#important of public policy
Today, policymaking struggles to deal morally with the grey situations facing the public. Individuals deal with such problems by appealing to their moral code ethics and deciding based on their intuition what might affect them and those dependent on them for decision-making.
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miyuecakes · 9 months
can your UAE oc allow stuffed toys on Emirates (a sub-subsidiary airline the government owns) to be given out to adults too...I used to get stuffed toys every time I went but they stopped giving it out to me once I started looking like a teenager 😔
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ratfish-blues · 2 years
Not at all joking when I say I think we should let librarians run the government
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manasastuff-blog · 9 days
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"National Civil Services Day" #servicesday #trending #viral On National Civil Services Day, we celebrate the hard work and dedication of civil servants who play a crucial role in shaping our nation. This day is observed to honor the contributions of those who serve in various government departments and agencies, working tirelessly to ensure the smooth functioning of our country. From maintaining law and order to implementing policies that impact the lives of millions, civil servants are the backbone of our administrative system. Join us as we delve into the importance of National Civil Services Day and pay homage to those who selflessly serve our nation.
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Website : www.manasadefenceacademy.com
#nationalcivilservicesday #civilservants #publicservice #administrativesystem #government #nationbuilding #dedication #honorableservice #importance #hardwork #celebration #recognition #lawandorder #policymaking #publicservants #nationdevelopment #bureaucracy #civilservice #governmentofficials
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you know, I feel like, as little money as I have, I still haven’t put into perspective how much I have that could still be of use. I’m not so poor that I can’t make a difference. I can still buy a meal if I go out. I can buy a trinket. I’m not so poor or struggling with life that I don’t have food in my stomach and a place to sleep. Donating like I have this week has me wanting to do something that I hope many others are already doing. For every cent I would have spent for myself, on groceries, deliveries, gifts, etcetera (beyond the strikes where I am not spending money on anything but Palestinian causes) I will donate equal or greater that amount to Palestine. Because if I have money for me, I should have money for others. This is not me setting myself on fire to keep others warm, I know I would be of no use long term if I destroyed myself by going entirely broke with no way to survive myself. This is considering things beyond medical bills and life expenses that I need to keep going. When I count groceries, it’s things like when I use Instacart bc I can’t go out, because even though I don’t have a means of transportation, delivery is a luxury and if I can afford to pay for that, I can afford to donate. If I buy something non-essential like some snacks or the like, I have to match it with a donation. Because if I can afford to buy that, I can afford to donate. And just due to the nature of being a reminder, every time I get my period I’m going to donate to sanitary products for Palestine, because while pads are an essential product, donating even a little bit towards helping others get even the opportunity to get the same access as I do is an important reminder. There’s $5 donations available for those, and that’s about the cost of an average subscription I would be able to afford— it won’t buy a whole kit, but it will still put money towards that goal. I may not be able to do all the good the world needs, but the world needs all the good that I can do. As much as I can spare, I will donate. I only wish I could do more.
#idk it kind of hit me this week when I had to spend some money what I would do to make an impact with my money since I had to spend some#that the policy of matching whatever I spent here with donations to Palestine would be a great way to keep up action#and a reminder with every cent I spend of Palestine#I only pray that someday soon I will gain the freedom to actually do some more physical irl work as well#rn I’m not in a safe place to do so without the risk of losing my freedom to do anything and health#i can’t even call out loud when my parents are in the house because any word I would say would be grounds to take away more of my freedom#like they did when I donated to Black Lives Matter and they physically took me to a public place to scold me#and have monitored my bank account ever since.#I’ve been using PayPal mostly for donations ever since due to that not showing up immediately but#I DID use my direct card to send. sanitary kits. they won’t win that one if they take me out to scold me though lol#anyway these tags aren’t important I’m just equal parts emboldened and frustrated#emboldened by the idea of a way I can make a more direct impact beyond sharing and archiving#and frustrated that even then my options are slim and I have to be cautious#I wish I could risk it all but I would be of no help if I put myself in a position where I was either homeless or unable to act at all#I hope this doesn’t come across self important#it’s just me making a statement that I want to follow#idk this is just me working out the complexities of my situation and what I can do long term#while still actually making an impact directly on the world both right now and sustainably
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greenthestral · 10 months
The Power of Progress: Achieving Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
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Energy is the lifeblood of our modern society, driving economic growth, technological advancements, and improving the quality of life for people around the world. However, with the increasing demand for energy, it has become crucial to ensure its affordability and cleanliness. In recognition of this need, the United Nations set forth Goal 7 as part of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. In this article, we will delve into the significance of Goal 7 and explore the transformative power of affordable and clean energy.
