#i'm too biased for japanese i know i am
archivalofsins · 3 months
So, I'm filling out my mail in ballot and like... Lately I've been getting hit with the cultural differences between myself and others.
So, I'd like to talk about how that may impact how I view Milgram.
It's no secret that I'm African American. Yet, there's a great deal of people that will have assumptions on what that means, how it looks, what I must be into outside of Milgram etc. These things as we've come to know quite well through Milgram, are biases.
As we've discussed before biases aren't inherently bad. Biases in and off themselves are ideas we pick up about society based on our personal experiences. They're like a quick cheat sheet that no one can help but make in their head.
For example- Since I said I was African American. One could assume things about my,
Skin tone
Social Status
Simply based on that knowledge alone. One could assume that I'm dark skinned. An assumption that a good deal of people make when that term is used despite the various skin tones throughout the African American community.
If I were to then respond to that assumption with,
"Actually I'm light skinned." (This is a fact and a example.)
Another assumption would come into play.
"Oh what are you mixed with?"
This would lead to two answers. Nothing, literally everyone in my family is black. Or, "Wow; can you take an educated guess? I did just say I'm African American is there any historical context you could possibly gleam without asking me why my skin tone is what it is. Anything, is there anything coming to mind that may explain? Might rhyme with armory. Might involve a word that sounds like shave?"
Nope damn...the answers still nothing just African American or well if we discuss the history of slavery real quick we get this very complicated non-answer of too many things to count. Including white and Native American. Yet if you ask my dad what they put on his papers when he fought in the war they put negro. Because those other two things matter relatively less than the whole black thing.
So, most of my family history is black and I was raised in the black community. Didn't really stop me from getting that question a lot growing up. Mostly from people within said community. These are the sort of biases I believe are pretty common in most cultures. People will judge others based on how they look and assume things about their background.
This is highlighted in Milgram through Mu. It's brought up multiple times that Mu has been othered because of how she looks. Because she does not look typically Japanese, she looks foreign. She has honey-blonde hair and light grey eyes.
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She mentions in a minigram that she doesn't like how rain makes her hair stick up.
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People headcanoning Mu's victim as half black when France has the highest black population out of Europe wild.
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Hmmm, wonder why that headcanon hasn't been put on her ahn who knows.
Basically, noting that humidity and water makes her hair frizzy. Probably playing a bit into the reason she doesn't portray herself as being soaked in After Pain. Because she finds this aspect of herself to be embarrassing.
This also could subtly imply that she may straighten or style her hair. Outside of that Milgram highlights how different she looks before the series even starts properly. Noting it in her character description on the website.
A beautiful prisoner with overt features that set her apart from other Japanese people. Despite her slender frame, she’s very candid, and the type to rebel against the abnormal circumstances Milgram has presented her. Due to her nature, she will be very wary of Es at first. The way she conducts herself gives a sense of her upbringing. Leading us to speculate that she was probably born into a wealthy family. Perhaps, being born into wealth is why she has such a sense of pride, bursts into tears when clashing with others, and is prone to whining.
My sorry spells must be wearing off./I am always the drama queen.
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Why won’t you stop hurting me? My heart is all dried up. My sorry spells must be wearing off. But I guess some of it is my fault./ It’s not my fault. I told you I’m queen, and it will never be changed. I’ve got EVERYTHING, everything is as I wish.
And even having it called to attention in the portal timeline.
20/05/31 Mu: Hey, Mikoto-kun, aren’t you scared of this place……? You can’t think of any reason you ended up here, right……? Mikoto: Ahh, yeah. Of course, it’s not like I’m not scared at all. But just between you and me…… I still haven’t dropped the thought that this could all just be a TV show. I mean, I really haven’t ever murdered anyone. ……and if that is the case, we’re definitely being monitored. For like a prank setup or something. Wouldn’t it be super uncool and embarrassing to get angry or lash and have it shown on prime time? Mu: Is that what you think……? A prank, huh…… I hope that’s all it is…… Mikoto: Ah! If that is the case, then you’ll probably be super popular since you’re so cute, Mucchan! There’s a lot of girls out there who make their big break coming off reality shows like that!
Like the fact that Milgram lays all of this out from the beginning along with the way it follows through on it is really good. Because it isn't just building as it goes or adding pockets of tidbits of character information on as the trials progress. It's all been there and still is there rewarding people for going back and looking, if they feel like it.
Through bringing to the forefront how different Mu is from those around her Milgram subtly highlights another form of discrimination in Japan. Racism.
Then it does this really interesting thing when it comes to her core friend group in particular.
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Milgram makes a point of having all of Mu's close friends be individuals who for one reason or another would not be considered to look stereotypically Japanese. Milgram manages to do this without even giving Mu's friends faces.
Even highlighting in their insect forms through giving them different hair colors from the rest.
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Just like Mu herself.
Q.11 Who do you want to see right now? Mu: I miss my friends too but most of all, Papa and Mama.
In her second voice drama Mu says,
...Warden-san. I think you're really doing something bad. Isn't it a bad thing to act like there has to be something wrong with someone for them to get bullied? Oh? No matter the circumstances, it's always the bullies who are in the wrong! Isn't that obvious? Warden-san you're so smart but you didn't even know something like that? maybe you should take some lessons on morals or something. ... Besides even if I've done something wrong, there's nothing that can justify bullying. Warden-san I thought you were nicer than this.
Not one thing that can justify it not even others doing something wrong. Meanwhile Mu's first trial character voice line,
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It's your fault....for doing horrible things to me...
Mu goes on to say this in response to Es asking why does she think she was bullied after that,
"How would I know? I mean I'm from a rich family, and I'm an eye-catcher too... It was probably out of some kind of envy or prejudice, right?"
Plus, Mu's stance on bullying quickly changes when it's brought to her attention that Es believes she may have been a bully before she bullied. As she states,
"Leaving behind all that stuff you said about me possibly having been a bully myself- not that any of that's true of course!"
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Sorry it was an easy shot.
Can you believe she said this right before this mv came out? Wild. Prisoners stay lying in their voice dramas. Never incriminate yourselves, always lie to authority figures. Double down on the lies if you need to. No one owes honesty to individuals or systems putting them in terrible predicaments.
Lie like you and honesty had a falling out. Lie like being honest betrayed you worse than it did Kazui. Keep lying. Honesty sorry that's a luxury I can't afford right now. I'm in my lying arc trust me at your own expense.
Be Mikoto trial two and gaslight the audience into believing that everything Milgram uncovered was actually a dream trial three. It will work better than you think Mu.
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Like naw be more dishonest actually. The realest thing all the prisoners have ever done was just blatantly lie and not back down from said lies. They're all like fucking prove it go on prove it! What do you have mystical songs where I go I did that shit and I'll do it again?! That's not substantial enough evidence.
That could have been an over-exaggeration done to better highlight my artistic vision- Fuck you and your song extractor bring in some actual proof or piss off. This machine was provided by your facility how do you know it's providing accurate unbiased information. The facility had already deemed us guilty of something on incarceration this isn't fair or trustworthy.
Meanwhile if they're innocent what a great and interesting machine you have here.
Sure. So, if I'd gotten payback for how my bullies treated me then that'd count as revenge right? And if you believe that was my only option then don't you have to forgive me? ...Uh...I'm not really sure what you're trying to say? You see~ If you think that me bullying someone back after being bullied is the natural course of action, then wouldn't it be bad to bully me back in return? ... "But if you were like. "I won't forgive you Mu revenge is bad!" Then wouldn't that imply that it's also bad for me to bully someone back after they bullied me?" I think I'm kinda...starting to get your point...maybe. Warden-san are you maybe not all that smart after all?
Since the way Mu talks is rather quick and confusing purposely Es has difficulties understanding what she's saying. Despite the fact that she is just reiterating that since she's already been forgiven it would be best if Es kept to that verdict. Because Es has already set the precedent that killing out of revenge or in response to a slight is forgivable. Changing her verdict now won't change that precedent.
Meaning Mu has every intention to bully someone for bullying her again if necessary because Es has stated that the appropriate response to being picked on is picking on that person back. In a way Mu is saying that's what trial one cemented that treating people who have caused direct harm to your or others is completely okay actually.
So, it's best not to start problems for others others at all. So, if Es wants to change their verdict and pick on Mu now that would be no different than what happened to her.
This isn't even a veiled threat. Because she's just saying since you've realized that bullying is the appropriate response to bullying then you shouldn't pick on me because the obvious response would be me picking on you and you don't want that right? Or,
"If you want to betray from jealousy. I’ve told you what’s gonna happen."
