#iain ramsay
grandmaster-anne · 2 years
Gyles Brandreth's Exclusive Extract Part 1
The Mail Plus | Published 25 November 2022
SATURDAY and Sunday, ­September 3 and 4. It is the weekend before the Queen’s death. The Right Reverend Dr Iain Greenshields — who is staying with her at Balmoral — finds her ‘in fantastic form’.
He has dinner with her on Saturday evening, gives the sermon at Braemar and Crathie ­Parish Church on Sunday morning, then has lunch with her on Sunday afternoon. They talk about the Queen’s childhood, her horses, church affairs (she is ‘well up to speed’) and her sadness at what is happening in Ukraine.  
This is quite typical. The Queen is good at living in the present but often draws on her memories of the past, grateful for the lessons it has taught her.  
‘She was so alive and so engaging,’ recalled Dr Greenshields later.
Tuesday, September 6. Clive Cox, one of Her Majesty’s favourite racehorse trainers, gets a call from the Queen at 10 am. She wants to chat to him about the prospects for her two-year-old, Love Affairs, who is running in the two o’clock at Goodwood.
‘We talked about the filly,’ he said, ‘how the race might pan out, how another horse of hers was doing in my stable, and about a couple of other things. She was sharp as a tack.’
It is a busy day. Not only does the Queen present her outgoing Communications ­Secretary with an honour, but she also spends time with her fourteenth and fifteenth prime ministers.
Boris Johnson said: ‘She could not have been kinder, more sympathetic or personally ­encouraging.’ Moreover, she was full of ­‘characteristic humour and wisdom’.
Wednesday September 7. Every newspaper is carrying pictures of the Queen at Balmoral yesterday. She appears old, yes — she is 96 — and frail. There is a dark bruise mark on the back of her right hand but she looks alert and very much alive.
She is smiling, looking over the tops of her spectacles at the camera. There is a definite, mischievous twinkle in her eye.
For other royals, today is business as usual. Prince Charles spends the day doing good works in Lanarkshire. Tonight, he is hosting a dinner at Dumfries House in Ayrshire.
Edward and Sophie, the Earl and Countess of Wessex, are at events across Lancashire. Princess Anne is visiting the Isle of Skye and the Isle of Ramsay.
By late afternoon, however, rumour is rife. I have a call from my son-in-law (a former Coldstream Guards officer) to say that he is at the Cavalry and Guards Club in Piccadilly, where groups are gathering to discuss the detail of Operation London Bridge — the codename for the action-plan that comes into being the moment the sovereign dies. What has ­happened? Has she had a fall? Has she had a stroke?
Thursday September 8. Rumour had swirled all morning. At 12:32 p.m. Buckingham Palace issued a statement saying the Queen’s doctors were concerned for her health and, though she was ‘comfortable’, recommended she remain under medical supervision while family members were informed. The Queen’s helicopter left Windsor Castle at 6:48 a.m. to collect Prince Charles from Dumfries House where he had spent the night. He reached Balmoral at 10:27 a.m. Camilla had spent the night at Birkhall on the Balmoral Estate and was driven by car to join him.
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Charles leaving Dumfries house to rush to the Queen's bedside
The Princess Royal was already there — at her mother’s side to the end. Andrew and Edward, the Queen’s younger sons, and Sophie, Edward’s wife, and Prince William and Prince Harry were reported to be on their way.
There was confusion about whether or not Harry’s wife, Meghan, would go up to Scotland with him. When it became clear that Catherine was not going because she would be collecting her children from school, it emerged that Meghan was not going, either.
Andrew, Edward and Sophie, and Prince William arrived at Aberdeen airport in an RAF executive jet at 3:50 p.m. and William drove the four of them to Balmoral, 45 miles away. They arrived at 5:06 p.m. Queen Eli
The formal announcement of her death came from Buckingham Palace at 6:30 p.m. while Prince Harry was still in the air. His flight from Luton airport to Aberdeen was delayed. He was the last of the family to arrive at Balmoral, and the first to leave. Travelling to a BBC studio in London in the early evening, I saw a double rainbow in the sky above Buckingham Palace.
And I found out from a friend in the racing world that the Queen’s horse, Love Affairs, comfortably won the two o’clock at Goodwood on Tuesday: ‘led field centre, made all, ridden and stayed on gamely final furlong, unchallenged’.
The truth is that Her Majesty always knew that her remaining time was limited. She accepted this with all the grace you’d expect. 
‘Her faith was everything to her.  She told me she had no regrets,’ said Dr Greenshields, referring to the last weekend he spent with her at Balmoral.
I had heard that the Queen had a form of myeloma — bone marrow cancer — which would explain her tiredness and weight loss and those ‘mobility issues’ we were often told about during the last year or so of her life. The most common symptom of myeloma is bone pain, especially in the pelvis and lower back, and multiple myeloma is a disease that often affects the elderly.  
Currently, there is no known cure, but treatment — including medicines to help regulate the immune system and drugs that help prevent the weakening of the bones — can reduce the severity of its symptoms and extend the patient’s survival by months or two to three years.   
Was the Queen given steroids to help get her through that important final day of duty two weeks ago? Was that bruise on the back of her hand that we saw in the photographs of her with Liz Truss the mark left by an intravenous cannula? Or was it simply the kind of accidental bruise that comes with old age?  
All I do know is that ‘cause of death’ on her death certificate will be given simply as ‘old age’ — just as it was for the Duke of Edinburgh last year.  
‘Old age’ is a quite commonly listed cause of death when a patient is over 80 and their doctor has cared for them over time and seen their gradual decline.
(When the Queen’s death was registered on 16 September my prediction proved accurate. The death was certified by Dr Douglas James Allan Glass, a local GP and official apothecary to the Queen who had been looking after her in Scotland for more than 30 years and who was with her when she died. Dr Glass said: ‘We have been concerned about the Queen’s health for several months. It was expected and we were quite aware of what was going to happen.’)
When Prince Philip retired in 2019, the Queen very deliberately left him to it. She carried on with her royal duties at Buckingham Palace or at Windsor Castle while he lived out his days at Wood Farm on the Sandringham Estate.
They would speak regularly on the phone, but weeks could go by without them seeing one another. That shocked some people, though not those who appreciated how well the Queen understood her husband — understood his wish to be left to his own devices, ‘not to be fussed over’, to be allowed, after more than 70 years of duty, to see out his days in his own way.
When the Covid-19 pandemic swept the world in 2020, however, Prince Philip decided to spend ‘lockdown’ with the Queen, and a small retinue of staff, at Windsor Castle.
And when lockdown was lifted, Philip and Elizabeth, having spent more time close together than they had done in years, decided it rather suited them. They left Windsor together and travelled up to Balmoral together for their traditional summer break.
When that was over, they went back to Sandringham — but not to the big house. Instead, together they went to live at Wood Farm, Philip’s bolthole, the un-grand, unpretentious place he regarded as his home on the estate.
It’s where he wanted to end his days, and the Queen wanted to be with him to the end. But on February 16, 2021, the Duke was admitted to hospital in London as a precautionary measure after feeling unwell.
On March 3, he underwent a successful procedure for an existing heart condition. He was discharged 13 days later and returned to Windsor Castle.
Three weeks later, his death was announced at noon, April 9, with the release of a statement saying he had ‘died peacefully’ that morning at Windsor Castle.
His daughter-in-law, Sophie, Countess of Wessex, described his death as ‘so gentle. It was just like somebody took him by the hand and off he went’.
The Queen was reported to have been at her husband’s bedside when he died on the morning of April 9, 2021. In fact, I don’t believe she was.   
The Duke of Edinburgh had been in a hospital bed, set up in his dressing room at Windsor Castle. That morning, he went to the bathroom, helped by a nurse.  
When he came back, he said he felt a little faint and wanted help getting back into bed.  The nurse called the Duke’s valet and the Queen’s page, Paul Whybrew, for help — and he died before the Queen could be called.
The Queen wasn’t yet up. And she wasn’t called until after a doctor had come and pronounced the Duke dead.   
He was being laid out when the Prince of Wales arrived. Charles waited and had a cup of tea, but went away without seeing his father.
Prince Edward did see him and then, gradually, the rest of the family began to arrive. As they tried to comfort the Queen, the Queen was comforting them.
It helped that Elizabeth was accustomed to her own company. Even when her husband was alive, she had so often spent evenings on her own.
Immediately after Prince Philip’s funeral, she returned to her apartment in Windsor Castle in silence.
‘I helped her off with her coat and hat,’ her dresser, Angela Kelly, remembered, ‘and no words were spoken. The Queen then walked to her sitting room, closed the door behind her, and she was alone with her thoughts.’ When Prince Albert died, Queen Victoria retreated from the world. When Prince Philip died, Queen Elizabeth II went towards it.
She knew it was her Christian duty to carry on as best as she could. ‘There is no magic formula that will transform sorrow into happiness,’ she said, ‘but being busy helps.’
In the immediate aftermath of Prince Philip’s death, Vice Admiral Sir Tony Johnstone-Burt, the cheery Master of the Household, told me: ‘My principal duty with HM has been to keep her spirits up — so I’ve been watching Line of Duty with her . . . I’m “the Explainer”! It’s very funny.’
The 95-year-old widow of Windsor laughed as she struggled to understand the convoluted plotting and sometimes incomprehensible dialogue in the popular ‘police procedural’ television series.
She enjoyed watching television, she told me: ‘It keeps me in touch — when I can understand what’s being said. There’s an awful lot of mumbling on television now. It’s not my hearing. They just don’t seem to speak as clearly as they used to do.’
Her grieving was private, but in public the Queen was determined to carry on as normal. ‘Life goes on,’ she said. ‘It has to.’
That first summer after Philip’s death, she chose to dress — as she herself put it — ‘as cheerfully as possible.’ With the help of Angela Kelly, she opted for yellow and pink and powder blue, in summery dresses with pretty floral designs.
Her closeness to Kelly, the daughter of a Liverpool dockworker, did not always go down well; the ladies-in-waiting found her a nuisance at times. The dresser was from a quite different background to theirs, and irritated some at court with her no-nonsense Northern manner, her easy access to the Queen and her effortless familiarity with her.
