#i'm just so tired of having to constantly defend 13
kiriona-apologist · 27 days
i'm gonna start replying to people who say 11 is their favorite doctor with "oh the writing wasn't very good but matt smith did the best he could in the role" because i am tired of pretending i liked almost any of his seasons
it's what i have to hear about 13 all the time and i'm sick to the gills of it. sick of it i say!
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byghostface · 4 months
Look I dunno what this Daminika shipping drama is all about. (I followed you because I like your Rayllum art).
but it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
We should only call the actual crime of pedophilia that and not use the word like a petty insult. Also all this rage gave me the impression that Jon/Damian was like a super twisted ship or something but I googled it and they are 17 and 13 y.o. which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia. they are both teens and people draw them looking the same age in fan art anyway.
If you are not in the dc fandom then maybe don't speak on something you think you know.
But it's not a cool thing to do to share stuff calling Jon Kent/ Damian Wayne ship "pedophilic yaoi". sounds homophobic.
Damian and Jon always have 3 years age gap, even before dc age up Jon, they are like 13 and 10, And after age up(Jon is stuck in space had lived through years and is back on earth) they are now 14 and 17. In most of the fan art, you see people who draw them looking the same age pre-age up, because Damian is really short at 13. And people started to ship them when Jon is 10 year old child. You don't date a child when you're a teen, or date a 14 year old teen and being a college student, that is weird.
In the current comic Jon Kent has a boyfriend-Jay Nakamura(Gossamer) whom he met in college and still happily dating.( then there are racist thing ppl would said about Jay on twitter just bc he is a Japanese character and the other shipper use that to attack him too bc they doesn't like Jayjon as a ship )
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-[Action Comics v1 1059 (2024)]-Artist: Marguerite Sauvage-
As an asexual, I mostly headcanon Nika and Damian as nonbinary and asexual. And a lot of the ppl who like Daminika see them as trans for trans too.
You said you followed me for my rayllum art. So you don’t know what the characters I’m talking about, have been drawing about in dc fandom. In my previous vent post is referring to the weird age gap ship, and the maturity of different ages and mentalities when characters are being ship together. And that ship's shippers + incest proshippers are being misogyny towards Nika relentlessly. It's not about against mlm ship, or being homophobic like you claimed.
Maybe you are young and see the fanart and can't think clearly what the issue is. That I can understand, because a few years ago(when I was young and dumb!! and didn't/unable to use my brain to think clearly!!!) I used to think the weird age gap was nothing but now I'm looking back and regret the weird ship I used to ship and draw (Toph and Sokka), I don't ship them anymore + Suki x Sokka superior!!
I have deleted some of Toph and Sokka art and the remaining ones have changed titles and tags to platonic sense. I didn't delete them all because they are still part of my (dumb and reckless!!!) art journey and the things that I'm now getting over and will not ever draw as a ship again.
Which would be weird irl yes but that's still literally not pedophilia.
You admit that would be weird irl and yet tired to dismiss me when I express my uncomfortableness and wanting those ppl to leave the characters(Nika & Respawn) I care about alone. If you are the type of proshipper that says fictional doesn't affect reality… then stop talking to me + invalid opinions‼️ (don't affect reality?? Of course it is! You are a person in reality who argues with me about fiction and conception/representation that affect all of us)
Like I said in my vent post, I never want to interact with them and I don't go into their page or cross ship tags and comments on things or anything related to their ships before. And this is the first time I have spoken up and tried to defend Nika here on Tumblr. Because I'm the only one constantly making contents about her and love her as a character and the only person here on Tumblr who wants to talk about/express my love for her through my art for nearly three years.
And I can't speak up when they want to tools Nika and Respawn for their own ships and set them up as toxic made up characters in their head?!? And I should let that kind of blunt lies disguise as "playful! fun even!!" fanon and let it slip and damage Nika and Respawn's character!?!?? And let that MISOGYNY energy towards Nika fly into fanfic further misconception both of their character and personalities?!??? Similar things that had happened to Talia being constantly demonized through racism and misogyny by fanon?!?!?? A reappear theme by shipper/yaoi incest proshipper tools her as a bad Asian mom to make a sad and twisted background for Damian to need to be protected by the characters they ship him with?!??
Not all of the shippers/fic writers do this but still, I'm meant by the misconception fanons that spin out of control… then SOMETIMES THE ACTUAL COMICS WRITES(different ones/weird ones) WOULD MAKE IT CANON AND DAMAGE THE CHARACTERS‼️IT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE‼️‼️
I know the shippers and the fandom will always be there because of the internet. And I can't control it, so I set up boundaries now by speaking up and defend my favorite characters while I still can.
You can comment under this post if you still disagree with me(unless you're a proshipper then stop interacting with me‼️), and don't hide behind anonymity before you understand what I'm talking about and don't twist my words for your own comfort.
(Again, sorry if you are not in the dc fandom and catching strays of my discomfort and anger. But I love Nika too much so I had to speak in my page)
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Favorite and least favorite Blazblue characters?
Yay~ finally getting to this ask. I’ve got a lot of really cool asks (thank you everyone so much) that I’ve been wanting to get to, but my health is Rather Poor, and when I do answer these things, I want to be able to put a lot of energy and attention into them.
Now, getting to the ask! I had a lot to say, and it all came out messy... and somehow, I only ended up talking about one character, Nu 13. Who fits as both one of my favorite and one of my least favorite characters, for reasons detailed below. To not make this an entire fucking novel, I'll cut the post off here and consider it an early birthday post for her.
That said, here's a quick run down of some other stuff I didn't get to talk about, relevant to your question.
My other Hated Fave is Nine/Konoe. One of those “I love the character but if we were stuck in a room together I’d maul her” situations. I consider her to be a misandrist, and I have a very charged history of like, generational reactive sexism in my family, so her generational reactive sexism (relationship with her father coloring her relationship with men overall) enrages me. On the other hand, it’s so well written, SHE’S so well written, she’s an incredible character and I adore her as an art piece. She is like a cathedral to me. The most beautiful symphony in a key you hate.
Touched on briefly in the post below, my all time absolute favorite is Terumi/Susano'o. That's a story for another day. I like him in a very particular way where he's like, the best character ever, but also he's constantly on probation. Or reverse probation? I need to see him try to kill/maim/ruin someone once a month or he's at risk of being evicted. Being the champion is a title you have to defend, y'know?
I think the character I study the most and talk about the most is Noel, although to my tastes, she's very middle of the road. I feel neutral about her. I just use her as a guinea pig for all my BB related project. You know Dangan Ronpa? How they used Sayaka and Leon as a starting point/beta test for everything? It's kind of like that, except I haven't gotten so sick of her yet that I'm killing her off or anything.