The thing is the way I view Mu's story is subjectively changed based on my experiences as and African-American.
When I view her story I don't see the simple one of bullying. I see a story about prejudice and the othering of mixed and biracial individuals in Japan. How the mistreatment these individuals face when younger can lead to them bullying others later in life.
The fact that kids like that are often exposed to discriminatory treatment from a young age by peers and adults due to their overt physical differences. Something that can lead to a great deal of bitterness and self-loathing. Even internalized othering.
Q.08 Which of the other prisoners is most like you? Mu: I don’t think there’s anyone? They’re all weirdos.
This can be done to make oneself feel less than others or to cope and convince oneself that they are more special than those around them and everyone is just jealous actually. Mu falls into the later category. However, the later category is commonly used in response to discrimination of some sort.
Because it's easier and healthier to respond to others making fun of ones immutable traits such as physical characteristics by going they're just jealous. The other option is attempting to changing how you look entirely which for a lot of people won't work anyway. From that angle it's no suprise that in high school Mu would start doing something that may just have been done to her for much longer by girls who probably resembled those who picked on her a great deal or were people who used to pick on her.
Q.02   What scares you most? Mu: Painful things, scary things. Also embarrassing things. Q.07 What is your favourite place? Mu: Mama’s hometown of Nice. The sea there is beautiful.
As someone who grew up in the states a pretty diverse country. Well Mu saying things like her favorite place is her mothers hometown has a different ring to it. Because in Nice the way Mu looks wouldn't be considered odd or draw attention. Whereas in the place she grew up she can easily tell that the way she looks gets her both positive and negative attention.
I've said this before and I'll say it again the fact that Mu stands out due to her mixed ethnicity is just as a part of her story as being a bully is. The fact that she surrounds herself with people who are similar to her (seemingly mixed as well).
Well it really puts this spin on her story. Not just making it as simple as bullying it but turning it into this story of long term accepted bullying and what that cycle can lead to. If Mu was bullied and treated as different because of her looks and families wealth at a young age. Then she gets into this high school with other people with those experiences. It wouldn't be farfetched for her to want to use the opportunity to get revenge on the people who treated her poorly before and take advantage of the system that allowed it.
In order to lessen the impact of the idea of her being a bully which she denies as ever being true she states it would be fine for her to be one under Milgram's logic if it was in response to being bullied in the first place. That it's fine as long as it's revenge. A mindset many victims of bullying who become bullies later have. That it's fine to do because no one said it was wrong when it was happening to them. It's okay if they do it because if they do then it can't happen to them.
This especially puts an interesting spin on her first cover song and trial song.
Especially these lines,
Otome Dissection
There's been a lot of analysis of this song for a long while. For now, I want to analyze it from the angle of the singer dissecting themselves. An angle that the song has been taken from before. Given the visuals in the mv near the end.
The more overt ones.
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Along with when the signer is shown pretending to call someone and closing their own body bag.
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All after the line "Let's see if our climax had been a let down. Ever since that night."
Now if we phrase Otome Dissection as the singer singing to themselves that would make it more interesting in the context of Mu's case and the way it can relate to ethnicity. Because I think Otome Disssection manages to perfectly encapsulate the feeling of self-loathing, dejection, and hopelessness that being a minority can make a person.
The song highlighting how the singer has found something that makes them feel good as long as it hurts. Something that's validating and invalidating all at once. A way a lot of people feel about exploring or expressing their culture/ethnicity in a place where it's marginalized or stereotyped in some way. The feeling can be just as isolating as it is liberating simply because at times even when people want to do this there's not much community around them locally.
Plus, taking an interest in it won't make discrimination stop. At the end of the day people are still going to put you on a pedestal or hate you because of how you look. Though it can still be fulfilling. Also highlighting how one will dissect themselves, cutting themselves down to be more acceptable in an environment that didn't want to accept them to begin with. Again, going back to how it only feels good when it hurts.
They only get acceptances when they're burying parts of themselves. Yet, still desiring to be loved for everything they are the good and the bad and trying to convince themselves that they love who they are despite everything around them making it feel as though it'd be better,
If I had just disappeared.
All that self-loathing and disdain turns into boisterous self-confidence. Because it's feels like the only way that person can survive. Yet they still need this constant outwards validation because they don't know if they're allowed to be here. Even though they feel like they should be it doesn't feel like they are.
I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe? Tell me./I wanna feel shame, ever since the night when I realized it's good as long as it hurts.
Yet no amount of validation is enough because the person can't validate themselves. They're always going to be afraid of being found out then hated or the other person finding someone else.
Hey, what if If I am a bad girl- Don’t hate me./I actually had a dream you fell in love with someone else. Please tell me it's not true. Come on love me please?
A problem many people who have faced racial discrimination in their environments have is believing that others can like them. Because sometimes from birth all those people are given are reasons why others wouldn't. A list of things that make them odd or different from their peers. So, it's easy to understand why it would be difficult to believe.
After Pain
"I don’t want tomorrow to come. I want to forget yesterday I was miserable, someone please help me."
"If it’s endurance, I’m used to it. It’s just having another taste of it."
When it comes to Futa we see him become the victim of what he dished out after in Bring It On. Lamenting if both sides are losers in Backdraft. Yet, Mu tries her best to hide all the things that hurt and embarrass her. The source of her pain.
Because she doesn't want people to look at it. She doesn't want to replay it. Just like her second cover song further highlights along with her second trial mv.
She even states in the second written interrogation,
Q.01 What were you like as a child? Mu: I think I was pretty normal. I had a lot of friends, and learned a lot.
Yet she also states that she gets walked up to by modelling scouts on the streets because of her looks.
Q.15 What’s your dream for the future? Mu: A model, maybe. I’ve been turning down scouts while I’m still in high school though.
Definitely sounds easy to have a normal childhood with stuff like that occurring.
It's easy to write off Mu as not going through that much and just being a spoiled brat and a bully. However, I feel like that would be ignoring some very compelling parts of her character. Plus, she's not the only prisoners for Milgram to allude to dealing with forms of discrimination.
Plus, it is kind of strange that she would jump from having her friends bully people for her to murder. Like that isn't a very natural progression. Now she could be lying about not doing any of that stuff herself like dumping water on people or beating them up. However the only time we see her actually harassing a student is when they appear to be shaking them down and none of that stuff is occurring.
Then she's only alluded to being around in After Pain after her friends do that stuff. So, I genuinely doubt she was being dishonest about that. None of these feelings on Mu I stated here are new. I always appreciated how her story subtly deals with the ethnicity. I like how it shows a victim of bullying become a bully.
I like that it highlights how cycles of harassment begin. I love how Mu's first inclination is to frame herself as a victim of bullying in this situation because on some level she really thinks this is revenge for all the mean things others may have done to her. I also like that she's unapologetic about it. Plus my own complicated relationship with stuff like that makes me sympathetic to her a bit.
Even still it's Mu we're talking about she's not one to be knocked down and stay down. That's simply just another aspect to look at her under and it's one of the ones I find the most interesting given how I grew up.
I feel like that may just be one of the many things that may go overlooked based on how one grew up. Even though Milgram highlights it in a lot of ways.
Another one that may go over some's head is poverty in general given the cases of Amane and Mikoto. Like people not really understanding why he's so focused on his job or why Amane's family lives where they live etc. It's just interesting how Milgram tries to represent varying demographics. Like there's a plethora of other examples but I've gone over them before.
At least I find it interesting.
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lutiaslayton · 9 months
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Hey guys, I felt like giving you a bit of a heads up: now that the transcription of the Japan-exclusive Eternal Diva novel has been completed, I am now working on its translation. And I thought -- hey, why not share this translation here as I go?
The website's translation is meant to be as accurate as possible and is filled with annotations and comparisons with the Japanese version, but if all we're interested in is just reading the darn novel like it's actually meant to be (read: a story that is actually enjoyable to read), then this translation really isn't going to make that happen.
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(Just look at this. This is awful. Translation accuracy: 9/10. Reading enjoyment: WhatTheHeckIsThis /10. Do not recommend.)
So yeah, I'm actually working on two English translations 👀 First one is from the website and meant primarily to study Japanese and (sometimes) get the juicy lore, and the second one will be posted here! This second translation will actually be meant to be read like a novel / fanfiction, in the sense that I'll rephrase things and try to make it as enjoyable as can be. It may mean that a thing or two might be changed along the way, but I'll try to keep my creative juice under control and try to stay as close to the original as possible.
