#i still have to go back to palworld
emdotcom · 4 months
I take it back. Do not fucking play Palworld. Ai art is theft, & supporting a game that uses Ai tells companies that it's fine to do this.
Big companies are gonna see Palworld's success, & they're going to see that Ai is faster than humans, & you don't have to pay it, so you can just skip hiring more than a skeleton crew of real humans & still make bank.
Do not support this. It is disrespectful to the art that is being stolen, & the artists who are being cut out of the picture.
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autoplaysdigimon · 4 months
So I've been playing Palworld!
I fully expected to end up disliking it, if not outright hating it. My first impression back when I saw the trailer ages ago was that it was a well done parody trailer, making fun of Pokemon. Once I realised that it was real... I dunno, I still expected it to commit completely to the parody aspects. "Look at these creatures that you can enslave and put to war!! Aren't we subversive and unique??!"
But no, actually, it's really fun! The "edgier" aspects are there, like killing the Pals for food, or giving them guns and putting them on an assembly line, but you don't actually have to. You can still pat them and feed them and keep them happy and love them and and and they're my besties and I love them. There's a fox that you can tuck under your arm and use as a flamethrower. The easiest way to catch them is to beat them up with a bat before throwing a Pal Sphere, but hey. It's just taking out the middleman at this point.
It's obviously still in Early Access, and I've had a couple of falls through the floor. It also crashes about once or twice every time I play, which is annoying, but it autosaves so I haven't actually lost anything so far.
The monsters... I mean, you could very easily put a lot of them into an actual Pokemon game. Like, that's the main complaint that everybody who hasn't played it gives, but...
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What do you think of my Goodra/Meganium? He's a good lad and I love him.
There's a hell of a lot that aren't Pokemon lookalikes, but sometimes you just kinda see one and go "well boy howdy, that's a Pokemon". There aren't any (that I've seen yet) that look like a Digimon or any other franchise , only Pokemon. I mean, just look at the head of that thing. That's such a Pokemon face. I think it's literally Meganium's head. And Lilligant's flower maybe? Still, it's not a bad design, it's coherent and cute.
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And then there's ones like this dude, who looks like he'd have a PS1 platforming RPG game or something. Look at him!
Overall, I really like this game! There's a few lil blips here and there, but it's pretty decent! The biggest drawback is that it's a really big filesize and makes your computer fan go like crazy, so make sure all the vents and things are clear in case of fire hazard. I'd also really appreciate a button for opening the map while playing on controller, I hate having to drag out the keyboard for it.
Good game, A+, if you wanted Pokemon Legends Arceus to be more like BOTW, check it out.
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silvereyedzoroark · 4 months
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I should have gotten this pic done days ago, but anyway....yep it was me and my twin Birthday on the 3rd! we're getting older and it sucks XD
It sort of got made into a long weekend sort of thing, starting Friday getting cake, playing escape room game that my twin brought and watching Puss in Boots the last wish movie, sadly the cake was a bit much for me and made me feel very unwell at the end of the day >.<
Fortunately waking up Saturday I was fine again and me and my Twin went to a real Escape Room and manage to beat it!! I'll go into more details of that in another pic as I want to draw, some things based on what happened. I had wanted to do other stuff but because of a certain family member that got derailed and we couldn't and my twin also had work so things were kept short.
I know now looking back on the day what triggered me to have an emotional blow-up/vent, that those who watch me on my DeviantArt account know about and got very worried about me for it. I still regret posting that, but I will admit I had been dealing with melt downs prior to my Birthday, two days when I did emotionally breakdown and two other's I managed myself out from fully breaking down, all events I kept from my twin, she has a lot on her plate and she didn't need to know what was happening with me. Anyway moving on.
Sunday played almost 6 hours of Palworld probably would have gone for longer, but I was both very hungry because I had missed lunch and was tired. (We had an idea to go to the carnival that was in town, but decided against it, we hate crowds, we don't want to go on the rides we don't want to eat the food, its hot and the only thing we would be doing would be carnival games and trying to get prizes mainly through using my twin and her skills)
Monday I had hope to go around and shop a bit, especially locations I haven't been to for a while but it was stupidly hot again (Has been for days >.<) it was decided to cut it short and just do normal groceries shopping and just going to EB Games as a treat and use our B-Day voucher - THE END
Yeah not very exciting, sadly their isn't a lot to do where I live and we hadn't prepare more to plan out how we were going to celebrate our day.
But that being said I am glad to be sharing this earth with my twin and all that things she does. She is a very kind, thoughtful, hardworking and amazing person who deserve a lot more than what she get's.
Thank you for being my twin and my best friend.
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nazmazh · 4 months
So, yeah Palworld.
Despite the tone/direction of the hype, it's not really a replacement for Pokémon.
It is, however a replacement for ARK. And it's been quite good at that so far.
