#ill get into that later tho w/e
identityquest · 28 days
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ummm. world map teehee
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nexttothelamp · 10 months
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yumenosakiacademy · 1 year
as much as i appreciate n applaud the whole like... "u should luv ur body n ur freaky flaws n not think of others as ugly 4 bodily attributes! body pos!tivity!" thing, can i jus say tht like... things tht r considered ugly r considered ugly 4 a Reason? u can say "we live in a society" all u want but theres typically a reasoning ugly attributes r seen tht way besides jus "society made u feel tht way theyre not bad things theyre Not" n it comes off as more denial n wanting 2 feel pretty despite everything or wanting ur friends/others 2 feel pretty solely so they dont feel bad, regardless of the cold truth tht 2 many who care abt pretty things/beauty, theyre not hot shit.
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whattimeisitfic · 1 month
So I was fucking around with an incorrect quote generator and these are some of the funny prompts I got for Luci and his brothers. Most of them are just Raphael and Gabriel having the pettiest sibling rivalry in existence.
Pre-Fall days. Lucifer is still getting the hang of proper utility usage…
Gabriel: Hi could I ask how exactly does one accidentally set a lemon on fire?
Lucifer: Microwave for 40 minutes
Lucifer: I read boiling lemons helps cover up bad smells and I wanted to cover up the scent of burnt oranges, but I didn’t on any pots…
Raphael: Did you burn an orange too? HOW?!
Lucifer: Microwave for 40 minutes.
Gabriel addressing the Council. Probably on some really memorable, meaningful event for him or something.
Gabriel: I just wanted to say that over the years, I have come to regard you as… people I met.
Does this need context? Could happen literally any time.
Gabriel: You look mentally ill.
Lucifer: I am. Let’s go.
Once again, could realistically happen any time, though more likely in their younger years.
Gabriel: Bet you can’t eat 15 crayons
Raphael: Bet you I can!
Michael: *sips coffee, checks to make sure 911 is still on speed dial and goes back to reading the paper*
These two I stg—
Raphael: Can I have some water?
Gabriel: *starts chugging their water bottle*
Gabriel: *chokes from drinking too fast*
Gabriel: *spills water all over themselves*
Gabriel, coughing: I don’t have any water.
My man is absolutely clueless in the most adorable way possible. We love him for it tho. Was probably Rals texting him.
Lucifer: Gabriel, what does IDK, ILY, and TTYL mean?
Gabriel: I don’t know, I love you, talk to you later.
Lucifer: Alright, I love you too, I’ll ask Michael
Gabriel: Wait, Lucifer, no—
You can’t tell me Lucifer wasn’t a chaotic little shit pre-Fall.
Raphael: I have a question.
Michael: Shoot.
Raphael: Is the S or C in scent silent?
Gabriel: Fuck you, I’m going to be thinking about this all day.
Michael: Okay well, cent is pronounced the same way as scent so I’m gonna say the S is silent
Raphael: Okay, but sent is also spelled the same way
Gabriel: Google says that the C was added in the late seventeenth century, so I guess the S is silent.
Lucifer: Plot twist, both the S and the C are silent and the E actually makes the sss sound
Gabriel: Lucifer is not allowed to talk anymore
Once again, plausible any time at present.
Michael: You’e ignoring all your problems.
Lucifer: I know.
Michael: You also know it’s an unhealthy coping mechanism?
Lucifer: I’m ignoring that fact as well
Lucifer can do no wrong.
Lucifer: it was me
Michael: …Is going to be forgiven because very one deserves a second chance.
He lasted all of five seconds, and the he had to sass.
Raphael: Oh, hey, I didn’t see you come in! You should have come by and said hello!
Gabriel: Oh! Yeah, I uh…
Gabriel: Didn’t want to bother you.
Gabriel: Or talk to or listen to or be around you.
Back when Lucifer wasn’t recovering from near death, and actually didn’t sleep.
Raphael: Truth or dare?
Lucifer: Truth.
Raphael: How many hours have you slept this week?
Lucifer: Dare.
Raphael: Go to sleep.
Lucifer: I don’t like this game
They had an argument. Typical occurrence.
Michael: You have to apologize to Gabriel!
Raphael: Fine!
Raphael: Unfuck you or whatever!
I think this about sums it up.
Raphael: Are you alright?
Lucifer: Short answer or long answer?
Raphael: Short?
Lucifer: No.
Raphael: Long?