If anyone wants to criticise this translation and bring suggestions if you think that I took too many liberties, feel free to let me know so we can rephrase things! It'd be much cooler if this were a collaborative project rather than the work of just one person who might end up putting in her own biases, whether consciously so or not.
I can't tell when exactly I will start uploading since I'd like to have some buffer before starting, but when I do, I'll try to have some sort of schedule. Like one "chapter" or so every week, something like that. (The novel doesn't have "chapters," but it does have sections with titles. So I guess we might as well call those "chapters" for commodity.)
Anyway, that's pretty much all I wanted to say -- just a little teaser and some context for something I've been working on and will hopefully start posting soon-ish, and which I'd like to share with you guys as soon as I can! It'd be cool if this could be something I could post while my PhD is slowly ending and my workload is getting heavier and heavier -- just imagine if I had some buffer that I'd just put in my queue, and then boom, a chapter a week while I'm off dying while preparing my PhD defence and whatnot hahaha. No promises, but it would be really cool if I could pull it off.
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stirringwinds · 6 months
I know it was a little while ago but your Portugal always cracks me up so bad, especially when he's lowkey trying to get a certain Dutch man beheaded 😂. I am so in love with the way I can see the cheekiness and cunning under the god-fearing, oh so very modest uniform and facade. One look at him and I'm thinking ohh he is so naughty, but I can also understand why Kiku would have him around. Same here Kiku, that little shit has charm even if he is a lot more transparent then he might know.
nedpan has me by the braincells lol, so naturally I'm biased towards it over portpan but I'm definitely here for integrating in portugal-japan interactions too because there’s so much history there 🤔 im still thinking about his characterisation, but I envision port back then as someone whose smile can feel like the sun—but then you realise it’s all sharp teeth. he’s a shark in a priest’s garb, and Kiku knows it—so I feel like Kiku doesn't trust him at all, compared to how imo, he eventually comes to trust Ned/Jan in a way that's pretty emotionally intimate due to very unique circumstances. And that difference is interesting to think about. 16th century Kiku's very much the sharp-eyed shogun-type of figure who enjoys falconry in his free time but is also preoccupied thinking about his enemies (foreign and domestic), given the nature of feudal Japan then. that sort of calculation and tight-fisted attitude towards trust is to a great degree, also the baseline norm for helltalias dealing with each other in the 1500s and 1700s. It’s not too different from how Yong-Soo regards Kiku, for example.
So, Kiku's always guarded whenever Port is around especially given the successful proselytisation of Portuguese priests, but he's perfectly amenable to dealing with and learning from him. for guns (and castella cakes and konpeito), as any pragmatic 16th century Japanese warlord does. Port can be a good and charming salesman and company. he probably does have more of that polish and charisma compared to Ned's rougher, blunt straightforwardness, and Kiku does recognise that. both as a 'well he's an entertaining presence at times' but it also makes him more watchful.
16th century Kiku is also frankly, an ambitious bastard himself: a fair amount of the firearms used in the Imjin War against Joseon Korea and Ming China were either Portuguese-made or manufactured in Japan based on Portuguese designs. Port's 'HELLO have you heard of our lord and saviour' got a very cool 'if you are not going to talk about the shipment of arquebuses i ordered, then we are quite done' from Kiku, but i think Kiku did learn a fair bit about Catholic theology all the same, given the significant numbers of Japanese converts and the long history of Japan studying foreign ideas (Buddhism being an import from India via China and Korea). So yes there’s quite an interesting history. Ambitious, pragmatic and shrewd shogun vs proselytising, charismatic catholic ship captain is the dynamic.
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yoshihashismattebum · 1 month
9 People I'd Like to Get to Know Better
Thanks @sycamoretrees for the tag!
Last song: I'm going to cheat and go for a whole album. I've been really enjoying Where's My Utopia? by Yard Act recently: deceptively clever stream-of-consciousness lyrics that walk the line between wry irony and passionate sincerity, all set to post-punk beats that you can dance to. (Shout-out to HELLMODE by Jeff Rosenstock and Sorry for the Late Reply by Sløtface too – both brilliant albums as well)
And while I'm breaking the rules, I might as well mention my wrestling playlist that I've been working on! It's a really eclectic mix of songs that remind me of various different things in wrestling – feuds, characters, general vibes etc. It's not finished yet (I'd like to organise it thematically and write some annotations to explain my thinking behind the choices), but maybe you'll find something on there you like!
Favourite colour: it's a tie between blue and purple (especially lilac). Also currently enjoying the yellow-green of the new leaves that are appearing at this time of year!
Currently watching: wrestling, surprise surprise. I'm just about keeping up with AEW and completely failing to keep up with NJPW. Other than that, I've not really been in a big TV/film mood recently. Although I did see Dune Part 2 the other week, which I thought was fantastic. My partner and I have also become slightly addicted to watching Gab Smolders play Nancy Drew games on YouTube.
Spicy/savoury/sweet/(sour)/(salty)/[umami]: since @sycamoretrees set a precedent of adding options, I'm going to go with another write-in candidate: my beloved umami. I am a Marmite fiend and will eat just about anything if it has soy sauce/miso/strong cheese etc in it. I enjoy pretty much all of the above tastes though, especially when combined in interesting ways. If I had to choose between the original options, I probably lean towards savoury; I have extremely strong opinions on crisps.
Relationship status: I've been with my partner for almost 11 years now :) (While I'm here, go check out her fantastic art and tabletop RPG writing at @mortphilippa! Obviously I'm biased, but she's super talented!)
Too many to mention them all, but here's a selection:
Wrestling (of course): as well as my usual AEW & NJPW, I've watched some CMLL recently, which has been fun. I also recently reached new levels of nerd by emulating King of Colosseum 2, a Japanese wrestling game from 2004, on PC. It's good! Holds up well!
Tabletop role-playing games – an ever-present obsession for me. I've just wrapped up a 4+ year D&D campaign that I was GMing, which is an odd feeling, but I'm so proud of the story we told together. I'm also currently GMing/writing stuff for Cy_Borg, Liminal Horror and Brindlewood Bay, among others! There are tons more I want to run though – too many games, not enough time! (I am always up for conversations about TTRPGs by the way – I could talk forever about them! Hit me up if you wanna chat!)
Puzzle games: more of a recent obsession. I continue to do the Wordle every day, but I've recently been enjoying Connections (sorting words into categories), Heardle Decades (identifying songs from the intros), and Squeezy (a weird game about fitting letters into other words). I'm also going through a bit of a point-and-click adventure phase. Really enjoying Unavowed by Dave Gilbert currently. I'm not usually an urban fantasy fan, so it's a testament to how good the writing is that I'm loving it as much as I am.
Spring flowers: spring has well and truly sprung here in the UK, and I am loving all of the flowers that are popping up everywhere! There's nothing that brings me joy quite like going for a walk and doing some plant-spotting (I'm trying to get better at identifying plants this year! I'm mostly reliant on Google Lens and a bit of inherited knowledge from my Grandma currently)
Oops, that was A Lot! Enough about me. Time to tag some other people! (Only if you feel like it though! Absolutely zero pressure)
IRL friends (I know you all very well already, but I always love hearing what you're up to 💙): @thewaythroughthewoods, @thepenultimaterolo and @mortphilippa (and @unpairedbracket if you fancy it!)
Some Tumblr people wot seem cool (sorry if we've not interacted much – I've not been on Tumblr a lot recently and I'm bad at starting conversations!): @norfkid, @sybilius, @dansedan, @unlikelywrestlingfan, @punkrockpariah
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kafkaoftherubble · 4 months
做工前,聊一下JJK 245
This rambling is about Chapter 245 of the Jujutsu Kaisen manga!
Anime only, please turn away and feast your eyes on Itadori's Goat Moment (more like a Pyrrhic victory, damn) instead!
Yea, this chapter ain't doing it for me.
There's this faction in r/Jujutsushi that thinks most of a reader's criticism against C245 is because of how Confiscation ultimately worked. Instead of taking away Sukuna's Cursed Technique, it takes away his cursed tool (christened "Dumbell Maracas" by me) and leaves Sukuna's techniques and CE intact. Our heroes seemed to have not gained any purchase.
Then people, like the dude in the link above, would explain that this is literally how Confiscation should work in the real world, i.e. "taking away possessions such as guns." This KLReviews fella summed it up really well: "He (Sukuna) can pay his fines so the Judge charges him."