With all of that covered, allow me to get into the actual post! Thank you for your patience!
Off the top of my head at least, I can’t honestly think of BlazBlue characters I dislike. Every character that comes to mind shares something that makes me hesitant to actually claim I dislike them. That is, the characters I like the least are the characters I understand the least. Spinner Superior and the entire Bloodedge Experience cast make the list… but I haven’t read BE. Valkenhayn makes the cut- another character I really don’t pay attention to. Bullet, Hibiki, maybe Amane- all characters I really just… haven’t paid much attention to yet.
I don’t really want to claim I dislike them at this point, because when I really think about it, I’m like 99% sure that I lack interest in them BECAUSE I haven’t taken the time to look at them.
One of my hobby/goal/things in my free time is working on these BB character documents, analyzing everything I can about each character in the series for my own personal work. I have a feeling that when I get to really analyzing and writing about these characters, I’ll find things I like about them.
Here's a quick look at my files, to see what I'm talking about. Have mercy, it's very WIP.
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There are two characters that stand out to me in an… almost “love to hate” way, but not quite. I have a lot to say about these characters, but I’m still tired, and this post is going to be LONG as is, so I’ll try to keep it brief.
Author's Note: I fail to keep it brief.
Before BBDW, my least favorite character was DEFINITELY Nu13. Ironic, because she almost got me into BB back in the Continuum Shift days. I saw her and some of her crazy behavior and thought... well, not much, just kind of an error message in my head going “hot woman spotted.” So I looked into her, and her story!
And got bored immediately. At first I was intrigued- I love violent characters that could arguably be described as “rabid” or “feral,” but upon further inspection, she had one of the few character flaws I just can’t look past. She was absolutely static. Immutable. The only character she was willing to interact with was Ragna, and even when interacting with him, she couldn’t hear a thing he said. In my interpretation, at the time, this made her a character that couldn’t connect with the outside world in any way. To me, she was an island. Absolutely remote. And completely useless to my interests.
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A fear years later, a few months before the launch of Chronophantasma Extend, I ended up getting into BlazBlue anyway powered by sheer Terumi thirst. Are you guys starting to get a picture of my type yet? From then on, BB has remained my all time favorite series, and Terumi/Susano’o continues to be in my top three favorite characters, usually comfortably wearing the “#1 all time fave” crown. I suppose that answers the other half of your question.
Throughout this time, Nu still didn’t appeal to me at all. Locked in as my least favorite, definitely. Eventually, I got my college roommates into BB. One of the girls fell in absolute love with Nu. I couldn’t understand it at all. In hindsight, she’s right on every point about Nu that she likes, and I really appreciate those traits now too- but I couldn’t see it at the time. She was able to see Nu as an incredibly tragic character for the same reasons I saw her as inert. In the C-Series, Nu is alone, horribly alone, locked in her pain and her delusion. I saw that and ultimately felt she was beyond saving, but my associate felt that made her into a beautiful tragedy, a princess more worth saving than any other. Maybe I’m getting a little abstract out of nowhere here, but I now feel that’s the best way to look at Nu’s story- she’s locked away in this fairy tale delusion. Ugh, I have more to say on it, but look at how long this has gotten already!
Anyways, then BBDW came out, and Mori gave us a glimpse of what he intended to be the next step in Nu’s story. Juusan, XIII, Thirteen. And hooooooooooooly shit my guys, I absolutely love Nu, XIII, and her arc now. It’s her fucking healing arc! It’s her fucking growing arc! She’s finally able to start becoming a person, fleshing out, interacting with the world!
I’m not the type who really needs or even WANTS redemption arcs for characters, but Nu DESPERATELY needed this chapter. My biggest gripe with her, as mentioned, was that it seemed impossible for her to have any kind of relationship with ANYONE. I guess I was a little close minded- I needed to see evidence that Nu could be reached, that she could wake up from her fairy tale slumber and start really living. And we have that now, in XIII.
Looking back on the writing from the earlier games, when I hated Nu so much, I see those scenes in an entirely different light. Her first fucking scene in every route is waking up, our sleeping beauty. But she wakes up to the same dream every time. She’s put right back into her coffin, death, to dream and dream and wake and be killed again. Isn’t that kind of beautiful??? Her CT story mode IS a dream, it’s a desperate dream, the one she holds most dearly but doesn’t even understand- Nu is a character who THINKS what she wants more than anything is a romantic love with her prince charming, but we see in her story mode there, and in the relationships that finally save her, that what she really wanted was a full relationship as a real person. Platonic relationships, with no expectations, just someone seeing her and maybe offering her a smile. She craved, needed, the ability to connect with others, but that was a dream so far out of reach she couldn’t understand it. I KNOW I’M RAVING AT THIS POINT, I DIDN’T MEAN TO, BUT C’MON IT’S BEAUTIFUL.
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And, and!!! As I mentioned, the relationships that finally save her, finally wake her up from the dream the same way the BB world is being woken up from ITS looping dream (WHICH IS ANOTHER AWESOME CONNECTION AND GREAT WRITING, THE WAY NU AS A CHARACTER CAN BE SEEN TO EMBODY THE LOOPING WORLD, NEW AND BROKEN AND UNABLE TO CHANGE WITH NO HOPE OF TOMORROW)
Ahem, ahem-- It’s familial connections. She so badly wants that romance with Ragna, but it isn’t the love of a prince that saves her- it’s when he accepts her as his sister. It’s when he accepts her as a victim and her own person and not a bastardization of Saya, and comes to save this lonely girl. An echo of his little sister he couldn’t save. HIS ENTIRE JOURNEY WAS TO SAVE HIS SISTER AND HE FINALLY DOES. IN SO MANY WAYS, INCLUDING IN THAT MOMENT OF REACHING OUT TO NU.
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And then it’s Noel. And Lamba. Her sisters. Again, people who once saw her as a disgusting representation of what they feared the most, a replacement or a copy- when they let that go, see past it, and really face her, they take Nu in as their little sister. And its their patient love that heals her. Just like Ragna, when they first met Nu, her connection to Saya and themselves terrified them, infuriated them, but now they look directly at that connection and don’t see it as a threat. It fills them with compassion. It can be a lovely thing, to share something so fundamental as your creation with someone else. There’s love in that. They see it now and are able to offer it to her.
This answer has been very messy and very long, but hey, let’s pretend it isn’t that bad. Give me some mercy, I’m on so much cough syrup.
