#i'd honestly forgotten about some of the fics i wrote this year
a-lanterninthenight · 8 months
Shrike - Part 1
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Hi there! This story has been sitting in my Google Docs for quite a bit, and I had honestly forgotten about it until I found it in when I was going through them. I really hope you like it. I feel like there aren't enough Danny fics out there, so hopefully this one will be able to aid all my fellow Danny laners out there. The title was inspired by the gorgeous song Shrike by Hozier, which I'll link here: Hozier - Shrike (Official Audio) - YouTube I'd greatly appreciate any feedback you have, so don't be afraid to drop something in the comments or message me. My deepest thanks to @kaedepo for helping make the moodboard and reading the draft as I wrote it. Now, without further ado, let's get started...
Reader x Danny
TW: none
Word Count: ~2.7k
Sunlight streamed through your gauzy white curtains as you opened your eyes. As they adjusted to the bright summer sunshine, you sat up, taking in the view of your small but cozy bedroom. You had just moved to Nashville last week, and this small apartment was your first real place of your own. It had taken several years of waitressing, pet sitting, and other odd jobs to pay your way through school, but you had finally done it. Nashville was your dream home ever since you were little, and to your elation, a small bookstore in town had offered you a position as a marketing manager. Graduation was three weeks ago, and after a short but much needed vacation, you had packed your things and moved in. 
The soft meows of your cat Stevie greeted you as you walked down the hall from your room into the kitchen. Stevie rubbed up against your legs, purring loudly and leaving some of her ginger colored fur on the pant legs of your black sweatpants. “Good morning, Stevie girl, today’s a big day,” you said to her. Today you started working, and you were eagerly but also a little nervously looking forward to it. “Let’s hope that everything goes ok.” After feeding Stevie, you went back into your room to get dressed and ready for the day. Opting for a comfy but dressy enough pair of jeans and a flowy blouse, you applied a light dusting of makeup and curled your hair in loose waves. Right as you were putting away your curling iron, your phone buzzed. Looking at it, you saw a text from your best friend from school, Stella. “Hey! Big day today, but you’ve got this! Good luck and let me know how it goes.” 
You and Stella had been best friends since your freshman year of college, where you had been in the same freshman seminar. She was heading off to medical school to become a cardiologist in the fall, and despite the big difference in majors, you had been inseparable since you first met. “Thanks, I really appreciate it. I have to be in at 9, so I’m going to be leaving soon. I’ll keep you posted.” Once you clicked send, you slipped into your comfy white Vans, grabbed your keys and small purse, and walked to the front door. “Bye Stevie,” you said to the cat as you walked out the door and down the stairs to your car. The drive to work was only 15 minutes, and after a quick stop at a local Starbucks to buy your usual iced latte and a croissant, you were pulling into the parking lot behind the bookstore. 
The bells on the door rang as you stepped foot inside. You took in the rows of bookshelves and the comfy reading nook in the back corner. You could definitely get used to working in a place like this. 
“Hello! You must be y/n,” a cheery voice called from behind the cash register. A woman with beautiful auburn curls smiled at you, and you immediately recognized her as your new boss, Rosalind. “Hi, you’ve got that right,” you said as you walked and shook hands with her. “We’re so happy to have you here with us! I promise I’m not the only other person working here right now, the others are back in the breakroom.” She led you to a small door in the back that said employees only, which opened onto a tiny but nicely furnished room with three people in it. Rosalind introduced them as Emma, Owen, and Allie. Emma was the store’s resident children’s book expert, while Owen and Allie handled the other genres. Along with being a marketing manager in charge of publicity for the store, you had accepted a part time role as a salesperson, which you were more than happy to do. Sharing your love of books with others was a passion of yours, and you were excited to interact with the customers. Rosalind gave you a quick crash course in how to deal with certain situations, and soon you were out amongst the shelves in the store. Today was going to be entirely about selling books, and you were going to meet and discuss marketing tomorrow.
The store was fairly busy throughout the morning, and you patrolled the floors of the store, ready to be of assistance to any customer who needed it. Around noon, you had stopped to look at the back cover of a new book when you glanced up and saw a young woman with light brown hair staring at a bookshelf. Sensing that this was your cue to sweep in, you strolled over and asked if she needed any help. “Actually, I would love that. I came here for some new books to get while I’m here on vacation and I’ve read pretty much every book on my tbr list,” the young woman said to you. “Well, I can definitely help with that. What genres do you enjoy reading?” you prompted. She listed off several ones, and you immediately got a few ideas. Walking over to the fantasy section, you grabbed a few that you thought she might enjoy. “I think these should be perfect for you. They’re quite popular right now.” 
“These sound great! Thank you so much for the recommendations.” She smiled at you, and you walked over to the cash register to ring up her purchases. While you scanned barcodes and completed the transaction, you made small talk. “So, you’re here for vacation?” you asked. “Yes! I usually come here a few times a year, but mostly for weekend trips. I’m staying for two weeks this time though.” “Wow, you must really love Nashville.” The girl laughed, “You could say that. My brother lives here, so I’ve learned to love the city. How about you?”
“Oh, I’m brand new to this place. I just moved here last week. This is my first place post-grad,” you explained. “I’ve wanted to live here since I was very little though.” The girl smiled, and she explained that she had just graduated college too. She had come down from Michigan to stay with her brother as a vacation to celebrate her graduation, and after her visit she would be heading back home to work as a real estate agent outside of Detroit. The more you two chatted, the more you realized how much you had in common. You were both younger siblings, and reading had been one of your favorite hobbies since you were little. Your birthdays were only a week apart, and you both had pet cats that you loved dearly. You were amazed at how in a few short minutes, a complete stranger had become as close to you as a friend you’d had since grade school. 
“My name’s Josie by the way,” the girl smiled as she put her credit card back in her wallet and slung her purse over her shoulder. “Unfortunately, I should really let you get back to work, so how would you like to meet me for dinner tonight? I’d love to chat more with you.” You enthusiastically agreed, and she gave you the name of a bar within a short distance from the heart of the city and your apartment. She headed toward the door, and waved goodbye as she walked out. The bells jingled, and you smiled to yourself. It felt good to make a new friend. 
The bright lights of the neon signs on the wall and the familiar smell of alcohol greeted you as you walked into the bar that Josie had suggested. The place was the perfect mix of old and new, and the vibes matched yours to a T. Josie was sitting on a stool at the bar and she waved as you headed towards her. “Hey there! So glad to see you again.” She gave you a hug before you sat down next to her. The bartender turned to face you, asking for your order, to which you responded with your old faithful, Jack and coke. The drink was quickly placed in front of you, and you sipped it as Josie began to speak. “Since you’re new to Nashville, I had an idea. Why don’t I introduce you to my brother? You can never have too many friends in a new city.” “That does sound nice. To be honest I don’t really know anyone else here besides people from work, and you,” you replied. “Perfect, I’ll text him now,” Josie pulled out her phone and began typing. Shortly after she hit send and put the phone down, her lock screen lit up with a notification from a contact named Danny. “Ah, that was fast,” she exclaimed as she read the message. “I’ve got even better news. Danny said he’s actually in the neighborhood right now and he’d be more than happy to swing by and say hello. This is great!” You weren’t sure what to think about this news, as you could be a bit shy when meeting new people, but you happily responded with “Wonderful, I can’t wait!” 