After ghost-reading Reddit for a bit, I've come to expect this emerging pattern every time after a rebuttal-against-criticism post like this one: a certain subset of people begin to believe that all critics have only one "actual" argument against the chapter—and the rest are just their emotions and biases talking. This time, the Actual Argument, in their mind, is "the problem with Confiscation." Then, with a rebuttal like this post existing, critics of C245 now somehow lose ground and can only rant more or less from being butthurt over their feelings or unrealized headcanons.
But really, what if our criticisms aren't centered on the blueballing of Confiscation?
I was really excited to see C244 be devoted to the gang trying to workshop a plan based on Japanese laws so that their capricious Judge Shinigami could mete out the best sentences for their advantage. The previous chapters had been balls-to-the-walls insane—to me, the chapters recalled Stephen Chow's "Mo Le Tau" style comedy I'd grown up on. I'm sure the Japanese reader and others will be reminded of their own familiar kinds of comedy styles—and even managed to give us insights into Takaba's psyche.
With C244, I was really getting ready to see the battle becoming a (brief?) legal procedural drama where it became a bit of a showdown of wits between Sukuna, Itadori, and Higuruma. What defense will Sukuna shore up? What critical hits will Higgy bring up?
I was so ready that I haunted my amazing ass friend who dabbles in law and pestered them to give me a crash course or an essay about things. Man, I learned quite a lot just from the conversation at the tail of C244.
Sukuna was always told to be this genius chessmaster with high IQ and whatnot, so pitting him in a courtroom drama and watching him quickly learn the ropes would have been the best show-not-tell ever. And yes! A little insight into Sukuna's backstory would be a great bonus. I'm not badgering Gege over that, but I know a lot of others care a ton about this for good reasons.
And if his Cleave and Dismantle were Confiscated, well, we would be able to see how good Sukuna throws down with pure Cursed Energy + Cursed Tool (that Dumbell Maracas) and, of course, his "⬛: Open" secret technique. However, this is again, beside the point.
I really wanted to see Sukuna show his chops in an arena beyond fighting, even if just a bit. And I thought it was the best arena for our protagonists to even the odds, too.
But no. Sukuna just went I AM BORED "Skip Ad" and then the verdict and then hooray, his Dumbell Maracas was the one Confiscated and he had his CT and CE intact. Don't worry; I'm sure Sukuna will win and get his confiscated tool back, too. It's literally in his contract that he cannot lose—it's like Steven Seagal, but way less pathetic.
Someone even had the audacity to say that this """proves""" Sukuna is "very high intelligent" because he "predicted" he's gonna face Higgy and so had this Dumbell Maracas at the ready to thwart Higgy's domain. Bruh. Can brain cells also be pulled out of an ass?
Because this specific show of intelligence is also kinda... ass-pully. Why would Sukuna know this would happen if Higgy himself didn't, and that this had never happened before in Higgy's Domain Expansion career? It's as if Sukuna had read the script and had a hand in its writing while everyone is at the mercy of Gege's chef skills. You know, the way we readers are, too.
I couldn't find this^ comment in that Reddit post now. It's probably nestled too deep in some of the threads.
I really don't mind Sukuna winning the court case in Higgy's Domain; most of us predicted that. Again, Sukuna Seagal. It's the process. The meat of the writing is in the process and Gege flunked that one with yet another instance of lazy writing. Come now! Takaba vs. Kenjaku was really good. I thought it signaled a momentum. It didn't.
C245 disappointed me for what I see as yet another case of "lazy writing" masquerading as "ineffable maverick subverting expectations while "clearly" setting up the twist at the beginning."
Yea, no. I'm not convinced. I translated enough hack novels and logic-challenged self-indulgent power fantasies as my work, that I can kinda catch what lazy writing looks like. This fits the bill.
Last thought: I honestly don't know why some people are so allergic to criticismS against a cherished author. CriticismSSSS. With plural. Lest one somehow believed it was "just one valid criticism (which I then rebutted!) and the rest are all dudes melting and seething". Also, hey, I'm not abandoning the JJK ship. I like the stuff. I can feel disappointment and dismay precisely because I like this stuff. It happens. You sometimes don't love everything about this thing.
Thank you for reading my ramble.
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Links in this rambling, in order of appearance, will take you to:
r/Jujutsushi - "Catered, in-depth, text-based manga discussion of the series Jujutsu Kaisen by Gege Akutami. "
comedytradeschool.com - "MASTERING THE ART OF COMEDY: UNRAVELING THE GENIUS OF STEPHEN CHOW’S NONSENSE HUMOR." It divulges a bit on this style of comedy.
An additional entry to understand "Mo Le Tau" is in Wikipedia.
Tagging @karasukarei because this is the rant I have been holding up, but I waited for the official chapter to drop before going off anyway 😂. For specifics we discuss in Discord hahaha EVEN THOUGH I SHOULD BE WORKING
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rawliverandgoronspice · 8 months
This is not me defending Nintendo's shoddy writing when it comes to heavy parts of the Gerudo lore. But I do wonder if some of their really bad missteps are because of their lack of knowledge of Western racial politics. A lot of Japan is still heavily xenophobic, and racial diversity is almost zero, so they might just not actually think about the implications because they just... don't know they exist. It's not an excuse, because Nintendo IS a global company, and there should be some extra research done, since stuff like that is just really fucking iffy. I'm just trying to figure out where that stuff comes from tbh, and why it's still around, instead of being weeded out. So maybe that's a reason, in which case... maybe get some writers who can write depth into their characters.
Hey, thanks for the ask!
So... I feel many things about this, and I completely see where you're coming from, and I think you have hit the nail on the head about why Nintendo do not feel like handling this issue is necessary, or that it doesn't concern them altogether... but I have to be honest, I feel like we give Japan way too much slack on these issues in general, and it's a very common problem (thinking of the controversy on FF16 for just another recent example, or the way queerness is handled in a lot of anime and games). Regardless of, just, the artistic integrity to incorporate the rest of the world as existing alongside you which isn't... mandatory of course, but I believe is important for the sake of honesty: there are japanese people of color, there exists a queer japanese community, and a lot of immigrants living in Japan have to deal with rejection and being considered a second-rate citizen all of the time. Not to mention anything about the new generations of people who were victims of their occupation not so long ago, a subject which is still regularly repressed and ignored by their government (and by the world at large, the US had interests in quieting down some of the worst things they did due to Cold War stuff, and in the West we mostly focused on Germany and collaboration --which makes sense, it's what we knew, but anyway it's complicated and not the topic). This is not a case of mere innocence, it is a case of politically construed ignorance; which is very different, and should not be regarded as equivalent.
But even beyond their own internal socio-political issues, which I am not qualify to speak about beyond what I know from second-hand stories I heard and what I have personally researched, The Legend of Zelda is an IP that is tailored for the West (TM). It is incredibly more popular here than it ever was in Japan. It is a product designed for export. Trying to anticipate what the western market enjoys and fitting right in is part of their responsibilities as a brand if they want to succeed. So, either they did not consider this aspect, which was absolutely something they should be criticized for, as subjects of diversity are hot and trending right now (even without getting into their moral implication) and they did what I consider to be the bare, cynical minimum in this department; or they had an inkling, and considered their choices wouldn't be a dealbreaker. Which... they clearly were not.
Again, I am sorry to be a little cynical here, but while I certainly don't think Nintendo was being consciously malicious here, like making choices to actively play into harmful stereotypes and strict gender roles as some form of active ploy in some sort of culture war, Nintendo is run by conservative japanese men with capitalist interests and a responsibility towards their own government as a major player for japanese soft power. The company will *never* question its own biases, especially if the West just eats up whatever they do and build a human wall of excuses to justify their absence of accountability. This, beyond the game itself which is good and fine and also kind of soulless the more I think about it (in my opinion), is what depresses me and what makes it hard for me to move on: to give them a free pass on these subjects is a choice everyone is collectively making, because it is the Nostalgia and the Childhood and we are desperate for wonder and joy --and it ultimately makes us somewhat toothless as consumers.
