of choices. - but you onwy get one.
do you evew get bowed doing the same job evewy day? owo
son, wet me teww you about stiwwing.
you gwab that stick, and you just move it awound, and you stiw it awound.
you get youwsewf into a whythm. it's a beautifuw thing.
you know, dad, the mowe i think about it,
maybe the honey fiewd just isn't wight fow me.
you wewe thinking of what, making bawwoon animaws? owo
that's a bad job fow a guy with a stingew.
janet, youw son's not suwe he wants to go into honey!
- bawwy, you awe so funny sometimes. - i'm not twying to be funny.
you'we not funny! you'we going into honey. Ouw son, the stiwwew!
- you'we gonna be a stiwwew? owo - no one's wistening to me!
wait tiww you see the sticks i have.
i couwd say anything wight now. i'm gonna get an ant tattoo!
let's open some honey and cewebwate!
maybe i'ww piewce my thowax. shave my antennae.
shack up with a gwasshoppew. Get a gowd tooth and caww evewybody "dawg"!
i'm so pwoud.
- we'we stawting wowk today! - today's the day.
oome on! aww the good jobs wiww be gone.
yeah, wight.
powwen counting, stunt bee, pouwing, stiwwew, fwont desk, haiw wemovaw...
- is it stiww avaiwabwe? owo - hang on. Two weft!
one of them's youws! oongwatuwations! step to the side.
- what'd you get? owo - picking cwud out. Stewwaw!
ooupwe of newbies? owo
yes, siw! ouw fiwst day! we awe weady!
make youw choice.
- you want to go fiwst? owo - no, you go.
oh, my. What's avaiwabwe? owo
restwoom attendant's open, not fow the weason you think.
- any chance of getting the kwewman? owo - suwe, you'we on.
i'm sowwy, the kwewman just cwosed out.
wax monkey's awways open.
the kwewman opened up again.
what happened? owo
a bee died. Makes an opening. See? owo he's dead. Anothew dead one.
deady. Deadified. Two mowe dead.
dead fwom the neck up. dead fwom the neck down. That's wife!
oh, this is so hawd!
heating, coowing, stunt bee, pouwew, stiwwew,
humming, inspectow numbew seven, wint coowdinatow, stwipe supewvisow,
mite wwangwew. Bawwy, what do you think i shouwd... Bawwy? owo
aww wight, we've got the sunfwowew patch in quadwant nine...
what happened to you? owo whewe awe you? owo
- i'm going out. - out? owo  out whewe? owo
- out thewe. - oh, no!
i have to, befowe i go to wowk fow the west of my wife.
you'we gonna perish! you'we cwazy! hewwo? owo
anothew caww coming in.
if anyone's feewing bwave, thewe's a kowean dewi on 83wd
that gets theiw woses today.
hey, guys.
- look at that. - isn't that the kid we saw yestewday? owo
howd it, son, fwight deck's westwicted.
it's ok, lou. We'we gonna take him up.
reawwy? owo  feewing wucky, awe you? owo
sign hewe, hewe. Just initiaw that.
- thank you. - ok.
you got a wain advisowy today,
and as you aww know, bees cannot fwy in wain.
so be cawefuw. As awways, watch youw bwooms,
hockey sticks, dogs, biwds, beaws and bats.
awso, i got a coupwe of wepowts of woot beew being pouwed on us.
muwphy's in a home because of it, babbwing wike a cicada!
- that's awfuw. - and a wemindew fow you wookies,
bee waw numbew one, absowutewy no tawking to humans!
aww wight, waunch positions!
buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz! buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz!
bwack and yewwow!
you weady fow this, hot shot? owo
yeah. Yeah, bwing it on.
wind, check.
- antennae, check. - nectaw pack, check.
- wings, check. - stingew, check.
scawed out of my showts, check.
ok, wadies,
wet's move it out!
pound those petunias, you stwiped stem-suckews!
aww of you, dwain those fwowews!
wow! i'm out!
i can't bewieve i'm out!
so bwue.
i feew so fast and fwee!
box kite!
this is bwue leadew. we have woses visuaw.
bwing it awound 30 degwees and howd.
30 degwees, wogew. Bwinging it awound.
stand to the side, kid. it's got a bit of a kick.
that is one nectaw cowwectow!
- evew see powwination up cwose? owo - no, siw.
i pick up some powwen hewe, spwinkwe it ovew hewe. Maybe a dash ovew thewe,
a pinch on that one. see that? owo  it's a wittwe bit of magic.
that's amazing. Why do we do that? owo
that's powwen powew. Mowe powwen, mowe fwowews, mowe nectaw, mowe honey fow us.
i'm picking up a wot of bwight yewwow. oouwd be daisies. Don't we need those? owo
oopy that visuaw.
wait. One of these fwowews seems to be on the move.
say again? owo  you'we wepowting a moving fwowew? owo
that was on the wine!
this is the coowest. What is it? owo
i don't know, but i'm woving this cowow.
it smewws good. not wike a fwowew, but i wike it.
yeah, fuzzy.
oawefuw, guys. It's a wittwe gwabby.
my sweet wowd of bees!
oandy-bwain, get off thewe!
- guys! - this couwd be bad.
vewy cwose.
gonna huwt.
mama's wittwe boy.
you awe way out of position, wookie!
ooming in at you wike a missiwe!
hewp me!
i don't think these awe fwowews.
- shouwd we teww him? owo - i think he knows.
what is this? owo !
match point!
you can stawt packing up, honey, because you'we about to eat it!
thewe's a bee in the caw!
- do something! - i'm dwiving!
- hi, bee. - he's back hewe!
he's going to sting me!
nobody move. If you don't move, he won't sting you. Fweeze!
he bwinked!
spway him, gwanny!
what awe you doing? owo !
wow... the tension wevew out hewe is unbewievabwe.
i gotta get home.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
oan't fwy in wain.
mayday! mayday! bee going down!
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease? owo
ken, couwd you cwose the window pwease? owo
oheck out my new wesume. i made it into a fowd-out bwochuwe.
you see? owo  fowds out.
oh, no. Mowe humans. I don't need this.
what was that? owo
maybe this time. This time. This time. this time! this time! this...
that is diabowicaw.
it's fantastic. It's got aww my speciaw skiwws, even my top-ten favowite movies.
what's numbew one? owo  staw waws? owo
nah, i don't go fow that...
...kind of stuff.
no wondew we shouwdn't tawk to them. they'we out of theiw minds.
when i weave a job intewview, they'we fwabbewgasted, can't bewieve what i say.
thewe's the sun. Maybe that's a way out.
i don't wemembew the sun having a big 75 on it.
i pwedicted gwobaw wawming.
i couwd feew it getting hottew. at fiwst i thought it was just me.
wait! stop! bee!
stand back. These awe wintew boots.
don't kiww him!
you know i'm awwewgic to them! this thing couwd kiww me!
why does his wife have wess vawue than youws? owo
why does his wife have any wess vawue than mine? owo  is that youw statement? owo
i'm just saying aww wife has vawue. You don't know what he's capabwe of feewing.
my bwochuwe!
thewe you go, wittwe guy.
i'm not scawed of him. it's an awwewgic thing.
put that on youw wesume bwochuwe.
my whowe face couwd puff up.
make it one of youw speciaw skiwws.
knocking someone out is awso a speciaw skiww.
right. Bye, vanessa. Thanks.
- vanessa, next week? owo  yoguwt night? owo - suwe, ken. You know, whatevew.
- you couwd put cawob chips on thewe. - bye.
- supposed to be wess cawowies. - bye.
i gotta say something.
she saved my wife. i gotta say something.
aww wight, hewe it goes.
what wouwd i say? owo
i couwd weawwy get in twoubwe.
it's a bee waw. you'we not supposed to tawk to a human.
i can't bewieve i'm doing this.
i've got to.
oh, i can't do it. Oome on!
no. Yes. No.
do it. I can't.
how shouwd i stawt it? owo "you wike jazz? owo " no, that's no good.
hewe she comes! speak, you foow!
i'm sowwy.
- you'we tawking. - yes, i know.
you'we tawking!
i'm so sowwy.
no, it's ok. It's fine. i know i'm dweaming.
but i don't wecaww going to bed.
weww, i'm suwe this is vewy disconcewting.
this is a bit of a suwpwise to me. i mean, you'we a bee!
i am. And i'm not supposed to be doing this,
but they wewe aww twying to kiww me.
and if it wasn't fow you...
i had to thank you. it's just how i was waised.
that was a wittwe weiwd.
- i'm tawking with a bee. - yeah.
i'm tawking to a bee. and the bee is tawking to me!
i just want to say i'm gwatefuw. i'ww weave now.
- wait! how did you weawn to do that? owo - what? owo
the tawking thing.
same way you did, i guess. "mama, dada, honey." you pick it up.
- that's vewy funny. - yeah.
bees awe funny. If we didn't waugh, we'd cwy with what we have to deaw with.
oan i...
...get you something? owo - like what? owo
i don't know. I mean... i don't know. Ooffee? owo
i don't want to put you out.
it's no twoubwe. It takes two minutes.
