picklewednesday · 2 years
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cursedhaglette · 2 months
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new halia art from the wonderful @ib-gomes!! i will never be over the detail of her eyes in this, its so so perfect
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bluerose5 · 1 year
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Commissioned the lovely and talented @ib-gomes to draw my Hero of Ferelden and Inquisitor, Darrian Tabris. So happy with the finished product. I mean, look at him! 😭💜
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ell-vellan · 2 months
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My latest commission from @ib-gomes! Love this gorgeous portrait of my BG3 druid, Safiel, my first Tav.
Thank you so much 🥰
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captainamuricasass · 2 years
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Look at this beautiful commission I got from the amazing @ib-gomes of my inquisitor Lorelai 🥹 so stunning! Eek thank you so much ♥️
Please commission Isabela if you ever get the chance! She’s amazing! Thank you again !!
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enchanted-encanto · 1 year
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Commission of my Encanto OC Natalia Moreno by the amazing @ib-gomes! Thank you so much for your beautiful artwork 💖
You can read my completed multi chapter fanfiction about Natalia & Bruno Madrigal's love story “La Canción de Mi Corazón / The Song of My Heart” on AO3 here or on Tumblr here!
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amazoniaonline · 6 months
Senado aprova histórica reforma tributária
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Após três décadas de debates, a reforma tributária no Brasil (PEC 45/2019) avançou significativamente nesta quarta-feira (8), marcando um momento crucial na agenda econômica do primeiro ano do governo Lula. O Senado aprovou a proposta em dois turnos de votação, com 53 votos a favor e 24 contra, sem abstenções, ultrapassando o mínimo necessário de 49 votos. Agora, a matéria retorna à Câmara dos Deputados para nova análise, devido às alterações feitas no Senado. Originária da Câmara e proposta pelo deputado Baleia Rossi (MDB-SP), a PEC foi remodelada no Senado pelo relator Eduardo Braga (MDB-AM), que introduziu diversas mudanças. O cerne da reforma é a simplificação do sistema tributário, substituindo cinco impostos - ICMS, ISS, IPI, PIS e Cofins - por três: IBS, CBS e Imposto Seletivo. A reforma também contempla isenções para produtos da cesta básica e outras medidas. O relator Braga enfatizou que a reforma não implicará em aumento da carga tributária, graças a uma "trava" que limita a cobrança de impostos sobre o consumo. Durante o processo, o texto recebeu aproximadamente 830 emendas no Senado, com Braga acatando várias sugestões. Um destaque foi a rejeição de emendas da oposição que buscavam limitar as alíquotas dos tributos. Um acordo político resultou na aprovação de uma emenda para a criação de um fundo de desenvolvimento para a Região Norte. O líder do governo no Congresso, senador Randolfe Rodrigues (Rede-AP), celebrou a aprovação da PEC como um marco histórico, destacando a redução de tributos para a população mais pobre, incluindo alíquota zero para itens essenciais da cesta básica. Por outro lado, a oposição, liderada pelo senador Rogerio Marinho (PL-RN), criticou a reforma por potencialmente aumentar a carga tributária para a maioria da população e por favorecer setores com maior poder de lobby. Além disso, o senador Oriovisto Guimarães (Podemos-PR) alertou sobre a complexidade do sistema tributário durante o período de transição e os riscos para o equilíbrio federativo. O senador Jader Barbalho, em suas redes sociais, destacou a importância da reforma tributária para a vida de todos os