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alectology-archive · 3 years
hey, I don't know where to talk about this so I'm venting to you, I know you have talked about this already, but I really don't like the darklina ship or the people who ship it for that matter because they are constantly defending and glorifying Darkling for the things he has done I know they say that they are not harming anybody with shipping characters that are purely fictional, but you know I remember loving Rhysand from ACOTAR when I was 14 or 13 and thinking the things he had done to Feyre were okay and was for her own good because the fandom shipped them so hard adored Rhys so much but I've now realised how wrong I was about it, I just think that even if these ships are purely fictional they shouldn't be glorified or shipped like this because these YA novels targeted at an audience in the age range of 12-18 and teens are very easy influenced by these novels don't you think fandoms behaving like this are harmful to young readers?
I understand where you're coming from and I definitely feel that adults being involved in fandoms meant for kids and not being careful about the way they interact with said media is an issue. I romanticised a bunch of toxic relationships as a young teen since so many ya books have very little self awareness and pass off abusive relationships 'as true love' so I can also relate and it's basically why I really dislike darklina. 
I don't necessarily think that all the people who ship it are not nice - some of them legitimately just want to theorise about a dark!alina au and they acknowledge that the darkling is a messed up guy - which I don't mind in theory. But it definitely is um, quite a Choice considering all the horrible stuff he's done in the books and especially disgusting because alina's a minor. What's really alarming about an overwhelmingly large proportion of darklina shippers is that they believe he's a good guy who just uses violence to achieve his goals which not only removes a lot of nuance from his character but also grossly understates the extent of his distasteful actions in the books: he abuses several women, grooms and manipulates a bunch of people (a lot of them minors...), actively tries to seduce a minor (while impersonating another teen on one occassion), murders innocent civilians etc to name a few. A lot of these things take place off-page and are slightly toned down in their portrayal because it's a series aimed at teens as young as 12 so I think a lot of people are able to conveniently ignore the fact that the darkling actually really, really sucks (I still stand by the fact that the books makes it pretty clear he's horrible - but we know that fandoms are wacky and choose to ignore parts of canon just because it isn't to their taste).
And it's also kind of really clear at this point that a lot of darklina shippers are attracted to a dark and handsome fictional white boy and use alina as a self insert to live out their fantasies? And basically do alina's character a lot of disservice when they discuss her? It's not even that they choose to ignore how alina is overwhelmingly empathetic and especially protective of people who've never had a voice but that they literally couldn’t care less about her and just want her to be the person who 'fixes' the darkling and saves his tortured soul and like. I don't have to explain this lmfao because this trope is literally the worst thing to exist and there's a lot of abuse apologism involved in it (even that aside alina canonically gives the darkling multiple opportunities to stop being a jerk and he refuses to change. even if he had I don’t think I could’ve forgiven him after what he did to genya and baghra). So yeah! It's annoying and tiring that a lot of people want to ship him and a minor together and try to pass it off as him being so deeply in “love” with alina that he would to tear apart the whole world for her or whatever (which is again false because the only reason he sought her out was to manipulate her into working for him - and when that failed he literally enslaved her to his will). It's in especially bad taste when you consider how leigh's spoken about the darklina dynamic being loosely based on her experiences with abuse.
Eh anyway I didn't expect this to get so rambly and I’m not even sure I answered your question right but tldr: you’re right and I wish people in fandoms would be conscious about the kinds of relationships they ship and especially how they frame the narrative around it. It’s also important for them to be aware of the audience that is consuming the media. 
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ivarinleatherpants · 6 years
ok, OTP questions all of them. Or one through ten. Or one through five. You know what, I don't care. Gimme, I'm desperate.
Whelp, we’ll see how many of these I can get through! XD
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?
-Ivar. Totally Ivar. He’s the one who has never needed to stick to a budget, and he loves spoiling Gwen with all the nice things she could never afford growing up.
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?
-Ivar wants Gwen to sit in his lap more, but she gets worried about hurting his legs. More often, it’s Ivar who ends up falling asleep with his head in her lap while she runs her hand through his hair.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes?
-Pfft. Ivar, obviously. The second he comes home the shirt comes off. Gwen doesn’t mind so much, but she needs to get stuff done, dammit! She can’t keep getting distracted by the... arms... and... the other muscles... and...
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?
-It’s pretty equal. Though Ivar’s the one who’s more likely to actually be out all night. He loves to go to punk concerts or to play with his band, but Gwen doesn’t like the noise and crowds. Sometimes she’ll come pick him up, but a lot of times she just waits for him to come home.
It probably doesn’t help that he always gets very... erm... energetic... after all the adrenaline. Then he comes home with his full punk-regalia on, his makeup all smudged and his hair messy and... yeah...
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies?
-Gwen. She’s a competent cook, and can make a decent meal, but she has to have a recipe she can follow or else things can get out of hand. Ivar is just proud of her for trying to go out of her comfort zone, even though she can’t cook a steak to save her life.
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?
-Ivar doesn’t know what an OTP prompt even is, and teases Gwen horribly for reading fanfiction.
Ivar: *Gleefully* This is straight-up porn, Ging!
Ivar: Metal arms? Really? Is that your thing, babe? Blue eyes and a bit broken?
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes?
-Gwen totally wears Ivar’s shirts.
It’s unlikely anything but Gwen’s most over-sized ugly sweaters would fit Ivar.
Not that he’s ever tried or anything... but there was that one pair of pants that would have gone SO well with his jacket...
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”
-Again, probably equal. Gwen does a lot of the shopping early on, just because-again-Ivar had no clue how to shop frugally. But later on she ends up working at Kattegat U as a research scientist/teacher, and he has Heathen Hotrods so he can stay home with the kids, he ends up running a lot of the errands.
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions?
-Depends. They both like to drive. There are some cars Ivar prefers to drive, but he categorically refuses to drive Gwen’s Subaru Mom-mobile, so it’s a toss-up. It also depends of in one is more tired, or if Ivar’s legs are hurting more than usual.
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws?
-Gwen is the only one who draws, but she doesn’t do people. Ivar does like to take pictures, though, and has quite the collection *wink wink nudge nudge*.
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips?
-Ivar is the backflipper, while Gwen would be following behind, shouting at him to be more careful and STOP doing that he’s going to hurt himself!
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking?
-Oddly enough, Gwen is probably more likely to overdo it. She doesn’t know her own limits the way Ivar does. He’s good at keeping an eye on her and letting her have fun, but making sure she drinks water and stops before she makes herself really sick.
13: Which one likes to surprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?
-They’re both the sort to get little things just because it makes them think of the other. Ivar probably a little bit more, just because he’s more financially spontaneous. 
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?
-Gwen hyphenates when they get married. Ivar proudly introduces them as Dr. and Mr. Wessex-Lothbrok. It gets to the point where he sometimes forgets he didn’t actually change his name. XD
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside?