And considering the BS ARK pulled with their pricing and release plans and all that recently (not to mention their apparent utter aversion to optimizing the game even slightly - I'd really rather not have to dedicate nearly half of a hard drive to keeping it installed and updated, only for it to still struggle to run certain parts thank you very much), I know a lot of people that were looking for something to scratch that itch.
It might not be dinosaur-flavoured, but the mons are an appealing substitute on many levels. And the more direct automated use of them in more complex tasks is definitely a neat addition - And that's before even getting into the whole "parody of cute monster taming games" aspect - Which I don't think would have carried a game on its own for me, but is a solid enough flavour element here. Plus, expressly elemental creatures also creates more opportunities for use in the base system.
Also, as a quality of life thing - I really like that within a base, all storage is linked, so you can start building without having to go back and physically carry the materials to where you're using them. Hopefully though, a future update goes even further with this and has a system to link storage across all bases. So that you don't have to run, say, metal back and forth from the one base that produces it to others that have the more advanced production facilities.
Also - Battling/catching is a far less tedious system than KO'ing a critter and sitting there, keeping it unconscious and feeding it (especially feeding it only specific special optimum taming food) for hours to add a new critter to your team.
Something I hadn't thought of until just now - The Breath of the Wild-style movement/stamina system has felt very great! Movement feels speedy enough, the third-person perspective feels good for the sort of things you have to do, and being able to just start climbing is amazing! Something that's definitely lacking in both ARK and Pokemon (well, until you get the right upgrades in Sc/Vi, anyway). Is it the best implementation of such a system? Oh, definitely not, it still feels very unpolished compared to, say, BotW/TotK - But for this type of game, it's a very nice addition.
The actual battle system has very little in common with Pokémon - Not even something like Legends: Arceus. It's definitely much more of a free for all. It's honestly closer to Pikmin than Pokémon, but honestly still closest to stuff like ARK.
Anyway, yeah, it's been a solid zone-out and do tasks while watching YouTube/tv/whatever game, which has been a niche I've needed filled for a while. Much as I love Alan Wake 2 and my old standby Dead by Daylight - You do need to actively pay complete attention to those ones and can't have something else running alongside them.
The actual Pokémon has been sort of filling this role for a bit, but I've reached a point there where I'm just running around levelling my mons, which is fine, but familiar. Palworld is a new world to explore, with tasks that aren't quite as mindless. So it's a nice change of pace for the time being.
My sleep schedule however, is not a fan of the "Just one more thing..." Mentality I get from it (and a much of this whole genre).
One last note - The controversies.
Believe me, it absolutely raised my suspicions when I first heard about it overall - How could such a game not be a cheap cash-in? Probably just a bare bones, barely functional early-access asset flip game with a splash of edgy "pokemon (but just legally-distinct enough) but what if guns and expressly killing and eating them" for flavour/a gimmick, right?
But then it seemed like there was an actual game there. Systems had been thought out and appear functional - At least on a level that's on par with other decent early-access games. So, at least so far, it's not a cash-grab rip-off.
When was the other shoe going to drop?
Well, there's two drums people seem to beat loudly right now: "They're ripping off Pokemon and Nintendo's totally gonna shut them down!" And "The game totally uses AI for it's designs!", with a final offshoot of that to the effect of "This company's a scam!"
Well, to that first point - Nintendo is infamously litigious and very quickly moves to take down anything infringing on their copyrights. So, the fact that this game, being made by a "proper" development studio/company (ie: not just a couple of fans working on it as a hobby), which had publically discussed the making of the game over the past few years, made it to the point of early-access release without being taken down - That probably speaks to the "just-legally-distinct-enough" nature of their mon designs and capture systems, which are probably the two aspects most similar enough to raise eyebrows.
Now, certain visual elements do appear to be the same/incredibly similar - But I'm not sure that "facial features being used in conjunction with each other" is something they can copyright. As long as these devs/designers reverse-engineered their own versions of things, and didn't actually just rip Nintendo/Game Freak's models, I don't think there's much that actually is actionable there. The parody element is another angle that probably provides some broad cover as to the design similarity (in that you want people to clearly understand the reference you're making, so you want some similarities).
At any rate, I imagine the most profitable media franchise of all-time is probably gonna be just fine if someone makes allusions to them and their designs in an entirely different game. Pokemon doesn't really need anyone starting a crusade on its behalf, y'know?
To the stuff about the company (Pocketpair) itself. Well, there's a little more meat to those complaints there.
The big one - That AI was used in Palworld's design/development. That appears to be not true, or at the very least, not something that's been confirmed. If it were true, they'd have to disclose that for their Steam store page. So, at least, they did not openly use AI here (and its dev cycle began before the rise of the big AI boom, so it's less-likely that it was used). They'll probably face some sort of repercussions from Valve if they were deceptive about using AI, and there's not really a great reason to not be upfront about it, so, for now, I don't think they have used it here.