Lucifer: Nooooooo
I’ll say it again: these two—
Raphael: Guys, I have a question.
Gabriel: kys <3
Raphael: I love you too.
Michael: Ah. Yes. Siblings.
If Lucifer ever went out drinking w/ his siblings (u know, to the places that actually serve shit to get him wasted)
Lucifer, clearly drunk: Gabriel, hit me another drink… wooOO HOOoo…
Gabriel: I think you need a therapist and not a bottle
Lucifer: I think yooOOoouu need to shuUT YOUR MOUTH!
Last one. You can’t tell me Raphael doesn’t get weird obsessions w/ shows like this and convinces himself he’s gonna somehow end up in a similar situation. Michael is concerned
Raphael: When I get murdered, can you make sure I become an unsolved case?
Michael: wHat?
Raphael: I want to be on Buzzfeed Unsolved
Michael: Can we go back to the part when you said “when I get murdered”?
Alright that’s all I got for now ducklings! I just thought it was kind of funny.
If you’re reading this with no context but are interested, consider checking out my Hazbin Hotel Lucifer-centric fic on AO3 What Time Is It. I try to update daily and do my best to answer all comments ;)
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My fam is having car troubles and it's preventing me from being able to go to school (frustrating bc I already have the attendance office on my chronically-ill ass 😭) so here's more mechanic Remus things with a little sprinkle of "Roman's his little brother instead of twin (remember that?)"
- he and Virgil don't come into contact super often for a while. This shits a slur burn. But eventually things just keep winding up wrong with the car and he keeps calling remus
- he calls Remus specifically (Remus gave him his personal number) (said all the other guys there were shady as fuck and Virgil was too cute for that bullshit) (also in case Virgil was interested)
- looooootta trips where Remus comes to Virgil's place
- awkward host Virgil who is like ".. do u want some water?" meanwhile Remus is just straight up under his car
- Remus coming inside the house with completely pitch black hands like ":D please turn on your sink for me. And maybe put some soap in my hands. So I don't turn your whole ass kitchen black." my dad always makes me do this it's so fun /j /lh
- Virgil DOES hang out w him outside though don't get me wrong I just mean that one time
- Virgil once went inside and then came out an hour later and saw his backseat completely removed and was freaked out (Remus needed to check smth. He put it back!!)
- once Virgil just kinda. lied. said he wanted Remus to check this Weird Noise the car was making. (There was no weird noise he just weirdly missed him)
- one time, different car, Remus mentions how their scheduled time is really close to when he has to get his brother. So like. When he shows up. Remus will not be alone.
- cue Fuck It™ and Roman comes with him
- what a day for Virgil, dude (Jesus Christ this kid never stops talking) (also Virgil couldn't spoil Disney for him?? Wtf Remus?? He has to learn eventually??) (it's fine whatever he's a good artist) (did call Virgil easy to draw, though... lil bastard—)
- otherwise, when it's just Virgil and Remus, they find out they have a lot in common! Interests-wise, but they def. bond over music at first. Gotta have smth going on in the background.
- Virgil can't get over the fact Remus looks hot though. It like becomes a problem for him. I can't blame him tho— greasy mullet mechanic in a tank top working on my car? Sweating and covered in grease?? Hello??? Shits hot. If virgil is weak I am too.
- their first date is when Virgil offers to buy Remus dinner for a really tight squeeze-in for a check on something. Remus takes him up on the offer and they schedule for that weekend. They have a really good time and then at the end Remus mentions how he kinda wished it was a date. Virgil realizes he did too. Oh Shit™.
- they kiss anysay
— 👑
Damn that sucks man hope everything starts working soon but Y E S Mechanic!Ree and lil bro Ro!!! I will never get over Vee constantly calling Ree specifically for his car even when there isn't an issue he's simply Gay for a chaotic man in a mullet and feels safer XD I'm cackling at the thought of Vee just making a snack for Ree and seeing the backseat completely gone and he just almost drops the plate jaw dropped and all XD Also the fact that Ro's lowkey a lil shit and Vee can't spoil Disney for him has me cackling Ree get your bro XD It's really nice to see the beloveds easily click and it all started because of Vee's car <3
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dangermousie · 1 year
Gulcemal ep 1
I really really enjoyed it, even though (or because) Gulcemal is a monster and a headcase and I hope the heroine buries him. 
Here he is with his pet pit of snakes. No really.