-Neither of them are super bothered by spiders. Unless it’s a really big one and it shows up in the shower, then both of them are likely to shriek and cry for help.
16: Which one gives the other their jacket?
-Gwen probably spends more time wearing Ivar’s jackets than he does. She doesn’t even have to indicate that she’s cold, he just has this sort of sixth sense and immediately swoops in like some leather-clad savior.
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?
-I think this is pretty obvious, considering it’s already happened. lol. It’s a long time before Ivar and Aethelred actually start to get along, and even longer before they can really be considered ‘friends’. 
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other?
-Let’s see. Ivar pretty much jumped in head first, but Gwen was the first to say “I love you”. It’s easy for him to be affectionate, but hard for him to talk seriously about his feelings. Whereas Gwen grew up in a family that was much more open about that sort of thing.
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting?
-They both have their strengths and weaknesses. Gwen has less experience with kids, and is pretty uncomfortable with them when she first meets Ivar’s huge family. He’s the one who is the most gung-ho about having kids, but isn’t actually all that into kids that aren’t his own.
With their kids, Ivar is really good at handling the not-so-serious stuff, the tantrums over silly things that Gwen has a hard time being patient with. But it’s really hard for him if one of his kids is really hurt, whereas Gwen is very good at remaining calm during crises. 
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?
-They’re both grammar Nazis, and mock Alfred for using numbers and other text shorthand.
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them?
-They will both come in, guns blazing, if someone tries to hurt the other. They even aggressively defend each other against themselves. Self-deprecation is met with physical assaults with deadly plushies.
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?
-Ivar makes ALL the bad puns, and is SO happy when he’s finally able to legitimately use dad humor. Gwen pretends to cringe, but she actually thinks he’s really funny.
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy?
-Gwen has come home to find a new animal many times. Many, many times. Once it was a daschaund puppy that had lost all it’s fur (Napoleon), another time it was a mini horse in their shed. Ivar argues that he tried to say ‘no’, but the kids insisted.
Ivar: No guys, we aren’t adopting the horse.
Judah (a.k.a Ivar Jr.): *Slapping his little four-year-old hand down emphatically* Daddy! He needs a famiwy!
Alyssa (a.k.a Gwen Jr): *Two and already running the world with an iron pout* Pony! Pony!
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired?
-Ivar: Are you tired? Wanna ride on my back?
Gwen: No.
Ivar: Giiing! C’moooon!
Gwen: No! Your legs are already going to be hurting from all this walking!
Ivar: Ging, get over her and let me carry you!
Gwen: No, you can’t make me!
*Continues, ad infinitum.*
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering?
-Ivar is more likely to play a sport, but really, he’s the shameless fanboy. Gwen’s maybe tried to leave him at home once or twice when she’s getting an award of some kind, because he makes that bad of a ruckus.
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?
-Ivar. He just can’t get enough of his cutie-patootie. Gwen protests that her drooling isn’t cute, and if he doesn’t delete that right now, so help her...
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked?
-Also Ivar. The few times Gwen’s gone with him to a show, she lets him give her a full punk makeover. Just in general he likes to pick out her clothes. He may know the contents of her closet slightly better than she does.
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of?
-Neither of them is really afraid of the other’s pet, but Gwen is deeply suspicious of Napoleon on occasion. She’s sure he’s not as innocent as he looks, especially considering the number of times he’s conned Ivar into letting him sleep in their bed.
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains?
-Ivar has a strong streak of chivalry, hammered into him since birth by Aslaug. She taught him how to behave in high society, and there’s certain things that he still does on instinct.
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures?
-They’re both homebodies to a certain extent, so they wouldn’t be constantly travelling, but they’d still like to visit other countries. Especially Ivar, who loves history. They probably take a couple trips every year. Gwen plans out the itinerary and makes Ivar stick to it despite his tendency to wander off. They like to see historical sites and go to museums. Probably a good mix of exciting stuff like amusement parks, and just chilling in a nice hotel somewhere scenic.
Ivar, of course, brings two or three cameras along and uses all of them.
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choisgirls · 7 years
hihi! would it be out of the question to ask for a smart but silly mc? like an mc that people think is dumb because they like to show more than their intelligence? i've been struggling with finding a balance between the two so people will think i'm smart as well as funny. someday i will be both in the eyes of many but for now one of your lovely imagines/headcanons would make me very happy. i really love your blog! keep up the great work and i hope you have an amazing day!!!
A/N: Aaa thank youlove ;u; im really glad you like the writing!!! sorry i end up talking so muchbecause im trash™ but still!! it means a lot~(also i struggle with this alot? Just be whatever you’d like to be love! doesnt matter what others think~ ithink you’re amazing~ ^^)
like there reallyshouldnt be a need to hide your intelligence level, sweetheart. Being smartisn’t something to be ashamed of ^^ and if people cant handle it then well fuckthem they arent worth your time
-Honestly you werepretty goofy, but he loved it!
-Always wants someoneto joke and play games with
-But one day he wasstressing over this big test he had and he just… couldn’t… understand themath problem??
-You walked in to himbanging his head against the coffee table- you had to throw your handunderneath him so he couldn’t do it anymore. He was gonna knock himself out ifhe kept doing that!
-When you asked himwhat’s wrong, he’s starting to slowly get harder and harder to understandbecause he’s about to cry- but you’ve got to calm him down and wait until hecan tell you clearly
-You sit him down andlook over the problem. Internally, he’s panicking because? Oh no? He can’tunderstand it, would looking at it upset you?
-When you wrote thesteps and answer down, he looked at the paper and had to blink a few times. Youdid it! You did it correctly, too…. how?
-Didn’t want to berude because you were amazing and smart in your own way! But? You just…answered this seamlessly, how?
-You explained to himthat you’ve actually got a pretty good grip on your math skills- you tend to bethe highest in any of your math classes and you’re always willing to help himfigure it out
-You could easily havea degree in mathematics and he can never look at you the same way again. His carefree,sometimes oblivious s/o is also really smart. How did he not see it before?!
-He’s smart but to adegree- definitely wouldn’t tell you with confidence that he was book smart
-Knows more streetknowledge, but he can hold his own in the schooling department
-Who is he kidding, hehas a dinosaur for a computer.
-So even if you werealoof, it wouldn’t bother him in the slightest~
-But one day, in thechatroom, Jaehee and Jumin had started to talk about business and profits
-Behind the screen, theboth of you were sitting together as he started to complain to you that he hadno idea what they were saying
-So you took time toexplain it all while he stares at you in disbelief
-When you start to getself-conscious of the fact he’s staring at you and saying nothing, he tries toassure you that it’s not a bad thing, he just didn’t know that side of you!