And I want to add I am absolutely not immune to this, and it doesn't mean I'm condemning the practice of fandom or the possibility, or even the necessity, of holding several simultaneous truths about a piece of media at the same time and navigating them depending on what is being discussed; but Nintendo is obsessed with controlling its image as a company, curating things as acceptable or unnacceptable as they see fit, approving or disapproving of their consumers' behavior and punishing them accordingly (as well as the rest of the industry *side-eyes the thirty patents on basic gameplay actions*), and it's to say nothing of how employees may be treated beyond the perfectly curated Pikachu yellow walls. This corporate image of being non-controversial is enforced. It doesn't mean I don't admire them for a lot of things, their genuine commitment to game design innovation, their virtuosity when it comes to level design in particular, the way they foster pools of raw talent, their devotion to open up the market to new demographics of gamers, or for the risk they took with the Switch and the wonderful venues it opened for indie devs. I love their games, profoundly, and I owe the company a lot of my joy.
But again, I think it's important to consider several realities simultaneously; and this joy, this goodness, this beauty, while absolutely wonderful and worth preserving, always runs the risk of getting in the way of our discernment in what is getting sidelined.
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abiiors · 2 months
okay so while we’re on the topic… i’m a newer fan of the boys, i actually got tickets to one of their concerts back in october when they were touring in america from my aunt even though i had never really been a fan of them (her heart was in the right place 😭😭 bc i do listen to a lot of music that’s like in their sphere ig?? and i’ve been to festivals that they’ve performed at so i can see why she would’ve thought to get me those tickets, i just never really listened to their music before) but i went to the show regardless bc hello free concert tickets?? would have been a sin to let them go to waste tbh and oh my god am i so glad i did, it was actually one of the best shows i’ve ever been too!! especially considering i only really knew their popular songs?? like robbers, somebody else, aaaand it’s not living if it’s not with you
ANYWAYS that being said, since i had never really followed them before i always pretty much ignored anything i saw about them on twitter and stuff, mainly the negative things said abt matty bc not my faves, not my business?? but i gotta ask someone who’s been a fan of them for a lot longer than i have, what iiiis the deal with all the “matty healy racist” “matty healy homophobic” “matty healy [insert smth hateful here]” rhetoric??? bc from what i’ve seen of him after getting to know more abt the band he doesn’t appear that way at all?? like were there things he said that were taken out of context??? what’s up with the nazi accusations??? also homophobic??? is twt not aware of what he did in malaysia?? also straight men that are homophobic would never have the kind of close male friendships that the band have with one another… it seems like he’s twitter’s scapegoat tbh but idk i’m simply so confused and anything i find online trying to explain it all seems very biased based off the language they use so if you can/would like to… pls help 😭
okay first of all, welcome to the fandom!! i'm so glad you're here and i'm so glad you got to see them live!! they genuinely are so so incredible <33
now onto the questions!
i won't say matty's a saint. he's definitely done things in the past that are disappointing (to me at least, as well as to many others on here). last year he went on a podcast called the adam friedland show where many tasteless jokes were made about japanese people, the porn website ghetto gaggers, ice spice as well as countless other tastelss things were said.
now i really really want to clarify that matty never made those jokes but he did laugh along to them which is also a shitty fucking thing to do. he's since said that he was advised not to go on the podcast by people close to him and he still did it. however, he's also publicly apologised to ice spice and she's also said that the 1975 are one of her fav artists.
in may of 2023 he started allegedly dating taylor swift (i still don't believe it, i still think they either just made music or they just fucked or both) which exposed him to a whole new level of fame that was unprecedented. and the swifties are... rabid, to say the least. they made fun of his appearance, his past addiction issues, hoped he would have a relapse and die, all sorts of horrendous stuff. they discovered the podcast which was pretty fresh at the time and the whole thing spiralled into him being labelled a racist, homophobe, transphobe, pedophile, nazi, you name it, he was being called it.
however literally NONE of it was backed by evidence (but i don't expect people whose sole source of information is twt to realise that)
they have clearly never learned what a nazi is. i'm not even going to try to debunk that here because i feel like it would be insulting to your intelligence
he's not homophobic or transphobic, he's literally an ally to the point of being a fruity lil shit. he's been banned from 2 countries (dubai and malaysia) for openly supporting queer rights. they were also briefly jailed in malaysia for the stunt they pulled and had a lawsuit filed against them. he's even won ally of the year at the diva awards in 2019
literally every single fan who's ever met him has had nothing but amazing things to say about him. he's been incredibly kind and sweet to people
the band has always been openly political and vocal about their beliefs
you're absolutely right about him being the twitter scapegoat because unfortunately that's exactly what it is </3
i hope that clears things up tho, i'm sorry this is so long!!
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catboy-jaebeom · 5 months
this shapeshifting vessel is a lie
it's been a year already since my last pinned, and I got shadowbanned exactly around that time back then because of course I did, so here's a new one 🩷
I'm Autumn, but you can call me Faon as well. my pronouns are they/ them. ticked all the boxes on the queer registration form, and I'm currently in a queerplatonic poly relationship. I was born in '95. central european & white. future linguistics student. proud plant parent. kpop fan. I really adore vampires and I write original and fan fiction, as well as poetry. I speak english and german, and I'm studying french, japanese, korean and finnish. lover of bats, snakes, horsies, deer and cats, as well as sharks. I sometimes make cat ear edits and vampire edits of idols and actors ( see: my icon ) so if you want me to make one for you, you can DM me.
my interests and hyperfixations change over time — yes, it was a phase, mum! name a constant state of being, mum! — and I change my username every two years, round about. currently I'm really into the quantum leap spin-off, live action one piece show, and I'm watching a couple of kdramas and such at the side. I play baldur's gate 3, vampyr and control, but also 2064: read only memories.
I was very active in the shadowhunters and the dragon age as well as the james bond / 00q fandoms, and I will reblog every single gif of spirit - stallion of the cimarron, it's my childhood movie. also, Jin Oshiro from STRAY (2019) deserved better, thank you. you may know me as leafmiilk, taehdenveri, fliederfuchs or thetevinterelf.
this blog of mine was created in 2012, I was on here already when you could still count on the superwholock people to throw gifs at posts although I was never one of them, which, trust me, was a hilarious feeling in hindsight asjfjahajft. I have one sideblog worthy of note @splittergheist which is my writing blog, and I have a secret sideblog for my omegaverse / miscecanis stuff ( much more the lifestyle, world building and concept than the smut and stuff, I'll be honest, but no hate at all!! ) that I might give out if someone asks nicely and privately.
that said, I tag my posts extensively, and if you ask politely, I will try and tag specific things for you too! please be nice in my inbox or I'll simply delete your ask and block you. 🦈 oftentimes I will message you privately when you've sent me an ask that doesn't seem to be an ask game or such! and while I do post stuff for tag games I'm not a fan of tagging others unless we're, like, really close, sorry ><
relevant kpop stuff can be found under the tag. I also put some "reviews" written by mutuals about my blog there, thank you everyone, you're lovely 💚🌼
and thank you everyone else for reading this, may your days be bright I think we all could need that at the moment. I would super love new people to talk to ( please have your age / some approximate of it in your bio; I'm totally fine with talking to minors but I would like to know I am before I do, thank u ) so message me or reply to this!
kpop stuff
ult group: GOT7
other groups I like: NCT 127, WayV, Red Velvet, ITZY, Seventeen, SHINee, ONEUS; ...
soloists I like: XIA / Kim Junsu, Taemin
biases: Lim Jaebeom & Choi Youngjae; Nakamoto Yuta; Xiaojun; Kang Seulgi; Hwang Yeji; Joshua Hong & Lee Seokmin; Choi Minho & Taemin; Kim Leedo & Lee Seoho; Park Seonghwa & Jeong Yunho; Kanemoto Yoshi; ...
wreckers: Mark Tuan & Kim Yugyeom; Ten Lee; Kim Mingyu & Lee Woozi; Kang Yeosang & Song Mingi; ...
for as long as xitter still lives, you can find my kpop account under: jaebueomgi
blog reviews
@meant-to-be-a-hero wrote on 22nd November:
Shall I compare Autumn's blog to a summer's day? I shall not, because I am not a hack. Equal parts language jokes, kpop boys (and girls, but I don't look at those) and #bitter millennial blogging, there's something for everyone here at Autumn's blog. They are also one of the few people who still write funky things in the tags, a true dying breed on Tumblr. I feel like I'm reviewing a restaurant or something. Either way, click follow, thank me later, because you will. It's a good blog, Bront.
— ★★★★★(★★) [ 7 out of 5 ]
@klutenpetter wrote on 22nd November:
It seems I have misplaced the URL of the blog in question that I was supposed to review.
