#i think them always being on the move is sort of representative of them running away
natokorode · 1 year
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running from the thought of your death (@slink-a-dink :])
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angelinpiink · 1 year
ex boyfriend! eren headcannons ࿐ྂ。
❥ note: as a disclaimer, these headcanons are a bit toxic/dark, if that is something you find triggering i recommend you skip this one, you can find other works of eren that don't have this particular theme here just want to make it clear that i do not condone this sort of behavior and this doesn't represent my idea of what a healthy relationship should look like thank you and enjoy
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Firstly, eren doesn't even consider you guys to be actually broken up, he’s convinced. you’re just screwing with him or playing hard to get. Even once he realizes you're not, the breakup is still completely one sided. He loves you far too much to even fathom that the relationship is over. He’s already planned your entire future together–he's been doing so since he first met you, from the house you'll live in together to the garter you'll be wearing on your wedding day.  In short, he’s delusional when it comes to you, head over heels or do he likes to call it and for this reason he still goes around telling everyone you're his. 
Everyone around him, including his friends is obviously taken aback by this and so they sort of just play along, listening to him rant   about you the moment he’s gotten enough alcohol in his system. This happens  at every get together they have had since the breakup.  “she’s just confused and going through a tough time right now. She doesn't know that she wants me,” he’ll say anytime he hears about you having moved on with anyone else.  If anyone even has the courage to challenge his statements he has the habit of angrily shutting them down. “Shut the hell up, you don't know anything about our relationship.” 
He spends the first few days blowing up your phone with texts about how much he loves you and that though your relationship has had its ups and downs – him being the one who’s mostly responsible for the downs, you guys will get through it as you always had if you just keep trying. When he received no response ,he changed his approach, no longer attempting to convince you to stay but now begging you to come back  home. “Come back to me please..” he’ll bombard your voicemail inbox with pleas and sob stories about how he hasn't slept because he misses holding you each night. 
 Weeks or even months  will pass since the break up itself, and every second of  his time he uses to  reach out to you, whether it's through phone calls or text. You better believe he's taking time to check up on you to see how you're doing–most  importantly, what you're doing and who you're with. He wants to make sure you're safe and not in the hands of any trouble or anyone he considers trouble. He has a habit of speaking with you as though you two are still together, ending many conversations with  “i love you.” and “hope to see you soon.” When he isn't reaching out to you he's thinking about you or talking to you about whatever poor soul is forced to listen. 
When he hears it from you that you’ve moved on to someone else, his heart shatters.  He had been able to deny and ignore the reality when he heard it from others but now that it was coming from you he had lost the energy to keep pretending to be okay with how things were, he feels as though you’re betraying him. In his eyes you were cheating by being with another.  Still, he doesn't make it known then and there, instead he responds with. “He can't love you the way I do.” and beyond that point he stops reaching out, and waits for you to come running back. 
 You'll learn the hard way that he was right  when you are riding back to his place drunk with tears running down your cheeks because you caught the very person you’d moved onto cheating on you with another girl. Once you two arrive, he carries you into the apartment where the two of you had  shared many memories together, because you are too drained from the events of the day to walk. He takes off your makeup using the makeup remover you’d ‘left behind’ when you moved out. Really, he stole it out of your things, along with other items because he was certain you’d come back to him under such circumstances. 
 He takes you into his arm, holding you so close and so tight to him because he’s afraid that you’ll leave him again as  you cry in his arms. “Don't know what i was thinking” his fingers stroke your hair.  “You weren't. but you should have known better.”  eren isn't too interested in giving you his sympathy because he feels he’s the one been betrayed the most here. If only you hadn't run off with someone else, none of this would be happening.
“I warned you,” he added. “I'm so sorry..” you sniffled, he swiped away your tears. his way of speaking to you had caused a wave of guilt to wash over you, you had left eren behind only to end up being made to look like a fool because you thought the grass was greener on the other side. Though he was upset with you,  Eren hated seeing  you cry.  especially over someone he didn't believe deserved your tears. “Make it up to me then.” a weight lifted off your shoulders at the offer of redemption. Little did you know, he plans to have you crying tears of another kind. 
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❥ nsfw (things get sexual from here, if you are not comfortable with this kind of content pls turn back)
Before you know it, he’s ripped your dress off you, both your clothes and underwear are thrown about the hallway leading to the bedroom you used to share. He hasn't made a single change to anything since your absence and you find yourself feeling nostalgic, thinking back to a time where things werent easy but never this complicated. you're on the bed exposed and bear before him. He hovers between your legs. “Been so long since i've seen you like this, god i've missed it so much.” he’ll coo, his emerald gaze admiring your glistening folds that have spread with his fingers. the way your cunt throbbed under the lightest of touch, begging to be filled made him grow hard. “Missed you too.” you mutter, hazily bucking your hips against his touch.
“I know.  I know.” he reassures you, giving into your silent  demands, he continues toying with you, pushing his fingers past your folds,his finger strokes at your clit. “bet that boyfriend of yours didn't know how to take care of this needy little cunt, did he.” your juices now coating his fingers, he pounds you with them, earning a symphony of moans from your lips.  “not like i do..” he says, the satisfaction of you being so reactive to his touch bringing a smile to his face, your back arching as his movements become overwhelming for you. He soon pulls out his fingers and replaces them with his cock, that had been aching to be inside of you for far too long.
He pushes one of your legs outward, granting him more access to your sweet hole, He pushes deeper inside of you all self control leaving his body the moment he hears you cry out for him, tears welling in your eyes from pleasure as he fucks into you. “So pretty, gonna fill you up with my cum.” he groans,the moment he feels you clenching around his cock, your thighs trembling. He threw his head back as he rubs his thumb across your bottom lip, admiring you in such a state.
“Eren, you can't!” You shriek, his fingers gripping at your hips harshly. He continues fucking you hard and deep, his hips smashing against your own. “cant cum inside you?” he’ll question. he continues to pound you, this is his way of letting you know he has no intention of pulling out.
“but i thought you were sorry? I thought you were mine?”There is a heartbroken tone in his voice as he speaks to you, hoping for you to reassure him you meant the words you'd spoken earlier.  You were left feeling guilty for even thinking you should have denied him. after everything you’d already done to hurt him. You had said you would make it up to and part of that required doing as he wanted.  “I am!”
“shut up and take my cum then, you said you’re mine. gotta prove it. this pussy is mine too, right baby?” you nodded in agreement, tellinf him whatever he needed to hear to keep fucking you so good, muttering the best “mhm, i love you so so much!”  you could muster while being overtaken by your orgasm as eren came inside of you, the creamy liquid dripping out of you and down your thighs. “You're not going anywhere, not now, not ever, I won't let you.” 
 Eren, Who was responsible for it all, and had developed a plan for each failed talking stage you had. since leaving him and most importantly the breakup due to your boyfriend cheating– from his actions of  intimidating them into leaving you alone with threats of physical attacks or the videos he sent them of him devouring your cunt, while you cried out his name, your fingers tugging at his brunette strands of hair. A video which had been recorded so long ago when the two of you were still together, but the idiot, who you had made the mistake of calling a boyfriend,  hadn't even bothered to verify that your nails hadn't been any color you had been since you'd meeting him. perhaps, he simply didn't care enough. it was of no big importance to eren either way, in his eyes the fool wasn't deserving of you. Just as eren believed to be the case since the beginning, he was the only one who’d love you the way you deserved and for this reason he was never going anywhere.  
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here’s my masterlist
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soaringwide · 1 month
Pick a Card: Month Ahead #01
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This was written for May 2024 but with the intention to be timeless, so even if you find it later there might be a message for your next month.
We'll look into your energy coming into the month, but also what will be the theme/area of focus and what you'll need to pay attention to, as well as the surprises that might come your way.
It's my first time doing a pick a card like this so we'll see how it turns out! I love doing those privately though.
As always, be mindful that this is a general reading meant for multiple people so it might not be 100% fitting for your situation, and that it's based on the energy you hold at the moment of selecting a pile that draws you to one of them.
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Cards: Page of Cups, Queen of Wands, 9 of Cups, Ace of Swords, the Emperor, Strength, 5 of Cups, the Moon, Queen of Cups, 5 of Wands rx, Ace of Pentacles, 4 of Cups, Page of Wands
For your energy coming into the month, I see you being in a state of being in tune with your heart, opening up to the possible rise of a new romantic connection. I get the sense that you're cautiously optimistic about it, because while you feel confident within yourself and in a happy place, you're also aware that it's too early to tell. But you're not letting that deter you and you're fully embracing your own power, feeling good about yourself and where you're at while looking ahead hopefully and waiting for an opportunity to move forward. I think for you the process of the month ahead has already started a bit before the start of the new month and you're continuing the process.
When it comes to the theme of the month, I see the importance of putting your emotional fulfillment at the forefront and being actively working towards it. There is a need to bring clarity about the situation, clarity that will bring you contentment and tie loose ends. You will be determined to work through that with willpower and determination by taking the lead and stop wasting time around. I think you are seeing the path forward for this connection and you're determined to go for it and not let it escape. You got four cards here and they all represent a different element, which I interpret as the fact that harmony within and for yourself will be a big theme as well. Between your feelings, your thoughts and your actions, everything will be grounded in your authentic self.
I think these past few months have not always been great for you and you're determined to leave that behind and enter the new chapter of your life. You've learned all you had to about your old ways and now you're ready for a change. So for the goal you'll have in mind, you will be focused on not falling back into the same patterns of thoughts and behaviors and keep moving forward with determination and a sense that you can't go back to what you once where.
The challenge that will arise will come from your own psyche. I get the sense that you still have unresolved issues within yourself that may cloud this great picture, so you will have to be extra careful about not letting your fears and doubts making you spiral down and do or say something that doesn't align with your truth. You might go through times where you feel irritable or anxious and you may take that as a proof that things are going to shit again and you might want to run away, but it's an illusion. It just means that you still have some inner clutter to sort out. Be careful about not shutting yourself off from others as a reaction to your inner pain.
When it comes to a surprise coming your way, it seems there will be an event that will create a shift from a confusing and chaotic situation to one of open communication of feelings, laying out a more positive base for the future. I'm getting the sense that this is what the theme of the month was referring to, and while you seek it, you don't really know how it will unfold so it will still be a surprise when it happens. When this even happens, be as open and honest as possible in order to clear out any possible miscommunication, be kind and listen to what the other person has to say with empathy and love at heart.
What you'll have gained by the end of the month will be a stable and solid start towards the future. Things are blossoming but you'll have learned that there's no point rushing into anything and that things come when the time is right. You'll be set to build on that for the months to come. Maybe the start of a new commitment although things are in their very early stage.
As a final advice, it is important not to shut yourself off from your emotions and not to stay stuck in your old ways of remaining passive. Stay open and assertive, go after what you want and I get the strong message that you need to communicate openly about everything that isn't clear in this connection. Don't just wait around for things to fall onto your lap. Be passionate and enthusiastic and again be clear about your intentions. Also, you're learning something new and important so be gentle with yourself if you don't get everything perfectly from the get go, what matters is to do your best.
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Cards: King of Wands, Queen of Cups, the Lovers rx, 8 of Cups rx, Queen of Pentacles, Ace of Swords, Memento Mori, 10 of Swords, King of Pentacles, Queen of Wands, 2 of Wands, The Chariot, Knight of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, 3 of Cups rx, 7 of Cups
For the general vibe of this pile, it feels a bit overwhelming like there is so much to pay attention to that you are somewhat disconnected from yourself as a result, because your feelings are so confusing that you get lost in them. There are A LOT of court cards, which may mean that there is a situation that brings the intervention of a lot of different people, perhaps it will be busy at work, or something involving family, creating a very messy situation where everyone has something to say and you can't hear yourself anymore. Really there is so much external influences here that I had a hard time picking up on YOU until the end of the reading.
For the energy you have coming into the month, I really think you are in a committed relationship with someone (and if not it's not your pile), but there is a big disharmony here. It seems one of you is on the way out of the relationship (represented by the King of Wands), and the fact that the Queen of Wands shows as a challenge later in the reading, I'm getting that this person already has someone in mind. It seems you are longing for the way the relationship used to be and it feels over, but you are having difficulties moving on right now. It's also possible you're just longing for the idea of Love altogether and wishing you could drop everything you have right now to run towards it. There is a choice to be made but right now at the end of the month, you are not making a move one way or another.
The theme of the month to come for you pile 2 makes a lot of sense considering what I already wrote. You will have to focus on your own clarity and get grounded in yourself, trying to find stillness in the chaos that surrounds you in order to get the answers you need, based on your own guidance. I'm also getting that you feel resistant to change and the call of life, and that you may feel a bit dead inside and numb as a result. There is a need to find excitement for the miracle of life again which has been lost due to your complex situation. ''The meaning is in the Middle'' is what's written on the card and writing down in case it speaks to anyone.
