#im crying because this is so pure and the art style is so soft???
narzissenkreuz-ordo · 4 months
1, 9, 12, 16, 17, 21?
1. the character everyone gets wrong
i've answered this one already but gonna double down on dan heng/dan feng (their relation cannot be defined as black and white as fandom wants it to be) & neuvillette (he's not a uwu cry baby who doesn't know what sex is)
9. worst part of canon
[puts on my clown shoes] the high cloud quintet......... and also the fact that jing yuan literally has no reason to be in the story as is. they did not utilize his character at ALL when they could have easier done some cool things with him, but it all fell flat in the end and it sucks since he was the character i got into hsr for (im a big fan of his eng VA and only started playing bc of him)
and for genshin. they nerfed dottore with sexy anime ass plague doctor aesthetic. its just so boring and predictable. RIP webttore you should have survived the dottore segment hunger games not omega :/
12. the unpopular character(s) that you actually like and why more people should like them
the entire narzissenkreuz cast.... like genuinely one of the coolest and most tragic group of characters from more recent in game history that is fully expanded on in world quests. it a great self contained story told over 3 patches and offers neat context to the events of the fontaine archon quests but more specifically.... rene de petrichor i love you and youre unhinged culty academic shenanigans
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
im sorry but fanon haikaveh (its annoying & reduces their characters down to just a tropey ship) and jingheng (its boring) and i understand why people like neuvifuri and its neat they can be read as so many different relationship dynamics but i very much dislike it in a romantic sense.
i hate the weird sexualization of wriothesley being a prison warden x prisoner! reader, canon character, oc etc
but as for general tropes i think friends to lovers is boring and a snooze fest on its own. wheres the drama....the conflict.... the compelling plot. and i think high school aus are cringe in general. especially from either adult writers or characters who are already adults in canon
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
like in general? im sick of seeing so much rendered/soft shaded 'anime-esque' fanart being the most appreciated in fandom spaces. not to say these folks aren't talented they ARE but it feels like their type of work is the only stuff being praised and lifted in communities i personally would REALLY love to see more graphic and exaggerated cartoon work because i feel like there can so much personality put into pieces like than rather than just pure skill and technique in more rendered/painted styles of work
21. part of canon you think is overhyped
i really don't have any interested in the traveler as a character. i understand Why they exist but id have just as much if not more fun if they didn't have a story arc of their own........ the abyss twin being connected to khaehnri'ah and the abyss order is more interesting than the traveler's entire journey
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franeridart · 3 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: ook this might be weird but whenever i look at your art i always look forward to what you put in the tags because its always so interesting
AW ANON THANK YOU that’s pure stream of consciouseness for me so it flatters me to know you actually care about that hahaha
Anon said: Hello, is it possible for me to use your art as personal wallpaper? Or would you prefer not?
No problems with it at all!!! thank you for liking my stuff enough to want to look at it that often! <3<3
Anon said: do u plan on getting an instagram? love ur art btw ur style is so😮‍💨🤌🤌
Thank you!! And not at the moment, but it’ll all depend on how long I’ll be able to keep my art going around through twitter and tumblr alone... if one day I’ll feel the need to get one I will! I used to say I would never get a twitter either, after all😂 I was the fool all along
Anon said:  Hello, just to let you know that i love your art, it's the only thing keeping me sane after reading jjk
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what a compliment!!!!!!!!!! let’s keep on living in better timelines together, anon!!!!! 😭😭😭
Anon said: hiii, coming back to say that you're jjk family art is just sO CUTE and convinced me to enter the fandom.— ^^
ANONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN I HOPE YOU DON’T EXPECT JJK TO BE FLUFF!!!!!!!!! please tell me I didn’t deceive you into reading this thing  😂😂😂😂😂 I like to pretend things are nice and happy but that’s for my own sanity strictly ;A; thank you for liking my art enough to want to check out the source material though ;; <3
Anon said: im not sure if you know this but on the shipping wiki page for satosugu your art is linked in the fandom section and i feel the need to inform you of this honor lmaoo
I DIDN’T KNOW ACTUALLY LMAO oh my god thank you to whoever it was that decided to link my stuff specifically???? it was so soon after I posted it too....... I feel honoured 😂🙏
Anon said: satosugu family.......cuddles.............i will get back to you in 3-5 business days, i am too busy crying right now to form coherent thoughts
Them soft and warm and happy....................the only thing keeping me sane 🙏 🙏 🙏 very glad you share the feeling, anon!!!! 💕💕💕
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silverxcristal · 3 years
Ahh... I didn't know you hated when we called your art cute
Only when the art is NOT mean't to be cute.
I DO draw cute art, art that was made with the intention to look "soft, round, cute", etc. I enjoy it very much! If anything is part of my branding.
The problem comes when people see my more "detailed" art, which usually comes with a different tone (tension, sadness, anger, etc) comment "ohh it looks so cute!! its so adorable"
I draw something with the intention to look creepy? "AWww thats so cute"
I draw something with the intention of being sad? "SO CUTE!!"
It highly upsets me, because it can mean two things: The person didnt even check the art and just comment the first generic thing you can tell to somebody (i also dislike being called "cute" as a personal compliment, it means nothing to me) OR it means Im a terrible Illustrator who can't potray anything else but cuteness.
And I know im not a bad artist, becuase I graduated from College as a Profesional Illustrator. I work with my round, soft style to transmit different ideas and feelings, my teachers gave me tools and tips to do so.
Ive explained it a few times over the years, It doesn't always happen, and when it does is usually 1 person and thats it. Problem is... weeks ago I begin to get a bunch of those coments on art that was made with the pure intention of being SAD, and people didnt stop saying "ohh it looks so cute" to the crying dead children's ghost
And when I asked them to not call that specific piece like that because of the reasons I explained on top... people did it even more..
I dont mind my art being called "cute" when its CLEARLY cute. But man.... when is not, It makes me dobut myself a lot.
If anything I havent... posted detailed art outside of Patreon because I feel people will go "cuteee" when im adding more deep things into it
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momochimchim · 3 years
I just now found your blog and I’m already in love with your art style and how you draw the characters. They legit look INCREDIBLE!! What are some of your favorite Danganronpa ships from the first game THH and your thoughts on Izuru Kamukura?
So fav shipps, i have a lot 🤔 First of all, KyokoxMakoto, Second Sakura x Asahina bc they're extremely adorable and Sakura my woman deserved better🛐. Third i think León x Sayaka, It's complicated but i think they probably were lovers before the despair shit. Nor Leon or Sayaka are bad persons, they're cute tbh.
After that, MondoxIshimaru, KyokoxCelestia, TogamixMakoto they're really soft unlike Komahina or Saiouma🤔. Mukuro x Ishimaru (MANGA DID IT SHSHSH)
And i think it's that? I don't consider Junko is habilited to be shipped, and the others ones are too pure 🛐
And my thoughts on Izuru Kamukura... Well
He makes me sad, i mean, they took everything from him, his memories, his personality, HIS INDIVIDUALITY. And after that he caused the fucking apocalypsis. There are some things i cannot forgive, even if it wasn't completely his fault.
But it's pretty sad, He's not Hajime, As Hajime is not him, Entirely, They're both different persons living in the same body.
He's absolutely broken. It's sad. Because he searchs desperately to feel something, to remember, to find himself. That he don't cares about the others. Basically, they made him lost his humanity.
I Just hope he gets to find himself, I don't know if to be the old Hajime, But to find peace in his mind for once.
I just want to give them all a hug i'm crying. Hajime i love you, it must be so fucking hard to be you. Please take it as easy as you can.
Just take care everybody
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sightoru · 3 years
your little snippet of the nanami fic????? scout???? crying and sobbing on the floor??? ur style is so beautiful i could read your work forever, i’ll never get over the pure talent you have of stringing words together to make art
sdfrgthyju please im so soft at this thank you so so much <33
its def gonna be one of those fics that ends up being deeply personal to me as the whole relationship with readers brother is a giant vent for me dfghjfgh but i really love nanami's character so so much and he's someone that is ubelievably kind!! the whole premise is him showing up to the library reader works at because gojou is a menace </3
but again thank you!!!! you're very kind and this means so much <3
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hiddenclawsof · 4 years
aesthetic tag game
tagged by @yutopiada (one of my fav ptg writers out there still notices me to this day im emo--)
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold.
(soft!) baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
(dark academia!) neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
(edgy!) closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humour | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
(seventies!) colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
(preppy casual!) collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
(by @masterninjacow!) rainy mornings | sweet steaming tea | cats’ purrs | daydreaming about fantasies | back hugs | glinting necklaces | loud video games | grumbling thunder | constantly chewing gum | wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear to bed | watching horror movies at night | nibbling on chocolates | talking to yourself | short hair | sad lofi music | messy sketches | sweet-scented body wash | spicy noodles at midnight | hating physical affection but craving it at the same time | ending all texts with lmao or rip
(by @cherriigguk!) dried flowers | painting at 2 am in oversized sweater | up until sunrise | abundance of blankets and plushies | minimalistic colours | writing when you can’t sleep | warm banana bread on a winters day | stroking a sleepy dog | big eyeliner | butterfly clips | lo-fi hip hop | glossy lips and rose tinted cheeks | afternoon tea with old friends | oversized cardigans | herbal tea | dainty jewellery | self-care evenings | messy low bun or ponytails | dark hair | too many sketchbooks |
(by @iniquitouspoppy!) cuddling with pets | collecting art | journaling at night | flower dresses | raccoon eyes | thunderstorms | listening to music in bed | gaming | anything (pastel) rainbow | jumpsuits | taking pictures with an old camera | pictures everywhere | spending time with friends until the sun goes down | being alone and loving it | being alone and hating it | reading in the train or bus | just reading all the time | biking everywhere | buying flowers | biting your lip | blue skies, white clouds | big tattoos | piercings | stargazing |
(by @sweetae-tae) zoning out when talking to someone | travelling with friends | concerts and music festivals | doing something just because it makes others happy | being happy when loved ones are happy | mom-friending everyone | buying new flowers you know nothing about | baking for others | trying out new things | listening to one song on repeat for hours | not being able to find one specific song to listen to | doing things to keep your mind busy | a cool breeze during warm days | staying up for “just one more episode” | wishing on dandelions | collecting four-leaf-clovers | dimples | contagious laughter | decorating your room with photos and postcards and posters | winter nights when it snows heavily
(by @actuallythatwaspromise) bookstores | pearl necklaces | wishing on the first star at night | messy room | tall lace up leather boots | never breaking the rules | thigh high socks | peppermint-mocha frappes year round | no jackets in winter | standing outside in the rain | the scent of pine | watch documentaries for fun | navy blue room | knitted Blankets | eyes that are multi-colored | cool morning mist | perfectly formed sentences | reading poetry to learn new words | swords with golden hilts | wish anklets on so long that you forgot what you wished for
(by @kodabodaa) all black everything | vampire-esque | sitting outside on quiet nights | winged eyeliner | fucked up sleep schedule | standing outside during a downpour | meme photo folder | tattoos | piercings | loves to make people flustered through flirting | first meal not till after midnight | looks like could kill | laying in bed all day | majorly independent | playlists for everything | prince zuko trash | could read you to filth | lack of emotions | once i love, i love hard | not afraid of really anything |
(by @seoultraveller) intense eye contact | deep discussion about passions | naked dance sessions alone in the bedroom | learning foreign language through poetry, song, and history | studying historical dynasties | not studying out of pure disinterest | nervous lip biting | patience | having one drink alone at a hotel bar | pancakes or waffles on a weekend morning | driving down an empty road towards a roadtrip destination | a tryst over the summer that turns into a romantic storytime | traveling to put your school knowledge to use | mellifluous speech | does not speak unless spoken to first | peppermint hot chocolate by the fireplace | wine on the balcony | unknown intensity | crying in bed at night |
(by @daybreakx) hot drinks in tall mugs | glitter eyeshadow | the sensation in your mouth from peppermint + cold | the scent of roses | red lips | talking to yourself in another language | old disney movies | unsolicited information dumps | messy handwriting | cold days with lots of wind | listening to a song you love in public | a playlist for driving even if the drive is 10 min long | heart skipping a beat from happiness | the feeling when a concert is about to start | crime shows | sarcasm | drinking coffee while waiting for your flight | horror stories | scented candles all over the place | daydreaming as an escape |
(by @thelilyshope) sliding on floors wearing fuzzy socks | tennis shoes with dresses | loves horror | making your own coffee | lost in thought while in nature | staring at the night sky | loves the sunrise but doesn’t like feeling tired | falling asleep while bear hugging a plush | the feeling of excitement when discovering a new place | mysteries in old places | learning through travels | slowly reading books | longing for the future | fashion you love but could never try | interested in many but passionate only for a few | warming up under blankets after playing in snow | turning fear into excitement | embarrassing others in public | trying on weird things at the mall for fun | the go-to comfort friend
(by @yutopiada) morning runs through the sleepy neighbourhood | cutting your hair on a whim | clothes that are too big | podcasts and breakfast | writing letters to yourself | the sound and feeling of pressing the keys of a keyboard | songs that remind you of a precise memory | wanting to be different | scared of being forgotten | procrastination | body hair positivity | having a collection of wired earbuds in case one of them breaks | saving empty notebooks because they’re too precious to write in | claiming things as yours by putting a sticker(s) on it | that artificial strawberries and cream flavour | it’s not dessert unless it’s chocolate | white trainers | big, chunky shoes | staring at paintings/artifacts in museums for too long | enjoying old architecture
(by @hiddenclawsof) walking at night to look for something interesting | collection of mystery/murder books | eyeshadow palettes that will not be used | highlighters | converse | not good at giving advises | vintage bracelets | old philosophical movies | peppermint | cries watching animals are being rescued | fidgets when thinking | instruments | typos | kaomoji | observes thoroughly | googles simple words just because | eyeglasses | black earrings | rain | strolling around the bookstore
@yunwoo, @wookikun , @hojinhoe (hi no pressure in doing this but if you want to do this you are welcome to do so ((: )
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whats-that-interest · 4 years
SO 👏
Wheeljack fucked my mom in a 7/11 then came to my house next day and stole my wallet while calling me champ and kid but somehow made it endearing
FUCKING!!!! GRIMLOCK!!!!!!!! He’s a BEAR and I LOVE hi m
he looks like he could kill you, but he’s just babbey,,,, until he kills you ajdkakdksjjf
the!!!!! FRIENDSHIPS!!!!!!!!!!