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Anyway, Gulcemal has serious issues because his mom never loved him or took care of him and then ditched him and his sister for a new man (who was a mobster who beat up their bio dad) and their dad hanged himself in shame. So Gulcemal did what any 12 year old would do on the day of his dad’s funeral - found and stabbed mom’s new man to death with a kitchen knife. His mom then put a curse on him that since he’s a monster, he will never have a woman truly love him. 
Now it’s 20+ years later and Gulcemal, psycho, mobstery and very hot, is back to wreak revenge on mommy, as any self-respecting adult man would. His grand plan is to take away everything from mommy - business, friends, her kid (half brother of Gulcemal) blah blah and make her so desperate that she ill knock on his door because she has nowhere else to go. His sister is all “and then you’d shut the door in her face, right?” to which Gulcemal explains that nope, he will take her in and treat her like a queen so she’d say she’s lucky to have him as her son. THAT IS HIS REVENGE OMG AHAHAHAH DUDE YOU ARE NUTTIER THAN A SQUIRREL’S DINNER.
To be fair, he’s still less insane than his awful mother who, on finding he’s back, cooks and sends him halvah with “welcome to hell” note hidden in it. Mommy plans to destroy sonny and with none of that “take him in after” nonsense.
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Anyway, moving on. This is our heroine, Deva. Devas has the worst luck. Her quasi mom is Gulcemal’s psycho mom, her bio parents are dead and/or unknown (except for - surprise - about which later), her scumbag fiance impregnated Gulcemal’s sister when drunk and is shortly to be made to marry the woman ditching Deva at the wedding. Oh, and she’s about to meet a psycho who will fixate on her. This is their first meeting. He gets pissed she’s at his lake, she points a bow and arrow at him (I don’t blame her, he looks like he’s about to go on the best-dressed serial killer spree), he gets out a gun (that was hilarious tbh) and he’s willing to be amused until she accidentally shoots him and tho she’s horrified, he advances until she almost falls into the lake.
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She’s all “don’t shove me into the water, I am scared of water” (bet her mom drowned there) and he seems to be OKish with that until she slaps him because he’s looming and he just drops her as she screams for help. But he leaves her his jacket, he’s not an animal :P
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Oh, and it turns out she’s a weaving master he’s decided to lure away from mommy. Instead of offering her a nice salary or w/e, he instead threatens and looms. Oh, and she stabs him with scissors. Between that and the arrow, I am beginning to think that terrifying and psychotic as Gulcemal is, his secret fetish is hot women hurting him. Just go pay a dominatrix, dude.
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A few things. She’s about to smack him again and he reminds her that he told her if she does it again, he’ll break her arm (!!!) to which she taunts him to do it (!!!), he tells her she will accept his job and will beg for it on her knees and oh, worst of all, Mommy Evilest sees this on security cameras and realizes that for Gulcemal this is all equivalent of major crush. Her genius idea? I am gonna wreck Deva’s wedding, make sure her adoptive father is in debt so Gulcemal can blackmail her by that because...drumroll...I am gonna make sure Gulcemal falls madly and truly in love and will be willing to give anything for her and then I will go ahahahahahhahahaha psych! you will now suffeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr and he wil be in heeeeelllllll. Because, as becomes clear, Deva is actually the daughter of evil mom’s mob boyfriend, the one Gulcemal killed with a bread knife as a tween. (I happen to think Deva’s mom was drowned either by her bio dad or evil mom or both, as that would be one way of enemies forever set up between the couple) Personally, I’d like to point out to mommy evilest she tried a very similar plan in Hercai (make a mentally unstable vengeance obsessed headcase suffer through enemy daugher’s love) and it didn’t really work out.
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So now her dad is in the dungeon and he says he will allow her to pay off the debt by staying if she kneels.
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I am not sure that he’s gonna live long enough for evil mommy to go “gotcha” because the heroine, who correctly refers to him as a “sick psycho,” is totally gonna shank him first.
The first ep was addictive, the chemistry is insane. I hate ML as a person but oh boy is he fun to watch. The whole thing is like Fei Wo Si Cun is moonlighting for Turkish tv.
