#i should probably talk 2 someone abt it but i don't wanna be a bother yknow? cuz i complain more than enough as it is & i can deal w it
lonelyplanetfag · 1 year
being trans is the hardest thing ive ever done but i wouldn't trade it for anything
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bunnakit · 6 months
Writing prompt!\^.^/
I offer you three words:
roses, dirt, engine
Or: sun, blood, spring
Or: night, furr, footsteps
Have fun writing a scene for one of these 3 bunches :D
i swear i didn't forget about this anon! i was just saving it for when i really needed a work distraction. (i really wanna make this phayatharn but i have a rule abt not writing anything for shows until theyre finished so. option 2 it is.)
sun, blood, spring
Ai Di always imagined he would die somewhere cold and dark, tucked away in an alley, a shipping container, or a warehouse. The warm sun on his cheeks was an extreme deviation from his expectations. He felt simultaneously warm and cold, a tingling sensation at his fingertips he chose not to explore too deeply. He wished he could say he felt at peace, but he hadn't felt that in over four years.
He closed his eyes and pulled in as deep of a breath as he could manage, ignoring the taste of copper on his teeth. He lifted a hand and pressed his fingertips to the thick crimson liquid gathering in the concave of his stomach. Someone should probably be applying pressure to the wound. Where was Xiao Jie?
It felt like it took all his concentration and energy but finally Ai Di managed to turn his head. Ah, there Xiao Jie was, frantically finishing a phone call before sliding onto his knees in the dirt, wadding up a jacket, and pressing it against Ai Di's stomach. He drew in a hiss at the sharp stab of pain, closing his eyes and not bothering to open them again.
He was fairly certain someone was talking to him, trying to get his attention, but he didn't really care to pay attention. It all sounded like it was underwater anyway. Instead, Ai Di turned his head just a little further, just enough to nestle his nose into the collar of the leather jacket he'd taken to wearing lately.
He drew in another deep breath, ignoring the pain and the slight gurgle he felt in his chest. It was worth it for the spiced floral scent that flooded his nostrils, the scent of the woods in spring. His fingers curled into the dirt beneath him, too weak to grasp anything more despite the way he felt like he was coming apart at the seams.
Don't make me worry.
He thought he managed to whisper another countless apology, one of many stacked up in his memories. It seemed he couldn't ever do what Chen Yi wanted, not now and not four years ago. How would Chen Yi react to the news?
His thoughts drifted away, unable to bear going down that road, and instead he trailed his fingers up from Xiao Jie's damp hands to his wrist.
"Xiao Jie." He was so fucking grateful his voice came out steady and commanding, if not a bit rough. He spit out saliva and the taste of iron before speaking again. "Don't tell him."
He could tell the words shocked his subordinate in the way he stilled, tense all over, and the way he stuttered before collecting his words again.
"S-Sure, Ai Di sir, because you're going to be okay." Poor guy really had to work on being more convincing.
"Yeah, of course." Ai Di nodded almost imperceptibly before pressing his nose back into the jacket collar, movements going still and hand falling slack from Xiao Jie's wrist. He thought he heard shouting for a moment but it faded quickly, replaced with a flood of sounds that brought him nothing but comfort.
A low laugh, a gentle reprimand, a softly spoken promise, a playful threat. He wondered if he had a smile on his face as it all went black.
What Ai Di had not accounted for was how fucking embarrassed he'd be when he woke up a few days later, feverish, stitched, and bandaged, but alive. All those fucking dramatics for nothing. At least Chen Yi hadn't been here to see it.
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bungouchronicles · 8 months
are you a minor?
who are your bsd kinnies?
when did you get into tumblr?
what's your fave bsd take?
what's one bsd thing (character/opinion/etc) that u think should be talked about more?
fave animal?
how do u make friends (i need help 😭).
do u play an instrument
share thoughts/reviews abt bsd
jus answer the ones ur comfy answering 💖
Woah this is my first ask, thank you <3 Let's see!
1. I'm not comfortable with sharing my age on the internet so I won't, sorry.
2. Atsushi is my highest kin but I also kin Ranpo and Dazai (don't ask how/j)
I also happen to get Nikolai on a lot of "what character are you?" quizzes and I always relate to him on those "analysing kinnies" things but I refuse to admit that to myself yet 😋
3. I don't remember tbh, I started out on another account but I'm too lazy to look up how old that account is. I think I first joined Tumblr like 2-3 years ago?
4. Ahh I don't know! I have a lot of takes but I can't seem to remember any of them right now haha. I'll get back to this someday.
5. Okay I'll have to make a seperate post about this someday but probably how soukoku is (or at least was) what the other one wished they could be. I love their parallels about how they view humanity which I think already is pretty talked about but yk, you can always talk more about it!
I also think we as a fandom should talk more about Yosano in general, she's very dear to me <3
Oh and Bram! I wanna know more about him and his daughter. He's so silly, how could we not talk about him??
Also I adore the religious symbolism in bsd, we should all talk more about that!
I also think we should talk more about Oda outside of of the impact he had on Dazai. I adore Oda and Dazais story but Oda is really cool regardless of that. I almost never see anyone mention his own story and his motives? He's so cool!!
6. Car :3
7. I just kinda say things and hope someone likes me and that has worked out so far.
No but like, when it comes to making friends irl the best advice I can give you is to surround yourself with like-minded people (like join a group with a shared interest or something) and don't be afraid to be bold. I can assure you, most people want friends and will only be relieved if you offer them your friendship yourself. I recently made a friend when we were having a conversation and she complained about how she didn't have many friends and I just said "hey, we can be friends!" And that was that. She happily agreed and we have been friends ever since. 😊 Obviously this just works if the people you talk too are good people but you shouldn't bother trying to make friends with people that aren't. Hope this helps <3
8. I sing and play some piano, music is my everything though so I'm hoping to both get better at piano and maybe pick up guitar again
9. I'm so normal about this show. Uhm...let's see:
Thoroughly enjoyed. Very well written and has been able to keep me invested for far too long now. The fixation never goes away. Help me, Asagiri is keeping me hostage in this fandom!
This was fun, feel free to send my any other asks in the future <3
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hyeahgaku · 7 months
Nagumo is prolly the big bad of the series as I just can't digest Asaki as final villain. Nagumo is harbouring a fugitive (Yotsumura) and has turned him into his slave, not to mention he keeps Kindaka suspended in life all these years, and now he don't plan to tell the upper echelon of X's bombing plan. It's unfathomable how he's putting his message across like he don't care if thousands of civilians die in the exhibition as long as X is finished. That's nuts man.
I was telling another anon that Nagumo was on my sus list since forever but now the suspicion has tremendously decreased. The final big bad of the series imo is Sei Asaki -whom I don’t think would die easily. Now I'll break down all the points you've listed so you can try see the possible good/advantage behind his actions which I've spent some time analysing & theorizing. It's not perfect thou, sorry in advance.