-Honestly I don’tthink it would change the way he thinks about you, he’s fine with both sides ofyou!
-If anything, he’shappy he has someone to explain a few things he may not get at first
-She likes the sillyside of you because she’s always so serious
-Or she at least justappears that way to people, in reality she’s silly just like you are
-Just…. more privateabout it than you are! You’re more open about being carefree and silly~
-Sometimes you remindher of Saeyoung which is okay but sometimes it gets out of hand and she worriesabout you
-Like… you can holdyour own, right? You aren’t… always oblivious, are you? Please tell heryou’re aware of your surroundings, at least
-She’s watched youwalk away from lunch and have to run right back because you forgot your walletthere. She’s counted- it’s been 13 times now
-But apparently you’rejust.. forgetful?
-Because she’s watchedyou spit out fraction conversions when the two of you are baking together
-You can mess around,get flour all over you, and turn red and giggle while she dusts off yourcheeks, but the second she asks you to double the amount of brown sugar, you’reimmediately throwing out the numbers
-Sometimes she throwsconversions at you when you’re being extremely goofy and she just wants to makesure you’ve still got it
-She likes both sidesof you, she doesn’t see why you tend to hide one but she won’t pressure you toshow one more than the other
-Constantly remindingyou to calm down
-There are times thatyou need to be serious and you just aren’t
-It doesn’t bother himor anything but sometimes he’s tired of hearing others get so worked up aboutit
-Because it’s none oftheir business? He loves how carefree and fun you can be
-It’s a nice change ofpace compared to how he’s basically a piece of stale bread most of the time
-He lets himself getsilly around you, though, because you’ve unlocked that privilege~
-When someone came upand had told him that you were practically as dense as concrete, he stood upand was ready to defend you in a heartbeat
-Except you just satback, looked them in the eyes, and with a vast vocabulary of high end and*ahem* choice words, you told them it was none of their business how youdecided to act and maybe they should take a breath and calm down themselves
-Which left both themand Jumin in shock, because you brought up their numbers and stock dropswithout even blinking an eye in their direction
-So you /could/ beserious when you wanted! That was good to know, maybe he should try to provokeyou every now and again, see how serious you really could be?
-Everyone thought hewas silly??? They didn’t know the /both/ of you
-Though everyone alsoknew how smart he was, you, on the other hand….
-He knew yourbackground and he knew what you’ve accomplished with your intelligence
-So he knew how smartyou could be, and he wasn’t positive why you decided to hide it
-One day, he’s tellingeveryone about this new program he was adding to the app, but was too excitedto explain it in words everyone could understand
-Taking the liberty totranslate, you not only explained it in simpler terms, you also kept spittingwords no one could understand while you asked for more details from Saeyoung
-And in all honesty,sometimes he has you type up some of his coding so he can take a break and eatmore chips
-When you /told/ himto rest but you know how he works, so he just sits and watches you
-Is always in awebecause you really don’t come off in this light- you just like to have fun andmess around
-But you know what hasto happen now right? Always place bets and play trivia games against everyoneelse, that’s what
-Yes, dear god, becarefree with him
-That’s one of hisfavourite personality traits- being silly and just running through life
-Doesn’t even care ifyou seem naive, he’s sure you’re smart in your own way
-Like maybe in a deep,philosophical way! He can dig it
-Honestly, he isn’tone to judge someone based off of intelligence so you could have the IQ of agoldfish but if you’re rich in personality and love then he’s completelysmitten
-On the other end ofthe rainbow, he’d be completely okay with it if you were smarter than him,again just…. doesn’t mind
-So if you’re thissilly and carefree and are /also/ super smart then just /WOW/ he doesn’t knowhow to really react
-He just wants you tofeel comfortable enough to be yourself, not to hide a whole half of yourself
-If you’re smart thenbe smart! If you’re goofy, be goofy! You’re both? Sweet! Show it! There’s noshame!
-He has questionsabout anything? Immediately asking you so you know that he cares about everyaspect of you, not just one
-God just fucking stop
-Honestly he canhandle a little bit
-But if you’re to theextreme of his brother he can’t always handle you and just wants you to hush
-Also really concernedfor you though? Like you aren’t aware of yourself or your surrounding a lot
-I mean come on hetalked you into going into someone’s apartment, you were not the most cautiousperson
-Not to mention youthought it would be a good idea to, oh I don’t know, go poking around in thebusiness of a cult
-Really he thought youwere an idiot but he still for some reason loved you so here you two are now
-Though the first timehe fell asleep at the computer around you and woke up to his code finished, hewas surprised
-Then he was…amixture of angry and surprised because why didn’t he know about your secretintelligence and why didn’t you tell him
-He could’ve used youas an assistant ages ago while he was in Mint Eye if he had known! But nnoooyou had to go and hide it
-Encourages you to letyour intelligence show more often because there isn’t a need to hide it in thefirst place, it doesn’t change who you are inside
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lettersofsky · 6 years
I loved the Strifesodos OTP thing!! Now, can I get a Closso one, please? (You've made me love the pairing, as I'm sure you've noticed.)
OTP QuestionsHere’s some more things for you Wings! These ones are longer and a bit more rambly as I haven’t written enough Closso stuff (but that’s gonna change!)
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other?Cloud does, he wants to show Rosso everything the surface has to offer withleads to a lot of adventures and having to explain things to her, which may ormay not force Cloud to consider his own thoughts and viewpoints on things. Rosso still has no concept of money and she prefers to expend effort on thingsfor Cloud; ‘You were tired after returning so I went out and killed somethingbefore cooking it, I hope you are pleased.’
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap?Rosso does; she considers it an absolute show of trust, to make herself sovulnerable around someone else. She’ll sprawl out on the couch with Cloud, sohe can ensure that no danger approaches her while she’s vulnerable; a habit shehasn’t been able to lose since her DEEPGROUND days. Cloud will fall asleep on her on occasions and she feels very proud of herselfthen, that he’s extending that same show of trust to her is very gratifying,especially after a fight; they’ll be bloodied and bruised and he’ll justcollapse on her, uncaring of the fact that they both still held their weaponsin their hands. Rosso likes those moments, they’re good.
3: Who walks around the house half-naked andwho yells at them to put on some clothes?This is definitely Rosso (have you seen her outfit?) She’s so unashamed of itand doesn’t understand why Cloud keeps handing her things to change into whensomeone is planning to appear in their home. They’re warm and soft though, soshe’ll usually humour him and put the things on but they’re off the moment the guestleaves.