brasileiros. Como representante do povo do Pará no Senado, ele votou favoravelmente à reforma, ressaltando seu impacto positivo na economia e na sociedade. A reforma propõe a implementação de um Imposto sobre Valor Agregado (IVA), adotado em mais de 170 países, e estabelece alíquotas padrão e diferenciadas para setores específicos. Inclui ainda a devolução de parte do imposto pago (cashback) para famílias de baixa renda e uma trava para impedir o aumento da carga tributária. A mudança na cobrança de impostos, de origem para destino, visa acabar com a guerra fiscal entre estados. O Imposto Seletivo incidirá sobre bens e serviços prejudiciais à saúde e ao meio ambiente, enquanto o Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional busca reduzir disparidades entre os estados. Com um orçamento crescente até 2043, o fundo visa a compensação financeira entre as regiões. Confira abaixo o voto de cada senador no primeiro turno: - Alan Rick – Sim - Alessandro Vieira – Sim - Ana Paula Lobato – Sim - Angelo Coronel – Sim - Astronauta Marcos Pontes – Não - Augusta Brito – Sim - Beto Faro – Sim - Carlos Portinho – Não - Carlos Viana – Sim - Chico Rodrigues – Sim - Cid Gomes – Não Compareceu - Ciro Nogueira-  Sim - Cleitinho – Não - Confúcio Moura – Sim - Damares Alves – Não - Daniella Ribeiro – Sim - Davi Alcolumbre – Sim - Dr. Hiran – Não - Eduardo Braga – Sim - Eduardo Girão – Não - Eduardo Gomes – Sim - Efraim Filho – Sim - Eliziane Gama – Sim - Esperidião Amin – Não - Fabiano Contarato – Sim - Fernando Dueire – Sim - Fernando Farias – Sim - Flávio Arns – Sim - Flávio Bolsonaro – Não - Giordano – Sim - Hamilton Mourão – Não - Humberto Costa – Sim - Irajá – Não Compareceu - Ivete da Silveira – Sim - Izalci Lucas – Não - Jader Barbalho – Sim - Jaime Bagattoli – Não - Jaques Wagner – Sim - Jayme Campos – Sim - Jorge Kajuru – Sim - Jorge Seif – Não - Jussara Lima – Sim - Laércio Oliveira – Sim - Leila Barros – Sim - Lucas Barreto – Sim - Luis Carlos Heinze – Não - Magno Malta – Não - Mara Gabrilli – Sim - Marcelo Castro – Sim - Marcio Bittar – Sim - Marcos Rogério – art. 13, caput – Atividade parlamentar - Marcos do Val – Não - Margareth Buzetti – Sim - Mecias de Jesus – Não - Nelsinho Trad – Sim - Omar Aziz – Sim - Oriovisto Guimarães – Não - Otto Alencar – Sim - Paulo Paim – Sim - Plínio Valério – Sim - Professora Dorinha Seabra – Sim - Randolfe Rodrigues – Sim - Renan Calheiros – Sim - Rodrigo Cunha Sim - Rodrigo Pacheco – Presidente (art. 51 RISF) - Rogerio Marinho – Não - Rogério Carvalho – Sim - Romário – Não - Sergio Moro – Não - Soraya Thronicke – Não - Styvenson Valentim – Sim - Sérgio Petecão – Sim - Teresa Leitão – Sim - Tereza Cristina – Não - Vanderlan Cardoso – Sim - Veneziano Vital do Rêgo – Sim - Wellington Fagundes – Nã - Weverton – Sim - Wilder Morais – Não - Zenaide Maia – Sim - Zequinha Marinho – Sim Abaixo o voto de cada senador no segundo turno: - Alan Rick – Sim - Alessandro Vieira – Sim - Ana Paula Lobato – Sim - Angelo Coronel – Sim - Astronauta Marcos Pontes – Não - Augusta Brito – Sim - Beto Faro – Sim - Carlos Portinho – Não - Carlos Viana – Sim - Chico Rodrigues – Sim - Cid Gomes – Não Compareceu - Ciro Nogueira-  Sim - Cleitinho – Não - Confúcio Moura – Sim - Damares Alves – Não - Daniella Ribeiro – Sim - Davi Alcolumbre – Sim - Dr. Hiran – Não - Eduardo Braga – Sim - Eduardo Girão – Não - Eduardo Gomes – Sim - Efraim Filho – Sim - Eliziane Gama – Sim - Esperidião Amin – Não - Fabiano Contarato – Sim - Fernando Dueire – Sim - Fernando Farias – Sim - Flávio Arns – Sim - Flávio Bolsonaro – Não - Giordano – Sim - Hamilton Mourão – Não - Humberto Costa – Sim - Irajá – Não Compareceu - Ivete da Silveira – Sim - Izalci Lucas – Não - Jader Barbalho – Sim - Jaime Bagattoli – Não - Jaques Wagner – Sim - Jayme Campos – Sim - Jorge Kajuru – Sim - Jorge Seif – Não - Jussara Lima – Sim - Laércio Oliveira – Sim - Leila Barros – Sim - Lucas Barreto – Sim - Luis Carlos Heinze – Não - Magno Malta – Não - Mara Gabrilli – Sim - Marcelo Castro – Sim - Marcio Bittar – Sim - Marcos Rogério – art. 13, caput – Atividade parlamentar - Marcos do Val – Não - Margareth Buzetti – Sim - Mecias de Jesus – Não - Nelsinho Trad – Sim - Omar Aziz – Sim - Oriovisto Guimarães – Não - Otto Alencar – Sim - Paulo Paim – Sim - Plínio Valério – Sim - Professora Dorinha Seabra – Sim - Randolfe Rodrigues – Sim - Renan Calheiros – Sim - Rodrigo Cunha – Sim - Rodrigo Pacheco – Presidente (art. 51 RISF) - Rogerio Marinho – Não - Rogério Carvalho – Sim - Romário – Não - Sergio Moro – Não - Soraya Thronicke – Não - Styvenson Valentim – Sim - Sérgio Petecão – Sim - Teresa Leitão – Sim - Tereza Cristina – Não - Vanderlan Cardoso – Sim - Veneziano Vital do Rêgo – Sim - Wellington Fagundes – Nã - Weverton – Sim - Wilder Morais – Não - Zenaide Maia – Sim - Zequinha Marinho – Sim Com informações da Agência Senado. Read the full article
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tutorsindia152 · 2 years
A Critical Literature Review
Organizations in today’s dynamic and highly competitive market require a diverse mix of talents to respond effectively and efficiently to growing levels of uncertainty, complexity, and unpredictability. These reactions have been linked to the concepts of agility and flexibility in both study and practise, since the terms are used interchangeably in the literature to describe a comparable occurrence. The impression of ‘speed,’ or ‘quickness,’ is also included in the term agility (Christofi et al., 2021).
In addition, the current body of information on agility and flexibility has demonstrated that IB research is increasingly focused on the topic. Surprisingly, despite a slew of articles in IB journals on the subject, the structure, scope, and complexity of agility and flexibility research in IB is still largely unexplored. Several literature evaluations and overviews of existing research proposal have been undertaken over the years in an effort to condense the breadth of this generally used topic (Shams et al., 2021).
Figure 1: International Business Research
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Source: Libraries (2022)
Related work
According to (Gomes et al., 2020), there is a dichotomous perspective of how agility and flexibility occur. Several academics consider agility as a collection of essential aspects that surround the idea of flexibility, while others see agility as an unavoidable extension of flexibility. Furthermore, agility and flexibility are wide yet interconnected ideas with different meanings in different fields. Production and operation management, for example, is concerned with an organization’s flexible activities, workflows, and supply chain links.
Authors have to do review with effectively and successfully adjusting to ever-changing and unpredictable situations in the field of corporate strategy. They suggested organisations in dealing with new components of global competition, among other things in the IB arena. Academic interest in speed and flexibility has been steadily increasing, with attention coming from a variety of academic fields such as management and decision – making.
Researchers (Asseraf et al., 2019) have improved the understanding of agility and adaptability across a variety of disciplines, including information systems, supply chain management, management of human resources, and general management. To the knowledge, no previous study has examined studies on agility and flexibility in the IB area in a systematic and through manner (Benzidia & Makaoui, 2020). Furthermore, as the corpus of knowledge in many business disciplines grows, there is a pressing need to integrate, arrange, and synthesise existing literature review services, particularly in fields like international marketing and international business.
