#i need to get better at photographing my stuff
p-redux · 22 hours
My conclusions after researching Lauren Marie, the woman photographed holding hands with Sam Heughan in London on May 29, 2024. And my opinions on the whole situation. Also, some stuff regarding Sam and Sarah Holden. With a little Chloe Montana thrown in...
As per usual, this is gonna be a LONG one. You know what to do...put up your feet, grab a beverage, and dive right in.
But first, for those who need a refresher, here's my previous post on Lauren Marie and Sam Heughan. 👇
Okay, now onto the assertion by many, that Lauren Marie seen with Sam in London is an escort. First, let's clarify what that means. An escort is not necessarily a prostitute. A prostitute offers sex in exchange for money. An escort may or may not offer sex. But their main role is to accompany rich men to dinners, events, or travel with them. I know what you're thinking...why would a man pay a woman to basically be his date and not also get sex out of it? Men are dumb sometimes, what can I tell you. You can bet your bottom dollar that if I'm gonna PAY some hot dude for his company, he better be doing more than taking me out to dinner. Much more. Mind bogglingly, MANY, MANY, MANY men are literally okay with shelling out thousands of dollars just to have a beautiful, sexy woman on their arm. Some like to take on the role of Sugar Daddy and they lavish their Sugar Baby with gifts, condos, etc., for the pleasure of their dinner or travel company. Don't ask me how I know so much about this. Let's just say I had to do some research for it related to one of my work projects. I've interviewed men who are Sugar Daddies and women who are Sugar Babies. But I digress...
Onto Sam's Lauren Marie (I'm gonna call her that to make it easier to identify her in this post). If you Google "Lauren Marie escort," you get a few escort websites. The first one that pops up is xlamma. So, the picture on the account looks like it could be Sam's Lauren Marie. Keep note of the phone number and her tattoo. 👇
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Here is another escort site with same name, similar info, same phone number, two new pics, and the same one from the other website. Again, same phone number, same tattoo. And now we see another tattoo on her other arm. 👇
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Here's a 3rd escort website with two of the same pics from the other websites, plus a new one. Both tattoos match again. Same phone number as the other two websites. This woman is in Fort Lauderdale Florida. 👇
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Here is a 4th escort website with the SAME phone number. And the woman in one of the pics has the SAME shoulder tattoo as in some of the previous websites. But this one is a totally different city and state--Detroit, Michigan. 👇
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Why am I pointing out the tattoos? Because the escort's tattoos DO NOT match Sam's Lauren Marie's tattoos. 👇 The woman on the left has a huge tattoo on her right upper arm, Sam's Lauren Marie does NOT.
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Here's more. Before you look at both pics, keep in mind that both pics are SELFIES looking in the mirror. Mirrors show reverse images of everything. What look like tattoos on their left arms, are actually tattoos on their right arms. The woman on the left has a single tattoo on her lower right wrist. She is the one on the escort website. The woman on the right is Sam's Lauren Marie. She has 3 tattoos on her right arm. Two on her lower right wrist and one that is some writing on her inner upper right arm. The woman on the left has no writing on her inner upper right arm. 👇
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Below, is the same escort selfie pic in a mirror, showing one tattoo on her lower right arm. And Sam's Lauren Marie taking a selfie video, showing her lower right arm with TWO colorful tattoos.
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In conclusion, the Lauren Marie on escort sites does not seem to be the Lauren Marie that was seen holding hands with Sam Heughan in London on May 29, 2024.
Since I was deep into my research, I decided to actually CALL the number that was on the escort websites. The things I do for you guys. 👇
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Guess who answered? NO ONE. I got the automated message "the number you have reached has been disconnected or is no longer in service." So, that means there's no chance of Sam...or any other man contacted escort "Lauren Marie," that way.
So, since I know about this subject. Again, don't ask how. By and large, the pictures on escort sites are FAKE. Rich, old dude, who's not getting his willy wet at home decides to hire an escort for some company and willy wetting, and 99.9% of the time, he ain't getting the bodacious babe that's in the ad. Oh, there will be a woman behind the door when he comes a knocking, and she will be semi attractive and very attentive, but it won't be the one in the picture. Only if the man is very picky or not super desperate, will he turn her down, most men, will be "Okay, fine, you'll do." The people running these operations know this. That's why they employ the old "bait and switch" technique. It works out fine most of the time. Now you know.
Having said that, WHO is Sam's London Lauren Marie? We've all already seen her Instagram account. 👇 ALL are pics of her looking sexy and glammed up, galivanting all over the world. She's posted from Los Angeles, to New York, to Dubai, to South Africa, to Brazil and many other places. Yet, she doesn't post what she does for a living in her bio. No links to businesses, no company endorsements, not even Only Fans.
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But she's clearly traveling and having a great time on a consistent basis. Here's her gay best friend saying they travel the world together. 👇
He has a bunch of other Tik Tok videos showing them traveling together. There's one where he posts they "finessed," a month in Paris. Unless the dudes hiring are into some kinky "busty babe with her gay best friend" threesome, I find it odd that she would be an international escort with her gay bff in tow. Some women do travel with a "bodyguard" of sorts, basically a beefy guy who can extricate them from precarious situations, but this guy is definitely not the "bodyguard" type. Anyway, she doesn't always travel with him.
Here she is on her own Tik Tok account, trying to forge a path as an influencer. 👇
She also hangs out and goes to events with other sexy models like Corrie Yee, who she was mistaken for initially. They attended the BabesInToyland charity event. Click on the video to watch it. 👇
So far, the impression I got was that she was doing what MANY young women do who count on their looks and sex appeal to get them ahead, she was trying to capitalize on that. There is such a huge market for it and there is a broad spectrum on how that capitalizing can occur. You an interpret that as you wish. I didn't really think anything negative about her. Just another sexy wannabe. That was until, I watched the video below. Yikes. Don't get me wrong, I'm no saint, and I love copious f-bombs, but in this video she and her friends drop f-bombs and "bitch" like it's their JOB. It's SO CRINGE. Watch at your own risk. 👇
In summary, do I think Sam's choice of Lauren Marie was the best choice? No. Lots of other sexy bimbettes he could be hooking up with who don't sound like truck drivers. In fact, all the other women we know he's dated or hooked up with, even the ones that verged on bimbette, haven't acted this way. I'm a very tolerant person, but if I'm honest, even I was "what the hell, Sam?" Ironic, I know, I know.
Here are my opinions and my take on this. OMG, I'm SO tired you guys. Again, I must really love you. Okay, here we go.
Do I think Sam pays for escorts? ABSOLUTELY NOT. He doesn't have to. He has women teen, young adult, adult, middle-aged, grandma aged, one foot in the gravers, ALL kinds of women, lining up for him. And that's just fans hahaha. Besides fans, his social media DM's are FULL. I know this for a fact. Sources, people, sources. And we know he's on the celebrity dating app, Raya. Anytime he wants to have a no-strings-attached hook up or fling, all he has to do is go through his virtual Rolodex (the youngens will have to Google that reference) and boom, he can meet up with a woman. Some will say, "but the reason men go to prostitutes or escorts is because they want to be able to walk away, no expectations, and no one spilling their secrets." Yes, but celebrities are different. They know thousands of women are ready and willing to sleep with them for FREE and they will keep their mouths shut. I know we sometimes hear stories of celebrity hook ups, but think about HOW MANY we don't hear about it. That's because the women either want to keep sleeping with the celeb and/or they don't want to get sued, etc. Sam Roland Heughan, at age 44, still handsome as hell, in amazing shape, charming as all get out, does not at this point in time in his life have the need to hire an escort. To quote an old, semi-offensive classic song by Dire Straits, "money for nothing, and your chicks for free."
Do I think Sam meets women on the exclusive, celebrity dating app, Raya and has hooks up that way? ABSOLUTELY YES. And that's HOW I believe he met Lauren Marie. This is just my speculating, but I imagine she got herself an invite to be on Raya and then she meets rich, famous men there. She gets to travel and be pampered that way. And hey, many women are dating and having sex with non famous, non rich guys, why not try your luck with the rich and famous ones. So, I think either Sam contacted Lauren Marie or vice versa on Raya, and they agreed to meet up, and obviously more.
Do I think the pics in London of Sam and Lauren Marie were a staged pap walk? A PR set up by Sam and/or his team? NOPE. No way in hell. Sam is still doing very well, he is still visible, Outlander hasn't ended, and all his business and charity endeavors are super promoted. He doesn't need any pap walks. BUT, IF he did, they would be for GOOD PR. Being seen with Lauren Marie was BAD PR. And he has a very experienced team who would never pull a stunt like that. A true pap walk would have involved a known or semi known actress, model, not a woman no one knows and one that could or could not have a shady history. It also doesn't involve the subjects looking down, looking miserable. If it was a pap walk, they would have been smiling, preening for the camera. Also, I was just reminded that after the pics with Lauren Marie went viral, Sam turned off tags on his IG account. You don't do that if the intent was for PR.
So, then why the hand holding you ask? If it was "just a fling," why are they holding hands? I wondered that too. My guess is that they must have had a great time together and were fine being affectionate with each other in public. OR, this was not the first time they've met up. This is just the only time they've been photographed. I'm sure Sam has had other hook ups that the paps didn't get wind of with her and with other women.
Who called the paps? Definitely NOT Sam. Again, this is not good PR for him, and he definitely knows that. And I actually don't think she did either, or else she would have looked happier. But I guess, it's still possible it was her. This IS good PR for her. An unknown being seen with a hot, famous actor? Guess, what? Now her pics are all over social media and celeb news outlets. Here we are talking about her. If it wasn't her though, then as is the case many times, someone at the hotel, or a restaurant, or shop recognized Sam and called the paps. It happens ALL THE TIME.
Regardless, I am not the person to turn to if you want to shame Sam or Lauren Marie about their choices. I think all sex is good, as long as it's between consenting adults. Obviously, these are two adults consenting to be together in whatever manner they deem fit. I don't see anything wrong with it. If you do, that's your right, but please try to be civil about it on my blog.
What about Sam and Sarah Holden "didn't you say you had proof they were dating?!" I never said I had "proof," I said I KNEW 100% they were dating. And that still holds true. I know for sure Sam and Sarah were dating before May 29 through two direct insider sources I know and trust. Apart from that, two people who claimed to have info from Sarah's camp also confirmed it. But those two people I don't know and can't vet completely, so I took what they told me with a grain of salt. Regardless, I completely trust the other two people whose identities I know. And they both confirmed #samarah. And remember, it's not just me confirming it...there is proof they vacationed in the Canary Islands together, there is proof Sam was cheering on Sarah at Hyrox, Glasgow and he didn't compete. And there is proof that Sam didn't compet and was cheering on Sarah at Hyrox, London, holding her purse, and eating at an outdoor restaurant with her. There's not disputing that and Hyrox London wasn't that long ago. So, we have independent proof and I have my identifiable trusted sources who confirmed #samarah to me. Now, the thing is I was not told whether they were dating exclusively. So, the Lauren Marie London thing could have happened because Sam and Sarah are not in an exclusive relationship. OR they broke up after being in London together for Hyrox, and Sam felt like drowning his sorrows in something brunette. Sarah will be at Hyrox World in France next week. If Sam shows up, then that may give us a clue. Also, if we see Sam with Lauren Marie again, then we'll know she wasn't the one who called the paps. If we don't see her again, then we'll know she did or Sam thinks she did.