4: Which one tells theother not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway?There are days when Rosso just won’t settle and won’t be able to sleep whichleads to a lot of coaxing on Cloud’s part to try to convince her to at leastlie down instead of whatever she’s doing, it doesn’t always work, and she’llspend some nights pacing the entire apartment tense and waiting for someone totry to attack them, often alone but occasionally Cloud will stay awake withher. The occurrences die down eventually until they only really happen after aparticularly tense or trying day.
5: Which one tries tomake food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells themthat it’s okay and makes them both cookies?Rosso can’t cook for the first few months out of DEEPGROUND at all, it’s aterrible mess of frustrating lessons and trying to figure out what she’s doingwrong. Cloud makes cookies for the both of them because cookies are good, heremembers making them with his Ma after a bad day and they helped so he makesthem, explaining everything he does as letting her see exactly what he’s doing.She can help him more the next time they make them.
6: Which one reads OTPprompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”?It’s more like Rosso asking “Is this supposed to be us? Are we going this ‘romance’thing wrong?” because she doesn’t under the society on the surface and on occasionsshe worries that she’s doing things wrong. Cloud tells her that relationshipsare widely different depending on the people in them and that theirrelationship was perfectly fine.
7: Which oneconstantly wears the other’s clothes?The only way to get Rosso into formal wear for the stupid parties Shinra andReeve invites them to is for Cloud to wear the dress in advance, which is a funday. She mostly resists now just to see him in the fabric, he may or may not beentirely aware of that.
8: Which one spendsall day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?”Rosso would spend the day running errands to try to do a nice thing only to becomeextremely irritated when Cloud points out that she’s forgotten something beforeleaving and possibly terrifying everyone around her as she retrieves the thing.Cloud’s very grateful to her for going out and doing all the things so he triesto calm her down and reassure her that it’s alright that she forgot one smallthing, to varying results.
9: Which one drivesthe car and which one gives them directions?Cloud drives while Rosso gives incredibly accurate directions, down to the mile.She was given extensive lessons in reading maps of all kinds while inDEEPGROUND, they won’t become lost on her watch.
10: Which one does theposing while the other one draws?Rosso definitely poses for Cloud whenever he asks her to, she’s used toextended periods of stillness and she enjoys having all his attention focusedupon her for that duration.
11: If they were aboutto rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one isstrolling behind with a bag of chips?Rosso would be doing backflips just to prove she could do it, probablybecause Cloud’s dared her to, and while it would be safer to do it in a morecautious manner, she’s going to prove that she can do it this way. Cloud’sslowly regretting the dare, but not because this is hilarious.
12: Whichone of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stopdrinking?Neither of them really overdoes it with the alcohol; Rosso doesn’t often partakein it and Cloud over really has a few drinks with friends on occasion, so theydon’t really have that problem.
13: Which one likes tosurprise the other with a lot of small random gifts?Cloud will bring Rosso things back from his deliveries; little knick-knacks or thingspicked up from the local market to bring back, little bits of other people’sthoughts and lives imprinted on wood or stone or ceramic. She’s curious aboutthe objects and the reasons behind him and has a large list of places she wishesto go after she’s ‘allowed’ to leave Edge.
14: Which one keepsaccidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own?Rosso doesn’t have a last name and ‘Strife’ is so much easier to say than ‘theCrimson’, so she’ll use Cloud’s last name when she needs one or when she’sforced to introduce herself to people. Cloud’s friends tease him about this relentlessly.
15: Which one screams about the spider andwhich one brings the spider outside?Neither of them screams but Cloud needs to quickly take the spider outside elseRosso will kill it; spiders were very dangerous creatures down in DEEPGROUNDand many, many people died to their venom. She’s not taking any chances, shewatches Cloud very closely as he disposes of the arachnid, weary of thecreature biting him and ready to cast an Esuna on him if it does.
16: Which one gives theother their jacket?Rosso will not get a jacket for herself! And when she finally does, shedoesn’t take it with her anywhere! Cloud keeps shoving his jacket at herbecause ‘I can SEE your lips turning BLUE! Take the stupid jacket and STOP FREEZING!’
17: Whokeeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling?The first time Rosso is threatened by one of Cloud’s friends, she’s offended onhis behalf and the fact that they think they need to intercede on his part in amatter that does not concern them. She ensures they know her stance on thewhole ‘shovel talk’ concept before leaving.
18: Who’s the first oneto admit they have feelings for the other?Cloud was, Rosso has no idea how emotions worked and didn’t have the knowledgeto realize that her lust for Cloud had grown into something a bit more. Cloudwas fully expecting to be turned down, kept to a casual sex partner, butinstead he had the trying task of explaining that particular set of emotions toRosso and somehow ended up with a kinda, maybe girlfriend? He’s not to sure fora while afterwards.
19: How good would yourOTP be at parenting?Terrible. No. Don’t give them children. Rosso would be an awful parent. Nevergive her a child. Ever.
20: Whichone types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters?Rosso has the perfect grammar typing and while Cloud does the text speak whensending messages to his friends, he doesn’t to her because she gets confused byit (so does Vincent)
21: Who gets attackedby a bully and who protects them?Systematic discrimination is something they’d both have to deal with after literallyeverything that’s ever happened, and while Rosso doesn’t notice it at all, refusingto let the opinions of others affect her but Cloud’s a bit softer than she isand while she doesn’t see the point of defending herself from someone sobeneath her, she’s on board for defending Cloud from those people, often to theextent of extreme violence.
22: Who makes the badpuns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun?Neither, Rosso doesn’t get puns and Cloud hates them just the tiniest amount.If anything, Tifa makes puns while they’re around, simultaneously trying toteach Rosso about humour and making Cloud cringe.
23: Who comes home fromwork to see that the other one bought a puppy?Rosso comes home to see that Cloud’s picked up a puppy/kitten, fully vaccinatedand with all the supplies the animal would need, as if he’s been planning thisfor weeks instead of it being a spur of the moment decision.
24: Which one gives theother a piggyback ride when they’re tired?Rosso refuses to show weakness, of any kind, if they’re coming back from aspar and she’s broken her ankle or leg during the fight then she might acceptit but beyond that, nope. Cloud will accept them shamelessly, Rosso’s verystrong and she could probably carry him for days.
25: Whichone competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealouscheering?Rosso’s so very competitive it’s not funny, she do her best to crush any opponentbeneath her heel. Cloud’s her very soft cheerleader, laughing at her for howintent she is to best all the children in the video game (I’m imagining Minecrafthere and Cloud insisting to her that it’s not a competitive game even as shemakes amazing structures, art pieces and murders any that come near her extensivenetwork).