Believe me, if I suspected for a moment that AI was being used to cheat artists/designers out if work, I'd be out there, beating that drum too. But, given what evidence we have now, I just don't think they have for Palworld.
That being said...
Their CEO has definitely made some very sus statements about wanting to use AI going forward. Including comments about mon design in-general (nothing specific to Palworld, though, as far as I'm aware). And they have expressly used AI before, in their game AI: Art Imposter - So there is definitely a willingness on their part to use it (Though I'm not sure calling it 'Art Imposter' necessarily constitutes uncritical, effusive praise - But still, they used it in the game anyway). So that's definitely something to keep an eye on.
The whole situation with Pocketpair's other big game, Craftopia being an anime-styled, open world sandbox survival crafting game still in early-access definitely rubs some people the wrong way - Not the least of which are people who have been playing that game and feel as though they may have been playing an elaborate beta test that's going to be abandoned in favour of Palworld. And, like, I do get that - But, so far anyway, development appears to still be proceeding on Craftopia as well. So, I guess you can pick your preference from them - Whether you want the edgy Pokemon parody content in your game or you'd rather just have the "not-blocky Minecraft" type of stuff.
Ultimately, I don't think Pocketpair has any sort of loftier, noble ideals about being a better kind of gaming company or anything. They're certainly not a company that has earned any great leeway or trust from me - But they're definitely not just a cut-and-run scamming asset flipper gaming Steam's storefront.
I won't say Palworld is a "completely unproblematic fave forever" or anything like that, but from what I've been able to find, there's nothing in it/it's development history right now that makes it morally objectionable enough to avoid in my books. It's fine.
It's fine.
Other people might have different standards for what's unforgivable; but, the controversies about it definitely seem overblown or misrepresented - In my mind, at least. Its premise certainly could be alienating to a lot of people - But if you don't want to play it, you don't have to. If you don't like it, you can just say as much. You don't need to build it up into a whole big moral crusade to justify not really feeling like playing it. That's fine.
That's fine.
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boss-poss · 4 months
I've kinda gotten interested in the pokemon gun slavery game since I learned it was actually a base building survival type deal but $30 seems like a lot to pay to watch someone piss on an established franchise. I'd bite for 15, maybe even 20 for a completed game, but I just feel like I'm getting hustled for the current price. It's funny watching nintendo take knee to the balls after decades of stagnant slop but I won't be overcharged for event, sorry. It's a project made out of spite and designed to fire a few shots in the air to scare a company but it isn't really anything else. I think I'll just wait for like a year and catch it on a sale.
Otherwise I would like to see more contenders in the creature collection ring. I can't go back and play old pokemon games because the level of difficulty is nonexistent I've realized as time has gone on that the combat system is really fucking basic and broken. Give me an actual attempt at making an even semi-original competitor with a decently balanced combat system and some challenge and I'd happily throw money at it, full price even.
I've said for years that the hard part about standing against pokemon isn't about making something better than the original IP, it's about putting in a consistent level of effort and continuing to do so while trying to make a fun video game. Literally just do anything besides rushing out half-baked entries designed to siphon money from recognition and nostalgia. Literally any effort at all it seems.
Palworld, when viewed on it's own, looks like a modded unity game with someone's OCs added in and it still makes the official pokemon releases of the last 5 years look like absolute shit out of a butt. Scarlet and Violet in particular look like cheap copies in comparison and it really sells it to me that pokemon kind of needs to die. When the big name IP is so absolutely dunked on by an early access indie project it shows that the only real staying power it has is monopoly.
Pokemon exists as it does today only really because adults with money get addicted to nostalgia and Nintendo is an extremely litigious company. How many pokemon fan games have met their axe? How many developers have avoided even trying to make a similar game because featuring things even tangentially like a pokemon is just begging for a cease and desist from the hip? There should be multiple fan projects that consist of all regions and pokemon wrapped up together in one package but there aren't because the plumber's heel finds them every time. The greedy giant jealously guards his golden goose.
I don't think I'll even probably buy palworld, in fact I think no one will remember it this time next year, but we do need more games like it. Nintendo won't take this sitting down and if the developers can somehow avoid getting C&D'd into the dirt, I really hope that more people try to make the pokemon game they want, not just eat at the trough and be grateful for anything. If you want good and entertaining pocket monsters you need to say so by being the change you want to see in the world. Realize that collectible creatures aren't exclusive to pokemon and Nintendo's control of that genre only extends so far. They know this and that's why they act so aggressively to keep that the truth.
In fact, if I was a holder of the digimon (or the monster rancher) IP I'd be getting some talks going at least. Players are hungry on a lean diet and they've just gotten a taste of a thicker, more nutritious gruel. How quickly and happily they would run to people serving even cafeteria food? Bring something truly delicious and you could boot the king off his throne.