— ★★★★★ [ 5 out of 5 ]
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mykatzone · 9 months
Answering asks #3
I got some wonderful asks recently and finally go around to answering them :D!
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@sweetstrawberrytea This makes me really happy :'D it's so rare to see Kuroshitsuji fans who are also Umineko fans! We gotta do something and create more overlap fr fr (doing my part with my silly crossover arts XD) In any case thank you so much <33
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@aeowolfestheater Thank you :'D I resonate with your comic struggles ;w; while yes I have drawn pages of my comic many times (entire chapters too), I'm stuck in this reboot hell, where I am never satisfied with what I make so I keep redoing it... over... and over again... SO I GET U!!! But it's ok! We have so much time to do our comics and other passion projects, I really wouldn't stress over doing it asap! It's ok to take things slowly and not rush into it (trust me ik)!
Thank you also for liking my Grelle art <33 Always happy to hear that!!
You mention you wanna see all of my art, idk how serious that is, but I do have a lot more art, just not on this account. I usually go by Katrinci online, so you can find a lot of my older art searching that username! Some of it is kinda embarressing, a lot of it is art I did as a kid and I cringe. But ykno! If you wanna look for more there u go!
In any case feel free to use my art as references or for studying if you want!!! I don't mind at all, you can even trace it for practice (though please don't post any traced art if you do). In any case thank you for this sweet message !!! :'D
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@shadowalkingschemer AAA this is so cool to hear!!! I assume you haven't played Umineko and just watched the animatic/song because it interested you after watching my Grelle amv? That's actually so cool you have no idea :'D
To answer your question- I haven't thought about it! Mostly because Kuroshitsuji actually does have an official series of musicals, so I didn't think my contribution was necessery? But... I kinda wanna do it know... I'm not sure which songs I would use but I wanna do it...
Thank you for inspiring me XD I'll ponder about this!
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@melodyofthevoid HI!! It's been awhile Melody :D Omg how did you come across my blog? Through my (occasional) Invader Zim drawings on this blog or? 👀
In any case I've been mostly good! Kinda directionless atm honestly. That's why I started a Tumblr again! It's good to have a space where I can just draw fanart and have fun without stressing abt online art career stuff lfkghfds. It's a chill relaxation area here!
Anyhow thank you so much :') I hope you've been well too!!! Sorry for the late reply btw! I answer my asks in a batch, I hope u don't mind!
Wishing you all the best <3!!
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Aww thank you for thinking I'm cool anon! But sadly I have to decline! I only befriend people online veeery occassionally after being mutuals with them for at least a month or few (and even then that's not guaranteed). I worry about befriending people who already know me, but I don't know them at all ;_; it's too parasocial for me sorry!
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I am so sorry anon... I may have given you a false impression of what Black Butler is about... It is sadly not about the cool red haired lady... She's actually barely in it... And the show does not treat her with respect usually... I'm so sorry for the false advertisement pls forgive me </3
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Sure thing anon!
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These are all the ones I have saved on my computer!!
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@zoeyfoster-blog Omg I'm extremely biased, but I would say yes. For one, GX is a comedic masterpiece especially if you watch the dub. Yes the dub takes itself way less seriously and changes a lot of stuff from the canon japanese version BUT. It's so funny. It's so so so funny. Other then that I mean, GX is just a fun show with fun characters. I love the characters dearly (Chazz it up for life), but it's not like. The most brilliant piece of media out there. It's a pretty standard show for kids really. Though it get's really angsty and dark in seasons 3-4. Idk I really love it personally. If I were you, I'd watch s1, maybe early season 2 dubbed, because those parts of the show are a lot more silly and watching them dubbed would make it more funny/enjoyable. But def switch to sub on the more serious episodes like those in s3. Also thank you for liking my art :'D!!
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@anawkwardlady Whenever we talk and are totally normal about Higurashi characters years are added to my lifespan <3
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I actually haven't heard of it before! Thank you for the song rec!! I listened to it and yeah.. yeah heavy Natsuhi vibes.
Speaking of Umineko-esq Mitski songs, I think Me and My Husband is a very Sayo coded song? I actually thought about making an animatic of that song with her...
Anyhow thank you for sharing this thoiught!!
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Thank you so much anon!!! And hang it there! You are getting your own post where I draw Finny and explain my art process while drawing it! I will do it as soon as possible, please be patient :'D!!
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wannabeabogwitch · 1 year
Fem!TWST Headcanons - KPop songs that suit them/what they listen to
TWST Masterlist: https://www.tumblr.com/wannabeabogwitch/713354988973342721/twisted-wonderland-masterlist?source=share
I know a lot of these are the same groups, but it's because I am biased. LOL Also, these songs are bangers, at least, imo and I just felt like some of them really fit the characters or they'd definitely listen to these songs. Some of them are there Japanese releases, just because I feel they'd fit too. I had a lot of fun with this! lol
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Rina Rosehearts:
Wonderland - Alexa (It was a song for American Song contest, but Alexa is Kpop artist and not only is the song title fitting, but some of the lyrics too, referring to the rabbit hole and 'off with your head', at least in the English version, it's different in the Korean version, but still very fitting.)
Hear The Wind Sing - GFRIEND
Renaissance - WJSN/Cosmic Girls
Don't Look At Me Like That - Song Ji-eun
Queendom - Red Velvet
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Trinity Clover:
Ice Cream Cake - Red Velvet
House of Cards - BTS
Awake - Jin (BTS)
Coffee - BTS
Wonderland - Dreamcatcher
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Kate Diamond:
Noir - Sunmi (The song is about people being addicted to social media and doing anything for likes, so it's very fitting.)
The Feels - TWICE
Helicopter - CLC
PSY ft. SUGA (BTS) - That That
Mascara - XG
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Alice Trappola:
So What - LOONA
Pierrot laughs at us - IU (cover) (Original is by Kim Wan-Sun. (The lyrics feel fitting. Like, behind this character, they might not be as happy or playful as they seem on the outside.)
FIRE - BTS (Troublemaker through and through)
Trap - Dreamcatcher
Lucky One - EXO
Eve, Psyche and The Bluebeard's Wife - LE SSERAFIM
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Diane Spade:
Begin - Jungkook (BTS)
Growl - EXO
Can't Stop Me - TWICE
If You - Big Bang
Tomboy - (G)-Idle
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Leona Kingscholar:
Lion - (G)- Idle
Who Dat B - Jessi
Uh Oh - (G) - Idle (I feel like the lyrics fit her, idk)
If I Ruled The World - BTS
Kitty Run - Alexa
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Roxie Bucchi:
Hann - (G)- Idle
Cookie Jar - Red Velvet (Okay, it's one of their Japanese releases, but I'm gonna put it here anyway.)
Sahara - Dreamcatcher
Spine Breaker - BTS
Catch Me If You Can - Girls' Generation/SNSD
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Jacqueline Howl:
Not Today - BTS
Wolf - EXO
Break The Wall - Dreamcatcher
Revolution - Alexa
Yes I am - Mamamoo
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Azula Ashengrotto:
Mermaid - United Cube
Disturbance - BoA (I just feel like she'd listen to this song for some reason)
Jazz Bar - Dreamcatcher
Piano Man - Mamamoo
Wind flower - Mamamoo
Ditto - New Jeans
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Jade Leech:
Still With You - Jungkook (BTS)
Rain - BTS
Who am I - Weki Meki (I just feel like she'd listen to this song, idk)
Lo Siento - Super Junior, Leslie Grace and Play-N-Skillz
water color - Wheein
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Florence Leech:
Why Not - LOONA
CRAZY - 4Minute
Fantastic Baby - Big Bang
No Dot - SuA (Dreamcatcher)
Monster - EXO
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Kalima el-Asim:
Fancy - Twice
Dionysus - BTS
Happiness - Red Velvet
Hope World - J-Hope
Dazzle Dazzle - Weki Meki
Some Love - Dreamcatcher (The lyrics are very positive and I feel like it fits such a ray of sunshine!)
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Jamillah Viper:
Shadow Play - Pink Fantasy
HATE - 4Minute
Red Sun - Dreamcatcher
Cypher Part 3: KIller - RM, SUGA and J-Hope (BTS) ft. Supreme Boi
Hello Bitches - CL
Black Mamba - aespa
Impurities - LE SSERAFIM
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Viola Schoenheit:
Pose - Red Velvet
Vogue - Alexa
I'm a B - Hwasa
Woman - BoA
Snapping - Chungha
Movie Star - MIJOO
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Rochelle Hunt:
Love Shot - EXO (She's a Huntress and a total simp, so this song feels fitting somehow. lol)
BEcause - Dreamcatcher (She a stalker, so this song is quite fitting and I feel like if a character were likely to go yandere, it'd be her. lol)
Peekaboo - Red Velvet
Psycho - Red Velvet (She ain't actually psycho, but the song just sounds like something she'd listen to.)