They particularly resented the way Kelly felt able to step out of line to adjust the Queen’s clothes or drop a word in her ear at what they considered to be inappropriate moments. But they could do nothing about it because the Queen regarded Kelly as one of her true friends.
She was dazzling in green when she opened the Scottish Parliament on October 2, 2021. A few days later, all in pink this time, she opened the Welsh Senedd in Cardiff.
The Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall were also on parade for both visits. ‘We weren’t required,’ the Duchess said to me soon afterwards, laughing. ‘We were there to help out if necessary. It wasn’t necessary. The Queen did it all. She wanted to. She’s unstoppable.’
For six months following Prince Philip’s death, the Queen did so much, so purposefully and with such a determination not to give way to any form of self-pity (which, she said, ‘My husband would certainly not have approved of’), that she probably did too much.
In the autumn of 2021, she had a sudden ‘energy low’. She felt exhausted. Her ­doctors ordered her to ‘rest a bit, not to push herself so much, to take it easy.’
She had planned to attend ‘COP’, the climate change conference in Glasgow, in person on November 1 but, in the event, had to record a video message instead.
She had also hoped to attend the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall and the Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph — fixtures in her calendar — but was persuaded not to. ‘I’ve got to be sensible,’ she said. Until then, her energy had been little short of astonishing. Over her final decade, she’d not only continued her work as monarch but actively engaged with modern life.
She had her own mobile phone, and obliging grandchildren ready to show her how it worked. She understood ‘texting’ though was rather defeated by ‘apps’. And she did not allow her grandchildren to bring their ‘devices’ to the dining table, under any circumstances.   
Believe it or not, I think I once heard Her Majesty refer to the lavatory as ‘the toilet’ — in a concession to the vocabulary of the younger generation.  
She had loved the early James Bond films — ‘before they got so loud’, she said.
And it was thanks to Bond that she famously made a truly dramatic entrance when the 2012 Olympics were staged in London, in a filmed sketch with Daniel Craig. Craig was seen running up the red-carpeted stairs at Buckingham Palace, meeting two of the royal corgis, being greeted by the Queen’s page and ushered into the royal presence.
It was the Queen’s own idea to keep Bond waiting a moment as she signed off a letter, before turning around to say: ‘Good evening, Mr Bond.’
Her line delivered, the Queen, accompanied by Bond and her page and her corgis, walked with purpose to the waiting helicopter that transported her past the statue of Winston Churchill in ­Parliament Square (Churchill looked up and gave Her Majesty a wave —she especially liked that touch), along the course of the river Thames, to the Olympic park in East London.
 ‘She was a natural,’ said Daniel Craig. ‘I was definitely more ­nervous than she was.’
Lord Janvrin, the Queen’s former private secretary, told me he was sure the Queen wouldn’t have done the stunt during the Queen Mother’s lifetime. ‘Why?’ I asked him.
‘Simply because she would have felt her mother wouldn’t have approved — that it would have been a bit undignified.
The Queen became less inhibited in several ways after her mother’s death [in 2002], less constrained, more relaxed.’
There was a different Bond connection when it came to the Queen’s next dramatic outing. In 2022, for the Platinum Jubilee long weekend of celebrations marking her 70 years on the throne, the Queen played herself in a delightful sketch with Paddington Bear, the creation of author Michael Bond.
In the scene, Paddington (voiced by Ben Whishaw) is taking tea with Her Majesty at Buckingham ­Palace and offers her one of his marmalade sandwiches — which it turns out the Queen doesn’t need because she already has her own marmalade sandwich, hidden in her handbag.
This time, much more in terms of acting was asked of the Queen than had been at the time of the Olympics — and she delivered in full measure. I happened to be working with Britain’s most honoured film and stage actress at the time, Dame Judi Dench, and she said to me the day after she had seen it, ‘Wasn’t she good? I mean, really, really good.
‘Her timing was perfect. Every look, every line was just right. It was completely on the money — none of it over-stated. Just wonderful.’
She added, laughing: ‘I’m quite worried. She’s going to be offered all my work now.’
What did the Queen make of it? ‘Great fun,’ she said. She marvelled that such a large crew had appeared at the palace to film such a short sequence, and she was truly amazed that word of it didn’t leak out before the day of transmission.
‘Everyone kept the secret,’ she said, delighted. ‘That was lovely.’
IN ROYAL circles the Duke of York is now someone — like Harry and Meghan —whom it’s better not to talk about.
There is no doubt, however, that the Queen loved her second son to the last. When she died, each of her children published a personal statement about her. Part of Prince Andrew’s read: ‘Mummy, your love for a son, your compassion, your care, your confidence I will treasure forever. I have found your knowledge and wisdom infinite, with no boundary or containment. 
‘I will miss your insights, advice and humour. As our book of experiences closes, another opens, and I will forever hold you close to my heart with my deepest love and gratitude, and I will tread gladly into the next with you as my guide.’
Some of the turns of phrase could have been written by his former wife, Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, who still shares a home with the prince, but the part of the message he very much wanted the rest of us to take note of was where he spoke of the ‘confidence’ the Queen had shown in him. 
Prince Andrew stepped down from public life in 2019 over his friendship with the ‘billionaire paedophile’ ­Jeffrey  Epstein. He was stripped of his honorary military roles, including Colonel of the Grenadier Guards, and obliged to give up his HRH style in public. But his mother stood by him. She loved her boy. She retained her ‘confidence’ in him. 
That said, there had been a cloud hanging over his reputation, and the Queen was a realist. She essentially fired her own son. A senior courtier said to me, ‘There was a lot of nonsense talked about no one being at the helm, but the Queen took a firm grip of things. To use the military jargon, there was only a few days between flash and bang. Action was called for and the Queen took it.’
The day after firing Andrew, however, she showed us how much she loved him by taking him riding with her through Windsor Great Park in the rain and ensuring that there were photographers on hand to capture the shot. She was also glad to have him at her side as she travelled to her husband’s memorial service.   
The rest of the Royal Family was less happy to see Prince Andrew taking centre stage — not because of any personal hostility, but because they feared the pictures of him side by side with Her Majesty would dominate press coverage of the memorial service. And so it proved.The Duke of York, of course, told his mother the whole story of his long relationship with Epstein, all the ins and outs of it, and the details of the accusations made against him.
The first time he gave her the full account of the whole sorry saga, she listened carefully. Then the Queen, who never said more than was necessary, responded with just one word: ‘Intriguing.’
I chair ‘The Oldie of the Year Awards’ where we honour people of a certain age who still have what might be described as ‘snap in their celery’. So last year, post the pandemic lockdown, I wrote to the Queen’s private secretary to ask whether Her ­Majesty might consider accepting the Oldie of the Year Award.  
A witty reply was sent to me from ­Balmoral Castle on August 21, 2021: ‘Her ­Majesty believes you are only as old as you feel. As such The Queen does not believe she meets the relevant criteria to be able to accept and hopes you will find a more worthy recipient. 
‘This message comes to you with Her ­Majesty’s warmest best wishes.’
After the birth of Prince Andrew, the Queen — according to one of her ladies-in-waiting — ­suffered ‘post-natal side effects’ because the baby had been born using the now-discredited method of ‘twilight sleep’. 
‘Dammerschlaf’ was a form of childbirth ­pioneered in Germany in the early twentieth century in which the adminstration of drugs (morphine and scopolamine) puts the patient into an amnesic state during labour. The mother remains semi-conscious but apparently pain-free and has no subsequent recollection of the experience. The baby is delivered by forceps. 
In fact, Charles and Anne were also delivered via the ‘twilight sleep’ method — and Prince Edward’s was the first birth not to involve it. The difficult aftermath of Andrew’s birth may possibly have put the Queen off that delivery method for good.