For what you'll consciously focus on this month, I'm getting just like...trying not to break down completely and at the same time keeping up with your demanding job and practical life issues. Perhaps this impending breakup is causing financial stress and you don't know how things will turn out. So your goal will be navigating that in order to stay on top of things both mentally and professionally/financially.
Okay this is where it finally clicks because I was confused whether you where the one with the third party of the one who is perhaps cheated on. With the King of Pentacles longingly looking at the Queen of Wands (the third party I mentioned before - don't take gender into account though) standing next to him, I'm getting that YOU are wondering how to welcome this new passionate connection into your busy life and how to make it fit from a practical standpoint with your current relationship. The Queen seems to be both a challenge and an opportunity, I don't necessarily get that this Queen is a bad omen, it's just a difficult situation that require a choice on your part.
For the unexpected thing that will happen this month, I'm not getting a particular event but rather, how it will change the course of what you're doing. This surprise will force you to weight your options and start pursuing what you desire, getting out of that rut you are in. There will be progress moving forward as I don't think you'll be left indecisive for too long. There is a sense of urgency here, whether it's perceived or true, you will feel it deeply and it will push you into actions. You will be surprised by how determined you suddenly feel after the indecision of the past.
What will be gained after the month ends is a newfound stability as you'll have regained your footing. From that point in the spread it's like things have cleared up a bit and there's open space. There is a new beginning on the horizon but unlike the urgency that led you to that point, there is now the need to take things slow and build strong foundations.
The advice you got was that, well, it's time to choose what you want to do with this third party. You can't keep holding things like that without making a choice. You might also need to distance yourself from bad influences around you like friends or family and again focus on yourself. The second advice is about restoring some type of balance between giving and taking. It seems someone has or will give you something and you'll have to give something in return so that not to break the flow of the relationship.
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Cards: 4 of Swords rx, 8 of Pentacles, 4 of pentacles, 3 of Pentacles rx, 7 of Pentacles, 9 of Pentacles, 5 of Wands, 9 of Wands, Justice, 4 of Wands, King of Cups, the Moon, 9 of Swords, Temperance, 6 of Swords, the Fool
For your energy coming into the month, I see that you might have been feeling burnt out for a while now due to over-exhausting yourself with work or your studies, something you've put a lot of care and energy into in any case. You feel stagnant and somewhat demotivated and the whole thing is weighting on you. It's like you've put so much effort into working on this issue that you feel totally depleted emotionally. However, you can't seem to let go a bit in order to get things flowing again and you remain stuck, fearing everything is going to go to waste if you relax a bit.
The theme of this month will be to find your support system and reach out for help in order to get you to find new solutions to your issue. Not everything can be done alone. Furthermore, not every project can be rushed through all the time, sometimes you have to let it rest for a bit and let it grow under the surface of the soil. You will find great benefit from focusing on your own enjoyment and pleasure for a change in order to find a new perspective on your situation.
Despite that, it seems your mind will still be set on proving yourself this month. It's like, you feel burnt out and stagnant, and instead of getting the cue that you need to slow down a bit, you look at others and wonder why you can't hustle like them. Basically you're sensing there is an issue but you're trying to solve it in a toxic way by comparing yourself to others and feeling threatened by their success, triggering your self esteem issues.
The challenged you will have to face have to do with accepting to restore the balance in your life and take a break to have a bit of fun. Sounds like a false problem but it seems it's quite difficult for you to do at the moment because you're so focused on your tasks. It's a critical point though because if you don't cut off the toxic behaviors that are burying you into the ground, you will face the repercussions of your own non-action further down the line. You might have a hard time socializing because your heart is not there and you might feel left out, even though it would do you good to get a change of scenery and get out of your cave for a while.
For the unexpected thing that will happen this month, this will have to do with some type of emotional reconnection that will lead to more balance. It's very possible that it'll be uncomfortable at first as all the negative feelings you've been pushing under the rug all this time are resurfacing, but if you manage to stay afloat you will find a greater sense of mastery over them. I'm not getting anything precise as to what's gonna happen, but it will have to do with you being forced to take the blindfolds off and finally pay attention to your mental health. This might be the inner crisis you need to get back in a better shape.
What will have been gained by the end of the month has to do with leaving behind this way of doing and thinking you were holding onto at the beginning of the month. You will finally be able to get moving again, even if it will feel somewhat bitter and hard to do, remember it's for the better because you could not keep going on like you did.
The advice for you to help you navigate things is to not take everything so seriously all the time. Don't focus too much on what's not working or what you could do better or even on what you can't control, but try to find hope and the sense that a new beginning is at hand if only you open yourself up to it. Whoever is sending you this advice really encourages you to enjoy the little things and find your youthful spirit again. Things won't stay bleak forever so the best thing you can do is let yourself move along the stream.
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jmdbjk · 24 days
Come Back to Me.
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As the first scene opened, my very initial reaction/feeling was overwhelming relief. Is that a weird feeling to feel first thing? With all that's happened these past few weeks, this seemed like this is finally a tangible thing to fight back with. I don't know if that makes logical sense but I guess I have been angry and frustrated and feeling helpless.
The party scene that opens the MV and which he returns to toward the end, perhaps this symbolizes his chosen career/life? At the beginning, he's tired and over it... "leave me alone, I need to step away." So he gets up off the couch. Yet the lyric says "I told you I'm fine, staying good..." (He has told us several times after Festa 2022 that he's fine, he's good.)
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He stares (with longing?) at the mysterious door with three little glass windows.
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"Spring's always been here." I know the lyric on the MV says Spring, but he clearly says "spring's always been here."
Then he is interrupted again so he strides away from the party and suddenly he's in his bathroom with his little family who are brushing their teeth.
The ideal scenario. Nice, perfect little smiling family, perfect little home.
The door to the bathroom has four little windows on it...
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His little girl (Namjoon is a girl-dad) pulls him into the bathroom to join her and her mom. He is confused.
Lyric: "I forgot to shower, 세수할 시간도 아까워 or sesuhal sigando ahkkawuh" and translates to "even washing my face feels like a waste of time." He made the Korean lyric rhyme with the preceding English lyric.
Why just this line in Korean? The concept of "face" has a specific cultural meaning in Asia which includes Korea (but is not limited to this). Everyone's heard of "saving face", to save your honor or protect from humiliation. Its more than just a sense of honor though. There is much more to it, if you want to read something, here is one article that attempts to explain the cultural significance of it.
In the context of these lyrics, I think he means, as a Korean, he thinks keeping his face clean is a waste of time.
If we were to think of it as his attempt to keep his idol image clean, to be the kind of person everyone thinks he is, to uphold the honor of everything that some want to put on him and make him represent... that's gotta be a huge amount of pressure and its a waste of time for him to try to be the perfect man in his perfect home with his perfect family. Because he's not perfect. "You don't have to be the anything you see....Trying not to be that something in this sea."
As we've seen recently, what a challenge it would be to constantly be trying to uphold such a perfect image in the midst of so much shit being thrown from all directions from multiple entities.
Moving on.
He goes through another door and has to duck because something is being thrown at him.
The imperfect relationship. Conflict, anger, a lot of turmoil. The room is a total wreck. He attempts to diffuse the situation but she's mad, accusatory. The lyric he's singing: "I told you I'm fine tonight, staying good." Obviously not. She is dressed in some sort of cocktail dress, a little bit of glamour within this chaos.
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Interestingly, the walls throughout this MV usually have some sort of box-like shapes embellishing them. Or the furniture is angular/rectangular. The wallpaper in this room looks like a maze. Each of these rooms could be considered a box.
They struggle, she grabs a lamp. He runs. The door to that room has no little round windows on it.
The hallway he walks down is lined with doors, some open, some closed, some with little round windows in them, some without.
He goes into an open door and then immediately comes back out, the woman in the previous room following, trying to pull him back in. What does she represent? Personal relationships? The aspects of his life that are tempting but toxic?
He tries to open the door with three windows. He cannot. It is locked to him. He keeps running and finds himself suddenly in a baby crib?! The wood bars resemble a jail cell.
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What's up with the orange on his pillow? Oranges are given as gifts in Korea for good luck. The parents peering over the top of the crib entice him to come to them.
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"You are my pain, divine, divine, get, get, get to the divine, divine, so fine." This part has stumped me. He's being treated like a baby, or he feels like a baby. Parents looking down at their baby boy... he is unfazed at their adulation... he covers himself with a blanket to shield himself from their attention, they are disappointed and leave him be by walking away... the lyrics: "You are my pain divine, divine, get, get, get to the divine, divine, so fine." Could it be the celebrity life he leads, the perception he's young and naive, a baby? Trapped in a box, not able to get out on his own terms? Endure the pain of it all in order to get to the divine of it all? I don't know.
When he uncovers himself, the blanket has turned into a big leaf from a houseplant, and. he's in a nice room which resembles his real home.
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A different woman enters the room, seemingly searching for something. She's dressed in a drab looking dress.
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He contemplates her while she is still in the room.
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She doesn't see what she's looking for and leaves the room hurriedly.
The lyric is a repeat of forgot to shower, waste of time washing my face.
He follows her.
She doesn't seem to be aware he is there. He senses her but just misses seeing her slip away.
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And he seems to make a circle and ends up back in the room he just left. And he turns around, and comes face to face with himself.
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"I told you I'm fine tonight, Spring's always been here, I will sleep in her eyes." The camera pans to his other self and back and he's turned into the woman who was searching for something. They found each other.
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Who does she represent? His alter-ego? His life? The balance he's been searching for? Does she represent us? his fans? or maybe all the people who support him and he depends on. She represents his center, his stability?
When they find each other, they are happy. There is a beam of sunlight that quickly moves across the wall behind them when they go to sit on the couch. They don't sit close to each other. Very platonic. Does she represent happiness and comfort, his guiding light?
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Once they connect, his smiles are so big, he's laughing, he's happy once again and he returns to all the other rooms happy, settled, content even.
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Hard to see but the baby in the crib who represents RM, is holding up the orange to his mother.
"I see you come back to me, you are my pain divine. You are my pain divine, divine." The last sentence repeats over and over as he rises and sees the happy sunlight woman again, beckoning him to come to her and he nods as if he knows its time to go with her.
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He goes to her. As soon as he enters that atrium where she is standing, the sun comes out and we see both of their clothing has changed, he in a hanbok-like outfit and she back in the dress we first saw her in. The outfits are made of similar material and they are both barefoot. I am sure being barefoot has some cultural connotation. Getting back to basics, to a natural state perhaps? Simplicity.
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"You are my pain, divine, divine" keeps repeating and "I told you I'm fine tonight, staying good, Spring's always been here." He is reassuring, perhaps indicating he knew he had to take this journey of self-discovery, or self re-discovery knowing there were those who supported him, the Spring would always be there no matter how challenging it is.
She seems to ask if he's ready and he takes a deep breath and they both go through the door and the light becomes brilliant.
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As the camera pulls back while they walk amongst the corridors, we see a vast maze of similar rooms.
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Navigating life or a career can be like a maze. The future is unknown, no telling which room he will enter next. But he has his alter-ego, happiness, support, his light, accompanying him through the journey, through his pain, divine.
When it was over, I was a little emotional. The production was flawless, so many details I'm sure I missed dozens of them.
It wasn't until the second watch did I realize the song was all english except for the one line about washing his face.
Remember when Namjoon came on Weverse live and he told us about how he got the cut over his eye? Here is a great interview of the director of the MV, Lee Sungjin and he explains how it happened and the experience of working with RM.
Edit: I just realized the "party" room is the same room as the one that resembles his home.
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lacrimosathedark · 5 days
There's something that's bothering me about Alastor
I noticed something about Alastor's magic.
So Alastor's magic has either a red or green color at any given time.
Usually, it's green.
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But, occasionally, it is red.
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It's always red in flashbacks, and the two other times it appears red, Alastor is being intentionally threatening. It also may correlate to his shadow being active.
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My concern with the green comes, partially, from this.
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The bright green of his magic is the same as those stitching his mouth and arm. (Also now I'm worried his arm was ripped off at some point)
This could entirely be a stylistic choice, but if his magic only started being mainly green recently, maybe it has something to do with his deal.
Alastor's mouth being sewn shut and could mean he can't talk about his deal, or otherwise relate to being forced to smile.
I also think this because the spooky ghosty motif is also green, and might be representative of souls, in regards to Alastor at least, considering this:
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and that Husk's leash is green too.
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He also repeatedly rejects offers of collecting souls.