The Urgency for Affordable and Clean Energy
Access to affordable and clean energy is not only a matter of convenience but a fundamental requirement for achieving sustainable development. As the global population continues to grow and economies expand, the demand for energy is increasing at an unprecedented rate. However, relying heavily on traditional sources of energy, such as fossil fuels, poses significant challenges for our planet and its inhabitants.
Fossil fuels, including coal, oil, and natural gas, have been the primary sources of energy for many years. While they have fueled industrialization, economic growth, and technological advancements, their negative impact on the environment cannot be ignored. The extraction, production, and consumption of fossil fuels contribute to air and water pollution, deforestation, and the emission of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2). These greenhouse gas emissions are the leading cause of climate change, with far-reaching consequences for ecosystems, weather patterns, and human health.
The urgency to transition towards renewable and sustainable sources of energy lies in the need to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) warns that global warming must be limited to well below 2 degrees Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels to avoid catastrophic impacts. Achieving this goal requires a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, which can be achieved by shifting away from fossil fuels and embracing cleaner alternatives.
Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass, offer a promising solution to the challenges of affordability, sustainability, and environmental impact. Unlike fossil fuels, these sources are naturally replenished and emit little to no greenhouse gases during operation. Investing in renewable energy infrastructure and technologies not only reduces our carbon footprint but also enhances energy security, as these sources are virtually inexhaustible.
One of the key advantages of renewable energy is its potential to provide affordable electricity and reduce energy costs in the long run. While the upfront costs of installing renewable energy systems can be higher than traditional fossil fuel-based systems, the operational costs are significantly lower. Solar and wind power, for example, have experienced significant cost reductions over the years, making them increasingly competitive with fossil fuels. As technology advances and economies of scale come into play, the cost of renewable energy is expected to continue declining, making it more accessible to a wider population.
Furthermore, the development and deployment of renewable energy technologies have the potential to create new industries, generate employment opportunities, and stimulate economic growth. The renewable energy sector has already witnessed substantial job creation, with the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) estimating that renewable energy employed around 11.5 million people globally in 2019. Investing in clean energy not only reduces greenhouse gas emissions but also fosters innovation, drives technological advancements, and positions countries at the forefront of the global clean energy transition.
Transitioning to affordable and clean energy is not without its challenges. The current energy infrastructure heavily relies on fossil fuels, and the transition to renewable energy requires substantial investments in renewable energy generation, transmission, and storage systems. Additionally, there are technical and logistical challenges associated with integrating intermittent renewable energy sources into the existing grid infrastructure. However, these challenges can be overcome through comprehensive planning, collaboration between public and private sectors, and supportive policies and regulations.
Governments play a crucial role in facilitating the transition to affordable and clean energy. They can provide financial incentives, subsidies, and tax breaks to encourage investment in renewable energy projects. Policy frameworks that prioritize renewable energy, set renewable energy targets, and establish favorable regulations can create an enabling environment for the growth of the clean energy sector. International cooperation and knowledge-sharing platforms also play a significant role in accelerating the adoption of renewable energy technologies, particularly in developing countries where access to energy is still a challenge.