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The 23rd Annual Bryan Awards - Acting Categories
Acting and Performance
Lead Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Quinta Brunson as Janine Teagues (ABC) DEAD TO ME - Christina Applegate as Jen Harding (Netflix) MAISEL - Rachel Brosnahan as Miriam Maisel (Prime Video) ONLY MURDERS - Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora (Hulu) POKER FACE - Natasha Lyonne as Charlie (Peacock) 
Lead Actress in a Drama Series: BAD SISTERS - Sharon Horgan as Eva Garvey (Apple Plus) THE CROWN - Imelda Staunton as Queen Elizabeth II (Netflix) THE DIPLOMAT - Keri Russell as Kate Wyler (Netflix) THE HANDMAID’S TALE - Elisabeth Moss as June Osborne (Hulu) SUCCESSION - Sarah Snook as Shiv Roy (HBO) YELLOWJACKETS - Melanie Lynskey as Shauna Sadecki (Showtime) 
Lead Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series/TV Movie: BEEF - Ali Wong as Amy Lau (Netflix) DAISY JONES & THE SIX - Riley Keough as Daisy Jones (Prime Video) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Lizzy Caplan as Libby Epstein (Hulu) GEORGE & TAMMY - Jessica Chastain as Tammy Wynette (Showtime) LOVE & DEATH - Elizabeth Olsen as Candy Montgomery (HBO) TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS - Kathryn Hahn as a Clare Pierce (Hulu)
Lead Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Katherine Kelly Lang as Brooke Logan (CBS) THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Jacqueline MacInnes-Wood as Steffy Forrester (CBS) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Laura Wright as Carly Spencer (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Melissa Claire Egan as Chelsea Newman (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Michelle Stafford as Phyllis Summers (CBS)
Lead Actor in a Comedy Series: BARRY - Bill Hader as Barry (HBO) THE BEAR - Jeremy Allen White as Carmy Berzatto (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Steve Martin as Charles-Haden Savage (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Martin Short as Oliver Putnam (Hulu)
TED LASSO - Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso (Apple Plus)
Lead Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill (AMC) THE LAST OF US - Pedro Pascal as Joel (HBO) THE OLD MAN - Jeff Bridges as Dan Chase (F/X) SUCCESSION - Brian Cox as Logan Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Jeremy Strong as Kendall Roy (HBO)
Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series/TV Movie: BEEF - Steven Yeun as Danny Cho (Netflix) BLACK BIRD - Taron Egerton as James Keene (Apple Plus) GEORGE & TAMMY - Michael Shannon as George Jones (Showtime) MONSTER - Evan Peters as Jeffrey Dahmer (Netflix) WEIRD - Daniel Radcliffe as “Weird Al” Yankovic (Roku) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Kumail Nanjiani as Somen “Steve” Banerjee (Hulu) 
Lead Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Thorsten Kaye as Ridge Forrester (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Dan Feuerriegel as E.J. DiMera (NBC & Peacock) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Billy Flynn as Chad DiMera (NBC & Peacock) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Maurice Benard as Sonny Corinthos (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Jason Thompson as Billy Abbott (CBS)
Lead Performer in a New Series: THE BEAR - Jeremy Allen White as Carmen Berzatto (Hulu) THE DIPLOMAT - Keri Russell as Kate Wyler (Netflix) THE LAST OF US - Pedro Pascal as Joel (HBO) THE OLD MAN - Jeff Bridges as Dan Chase (F/X) SHRINKING - Jason Segel as Jimmy Laird (Apple Plus) SO HELP ME TODD - Marcia Gay Harden as Margaret (CBS) WEDNESDAY - Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams (Netflix)
Younger Performer in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Henry Samiri as Douglas Forrester (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Christopher Cary as Thomas DiMera (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - William Lipton as Cameron Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Eden McCoy as Josslyn Jacks (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Avery Kristen Pohl as Esme Prince (ABC) 
Younger Performer in Primetime: FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Meara Mahoney Gross as Hannah Fleishman (Hulu) THE LAST OF US - Belle Ramsay as Ellie (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Keivonn Montreal Woodard as Sam Burrell (HBO) THAT ‘90s SHOW - Callie Haverda as Leia Forman (Netflix) WEDNESDAY - Jenna Ortega as Wednesday Addams (Netflix) YOUNG SHELDON - Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper (CBS)
Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Janelle Jones as Ava Coleman (ABC) ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Sheryl Lee Ralph as Barbara Howard (ABC) THE BEAR - Ayo Edebiri as Sydney Adamu (Hulu) MAISEL - Alex Borstein as Susie Myerson (Prime Video) THE OTHER TWO - Molly Shannon as Pat (HBO Max) SHRINKING - Jessica Williams as Gaby (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Juno Temple as Keeley Jones (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Hannah Waddingham as Rebecca Welton (Apple Plus)
Supporting Actress in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Carol Burnett at Marion (AMC) BETTER CALL SAUL - Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler (AMC) THE CROWN - Elizabeth Debicki as Diana, Princess of Wales (Netflix) SUCCESSION - J. Smith-Cameron as Gerri Kellman (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Jennifer Coolidge as Tanya McQuoid-Hunt (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Meghann Fahy as Daphne Sullivan (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Aubrey Plaza as Harper Spiller (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Simona Tabasco as Lucia (HBO)   
Supporting Actress in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: BEEF - Maria Bello as Jordana Forster (Netflix) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Claire Danes as Rachel Fleishman (Hulu) LOVE & DEATH - Lily Rabe as Betty Gore (HBO) MONSTER - Niecy Nash-Betts as Glenda Cleveland (Netflix) TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS - Merritt Wever as Frankie Pierce (Hulu) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Annaleigh Ashford as Irene Banerjee (Hulu) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Juliette Lewis as Denise (Hulu)
Supporting Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Krista Allen as Taylor Hayes (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Stacy Haiduk as Kristen DiMera (NBC & Peacock) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Sonya Eddy as Epiphany Johnson (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Brook Kerr as Dr. Portia Robinson (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Kelly Thiebaud as Dr. Britt Westbourne (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Susan Walters as Diane Jenkins (CBS)
Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie (ABC) BARRY - Anthony Carrigan as NoHo Hank (HBO) BARRY - Henry Winkler as Gene Cousineau (HBO) THE BEAR - Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Richie Jerimovich (Hulu) JURY DUTY - James Marsden as Himself (FreeVee) SHRINKING - Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhoades (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Phil Dunster as Jamie Tartt (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent (Apple Plus)
Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Giancarlo Esposito as Gustavo Fring (AMC) SUCCESSION - Nicholas Braun as Greg Hirsch (HBO) SUCCESSION - Matthew Macfadyen as Tom Wambsgans (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alan Ruck as Connor Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alexander Skarsgard as Matsson (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - F. Murray Abraham as Bert Di Grasso (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Michael Imperioli as Dominic Di Grasso (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Theo James as Cameron Sullivan (HBO) 
Supporting Actor in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: BEEF - Young Mazino as Paul Cho (Netflix) BLACK BIRD - Paul Walter Hauser as Larry Hall (Apple Plus) BLACK BIRD - Ray Liotta as Big Jim Keene (Apple Plus) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Adam Brody as Seth Morris (Hulu) LOVE & DEATH - Jesse Plemons as Allan Gore (HBO Max) MONSTER - Richard Jenkins as Lionel Dahmer (Netflix) WELCOME TO CHIPPENDALES - Murray Bartlett as Nick DeNoia (Hulu)
Supporting Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Matthew Atkinson as Thomas Forrester (CBS) BEYOND SALEM/DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Steve Burton as Harris Michaels (Peacock) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Nicholas Chavez as Spencer Cassidine (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Chad Duell as Michael Corinthos (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Bryton James as Devon Hamilton (CBS)
Supporting Performer in a New Series: BAD SISTERS - Eva Birthistle as Ursula Flynn (Apple Plus) THE BEAR - Ayo Edebiri as Sydney Adamu (Hulu) THE BEAR - Ebon Moss-Bachrach as Richard “Richie” Jerimovich (Hulu)
JURY DUTY - James Marsden as Himself (FreeVee) THE OLD MAN - John Lithgow as Harold Harper (F/X) SHRINKING - Harrison Ford as Dr. Paul Rhoades (Apple Plus) WEDNESDAY - Gwendoline Christie as Larissa Weems (Netflix)
Guest Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Taraji P. Henson as Vanetta (ABC) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Jane Lynch as Sazz Pataki (Hulu) POKER FACE - Judith Light as Irene Smothers (Peacock) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Quinta Brunson as Host/Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Becky Ann Baker as Dottie Lasso (Apple Plus) TED LASSO - Harriet Walter as Deborah (Apple Plus) 
Guest Actor in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Leslie Odom Jr. as Draemond (ABC) THE BEAR - Jon Bernthal as Mikey Berzatto (Hulu) THE BEAR - Oliver Platt as Pops (Hulu) MAISEL - Luke Kirby as Lenny Bruce (Prime Video) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Steve Martin & Martin Short as Co-Hosts/Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Sam Richardson as Edwin Akufo (Apple Plus) 
Guest Actress in a Drama Series: THE LAST OF US - Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Storm Reid as Riley Abel (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Anna Torv as Theresa “Tess” Servopoulos (HBO) SUCCESSION - Hope Davis as Sandi Furness (HBO) SUCCESSION - Cherry Jones as Nan Pierce (HBO) SUCCESSION - Harriet Walter as Lady Caroline Collingwood (HBO) 
Guest Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Mark Margolis as Hector “Tio” Salamanca (AMC) THE LAST OF US - Murray Bartlett as Frank (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Lamar Johnson as Henry Burrell (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Nick Offerman as Bill (HBO) THE MANDALORIAN - Giancarlo Esposito as Moff Gideon (HBO) SUCCESSION - James Cromwell as Ewan Roy (HBO) 
Guest Performer in Daytime: GENERAL HOSPITAL - Denise Crosby as Dr. Carolyn Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Alley Mills as Heather Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Linda Purl as Peyton Honeycutt (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Barbara Crampton as Leanna Love (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - James Hyde as Jeremy Stark (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Robert Newman as Ashland Locke (CBS)
Guest Performer in a New Series: THE BEAR - Jon Bernthal as Mikey Berzatto (Hulu) THE BEAR - Oliver Platt as Pops (Hulu) THE LAST OF US - Murray Bartlett as Frank (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Melanie Lynskey as Kathleen (HBO) THE LAST OF US - Nick Offerman as Bill (HBO) WEDNESDAY - Catherine Zeta-Jones as Morticia Addams (Netflix) 
Performance by a Cast in a Comedy Series: Abbott Elementary (ABC) Barry (HBO) The Bear (F/X) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Prime Video) Saturday Night Live (NBC) Ted Lasso (Apple Plus)
Performance by a Cast in a Drama Series: Bad Sisters (Apple Plus) Better Call Saul (AMC) The Crown (Netflix) The House of the Dragon (HBO) Succession (HBO) The White Lotus (HBO)
Performance by a Cast in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: Beef (Netflix) Daisy Jones and the Six (HBO) Five Days At Memorial (Apple Plus) Fleishman in Trouble (Hulu) Welcome to Chippendales (Hulu) The White House Plumbers (HBO) 
Performance by a Cast in Daytime: The Bay (Pop TV) Beyond Salem & Days of Our Lives (Peacock) The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) General Hospital (ABC) The Young and the Restless (CBS)
Performance by a Cast in a New Series: Bad Sisters (Apple Plus) The Bear (F/X) The House of the Dragon (HBO) Jury Duty (FreeVee) So Help Me Todd (CBS) Wednesday (Netflix)
Screen Couples
Screen Duo or Trio in a Comedy or Variety Series: THE GREAT - Nicholas Hoult and Elle Fanning (Hulu) ONLY MURDER IN THE BUILDING - Steve Martin, Martin Short, and Selena Gomez (Hulu) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Steve Martin and Martin Short (NBC) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Michael Che and Colin Jost (NBC) SCHMIGADOON - Cecily Strong and Keegan-Michael Key (Apple Plus)
Screen Duo or Trio in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Bob Odenkirk and Rhea Seehorn (AMC) THE CROWN - Dominic West and Elizabeth Debicki (Netflix) THE GOOD DOCTOR - Freddie Highmore and Paige Spara (ABC) THE LAST OF US - Murray Bartlett and Nick Offerman (HBO) SUCCESSION - Any two (or more) Roy Siblings (HBO) 
Screen Duo or Trio in a Limited/Anthology Series or TV Movie: BEEF - Steven Yeun and Ali Wong (Netflix) DAISY JONES AND THE SIX - Sam Claflin and Riley Keough (HBO) FLEISHMAN IS IN TROUBLE - Jesse Eisenberg, Lizzy Caplan, and Claire Danes (Hulu) GEORGE & TAMMY - Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain (Showtime) HOCUS POCUS 2 - Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Kathy Najimy (Disney Plus) 
Screen Duo or Trio in Daytime: GENERAL HOSPITAL - Maurice Benard and Cynthia Watros (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Chad Duell and Katelyn MacMullen (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - James Patrick Stuart and Finola Hughes (ABC) LIVE WITH KELLY AND MARK - Kelly Ripa and Mark Consuelos (ABC/Syndicated) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Peter Bergman and Susan Walters (CBS)
Host Categories
Late Night Host: THE DAILY SHOW - Trevor Noah (Comedy Central) JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE - Jimmy Kimmel (ABC) LAST WEEK TONIGHT - John Oliver (HBO) THE LATE SHOW - Stephen Colbert (CBS) THE PROBLEM WITH - Jon Stewart (Apple Plus)
Daytime Talk Host: THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW - Drew Barrymore (Syndicated) THE JENNIFER HUDSON SHOW - Jennifer Hudson (Syndicated) THE KELLY CLARKSON SHOW - Kelly Clarkson (NBC/Syndicated) LIVE WITH KELLY and MARK - Kelly Ripa & Mark Consuelos (ABC/Syndicated) THE TALK - The Hosts of The Talk (CBS)
Reality Host: BAKING IT - Amy Poehler & Maya Rudolph (Peacock) NAILED IT - Nicole Byer (Netflix) QUEER EYE - The Hosts of Queer Eye (Netflix) RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE - RuPaul Charles (VH1) SURVIVOR - Jeff Probst (CBS) TOP CHEF - Padma Lakshmi (Bravo)
Game Show Host: FAMILY FEUD - Steve Harvey (ABC/Syndicated) JEOPARDY - Mayim Bialik (ABC/Syndicated) JEOPARDY - Ken Jennings (ABC/Syndicated) LET’S MAKE A DEAL - Wayne Brady (CBS) PASSWORD - Keke Palmer (NBC) WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Pat Sajak (Syndicated)
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scotianostra · 1 year
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Happy 65th Birthday comedian and actor Gordon Kennedy.