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Rosie: Ya know, Alastor. I got a primo connect on a guy with about eight blocks of territory and not enough goons to run it. Prime pickins for a deal to be made, my friend. Alastor: Appreciate the offer, but we're here on business of another kind.
Gaining souls is how Sinners get stronger it seems. And we know he's not opposed to collecting souls as he already owns Husk and Niffty. So part of his deal could stipulate that he can't collect more souls for one reason or another.
What had me thinking, and what really worries me, is this.
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The shield he makes in The Show Must Go On sticks out to me. Because the base of it is shadows, and there's that eye motif that is likely indicative of Roo. All of that is black outlined in red. But the veves are all outlined green, and there's this green mist near the base of the dome. Why are the symbols green but the eyes and other crack-like shadows aren't?
I think it might be possible that Alastor had a deal of some sort with Roo almost as soon as he got to Hell. But more recently, he has a new deal, one that limits him in some way, and likely one that forced him to the Hotel if Roo herself didn't order him to. And it's likely got something to do with Lilith, given their absences of the past seven years coinciding and then Alastor returning and going straight to Lilith's daughter.
Whatever this deal is, it limits his abilities. His figurative wings are clipped.
But this raises more questions for me. If he made some sort of deal with Roo or another entity for power, but he still owned his soul, what did he trade in the first place?
If he had so much power already, what would he have to gain from a deal that limits his strength and growth so much, especially at the cost of his own freedom? His own soul?
Who is this new contract with? Roo? Lilith? Eve? And why?
That also leads me to question, are he and Lilith allies or enemies?
Can your soul be owned between multiple parties if they make a deal with each other? Like, if Roo owned his soul and made a deal with Lilith to effectively share ownership, would that work? And what would that mean for them?
And, quite frankly, why Alastor? Was it convenience? Was it his connection to Roo?
This is in conjunction with something I noticed about those eyes that are all over Pride.
They don't appear naturally in any other Rings. (<- explanation under the cut now) And the motif only happens in two places.
There's Loo Loo Land in the Greed Ring.
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Which, I'll remind you, is apparently a knock-off of a theme park Lucifer made, Lucifer's domain being Pride where these eyes are naturally occurring. Meaning the eye motif is probably just more mimicry. Especially since they aren't even red.
And then there's one room in Millie's family's house in Wrath.
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It's obviously just a design, since none of them move and they look pretty flat, but that stylistic motif is present. The wide red eyes and black shadow tendrils.
And it reminded me of something.
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Martha: Satan! We return your FILTHY creatures back to the pits of Hell! May the Root of Evil remain honored as we continue thy work!
If you look around during these scenes, you see a lot of eye imagery, both carved into the pole and scattered about the trees. And then on the top of the pole is Roo's emblem.
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So, like, there's some kind of human cult around the Root of All Evil. Enough that the emblem is known.
Martha specifies Satan, who is the Sin of Wrath, where Imps originate. Wrath is the only place there's imagery outside of Pride and Pride-adjacent areas (Loo Loo Land being a knock-off would be just replicating)
So, like...does Wrath or Satan have some kind of connection to Roo??? I mean, Lucifer and Satan are often mushed into one character but are separate here, so maybe it's just human error? Or maybe Roo has some kind of connection with Satan but her influence doesn't extend beyond Pride? I saw somewhere that Imps tend to treat Satan like a god (and they say shit like "oh my Satan" instead of "oh my god") but do they also worship Roo maybe? Or does Satan somehow serve her?
And one of the few places in Pride free of Roo's eyes (to my knowledge at least) is Cannibal Town.
Where everyone's eyes are black voids.
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Idk I'm tired and Alastor's whole deal has my head spinning in circles if I'm honest. And I needed to get it out somewhere.
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Did the DHORKs testing their portal give her an in to other Rings? cuz it also looked like she was fucking them up.
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Which, btw, fucking YIKES
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celiciaa · 6 months
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Make me feel alive.
translations are not 100% accurate. expect mistakes.
trigger warnings: suggestive
On the day of Lord Gilbert's birthday, there was a strange tension in the castle.
(Your birthday is truly a taboo.)
(No one says a word or shows any sign of preparing a celebration.)
While whipping cream in a bowl, I can't help but think about it.
(I always thought it was natural to celebrate birthdays.)
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(Except for Lord Gilbert.)
Gilbert: Do you want to celebrate by risking your life? // Would you like to celebrate with the cost of your life?
Emma: ….
Gilbert: Even if it’s you, I still feel uncomfortable…. **
(I meant those words…)
(If I'm wrong, I'll be in big trouble.)
My heart is pounding so fast that I feel as if it will come out at any moment.
My hands were shaking uncontrollably while holding the bowl.
(…No, I have to be confident.)
(After all, I'm Lord Gilbert's fiancée, aren't I? There’s no time to be weak.)
I took a deep breath to shake off my anxiety and nervousness, as I began to move my hand again.
Emma: …I wonder if he will like it.
???: Yes, it’s very delicious.
Emma: !?
When I turned around, I saw Lord Gilbert stuffing his face with a piece of sponge cake that had already been baked.
(Eh? No way! How long have you been there!?)
Gilbert: Come on, don't just stand there and work with your hands. Otherwise I'm going to eat every last one of them, okay?
(The cake will be gone before it's finished!)
When I hurriedly took the sponge cake away from Lord Gilbert, his handsome face twisted into a displeased look.
Gilbert: Is that what you’re going to do?
Emma: If the sponge runs out, I can't make a cake.
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Gilbert: It was delicious just the way you make it look like.
Emma: It's not good even if it's delicious!
Gilbert: Eehh—….I prefer quantity to quality.
Emma: I'll be baking a lot of cookies later, so please forgive me for this.
Emma: When it comes to cakes, I really want to focus on quality. // I really want to emphasize the quality of the cake.
Emma: ….I have to make the birthday cake special.
Gilbert: Hmmm...you're a brave little rabbit.
Lord Gilbert brings a chair nearby and sits down.
That red eye of his looking at me intensely, as if they were searching for something.
Emma: ….This is just my speculation….
Emma: Lord Gilbert—— Gil, I don't think you want to celebrate your birthday.
(…It was you, Lord Gilbert, who told me when your birthday was.)
Emma: You hate lies.
Emma: Because it was supposed to be a special and important day, you couldn't allow yourself to be defiled by corruption and deception.
Emma: …..That's what I thought.
(Lord Gilbert used to have a kind mother and an older brother…)
(The two of them must have congratulated him when he was young.)
(It was a warm and tender birthday...and now that day will never come again.)
(All that remained around him were aristocrats representing corruption and deceit.)
(…I guess this type of celebration was completely different.)
Gilbert: Hehe…as expected of the little rabbit, who loves me so much.
Lord Gilbert rested his chin on his palm and smiled refreshingly.
So, I was right.
Gilbert: Are you really going to congratulate me?
Emma: Of course.
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Gilbert: I've killed many people so far, and I might kill many more in the future.
Gilbert: I’ve sent someone to the execution stand after I celebrated my birthday before, and I'll do it again if anyone like that shows up in the future, you know?
Emma: …..
It was as if my resolve was being tested.
(Birthday celebrations was supposed to be "Thank you for being born.")
(And it's also a day to hope that "you will continue to live.")
To celebrate the birthday of a great villain who shook the entire continent.
It cannot be done with half-hearted preparation, and someone who gave the blessing may end up bearing some sort of guilt.
Emma: ….I see.
(You may be a bad person who will never be forgiven...but I still want you to be rewarded.)
(That feeling has never changed and never will.)
(I think your sense of humanity is just numb, but you actually have the most beautiful heart in the world.)
Emma: Even if you have made the whole world your enemy, I will congratulate you.
Emma: I'm already a bad woman, so it's too late for that.
Emma: Please don't underestimate my love for you.
(Even though it's your birthday, it's hard to even celebrate it genuinely.)
(That is Lord Gilbert’s position, and it is also the price you pay for taking control of the evil empire.)
(…I've never celebrated a birthday with such determination.)
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Gilbert: ….Hehe, sorry. I was bullying you too much.
Lord Gilbert stood up from his chair and reached for my eyes.
I hadn't noticed that his fingertips were scoping my tears.
(…I hate it. I didn't mean it like this.)
(However, I wonder how many years...how many decades you’ve been denying your birthday so that your memories won't be tarnished….)
I forcefully wiped my blurred vision and looked into his red eye.
Lord Gilbert was smiling as usual, but…
I was surprised to find a wavering feeling there that made my heart hurt.
(No, it’s not. These tears are not for me.)
(…The one who really wants to cry should be Lord Gilbert.)
(Every time you celebrate your birthday, I wonder what you’ve been thinking about until now.)
(At first, you must have felt lonely, but then you forgot about it and didn't feel anything anymore…)
(But now, you, Lord Gilbert, reminded me of my loneliness. Maybe that's why you told me it was your birthday.)
With an urgent feeling, I reached out to touch his cold cheek and kissed him lightly.
Gilbert: What?
Emma: …I can't give you a cake right now, so here's an alternative gift for you.
Gilbert: That's a poor gift.
Emma: How about this?
I gave up on making the cake for the time being, so I placed the bowl on the table and wrapped my arms around Lord Gilbert's neck.
I kissed him deeper than before, and he bit me hard on the lip.
Fortunately, there was no blood seeping out, but he rubbed the throbbing area with his tongue.
As a result, I was robbed of the control I should have had.
His cold fingers pried my lips open, making sure my tongue is pulled out so he can bite it.
When I lost my strength, I leaned on the table behind me,
Then Lord Gilbert lifted the hem of my black dress he made for me and forced his fingers between my legs inside.
Emma: Gil…it hurts….
Gilbert: Yeah, on purpose.
Emma: Why….
Gilbert: Because you don't like pain, do you, little rabbit?
(….When you say that….)
The pain quickly turned into another sensation as his fingers plunged deep into the pit of my stomach.
It is like a sign of affection that Lord Gilbert has engraved on my body night after night.
(So I can't hate it….)
Gilbert: See, you looked like you were feeling good.
Gilbert: By the way, we’re in the kitchen. Are you going to stop me?
The wet squelching sounds and my moans became more visible the moment he added two more fingers.
Just as my mind was about to go blank, he stopped and my gasp spilled out involuntarily.
Emma: ….Just…for today….
Emma: No matter what Gil wants…if he wants to do it here, I’d take it all….
Gilbert: Because it's my birthday?
I nodded, then I brought his head close to my chest, hugging him.
Emma: I do not…lie.
Emma: So...you can try it until you feel safe, Gil.
Emma: My celebration is from the bottom of my heart…my sincerest congratulations…
Emma: I will keep telling Gil, no matter how much it hurts, until he believes in me.
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Gilbert: …..
Gilbert: Oh, no. I guess I've been found out.
(…. I knew it. Lord Gilbert always has a reason for his threats.)
Emma: Gil is probably a lot easier to understand than I think.
Gilbert: I think those words can only be said because you are facing me head-on.
Gilbert: …It's really a pity that a troublesome man likes you so much.
Lord Gilbert looks up with a soft laugh and bites my neck.
(It may be difficult to wipe away all the doubts that have built up over the decades——)
(But it’s enough to let you know that you won't be lonely on your birthday anymore.)
While taking all the pain and pleasure that Lord Gilbert was giving me, he somehow managed to finish the cake…
After the private celebration, we lay on each other, skin-to-skin as a matter of course.
Thanks to him, my body was exhausted during the daytime, however, Lord Gilbert embraced me with all his might.
All that was left was the sound of our heartbeats.
Gilbert: Hehe…your heart is still beating, isn't it?
Emma: I can…hear your heartbeat too, Gil.
He cradled me in his arms, and the sound of our heartbeat was heard from our chests.
(It’s the proof that Lord Gilbert is alive and well.)
(…I want to feel this whenever I celebrate your birthday.)
When I placed my hand on his back, Lord Gilbert scrunched his eyebrows slightly.
(Ah…there’s a scratch on his skin…)
Emma: …I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.
Gilbert: I don’t mind. I like being hurt by you too.
Gilbert: You could have left bite marks as well as scratches.
Lord Gilbert’s fingertips brushed my arm gently. There should be clear bite marks there.
(Not just my arms. I feel like I've been bitten all over today.)
Emma: It's hard to tell how much is too much or too little love Gil.
Gilbert: Then, let's learn it sometime soon. How about by next year's birthday?
Emma: I hope…you will let me celebrate again next year.
Gilbert: Who knows? It's up to you whether it’ll be your last or your first.
Gilbert: If you love me a lot, I might change my mind...okay?
Emma: ….
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Gilbert: It’s just...my celebration this year wasn't unpleasant.
Gilbert: ….Thank you.
Emma: …..