Access to affordable and clean energy is a fundamental requirement for sustainable development. The urgency lies in transitioning away from fossil fuels and embracing renewable and sustainable sources of energy to mitigate climate change, ensure energy security, and make energy affordable for all. The benefits of this transition extend beyond environmental preservation and include job creation, economic growth, and enhanced resilience. By investing in renewable energy technologies, promoting energy efficiency, and fostering international collaboration, we can pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous future.
Enhancing Energy Efficiency
Improving energy efficiency is a critical aspect of achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy. Energy efficiency refers to the ability to accomplish the same tasks or achieve the same outcomes while using less energy. By adopting energy-efficient technologies, industries, businesses, and households can significantly reduce their energy consumption, leading to multiple benefits such as cost savings and decreased environmental impact.
One of the primary advantages of energy efficiency is its potential to save money. When energy-efficient technologies and practices are implemented, the overall energy consumption decreases, resulting in lower energy bills. For households, this means reduced electricity and heating costs, which can have a positive impact on their monthly budgets. Similarly, businesses and industries can experience substantial cost savings by optimizing their energy use, which can be redirected towards other aspects of their operations or invested in further energy efficiency measures.
Furthermore, energy efficiency plays a crucial role in promoting a sustainable future. By reducing energy consumption, we can alleviate the strain on energy resources and decrease the demand for energy production. This, in turn, reduces the need for the extraction and burning of fossil fuels, thereby mitigating environmental degradation and greenhouse gas emissions. Energy efficiency serves as a crucial tool in combating climate change, as it directly contributes to the reduction of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions that are driving global warming.
Investing in energy-efficient appliances, infrastructure, and practices is a key strategy for promoting energy efficiency. Energy-efficient appliances, such as refrigerators, air conditioners, and lighting fixtures, are designed to use less energy while providing the same level of performance. These appliances often carry energy efficiency labels or certifications that help consumers make informed choices when purchasing new products. By opting for energy-efficient appliances, households can significantly reduce their energy consumption without compromising on functionality or comfort.
In addition to appliances, improving the energy efficiency of buildings and infrastructure is essential. This can be achieved through measures such as insulation, efficient windows, and the use of smart technologies that optimize heating, cooling, and lighting systems. Energy-efficient buildings not only save energy but also enhance occupants' comfort, improve indoor air quality, and contribute to a healthier living and working environment.
Energy efficiency practices extend beyond individual households and buildings to industries and businesses. Adopting energy management systems, conducting energy audits, and implementing energy-saving measures can lead to substantial energy savings for industries. These practices can include optimizing production processes, implementing energy-efficient equipment and technologies, and promoting employee awareness and engagement in energy-saving behaviors. Businesses can also benefit from energy efficiency by reducing operating costs and enhancing their reputation as environmentally responsible entities.
Governments also play a vital role in promoting energy efficiency. They can establish energy efficiency standards and regulations for appliances, vehicles, and buildings, ensuring that energy-efficient options are available in the market. Incentives and subsidies can be provided to encourage businesses and households to invest in energy-efficient technologies. Governments can also promote public awareness campaigns and provide educational resources to inform individuals and organizations about the benefits of energy efficiency and how to implement energy-saving practices.
In conclusion, improving energy efficiency is a crucial component of achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy. By adopting energy-efficient technologies, industries, businesses, and households can reduce their energy consumption, resulting in cost savings and decreased environmental impact. Investing in energy-efficient appliances, infrastructure, and practices not only saves money but also contributes to a sustainable future by reducing the demand for energy production and mitigating climate change. Governments, businesses, and individuals must collaborate to prioritize and implement energy efficiency measures, fostering a more sustainable and energy-efficient society.
Embracing Renewable Energy Sources
Renewable energy sources have emerged as a promising solution to address both energy affordability and environmental concerns. Unlike fossil fuels, renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass offer clean and sustainable alternatives for powering our homes, businesses, and industries. These sources have the potential to provide affordable energy while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing our dependence on fossil fuels.