Another gap, and hence future study area, arises from the different definitional challenges that exist in the IB field with the notions of agility and flexibility. The existing IB research on agility and flexibility, in particular, appears to be rather comprehensive, outlining a range of definitions of the terms and embedding them in a wide range of formats, meanings, and theoretical framings to fulfil a variety of purposes (Patel & Sambasivan, 2022).
According to  (Khan, 2020), convenience and a wide variety of definitions, on the other hand, might cause confusion, which has been noted in other disciplines such as strategy, operations, and supply chain management. Furthermore, misunderstanding arises as a result of the interchangeable usage of the phrases agility and flexibility to represent the same set of events or scenarios. However, as previously said, one important distinction between the two concepts is that agility stresses a firm’s capacity to respond quickly to problems or changes (Shukor et al., 2021).
Figure 2: Framework for Business Agility
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Source: Consortium (2022)
Future Scope of International Business Research
As the findings of this review reveal that, neither agility nor flexibility have indeed been clearly defined in the IB literature review paper help, there are differences in the way these concepts are used in the above stated literatures. In a scientific discipline, a lack of definitional clarity and a set of standard definitions and definitional dimensions might cause academic results to be delayed in reaching commercial realities, and IB is not exempt.
Also the review reveals how research may be used to address theoretical and methodological flaws by developing new conceptual approaches and empirical investigations that rely on a number of fields and test a variety of scenarios. These suggestions might help to broaden the scope of international agility and flexibility research and strengthen external theoretical legitimacy.
According to the conclusions of this review, the condition currently exists throughout the scope of IB literature. Numerous definition-related review of literature and conceptual research exist in different fields in an effort to find solutions to similar definitional difficulties. This blog has suggested and developed pathways for future research to solve knowledge gaps in the area by adding exciting theoretical contributions.
We hope that this blog will serve as a springboard for new and interesting research on a variety of worldwide agility and flexibility patterns that will be of interest to a wide range of practitioners and academics in International Business Research.
Future Research Topics for Business & Management
Networking between business and companies
Organizational crisis management
Social entrepreneurship
Causes of low employee retention rate
Management in startups versus multinational companies
Strategies for team-building
The relation between wages and employee productivity
Asseraf, Y., Lages, L.F. & Shoham, A. 2019. Assessing the drivers and impact of international marketing agility. International Marketing Review. (36)2,. pp. 289–315.
Benzidia, S. & Makaoui, N. 2020. Improving SMEs performance through supply chain flexibility and market agility: IT orchestration perspective. Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal. (21)3,. pp. 173–184.
Christofi, M., Pereira, V., Vrontis, D., Tarba, S. & Thrassou, A. 2021. Agility and flexibility in international business research: A comprehensive review and future research directions. Journal of World Business. (56)3,. pp. 101194.
Consortium, A.B. 2022. Business Agility. 2022.
Gomes, E., Sousa, C.M.P. & Vendrell-Herrero, F. 2020. International marketing agility: conceptualization and research agenda. International Marketing Review. (37)2,. pp. 261–272.
Khan, H. 2020. Is marketing agility important for emerging market firms in advanced markets? International Business Review. (29)5,. pp. 101733.
Libraries, U.B. 2022. EGN 6640: Entrepreneurship for Entrepreneurs: International Business. 2022.
Patel, B.S. & Sambasivan, M. 2022. A systematic review of the literature on supply chain agility. Management Research Review. (45)2,. pp. 236–260.
Shams, R., Vrontis, D., Belyaeva, Z., Ferraris, A. & Czinkota, M.R. 2021. Strategic agility in international business: A conceptual framework for “agile” multinationals. Journal of International Management. (27)1,. pp. 100737.