I Like It Pt.2 - BTS (Another Japanese release)
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Elise Felmier:
District 9 - Stray Kids
I Will Show You - Ailee
Fairytail - Dreamcatcher
The Great Mermaid - LE SSERAFIM
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Idia Shroud:
Blue & Grey - BTS (For when she feels down)
Red Light - F(X)
In The Frozen - Dreamcatcher
Bomb - Alexa
BBoom BBoom - Momoland
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Orthea Shroud:
Alien - Lee Suhyun (It's a bop and Idk, I feel like it just works somehow)
Blue Bird - April
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Mallea Draconia:
Let Me In - Haseul (LOONA)
Fantasy - Pink Fantasy
Entrancing - Dreamcatcher (Siyeon solo)
Full Moon - Dreamcatcher
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Lillia Vanrouge:
Poison - Pink Fantasy
Tension - Dreamcatcher
Delight - Rolling Quartz
Lucifer - SHINee
Sins Of Society - DUOXINI (Okay, so this group is a thrash metal group, but they are still Korean and well, when I put Kpop, I meant other genres of music in Korea too.)
No Celestial - LE SSERAFIM
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Rainy Day - Dreamcatcher
Be Calm - Hwasa (Mamamoo)
Rain - Taeyeon
Fifth Season - Oh My Girl
Dreamcatcher - GFRIEND
Bicycle - RM
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Serena Zigvolt:
(Had some trouble thinking of songs for this character.)
MAISON - Dreamcatcher
Kill This Love - Blackpink (It has that military-like sound and it feels pretty fitting)
Picky Picky - Weki Meki
Overdose - EXO
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half assed don't forget analysis because im evil
keep in mind that i don't think im right about everything and that we can't make a 100% Correct assumption because we're on chapter 2/7 and this is all speculation and i have a favorite character and am therefore biased
"when the light is running low and the shadows start to grow and the places that you know seem like fantasy"
this is referencing the dark worlds, and talking about "the places that you know" means that the listener is a lightner. i think it's unlikely that the singer is talking to us, the player, because we're not the one going to the dark world in real life. geddit
"there's a light inside your soul that's still shining in the cold"
snowgrave reference 😨 since the soul was mentioned we can Assume that the singer is talking to kris, cause their soul is pretty important lol. the light could be referring to the player, or just to the fact that souls naturally glow!!! but yeah their soul is shining in the cold. probably telling deers to kill people or whatever lights inside souls do
"with the truth, the promise in our hearts"
vague things we don't know about.. unless i tell you who i think is singing this then an explanation won't make sense. let's move on for a second
"don't forget, i'm with you in the dark"
now let's bring out the theory glasses. we have three characters that have been consistently with kris in the dark, and they're susie, ralsei and Us The Player. we can probably rule susie out because her voice is too deep to sing like that. u know.
the player COULD make sense but what have we promised in our hearts. to take care of kris? we were literally thrown into their body without our consent SMH MY HEAD!!
and so we're left with. ralsie ralsy ralsigh rals-hi ralsay ralsei
he is with kris in the dark, almost acting as a sort of guide to them. they could have made a promise in their hearts (so that's why, ok, kris?) while we weren't looking. and about the "truth", HE definitely knows something we don't, and could have probably told kris. the promise might also just be referring to the legend slash prophecy slash lullaby. that's all
side note i've seen some theories about dess singing this to noelle but it sounds too. high and mighty??? to be a sister singing something to you type of song. idk how to explain it?? the promise in our hearts especially is like. entrusting you with this great power!!!! also, the light in your soul shining in the cold, how would she know about snowgrave... also also while noelle is a main character. kris is the protagonist. and she wasn't fully important until chapter 2. the song's leitmotif was EVERYWHERE in chapter one, if it was related to noelle we'd hear it next to her more often you know...
this is just a theory, i don't think i'm the only one who gets it or whatever, if you have any counter evidence for this feel free to prove me wrong!! maybe dess singing it makes more sense and i'm just stupid lol. tell me your thoughts...
oh and i think the easiest way to find out for sure who's singing this might be by looking up the japanese translation and seeing who uses what pronouns for who etc but i don't know anything about japanese so this is all i can do.
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stirringwinds · 7 months
hey!! i was wondering how you felt about amechu or ameripan? your ship takes are always so interesting!!
I personally find both ame/chu and ame/pan both interesting dynamics to explore—biased as i'm sea/east asian and thinking of transpacific linkages in terms of immigration, cultural exchange, geopolitical rivalry, imperialism and so on…all the good and bad and ambivalent...it's something i find compelling because of how much us-china and us-japan ties have defined the region and world history, from two centuries ago to the present. It's far from an ideal, wholesome relationship on either count, imo. i personally like delving into it in all forms, whether or not there's any romantic or sexual element.
To me, Yao and Kiku are two people with very different histories, but one thing i definitely see being in common vis a vis Alfred is that this is very much an "experienced older man/bold and somewhat arrogant young man" sort of dynamic, with an element of a rivalry in both cases. Granted, for Yao, this comes later—when he first met Alfred in the 1790s during the Old China Trade, Alfred was more like a rebellious debutante fluttering his lashes at the Old World while asking for trade. Alfred was at the same time, unusually polite amongst all the Westerners (tm) in China— because he only had tiny ass ships that couldn't take a punch, back then lmao. Not having a warship in the area is incentive for good manners...which changes later on. Kiku and Alfred's first meeting—in 1853, during the Perry Expedition—is naturally very different. It's the vibe of a shogun warily assessing the smiling, ambitious (and dangerous) young prince proffering "friendship" while pointing a loaded gun. And whom Kiku knows has decided to use this spectacle to announce himself as a world power much like his own father, right on the heels of the Opium Wars.
As a western(ised) diaspora sea/east asian, the cultural linkages forged by immigration are also another reason why I'm interested in Ame/chu and Ame/pan. There's the rich and old history of Chinese and Japanese-Americans, particularly on the West coast of the United States, and there is that enduring cultural legacy forged amidst the struggle to even be accepted, or treated with humanity in the giant basket of contradictions that is America. Yao and Kiku I think, have a lot of mixed feelings about those of their people who set off for those other shores, especially amidst the highly charged politics of 19th—early 20th century. I haven't always explored this in detail in fics, but the concept of nations and immigrants is something I find compelling because of my own mixed cultural background. Overall, I'd say one reason these two relationships interest me a lot out of Alfred's other relationships (whether technically as a ship or otherwise) is the way it situates Alfred as existing very much as a Pacific nation too, not just an Atlantic one, y'know? There's another perspective of world history that is highlighted when you consider looking at the world map like this instead:
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throwaway-yandere · 1 year
Otome anon again ❤️ thanks for the reply! I'm quite happy about it. And yeah I'm a little late to your works bc of school so there's a bunch of works that I need to catch up on 😭 Really hoping we get a small break soon. From the looks of it, your newer works are gonna be WILD 😳 I mostly got introduced to your blog bc of your Alhaitham and Tighnari fics: Vision Qualifications and Creative Differences. I was particularly very interested in how you portrayed Tighnari in CD and adored the way reader being a writer was portrayed.
And yes! It's a game that will be downloadable and I've been learning a bit of renpy to achieve this. It's surprisingly simpler than I imagined. All the tutorials are helpful and the folks in the renpy server are very nice 👌 So far routes aren't 100% finalised but I will say that there ARE secret routes that you can unlock if you choose the right options 🤭
I'm thinking of trying to make a survey to decide some routes but I'm not overly sure what to put on it.
Thanks for all the support!!
"your newer works are gonna be WILD 😳"
??? wdym, after the last 4 fics ive written im being incredibly merciful rn in the secret pen pal event lol.