About fifteen minutes had passed by, and suddenly you were broken out of your conversation by Josie calling someone’s name. You turned around, and realized someone was walking through the door of the bar. Not someone, it was a group of 4 men. The first one to walk in was short, with hair that could only be described as a cross between a mullet and a mohawk. He was wearing a brown linen jumpsuit and white sneakers, and he had a big grin on his mustached face. Following right behind him was another man who looked very similar, though he had wavy brown hair cut in a bob and no facial hair. His outfit reminded you of a rockstar, as he was wearing sunglasses and a shirt with only the bottom few buttons done. He oozed confidence, and you found yourself wondering just who he was. Next to walk in was a man who looked like he could be related to the first two, except for the fact that he had a few inches on them. This one was tall and lanky, with long brown hair and facial hair in a look that was very George Harrison-esque. He wore a button-down shirt in a blue paisley pattern, and he had navy pants with a shoestring belt. Finishing out the group was a man who you could only describe as looking like a Greek god. He was tall, taller than even the long haired one, with dark curly hair with a few faded blonde highlights. He had an angular face and tanned skin, and he was wearing a blue and white striped shirt with the top buttons undone. The tiniest bit of chest hair peeked out, and you had to quickly stop yourself from staring. Given that the other three men looked like they were siblings and Josie had only ever mentioned having one brother, you deduced that this man must be her brother. 
“Hey guys!” Josie exclaimed as the four men approached you. The lanky one wrapped Josie in a hug as the mustached man greeted her with a “Hello sunshine!” Hugs were shared all around as each of the other men gave Josie a hug. “Hello there!” the mustached man said to you. “Y/n, right? Danny said his sister would be introducing us to you. My name is Josh.” He flashed you a smile as you confirmed your name. Josie leaned in, saying “Y/n, meet the Kiszkas and my brother, Danny.” You quickly learned that the other short man was named Jake, while the taller brunette was Sam. Your hunch proved correct, and the curly haired one was identified as Josie’s brother, Danny. 
The six of you moved from the bar to a big table towards the back, and the boys ordered their drinks while you and Josie chit chatted. Once they returned, they took their seats and conversation resumed. “So, how are you liking Nashville so far?” Sam asked you as you finished your drink. “I love it! I’ve wanted to live here my whole life, and it’s everything I could have wanted it to be. Granted, I’ve only been here for a week, but I’m very happy with it.” 
“That’s great! It’s honestly kind of impossible to not fall in love with the city. I know it was love at first sight for me.” Sam confessed. “Well, anything beats Frankenmuth.” Jacob joked, and Sam shrugged in acknowledgement. “Frankenmuth? I’m assuming that’s your hometown?”
Josh nodded, and Danny quipped “It’s not exactly the most… cosmopolitan place. Don’t get me wrong, it was a wonderful place to grow up, but you can only live in a tiny town for so long before the walls close in on you.” Josie raised her glass in agreement. You pondered this, agreeing with their points. You had grown up in a small town in upstate New York, and you were all too familiar with the remote, rural life. Escape was necessary, and college had provided that for you. Like them, you loved your home, but you knew how stifling it was to be in a town where everyone knew everything about you. You had yearned for your independence, and Nashville was the place where you could finally strike out on your own. 
The rest of the evening was spent playing darts, pool, and taking shots with the boys and Josie. You learned that Danny was VERY good at darts, and Sam was a sore loser when it came to it. He complained that “Daniel’s hand-eye coordination is unfairly good because he’s a drummer,” to which Danny retorted that Sam should have just as good coordination from playing the keys. Sam was silenced by this remark, and he returned to the booth where Josh was sitting and sulked for a short while before Jake was able to drag him and Josh over to play pool. The dynamic between the four men was very entertaining, and you eventually learned that Josh and Jake were twins, while Sam was their younger brother. Danny and Josie were unrelated to them, but they were equally family, with Jake emphasizing that Danny was just as much a brother to him as Sam and Josh were. You smiled at this. You could clearly see the bond they had, and it warmed your heart. 
Once the clock struck 12:00, you all agreed that it was time to start going your separate ways. You hadn’t been able to figure out what the guys did for a living, though they did mention instruments, so you wondered if they were involved in Nashville’s vibrant music scene. You tucked that question away in your mind, hoping to ask Josie in the future. Without a doubt, you knew you’d be seeing her again before she returned to Michigan. The June air was warm as you stepped outside the bar to wait for the Uber you had called. Soon after a car pulled up, and you gave Josie a hug and waved goodbye to the boys before climbing in.  
As you got into your Uber, you couldn’t stop seeing Danny’s face in your mind. Though he hadn’t spoken much, you were drawn to him. It wasn’t just his good looks though. He had an energy that oozed comfort. You felt like you had known him forever, and you found yourself wondering how you might see him again. 
The front door creaked as you let yourself into your apartment, and you smiled as you heard the soft tinkle of Stevie’s bell. You went into your room and put on your pajamas, taking off your makeup shortly after. Once you were all ready for bed, you climbed under the blankets, and you decided to put on a playlist of quiet music to help you drift off to sleep. The last thing you heard before you succumbed to sleep was the gentle acoustic guitar and quiet tenor of Hozier singing “Remember me, love, when I’m reborn, as the shrike to your sharp and glorious thorn…”
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coraniaid · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks to @isagrimorie for the tag!
1 How many works do you have on Ao3?
2 What's your total Ao3 word count?
3 What fandoms do you write for?
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (and technically Angel, I suppose, but not really), Mass Effect (but not recently)
I've also tried writing some Avatar: The Last Airbender and Farscape and Person of Interest works over the years, but nothing that I've finished yet.
4 What are your top five fics by kudos?
Coexist: Season 3 Buffy AU in which it was Giles, and not Jenny, who was murdered by Angelus in Season 2 [27 chapters; 277,084 words; various POVs but mostly alternating Buffy/Faith]
Last Year's Rain Didn't Fall Quite So Hard: Season 4 Buffy AU in which Faith wakes up from her coma having forgotten about killing Allan Finch and everyting that happened afterwards [one shot; 16,904 words; Buffy POV]
Together: Season 3 Buffy AU in which the Homecoming Dance goes a bit differently [one shot; 2,711 words; Faith POV]
Done: post-canon Buffy fic set a few years after the end of Season 7, with Buffy having mostly stepped back from being an active Slayer [one shot; 4,312 words; Buffy POV]
Mixed Signals: post-canon Buffy fic looking at Faith's changing relationship with Buffy since first meeting her [one shot; 4,919 words; Faith POV]
5 Do you respond to comments?
Not often or promptly enough. I try though: I really do appreciate the comments I get a lot.
6 What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Think this is a toss-up between two different canon-compliant Faith POV one-shots: One Girl In All The World and Calling.
7 What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Together is the happiest and fluffiest thing I can imagine ever writing.
8 Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so? None that I can remember anyway. (I do use the block and mute features on Ao3 though, so maybe I'm just blissfully ignorant.)
9 Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No. Just don't have the talent for it.
10 Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I don't have any published crossovers but I do have very vague ideas for a Buffy/Farscape crossover that I sometimes play around with in my mind. (Largely inspired by the joke of taking the couple of times Crichton makes references to 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' which his crewmates don't get, and pretending that they're right to assume he's talking about a person he knows rather than a TV show he used to watch.)
11 Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge (and honestly I'm not sure I'd want to know if I had?).
12 Have you ever had a fic translated?
If I have I don't know about it (and I would love to know if I did!).
13 Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I think it might be fun, but I'd probably have to change the way I write a lot.
14 What's your all time favorite ship?
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I mean, look at her!
(Oh, okay, it's Buffy/Faith, if that wasn't obvious.)
15 What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'd love to finish either of my uncompleted Mass Effect fics (the first and longest, Residuum, is actually fully planned out and has been for years: I just got stuck on writing a particular chapter and never managed to come back to it; I had a fairly detailed plan for Night Winds in Nos Astra when I posted the first chapter but then I decided I hated it and never figured out how to fix it.)
16 What are your writing strengths?
Dream sequences. Internal monologues. Foreshadowing. Planning. Quoting bits of canon back at the reader in hopefully interesting ways. Hopefully getting the characters' voices sounding reasonably accurate.
17 What are your writing weaknesses?
Deadlines. Brevity. Physical descriptions. Titles.
18 Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I haven't really thought about it much before, honestly.