Windblade and Bee just hanging out and being friends is my new aesthetic
im SOFT okay
i had seven heart attacks this season because things were just so COOL and PURE and AWESOME
platonic friendships are my jam ok? ok.
I thOUght it was Mah-Cuh-Damn or Mah-Cuh-Dahm-Eh/ey
Bad at words.
Very G1 from what I can tell!!(I’ll watch that soon skekfkskdn)
Visually, everything is B E A U T I F U L
It made my fledgling artist heart cry
the MOTIONS were SO smooth,,,,.,,.,
the style is upbeat and funky!
The colors are bright but not overbearing!!!
I love Windblade’s face stuff
It glows,,, very pretty,,,
All of their eyes are very pretty and glowey and AWESOME
Now for the little negative I have ^^;
Sometimes the dialogue seemed a teeny bit stiff? Especially in the beginning? Like it sounded a little off for the scene but it ended up great anyway!!!!
and uh
Did I miss something???
Because I’m preeeetty sure all of the bots in stasis were flung OUT of the Telletram(?) but they were all fine and dandy???? At the last episode?????? Eh. Who cares they were happy and things were cool
• Wheeljack fuCKED MY M OM-
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kizykinz · 5 years
A Child (ahem me) Gives Her Opinion On Harry’s Albums
(Ok note that I love Harry? Like LOVE. I’ve been looking into his whole career for about a week or two now and he’s amazing omg. But yeah, saying that, i’m not a musician or a voice coach at all haha. I just listen to music too much.)
~Song #1- Meet Me in the Hallway~
This song is so sad? Like. OUCH. His voice gets so soft in this song that my heart literally melts. (”iM mElTiNg. Im lItErAlLy mElTiNg. iM mElTeD.” -shawn mendes) and honestly I have no idea if this song got the attention it deserves but if it didn’t, it need more attention. I don’t think it did because the first time I heard it was around a week ago? Don’t come at me. I’m sorry!! But, it deserves a lot more. 
~Song #2- Sign of the Times~
This song deserves every award there is. The meaning is so very sad. Harry’s mind surprises me. He’s so fucking smart. His voice is so raw and fresh in a way. He’s truly an amazing individual that I am happily giving my full heart and attention to. Sign of the Times is truly a masterpiece and is going to be our future kids’ Bohemian Rhapsody.  
~Song #3- Carolina~
See, I keep looking up the meanings of the songs because I have no idea. Ahem. Anyway, if he did write Carolina about that girl he went on a date with is so adorable and like ugh. ANYWAYS. THE SONG. The girl in Carolina is obviously living in LA in the song and how she’s homesick hits so close to home? I have my whole life in front of me already planned out and I live in the middle of no where Colorado and i’m moving around 1,000 miles away from home. BY MYSELF. It’s not that much but still, It’s going to be very different. and again... HIS VOICE 
~Song #4- Two Ghosts~
:(. This song is literally kinda about change. People change and plans change and sometimes there is nothing you can do about it and he put it into words very nicely. The whole song is very smooth and I love the instrumental side of it. Reminds me a bit of John Mayer. but yeah, could’ve really used this song around 8 months ago haha. 
~Song #5- Sweet Creature~
this is about louis dont @ me. this song is so sweet. When I first heard this song on the album, it was my favorite. It always makes me cry in a cool way ahem. My mom genuinely loves this song. It’s very sentimental and the background vocals are perfection. The story it tells is mesmerizing and I will never skip this song when it comes up on my playlist. 
~Song #6- Only Angel~
You are literally entering heaven when this song starts. Its so beautiful. Then it pops off and my wig goes flying every single time. Only Angel has this raspiness to it and I very much enjoy it. haha. The song gives me Misery by Maroon 5 vibes and I don’t know why. I love how badass it is and how its genuine rock. I could literally listen to this everyday for the rest of my life. When I heard this song the first time I was talking to one of my friends and she says that my reaction was insane and that i just didn’t move. I love this song so much oh my god.
~Song #7- Kiwi~
OKAY YAY! My favorite song on the Album is Kiwi. Like my gOD. I’ve been listening to the songs as I go along and Kiwi just came on and I smiled so wide. Anything that I do, I play Kiwi. Cleaning the house? Playing Kiwi. Riding the Bus? Playing Kiwi. Showering? Playing Kiwi. I’m surprised my dad hasn’t kicked me out yet. THIS SONG OK. THE BEST SONG IN THE WORLD. HARRY STYLES MADE ME LOVE ROCK. AND WHEN HE SAYS “I’M GONNA PAY FOR THIS.” THAT IS ART. this whole song is art and if my hair is up when this song comes on, I will take it down and shake it out. I love Kiwi and the guitar and drums and UGH. Kiwi deserves to be played on the radio 24/7. 
~Song #8- Ever Since New York~
I 100% agree with this interpretation of the song.  We don’t actually know everything about him and yeah. I don’t want to go to far into this song because I don’t want to get attacked. But, again, he did it. This song is beautifully written and its a masterpiece and future generations are going to wish they were born in the era this song came out. 
~Song #9- Woman~
WHEWY OK. I LOVE WOMAN. First, I love the beginning. It makes me laugh every time because that’s literally me and my roomate every night. Love the piano opening too like god damn. Also, how the song echos and flows and how his voice is made for literally every note is amazing. It is literally so soft but so aggressive in a way. Second, the way he says woman. That’s all. Third, “lalalala.” this whole song is just. Extravagant. The guitar, the drums, the beat. 
~Song #10- From the Dining Table~  
This song is so soft. Depending on my mood, this is my favorite song on the album. It is pure poetry and raw and deep. Never been so entranced by a song. I can’t even think. I’m listening to the song and it feels like falling. I don’t know to where but it’s like I’m melting. I can’t keep a thought. His voice is so absolutely beautiful. “even my phone misses your call, by the way.” is so... creative and just pure bliss. This whole song is pure bliss. 
All of Harry’s songs on the album are absolute pure art. I have not been so sucked into someones music like this in a long time. I’m so sorry if I offended anyone and if I got anything wrong, please tell me! Have a good day! (and my asks are open and im always bored ahem hint hint)
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thelowlysatsuma · 5 years
Ramble in whatever form you choose. I won’t be able to be active all the time so if you want to be able to do it whenever you want I’d say text posts but I’ll also try to occasionally ask you about them so there’s some variety
!!! okay! well i think i’ll choose a couple from the list that i haven’t made many posts about before (aka no ts or go) and ramble on here!
oof under the cut bc idk how long this will get
steven universe
oh hon don’t even get me STARTED on su like that shit? that shit is so good? okay first of all i love the cast so much? gosh they’re just all so sweet and cool and sometimes they collab w/ thomas sanders and i love rebecca sugar and im gonna cry they’re so sweet im so soft
okay SECONDLY the show itself oof
okay okay im just? god im so soft?? like the music is so good, i can (and do) watch it w/ my parents, GOD do i wanna cosplay pearl’s new outfit (and rainbow 2.0, if i can pull it off), im in love with the concept and all the fusions and the story and the worldbuilding and god, this made me realize my utter love and adoration of COLOURS like they’re so PRETTY im in LOVE oh my gOD and just
god it has such a good message and such a good plot and such good characters i wanna be steven’s friend i wanna be all of their friends oh man i just can’t wait until my baby cousins are old enough for me to show this to them because i’m going to enjoy that experience so much
oh jfc where the fuck do i even start with ducktales okay david tennant as scrooge mcduck makes my fucking life literally he’sthe best goddamn charaacter in the show – well, best besides the triplets (my BOYS), webby (!!! my KID), f e n t o n (god i love that nerd), mark beaks (what an asshole), mrs beakley (i wanna be her when i grow up), launchpad (!!! he!!), and so many others??? this is like serious every character in the show erasure but hot damn duck tales says gay rights and it does so in style (oh yeah also i love lena della donald oh webby’s new friend whose name i forget uhhh herules oh the inventor guy fenton’s boss that dipshit love him uhhh gandra dee who’s voiced by jameela jamil if im not mistaken??????) and yeah it’s a hilarious show but it’s also just a really good one for me to watch whenever i start to like. feel empty inside?? but then like i’ll put on ducktales and i’ll feel better
gravity falls
this show. this show RUINED ME. i started watching it like four years late (aka last year lmao) but GOD, im so in love with it. def another one i wanna show my cousins.
like?? just??? the ciphers and mysteries appeal so much to me and my love of mystery and crime novels, the characters are all amazing, alex hirsch himself is just such a g?? and like. it’s so good. it hurts me so much but then it’s all okay in the end and it’s just. it’s so good.
yeah i sobbed my eyes out when i watched that series finale.
camp camp, which somehow i forgot on my other list
god, is this show hilarious. like, fuck is it funny. it’s so good. it’s so fucking good. i was a little shocked when i saw the first episode but i’m so into it now, and i’m so attatched to all the characters bc they’re just dumbasses trying their best (or worst, in a few cases) and i love them for it. that’s peak fool energy right there and it speaks to me
orphan black
okay okay okay veering now into a much darker type of television, orphan black is??? phenominal???
okay so my best friend @fuck-me-gently-with-a-slurpee got me into it when i was like 14 or 15 i think and i honestly cannot thank her enough because this show is incredible. the plot’s super engaging, i literally cannot say anything about it without giving away spoilers, and the main character has quite possibly the best actor i’ve ever seen playing her
like. you think thomas sanders is good? he ain’t got SHIT on tatianna maslany
you guys. you guys. mythbusters was my childhood. like seriously, i watched that show religiously.