1] Nagumo harbouring Yotsumura, a supposed "dead man". -> We know that Yotsumura was a big deal as he was the former JAA Chairman's right-hand man. And no matter which era (lol), someone in the JAA wants Yotsumura dead. In the past, Kei told Asaki that he'd get rid of Kindaka so that those in the way of him becoming chairman are eliminated. Soichi tells us that in the event that he dies, either Yotsumura or Asaki will become the next Chairman. That's why Yotsumura was framed for Soichi's assassination. Yotsumura knew he was set up, he probably has all the suspicions on Asaki but at that time nobody would bother to listen to his story. And years later Shishiba got tasked to finish the job again & once more, Yotsumura didn't die. If this reaches Asaki's ears, bro would be mad af & again send someone to hunt Yotsumura's head simply because Yotsumura knew the truth behind Asaki's rise to chairmanship. And so does Slur too. Asaki doesn't wanna get exposed cuz maybe he knows there should be people who'd be after his head for all his misdeeds. Does Nagumo know abt this? I belive he does maybe not everything but most of the stuff. I bet he knew of JAA's corruption over the years but he's gathering evidence & waiting for the right time to take action. For now as we see things, Nagumo is just using Yotsumura to investigate Rion's death -which I'm very certain it's linked to Asaki. Perhaps it's just Rion's mysterious death that he couldn't get info on, or he needs confirmation on the assumptions he have, which is why he decides to capture Yotsumura. Speaking of this yknow I think he had the gut feeling that Shishiba won't kill Yotsumura again & he was actually spying their battle from far otherwise how would he know where Yotsumura was.
2] Nagumo keeps Kindaka suspended since eight/nine years ago. -> As he says, Kindaka was an "important witness to Uzuki's disappearance". He didn't elaborate but I'm sure he means several things and not only "Uzuki's disappearance". Nagumo wasn't present precisely at the time when Kindaka got hurt and I think he'd want Kindaka's testimony about everything that he could try to get an answer out of -whether Uzuki actually hurt him on that day, what actually happened between them, if Kindaka knew or suspected that the JAA spy was Uzuki, whether Kindaka knew of anyone in the higher-ups who may have ordered Rion's death or instructed Uzuki to kill Rion, if the bodyguard mission was actually a set-up for somethin else, is Kindaka actually in on some JAA secrets, etc. Idk if Kindaka will still be able to talk but i assume he can or maybe he'll just nod/shake his head to answer..?
3] Nagumo keeps Slur's bombing plan a secret from the higher-ups. -> Yea he doesn't want them to cancel the whole thing cuz then he wouldn't be able to capture (or kill🥲) Slur. I'm still unsure abt the beef he has against Slur apart from he was simping bad for Rion and he was just jelly that she took off with Slur bby (lol) but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that he will capture Slur instead of offing him. He wants answers and while Yotsumura is tasked to find them, Slur is like the best person to get a straight answer out of so why kill him..? I mean he can t0rture Slur to get the truth 😅 he can even find out the reason why Slur wants to kill Asaki & why he hates the JAA so much. I'm expecting a plot twist where Nagumo won't kill Slur cuz he wants every single truth -from their JCC days mission & the spy stuff, the mysteries of the dissapearances & deaths & how Slur managed to survive (how he becomes Rion too), etc. And frankly speaking I bet Nagumo alr knew ALMOST everything, including that Uzuki was the JAA mole in the JCC days arc but he probably just wants to hear it first-hand from the man himself cuz like I said, I'm dead set on Nagumo capturing Slur instead of offing him.
4] Nagumo doesn't care if thousands of civilians die in the exhibition as long as X is finished. -> The bigger picture is that if Slur is not dealt with, he will continue to kill MORE innocent civilians.. Idk what Nagumo's ideals are but from how he worded it, he'd rather sacrifice a thousand to catch a criminal so that the deaths of even more thousands of innocents can be prevented. Nagumo & Shishiba know that Slur's bombing plan is only set for the day Asaki comes to the exhibit. Measures are in place & I'm sure he's confident in his fellow ORDER members and Sakamoto too, maybe, that they'll do their best to handle the situation and not let the bomb go off. Surely they aren't gonna sit around & do nothing & let everyone die there 😂 it's also possible that Nagumo has other plans of his own like maybe he wants Slur to rly make an appearance in front of Asaki & witness their confrontation himself? Or maybe wheel Kindaka in w his life support system & why not throw Yotsumura into the mix too & then let everyone get a piece of Asaki?
All this aside, there is possibility that there are two sides to the JAA right now. Maybe there exists a "Resistance" group which Nagumo is the sole member or the leader & they're operating in secret to uncover the hidden secrets of the corrupt JAA in the midst of all the chaos, before they can take the next course of actions to do what Slur also aims to do: reform the assassin world/bring about a new ORDER.
Anyway sorry for the longass reply I hope I helped in some way. If anyone has other things to add on, feel free to input your comments below :)
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
a guide to bridgerton season 1
have u ever thought that bridgerton season 2 looks interesting but u really don't wanna bother with season 1? then this is the guide for u!
i'm gonna explain all characters and storylines from season 1 that i deem relevant here so naturally there'll be spoilers. i'm also going to do this mostly from memory (and it's been a while since i watched season 1) so there might be some minor mistakes but overall it should still get the same point across.
disclaimer: this post has an intended and expected target audience of one person so....do with that what u will. also i will be doing my best to explain erverything but i will also not be completely objective abt it. hope this helps <3
okay so getting right into it!
what is bridgerton?
bridgerton is a netflix tv show set in regency era england. the main characters are the bridgerton family, in particular the 8 children of violet bridgerton. the show is based on a book series by julia quinn, which is 8 books long, with each book being about a different bridgerton sibling meeting the "love of their life". the show follows this theme so far, with season 1 being about daphne bridgerton and season 2 about anthony bridgerton. every season has 8 episodes which are each about an hour long.
what not to expect from bridgerton:
historical accuracy
consistently good dialogue
flattering dresses (fuck i hate empire waistlines sm. and also how and why did they start a corset trend on tiktok. did nobody pay attention. there's no corsets involved here other than the absolutely useless ones they keep talking abt and showing in s1. bestie u're wearing an empire waistline why tf do u need to wear a corset)
a flawless masterpiece of a show
what to expect from bridgerton:
fun characters
occasionally really bad dialogue and occasionally some really good lines
nice visuals and colours
classical covers of pop songs instead of normal classical music. it's distracting sometimes
good sibling dynamics
and yes ofc. sex scenes (less in season 2 than season 1 tho thank god. the ones in season 2 are in ep 7 and 8 i think)
the characters
so first i will be introducing all the characters and then get into all the plotlines, because i think that is the easiest way to explain it. season 1 is very convoluted so there is a lot of plotlines and a lot of characters to keep track of so bear with me. also i did only include ones i deemed relevant knowing for season 2 or for particular storylines from season 1 that carry on to season 2.
the bridgertons
there is a lot of them! pictured here in age order:
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starting out with violet bridgerton:
resident widow, lover of the alphabet (her kids are named in alphabetical order as pictured above), true love enthusiast and wannabe matchmaker nr 1
she's really into true love so she insists her children only marry if they really love their partner (u won't find a lot of endorsement of arranged marriages in this show, it's just all abt true love baby!), which makes her a little overbearing and frustrating at times but she's overall lovely and caring and also ms ma'am had 8 children she deserves to be a little annoying
anthony bridgerton:
nearly identical white guy nr 1, oldest sibling and the man of the family. takes his duties very seriously almost a little too much. very protective of his siblings. chronically stressed. if u see a white guy not frowning and having fun it's probably not him. bottles up his emotions. pathetic™. main character of season 2.
benedict bridgerton:
white guy nr 2, second oldest. the artsy sibling. if someone's painting it's probably him. very easy-going and relaxed. wants to do more with his life than sit around and be rich.