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smileylover99 · 11 months
Tagged by @weprovideleverage
thank you for the tag :)
rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag blogs you would like to get to know better.
a - age: 23
b - birthplace: The North of the Netherlands
c - current time: 21:03
d - drink you last had: water as well, most times it is
e - easiest person/people to talk to: my sister
f - favorite song: god idk it's always changing imma go with the free life by Turbowolf
g - grossest memory: i've mostly blocked it out but there was this one campsite in France and when we arrived the sanitary building closest to us were nice and clean, but then for like the week we stayed there they never cleaned it 🙃
h - horror yes or horror no: no mostly, but occationally (I have also listened to tma)
i - in love?: not so far, and probably not ever
j - jealous of people?: rarely
l - love at first sight or should I walk by again?: save yourself the effort, I would like to be friends at first sight tho
m - middle name: no thank you
n - number of siblings: said sister from question e
o - one wish: long term probably like happiness, short tem a bigger appartment
p - person you called last: I had like a communication training and a week later we had to physically call an actor to do like a final practice convo before the real deal
q - question you are always asked: people don't really ask me questions?? the best i can think of is like what do you do? are you still studying? from like relatives and my parents neighbours
r - reason to smile: it's the weekend
s - song you sang last: Durch den Monsun by Tokio Hotel dkjlajdkl
t - time you woke up: at 8:00
u - underwear colour: black and white dots
v - vacation destination: I have a couple of places. I really want to see the northern light so like iceland or northern Norway for that one. I also wanna go back to Hong Kong because my last trip got cut quite abruptly. Also I want to see Tokyo.
w - worst habit: probably like scaring myself out of things ill enjoy
x - x-rays: oh shit it's good you mentioned the teeth thing cause ive gotten many a pictures of my teeth done, never broken a bone tho
y - your favorite food: I love spätzle, which i should make more often
z - zodiac sign: Leo, which is like the super social butterfly, i consider my self more a social moth, very energetic at random times and sit completely still for the rest
People who I want to get to know better: @itwoodbeprefect @ghost-faeries @pomato-queendom @localsealboy @pablothefrog (Only if you want to, of course.)
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vanillatalc · 11 months
this evening was a bit of a :|
a few hours after clare left benno told me that tmr we're gonna have to have a pub lunch w/ his family so i immediately freaked out bc this additional Thing on top of seeing boops & his gf last weekend + having clare this weekend (after like, 3y of nothing, bear in mind, so EVEN THO i was so happy to see them both it also took a decent amount of time to like stop being anxious + come down from that spike. like im still a little keyed up now. they both follow me on here btw + none of this is news to them i hope lol. i love u both im just insane x)
i got so angry (not at ben but at the situation, through fear) that i juts stopped talking and went away upstairs to lie in my bed to try and calm down alone
a few mins later ben came uptsairs + i immediately was like "i really just want to be alone actually" then realised he was crying so i was like ...ok come in (crying trumps general rage in terms of Need i think)
we think it's a long-term mental effect of the pandemic where he gets rly emotional after a social event ends bc it reminds him of like the 3y where it was just us in this tiny little universe + he panics bc i think he goes like straight to that place in his mind where he's just never gonna see anyone again? like every goodbye feels like it's gonna be forever
so anyway he tried to get me to talk about MY feelings during this time + i was just like sry i cant lol. you know when you're hollowed out inside through a combo of rage / general madness / having to remain compos mentis for someone else who needs you. AINT GONNA HAPPEN
so after that settled down i did message him on discord like "love u, not angry, will talk to you later this eve about MY feelings" (+ did stick to this obvs)
think the general sticking point is that while ben seems to have been a bit traumatised by lockdown + the social isolation i found it incredibly incredibly easy + stress-free, + have found the slow transition to normal life v difficult (and still do find it both difficult + incredible to watch in the sense that we're all just pretending covid is over bc like it's easier ig??). ill just c/p what i said to ben here: "if you found the lockdown unexpectedly traumatic I found it lovely and have found the return to normal really difficult & think people are just pretending we're back to pre COVID times when we aren't and I find that cognitive dissonance very hard to deal with, I also can't stand gatherings based around food anyway as you know and it seems to literally be all that is ever on offer and it struck me in the same way as the pret in Portsmouth or you being invited out for the meal when my sister was here etc busy couple of weeks that filled me with huge levels of anxiety and stress, thought tomorrow might be a bit more low key but no, got to to do something else I fucking loathe just very fed up and tired"
he asked me again to talk to him more about my feelings instead of just suddenly crashing when something slightly unexpected happens - i said yes - i think im just confused by how much he wants me to talk to him about LOOOL like if i told him every single anxious thought or w/e id be talking to him 24/7 and it just feels like i dont know which thoughts are the ones to share + which aren't???