it’s what first got me into science, and it’s what kept me interested in explosions. it’s light and funny and ridiculous and scientifically accurate in the dumbest ways possible. i swear to god the main cast nearly dies once an episode
these guys are my idols. like, i seriously cannot overstate how much i love the mythbusters. adam and jamie, tori, kari, and grant.
when i was a kid, i wanted to be a mythbuster when i grew up, and god damnit, i still do. they mean that much to me
bill nye
fun fact! i actually had no fuckin clue who bill nye was until seventh grade, when i had to watch an episode of his show for homework because i missed a day of class. it was the episode on static electricity, and i remember sitting at my dining room table in the dim winter afternoon light, squinting at my computer, and thinking “what the FUCK am i WATCHING?”
needless to say, i’ve seen more since then, but that initial what the fuckery is still present and i love it.
not only is bill nye the science guy a flippin fantstic show, but bill nye himself? the coolest guy alive. god, i love him. what a g.
various comedians including but not limited to john mulaney,john oliver, and hasan minhaj
okay, as a gay, i am legally required to love john mulaney, but seriously that guy is so. fuckin. funny that i can’t help myself. his timing is priceless, the way he moves onstage is hysterical, just. god i love his stuff.
literally his comedic timing and style is half the reason people find me funny. i just phrase my sentences the way he would because, you know, i’m good at stealing things, and people laugh, and i go “hey. that actually worked”. and then i keep doing it
next, john oliver. okay, so while i don’t watch his show religiously, i do watch it when my parents do every now and again, and fuck is his stuff funny. like. just. shit.
finally, hasan minhaj’s patriot act is just. one of my favourite current events comedy shows out there. it’s in a similar vein to john oliver’s stuff, just more international, and shit, is he good at what he does. i lvoe it.
hoodwinked the movie (i am dead serious)
okay, while i haven’t seen it in over four years, this is still my favourite movie of all time. it also has one of my favourite villain songs of all times, and some of the best character exchanges just. ever. especially with wolf and twitchy
...god, i love twitchy. also the goat. i’m probably gonna be the goat when i grow up, let’s be honest
one day at a time
i just.
there’s so much to say about odaat. like. it’s so funny. it makes me nearly cry every episode (and makes my mother actually cry every episode). the characters, god, the characters
like. alex is such a cute dumb kid (who’s smarter than he looks), penelope is so salty constantly and i love her but she’s genuinely so cool and such a good mom and i cry??? elena is so amazing like god she’s such a fuckin nerd but she’s also so salty (takes after her mom) and is literally the best????
and then there’s abuelita, whom i adore. like, god, rita moreno is SO cool and SUCH a great actress and has SUCH an amazing sense of comedic timing and GOD, i LOVE HER
can’t forget about syd and doc berkowitz, which like. okay first off the good doc. just. god i love the doc. he’s so sweet and such a genuinely good dude and he’s a bit of a coward at heart but that’s okay because he genuinely cares and does his best and god he’s just such an amazing character im !!!!! and then syd is such a dork and i love them and elena and god, it made me so happy to see not only an actual enby character on a big sitcom, but also just?? like??? it’s not forced but it’s still there??? like there’s one episode where one of the plots is just syd and elena trying to figure out what elena should call them, since neither of them are comfy using “girlfriend” for syd since they’re not a girl, and they finally agree on “significant other” and schneider imMEDIATELY says “dont you mean, SYDnificant other?” and then they use that for the REST OF THE SHOW IT”S SO CUTE OKAY
and finally, schneider. he might be my favourite character in the entire show (which is a damn hard list to pick from!!!), but he’s just. he’s so sweet, he and penelope have one of the absolute best male/female friendships i’ve ever seen (which! never! turns! romantic! ever!!!), he’s actually got surprising depths but he’s also like such a nice goofball that when they get revealed, it hurts, and he’s just this canadian dumbass (heyyyyy repreSENT) with the worst goddamn canadian accent sometimes and he’s a hipster and The Dumb Friend and the weird uncle all rolled into one and GOD, i love him so much
the good place and brooklyn 99
okay, i love these two both so, so much, but i’m lumping them together because a) they’re both mike schur shows with a similar sense of humour, that say gay rights, and with characters who’d definitely love each other if they met and b) my hand is getting tired from all this typing but i still have so much  love to go around!!!!
okay so so SO! they’re both so good. they’re so fucking funny and amazing and i was immediately hooked on both of their pilots. their characters are all so genuine and flawed and fucking hysterical to watch, and the ships and friendships are all so amazing and pure and good and soft and they have their problems and they WORK THEM OUT HEALTHILY AND IT MAKES ME SO HAPPY OKAY!!!
god, i literally cannot overstate how much i adore these two shows. mike schur, you’re a wonderful, wonderful dude. thank you so much
many musicals (top faves include BOM, hamilton, legally blonde, chicago, matilda, and more!)
i’m putting the musicals together because while i do adore each and every one of them individually, i also just have great big deep-seated love of the art of musical theatre itself in general, ya feel?
like, as someone who’s been both performing and viewing them from a very young age, the sheer sense of utter joy they bring is almost unparalleled
not to be That Bitch who quotes musicals, but “and that hop in our hearts as the overture starts lets us know how lucky we are” might be the closest i’ve ever gotten to finding words to fit the feeling when the lights go down and the show begins. it’s simply phenomenal
the others series by anne bishop
okay, OKAY, if you haven’t read this series (first book called written in red – they have terrible titles but god, they’re worth it), then what are you doing with your life? like, not only is there the perfect logicality au to them (just sayin’), but god, it’s such an incredible series
the worldbbuilding is so cool and the characters are all great and god the ships are the damn hill i die on it’s got literally such a good “sort of enemies mostly just dislike each other to reluctant acquaintances to friends to lovers” ship and it deals with some serious issues rlly well and it’s got baby puppies!!!
like, they’re wolf puppies, but still, they are b a b e y
and finally (for now, at least), the mysterious benedict society, by trenton lee stewart
this book series was my childhood. i mean, there are so many other books i could be talking about right now that i utterly adore (the artemis fowl series springs to mind), but gosh, MBS just brings me such absolute joy to read that i just had to have it on here.
i’m not thinking straight at this point in the evening, but i just wanna say that i will never, not ever forget about reynie. about kate. about sticky. about constance. about rhonda and number two and milligan and miss perumal and my absolute son sq pedalian and, of course, i will never, never forget about mr benedict
it’s bright, and it’s bittersweet, and it’s beautiful.
and it’s good. simply, utterly, wonderfully good.
thank you for the ask, anon.
thank you.
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the-trth-untold · 5 years
now its ur turn. do all of the sweetheart asks.
god jsjsjhdjk im just letting u kno these answers r gonna be BORING but hhhh THANK U 
1. Talk about your first love.
i’ve never been in love, never been in a relationship before. BUT i can vaguely remember my first crush back in 2nd grade. all i can remember was that his name was kyle and he was the only boy who ever spoke to me and my brain just went !!! 
2. What’s the most beautiful song you’ve ever heard in your opinion?
Break My Heart Again - FINNEAS or What Was Our Love All About - Adrian Milanio and Marylou Villegas 
these are just two that i can think of there are A LOT of beautiful songs
3. How’s your heart feeling right now?
4. What kind of self care is your favorite to do?
i dont really do any self care things?? 
5. What’s your skincare routine?
i dont do any skincare routines either... ik im a monster
6. How did you get to be so beautiful?
u must be blind if u think that 
7. Do you have any stuffed animals?
i used to have over 50 stuffed animals, i would always place them all over my bed neatly but i got rid of them now :( 
8. Best trip you’ve ever been on?
Myrtle Beach, SC because it was my first vacation spot and i was so happy seeing two dolphins close to the shore
9. Favorite thing about your room?
the color of my walls and blankets lol mint green and peach colors
i dont have anything cool in my room
10. Opinion on love?
i mean, it’d be nice to experience it some day and i hope i do but right now im content being by myself
11. Are you affectionate?
if i know you very well i can be, if not im very awkward and will barely make any eye contact with you
12. Who do you look up to?
i look up to people who have struggled a lot in their life, people who can be optimistic in any situation
13. Favorite poet?
i dont read much poetry, but i loved reading some things Emily Dickinson has published
14. Song that makes you happy? How about one that calms you down when you’re in a bad place?
honestly any disney song makes me happy! im a huge disney nerd and listening to any of those songs makes me feel nostalgic.
when im in a bad place, any slow, ballad sounding song can calm me down
15. Do you play an instrument?
i played the flute in middle school but dropped it after less than a week LOL
16. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)?
i like doing digital art but im not good at it and i dont have adobe illustrator anymore so i haven’t done anything recently
17. Do you dance? What style of dance?
i cannot dance and no one will make me
18. What’s your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology?
im a libra
i somewhat believe in astrology, i know there’s more to it than just your sun sign and there are different placements that make you different from the stereotypical traits people use for each sign
a lot of the “things about each sign” can be used for anyone because the responses can be very vague and many people can relate to 
19. Favorite old film?
too many
the shining, the breakfast club, carrie, pretty in pink, etcetcetc
20. What’s your hairstyle?
idk its a mess
curly/wavy and i have hardcut bangs 
21. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion?
fall weather, where its like 50 F (or 10 C for all u weirdos out there), cold enough to put on a flannel and boots
22. What upsets you most about the world?
i only have two hands but there are so many cats and dogs. i cannot pet all of them. (IM SORRY THIS WAS UR ANSWER DASHA BUT IM KEEPING IT ITS SO CUTE AND FUNNY AND I RELATE)
23. Are you in love right now?
24. Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them!
i dont have a crush lol
25. Do you have pets? Talk about something sweet about them!
yes!!! i have two gorgeous puppies!!! if u wanna check them out u can follow my instagram i post them all the time @ the.moon.atomic
they’re such dorks but they fit my household idk how to describe it they just belong in my house hahha
26. Do you have a lucky number?
i dont really believe in lucky numbers 
27. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash?
no, and i never heard about wishing on a fallen eyelash haha
28. Do you believe emoji spells to work?
no???????? i dont even know what that is
29. Do you believe in magic in general?
30. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion?
when people finally stop hiding their true selves, show their real smiles, and laugh so hard they snort 
idk i just love people, well, most anyway sjsjhzjdsk
31. Opinion on the color pink? What about baby blue?
love them 
theyre such pure colors and they just remind me of newborn babies hahaha
32. What instrumental sound is your favorite?
piano definitely
33. Do you like the sound of wind? What about the sound of rain?
yes! yes to both! i love rain more though, sorry wind
34. Who makes you happy?
my friends, family, and my mutuals 
35. What makes you happy?
listening to music
36. Imagine your ideal life, the life you wish to make, what will that look like?
ohh well i’d be living on germany for starters hahaha
id like to have my own house, maybe living with a best friend
definitely like 5784538902 cats and dogs, i love them 
at some point id like to have a relationship LOL
37. Do you wear makeup? If so what’s your favorite type of makeup or specific makeup product? Favorite store to buy makeup? 
only on rare days ill put on makeup, i only use eyeshadow, liner, and mascara and ive never gone to a store thats just for make up, i just go to a pharmacy lol
38. Do you wear dresses? If so what’s your favorite dress you own?
only if i absolutely have to, the dress i wore for my senior pictures is my favorite
39. Ever been heartbroken? How do you deal with it?
noo, ive never been in a relationship 
40. Who’s your closest friend? What do you love about them?
i kinda really dont have one, not irl anyway
@neo-bangtan @mini-pretzel are my closest friends online, i love everything about u guys
41. Introvert or extrovert?
42. Do you like MBTI? What’s your MBTI?
im isfj
43. Would you be a fairy, a mermaid, a vampire, a siren, or an angel?
uh idk?? i wouldnt want to be immortal so 
44. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you?
acid jazz singer - the fratellis 
45. Parlez-vous français?
no my french sucks
46. Most beautiful place you’ve been to?
honestly i cant think of any place pennsylvania sucks ahhaha
47. Where/when do you truly feel at home?
home...... my bed...... LOL
48. Does smiling put you in a better mood? Try it right now, you’re smile is gorgeous!
only if im not looking at myself lol
49. Favorite shoe you own?
slip ons or my new balance 
50. Can you walk in stilettos? Do you like them?
N O i am so accident prone i can barely walk barefoot without tripping 
51. Do you feel loved?
kinda? sometimes?