colin bridgerton:
white boy nr 3, traveling enthusiast. makes decisions™. kind of annoying at times but we persevere. midlife crisis at 21. friends with penelope featherington.
daphne bridgerton:
the star of the fam. everything is about her and if it's not about her then it's abt how it's not abt her. main character of season 1 and insanely annoying the whole time thru. looks like she's abt to start crying all the way thru s1. absolutely terrible not just subjectively but also objectively. only likeable as a side character and if u forget everything abt her from s1 and just watch s2.
eloise bridgerton:
deeper voice than u'd expect. wannabe feminist and a bit annoying abt it. a lot of people hate her bc they find her annoying but she's my girl so i will ask u to keep in mind that she's still learning and growing up with opinions different from seemingly everybody else so naturally she does things wrong sometimes as literally every human being does. she's got her heart in the right place and i think that's what matters. so bear with her pls and thank u. penelope's best friend.
francesca bridgerton:
absent icon. appears for 0.02 seconds before disappearing again. yes ma'am give us nothing
gregory bridgerton:
best boy. starts fights with hyacinth like constantly. just being fun in the background. good for him.
hyacinth bridgerton:
also just having fun in the background. starts fights with gregory constantly.
that's all the bridgertons! who is most important to remember? everyone from violet to eloise i'd say, the others don't appear much (especially francesca).
the featheringtons:
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if the bridgertons are the good guys these are the bad guys....pretty much. the bridgertons and the featheringtons are kind of like opposites.
lady featherington:
top left corner. i don't remember her name so u don't have to either. kinda annoying always has some drama going on that she girlbossed herself into and is now trying to girlboss her way out of again except make it complicated edition. basically the evil stepmother to penelope's cinderella except it's her actual mother. she's not that evil tho just a bit annoying tbh. only person who wears dresses that accentuate her waist and boobs.
lord featherington:
only relevant for some backstory i'll get into later u can forget abt him after this guide.
sister 1 (left, green dress):
literally never remember their names so u don't have to either. engaged to sneezy from snow white except taller. cinderella stepsister nr 1.
sister 2 (middle, orange dress):
cinderella stepsister nr 2. that's it tbh.
penelope "pen" featherington (right, yellow dress):
"the good egg" of the family and a wallflower. her mum makes her wear yellow and she absolutely hates it. is secretly in love with colin bridgerton. for reasons. eloise's best friend and friends with colin bridgerton.
some more featherington-related people:
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marina thompson:
distant cousin to the featheringtons. had a whole unnecessary storyline in s1 and was done super dirty. i'll get into it later. had a secret lover called george.
phillip crane:
my mortal enemy. george's .....brother????? i think????? married to marina for reasons i'll get into later. i want to kill him
lady danbury and simon basset
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these 2 are not related btw
lady danbury:
wannabe matchmaker nr 2, always bringing new people into town for. reasons, quite influential kinda lowkey the queen's bestie. raised simon after his father abandoned him bc he had a stutter and helped him overcome the stutter. a really fun character i like her.
simon basset:
main love interest of season 1. daddy issues so bad he swore to never have children (my bloodline ends with me type of dramatics). a boxer for some reason. allegedly a rake (that's what the besties call a regency era fuckboy) but the allegations have been neither confirmed nor denied. i think. also a bit annoying but also deserved better.
lady whistledown:
regency era gossip girl. basically an anonymous writer who has a gossip column that everyone is obsessed with. constantly talking shit abt people and Will ruin ur reputation for no reason. voiced by julie andrews. was revealed to be penelope featherington at the end of s1. girlboss.
queen charlotte
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the queen. obsessed with finding lady whistledown and also wearing massive gowns and wigs so big u wonder how she's even holding her head up. constantly snorting smthg, my working theory is that it's cocaine and if it's not i don't wanna know bc cocaine is funnier.
other notable side characters:
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madame delacroix:
modiste. singlehandedly carrying everyone's fashion on her shoudlers. fake french accent. a girlboss. had a thing with benedict bridgerton. left for france at the end of s1.
will mondrich:
didn't know his name until like 2 seconds ago so u don't have to remember it either. simon's bestie and boxing partner (and professional boxer). made a deal with lord featherington that earned him some money and he quit boxing and opened up a bar (?) no one goes to.
the storylines
okay so now i will be getting into all the storylines from season 1. there's a lot. first i'll explain the main storyline with daphne and simon and then i'll go thru all the characters and explain their respective side storylines. but first!
the setting
so bridgerton is set in regency era england as mentioned before, specifically london. every season of the show takes place in the "social season" or just "season", which means all the rich people ("the ton") hold balls and charity events literally all the time, which is why there is a ball twice every episode. every season the young ladies who are of age or smthg are introduced to the queen (their so-called "debut"). out of those the queen names a "diamond" every season, who is whatever young lady the queen likes the best and has the highest expectations for that season. that places a lot of pressure on the young lady to appeal to the queen and makes her more desirable since the queen approves of her, which also means she needs to live up to the expectations.
daphne & simon:
before we get into it a little warning there are gonna be mentions of r*pe in this storyline.
let's get into it! season 1 starts out with daphne making her debut into society, she gets presented before the queen and does so flawlessly. the queen likes her and names her the diamond of the season (that doesn't happen right away i think but i don't remember when it did so i'll just mention it right away). simon basset comes to stay with lady danbury, since she convinced him to join the season after his father passed away. lady whistledown publishes her first ever article, attracting the attention of the ton, including the queen.
anthony promises to help daphne find a suitor but drives away literally any guy even looking into daphne's direction except for the worst guy ever, lord berbrooke (he'll be irrelevant in a moment don't worry). lord berbrooke is overall very slimy and very pushy, insisting that daphne marries him, not respecting her at all, etc etc. anthony (in a bad mood due to circumstances i'll get into later) already promised daphne to lord berbrooke tho. daphne isn't very happy about it. during a ball, lord berbrooke and daphne happen to meet in the gardens (maybe he followed her i forgot), and when he tries to assault her, daphne punches him (knocked out clean ms ma'am has a strong punch). simon witnesses the entire thing which is scandalous bc a lady shouldn't be seen with a gentleman because people might just assume smthg scandalous happened between them. so daphne is caught with lord berbooke by simon, which makes this double scandalous. so simon and daphne form an agreement to enter a fake courtship (yes it's regency era fake dating), because daphne needs a suitor because she's the diamond of the season and simon wants to get lady danbury off his back (i think. very unsure abt this but simon benefitted from the whole thing as well that's for sure).
anthony doesn't like that his sister and his bestie simon are involved with each other (because he thinks simon is a rake. takes one to know one that's all i'll say), but simon tells anthony what lord berbrooke did to daphne and anthony is furious and cancels their agreement. lord berbrooke isn't happy about it and gets a special marriage license for himself and daphne (that's basically a shortcut to marriage) and threatens to expose her. lady bridgerton (violet) saves the day by spreading rumours abt lord berbrooke that lady whistledown publishes in her writing and he's forced to leave london.
daphne and simon grow closer (chemistry though? we're missing her dearly), until the queen introduces her nephew to daphne. prince friedrich of prussia (white guy with blonde hair, blue eyes and a german accent. it'd be almost offensive if i didn't go to high school with a guy exactly like that, name and all) is kinda taken with daphne. lady danbury pressures simon to propose to daphne and he calls off their fake courtship and leaves london, which upsets daphne and makes her accept friedrich's advances.