Gordon  was born of February 22nd 1958 in Glasgow but grew up in Tranent, East Lothian, he was educated at George Watson’s College in Edinburgh before studying physical education at Jordanhill College, now part of the University of Strathclyde.
I was a big fan of “alternative comedy” when it started to get going in the early 80’s Kennedy first got together with some friends in 1980 making his debut at the Edinburgh festival in 1980 under the name The Bodgers this led on to the channel 4 show Absolutely, with the same prominently Scottish team, he cut his teeth as an extra in several shows like Russ Abbot, Kenny Everett and Les Dennis beforehand.
Since then, his production company, Absolutely Productions, have made Welcome To Strathmuir, the BBC Scotland comedy starring John Gordon Sinclair, and Radio 4 comedy series Baggage with fellow Scots Peter Capaldi and Phyllis Logan. He went on to become more mainstream and was the original co-host of the National Lottery Lottery show on Saturday nights with Anthea Turner.I suppose those that didn’t follow the comedy scene will know Gordon from his time starring a Little John in noughties incarnation of Robin Hood on BBC 1.
If you’re a bit older you might recall him in the fab Glasgow Kiss with Iain Glenn and Sharon Small at the turn of the millennium or a few years later as Sgt. Bruce Hornsby in Red Cap. He was also the narrator in the first series of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, as well as Mac in oor ain soap River City for 18 months.
Kennedy sent an audition tape for a part Outlander, but missed out, I can’t find out what, if any part he was considered for, he bounced back though appearing in the mini series The Spanish Princess, which just like Outlander is shown on the Starz network in the States, he also appeared in 4 episodes of the British-American period drama  Harlots.
More recently Gordon has appeared in the ITV drama series Grantchester, the Scottish show Crime and the second series of forensic crime drama Traces, alongside Martin Compston  Giordon also turned up in an episode of the Amazon Prime series Mammals last year.
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iain ramsay คือใคร และเขามีผลกระทบต่อการเล่นคาสิโนหรือไม่?
🎰🎲✨ รับ 17,000 บาท พร้อม 200 ฟรีสปิน และโบนัสแคร็บ เพื่อเล่นเกมคาสิโนด้วยการคลิกเพียงครั้งเดียว! ✨🎲🎰
iain ramsay คือใคร และเขามีผลกระทบต่อการเล่นคาสิโนหรือไม่?
เว็บไซต์ของ Iain Ramsay เป็นหนึ่งในเว็บไซต์ที่มีความสำคัญในวงการฟุตบอล ซึ่งมีผลงานที่ยิ่งใหญ่ในการแข่งขันการแข่งขัน ประสานเมือง ประสานเมือง ลีกชาย(Philippines Football League)ในปี 2017 ซึ่งเป็นการแข่งขันที่สร้างสรรค์โดยกสมทihไดบโก่ ดาคอลเฮียนขั้นสูง โดย Iain Ramsay เคยเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของทีมชาติฟิลิปปินส์ ในการแข่งขันฟุตบอลในระดับโลก เขามีประสบการณ์ที่ยิ่งใหญ่ในวงการฟุตบอล และกลายเป็นแรงบันดาลใจให้กับนักกีฬาหลายคนทั่วโลก
เว็บไซต์ของ Iain Ramsay ไม่เพียงเพียงแสดงผลงานของเขาในสนาม เเต่ยังเป็นที่รวมข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับชีวิตส่วนตัว ความสำเร็จ และความฝันของเขาในวงการฟุตบอล ที่อาจจะเป็นแรงบันดาลใจให้กับนักกีฬาคนอื่น ๆ ที่ต้องการตามรอยผลงานของเขา
เว็บไซต์ iain Ramsay เป็นแหล่งข้อมูลที่มีคุณภาพสูง ที่นำเสนอข่าวสารใหม่ ๆเกี่ยวกับการแข่งขันฟุตบอล และการชีวิตของ Iain Ramsay ไม่ว่าจะเป็นข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับการแข่งขัน หรือความสำเร็จในสนาม นอกจากนั้นยังมีคำแนะนำและเคล็ดลับในการปรับปรุงฝีที่และสมรรถนะในการแข่งขันให้อยู่ในระดับสูงสุด โดย Iain Ramsay คนเอง
Iain Ramsay คือ นักกีฬาฟุตบอลชาวฟิลิปปินส์ที่มีประสบการณ์มากมายในวงการฟุตบอลโลก โดยเฉพาะในลีกที่มีชื่อเสียงอย่าง A-League ในประเทศออสเตรเลีย การทำงานของ Iain Ramsay นั้นได้รับความนิยมและเคารพจากแฟนๆของฟุตบอลอย่างมาก เขามีทักษะที่น่าทึ่งในการเล่นบอลและสามารถช่วยทีมของเขาเอาชนะการแข่งขันได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ
ตั้งแต่เป็นนักเตะลูกโบย่าชายลายไปจนถึงการเล่นในลีกระดับสูง เขามีการฝึกฝนที่สม่ำเสมอและการทำงานหนักหนาที่สามารถช่วยสร้างความสำเร็จให้กับตนเองและทีมของเขา การหนดทำงานของ Iain Ramsay สร้างประสบการณ์ที่สำคัญให้กับเขาในวงการฟุตบอล และช่วยเขาในการเติบโตและพัฒนาทักษะของตนเองอย่างมาก
ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการเล่นบอลระดับสูง การช่วยเหลือเพื่อนร่วมทีม หรือการมีมนตร์เที่ยวๆนอกรีล •ากเรือหู้ย่างโชว์เรซ่างกา,อาหี่การีเข􀏑. ไล่งอักขรสย#ยง เต็บาามเรังพืลลว การทำงานของ Iain Ramsay ได้แสดงให้เห็นถึงความมุ่งมังของเขาในการพัฒนาตนเองให้ดียิ่มขึ้นตลอดเวลา เขาเป็นตัวอย่างที่ดีใหทั้ที้หึ้นี อัฟด9รื38้ยาาคสู9รหล8ึางย9เหลอ้โอา. อัยาสราดวาาไคตไแเยล้าขยข็ยคดชนตารดวัน้อยตื่ยชีวิักรดืึ่ำย็ดีลยด้าสียุ้ดิต็ียปล็นยถส.
Iain Ramsay เป็นนักพนันชาวอังกฤษที่เคยชื่นชอบเข้าคาสิโนและเป็นผู้สร้างมาตรฐานสูงในวงการการพนันออนไลน์ เมื่อเขาเข้าเล่นคาสิโนออนไลน์ iain ramsay ได้งานคัดเลือก แต่ความเสี่ยงในการพนันทำให้เขาเสพที่อยู่ในคาสิโนเพียบครั้งนี้เป็นประการแรก ผลของการเสพไม่ดีหน้าของ ramsay เริ่มเป็นไปไม่ตามคาด ทำให้เขาเสพที่อยู่ในคาสิโนเพียบนั้นนับเป็นการยอมแพ้ในหน้าที่งานของเขา ปล้องท่าเขาตระะใจของเขาทำให้ที่บอกเหตุผลเติบโต
หน่วยตรอกรอกอีกประเภทหนึงที่รวมทุกอย่างที่เคยเป็นที่คุ้นเคยก่อนหน้านี้ ที่ ramsay เป็นผู้เริ่มต้นด้วยการสุ่มแรกไร้ที่มagtulad ng malalim na pinagmulan, kawing at bahagi ng puso. โดยagentตรงต่อเวสลินเป็นการเริ่มต้นที่ดีสำหรับการรับสามารถเปลี่ยนแปลงการเสพด้วยบท่านที่ถูการเสพแปลกแต่อarte na itechto sa pangngalanเป็นระยะเวลา rng ไม่มีวิธีที่ดีที่สุดเหมือนแคลนนี้เป็นต้นเหตในการฟื้นฟู คาสิโนของr ncançorμικρών διαστημάτωνใหคาสิโนของ ramsay
ใช้เวลขึ้น magsaliksik ng maganda เฉพาะในเรื่องข้องขวบอ khảo sát, การกำหนตการนี้จัดเสพได้น้อย piinamumuhun utan nguấn mười người chơi vàoหารตา na ngunit nhấp vàoค้สิโนของ msay sesama sendiri denganการปฏิบัตยัการวิเหนการใหม่นี้ได้ด้วยความคิดสร้างบทูลไม่สามารถค่า phưong phápซึ่งเป็นวิชาที่สร้aเป็นลีดของการฑักกบของภารท insurance ของรีสัม con ngườiทำให้ชีว kicked yray วีปยจาก opplayerล si ngườiี ็ขึ้นเว็บหน้ีสำหร้องkyayqor sa va iain ramsay going to ตอก็เที่ยงใน lawsuit
ในวงการคาสิโนออนไลน์, iain ramsay เป็นนักเทคโนโลยีที่มีชื่อเสียงที่ช่วยให้ผู้เล่นสามารถเพลิดเพลินกับเกมอย่างมืออาชีพ. การเล่นคาสิโนออนไลน์มีแนวทางและกลยุทธ์ที่บ่อยครั้งที่จะช่วยให้คุณสามารถเพิ่มโอกาสในการชนะ เรามีเคล็ดลับ 4 ข้อที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ iain ramsay ที่คุณอาจจะต้องรู้.