anyway w/e it got sorted out w/ solid communication i think tbh like ben says we wont do the lunch. i said that he could do it if he wants but there's not a chance in hell im stepping foot into that pub lmfao like there are so few things he wants to do that i actually refuse (hopefully if u read my blog regularly you will understand that this is true) but i have reached my limit on Events Not In My Comfort Zone, and idc if he wants to do it, he's welcome to, but i will walk around the village during that time he was like "ok that's not gonna happen sweetie bc they'll think you hate them" so we're just not doing it. i do feel bad but also i literally like cannot do it? like i am just fully comfortable in the knowledge that i cannot do it, will not do it, and am simply not doing it. so if that means ben isnt gonna do it either that's just gonna have to be how it is. like not to be dismissive but ... this is how i am + he picked me knowing that so like.
OK loads more shit happened in the hour i took away from this post, benny thinks it might be worth postponing the woods trip just bc he's worried how to spin the lunch thing (whereas im like if you want to tell them im insane just tellt hem idc) but we had a good chat in bed + i love him a lot lol. i do like how good we are at emotionally comforting each other. i think we should 100% go tmr but he's a bit fragile (see above lol) so ill just defer to him on this one, im not exactly in a position to be like "JUST POWER THROUGH!!" hahahhaha anyway we'll see how he's feeling tmr. he's more cheerful now anyway bc we had a nice chat + committed to making some post-wedding plans as well so he wont feel that giant post-event freakout that seems to be plaguing him atm
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dykeyote · 1 year
hi i do not know what the theia n adam thingy is about but. please do elaborate because now i am curious
OOOOO OKAY so quick theia summary [SEASON 2 JUNOVERSE SPOILERS IN THIS WHOLE POST LOL i try not to spoil any more than is necessary but i do spoil a Lot just bc u kinda have to . no spoilers for anything after that tho i havent even listened to s4] is that the theia in the penumbra podcast is basically this cybernetic eye that the protagonist is given by this like sort of father figure thats attempting to manipulate him through positive attention and shit theres a bunch of other lore going on there but thats all u really need to know for this post . it starts as helpful and gets said protag back on his feet but begins to take more and more control of his life and it looks like his weirdo bf at one point . this isnt a great summary whoopsie but it serves
n e ways so my thought is that sydney having that and it being adam and taking advantage of his emotions of loneliness would be kind of cool .... and instead of being a robotic woman voice its jsut this weirdo fucking guy who he sort of hallucinates in his vision because of how the eye works . i think lucille gave it to him partially bc of similar themes to the original show but also because lucille would totally just have like freaky future age technology lying around for no reason to manipiulate people plus it furthers the themes of sydney relying on her medically . also the adamtheia is red instead of blue bc thats cool
anyway so adam sort of acts as a therapist still but maybe a physical therapist also?? bc he controls sydneys faculties kinda . which sydney at first finds great becasue hes not lonely anymore but he starts slowly realizing hes losing his autonomy but by this point its too late . i think adam does take the form of jedidiah sometimes also to make a point or to trick sydney which happens in the show as well but defintely NOT in the way the show did bc jedidiah would be too embarrassed to ever wear that fucking slutty little nightgown and sydney would know something was up instantaneously lmao
ermies but diverging from the canon stuff MORE i think itd be cool if adam was more sentient and maybe kinda diverged from what lucille wanted?? like lucille had her own weird manipulative gains but adam is weird and freaky and alive and tries to make things happen to fuck lucille over and get his own weird goals achieved
also i think itd be cool if like . idk how sydney lost his eye but Somehow he did idk ill work this out later and the weird uppy adam eye was originally jedidiahs work?? maybe thats how its so freaky and magical and advanced engineering-wise . bc i do think hed make a cybernetic eye that is maybe a little overly helpful to the degree of having some queries about whether its healthy for it to help u w so much or if its bordering on losing full autonomy but it wouldnt be MALICIOUS or intentionally controlling or violating jedidiah is just weird about being helpful . but then some Force like probably a mix of both lucille and just adams ai take it and warp it and make it way more Maliciously controlling and intentionally intrusive (mostly bc i thinkt he parallels between jedidiahs Unhealthy But Well Intentioned controlling traits and other characters including lucille's Malicious controlling traits are quite interesting)
i imagine this being kinda vaguely season one.... like a season one divergent thing . i think itd be kinda cool if there was a parallel of the gun scene from promised land (for context the theia manipulates the protag into shooting someone) but with elijah .... mostly bc i thnk Wihle jedidiahs actively ignoring sydney would make sydney very easily manipulated via his loneliness and need for guidance which adam-theia-thing would provide 2 him
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mercurycities · 2 years
public diary entry i guess lmfao
finished doing all the laundry and all the dishes for EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY ROOMMATES (i do this everyday). im unemployed so w/e tho. i will finish cleaning the kitchen later and continue cleaning up my room. decently productive day. i think ill play some video games and maybe have a beer, tho i already got high yesterday so i should stay away.