Solar energy is perhaps one of the most well-known and widely utilized renewable energy sources. Solar panels capture sunlight and convert it into electricity, making it a viable option for generating electricity in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. With advancements in solar technology and decreasing costs, solar power has become increasingly affordable and accessible. Governments and private sectors worldwide are investing in solar energy infrastructure, including large-scale solar farms and rooftop solar installations, to harness the power of the sun and meet energy demands sustainably.
Another renewable energy source gaining significant traction is wind energy. Wind turbines convert the kinetic energy of the wind into electricity. Wind farms, consisting of multiple turbines, are set up in areas with consistent and strong wind patterns. Wind power has seen remarkable growth in recent years, with larger and more efficient turbines being developed. Offshore wind farms, situated in coastal areas, are also being established to take advantage of strong offshore winds. Wind energy has proven to be a cost-effective and environmentally friendly solution, contributing to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
Hydropower harnesses the energy of flowing or falling water to generate electricity. Dams and hydropower plants are built to capture the energy of rivers and convert it into electrical power. Hydropower is a mature and well-established renewable energy source, providing a significant portion of the global electricity supply. It offers a reliable and predictable source of energy, with large-scale hydropower plants capable of generating substantial amounts of electricity. However, there are also smaller-scale hydropower installations, such as run-of-the-river systems and micro-hydropower systems, that can be utilized in remote areas or for local power generation.
Geothermal energy utilizes the heat generated from within the Earth's crust. Geothermal power plants tap into geothermal reservoirs and convert the heat into electricity. This renewable energy source is highly reliable and available 24/7, making it suitable for baseload power generation. Geothermal energy has been utilized in regions with geologically active features such as geysers, hot springs, and volcanic areas. However, advancements in geothermal technology are expanding its potential for wider adoption in various locations worldwide.
Biomass energy involves the use of organic matter, such as wood, agricultural waste, and dedicated energy crops, to generate heat or electricity. Biomass can be burned directly or converted into biofuels, such as ethanol and biodiesel, for transportation and industrial purposes. Biomass energy is considered renewable because the organic matter used for energy production can be replenished through sustainable forestry practices and the cultivation of energy crops. Biomass has the advantage of being a readily available energy source and can provide a reliable energy supply, particularly in rural areas where agricultural and forestry activities are prevalent.
Governments and private sectors worldwide are increasingly recognizing the importance of renewable energy and are investing in the development and deployment of renewable energy infrastructure. Through supportive policies, incentives, and regulatory frameworks, governments are promoting the adoption of renewable energy technologies. They are setting renewable energy targets and implementing feed-in tariffs or power purchase agreements to encourage investment in renewable energy projects. Private sectors are also taking significant steps towards transitioning to renewable energy, with corporations investing in renewable energy projects and setting their own sustainability goals.
The investment in renewable energy infrastructure not only facilitates the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future but also fosters innovation and creates job opportunities. Renewable energy technologies continue to advance, with ongoing research and development efforts focused on improving efficiency, storage capabilities, and grid integration. The growth of the renewable energy sector has already led to the creation of numerous jobs in manufacturing, installation, operation, and maintenance of renewable energy systems. This sector has the potential to drive economic growth, particularly in regions with abundant renewable resources.
Renewable energy sources offer a promising solution to the dual challenges of energy affordability and environmental concerns. Solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass energy have demonstrated their potential to provide affordable and clean energy while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The global shift towards renewable energy is being facilitated by government support, private sector investments, and advancements in technology. By embracing renewable energy sources and fostering the development of renewable energy infrastructure, we can pave the way towards a cleaner, more sustainable, and affordable energy future.
Energy Access for All
Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy also highlights the significance of ensuring energy access for all, including those in remote or underserved areas. It is estimated that approximately 770 million people worldwide still lack access to electricity, which severely hampers their social and economic development. Addressing this issue requires innovative solutions and initiatives that bring reliable and affordable energy to these communities.