daphne attends a boxing match with friedrich, where he proposes but daphne doesn't know what to do because she caught feelings for simon so she flees to the gardens. simon shows up to say goodbye and apologise but daphne flees and then they make out. anthony witnesses that tho and demands simon marry daphne and simon refuses which makes daphne upset again. and because simon refused anthony insists on duelling simon (no not swords unfortunately. it is with guns they stand around dramatically and attempt to kill eo or smthg) (wE dUeLL at dAwN). anthony actually has ulterior motives here i'll explain later. daphne finds out tho that not only anthony witnessed them making out but so did cressida cowper, who lowkey blackmails her abt it, so daphne rushes to stop the duel. simon tells daphne that he doesn't wanna marry her because he can't have children and daphne decides to marry him anyways.
they try to get a special marriage license but the queen makes sure they don't get it, so they go to the queen to convince her that they're in love and to ask her to let them get married. they suceed thanks to simon and get married. lady bridgerton tries to explain sex to daphne, gets embarrassed, uses way too many euphemisms and metaphors and leaves daphne knowing less than before. simon and daphne travel back to simon's estate (clyvedon) and stop at an inn for the night. simon gets them separate rooms and daphne gets upset and they get into an argument and surprisingly for the first time in 5 entire episodes communication takes place and love confessions happen and then they have sex.
daphne and simon arrive at clyvedon and spend the rest of their honeymoon there. daphne has difficulty winning over the housekeeper and then offends the entire village. simon focuses on paperwork more. the housekeeper tells daphne abt simon's tragic past. daphne begs a maid to tell her how sex and getting pregnant works and finds out that simon can have children he just doesn't want to. she then proceeds to r*pe simon, intending to get pregnant and when he gets upset about it, she blames it all on him for "not telling her the truth" because he was "ambiguous with his wording".
daphne and simon continue being at odds and daphne returns to london, because colin got caught up in scandal (i'll get into it later). simon decides him and daphne will live separately if daphne is not pregnant. daphne attends a party with lady danbury. anthony and simon get into a fight. daphne discovers why simon doesn't want children. they attend an opera where daphne gets her period and then cries about not being pregnant (by the way daphne always wanted children and simon knew that which is why he didn't want to marry her bc he knew he couldn't give her what she wants).
daphne finds out more abt simon's childhood and finds letters he wrote to his father that his father never read. simon "reconsiders what he wants" after spending time with daphne's younger siblings. they throw a ball and reconcile and then go on to have kids.
that's it for simon and daphne's story. as u can see it's pretty bad. these 2 lack chemistry, have too many sex scenes, could solve their problems by sitting down and having a proper conversation for 5 minutes and overall daphne is just a terrible person. the whole time she's very whiny and whenever simon gets upset she blames it all on him. especially after she r*ped him, she never apologised for her actions and simon is forced to apologise to HER for "lying". so that's that. now onto other stories.
anthony & siena
when the whole story starts anthony is in a situationship with an opera singer called siena. they hook up casually but they're not in a relationship because they can't be because she's a commoner. violet bridgerton implies that she knows about their Thing in a conversation with anthony where she also implies he should focus on his duties more. siena also at some point says they can't be together because of their class differences. overall all you need to know about this storyline is that these two were on and off all the time, constantly going back to each other to have sex but then breaking up again because reality hit. they are in love with each other though.
by the time anthony catches simon and daphne in the gardens and demands to duel with simon, he made up a plan. either he dies or he survives by killing simon and then plans to flee the country (because he killed someone and also i think duels are illegal so that's also why? i could be wrong tho) and take siena with him and they'd live their happily ever after somewhere else. the duel gets called off though so anthony goes back to siena but she's gone and only her good friend the modiste madame delacroix answers the door and says siena has left town.
he sees her again at a boxing match with another man. she tries to make him jealous and they hook up under the bleachers and spend more time together at her house. anthony invites her to simon and daphne's ball but she declines. later, anthony goes to her house with flowers, but the man she was with earlier, opens the door. siena comes out to talk to anthony and tells him to move on from her, because she is trying to move on too and that she is content.
anthony is heartbroken and at the end of the first season exudes peak clownery, serving entire circus, when he tells simon and daphne that he has "determined that the difficulty is love itself" and he shall promptly find a suitable wife without love.
if there are any mistakes in this guide i'd say this storyline would be where they come up the most, since i just wasn't that interested in their storyline and they were on again off again so often it's hard to keep track. i liked their ending though i'm glad they let siena move on. also anthony is very different in season 1 than season 2. surprisingly, he becomes less annoying.
benedict, art & gays
so benedict's whole deal is that he's not like other girls. he would like to be an artist. at an art gallery (?) he meets another gentleman, sir henry granville, who is an artist and befriends him. sir henry invites him to a party (this is around the time daphne & simon try to get a special marriage license). when benedict gets there it's this hedonistic gathering of people having sex and making out all over the place, drinking alcohol and creating art. there he meets madame delacroix and makes out with her. he tries to get them a room but when he opens the door: boom! gay sex right in front of his eyes.
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yeah. it's sir henry granville his good heterosexual friend getting railed. how did this happen. anyways benedict takes a little moment to reconsider his entire life and then gets interrupted by mamdame delacroix calling his name. she's sitting on a bench (like one of those old fancy benches u'd lean/lie on and lazily eat grapes. u know the one) with another women and benedict joins them and they all make out.
at the next ball benedict meets sir henry again and benedict assures him he won't tell anyone what he saw that night. sir henry then goes on to introduce benedict to his wife and whoopsie it's the woman who was with madame delacroix that night who he also made out with (and presumably also had sex with).
at the next event of the ton, sir henry chats him up again and asks if benedict will attend another party since he hasn't been lately. benedict and sir henry then both spot sir henry's good friend lord weatherby, and sir henry offers to introduce benedict to him but benedict, acting absolutely everything but normal, makes excuses and runs off, implying that lord weatherby is in fact the guy he saw with sir henry that night.
at another ball, benedict approaches sir henry and asks him about his situation. sir henry explains that he's in love with lord weatherby and benedict is like but you're MARRIED and sir henry is like yeah and my wife can do whatever tf she wants and is protected and cared for we're probably happier than half of the people in this room. and then a very iconic dialogue happens and it goes like
benedict: and what is the advantage for all the young ladies lord weatherby is courting? or do they also share this understanding? what about honour? romance?
sir henry: what would you know of either? we live on a constant threat of danger every day, bridgerton. i risk my life every day. for love. you have no idea what it is like to be in a room with someone you cannot live without, and it still feels as though you are oceans apart. stealing your glances, disguising your touches, we can't so much as smile at each other, without first ensuring no one else is watching. it takes courage, to live outside the traditional expectations of society. you talk of doing the same, but perhaps it is merely just that. all talk.
and then he leaves. ICONIC SHIT. and i really hope this is not foreshadowing for benedict's book plot because i will literally start killing. anyways so benedict gets read to absolute filth and that's that. after that benedict starts hooking up with madame delacroix. otherwise, i think his arc ends here.
overall a nice arc, i'm suspiciously eyeing the gay people and threatening the writers abt benedict's season but we move.
colin, marina, penelope & the art of decision-making
marina comes to stay with the featheringtons and lady featherington absolutely hates her right from the start for no good reason. marina is just minding her business. then one day lady featherington finds out from a maid that marina hasn't had her period in 2 months and lady featherington comes to the (correct) conclusion that marina is pregnant. she promptly gives marina house arrest and only penelope comes to visit her in her room. marina shares with penelope that the child is from a man named sir george crane, who is currently fighting in spain. marina also wrote him a letter telling him about the child.