19 First fandom you wrote for?
Mass Effect is the first fandom I submitted anything for anywhere online. I wrote some Avatar: The Last Airbender fic before that though (a long Azula POV AU that I would kind of like to come back to one day, though I'd probably have to rewrite it from scratch).
20 Favorite fic you've written
Realistically, I think popular consensus must be correct that Coexist is the best thing I've ever written (though I sometimes wish I'd spent more than a minute thinking up a title). It's definitely the work I'm proudest of, and I think it contains some of my best writing (and ... well, most of my writing, based on the numbers I just posted). But I have a bit of a soft spot for some of my earlier Mass Effect fics, which aren't incredibly polished but I learned a lot from working on, and for Last Year's Rain Didn't Fall Quite So Hard as well.
Tagging: @juanabaloo @beatriceeverytuesday @explosionshark @bodytoflame-ao3 and anyone else who wants to do this.
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amazing-spiderling · 2 months
For the fic writer asks,
🌿how does creating make you feel?
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
🌿how does creating make you feel?
Ahh... wow... well, sometimes during, a little stressed, ngl. That's probably why I enjoy working on projects with friends and sharing things so much- having someone to bounce ideas off of and work with helps take some of the pressure off, but I also don't want to let them down, so it keeps me engaged even when things get challenging. Then after a project gets shared/posted, there's an immediate sense of relief- like whew! I can take it easy for a day. (Or the, "nobody ever ask me for anything ever again" feeling haha). And over time, that relief turns to satisfaction, especially as I look back after a long time and thing, "Wow, yeah. I did that."
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I wrote a fic for a recent Metal Gear Solid zine called, "Dance Like You Want to Win", (an Evangelion reference I've been dying to use in an MGS fic for years). It was based on an idea I had for a story that was over a decade old, and I actually found part of my original draft collecting dust in the bottom of my google docs. I hadn't written for the fandom in a LONG time, and I was really worried about my characterization, the world-building, and having to write *action* scenes in a mission fic, neither of which are my forte. I was really worried people were going to read it and think I'd lost my touch.
But in the end, people liked it! I actually got compliments on the banter and overall, way more love than I was expecting, even some comments when I finally posted it to AO3. It felt like old times, and that really warmed my heart. <3
💥find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
The story in question is "Kind of Cool" which is a mashup of sorts of two webcomics by Kieran Thompson, "This is the Worst Idea You've Ever Had" and "Cuanta Vida" which was a TF2 fancomic. I had to read over it, because I'd forgotten what it was about, honestly. XD
The TLDR is that two characters in TITWIYEH (a modern magic story) had a few familiar faces from Cuanta Vida (with names! and much happier fates), so I had two characters discussing their non-serious theory that linguistics professor Jordi Betrand was actually a French spy- the joke being that the man is so softspoken and gentle, he's clearly nothing of the sort. I did get a chuckle from myself at this
The young man shook his head again, running weary fingers through his shaggy blonde hair. "Nicole, Professor Jordi Bertrand has got to be the most unassuming and boring man on the entire planet. I doubt he's ever experienced anything more exciting than a birthday party in his entire life- and not even a surprise party! Like a regular one with invitations where everyone knows when and where to go."
A lot of the humor in this fic is reliant on people having read both comics... which explains why it has a whopping 2 kudos, but even after a decade, the easter eggs are still pinging in my brain, so I guess that means I hid some good ones. XD
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
Oh, gosh. Hm. Sometimes, I'm a big believer in "being the change you want to see in the world" when it comes to fandom and creative works. If you can't find the thing you want, make it- and that includes your own hype. If I want a story to get a little more attention, I might do some artwork for it (or commission some if I'm able) to hopefully pique people's interest. I might also do stuff like record podfics or something. But usually, the "next step" is to just move on to the next project and hope it gets a warmer reception.
I've found that trying to work too hard to cater to other people's wants just to get the reception I want doesn't always go to plan- or worse, I might get lots of comments and kudos, but it feels hollow because I feel like I'm being told, "you're really good at knowing what we will like" instead of "you are really good at writing and expressing this idea"- so over time, I've gotten a lot more comfortable making things for me. That way I'm guaranteed at least one person will like it, in the end. And even my "weird" fics are eventually found by people who appreciate them- and that really means a lot.
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a-blip-of-billdip · 1 year
Fic Recs
Howdy again yall, i've been relying on fic rec lists the past few days to find new works ive never read before and i figured why not make one of my own.
Δ - references fics with bill as a triangle
i - human bill
X - smut or other sexual content
Π - Gore, angst, and/or whump
Ω - underaged dipper and mabel. (12-17yo)
Σ - soulmate au
n - incomplete, hiatus, abandoned
m - complete
A split soul by averagelyliving [i, x, Σ, n] really interesting take on soulmates. Technically, Dipper and mabel are underage but it's only by one year so im not going to count it.
The love Before you by fanfic_is_life [Δ, Σ, Π, i, n, x] Another soulmate fic that has bonus points for magic dipper! Super cute, i love this one a lot and hope it's updated again soon!
Fall From Gravity by the_writer_downstairs [Δ, Π, i, n] One of the best dark dipper fics i've found. Yall know im a sucker for dark dipper.
The forgotten love mushroom and cashews by sugar_pears [i, x, m] on paper, it seems like this should be nothing but porn... but it isnt. It's so good. I love it so much and even though i havent read it in forever i can still remember how i was teetering on the edge of my seat the whole time.
Burn for the Stars to See by witchzakuro [i, Δ, Π, x, n] one of the more intensely nsfw fics i'll be listing. Bonus points for magic dipper and dark dipper.
Some sunny day (full of mania for you) by sweet_nightshade12 [Σ, Δ, Π, i, x, n] one of my absolute top favorites. I love the plot, i love the drama, i love the smut. It makes you feel sick and yet soooo deliciously invested.
Journal 4: weirdmaggedon by karval_fv27 [Σ, i, Π, m] i honestly remember NOTHING about this fic but i wrote the note "masterpiece" in regards to it so clearly i thought it was good at some point or another.
Faking it by tssswit [Σ, Π, Δ, i, m] this is the all time classic. The familiar au. The very fanfic everyone goes to first. I'd be moronic not to list it here.
Xenophilic fish by scutigera [x, i, m] literally just fish porn, and it's soooooooo good. i have had wet dreams because of this fic. No i am NOT ashamed at all.
[posted 2/12/23, 9 bullets in total]
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butraura · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers!
tagged by @watchyourbuck <3
How many works do you have on AO3? > 17 (and a ton on fanfiction.net)
What's your total AO3 word count? > 158,720 words
What fandoms do you write for? > If we're just talking AO3, I've written for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, The 100, Girl Meets World, Teen Wolf, Shadowhunters, and 9-1-1. Right now, I am only writing for 9-1-1 and I have a WIP I SWEAR I will get back to eventually. On FanFiction.net, I've written for Austin & Ally, Sailor Moon, and possibly some I've forgotten.
What are you top 5 fics by kudos? a. anchored (30,000 words) (9-1-1) (527 kudos) b. for your life, for your love (7,410 words) (9-1-1) (320 kudos) c. electrify me (8,625 words) (9-1-1) (168 kudos) d. the silent treatment (2,493 words) (9-1-1) (156 kudos) e. cracked ribs (9,99 words) (9-1-1) (148 kudos)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? > Sometimes. I don't ignore people on purpose, I just often get overwhelmed and/or forget. I do ignore hate comments because they're not worth my time.
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? > I think all of the stories (that I've actually finished) (on AO3) have had good endings to counteract the angst in them.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? > Maybe "for your life, for your love".