52. How do you express love to those you care about?
just giving them a hug lol or saying i love you
53. Favorite term(s) of endearment?
no ones ever called me any but i like baby, im a simple girl 
54. Most romantic thing someone’s ever done for you?
55. When is the happiest you’ve ever been?
meeting new people who share the same interests 
56. Are you happy right now?
im pretty neutral atm
57. What makes you smile?
58. Do you laugh a lot?
i guess??
59. What’s your favorite kind of aesthetic?
soft vibes i guess haha
60. Do you want to marry for love or for some other reason (like money)?
i dont see myself marrying but if i would it would definitely be for love
61. What would your dream wedding look like? Do you want to get married?
i dont really want to get married, most of the time it ends in divorce and theres just a lot of paper work and its a hassle i dont see a point in it 
62. Favorite flower?
63. Favorite artist?
edgar degas
64. Favorite music artist?
bts lol
65. How kind do you think you are? Is kindness important to you?
i try to be kind to everyone, i dont know if others perceive me that way but i think kindness is very important to me
66. Ever made a playlist for someone?
once and i loved it, pls ask me to make a playlist for u
67. Do you have anything you do to physically comfort you when your sad? Such as a favorite blanket? Or a relaxing bath?
music and a soft blanket 
68. Early bird or night owl?
early bird
69. Morning routine?
wake up, look in the mirror, look away from the mirror, go back to bed. (AGAIN THIS IS UR ANSWER DASHA BUT IM KEEPING IT HHAHAHAHA)
70. Night routine?
shower and watch netflix until i fall asleep
71. What is the most lovely quality a person could have in your opinion?
being humble
72. Do you cry often? Does crying help you get the emotions out? Do you feel better after?
yes yes and yes
im such a cry baby i will cry at everything if u yell at me or if disappoint u im so sensitive 
73. Do you like hugs?
yes but i dont receive many hugs
74. When was the last time you kissed someone?
75. Are you small or tall?
small, 5′4 or 164cm
76. Do you like wholesome memes?
who doesnt
77. Favorite thing about the past?
anything that makes me feel nostalgic 
78. Do you ever wonder about the future?
79. Have you ever lived in a different country than you currently live in?
80. Do you like plane flights? Airports?
ive never been on a plane
81. Sunrises or sunsets?
82. The beach or a forest?
83. What time of day do you tend to be in the best mood?
when im sleeping lol
84. Do you push yourself to act together and in a good mood even when you aren’t?
i try to 
85. Favorite kind of tree?
what kind of question is this i dont know anything about trees
86. Do you care about the health of the Earth?
i want to but i dont do anything for it
87. What did you like most about your childhood, if anything?
fieldtrips in school
88. Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book?
i try to read more, my favorite book is more happy than not 
89. What are you most nostalgic for at the moment?
disney, i just put my christmas tree down and the ornaments are disney characters
90. What’s your favorite personality trait you have?
honesty i guess?
91. List at least ONE thing you love about your appearance.
my eyes
92. When was the last time you truly felt calm, without much of anything to worry about?
after i bathe 
93. Do you worry a lot?
yes all the time
94. The dazzling lights of the city or the relaxing countryside?
dazzling lights of the city
95. Ever changed the shoelaces on one of your shoes? For what reason?
96. Favorite pastry?
??????????? i dont know??????????
97. Do you like doing little acts of kindness?
98. How’s your day/night going?
fine so far, i dont have to work today so im just chillaxing 
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vankoya · 6 years
As I said, I wanted my review to be full and for your eyes only. But... Okey. Never mind. Since The Devil skates on thin ice is officially over, I think I’m ready to write my little review. Not so little tbh. 🤣 (1)
First of all, I wanna say that your style of writing is really stands out of all fic writers because of alikeness with literature. I mean it’s really classy and reminds me of all books that I’ve read not only in English but in my mother language. Full of this beautiful descriptions, metaphors and other stylistic things. (2)
Every time I read stories written by you I found something new to me.Like new words or phrases.And at the same time I can find so many common grounds.I can’t stop wondering,my mother language and English are so alike.It’s like I finally can believe that all languages were one language back then.“Anyway,prepare yourself;this is going to get long, and it’s strewn with angst.”-I think this phrase could be used as description for the whole story. U almost made me cry by the end. (3)
The plot isn’t so unique. I mean, lots of authors write stories from lovers to enemies and back. But I love your choice of AU. Everybody usually choose basketball for Yoongi. And I enjoyed that u somehow choose my cup of tea. I’m in love with ice. I’m not rly into winter but ice is definitely my thing. (4)
[I cut out a few parts here just because this was going to be too long! But the story about you and your friend was really sweet; I’m glad you had someone like them by your side during that time!]
Min Yoongi. To be honest if I saw this guy in flesh, I mean your Yoongi, I would definitely fall for him completely. He has almost everything that I like in man. Confident, strong, with right thoughts, loyal, able to wait till right moment, passionate, man of an action first of all. I see real life Yoongi this kind of man as well but... He isn’t suitable for an ice hockey. Too thin and short. It isn’t stop me from likening him anyway. (8)
Lead fem. It’s definitely me. Like almost 100%. I use phrase “keyword ....” like a lot. It’s one of my favorite. And another thing that makes us so alike - our love for ice and figure skating. I was and I’m still madly in love with this sport. And we both came through trauma. But I can’t fully recover from it emotionally. I’m still afraid of doing some tricks. Specially Lutz and Axel. (9)
She is stronger than me. And I can say that jumps are one of the hardest things in figure skating besides spins. You need to put a lot of effort to make it beautiful and right. Like u have to be fast and jump really high to make it correctly. Other characters. They support and show us other sides of main characters like the extras should do. Specially I love that u put members of other kpop bands into your story. Like Yugyeom and others. (10)
My favorite scenes. First one on skating rink. It was at the very beginning of the story. When they were arguing. God it was cool. But I’m too Dory to remember all the things that I like in this one. Another one is scene at Yoongis room when he was thinking about the night when ice starts to melt a little. And I’ll add a scene on the roof to this one as well. (11)
Third one is a memory of the past with hair scrunchie. Whole scene made me so soft. G O D. It’s too romantic for my lonely ass. And ultimate fav the scene before an accident. It’s so adorable and once again reminds me of me and my friend a little cause we were found of skating catch game. Like who is fast enough to run away from another and last longer. (12)
One of the things that really bothered me was Olympic team. To be exact if I’m not mistaken usually Olympic team includes only best members of every single team. I mean every single athlete who suits the team by the level of experience and abilities. The whole team which won some championship or something can’t become an Olympic team. But maybe this rule works only in my country. 🤷🏼‍♀️ (13)
Another thing is little lack of experience or knowledge about both kinds of sports. I’m really into ice hockey and figure skating and some things weren’t exactly right. Specially about hockey. The game is really fast and if u ever had seen it’s live you understand that even a defenseman is able to score. Btw the game could be dirty like members of both teams are always fighting and got ejected. But most people doesn’t even know simple terminology of the game. So I just deal with it. (14)
I’m not trying to criticize you at all and I mean no disrespect to you when Im saying this but... Some things are a little far from reality but it’s a fiction so it’s okey. One more thing is you need to shovel the snow to skate on the lake. And it was never mentioned. (16)
I know it from my experience because I had to shovel the snow away to skate on the river. And it was really hard. But it was also unforgettable to skate on rivers ice surrounded by trees covered in pure white snow. It was like I was in The Snow Queens winter land from Hans Christian Andersen tale. (17)
Anyway you did your job so well. I really enjoyed this story. You are such a good teller and I love it so much. Also you made me wanted to go to the skating rink. It’s a good sign cause my acting teacher said that the art should make such impact on human beings to do something. I haven’t been on a skating rink like for year and a half. But I will go there this Sunday for sure. (18)
I can definitely say that I’m so thankful to this plagiarism thing cause it lead me to such a good authors and people. You all inspire me to write. Like I already was a ficwriter, but since I found all of you I wanted to try to write something in English as well. And I did but I’m scared to death to show it. I’m pretty sure in my abilities in my language but English is a whole different story. (19)
I’m waiting for the “We were made out of stars” series, cause it’s reminds me of Hancock movie with Will Smith. I rly love this film and your short story was so alike with its plot but without any superpowers and stuff. Another thing that it’s reminds me of is a novel by Hilary Duff-Elixir. It also was about remembering past lives and all this things. So I’m looking forward to this to come out. Thank you for breaking my heart.Now I need to buy a plaster for it.Hope your week started well. ❤️ 20
P.S. And JT. He was the love of my life as well as Usher and Chris Brown when I was in my early teens. After that I fell head over heels for Alex Turner. But not for so long. I found Abel Tesfaye aka The Weeknd in 2011 when I was something about 16 and things changed. P.P.S I’m pretty sure that I made a lot of mistakes in my review, so I’m sorry for that. Have a nice day. 🌸💜🌸 (21) End
Woah, what a long and in-depth review!! Thank you so much for taking the time to write and send all of these—I was sure I had done something bad when I checked Tumblr for the first time today to discover 20+ messages in my inbox sdfghs. But I’m so happy to see that you enjoyed and related to the characters—that’s all I can really ask for!! 🌸💝💐
As for your criticisms, that’s fair. I’ve actually never seen snow in my entire life and I’ve only been ice-skating once or twice on an artificial rink, so my personal experience is highly lacking. I tried to do as much research as I could without spending hours pouring over information and watching videos that were only going to be attributed into less than a paragraph, though that clearly wasn’t enough. But, as you said, this is just fan fiction and it’s only something that I’m doing for fun and to build my writing skills, so certain details and facts are going to be glossed over—whether it be intentionally or unintentionally!!