lady featherington decides to find a match for marina who will marry her as soon as possible, so it is not too late and would ruin her and by extension the featherington's reputation. she tries to set her up with a bunch of old guys but they're all slimy and disgusting and she doesn't like them. marina is still waiting for george to write her back. penelope checks the mail every time in case there's a letter for marina in there but there never is one. until one day there is and marina opens it and george wrote her back, denying that there was ever anything between them. marina is heartbroken.
she is then again presented with more old suitors who want to marry quickly and are in need of an heir. colin saves her from these suitors and they dance. they start to like each other. penelope, who is secretly in love with colin, is jealous of him paying so much attention to marina. lady featherington then tells marina to cut colin out because he won't marry her fast enough but marina insists and tells her she's sure colin will propose. at daphne's wedding, colin proposes to marina, but with the condition of a long engagement period, which marina simply cannot afford, but she agrees nonetheless.
colin announces his engagement to marina to his family, who aren't very happy about it. penelope then confides in colin, that marina is in love with another man, hoping to break up the engagement. colin suggests marina and him should get married sooner then by traveling to scotland. penelope then discovers that the letter from george, that broke marina's heart, was faked by lady featherington and tells marina about it but marina dismisses her and says she wants to marry colin anyways and wants to move on from george. then lady whistledown publishes marina's secret -her pregnancy- which shocks colin greatly.
through lady whistledown's writing, colin gets caught up in a scandal, which gives daphne an excuse to return to london, away from her own problems with simon, to support her brother. she arranges a meeting between colin and marina. they have an argument, colin expresses how betrayed he feels and marina explains that she didn't know what else to do. colin cancels the engagement.
daphne attends a party with lady danbury, where all the married women of the ton get together. daphne uses that chance to help marina by locating george. meanwhile marina tries to end her pregnancy through a tea and passes out. not long after, my mortal enemy sir phillip crane arrives and tells marina he is george's brother and that george died in battle and that he wanted to marry her. he then offers to marry her in his place, but marina declines and says she is no longer pregnant. but after sir phillip crane leaves, marina finds out she is still pregnant. at the end of season 1 she leaves london with sir phillip crane to marry him.
penelope gets up her courage to confess to colin, but before she can tell him, he tells her he is going to travel the world and she doesn't confess.
at the end of the show penelope is revealed to be lady whistledown.
eloise & lady whistledown
eloise is daphne's younger sister, feeling like she not only stands in her shadow since daphne appears so perfect but also like the black sheep of the family due to her feminist beliefs. she wants more out of life than just marrying a man but knows she can't do that because she is a woman. that's why she supports benedict in his pursuit of art, because then at least one of them could be happy.
around the time marina tells penelope about george and simon tells anthony about what lord berbrooke did to daphne, eloise starts wondering about how women get pregnant, which she finds to be horrible, so she wants to know how it happens so she can avoid it. she asks her family about it but violet is scandalised and forbids her brothers to tell her.
at some point eloise decides to find lady whistledown. why? i don't remember, sorry. she starts investigating and strings along penelope. the queen takes an interest in eloise's investigation, because she wants to find lady whistledown herself to make her pay for going against her. so she gets eloise to share her findings and make her find lady whistledown for her. after colin and marina's scandal, eloise wants to find her even more to convince her to restore the featherington's reputation, even when she herself has to prepare for her debut the next season. the queen isn't very impressed with eloise's results however, and decides to find lady whistledown on her own. eloise suspects madame delacroix to be lady whistledown and confronts her about it, trying to convince her to write something good about the featheringtons.
wanting to protect lady whistledown, eloise tries to find out what the queen has planned for lady whistledown. she finds out from the queen's advisor (?) that they plan to unmask lady whistledown and that they have worked out where lady whistledown gets her articles printed and that she brings them there when everyone is distracted by big events, such as simon and daphne's ball everyone is currently at. eloise then rushes to the printer's press to see if lady whistledown arrives. a carriage arrives and eloise sees a man running towards it so she tips off the carriage and tells them to leave because it is a trap. at the end of season 1 eloise finds out that benedict was with madame delacroix that same night she saved lady whistledown, meaning she can't be lady whistledown, which shocks eloise greatly.
lord featherington & will mondrich
the other ones i put a little bit of research into but this one i will recite from memory bc it's not that deep, not that important and also i've been typing for hours i have had enough besties.
okay so lord featherington has a gambling habit and spent all of his family's money on betting. lady featherington finds out about it and tells lord featherington he needs to get this sorted out again (i think so. i vaguely remember that)
(this is all a guess now bc i didn't actually understand what was going on at the time i watched it) so lord featherington goes to will mondrich, a boxer, and offers him a deal. he will bet a lot of money on him losing and wants will to lose for him. in return, will will receive some of that money, so him and his wife can live a better life. will reluctantly agrees even tho he is all about honour and gets the money. he later gets into an argument about it with simon who suspects that he lost on purpose, after he sees lord featherington leave after dropping off the money.
lord featherington then shows the money to lady featherington, who is happy they get to continue living their expensive lifestyle. lord featherington slips back into his gambling habits tho and then gets murdered by his associates, leaving his family financially struggling.
final notes
if you made it this far u're braver than the US marines truly. i hope this guide helped and enjoy season 2 it gets better from here <333
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non-navigational maps
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y/n's new to the giant busy crowds of new york so she wanted to ask someone for help
pairing: peter x fem!reader
status: strangerz
Warning: shy reader (idk if this is a warning but just in case)
y/n's POV
new york sure is loud, like really really loud. but thankfully i found a park or something so i can relax a bit and really look at my map. i couldnt understand a thing. seriously how do people use a thousand subways just to get to one place?
after a few minutes i gave up and tried to ask someone for help which isn't very fun for me considering i barely talk to strangers...too shy for all of that but my familly will murder me if i wasnt home by 6 and most importantly im STARVING. hmm lets see, a mom and her toddler? nah shes probably busy as it is trying to stop her little boys tantrum, the old man in the bench infront of me? yeah why not- nope his ice cream just spilled on his shirt poor thing. i wanted to help him out but someone already did, a boy i think wait no he looks older maybe my age?  i dont know, i can only see his back, his hair looked cute though soft, brown, light, did I mention soft?- ok y/n stop it.
"Damn it!" The old man cursed "should've gon for the vanilla" he shook his head, I laughed his comment, he 'should've' gotten vanilla coz his t-shirt was white and it wouldn't stain that much *laughing* ugh so wholesome
I heard another voice, a much younger voice. I looked up from my god damn map to meet the back of the boy who's helping the guy out, laughing at what he said. His laugh is cute too
"But chocolate tastes better sir, I think you made a great choice" he wiped the excess now I know chocolate ice cream off the old mans shirt
"I always make the right choices kid, the names Stan" the once grumbled old man, smiled just from an act of kindness by a boy my age, he held his hand for him to shake
"Peter, Peter Parker sir" he shook his hand and smiled he said something to Stan which made him laugh. I giggled from their interaction just happy from what I've witnessed. for some reason I find guys my age helping others attractive it really shows me how good of a person this guy is, it makes me feel like not all boys my age are bad, I don't know hopefully I'll see him soon
*A/N: YES IM PUTTING A STAN LEE CAMEO IN HERE, if you didn't ask...The old guy I'm talking abt is Stan lee ;)*
After looking at my map a billion more times to try and not talk to people I gave up again and kept looking around, since there wasn't anyone else in this side of the park I decided to walk, if I'm staying for a while might as well get some exercise am I right?