(Aah...I’m gonna tear up.)
(If I'm not careful, I'll start crying again.)
Lord Gilbert laughed and gently stroked my hair.
Since his eyepatch was removed, his facial expressions were easier to understand than usual.
Emma: So…next time, how about we celebrate with Mr. Roderich and Mr. Walter?
Emma: I'm sure both of them really want to congratulate you, Lord Gilbert.
Gilbert: That’s not allowed.
(That’s too bad…)
Gilbert: I don't need other people's congratulations. As long as I have yours, that's all that matters.
Gilbert: Because you're the only one I love.
(I am the only person in the world allowed to celebrate Lord Gilbert's birthday——)
(In that case, I’ll celebrate with all my feelings.)
(I hope that the sound of Lord Gilbert's heart continues to beat next year and the year after that.)
(Even though you are a big villain and many people hate you, I want you to live forever and ever.)
Emma: Gil…I forgot to mention the most important thing.
Gilbert: Hm?
Emma: Happy birthday.
Emma: I'll give you lots of love…so please let me celebrate with you again next year.
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Gilbert: Hehe, I understand. I'll let you celebrate as long as you are.
Gilbert: Keep loving the beast with your pure heart, just as you are…got it?
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 ▸       [  previous ]
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powermakar · 2 years
Keep Your Glasses On - Owen Power
Author's note: Ok so I 100% definitely have a glasses kink and Owen wearing his glasses just does something to me so I wrote this for all of us horny people.
Part two: You Don't Need Your Glasses for This
Summary: Pure filthy smut with no plot whatsoever
Words: 1.1k
Warnings: Praise kink, glasses kink, whiny Owen, cocky Owen, swear words, pretty much every warning that comes with pure smut
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Owen’s game had just ended and you knew it would be a while before he got home from dealing with all of the press. You took that time to prepare for your celebration of Owen’s first multi-point NHL game. A dark blue matching set to represent the Saber’s blue always ended up being Owen’s favorite set of lingerie. Throwing a jersey on with the familiar number 25 sprawled across the back, you lay down on your and Owen’s bed.
You hear a jingle of keys and the front door opens so you call out, “In here Owen!”. Owen walks into the room and looks you up and down with his eyes blazing with heat. 
“All of this for me baby?” Owen smirks. 
“All and only for you,” you say, sliding one side of the jersey up so he can get a glance at your blue, lace thong. He just groans in response and drops the coat of his suit to the floor and loosens his tie. “Is it getting a little hot in here? Maybe I should take this off so it’ll be cooler” you say, pulling the jersey over your head and revealing your bra. The cold air hits your nipples making them pucker and you let out a little moan. All Owen can do is stare at you. “Take a picture, it'll last longer,” you tease. With those words, Owen’s head snaps up with a questioning look. “Maybe next time O, but right now I need you to come over and do something to me”.
“You have no idea how much I wanted to leave but those reporters kept asking me questions and all I could think of was you,” Owen says while running a finger around the waistband of your thong and snapping it back against your skin. All you can do is squirm and move his hand closer to your pussy. “Not yet, baby, we need to get you wetter,” he says. 
“Please Owen I need your dick or fingers or at least something!” you groan. 
“Aw, are we begging now? Are you that horny that you can’t wait anymore? It’s a little pathetic if I’m being honest,” Owen says knowing it’ll rile you up a little more. 
“If you don’t want to help me, then I’ll just do it myself,” you smirk rubbing your clit through your panties. 
This must have made him angry because he pins both of your arms above your head and growls, “You follow exactly what I say and if you don’t you’ll get punished”. 
You wanted to try something new and giggle, “Yes sir”. 
“Fuck y/n,” Owen groans and unbuttons his shirt, and throws it to the floor. “If you want to play that game I can play it with you”. Owen unhooks your bra and throws it somewhere in the room. He starts toying with both of your nipples making you moan and lift your hips against his thigh to feel any sort of friction. “So impatient y/n,” Owen says before he starts to suck on your right nipple. 
“Owen please,” you whine. 
“Fine, only because I want to hear you scream my name,” he says, taking his glasses off.
“No Owen, keep your glasses on.” He just shrugs and puts them back on. You pull your panties down your legs and throw them to the floor. Owen spreads your legs and begins to eat your pussy out with his glasses on. Moaning, you reach your hand into his hair and lift your hips up. 
“You taste so good sweetheart,” Owen says before going back down and licking your clit. 
“Fuck Owen I’m going to cum soon,” you moan loudly. You can feel Owen pick up the pace and before you know it your vision goes blurry as an orgasm rips through your body. You pull Owen up for a kiss, seeing that his glasses had some of your wetness on them making you even more turned on. “Oh my God Owen,” you moan. 
He smirks and says, “round two?” before shoving two of his thick, long, calloused fingers into your hole. “You want more, huh? Such a slut for me baby girl. You are doing such a good job,” Owen praises. Your orgasm is approaching quickly and Owen knows it. He uses his other hand to rub small circles against your clit as you cry out. 
“Owen, fuck, baby I want your dick now please.” With that Owen stands up to take his belt and pants off before reaching for a condom on the nightstand. He then picks you up and gently throws you on top of him. 
“I want you to ride my dick like the good girl I know you are,” he demands. Smirking, you slide the condom down his dick, pumping it a few times before sliding down on him. It takes you a minute or two before you can fully adjust to his size and you start moving up and down. “Fuck y/n your pussy feels so good,” he moans. This was one of your favorite versions of Owen, the cocky then whiny Owen. 
“You like that, huh? You love it when I ride you,” you tease. All Owen can do is let out a small whine in response. He begins to thrust his hips up to meet you halfway but you quickly put a stop to that. “Let me do some of the work tonight babe”. Looking at him you see his glasses are starting to fog up, his jaw is slacked, and his hair is starting to stick to his forehead from his sweat. “You have no idea how much I love your glasses, Owen, They are one of my favorite things,” you say before pulling him into a kiss. 
“I’ll wear them more often just for you,” he says before letting out another moan. “I’m so close y/n.” 
“Me too baby”. With those words, he rubs your clit with his thumb. “Cum with me O,” you moan. Sure enough, both of you cum at the same time letting out breathy moans. Laying down on his chest he wraps his arms around your body. “Congratulations on your first multi-point game Owen. I love you”. 
“I love you too y/n,” he says, pulling you into another kiss after. “I would love to continue this but I have to get up early tomorrow and I have to clean my glasses off.” All you can do is laugh. He pulls out of your hole and you groan at the emptiness. “I know baby”. 
Owen comes back with a warm washcloth to wipe you clean. “Maybe you should get a hat trick so we can do this again”. 
“I’ll try,” he laughs, turning off the lamp and snuggling you in close.
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clowngames · 2 years
Really fascinated by the way Deep Space Nine doesnt just depict fascism but specifically depicts the psychology behind it, how it imposes itself on various classes not just in the out groups (Bajorans, the Federation) but also on the in groups (Cardassian citizens, politicians, Garak).
First and foremost you have Dukat. He's a textbook fascist. The only thing he cares about is power. Every decision he makes is in the interest of consolidating power towards Cardassia as a whole, but towards himself specifically. Even his demeanor as a polite charmer (to the best of his ability) is carefully constructed to position himself above people. He believes himself superior to everyone around him except specifically Sisko. When he joins the dominion, he always frames it as an alliance and you can tell he intends it to be temporary - that Cardassia will eventually turn against the Dominion and seize their assets.
An understated facet of Dukat is that he has a deep sexual complex where he fetishizes the people he oppresses. We don't have time to get into everything about that particular subject but I do want to mention his constant rationalization of "I'm the nice fascist!" does make me think that at least on some level he needs validation from Bajorans that he is likeable or can be kind, and he gets that through sexual gratification.
Moving on, Garak is everyone's favorite ordinary tailor. Nothing weird about him.
Damar, on the other hand-- okay, I'm kidding. Garak is unique in that he used to be in a position of power, and doesn't seem to actively want that power back so much as he just wants to go home and have friends who share his worldview (where the lights aren't so goddamn bright).
So does that mean he's not a fascist? Not quite. He sort of represents, in a weird way, the average citizen of a fascist state. Maybe the average upper class citizen. He's fully bought into the propaganda of Cardassian greatness, and clearly would have no qualms about the ethical implications of any actions he could take to maintain/restore that greatness. It's hard to say if it's specifically a sense or Cardassian superiority or just an extreme nationalism, but let's be honest, the difference between the two is hazy.
While he may not be interested in politics, he obviously has no problem with the state as it is currently being run. Cardassian trials, Cardassian interrogations, he's been conditioned to see the beauty in them in a way only a fascist culture could. He even loves fascist literature. I wouldn't be surprised if he hates modern art.
Damar, on the other hand, is in a weird spot. I mean, he's a soldier. He's not a politician like Dukat and he's not a nationalist like Garak. He's a guy who follows orders and doesn't think super hard about those orders because a) Cardassia looks down on that sort of thing and b) high ranking military officials look down on that sort of thing. He became Dukat's right hand man by being obedient.
It's only when he becomes a politician, when he stops taking orders and starts making them, that he starts to think critically about what's going on - I like to think that he sees the parallels between the Dominion and Cardassia sooner than he points them out. I think he starts out as a Liberal - someone who doesn't necessarily like fascism but isn't quite interested enough to resist it - and I think his experience with the Dominion radicalizes him. There's a strong implication that by the end of DS9, Carsassia is, at least, going to be less fascist.
The Dominion radicalizes Garak too - his love of Cardassia extends to people first, culture second, and government in dead last. One wonders if he may reconsider his stance on Cardassian trials after the rebellion.
Unfortunately the one thing fascism discourages above all else is introspection (for those in the ruling class, anyway. They tend to discourage existence entirely for other groups). Elim "trampling on the freedom of citizens who have done nothing" Garak may not notice, or may choose not to notice, the similarities between that and the Cardassian justice system.
I almost want to see like an episode-long epilogue that shows us what happens to Cardassian society post-Dominion. Do they make Cardassia great again in Damar's name, or do they bring it, finally, to the greatness they were always promised?
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rimicchan · 3 months
Your Melody & hanakotoba (language of flowers)
during the voice drama watch party livestream, hyuga (rimicha's seiyuu) mentioned the meaning of the sunflowers in the pv and how they may relate to his feelings for kirimi-chan. knowing that (and that hanakotoba seems to have some differences here and there) i decided to go down the rabbit hole
disclaimer: i don't know anything about flowers and guessed for some of them, also most of the sources (listed at the bottom of the post) seem to be wikis of sorts run by either a single person or a small group of people
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Sunflowers (ヒマワリ/himawari): As mentioned by Hyuga in the voice drama watch party livestream, they tend to mean "I'm looking at only you" and symbolise "longing".
Strelitzia reginae/bird of paradise flowers (極楽鳥花/gokuraku chouka): Pretty hard to translate, but according to my sources, it carries a negative connotation. The best it can probably be translated as is "a love which you are trying to show yourself bigger and better", according to my sources. (To be clear, what's being translated is 気取った愛, which the machine translation didn't give any clues for what it might mean, and a dictionary was somehow even more confusing.)
Oxalis corniculata/creeping woodsorrel (カタバミ/katabami): I honestly don't know if these are the right flowers, but they're the best guess I have for the small yellow flowers at the base of the bouquet. It seems to symbolise "a shining heart" and mean "to be with you".
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Geraniums (ゼラニウム/zeraniumu): I can't tell what type of geraniums they could be, but that doesn't seem to matter in hanakotoba anyways. Red geraniums in particular can represent "friendship", "determination", and "solace", and can carry the meaning "happiness when you're there".
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White roses (白いバラ/shiroi bara): Generally represents "purity" (in the "innocent" sense) and "heartfelt respect". It can have the meaning "I am suitable for you", but it seems it can also mean something like "beauty is your only appeal", which is... interesting.
Pink roses (ピンク色のバラ/pinku iro no bara): Seems to represent meanings like "kind heart", "satisfaction", "promising" (in the sense that one could have a "promising future"), and "elegance". It can also mean "first love" or "to be deeply moved".
White lilies (白いユリ/yuri): Again can represent "innocence", but can also represent "unmarked beauty" or "magnificence". It can also mean "a noble personality". (As a sidenote, I think people generally assume you mean a white lily if you just say "yuri".)
Pink lillies (ピンク色のユリ): Much easier than the above, but funnily enough can mean "insinuations" or "words or behaviour that hints at a deeper meaning​", and "vanity".
Asters (アスター/asutaa): White asters tend to represent "change" or "reminiscing", and can also mean "a heart that has faith".