ข้อแรก, การระวังที่สุดในการเล่นคาสิโนออนไลน์คือการเลือกเกมที่ถูกวิเคราะห์อย่างถูกต้อง. ควรเลือกเล่นบาคาร่า, รูเล็ต, และเกมที่มีอัตราการชำระเงินสูง.
อันดับสอง, ควรจำกัดจำนวนเงินที่นำมาเล่น และจำกัดเวลาที่ใช้ในการเล่นเกม เพื่อปรับความเสี่ยงในการขาดทุน อย่าเสี่ยงเงินทุนมากเกินไป.
ข้อที่สาม, การใช้กลยุทธ์การเดิมพันเป็นวิธีที่ดีในการช่วยเพิ่มโอกาสในการชนะ แบ่งเงินทุนไว้ในการเดิมพันต่าง ๆ เพื่อลดความเสี่ยง.
ท้ายที่สุด, การศึกษากฎเกมและการเรียนรู้วิธีการเล่นอย่างมืออาชีพจาก iain ramsay จะเสริมโอกาสในการชนะ. ควรศึกษากฎกติกาและกลยุทธ์ที่เหมาะสมกับเกมที่คุณสนใจ.
ดังนั้น, การทำความเข้าใจและปฏิบัติตามแนวทางการเล่นคาสิโนที่เกี่ยวข้องกับ iain ramsay จะช่วยให้คุณมีโอกาสในการชนะมากขึ้นในการเดิมพันออนไลน์.
ในโลกของคาสิโนออนไลน์ การรู้จักกับบุคคลที่มีผลกระทบต่ออุตสาหกรรมเป็นสิ่งสำคัญ หนึ่งในนักเล่นที่มีชื่อเสียงอย่างมากคือไออุน แรมเซย์ เขาเป็นผู้ไม่คาดคิดและเต็มไปด้วยความคิดสร้างสรรมาสมบูรณ์ แยกต่างหากจากนักพนันทั่วไป มีความมีสุขลักษณะที่ส่วนใหญ่มองไม่เห็นแต่กลับเป็นปัจจัยสำคัญในการทำให้เข้ากับประสบการณ์การเล่นของเขา
เมื่อเปรียบเทียบกับผู้อื่นที่มีผลกระทบต่อคาสิโน ไออุน แรมเซย์มีความเฉลียบชากว่า ความช่างจับใจและการรู้จักถอดความในเกมทำให้เขาเด่นออกไปจากผู้อื่น นอกจากนี้ เขายังมีความสามารถทางด้านเล่นที่มากมายที่ช่วยเขาประสบความสำเร็จในหน้าที่ของเอกสาร201ซึ้งมันความตรงข้ามกับนักเล่นที่ไม่มีประสบการณ์
เมื่อพิจารณาถึงคุณค่าของไออุน แรมเซย์ในวงการคาสิโนออนไลน์ ควรจำไว้ว่าเขาเป็นผู้มุ่งมั่นแล���มีคุณสมบัติที่ทำให้เขารวยรวยขึ้น ด้วยความเฉียบคมและความเป็นมืออาชีพ ไออุน แรมเซย์ทำให้เขาเป็นตัวแทนรุ่นเยาวชนที่ทรงพลังและสามารถทำให้เกษียณทำได้ เพราะเขาสร้างชื่อเสียงอันยั่งยืนในวงการและเครือข่ายสัมพันธ์ที่ยอดเยี่ยม แบ่งออกเป็นเรื่องเดียวกันที่ช่วยเขาดันหน้าปัจจัยที่กล่าวถึงและทรงการเติบโตต่อไป
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badiiidea · 2 years
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6rookie-writer0110 · 4 years
The house covered with ivy
Emilia Clarke x Female Reader
Request- Emilia x fem reader where they met on stage and everyone thinks R is rude, angry and just a total jerk but Nathalie and Iain are the only people who know R for her and that's her facade. D&D think her "personality" would be good so they recruit her as Blair Bolton who been through a lot of shit by Ramasy but came out stronger and more powerful than anyone. The cast hates the idea but Emilia is curious why R is only nice to her
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You like being an actress on the show game of thrones. You never played a weak then to a strong and dark character before and you play as Blair Bolton on the show she is related to Ramsay. Onset, you give it your and give your best performance. But behind the scenes, you don't get along with everyone because they think you're rude, angry and just a total jerk. Only two people know the real you, Nathalie and Iain.
Before being on the show, Iain helped you become a better actress. He is still your mentor and he told you to audition for the role. D&D loved you when you audition for the role because your personality would be good so they recruit her as Blair. Not many liked the idea they hated it. But Nathalie and Iain loved it also Emilia.
”Here is your latte” Nathalie said.
”Thanks,” You said.
The only thing you hate about filming is during an extremely cold day and night. You and Nathalie start to drink lattes and you see Emilia talking to other people.
”Mate, when are you going to tell her,” Nathalie said.
They know that you have feelings for Emilia.
”I can't,” You said.
”Why? She isn't seeing anyone and she is ready to mingle” Nathalie said.
”I don't think she would be interested in me,” You said.
”Why she wouldn't be!? You're smart, hot, kinda funny and you're great to be around. Ask her out” Nathalie said.
You shake your head.
”That won't happen,” You said.
”So stubborn,” Nathalie said.
Later, Nathalie told Iain about your crush on Emilia. Now they want to play matchmakers.
Emilia walked towards you, Iain and Nathalie. You smile at her with heart eyes and Emilia is just smiling.
”Did all of you had lunch?” Emilia asked.
”Actually, we are about to get lunch, but you can stay with Y/N and we will be back,” Iain said.
Nathalie interrupted you and you know what they are doing.
”Iain, I will go with you,” Nathalie said.
Emilia sits next to you.
”Y/N, I missed you,” Emilia said.
You like the way she says your name with her British accent. You had the week off. Your character and her character, have a love/hate relationship.
”I-I missed you too,” You said.
She touches your hand.
”Y/N, you are hand feel like ice,” Emilia said.
”It’s fine, don't worry about it,” You said.
”I will help you get warm,” Emilia said.
”You don't-”
”Stop it. And I don't mind” Emilia said.
Emilia moved closer and she shares her blanket with you. She snuggles on you and she holding both of your hands. Your heart starts to beat fast, your fingers lock with her fingers.
✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
Iain and Nathalie decided to do it for you, tell Emilia that you like her.
”She really fancies me?” Emilia asked in shock.
”Yes. Y/N didn't say anything about it because she thought you would reject her” Iain said.
”She also had a life-threatening surgery and that she always looked up to you because of how brave you are and determined to not stop playing Dany because of it,” Nathalie said.
”I didn't know she went through that” Emilia said.
”She is in love with you, Emilia. She has been bullied in the past that she rather bottle everything inside and not say anything” Iain said.
”I actually like her a lot. That's why I broke up with my ex because I couldn't stop thinking about her” Emilia said.
”Are you going to ask her out?” Nathalie asked.
”Maybe” Emilia teased.
”You should ask her out because she would take too long to do it,” Iain said.
Nathalie did agree with him now Emilia knows what to do.
~Next Day~
You and Emilia have been working long hours for very long hours. You and Emilia are sitting close, Nathalie and Iain joined in.
”Aww, you and Y/N look so cute together,” Nathalie said.
You did blush a little bit.
”I agree. When is the first date?” Iain said.
Your eyes opened wide. You just drink your tea
”They told me about your crush on me,” Emilia said.
You spit out your drink and Emilia starts to rub your back.
”You two told her!?” You asked.
”Yes. We had to because you wouldn't ask her out. So tell us, when is the date” Nathalie said.
”You guys are dead,” You said.
”Y/N are you free tonight?” Emilia asked.
”Y-yeah,” You said.
”How about tonight at eight clock?” Emilia said.
”Sounds good to me,” You said.
Nathalie and Iain high five each other.
✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
You went to Emilia’s condo to pick her up. But she isn't ready, you sit in the living room and watch a little bit of tv. You didn't pay attention to the window because a snowstorm just started.
Emilia comes out of her bedroom looking gorgeous and you smile at her.
”Wow, you look gorgeous,” You said while standing up.
”Thank you. You look gorgeous also” Emilia said.
The news came on and talked about the blizzard.
”Guess, we can't go anywhere and it looks really bad,” You said while looking out the window.
”Great. Our first date is ruined and we got dressed up for nothing” Emilia said.
”Not really, we can still have our date here,” You said.
”Oh really,” Emilia said.
You nod. Emilia followed you into the kitchen, she sits on the barstool and she is watching you cook a romantic dinner. Emilia can't stop smiling at you and looks at you with heart eyes.
”Where did you learn how to cook?” Emilia asked.
”Iain’s wife taught me how to cook upscaled food,” You said.
”I have wine,” Emilia said.
”Sounds good to me,” You said.
Emilia takes out the wine and she starts to talk about how she got into acting. You and Emilia talk about childhood stories and more.
After a while cooking then you and Emilia sit together and start to eat together.
”They told me about the life-threatening surgery that you went through and how in the past you were bullied. Y/N, you are a strong woman and there are many qualities I like about you. I'm hoping we can be in a relationship” Emilia said.