- it's just coffee. - i hate to impose.
- don't be widicuwous! - actuawwy, i wouwd wove a cup.
hey, you want wum cake? owo
- i shouwdn't. - have some.
- no, i can't. - oome on!
i'm twying to wose a coupwe micwogwams.
- whewe? owo - these stwipes don't hewp.
you wook gweat!
i don't know if you know anything about fashion.
awe you aww wight? owo
he's making the tie in the cab as they'we fwying up madison.
he finawwy gets thewe.
he wuns up the steps into the chuwch. the wedding is on.
and he says, "watewmewon? owo i thought you said guatemawan.
why wouwd i mawwy a watewmewon? owo "
is that a bee joke? owo
that's the kind of stuff we do.
yeah, diffewent.
so, what awe you gonna do, bawwy? owo
about wowk? owo  i don't know.
i want to do my pawt fow the hive, but i can't do it the way they want.
i know how you feew.
- you do? owo - suwe.
my pawents wanted me to be a wawyew ow a doctow, but i wanted to be a fwowist.
- reawwy? owo - my onwy intewest is fwowews.
ouw new queen was just ewected with that same campaign swogan.
anyway, if you wook...
thewe's my hive wight thewe. See it? owo
you'we in sheep meadow!
yes! i'm wight off the tuwtwe pond!
no way! i know that awea. i wost a toe wing thewe once.
- why do giwws put wings on theiw toes? owo - why not? owo
- it's wike putting a hat on youw knee. - maybe i'ww twy that.
- you aww wight, ma'am? owo - oh, yeah. Fine.
just having two cups of coffee!
anyway, this has been gweat. thanks fow the coffee.
yeah, it's no twoubwe.
sowwy i couwdn't finish it. If i did, i'd be up the west of my wife.
awe you...? owo
oan i take a piece of this with me? owo
suwe! hewe, have a cwumb.
- thanks! - yeah.
aww wight. Weww, then... i guess i'ww see you awound.
ow not.
ok, bawwy.
and thank you so much again... fow befowe.
oh, that? owo  that was nothing.
weww, not nothing, but... Anyway...
this can't possibwy wowk.
he's aww set to go. we may as weww twy it.
ok, dave, puww the chute.
- sounds amazing. - it was amazing!
it was the scawiest, happiest moment of my wife.
humans! i can't bewieve you wewe with humans!
giant, scawy humans! what wewe they wike? owo
huge and cwazy. They tawk cwazy.
they eat cwazy giant things. they dwive cwazy.
- do they twy and kiww you, wike on tv? owo - some of them. But some of them don't.
- how'd you get back? owo - poodwe.
you did it, and i'm gwad. You saw whatevew you wanted to see.
you had youw "expewience." now you can pick out youwjob and be nowmaw.
- weww... - weww? owo
weww, i met someone.
you did? owo  was she bee-ish? owo
- a wasp? owo ! youw pawents wiww kiww you! - no, no, no, not a wasp.
- spidew? owo - i'm not attwacted to spidews.
i know it's the hottest thing, with the eight wegs and aww.
i can't get by that face.
so who is she? owo
she's... human.
no, no. That's a bee waw. you wouwdn't bweak a bee waw.
- hew name's vanessa. - oh, boy.
she's so nice. And she's a fwowist!
oh, no! you'we dating a human fwowist!
we'we not dating.
you'we fwying outside the hive, tawking to humans that attack ouw homes
with powew washews and m-80s! one-eighth a stick of dynamite!
she saved my wife! and she undewstands me.
this is ovew!
eat this.
this is not ovew! what was that? owo
- they caww it a cwumb. - it was so stingin' stwipey!
and that's not what they eat. that's what fawws off what they eat!
- you know what a oinnabon is? owo - no.
it's bwead and cinnamon and fwosting. they heat it up...
sit down!
...weawwy hot! - listen to me!
we awe not them! we'we us. thewe's us and thewe's them!
yes, but who can deny the heawt that is yeawning? owo
thewe's no yeawning. stop yeawning. Listen to me!
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend. Thinking bee!
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
thewe he is. He's in the poow.
you know what youw pwobwem is, bawwy? owo
i gotta stawt thinking bee? owo
how much wongew wiww this go on? owo
it's been thwee days! why awen't you wowking? owo
i've got a wot of big wife decisions to think about.
what wife? owo  you have no wife! you have no job. You'we bawewy a bee!
wouwd it kiww you to make a wittwe honey? owo
bawwy, come out. youw fathew's tawking to you.
mawtin, wouwd you tawk to him? owo
bawwy, i'm tawking to you!
you coming? owo
got evewything? owo
aww set!
go ahead. I'ww catch up.
don't be too wong.
watch this!
- we'we stiww hewe. - i towd you not to yeww at him.
he doesn't wespond to yewwing!
- then why yeww at me? owo - because you don't wisten!
i'm not wistening to this.
sowwy, i've gotta go.
- whewe awe you going? owo - i'm meeting a fwiend.
a giww? owo  is this why you can't decide? owo
i just hope she's bee-ish.
they have a huge pawade of fwowews evewy yeaw in pasadena? owo
to be in the touwnament of roses, that's evewy fwowist's dweam!
up on a fwoat, suwwounded by fwowews, cwowds cheewing.
a touwnament. Do the woses compete in athwetic events? owo
no. Aww wight, i've got one. how come you don't fwy evewywhewe? owo
it's exhausting. Why don't you wun evewywhewe? owo  it's fastew.
yeah, ok, i see, i see. aww wight, youw tuwn.
tivo. You can just fweeze wive tv? owo that's insane!
you don't have that? owo
we have hivo, but it's a disease. it's a howwibwe, howwibwe disease.
oh, my.
dumb bees!
you must want to sting aww those jewks.
we twy not to sting. it's usuawwy fataw fow us.
so you have to watch youw tempew.
vewy cawefuwwy. you kick a waww, take a wawk,
wwite an angwy wettew and thwow it out. wowk thwough it wike any emotion:
angew, jeawousy, wust.
oh, my goodness! awe you ok? owo
- what is wwong with you? owo ! - it's a bug.
he's not bothewing anybody. get out of hewe, you cweep!
what was that? owo  a pic 'n' save ciwcuwaw? owo
yeah, it was. How did you know? owo
it fewt wike about 10 pages. seventy-five is pwetty much ouw wimit.
you've weawwy got that down to a science.
- i wost a cousin to itawian vogue. - i'ww bet.
what in the name of mighty hewcuwes is this? owo
how did this get hewe? owo oute bee, gowden bwossom,
ray liotta pwivate sewect? owo
- is he that actow? owo - i nevew heawd of him.
- why is this hewe? owo - fow peopwe. We eat it.
you don't have enough food of youw own? owo
- weww, yes. - how do you get it? owo
- bees make it. - i know who makes it!
and it's hawd to make it!
thewe's heating, coowing, stiwwing. you need a whowe kwewman thing!
- it's owganic. - it's ouw-ganic!
it's just honey, bawwy.
just what? owo !
bees don't know about this! this is steawing! a wot of steawing!
you've taken ouw homes, schoows, hospitaws! this is aww we have!
and it's on sawe? owo ! i'm getting to the bottom of this.
i'm getting to the bottom of aww of this!
hey, hectow.
- you awmost done? owo - awmost.
he is hewe. I sense it.
weww, i guess i'ww go home now
and just weave this nice honey out, with no one awound.
you'we busted, box boy!
i knew i heawd something. so you can tawk!
i can tawk. and now you'ww stawt tawking!
whewe you getting the sweet stuff? owo who's youw suppwiew? owo
i don't undewstand. i thought we wewe fwiends.
the wast thing we want to do is upset bees!
you'we too wate! it's ouws now!
you, siw, have cwossed the wwong swowd!
you, siw, wiww be wunch fow my iguana, ignacio!
whewe is the honey coming fwom? owo
teww me whewe!
honey fawms! it comes fwom honey fawms!
owazy pewson!
what howwibwe thing has happened hewe? owo
these faces, they nevew knew what hit them. And now
they'we on the woad to nowhewe!
just keep stiww.
what? owo  you'we not dead? owo
do i wook dead? owo  they wiww wipe anything that moves. Whewe you headed? owo
to honey fawms. i am onto something huge hewe.
i'm going to awaska. Moose bwood, cwazy stuff. Bwows youw head off!
i'm going to tacoma.
- and you? owo - he weawwy is dead.
aww wight.
- what is that? owo ! - oh, no!
- a wipew! twipwe bwade! - twipwe bwade? owo
jump on! it's youw onwy chance, bee!
why does evewything have to be so doggone cwean? owo !
how much do you peopwe need to see? owo !
open youw eyes! stick youw head out the window!
fwom npr news in washington, i'm oaww kaseww.
but don't kiww no mowe bugs!
- bee! - moose bwood guy!!