Lupinus (ルピナス/rupinasu): They seem to represent "the (power of) imagination" or "being greedy", which is an interesting difference. They can also mean "always content" or "you are my comfort". The last one's kanji can also mean "peace of mind" or "tranquility", so that's what "comfort" means there.
Calluna vulgaris/heather (カルーナ/karuuna): My best guess for the smaller, darker pink long flowers. This one doesn't have many sources for hanakotoba I can find, so the meanings are probably nonexistant, but a few sites I can find are claiming it can mean "self-reliance", "integrity", and "departure".
Loropetalum chinense (白いトキワマンサク/shiroi tokiwamansaku): The best guess I have at the little white flowers with slim petals. This is another one where I had to go digging for other sources for the hanakotoba, so it might just be all made up. Anyway, it can represent "inspiration" or "mysterious powers", or mean "good luck charm" or "I want to love you" (not entirely sure about the last one).
Gypsophilia/baby breath (かすみソウ/kasumi sou): The very small white flowers (notable at the bottom of the bouquet). This is a later edit because someone I know figured it out. Anyway, white baby breath represent "a calm heart" or "a pure heart".
Specific sources for calluna vulgaris:
Specific source for loropetalum chinense:
Other sources for translation help:
Literally just a Japanese person I know
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infernaleikon · 1 year
anakin growing up believing obi-wan is the prettiest of them all and when he's in the room no one else is prettier, only to discover during his knighthood that he himself is deemed a pretty boy by all. cue pikachu shocked face
omg i am so sorry for the late replay, anon, i've had a hard time getting myself to reply to messages lately 😭
but literally! i think anakin is entirely unaware just how pretty he is himself. he always, without fail, notices when someone fawns over obi-wan and gets all grumpy and huffy and jealous while at the same time being like DUH!!!! obi-wan is the prettiest!!! (and probably gets downright offended when someone's like EH). anakin daydreams about being the gust of wind that moves that lock of hair on obi-wan's forehead. he wants to rub his lips on obi-wan beard, he thinks his eyes are magical and gorgeous and anakin feels both stripped bare and completely safe under that gaze. he wants to run his fingers through the grey on obi-wan's temples because it's so sexy he wants to cry. when obi-wan smiles, he's brigher than the twin suns of tatooine. anakin can never decide whether he wants everyone to acknowledge how beautiful his master is, or hide him away from leering eyes so nobody gets any ideas.
and anakin never notices when someone moons over him. "has anyone ever told you that your eyes are the colour of the scarif sky?" someone asks him once with an appreciative tilt to their eyebrows. anakin frowns and says, "i've never been to scarif." another time somebody compliments his looks, specifically his jedi robes, and anakin scowls like, "they're standard issue." on some diplomatic mission, one of the representatives tells him about what is deemed the most beautiful piece of art on the planet and that anakin looks like he could be a piece of art himself, and anakin is just confused because why would anyone say that?? what does that even mean? does he look stiff??? it doesn't make sense.
people (try to) flirt with him left and right and anakin doesn't notice (mainly because he only has eyes and a (heart) boner for obi-wan). throughout the entire galaxy, beings from all sorts of planets try to court him and he's oblivious to it. he gets grumpy and short-lipped whenever somebody drags him away to show him some garden or sculpture or painting or something, and only lights up as soon as he spots obi-wan again.
cue them being to some fancy ball or festivity during a mission and both obi-wan and anakin are decked out in fine clothes and garments, and as they're walking through the room, people stare and whisper, and anakin is convinced everyone is lusting after obi-wan. and he gets quite annoyed because people keep coming up to him and asking him to dance or get a drink (and he can't say no--or he tries and earns a pointedly raised eyebrow from obi-wan--because they're on a mission and they have to play along and be polite) and keep dragging him away from obi-wan. and he watches how people walk up to his master and chat him up, and he's all bright, beautiful smiles, giving them attention, and it drives anakin nuts.
eventually, obi-wan takes pity on him and asks him to dance before anyone else can swoop in again, and anakin gratefully agrees because that way he can have obi-wan's attention all for himself for a little bit.
obi-wan asks him why he's not enjoying himself. it is a bit surprising considering anakin loves attention, and anakin scowls at him in confusion.
"i don't think i understand what you mean, master," anakin says.
"anakin, all these people have been vying for your attention all night," obi-wan says in a light tone but there's something simmering in his eyes that anakin can't quite name. "they're practically tripping over each other trying to get to you."
"because they want to get you alone," anakin says dumbly.
obi-wan gives him a look, the one that makes anakin flush with embarrassment because it's a bit judgy and a bit mocking and fondly exasperated. "why would they dance with you if they wanted to get me alone?"
and anakin scowls, "it's a distraction technique, obi-wan, we do it plenty of times in battle--"
"oh, anakin, they all want you," obi-wan tells him with a wry smile and a sharp gaze. "they're all trying to take you home, to their beds."
and that just sort of leaves anakin speechless for a minute. "but why?"
obi-wan sighs very deeply. "must you make me say it?"
he sighs again when anakin blinks at him in confusion. "because they think you're beautiful."
anakin makes that pikachu face because he never thought of himself as beautiful or much of anything in terms of looks, really. he never even considered anybody else might find him beautiful but then again, anakin rarely really considers other people (except obi-wan. obi-wan is always on his mind. anakin, 95% of the time when he's not in battle: no thoughts, head empty, only obi-wan). so it does come as a big surprise to him.
and from that moment forward, he starts noticing when people pay close attention to him, when they get close and ask him stuff and try to pry his attention away from obi-wan. it makes him feel very odd and like he wants to squirm away and hide behind obi-wan (or preferably in his arms).
and all he can think about is whether obi-wan thinks he's beautiful too.
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I, apparently, get some validation in the form of likes and I go all gung-ho about writing stuff.
Anyway, Part 1 on Aladdin!AU punkflower.
Miles Morales…was bored.
He was sat next to his dad, at the head of the table, because for the past three months his father had decided that Miles was old enough to start listening in on the financials of their kingdom. Miles had been excited, at first, ready to help his kingdom and start thinking of ways to present himself as someone to be taken seriously; until he actually sat through four or five meetings and realized what they usually ended up being: a group of people, sitting around a table once a week, discussing what to do with money the kingdom barely had and how to generate more money for it, and all he was supposed to do was sit down and listen. Every so often his dad would interject, throwing out this idea or that one, and the table would devolved into a debate about how it would work.
The group consisted of Jeff Morales, the king, and Miles, the prince. Wilson Fisk, the royal advisor, was sitting on the left of his father, two seats down so that he was visible to both king and prince. Miguel O’Hara, the captain of the guards, was on Miles’s right, directly across from Wilson. They had their respective seconds next to them, Olivia for Wilson and Jessica (or Jess) for Miguel. The seat next to Jess was taken up by Pavitr Prabhakar, who was representing the Prabhakar family as a whole as the son of the earl; across from him was the Watson family representative, the countess Mary Jane (or MJ). On Pavitr’s other side was Peter Benjamin Parker, who usually went by Noir and theoretically wasn’t part of the meeting per say, but was sent to watch over Pavitr due to the teen being the Prabhakar’s only child. Rounding out the last of the people in the meeting were William Baker, and Adrian Toomes, both of whom were fairly new additions to the table, according to his dad.
The meeting today was sort of dragging on, and where he sat next to his dad meant that he was just out of reach of the sun, but there was still a lot of heat coming in through the window to make him sleepy. Combined with the late night he’d had the night before and the fact that while his clothes were elegant, they were thin and very comfortable meant that Miles was kind of ready to doze off and take a nap. He was slouched as much as he could be, staring blankly at Wilson as the man droned on and on about…taxes, he thought? Or the guards training. One of the two, Wilson always seemed weirdly focused on those two things. Miles had known the man for years, he’d held his position since before Miles had been born. Outside of the meetings he was usually fairly quiet, a startling trait for someone as big as Wilson was, and was good at somehow moving money around so that his dad could continue running the kingdom the way he needed to without worrying too much. He was smart, Miles could give him that, and definitely was the kind of man that had brute strength on his side; he made Miguel look tiny in comparison, and Miguel was also a fairly big guy, so…
His dad rapped his knuckles on the arm rest, making Miles sit up straighter and blink rapidly to cover the fact that he was zoning out a bit. From a bit further down, Pavitr leaned onto his palms, covering his mouth in a way that made him look like he was deeply invested in what Wilson was saying; Miles could tell was just to hide the grin on his face from Miles getting caught out.
Miles couldn’t even glare back at him, not from his position at the head of the table, and especially not with his dad right next to him, nodding sharply at whatever Miguel started with next. Captain of the guard and all, it was definitely about the guards this time and Miles sort of wanted to slam his head into the back of his chair.
He wouldn’t mind it so much if he could actually participate; hell, Pavitr could throw in ideas and join the debates going around the table, and so could Mary Jane, and even his dad could jump in when he wanted, but Miles couldn’t say anything. The first time he offered an idea, four meetings in, the entire table save for Pavitr and his dad laughed at him and when he tried to defend his idea, his dad shut it down.
Afterwards, his dad had told him “listen, son, I know you want to help, but you need to learn what’s going on in the kingdom before you can start participating in running it.”
So here he was. Learning, though Miles thought that the meetings always ended up going round in circles without ever changing anything. Clearly nothing was working, because these meetings were held every week without fail and sometimes it felt like the same four ideas thrown around all the time: open the kingdom gates more often for travelers, raise taxes, raise rents, funnel less money into the upkeep of the kingdom. Nothing about the actual people in the kingdom, how this affects their day to day living, and at the end of the meeting nothing is decided. Wash, rinse, repeat.
“The prince is fifteen now, right? What if Miles marries?” The sound of his name jolted him into attention, and Miles’s eyes locked onto Wilson’s as the man looked him over. “We can start searching for eligible candidates, maybe have him married by this time next year.”
“What does Miles getting married have to do with the kingdom’s financials?” Pavitr asked. His eyes were narrowed at Wilson, though he was approximately the same size as Miles so it kind of looked like a month old puppy glaring down a husky. Still, he seemed to be the only one who wasn’t seriously considering it; even Mary Jane was looking thoughtful, hands crossed in front of her mouth delicately.
“Look at it this way,” Miguel told Pavitr, whose gaze didn’t shift even though Wilson wasn’t talking anymore. “If Miles marries, especially someone from a neighboring kingdom, then we can start working towards helping the population here. New food, new traffic, money coming into the kingdom instead of out of it.”
“He’s only fifteen.” Mary Jane said musingly, drawing attention to her while she looked to the king, “Doesn’t he have to wait until he’s matured enough to make decisions like that on his own, according to the law?”
“Hey, I can make decisions like that on my own!” Miles interjected, and Pavitr shot him a look that read shut up, shut up now, stop talking. Miles gulped, especially when all the eyes turned to him. “I-I mean, like, in the right — ”
“He is too young to start looking at marriage.” His dad said, and Miles breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Nobody liked to go against the king, so if his dad thought he was too young —
“I understand that his age is an issue,” Wilson said, “but the marriage wouldn’t necessarily have to happen right away in order to be beneficial to the kingdom.” Jeff leaned forward, and Miles felt his heart sink. It was basically a sign saying ‘continue’, and that meant his father had gone from being against the idea to seriously considering it now. Wilson knew this, too; a small smirk tilted his mouth. “We can set up an arrangement with a neighboring kingdom, have a long engagement, and marry them when they’re of age. Gives them plenty of time to get to know each other, all that stuff.”
“I don’t want to get married, though!” Miles said, and he was ignored as his dad leaned back in his chair. He looked thoughtful, which spelled bad things for Miles, he could tell.
And then, sure enough, his dad ran his hand over his face, shifting his glasses just slightly, and said “let me talk it over with his mother.”