”Thank you. Yeah, I want you to be my girlfriend” You said.
Emilia moved closer and she pressed her lips onto your lips.
Later, you and Emilia watch British bake-off while eating chocolate and drinking wine. You lie your head on her chest and she put her arm around you, she traces patterns on your arm.
✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪
December 31 🎉
For weeks you and Emilia kept the release a secret from the media, Nathalie and Iain. Tonight Iain is having a party at his house and everyone arrived. You and Emilia sit in the car and she smiles at you.
”Are you sure you want everyone to know?” You asked.
”Yeah. Nathalie and Iain will be really happy about it but watch” You said.
”Let’s go in,” Emilia said.
You and Emilia walked into the party holding hands. Nathalie and Iain are in shock and very happy for you and Emilia.
”Yes!” Nathalie cheered.
”Now it's a good time to drink champagne,” Iain said.
You and Emilia grabbed the glass.
”How long?” Iain said.
”We kept it as a secret but now we care don't care who knows about it,” You said.
”She makes me happy and she is an amazing cook,” Emilia said.
Emilia kissed your cheek and you blushed.
Throughout the night, you and Emilia are having a good time together. And took many pictures together even with Iain and Nathalie.
You are sitting down and she sat on your lap. She is feeling a little tipsy
Emilia starts to play with your hair.
You have your hand on your thigh.
Everyone is getting ready to celebrate the new year.
”Happy new year!!” Everyone yelled.
Emilia grabbed your face and she kissed you.
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Game Of Thrones Season Eight Episode Two “Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” Promotional Pictures
Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen
Gwendoline Christie as Brienne Of Tarth
Richard Dormer as Beric Dondarrion
Kit Harington as Jon Snow
Alfie Allen as Theon Greyjoy
Jacob Anderson as Grey Worm
Nathalie Emmanuel as Missandei
Maisie Williams as Arya Stark
Joe Dempsie as Gendry
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau as Jaime Lannister
Kristofer Hivju as Tormund Giantsbane
Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth
Isaac Hempstead Wright as Bran Stark
Bella Ramsay as Lyanna Mormont
Rupert Vansittart as Yohn Royce
Staz Nair as Qhono
Conleth Hill as Varys
Iain Glen as Jorah Mormont
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister
John Bradley as Samwell Tarly
Megan Parkinson as Alys Karstark
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
Closer, September 21
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Jacqueline Kennedy -- what she hid from the world 
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Page 1: Contents 
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Page 2: The Big Picture -- Good friends Henry Fonda and Jimmy Stewart 
Page 4: Rachael Ray rebuilding after the fire 
Page 6: Hellos & Goodbyes, Mandy Moore on mother-daughter relationships 
Page 8: Picture Perfect -- Glenn Close camps out with her dog Pip 
Page 10: Iain Armitage showed off Jane Fonda’s new book and his pet hamster, Gordon Ramsay took his son Oscar and his dog for a swim 
Page 12: Jane Seymour and Joe Lando of Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman reunite 
Page 22: Cover Story -- Jacqueline Kennedy -- how love saved her -- the horror of her husband’s assassination haunted the former First Lady for many years 
Page 26: Anita Pointer misses her best friend -- she opens up for the first time about the recent death of her beloved sister Bonnie Pointer 
Page 31: Spot the Difference -- Mary Sohn and Lyric Lewis on A.P. Bio 
Page 33: Horoscopes -- Virgo Aisha Tyler turned 50 on September 18 
Page 34: Entertainment -- Sarah Paulson on Ratched, In the Spotlight -- Bette Midler 
Page 36: Movies -- Susan Sarandon on Blackbird
Page 37: DVDs, Books, Music -- Reba McEntire on Rumor Has It 
Page 38: Television 
Page 40: Great Escape -- Carla Hall on Michigan 
Page 44: 5 reasons to get the flu shot now 
Page 46: Engelbert Humperdinck -- true romance -- the singer opens up about his wild fans and his devoted wife and how he’s helping her fight Alzheimer’s 
Page 50: Hollywood Most Outrageous Secrets & Scandals -- fame and beauty and money and power couldn’t protect Tinseltown’s beloved stars from gossip --  George Reeves’ suspicious death, Elizabeth Taylor steals Debbie Reynolds’ husband, Clark Gable’s secret daughter
Page 51: Ingrid Bergman’s scandalous love life, Joan Crawford’s racy movies, Lana Turner’s mobster boyfriend killed, Charlie Chaplin’s American exile 
Page 52: Robert Redford -- my life at 84 -- with his years in Hollywood behind him the star has time for his personal passions 
Page 54: Good Cause -- stars give back -- the music community is raising money for COVID-19 relief
Page 56: Style -- trend alert: built-in baubles -- Brooke Shields 
Page 58: My Life in 10 Pictures -- Raquel Welch 
Page 60: Flashback -- flouncy dresses, turbans, Death on the Nile, Get Out the Vote! 
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foxingpeculiar · 4 years
Since I don’t plan on putting on another one in the next two hours, I apparently watched exactly 200 movies for the first time in 2019. We’ll see if we can beat that. They are, if anyone cares:
Searching (2018, Aneesh Chhaganty)
Black Mirror: Bandersnatch (2018, David Slade)
Upgrade (2018, Leigh Whannell)
Pather Panchali (1955, Satyajit Ray)
Aparajito (1956, Satyajit Ray)
The Vampire Lovers (1970, Roy Ward Baker)
Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans (2009, Werner Herzog)
*Can You Ever Forgive Me? (2018, Marielle Heller)
Cape Fear (1991, Martin Scorsese)
Wild Strawberries (1957, Ingmar Bergman)
The Seven Year Itch (1955, Billy Wilder)
A Star is Born (2018, Bradley Cooper)
You Were Never Really Here (2017, Lynne Ramsay)
Vampire’s Kiss (1988, Robert Bierman)
Gangs of Wasseypur—Part 1 (2012, Anurag Kashyap)
*Destroyer (2018, Karyn Kusama)
Gangs of Wasseypur—Part 2 (2012, Anurag Kashyap)
Under the Silver Lake (2018, David Robert Mitchell)
Night Moves (1975, Arthur Penn)
*Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018, Bob Persichetti/Peter A Ramsey/Rodney Rothman)
The Thin Red Line (1998, Terrence Malick)
*Shogun Assassin (1980, Robert Houston/Kenji Misumi)
Secret Window (2004, David Koepp)
Gemini (2017, Aaron Katz)
Velvet Buzzsaw (2019, Dan Gilroy)
A Field in England (2013, Ben Wheatley)
Fyre: The Greatest Party That Never Happened (2019, Chris Smith)
Daisies (1966, Věra Chytilová)
The Devils (1971, Ken Russell)
Beyond the Black Rainbow (2010, Panos Cosmatos)
Bohemian Rhapsody (2018, Bryan Singer)
Bye Bye Birdie (1963, George Sidney)
Body Heat (1981, Lawrence Kasdan)
Being There (1979, Hal Ashby)
Logan’s Run (1976, Michael Anderson)
Escape From Tomorrow (2013, Randy Moore)
The Double (2014, Richard Ayoade)
Days of Heaven (1978, Terrence Malick)
The Blackcoat’s Daughter (2015, Oz Perkins)
Submarine (2010, Richard Ayoade)
*The Wandering Earth (2019, Frant Gwo)
Abducted in Plain Sight (2017, Skye Borgman)
The Thomas Crown Affair (1968, Norman Jewison)
Certain Women (2016, Kelly Reichardt)
Green Book (2018, Peter Farrelly)
Cold War (2018, Pawel Pawlikowski)
*The Boxer’s Omen (1983, Kuei Chih-Hung)
Vox Lux (2018, Brady Corbett)
A Most Violent Year (2014, JC Chandor)
Leaving Neverland (2019, Dan Reed)
Barbarella: Queen of the Galaxy (1968, Roger Vadim)
The Clovehitch Killer (2018, Duncan Skiles)
The Wicker Man (1973, Robin Hardy)
Jubilee (1978, Derek Jarman)
Blithe Spirit (1945, David Lean)
Burning (2018, Lee Chang-Dong)
Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985, Steven Hahn)
First Man (2018, Damien Chazelle)
*Us (2019, Jordan Peele)
Re-Animator (1985, Stuart Gordon)
The Dirt (2019, Jeff Tremaine)
Brokeback Mountain (2005, Ang Lee)
All That Heaven Allows (1955, Douglas Sirk)
The Blues Brothers (1980, John Landis)
Unfaithfully Yours (1948, Preston Sturges)
Hustle & Flow (2005, Craig Brewer)
Yojimbo (1961, Akira Kurosawa)
The Detective (1968, Gordon Douglas)
Support the Girls (2018, Andrew Bujalski)
The Age of Innocence (1993, Martin Scorsese)
Boys Don’t Cry (1999, Kimberly Peirce)
Eyes of Laura Mars (1978, Irvin Kershner)
*Long Day’s Journey Into Night (2019, Bi Gan)
Pet Sematary (1989, Mary Lambert)
*Avengers: Endgame (2019, Anthony & Joe Russo)
Fear (1996, James Foley)
Shivers (1976, David Cronenberg)
The Brood (1979, David Cronenberg)
Drowning by Numbers (1988, Peter Greenaway)
Like Someone in Love (2012, Abbas Kiarostami)
Society (1989, Brian Yuzna)
The Perfection (2019, Richard Shepard)
Lords of Chaos (2018, Jonas Åkerlund)
Perfect Blue (1997, Satoshi Kon)
Happy Death Day 2 U (2019, Christopher Landon)
The Dunwich Horror (1970, Daniel Haller)
Three Days of the Condor (1975, Sydney Pollack)
The Parallax View (1974, Alan J Pakula)
Klute (1971, Alan J Pakula)
The Day of the Jackal (1973, Fred Zinneman)
Play Misty for Me (1971, Clint Eastwood)