i feel like....some tf2 and speedrunning today till gf gets home. thats it for todays diary entry. merc out
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tired-inyxe · 4 months
WHATS UP FUCKS - AKA My Ultimate Masterpost
Hi! I realized I never really introduced myself. My name is Inyxe (i-n-y-x-e, pronounced like Lynx but with an i (accidentally swapped the y and n once and didn't notice until it was too late)), but you can also call me Jay! I'm a proud anarchist and punk, swear like a sailor and love sharing my opinions well knowing I won't be hunted down with pitchforks and torches (I mean I could still be here but it's not as likely as, let's say, twitter). I've only been here for a couple of years but this is basically my first social media platform (Amino doesn't count). I also was put through the shredder when I was created and have a slew of issues, both mental and physical, so you will be subjected to the whims of my brainworms. It/they/fae pronouns. I have no sidebloggs so you get a smattering of my thoughts, have fun~ Feel free to dm or ask me anything! I may be so so tired but I like human interaction as long as I don't initiate it. Expect me to talk about prehistoric animals tho This will most likely be edited later, but that's future me's problem All of my tag masterlists! I have a lotta custom tags, like a LOT, so if u see weird ass tags on me post it's probably related to these (also useful for digging thru my stuff!)
General -my basic bitch tags, tag is #wing anatomy (subject to change)
Writing/Character Work -my creative writing/character work tags, tag is #worm anatomy Art -my art tags, tag is #cake anatomy Batfam/Dc -my batfam/dc tags, tag is #bat anatomy TMNT -my TMNT tags, tag is #shell anatomy more will be added later, i do more stuff than these after all, like dinosaurs! (fossil anatomy) My most important tags (on here and in the masterlist they best fit)
#bird anatomy -this masterpost! so its easy to find if i mention it in a different post
#og munchies -original posts
#eagle screech -announcements relating to me #red velvet cookie -my favorite things I've made/stuff im really proud of! I make a killer red velvet cookie batch fyi
#homemade food -My art! Get it well its hot #worm sculptures -my ocs! Also known as the worms that haunt nobodies head but mine (might introduce em soon ooooo) #rebloop -reblog
Extra info under the cut! has discussion of my mental/physical disorders so if u dont like that feel free to skip dw (I love to overexplain the stuff under here isn't important)
Stuff I have (been diagnosed for all of these, but that doesn't rly matter, just saying that because I don't want to deal w self diagnosis discourse atm): Autism, Adhd, Depression, Anxiety, Gender Dysphoria and Insomnia Stuff I suspect (talkin w me doctor abt it maybe): Tachycardia, depersonalization/derealization disorder, chronic fatigue, possibly a lung condition (not asthma but my lungs are fucked), iron deficiency anemia, some other vitamin/mineral deficiencies most likely, panic disorder, OCD, uhhhh idk ill add more later? maybe. its 1am my brain slidey yeah m doing this when m more awake gah
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yumenosakiacademy · 2 years
realized i could technically elongate my punishment by 1 day by eating some extra corn 2day n eating an extra apple 2mrw n hav 2mrw b the last day of punishment instead of 2day which will help me slowly ramp my way up to 700-750 calories instead of jumping straight from 300s range of calories to 700s range of calories n also get rid of the technical 52 calories tht i still hav left over of punishment, which i was willing 2 ignore bc it’s so lil of a number ALL WHILE trying 2 get rid of the rice we hav in the fridge within 4 days (aka when it expires)
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n so the rice still gets finished within the 4 days, albeit a lil later but it’s ok AND as shown here: my punishment gets Furthered but i get rid of the pesky leftover 50 w/o needing 2 wait n i can hav a bit more of a gradual slide back 2 normal calories! yea? [bottom is the revised w this theory]
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haemosexuality · 3 years
the fact that i would Not be nearly as good and i am in speaking english rn if not for gameplays, cartoons, and greys anatomy is so funny to me