Do you get hate on fics? > I never used to lol. But that's changed in the last two weeks. It's pretty rampant now and it's trickled over to Tumblr. My philosophy is: if you don't like the plot, don't read the story.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? > I have... it's not a thing I do often lol. I give myself the ick when I do it lol. It's pretty vanilla though.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? > I don't think I ever have actually
Have you ever had a fic stolen? > Not as far as I'm aware
Have you ever had a fic translated? > I don't think it's ever happened, but someone did reach out to me once to ask if they could translate and post one of my fics in Russian. Unfortunately, I didn't see the message until literally over a year later. I would have said yes but I don't know if it was ever done.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? > Never
What's your all-time favourite ship? > It's extremely difficult to answer that because I am well-rounded girlie that grew up on TV. But; I'd say probably Buck and Eddie (Buddie) and Bellamy and Clarke (Bellarke).
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? > The only WIP I can think of that I care about this much is a Shadowhunters fic called Empires. I will do it but I just honestly don't know when.
What are your writing strengths? > Dialogue. I try really hard to make the words my characters say sound exactly like the way they'd speak in their original media.
What are you writing weaknesses? > I put such a heavy hand into dialogue that I feel like I forget to build the rest of the story. Also, finishing something. The amount of WIPs I have is atrocious.
Thought on writing dialogue in another language? > If you want to, go for it, but don't rely on Google Translate to do it for you. I typically only put Spanish or Latin in my fics and I have the help of fluent people so that the languages correctly translate. Use the tools at your disposal.
First fandom you ever wrote for? > In general, it was Austin & Ally when I was newly 14 years old lol. On AO3, it was Teen Wolf (Why Are You Half Naked?)
Favorite fic you've ever written? It was definitely anchored. It's a newer one but I am so proud of the work I put into it.
tags! (I'm sorry, I had a list of people that specifically asked to be tagged and I fricken lost it... please let me know again if you'd like to be tagged in my random fic-related posts).
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A Magical Mysteria (Def Leppard x Reader)
Normally in this space I'd tell you how I started writing this over a year ago and how I'm FINALLY posting it- but I didn't start writing this last year. I started writing this last week. I thought of, and wrote, this all in one night bc honestly... I was high. The idea came and I just rolled with it. I wasn't planning to have another fic to post so soon, and I felt it was only right to post it on Hysteria's 35th anniversary!
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(illustration by me! this story is dedicated to @amiscreations bc this is all her fault)
Words: 1,943
Prompt: 1986, you and the Leppard boys all get high around the fire one night. Sav and Phil have a new song for the next album, and you get them to play it for everyone...
July 28th, 1986
Dublin, Ireland
The bright orange flames continued to make the wood crackle and pop underneath it, just as they had done for so long already. Overhead, the navy blue midnight sky stretched from one end of your vision to the next. 
Orange and blue, you realized; complementary colors. That fiery, orange glare from the campfire was complemented by the blue night. From this glare, there came a hug full of decadent heat that wrapped around you.
Above you and this artistic intertwining of colors were the twinkling, tiny, glittery bits in space sparkled like some kind of midnight snow. Underneath this intensely still display was cold grass prickling at your skin. You could feel every single blade against your back; like a million tiny fingers poking at you. 
As the blue sky slowly spun in a circle far above where you lay, you felt the hand you were holding gently clasp yours. It grounded you only to the being that it was attached to- not the earth itself. 
You and Sav were high, all right. You were both very high and floating through space together; you and him. Among the complementary colors of the fire and the great wide open, you flew. 
Suddenly, the sensation of something holding your other hand came about. You'd forgotten about the other man you were with. When he reminded you of his presence with his grasp, Phil grounded half of you back to the earth while the other half was still in the sky with Sav.
It was fine with you if you were in between worlds for a little while. There was nothing in your way currently. Nothing stood between you and the infinite beyond.
Joe's face randomly came into view as he looked down at you. He almost completely overshadowed the sky with his hair flopping straight down towards your face.
"Helloo, Y/n? You there on mars yet?" his head tilted from side to side before he cackled and delightfully strolled away from you, Sav, and Phil on the ground. His intention, it seemed, was to ridicule you for being high while he was in quite the same condition. 
As you blinked, reality came walking back in. You sat up off the ground, letting go of Sav and Phil's hands. You observed the scene around the fire a few yards away. Everyone partaking in this gathering were still in another world- all of them. 
Joe was stepping around and moving his hips to the strumming that Steve was doing. Next to Steve, Rick sat there practicing drumming with his left foot to the beat of Steve's playing. More of your friends- Mike, Russell, Mal, and a few local Irishmen being among them- were either laughing, dancing, or wresting each other.
While the late summer chill in the air didn't affect everyone's skin, breaths were visible against the atmosphere.
"Christ, how long were we up there for?" you asked the men laying on the grass on either side of you.
"Beats me," Phil's eyes remained fixed on above, "I'm still there."
"Me too," Sav seconded, "Still on a magic carpet ride."
You chuckled, crossing your legs and closing your eyes. You pictured yourself swaying on a magic carpet ride as Sav had said, humming the specific tune that was playing loudly in your head from earlier that day. 
After a moment, the magic carpet disappeared. You floated back down against the grass like a leaf, laying flat once more. 
Rolling over to Sav, you felt his body heat radiate against you like the campfire, and you swore you heard him humming the same tune you were. He rolled over in your direction, too, threw an arm over you, and touched his forehead to yours.
You were floating through space together again. There was perfect sync and perfect harmony all around you, and ample, delicate warmth caressing you both.
Just like last time, Joe's face appeared over both of yours again.
"What's that you're humming, now?" his eyebrows scrunched together.
"Never heard that one before," Mike remarked, further away.
Steve, a few yards away at the fire, commented, "Yeah, sounds like you're tryin' to summon something."
You and Sav opened your eyes, both giggling together. Phil began to laugh close by as well. Rick, in his warped state, caught on to the contagious laughter as well, slapping his knee and wheezing.
"Rick, why are you laughing?" Phil sat up, "You don't know our little secret...!"
"It's funny cos- I don't know why we're laughing-!" Rick continued to laugh so hard at himself, he fell off his makeshift seat and backwards onto the grass. Russell and Mal began silently laughing at him as a result. 
"But what is that tune?" Steve pressed again, seemingly mesmerized by the little song to the point where he tried to figure it out on his guitar. 
"It's something we've been workin' on," Sav's head tilted sweetly. 
"Just a little thing for the new album, hopefully. We had these two-" Phil formed an invisible ball with his hands, "-these two little bits, and they fit perfectly together somehow, then before we knew it- BAM-!" he loudly slapped his hands together, "We got an embryo of a song."
"And you, mister Zeff-" you sternly pointed at Joe, "You didn't like it!"
"What d'you mean, princess?" he sarcastically pointed back, "Better watch what you say!"
"I played it for you last week, and you said it was-" Sav rolled his eyes so hard he almost fell over, then put up air quotes, "'too much like a Police song'."
"But it's perfect and is the most beautiful thing I've ever heard," you insisted, "And Phil thinks so, too!"
"Yeah! Wait, no I don't," Phil caught himself, "It's lovely, but I'm not in love with it-"
"And Phil thinks so, too," you insisted again to Joe. You gasped a little, then looked between the guys on either side of you, "Ooh, that's right- you haven't played it to anyone yet... you should do that now, for everyone!"
In a daze of events you weren't sure of- trying to get everyone's attention, corralling them back around the fire, Sav and Phil locating their respective guitars, and each of them taking another hit of a blunt- you seemed to have only blinked before everyone was circled back at the flames. Rick was sitting next to you, now, and everyone was gathered as if this were a sacred ritual. In your eyes, it was. Anything that was made for Def Leppard's fourth album had to be sacred. 
On a night like this, everything felt sacred.
Looking up at those dark, navy blue heavens above you, you whispered, "This was just meant for tonight."
"Shh!" Joe smushed a finger to his lips. You stuck your tongue out at him just before the music began.
Sav counted in the song, both he and Phil then proceeding to pluck and strum it into existence. At that moment, it felt like outer space had descended upon all of you there. It was as if the circle of people around the campfire had begun to slowly rotate as one. 