Off-grid renewable energy solutions play a crucial role in extending energy access to remote areas. These solutions typically involve the use of decentralized renewable energy systems that are not connected to the centralized grid infrastructure. Off-grid systems, such as solar home systems and small-scale wind turbines, provide electricity for lighting, charging electronic devices, and powering small appliances. These technologies are particularly effective in areas where extending the centralized grid infrastructure is challenging or economically unviable.
Microgrids are another effective approach to bridging the energy access gap. Microgrids are localized energy distribution systems that can operate independently or in conjunction with the main grid. They typically consist of distributed renewable energy generation sources, energy storage, and intelligent control systems. Microgrids are well-suited for providing electricity to communities in remote areas that are not connected to the main grid. They offer a reliable and sustainable energy supply, allowing these communities to access basic services such as lighting, refrigeration, and communication.
Decentralized energy systems are also gaining momentum in addressing energy access challenges. These systems involve the deployment of renewable energy technologies at a local level, such as community-based solar or wind projects. Decentralized energy systems empower communities by giving them control over their energy production and consumption. They promote energy self-sufficiency and resilience, reducing their dependence on centralized power sources and fostering local economic development.
The impact of extending energy access to underserved communities goes beyond simply providing electricity. It has transformative effects on various aspects of their lives. Access to reliable and affordable energy enables communities to engage in productive activities, such as small-scale businesses and income-generating ventures. It opens up opportunities for education, as students can study in well-lit environments and access digital resources. Energy access also enhances healthcare services, allowing clinics and hospitals to operate efficiently with reliable power for medical equipment and refrigeration of vaccines and medicines. Moreover, it improves the overall quality of life, as households can have access to clean and efficient cooking technologies, reducing indoor air pollution and associated health risks.
Initiatives aimed at bridging the energy access gap require collaboration between governments, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector. Governments play a crucial role in developing supportive policies and regulatory frameworks that facilitate the deployment of off-grid and decentralized energy systems. They can provide financial incentives, subsidies, and technical assistance to promote the adoption of clean energy solutions in underserved areas. Non-governmental organizations play a vital role in implementing on-the-ground projects, raising awareness, and mobilizing resources to support energy access initiatives. The private sector, including renewable energy companies, can contribute by investing in and scaling up the deployment of off-grid and decentralized energy solutions.
Achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy requires not only transitioning to renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency but also ensuring energy access for all. Initiatives such as off-grid renewable energy solutions, microgrids, and decentralized energy systems are instrumental in bringing reliable and affordable energy to underserved communities, particularly in remote areas. Bridging the energy access gap empowers these communities, enabling them to thrive by accessing basic services, engaging in productive activities, and improving their overall quality of life. It is through inclusive and sustainable energy access that we can work towards a more equitable and prosperous future for all.
Public-Private Partnerships for Sustainable Energy
Achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy requires collaborative efforts from governments, businesses, and communities. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) have emerged as effective mechanisms for mobilizing resources, expertise, and innovation towards sustainable energy projects. These partnerships bring together the strengths and capabilities of both sectors, facilitating the transition towards a more sustainable and inclusive energy system.
Governments have a crucial role to play in creating an enabling environment for PPPs to flourish. They can establish supportive policies, incentives, and regulatory frameworks that encourage private sector investment in renewable energy infrastructure. This includes mechanisms such as feed-in tariffs, tax incentives, and streamlined permitting processes for renewable energy projects. By providing a stable and predictable policy framework, governments can mitigate risks and attract private investment.
Furthermore, governments can leverage their procurement power to drive sustainable energy practices. By incorporating sustainability criteria into public procurement processes, governments can create demand for renewable energy technologies and products. This, in turn, stimulates market growth and encourages private sector participation in sustainable energy projects.
The private sector, on the other hand, brings innovation, technical expertise, and financial resources to the table. Businesses can contribute to PPPs through research and development efforts aimed at advancing renewable energy technologies. This includes improving the efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of renewable energy systems. By investing in research and development, businesses can drive innovation and contribute to the continuous improvement of clean energy technologies.