#ive had english classes since im like 6 or 7 until 11 but they did Not make me get fluent at all#tho they probably helped a lot bc it teached me sentence structure basic rules and words etc#but then by 2016 i begun getting rlly into adult/teen tv shows like pretty little liars and lost etc which i would watch in english with#portuguese subtitles. which probably made me start learning a Lot subconsciously#and greys anatomy is like a really long show and when i was on the later seasons i started realizing i could understand a lot more of what#the characters where saying#and then i got r e a l l y into undertale and when i had already watched like every single gameplay from brazilian youtubers i went to#watch gameplays in english w subtitles. but i think pewdiepies (i didnt know anything about him at that age sorry) one only had pt subs on#the first video and i was like ''but i want to watch the rest :((('' and the others had english subs so i was like eh ill try. and i under-#stood like 70% of it so i started watching everything w english subs. and became fluent#and about that time i got rlly into steven universe again so it also helped#the first book i read in english was a steven universe one. end of an era. its like 300 pages long and the pages r bigger than usual books+#the font small so theres a Lot of reading on that#the second english book i read was a fnaf one. i dont remember shit about it#undertale also got me into tumblr which got me into radical feminism so i started reading like deeper stuff and theory etc
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iniquity-fr · 3 years
gonna uhhh have some flash lil USD comms available either later today or sometime tomorrow, wanting to help out my bf with some heavy unexpected expenses + extra goes toward my eventual half-cross-country move later this year or so, watch out for that i guess
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niccage · 4 years
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gumdecay · 4 years
#my most disgusting habit (jk there r worse.. my toxic trait ??) is that i regularly dnt finish my drinks n find then days later n drink them#evn tho the vodka is warm n nasty n w/e i used 2 mix is flat n old n yuckie......... cant waste it tho! 👊😔 nyway im a lil daydrunk n i hav#2 grocery shop soon n uhhhh @ this point i rlly do hope i get sick n die lmfao @ my immune system just kill me already bitch we r tired of w#aiting -_- genuinely my menchul helth hasnt been this fucked since i was...................... idek since the last time i Srsly tried 2 kms#(i mean b4 the last time.. which was recent n didnt count bc nothing happened n only a few ppl evn knew i *ttempted lmao)#nyway FUCK a quarantine i am losing my goddamn mind here :')#like lichrally all the hehe uwu i have more time 2 try new things shit is wearing thin n eye am lichrally spending evry hr of the die trying#2 convince myself that it wld b Bad Achually 2 die :') guilt is the only thing keeping me from attempting n like...... idk. i shldnt b talki#abt it here but also. who cares where i talk abt it LMAO im not gnna do shit but Wrow eye am Srsly Unwell folks lmao#i told the b*y i am feeling v bad n in a lot of pain n Trying my Best 2 take carea myself (read as: not die) n he just said please please do#as in.. please take care of urself.. bitch if u dont SHUT the fuck UP i swear to GOD i will ghost ur ass....... no 'im sorry ur in pain' no#'is there anything i can do' no 'i wish i were with u' no NOTHING but do bttr bitch stop hurting LMFAO like........ god........... okay.....#nyway bye i hate coming on here idek if my queue is still goin but im 2....... idk i just dnt care 2 scroll mindlessly n fill it again lmfao#my whole body hurts from the strain of Not Killing Myself n eye am trying not 2 worry evry1 who gives a shit abt me n eye am trying 2 keep#myself occupied n hnstly i just wanna take seroquel evry time i wake up so i can pass back out lmfao but instead im staying Mildly Tipsy 24/#7 so i @ the V least dnt have 2 think as much but obv 2d it isnt working........... i still have a cup of coffeetho guess ill dump more#rumchata in it lmfao see if that helps :') idk 4r i am v unwell n v tired n i wish i cld d** w/o hurting ny1s feelings abt it lmao but i can#t so i wont n itll b........ miserable but fine! same as the rest of life has been lmfao#i feel bad im ignoring so many mssgs but genuinely i dnt ahve the mental capacity rn 2 keep up conversations in which im not allowed 2 b a#suicidal mess like............ ALL my energy is going in2 not killing myself i genuinely just dnt have the ability 2 pretend 2 b Fine n Okay#n Positive Outlook n Healing Nature rn lmfao so w/e if evry1 hates me coming outta this n thats fine :')#ok BYE ill shut the fuckup now lmao
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