#i write every day i swear
gooperts-gunk · 3 months
im so crazy over the tragedy of everything q!bbh does being under a demon pretense even though he's a fallen angel.
do u think he just accepts the demon label because it's easier. do u think he believes it too, and catches himself in his thoughts with "oh, right. im not exactly that". and maybe he believes that he did this to himself? do u think what he did was to protect himself or someone? no matter the fall, he still has so much kindness to give and his brain just isn't wired the way a natural-born demon would be, he can't hold back instincts when time demands it, maybe that's why he fell in the first place.
and when he's finally bad, not good, it's treated like the end of the world, without empathy on why he would act out. do you think this keeps happening? the same scenario, multiple times, every timeline? he has to be used to it. so he has to take it in stride. he's good until he lashes out under extreme pressure, and suddenly he's called demon. and once again he's what heaven made him out to be. what he made himself to be, his brain would ruthlessly provide...
i don't think he wants to be that, though he hides secrets behind secrets of which neither identity is a home... but i don't think he wants to have to change, either. and i don't think that's wrong of him.
...you collapse atlantis ONE TIME and all of a sudden YOU'RE the bad guy and SURE it was FUN but REALLY now,--
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skymantle · 2 months
not shipping something subtextual? alright whatever
not shipping it because a wildly popular INACCURATE fan theory says the characters are related? annoying.
not shipping it because you believe (falsely) that they're related + claiming there's no subtext when the crux of the series is the relationship? DIE.
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stoner3456 · 3 months
how it feels to be so hyperfixated on a character/ship to the point where I associate EVERYTHING with them and die inside every single time
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mewtwo24 · 5 months
Okay but like. Two things about the volume 8 statue [redacted] chapter.
Firstly. By god no amount of "yeah it was unhinged" comments on this website prepared me for whatever the fuck that was. I need at least 5 business days to process.
Second, was I the only one who read that scene as:
Hua Cheng, teeming with self-satisfaction to see Mu Qing near writhing with scorned disgust and fury: this was a 100% successful trip
Xie Lian: our statues are fucking in Mu Qing's palace oh god oh fuck what do you m e a n successful
Hua Cheng, smirk getting even bigger: this was a 100% successful trip
#tgcf#volume 8 spoilers#hualian#hua cheng#xie lian#mu qing#hua cheng really out here like 'it's called christening the heavens with our love which is more than you lot deserve.'#nothing could have prepared me for how that scene played out#hua cheng how does it feel to win every single day of your deceased life#mf thought he was going to be humiliated in front of his lifelong crush/sworn love#only to instead watch one of his love rivals tangentially humiliated by XL's (hualian POST-COITAL) overwhelming spiritual power no less#I have never witnessed a bigger W in my life holy shit the way that boomeranged#I just can't get over how funnily hc's built I swear to god it ends me every time#mfer was born and literally nobody liked that. baby boy suffers for most of his life#fast forward to ghost hc. master of cataclysmic power and protecting his loving failwife (who is basically full of aged weird girl energy)#said weird girl energy being hc's salvation because xl saw him feral and unhinged and legit went 'i like him i'll let him tear up the couch#for 800 y e a r s hc pined and nourished his love--waiting for his opportunity#thusly leaving every single one of his competitors for xl's attention in the dust (not that they were much to write home about)#hc is like the definition of 'bide your time and fucking destroy'#i don't care what anyone says he's legitimately one of the coolest characters i've ever seen#i also can't get over hua cheng straight up being like 'xl in distress? we all know who this is a job for. M E' **builds hc statue**#without an ounce of hesitation#the way i love this mfer he's so sweet and so funny at the same time nobody doing it like him#i also love mxtx's passion for the dynamic of “GET RID OF HIM HE'S A MENACE” “no he just needs enrichment let him be"#why bingqiu and hualian will live forever in my heart
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bunnyreaper · 7 months
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soo-won · 1 year
Rereading the beginning of the Eunyung's Home arc right now and yeah...when Eunyung's mom tells him "why don't you just apologize? Why do you bring up the school play event again after so many years?" it really connects with what Eunyung says to Haejoon in ch201, huh. That it would be so nice if he was nice like Haejoon and could accept everything and not be so hung up on things like that. Maybe if he was like Haejoon his relationship with his mother could be better?(I don't think so. but Eunyung maybe does).
But in parallel we also see how this aspect of Eunyung, being hung up on things and staying angry can also be helpful. It's because Eunyung is like that that he doesn't let Haejoon apologize to his mom when he shouldn't have to. It's because he is like that that he makes Haejoon have a medical diagnosis after his homeroom teacher hit him. It's because he is like that the bullying situation in the Marie arc could be resolved as well. As Haejoon says, it's also thanks to Eunyung that he could sort out things with his uncle and receive more allowance. This side of Eunyung that every adults around him try to make him suppress is good and healthy. It's this anger that causes change. It makes things harder for him and it causes more ruckus, sure, but Haejoon's acceptance in these moments is hurtful as well, it doesn't resolve the issue at hand, it just makes him carry all the burden. Haejoon grew up wanting to cause the less problems and worries possible to his mom (and now his uncle) and avoids confrontations with adults as a result (also a direct consequence of when he lost his mother probably), while Eunyung grew up fantasizing about his parents receiving punishments for all their abuse. The consequences were so bad to him when he tried it's the one thing he gave up on though, so it's no surprise he lashes out whenever else he can.