I walked for a few minutes until I found a group of benches again so I looked for someone unoccupied, not sketchy, and hopefully is in a good mood, till i found a beautiful woman probably in her 40s or something ( but she looked amazing though)
she seemed nice as well, she just had that vibe to her so i decided to ask her, yayy can you feel the sarcasm?? I'm TERRIFIED
she was sitting on the bench, lifting her glasses every once in a while to read the book she had in her hand. i slowly walked up to her, nervous. what should i tell her? that im new to the area and if i couldnt find a Mcdonalds soon ill turn into the next hulk? the nerves seemend to fade away once we we locked eyes, she had brown welcoming eyes, a smile ill probably never forget plastered on her face.
"hello sweetie, what can i do for you?" her voice was like honey sweet, and calming as well.
"oh uhm sorry to bother you but i- i am kinda lost and i-i cant find a burger place kind near the are-" i was a stuttering mess! But thankfully i got interrupted from humiliating myself...by the- who is this guy? Oh wait! That's the guy that helped the old man! Peter? Yeah Peter, Peter Parker
"sorry i took a while aunt may, theres this old guy named stan, he spilled his ice cream all over his shirt so i decided to help him and i bought him a new one! should we go..." the boy trailed off, he looked cute not gonna lie, he had the same features as the woman infront of me, brown eyes, soft brown hair, and a kind spirit definitely. "s-sorry was i interrupting something?" he rubbed the back of his neck embarrassed
"no its okay peter, this lovely lady right here is just lost would you be a doll and help her? im bad at maps as it is" she laughed pointing at me. the second he looked at me blood rushed to my cheeks, he really was cute. i gave him a small wave and a barely audible 'hi' but luckily he picked it up and replied with a 'hey'
"Peter, yeah I know. Kinda heard saw helping the guy out. That's really sweet of you...what you did" I blushed "a-a-anyways I'm y/n" I wiped my clammy hands on my jeans to take the sweat off quickly before he shook them.
"Uh nice to meet you too?" he fiddled with his hands his smile growing bigger with every second he looked at me "y-you needed help?" He asked blushing and also eyeing may like he's frustrated from her or something, I laughed at his face and opened the map in my hands
"Uhm, well i-I'm supposed to go to the 21st street 3rd Avenue or somethig by 6 coz my parents will kill me if I was late since were new here, but I think there's enough time to go find some burger place or something since I'm starving and there should be a Macdonalds around the corner right? Oh my god I'm so sorry I'm rambling...I do that a lot when I'm frustrated.....and hungry haha" I nervously laughed mentally kicking myself for being such an idiot to a boy I potentially liked
"Oh no no, I don't mind. So uh you live in queens?" He started off smiling a bit, I was scared for a second since i didn't tell him about that part how would he know that?
"Oh uhm, I'm from queens and the 21st street 3rd Avenue is in queens" he probably got nervous since he saw my slightly frightened face, but it softened once I knew that he wasn't a creepy stalker or some shit
"Y-yeah yeah queens, sorry" why the the fuck am I apologizing?
"No it's fine, you don't need to worry. You probably couldn't find the 21st because you held the map upside down?" he chuckled flipping the map and I just died in embarrassment like can the floor eat me or something?
"I'm such an idiot oh my god" I face palmed and laughed a little the world has something against me I am sure of it
"No you're not, you're new to the busy subways and noisy streets it's fine" he assured me and continued on chuckling, can this day get any worse? "well ironically there isn't a burger place near this area" well great "but t-theres this deli sandwich shop that I always g-go to, uhm I don't know if you'd like that but it's uh really good" he squeaked red swarming to his cheeks and the tip of his ears
"He can show you, if you want? Since you're new and everything he'll be happy to help" the woman buts in smirking, turns out she's been listening to our conversation than reading her book. She sent Peter a wink and packed her stuff
"But what about the library may, you said you wante-"
"It's ok Peter, just come home before 7 and be safe!" She patted his shoulder and gave me a smile. It all happened so fast but I smiled back. Guess I'm gonna go eat with a handsome stranger?
"Well uhm sorry about my aunt" he cleared his throat "wanna g-go grab a sandwich? It's like 10 minutes away and uh we have like" he checked his watch " 3 hours before it turns 6 so plenty of time..." he trailed off, I could either decline and not explore with a cute boy and get lost again? Or risk it and potentially get kidnapped....yeah the answer is pretty obvious
"..uhm yeah sure, let's go" I ushered him taking the map and stuffing it in my bag "well, after you"
I'm thinking of doing a part 2 idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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sineala · 4 years
Hey! Since you're one of the sources of comic knowledge, I have to ask. Has Marvel ever permanently killed a superhero? Also what are the chances that Marvel would be willing to kill Tony or Steve? Bc your fics among others made me curious about reading the comics but I don't wanna get into that if Marvel is just gonna end up killing my fav character (I've heard a lot abt the current Tony being not real??). I have had enough of that from mcu
Hi there! I am glad you are curious about comics (and sorry to hear about your MCU-related sadness), and I'm sitting here trying to think of a good way to answer your question, because I think you're presuming something about comics that isn't really true. It's not really like other fandoms.
Basically, the deal in comics is that you should never, ever expect anyone to die permanently. But the corollary to this is that comics have been around for so long that it may take a while for someone to get brought back, but eventually it's probably going to occur to someone at Marvel that their story would be a lot more fun if only So-and-So Man were in it, and then they contrive a way to get him back. Take Bucky as an example. The saying used to be that "nobody in comics stays dead except Bucky, Jason Todd, and Uncle Ben," and, well, two-thirds of those people came back. No one thought Bucky was ever coming back, until Ed Brubaker started writing Captain America, and he'd apparently wanted to bring Bucky back since he was a kid, and well... that's what he did. (And then he killed Steve, but I'm pretty sure no one thought Steve was going to stay dead.)
Even heroes whose death has been given a lot of weight still get to come back. Take Mar-Vell. He got an entire Death of Captain Marvel graphic novel, very tragic, very moving -- and yet, they've still brought him back at least twice. He's currently dead now, but I'm sure if they wanted him alive, they could bring him back again.
So when you ask if they've ever permanently killed a superhero -- I mean, sure, there are characters who have died who haven't come back yet, but given how the comics universe works, there's nothing saying Marvel can't eventually come up with a way. I think non-powered characters are more likely to stay dead; for example, Happy Hogan's been dead since Civil War, and there are no signs he's coming back any time soon, but Marvel can always surprise me.
Both Steve and Tony have died more than once each, but they are popular enough -- they've both had an ongoing presence and their own solo (and/or shared with each other) comic since the 60s, enough that I think it's really, really extremely unlikely that Marvel will kill either of them off permanently. They've been in comics for decades and I don't see why they'd stop now. I am pretty sure there's going to keep being Captain America and Iron Man comics, because they keep selling. (You can contrast this with a character like, say, Doctor Strange, who has gone long periods of time without a solo book or even any book.)