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tokiro07 · 6 months
Undead Unluck ch.187 thoughts
[Just the Way I Like It - Extra Crispy]
(Contents: immediate reactions, small Andy analysis, speculation)
Ohhh, the DNA hair isn't supposed to represent chromosomes, it's supposed to represent evolution! You know Tozuka did that on purpose. He wanted us to think she was Sex so we'd be surprised when she was Change. And from what I've seen, all of us sure were
But that's not the most interesting part of this chapter, not by a long shot. No, the most interesting part has got to be, without a doubt, Andy
As always, Tozuka provides us with a shot that's instantly iconic, this time in the form of Andy's charred body sitting stalwart on the barren surface of the extinguished sun. The linework and shading here is phenomenal, it almost feels like something out of Berserk. In the hands of a lesser artist, Andy's body might just be completely blackened with a barely recognizable outline, but here, even through all that ink you can see every contour of his physique, almost like you could count the individual muscle fibers. It's eerie, it's haunting, it's melancholy, it's beautiful, and to top it all off, it's metal as hell
Understandably, everyone is terrified when they see Andy in that state; they've only seen Andy in action for the span of about a minute, so they don't quite understand the extent to which Undead really works. Seeing someone charred to cinders but still shockingly intact like that would definitely be unsettling, especially if you aren't used to seeing death the way that the previous Union members all were, but being told that he's still alive through that? Knowing that the heat you're feeling on the extinguished sun, likely a fraction of how it feels normally, is the sort of condition he's been stoically enduring for eons and somehow he's still conscious? That's pushing eldritch horror territory
But of course, Fuuko isn't even phased. She's seen her fair share of the things that Andy's had to go through, and she knows that however hard it was for him, he'll be able to bounce back better than ever. Seeing Fuuko run up to hug him and thank him, telling him that she learned to live as she does from him, is so heartwarming and sweet that you almost forget that Andy's a smoldering statue
Now, the whole time that Nico was talking about Andy's sensory nerves and organs being fried, I was thinking one thing: he doesn't really need them, does he? He was able to move his body with his soul even through the effects of Unmove, and we've seen him moving his body while the sun's flames were active, so we know he has some way to tell what's going on around him, so why even worry about conducting sound through his bones?
The first answer is probably that Fuuko didn't know that or couldn't rely on it. Even if he could hear her through his soul, it's best not to take any chances and guarantee that her message is going to get through. Secondly, though, it's way more dramatic to shoot him in the head and jam her fingers into his skull. It makes a beautiful parallel to the events of the Spoil arc, it cuts the tension of the movement by being surprising and funny, and again, it's a striking image. Not even just the gunshot, but Fuuko having her hands on Andy's head while she talks to him, almost like she's holding his face but in the macabre and disturbing way that only UU can provide
My concerns were then answered though with Andy not only raising to his feet, but also firing off a brand new move: Soul Boosted Parts Bullets! Whether it can actually deal damage remains to be seen, since we've seen in the past that souls can only interact with souls, but Andy also created a soul chain to hold Change in place, suggesting that he's able to interact with a target's soul while its bonded to its body, much like how Ichico gained the ability to force a target's soul out. This implies that Andy can in fact deal damage with this move, even if only to the soul, which would arguably be more effective than harming the physical body of a UMA since they can regenerate any damage that isn't to their core anyway
Andy leveling up to the point that he can weaponize his soul like this, coupled with Enjin having solar-level control of Unburn, suggests that Tozuka is nowhere near showing us the real ceiling of everyone's powers. I talked about it in my response to @buhbuhlmao's post the other day, but there really is a good chance that, while no one's going to be able to solo Sun, everyone's probably going to be able to operate on a scale that would let them at least hold their own if they needed to
That said, Andy's new ability made me realize something: Victor probably wouldn't have been able to hold off the Master Rules like Andy did. While Victor never believed that his mind was a necessary part of "being alive," he also was stated not to believe in the soul as a concept, meaning that if his whole body were charred inside and out like this, he wouldn't have a mechanism for forcing his body to move anyway - he wouldn't be dead, but he also wouldn't be able to regain consciousness until someone brought him somewhere he could heal, and he certainly wouldn't be able to use his soul to suppress the Master Rules. Andy's ability to pull off such a feat proves that he's surpassed Victor, or at least caught up to his level by traveling a different path. Honestly, if we ever do get to see Andy and Victor split, I hope that we get to see them using Undead in completely different ways to show just how much of an individual Andy has become
To cap off this stellar chapter, we finally get a glimpse of our last five members (excluding Ruin and Lucy). Bunny, Tatiana and Kururu are all how I'd expect them to be, and Top is a bit older looking, but the real surprise is that Juiz is clearly younger. Not only that, she looks remarkably like Fuuko. Twitter user Junebug pointed this out too, that Fuuko and Juiz's positions and appearances have switched: Fuuko went from short- to long-hair and has become the leader of the Union, and Juiz has become short-haired and naively bright-eyed. The impact that this will have on their characters remains to be seen, but I'm super excited for it!
I do hope that meeting Juiz will allow us to fully understand the mechanics of the loop, though it's probably not super important that we get that. I just really want to know myself. Was Juiz always supposed to be a child/teenager in the 2010s, or did her soul hold her off for a few extra years? Also, she looks completely different compared to her child self before, is this because this is her first reset in the loop after getting transed as many have theorized? Oh, and could it be that Sex isn't the one who made Juiz into a woman, but Change? There are so many questions, and I hope Tozuka deigns to answer them all in time!!!
Until next time, let's enjoy life
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lavellenchanted · 16 days
hiya! have you watched the first part of bridgerton season 3? if so, what are your thoughts so far?
Hello hello! Yes, I have, I binged it on Thursday night after I finished work.
Overall, I really enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. I think the pacing's been good in the first half, I'm interested to see what they do with the storylines they've set up for the second half, and personally I really love the ensemble feel of the show and the way everyone's settled into their characters now.
In terms of the Polin storyline - I was expecting a bit more from the 'charm lessons' aspect, but I like that they didn't drag it out and I really love Pen and Colin's dynamic. You can see really the genuine friendship between them, how open they are with each other, how they'll work as a partnership. I loved the nods to the book - one of my favourite scenes was them recounting how they first met, and the carriage scene was perfect - and how they've focused on Colin's dawning grappling with his feelings.
What I would like to see in the second half is delving more into Colin's character, particularly; they've touched on it a bit with the passage in his journal about feeling distant and unconnected, and his uncomfortable reaction to Whistledown calling him out on putting on a facade to be accepted, but they've not really explored it. The travelling was always as much about him running away from his feelings of inadequecy and superfluousness in London as a desire to see the world, and it would be nice to get into that more. I also think Colin and Pen both to different extents still idealise each other and need to learn to accept each other as fully flawed humans that they still love.
In terms of other storylines - I was pleasantly surprised by Eloise and Cressida, and I liked that they both called each other out on certain things but I think they could delve deeper with a lot of it. In general Eloise's storylines continue to frustrate me no end because I go back and forth on whether I think the writing is attempting to move her towards a sort of Miss Congeniality moment of realising how dismissive she's been of other women and that there's value to be found in things she considers herself above even if they're not things she personally enjoys, or if the writers just lack the self-awareness to realise how Eloise's interactions with the other debs comes across in a series that is adapted from historical romance novels (a genre that's often marginalised and dismissed as vapid despite its popularity) and that markets itself as being about romance.
The use of Emma in particular as a signifier that Eloise has given up intellectual pursuits and aligned it with 'silly romance' is both infuriating and baffling. Apart from the fact that Jane Austen's works were popular enough among Regency society that she was actually asked to dedicate Emma to Prinny (and not unfeasibly named the hero George as a deliberate dig at him), her writing was very deliberately distinct from the sensationalist Gothic and Romantic fiction her contemporaries were writing. And it's an entirely different genre to modern understandings of 'romance', so for the show to use it as representative of that and then have Eloise giving it a very lukewarm response is . . . A Choice.
I was also furious at the whole scene sneering at embroidery, which again seems more like the writers lacking enough awareness to see that they're falling into the trap of disregarding and belittling traditionally feminine pursuits in order to showcase Eloise's feminism rather than it being setting up for anything. Like, God forbid that debutante actually be able to articularly explain why she loves embroidery or defend it as an art form that requires skill as much as any other creative pursuit. No, she just needs to rattle off a list of stitches to show how boring and vapid she really is.
All that said, I did like what they did with Eloise and Penelope and showed that there is both continued love and continued hurt on both sides and that they allowed them both nuance, and I'm interested to see where they go with it.
Fran and John were perfect. I'm so pleased they've given them some decent screentime and are going to spend time on John as a character, because he is so often overlooked in the fandom and seen as a stepping stone in Francesca's story. I'm looking forward to their development in the second half of the season.
I'm withholding judgement on the Violet/Lord Anderson set up; it squicks me out a little because of the Danbury/Lord Ledger affair in Queen Charlotte, but their scenes have been cute and I'm intrigued by the relationship between Agatha and Marcus and the history there.
The Featherington heir storyline is deeply unserious and I've been laughing all the way through it even if there is a small part of my brain still screaming that titles don't work that way. And similarly I love the Mondriches and have fun whenever they're on screen so I'm enjoying their plot even if, again, not how titles work.
I think my biggest complaint is Benedict's storyline, which so far seems thoroughly pointless and a waste of Luke Thompson's talents. I'm really really hoping they'll give him more to do in the second half of the season to hopefully set him up to be the lead for S4 (because he has to be the lead, they surely cannot skip over him again) and bring in hints of Sophie and where she's going to be placed in the world.
Still overall I think I'd say overall as a whole I've had more fun with these four episodes than with the previous seasons and I'm more inclined to rewatch them than the others at the moment.
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Odd Eyes ~I.N | Jeongin
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Pairing: Demon!Jeongin x PalaceWorker!F.Reader Themes: Fantasy AU, Period setting, Mild Angst, Mild Fluff if you squint? Warnings: Violence, abuse of power, mentions of outdated ideas around intimacy, questionable moral choices, kissing Word Count: ~5k | AO3 Summary: Being cursed was not something you ever planned for your life–clearly–but now that you were, your demon will help you make the most of it.
Due to all the abovementioned warnings, this story is intended for an adult audience only. Minors please do not interact.
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Author's Note: this idea has been haunting (heh) me for a while, and i was finally able to capture it on paper. as we're still in October, i feel like a demon still fits within the Halloween theme of the month :D
Disclaimer: the story represented in this work does not represent Stray Kids in any way; anything described in this story and all actions performed by the characters are purely fictional, this was created just for good fun.
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“You?! Again?!”
You winced at the Head Court Lady’s angry tone, your eyes drifting from her face towards the heap of clothes now on the floor, trying your best to not show the annoyance you felt creeping into you. “I’m sorry, ma’am. It was an accident…”
It was not an accident, but it was easier to tell her that than to even try to explain what had happened.
“It’s the third ‘accident’ of yours this week! You’ll have to wash those again, you’re not leaving this place until you do”, with that, she turned around and left.
The incessant snickering coming from your side made you snap your head in the sound’s direction, glaring at the man–or maybe it’d be more accurate to say the creature–that was mocking you now. “It’s not funny, Jeongin”, you moved, grabbing a basket, and proceeding to kneel by the heap of clothes and start depositing the pieces in it so you could take them to the laundry area.
“Oh, it’s so funny, my dear”, Jeongin held his belly as his laughter intensified, tears running down his face the longer he spent looking at you kneeling on the floor.
With a sigh, you decided to ignore him. Whenever you reacted to his pranks it always made everything worse, so you tried your best to focus on your task. These were a lot of clothes, clothes that you had just finished sorting and folding, all that work now down the drain because of him.
Jeongin was, to put it simply, your own personal demon.
He’d been haunting you for over a year now. He liked to prank you, to inconvenience you, and you could never stop it. If you said anything you surely would be hanged because they’d think you were crazy or they’d burn you at the stake because they’d think you were a witch–even if you were neither of those things–so you always took the blame for his antics.
No one else could see Jeongin either, not because you had any sort of special sight for spirits, but because that was how Jeongin liked it. ‘Only you get the great honour of seeing me, darling!’ He had told you with the widest smile on his face the first time you tried to rat him out to one of the Court Ladies, so you stopped trying since then.
How you came to be involved with Jeongin was quite the story… Not one of your proudest moments, you’d admit.
You’d always been bad at politics, the worst at keeping your thoughts concealed, your face always giving away too much, or your words of disapproval slipping past your lips before you could ever stop them–which was one of the worst traits to have when you worked at the palace. People here loved to fake their true nature, they loved to play a part, and you had such a hard time doing so yourself you stopped talking altogether after the incident.
It happened a long time ago, but you could still remember it as if it had happened yesterday.
The abusive governor, your friend hunched over on the floor as the man kicked and punched her, the heavy weight of the wooden plank in your hands as you quite literally broke it in half on his head, your friend’s wrist in your hand as you tugged her out of there, the screams of the governor’s wife when you were already too far away for her to see the culprit, ‘whoever did this, I curse you! I curse you for all eternity!’
The governor’s wife’s words haunted you when you went to sleep that night, and, as you held your friend tightly in your arms while she slept, those incessant screams changed shape, turning instead into a wicked laugh. When you had woken up the next morning, your friend was gone for the day already, but in her place you found a boy, a man, with carob hair, a devilish smile on his lips, and his two toned eyes–one blue like the sky above your heads and the other red like raspberries–staring at you.
You had screamed, because of course you had–there was a random-ass man on your yo as you woke up, so obviously you screamed, scrambling as far away from him as possible. ‘So loud for this time of day! Tone it down!’ was all he had said as he rolled around on the bedding. After running away from your sleeping quarters you started to question people around the palace about the man with the odd eyes–as inconspicuously as you could, of course. People had looked at you like you were crazy, telling you such eyes didn’t exist in this world.