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sealpup9 · 4 months
That game Palworld is (in my opinion) a scam.
The same group made craftopia in 2020 which continues to be in early access with nearly the same copy-pasted explanation as to why its in early access as palworld. The game is supposedly riddled with the same bugs that craftopia has, runs on the same engine.
The same people made a game called AI: Art Impersonator which is a game where you use AI to make art. Its literally the same thing we've been talking on tumblr as art theft for years now.
Not to mention the CEO apparently talks about utilizing generative AI often.
The designs of a bunch of the creatures from Palworld are shameless ripoffs of pokemon at best, and at worst they were the result of feeding existing pokemon into generative AI to make new ones.
The game is a bunch of flipped assets, has gameplay from a ton of different genres, and promises a bunch of updates (the same ones that seemed to never come from Craftopia). The developers are scam artists trying to pull the same shit ((this is my opinion)).
Ill add sources in the morning because its LATE but i went down a fucking rabbit hole.
At best, the game is an asset-flip with no real unique gameplay because the people behind it did the same thing with Craftopia.
At worst, it's a game who's gameplay copies a multitude of other games, designs come from generative AI utilizing art that doesn't belong to them, and money that's soent on it won't be put back into developing the game at all.
It reminds me of the shit that ends up on videos going over Kickstarter Video Game Scams. Games that take ideas that people want, shoot too big, stop developing/updating once the people make enough money...
I recommend you return palworld if you got it and can still do so. Spend your money supporting another Early Access game who's devs have a clear roadmap, update frequently, and don't just abandon the game whil in early access only to come out with another game in early access.
We can't let this behavior become commonplace. Stay vigilant about what games you support.
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wyrdify · 3 months
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Honestly, I logged on to switch all of my blogs to "Prevent third-party sharing" since that is a thing I have to do now. Tumblr, I am not happy about that. Sigh. Anyway, here's an update on life. College: In week 7 now for both of my classes. I am honestly struggling to keep up with them, so I may speak with the accommodations people to see what can be done to help. My grades continue to be good, but I feel like I'm struggling with the lectures and amount of material I need to read, especially for the first class. I just need to get myself to do it. Health: I have an official diagnosis for fibromyalgia now, and I started some treatment for it. DBT group is going well, and we just started the third module, Distress Tolerance. I'm still waiting on hearing back for a new psychiatrist and therapist, but I got that ball rolling earlier this month. I made it clear to the person doing intake that I want actual diagnoses since that did not happen with my past providers. I will likely be waiting a while for that. Jobs: Husband's job has improved. Mine has not, but I am continuing to tolerate it while working on my degree. I am also casually looking at positions in the library field to apply to. Reading: Currently, I'm reading Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones, and I want to say I'm almost halfway through it. I have four other books from the library waiting to be read. Honestly, I read while eating lunch, and it's quite relaxing. Video games: I play Palworld here and there when I have spare time. I also need to make my PS5's storage space bigger so I can play Genshin again. I haven't played it in weeks. Writing: Between college, work, and my social life, I don't honestly have time for much writing right now. That may change once the semester is over, but I'm not sure. That's all. Again, you can find me on Discord if you feel like chatting!
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koisuko · 4 months
Heyo! I’d just like to address some things. I saw the completed poll, and the use of “I” had won. I will start using that perspective from now on, occasionally doing you if I feel the need to, but “I” will be majority.
On that note, I still have 8 or so drafts that all started with my previous use of “you” so I will likely complete those that way.
I would also like to address my absence. I have been on a brief hiatus due to Palworld coming out. I’ve been playing it a lot and it’s sort of taken up most of my attention. I still do writing on the side, mostly random prompts or ideas that aren’t fanfics or anything just to keep my writing fresh and to improve myself as well.
I’m also running into the issue of wanting to write something, but not knowing what to write and how to go about it. Like, I’ll want to write something for mk1 for a specific character, but draw a blank on what concept I want to go for.
I will be opening requests again once I get back into the groove of things, so don’t fret!
Anyway, those are some updates, hope everyone is well otherwise! I will try to push some stuff out, but I promise I will be back!