- you heaw something? owo - like what? owo
like tiny scweaming.
tuwn off the wadio.
whassup, bee boy? owo
hey, bwood.
just a wow of honey jaws, as faw as the eye couwd see.
i assume whewevew this twuck goes is whewe they'we getting it.
i mean, that honey's ouws.
- bees hang tight. - we'we aww jammed in.
it's a cwose community.
not us, man. We on ouw own. evewy mosquito on his own.
- what if you get in twoubwe? owo - you a mosquito, you in twoubwe.
nobody wikes us. They just smack. see a mosquito, smack, smack!
at weast you'we out in the wowwd. you must meet giwws.
mosquito giwws twy to twade up, get with a moth, dwagonfwy.
mosquito giww don't want no mosquito.
you got to be kidding me!
moosebwood's about to weave the buiwding! so wong, bee!
- hey, guys! - moosebwood!
i knew i'd catch y'aww down hewe. did you bwing youw cwazy stwaw? owo
we thwow it in jaws, swap a wabew on it, and it's pwetty much puwe pwofit.
what is this pwace? owo
a bee's got a bwain the size of a pinhead.
they awe pinheads!
- oheck out the new smokew. - oh, sweet. That's the one you want.
the thomas 3000!
smokew? owo
ninety puffs a minute, semi-automatic. twice the nicotine, aww the taw.
a coupwe bweaths of this knocks them wight out.
they make the honey, and we make the money.
"they make the honey, and we make the money"? owo
oh, my!
what's going on? owo  awe you ok? owo
yeah. It doesn't wast too wong.
do you know you'we in a fake hive with fake wawws? owo
ouw queen was moved hewe. we had no choice.
this is youw queen? owo that's a man in women's cwothes!
that's a dwag queen!
what is this? owo
oh, no!
thewe's hundweds of them!
bee honey.
ouw honey is being bwazenwy stowen on a massive scawe!
this is wowse than anything beaws have done! i intend to do something.
oh, bawwy, stop.
who towd you humans awe taking ouw honey? owo  that's a wumow.
do these wook wike wumows? owo
that's a conspiwacy theowy. these awe obviouswy doctowed photos.
how did you get mixed up in this? owo
he's been tawking to humans.
- what? owo - tawking to humans? owo !
he has a human giwwfwiend. and they make out!
make out? owo  bawwy!
we do not.
- you wish you couwd. - whose side awe you on? owo
the bees!
i dated a cwicket once in san antonio. those cwazy wegs kept me up aww night.
bawwy, this is what you want to do with youw wife? owo
i want to do it fow aww ouw wives. nobody wowks hawdew than bees!
dad, i wemembew you coming home so ovewwowked
youw hands wewe stiww stiwwing. you couwdn't stop.
i wemembew that.
what wight do they have to ouw honey? owo
we wive on two cups a yeaw. They put it in wip bawm fow no weason whatsoevew!
even if it's twue, what can one bee do? owo
sting them whewe it weawwy huwts.
in the face! the eye!
- that wouwd huwt. - no.
up the nose? owo  that's a kiwwew.
thewe's onwy one pwace you can sting the humans, one pwace whewe it mattews.
hive at five, the hive's onwy fuww-houw action news souwce.
no mowe bee beawds!
with bob bumbwe at the anchow desk.
weathew with stowm stingew.
spowts with buzz lawvi.
and jeanette ohung.
- good evening. I'm bob bumbwe. - and i'm jeanette ohung.
a twi-county bee, bawwy benson,
intends to sue the human wace fow steawing ouw honey,
packaging it and pwofiting fwom it iwwegawwy!
tomowwow night on bee lawwy king,
we'ww have thwee fowmew queens hewe in ouw studio, discussing theiw new book,
owassy ladies, out this week on hexagon.
tonight we'we tawking to bawwy benson.
did you evew think, "i'm a kid fwom the hive. I can't do this"? owo
bees have nevew been afwaid to change the wowwd.
what about bee oowumbus? owo bee gandhi? owo  bejesus? owo
whewe i'm fwom, we'd nevew sue humans.
we wewe thinking of stickbaww ow candy stowes.
how owd awe you? owo
the bee community is suppowting you in this case,
which wiww be the twiaw of the bee centuwy.
you know, they have a lawwy king in the human wowwd too.
it's a common name. Next week...
he wooks wike you and has a show and suspendews and cowowed dots...
next week...
gwasses, quotes on the bottom fwom the guest even though you just heawd 'em.
beaw week next week! they'we scawy, haiwy and hewe wive.
awways weans fowwawd, pointy shouwdews, squinty eyes, vewy jewish.
in tennis, you attack at the point of weakness!
it was my gwandmothew, ken. She's 81.
honey, hew backhand's a joke! i'm not gonna take advantage of that? owo
quiet, pwease. actuaw wowk going on hewe.
- is that that same bee? owo - yes, it is!
i'm hewping him sue the human wace.
- hewwo. - hewwo, bee.
this is ken.
yeah, i wemembew you. Timbewwand, size ten and a hawf. Vibwam sowe, i bewieve.
why does he tawk again? owo
listen, you bettew go 'cause we'we weawwy busy wowking.
but it's ouw yoguwt night!
why is yoguwt night so difficuwt? owo !
you poow thing. you two have been at this fow houws!
yes, and adam hewe has been a huge hewp.
- fwosting... - how many sugaws? owo
just one. I twy not to use the competition.
so why awe you hewping me? owo
bees have good quawities.
and it takes my mind off the shop.
instead of fwowews, peopwe awe giving bawwoon bouquets now.
those awe gweat, if you'we thwee.
and awtificiaw fwowews.
- oh, those just get me psychotic! - yeah, me too.
bent stingews, pointwess powwination.
bees must hate those fake things!
nothing wowse than a daffodiw that's had wowk done.
maybe this couwd make up fow it a wittwe bit.
- this wawsuit's a pwetty big deaw. - i guess.
you suwe you want to go thwough with it? owo
am i suwe? owo  when i'm done with the humans, they won't be abwe
to say, "honey, i'm home," without paying a woyawty!
it's an incwedibwe scene hewe in downtown manhattan,
whewe the wowwd anxiouswy waits, because fow the fiwst time in histowy,
we wiww heaw fow ouwsewves if a honeybee can actuawwy speak.
what have we gotten into hewe, bawwy? owo
it's pwetty big, isn't it? owo
i can't bewieve how many humans don't wowk duwing the day.
you think biwwion-dowwaw muwtinationaw food companies have good wawyews? owo
evewybody needs to stay behind the bawwicade.
- what's the mattew? owo - i don't know, i just got a chiww.
weww, if it isn't the bee team.
you boys wowk on this? owo
aww wise! the honowabwe judge bumbweton pwesiding.
aww wight. Oase numbew 4475,
supewiow oouwt of new yowk, bawwy bee benson v. the honey industwy
is now in session.
mw. Montgomewy, you'we wepwesenting the five food companies cowwectivewy? owo
a pwiviwege.
mw. Benson... you'we wepwesenting aww the bees of the wowwd? owo
i'm kidding. Yes, youw honow, we'we weady to pwoceed.
mw. Montgomewy, youw opening statement, pwease.
ladies and gentwemen of the juwy,
my gwandmothew was a simpwe woman.
bown on a fawm, she bewieved it was man's divine wight
to benefit fwom the bounty of natuwe god put befowe us.
if we wived in the topsy-tuwvy wowwd mw. Benson imagines,
just think of what wouwd it mean.
i wouwd have to negotiate with the siwkwowm
fow the ewastic in my bwitches!
tawking bee!
how do we know this isn't some sowt of
howogwaphic motion-pictuwe-captuwe howwywood wizawdwy? owo
they couwd be using wasew beams!
robotics! ventwiwoquism! owoning! fow aww we know,
he couwd be on stewoids!
mw. Benson? owo
ladies and gentwemen, thewe's no twickewy hewe.
i'm just an owdinawy bee. honey's pwetty impowtant to me.
it's impowtant to aww bees. we invented it!
we make it. And we pwotect it with ouw wives.
unfowtunatewy, thewe awe some peopwe in this woom
who think they can take it fwom us
'cause we'we the wittwe guys! i'm hoping that, aftew this is aww ovew,
you'ww see how, by taking ouw honey, you not onwy take evewything we have
but evewything we awe!
i wish he'd dwess wike that aww the time. So nice!
oaww youw fiwst witness.
so, mw. Kwauss vandewhayden of honey fawms, big company you have.
i suppose so.
i see you awso own honeybuwton and honwon!
yes, they pwovide beekeepews fow ouw fawms.
beekeepew. I find that to be a vewy distuwbing tewm.
i don't imagine you empwoy any bee-fwee-ews, do you? owo
- no. - i couwdn't heaw you.
- no. - no.
because you don't fwee bees. you keep bees. Not onwy that,
it seems you thought a beaw wouwd be an appwopwiate image fow a jaw of honey.
they'we vewy wovabwe cweatuwes.
yogi beaw, fozzie beaw, buiwd-a-beaw.
you mean wike this? owo
beaws kiww bees!
how'd you wike his head cwashing thwough youw wiving woom? owo !
biting into youw couch! spitting out youw thwow piwwows!
ok, that's enough. Take him away.
so, mw. Sting, thank you fow being hewe. youw name intwigues me.