In summary, I don't believe Sam's Lauren Marie is on the escort sites shown. I do think she probably has some "arrangements" with certain wealthy men she knows, and that's how she travels the world. Unless, someone can show me other business ventures she has. I do believe she and Sam met on Raya. Sam had no idea who she is. Just a sexy woman he found attractive and wanted to hook up with. He didn't Google her, like we did. And there was no pap walk from his team. They would FOR SURE have Googled her and vetted her. Lauren Marie may have called the paps. If not, hotel, restaurant, or shop did. I knew with 100% certainty Sam and Sarah were dating. Didn't know if it was exclusive or not. I'm not sure if Sam and Sarah are still together. But, even if they were not dating exclusively, seeing those pics of Sam holding hands with Lauren Marie had to sting a little. It's one thing to know the man you're dating is dating other women, it's quite another to SEE it. I'm sure I forgot something. Let me know if you have any questions. I'm exhausted.
In other news, past rumored date, Chloé Montana poked her head into the conversation and posted a Jamie Fraser reference in her IG stories hahaha! The screenshot on the left is from a clip of the Bravo show The Valley. One of the men on the show dressed up as Jamie Fraser. Why he's wearing a black wig and not red, I'll never know. And on the right is the Jamie Fraser/Sam Heughan reference. I'm still cackling over it. Gotta love Chloé's sense of humor. 👇
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PS. I know you all have LOTS of feelings and opinions about all this. I simply ask that you are respectful of Sam and Lauren Marie. They're both human beings living their lives, they're not out killing puppies, let's all take a deep breath. None of us know them personally. They haven't DONE anything TO us. If you want to badmouth Sam or Lauren Marie, there are plenty of blogs wanting to take you under their wing. If you want to continue engaging with my blog, I ask that you be civil. The only people I'm not civil with are haters who have made my life hell, namely Extreme Shippers and ex-Extreme Shippers. And people who are annoying assholes. Everyone else, I'm nice to. You be nice to me, I'll be nice to you. Simple.
I'm off to shower and then take a nap. Love you guys!
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not-actually-human · 11 months
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a piece i did on transmasc and transfem solidarity :] its done in alcohol marker
click for better quality
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blumineck · 8 months
Hey, artists of tumblr (and general nerds), it's me, the archery guy! The one with the pole, you know, this one:
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(I'm the human in there, not the animated characters)
ANYWAY, I need your help!
I know some of y'all are using my posts as art references (and that's GREAT! I love that!) And I want to maybe look into creating a better resource for artists, like a pose reference bank or something like that, but I don't know where to start?
So tell me: where do you go for your art refs? Are there specific photographers/pose banks I should get in touch with? Or if not, where would you recommend I start uploading my own? Patreon? OF (it doesn't HAVE to be porn you know)? A secret third option?
Let me know!
P.S. Here's some stuff that was lying around on my phone as tribute:
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vetyr · 2 months
hi, i ireally love your work and i don't know if you've answered this before but, what kinds of studies do you do or how did you learn color theory? i wanna get better at rendering and anatomy but im having trouble TT TT
Hi! Long answer alert. Once a chatterbox, always a chatterbox.
When I started actively learning how to draw about 10 1/2 years ago, I exclusively did graphite studies in sketchbooks. Here's a few examples—I mostly stuck to doing line drawings to drill basic shapes/contours and proportions into my brain. The more rendered sketches helped me practice edge control & basic values, and they were REALLY good for learning the actual 3D structure behind what I was drawing.
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I'd use reference images that I grabbed from fitness forums, Instagram, Tumblr, Pinterest, and some NSFW places, but you could find adequate ref material from figure drawing sites like Line of Action. LoA has refs for people (you can filter by clothed/unclothed, age, & gender), animals, expressions, hands/feet, and a few other useful things as well. Love them.
Learning how to render digitally was a similar story; it helped a lot that I had a pretty strong foundation for value/anatomy going in. I basically didn't touch color at all for ~2 years (except for a few attempts at bad digital or acrylic paint studies), which may not have been the best idea. I learned color from a lot of trial and error, honestly, and I'm pretty sure this process involved a lot of imitation—there were a number of digital/traditional painters whose styles I really wanted to emulate (notably their edge control, color choices, value distributions, and shape design), so I kiiind of did a mixture of that + my own experimentation.
For example, I really found Benjamin Björklund's style appealing, especially his softened/lost edges & vibrant pops of saturated color, so here's a study I did from some photograph that I'm *pretty* sure was painted with him in mind.
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Learning how to detail was definitely a slow process, and like all the aforementioned things (anatomy/color/edge control/values/etc.) I'm still figuring it out. Focusing on edge control first (that is, deciding on where to place hard/soft edges for emphasizing/de-emphasizing certain areas of the image) is super useful, because you can honestly fool a viewer into thinking there's more detail in a piece than there actually is if you're very economical about where you place your hard edges.
The most important part, to me, is probably just doing this stuff over and over again. You're likely not going to see improvement in a few weeks or even a few months, so don't fret about not getting the exact results you want and just keep studying + making art. I like to think about learning art as a process where you *need* to fail and make crappy art/studies—there's literally no way around it—so you might as well fail right now. See, by making bad art you're actually moving forward—isn't that a fun prospect!!
It's useful to have a folder with art you admire, especially if you can dissect the pieces and understand why you like them so much. You can study those aspects (like, you can redraw or repaint that person's work) and break down whether this is art that you just like to look at, or if it's the kind of art that you want to *make.* There's a LOT of art out there that I love looking at, probably tens of thousands of styles/mediums, but there's a very narrow range that I want to make myself.
I've mentioned it in some ask reply in the past, but I really do think looking at other artist's work is such a cheat code for improving your own skills—the other artist does the work to filter reality/ideas for you, and this sort of allows you to contact the subject matter more directly. I can think of so many examples where an artist I admired exaggerated, like, the way sunlight rested on a face and created that orange fringe around its edge, or the greys/dull blues in a wheat field, or the bright indigo in a cast shadow, or the red along the outside of a person's eye, and it just clicked for me that this was a very available & observable aspect of reality, which had up until that point gone completely unnoticed! If you're really perceptive about the art you look at, it's shocking how much it can teach you about how to see the world (in this particular case I mean this literally, in that the art I looked at fully changed the way I visually processed the world, but of course it has had a strong effect on my worldviews/relationships/beliefs).
Thanks so much for sending in a question (& for reading, if you got this far)! I read every single ask I receive, including the kind words & compliments, which I genuinely always appreciate. Best of luck with learning, my friend :)
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princessbrunette · 6 months
okay but branching off of my last innocent reader anon.. imagine jj realizing innocent!reader has an oral fixation - 🍓
he’d know as soon as he catches on to your addiction to ice popsicles and ice cream, constantly having the wooden stick of one pinched between your fingers, staring off into space, absentmindedly licking and sucking away. you preferred not to get involved in the debates and arguments between the pogues anyway, just happy to sit there enjoying your icy treat and zoning out. he found it pretty cute.
it was constant though, the sound of your little licks and swallows second nature to him by this point. he’d even purchased a few for you himself when noticing you in a sour or worrisome mood, instantly lifting your expression once you got your mouth around something.
he found himself staring often. for someone so innocent, you sure looked like you knew what you were doing. it was obscene at times, his eyes honing in on the way your lips wrap around the popsicle, some of that cold flavoured syrup running down your wrist, or your chin and eventually the swell of your chest poking from your bikini. you barely even noticed, swirling your tongue around the length of it. if you weren’t so naive he’d swear you were doing it on purpose.
it was one evening sat on the porch with him, head leaning against his chest as the two of you watch the sunset slowly melt into the water that stretched out for miles. you’re sucking away on your popsicle, breathing slow and calm as you lap up the dripping liquid. he’s watching you, unabashedly, but you don’t seem to notice or care.
“think im gonna have to cut you off from these things. dental work is expensive, y’know — these things are gonna fuck with your teeth.” he tsks and you shrug sleepily.
“worth it.” you hum, and he continues to stare.
“i can find you other stuff. if you need to just keep something in your mouth at all times there’s solutions to that.”
“like what?” you turn a little, blinking at him innocently. he stares at your mouth, low lidded with a twinkle of amusement in his gaze and pinches the wooden stick with his own fingers, taking control of your grasp on it. he swipes the tip of the cold icy treat over your lips, making them all pretty and drippy before his own mouth opens a little, subconsciously encouraging you to open yours, letting the popsicle back in.
he almost feels guilty at how fast his cock starts stiffening in his shorts when you suck on it obediently, batting your lashes curiously up at him as he pushes the long icy popsicle further past your lips. he begins pulling it backwards and forwards and your brows furrow, a gentle hand flying up to hold his wrist as he does so. your cheeks are hollowing, poor thing — tongue in your mouth trying to lap up the syrup but he’s moving a little faster than you’d like. you let out a noise, close to a whimper mixed with a groan in frustration at this, and it only spurs the smirking blonde further, pushing the treat as far as you’ll let it— your eyes watering with a quiet gag.
he pulls the popsicle back out and you pant, a string of drool and syrup dangling from your bottom lip, a sight so vulgar he wished he could photograph it.
“jayj.” you swallow, lightly scolding him.
“y’know, i think i have something better for you. if you’ll let me.”
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vincentbriggs · 22 days
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Reasons my shirt tutorial is taking a very very very long time:
This is definitely going to be my longest video so far. I won't know how long until it's finished, but my current longest one is the patchwork dressing gown video at an hour and 13 minutes, and the script for this one is 13% longer than the script for that one. I'm staying on topic the entire time, but it turns out there's a lot to say about shirt construction. The good thing about making videos this painfully detailed is that practically nobody asks for clarification on anything, which saves a lot of time answering questions.
I'm also doing a written version of the tutorial, since I've been meaning to do a better version of my older blog post about it for a while. I've sewn a whole separate shirt for that because it's too hard to remember to film and photograph something at the same time, and I have to finish retyping 14k words of sewing information in a format that works better in a blog post.
My old Singer machine has forgotten how to sew slowly and might possibly be dying. It only goes fast, so I brought it to a repairman and waited for 4 weeks and paid $95 for him to look inside it and not find the problem and return it to me just as bad as it was before. Hooray. I have another vintage machine now, which I'm attempting to fix up myself. (Though the sewing part of the video is all filmed.)
Secret 4th thing that also took some time and effort, but which I won't post publicly until the video is done. (I did post some pictures on patreon though! My patreon is mostly for pterrible dinosaur drawings, but I have also started doing monthly updates on sewing video stuff.)
It's also pretty busy at my workplace this time of year, what with all the prom alterations, but that's ok! I just wanted to let people know that I am working on the shirt video, since I've been mentioning it occasionally for quite a while. It'll be done whenever it gets done and will be precisely as long as it needs to be, and I am not stressing about it!