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drkineildwicks · 4 months
Palworld 2/4/2024 – Bootleg Pokémon (affectionate)
So finally got around to playing Palworld
Hopefully I don’t get hit with the save file glitch
And yes Bootleg Pokémon (affectionate) is my world name XD
I can totally get why people get sucked into this game it’s got a great gameplay loop
Played six hours today and could totally play more but for the fact that I could feel my eyes burning
Pals are cute
I love that they help out around the base I’ve been working very hard to make sure my little dudes have all the amenities
Also I need to figure out stairs because this dip keeps getting up there on my roof and going hungry
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Also the one platypus Pal’s name XD
No Fuacks were given
My main goal is to get a birb horde and as such my first capture was chikin
And then first night in I get my first Lucky, which is a Lamball:
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Named the girl Baalalala XD
My second Lucky was also a Lamball, so now I have two massive sheep wandering around
Love my girl Baalalala she protects me
Don’t even have to use Fluffy Shield just duck behind her
Tempted to boost her defense so she’s even tankier
Also the monkey is a menace
Specifically my monkey is a menace boi starts fights and ends them too and I don’t think I trust it with a gun
Also I say “boi” but in reality most of my captures have ended up being female
Apparently my base has accidentally become a girls only club
But the feedback loop is nice because you want to build stuff and craft stuff so you have to go out and get items and then you have to go back to the base when you find the fast-travel points because of the encumbrance mechanic and in wandering you also have new Pals to catch (or hunt, aced a lot of Teaphants(?) for pal fluid because dangit my purple deer needed a hot tub)
And also there’s stuff to see in the distance that makes you go I want to get over there what is that
Also there’s a level cap where if you somehow manage to catch stronger Pals—or, more likely, level up the ones you have past your current level—the levels sync down to your current level
Which is nice because it gives further incentive to level up beyond unlocking new crafting recipes
Plus you level up by gathering and crafting in addition to battle so you can just wander around and level up you and your team just picking up rocks it’s like a more advanced form of Legends Arceus
Your Pals also level up when they're doing stuff around base so you're kind of encouraged to rotate your guys so they level up evenly
Also you do want to level up
There’s these mammoths roaming around, one walked clean through my base and I let it because it’s level 35 and my level when I quit for the night was 12
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And as it turns out if a Pal is 5 or so levels above you it can and will hand your head to you
Still haven’t caught the llama, the Nitewing and the flower dinosaur and a bush goat all took two tries because they were level 11-17 and went oh no you don’t
Me: oh yes I do
You’re actually encouraged to keep from fainting your Pals because of the recovery system, my fire fox is currently on ice in the box and had a cooldown timer of about five minutes when I looked
So if you let them faint then you don’t have them for a while and that’s a penalty on you
Got attacked by syndicate guys
Dudes were coming for my pals and I might be hesitating on killing Pals or catching too many but you come shooting and I’ll headshot you back
As for the designs…when you’re in the thick of the game you really don’t care
Yeah sure some I saw and went “oh that’s the bootleg Raichu” or something like that but for the most part the energy has been new Pal let’s get it
Although everyone’s bawling about Cremis being the Eevee knockoff and I’ve heard no one talk about this guy:
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Saw him the first night, tried to catch and failed, haven’t seen one since
Also this one forever amuses me and makes me squint because I designed a fakemon for Renegades and same vibes:
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Although there’s probably a limit on what you can do with the design concept of “ice ferret”
So I’m definitely playing this some more but not tonight, it’s one of those I gotta block out a few hours for but it’s fun
“But Kineil—” Cease.  Whining about Hogwarts Legacy didn’t stop people and neither will whining about this game, it’s fun, which is what a game should be, the accusations were debunked, if you want to tell me what to do then go to my Patreon and dump a big fat paycheck on me per month
Until then, I gotta plan for when I can go pet my Pals some more
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jumpdriveproject · 4 months
Palworld - Live Now
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I'm back and I have to see it, I have to know.
We're going to take a look at the (not divisive at all) Palworld.
The strike for Palestine is technically still going today, so I encourage people to see what they can do.
!gaza in chat for ways you can help.
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redphienix · 4 months
Honestly, Palworld looks like a mid-to-bad crafting survival game with a passable creature capture idea slapped on top.
It has like. Negative appeal to me, but I'm not the target audience in like 14 different ways.
I hope it updates well and improves and goes from (from fan's perspectives) "Good" to "Great" because of three reasons.
1: I like when games good.
2: I like when genre mashes succeed in melding the two and allowing both to thrive, it's neat to me. Palworld ain't the first to do it or anything, we literally have pokemon minecraft mods, but it is "Recognized" right now and I think that'd be nice.
3: Literally ANYTHING that lights a fire under mega-billion-dollar Pokemon's ass is good in my book.
Not even from a "disappointed pokemon fan" POV, just as a pokemon fan in any respect, I want Pokemon to go "OH YEAH, Well then FUCK YOU, We'll invest in the games for once instead of skirting by on the recognition of our IP and our next games will be FUCKING GREAT!!!"
Because even if I don't really care enough to play whatever those games are, I want Pokemon to be at its best too, so like, that'd be cool :)
But yeah Palworld looks shit to my tastes, but not shit in general. I see some people violently swinging back at it on principle and like, yeah sure you can do that. Also see people yelling that it's a cheap ripoff and like, yep. But it's not nearly as lazy as you'd expect such a thing to be. Looks pretty genuine in more ways than I'd have expected so IDK, I mean they even went with being a different genre and the like- this ain't a phone app pretending to be a popular IP, it's kinda its own thing in 'some' ways.