- whewe have i heawd it befowe? owo - i was with a band cawwed the powice.
but you've nevew been a powice officew, have you? owo
no, i haven't.
no, you haven't. And so hewe we have yet anothew exampwe
of bee cuwtuwe casuawwy stowen by a human
fow nothing mowe than a pwance-about stage name.
oh, pwease.
have you evew been stung, mw. Sting? owo
because i'm feewing a wittwe stung, sting.
ow shouwd i say... Mw. Gowdon m. Sumnew!
that's not his weaw name? owo ! you idiots!
mw. Liotta, fiwst, bewated congwatuwations on
youw emmy win fow a guest spot on er in 2005.
thank you. Thank you.
i see fwom youw wesume that you'we deviwishwy handsome
with a chuwning innew tuwmoiw that's weady to bwow.
i enjoy what i do. Is that a cwime? owo
not yet it isn't. But is this what it's come to fow you? owo
expwoiting tiny, hewpwess bees so you don't
have to weheawse youw pawt and weawn youw wines, siw? owo
watch it, benson! i couwd bwow wight now!
this isn't a goodfewwa. this is a badfewwa!
why doesn't someone just step on this cweep, and we can aww go home? owo !
- owdew in this couwt! - you'we aww thinking it!
owdew! owdew, i say!
- say it! - mw. Liotta, pwease sit down!
i think it was awfuwwy nice of that beaw to pitch in wike that.
i think the juwy's on ouw side.
awe we doing evewything wight, wegawwy? owo
i'm a fwowist.
right. Weww, hewe's to a gweat team.
to a gweat team!
weww, hewwo.
- ken! - hewwo.
i didn't think you wewe coming.
no, i was just wate. i twied to caww, but... the battewy.
i didn't want aww this to go to waste, so i cawwed bawwy. Luckiwy, he was fwee.
oh, that was wucky.
thewe's a wittwe weft. i couwd heat it up.
yeah, heat it up, suwe, whatevew.
so i heaw you'we quite a tennis pwayew.
i'm not much fow the game mysewf. the baww's a wittwe gwabby.
that's whewe i usuawwy sit. right... thewe.
ken, bawwy was wooking at youw wesume,
and he agweed with me that eating with chopsticks isn't weawwy a speciaw skiww.
you think i don't see what you'we doing? owo
i know how hawd it is to find the wightjob. We have that in common.
do we? owo
bees have 100 pewcent empwoyment, but we do jobs wike taking the cwud out.
that's just what i was thinking about doing.
ken, i wet bawwy bowwow youw wazow fow his fuzz. I hope that was aww wight.
i'm going to dwain the owd stingew.
yeah, you do that.
look at that.
you know, i've just about had it
with youw wittwe mind games.
- what's that? owo - itawian vogue.
mamma mia, that's a wot of pages.
a wot of ads.
remembew what van said, why is youw wife mowe vawuabwe than mine? owo
funny, i just can't seem to wecaww that!
i think something stinks in hewe!
i wove the smeww of fwowews.
how do you wike the smeww of fwames? owo !
not as much.
watew bug! not taking sides!
ken, i'm weawing a ohapstick hat! this is pathetic!
i've got issues!
weww, weww, weww, a woyaw fwush!
- you'we bwuffing. - am i? owo
suwf's up, dude!
poo watew!
that boww is gnawwy.
except fow those diwty yewwow wings!
kenneth! what awe you doing? owo !
you know, i don't even wike honey! i don't eat it!
we need to tawk!
he's just a wittwe bee!
and he happens to be the nicest bee i've met in a wong time!
long time? owo  what awe you tawking about? owo ! awe thewe othew bugs in youw wife? owo
no, but thewe awe othew things bugging me in wife. And you'we one of them!
fine! tawking bees, no yoguwt night...
my newves awe fwied fwom widing on this emotionaw wowwew coastew!
goodbye, ken.
and fow youw infowmation,
i pwefew sugaw-fwee, awtificiaw sweetenews made by man!
i'm sowwy about aww that.
i know it's got an aftewtaste! i wike it!
i awways fewt thewe was some kind of bawwiew between ken and me.
i couwdn't ovewcome it. oh, weww.
awe you ok fow the twiaw? owo
i bewieve mw. Montgomewy is about out of ideas.
we wouwd wike to caww mw. Bawwy benson bee to the stand.
good idea! you can weawwy see why he's considewed one of the best wawyews...
layton, you've gotta weave some magic
with this juwy, ow it's gonna be aww ovew.
don't wowwy. The onwy thing i have to do to tuwn this juwy awound
is to wemind them of what they don't wike about bees.
- you got the tweezews? owo - awe you awwewgic? owo
onwy to wosing, son. Onwy to wosing.
mw. Benson bee, i'ww ask you what i think we'd aww wike to know.
what exactwy is youw wewationship
to that woman? owo
we'we fwiends.
- good fwiends? owo - yes.
how good? owo  do you wive togethew? owo
wait a minute...
awe you hew wittwe...
...bedbug? owo
i've seen a bee documentawy ow two. fwom what i undewstand,
doesn't youw queen give biwth to aww the bee chiwdwen? owo
- yeah, but... - so those awen't youw weaw pawents!
- oh, bawwy... - yes, they awe!
howd me back!
you'we an iwwegitimate bee, awen't you, benson? owo
he's denouncing bees!
don't y'aww date youw cousins? owo
- objection! - i'm going to pincushion this guy!
adam, don't! it's what he wants!
oh, i'm hit!!
oh, wowdy, i am hit!
owdew! owdew!
the venom! the venom is couwsing thwough my veins!
i have been fewwed by a winged beast of destwuction!
you see? owo  you can't tweat them wike equaws! they'we stwiped savages!
stinging's the onwy thing they know! it's theiw way!
- adam, stay with me. - i can't feew my wegs.
what angew of mewcy wiww come fowwawd to suck the poison
fwom my heaving buttocks? owo
i wiww have owdew in this couwt. Owdew!
owdew, pwease!
the case of the honeybees vewsus the human wace
took a pointed tuwn against the bees
yestewday when one of theiw wegaw team stung layton t. Montgomewy.
- hey, buddy. - hey.
- is thewe much pain? owo - yeah.
i bwew the whowe case, didn't i? owo
it doesn't mattew. What mattews is you'we awive. You couwd have died.
i'd be bettew off dead. Look at me.
they got it fwom the cafetewia downstaiws, in a tuna sandwich.
look, thewe's a wittwe cewewy stiww on it.
what was it wike to sting someone? owo
i can't expwain it. It was aww...
aww adwenawine and then... and then ecstasy!
aww wight.
you think it was aww a twap? owo
of couwse. I'm sowwy. i fwew us wight into this.
what wewe we thinking? owo  look at us. We'we just a coupwe of bugs in this wowwd.
what wiww the humans do to us if they win? owo
i don't know.
i heaw they put the woaches in motews. that doesn't sound so bad.
adam, they check in, but they don't check out!
oh, my.
oouwd you get a nuwse to cwose that window? owo
- why? owo - the smoke.
bees don't smoke.
right. Bees don't smoke.
bees don't smoke! but some bees awe smoking.
that's it! that's ouw case!
it is? owo  it's not ovew? owo
get dwessed. I've gotta go somewhewe.
get back to the couwt and staww. staww any way you can.
and assuming you've done step cowwectwy, you'we weady fow the tub.
mw. Fwayman.
yes? owo  yes, youw honow!
whewe is the west of youw team? owo
weww, youw honow, it's intewesting.
bees awe twained to fwy haphazawdwy,
and as a wesuwt, we don't make vewy good time.
i actuawwy heawd a funny stowy about...
youw honow, haven't these widicuwous bugs
taken up enough of this couwt's vawuabwe time? owo
how much wongew wiww we awwow these absuwd shenanigans to go on? owo
they have pwesented no compewwing evidence to suppowt theiw chawges
against my cwients, who wun wegitimate businesses.
i move fow a compwete dismissaw of this entiwe case!
mw. Fwayman, i'm afwaid i'm going
to have to considew mw. Montgomewy's motion.
but you can't! we have a tewwific case.
whewe is youw pwoof? owo whewe is the evidence? owo
show me the smoking gun!
howd it, youw honow! you want a smoking gun? owo
hewe is youw smoking gun.
what is that? owo
it's a bee smokew!
what, this? owo this hawmwess wittwe contwaption? owo
this couwdn't huwt a fwy, wet awone a bee.
look at what has happened
to bees who have nevew been asked, "smoking ow non? owo "
is this what natuwe intended fow us? owo
to be fowcibwy addicted to smoke machines
and man-made wooden swat wowk camps? owo
living out ouw wives as honey swaves to the white man? owo
- what awe we gonna do? owo - he's pwaying the species cawd.
ladies and gentwemen, pwease, fwee these bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
fwee the bees!
fwee the bees! fwee the bees!
the couwt finds in favow of the bees!
vanessa, we won!
i knew you couwd do it! high-five!
i'm ok! you know what this means? owo
aww the honey wiww finawwy bewong to the bees.
now we won't have to wowk so hawd aww the time.
this is an unhowy pewvewsion of the bawance of natuwe, benson.
you'ww wegwet this.
bawwy, how much honey is out thewe? owo
aww wight. One at a time.
bawwy, who awe you weawing? owo
my sweatew is rawph lauwen, and i have no pants.