26: Whotakes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder?Cloud takes the selfie to capture the sweet image forever, because this neverhappens like this and she’s so cute and oh god Tifa help me I’m in affectionwith a maniac!
27: Whichone would give the other a makeover if they asked?If Rosso asked then Cloud would give her one, she askes him for help preparing forformal parties, because make-up is hard and she really doesn’t care to learnit.
28: Which one owns apet that the other is absolutely terrified of?Neither, I don’t think Rosso actually knows what fear is (aside from beingstrapped to a cold metal table as faceless figures in white stare down at you,sharp implements in hand. That’s fear) and Cloud loves all the animals ever.
29: Which one holds theumbrella over both of them when it rains?Rosso loves the rain so much, she loves being in it and Cloud has to force herto stay under the umbrella so she doesn’t catch a cold but it never works outthe way he wants it to and the umbrella often ends up on the ground as theybecome soaked to the bone (this is actually a really cute scenario and I needto remember it for later).
30: If your OTP went onvacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take thepictures?Cloud would take Rosso to all of the places, she’s never seen anything outsideof Edge so seeing all the different environments and ecosystems will besomething he’s sure she’ll enjoy. He takes all the pictures of her figuringthings out and discovering things for the first time (the picture of her out inthe storm is his absolute favourite)
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Hey dude, I'm sorry if my tag give you negative impressions and it triggers problems god knows you don't want to experience. It would be hard to accept different opinions on tumblr because we're communicating in a third medium, misunderstandings are bound to happen. If people in the fandom are actually making your life hell and actually personally attack you, I'm offering ears to your story. I know how shitty people can give anxiety and maybe sharing it can ease your burden. That if you want to
I have calmed down now (who knew chores could clear your mind right?). Also, I want this ask and answer to be public so people know what happened and don’t send either of us hate or whatever. (That’s happened before so it’s for mine and your protection). But if you feel uncomfortable with that, I will gladly delete this post and send it via submission.
Hey I want to say thank you, for apologizing. I would also like to apologize. I was already in a beginnings of a manic episode that I felt in me, and when that volcano just erupted, I “spewed the lava” onto you and you didn’t deserve that so I’m sorry about that. I’m trying to do better with it. And I probably should have been more clear, I will work on that too.
Yeah the five years of being on here were hell. (In fact I have a post labeled “Five Fucking Years [link]” that is the summary of the hell - but no where near explains exactly what I’ve had to deal with.) My blog archive on this one only shows 3 years, but I had two different blogs—and a failed remake for this blog—until I remade into “teamsharoncarter” (tsc is like, my tenth url on this blog omg).
I kinda ranted about the Five Hell Years of Fandom below, it’s kinda long, so it’s under a read more.
So my Fandom Life started way back in 2012 on fanfictiondotnet, and 2013 on tumblr.
First thing negative I ever had happen to me, is that a person reported and had my fanfic deleted because I “falsely advertised on the fanfic summary” as stated on the last review before my fanfic was just Gone. FFN didn’t even warn me or back it up at all. And because people badgered me for an update because I wasn’t Spitting Out A New Chapter Every Hour, the demands made a deadline for something that wasn’t supposed to have a deadline made me worry that people would hate me if I didn’t Immediately Post Now, so I posted One Paragraph chapters that were rushed and gross, because I thought they just wanted quantity, not quality. So then I started getting Hate Reviews because it was rushed and not “proper length for a chapter.” (Thank God for James Patterson for his One Page Chapters that taught me, who cares if it’s one page? You wrote down what you wanted in the story without somehow jamming it into another chapter.)
Imaginary deadline made me anxious like a school deadline, which made me feel bad for not posting anything for months which lead to more anxiety which lead to feeling like crap everyday for not posting which eventually lead to spiraling depression.
So I left fanfictiondotnet behind me. And did a dumbass decision to join tumblr. I’ve seen other authors on FFN talk about visiting their blogs and chat with them and stuff, so I thought it would be a fun place to hang with fellow fans.
I was right for a little bit.
Then I reblogged a post that upset one of my few followers. Next thing I knew, I was getting sent messages about how I’m a menace to society for liking this one couple or something (like if I remember correctly, it was a think it was thalico - about 7 months before Nico was confirmed gay). And so because I said “fuck off” because like, 13 years old, why do you wanna worry about that stuff when all you want is fun right? So whenever I got a message from them, I’d delete it. I’d block them over and over again, because either they were using friend’s accounts or a different computer, I’ll never know. After they were Proven Right that their headcanon was canon, they were like “see! i told you!” as if it was okay for them to constantly harass me because their headcanon that a character was gay was confirmed.
What made me finally leave that blog was that I kinda got into a fight, like we did, but they twisted the words I was trying to say, which I got irrationally angry at, and they vagued me, and also not so vagued me, (which is why I don’t take kindly to that anymore) to their followers, which lead to hundreds of anons in my inbox about how I should die and should kill myself. I tried to tell the person, but they had me blocked after they vagued me, and so I had my friend tell them, but all they got was a laugh in the face about how I was childish for trying to stop what I deserved.
So I deleted that blog, remade another one, where I would just reblog, not comment, not have ask open, not post personal opinions, nothing. Just a simple reblog blog. That didn’t work either because I started to feel lonely, and the only follower I had was my sister.
So I tried FFN again, new account, new fanfic ideas, new ships, new identity, and put a link to my blog on my bio and decided to open up my ask for any convos my readers wanted for the fanfic—specifically things like theories for the next chapter. I even made sure to have three chapters ready, so I would post one chapter per week, which gave me time to write the next one, to give a nice flow. Which was a big mistake. I started to get the same “UPDATE!” messages, so I would post the next chapter anyway because I have a compulsion to please people, which restarted the spiraling because I no longer had the cushion to have more time to write. I though the update demands would shut up if I gave them three in the same day. But then, I also got hate reviews for my fanfics in my ask. About how everyone was Out Of Character or Not Together With Their OTP. And so I deleted the accounts and just started over again.
With this blog.
I started not talking to anyone but the few friends I made on my previous blog. I reblogged a lot of gen stuff, then as a month went by with nothing, no sign of hate, I decided to reblog shippy stuff, I changed my icon to my OTP.
Which upset practically everyone.
I was sent not only that I should die or kill myself, but death threats and rape threats and just weird ass shit. I get sent messages that my otp/fave character was abusive (steve/tony, fave character is tony) and that I was an abuse apologist and that I should be filled with concrete to they could “smash me into a million piece or sculp me into a human being with more decency”. So since then I just would, block anyone who I saw was even a little negative toward the things I loved, because I thought, if I put up the barricade now, they can’t get me later. But then I started showing love to other ships and characters and it would just start all over again. And then people I already had blocked would somehow find my posts, screenshot them, post it making fun of it without removing my url, then send hoards of people after me. And when asked to stop, they laughed at me more.