You had let them gaslight you into believing that, into believing that the man with the wicked smile and two-toned eyes had probably just been a product of your imagination, of your post-sleep, post-trauma hazy mind, even when it had felt so real… It wasn’t until later in the day, when you were cleaning boxes upon boxes of royal cutlery that you saw him again, standing by one of the piles of boxes as he looked at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
It was almost as if the situation had played in slow motion, his hand moving to the tallest box he could reach, his eyes locked with yours, as he pushed the box with as much force as he could for the thing to fall, the delicate utensils clattering loudly on the floor. ‘What are you doing?!’ you remember asking him, to which he simply smirked and shrugged. The noise had attracted people’s attention, so when one of the Court Ladies rushed into the room and saw the mess she had shouted at you, to which you desperately pointed towards the man by the boxes and laid the blame on him.
The Court Lady hadn’t believed you, of course, alleging there was no one there, and urging you to go to the infirmary as you were clearly sick and hallucinating. But you weren’t, he was standing right there. That was your first real encounter with Jeongin, the one that, unbeknownst to you, gave you a taste of what your life would become moving forward.
“Come on, darling. It’s no fun if you don’t fight back!” Jeongin was pouting, crouching next to where you were kneeling, still shoving clothes into the basket.
You could feel your whole body tremble, feeling utterly helpless, his constant pranks had worn you down more than you would’ve liked to admit, that, coupled with the sheer amount of work you had around the palace these days with the upcoming royal wedding had a knot building in your throat. “I don’t have time for this, Jeongin”, you weakly murmured.
“Aw, come on. I haven’t even–”
“Stop it!” Your voice came out louder than you intended, but worst of all, you couldn’t help the sob that came right after, tears of frustration starting to pool in your eyes as you looked into his two-toned eyes. “Do you have any idea how much work I have now because of your stupid prank? I haven’t slept more than three hours each night for the past few months, Jeongin!”
It was odd, really. Jeongin was here to haunt you, to inconvenience you, but throughout the past year you had somewhat become used to his presence around you, so much so that you had formed a rapport of sorts. ‘You’re the first person I’ve haunted that has actually talked to me, like, talk talk, not just scream in fear. You must be insane’, Jeongin had told you once while you two were conversing under the moonlight. You remember that day had been particularly taxing, someone had attempted to poison the king–just as he deserved, honestly…–and the entire palace was distraught, or pretending to be distraught, at least. So, at night, you had gone to the most secluded area you could find in the woods, just sitting there, looking at the moon’s reflection on the stream. And somehow, in the quiet of the night, you and Jeongin simply started talking, almost like acquaintances.
That day–before the entire assasination attempt thing–Jeongin had thrown two rows of books off of the library’s shelves while you cleaned the space, snickering and cackling as you had to pick them all back up again, a fact you couldn’t stop but remember as you sat there talking with him. ‘You’re here all the time, and you’re too annoying to ignore’, you had told him back then, because it was the truth. You talked with him because he talked to you, and in a way, when he wasn’t pulling one of his stunts, it almost felt as if he was keeping you company.
Tears spilled freely from your eyes, quiet sobs escaping you here and there as you stared at Jeongin. He stared back at you, completely stone-faced now, the devilish smirk and the mischievous glint in his eyes now completely gone. This was the most serious you had ever seen him since you met him, but you were too hurt to think about it too much. “Just leave me alone, Jeongin. Even if just for tonight, please…”
Jeongin’s eyes jumped from one of yours to the other a few times, only to finally give you a minute nod. His body turned to smoke shortly after, suddenly disappearing from the room, and you couldn’t do anything other than cry and stare at the heaps and heaps of clothes. It was too much work, just too much for yourself alone, and you were having a full-on meltdown about it.
You weren’t sure how long you spent crying in that room, your chest burning with exertion and the lump in your throat growing heavier and heavier the longer you sat there. All you knew was that you woke up the next day curled up into a ball on the floor and that the heaps of clothes–all of them–were neatly folded on the shelf, smelling clean and fresh. Wow, you must’ve worked a lot last night, you couldn’t even remember doing all this. Stretching your limbs, you stood up, finally leaving the room to go freshen up and start your duties for the day.
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The royal wedding certainly had everyone preoccupied around the palace, Crown Prince Seungmin was getting married to a princess from a faraway land, and everyone within the lowest ranks in the palace was speculating that someone would try to stop the wedding, some said through the assasination of either the Crown Prince or his betrothed, some said that the Crown Prince himself would run away… All this was pure palace gossip you had no interest in indulging in, as being imprisoned for treacherous tendencies was certainly not within your life-long plans.
Three days had passed since you last saw Jeongin, which oddly worried you. The longest you’d spent without seeing him was a day at most, so, to you, his sudden absence was strange. In a way, it was for the best, you had been able to carry out your tasks with ease, without any otherworldly delays, but after having experienced Jeongin’s antics for so long, the sudden absence of them made you realise how… Boring working at the palace was. Had it been like this before he started to haunt you? Maybe it had been, you had just been too focused on keeping your job at the time to notice.
It was only the next day that you saw Jeongin again, standing by a stack of wooden cups in the kitchen. He locked eyes with you, his serious expression contorting again as that familiar mischievous smile crept on his lips. Before you could stop it, he had already knocked over the stack of cups, the things clunking against each other as they rolled on the table–some of them even falling on the floor. Thankfully, you were alone, and the noise caused by the cups falling wasn’t that loud, so you could probably manage this without anyone bursting into the kitchen and calling you crazy or lazy or clumsy.
You simply sighed in response, shaking your head as you started to pick up the cups from the floor. “Was this really necessary?”
“I’m here to haunt you, remember?” Jeongin took one of the cups, walking over to pick up a jug of water and serving himself a glass. “You’re still cursed, my dear”.
“Lucky me…” You mumbled, stacking the cups again where they belonged. “Is there no way to get rid of this curse?”
You had asked Jeongin about it many times before, and each time he had given you the same answer ‘why would I tell you how to get rid of the curse?’ which, honestly, you could understand why he wouldn’t tell you about it. You weren’t sure what it was, but he was definitely getting something out of haunting you, that much was obvious to you, otherwise why would he keep this up for a year?
However, right now, when you asked him, his expression suddenly got serious. Again, there was that stone-faced Jeongin you had only seen a few days ago. He inhaled deeply, only to exhale right after. “The governor’s wife that cursed you… She’s been delving in dark magic” Jeongin’s words surprised you, for someone so deeply involved in the government to be practising witchcraft… If anyone found out, their titles would be revoked and she would definitely be burnt at the stake. “When she said those words, she cursed you for real, clearly. Which is why I’m here. And honestly, you’re kind of lucky that I was the one to answer her call…”
Jeongin moved, standing right in front of you, staring down at you with those mismatched eyes of his, staring so intensely you started to feel weak in the knees. “To break the demon curse… You would have to either destroy the caster’s altar, or…”
Jeongin trailed off, his eyes darting all around your face, as if he was debating whether to tell you or not. You wanted to know, needed to know, so you pressed him further. “Or…?”
“Or…” His eyes snapped back up to yours, staring deeply into yours once again. “You can get the demon to stop it”.
“So you could–!”
“But!” Jeongin interrupted you, bringing a finger up to signal you to stop talking. “It’s not easy, nor cheap to get demons to stop curses. You’d have to pay a hefty price”.
With a sigh, you returned to your cleaning duties, moving past Jeongin to the basin in the kitchen, so you could start washing the plates there. “Who knows where that woman’s altar would be… Plus, I don’t have any money, and somehow I don’t think you’d give me a discount”.
Jeongin was silent for a while, but you knew he was still there, you’d become used to his presence, so you could tell when he was or wasn’t around you. Suddenly, you felt warmth at your back, which made you tense and still your movements, your hands still submerged in the basin. Jeongin’s hands appeared in your field of vision, gripping the basin’s rim, caging you right there, between his body and the goddamned basin. There was space between your bodies still, he kept his distance enough for you to feel him there but not to touch you, and somehow, deep, deep within you, an intrusive thought was forming, a dangerous, dangerous thought, worming itself into your brain and making it hard for you to stay in place.
“Money’s of no use to demons, darling. The price for getting a demon to release the curse that’s been placed on you will differ from demon to demon, to be honest…” Jeongin’s tone was low, his breath fanned your neck, and you couldn’t help the shiver that ran down your spine. You hoped he hadn’t noticed, but considering how close you were the chances were slim. If he did notice, he didn’t say anything. “As for me, if you want me to, I’ll consider what that price might be, my dear”.
The sudden lack of his warmth once he retreated from your frame made your head spin, that is, until he talked again. “But until then, remember. You are cursed”, the water from the basin splashed upwards, soaking you from head to toe as a gasp left your mouth. You whipped your face back to stare daggers at him, but all you saw was his snickering form for a few seconds, until he disappeared under wisps of smoke.
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You’d truly gone and done it this time. You weren’t sure how you allowed yourself to get in this situation again, but here you were, looking at your few belongings going down the river. It was that same governor again, the one whose wife had cursed you. You had no proof, but you knew it was the truth.
The day before, you had had another encounter with him. Once again, he was mistreating one of your friends, screaming at her and pushing her around for things you didn’t care about. All you cared about was just how unfair the entire thing was, so you got involved, getting between the man and your friend, even pushing him back and calling him an ‘abusive monster’. You should’ve known he would do something like this, if the look of disgust on his face and his words of ‘how dare you speak to me like that? Looks like someone must be punished, too’ were anything to go by.
You had taken your friend’s hand in yours and ran away from there as quickly as you could, but he had seen you, so now, you were paying the price. You couldn’t help but sob, the tears running freely down your cheeks as you stood there on the bridge. Oh, how you hated him… You hated that man more than you hated the king, which was saying something. But you were powerless, there was nothing you could do against someone like him, you were but a palace maid, after all. A palace maid with no money, no connections, no power…
Even in your emotionally broken state, you still felt Jeongin’s presence when he appeared next to you. You could feel his gaze burning as he stared at you, but you couldn’t look back at him, all you did was continue to cry as the last piece of your belongings got lost in the distance. Shutting your eyes tightly, you brought your hands to your face, sobbing and hiding from him and his searing gaze.
“I’ve thought about it”, Jeongin said abruptly. With the tears that clouded your vision, you could barely see his form when you opened your eyes and looked at him. “About the price to stop your curse. I know what I want in exchange”.
You hiccuped, unsure of why he was talking about this now of all times. “What does this have to do with anything?”
“It has everything to do with it, my dear. Everything”, Jeongin stepped into your space, and, to your utter bewilderment, he cupped your cheeks, his eyes intently scanning the features of your face.
It was odd for Jeongin to touch you. He hardly ever got this close to you, you could count the encounters with one hand–the first day when you woke up with him cuddled up in your arms, one night when you sat down by the Queen’s pond under the moonlight and he slung his arm over your shoulder in a friendly–or almost friendly–gesture, the other day when he almost, almost pressed his chest to your back… Had you always remembered these things in detail? Maybe you had… Your hands trembled slightly under his heavy gaze, loaded with so many emotions your teary eyes and racing mind could not even decipher any of them.
“Jeongin…?” Your voice was barely a whisper, the surprise of having his hands on you effectively stopping the tears from spilling from your eyes.
“I don’t like it when you cry”, he was dead serious, his fox-like eyes scrutinising every single feature on your face.
Your lower lip quivered slightly, tears threatening to fall again under his disapproving tone. “I can’t help it, Jeongin…”
“No, you don’t understand”, his hands tightened their hold on your cheeks, essentially forcing you to pout slightly. “I don’t like it when you cry. I can’t stand it”.
Confusion fell on your features, only for a moment, the expression replaced with that of shock as you suddenly felt Jeongin’s lips on yours, pressing a soft, brief, and almost shy kiss to your lips, making your heart do involuntary flips in your chest with the action. When Jeongin pulled back from your lips, his eyes were still dead serious, yet you couldn’t help but notice the slight pink tint on his cheeks, and the feel of his thumbs softly stroking your cheeks.
“You shouldn’t be crying, you’re too pretty to cry”.
You blinked slightly, the unshed tears that had pooled in the corners of your eyes falling with the motions, even when you suddenly didn’t feel like crying anymore. “So you… You think I’m ugly when I cry?”
“A bit, but I like you regardless”, he sounded so sure when he said it, and your jaw could’ve dropped to the floor right then and there.
“Jeongin you… You’re supposed to be haunting me. You’re supposed to be my curse. What are you talking about?”