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spookberry · 3 months
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Shadow High series 3 my new beloved
I didnt even like most of em until i saw them in person, but the knowledge that they'll probably never be in the show has my brain in a "well its free realestate" kinda mood
Random list of information cuz ive been plotting out friend dynamics and background lore
-i like to pretend Rainbow High/Shadow High are actually Rainbow University/Shadow University cuz im in art college Right Now and i think it makes more sense with the whole dorm room situation. And also major makes more sense than focus IMO
-I changed Pinkie's major from film to just undeclared. I think she eventually does land on Film. She just has a lot of interests! Her dream has always been to one day direct films, and I think she comes to love them even more while developing ideas her with the group as she winds up in a Director/Producer position for most of them. BUT also every time she takes a class in a different program she cant help but fall in love with that way of making art too. So she has a hard time picking for a while and changed her major a couple times before landing on Film.
-Pinkie and Berrie bond a lot over a shared interest in vocal synths (tho Berrie knows more about them than her).
-The two made Pinkie's vtuber model together!
-the fandom wiki says PJ is from germany?? Idk how canon that is tbh but ive decided to embrace it i guess
-Rooney's canon name is Scarlet Rose, but i thought it was kinda lame especially when Rosie Redwood is also in this line sooo I renamed her! Stuck to the color name puns tho. Mar Rooney. Maroon. Haha
-Speaking on her though i love that shes from texas and likes writing scifi mystery type stuff and that being said i just Know deep in my bones that she was a Voltron Legendary Defender fan and Keith was/is 100% her favorite. She has a continued fondness for mothman specifically cuz of this.
-PJ and Rooney actually talk about fandom and shows/movies ALL the time. They dont have a ton of overlapping interests, but where they do? The two literally never shut up.
-Rosie is such a random character, like outside of her design she feels very poorly considered. So I scrapped the cosmetology thing and made her an illustrator instead! I think it works better with her love of making art in nature. I can see her being really into illustrated guide books. I think shes a bit snooty when it comes to art too. It takes being friends with other artists to become more open minded.
-I like the idea that Rosie is mainly friends with Rooney and Berrie ontop of that. The three of them often tag team storylines and how theyd interpret them into different mediums. Rosie will draw up a bunch of concept stuff while Rooney writes up a pitch bible and Berrie will start making shit move and throwing in her own ideas on camera angles and character designs.
-as an animation major Berrie was required to take a sound design class early on, which is where she met Oliver! Hes very laid back, and likes to go with the flow, but functions a little like the "mom" of the group. Often reminding the girls to take breaks, drink water, stop looking at their screens lest they get eye strain etc. He's multi-talented tbh but Music is his one true passion and he likes how the girls are always giving him collaboration opportunities.
-Oliver and Rosie like to talk sports a lot, both having played a bunch when they were younger and throughout high school.
-Lavender Lynn is Oliver's number one "person who needs constant reminders to settle down" she is in a constant buzz of trying to get the best shots and is utterly obsessed with the process of artistic documentation. Everything must be documented.
-the whole school loves her for this actually, she has a whole side gig where other students hire her to help photograph their projects. She saves everything she earns from this for her future dream plans to visit paris. She has it set really, many of the artists who she helps photograph now will remain steadfast clients of hers forever onward.
-PJ and Lynn actually took a print media class together at one point. Which didnt at the time spark an everlasting friendship. But it did give PJ an easier in to ask for Lynn's help documenting a project the group was working on. One of Lynn's first times photographing them work happened to fall on a day where Rosie had planned to trick everyone into going on a nature walk sans devices... Lynn wound up really appreciating this outing and decided to continue hanging around the group even after that project had ended.
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slasherscream · 3 months
Wash Day
pairing:  jordan li x fem black!reader
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"You wanna go out to dinner tonight? Know I've been busy this week. Feel like I've barely seen you." Jordan mutters against the shell of your ear. You shiver as he gives the skin a teasing kiss.
Already you're pouting, knowing what your answer has to be even though you wish so desperately that you could give a different response. "Wish I could, Jordan. But my night is already spoken for."
You're spun around by a hand on your hip, playful and fast so that you can't stop yourself from falling into his chest. Your hands grip his jacket for balance, and he reaches up to hold one of them with his own. "You got plans? With who? Cate? Cancel them."
"Brat." You laugh.
How demanding Jordan is would be less cute if they ever asked you to do something they themselves wouldn't. As it stands, with the way they do anything you ask at the drop of a hat, all you can do is roll your eyes and pretend to be exasperated instead of smitten.
"Fine, don't cancel. I'll just come with." Jordan sighs, as if seeing his best friend is a great tragedy (Which it is. Cate being there means you'll smack Jordan's hand away when he tries to sneak it up your skirt at dinner.)
"What if we want a girls' night?" You shoot back, grinning.
Jordan shifts. The hands on your waist are smaller now, but pull you in closer, "You're the one who's feeling bratty. Really have been neglecting you this week, huh baby?" Jordan smirks, in that condescending way she does when she realizes you're trying to get a certain reaction out of her.
"The plans aren't with Cate, and they aren't cancellable." You sigh, deciding not to rise to the bait of her tone, smirk, or the little circles she's rubbing into your skin.
"What are these oh so important plans?" Jordan asks.
"Do you know how many white boys have complimented my hair today, Jordan?" You ask.
"Pardon?" Jordan blinks at what seems to be a completely unrelated topic.
"Six! Six white boys complimented my braids today. I'm about to kill myself, if we're being honest. I must looked fucked up, and you didn't even say anything." You pout.
You've been having a bit of a rough day, to say the least.
"You look beautiful. What are you talking about?" Jordan asks, confused but nonetheless, wanting to make you feel better. "If you didn't look good I'd very politely... have Cate tell you. But you look great! You've been getting compliments all day, you just said it yourself!"
"Wow, you'd throw Cate under the bus, huh coward?"
"Cate isn't interested in making out with you every spare second of the day. I am. You can be mad at her. I've got stuff I wanna do." Jordan's grin is downright salacious. You smack her arm, trying not to smile.
"Ah. You are operating under the same delusions of the white man. I see that now, I'll let go of the anger." You say, sighing and kissing Jordan on the cheek.
"First of all, don't you ever fucking insult me like that again.... Second of all, what particular delusion am I sharing with the white man?" Jordan asks.
"White men only compliment a black woman's hairstyle at two points in time. When it's brand spanking, fresh off the lot new. Or when it's started to look like shit. I've had these braids in for longer than... is your business. So guess which compliment I'm getting right now?"
"I fucking refuse to say your hair looks like shit, and this conversation feels like a trap. You're always beautiful to me." Jordan says.
"Thank you, baby. But we live on a campus where the diversity win photographers lurk around every corner trying to get pictures of 'The Diversity Win Couple' in our most natural state. I need to take out my braids tonight before I talk crazy in the group chat, and Andre sends me a 'this you?' pic that will devastate my argument." You shake your head somberly, already imagining the fate that lies before you.
"You could stop talking crazy in the group chat." Jordan teases.
"You know damn well I'm not capable of that."
The two of you burst into laughter, unable to keep it together. Jordan has always been obsessed with how easy it is for you to make them laugh.
"Is that gonna take up your whole night, though, baby? We don't have to go to dinner early! We'll go wherever you want." Jordan insists, tone bordering on begging.
Whenever they come out of a particularly busy week, they spend the next two weeks glued to you. As if to make up for it. The clinginess is a stark difference from how they acted before you made things official.
"Jordan, look at the braids on my head."
"I'm looking at them."
"Are you seeing them with your eyes?"
"Yes, and my eyes are sending the image to my brain, which I assure you is working. What's your point here, baby?"
"How long do you think it will take me to undo these, detangle my hair, wash it, deep condition it, and then wash it again?"
Jordan squints at you for a long moment, analyzing your hairstyle and the utter displeasure on your face. "I dunno? Maybe... four hours?"
"I should fucking murder you. Just for that, you're helping me with wash day now."
Jordan's face breaks into a grin like sunlight breaking through clouds, "So I do get to spend the day with you, is what you're saying?"
"Yeah, baby, you get to spend the day with me." You click your tongue at them. Pitying them for the ache in their fingers they're about to feel. They complain about curling their God damn hair a couple of times a week. You suspect you'll be ready to kill one another by hour two.
But you also missed them a lot. Or whatever.
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"Don't cut too high up, Jordie. " You whine, shifting his grip lower on your braid, to an acceptable cutting length of the hair extension.
"Baby... can I ask you a very serious question right now?" Jordan hums, obediently cutting where you instructed.
"What?" You ask, already starting to unbraid the piece.
"How... long... do you think your hair is?" Jordan, to be fair to him, does ask the question quietly and with the proper amount of hesitation.
"How dare you! Are you calling me bald?" You gasp, stifling a laugh.
"Don't do this to me. You are prolonging the process. We can cut these braids at least four inches higher than what we're doing right now." Jordan says, you can't see his face but you can tell he's also trying not to laugh. Bastard.
"My hair grew!"
"From the top of your head. It did not magically lower itself further into the fucking braid extension." Jordan loses the battle and laughs.
"Jordan Li do not fucking cut off any of my hair or I'll cry and then blow up this school."
"Of course, princess." Jordan kisses the top of your head and gives in to your terrorist demands because you're cute.
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"So how am I supposed to do it, baby?" Jordan claps her hands and you smile at how eager she sounds to help.
"You're gonna want to section it off. Do like... eight parts of hair. That'll make literally every step after this easier. Then you're gonna comb the hair from the bottom, 'kay?"
"Got it."
Jordan starts the process of parting your hair, careful and slow. Fingers sectioning off eight chunks of hair that she keeps apart with the silky hair ties you hand her over your shoulder.
"You sure you don't want me to comb it, Jordie?" You ask Jordan.
"I'll be gentle, don't worry. You always say your shoulders hurt at the end of wash day. Which is crazy, because I've seen what you can bench. I've got you, baby." She spritzes extra detangler spray on each of the parts she just made.
You move around slightly, a little sore already from sitting still between her legs for so long, but smiling to yourself nonetheless. A pillow is suddenly shoved into your face and you lean away, confused.
"Sit on this one instead. It'll be better." Jordan says.
You switch out the pillows and tilt your head back to look at her. "Why're you always right? Is that your kink?"
"No, my kink is bossing you around." Jordan smirks and leans down to give you a kiss. Despite the awkward angle you can't help trying to deepen the contact. The feeling of her soft lips sliding against yours, firm but gentle, is always irresistible.
She hums and gives you a playful nip before pulling away. "Don't start something we can't finish."
"Who says we can't?" You shoot back, staring up at her.
"You will be pissed an hour from now if you glance at your phone and we haven't made any progress." Jordan runs her thumb along your bottom lip before pushing your head forward.
"Who says it will take an hour?"
"I do. If we start, I'm not stopping." Jordan's voice dips seductively and a line of tension runs up the length of your spine.
You smack her thigh for teasing you, "Shut up."