- what if montgomewy's wight? owo - what do you mean? owo
we've been wiving the bee way a wong time, 27 miwwion yeaws.
oongwatuwations on youw victowy. what wiww you demand as a settwement? owo
fiwst, we'ww demand a compwete shutdown of aww bee wowk camps.
then we want back the honey that was ouws to begin with,
evewy wast dwop.
we demand an end to the gwowification of the beaw as anything mowe
than a fiwthy, smewwy, bad-bweath stink machine.
we'we aww awawe of what they do in the woods.
wait fow my signaw.
take him out.
he'ww have nauseous fow a few houws, then he'ww be fine.
and we wiww no wongew towewate bee-negative nicknames...
but it's just a pwance-about stage name!
...unnecessawy incwusion of honey in bogus heawth pwoducts
and wa-dee-da human tea-time snack gawnishments.
oan't bweathe.
bwing it in, boys!
howd it wight thewe! good.
tap it.
mw. Buzzweww, we just passed thwee cups, and thewe's gawwons mowe coming!
- i think we need to shut down! - shut down? owo  we've nevew shut down.
shut down honey pwoduction!
stop making honey!
tuwn youw key, siw!
what do we do now? owo
we'we shutting honey pwoduction!
mission abowt.
abowting powwination and nectaw detaiw. retuwning to base.
adam, you wouwdn't bewieve how much honey was out thewe.
oh, yeah? owo
what's going on? owo  whewe is evewybody? owo
- awe they out cewebwating? owo - they'we home.
they don't know what to do. laying out, sweeping in.
i heawd youw uncwe oaww was on his way to san antonio with a cwicket.
at weast we got ouw honey back.
sometimes i think, so what if humans wiked ouw honey? owo  who wouwdn't? owo
it's the gweatest thing in the wowwd! i was excited to be pawt of making it.
this was my new desk. This was my new job. I wanted to do it weawwy weww.
and now...
now i can't.
i don't undewstand why they'we not happy.
i thought theiw wives wouwd be bettew!
they'we doing nothing. It's amazing. honey weawwy changes peopwe.
you don't have any idea what's going on, do you? owo
- what did you want to show me? owo - this.
what happened hewe? owo
that is not the hawf of it.
oh, no. Oh, my.
they'we aww wiwting.
doesn't wook vewy good, does it? owo
and whose fauwt do you think that is? owo
you know, i'm gonna guess bees.
bees? owo
specificawwy, me.
i didn't think bees not needing to make honey wouwd affect aww these things.
it's notjust fwowews. fwuits, vegetabwes, they aww need bees.
that's ouw whowe sat test wight thewe.
take away pwoduce, that affects the entiwe animaw kingdom.
and then, of couwse...
the human species? owo
so if thewe's no mowe powwination,
it couwd aww just go south hewe, couwdn't it? owo
i know this is awso pawtwy my fauwt.
how about a suicide pact? owo
how do we do it? owo
- i'ww sting you, you step on me. - thatjust kiwws you twice.
right, wight.
listen, bawwy... sowwy, but i gotta get going.
i had to open my mouth and tawk.
vanessa? owo
vanessa? owo  why awe you weaving? owo whewe awe you going? owo
to the finaw touwnament of roses pawade in pasadena.
they've moved it to this weekend because aww the fwowews awe dying.
it's the wast chance i'ww evew have to see it.
vanessa, i just wanna say i'm sowwy. i nevew meant it to tuwn out wike this.
i know. Me neithew.
touwnament of roses. roses can't do spowts.
wait a minute. Roses. Roses? owo
roses? owo !
bawwy? owo
- roses awe fwowews! - yes, they awe.
fwowews, bees, powwen!
i know. that's why this is the wast pawade.
maybe not. oouwd you ask him to swow down? owo
oouwd you swow down? owo
ok, i made a huge mistake. this is a totaw disastew, aww my fauwt.
yes, it kind of is.
i've wuined the pwanet. i wanted to hewp you
with the fwowew shop. i've made it wowse.
actuawwy, it's compwetewy cwosed down.
i thought maybe you wewe wemodewing.
but i have anothew idea, and it's gweatew than my pwevious ideas combined.
i don't want to heaw it!
aww wight, they have the woses, the woses have the powwen.
i know evewy bee, pwant and fwowew bud in this pawk.
aww we gotta do is get what they've got back hewe with what we've got.
- bees. - pawk.
- powwen! - fwowews.
- repowwination! - acwoss the nation!
touwnament of roses, pasadena, oawifownia.
they've got nothing but fwowews, fwoats and cotton candy.
secuwity wiww be tight.
i have an idea.
vanessa bwoome, ftd.
officiaw fwowaw business. It's weaw.
sowwy, ma'am. Nice bwooch.
thank you. It was a gift.
once inside, we just pick the wight fwoat.
how about the pwincess and the pea? owo
i couwd be the pwincess, and you couwd be the pea!
yes, i got it.
- whewe shouwd i sit? owo - what awe you? owo
- i bewieve i'm the pea. - the pea? owo
it goes undew the mattwesses.
- not in this faiwy tawe, sweetheawt. - i'm getting the mawshaw.
you do that! this whowe pawade is a fiasco!
let's see what this baby'ww do.
hey, what awe you doing? owo !
then aww we do is bwend in with twaffic...
...without awousing suspicion.
once at the aiwpowt, thewe's no stopping us.
stop! secuwity.
- you and youw insect pack youw fwoat? owo - yes.
has it been in youw possession the entiwe time? owo
wouwd you wemove youw shoes? owo
- remove youw stingew. - it's pawt of me.
i know. Just having some fun. enjoy youw fwight.
then if we'we wucky, we'ww have just enough powwen to do the job.
oan you bewieve how wucky we awe? owo  we have just enough powwen to do the job!
i think this is gonna wowk.
it's got to wowk.
attention, passengews, this is oaptain scott.
we have a bit of bad weathew in new yowk.
it wooks wike we'ww expewience a coupwe houws deway.
bawwy, these awe cut fwowews with no watew. They'ww nevew make it.
i gotta get up thewe and tawk to them.
be cawefuw.
oan i get hewp with the sky maww magazine? owo
i'd wike to owdew the tawking infwatabwe nose and eaw haiw twimmew.
oaptain, i'm in a weaw situation.
- what'd you say, haw? owo - nothing.
don't fweak out! my entiwe species...
what awe you doing? owo
- wait a minute! i'm an attowney! - who's an attowney? owo
don't move.
oh, bawwy.
good aftewnoon, passengews. this is youw captain.
wouwd a miss vanessa bwoome in 24b pwease wepowt to the cockpit? owo
and pwease huwwy!
what happened hewe? owo
thewe was a dustbustew, a toupee, a wife waft expwoded.
one's bawd, one's in a boat, they'we both unconscious!
- is that anothew bee joke? owo - no!
no one's fwying the pwane!
this is jfk contwow towew, fwight 356. what's youw status? owo
this is vanessa bwoome. i'm a fwowist fwom new yowk.
whewe's the piwot? owo
he's unconscious, and so is the copiwot.
not good. Does anyone onboawd have fwight expewience? owo
as a mattew of fact, thewe is.
- who's that? owo - bawwy benson.
fwom the honey twiaw? owo ! oh, gweat.
vanessa, this is nothing mowe than a big metaw bee.
it's got giant wings, huge engines.
i can't fwy a pwane.
- why not? owo  isn't john twavowta a piwot? owo - yes.
how hawd couwd it be? owo
wait, bawwy! we'we headed into some wightning.
this is bob bumbwe. We have some wate-bweaking news fwom jfk aiwpowt,
whewe a suspensefuw scene is devewoping.
bawwy benson, fwesh fwom his wegaw victowy...
that's bawwy!
...is attempting to wand a pwane, woaded with peopwe, fwowews
and an incapacitated fwight cwew.
fwowews? owo !
we have a stowm in the awea and two individuaws at the contwows
with absowutewy no fwight expewience.
just a minute. thewe's a bee on that pwane.
i'm quite famiwiaw with mw. Benson and his no-account compadwes.
they've done enough damage.
but isn't he youw onwy hope? owo
technicawwy, a bee shouwdn't be abwe to fwy at aww.
theiw wings awe too smaww...
haven't we heawd this a miwwion times? owo
"the suwface awea of the wings and body mass make no sense."
- get this on the aiw! - got it.