I changed my url, and saved the old url with a redirect to a “not found” page so they thing I deleted and I was save for awhile.
I posted a picture of me as sharon for halloween - I didn’t have a white catsuit, but I did have a vest like Sharon did in CW so I wore that (2 people recognized who I was trying to be) - and then I got this ask: “You are ugly. So is Sharon. [link]” and yeah my answer was basically “wow anon lol pathetic hate”, it still got to me?
I don’t know what has made me stick it out with this one for so long. Maybe because I have a lot of followers now, maybe because of the friends I made, maybe it’s my “fuck this fuck you i’m staying” spite. I don’t know. I just know that I’m tired.
I’m tired of defending myself and the fiction characters I love. I’m tired of constantly being told by my own invasive thoughts and by real people, that my life doesn’t equal that of a fiction characters. That fiction characters are somehow worth more than me, a living breathing human.
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theheavymetalmama · 7 years
Katie, enough! I'm tired of you constantly bashing the Marvel Cinematic Universe. I know you think the DCEU can do no wrong but Goyer has dropped the soap once or twice himself. Just because none of the Marvel movies has won an Academy Award (*cough* dirty bribe *cough*) doesn't give you the right to post dozens of long articles on why Marvel "doesn't get Groot". Now if you excuse me, I still have a bunch of anonymous posts to send to your mailbox bitching how your opinion is always wrong!
I will happily stop posting about how the DCEU could take a comic nobody likes and turn it into a billion dollar hit while Marvel can’t even get the Captain America right when Marvel pulls its’ head out of its’ ass!
I mean come on, Jenni, do you and I even watch the same movies? Okay, granted, that first Batman movie starring Karl Urban hasn’t held up very well and the second one focused so much on world-building and character introduction that the story about Bruce dying from Venom-poisoning kind of got lost, but at least we got more of Amanda Waller after we first saw her waiting for Bruce in Wayne Manor. And come on, even you have to admit that Catwoman taking out that whole squad of goons while Alfred spent the whole time fighting that one guy was hilarious. Yes, that Flash movie in between was fun but skippable and everyone was nervous about Barry being recast with Aaron Paul, but once the first Wonder Woman movie and Superman: Earth’s First Defender came out and all of it culminated in ‘Justice League’ the gamble paid off. Now they’re turning properties nobody gives a shit about into superstars!
Compare that to Marvel. They made a Captain America movie after DC’s ‘Justice League’ spanked the X-Men as the highest grossing comic book franchise, and honestly…it was okay. Not great, it had problems, but the casting was solid, it had some decent performances and a few great action scenes, and what flaws it did have could have been ironed out in a sequel.
But we didn’t get that sequel. Instead, Marvel panicked because Captain America only made enough money to buy nine luxury yachts instead of ten, and then that following ComiCon Marvel announced that sequel…but reading one of Tony’s lines from Civil War. From there, it was just one red flag after another. The casting, the characters that would appear, the set-ups for future movies, it was absurd! They had to introduce Iron Man, introduce Pepper Potts, introduce Jarvis, introduce Baron Zemo, Thor was making an appearance, the Hulk, War Machine, and new versions of Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were all playing bit parts, and they were setting up for the Avengers. They tried to do in two movies what DC did in five, and did it work? Hell no! Tony was an insufferable ass, Captain America was barely in the sequel to his own movie (he didn’t even get top billing!,) there were more dream sequences here than there were in Nightmare on Elm Street, there were pointless subplots that had nothing to do with either character, and despite being the main driving force behind the plot we never get a clear idea of who Zemo is or what he’s about. First he hates superheroes just because, then he’s mad at his abusive daddy, then he’s got some weird hangups about god, then he’s barking about some unseen alien force in the distance, it was a joke! And for a movie titled “Iron Man v Captain America: Dawn of Avengers” there’s not a lot of Iron Man vs Captain America in it. They only share maybe a scene and a half together the big title fight, and the fight only lasts for like eight minutes! And really, Maria? THAT’S the big twist!? Because Steve’s old girlfriend’s daughter was in trouble and she just so HAPPENED to share the same name as Tony’s dead mom? Come on! Oh yeah, and then Cap dies! They killed Captain American in TWO MOVIES! It wasn’t even a heroic sacrifice, he just randomly got stabbed by Abomination! Then the movie expects us to be all sad that Cap’s dead even though audiences didn’t have a chance to connect with him? Fuck right off!
Compare that to DC. They didn’t even start talking about adapting ‘The Death of Superman’ until they were nine movies in, and even then they didn’t get around to it until they had 13 under their belt. Seeing Superman die at the hands of Doomsday wasn’t just tragic and hard to watch because they slowly beat each other to death, but because we had seen him in five previous movies plus a few spin-offs where he was the invulnerable boy scout. Now there he was barely able to stand as this big monster who mowed through the Justice League and half the US military is just tanking everything thrown at him. And the funeral. Talk about real heart-wrenching stuff. Seriously, that shit gave the deaths of Mufasa and Littlefoot’s Mom a run for their money. Especially when Bruce holds face the whole time while everyone else mourns and says their last goodbyes. Then in the after credits scene we see Batman come to Superman’s grave, say his piece in that same old Batman voice and tone. Why wouldn’t he? He’s Batman. But then the whole audience is shocked when, after Bruce says his piece, he turns around and the audience sees that his face is soaked with tears…then we fade to black. Powerful stuff. You think people would have had the same reaction if they just jumped right to it in the second movie? Hell no!
And since those movie’s came out, Marvel has been on non-stop damage control. They made a shitty Thunderbolts movie that was at least enjoyably bad, but bad all the same, there’s a Thor movie that will maybe make things seem less doom and gloom, and now they just dropped an Avengers trailer that looks like more of the same dreary and portentous gray and brown filtered garbage they’ve delivered before, only now there’s a crappy cover of a decent rock song in place of the faux-Wagnerian bwam-filled noise that was found in previous Marvel movies. And now they announced like 15 movies! Marvel, we don’t care how MANY movies you make, we just want you to make GOOD movies! Slow the Hell down and put the same time and effort that DC puts into their extended universe, and then people will like you. And for fuck’s sake, stop hiring people who either don’t understand or share open contempt for your characters to write, direct, or consult for them!
In conclusion, I’ll stop ranting against Marvel when Marvel stops making shitty movies! Good day, ma’am!
Oh, and a Happy April Fools Day to you too. :)
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