None of the floating or spinning alarmed you; what did was the fact that Sav was playing lead. After all, it was his song, in a way. 
You weren't the first person to hear Sav's new jangly idea, but you felt honored that you were the only one there besides the musicians who had heard what became of it.
Everyone was captivated by the trance they created; it took them all on that magic carpet ride the three of you had been on earlier. It was an experience both magical and mysterious. 
Phil went from a D, to a G, to a C as he began to softly sing, "I gotta know tonight... if you're alone tonight..."
Sav joined in for the next part, "Can't stop this feeling... can't stop this fire..."
When they reached an empty section in E minor (most likely where a chorus would later be), you could've sworn you saw the music itself fly up into the beyond along with the fire. It was an offering, it felt like. It was nothing short of simply divine.
Perhaps Steve was right, earlier; perhaps they were trying to summon something.
At the end of the chorus, Phil stopped playing. This left Sav to end their ditty with his melody again. He let it fade out on the last note, and everyone watched, speechless.
Rick's head was now slumped on your shoulder, your head leaning on his. Those bouncy curls tickled the side of your face, and his body heat mixed with that of the fire.
You patted his lap and said, "They don't have a name for it, yet, or any other lyrics, but I think it's my favorite so far. And it's hardly even done yet..."
Standing up, you waltzed back over to the spot on the ground where you and the two guitarists had been laying before. As if you mentally called them, they both put down their guitars and went back over to join you. Resuming your former positions of being hand-in-hand with each other, you stared back up at the glitter in the sky. Only, this time, you began to whistle the tune of the song just played by them. 
As you rejoined your flight into the midnight depths, you faintly heard chatter back at the fire.
"I think it's all gonna be okay," Russell stared into the flames, resting his head on his hand, "All this insanity is gonna be worth it."
He didn't have to clarify what he was talking about; you were all in sync enough with each other to understand.
"I dunno," Rick disagreed, "I think we're all still sane. Maybe it's the grass."
No one was allowed to speak of any worries that night- it was a rule that did not need to be spoken.
"I like it," Joe remarked, "The song, I mean- not the grass. Well- I mean- I like the grass, too."
He laughed loudly at himself and began to play Sav and Phil's new song on an invisible guitar, "But it's a bit magical, don't you think? And it sounded like it's..." his eyes closed, "...blue."
"But I don't think it was quite sad," Steve told him, "What were you listenin' to?"
Joe corrected his friend, "No, no, I mean it sounds like the color blue. Dark blue; violet, even- Like that sky up there..."
He pointed straight up, tilting his head back to look to the heavens. Everyone still at the fire did the same. 
"Hypnotizing like the sky, too... makin' me lift up off my feet..." his hands reached slowly upwards, "I can feel it... can't you?"
Mike's head resumed staring ahead of him, "But I thought you didn't even like this song before-?"
"Never said that," Joe's hands rested on top of his head as he giggled, "Really like it now, though."
Joe's high mind was correct; you were being lifted up and engulfed in the color blue as you kept whistling the tune. You were taking Phil and Sav along with you- higher and higher- as the ground underneath rose up towards the midnight beyond like a pedestal.
And yes, you could feel it. 
"We're not too high, are we?" you asked both of them.
"Nah," Sav denied gently, "Not like we're hysterical or anything."
"To us, you are," Rick turned around to stare at the three of you and snicker, "Cos' we all seem to be real experienced with bloody hysteria."
"Yeah, we are," Phil squeezed your hand and let the sky envelop him, "That we are."
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robealafrancaise · 1 year
You ever just straight up forget about your own personal history?
The poll I reblogged earlier today reminded me that I had a different fanfiction.net account from 2013-2014, which I apparently abandoned before creating a new account later that same month for reasons I am not entirely sure of but that are probably partially related to my Evangelical upbringing-related hangups that long term followers of this blog might be aware of. (This was the second month that I had this tumblr account, so anything on my ffn account would now be associated with "me" rather than being more anonymous.) But that's not the point of this post.
I went and looked at that account--which again I only vaguely remembered--and found over 50 fics, 31 of which were written for Harry Potter. Which I do remember in hindsight, but also ?????
I am pretty sure I wrote all that fanfic with knowledge gained solely from reading other fanfic and looking at the wiki? and maybe some unfinished "x reads the series" fics?? I can't remember if I'd watched the movies on a sketchy streaming site or not at that point, but I was writing about book only characters a lot so that doesn't matter so much.
FACT ONE: When I was a sophomore in high school, I knew next to nothing about Harry Potter. I remember someone saying something about Snape killing Dumbledore on the tennis bus and that didn't really mean anything to me at the time.
FACT TWO: I didn't actually sit down and read the Harry Potter books until my first year of college, when I felt I could check the books out of the library without worrying what my parents would think about it.
FACT THREE: I wrote those 31 HP fics my junior year of high school, two-ish years before reading the books. Andromeda Tonks was one of my favorite characters.
I know that picking fandoms up from fanfic is a thing that some people do but I'd honestly mostly forgotten that I was one of them at some point!! Wild.
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ncoincidences · 1 year
self celebration game
I saw this hopping about my dash and thought to jump in and give it a try. although at first I was like, I haven't done anything at all this year what a loser haha but then I realised I have done a couple of things. more than that. in no order -
-> sewed my first ever scrunchie! it's my first sewing project ever and it was honestly a great experience :D
-> on jan 1 I baked and frosted a 3 layer carrot cake. it was heavenly. I couldn't believe I'd made it ^^
-> drew some reguluses. this is a new interest of mine I discovered in October last year but got more into it this year. still not very good at the face but I had fun with postures and outfits!
-> v recently started listening to a podcast related to history :)
-> read a lot of fics and increased my commenting as well
-> prompted for rab fest. lol does that count??
-> got back into crochet! I'm crocheting a heart bag rn and I'm on the 5th round but I've forgotten which kind of stitch I did last and v confused as to how I'm going to continue so let's ignore that
-> baked a brownie and a smaller carrot cake too
-> tried some new recipes and they turned out pretty well
-> wrote about... 1k? I daydreamed a lot more than I wrote but I'm okay with that
-> discovered new music! I'm always on this endless journey of discovering new music I like to listen to. I found a couple of The National's songs exciting and discovered Gracie Abrams.
-> participated in evil author's day!
I think that's about it. might have missed a couple of things but I'm going to stop because I got to go! so far 2023 hasn't been so great but there have been good moments sprinkled in between. i hope they increase throughout the year! :)
and if you're reading this and wanting to play, please do! tag me too, I'd love to see how your 2023 has been <3
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nimuetheseawitch · 2 years
10, 11, 29, 30 for ao3 wrapped asks
Thank you so much for these asks! You always make me think :)
10. What work was the quickest to write?
Class A's - I'd actually forgotten this and thought the fastest was one of my newer ones, but nope, I apparently wrote this in 15 minutes.
11. What work took you the longest to write?
I think it was I'm missing you like I used to. The idea came quickly after posting the other pieces in that series, but I dug way too deep into the Kinsey reports (yay research!) and did a lot of rewrites. The next piece in that series is going to probably be the longest once I finish it - it's been most of the year...
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Ooh, this is hard (and now I have to go read everything). I am most proud of this one:
The weather. I know talking about the weather is mundane, but mundanity has been one of my few sources of joy these last few months. I cried at the first falling leaves I saw. A New England autumn is a sight to behold. I bet you’ve never been leaf peeping. Yes, that’s a real thing, I promise. You’ll have to visit some fall, and I’ll take you on a tour of the best leaf peeping spots in Maine. You know I know all the best peepshows.