Thank you again for taking the time to send this and for reading. I’m delighted to hear that you loved the story, despite its few slip-ups in providing factual information!! (And I’m glad that you’re looking forward to WWMOOS hehe) 😌💗✨
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yeoldontknow · 6 years
Hiiii! I read on here that you’ve been super busy so I hope you’re doing well
hi sweet anon!! im so so sorry for the delay on this. i took a big step back on tumblr during the month of march because i had so much happening. it was difficult and so im sorry im behind on this cute ask. YES I ULT CHAN WITH THE FIRE OF 1000000000 UNIVERSES. hes literally my heart and soul. AND YES SWEET HOSEOK IS MY SUN AND STARS OF THAT UNIVERSE. im so excited to match my mutuals. i love these theyre so much fun. i got lots of rest, thank you so much bean
yoongi + @daegusoftboys: ive said it before and i will say it again: joongi is my otp. i know she has other biases in other groups but like...theyre passing fancies. joongi is the moon that hangs in the night sky. they are such a strong yet soft power couple. like the coolest couple in the room. delicate and pure and sweet, while also so deeply intense in the way they communicate and understand each other. theres a lot of earth and air energy in their partnership, and i just get so delighted knowing they would be each others rock. together there is literally nothing they cant do. SO with that said, joongi are going out on their 5000000000000th date and i guess are engaged at this point? they are going to a dog park, where they are going to sit and play with doggos and hug them and then have a picnic on the water with a lot of cheese and wine and laughter and i and all our friends will sit 100 yards back crying about how much we love them
taehyung + @from-dae-do-dae: i have also said this before and i will say it again: fei and tae are going on their third date to an art museum. its starting in the morning and its going late into the night. i imagine them at the met in new york, looking at classical art and moving between movements until they get to american mid century pastorals. this is where they discuss light and the movement of light in the styles of paintings. then they move to the photography hall where they spend FAR too long, discussing filtering, development techniques and mixed media. then they go to the hall of instruments where they both shed a few tears, and fei goes on to discuss how caravaggio, as amazing as he was, was mostly a painter of music and tae swoons so hard he almost goes blind. at 5 the museum is about to close so and they realize they havent eaten, so they go to dinner at a nice restaurant to have tapas and seafood fare with wine. they talk about the art they saw, and then move on to discuss deep thoughts, hopes and dreams. they expose each other raw but in a gentle fashion, the kind where you ask a series of questions no one can follow until they arent even sure why theyre discussing the reasons its difficult for them to accept and receive love, but there they are - two bottles of wine in and still they dont want to stop. so they walk through central park along the water and for some reason they dont need to talk anymore they just want to be together. /this got out of control/
jimin + @yeol-stole-my-soul: these beans are going to disney world and universal. fight me about it. jimin needs to loosen up and have fun and maria sleeps even less than i do, and needs to be somewhere she can bang pots and pans as loudly as she wants and no one will mind. i fantasize about them running around, going on all the rides, eating everything, screaming at everything, and then staying out until the park closes. the park empties early of kids around 10 so thats two hours of no lines and running around the park doing everything twice. fun. pure fun. FUN AND - romantic. dont think so? jimins face lighting up at the fireworks over the castle - thats fucking magical. marias face when she realizes not only is the food in epcot delicious, but it tastes just like how her mother makes it. trust me. thats magic, and thats real shit. no one is ever as vulnerable as when theyre delighted because happiness is difficult to hold and this is something they get to hold together. when joy and nostalgia mix, that is when you really learn a person. its easy to see them scared and angry - see a person caught pure delight and that is when you see their soul. 
jungkook + @queenoftheimpala: these shy beans are taking a painting with wine class. sure, kook probably wont drink and if he does hell be super slow about it. but ali, my delightful beautiful best friend, will take to the bottle like shes drinking gold and will finally let herself open up. when she lets herself go, hes done for. truly, you cant see ali being herself and NOT fall in love. his ass will swoon so hard hell fall through the floor, covered in paint. together, theyll make art. see why they pick the shapes and colours they choose, learn why they make lines different from one another. ‘my hand is shaky,’ hell say without any confidence, even though his lines are perfect. ‘ive always been terrible at art,’ ali will laugh, sheepish, even though she gets it right without trying. they dont really need to say anything to one another, they just need to exist in one anothers orbit and they will realize 1. they are so incredibly similar 2. they are both the most adorable messes and 3. they were made for one another. again, ill be standing in the back crying saying ‘this is my favourite movie.’
namjoon + @joonbird: these brilliant beans are going to a pottery class. theyre going to make something with their hands and then they are going to dinner with wine and cheese and theyre going to have conversations that range from personal history to metaphysics to philosophy to the weirdest shit theyve seen while traveling. joon will be amazed by her intellect and her wit, amy will be impressed he manages to make a mug that looks more like a bird house. she doesnt ask questions, just admires his artistic intent. at dinner the conversation carries over, though this time theyre mostly silent - making yummy noises as they eat their food and smiling across the table. this is when they start talking about places theyve been, things theyve seen, food theyve tried - experiences - delighted that now they get to experience each other.
jin+ @2seokforyook: this other power couple are going to take an improv theatre class. kim is shy and sometimes so is jin, but this is where he shines. hes delighted to show off and engage, to open himself a little and, by proxy, watch kim open up by impressing her and making her laugh. kim will be tentative at first, but the comfort and warmth he radiates on stage will be infectious and soon, with a few laughs and awkward pauses, she will find her flow, playing games and enjoying being free of any real focused thought for at least an hour. for a while, its light hearted, laughing so hard they cry a little, but then, at the end, its time to get vulnerable. its seemingly impossible, but again, theyre together, warm and in a bubble of comfort created simply because theyre together and theyre learning to have fun without any restrictions. and so they talk - really, truly talk - without words or a script about everything and nothing. and when its over, when they finally get to leave, they realize that they werent acting. not even for a second. 
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franeridart · 7 years
I absolutely adore every single KiriBaku thing you draw. They’re so pure and I love them.
;O; !!!!! thank you holy heck!!!!!
Anon said:Fran i missed your hq fanart, it was so good seeing some more from you!
I’m happy you liked them!!!! I missed drawing them too, really !!!!
Anon said:Imagine this - BNHA kids like It kids. Also love your art!
But I haven’t watched It :O and thank you!!!
Anon said: Is it ok if fictionkin people reblog your art and tag it as kin or anything of the sort?
Sure! People are gonna do so anyway whatever I say after all, and this seems like a really silly thing to get bothered over since it’s not like it hurts me in any way haha
Anon said:Who dabs more, Denki or Mina?
If I gotta pick one I’d say Kaminari, but I sure as heck hope dabbing isn’t still a thing in whatever future bnha is set in, anon hahaha
Anon said:yo i love it when you color your sketches, so pretty!!
OH BOY thank you so so much!!!!! :O
Anon said:I love you and your art so much?? like??? you’re so perfect?? just keep doing what you’re doing because you’re doing fucking amazing
I’m the furthest thing from perfect you’re gonna find, anon haha but thank you so much for the compliment!!
Anon said:thank you for always making me smile.
And thank you cause this ask made me smile, anon!!
Anon said:your coloring skills are improving!!! gosh your art is visibly getting better lately (not that it’s even been “bad”, there’s no such thing!! i’ve always loved it). i don’t know if it’s a good idea to tell you this but i mean it as a genuine compliment!
Are they really??? °O° I wouldn’t have said so, honestly haha but I’m super happy to hear that, thank you!!
Anon said:Are any of your OCs romantically involved? Or are they all just good friends?
Yes and no, depending on at which point in their respective story we’re talking about haha Josh and Chris are in love with each other, and so are Max and Leo (well, their situation is a bit… uncommon, but if I were ever to write their story they’d be together in the end) - I once posted about Gabe and Hector, and by the end of their story they’re in a poly relationship with a girl named Erica I’ve never posted about. Luca has a love (?) interest of sort but he’s not been posted about yet hohoho maybe sometime in the near future. Still deciding about Isa and Ana’s relationship, but maybe. Who knows? That’s about it as far as the ones I’ve posted about go :D
Anon said:your ocs are adorable!! esp ana, I want to know EVERYTHING ABOUT HER (and, yeah, having new ocs is super exciting, like you said! just– being able to figure all that stuff out, actually mould a character of your own– it’s a lot of fun!!!)
Anon said: What are Ana and Isa like? From that drawing, I already think I would want to be friends with Isa! She looks like lots of fun!
She is!! She’s sort of a jock, a bit of a dummy and really loud, she’s easy to make laugh and got the type of laughter that makes you wanna laugh with her so when she’s around the mood is always a good one! She’s not exactly a social butterfly, but she’s got no problems with socializing, knows by instinct how to bend her behaviour to fit with all types of people and has the incredible ability to have every and all awkward situations fly right over her head, she just doesn’t notice them, and that makes it hard to be anything but relaxed when she’s around. She’s actually how she and Ana got in the group, since she’s gym buddies with Leo! She also really really likes ball sports :D
Ana’s an introvert all the way through, on the other hand - she’s really witty and sassy when she feels comfortable enough, and sarcasm is her preferred way of communicating, but if she doesn’t know you/ too many people she isn’t 100% comfortable with are around she comes off as timid and closed off, smiles politely and barely utters a word - people assume she’s the subdued and shy type at first so once she starts opening up it’s always sort of a shock haha she’s got a scientific mind and while she isn’t a “gifted kid” like Chris she likes to learn and study a lot, which is why she ended up having a real great relationship with Chris specifically out of everyone in the group (they like to nerd out together) (Josh isn’t particularly happy about it, the jelly idiot) 
Anon said: I love seeing you drawing and getting asks about your OCs. They have so much personality and it makes me super happy. I hope you’ll feel like sharing them with us more often!
Thank you so much!!!! I’m really really happy people seem to like them too!!!! :O
Anon said:you draw the children so long i love it :0
!!!!! :D thank you!!!
Anon said:Did you now that the voice actor of Tenya is also the one of Kageyama ? (I start Haikyuu because of you by the way, thanks for this and for all your great art !)
I did know!!! There’s a lot of hq va’s in bnha, that’s always made me happy haha
Anon said:Love the new Haikyuu art! Although it’s sad that someone made you lose motivation to draw BNHA :/ Daishou is one of my faves, too. He’s such a doof, love it.
OH BOY I love Daishou so much, I’m glad you like him too! Aside from how much fun he is to draw (and color! he’s a green haired boy and that matters lots to me haha) he’s got so much personality and he’s such an interesting character! I honest to god disliked him with a passion during the nekohebi game, actually haha but that’s how it is with most of my hq faves, after all hahaha glad you liked the doodles, by the way!!!
Anon said:I love Luca! Where did he get his scar?
A fight with some punks back when he was a teen that ended up escalating when knives became a thing that was being used :O he comes off as the dangerous sorta type which makes good people steer clear and bad ones come looking for trouble/ pick fights with him cause they assume he was picking a fight cause of his resting bitch face. Well, he’s an ass so let’s say that at least half the times he had been picking fights, and it’s not like he runs when someone tries to fight him anyway… that’s not the only scar he has, it’s just the most visible one haha
Anon said:I’m kinda freaking out about Luca and the others being italians! It makes me love your OCs even more ahah Btw, don’t know if you’ve already answered this or if it’s too personal but… are you Italian? (Or what nationality?)
Yah I am! :D and I’m super happy to hear you like my kids!!!!!
Anon said:Hello! I just wanted to let you know that you inspire me a lot! Your blog is honestly such a happy, fun place to be. You draw so much stuff, so much cute and sweet stuff regularly and I aspire to be like that! I’m extremely slow at drawing, and I lose motivation or get distracted from drawing easily, but I’m hoping for a day when I can make a blog just like yours; a place where I can regularly draw things that make me happy. I hope you have a wonderful day!
I’m!!!! so happy to hear that!!!!! And yeah I 100% understand the being slow and getting discouraged easily, I used to be (and sort of still am) like that too :O my need to be faster is what had me end up with the style I have now, actually haha I hope you’ll find a comfortable style that’ll let you be as fast as you wish soon too, anon!!!
Anon said:I don’t think you understand how much it means to me that you drew an asahi! He’s my fave and he looks precious and pretty in your style! Thank you for this gift :’)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you liked him, then!!!!!!! *O* thank you!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you for drawing Noya! Im sorry it was sort of cause of a shitty anon, I also really enjoy your bnha drawings so im not trying to be all “waaaah go back to hq”, but im happy to see my lightning son and also find out hes in your favs? Yay!
YAH HE’S THE BEST ISN’T HE he’s been one of my top 5s since he first appeared, he’s such a good I’m glad you liked him!!!!!!!!
Anon said:FRAN YOUR NEW HQ ART IM IN LOVE!!!!!! YOU DRAW DAISHOU LIKE A LITERAL SNAKE HES SO SMUG ITS SO GOOD!! AND YOUR OCS!! I WOULD HONESTLY READ A BOOK ABOUT THEM. OR A WEB COMIC. BOTH ARE GOOD. SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS IM JUST EXCITED BC HQ!!!! AND AWESOME OCS!!!! (can you tell that i have a weakness for other people’s ocs, esp when done well) (which you certainly have)
THANK YOU FOR THE COMPLIMENTS OH GODS !!!!!!!!!!!! Especially about my ocs, that makes me so happy oh boy ;O; !!! And and and I’m super happy you liked Dai! He’s honestly so much fun to draw, for me hahaha
Anon said:I’m sorry that people are being assholes, sending good vibes! I love all your art, I hope you have a good day
This to you and everyone else who’s sent the same type of ask, thank you SO much! You guys are all so incredibly nice and supportive, bless all of you ;O;
Anon said:Dave!!! :D
Dave indeed!!!!!! :D :D
Anon said:your art is Good
Thank You !!!!!!!!