Now it is VEHEMENTLY lacking in originality, that I will gladly join in laughing about because like holy shit lol
But it appears to be trying to be worth a damn despite that so like, eh, that's fine. Like the difference to me between some "copy" like this and then sony's "Foamstars" is that Foamstars is ripping off a highly original and creative IP in a desperate attempt to rake in Splatoon's money, and Splatoon is still a new and thriving IP that has thoroughly earned that slice of the pie. Foam is trying to basically 1 to 1 recreate splatoon but funnel the money their way, that's lame.
Pokemon stopped trying to earn its fill years ago, it needs reminded of where it's at in my opinion. Be shameless and outperform in your own way I say- looks like Pal is trying lmao
Ain't for me. I hope it succeeds and does well by its fans both for its own sake and because I think big pika money bags having to compete for once in their (modern) life would be nice lol
Perhaps I'd be more critical if I sat down and played it or something, but like, nah. I don't need to. I don't want to. My opinion doesn't need to be nuanced on a random silly video game lol
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shinjiro-aragaki99 · 4 months
My day was like this:
Psychiatrist appointment. The elevator was screwed up and scared the hell out of me and also didn't even go to the correct floor, so we took the stairs. The appointment itself was also not too good and I was crying.
After appointment, I got a notification of a rude comment towards me. I was already having a hard time, so this added to it.
More drama related to the person who left the rude comment. I leave the PDL server. May or may not come back and help out again in the future, but now I can't deal with it. Site owner is nice and understanding like usual.
Today was just me crying and panicking for most of the day and then dealing with a headache and nausea from all this stress and I was only able to eat some green beans for dinner.
Took a nap later because I was way too exhausted. Woke up at 8 PM. Feeling a bit better, but not great.
Started up the Xbox planning to play Palworld for a little while, only managed to play for a few minutes due to still feeling exhausted. Just took a screenshot and logged out.
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jcmarchi · 25 days
Xbox President Addresses Bethesda Studio Closures, Says It's About Keeping Business Healthy Long-Term
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/xbox-president-addresses-bethesda-studio-closures-says-its-about-keeping-business-healthy-long-term/
Xbox President Addresses Bethesda Studio Closures, Says It's About Keeping Business Healthy Long-Term
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Earlier this week, Xbox closed four Bethesda studios, including Redfall developer Arkane Austin and Tango Gameworks, the team behind last year’s Hi-Fi Rush. While each of the four studios affected, which also included Mighty Doom developer Alpha Dog Games and Bethesda support studio Roundhouse Games, released a statement about the closures, Xbox remained silent. 
However, four days later, Bloomberg’s Dina Bass interviewed Xbox president Sarah Bond and asked her about the Bethesda closures, to which Bond cited a desire to keep the Xbox business healthy in the long term, even through hard transition periods. 
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Here’s what Bond said: 
“It’s always extraordinarily hard when you have to make decisions like that. I’ll go back to what I was saying about the industry, and when we look at those fundamental trends, we feel a deep responsibility to ensure that the games we make, the devices we build, the services that we offer are there through moments, even when the industry isn’t growing and when you���re through a time of transition. And the news we announced earlier this week is an outcome of that and our commitment to make sure that the business is healthy for the long term. 
“With that said, our commitment to having our own studios and working with partners to have games large and small – we’re a platform where you can play [Grand Theft Auto], but you can also play Palworld, or you can play Call of Duty or you can play Pentiment, that doesn’t change. And frankly, our commitment to Bethesda and the role that it plays is a part of Xbox and everything we do. 
“It’s actually been pretty fantastic. I don’t know if you’ve gotten a chance to check it out. The Fallout TV show was on Amazon, and it’s been great to see people fall in love with that universe but also what it’s done for the games themselves, and people going back and exploring everything inside of that. There are some other great things that are coming from our studios later this year. Indiana Jones and the Great Circle – I was a big Indy fan growing up – so you should check that out. But really right now, for us and our teams, our focus is on the people impacted and doing everything that we can do to help them through this hard transition.”
Bass then asked Bond specifically about the closure of Tango Gameworks after Hi-Fi Rush, which by Xbox’s own admitted metrics, was a big success. Bond’s answer here was less straightforward – you can read it below in full: 
“One of the things I really love about the games industry is it’s a creative art form, and it means that the situation and what successes for each game and studio is also really unique. There’s no one-size-fits-all to it for us. And so we look at each studio, each game team, and we look at a whole variety of factors when we’re faced with making decisions and trade-offs like that. But it all comes back to our long-term commitment to the games we create, the devices we build, the services, and ensuring we’re setting ourselves up to be able to deliver on those promises.”