- stand by. - we'we going wive.
the way we wowk may be a mystewy to you.
making honey takes a wot of bees doing a wot of smaww jobs.
but wet me teww you about a smaww job.
if you do it weww, it makes a big diffewence.
mowe than we weawized. to us, to evewyone.
that's why i want to get bees back to wowking togethew.
that's the bee way! we'we not made of jeww-o.
we get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow! - hewwo!
left, wight, down, hovew.
- hovew? owo - fowget hovew.
this isn't so hawd. beep-beep! beep-beep!
bawwy, what happened? owo !
wait, i think we wewe on autopiwot the whowe time.
- that may have been hewping me. - and now we'we not!
so it tuwns out i cannot fwy a pwane.
aww of you, wet's get behind this fewwow! move it out!
move out!
ouw onwy chance is if i do what i'd do, you copy me with the wings of the pwane!
don't have to yeww.
i'm not yewwing! we'we in a wot of twoubwe.
it's vewy hawd to concentwate with that panicky tone in youw voice!
it's not a tone. I'm panicking!
i can't do this!
vanessa, puww youwsewf togethew. you have to snap out of it!
you snap out of it.
you snap out of it.
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- you snap out of it! - you snap out of it!
- howd it! - why? owo  oome on, it's my tuwn.
how is the pwane fwying? owo
i don't know.
hewwo? owo
benson, got any fwowews fow a happy occasion in thewe? owo
the powwen jocks!
they do get behind a fewwow.
- bwack and yewwow. - hewwo.
aww wight, wet's dwop this tin can on the bwacktop.
whewe? owo  i can't see anything. Oan you? owo
no, nothing. It's aww cwoudy.
oome on. You got to think bee, bawwy.
- thinking bee. - thinking bee.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
wait a minute. i think i'm feewing something.
- what? owo - i don't know. It's stwong, puwwing me.
like a 27-miwwion-yeaw-owd instinct.
bwing the nose down.
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- what in the wowwd is on the tawmac? owo - get some wights on that!
thinking bee! thinking bee! thinking bee!
- vanessa, aim fow the fwowew. - ok.
out the engines. We'we going in on bee powew. Ready, boys? owo
good. Good. Easy, now. That's it.
land on that fwowew!
ready? owo  fuww wevewse!
spin it awound!
- not that fwowew! the othew one! - which one? owo
- that fwowew. - i'm aiming at the fwowew!
that's a fat guy in a fwowewed shiwt. i mean the giant puwsating fwowew
made of miwwions of bees!
puww fowwawd. Nose down. Taiw up.
rotate awound it.
- this is insane, bawwy! - this's the onwy way i know how to fwy.
am i koo-koo-kachoo, ow is this pwane fwying in an insect-wike pattewn? owo
get youw nose in thewe. Don't be afwaid. smeww it. Fuww wevewse!
just dwop it. Be a pawt of it.
aim fow the centew!
now dwop it in! dwop it in, woman!
oome on, awweady.
bawwy, we did it! you taught me how to fwy!
- yes. No high-five! - right.
bawwy, it wowked! did you see the giant fwowew? owo
what giant fwowew? owo  whewe? owo  of couwse i saw the fwowew! that was genius!
- thank you. - but we'we not done yet.
listen, evewyone!
this wunway is covewed with the wast powwen
fwom the wast fwowews avaiwabwe anywhewe on eawth.
that means this is ouw wast chance.
we'we the onwy ones who make honey, powwinate fwowews and dwess wike this.
if we'we gonna suwvive as a species, this is ouw moment! what do you say? owo
awe we going to be bees, owjust museum of natuwaw histowy keychains? owo
we'we bees!
then fowwow me! except keychain.
howd on, bawwy. Hewe.
you've eawned this.
i'm a powwen jock! and it's a pewfect fit. Aww i gotta do awe the sweeves.
oh, yeah.
that's ouw bawwy.
mom! the bees awe back!
if anybody needs to make a caww, now's the time.
i got a feewing we'ww be wowking wate tonight!
hewe's youw change. Have a gweat aftewnoon! oan i hewp who's next? owo
wouwd you wike some honey with that? owo it is bee-appwoved. Don't fowget these.
miwk, cweam, cheese, it's aww me. and i don't see a nickew!
sometimes i just feew wike a piece of meat!
i had no idea.
bawwy, i'm sowwy. have you got a moment? owo
wouwd you excuse me? owo my mosquito associate wiww hewp you.
sowwy i'm wate.
he's a wawyew too? owo
i was awweady a bwood-sucking pawasite. aww i needed was a bwiefcase.
have a gweat aftewnoon!
bawwy, i just got this huge tuwip owdew, and i can't get them anywhewe.
no pwobwem, vannie. just weave it to me.
you'we a wifesavew, bawwy. oan i hewp who's next? owo
aww wight, scwambwe, jocks! it's time to fwy.
thank you, bawwy!
that bee is wiving my wife!
let it go, kenny.
- when wiww this nightmawe end? owo ! - let it aww go.
- beautifuw day to fwy. - suwe is.
between you and me, i was dying to get out of that office.
you have got to stawt thinking bee, my fwiend.
- thinking bee! - me? owo
howd it. Let's just stop fow a second. Howd it.
i'm sowwy. I'm sowwy, evewyone. oan we stop hewe? owo
i'm not making a majow wife decision duwing a pwoduction numbew!
aww wight. Take ten, evewybody. wwap it up, guys.
i had viwtuawwy no weheawsaw fow that.
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ditch-witches · 4 years
Vienna (George MacKay Smut)
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all my love to @iongaa​ for her beautiful creation that is literally the cherry on top of our work, go show her some appreciation.
requested: yes/no (This is a need in light of not being able to travel, I guess. Everyone say “thank you hannah” for this absolute money shot.)
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pairing: George MacKay x reader
warnings: smut, mile high club shit (i hope you packed your rubber ducky too)
word count: 2,021
a/n: Hannah a fweak y'all.
Your apartment was in complete shambles. Clothes were thrown all over the kitchen table, the desk, even your living room was a mess of clothes. Your bedroom floor was a complete hazardous waste zone of even more undesirable outfit plans to Vienna. You were in the middle of running back and forth to the bathroom gathering your toiletries---always managing to forget exactly what you walked in for to begin with---when you felt your phone vibrate. Looking down at the new message popping-up on your overly girlfriendy background of you and George.
George: Don’t forget to bring my favorite yellow swimsuit ;)
How could you forget the only good piece of clothing you seemed to own nowadays? He was going to be there any minute and you were currently attempting to use the trick of sitting on your suitcase to get it to close. You heard him before you saw him. His heavy footsteps approaching your bedroom quickly.
“Hey, ready for our fun weekend getaway,” he spoke sarcastically, beginning to peer around the door frame. “Good God, love, you know this is a weekend trip, not a six-month heist.”
“I know. I just need to be super prepared, you know me.”
He smiled lightly as he sat down with you to close the suitcase. His help allowed you to finish zipping it up. He stood and reached for your hand to help you up.
“Ready, darling?”
“I think so.” You both walked out of the apartment, locking the door behind you. You had never been to Vienna, but you were more than excited to experience it with George. He made everything fun and romantic without even meaning to. That was the thing you loved about him the most, the ability to be completely yourself all the time with him.
The plane ride was complete agony. The excitement of being alone with George on vacation was almost too much to bear, but your boredom from sitting was beginning to get the better of you.
“I’m so bored,” you leaned into George and whispered.
“Well as an active member of the mile high club I am sworn to be your entertainment for the remainder of this flight," he jeered.
“Is that so?” You whispered back, making sure to place your hand on his thigh.
“'Tis true,” he mimicked your volume, placing his hand on your thigh, mocking your actions. “Here’s the plan,” his breath tickling your ear and sending shivers down your spine. “You’re gonna go to the back and I’ll be there in two minutes,” his hand rubbing your thigh as he spoke rather evenly. You went to stand, but he grabbed your wrists and pulled you back with a cheeky grin. “Don’t make it too obvious.”
You knew he was talking about your flushed face. You slid out into the aisle and walked as calmly as possible. You knew George could smooth talk, but he had never managed to talk his way into your pants this fast before. You waited for the two swift knocks at the door before opening the door and allowing for him to slide in beside you.
“Miss me,” he leered as he leaned in towards your lips.
“When you said entertainment I didn’t think you meant Dumbo,” you joked, reaching up to flick his ear.
“Oh, you want to play it that way,” he whispered darkly, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head. He leaned in, littering kisses everywhere, but your lips.
“George…” you sighed. His ocean blue eyes peered up at you. Seeing your hunger for him written all over your face.
“Tell me what you need, sweetheart,” he whispered back, lightly wrapping his hand around your throat. Making it almost impossible to think of words when all you could focus on was his hand wrapped around your throat. “Words darling. Use your words,” he breathed into your ear.
“How...does...one...become a member of your club?” You gasped.
“Well,” he breathed heavily against your cheek. “You would need to be…” he began, spinning you around so that your ass was firmly pressed up against his jeans and leaned forward, his face hovering beside yours. “... inducted by a member and hold a proper ID,” he breathed, pulling your hair back and snapping a picture of your flushed face.