Shukor, A.A.A., Newaz, M.S., Rahman, M.K. & Taha, A.Z. 2021. Supply chain integration and its impact on supply chain agility and organizational flexibility in manufacturing firms. International Journal of Emerging Markets. (16)8,. pp. 1721–1744.
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morgan-sanford24 · 2 years
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My Dragon Age Origins Warden, Raina Amell. Isabela Gomes created this beautiful commission.  
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palemorningstar · 3 years
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~ Mia Mahariel ~ So I recently commissioned the amazingly talented @ib-gomes to paint my all-time favourite OC, Mia! She looks exactly as I wanted her to, thank you so so much - I can’t stop looking at her! ❤
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evangeleatrevelyan · 3 years
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I just got back this absolutely incredible portrait of my OC Inquisitor Evangelea Trevelyan that I commissioned from the wonderful @ib-gomes, she was so wonderful to work with and her artwork is just so amazing!!!
Evangelea means the world to me and seeing her brought to life so beautifully is truly magical 💜💜💜 If you’d like to learn more about Evangelea, you can read my multi-chapter fanfic about her story here!
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bloodriver-king · 4 years
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Werewolf. God Queen. Goddess of Motherhood and The Wild Hunt. Gentle. Motherly. Prideful and determined. Her tortured past has grown her into a storm of Justice and Hope. Giving birth to a new era of gods with her beloved mate Drakea Bloodriver they each work to create a beautiful world for the people betrayed by the old gods. Bringing terras embrace into the future of unity.
Art by my amazing the ever amazing @ib-gomes !!
Character belongs to me. She is my lifes passion and my personal character. She means everything to me. Do not trace, transfer, or claim her as your own. (Put her name on it to deter bastards stealing her.)
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ell-vellan · 1 year
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Ellawyn Enansalla Lavallen
(portrait by @ib-gomes, balcony art by @oxygenforthewicked-art )
An overview of my Lavellan, a continuation of my "elfy" worldstate
Ellawyn grew up surrounded by love and simple joys, the only child of doting parents, she had close relationships in Clan Lavallen. She was a quiet, gentle, and obedient child, and loved nothing more than halla -- spending so much time at their pen to the point the halla-keeper was happy to take her under her wing as a future apprentice even at a young age.
Then, one winter at age 11, she was sent to recover a lost halla in the woods and was captured by a runaway templar. Alone, terrorized, and certain she was bound for a slaver's ship, she summoned lightning for the first time and burnt her would-be kidnapper to ash. After rescuing herself, the lost halla appeared to take her home.
For this, she earned the second name Enansalla, halla-blessed. It is the name her keeper calls her, and no one else.
Everything changed after that. As the only mage child born in the clan, she was immediately declared the First, and began leadership and magic training with her keeper. With her magic obviously tied to outbursts of emotion, she was kept somewhat apart from the rest of the clan until she was safe to be around them; her keeper drilled into her stringent lessons on self-control so as to avoid misfiring her magic. She was set apart from her friends, and from then on had difficulty fitting in with the clan as she did before, everyone knowing who she would one day grow to be. The weight of responsibility settled heavily onto her shoulders, but she bore it with the self-sacrifice her keeper advised her was needed to be a leader of the People.
When she came of age she chose Ghilan'nain's vallaslin, believing the halla that appeared at the same time as her magic was a sign that she had been set down this path, and she would walk it willingly, even when it veered away from where she would rather go.
Young, untrained, tightly wound, diplomatic to a fault, full of self-doubt and a crushing need to do enough, be enough, she is utterly out of her depth in the human world. When she is declared Herald, she accepts the role as an inevitable sacrifice on the journey she was chosen to take. She grows to detest the song and dance she must perform as Inquisitor, bending to nobles who almost certainly committed acts of violence against her people, but still gives no complaint and allows the pressure of the role to beat her down until there is almost nothing left but the figurehead. In giving more and more of herself to the saving of the world, she loses more and more of herself.