While it’s great that Bond addressed these closures at Xbox, it still lacks the clarity you’d expect from one of the biggest companies in the games industry. Neither Microsoft nor Xbox, including Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer, has yet to address the layoffs and closures in an official capacity beyond this.
For more, read about how Redfall was reportedly set to receive a big offline play update this month before Xbox shut down Arkane Austin, and then read about how Xbox is reportedly considering bringing Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II to PlayStation 5. After that, check out this story about how more job cuts at Xbox are reportedly on the way, and then read about how the company is debating putting Call of Duty on Xbox Game Pass alongside a price hike. 
What do you think of Bond’s answers? Let us know in the comments below!
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lovelypurplefox · 1 month
Will I ever continue with the Pokémon games?
So, I was not aware that there’s another Pokémon game coming out called “Pokémon Legends Z-A”. I haven’t watched the trailer for it. Not a big fan of the title; I wish it was just called “Pokémon Legends Z”. Pokémon X is my very first game which introduced me to the franchise besides my best friend and this one might be interesting.
I saw it while scrolling Bulbapedia last week, on Twitter, and recently a YouTube video talking about Palworld. So it’s real. Apparently, it was announced a while back.
But I don’t know you guys… I dropped Legends Arceus because it was hard for me to get into it. Scarlet and Violet, while it had a good story (I can’t give an opinion on the DLC due to me not getting far in part 2), it suffered from performance issues and I’m worried that this new game will have issues. I always see people complain about the issues (mostly on Twitter). And I take a lot of breaks away from social media just to rush through the games so I would ‘t worry about spoilers but when I’m away from social media, I’m missing out on stuff (I have FOMO!).
I don’t know if I’ll continue on with the Pokémon games. I still love the franchise, but it’s too much for me (I feel Pokémon fatigue). Plus, I’m more into drawing rather than video games (also, I’m working on my original comic) and I rarely play them; depending on the game’s difficulty, it makes me rage (looking at you 5+ star Tera Raids). I think I rather go back and play the Pokémon games on my 3DS or just the ones I own on my Switch.
If it ends up being good, I’ll buy it.
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bunnypopgal · 3 months
Hello. It's been a few years since i made this blog and made my first post. I now deleted my first post bc i found it to be cringe and honestly really painful. i have grown a lot in these past years and have seemingly beat my hallucinations for now. i know that will most likely come back prob once i become a mother one day but i feel more prepared to beat them again.
Other than that i dumped and got dump by two partners, made and lost almost all my friends besides one. dont judge by like im sure many of us are im a sucker for the friends turned lovers trope and well ive been dating my best friend for almost going 2 years now. he has been super accepting, a wonderful partner and my biggest support thru it all so far. hes my only support system honestly.
i am deeply scared to make friends again after what my last friend did to me.. for years and i just let her. i cant really blame it on having low self worth either since i honestly really like myself and who i am but more so i didnt know HOW to be treated by others. let me be clear NOT how I treat others, no-no but HOW others SHOULD treat ME. isnt that nuts? you think that would be something we just have inside of us as humans (or otherwise) that we would just KNOW that. i dont FEEL like a doormat either but maybe i am. not with everyone, mind you. just like people ive grown to have developed a trusting bond in with respect packed in there like a mozzie stick, yum, ya know? i love em like chosen family and youre gonna body shame me for not being short for a woman, like what? you think i wouldve picked it out asap that chick SCREAMED pick me but i also saw her good qualities too which is why i wanted to be friends with her... i trusted her a lot. Oh well tho.
As much as it still hurts sometimes the fear is still there. i, as a woman also fear other woman. i know, i know. there is so many other wonderful women out there who would never treat me so badly but my brain is gone broken from so many traumatizing events over and over again. it irrational, i know it. its also isolating. i dont go out much at all but honestly blame the economy for that. i plan to be getting a part time job soon which you can also blame the economy for haha but also i want to meet people and have some kinda structure in my life again. hoping for friends right now is something im maybe not ready for honestly i think ill just start with talking to people again and let that be that. i hope to get some kind of a cleaning job so it will be a little to no talking to people depending on where im set up.
im just kinda scared to open myself up again to other people. online of course is different mainly besides the usual explanation but also for me, the internet is a black hole where NO ONE see the crap i shit out which includes my art i make sadly. i dont really try all like hard to make people see it anyways. i am still scared of people after all.
anyways today i have plans to hang out with my partner before he has to go to work. im hoping we can play palworld together again hehe. Other than that its house chores and back to drawing for me today. i just came out of another depressive episode recently so i have a few great messes to clean up. its a good thing i like cleaning, ya know when i dont feel like i wanna disappear. what can i say, its genetic. thanks, dad haha.