It's from the letter Hawkeye finally writes to BJ in Sitting here tonight. In general, that's one of my favorite fics I've written (I have this thing about letters and epistolary stories), but I was just so pleased with myself for You know I know all the best peepshows.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Honestly, writing itself was the biggest surprise. And people's positive responses to my writing. I never considered myself a writer and started posting fic last December (not counting the one fic I wrote in 2019) and just kept going. I really shocked myself with the desire and inspiration to write as well as just how much fun I'm having. It makes me happy when I go back and actually like what I wrote (although I still have some cringe moments). It surprises me when I mention something I'm writing on Tumblr and people get excited about my ideas.
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appletreeduty · 8 months
a personal ramble while I have a single free moment in my day
hello tumblr. How are you. Listen I know it was my own fault for being away so long aside from random reblogs cos I knew how stressed and exhausted I'd be night after night after night taking a music job once again. Honestly glad I took it though, not just because I was needing $$$ but also because this shit genuinely makes me happy. the experience: Pass out in bed as soon as my head touches the pillow when I get home somewhere between 1am and 3am. Wake up go oh god oh god oh god oh god running around trying to get ready and get to work (worse if I'm traveling because I probably haven't packed until the morning of). Get to work go oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god. Maybe go out after with some work friends if there's the time or energy. Repeat.
the pros: Financial stability (sort of, but soon. the job pays). Finally living a fucking life and it's just hitting me now, 3 months in - I get to see my friends a lot more, get to travel, dating the tatted cutie of my dreams. Can finally afford the more expensive meds my endo actually recommends, and they're working way better than the generics I was on before. Doing something I love day in and day out. Working with people who actually watch out and care for you, working hard as hell but being given the time when burning out, even if it's just a moment. Ability to give myself little gremlin gifts - extensions, one of them foldable walking mats for my work desk, new tatties, a beginner violin to learn to play on. the cons: Stressed and exhausted, but at least it's not financial stress. Brain broken all the time. I feel like I've been neglecting a lot of my hobbies, especially writing and reading. Sleep schedule is completely fucked. Job feeds my workaholic tendencies and it's hard to shut my brain off when I'm off work. Having to work with known assholes in the industry sometimes.
It's really frustrating, when I think about it, that I've basically not created or consumed a piece of media that is not tangentially related to this job in months, and kind of gives me whiplash since ASOIAF and the ASOIAF fics I wrote really were basically my life for like the better part of a year before I got this job. I can't remember the last time I opened a doc for one of my WIPs, and I'm so behind on the fics I follow I've forgotten what they all are and/or what the plot of all of them is. When did I read an actual book last? Watch a movie or show? Don't ask me, I can't remember. When's the last time I felt like I HAD to write something? When's the last time I rode my bike? When's the last time I cooked? Don't get me wrong - I'm grateful for this job, it's sick as hell, but since I've had it it's like my entire free time has turned into IRL social life and I desperately miss my quiet time and online time. Am I addicted to being on my computer, Google Docs, and talking with mutuals? Probably. Maybe it's just the complete lifestyle change fucking with me. Maybe I'm not social enough for a job in this industry.
I should be happy with my life. But moments like these when I get a moment to reflect put so much doubt in my mind that I hate experiencing. Guess we'll see how it goes. S-P-R-I-T SPIRIT LET'S HEAR IT goblino
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@yukikorogashi asked: [ mint ]  when did you start your blog? what made you start it?
Colourful Interview (Munday Meme) - Accepting!
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In the most simplistic explanation, starting this blog was a combination of the following things:
I was roughly a year and a half into my current job and I really, really needed a creative outlet. To put it blankly, my job can be a stressful downer quite often and many of my hobbies aren't really things I participate in every day (exercise isn't a hobby, it's a necessity for me).
I knew I didn't want to write a fanfic series. I wanted to go back into collaborative writing, but mostly I didn't want to juggle handling both an AO3 account and a blog to support/promote the account. I could do it, but honestly, it felt too much like work and when I inevitably lost interest in whatever fic series I was writing, I was certain I'd probably piss some people off for not finishing things (which...I did end up doing. Sorry about that! My unfinished fics will stay buried).
Group RPs, after several failed attempts for about 5-6 years or so on this site, were a no-go. I wasn't about to depend on (unreliable) mods to ensure I had a place and people to write with.
I'd just finished my first part-watch, part-playthrough of DR2 after watching the first game's anime years back. I'd forgotten about DR until mid-2018 or so, where it popped up either on tumblr or youtube. The characters looked more interesting to me than the DR1 cast (Though Byakuya and Celestia are still dear to me). I watched/played, I enjoyed, I immediately was amused that there was a European royal character with an interest in anime, horror movies, serial killers, and cults. A+ interests with A+ personality, just mildly annoyed at the time she was underutilized and written poorly. But rich people problems? One of my favorite things, if not favorite thing, to write.
After a convention in mid-2019, I wanted to keep fandom going in my life outside of cons and cosplay. I was at a point where I was torn between writing Haru from Persona 5 and Sonia, but Sonia won out as 1. There was no way I could figure out how to play P5 the game and not just watch P5 the anime. I'm shit at video games. I did not grow up with them and 9 times out of 10, I will choose to read a book or watch TV/a movie over playing a video game. Just my preference. 2. I liked the overall plot and message of DR but, again, the execution was poorly done (not the executions, but the story and character development). 3. I'd spent nearly 20 years, off and on, writing not-so-nice characters for the most part and wanted a change. You know the sort of badass, fighting, tough female characters or the sassy know-it-all or the flirty, clever temptress type of characters? Yeah. I wrote them for a long, long time. 4. I knew I could do a lot with Sonia, her European royal background, and her interests, hobbies, struggles, strengths, etc.
Okay, maybe that wasn't simple after all, but it was a lot of factors that fell into place that made this type of blog and this muse the ideal writing outlet for me.
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aotvfilm · 1 year
Hiiiii!!!!!!!!! :D
[insert gif of Harry waving crazily and smiling broadly!]
Noooo we must give the pets all the love, right?! Thank you so much!
ESCAPADE IS LIKE--- Frick. I really love it, but it's between that and Y&B for me, and I relate to Harry in Y&B more, so that's always the one that takes the cake for me. But yes, the playlist is fantastic, and I love the ambiance and energy it adds to Dolce's wonderful writing! You have given me an idea; make playlist, then write fic, then add playlist! Ha! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you so much, that's going on my phone to read late at night--- slow burn is the best. Do you have any tropes you like in fanfiction?
OH WOW Rock me, that's such a song LOL! Was Louis always your 'bias'? (Kpop term because I've forgotten the other word! No, I'm not a kpop fan anymore lol, was a while ago. What music do you enjoy?) MAN, I hope your mom loved it!! I'd cry if I saw Louis in person too lksjdfjksf. Mhmmm I really loved Take Me Home, and Made in the A.M... do you have, perhaps, a top 10 1D tracklist? :D
Honestly, I don't know how I wrote that many fics. For a bit of that time I really liked someone so I channeled it into my writing. But it didn't work out, therefore!! I wrote more, and eventually shifted into Larrie mode, thank goodness. But again, it's quality over quantity, and I think some of them aren't that good, tbh.
Hey, there's no shame in trying. Honestly, you know what I do? Automatic writing. Whatever is on your brain, dump it onto the page, and then your head is either clearer for fanfiction, or you've got a potential plot; either way, you're grounded and in the headspace for it, right? Do you have any ideas I might help with?
Congratulations on graduating, oh my goodness BECKYYYYYYY. I am so beyond proud of you! I'm going for film, which is all I'll say for now since I don't wanna give myself away. Apps are indeed kicking my butt but yes. What did you stud in undergrad?
I look forward to talking again, sorry about the time difference <3
Lots of love,
Holiday Pal.
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I have an unpopular opinion to share 👀 I never loved Y&B. I read it because it was a fandom classic but I struggled to stay engaged. I think my favorite fandom classic is Unbelievers. I might go reread that now actually 😶 I hope you enjoy the fic I shared!! x
Where do I start with favorite tropes? Obviously enemies to lovers & slow burn. Can’t get enough of that shit. I love a/b/o. I also love famous/famous where they’re not in one direction. Or just one of them is & the other is famous for something else. What are your favorite tropes?