Anon said:omg i love your ocs so much
SOB thank you?????
Anon said:I love how the collar on Kiri’s coat in the ‘Them boys’ post is reminiscent of his pauldrons
……………………………………………….. that was totally on purpose. Yep. Definitely. Hmhm.
Anon said:Anon from before showed me your stuff today and just wanted to say wow I love your stuff what even your art is so good I fuckin love kiribaku and oh my god I swear I must have gone through your whole kiribaku tag and I’m gone your art just made my day
GOSH I’m glad you liked them???? thank you for such a nice message aaahhhh !!!!!!
Anon said:Im cry omg i just realized ur url is franeridart fjhfhf this whole time i thought it was friend art bddnjx
You’re the second person that tells me that in the span of just a couple of days omfg hahahaha it’s cool tho, I wish that was actually the url, it’d have been such a soft one haha
Anon said:hi Kaminari can skateboard he has a skateboard in his room
Kaminari in his room also has a dart board, a basketball and a dj console, and that’s only the stuff whe can see so actually, considering in his likes there’s “cool things” I think he’s the type of boy that tries to pursue any hobbie he might think would make him look cool, so either he has no clue how to use any of the cool things in his room above a vaguely amatorial level or he’s still pursuing all of those interests! Which would actually be super cool! Incidentally this is my preferred headcanon too so, yeah, as far as I’m concerned he knows how to skate. And play basketball. And darts. And also how to dj. He’s a cool kid haha
Anon said:Bless you and your super cute kiribaku ^_^
Bless you for the super sweet message, anon!!!! ;O;
Hahahaha I might have actually accentuated that a bit, but she’s about 20cm shorter than the both of them and in a chibi style that’s hard to keep accurate hahahaha but yeah I love my pocket sized girl she’s the best
Anon said:Im so fucking happy because youve been posting (almost?) daily for a few days now
That was my own poor attempt at something similar to inktober, actually! I’ve had a few days through the month I wasn’t at home at all so I couldn’t draw all 31 days, but I think I got close? Maybe? I’m glad you enjoyed it, tho!!
Anon said:you deserve all the love in the world
I’m f sobbing so do you, friend ;u;
Anon said:do you like as*noya?? or, which are your main pairings for asahi and noya :)
I do ship as*noya, but I prefer Asahi with Daichi and Suga (ot3) or with Kiyoko, actually :O while my fav Noya ship is with Tanaka~
Anon said:I have recently fallen totally in love with kiribaku as a ship, and your art is always my favorite to see in the tags. Thanks for drawing those two nerds, and I hope you have a good rest of your day!
Thank you!!!!! This fandom is super full of incredibly talented people, I hope you’ll enjoy it here hahaha
Anon said: I first found your blog searching the Bokuroo tag.I was very happy because it was one of my all time OTPs,but they didnt have much content.Then there you came,with amazing art.Time passed and you watched BNHA.I was absolutely captivated by BakuShima and then I checked your blog and it had BakuShima!!I told myself “this person cant get any cooler”.But today i found out about TetsuKami and I checked their tag and yoU ALREADY MADE FANART OF THEM!!Officially ,you are the coolest person on Tumblr tbh
We seem to have really really similar tastes in ships, anon!!!! that’s so great omfg !!!!!!! :O and I’m super happy you like my stuff still afer all this time hahaha
Anon said:Could I draw some fan art of your ocs?
Oh my god yeah!!!!! please do link me to it if you do!!!!!
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jihoonscafe · 7 years
❧ x.mh | quiet
foreign exchange! minghao/ the8 + reader
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word count : 1639 words. genre : angst but like ,, depressing kind synopsis : he was quiet, always quiet, and the one who could make him smile, was too busy smiling because of someone else.
✐ jsahfskdhfds im sorry minghao stans brb. djshf i know i keep promising to write fluff here but damn ur girl ain’t deliverin im sorry !! i will try to post a fluff one soon aksdhfsdfg (maybe with a specific tall nerd n mornings tsk tsk no spoilers). grab some cleenex but not too much bcuz u will feel bad for the boy ?? but guilty for (most probs) lovin that jun action.
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Everything was quiet.
It was the way he liked it, after all there were no chattering students speaking in much too rapid English for his poor ears and much too stressed swearing for his soft heart. He had always been a home-schooled child, who went to college, free-spirited and happy, and was asked to take part in a foreign exchange.
His father, forever talking about character development, had instantly approved of this idea and had signed up poor old Minghao for it before he could raise a voice of objection, and in only a few months of extreme English classes and explanations on American culture and ways of lifestyle, he had been flown off miles away from the only place he had ever called home.
He was a dancer, from the very roots of his soul, and if everywhere his recessant shy personality and stuttering english scared people away from a too long conversation, nothing could scare him as he danced. It was the universal language of the body, the one which held the grace and eloquence of the most sophisticated words one could find in a dictionary, like the one in his backpack for bad situations.
As his program was about dance, he was to train with a group of Asian-American choreographers, and find out how the cultures and the styles of dance meshed, learning how they learned and how they held themselves as they danced.
He stood in the place where this very practice was held, a classy building in the middle of the town’s hotspots, in a floor of thousands little gray studios, cool from the incessant air conditioning and the ambiance of how he had always imagined the inside of a dance studio would look like.
It was so different.
Back home, his second and true home had always been the small dance studio, only a few blocks from his college, with the ugly yellow wallpaper and weathered wooden floor which made this place look beautiful aesthetically. But at home, there was the old woman who always greeted him warmly with her smile and gave him snacks on nights he slept there, and there were the walls of that place, though not aesthetic, held so many of his firsts, held so many precious memories.
His first kiss had been against that wall, his first dance injury had been from the wall, his first breakdown had been by the wall. The walls had taken his blood, sweat and tears over the years.
They made this place look like the ice palace Elsa makes in Frozen. Cold, and unwelcoming, as if made of pure ice.
No one smiles at him here, but then again nobody even looks at him enough to flash him a smile.
Well, except you.
You, who danced with the more experienced choreographers at the studio, and who often made choreographies which featured in the dance channel the studio shared. You, who was warm and kind, who smiled at him, and everybody else around you and made the ice around him thaw with that melting crinkle of your eyes as you laughed.
You, who he admires so much, for the fluidity of the way you moved and the poise you held as you walked, for the kindness to each, the way you even took him and talked to him even if he couldn’t speak that fiery English you were famous for, the way you even learned the slightest bit of Chinese to greet him comfortably in the mornings and reserved those dazzling smiles for him when he came in, feeling grey.
You, who never makes him feel quiet.
You, who looks at his mentor like he was the stars, unaware that they actually resided permanently in your eyes, and often twinkled when you laughed at one of those horrible puns which he would never understand.
His mentor, also known as, Wen Junhui, the only one in the studio who Minghao had seen swear in such rapid Mandarin after a wrong step that even he had been confused as to what exactly had been the jumble of inappropriate words which fell from his mouth.
Minghao had met him on his second month here, when all the dancers had gotten over their excitement of foreign exchange students with too much sun and a natural blush to their warm skins, and he had been lonely for the first time in quite a bit of time. Back home, he had never been shy because he had had those friends ever since he had come out of the womb and thus their friendship was natural, no introductions needed when the age of awkwardness had hit him.
When he moved, he had things to say but because he wasn’t confident in his English to that point, he avoided it and chewed on his lips, swallowing any words other than his introductions, and basic nods and refusals.
He had so much to say, so many jokes he knew would make people laugh, would make you laugh, but because he was never sure how you would feel when he would say it, he shut up inside himself.
Jun had been the one teaching the choreography then to the males of the group before they headed in for the duet with the girls, since the dance was to a duet song and him and you had been the ones to choreograph it, like always. The ones with the best flow together, he had heard people say and while it killed him to say it because of the little crush he had developed on you over the weeks, but it was utterly true. You both danced like twin fires, bringing such life to a performance, it became from art to masterpiece.
Minghao was stuck on the last move, which was where he would hold the girl while making eyecontact, and while his hands were easy because it was mindless touching when it came to dance, eye to eye contact was rarely forgotten and it made him flustered beyond belief, so much so that Jun told him he could try it with him once to see if it was better then.
That led to Minghao bursting out into laughter as he held Jun, who chuckled at the boy’s shy antics before ruffling his hair and telling him he was the cutest of the bunch .. in Chinese which made Minghao blush before slipping himself back into the group, only one thought rampant in his mind.
He knew why you liked the boy, he was so .. alive.
So the dance began and Minghao watched as Jun and you took the stage, the soft tune of the romance song playing in the background and the people in the room seemed to collectively coo at the gentleness of Jun’s touch on your waist, and the way you both smiled at each other, like the other held the answers to the world’s biggest test.
It had been then that he had realised two things, that he had a major crush on you.
And that you adored Wen Junhui more than anything.
The very thought had hurt him then.
But now, as he sat on the roof of the building, his feet dangling off the side, swinging gently from side to side as if they had no energy to move, as if they were feeling the lethargy of the city down below which had not yet woken up to feel the sunlight rain upon it, he, for once, was not quiet.
Instead, he sang a small song, an old Chinese lullaby his mother had once hummed to him when he was but a child, when he hadn’t woken up in the morning. The tune had always made him smile, and even now he did. The words flowed off his tongue naturally, a calm tune produced from his slender throat, as his tears silently fell from his dark eyes.
This lullaby now held another side to the coin, like he had always believed everything did, nothing had only one side to it, every thing or person or being had a good side and a bad side, and it seemed like his dear tune from the depths of his memories had its own crushing bad side.
Only the night before, when his limbs had ached and he had almost fell to crumble on the ground rather than go back to his gloomy dorms, which were never the different colour from this place anways, he had heard it, the lullaby, quietly float out from one of the practice rooms, and when he had been close to crying from feeling his homesickness eat away at him from the sound of something his dearest mother would sing to him, he realised whose voice it was.
Crawling as sneakily as he could have with his malfunctioning limbs, he had peeked into the nearest lit room and saw Jun sitting against the mirror, singing the lullaby quietly, to you, who lay with your head on his thighs, eyes drooping as he smiled and leaned down to give you the softest kiss on your forehead, as if he was touching the sweetest of flowers.
Minghao’s fingers had loosened their hold on the railing which was holding him up and he had scrambled to his feet, running as fast as his legs could take him until he was looking at the stars again, and that is where he slept and woke up under the only thing which could connect him back home, the sky, and the stars which you stole away from it inside your eyes, the ones which reflected in Jun’s love-glazed eyes as he kissed you.
As the tune died out into the sound of the first cars of the day starting up and beginning to run on the streets, his wet eyes fluttered shut.
He was quiet once again.