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"Is this comfortable?" Jordan frowns, staring at the angle your head has to be at to fit in the bowl of the sink.
"No, but this is the best angle this chair can get me to." You say. Usually you just wash in the shower, but since Jordan is helping the sink makes more sense.
Jordan stands, scowling at how uncomfortable you seem. Suddenly he grins, "Baby! Make a chair with your shields. Something that leans."
You were getting a lot better with being able to make complex shapes, with less concentration. You stand up from the chair you'd dragged from the common room. Jordan pulls it out of the way and gives you an encouraging thumbs up.
It takes you a minute, but you conjure a shield that resembles a salon chair and the both of you let out identical cries of delight.
Jordan pushes you to sit down with a kiss on your forehead. "That's my fucking girl. Tell me if the temperature is too hot."
Jordan washes your hair with the perfect amount of pressure and thoroughness. He's nearly rhythmic in his methodical cleaning. You didn't realize your eyes had fluttered closed until you hear him laugh. You open one eye to glare at him playfully, knowing he won't get soap in them.
"What's so funny?"
"You're like a cat. You gonna purr for me, baby?" He smirks.
"If you keep going like that, yeah. Or I'll fall asleep. Please don't make me fall asleep. I'll fall on my ass." You say.
"I'll endeavor to make the rest of the wash as unpleasant as possible."
He does not do that. And at one point you do fall asleep. Jordan catches you before you can actually fall. 'Thank God for Supe reflexes', you both think. You spend the rest of the wash with your eyes wide open and Jordan laughing at you.
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"Did we put too much?" Jordan asks, dabbing at another drip of oil and conditioner down your brow.
"No, this is typical. The hair has to be saturated. It's dripping because the oil is you know... getting hot and even more liquid-y." You say, eyeing the episode of Property Brother's you'd both decided on. "Hm. I think that woman should be put to death."
Jordan was keeping vigilant about dabbing at the sides of your face. You'd been in charge of one side, at first. But Jordan seemed to have a sixth sense for when the other side was dripping as well, and kept interrupting you before you could get to any trickles of oil. You'd given up and just started narrating the show for her as she wasn't taking her eyes off the line of your brow.
"Why? What did she do?" Jordan dabs again.
"She wants to put up a fence that blocks the view of the historical house that she did not have to buy if she wanted a fence so bad." You roll your eyes.
"Is the city gonna let her?"
"Haha. 500k down the drain." Jordan cackles.
"Anti-gentrification win!" You hold out your fist for a fist-bump and Jordan obediently obliges, oil soaked rag still held in her fist.
A comfortable silence falls over you two, besides the noise of the portable hair dryer.
"I really think we put too much, baby." Jordan mutters, dabbing again.
"I have been doing this since I was twelve, Jordan!"
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"Play the video again, one speed slower this time." Jordan's eyes are glued to your phone.
You're sitting between his legs again, cushioned by the (superior) pillow of his choosing. You were trying to decide on a simple hair style when Jordan saw a picture of Mini Twists and got excited to see you in them.
("You've already seen me in mini twists, Jordie. What are you talking about?"
"You weren't my girlfriend the last time you wore them though! Now you are, and I get to look at you as much as I want."
So that had decided that.)
"Okay, I think I got it. 'M gonna start with a braid base, without making the parts too big, then start twisting the hair with two strands, and that will make it last longer, right?"
"Right." You smile at how focused Jordan sounds.
They're hot when they're in the zone. You just didn't think they'd get so into helping you with your hair. But you should have known, really. Acts of service paired with their inner perfectionist? You're completely relaxed at this point. You know Jordan won't have you walking out of your room looking crazy, come hell or high water.
"Is this okay?" Jordan shows you a picture of the back of your head, three rows of twists done.
You gasp, snatching the phone, "That's my head?"
"Uh... yes?" Jordan answers slowly.
"The back of my head? The head on my body?"
"Should I start over?"
"Fuck you! These are almost better than mine. Who's hair are you playing around in when I'm not here, Jordan LI?"
"Stop using my fucking government name." Jordan tilts your head back to look at him with a gentle grip on your neck, grinning down at you. "You play too fucking much. You sure they're good, princess? It's okay if I need to redo them."
"I'm gonna give you orgasms that will make you lose brain cells."
"Baby!" Jordan laughs, rolling his eyes. "I'm serious. Do any of them need redoing?"
"The first row is really fucking good for a beginner but the second row is damn near perfect." You say.
"I'll redo the first row then." Jordan kisses your temple before moving you to face forward again.
"I said they were good!" You protest.
"But the second row is better. I want the whole thing to look good. Don't want you feeling self conscious cause I fucked up the style, y'know." Jordan mumbles.
You tilt your head back to look at him, ignoring him sucking his teeth (a habit he picked up from you) at you moving.
"I love you, Jordie. Thank you for helping me today." You coo.
You watch his face go red with a grin. He grins back, leaning down to give you a gentle kiss. When he tries to pull away too soon you whine, holding him close by the hair at the nape of his neck.
"Wanna kiss you. You're sweet." You breathe the words against his lips, insistently continuing the caress.
He sighs, smitten, and let's you lead for a moment. Hand finding it's way back to your neck and tightening just enough to make you gasp. Still, he pulls away too quickly.
"I'm gonna fuck you up." You scowl at him.
"The only thing you're gonna fuck up is your neck, brat. This is a horrible angle for you." Jordan's smile is so soft at the edges it's your turn to blush.
"Speak for yourself."
"No, I'm too busy speaking on behalf of your neck."
"Well, I'm speaking on behalf of my-"
"I was going to say raging hormones but that's a lot more to the point, yeah. Or maybe I was going to say something romantic. You ever think of that, Jordie? Huh?"
"Were you going to say something romantic?" Jordan hums.
"Let me do your hair in peace." Jordan turns you forward again with a laugh.
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"Turn this way." Jordan instructs, snapping another picture.
"I don't know whether you're worse than an Instagram hair stylist or a Mom." You ponder, words barely audible because your girlfriend is scary.
"Shut up and smile." Jordan scowls.
As if engraved into your genetic code the words make you do just that. You suffer through another 20 pictures being taken before you say enough is enough.
Jordan happily shows you the pictures, as if you hadn't seen yourself in the mirror just a minute ago. Or ever. The grin on her face so wide it looks like it hurts.
"You like it, baby?" Jordan asks again.
"It looks so good, Jordie. It looks like I paid someone honestly."
"Yeah." You drape your arms around her shoulders. "How's this angle?"
"For what?" Jordan tilts her head to the side, puzzled.
"For kissing. Since you were so worried about the angle before."
Jordan scoffs, but she's the one to pull you in. She doesn't pull away this time.
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A/N: i needed reader to have a goofball vibe because i have a goofball vibe. if you enjoyed this fic consider reblogging, leaving a reply, or an anonymous ask saying you enjoyed it! a writers fuel is engagement. xoxoxo
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stylespresleyhearted · 2 months
masterlist here x
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liked by fan21, user13, and 937 others
enews Love is in the air! Austin Butler and his girlfriend shared the sweetest reunion outside the airport 😭 more photos at the link in bio
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fan34 omg i am so freaking jealous
butlerfan It feels so good to see him be publicly in love and not hide it anymore
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liked by florencepugh, tomhardy, and 15933 others
austinbutler Happy day 🎂❤️
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tchalamet happy birthday gee! @yourinstagram
zendaya 27 has never looked better queen 💕
ashleytisdale I’m telling Jupiter LOL! Happiest birthday to you @yourinstagram you are a blessing in our lives 🥰🥰
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liked by keoghan92, zendaya, and 97188 others
yourinstagram 💋 smooches for @austinbutler
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glenpowell Austin Butler is one lucky lucky man
fan13 not glen in the comment section please
user13 this gets cuter when you realize she was actually kissing him through the glass 😭❤️
oliviadejonge absolute stunner 🥀
austinbutler Get over here right now
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liked by fan12, user13 and 988 others
enews Austin Butler and girlfriend spotted sharing a few cuddles and kisses while on a date! We all know how much they love their smooches 😚
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user21 one hand on her back, other in her pocket this man knows he’s fine
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liked by ashleytisdale and 13794 others
austinbutler sweatin’ because my date is so hot
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ashleybee HAHA the caption 😂😂
yourinstagram lol u cheesy man 🫶🏻 ily
anthonyboyle He was probably so proud with it too 😂
keoghan ace mateeee 😌
ayoedibiri this is my favorite post you have ever posted
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liked by keoghan92, zendaya, and 93166 others
austinbutler Took over lighting production during a visit on set and she killed it !!
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florencepugh I’m so mad you didn’t bring her on the Dune set
florencepugh not enough. i needed you there every day.
yourinstagram Michael Mann said the job is mine 🤩
user13 y/n getting a job on the heat 2 set iktr!!!
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liked by tchalamet, bazluhrmann, and 101766 others
austinbutler I want to do with you what spring does to cherry tress - Pablo Neruda
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fan23 … is everyone else also transfixed on her awesome boobs or am i a perv ?
oliviadejonge gorgeous girl
tomholland2013 aren’t we lucky boys mate?
ashleytisdale 😍😍😍
ayoedibiri she’s got you quoting pablo neruda and i completely understand why
yourinstagram if your boyfriend isn’t also your photographer break up with him
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liked by catherinemartinedesigns and 89716 others
austinbutler 🕶️
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zendaya the coolest to ever do it
keoghan92 sickkkk
rileykeough Austin we’re gonna need you to release a book of all the photos you have of this gorgeous girl 🌚
ashleybee Her job is Cool Barbie
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liked by ashleybee, anthonyboyle, and 67178 others
yourinstagram was my turn to snap a photo of this handsome guy who makes me the happiest i have ever been ♥️♾️ ‘love could be labeled poison and we’d drink it anyway’
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austinbutler oh no
yourinstagram taste of your own medicine mister lol
keoghan92 my teeth can’t handle the sweetness
florencepugh not one bad photo of either of you exists
ashleybee Having a big sister moment because he’s winked the same since he was like 5
yourinstagram can we look at baby pictures again 🥹
No disrespect intended to Austin’s current relationship, I respect their privacy but also I really wish Austin would post his gf, talk about her, all that good stuff I GET WHY HE DOESN’T 😭
also using Sydney Sweeney as a FC because I’m currently obsessed with her she’s awesome?? Brilliant ??? She is everything. Also I may have an idea for part 2 but it would be nsfw concerning leaked nudes and such but would anyone be interested in that? Lemme know! As always feel free to come chat 💬
214 notes · View notes
sirfrogsworth · 10 months
I have some guys here taking pictures of my mom's stuff. Yesterday I noticed they put a white cloth over our big kitchen light. "Oh, is that for diffusion?" I thought it was a clever hack to get softer light for their product photos. They were surprised I knew what it was for. I told them I was a photographer. I mentioned I actually had a bunch of special plastic that I use for diffusion. One mentioned he had an interest in photography and was curious about my diffusion material.