Whenever and wherever she can, she helps the common people in need, but does not shy away from the pride of where she comes from -- emblazoning Skyhold with Dalish heraldry so that no one may forget that the "chosen" of Andraste is both elven and a mage.
As a knight-enchanter she becomes reckless in battle, throwing herself into harm's way, desperately seeking some kind of relief from the stress of her day to day -- to the point she narrowly avoids death again and again and ignores proper care of her wounds.
She sides with the mages, and whenever possible, follows her heart to find just punishment for the war criminals she captures, typically some third alternative to death or imprisonment. She never invokes the Rite of Tranquility.
El maintains a strictly professional relationship with everyone in the Inquisition, taking her role as leader and demi-god seriously and performs that untouchable facade those under her command. She allows no elves to be her servants, and goes out of her way to use her power and resources to help every elf she can.
Even her inner circle are but coworkers; she shares her doubts and true inner self with no one, performing a display of otherworldly strength that she does not possess in order to appear the leader she believes the world needs her to be.
She, literally and figuratively, never takes her hair down except when alone. She works herself half to death in a sort of sacrificial clinging to duty, to fulfill her purpose. To protect her people and make them proud.
She becomes friendly with Solas and Dorian, both of whom help expand her knowledge and skill over her own magic. But is sorely lacking of anyone who can relate or understand the toll it takes to constantly play a role -- until Iron Bull.
She shares a kiss with Solas in the Fade, momentarily believing their friendship and camaraderie of being the only two elves in the Inquisition meant more than friendship. But when Solas gently tells her later it was a mistake, she is embarrassed and ashamed, and quickly agrees to their relationship being strictly platonic. She continues to care about him, admire and respect him. Her crush fades until she thinks perhaps it was not a crush at all, simply loneliness. Certain later events make her suspicious of where he came from, and if he is truly trustworthy, but she allows him to dissuade her by drawing on their shared identity and past affection.
El reunites Briala and Celene, though she trusts neither -- but Gaspard even less.
She will try to save Solas from himself, but is prepared to kill him if need be. Even if it will haunt her forever.
She believes herself to be too soft-hearted to be a good leader, and begins to question everything after Here Lies the Abyss -- that perhaps nothing in her life has been pre-ordained by any gods at all, and what she thought was a divine commandment to sacrifice herself for the good of the world was truly just...a collection of random unlucky events. It upends her worldview and sends her into a tailspin.
The Iron Bull is perhaps the least likely person in the world for her to fall in love with. But she does, quietly, secretly, from afar. She sees the innate self-sacrificing goodness beneath the vulgarity and bluster, and admires his courage, strength, and confidence, all of which she believes herself to lack. But he -- and his reputation -- are far too intimidating for El, who has never had time for any sort of relationship, and too busy, and is wound much too tightly to ever relax enough for one. Or so she tells herself. They are complete opposites, after all. Quiet to his loud, knowing little of the world compared to his vast experience.
But Iron Bull sees much even with his one eye, and realizes when perhaps no one else does that El is going to break under the strain unless someone intervenes.
He, of course, volunteers.
Anyway I've written nearly 200k of hurt/comfort character study smut about Ellawyn and Bull, and the way their very different stories converge, so I'll leave it here.
Art thanks to @thegoblinwitchqueen !!
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drowkarios · 3 years
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I’m super late in posting, but thanks so much to the lovely @ib-gomes for doing this gorgeous piece of my Warden, Nico Tabris! I still can’t get over how her this is, I adore it.  
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djfatchip · 4 years
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Happy 10 Years Dragon Age: Origins! It was the very first RPG outside Nintendo I played and first time I ever created an OC of my own. Thank you Bioware for creating such an epic game. Origins will always have a special place in my heart. <3 
Art of Vivianna Amell by @shepofshipsart and @ib-gomes
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29121996 · 2 years
lads we went two days w/out a splitting episode
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