When I first noticed the band wayyyy back when I definitely think Harry was my fav. I remember having a cardboard cutout of him lmao but I was 10 so I don’t remember joining the fandom clearly ): But by the time I went to see them in concert Louis was definitely my favorite. I can’t remember exactly when I made the switch but pretty early on. My mom loved the concert! I always tried to get her to pick a favorite and I remember her telling me she loved Louis’ blue eyes. She’s a Louis girl at heart <3
I listen to all sorts of music! Some of my fav artists are Greta Van Fleet, San Fender, & Declan McKenna. Do you use spotify? If so, who were your top artists?! I also loved Made in the A.M. but I think FOUR would be my absolute fav. Omg I’ve never written a top 10 1D track list. Tomorrow I’ll go through the albums and make one! I’d love to see yours too!!!
Aw sorry to hear it didn’t work out :( At least you channeled your feelings into something creative! And you study film!!! I’m always blown away by how some people are so creative. Thank you for your congratulations :) I’m finishing up my degree in biomedical engineering right now! I might go back to grad school in a few years once I have a better idea of what I’d like to specialize in.
Ugh I struggle so much with dumping words down. I always edit things as I go along rather than write a draft and edit it. I think that’s why I struggle so much with committing to a fic because I know how much editing and reworking will go into it. But I’m going to try! I’ve wanted to for years now and you’ve helped give me the push!!
talk soon holiday pal x :)
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can-of-pringles · 2 years
ao3 wrapped: 5, 6, 17, 18, 20, 28, 29, 30
answer as many or as few as you'd like!
Thank you for sending me an ask :3
5. What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
Um... some of my old Moomin OC fanfics still occasionally get attention and I'm like "What? How? Why?" As for something more recent, I'd say Not to be Forgotten (the prequel fic to Similarities) it's just a highly specific fic so I'm surprised (and glad) it's gotten the attention it has.
6. Favorite title you used
Ooh, this is difficult... I feel like I'm bad at naming fics and I've been trying to work on that more. I like: Don't Worry Your Head About It (It's Not That Simple)
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
Henry Creel
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Also Henry Creel... only because I was really focused on trying to keep him relatively in character, but it's difficult to do with an AU. I think I was able to find a good balance? At least in fanfics, because some of the random AU stuff I just post here, tend to be kinda ooc but I don't care because it's for fun.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
Probably Similarities? Because there were some plot points I didn't want to forget/I wanted to maintain consistency with the chapters.
28. Favorite work you wrote this year?
I'm really sounding like a broken record lol, but it has to be Similarities!
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Really? Do you know how much I wrote this year?? Impossible! I'm just going to name a chapter. Either chapter 4 or chapter 7 of Sim
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
Honestly? How many people like my Stranger Things AU. I've made a lot of friends because of it :)
ao3 wrapped [writers edition]
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being-luminous · 3 years
Creator Tag Meme: Top 5 of 2020 ✨
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2020. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Tagged by: the lovely Mona @queerofthedagger 💖
5. Paint Me Up (You’re my favorite color) [HP; Sirry, the coke zero of sugar daddy aus]
It’s rare that I venture away from Tomarrymort, and I’ll probably never write or read Sirry again unless it’s a friend’s fic/prompt (I’m too in love with their canon relationship to engage with the ship on my own!!), but I’m still really happy with this fic!
Harry deserves to be a little bit mean sometimes tbh, and I love writing him that way.
4. A peculiar way of fitting together [HP; shenanigans ft. diadem!Tom]
This one is on the list because I love how I wrote the ensemble characters. Yeah, it’s technically hinting at Tomarry, but what I love most in this fic is everything about Harry’s interactions with the rest of Gryffindor house. I really need to write more ensemble fics tbh. They’re so fun, but it’s easy to forget all of these other characters I have access to when I’m writing a shipping fic.
3. Beat Your Fantasy [HP; Harrymort, fake dating]
I’m gonna be honest and say that I hate the fandom perception of Harry as an oblivious/useless idiot. It makes my blood boil just to read it most of the time, and it’s one of the main reasons I’ll back out of fics. Because he’s so smart!! He’s just also really dumb 😩And tbh Voldemort is right there in that idiot sandwich with him. So I hope you can understand the dilemma I faced when writing this fic kajsdfjl. Idiots-to-lovers is just too good to resist. 
Anyway it was super fun to write and it still makes me smile, so I hope everyone who read it enjoyed it as well!
2. The Good Horcrux [HP; dark Harrymort]
When I first started posting fic for this ship, I was determined to stay firmly rooted in the realm of fluff, without even a hint of anything dark or upsetting. But there was always a part of me that wanted to write something like this fic. Oddly enough, I’ve seen two very different interpretations of the ending. Some people found it hopeful. At least one person read the end as Harry killing himself. Personally, I wrote it intending a hopeful ending, but I understand why someone wouldn’t read it that way.
1. sharing is caring [HP; Tomarry]
This one came to me in a dream. I mean. Not really, but it felt like it wrote itself once I started with how quickly it was finished. It was the first fic since my Star Wars AU to come so quickly and so easily to me. Also I still love their dynamic here. It’s pretty much everything I like about Tomarry distilled into a short, simple fic.
I love writing for this ship so much, and all of you lovely people in the fandom make it even better! So thank you, and I hope you enjoyed my fics this year. I’ll be posting more soon!!
Tagging: @wynnefic, @atlantablack, @kitastrophea, @tomarryherewewhoaagain, @duplicitywrites, @treacleteacups, @penmanner, @moonlight-modoki, and anyone else who wants to participate! Tag me if you do bc I need to catch up on all the fantastic works posted this year!!
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maesterchill · 2 years
First Lines
Thanks @tackytigerfic for tagging me - I adored reading yours so, so much. I'd honestly forgotten how many lovely lovely fics you've written in the last year - it was so nice to read back over the little intros to them.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have fewer than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
So here they are. (All of these are Drarry. For collabs, it's the first line that I myself wrote. Shamelessly copied formatting from tacky's)
To the surprise of many (except, of course her brother Al), the brave and fearless daughter of Harry Potter got sorted into Slytherin house. Desperately Seeking (M, 18.6k, WIP)
The thing is, Harry can't very well just tell Robards that yesterday he was kneeling on a worn-out carpet, cock in hand, his mouth and throat slack as Draco thrust hard and pulled his hair. Gather Your Will With Mine (E, 2k, collab)
Harry has had sex before—and it's been good; windows have rattled, lights have flickered and even gone out—but never like this. Love has left a printed trace (M, 1k)
He didn't think he'd live, was the thing. The paradox of hedonism (T, microfic)
Harry needed to unwind. Life's a beach, and then you... (M, 12k, collab)
Draco was looking for Harry when he spotted it. The Odd Couple (M, 1k)
They're not boyfriends. Shock, Shock, Horror, Horror (E, 11k, collab)
Harry knew that Draco was far too besotted with him to ever disobey him, but he liked the added security. Good things come (M, microfic)
It probably didn’t help growing up alongside a brigade of Manor elves highly adept at housekeeping spells. CLEAN (E, microfic)
"You can't keep doing this. You have to tell him what it does to you." The boy who keeps on living (T, microfic)
Remembering the whole thing now—with the benefit of distance in both time and geography (though it’s only been a week, and he’s only living on the other side of the Thames)—Harry finds that he’s a little nervous. Move, move (M, 9k)
It all started with Draco Malfoy being an atrociously clingy child. Threads of Hope (T, 5k)
"Is it? Him?" His Own Worst Critic (T, 5k)
He knows all too well how corrosive and dangerous it is—he brewed it himself, after all—but it doesn't stop him greedily bringing his nose to the vial and sucking in deep. Deluge (E, microfic)
Draco Malfoy was happy. My heart was far too glad (E, ~23k)
Upper Itchington was one of those wizarding villages. Harry, Harry, Quite Contrary (T, ~4k)
Harry seeks out Malfoy after they're eliminated, only to be told by Alicia, “He left. Apparated away with Zabini.” No more ace to play (E, microfic)
It's quiet by the lake this early. The next day (T, microfic)
This had been the worst idea. Brave Face (G, 0.5k)
“I'm serious, Draco. Potter’s wearing an earring.” Going for Gold (T, 0.7k)
There are so many good things about being flatmates with Potter. we do this (T, 1.7k)
I too did this a year ago and I was CERTAIN this post would overlap with the previous one. But no! Since that post I've written 15 fics and 10 microfics. Mad, Ted. No wonder I got so little adulting done.