He told me about his camera and how he wished he had a better one so he could take better pictures of jewelry for his job. I didn't say anything, but his camera was fine. All modern cameras are fine. Smartphones are even fine. If he wants better pictures of jewelry and whatnot, he needs to learn about lighting. I didn't want to correct him, but I thought maybe if I showed him my lighting setup with the plastic he was interested in, that might send him on the path to better pictures.
So today I brought out my computer and showed him some examples of my product photography and my lighting setup with the diffusion plastic. But once he saw my photos his attitude changed very quickly. He acted like he suddenly lost interest. I found this really odd.
The leader of the group asked to see the pictures. He was impressed and wished his auction photos could look that good. I told him my approach would not work for the assembly line style photos he needs to do, but there was a different approach that might work. I showed him the Karl Taylor light cone.
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You just put two lights on either side and take a picture through the hole in the top. You get wonderful gradient lighting with almost no effort and you could create a system to take many photos very quickly.
He was very interested and asked his friend, "Have you seen this light cone? You should also look at all of these product photos he did. They're amazing."
He was once again dismissive and uninterested. And it was then I figured out his issue.
I kept trying to explain the cone and lighting to the leader and the other guy would say, "Yeah, I already knew that. I just need a better camera is all"
The leader then made me show him my photos and I already knew it was a bad idea, but I was kind of stuck. I showed him more of my product photos of bottles and jewelry and he was like, "Yeah, I could do that. That's called a "sexy bottle shot." I've done that. I just need a better camera."
He was in pain seeing my photos. I'm pretty sure he felt like I was showing him up. Asserting photo dominance. And that was never my intention. I just wanted to share what I knew. I was excited to meet another person with the same interest. But that turned into an awkward and jealous dismissiveness and he did not want to know how I got the results I was forced to show him.
And then, despite the dismissive lack of interest, he says under his breath, "What kind of camera are you using?"
After all the awkwardness, he still didn't catch on to the lesson I was trying to teach.
It is not the camera.
"I just need something to get better closeups."
I should have kept my mouth shut after that. I already knew he didn't want to listen to what I had to say. But I also felt bad that this guy was going to buy an entire new camera and lens to get the same results he is getting now. And so I was like, "Have you heard of macro extension tubes?"
"Oh yeah, I know about them."
He did not.
"You can get some of those and put them on any lens you have and get really great close up shots. Works even on a cheap $100 lens."
"Yeah, I've seen those. Not sure they're what I need. I just need a better camera."
298 notes · View notes
talaok · 1 year
Steve will kill me
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Pairing: Javier Peña x Steve's daughter! reader
Warnings: age-gap, smut | unprotected p in v sex, slight choking
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A knock at the door.
"oh hi, dad" you greeted, opening the door.
"Hi honey" he answered, as your gaze traveled to the man beside him,
not just any man, you noted 
"and hello to you too..." you raised an eyebrow questioningly
"right, sorry you haven't met" Your dad interrupted "This is Javier Peña, my partner, I invited him over for dinner"
"nice to meet you" he smiled, offering his hand 
"nice to meet you too, I'm Y/n" you shook it, loving the feeling of his big hand around yours.
"Your dad's always talking of you" he said
"good things I hope" you smiled, inviting them in and closing the door.
"Of course"
__ __ __
"so what are you studying?"
"English literature"
"wow" he puffed "serious stuff"
"says the DEA agent" you raised an eyebrow, as you propped an elbow on the top of the couch to look at him better.
Your dad had gone to help your mom in the kitchen, leaving you two alone, something you didn't mind not one bit.
"touchè" he chuckled
" So how do you like college?"
"it's ok" you shrugged " I love my classes, just... there's other things I'm not that fond of"
"Like what?"
"Like the guys"
He smirked knowingly " Well a pretty girl like you... I bet you have a whole line of them"
pretty, you let your mind replay that word again and again
You laughed softly " Yeah, and they all seem to only want one thing"
Well, you can't blame them, he wanted to say.
"That's because they're boys sweetheart," he said instead
You cocked an eyebrow "So, you're saying I should find a man?" you asked, loving the veil of darkness that flashed behind his eyes.
He cleared his throat.
Nope, not doing this.
"I'm saying there's someone out there for everyone"
yeah, sure
"and have you found this someone?"
"Haven't been so lucky yet"
"that's too bad" you commented, not an ounce of sincerity in your tone.
He noticed the mischief in your irides and felt the instant need to change the topic.
"your dad says you write poetry"
Maybe talking about your dad was gonna help fight the magnetic force pulling him closer to you
"he does!?" 
"He's really proud of you," he said "he even read one to me"
"oh my god," you hid your face in your hands, red streaks of embarrassment reaching your cheeks.
"it was amazing" he spoke "even if Steve was the one reading it"
You snorted, and he couldn't help but smile as he reached for your hands to remove them from your beautiful face.
"one of the best things I've ever heard"
"you're just saying that" 
His hands were still on you 
"I'm not"
you bit your lip, and he couldn't stop his eyes from falling to your mouth.
"thank you" you murmured 
"I'd love to read more" he found himself leaning closer
"and what would I get?" 
anything you want, he was about to stop himself from saying, when Steve entered the room. He dropped your hands and immediately leaned away.
__ __ __
You spent the entire dinner pretending not to notice his eyes on you and had to stop yourself from granting him the same treatment.
Your eyes met at last, and your lips twitched into a smile he wanted to photograph and keep in his pocket forever.
God, what was wrong with him?
" Should I get the cake?" you asked, looking briefly at him, before turning to your mom
"Sure hon, I'll help you"
"no it's fine I can handle it" you stopped her, walking over to the kitchen.
You grabbed a knife from the drawer, hearing the soft buzz of the conversation in the other room.
The cake was on the table, so you set the plates before it and started cutting the slices.
The door opened.
"can't keep away from me huh?" You joked as Javier entered.
"I needed another beer" he gestured to the empty one in his hand
"Sure you did" you taunted
He opened the fridge, grabbing a new one.
"Can I have a sip?"
"Are you old enough?"
You gasped, feigning offense "of course I am," you said "In fact" you took the bottle from his hand "I'm old enough to do a lot of things"
He watched attentively how your lips wrapped around the mouth of the bottle as you drank from it.
"you shouldn't say things like that sweetheart"
You grinned "why is that?"
"one might take them the wrong way"
"what if it's the way I intended for one to take them?" you asked, taking a step so you were right in front of him.
"then you really shouldn't"
"Are you scared of what might happen?" you asked, "you scared you might not be able to stop yourself?"
"is that it?"
I can't do this, he thought 
"I can't do this"
Steve would kill me
"do what?" you whispered, as your finger traced his tie
You could see the restraint in his eyes as they scanned your face.
You weren't going to make the first move, you wanted him to cave, to give up.
"Well," you spoke "I better get back to the cake"
"wanna help me out?"
__ __ __
toc toc
toc toc toc
I'm coming, god!
you fumbled with the lock, your hands still slippery from the shower.
"One second dad, I was in the show-"
"oh" Javier breathed
"oh hi," you smiled "sorry, I thought you were my dad"
You opened the door fully now, watching as your dad's partner's gaze traveled slowly up and down your body, only covered by a milk-white towel.
"Is there a reason you came here except getting to stare at me?"
He cleared his throat, forcing his eyes to look back at yours.
"I need to talk with your dad about something"
"he's not home"
"When will he be back?"
"I don't know"
There was a pause as you both thought of what to do next.
"you can wait for him here if you want"
"I don't think I should"
"c'mon I'm sure whatever's going on is important, otherwise you wouldn't have come here"
He was thinking, he had a thinking face you noticed, the same one he had in the kitchen the other night.
"alright," he finally agreed, knowing full well he was making a mistake.
"so what did you need to talk to him about?" you asked, closing the door behind him.
"Just work stuff"
"of course" you chuckled
"you want a beer?" you asked
Is she not going to change? He thought as he followed you to the kitchen.
You took a sip from it before passing him the bottle
"you don't like drinking your own beer?"
"I need to check if it's good" you smiled "plus, this way it's as if we kissed"
He smirked,
walked right into that one
"so when are you going back to college?"
"Can't wait to get rid of me?" 
"Just curious sweetheart"
"next week"
next week, that's good, he could make it 'till next week, though the outfit really wasn't helping.
"about that" you remembered "last night you said you wanted to read more of my poetries"
"of course, you're really talented"
"thank you" you blushed faintly,
that was your weak spot, he realized, the one moment when the confidence act fell was when he talked of your passion.
"well if you're still up for that I can show you now"
"that'd be great"
"great" you grinned "come, I should have an old notebook in my room"
He paused
"in your room?"
"yes, Javier, in my room, is there something wrong with that?"
"no" he said unconvincingly 
"ok, then follow me"
__ __ __
Your old room was, as said, old.
Posters still filled the light pink walls, as did your high school photos.
Javier felt like an intruder for stepping in there, and thinking about it, he was, he never should have come into the house.
"here," you said, pointing at something on a shelf above your desk.
Your towel inched upward as you reached for the notebook.
He didn't even try not to stare.
"I want to point out that this is old stuff," you said " I was young when I wrote these and I've gotten better" you explained, turning some pages.
"Oh I like this one" you beamed, "I wrote it when I was 17"
He stepped closer to you, your scent intoxicating him immediately.
You had just gotten out of the shower, but something about it was still unmistakably you.
You handed him the notebook, and he attentively read the whole thing.
"what do you think?" you asked, after some moments
"you wrote this at 17?"
"How?" he was in shock "I mean, you've got a real talent sweetheart"
"the only thing I was good at 17 was drooling over girls"
You laughed softly "then you didn't change much, did you?"
"Maybe I didn't"
"Well, you can keep reading through that if you want, I'm gonna go change"
thank god, he thought as you walked to the bathroom.
"javier!" he heard you call him from the bathroom after a few moments.
"I'm sorry I forgot my pants, could you bring them to me?"
"uh, sure, where are they?"
"they're somewhere in the room I don't remember"
"ok" he said, as he looked around 
"I don't see them"
"they're not on the desk?"
"neither" he answered "maybe they're in-"
"whatever" you opened the bathroom before he could finish, stepping out of it in a very short shirt, and some very red panties.
You started walking around the room like it was nothing.
"how is it possible they just disappeared?" you asked yourself.
"I mean unless there'd ghosts I don't understand"
"yes?" you walked right in front of him "you sure you haven't seen them?"
You watched as he slowly swallowed.
"baby" his voice was hoarse "you can't do this to me"
You frowned "do what?"
" you're killing me"
"Javi," you placed a hand on his arm "I don't know what you're talking about"
"stop that," he said "Steve will kill me"
You bit your lip, done with your little act "And what makes you think he'd have to know?"
He sighed 
"I don't see anyone else here" you looked around "just me and you Javi" you grinned "you decide what happens next"
He never had much of a choice, did he?
"fuck me" he cursed under his breath, and just like that, his lips were on yours.
He grabbed your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him, and your arms flew behind his neck.
The faint taste of beer still lingered on his lips, and his mustache was gently grazing your upper lip.
