#illium mass effect
masseffectgal · 12 days
Has anyone done this meme yet about Shiala?
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autodiscothings · 1 year
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Commission of @rawliverandcigarettes  extremely glittery OC, Nagatha T'selvi- plotting a certain something in Nos Astra, Illium.
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t0tentanz · 11 months
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find peace in the embrace of the goddess
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drelldreams · 1 year
pick the planet/station you’d want to live on most if you were in the mass effect universe (no reapers AU)
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katlakitty · 7 months
N7Month Challenge - Day 15: Pistol + Day 17: Thorian
Her hands knew what they needed to do without her needing to pay any attention to it. She'd done this a million times before and disassembled her pistol with ease. It had something calming to it. The repetitive motions were soothing, comforting even. Usually one of the crew would be on cleaning duty and Jane would just drop her weapons off, but she needed some downtime right now. And it wasn't as if someone was going to stop her or comment on it. They all needed some time to themselves now and then. Of course Jane could just stare at the giant fish tank in her room, but her thoughts were just going in circles. She needed to keep her hands busy.
It didn't take long until someone joined her. She didn't even need to look up to know who it was. The tall, slender form next to her could only belong to Garrus. She knew it was him when his sniper rifle landed next to her pistol on the workbench, a three fingered hand working with precision to disassemble it.
They both worked in silence for a while, sharing the tools to clean their weapons using silent communication.
Jane was done cleaning her pistol but remained standing at the workbench. Her thoughts went back to today's events and the unexpected reunion with the Asari from Feros, Shiala.
She had almost walked past her on Illium, but her green skin stood out among the different shades of blue of the other Asari. A side effect of the Thorian's mind control apparently.
Jane still felt bad about killing a creature this ancient, but Saren and the Geth were planning to use its abilities against them. At least Jane could help Feros again by hackling with the brooker on Illium. It wasn't much, but it would help the remaining colony.
"Are you thinking of Shiala?" Garrus' voice cut through the silence.
"Yes, I wish there was more we could do to help them," Jane looked at him. "I don't know what though."
"Having fairer conditions in their contract will help them a lot," Garrus' assured him. "And Shiala didn't seem to be too worried about her green skin."
"It kinda looked good on her," Jane grabbed the pistol and put it back in her locker. "Thanks for keeping me company, Garrus."
"Any time, Shepard." His mandibles twitched in what Jane knew was a smile.
You can find a collection of all my N7 Month drabbles on AO3.
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acciokaidanalenko · 6 months
Hatboy 🧢
Chapter Two: Welcome, Hatboy
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Summary: Jeff gets to see Natasha, whose reconstruction is almost complete. He reminisces about his recent trip to Illium, where he encountered a familiar face.
TW/CW: Implied Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism
Relationships: Commander Natasha Shepard & Flight Lieutenant Jeff "Joker" Moreau, Addison Shepard/Jeff "Joker" Moreau
Rating: Teen and Up
Preview below the cut. AO3 link: here.
Being in this room not only gave Jeff a headache, but also made his joints ache. Everything he could see was either bright white or silvery chrome. The only colors to be found were the random Cerberus insignias found on the wall and the agent's uniform. Several monitors beeped slowly nearby, while the life support system hissed rhythmically. His sense of smell was overwhelmed by the scent of antiseptic. The chill of the room made him wonder if this was what it felt like to be meat in the refrigerator.
Jeff walked further into the room, approaching the bed positioned in the center. It didn't look very comfortable, but he guessed that didn't really matter.
He stared down at the occupant of the bed, remaining silent through his disbelief. The second anniversary of the attack on Alchera was rapidly approaching. Weird to think that he wouldn't be lost in grief this time. He wouldn't be losing himself to the abyss of alcohol poisoning and waking up in the hospital with a broken arm again. Almost two years since he'd laid eyes on her. The last time had been when she'd been spinning among the debris of the SR-1. His oldest and best friend lay motionless, covered in electrodes with tubes protruding from various orifices. The sight was the stuff of nightmares. Or, at least, the premise of some kind of low-budget sci-fi movie from last century.
She looked almost exactly the same. Her dark red hair was a welcome contrast to the sterile white surrounding them. The old scars on her eyebrow and lip seemed slightly faded, but were still there. There were newer scars across her face, small and glowing. A result of the cybernetics they'd had to use, apparently.
It felt surreal, for so much time to have passed, and for so little to have changed. She didn't look as if she'd aged a day.
He stifled the derisive chuckle that bubbled up at the thought. Technically, she hadn't.
How does aging work when you're dead, but not permitted to die?
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emotionalwarmth · 1 year
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Merrin's face markings reminded me of the asari
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geekylorraine · 2 years
Felt a little bit like focusing on the environments for screenshots in my latest few hours in Mass Effect 2, so here’s some I’m slightly obsessed with!
Screenshots from Mass Effect Legendary Edition on PS5
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There is a sketchy-sounding Juvederm commercial on Spotify that sounds just like a sketchy-sounding ad from Illium. Even the voice sounds the same.
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freedombeginsathome · 10 months
This is what happens when you have a Mystery drink from the Eternity Bar on Illium. (Mass Effect 2). Any other drink does not have the same effect.
What are your thoughts on this?
Does the Mystery drink allow you to see Matriarch Aethyta as she looked like younger?
Because this drink comes from a Vorcha world, is this how the vorcha see her? (leaning on that theory that Asari can manipulate how they look to make them more attractive to each species)
Or it doesn't mean anything at all?
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ferelden-loser · 2 years
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danifart · 1 year
currently writing like a "master doc" of my personal tips n advice for romancing certain characters in the mass effect trilogy. most of this is me praising miranda and liara and absolutely dunking on kelly. F.I.S.H. is the best mod ever btw
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urdnotcadash · 2 years
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Mass Effect is just a stunning series.
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cerberusdailynews · 2 years
[CRIME] Levipack Battery Thief Defies Police, Terrorizes Hanar
via Nos Astra Daily A brazen thief has struck again in Nos Astra, where yet another hanar resident was left trapped in the confines of their tank after their levitation pack's battery was taken by the burglar. This is the eighth occurrence of this type of crime in the past month. Nos Astra PD has declined to comment on their progress in identifying the culprit. An officer requesting anonymity cited active investigations as cause for the silence and encouraged the city’s residents to “exercise vigilance in securing their homes by their own means and by those of commercial services”. The police’s lukewarm assurance was met poorly by the city’s hanar community. Onuvenes, chair for the Invigorating Downpour service organization’s local chapter, condemned their stance. “These ones are no less than betrayed by these words. Are hanar exempt from the police’s mission to protect? Are these ones’ ability to participate in society so trivial as to be ignored? These ones are owed the humblest apologies.”
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nonsensetwo · 2 years
Illium weirdness.
Shepherd: Hey Grunt you remember Illium?
Grunt: Yes of course I was there, fighting Nassana's goons.
Garrus: Don't forget the Krogan poet.
Grunt: Ha! Yes that was weird.
Shepherd: Shall I compare thee to a summer's day, thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Grunt: Hahahahaha! Idiots.
Garrus: Wow that's a hell of a sniper rifle!
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toucansafari · 2 years
I miss mass effect
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