“Do you really think what I’ve been doing this past year is what being cursed is truly like?” His thumbs wouldn’t stop moving, each stroke making you shiver, making your mind wander into those dangerous territories deep within you that you dared not acknowledge. “My dear, I’m an inconvenience at most. When I first met you, I knew I couldn’t curse you curse you. I had to, because that’s what demons do when summoned, but I couldn’t fully do it, you were too good of a soul for that. If I had, you most likely wouldn’t be alive right now”.
“…Thanks?” You couldn’t help but blink repeatedly, shocked at this sudden piece of information. Your brain was racing, looking back into the past year at incredible speeds as you dissected every single encounter with Jeongin–the ones you could vividly remember anyway. He appeared next to you every single day without fail, he’d be a nuance, he’d prank you, he’d tease you, he’d keep you company, he’d walk next to you at night chasing away any person you didn’t know, he’d talk you out of speaking out of line with officials, and he’d–oh… Oh.
“The governor…” Jeongin’s hands finally moved away from your face, settling on your shoulders, squeezing them lightly. “It’s about time he gets a taste of his own medicine”.
“I can’t do–”
“But I can”, a mischievous smile crept onto Jeongin’s lips. “I’ll do anything so you don’t cry anymore. I’ll ruin him, if that’s what you want. But you’d need to pay the price for me to stop your curse. If I do anything with the curse still in place, it could hurt you”.
“What’s your…” You gulped, your eyes jumping from his red one to his blue one a few times. “What’s your price?”
“Your heart”, his hands moved from your shoulders to your upper arms, gently squeezing the flesh there, the mischievous smile he had on his lips now turning to a sincere one. “Not literally, of course. But I want you for me, I want your affections. I think that’s a fair price to pay, considering you have already gotten mine, whether you planned it–wanted it–or not”.
Your hands trembled slightly as you reached for his arms, not to pull him away but just to get a hold of something–anything–sturdy to keep you up, since you suddenly felt light-headed. Was he… Was Jeongin confessing to you? Jeongin the demon? How could you have possibly endeared a demon enough for him to even consider breaking your curse? It was crazy, ludicrous, absurd… But the craziest, most ludicrous, most absurd part, was that–as you stared into his fox-like, two-toned eyes–you realised Jeongin had endeared you, too. He had all this time, even when he annoyed you sometimes, you liked his presence near you, close to you, more so than you ever did any other human.
Before you could even register what you were doing, your hands found the collar of his shirt, pulling him to you. His eyes went wide in surprise at the sudden movement, you saw it for only a second, though, as your eyes closed when your lips connected to his immediately after. A surprised yelp left Jeongin, his body tensing up and unmoving at the contact. His lack of response started to worry you, it made you think you had made a mistake, that you had misinterpreted his actions, but right as you were about to pull away from him, you felt his hand on the back of your head, tilting you ever so slightly to deepen the kiss as his lips started to move against yours.
His free hand found your waist, pulling you flush to him as his tongue swiped over your bottom lip. Your breath hitched in your throat at the contact, your lips parting slightly in surprise. Jeongin took advantage of the opening, sneaking his tongue in your mouth to shyly brush against yours. You had kissed people before, a handful of them, but never had anyone gotten their tongue inside your mouth. You’d only ever read about it in the adult novels you’d shamefully indulge in in the confines of your sleeping quarters, the novels that were filled to the brim with sinful words and fantasies that hardly ever reflected your cruel reality.
Your tongue pushed back against Jeongin’s firmly, eagerly, finding a rhythm as you continued to kiss. Your hands moved from where they held onto his shirt so your arms could cross around his neck and pull him closer to you as his arms wrapped around your waist. It was so much, it felt like so much, so much of Jeongin, and you felt fire burning in the pit of your stomach, you felt yourself craving him and his touch.
When your lips separated, you didn’t pull away, nor did Jeongin. You held onto each other, your faces still close to each other as your chests heaved and you panted lightly, looking into each other’s eyes, your gaze getting lost in those two-toned eyes of his that had plagued your mind since the first time you saw them.
“Jeongin…” Your voice was barely a whisper, your arms still holding onto him tightly.
“Hmm?” His arms tightened even more around your waist, as if he was trying to pull you even closer to him, as if he was trying to prevent you from leaving his hold.
“Is this part of the curse? The way that I’m feeling right now, are you doing this with your magic?”
Jeongin chuckled softly, smirking. “Who do you take me for? I don’t do shortcuts, my dear. At least not with this, there’s no fun in that. Besides, you think I would’ve asked for your heart if I could’ve influenced it like this with my magic?”
“I suppose not…” You had the overwhelming urge to kiss him, so you did, pressing a soft peck against his lips only to pull back right after. “But you are a demon, after all…”
“That I am”, Jeongin’s arms released their hold on you, only to let his hands find purchase on your waist, holding you tightly. “But I am your demon, after all”.
You looked deeply into his eyes in silence for a moment. This was crazy. It was nuts. But you realised then that regardless of your wish to make the governor pay, you were willing to give your heart to Jeongin, even if he gave you nothing in return. So you told him this, how you wanted for him to continue being your demon, as long as he wouldn’t make you work extra with his stupid pranks.
“But where’s the fun in that?” Jeongin chuckled, moving his hands to rest on the small of your back, tracing shapes there, having you shiver under his touch on those previously unexplored areas of your body. Sure, you had let people touch you, but not this… Creatively. People, men, usually had one goal in mind, there were only four places for them to touch and grope to reach that goal, rear, core, and breasts, and it wasn’t like they were particularly good at touching those.
As you let Jeongin hold onto you, you figured a demon had a broader imagination when it came to touching someone intimately. You’d lie if you said you weren’t trembling with excitement at the thought, realising then you would really let this demon do anything to you, anything to feed this fire burning bright inside of you. And possibly his, too.
“Direct your need to annoy people somewhere else, then”, your face came close to his once again, your mouth coming shy of his, not pressing a kiss yet, only for your lips to brush against his with every word you said. “Ruin him, Jeongin. Ruin the governor. Make him suffer for me… You already have my heart, you always had”.
Jeongin leaned in, connecting his lips to yours and sneaking his tongue inside your mouth in a heated kiss, groaning into your mouth. His hands greedily roamed the planes of your back, only to finally settle one on your nape and the other on the small of your back, pulling you impossibly closer to him, eliciting the most embarrassing sounds to spill from your mouth.
“I knew you were going to be fun, my dear”, Jeongin whispered against your mouth, pressing another peck to your lips. “I’ll give you anything you want. We’re going to have so much fun”.
“I can’t wait”, was all you could reply with a giggle as you reconnected your lips to his.
You had always been a moralistic person, a person that wanted justice to be made, even when you were considered nothing by those above you. But now, with Jeongin, you felt like you could do anything, like you could bring justice to this world. All as you enjoyed his company, his touch, and his affections. And you truly, truly could not wait.
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© therhythmafterthesummer 2022-2023. all rights reserved. do not repost or translate my stories.
Constructive feedback is always welcome and appreciated :)
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technovillain · 1 year
What do you think Dion's mind is like?
Okay so first I'm gonna analyze Dion a little because his situation sets it up pretty well...
Raz mentioned how his family has always moved around a lot, and we see how quickly they make themselves at home in some random location. I think Dion is probably affected by this fast-paced lifestyle a lot, especially since he's been doing it the longest of any of the Aquato kids. He probably wanted to run away like Raz did when he was younger, but he always had this weight of responsibility on him. Dion wanted to be carefree as a kid but that oldest sibling problem hit him so hard and he bitterly accepted from a young age that he'd have to be super helpful and responsible to his parents all the time else he'd be some sort of burden on them. And he didn't want to be a problem child. There were already too many children, one of them was bound to out themself as a problem child any day now. So Dion became a real mama's boy. It was easy to win every argument or win favor when you do everything your mother asks. It doubles up when in the circus, your mother is also like your boss.
When Raz ended up being the "problem child" by running away, Dion became extra resentful towards him because Raz had just done the exact thing that Dion had been holding back on his whole life because he cared about the family. Dion is obviously just extremely jealous
Okay now the actual brain description. So I was just thinking about what I think non-psychic brains are like and I think they're classified by the absence of the person in question within their own mind... So different parts of Dion's personality are represented by mental figures instead of his actual self, sort of like how Gloria and people in her life are represented by Bonita and Becky and Jasper, etc.
I can see his mind being a giant moving caravan, with the outside environment being completely insignificant moving scenery. It is moving very fast. The weight of his responsibility of the oldest child is represented by lots of heavy luggage on the back of the caravan. Since he isn't a psychic but his issues are so family-tied, I would represent each family member by a circus animal version of them. The caravan is led by a fleet of tiny ponies, and Raz, who is definitely a monkey in his mind, is riding Sugarcube alongside the caravan and taunting the family with his "psychic tricks". The place where Sugarcube has been removed from the fleet is making the caravan shake rapidly.
The mental figures representing Dona and Augustus are holding the reins of the caravan, blissfully unaware to the fact that behind them, the mental figure of Dion is struggling to hold all the shaky luggage on the caravan. The mental figure of Frazie is constantly poking at Dion and criticizing him, trying to make him mess up. Queepie and Mirtala's mental figure animals are crawling all over the luggage, unknowingly threatening to mess everything up for him as well. Nona is sitting on the back of the caravan, her feet hanging off the edge, despite how fast everything is going. (He worries about Nona and her poor memory. How fast everything moves around her and how she has no familiarity in her life outside of her family.)
So yeah. Dionysus Aquato your brain is the world's worst family road trip: furry edition.
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corvidcrybaby · 1 month
A bit random but Alucard strikes me as the type to be like, “if I cannot have your love, I will settle for you hate” as long as his ‘person’ feels something towards him, he is satisfied. I think being and showing indifference towards him will make him either amused or pissed off. And yes this mostly stems from my belief that Alucard could be technically canonized as a Yandere.
Hmmmmm. I think I'm of two minds about this one, personally. On the one hand, I do agree with the statement given in quotes here as being representative of a sentiment Alucard might carry. Alucard likes to see people at their most intense and unfiltered, and as such I think he'd just get a real kick out of someone's visceral hatred for him simply because he'd respect the willingness to own up to how strong one's feelings are towards him.
This supports some of the ideas, in truth - I think he definitely would prefer to know what someone's true colors are, and subsequently, would not be fond of indifference. It's actually something that I play around with in my OC, Zemira's fics with him. Much of the groundwork for their initial acquaintanceship was Zemira confidently snarking at him in language just abrasive enough to be identifiable as "giving him shit," but just cagey enough to seem chummy, affable and unphased. Beneath this were very legitimate, complicated feelings that the trooper was grappling with, and it was her attempt to project an image of being untouchable and unshaken by the Count; someone who most sensible people quaked in their boots at and didn't hide for a second. But Zemira tried to act relaxed and tough at the same time, in her own way.
And ohoho, Alucard zeroed in on that like a heat-seeking missile. IMO it's actually the worst possible thing you can do around him if your objective is avoiding him. It's like a knee-jerk reaction. You put a puzzle in front of him, he compulsively has to solve it.
Having said this, I think it segues into why I think that if he is a yandere, he's a very esoteric and passive sort of yandere. I think if you show him indifference, he's most likely to simply think of you as another stupid or oblivious human. You're not reacting strongly to him? You're either dumb, or hiding the fact that you're dumb. All he has to do is spook you a little bit, and get you to scramble off in fear. Then he'd have a chuckle, and move on, washing his hands of you.
While I think Alucard is definitely fascinated by human emotions and does place great value on them as pertains to one's willpower and strength of character, I don't think he'd take other peoples' feelings so personally. That strikes me as a little too sensitive for him. Alucard sometimes has a hair-trigger temper, yes - such as when he blows up at Seras - but it is almost in relation to something that is directly associated with a primary objective of his. I've always felt that him yelling at Seras was not him being personally insulted that Seras objected to killing humans, and moreso that he was deeply alarmed by the idea of his Fledgling - his responsibility, as ordained by Integra - not taking a life-or-death situation seriously enough, and potentially endangering herself by being squeamish about who she turned her guns on.
And when he figured out that she was just confused and frightened and looking to him for comfort and guidance, he immediately pivoted. The emotionally unkind thing here is that he doesn't apologize or try to acknowledge his own failure to communicate the situation to Seras clearly. He just switches gears on a dime, and opts to showcase understanding by dropping the subject and changing up his attitude rather than explaining where Seras is misunderstanding.
TL;DR - while I think some of his thought patterns are very yandere-esque, I think Alucard is only going to get to that obsessive, reactive state if he is already in a high-stress, high-stakes situation where his emotions are running very, very hot. Beyond that, I think he's a bit too absent and a bit too unbothered by and uninterested in most people in the long run.
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