As his hands started exploring your back, the kiss got more heated, his tongue moving into your mouth violently, as one of his hands found your ass.
You whimpered into the kiss, and you broke apart to catch your breath.
"this is a mistake" he breathed
"then why does it feel so good?" you asked, not waiting for an answer before going back in.
He turned you around, starting to walk towards the bed.
Once the back of your legs felt the mattress, you took the hint to sit on it.
He looked at you, under him, your lips fluffy and pink, and wished he had the willpower to stop, as all he could do was take his shirt off.
He bent down to you and you crawled onto the bed.
he helped you out of your shirt and groaned as he took in your bare tits.
"fuck you really wanna torture me huh?" he asked, starting to spread hot kisses all over your neck and chest.
"I tried to refrain but you made it fucking impossible baby" he murmured, his fingers finding the waistband of your panties.
"you were so determined to break me" he laughed softly "and you did" he admitted, pulling your panties off of you.
"Please Javi I need you" you begged, your voice already a faint moan.
"you need me?" he asked, leaning back to undo his zipper and take off his pants.
"yes I need you please" you whimpered
"since when?"
"Since I first saw you"
You felt his cock lining up to your entrance.
"that right, sweetheart?"
"yes Javi, yes!" you said desperately
"fuck you're gonna kill me" he muttered, pushing into you.
"Oh god!" you moaned loudly, your hand gripping his bicep.
"fuck baby" he groaned "you're squeezing me so tight" 
He started to move, and you felt your brain melt already.
he felt so good, the only thing you could do was moan and whimper as he picked up his pace.
"fuck- when you opened the door with that tiny towel on, it took everything in me not to tear it off of you and fuck you right there baby" he growled, "you think that was funny?" he asked "torturing me like that?" he continued, his dick so deep inside of you you could feel every little detail of it against your walls.
"You think it was funny to come out here half naked?" he said "to show that little ass off like it's nothing" his hand found your throat "like I haven't been thinking of it since I first saw you" his fingers squeezed lightly on the sides of your neck.
"say you're sorry sweetheart" he commanded "say you're sorry"
Your brain was only half functioning, as the feeling of his hand around your throat and of his cock hitting your spot with each thrust were incredibly distracting, but you still managed to do as told.
"I'm-I'm sorry" you whispered pathetically
"that's it" he bent down to kiss your neck, as his hand left it "good girl"
He felt your walls squeeze him at the praise, and could only chuckle like a smug bastard in response.
"you like that?" he mocked "you like being called a good girl?"
You nodded, as another moan fled your mouth.
"god baby, what would your dad think?" he shook his head "what would he think if he knew her good little girl likes to be called names and fucked senseless by guys twice her age?"
"He would be so shocked, poor guy" he smirked, as he grabbed your waist to slam even more harshly into you.
"fuck Javi" your nails were definitely leaving scratches on his arms at this point
"what baby?"
"Please, I-I'm coming "
"I can feel it" he groaned "I can feel you squeezing me sweetheart"
"Javi" you moaned again
"c'mon baby" he encouraged "come for me" he breathed, getting closer too "come like the good girl you are"
Those words were enough to send you over the edge, your orgasm hitting you like a wave of pure bliss.
He kept going, letting you ride out your high, as you moaned his name over and over more incoherently.
"that's it" he kept saying "that's it, baby" he growled, and just before he was about to come, he pulled out, his cold cum shooting all over your belly.
He looked at you, breathing heavily underneath him, completely ruined, completely perfect, and he couldn't help but smile.
"What?" you asked, smiling too now
"I don’t think I'll ever be able to look at your dad in the face again"
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papayatori · 4 months
Don’t blink! (P1)
LN4 x fém!reader
Warnings: none 🤭
Intro: Y/n, an amateur photographer who was simply skimming through emails, hoping to find some sort of work, accidentally stumbled upon a job offer from the McLaren F1 team. After working closely with the two drivers she had grown up watching and hearing about her entire life,(and almost throwing up on the floor a couple of times), y/n has slowly started to realize that her love for McLaren, and possibly her love for photography, had slowly started to morph into love for a certain driver.
Let’s get to it, shall we?
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Four years have gone by rather quickly since I moved out of my parent’s house on the countryside. I’ve moved onto London to be a part of their photography schools. I’ve been posting my photos since I was able to get a hold of a camera, praying that I might be accepted into one of their schools once I graduated, and I suppose it all paid off.
Funny how life works, huh?
I opened my laptop, hoping to sort through some of these unopened spam emails, possibly even find some sort of job offer somewhere. I took a sip of my coffee and began reading through the unopened heaps of trash.
I skimmed through, barely giving them a second thought before hitting the ‘delete’ button in the side.
“YouTube, Tumblr, McLaren-“
I nearly spat out my coffee. I swallowed deeply, coughing a little on the inhale.
“Sorry, what?” I asked no one in particular.
At first I thought it was an ad of some sort, as I was known for buying McLaren merchandise whenever I had the extra funds. Genuinely, I thought I read the email wrong.
“A job offer..?” A smile made its way to my face, one that held all of my nerves on full display.
Why the hell was McLaren asking me to do a photoshoot of their team?
Here I was, standing in the offices of the McLaren F1 team, waiting for someone to tell me where I needed to go. I took in the shiny white floors, the huge windows overlooking the scenery outside, the McLaren’s in display in the lobby for all to see their beauty.
I was about to throw up all over these pristine, white floors.
Before I spilled my breakfast all over the floor, I was ushered into a room near the middle of the building, one that was large and full of lights and professional equipment that once again made me question the need for an amateur photographer like myself. I looked around the room with my jaw to the floor, seeing stars over just how much fun someone could have with all of these cameras.
I really don’t have much of a life, do I?
“You know, I don’t know how to use any of this stuff, and I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to figure out, but I figured you’d probably be able to work it better than I could.” I turned to the sound of a somewhat familiar Zak Brown.
My dad, before he retired, worked alongside Zak closely at McLaren Automotive. Ironically enough, I’d never really met the man who ran my favorite F1 team until this very moment. I had heard stories of all sorts of great things happening behind closed doors, got all of the latest McLaren news from my dad, and had never even set foot inside this building before today.
“I think i know just about as much as you do when it comes to all of the fancy equipment.” I said, gesturing to my small camera bag on my hip. “This is about as far as my knowledge goes when it comes to these sorts of things.” Zak smiled.
“Feel free to use it. Your dad used to tell me stories about your ‘photo shoots’ with the family, ‘heard those could get a little crazy.”
I laughed at that, remembering the silly holiday get togethers me, mum, and dad used to have. I remembered the time when I had them both on the porch swing for a photo, and right as I went to take the photo, my dad would blink every time. He had done this so often that I had started to wonder if he was doing it on purpose.
A loud laugh ripped me out of my memories. I realigned my gaze with the two young men that had just entered the room, the first one tripping over the second one’s leg. He locked eyes with me as he fell to the floor, grin fading only slightly as he did so. We stayed locked for a moment that felt like years, just staring into the each other. That’s when I recognized him to be the only person I was nervous about meeting.
I nearly threw up again.
“Nice of you to finally show up.” Zak joked with the two.
Lando looked up in surprise, as if not quite realizing Zak was standing on the other side of the room. Oscar just continued laughing at Lando’s shocked state on the floor. Lando stood up with a sheepish grin that they both sent my way. They acted as if they weren’t famous racing drivers who could have anyone they wanted.
As if they were the nervous ones.
“Hello.” I sent a small wave in their direction, praying Zak would step in and save me.
“Lando, Oscar, this is y/n. She’s going to be doing the shoot today.”
Lando stood up finally, proud and tall, eyeing me like he had to prove himself to me. He sent me a grin, one that would tear my heart to pieces if I saw it too often, and then walked towards me. Oscar seemingly got the memo and followed him along after a short pause to assess the situation. I smiled at Lando as he extended his hand out for me to shake.
“Nice to meet you, darling. I can’t wait to start.” His grin never left his expression as I took his hand.
Had Lando Norris just called me darling?
He squeezed harder than I thought he would, leaving a burn behind where his hand had previously been. The expression on my face must have given me away, the heat rising in my traitorous cheeks would never let me get away with the butterflies from his touch. Not to mention, this bastard knew what he was doing.
Though, I didn’t exactly mind.
I suppose my face had started to turn a darker shade of crimson than I had thought , because Zak sent him a look that I could only recognize as the ‘protective father’ look.
Lando’s only response was a challenging grin.
“Shall we get started, boys?” I asked, hoping to draw attention away from me.
“Where do you want us?” Oscar spoke, giving his hand for me to shake as well. I smiled, thankful things were working in my favor for the moment.
“Follow me.”
For the next three hours, Lando, Oscar, and myself we’re running around the studio and attempting to find some sort of style that worked for the boys. I had gone through the rack of clothing multiple times and had only gotten a few decent pictures of the two in the process. I had started to wonder if we’d ever get any actual progress on the task at hand.
It is exceedingly difficult to focus on the task at hand when you keep making eye contact with Lando Norris.
Lando and Oscar had insisted that we all take a break for a while, which I had spent mostly rummaging through the clothes provided. Lando was lying on the ground in front of the backdrop. I couldn’t help but take a glance every now and then, watching the way his chest moved as he breathed, minding the perfectly placed curl on his forehead. He looked too incredibly peaceful for me to be rummaging around over here instead of taking the given opportunity. I stood up, grabbing my camera and walking slightly over to the side. If Lando was finally at peace, I should be taking advantage of this. I took a few snaps from the side, wandering from different angles and catching him in his state of beautiful tranquility.
The LN4 girlies were absolutely going to love these.
At about the same time I had finished with Lando, Oscar stood up to unzip his leather jacket, saying something to Lando in the process. I smiled.
“Don’t blink.” I mumbled to myself.
I had not only, single handedly taken the perfect photos for McLarens Instagram, but also taken the perfect photos for the fan girls on twitter.
I saw this as a win in my part.
“Alright boys, I think I’ve got what I need.” I triumphantly raised my camera in the air, receiving two incredibly confused looks from the boys.
“I thought we weren’t finished?” Lando looked up at me with an almost saddened expression, standing to come see what I had gathered. I showed them both the photos, casually skipping over the ones of Lando that I had taken last minute. He didn’t need to see those.
“Holy shit, you’re better at this than Zak described.” Lando gave me a goofy grin that made me blush.
“I can’t take all the credit. You both helped me out in the end, I thought I was finished!” We all laughed a bit, feeling the tension ease as we came to a close.
“Well, if we’re done here, I’ve got a date tonight with my girlfriend, I’ll see you all later?” Oscar said, pulling his jacket back over his shoulders. I smiled.
“It was nice meeting you! Have fun.” He smiled back, sending a wave to the both of us. As he walked out of the room, Lando’s attention was redirected back at my camera. He plucked it out of my hands, skimming through the photos on his own.
“You know, for someone who knows so much about us, I don’t even know your name.” He gave me a sideways glance, insisting I speak.
“My name is y/n.” I said with a smirk. “And I don’t know all that much about either of you, I’m only here for the job” I heard him chuckle from beside me.