The Craft (1996, Andrew Fleming)
Charade (1963, Stanley Donen)
Her Smell (2019, Alex Ross Perry)
Gattaca (1997, Andrew Niccol)
Hackers (1995, Iain Softley)
The Paperboy (2012, Lee Daniels)
They Live (1988, John Carpenter)
*Midsommar (2019, Ari Aster)
A Murder of Crows (1999, Rowdy Herrington)
The Predator (2018, Shane Black)
*Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood (2019, Quentin Tarantino)
Bullitt (1968, Peter Yates)
Basic Instinct (1992, Paul Verhoeven)
The Da Vinci Code (2006, Ron Howard)
The Trip (1967, Roger Corman)
X: The Man with the X-Ray Eyes (1963, Roger Corman)
The Falcon and the Snowman (1985, John Schlesinger)
Inside Daisy Clover (1965, Robert Mulligan)
The Falls (1980, Peter Greenaway)
Cannibal Holocaust (1980, Ruggero Deodato)
Pokémon Detective Pikachu (2019, Rob Letterman)
War & Peace (1967, Sergei Bondarchuk)
A Zed and Two Noughts (1985, Peter Greenaway)
The Man with the Golden Arm (1955, Otto Preminger)
Maniac (1934, Dwain Esper)
Possession (1981, Andrzej Żuławski)
High Life (2018, Claire Denis)
Catch Me If You Can (2002, Steven Spielberg)
The Souvenir (2019, Joanna Hogg)
Gow the Killer (1931, Edward A Sailsbury)
Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom (2018, JA Bayona)
Suicide Squad (2016, David Ayer)
Jaws of the Jungle (1936, Eddie Granemann)
*IT, Chapter Two (2019, Andy Muschietti)
Rocketman (2019, Dexter Fletcher)
Booksmart (2019, Olivia Wilde)
A Futile and Stupid Gesture (2018, David Wain)
Goodbye Lover (1998, Roland Joffé)
24 Hour Party People (2002, Michael Winterbottom)
Wild Women of Wongo (1958, James L Wolcott)
Body of Evidence (1993, Uli Edel)
Capricorn One (1978, Peter Hyams)
Identification of a Woman (1982, Michelangelo Antonioni)
Marihuana (1936, Dwain Esper)
*Ad Astra (2019, James Gray)
The Violent Years (1956, William Morgan)
Salvatore Giuliano (1962. Francesco Rosi)
Metropolis (2001, Rintaro)
Mom and Dad (1945, William Beaudine)
The Eye of Vichy (1993, Claude Chabrol)
Harper (1966, Jack Smight)
The House That Dripped Blood (1971, Peter Duffell)
The Fearless Vampire Killers (1967, Roman Polanski)
Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959, Edward D Wood Jr)
*Joker (2019, Todd Phillips)
Attack of the Crab Monsters (1956, Roger Corman)
Fracture (2007, Gregory Hoblit)
The Bedroom Window (1987, Curtis Hanson)
The Celluloid Closet (1995, Rob Epstein & Jeffrey Friedman)
Echoes in the Darkness (1987, Glenn Jordan)
No Way Out (1987, Roger Donaldson)
Pumpkinhead (1988, Stan Winston)
Corman’s World: Exploits of a Hollywood Rebel (2011, Alex Stapleton)
McLuhan’s Wake (2002, Kevin McMahon)
Taking Lives (2004, DJ Caruso)
Spine Tingler!: The William Castle Story (2009, Jeffrey Schwarz)
House on Haunted Hill (1959, William Castle)
The Tingler (1959, William Castle)
The Virgin Spring (1960, Ingmar Bergman)
Last House on the Left (1972, Wes Craven)
*Judy (2019, Rupert Goold)
Judgment at Nuremberg (1961, Stanley Kramer)
Cam (2018, Daniel Goldhaber)
Dolemite is My Name (2019, Craig Brewer)
Dolemite (1975, D’Urville Martin)
*The Lighthouse (2019, Robert Eggers)
The Defilers (1965, David F Friedman)
A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge (1985, Jack Sholder)
Paranormal Activity 2 (2010, Tod Williams)
Paranormal Activity 3 (2011, Henry Joost & Ariel Schulman)
Kill List (2011, Ben Wheatley)
Krull (1983, Peter Yates)
Ginger Snaps (2000, John Fawcett)
Blood Feast (1963, Herschell Gordon Lewis)
Primal Fear (1996, Gregory Hoblit)
The World of Apu (1959, Satyajit Ray)
Man of Steel (2013, Zack Snyder)
Superman: The Movie (1978, Richard Donner)
Coffy (1973, Jack Hill)
In the Shadow of the Moon (2019, Jim Mickle)
The Irishman (2019, Martin Scorsese)
Marriage Story (2019, Noah Baumbach)
Echo in the Canyon (2019, Andrew Slater)
Shock Corridor (1963, Samuel Fuller)
The Road to Wellville (1994, Alan Parker)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988, Martin Scorsese)
*Knives Out (2019, Rian Johnson)
Howl (2010, Rob Epstien & Jeffrey Friedman)
Hustlers (2019, Lorene Scafaria)
Late Night (2019, Nisha Ganatra)
Reefer Madness (2005, Andy Fickman)
Soapdish (1991, Michael Hoffman)
Happy Together (1997, Wong Kar-Wai)
The Cloud-Capped Star (1960, Ritwik Ghatak)
Jodorowsky’s Dune (2013, Frank Pavich)
Thief (1981, Michael Mann)
Detour (1945, Edgar G Ulmer)
The Bank Dick (1940, Edward F Cline)
Blinded by the Light (2019, Gurinder Chadha)
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peach-salinger · 5 years
✧・*゚scottish male names
→ link to my scottish female name masterlist → link to my scottish surnames masterlist
under the cut are a mixture of 281 traditional, modern and uncommon scottish male names. this masterlist was created for all in one breath rp, but feel free to link on your own sites! names are listed in alphabetical order. as always, it's a good idea to google pronunciations (some of them might surprise you!). my favourites are in bold, just because. please like♡ or reblog if you found this useful.
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aaron, abhainn, adie, adam, aedan, aibne, ailbeart, ainsley, alasdair, alec, alban, allan, alpin, andrew, angus, archibald, arran, argyle, armstrong, artair, askill, aulay, avery
baen, baigh, baird, balloch, banner, barclay, bartholomew, bean, bearnard, birk, blaine, blair, blake, bothan, boyd, braden, bram, brian, brochan, broden, brodric, brody, bruce, bryce, bryson, busby, buzz
caddock, caelan, cahal, cailean, calder, callum, camden, cameron, campbell, carson, ciaran, cinead, clement, clyde, coinneach, coby, colin, collum, colwyn, comhnall, constantine, corey, cormac, craig, creighton, crisdean, cuthbert
daffyd, daimh, dallas, dalziel, damhan, dand, derrick, davy, dewey, donal, doughall, douglas, duncan, diarmid, domhnall, duff
edan, ellar, elliot, emlin, ennis, errol, erskine, eugene, evan, evander, ewan, ewart
farlan, farquharson, fergus, fillan, fingal, fingan, finlay, fionn, fletcher, forres, francis, frankin, fraser
gair, gareth, gavin, geoffrey, gerwin, gilbert, gillchrist, gillean, gilmore, gilroy, glendon, glenn, godfrey, gordon, gowan, graeme, grant, gregor, griffith, gus
H, I, J
hamish, hamilton, harris, harold, hector, hew, horace, iagan, iain, innes, irvine, irving, isaac, iver, jackson, jacob, jaime, jamieson, jock, jonah
kade, kai, kane, keir, kendrew, kennan, kennedy, kester, kevin, kin, kirk, kyle
labhrainn, lachlan, lamont, laine, lennox, leod, lewis, llewellyn, lloyd, logan, lorne, lucas, ludovic, luthais, lyall
macauley, mackenzie, maddock, magnus, malachy, malcolm, malise, marcus, martainn, maxwell, milroy, mitchell, morgan, montgomery, morrison, morven, murdo, muir, mungo, murdoc, murray, murtagh, myles
N, O, P, Q
nachton, neilan, niall, nichol, ninian, norris, norman, norval, ogilvy, oliphant, ossian, paden, parlan, paton, patrick, peterkin, petrus, quany, quinn
ramsay, ray, reed, rhett, ringan, robert, rodrick, ronald, rory, ross, roswald, roy
sandy, scott, seth, seumas, shaw, sholto, siomon, sloan, solomon, somerled, sorley, stewart, struan
tamhas, taveon, tavin, tavish, teague, thacker, thane, thaxter, theobald, todd, toren, torgeir, torhte, tormaigh, torrence, torrian, torsten, torquil, tristan, tyree, tyrone
U, V, W, Z
urquhart, valentine, wallace, walmond, walrick, walter, watson, zachary
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jeynewesterling · 6 years
What happened that you hate GoT? Only one season left to the finish.
The very first thing you should know about me is - I’m a book snob. So much so that my family absolutely will not watch the Harry Potter movies with me and and I absolutely will not watch the last three Harry Potter movies period. 
As my book snobbery relates to Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire, after some convincing from a friend, I knew I wanted to watch the show. However, because I knew that it was based on a book series, I had to read the books before I could allow myself to get into it. I binge-read all five books, all 4,500+ pages, in about two weeks to prepare myself to watch it. 
Game of Thrones has always had trouble staying true to the source material. Since the very, very beginning. Since Lena Headey asked Dan and David to humanize Cersei, and instead of explaining that, no this is the character as she comes across in canon, they wrote her the black-haired, trueborn, Baratheon son story that she shares with Catelyn. Since the sexposition, introducing Tyrion in a brothel instead of a library, emphasizing his sexuality over his intellect. Since they completely flipped Ned and Catelyn’s stances on if and why Ned should acccepted the Hand of the King appointment. 
For the first few seasons, yeah, it had some deviations and mischaracterizations, but the soul of the show felt more or less in line with A Song of Ice and Fire, at least from my perspective. But every season got a little bit worse than the one before, every season strayed further and further from something recognizeably A Song of Ice and Fire. 