im planning to get back into my old hobbies too like live streaming. ive been live streaming all over the internet off and on since i was maybe 14. im 23 now so 10 years!!! WOWIE!! when i was growing up my family would joke around saying i need my own reality show haha. i do have a huge personality, ig but thats something im very comfortable and like about myself. bold and funny, i think!! streaming is a super relaxing thing to me. i talk to myself anyways and i always have. you dont stay this "sane" without talking to yourself to fight off the loneliness haha.
that reminds me recently my partner told me he found me to be a "increaser of morale, an inspiring person, you're motivating and you make being emotionally positive SO EASY." im still so stunned and very very VERY flattered he told me that! even if its not true im glad he feels that way bc thats a nice way to be. hes very very sweet to me.
well i could write forever right now honestly but i should probably go drink enough water to take out a house fire so i dont die of dehydration.
oh, if only. (JOKING)
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krcdgamedev · 4 months
Schizoposting about the Palworld models situation
As I've worked my way through the absolute basics of making a mons game, I've of course dabbled in the art of creating 3D models for original mons. I'm by no means an expert, but I think I know my way around a 3D model by now. So basically,
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This post by Byo got my attention:
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Basically, if the end points of each spike have the same geometry, then the geometry that "flows" from/into them should be the same as well.
Scribbling on the Lycanroc model for a second, you can see that each edge of the decahedron has its own "strip" of polygons proceeding fairly clearly from it down the spike:
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In a big cluster of spikes like that, those strips will meet with each other at various places, end up running alongside each other, etc. This reveals the underlying shape of the spikes, and if that arrangement of "strips" is the same on both models, that would be evidence it's more than a coincidence.
So I got out my crayons and started coloring.
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As you can already see there's... concerning similarities. The central spike starting from the middle has two strips that reach the main body alone. The yellow strip on the middle spike and the purple strip on the first spike over run alongside each other. They then meet in the middle for another strip before parting, both cyan:
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Now there is a slight difference with the yellow and purple strips- on Lycanroc they end together while on not-Lycanroc they continue on to the body. I think that's easily a result of edits to remove Lycanroc's rock spikes, possibly by just removing this whole chunk of the mane and extruding the remaining geometry out:
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The end of the yellow and purple strips is basically right above the row of polygons where the rock spike starts.
But hey, you know how the first sign of trouble was the same vert counts at the end? There is another:
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And another:
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That's right, the other two pairs of main mane spikes have the same tip vert count.
(Full disclosure, I merged some overlapping vertices on the Palword model to show the actual vertice count without duplicates, thus the different total vertice counts. It doesn't change the model, there's just some parts that're disconnected on the Palworld model. So don't start bitching about fabricating evidence)
The polygon flow continues to be suspiciously similar.
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The second spike flows into the third spike at exactly the same part (orange/yellow and blue/cyan). The red and green strips run alongside each other:
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Unfortunately(?) after this it finally breaks down. The last spike doesn't seem to line up the same. I've highlighted that blue strip as the first one continuing onto the body, and the next strips back from that are misaligned compared to the other model.
On not-Lycanroc the orange strip connects to the next spike:
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While on Lycanroc the orange strip goes towards the body, alongside the blue strip.
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Still pretty sus though.
And now I'm going to go have nightmares about dogs in clown wigs, thank you very much.
On another note, I decided to replicate this guy's finding, because I was curious about a few things in Azurobe's model anyway-
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So Serperior has this collar that's like a banana peel. The neck inside of that collar is narrower than the outer body and doesn't connect directly. You remove the collar and it looks like so:
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Azurobe doesn't have any obvious discontinuity where that gap is, but I did find something interesting...
Like Gogo demonstrated, moving Azurobe's spine bones to match Serperior's causes the edge loops to line up almost exactly (these aren't lined up absolutely perfectly but you get the picture):
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What I noticed was, the point where it stops lining up is just about exactly where Serperior's collar gap is:
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Almost like there's semi-original geometry above but not that point huh?? Sussy wussy!!
Since I happened to be moving Azurobe's bones instead of Serperior's, I happened to make another discovery. Just moving Serperior's bones straight up and down leaves the edge loops flat, but Azurobe gets all wonky:
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As it happens, if you look at a cross-section of both models, Azurobe pinches outward at the front and back, where the deformation issues basically are:
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I think back to all the Palword defenders going "NOOO U CAN'T CHANGE ONE SINGLE VERTEX ON A MODEL IT'LL BREAK THE ANIMATIONS!! IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO EDIT A MODEL!!!!!" and think to myself... did their edits to the model break the animations (by way of breaking the weightpainting/rigging)?
This issue is very visually similar to that of not-Lycanroc's legs, which have wonky edge loops by default (ie without moving any bones), which some see as a sign of editing:
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I don't think that's necessarily the case, they could have started with their own fresh cylinder and just did a shit job of making legs out of that, but still, there it is.
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