However, the other thing you should know about comics is that sometimes... there will just be a lot of comics you don't like. And that's okay! It is the case now that most of Steve/Tony fandom, as far as I can tell, is generally not enjoying much about Avengers, Captain America, or Iron Man. But there are always old comics to read and write about (don't worry, no one expects anyone else to have read them all), and I suspect Marvel is going to end up totally ignoring or writing around "Tony Stark isn't real" after Slott leaves the book (because, seriously, it makes no sense) and the promo art for the Empyre event shows what is probably him on the team as Iron Man anyway.
Being into comics is about learning to pick and choose the parts of canon that you like and ignoring the rest, because honestly there's a lot of it and it all contradicts each other. You can generally expect to see continuity within one writer's run on one comic; if you are very lucky, the people writing the comics at the same time will talk to each other and make sure everything lines up, but unless an event is happening, mostly they do not. This is why (1) Steve and Tony are both current active Avengers, (2) Steve is currently on the run and hiding from the law because he broke out of prison, and (3) Tony is currently on the run and leading the robot revolution. Somehow all of these things are true. Comics are a mess. Don't let it bother you. But if any storylines sound fun, feel free to hop on board and try reading some. There are actually plenty of fun comics out there!
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k-idol-moodboards · 7 years
No pressure to answer this or anything, i just need to say this to someone,, I'm a trans boy,I've been out for like 1-2 years. I've been with my gf for about 5 months nd she's so sweet and kind and pretty, we've known each other for like 13 years?? She prefers girls, which isn't a problem, the problem is that she talks abt being lesbian. I don't wanna be like "um u can't call urself a lesbian bc i said so xoxo :)" but I just?? Feel terrible when she says that??idk I probably sound like an ass rn
nononnononon its fine!!! i think you should tell her it bothers you ! shes your girlfriend! communication really helps man !! if you keep it inside and refrain from telling her, youre only going to get more annoyed! its your choice, though! i wish you the best of luck!-e
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tbhstudying1 · 6 years
hi seo!! i kno this ain't a gaming blog and it's probably asked before, but do you have any tips for a complete beginner in ow? i played before but was kind of just thrown into it and randomly chose a character so i didn't kno what was going on. everything seems super overwhelming, so i don't kno what to kno before playing lmao :') thank you in advance!
issok!!!! i LOVE talking abt games and ppl don’t talk to me enough abt games!!!!!!! and now i get to talk abt jeff kaplan’s ballpit hella
this is gonna be LONG so i’m gonna put it under the cut! also, i’m so sorry to all the mobile users out there bc the cut may not work. these are my own opinions + other players might have different feedback? if so, feel free to reblog / reply with your own tidbits!! hope this helps, anon!! lmk if u ever wanna play overwatch w/ me!! u can join my discord and give me ur battle tag in our video games channel :)
OKAY so there are three classes: dps, tank, and support. dps focuses on damaging the enemy, tanks can put up shields / have greater health to allow their team to fight longer, and supports heal ppl on their team. jeff and the rest of the overwatch team ™ have kindly divided up all the heroes up into the categories that you see on the bottom of the screen during the “hero select” part before a match starts.
generally, you want to have at least one from each class on a team to make it a balanced team. unfortunately, you might not see that as often in arcade modes / quickplay, but it’s ok!! 
each hero has different mechanics and skills, so i highly suggest going in the practice range + vs ai to test out the different abilities and things like that. you have your weapon, 2 “special” abilities with cooldowns, and 1 ultimate ability that you can charge up. by practicing w/ the hero against other ppl, you can figure out what times are best to use each ability and stuff like that. 
now, it’s time for Seo’s Hot Take On (almost) All The Heroes:
(click the link, it filters thru the heroes by category for u)
oh,,, the dps,,,,,, players,,,,,,, as a support main, i can be tired ™ of dps players who overextend and then demand “i need healing” constantly,,,, but ur not gonna be one of those players!!! dw dw
essentially, you gotta be Good at Aiming to be a Good DPS (but that’s ok, there are some heroes that do not have a high skill cap)
soldier 76 is a good “beginner” hero to start off on bc 1. you play him during the tutorial and 2. he’s the most traditional fps character you can play in the game. he’s got sprint so you can get to places faster, a little biotic field to heal yourself with, and a nice rocket so you can blast someone in the face. the ultimate is also auto-aim so that’s even more helpful for beginner players.
junkrat is another dps that’s relatively easy to play for ppl bc his little bomb things go off and have an explosion radius damage. bastion, mei, and symmetra all have sorta self-heal-ish abilities / passives that might make them easier for you to pick up. symmetra and torbjorn have turrets that auto-aim, so they can be easier heroes to pick up too. just know that ur gonna get smacked later on in higher levels bc No One Likes Playing Against These Two DSJKSDKDSJKKJ
genji, hanzo, and widowmaker tend to be the most popular dps that i see ppl choose in games? idk why tho
my dps favs are soldier 76, mccree, and pharah
the unsung heroes of overwatch,,,,, no one bothers to play tank in quick play and it’s truly a tragedy bc u never realize how much u need a tank until u need a tank
your job as a tank is to 1. be that big distraction that the enemy team wants to go after, 2. make space for your team to work in, and 3. protect your team. this is why they have high health and shield abilities. 
there are 2 different types of tanks: main tanks and off-tanks. off-tanks are generally more mobile, have less health, their defense abilities are shorter, and have “more offensive” capabilities than main tanks (so kinda like a dps / tank hybrid?). they go zooming around more often to protect teammates that are farther away from the objective. main tanks are solid, thicc, rock-hard bastions of protection that get on the payload / control point and do their damn bestest to keep the objectives going + protect their teams with their blessed shields.
some ppl are picky on how to categorize them, but here’s my categorization: off-tanks: dva, zarya, wrecking ball, roadhog main tanks: orisa, reinhardt, winston (winston’s on thin ice tho)
i’d say dva is the most popular tank + it’s nice to pick up as a beginner bc she’s got good mobility, infinite ammo, and a “second life” with the mech and baby dva (you’ll see when u play her). in terms of main tank, i’ve heard ppl say that reinhardt is the easiest main tank to pick up ???? but i personally prefer orisa over him bc her shields are easier to deploy and you can kill things from afar. her reload time is very slow compared to other heroes.
my favorites are orisa and dva.
oh, my favorite class :”) i lov playing support SDKJSDKJSDJK
basically, these are your healers!! they keep your team in tip-top shape + make sure that no one dies. (ppl still die.)
mercy is the easiest support to play imo. your healing beam can lock onto a person + you have high mobility + i genuinely love mercy’s gun even tho i should be focusing on healing. mercy does get a bad rep for being “every e-girl’s main” and ppl might be rude to u if ur a mercy main ;; anyhow, the most important thing to focus on as mercy is your positioning. do not get urself into a position where you cannot easily get out and please don’t die ;;
lucio is another hero that has high mobility and requires positioning bc you have aoe heal but u need to make sure your team is within your radius. wall-riding is very fun too and booping ppl off cliffs is highly entertaining.
brigitte, moira, and zenyatta are supports, but it’s very easy to be a pseudo-dps with them if you’re interested in taking down ur enemies too. 
ana is probably the hardest hero bc she has little mobility and requires good aim to heal and to kill. on that note, zen and ana are the supports that require you to be good at aiming.
my favs are zen and mercy :”)
practice practice practice
it’s overwhelming at first but you’ll get to know all the abilities relatively well 
turn your sound up
each hero has their own unique “sound” whether that be footsteps or ultimate voice lines. the ult voice lines change depending on if they’re on your team or the enemy team + it can be very helpful to know them. 
