#ight bet
mrsaltieri-real · 8 months
I keep picturing Mrs Loomis finding Mickey on fucking Ask Jeeves or some shit and it’s making me DIE, I fucking can’t.
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pope-posts · 6 months
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elfolfenburg · 10 months
BCS sonic doesn’t wanna let him down, again. He can’t keep loosing him over and over
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As much as sonic cares for his man shadow bro, iz gonna take awhile to save em one by one fr, but baby steps y'know baby steps, also my boy sonic definitely got favs fr insterms of the shadow subprime au
1st: bebe shadow (older brother mode activated)
2nd: dippy shadow (he kinda thinks he cooler now)
3rd: dgaf shadow (getting litty and high up here ykwis🌿)
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sunnibits · 11 days
babies at work always be picking me to be their designated Mom of the Day™️ despite the fact that I am absolutely the LEAST comfortable person to cuddle with in the room. like bestie you literally chose the worst seat in the house and for what. I guess that’s how I know my vibes are good as hell 💪💪
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coffeeastronaut · 6 months
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captainsweet · 2 years
Am I gonna write a story about 2012 Shredder being forced into being the Turtle's Uncle? Yes. Is it crack? Yes. Does that mean I sympathize or think Saki is a good person? No. I just want to write a silly little story that's insane if you compared it to canon. He's a bad guy, forever will be, and is a horrible person, but if I wanna write him being a reluctant Uncle I can.
Spoiler alert: He absolutely keeps everything they give him. But he's still 100% way too willing to kill his Nephews later, even if he seems to be nice to them when they are younger.
Thinking of possible angst moments as well. This is going to be so ridiculous I can't wait to pour my whole soul into it.
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I love how Mon Mothma sat through an hour of prissy ambassadors bickering while Jyn ranted like an Organa, told her "I'm sorry but without the full support of the council the odds are too great" then as soon as the meeting was over called her best troops to the briefing room to do exactly what Jyn proposed
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kenpxchi · 2 years
i already know what ken’s d&d build is.
brute (unearthed arcana) fighter 20 / zealot barbarian 20.
extra damage from rage and brute strength.
necrotic damage from divine influence (his zanpakuto)
multiple fighting styles (duelist & great weapon master)
if he gets a crit you just straight up die from all the extra dice damage
gets a passive bonus to saves ‘cause he’s built different
he cannot die if he is raging and he regenerates HP when below half
yes he’s got two maxed classes yes it’s busted yes it’s using UA material.
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but what the fuck else would fit him?
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kimjunnoodle · 2 years
imagine being so scared of a ghost you can’t love your grandkids
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willowswriting · 3 months
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He's still attempting to outrun his fathers ever looming shadow even after the mans death. Afraid to get close to anyone because those he's gotten attached to in the past wind up six feet underground so for now he'll stick to what he knows best, treating those around him as pawns in his little game. He's a firm believer in why speak your feelings when you can just as easily express them with your fists.[21 - 28 (verse dependent), he/him, bisexual, amateur underground fighter/ dealer]
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Mamas boy through and through, although that isn't particularly surprising when you learn his mother is all he had growing up. Recovering alcoholic and temperamental hothead. Military vet suffering from PTSD and insomniac episodes. He can be the nicest guy you know or the largest prick that's entirely on you. [33 - 40 (verse dependent), he/him, heterosexual, handyman / mechanic]
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The thing about trophies is that they eventually get pushed to the back of the shelf where they're eventually forgotten about. Well the same goes for trophy wives. What started as a fiery and passionate endeavor was snuffed out nearly two years after vows were exchanged. Once she had become dependent on her husband he seemed to completely withdraw, leaving her cold and alone. She's unhappy within her marriage but he's made her completely dependent on him, no job, no family or friends. Who could blame her for seeking attention elsewhere? [30 - 40 (verse dependent), she/her, bisexual, housewife]
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Born with a silver spoon in hand but she had always preferred plastic. She had decided that she wanted to make the world a better place. A place where everyone had a fighting shot at success and not one where those on top continued to use those below as stepping stones. She had gotten into journalism specifically for that purpose, reporting on the corrupt. Getting the scoop by whatever means necessary. [25 - 30 (verse dependent), she/her, pansexual, journalist]
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jaycutty · 7 months
You love to see it
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lemongrass404 · 10 months
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nkogneatho · 5 days
since @ohimsummer is talking about arcade dates with toru, i had such a funny thought in my head.
loverboy!satoru who is flexing about his skills and everything to you on your first arcade date. you're not even buying it. you're sure he is blatantly lying trying to impress you. but turns out, he was not. his instincts are so strong and course of actions faster than a computer. you challenge him at every game and he ends up winning all of them. mocking you with a "you cryin'?" when you're pouting. but then you pull out a card he wasn't ready for. you grab him by his wrist and take him to the claw machine. everybody knows claw machines are rigged and they are undefeated. the claws are purposely loose so you just keep on feeding it money without winning anything ever so soon.