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gukiee · 7 years
Hope you’re ready for this because I’m about to word vomit my love and adoration for Jungkook for 365 bulletpoints straight
first of all what isn’t there to love about him:
his cute soft gentle bunny smile
the way he takes out (specifically the right) earpiece when hes singing
his lower lip mole
like the way his voice can go rly low and raspy but then also really high pitched and whiny and squeaky im literally in love
HIS LAUGHHHHH when he starts laughing so hard he starts clapping and throwing his whole body into it
or how his giggle starts off quiet but then it gets rly high pitched and squeaky
but then he laughs so hard that no sound comes out and it gets rly low and he gasps in between laughs its so cute :(
the way he chooses to use formal language with his hyungs out of respect even when he’s been told multiple times it’s okay to speak comfortably
the way he works so hard at ABSOLUTELY everything he does
like how he wanted to get good at bowling so he went almost every day at 2am DESPITE promotions and a busy schedule and practiced for months to improve
the way he hums in between his words when hes thinking and makes this like? “kahhhehh” sound in between when he’s not sure what to say next
his big brown beautiful eyes and the way they’re so big and sparkly :(
his silly personality when he’s rly comfortable and starts getting absolutely wild and fools around with his friends
the way hes finally starting to open up and become less shy and now has friends outside the group he speaks to regularly
hes just rly? respectful and thoughtful and always puts people before himself
how he worked SO hard on his Begin solo stage and KILLED IT WITH THAT FOOTWORK
speaking of solo stage RAINISM was.... well I think if you follow this blog you know how I feel about rainism but ya... killed it
mmmmmmmm his voice in classroom ideal
and the belt chain
that one time the members pranked him for his birthday and the manager yelled at him for messing up the choreo (which was part of the prank) and said something along the lines of “do you think you’re so perfect you don’t mess up?” and he got rly quiet then when they revealed it was a prank he cried because he thought he was letting everyone down
acts tough and sexy but is really a big softy
cries when his hyungs are struggling
like when taehyung’s grandma died and they spoke about it on stage and he started crying
or when he started crying when they won their daesang because he said he was so overwhelmed with thankfulness and wanted to make us proud
or how he cried during the epilogue tour because he “wants to be our singer forever”
I just rly love how passionate he is and how he rly cares so much about making others happy
always says hes okay even when hes not because he doesn’t want to burden people and want to put them first and not worry them
bought music equipment to get better at making music because he had a hard time with Begin and wanted to practice more
is always practicing SOMETHING to get better at
his thiccccccc thighs oohohohhhhhhh booooyyyyy do I love those thic thighs mmmmfmckkk
the way his body moves when hes on stage
his soft hair :( whether its straight across his forehead, parted, curly, pushed back, straight, wavy idc black brown blond pink highlights red purple it could be any colour and any way and i love it all :(
his big manly hands with those long dainty fingers
his scar on his cheek :’)
the scar on his arm by his elbow
his long lashes
the veins.......on his arm..........and hands..........and in his neck lmmmmcmmmfmckkcki 😭😭
the mole on his neck
and cheek
and the beauty mark on his right nostril
his puffy pink lips that are always so soft
that meme dance he does u know the one with the hands and that facial expression
how extra he is it’s one of the things I love so much about him because hes never afraid to be silly
his cute lil tongue
that sexy angry expression he gets where he fcking furrows his brows and his eyes get hooded and they his brows crease heavily in the middle and he makes that snarl and his nose crinkles fghdjk
when he laughs and he gets those little creases by his eyes omgfg
how he brushes his teeth when hes nervous
how fidgety he is when he’s been sitting for too long
the way his mouth hangs open when he’s focused and thinking about something
the way he takes the time to learn english and is constantly asking rapmon if he did it right and practices lots
how on Run!BTS when it was revealed that the spy wouldn’t be able to eat he said “that’s not fair” even though he knew he wasn’t the spy
the way he always sniffles from his rhinitis
how he sleeps with his mouth slightly open
really quiet and sweet vs really loud and goofy
“g2g guys 😂😂😂 lol”
“safety first, safety second, coolness third.”
“we’re all going to end up going to hell anyway”
his love of lamb sewers
his love for army !!! he really does everything in his power to show us he loves and cares about us and gets really emotional when talking about it
how damn strong he is like holy fkcing hell can we talk about how he rolls backwards into a handstand
how he takes the time to cover english songs to help improve his english and give the fans content even though he could be doing something else
how he goes out of his way to be daring and pushes himself
speaking of daring, how fearless he is and how hes really not afraid of many things, like how he has no problem going on roller coasters or bungee jumping n pushes himself to the limits
how when he laughs his eyes and nose do the thing (u know the thing)
his long pretty eye lashes
how dainty his wrists look when he wears thin bracelets
and when he wears rings on his index and pinky fingers
his thin ears with those hoop earrings
H E L I X  P I E R C I N G
that one run performance where suga played piano and he solo danced
his fashion style
his love for overwatch
the Dope police uniform goodbye
the fact that he still managed to graduate with special honour awards despite the busy schedule of being an idol
and how he spent a CRAP TON of money on dinner for his hyungs after
his drawing skill
the lil bruises on his legs :((((
how at the american concert he seen people being pushed in the pit and asked rapmon to tell them to stop and was signalling for them to stop pushing
also idk if any of u have noticed this but he has rly nice nails??? like theyre literally perfectly shaped
his appreciation of IU (my queen)
and his love of justin bieber
running around with the flag tied around him like a cape
Iconic fish as a tie (like he for real just WALKED INTO THE OCEAN AND CAUGHT A BIG ASS FISH WITH HIS BARE HANDS)
how he gets really emotional when talking about/to the fans and starts crying
n the way his nose gets red when he cries
that “i’m not sure about that” head tilt he does sometimes
how when hes trying to perfect something he asks a million questions to make sure hes doing it right
and practices DAY N NIGHT
how he bought everyone burgers during flower crew (cries over that show bc i cannot believe how dirty they did m boy)
how he was so visibly upset/embarrassed when they were rude to him like i rly cry
the look he gets of pure concentration when hes monitoring himself behind the scenes of a music video,
the way he says chong jojun balsa 😩😩
his strong ass calves ghjkdfgv
his cover of “if you” during masked man n show little n shy he was :((
goes from cute to s*xy to meme all in 2 seconds
how he pauses in between chews n smacks his lips a lot when he does
and when something is really good n he closes his eyes momentarily and does that headshake
the mama performance where he hung suspended in the air despite having hurt himself doing it but was committed to doing a good show
his skin no matter what condition it is
with makeup
without makeup
with flaws
and the little bumps he gets when hes rly stressed out
how hes said that hes really shy and is better at expressing feelings over text
his over the top “boy version” of the russian roulette dance
in fact his over the top everything
his big bulging biceps.............
pretty deep ass collar bones
how he plays with his hair when hes nervous
the way his bottom lip puffs out when hes chewing
and how he nods when hes really enjoying something hes eating
nochu come thru
that performance where he took off his jacket n showed off his big ass biceps and effectively destroyed my whole existence
when he was playing with puppies and was giggling all over the place saying “this isn’t for you it’s mine” when it tried getting his coffee
how he was scouted by 8 different entertainment agencies but picked bighit because he thought rapmon was cool
and how he travelled all the way to Seoul from Busan at 14 and was probably HORRIFIED and scared but did it anyways which is extremely brave
and how hes continued to work hard from that day on
his love for the arts like photography
is always interested in learning new things like the drums and guitar and english
that dramatic ass video he made for yoongi’s birthday which was literally just him self promoting himself and making fun of yoongi lmao
how he used to wait until everyone was asleep to shower because he was shy
and how he would go out in the middle of the night to go eat by himself or wait until people were asleep to eat because, again, he was really shy
his spotify playlist and how its full of just soft, calming, gentle, romantic songs
like he has a damn Pocahontas soundtrack song
how sometimes he just ???? shoves things in his mouth??
like? an entire microphone? or a birthday hat? or an entire piece of paper?
more recently a fan??? like a whole handheld fan??
or the time he covered his whole face in sticky notes
or when he was eating during an interview n was so hungry he literally ate the entire wrapper and didn’t realize
that thing he does with his lips where he sucks them in and licks them a bit and his cheeks crease a bit
the way his knuckles and finger tips are always a little more red than the rest of his fingers
how he rubs his eyes when hes sleepy
his long lashes
the way he looks in a tux/dress shirt/tie
okay how he looks in anything tho lets b real lmao
how hes still nervous to sing on stage
how the other members said it took them SO long to get him to sing in front of them because he was super shy
the way he constantly licks his lips
his long thanks to at the end of the albums where he usually needs 2 pages
how he looks when hes observing himself after filming
switch from cute kookie to rude jeon to memekook within 2 seconds
his sensitivity to smells
his love of victorias secret fragrances
and his love of makeup
not afraid to admit those things!!!
his vast collection of white/black plain tshirts
and his timbs which literally look good with EVERYTHING
all his piercings
how he said he was happy people liked his new piercing and wants more but won’t in fears people won’t like it :(((
speaking of which how he stopped wearing his favourite pants because people said they didnt like them
literally does everything for the fans
how he comforted that fan crying during that fansign :((
put his hands in the fans hands!!!
booping their nose!!!!
so interactive with fans!
that one time he was walking alone and seen a group of guys covering Boy in Luv and stayed and even clapped for them
stopped to take pictures with fans when they asked
that time he fell asleep standing up in the middle of the airport and had to be woken up to keep the line moving
always listening to music !
his playlist is so calming and relaxing and honestly he has some of the best music taste ever
that huge ass cameo backpack he always carries around with him
“the golden closet”
that time he hid in the dark during a music video shooting and was the only one not scared
how he gets rly quiet when he isn’t able to do something the way he wants and is scared of disappointing ppl :((
his meme-y twitter videos
his cute ass toes
like he really has some nice ass feet
listen i hate feet but his feet are so clean n pretty n soft looking
and his little nose!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when he said he wants to meet someone and hear bells like in Your Name
his love of anime
and webtoons
JUSTIN SEAGALL i cant even believe him sometimes
how he literally always has bruises on him everywhere ???
when the boys were having a snowball fight and he came out with an arm full of snow n just demolished them lmao
during that one run episode where they were at the arcade playing the racing game and he was driving with one hand on the wheel sdgfhjdkf
AND when he was playing that power/hitting game and he hit it so hard he literally hurt himself but tried to play it off
his bareface!!!!!!!!!!! ik i said it before but like!!!! i love it so much!!!!
how he flips his hair and runs his hands through it
that time during BST where his shirt ripped and came undone and he still danced right through it
then he got rly shy and embarrassed after ghdkfgjh omg
the way he looks in baseball caps
yelling “WOOHOOO” “YAAAAAAAHHHHH” while on a rollercoaster like pls hes so cute
“i’m done”
“OH MAN HOLY SHIT” *cue jin choking*
“Hawt sauce”
that handstand flip thing where he flew forward and his hat came off and he yelled after
screamo/rock music thats all im gnna say abt that
rolex watch like 😪 this fancy guy
when jimin ignored his high five and he pouted like a big sucky
his special individual relationship with each member
like how tae and him have an unnecessarily long handshake
and how he says he likes hoseok’s bed because it smells nice
when he smacked hoseok’s ass SO hard that it echoed through the room
plus how he says he likes to touch the boys butts backstage when hes nervous (????)
master of girl group dances tbh
“He is a very dangerous guy”
how he holds microphones at the very top sdfgkjd
hes admitted to being hot blooded
his low alcohol tolerance
like im convinced he fcked some shit up and thats why they dont really drink as a group anymore
When he was still in school n someone asked him how his test went and he literally laughed
able to fall asleep everywhere?
when he couldn’t eat donuts n he kept smelling them and groaning
the way he rolls his underwear up in a ball when he washes them
laundry expert
like loves laundry???
husband material tbh
literally breaking his phone all the time
like hes always dropping it and smashing it
yet he still doesn’t wear a case on it
like the time he chased one of the members and it smashed onto the ground after falling out of his pocket and he still didn’t stop because he was dedicated
or the time he was just sitting and it literally fell out the back of the chair lmao
During For You performance where he went to sit down and he MISSED
when he was playing with a balloon during a fansign and he hit himself in the face and his hat fell off
“oh my gawd”
“are you guys having fun” “oh my god x100000 followed by dying seal noises″
how awkward he looked during AHL like he knew it was trash
when he did an aggressive flying kiss and almost took hoseok out in the process
how he said if he isn’t working himself to death he isn’t working hard enough :(
how he doesn’t use fabric softener for whatever reason so his clothes are always a lil stiff
the fact that he got his face scar from fighting over the computer with his brother
lowkey emo w/ his screamo/punk music
the way he pushes his tongue against the inside of his cheek
how he always cleans the bowling ball in between each turn
and the way his posture is so perfect and his leg goes out behind him
how is ears are always a lil red at the top
how he lets the adjuster strap on the back of his baseball caps stick out instead of tucking it into the back of the hat
wants to be a tattoo artist in 10 years???? mmmmm
or own a duck meat shop??