When you think about it it's also connected to their level of trust in adults. Haejoon relatively trusts adults. If you take the New Dorm arc, Haejoon was planning to tell other adults about the situation there, before Eunyung told him not to (pretty violently lol) because he can't trust adults to deal with it or believe them. So Eunyung uses his own way to deal with it and it works! But Haejoon trusts adults to deal with other adults and yeah. That's how it should be and go. But Eunyung presents the "but" of this. That's how it should be, but in some cases it doesn't work because adults are douchebags, and for Eunyung it's the majority of them. Haejoon grew up with a good(even if not perfect) mom getting angry for him so he knows good adults exist. He also was moved by Juwan's mom's kindness as well(even if that makes him embarassed too). Eunyung doesn't, though, so he has to rely on himself and get angry for himself, because otherwise who will?
Writing all this I'm like....yeah No Home is all about balance. Haejoon and Eunyung searching for the right amount of distance and closeness in their relationship. Searching for the balance in their distrust of adults too. Eunyung can't trust adults for very understandable reasons, but the arc with Haejoon's uncle shows us that adults are simply struggling sometimes and trying their best, even if they're clumsy. It's true Haejoon's uncle was drinking, but he's not an irredeemable piece of shit like his father either. But it was a situation where Haejoon couldn't rely on any adults either, after all his uncle is basically his only family left. And that's why Eunyung's point of view was so helpful.
Idk man I just love the hundreds of layers in this manhwa so much. Like it's not just "the best is not to be extreme <3 not too much not too little" it's "sometimes you have no choice but to be too much. Sometimes it's destructive, though. But sometimes it's the only solution. And /sometimes/ you need a bit of the two. Sometimes both solutions work equally well. Sometimes the consequences are bad and sometimes everything ends well" like yeah life really be complicated and unpredictable like that. There isn't one guide to follow and that will work no matter what, you constantly have to adapt to the situations and people around you. Something something Eunyung and his father but if I don't end this post now I never will.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 17 days
sorry to everyone i tell a fic idea to that they get excited about bc i'm so bad at finishing a fic but i can offer you the start of the 8 new fics i've started this week with 0 plans on how to finish them if you would like
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marcsnuffy · 30 days
re: those posts, I will never understand how passionate some cishet male manga fans get when describing two male characters fucking to criticize the media they're talking about
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starrysharks · 4 months
BTW, i actually have a sort of order of focus when it comes to my ocs,,, right now reassassination is the most important, and starsaints is currently being actively worked on. projects on the back-burner that are still being rotated in my mind are x-calibur, sinstring manor, unnamed guts girls band project, and magical girl ward... completely "dormant" oc projects that i probably won't return to till much later are planet☆pigtail, spectre city online, and metallic miracle. but i care all my ocs equally :]
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ninja-knox-ur-sox-off · 7 months
I am at 59k on this Ninjago fic i swear I'll finish it this month I will work on nothing else I am going to finish this--
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realllism · 8 months
the whole ‘merlin lets uther die and everyone lives happily ever after’ thing is a cool trope in fics but personally i would find it funnier if he didn’t try to save uther even for arthur’s sake and uther just found increasingly ridiculous ways to avoid death
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 11 months
if there is one thing i love in this life it is imagining all my otps in a jane/nobley austenland au scenario
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doverstar · 2 months
an absolute wave of homesickness for Doctor Who (2005) series 1-2 just about knocks me over at the quietest moments of my little life
#it was such a specific time. I was just a kiddo#still living with my parents with a giant bedroom downstairs all to myself#it used to be a hair studio or something for whoever lived there before us. and I had this massive room with a table to draw and write at#and a tiny twin bed and I used to set up a projector against the opposite wall and hook it up to my laptop and watch DW to fall asleep#enthralled. couldn't believe the show I'd found. couldn't believe how much I loved Rose and loved the Doctor#you could not drag me away from it. I could not stop talking about it or thinking about it. Matt Smith had just become the Doctor and I-#-had so much content left to consume. and everything was simple. I didn't have a job at the time and every day was creativity#I used to write so much I'd forget to eat. and Doctor Who was the background music of my life back then#I miss winter nights swearing I'd only watch one more episode before I went to bed. all by myself. my family hadn't discovered the show yet#in that small single bed with four blankets and Doctor Who on the wall. drooling over timepetals and pausing and rewinding constantly#that time of my life was so safe and so secure and my imagination was so hungry and DW was feeding it and it was my first time seeing it#I miss that. I miss knowing it couldn't be ruined and there was more yet to see on live television with Eleven when I got caught up#and meeting Matt Smith's Doctor on my own while my family had just then started watching it themselves with Nine? magic#nostalgia#dw#doctor who#bbc#timepetals#dr who#rose tyler#doctor who 2005#tenth doctor#tenrose#elevenrose#ninerose#nine#ninth doctor#ten#eleven#eleventh doctor
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lakeglitter · 12 days
seeing furiosa today, but only just now i thought to check the run time.... almost 2,5h???? guys what happened to max. 2h films 😭😭😭
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privatejoker · 10 months
gosh I could never do that. Just the thought of finishing one book is almost overwhelming
you probably could i'm just a crazy person also i read a lot of novellas
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lockley-spktr · 8 months
Remember when I said I had Jake Lockley thoughts and posted nothing? Yeah, me too.
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