"win me that hello kitty plush in a single try and i'll go on a second date," it comes out more as an order rather than a request. satoru pokes his tongue against his inner cheek. "scared to lose? i thought you were the strongest, pretty boy." the salt rubbed too deep on his ego. he left for a few minutes, and you thought it must be nature's call. he returned with a glorious smile on his face.
"ight. bet." he said. you moved aside to not get in his way as he scanned the card. the machine beeped, green light indicating he can start. you were giggling behind knowing it is impossible to get it on the first try. gojo's hands moved the controller in a calculated manner, eyes on the prize. he hit press when the angle was just right. a smile masked your face, waiting for the claw to losen up and the toy to fall, but your smile kept fading with every second it reached the exit. without dropping it. five seconds later, hello kitty was in toru's hand and a surprise on your face.
"how did you—wha—on the first—huh?" you struggled to articulate a sentence.
"told ya. 'cause 'm the strongest, princess." he snaked one hand around your waist, bending a little to plant a kiss on your cheek. when you were busy enjoying it, he looked over to the side and winked at one of the staff. "now, how does a movie sound for a second date?"
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Never thought i'd see or hear the day where movie Mike would say "Ight bet"
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I love making Mike talk like this
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hell-bats · 1 year
earth 42!miles x gn!reader
summary: miles is very aware you love making bracelets, you would always have tons on your wrist with all sorts of beads and charms, you left a few at his house so he stops by to give them back, somehow you rope him into making some with you.
extra: mostly fluff, light swearing, reader listens to destiny’s child, reader is mean (playfully)
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notes: reader is black to me but anyone can read, and he’s been plaguing my brain as of recent it’s insane
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“I can’t believe you got me doin this” miles says his brows furrowed as he’s trying to put the thread through the shiny black bead.
he originally came by to drop off the multiple bracelets you left all over his room, everytime he sees you, you always got a row of them on your wrist, even one for every occasion, one of every color, every type of bead, any charm you can think of, it was impossible to find a variation you didn’t have.
now here he was, sitting on the carpet of your bedroom, criss-cross apple sauce with destiny’s child playing from your phone, the window slightly open for a slight breeze to blow in, as he’s attempting to a bracelet of his own.
“you need help over there?” you ask, holding back a smirk at his struggling, this comes easy to you, you’re on your fourth bracelet by now and it’s been only 15 minutes.
“nah I got it, just gimmie a sec” he says squinting as the thread misses the hole of the bead, his hands slightly trembling as he’s concentrated. you let out a laugh and scoot over closer to him, you can feel his warm body radiating and the smell of his cologne he always wears which made a fuzzy feeling in your stomach.
“I told you I got it” he says protesting, despite him clearly struggling. “ boy if you don’t let me help you..” you say rolling your eyes and taking it from him, you grab the bead and swiftly yet smoothly slide it on the thread, tying off the end to start it off for him. “see, wasn’t that easier?” you say with a smile looking over at him, inches away from his face.
he shrugs, “damn, you good with your hands I see” he says slyly, he was speaking practically in your ear, before getting another bead, slightly getting the hang of it but barely, this boy was gonna be the death of you.
“I see that you aren’t” you say back teasingly, you’re on your last bead getting ready to tie the knot to finish it, this would be your fifth bracelet. “ you tryna bet on that?” he says smirking at you, giving that smug smile he loves to do knowing the effect it has.
“you must want me to throw you out?” you say, trying to ignore him, he gives a chuckle before shaking his head lightly and his eyes practically piercing through you the way he’s staring at you, he shifts the way he’s sitting “you know you love me, but seriously.. this a real talent you got, don’t lose it” he says, his voice laced with sweetness and playfulness to it.
“might have to keep some of these too” he says eyeing the extra bracelets you have laying around on the carpet along with some of the variety of charms, picking one up that had a dark crimson red color to it, each had their own look, he didn’t mind, it’s the fact they were yours,your creations that he loved so much and he loved seeing how happy it makes you.
“you can get a few, don’t break them cause I ain’t gonna make you more” you say sounding pretty serious as you give him a look narrowing your eyes.
he hums at that before speaking “the ones still lying around my room you made, begs to differ but it’s ight” he says with a small smile before getting up and flicking your forehead lightly to look at your collection of bracelets, definitely taking more then what he came with.
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end of this little drabble 😭🫶🏾, if you did make him a bunch he’d make sure to wear every single one, not at once but he’d switch through them and would definitely say you made em if someone asked.
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