“I’d rather die than live without passion”
“We’re BTS and we’re soooo good!”
the fact that his favourite movies are Your Name and Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind
the way he fights bugs
the way he hates bugs except for cool beetles
scared of the microwave blowing up (poor bby omg)
like honestly his stage presence?? is unbelievable
his acting (idc what anyone says I think it’s cute)
the fact that he rly.... still laughs at fart jokes lmao
nods when hes talking
the way he makes “hm” sounds n clicks his tongue when hes thinking
how hes nice to people even when they treat him horribly
that thing he does with his hand when hes singing where he kinda sticks out his index n thumb and kinda shakes his hands around to the song and the notes
the way he crossed his fingers as they were announcing the top social artist award
his barefaced selcas
his selcas in general
any picture of him ever
okay just him but thats besides the point
throws his whole body into his laughs
or throws his head back
or nods his head when hes laughing too
that one video where hes pulling jimins hair back and is laughing really hard honestly thats my favourite video every i think but i say that about every video
like he literally fell over thats how hard he was laughing
even his finger nails are beautiful
that one picture during that interview where his hand is hovering over the girls shoulder hdfjgn hes so cute
the way he said “good morning everyone” in that one vlive wow
that photoshoot with the pimp coat shfjkdf
how when hes smiling or laughing really hard he gets a rly toothy grin and his mouth opens a little bit so theres a gap
and how he sucks his lips in and gets those dimples when hes trying to stop laughing or smiling and compose himself
how he looks in all black oooohhh my god
like when he wore the leather jacket n the all black and the jeans with the one rip wow
way he covers his nose when he yawns
how when he speaks from his heart his voice gets softer
never misses an opportunity to be extra
like in the gayos or run bts where he’ll be all quiet but as soon as an opportunity comes he jumps on it
Staff member accounts have mentioned him helping clean/carry things for them without them asking
he never complains despite all the expectations on him
always striving to always better himself
when he was playing darts and he kept getting them in the centre and he was doing flips and throwing them behind him lmao
when he was trying to reenact speed skating and did that weird thing on the ice omg
naruto run.......
how he looked in the spine breaker mv (u know the part im talking abt)
how he looks up when hes thinking and his eyes shift slightly
“What’s poppin?”
how sometimes he has a double eyelid and sometimes he doesnt
the way his lips pucker out a bit when hes talking
how he threw that opening pitch at that baseball game
and the shy little smile he gave after
n how he practiced his posture before hand
how in the 4th anniversary video he gripped his coffee with both hands
and took little sips
n shook it around in his hand :’(
how soft he looks when he wears open zip sweaters n a plain tshirt underneath
okay but when he randomly broke out some beat boxing 
how he rubs the back of his neck when hes thinking about what to say or is nervous 
or how he rubs the tops of his legs when hes talking to distract himself
that time taehyung was trying the bottle flip challenge and it took him awhile meanwhile guk comes out n does it in minimal tries
during the muster dvd when he just broke that thing over his head like an animal
when he randomly breaks into dance
that weird squeaky voice he makes when hes imitating jimin
the smug look he gets when he does something RUDE 
or when hes showing off lmao
when he was jamming out with headphones on and then took it off and it was justin bieber n he looked so proud and excited
or that one video he took of himself with the mask on in the car and he was barefaced and the sun was covering half his face and his hair was blowing in the wind so gently fdghjdrtkfg 
when he was imitating taehyung in that fur coat and was being extra as all hell lmao
when he tucks his shirts into his pants ghsjdfgx (i cant remember if I wrote this already)
how he’s helped with the chorus on SO many of their songs
the way his mouth twitches to the side when hes eating and trying to move the food around
the way the bridge of his nose is always a little shinier than the rest of his face
god i really love his nose and how his nostrils flare out a bit
the way he REALLY listens to people when they talk
like really listens he will put his whole body and soul into listening to you
you can physically see it on his face that his expression changes as the person talks showing that hes actively listening
how he nods and makes complete eye contact 
and shifts so that hes facing you 
hes just always paying attention to everything and puts so much energy into the things hes focusing on
how his leg steps in front of him when he pitches in baseball 
because he puts so much force into the throw
how competitive he is
but not enough to be a complete sore loser
and how hes even started not caring about winning as much
and just having fun
how he blinks slowly and puffs his lips out and clenches his jaw a bit when hes sleeping 
or the way his eyes delicately flutter shut when hes fighting how tired he is
how he crosses his arms when hes standing idly 
or crosses his hands in front of him overlapping each other when hes waiting
how patient he is and how he never pushes people for things
and is delicate with peoples feelings
then there was bon voyage oohohhh boy okay
so when he and jhope were snuggling hardcore
same with him and v
so basically hes rly snuggly and loves cuddling its confirmed
and in the morning when he woke up and moved his head and his hair was literally ALL over the place like a peacock lmfaoo
the look on his face when he was told not to pack all white shirts
and then he looked at his closet and realized its all white lol
that jumpsuit :(
how he was good at surfing??? 
like good at everything he puts his mind to
how excited he was when he won being able to eat the entire sandwich and not split it
how he said his heart felt weird after listening to namjoons message and said he was really sad :’(((
how his voice sounds in that new cover 
and those quiet hums
and how he takes a big breath before words
yet its still so soft
and you can literally picture him closing his eyes while singing
hes the most hardworking guy in the entire world
and even when hes super busy he STILL makes sure we’re satisfied and puts us before anything
i love how his hair colour has stayed the same through a lot of comebacks
because every comeback its still just as cute 
and hes still just as handsome 
the way he intertwines his fingers together sometimes
or puts them behind his back when hes talking (maybe I said this already)
his long breaths after a long practice
his dance covers
how he was shy during that vlive with hoseok and said he wasn’t good at freestyling but he still did his best 
i just really love every single little thing about him 
hes the most wonderful man on the face of the earth
and I appreciate him to absolutely no end
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pixel-sylveon · 7 years
im going through my notes for all the characters in rising tides and im just
I need this creativity back
here read these they’re hilarious
Sun & Moon
Siblings – twins
Just moved from Kanto with their mom half way through the school year so January I guess b/c Canadian system lol
“sun acts like the sun and moon acts like the moon”
Art kid
 Also loves archery tho
Tunes everyone out with music when they first move
A huge closet nerd
If she has to talk to people she’s really polite though??
Once she opens up she’s all memes
“one day she sees someone running stupidly and she just whispers quietly to no one ‘is that kid naruto running’ and someone hears and THE CATS OUTTA THE BAG”
“Hau just starts droppin really weird and obscure refs to shit and whenever moon reacts he knows”
Has a group of online friends that are basically some of the other protags from different regions all going to schools
Into r/nosleep
Generally likes creepy shit n horror games n anime
She Wants to Believe
Space aesthetic
Kinda athletic but basically a Dork
Becomes buddies with Hau like Right Away
And basically the rest of the gang
Drags Moon everywhere at first because “she needs to socialize”
Moon helps him with homework a lot
Really likes baking and cleaning??
Always outside regardless of weather
But also loves video games (shares this w/ Moon)
Started calling Gladion “Red Eyes Black Dragon” and it stuck
Gives everyone really cute nicknames
Does part-time jobs because he can
Is honestly really smart??
Can generally be found in the library studying during lunch
Wears a barrette and glasses when studying/reading/doing anything productive really
Closet memester
Or at least he’s quiet about it
Hiding Null from the popo
Everyone’s Pokémon Loves Him
Ends up running off at one point and finds his dad
Gets a part time job maybe
Does everything he can to protect Lillie from Lusamine until it becomes too much
No one can really do anything for them since Lusamine is such a huge influence
She’s like the gross mom at PTA meetings
Sewing protégé
Likes tea more than coffee
Endless supply of poke beans
Is so used to anxiety attacks he just shrugs them off tbh
Strong Boi
Doting older brother
Was forced to take music lessons with Lillie, so he kind of knows how to play piano. However, he’s really good at singing and fucking hates this.
Vents his frustrations via punk rawk
Is in a lot of research-oriented classes (he wants to take aether from lusameanie after all)
He completely falters whenever Lillie swears (super rare) and has a mini heart attack
Will chastise people if they swear too much and tell them to go read a dictionary
Blessed sweetheart
Blue Eyes White Dragon
Absolutely Pure
Mom Friend (besides Mallow)
Diligent Student
Really loves Shiron b/c Shiron
Loves slice of life anime
Phone games
Lives on twitter tbh
Good at hiding her internet presence
Embraces girly things
I can see her being musically inclined
Ephemeral by Akira Kosemura sounds like music that sounds like her at first tbh
Yeah. She’s the Music Kid. It has been decided
Got Gladion into Love Live lbr here
Going for walks and exploring nature is one of her past times;; when she can
Loves malasadas and cute things
Has an aesthetic blog
Cares more about graduating to take the trial challenge then to actually learn anything
C r y p t I d s I g h t I n g s
Will gladly go shopping for clothes any day
Plays with everyone’s hair
Worries too much about everyone
Will bring ten lunches with him so that everyone is fed
The third mom dad friend
“Hi ___ I’m Dad”
Horrible puns
Him and Sun equal T r o u b l e
Shy bi and ready to cry
Is another art kid
But he’s more into sculpting than painting
Probably has a youtube account with 150k subscribers or smth
Vlogs for days
Really likes doing shit with editing programs, be it movies, music or art
Went to Kalos for a year and misses their cafes
Doesn’t necessarily hit on everyone, but he does love to flirt
Upstanding Gentleman
Appeals more to emotion than logic
Is super good at pairing people off
Always wins cards against humanity
Always has deeply invested conversations about aesthetic with Lillie and Hau
Jams out to Cascada unironically
Will put your best cookies to shame
Girls Are Cute
Life Goals or Wife Goals?
Always Chipper Until You Piss Her Off
Snide remarks up the wazoo
Probably knows how to play the chocobo theme on otamatone
Is actually a really picky eater
Loves grass types so much she has a garden for them to play and plant stuff in
Teasing people is her favourite pastime
The original mom friend
Goes running every morning
Knows some of the dances to love live songs and does them with Lillie
Everyone loves him
I’m not even joking he’s the most popular person in school
And he’s such a sweetheart
Or most of them anyway
Refuses to put on a shirt until the school installs air conditioning
Morning bird since he lives on a farm
SECRETLY A HUGE NERD but only Sumo group knows this
Like, Huge
Knows Cruel Angel’s Thesis off by heart
Loves shoujo anime
Always excited to help people train their pokemon!!!
Always keeps up with current events
Really. Don’t read the newspaper just go to Kiawe and he’ll tell you the exact time and date something happened
Has sang I’m Gonna Be with Sun
Maybe almost accidentally set the school on fire while he was practicing his fire dancing
Biggest Legend of Zelda fan in existence
Favourite temple is the water temple always
Swimming and fishing forever and always
Soft spoken but loves to cause trouble and sass shit up with Mallow
Does super intense nail art
The smart kid that puts in no effort and fucks off all class and still gets straight As
Just let him make stuff its f i n e
Super into robotics
No one knows why he doesn’t just go to an acclaimed university to challenge himself
It might be the malasadas
Also his family
Spams the chats with pepe frog memes
Art Hoe Aesthetic
Will stop, drop and roll at any point in the day if inspiration hits her
Lives off iced coffee tbh
Loves to paint landscapes
Loves indie video games
And shows with eccentric art styles (pmmm)
Once she gets in the zone ilima tends to leave her food and coffee because she tends to not move for like three or four hours
Takes Alolan legends v seriously
Respects a lot of important stuff even if it seems like she cares about her art more than anything
Has no music taste so she requests someone to play their music and gets inspiration from that
Spoopy child
Love creepy vocaloid music
And psychological/horror anime/games/shows/movies
Can talk animatedly about r/nosleep with moon for hours prolly
Cryptid sightings part two: electric boogaloo
Constantly calls Gladion a chuunibyou
Mimikyu follows her everywhere even though its not really her pokemon
Will sometimes be seen with a drifloon with arms tried around her wrist
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