footstep sounds from the enemy team tend to be louder, and the more dangerous the hero, the louder their footstep (ex: reaper, mccree). hearing footsteps has helped me escape from a flanking reaper out to kill me dsjsdjkksdj
watch overwatch esports
pro ovw esports are casted by ppl who explain how the players are moving and reacting + this can help you get a better understanding of the gameplay and abilities
overwatch league is finished, but you can go back and watch their videos + blizzard has been pretty good abt making sure that owl is appealing to newcomers. i’d recommend matches casted by uber and mr. x
don’t get discouraged by toxic ppl and be a positive person in-game!
toxic ppl suck,,,,, don’t be one of them,,,
play with friends!
ovw is a lot more fun when u play with friends and chat in vc while playing! also the joy of playing with friends can help u feel a lot more comfy with the game too
hope you have fun playing overwatch, anon!!
from for the dreams i want to catch https://ift.tt/2mRjwRk See More
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tbhstudying · 6 years
hi seo!! i kno this ain't a gaming blog and it's probably asked before, but do you have any tips for a complete beginner in ow? i played before but was kind of just thrown into it and randomly chose a character so i didn't kno what was going on. everything seems super overwhelming, so i don't kno what to kno before playing lmao :') thank you in advance!
issok!!!! i LOVE talking abt games and ppl don’t talk to me enough abt games!!!!!!! and now i get to talk abt jeff kaplan’s ballpit hella
this is gonna be LONG so i’m gonna put it under the cut! also, i’m so sorry to all the mobile users out there bc the cut may not work. these are my own opinions + other players might have different feedback? if so, feel free to reblog / reply with your own tidbits!! hope this helps, anon!! lmk if u ever wanna play overwatch w/ me!! u can join my discord and give me ur battle tag in our video games channel :)
OKAY so there are three classes: dps, tank, and support. dps focuses on damaging the enemy, tanks can put up shields / have greater health to allow their team to fight longer, and supports heal ppl on their team. jeff and the rest of the overwatch team (tm) have kindly divided up all the heroes up into the categories that you see on the bottom of the screen during the “hero select” part before a match starts.
generally, you want to have at least one from each class on a team to make it a balanced team. unfortunately, you might not see that as often in arcade modes / quickplay, but it’s ok!! 
each hero has different mechanics and skills, so i highly suggest going in the practice range + vs ai to test out the different abilities and things like that. you have your weapon, 2 “special” abilities with cooldowns, and 1 ultimate ability that you can charge up. by practicing w/ the hero against other ppl, you can figure out what times are best to use each ability and stuff like that. 
now, it’s time for Seo’s Hot Take On (almost) All The Heroes:
(click the link, it filters thru the heroes by category for u)
oh,,, the dps,,,,,, players,,,,,,, as a support main, i can be tired (tm) of dps players who overextend and then demand “i need healing” constantly,,,, but ur not gonna be one of those players!!! dw dw
essentially, you gotta be Good at Aiming to be a Good DPS (but that’s ok, there are some heroes that do not have a high skill cap)
soldier 76 is a good “beginner” hero to start off on bc 1. you play him during the tutorial and 2. he’s the most traditional fps character you can play in the game. he’s got sprint so you can get to places faster, a little biotic field to heal yourself with, and a nice rocket so you can blast someone in the face. the ultimate is also auto-aim so that’s even more helpful for beginner players.
junkrat is another dps that’s relatively easy to play for ppl bc his little bomb things go off and have an explosion radius damage. bastion, mei, and symmetra all have sorta self-heal-ish abilities / passives that might make them easier for you to pick up. symmetra and torbjorn have turrets that auto-aim, so they can be easier heroes to pick up too. just know that ur gonna get smacked later on in higher levels bc No One Likes Playing Against These Two DSJKSDKDSJKKJ
genji, hanzo, and widowmaker tend to be the most popular dps that i see ppl choose in games? idk why tho
my dps favs are soldier 76, mccree, and pharah
the unsung heroes of overwatch,,,,, no one bothers to play tank in quick play and it’s truly a tragedy bc u never realize how much u need a tank until u need a tank
your job as a tank is to 1. be that big distraction that the enemy team wants to go after, 2. make space for your team to work in, and 3. protect your team. this is why they have high health and shield abilities. 
there are 2 different types of tanks: main tanks and off-tanks. off-tanks are generally more mobile, have less health, their defense abilities are shorter, and have “more offensive” capabilities than main tanks (so kinda like a dps / tank hybrid?). they go zooming around more often to protect teammates that are farther away from the objective. main tanks are solid, thicc, rock-hard bastions of protection that get on the payload / control point and do their damn bestest to keep the objectives going + protect their teams with their blessed shields.
some ppl are picky on how to categorize them, but here’s my categorization:off-tanks: dva, zarya, wrecking ball, roadhogmain tanks: orisa, reinhardt, winston (winston’s on thin ice tho)
i’d say dva is the most popular tank + it’s nice to pick up as a beginner bc she’s got good mobility, infinite ammo, and a “second life” with the mech and baby dva (you’ll see when u play her). in terms of main tank, i’ve heard ppl say that reinhardt is the easiest main tank to pick up ???? but i personally prefer orisa over him bc her shields are easier to deploy and you can kill things from afar. her reload time is very slow compared to other heroes.
my favorites are orisa and dva.
oh, my favorite class :”) i lov playing support SDKJSDKJSDJK
basically, these are your healers!! they keep your team in tip-top shape + make sure that no one dies. (ppl still die.)
mercy is the easiest support to play imo. your healing beam can lock onto a person + you have high mobility + i genuinely love mercy’s gun even tho i should be focusing on healing. mercy does get a bad rep for being “every e-girl’s main” and ppl might be rude to u if ur a mercy main ;; anyhow, the most important thing to focus on as mercy is your positioning. do not get urself into a position where you cannot easily get out and please don’t die ;;
lucio is another hero that has high mobility and requires positioning bc you have aoe heal but u need to make sure your team is within your radius. wall-riding is very fun too and booping ppl off cliffs is highly entertaining.
brigitte, moira, and zenyatta are supports, but it’s very easy to be a pseudo-dps with them if you’re interested in taking down ur enemies too. 
ana is probably the hardest hero bc she has little mobility and requires good aim to heal and to kill. on that note, zen and ana are the supports that require you to be good at aiming.
my favs are zen and mercy :”)
practice practice practice
it’s overwhelming at first but you’ll get to know all the abilities relatively well 
turn your sound up
each hero has their own unique “sound” whether that be footsteps or ultimate voice lines. the ult voice lines change depending on if they’re on your team or the enemy team + it can be very helpful to know them. 
footstep sounds from the enemy team tend to be louder, and the more dangerous the hero, the louder their footstep (ex: reaper, mccree). hearing footsteps has helped me escape from a flanking reaper out to kill me dsjsdjkksdj
watch overwatch esports
pro ovw esports are casted by ppl who explain how the players are moving and reacting + this can help you get a better understanding of the gameplay and abilities
overwatch league is finished, but you can go back and watch their videos + blizzard has been pretty good abt making sure that owl is appealing to newcomers. i’d recommend matches casted by uber and mr. x
don’t get discouraged by toxic ppl and be a positive person in-game!
toxic ppl suck,,,,, don’t be one of them,,,
play with friends!
ovw is a lot more fun when u play with friends and chat in vc while playing! also the joy of playing with friends can help u feel a lot more comfy with the game too
hope you have fun playing overwatch, anon!!
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