I mostly got introduced to your blog bc of your Alhaitham and Tighnari fics: Vision Qualifications and Creative Differences. I was particularly very interested in how you portrayed Tighnari in CD and adored the way reader being a writer was portrayed.
you guys are free to hate me for this: but those two fics are my least liked fics i've written hAHAHAHAH. not enough spice for me. not enough violence or dubious "food". i still question why people wanted part 2 on that tighnari fic when for me it was the blandest story i've written i am SORRY it just IS for me ya know what I mean it's just BLAND NO SPICES NO FLAVOR- i wrote about cannibalism, a dragon diety!reader, and a bunch of weird things, my small brain does not calculate why these two has more attention than the ones I actually use my brain for hAHHAHAHAHA- (like seriously, both those fics had little research whatsoever while I'm pulling out sht like Japanese & Filipino mythology, KPop culture, and fricking Abraham Lincoln's biography (no joke.) on other fics hjdasjas)
All the tutorials are helpful
my dumbass who spent hours tryna figure out how to remove the dialogue box for a CG scene: haha yeah g-good for you...
I'm thinking of trying to make a survey to decide some routes but I'm not overly sure what to put on it.
as a dain simp you know who i'd vote for so if you don't want a biased poll don't let me find that survey hAHAHAHAH
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considering that you like otome games, I'm recommending this one: "I Got Reincarnated As A Server NPC In An Otome Game But A Capture Target Won’t Leave Me Alone". Don't be discouraged by that title, it's not a comedy LN at all. It contains violence and a mentally deranged cold duke of the south diluc lol. my fave blorbo.
O Capo! My Capo! can be a pretty grim series considering how I was inspired to write it because of a bad ending in an otome game fandisc. There are major character deaths (and it's 100% the readers' fault when an LI dies because of votes), mentions of drug abuse, etc. But if you like Piofiore perhaps you'd appreciate it too. Capo!reader is basically "what if Lilia had Dante's occupation and Gilbert's charisma-- oh and I guess your Nicola is Alhaitham for some reason" lmao.
ps: i think i saw you posting a question on r/otome_games about how to make the MC's personality. i agree with the majority that, honestly, you should just go wild lmao. make MC have some fighting spirit. the bar is low--
in any case, I wish you luck!!! have fun coding the game <3
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celiastjamesoscar · 8 months
You know angkor wat? That's surprising since not a lot of people outside cambodia know this ancient architecture beauty :) i've been to siem reap (where angkor wat is) about 3 times counting now. The two times before were like years ago and i barely remember
The area where the temple is located is different because some build another bridge to cross since the bridge apart of angkor wat was breaking sorta. They're trying to reconstruct it now i think.
As a cambodian, i appreaciate you recognizing angkor wat ♡ i apologize if i'm rambling about it too much. I can't help but tell people about things in my culture 😭
I’m a huge history buff, and I am pretty biased towards the history of Asia and some parts of Europe. I also love looking at the ancient buildings of those continents, such as the Changdeokgung palace of Seoul, and the Angkor Thom temple.
I also really love the myths of the Asian culture, such as the Oni in Japanese folklore and the Rahu king (I think that’s the name of it?)
I hope none of this sounds rude or off putting, culturally insensitive or inappropriate. I’m not Asian, but I really do love the history of the continent <3
Also, you don’t have to apologize for your rambling, I love listening to people talk about their home countries!
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snwusberry · 6 months
hi berry. just saw your ranking for p1h's eras, do you think you could do one for txt?
absolutely. this is actually fun only problem is my stan list is so small 😭 but anyway.
(i'm not including their japanese or single releases)
• for me, album and era (content wise) go hand in hand so if i didn't enjoy the album that much, that meams i didn't like the era much and vise versa. this is also based off of how i was doing by the time of these eras.
• i might be biased but (just like for p1h) i don't think they have a bad era bc i personally enjoyed all of them just some more than others.
• please note that this is my opinion and you're allowed to be opposed to it
8th place:
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• we needed an 8th place 💀
• nothing against her or anything, she's cute, i just didn't enjoy/am not enjoying this album (or era) that much
• but dreamer?? please don't play 😭
• they (bighit) also did beomgyu dirty in this album so that makes me feel slightly better for putting it last.
i rest my case
7th place
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• it's literally my comfort ep so don't think i didn't like this era bc i did. however, my focus was not on txt all that much during this time because of school and c0vid and all that stuff. i was more stressed at this time than when i was in matric therefore i wasn't enjoying my time too much.
6th place
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• we needed a 6th place so... 😬
• again, i love her, i was just just focused on other things but that doesn't mean i didn't enjoy this era, i just liked others more than this one.
5th place
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• my comfort album 🤧
• guys 20cm is my song i swear 😭😭
• it was nice. that time before it's release wasnt though
4th place
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• guys everyone was struggling around this time of the year and they came and saved the day fr 😭
• and you know what? i appreciate this ep (justice for cysm)
3rd place
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• guys i was fighting demons during this era i swear but i won't let that take away from the fact that the songs were great and we got CONTENT hello?
• guys opening sequence is literally the best first track 😭😭 like come on now
2nd place
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• art.
• guys i love this ep so much 😭
• delivered and devoured. like it's literally one of their best eras.
• don't talk to me about tinnitus, that song was made for me. their best song fr (am i biased bc im african? maybe)
1st place
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• yes i'm counting them as one.
• when i tell you i love this era, i mean it.
• hands down my favorite era of theirs. the album(s) were golden, we got content, i was at my happiest at that time and i often find myself wishing to go back.
• it was so fun guys i swear 😭
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doeblossom · 2 years
May we see your pony form, Darling? Is it Earth, Unicorn, Pegasus, or other?
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click to see their full details! if you can't tell, i've always been unicorn biased. more info about them is below the cut!! but i've really had so many ponysonas, it's bonkers.
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pony prime is called "the original" since she was the first oc i ever made. i couldn't decide between being a unicorn or a pegasus, so i just picked both! i knew that having an alicorn oc was considered "cringey," but i justified it due to being native hawaiian and being related to the former bloodline (but honestly it's not as big of a deal as i thought it was then). i also liked the color turquoise at the time, and couldn't come up with a hair or eye color, so i just picked my own.
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pony number 2 was a modified version of the original. chopped off her wings, changed her hair color and made it more show-style big-poofy-curl, and added accessories. i was leaning more into liking purple along with turquoise, and started going through a FNAF phase, which brought about the bowtie. it phased out in later drawings of sketche, but i figured it deserved a spot here. another important note: i drew all of my ponies with the same body type, and was still having a hard time drawing/accepting my own, so all of the ponies up until the most recent are thin.
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here's a more literal case of FNAF phase. wisp isha was literally a ponified version of my FNAF insert, wisp the wolf. she was also the first ponysona to have a cutie mark, with a red cross symbol and wrench (she performed repairs on the other bots). originally her second name was "urufu," which was the word that google gave me for "wolf" in japanese. it's just "wolf" written out in japanese kanji. i don''t remember where i got isha from, though.
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inky emerald didn't even really have a name! i was experimenting with my ponysona, and tried a ponysona making challenge, which spit this girl out. things like species and hair length were determined by your date of birth, of course. she's called "inky emerald" because she has ink covering her legs and hooves, which you can't really see due to the frame. around this time, i had a few other place holder ponysonas, but they all culminated into inky.
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snow blossom was one of my favorites when i made her, but as her name implies, she is as pale as the snow itself. and as much as i'll joke about being "reflective" online, i'm actually not this pale haha. anyways, this is where i started leavning more towards a flowery theme and using green in my designs. i think i drew her a couple of times, but after that, she faded into the background and i stepped back from drawing ponies for a long while.
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lilac was my return to ponies after about a year and a half of not touching them. it feels like the break was longer, but it wasn't. couldn't get rid of ponies in my brain if i tried ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. lilac willow was a direct redesign of sketche wolf. she was the second pony to have a cutie mark, which was a half-drawn flower. i aws experimenting a lot with how i wanted to draw ponies, so her design was one of the furthest from the MLP style. she looked nothing like me, though; the curls were much more relaxed, she was extremely thin, no glasses... but her design was fun. i may try incorporating her into the main blog at some point, but just in the background.
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hmmmmm, i think i recognize this one.... nope. jk. this design was made when i decided to make a blog about lumerde. i wanted to incorporate my NOW favorite colors, green, pink, and yellow, and almost accidentally made fluttershy... but i think the result was fine. she's also chubby, like i am irl! i know i talk about my weight a lot but i'm trying to be more comfortable and confident about it.
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and then, our current narrator herself! well, myself, i suppose. i really like this redesign and the new hair texture, and i hope this design communicates everything about how i look properly. i originally tried avoiding putting too many fur marks on my characters since the show rarely did that, but heck, it's barely even attached to the show anymore.
this feels like a lineage. but in a fun way!
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