Pattern: A lot of them are little statements and very short. And don't introduce much story. But that's where my killer 2nd sentences come in! (lol, convincing, right?)
Fave line: Either the one for Harry, Harry, Quite Contrary (Upper Itchington) or the one for Threads of Hope (Draco as clingy child). No major reason except I like them 😊
Let's see yours!
Tagging @sassy-cissa @aibidil @kbrick @thebooktopus @ihopeyoubothstaysafefromharm @lol-zeitgeistic @shiftylinguini @lqtraintracks @sweet-s0rr0w @gnarf @candybarrnerd @ohdrarry @xanthippe74 @the-starryknight @onbeinganangel @opalesqueopioid @thesleepiesthufflepuff @ruinsplume @fw00shy @nv-md and anyone who hasn't done it!
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natbarzal · 3 years
Tyson Jost - Wake up - Pt. 2
Part 1
hey guys! here with part 2 of the Josty fic💜thank you so much for the reblogs and replies on the first part, it really means a lot to me when I know that someone actually enjoys something that I wrote, you know? anyway, I hope you won't be disappointed😂💞
I'm sorry in advance for any possible mistakes, feel free to correct me if you find anything😊
genre: sad at first, then it goes📈
warnings: some swear words
word count: 1.4k
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*not my gif
Tyson's pov:
"Hey Tyson, you wanna go for drinks tonight?" Mikko asked and as he, Andre and I exited the locker room after a game.
"Yeah, you should come, you haven't been out with us in forever." Andre agreed with him as we began walking towards the exit into the parking lot.
"I can't. I'm going to see Y/n." I told them, looking down at my phone, missing the way they glanced at each other.
"Tyson.." Andre said in kind of a nervous way, making me look up at him. "Bro, it's been two years. According to the doctors, the chance that she's ever going to wake up is small.." he trailed off, leaving me confused.
"Where exactly are you going with this?" I stopped walking and narrowed my eyes at him and he looked at Mikko for help.
"Tyson, it's just.. we think that maybe you should.. start moving on." Mikko said sadly, placing his hand on my shoulder.
I was shocked. I knew the chances of Y/n waking up weren't too big, but still, the thought of moving on and finding someone new never even crossed my mind for a second.
"What?" I asked him, not believing what I just heard one of my best friends say.
"Come on Tyson. If you're not at practice or a game, you're at the hospital. You can't live like this forever." Andre said.
"Are you two fucking serious right now?" I asked them, angrily shrugging Mikko's hand off my shoulder.
"Tyson-" Mikko started but I cut him off as I gave both men in front of me an angry look.
"No, no, I've heard enough. I'm not going anywhere with you. Enjoy your fucking night." I snapped at them before leaving them behind to go to my car and driving to the hospital.
I walked into the hospital, saying hello to the lady at the front desk before walking straight into the direction of Y/n's room.
After I got to her room and closed the door behind myself, I let out a sigh and rubbed my face with my hands before looking at Y/n and sitting down on the chair beside her bed, taking her hand into mine, bringing it to my lips and kissing the back of her palm - it has become kind of a habit by now.
She looked better now. The bruises and scratches were long forgotten, her leg was healed too. She looked as if she was sleeping. A pretty deep sleep indeed.
Every free minute I got over the last two years were spent here with her, hoping that God would hear my wishes and that she would finally come back to me.
I desperately needed her to wake up. I haven't felt genuinely happy in the last two years, the fact that she's not gone forever and that she still might wake up one day being the only thing keeping me sane. Still to this day I cry myself to sleep, thinking about what it could've been like if the accident never happened.
I looked at her face as my tears start to flow freely down my cheeks. Her lips, there's nothing in this world I wouldn't do to see them smile again. Her eyes, those beautiful eyes that held this little twinkle every time you looked into them. I would kill to be able to look into those eyes right now.
"Why are you doing this to me Y/n?" I asked her through my tears, well aware that I won't get an answer. "I always told you I wouldn't able to live without you. I can't lose you, you know that." I stopped, taking a shaky breath, trying to keep myself from breaking down completely.
"You can't leave me. Please don't leave me Y/n. The boys told me today that I should move on. But I don't want to move on. I love you and I always will, I don't want to spend my life with anyone but you." I croaked out, a few sobs escaping me. "Please come back to me. Please, please wake up. I need you to wake up my love." I whispered and hung my head low, still holding her hand as I let it all out, the only sounds heard in the room being the steady beeping of the machine showing her heart rate and my quiet sobs.
Suddenly, I felt her fingers move. I picked my head up to look at her face, but her eyes were still closed. Was my mind just playing tricks on me?
I looked back down at our linked hands and I felt it again. This time a little more firmly, her fingers grasped mine. My heart started beating incredibly fast and I looked up again, only to see those gorgeous eyes I thought I'd never see again looking back at me.
"Y/n?" I whispered, tears falling, hoping this wasn't just a dream. She couldn't speak due to being intubated, so she just grasped my hand a little stronger and gave me a soft, tired smile as tears started escaping her eyes too. I quickly pressed the button behind Y/n, alarming the nurse that something happened and then reached my hand up to her face, caressing it gently. She closed her eyes and leaned into my touch.
"Oh angel.." I said quietly and leaned closer to her, closing my eyes and placing a long kiss into her hair. "I thought I lost you." I added after I put my chin on top of her head.
Seconds later the door to her room opened and a nurse came in, stopping in her tracks once she saw that Y/n was awake.
"Oh my god" she said before quickly running out of the room to get a doctor.
After the doctors came in and checked on Y/n, unintubating her while I called her mum to let her know Y/n was awake, we were left alone together once again. The doctors let me know that she wouldn't be able to talk for some time, but that honestly didn't matter to me, I was just happy that I finally had her back.
"I'm so happy you're awake, my love. I really thought I lost you forever." I told her, looking at her lovingly as I tucked some of her hair behind her ear.
"I missed you so fucking much, you have no idea." I said sadly and she looked at me apologetically.
My thoughts suddenly wandered to the little box that I have been carrying around with me for the last two years, having promised myself that I would use it as soon as I got the chance.
"I have something to ask you." I said as I reached into my pocket, Y/n looking at me curiosly. As soon as she saw the little velvet box in my hands, her eyes widened as she looked at me.
"Listen. The two years without you have been fucking hell on earth for me, you know? Everything sucked. I didn't get to look into your eyes or see your beautiful smile for so long and I swear that if I had to go without it much longer, I'd go crazy. I love you so much and I realized just how quickly can everything change, so I promised myself I would do this the first chance I got." Y/n was now full on crying and covering her mouth with her hands. I stood up from the chair, kneeling on the ground beside her bed, opening the box that held a diamond ring, and looked into her eyes. I took a nervous breath before asking the question.
"Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you make me the happiest person in the entire universe and marry me?" I asked hopefully. Y/n smiled and nodded her head vigorously at me. I took her hand and slipped the ring onto her finger before she grabbed my face and pulled me up to her level so she could kiss me. We kissed for a minute and then pulled away, leaning our foreheads on each other.
"I love you. And I'm never, ever letting you go."
thoughts? 💜
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