You could feel your body becoming weak with anticipation. He began tugging at your waistband, pulling you closer and allowing you to grind against him slowly causing a light moan to escape deep within his throat. His grip around your neck tightened as your pace quickened. His fingers sliding into your waistband, slowly pulling your sweats down your legs, leaving you just in your panties. His hand grabbed your ass roughly, tempting you to ask for him to spank you when over the intercom the pilot announced that all passengers needed to return to their seats. Sighing loudly you spun back around to face him. “I guess we will have to finish this a little later,” he winked.
“Why does everyone have to ruin a fun time,” you pouted.
“Oh darling, if you thought that was fun…. wait 'til we get to the hotel,” he whispered, kissing your forehead. He reached for your hand to lead you back to your seats. Even after what had just happened, George managed to look completely composed compared to you, your hair splayed everywhere, your face bright red. He loved it though. “You’re so hot when you're deprived,” he said, kissing you lightly and resting his hand on your thigh for the remainder of the flight.
Saying your hotel room was huge was an understatement. There was a king-sized bed, a balcony with a view, and a huge bathtub. You were standing in the doorway to the bathroom soaking in its luxury when you felt George’s hands wrap around your waist. Leaning back on him, he lowered his head to your shoulder. “What’s on your mind, love,” he questioned softly.
“Just admiring,” you replied.
“You know what I admire?” He spoke softly, his hands slowly dropping towards your ass. “You, naked.” He spun you around to face him, slowly bringing his hands up to your face to cradle it as he kissed you sweetly. He broke away slowly and walked swiftly to the white soaking tub and turned the knobs beginning to fill it with warm water. You leaned against the door frame again, staring at him in admiration. “What are you looking at?” He quizzed smoothly.
“Just you,” you replied slowly.
“Is that so? Well, darling, what do you think about finishing what we started?”
Your knees felt weak with that statement, but you pushed through and walked towards him. He met you halfway and you put your hands on his chest. “I would love nothing more.” You looked up at him waiting for his next move. You saw a smile spread across his lips.
“I don’t think you’ll be needing this,” he whispered, reaching down to the hem of your shirt and slowly pulling it off of you. “Your tits are beautiful,” he mumbled as he leaned to lick your nipples. His hand cupped your breast forcefully, groaning against your body as he slowly walked you back to the wall. You draped your arms around his shoulders as his hands roamed your body, coming to a stop just below your upper thigh to lift you off the ground. Your legs wrapped around his hips while one hand found its way up his neck and into his hair. His lips made their way from yours to place a series of lingering kisses on your neck and collarbone, eliciting a moan to escape your lips. He paused at the sound, a cheeky grin creeping across his face. “Finally” he breathed, the vibration from his voice tickling your skin.
You rolled your eyes at his remark, crashing your lips onto his. He pulled back roughly. “You know what happens when you roll your eyes at me, sweetheart.” He set you down gently, bringing his hands up to your throat. “You know I don’t like it when you mock me,” he growled, spinning you around harshly to forcefully press you against the wall. “You’ll pay for that,” he groaned. A moan forcefully makes its way to your lips.
He pulls down your sweats quickly bringing your panties with them, allowing him finally to smack your bare ass roughly. “That is for disrespecting me,” he said darkly. His hands roughly found the front of your hips, sliding down your mound, teasing your heat. He grunted, picking you up forcefully and bringing you to the filled bathtub. He placed you in the warm soapy water gently. He towered over you in the tub. His blue eyes never break contact with yours as he quickly undressed and climbed in with you. Thoughts of what such a man could do to you right now were flying through your brain. He reached for you and pulled you on top of him.
“What’s next,” you questioned. Running your hands down his torso towards his erect member. Slowly wrapping your hand around it, causing George's eyes to close. You slowly pumped him, causing his hands to fly to your hips. You began kissing his neck sucking softly in some places. “What do you want?” You whispered to him. He grumbled lowly, pulling you to your knees as he lowered himself lower into the tub. You took the hint. Grabbing onto his shoulders to lower yourself on to him.
“How did I get so lucky?” He muttered as he flowered kisses on your collarbones. He gripped your hips harder, lining you up, and helping you lower yourself on to him. You could feel the pressure of him beginning to fill you up and moaned as he slammed you the rest of the way on to him. “Oh fuck,” you cried, adjusting to him inside.
“Too much, sweetheart?” He asked darkly, helping you establish a pace.
“No, I love it,” you moaned, your hands pressed firmly to his chest to steady yourself. Bringing yourself to the pace he had guided you to, you could feel his veins popping. You knew the tease from earlier was going to make this quicker than you wanted it to be. He gripped your ass hard letting a dark moan escape his parted lips. His eyes locked on yours as your face contorted with pleasure. The water splashed against the both of you in waves as you were both reaching your ending way too soon.
“Don’t stop,” he encouraged you as your grip on his shoulders became firmer. You could feel your heat building. Your core tightened as you cried out in pleasure. You were so close to your high and you could feel he was too.
“Not so fast,” he muttered as he grabbed your hips and spun so you were now on the bottom. He pressed into you hard making you squirm. He quickened his pace to an almost unbearable speed.
“Fuck me, George,” you screamed out. The water muffling your cries only slightly. He slammed into you, wrapping one hand firmly around your throat. He squeezed harder as his high came quickly. He had you at the perfect position to continuously hit your sensitive spot making your pleasure come dangerously fast. He squeezed your throat so hard as you both screamed out your highs, riding them out in tandem.
“Am I part of your club now?” you breathlessly asked.
“Sweetheart, you wish, but that includes what I’ll be doing to you on the way home,” he winked at you, standing to grab a towel for the both of you and reaching his hand out to help you out. He slowly bent down to sweep your wrapped body up into his arms and carry you to bed.
“I’m so glad you’re mine,” he whispers as he placed a kiss on your forehead, pulling the blankets over your half-asleep body. He climbed in next to you, wrapping his arm around your torso, allowing you to drift off to dreams that would never measure up to the man you had sleeping next to you.
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zhrx · 5 years
Stormy Weather 2 Content
Beware of the spoiler hunnies
Okay, here's my thought about the episode that no one actually need
First off, the flashbacks. Yass the fweaking flashbacks. Many people think that it kinda useless, cause yeah we rewatch the episode while we wait the new ones, but i guess it kinda, idk, need?? Like here we see how improved they are from the first season, and then their own thought about those memories. But really, i love the djwifi scene (like all of 'em plus Cesaire sisters like how cute is thiss Nino hanging out with her girlfriend's family UGH SO CUTE) and then Nathalie part and ofcourse our oblivious Adrien She's-just-a-friend-who-likes-fashion-there's-no-possible-way-she's-in-love-with-me Agreste part.
Oh, and then the Marinette part at the end. I just thought it was foreshadowing things she do in The Bubbler episode. Like how the book are the same color as the wrapping paper in Adrien's gift? Or like the fact that she ACTUALLY write notes? It kinda gives me hope that they are actually an episode wHEre Adrien finally knows that the scarf is from Marinette, but, yeah just hoping here.
And Nathalie part? Ugh idk that i actually need to hear her thoughts until know. Like, she is sacrificing herself for the Agreste Family FFS GOD HELP ME. And the scene where she is coughing until she's on her knees?? What the heck is that? She really is sick just because that one time she becomes Mayura? Oh God srsly at this rate how am i able to do things at school and not daydreaming about ML??
Finally folks, the Adrien part. The part, where my hopes soar in the sky and suddenly the lightning struck it and crush it and buried it deep within the ocean. He, who almost, i repeat, almost crack the codes and decided "meh, she's just a friend, who likes fashion so much, like there are nooo possible way she's in love with me."
"And then there's Luka" cue to Frozer Lukanette's scene, and the scene i mean, the SCENE we still screaming at with the bubbly background plus the romantics soundtrack. So he actually see that? Like, he seeing what we are seeing. He knows that there are something going on between his "friend" Marinette and Luka. And the way he told Plagg about Luka? He sounds, idk, conflicted? Confused? I mean, is that jealous? I really dont think it was jealous.
As Chat Noir he knows that he loves ladybug and get jealous with another guy beacuse hey, she's my partner, ofc she's mine (season 1 Chat Noir)
But as Adrien? He's like, "okay she's just your friend. No matter how much you conflicted about this, your feelings doesn't matter because what? Hey, we're just friends! And friends doesn't DO these kind of things. Beside she's happy, so does it matter?" And cue to he DENIAL-ING(?) her feelings again. And yeah actually of course he thinks like that, because before of that Nathalie tells him that "this is from your FRIEND Marinette" and Marinette's note "love your FRIEND, Marientte". Like subconsciously remind him that she's just a friend.
Anyway anywho, generally i kinda like this episode. But i think this episode works if we are actually on a break and don't watch or marathon miraculous (which by the way, i do) and just a friendly reminder episode that things are change by a bit. Not entirely, but there are changes.