Until we hit season five and they just threw the source material to the wind and decided to write their own story. I know some people are going to defend Dan Weiss and David Benioff, some people will argue that George’s hand is still in the show, and that’s fine. This is just my opinion, based on the show as I understand it, my interpretation of the books, how I read into certain interviews I’ve seen, etc. You are absolutely welcome to disagree with me. But by season five, they didn’t run out of source material, but they ran out of source material they were interested in and I think they were very glad to have that excuse of being ‘off book’. Yet, without the guidance of the books, their storylines were… bad. So bad. Dan and David claim to have planned Sansa going North and marrying Ramsay Snow since season two, yet with years of forethought, they still could not create a storyline that supported that with any sort of internal logic. I stopped watching the show after Sansa’s wedding to Ramsay, and only finished the season because my friend convinced me to see just what other awful, book canon defying nonsense it did next. But I did not watch season six as it aired, I was committed to being done with the show as it wasn’t even ‘love to hate it’ anymore. It was just frustrating to me, to see how little respect these writers had for A Song of Ice and Fire, because I loved the books so much and, in my naive opinion, if you’re adapting something from one form of media to another, it should be because you love it passionately, not because it’ll make you rich. I don’t feel like Dan and David love A Song of Ice and Fire passionately. And that’s not without cause: 
[T]he writers themselves, David [Benioff] and Dan [Weiss], they didn’t particularly want actors coming to the scripts from the book, always suggesting what the book did and how it was different – I could see the glazed look in their eyes when that happened…They were quite happy for us to move forward and treat them as screenplays with no history, so that’s the reason why I only ever read the first novel. - Iain Glen
Not only did they discourage actors from reading the source material, they took advantage of the actors’ lack of knowledge of the books to convince them to do things that made them uncomfortable, under the guise of “It’s a plot point in the books.”
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(Natalie Dormer)
That’s at least how I interpret that quote from her, that Dan and David told her that this sex scene with a co-star almost half her age could not be changed or written out because it was a plot point in the books, when in fact the marriage was the plot point, and significant to that plot, the fact that Margaery and Tommen have not consummated their marriage. 
The only reason I did end up going back and watching seasons six and seven was because I made friends in the fandom and I wanted to be able to keep up with context of their conversations. The problems are still there, the mischaracterizations are still there, it’s still a frustrating show for me to watch.
And to answer the real question you’re asking - why I made this post - the answer is; I am very tired of seeing speculation on the outcome of the show. I think there are some valid and interesting points being made, but really, at the end of the day, I do not care about the show and the show versions of these characters enough to engage or enjoy it. And I have no patience for using the show to predict what is coming in the next books, because they are entirely separate entities. I have seen many people say that since George R.R. Martin has given Dan and David the important plot points to hit, that there are some things we can take for certain to come about in the books. I understand that, but I also disagree.
If in my story, my character has to walk a hundred miles to get to a gas station, it is the journey that is important. The struggle to get from the starting destination to the end matters, it tells you something about the significance of their goal. If the character were to just pull up to the gas station in a car, it’s a different story, they are a different character because they have not lived the same circumstances. In the case of Game of Thrones, I feel like they are driving to the gas station which is the plot point, and ignoring the journey to get there, which is the plot. And to ignore that and say, 
“Sansa’s going to return to Winterfell anyway, what does it matter that Littlefinger sold her to her family’s murderers and she was raped?”
“G.R.R.M. confirmed Shireen’s death, what impact does it make if her father is the one that kills her, not Melisandre, not the Wildlings*?” 
“Dany is going to have to fight one of her nephews in the second Dance of Dragons, who cares if it’s Jon, not Aegon?*”
It matters. The journey matters. All of the things the characters suffer makes them who they are and makes their actions have meanings, and since the show versions of these characters have different experiences, different motivations, different lives, even when they do overlap again with their book selves, it’s a poor echo. It’s not the same thing at all. 
And I’ve recently come to the conclusion, even after picking the show back up to engage with my friends, that I really am not invested in the journeys of the show characters, the way their stories have been told, their endgames. To me, Jon is not a king, I don’t care if he gives away his kingdom to his aunt, because the Jon Snow I care about is currently dead. I’m not interested in Bran’s omniscience and how his powers can manipulate the past, because Bran is still a little boy in a cave in the Lands of Always Winter, learning what it means to be a greenseer and a skinchanger. I care about the characters George R.R. Martin has given me and I care about the stories that were so captivating, they made me read for upwards of sixteen hours straight, every day for a week. Stories I loved so much, I read the entire series three times in less than a year. 
The stories that the show has given me don’t even come close to making me feel like that. If the final season aired tonight, I honestly don’t think I’d watch it. But if The Winds of Winter was due to come out at the end of the week, I’d go camp outside the nearest bookstore right now.
*Melisandre or Val being responsible for Shireen’s death and Dany fighting with Aegon for the throne are both speculation at this point, as is the idea the Jon and Dany will have a Dance of Dragons in the show.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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Happy 64th Birthday comedian and actor Gordon Kennedy.
Gordon  was born of February 22nd 1958 in Glasgow but grew up in Tranent, East Lothian, he was educated at George Watson’s College in Edinburgh before studying physical education at Jordanhill College, now part of the University of Strathclyde.
I was a big fan of “alternative comedy” when it started to get going in the early 80’s Kennedy first got together with some friends in 1980 making his debut at the Edinburgh festival in 1980 under the name The Bodgers this led on to the channel 4 show Absolutely, with the same prominently Scottish team, he cut his teeth as an extra in several shows like Russ Abbot, Kenny Everett and Les Dennis beforehand.
Since then, his production company, Absolutely Productions, have made Welcome To Strathmuir, the BBC Scotland comedy starring John Gordon Sinclair, and Radio 4 comedy series Baggage with fellow Scots Peter Capaldi and Phyllis Logan. He went on to become more mainstream and was the original co-host of the National Lottery Lottery show on Saturday nights with Anthea Turner.I suppose those that didn’t follow the comedy scene will know Gordon from his time starring a Little John in noughties incarnation of Robin Hood on BBC 1.
If you’re a bit older you might recall him in the fab Glasgow Kiss with Iain Glenn and Sharon Small at the turn of the millennium or a few years later as Sgt. Bruce Hornsby in Red Cap. He was also the narrator in the first series of Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, as well as Mac in oor ain soap River City for 18 months.
Kennedy sent an audition tape for a part Outlander, but missed out, I can’t find out what, if any part he was considered for, he bounced back though appearing in the mini series The Spanish Princess, which just like Outlander is shown on the Starz network in the States, he also appeared in 4 episodes of the British-American period drama  Harlots.
More recently Gordon has appeared in the ITV drama series Grantchester, the Scottish show Crime and the second series of forensic crime drama Traces, alongside Martin Compston
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mayneandaya · 6 years
Ingreso of Azkals #14
Ingreso of Azkals #14
I am not a fanatic of football games. I don’t watch it. I guess It’s just not my thing and I aint an athlete. But recently, It just so happened that someone from the Azkals Philippines National Football Team followed me on Instagram. I’m not here to brag about that. And I thought maybe it’s just a random following thing but because of that incident, I got intrigued by the fact that ”hey, this is…
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byalung · 6 years
Ceres captures football crown
Iain Ramsay scored a hat trick in a fitting farewell performance as Ceres-Negros crushed archrival Global-Cebu, 4-1, Saturday night to become the inaugural champion of the Philippines Football League at the rain-soaked Panaad Stadium in Bacolod City. (more…)
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dribolopdapipol · 7 years
Azkals player Iain Ramsay joins Ceres’ loaded lineup
Photo from Ceres FC website National team player Iain Ramsay headlined the biggest additions to the Ceres Negros FC squad which aims to bounce back from a disappointing 2016. For Ramsay, a former Adelaide United and Melbourne City winger, the decision to join the Bacolod-based club was an easy one to make. “At this stage it made sense for me to commit to Ceres. They’ve been in contact with me for a while now. After my stint in Iran, I want to stay in Asia, and playing for Philippine National Team, and Ceres have been keeping a close eye on me. Am very excited to join the club”, he told Interaksyon.com “Many Asian clubs were interested before Ceres, but in the end, I’ve made the right choice, everything fit into place.” After a stint in Iranian side Tractor Sazi, Ramsay is making a return to his mother’s roots in the Philippines, Negros, where he will play in the inaugural Philippines Football League, set to start this year. “I’m very excited for PFL; it’s great to be a part of it. I’ve come to a club that is highly ambitious, not only in Philippines but in Asia as a whole, which made my decision to come here much easier,” he added. He is joining a Ceres side that’s still licking its wounds from its setbacks last season. Despite a star studded line-up that included Bundesliga veteran Stephan Schrock, they could only finish second behind Global FC in the United Football League. Ceres likewise crashed out of the first knockout stage of the 2016 AFC Cup which was played in its hometown Bacolod. They are keen to make amends this year. Apart from Ramsay, Ceres has also signed up fellow Azkals players Simone Rota, OJ Porteria and Junior Munoz. Veteran Jason de Jong and promising youngster Josh Grommen are also part of the club’s newest additions. “We have a well-balanced squad and national team players in the team. I think we have both experience and young players in the squad. From what I see, it’s the right balance,” Ramsay said. “(I hope) to be playing week in and week out and I feel I can contribute a lot to Ceres. Personally I went through a lot with my previous club in Iran and I want to concentrate to playing week in week out with Ceres. They’re having a good team with a good foundation.” The Australian-born Ramsay has high hopes for himself and his team this season. “(I’m) happy to be here and I’ve come here to be successful and take this club to another level along with my teammates. I’m 28, I feel I have some really good years ahead of me and hope to do well for Ceres,” he said. “I hope to see fans in Bacolod supporting our team. It’s an exciting time to be with the club and the team has a great chance to do well.” Ceres-Negros will kick off their AFC Cup campaign on February 21 versus Hanoi FC in Vietnam before playing back-to-back games at home in Bacolod on March 7 and March 15 against Tampines Rovers and Felda United, respectively.   http://j.mp/2ljo7wO
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Game Of Thrones Season Eight Promo Pics
Emilia Clarke as Daenerys Targaryen
Kit Harington as Jon Snow
Sophie Turner as Sansa Stark
Iain Glen as Jorah Mormont
Liam Cunningham as Davos Seaworth
Rupert Vansittart as Yohn Royce
Bella Ramsay as Lyanna Mormont
Gwendoline Christie as Brienne Of Tarth
Conleth Hill as Varys
Lena Headey as Cersei Lannister
Anton Lesser as Qyburn
Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister
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