“Even so, you know a lot about how to take pictures of someone without them realizing it” he smirked, shoving the camera back in my direction, revealing the breathtaking photos I took of him on the floor earlier.
I really didn’t think this part through.
“I mean, I had to use an opportunity when it came to me. Twitter is going to love those.” I tried to play it off as if I had taken these with the intention of work rather than just attempting to capture his beauty.
“I’m sure you know loads about that.” He winked at me.
With a groan, I attempted to snatch the camera back, though his hold held firm. I gave him an annoyed look, even though I was slightly amused.
“You’re only proving my point further, darling.” I tried pulling the camera again, hoping to have better luck this time. I mentally cursed his stupidly attractive hands.
Accepting defeat, I let out a sigh.
“What do I have to do to get that camera back from you, Lando.” I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms slightly. He tilted his head as if to show he was thinking. His lashes fluttered as he blinked, revealing his beautiful green eyes, the ones any girl could find themselves lost in in a matter of moments. I felt the butterflies settling in my stomach as he finally replied, pulling me from my daydreaming.
“I think it’s a little unfair that Oscar is going on a date tonight and I’m not. So, let me take you to dinner. Then you can have your camera back.”
I blinked a few times, clearly confused.
“Im sorry, tonight?” I asked, starstruck.
“Well, I was thinking so, yeah. Unless you don’t really want your camera back.” Lando smirked a little in my direction.
My mind was racing, why was he asking me to dinner? All he had to do was hand me the camera back. Everything would have been settled then, and I wouldn’t have to see that breathtaking smile in person ever again. I wouldn’t have to look into his eyes or feel the butterflies that he somehow caused me to have. Hell, I’d just met the guy.
Oddly enough, I was about to go on a date with him.
“Alright, but I want my camera back.” I went to pull it from his grasp one more time, expecting to have it back in the safety of my pack.
“After the date.”
My jaw dropped to the floor. Was I hearing him right?
“Okay, after the date.” I agreed, only to see him take the bag from my side, place the camera in it, and place the bag on his shoulder. I rolled my eyes, opening my mouth again. “I have my own terms, however.”
He gave me a playful glare. “I didn’t agree to that, ma’am.” I chuckled, my hands finding my hips.
“It wasn’t a suggestion sir.” I mocked him with a playful grin. “You buy, I’m still in school. I think it’s a fair offer.” Shaking his head and trying to conceal his grin, he extended his hand.
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copperbadge · 7 months
Man, guys, I am tired.
I try to get my cleaning tasks done in the morning for the same reason I used to run in the morning, because it's when I have the most energy, but before I did anything else I had to hit the grocery store. It's extremely legit to count both grocery shopping and cooking as "NaClYoHo" tasks if needed because they're part of self care, and you do better when you have good food around you and in you. Still, I never like to do it, because rarely are groceries an urgent emergency in chez Sam.
But it did take a good hour to get prepped, shop, check out, and haul it all home, by which time it was nearly 8:30 when I start work. And because I'm gone most of next week, I had a LOT to get done this week, so the only time I took during the day was to make myself some lunch. I did take the full half hour, even though all I had for lunch was toast and cheese, and spent the rest of the time doing at least a little work -- I made pesto while the bread toasted, then after eating I sewed some on the gift I'm making Mum for Christmas, and I realized that I'd left a shelving unit (which I had intended to hang months ago) on my workbench long enough that I forgot it shouldn't live there, so I moved it to a new place where I'll remember to hang it. I think I'm going to have to dedicate a solid day of cleaning just to assembling and installing it, since it's a little heavy and my walls are made of cement covered in essentially cardboard, neither of which are easy to hang stuff on.
I did check off "purge shoes" and "reorganize bags" but those took all of five minutes each, since the bags were pretty good already and after looking at my shoes the only ones I want to get rid of are the crocs, which I already arranged to give to a friend when I visit in December.
So I did do a lot, but not a lot is visible either in terms of ability to photograph or in terms of any actual changes in the home. But, well, that's why this is a system that allows for humanity within it; imagine being this tired and also feeling guilty about it.
Americans are coming up on Thanksgiving, a very stressful time, and all those who have been with us since November 1st are already more than two weeks in, so it's natural to be tired. Be kind to yourselves, and remember that the goal of all of this is to feel better, not worse. Even when you think you haven't done a lot, you've done what you can.
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kamotecue · 8 months
the start of something new ❉ j. groenen
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pairing: jackie groenen x reader
summary: a freshly graduated college student who majored in photography gets a job, that many football fans would want.
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you sat in one of the conference’s seats, it was a meeting about the publishing days for the team’s social media page, mainly instagram. you’re the team’s newest photographer, not just that but you freshly graduated from ucla with a minor in economics, a major in photography.
your camera gear was set on the table, different camera lenses were sorted in the bag, the camera itself, an extra storage card, two black camera straps and the other essentials.
you had anxiously tapped on your thigh, as you payed attention to the conversation. it didn’t take long for the meeting to end, and when it did—you gently carried your stuff.
it was international camp, as the uefa nation’s league was coming to a close. you grabbed the tripod already setting it up, as the schedule was coming to a close.
and as expected, the players had arrived. some were in a group of trios, duos or individual. you were behind the camera, as a few players took note of the newest staff.
you had a shy interior as you hid behind the camera while your co-staff had done the talking. occasionally, asking things how is it like at their club, or their weekend has been.
it was literally break when you were at the pitch, a co-worker was helping you set up the cameras as you were humming to yourself, not noticing a player looking at you with adoration.
she noticed your shy interior, how you would avoid conversations or eye contact with people. it was cute to her, she wanted to get to know you better. but she didn’t know how to.
little did she know, that she had caught your eye as well. your little brother is quite a fan of the team, and you would always get mixed up by the players.
but jackie really stood out to you, maybe it was her smile. the out-going vibe that she gave. you grabbed your camera, ready to take pictures after the players started piling out of the building.
quickly snapping a few pictures, you made sure the angle and lightning was okay. the pictures turned out perfectly, you looked through the camera, noticing a certain dutchie looking at you with a soft smile.
you had taken a picture, as you found the smile a bit charming. the whole training, you focused on the playing style, you had played high school football but never continued at college.
“come on, jackie.” daniëlle teased, trying to nudge the midfielder a bit closer to your direction. you were busy humming to yourself.
the day had came to an end and you were busy sorting through the camera gear, putting the things away not noticing the two players behind you.
“she’s busy-“ jackie didn’t finish her sentence as she was pushed by the other midfielder. she was just behind you, admiring the way you were focused.
she cleared her throat, but you didn’t hear it. jackie looked at danielle who shrugged.
“tap her shoulder!” danielle cheered, as jackie scoffed at how happy she was. she took a deep breath before gently tapping your shoulder.
you glanced back at her before placing the camera down, her eyes were looking into yours as you reached into your bag, getting a case.
as you opened it, a pair of hearing airs were revealed. yes—you needed hearing aids. did you use them? you do, but earlier your ears were hurting, hence you had removed them for a while.
you quickly put them on, giving her a timid smile—as her eyes widened in realization.
“yes?” you asked, as she cleared her throat for second time.
“hi, i’m jackie.” she introduced herself, her hand was held out as she had a toothy grin. you chuckled at her behavior, before returning the handshake.
“i’m y/n l/n. i’m sorry if you called me earlier, i had my hearing aids off.” you explained, as she hummed. it was a cute thing, despite this being the first time interacting with you, she loved how you rambled. or how you’d over-explain things.
“it’s fine, i didn’t really know. so, how’s your first day?” she asked, as she stepped beside you. analyzing the gear.
“it’s fine, my brother is a huge football fan.” you commented, as she asked for permission to grab on of your cameras. you gave her a soft nod, as she grabbed your nikon d780.
she turned the camera on before looking through the viewfinder of the camera.
“is he, then? who’s his favorite player?” jackie asked, as she snapped a few photos of the pitch, she turned the camera to danielle and a few of her teammates who dramatically posed.
“he really loves viv.” you chuckled remembering on how he’d ramble about the star striker, feeling a bit disbelief on how she would’ve retired at age 18.
“i’d see why.” she hummed, pointing the camera at you, quickly snapping a few pictures catching you off guard.
“hey!” you said, covering your face with your hand as she chuckled at how cute you looked like. you were shy, but you always preferred to be behind the camera and not in front of it.
little did you know, you had gotten out of your comfort zone in the future. jackie is and will always be your favorite photographer, she’d snap photos of you.
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ithaquasbbg · 5 months
I have requests in my inbox.. but instead of focusing on those like I should.. I am writing a little bit of self indulgent stuff today (I’ll do reqs soon)
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Joseph desaulnier | Photographer general relationship Headcanons
Tw : very brief mentions of Claude’s death
Extra : I love this man so much, he’s my favorite grandpa
|🩷| Joseph is a person with a large amount of attachment issues due to his childhood. He finds himself growing more attached to people than he should, and doesn’t take loss well. This is apparent in your relationship at Least at the beginning. He will constantly need reassurance that you won’t leave him.
|🩷| He loves giving gifts, something that he can see you wearing preferably. The way your face lights up when he gives you gifts is something that never fails to put butterflies in his stomach.
|🩷| When it comes to receiving, words of affirmation make him fall even harder than he already has. Things as small as “I love you” will cause him to blush.
|🩷| When he’s intoxicated, which happens quite often, he’s much more easily flustered than normal. He’s unable to play it cool when he’s in a state like that, and will often end up silent with a dumb little smile on his face.
|🩷| He loves giving you pet names! Things like “Cherie”, or other French words of endearment are typically his go to. Occasionally, he’ll slip in a “dear” or two as well.
|🩷| If you were to give Joseph pet names, he’d act like he hates it up front, but the silly little smile on his face definitely tells you otherwise. Calling him things like “pretty boy”, “darling”, or other endearing terms are the ones that evoke the biggest reaction.
|🩷| Joseph’s not a fan of heavy pda. He prefers to keep things “classy” like how he was raised. Things like hand holding are fine, but kissing (like mouth to mouth.. cheek kisses are fine) is pushing it a little too far.
|🩷| In private, he’s among one of the more affectionate people in the manor, especially when drunk. Joseph longs the embrace of another person, as it fills the hole in his heart that was left after his brothers death. Depending on who you are as a person, he may or may not be the one initiating this.
|🩷| In terms of big spoon and little spoon.. Joseph can swing either way, which does like many other things depend on his level of sobriety and emotions.
|🩷| When he’s big spoon, you can bet that he’s going to have you held as close to him as he possibly can, though he tries his best not to crush you. Sometimes you’ll catch him playing with your hair absently. If you bring it up, he’d be flustered and may stop doing it for a while.. so choose wisely.
|🩷| When Joseph is the little spoon, he loves being held tight as he holds you sometimes. You’ll often find him with his head resting on your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat.
|🩷| You can borrow some of his clothing, but Joseph would much rather have some clothing custom made so they can fit you better. He has the money to spoil you, so why shouldn’t he?
|🩷| That in mind.. Joseph probably borrows lots of your clothing if he can fit into it. Even though he can make some of the most expensive clothing out of anyone in the manor, he finds himself feeling much safer when in your clothing
|🩷| Despite being as charming as he is, Joseph doesn’t have much romantic experience, and likely doesn’t know quite what to say or do yet in terms of dates.
|🩷| If you asked him though, Joseph would say his favorite place to go on a date would be the gardens. He loves flowers, and loves you even more.