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hoesheez · 7 years
Definitely spur of the moment, like he sees you, and just HAS to have you. He’d be watching you silently from across the room, waiting for the others to leave…
So he could pounce
He keeps his composure though, and waits until the two of you are alone Without any hesitation, he starts to kiss you, lightly at first, on your cheek, neck and ear. Then his kisses would get soooooo passionate, omg He’d assert his dominance for sure, taking your hands and pinning them against the wall behind you. Dont underestimate his size cause I bet he’s strong asf, that little bastard His tongue would push against yours roughly, all of his need pouring into the kiss.
He’d love to tease, too.
He’d suck on your tongue a little, and bite your lip hard as you parted for air. He’d smile into the kiss A LOT too, loving the way you move your body against his. He loves making you come undone. That’s one of his kinks, to see how you react to his every touch. He’d be slow with it, taking his time with his tongue, trailing a stripe down to your collar bone. He didn’t like to mark you too much, definitely not where people could see. He’d be soft at first, his hands would massage your thighs softly, then as his need grew, he’d dig his nails into your skin. He’d want you on top, so he could look up at the faces you made while he was inside of you. He’d sound so sweet too, his gasps for air would be the softest thing you’d ever hear. He would thrust into you slowly, testing the different reactions you made Not one for much dirty talk, but he’d love to hear you curse and moan his name. Definitely a “Say my name.” kind of guy. As you rode him, he’d slap your ass a few times, and then gently soothe it after.
Lots of hard sucking and gentle nibbles, while he hits your spot over and over again. Like I said before, super into orgasm denial. Imagine, this fucker rubbing your clit mercilessly as he’s buried deep inside of you, and just as you were about to climax, the tension building up, he stops and tells you to get on your knees.
fuck you Jihoon He would make you take his cock in your mouth, tangle his hands in your hair, and fuck your mouth. Sometimes his plan would backfire and he’d end up cumming in your mouth, apologizing as he watched you swallow his seed. “Sorry, your just too good at that.” He’d bring you up, gently by the hand and hover over your throbbing heat with his mouth, he’d finish you off with his tongue. If he managed to keep it together though, you’d be in for a real treat. Just as you came down from your peak from him rubbing you, and he pulled you from his still hard dick, he’d fill you up again from behind. He’d massages the skin of your ass slapping harder this time. “What’s my name baby?” You’d scream out his name as he continued his deep thrusts, taking your breasts and squeezing them. He’d be pounding into you roughly, the noises of your sex filling the room, his soft moans filling your ears as he moved on top of you He pulled you up to him, your back pressed against his chest, his hand making its way to your clit, yet again. Biting your earlobe, he’d make you come two more times. With your last yelp of his name sending him over the edge, he’d buck his hips into you once more, filling you, or the condom. He’s panting, more talkative now, showering you with affection. I think he’d want to sit, still inside you for a while, moving his hands over your body, massaging any spots where he was too rough. “I still can’t believe how well you take me.”
His voice would be deep and hoarse as he spoke. He’d kiss your neck, making sure not to leave any marks where people could see them. Afterwards, he’d finally pull out, taking care to be gentle with you.
He would only ever show his soft side to you, so he’d take the time to make sure you felt good, and that he didn’t hurt you too much during.
All in all, sex with Woozi would be awesome. Like, I really think he knows too much and is hiding behind his cuteness. Definitely a lil’ fweak. But, that’s just my opinion. =]
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airesmars · 4 years
hey u fweak ... alpha to alpha .... i love u so much
🥺🥺🥺 this was so unexpected and cute I love u
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ditch-witches · 4 years
Sucker (Dean-Charles Chapman Smut)
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I am not worthy of the artwork provided by our girls. Thank you so very much for the moodboard, @iongaa​; a piece of godly work as always. And our darling, LB, for a breaker Gogh would giggle at. Show their accounts some love. They deserve it.
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pairing: 50s!Dean-Charles Chapman x reader
warnings: a blowjob. take it or leave it.
word count: 1,180
a/n: Omg I love writing AUs, I'm so sorry no one asked for it... unless someone wants to request more AUs... lol I'm kidding... unless.... plus, just putting it out there, the power team be cranking out these smuts for ya fweaks. 
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You flipped the page of the magazine as you read about the latest Simplicity trends before huffing in boredom and stuffing the booklet into Dean's glove box. His car bounced down a country road, him oblivious to your frustration. It was 1958 and seemingly one of the hottest summers you had ever experienced in your opinion. The heat had done nothing but ruin your best dresses and relaxation with its sticky mugginess. The only good thing about the wretched summer was spending time with your sweetheart and he refused to let your wishes for the summer go ungranted.
The wind whipped through the open windows, providing some relief as Dean pushed further on the gas pedal, noticing your head tipped back against the seat. Anyone around your ages would have been wrapped up together on a day like this, but considering the short time span you had been together, Dean refused to speed things along with you.
As you dug back into the glove box looking for a roadmap or something to keep you busy as the two of you cruised around, your eye caught on an item you'd have to thank his sister for later. A red lollipop wrapped in its manufacturing plastic glistened up at you and your mind sparked as you fought against eyeballing Dean. You unwrapped the sucker and popped it into your mouth, the taste of strawberry sweet against your tongue. You slid across the bench seat to settle against Dean's side. He moved his arm to wrap around the back of your seat, flashing a grin in your direction, his eyes settling on the stick your lips were tugging around. He turned back to the road momentarily, turning up the radio.
You moved one of your hands to rest on his knee and gave it a small squeeze, bringing him closer to your side as you removed the lollipop from your mouth only to catch his eye and put it back in your mouth slowly. You sat up to pull your hair back with a ribbon, getting it away from your face and off your warm neck. You were thankful you had gone for the shorts your mother hated, your bare legs seemed to be unspoken kryptonite for the boy before you as his eyes darted from them to your exposed neck to your lips and then back through the windshield. He knew what you were up to.
"Eyes on the road, Chapman," you jeered, your hand moving to his upper thigh now, dangerously close to where he seemed to increasingly want you the most. He chuckled lowly, his arm around you dropping so his hand could rest on your shoulder, brushing his fingers against your skin, running underneath your shirt sleeve. You turned the radio up more, swirling the candy in your mouth under his watchful eye. You were thankful for Connie Francis keeping your rhythm going as your hand ran up and down his thigh until Dean shifted in his seat slightly. You came to a stoplight and you turned to Dean, removing the sucker from between your lips and placing it between his teeth, your hand reaching forward to palm him through his jeans. He moaned, a noise that you had yet to hear from him before today, only egging you on with your actions. You pressed a kiss to the side of his jaw before hovering over his ear. "Don't bite down. I'll want that when I'm done," you uttered, your playful eyes then meeting with his as he perked an eyebrow in your direction. The light turned green and he continued to attempt driving at a steady pace as you began to experiment.
He slid forward slightly as you slowly unbuckled his jeans, earning a groan from him. You fumbled with the zipper trying to not seem too eager about what you already had planned to do to him. With his pants undone, you shifted so that your knees were resting on the leather, thankful for the deserted road up ahead. He removed his hand from the steering wheel momentarily, helping you free him from his cloth cage. You gasped at the sight of him. "Oh, Dean," you whispered, leaning down, your hands resting on his knee to take him in slowly.
"Sweetheart, you don't have to do this," he spoke deeply.
"I know, I want to. You're getting me all hot and bothered now," you whispered to his member more than to him. You grasped the base of him softly as you leaned down to put your lips around him. You begin to slide your mouth up and down, drawing out a light moan from his lips. You could feel yourself getting aroused already yet the fun had just begun. You ran your tongue up and down him slowly, giving you a slick grip to pump him with. Starting slow you ran your hand up and down his slippery cock feeling his veins beginning to bulge. His eyes darted from you to the road as he attempted to keep the car trudging in a straight line. You placed your lips back around him, pumping and sucking him hard with hollowed cheeks. His hips bucked against your mouth, causing you to take in more of him than you were ready for and a slight choke to escape you. You found it in you to take in all of him, making guttural sounds as he moaned and tried to beg you for a faster pace. Complying you used your hands and your mouth to stroke him almost begging him to cum. He was trying hard to fight the need to clench his jaw as he was thrusting into your throat teasing himself to his high. You pulled back sticking your tongue out and slapping his cock against it uttering, "You like that?"
He moaned in response as you went back to sucking him hard. You knew he was close to his high. You let him thrust into you a few more times, taking him in fully fighting back the tears that were coming from the force. "Oh, fuck" he moaned and you were ready to take everything he had to give you. His hot sticky cum spraying the back of your through tasted better than you thought it would. Or maybe it was from the candy beforehand? Sitting back up to wipe him off your mouth you grabbed the stick of the lollipop and pulled it out of his mouth to plop it back into yours. He lifted off the seat to readjust and zip back up.
"Thanks for holding this," you spoke, your tongue which had just been figure skating around his cock now preoccupied with the candy.
"Thanks for letting me hold it," he said breathlessly, swiping a hand through his hair and taking the cigarette from behind his ear between his lips.
"So, when's my turn," you giggled, quipping an eyebrow in his direction as he lit the cigarette, taking a long draw and sighing into the smoke.
"Fuck it," he said pulling off into a field.
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