If only he could get a photo of you amongst them.
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kelcemenow · 1 year
Touchdown - Chapter 12.
Pairing Travis Kelce x Reader
Words 2106
Warnings Some strong language and some smut (masturbation).
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“So, we’re in US weekly.” Travis said with a laugh.
“I know, Hannah showed me this morning. Is that okay?”
“Of course, are you okay with it?”
“Yeah, yeah if you are!” You switched your call to your headphones, “I just didn’t want you feeling like a news story had been made out of nothing?”
“Well, I wouldn’t call it nothing!” He chuckled and his voice was calming in your ear.
You stopped walking as you had reached the gym you were heading to, “You know what I mean!”
“I know, I know! But journalists, you know, they’ll make a story out of anything. No offence!”
You laughed, “Anyway, I’m at the gym now.”
“Okay, babygirl.”
You caught your breath, “I’ll call you before I go to bed.”
“Okay, bye.”
You stepped into the stark white building and walked over to the desk so you could sign in. There was a small queue so you joined the back of the line. You looked around the entrance way, seeing if you could spot anyone that you regularly saw working out, when you made eye contact with someone who instantly looked away from you.
“Hi, Tom?”
He awkwardly shifted his feet towards you and lifted his head, “Hey.”
There was an obvious tension but you continued, “I didn’t know you worked out here.”
“Uhh yeah, I just signed up…thought I’d start exercising, you know.”
There was a pause.
“I didn’t know you worked out here.” His face was unchanging and cold.
You attempted a smile, “Yeah. So, how have you been?”
He almost turned away from you, “Fine. Did your phone break or something?” He shook his head a little with his question.
“Sorry, it’s been a busy weekend, I had to go to Wembley for work-“
“Yeah Wembley. I saw.” He scratched his neck, “You were really busy cuddling up to football players, it seems.”
The tension grew as you studied his face. His expression hadn’t changed but you could sense a hint of anger in his voice.
You gave a nervous laugh, “Yeah, photographers seem to catch stuff like that.”
“So, that was all it was then?”
You opened your mouth to answer but you stopped yourself.
Tom’s eyebrows lifted, “I see.”
He almost turned away but you stopped him, moving him to quieter corner of the entrance, “No, wait – are you pissed off with me?”
Tom shook his head again and avoided eye contact with you, “Shouldn’t I be? Did you think about me at all? Did you?” He took a few steps towards you.
“We’re not together, Tom.” It sounded harsher than you wanted it to.
“Yeah, I get that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him as he spoke.
“Look Y/N, I like you and I just thought you wanted to take things slowly but now I know this has all been because you were busy sleeping around with whatever his name is. Is this some sort of weird kink you have, messing people around? Or is it because he’s got money, is that all you’re after?”
“Excuse me?” You were aware you were starting to raise your voice but you didn’t care.
“You fucking heard. Does he know about me?”
“About what? Not that I need to explain myself, but we’ve been on a handful of dates, Tom. Whether I want to take things slowly is my decision and if in that time I find that I have a better connection with someone else, so be it. It’s none of your business.”
You didn’t wait for a response from Tom. Instead, you walked away from him and out of the gym, deciding to jog home for your evenings exercise. You quickly pulled your headphones over your ears and pressed play on your gym playlist, letting your feet hit the pavement. With each step you felt your aggression ease slightly so you hastened your pace, hoping a faster run would make you feel better. You could feel the burning in your chest start to ease but your mind was clouded with what had happened. Tom had been so demanding, so cruel. You blinked hard and tried desperately to enjoy your run.
As you breathlessly stepped through your door, Jess looked at you with wide eyes, “You’re back early. Didn’t you just leave?”
You grasped for the back of the couch to steady yourself and leaned forward slightly, attempting to catch your breath, “Didn’t…quite make it…Tom…crazy.”
Jess scrunched her nose, “What?”
“Tom…at the gym…just went crazy with me.” You spoke in between desperate breaths, “About Travis…that photo in…US weekly.”
“What? Really?” Jess picked up some dinner plates from the small dining table.
You stood up straight and stretched your back, “Yeah. Really.” You shook your legs and walked towards the couch, “He just started saying…all this stuff…nasty stuff…about us and me…and Travis.”
Jess made her way over slowly to the couch, still holding the plates.
“I was actually quite scared, Jess. He was really…pissed off with me.” You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, “It’s almost as if…he thought I’d cheated on him or something.”
Jess hummed lowly, “Well…”
Your eyes opened quickly to face her, “Oh Jess, not you too. Don’t you have a go at me.”
“I’m not, all I’m saying is-“
“Hey, you were all in favour me and Travis the other day, you were so excited for me! Now, you’re on Tom’s side.”
Jess sat down next to you, “No, Y/N. Look, I am excited for you and I’m not on anyone’s side.” She shifted slightly, “Maybe I just hadn’t thought about it from Tom’s side. As far as he was aware, everything was moving along, slowly yes, but for him this has come as a massive surprise. Maybe you should apologise to him?”
Your mouth opened, “Apologise? You didn’t hear how he spoke to me.”
“He was hurt, Y/N. Stop being so stubborn.”
You looked away from Jess, taking a breath. Jess waited but when you didn’t respond, she stood up.
“Or not.”
You heard her move out of the room and the sound of dishes being moved around in the sink echoed out of the kitchen. You laid your head back and stared up at the ceiling, letting the feeling of adrenaline settle in your chest.
You tried to keep your voice down as you laughed. Jess had gone to bed as she had an early shift at work the next day so you caught up on some TV before crawling into your bed yourself. You were wide awake, reeling after your run-in with Tom when Travis Facetimed you.
“It’s true! The network and managers and everyone made me do it!”
Travis looked relaxed as he spoke to you. He was at home on his couch wearing a casual outfit of a white t-shirt and red shorts. You were quietly pleased that you had worn some decent pyjamas even though you weren’t expecting to see him.
“No way. I bet you loved it, getting all of that attention from those girls!” You grinned at the screen.
Travis laughed and rubbed his beard, “Well, that certainly helped!”
There was a short comfortable silence before Travis spoke again.
“I miss you, Y/N.”
You blinked and your head lifted slightly. A smile crept onto your face as you studied his, searching for any sign of insincerity. But there was none, he looked genuine.
“You do?”
Travis licked his lips, “I do, babygirl.”
Your stomach burned and your clit began to pulse, “I love it when you call me that.”
Travis’ eyes widened slightly and his voice lowered, “Is that so?”
“Ohh fuck, yes.” You clenched your legs together.
“Is my babygirl getting all hot and bothered?” His voice stayed low, in almost a growl, which only fuelled you more. His eyes searched the parts of your body that he could see on the screen, “I wanna see you.”
You titled your head with a sweet smile, “You can see me.”
“I wanna see more.”
You gasped slightly before angling the camera down your body. You were wearing a matching set of red lace pyjamas; high waisted shorts with a cropped tank. You heard Travis groan as you lifted up one leg which gave him a view of your smooth legs.
“God, baby. You look good.”
You brought the camera back to your face. Travis’ face looked hungry for you, a similar look he was giving you back at the hotel.
“I should’ve had you when I could.”
You smiled as you squeezed your legs once more, feeling a rush of blood to your pussy. Travis must’ve have noticed.
“Do you wish I was there to help you out?” His lips curled into a smirk.
You closed your eyes and ran your hand down your side, “Fuck, yes I do.”
“Show me what you’re doing. I need to see you.”
You tipped the camera down to follow your hand as it reached inside your shorts, fiddling with the waistband. You heard Travis shuffle and his breathing began to get deeper and louder. As you pulled your shorts down, Travis groaned even louder and you quickly turned the volume down on your phone. You leaned your head down so you could catch a glimpse of him, his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed, mouth slightly open and tongue gently running along his top lip. It turned you on even more seeing him like this, desperate for you but unable to have you. You parted your legs a little to give easier access to yourself and a better view for him. You felt goosebumps as your fingers ran lightly along your pussy, imagining that it was his fingers instead. You were becoming wet and your fingers moved easily along your slick opening.
“Go on, babygirl. It’s me, I’m there.”
You plunged your fingers inside of your pussy, using the knuckle of your thumb to gently rub your clit. You gasped at the sensation, something you hadn’t felt for a while. It was sensitive but you continued, letting the pleasure take over. Your body began to tingle, starting in your feet and arms before spreading across your chest. Travis’ eyes focused on your body, watching it move and squirm, his gaze made your nipples become hard, poking against the fabric for him to see. You sped up your pace, pumping your fingers faster and deeper. You moaned under your breath, writhing on your bed, a tightness building up in your core.
“I wanna taste you so bad.”
Travis’ words were enough to send over the edge, your walls clenching around your fingers. You whined as you rode your high, your head tilting back onto the bed and your back arching upwards, letting your hardened nipples press against the thin fabric of your clothing. The pleasure ran across your body like a tidal wave, making your legs weak and your chest fall heavily. You squeezed your eyes shut and listened to Travis’s voice as you moaned away the sensation, relaxing every muscle and collapsing slightly back onto your bed.
“Good girl, that’s it. Man, you’re so beautiful.”
You opened your eyes and brought the screen closer to you as your breathing slowed, “When can I see you?”
“What, you wanna come here?”
You tried to control your breathing as you reached for some tissues to wipe your hands. Staring back into the camera, you watched his excited expression, “Whatever is easier for you, big guy. Honestly, I just want to be around you.”
He lowered his head and smiled enough so that his eyes creased more than you had ever seen, “I have some time off coming up. Why don’t I get you some plane tickets, you stay at my place and we can hang out a bit?”
You smiled at the screen, “I can sort the flights, don’t worry about that.”
“Nah, baby. Let me.” He winked, “I’ll show you all of the best sights in KC. One of them being you if you pack those jammies in your suitcase.”
You giggled and pulled the duvet back towards your chest.
“I’m gunna send you something, too. Can you send me your address?”
“Well, now I’m intrigued.” You raised an eyebrow at him.
He grinned at the screen, “You’ll see soon enough, babygirl.”
You sighed and laid further down in your bed, lifting your hand to cover your mouth as you yawned.
“You tired yourself out?” Travis smiled.
“Just a bit. And here I was thinking tonight would be boring.”
“I should let you get some sleep, don’t think about me too much.”
You yawned again, “We both know I will.”
“Goodnight, beautiful.”
Oooof. That man. That gif of him smiling is something. So, we're going to KC! Next chapter will be as soon as I can! If you want to be added to my Taglist, just comment and I'll pop you on the next one.
Taglist @rd14 @dandelionwrites8 @keiva1000 @fantasywritersstuff @caelipartem @anacarangel @she-lives-in-her-dreams @kkrenae
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