In addition, the private sector plays a crucial role in financing sustainable energy projects. Through investments in renewable energy infrastructure, businesses can help fund the development and deployment of clean energy technologies. This includes financing options such as project financing, venture capital, and impact investing. By providing financial resources, the private sector can help overcome the upfront costs associated with renewable energy projects, making them more accessible and affordable.
Implementation is another area where PPPs excel. Through collaborative efforts, governments and businesses can work together to implement sustainable energy projects. This includes the construction and operation of renewable energy power plants, the development of energy-efficient buildings and infrastructure, and the deployment of off-grid and decentralized energy systems. The private sector brings project management expertise, technical knowledge, and operational capabilities to ensure the successful execution of these projects.
PPPs also play a significant role in capacity building and knowledge transfer. By partnering with governments, businesses can share their expertise and technical know-how to support the development of local skills and capabilities. This includes training programs, knowledge sharing initiatives, and technology transfer. By building local capacity, PPPs contribute to the long-term sustainability and resilience of energy projects.
Furthermore, PPPs can foster social engagement and community participation. By involving local communities in the decision-making process and project implementation, PPPs can ensure that energy projects address the specific needs and priorities of the communities they serve. This participatory approach promotes social acceptance, enhances local ownership, and maximizes the positive social and economic impacts of sustainable energy projects.
Achieving Goal 7 of affordable and clean energy requires collaborative efforts between governments, businesses, and communities. Public-private partnerships (PPPs) play a crucial role in mobilizing resources, expertise, and innovation towards sustainable energy projects. Governments can create supportive policies and incentives to attract private sector investment, while businesses can contribute through research and development, financing, and project implementation. By joining forces, PPPs can accelerate the transition towards affordable and clean energy, paving the way for a more sustainable future. Together, governments, businesses, and communities can build a resilient and inclusive energy system that benefits society and the planet.
Overcoming Challenges and Barriers
While the transition to affordable and clean energy is promising, there are several challenges and barriers that must be addressed to achieve widespread adoption and implementation. These challenges include the upfront costs of renewable energy infrastructure, technological limitations, and the need for extensive grid integration.
One of the primary challenges is the upfront costs associated with renewable energy infrastructure. While the costs of renewable energy technologies have been steadily declining over the years, they still require significant initial investments. This can pose a barrier, particularly for developing countries and communities with limited financial resources. To overcome this challenge, governments, businesses, and financial institutions need to work together to develop innovative financing mechanisms. Subsidies, grants, and low-interest loans can help make renewable energy projects more financially viable, incentivizing investment and promoting widespread adoption.
Technological limitations are another hurdle in the transition to affordable and clean energy. While renewable energy technologies have made significant advancements, there are still areas that require further research and development. For example, energy storage technologies are crucial for overcoming the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. Advancements in energy storage, such as batteries and other innovative storage solutions, are needed to ensure reliable and continuous power supply. Governments and research institutions must invest in research and development efforts to improve the efficiency, durability, and cost-effectiveness of these technologies.
Integration of renewable energy sources into existing energy systems is another significant challenge. The variability and intermittency of renewable energy sources require careful planning and coordination to ensure a stable and reliable energy supply. This involves extensive grid integration and the development of smart grid technologies. Smart grids can enable better management of energy supply and demand, facilitate the integration of renewable energy sources, and enable more efficient distribution of electricity. Governments and energy authorities need to invest in upgrading and modernizing existing grid infrastructure to accommodate renewable energy sources and ensure smooth integration into the energy system.
In addition to these challenges, policy and regulatory frameworks play a crucial role in driving the transition to affordable and clean energy. Governments need to establish clear and supportive policies that provide long-term stability and predictability for renewable energy investments. This includes setting renewable energy targets, implementing feed-in tariffs, and establishing renewable portfolio standards. Additionally, streamlining permitting processes and reducing bureaucratic barriers can help accelerate the deployment of renewable energy projects.
Education and awareness are also essential in overcoming barriers to the transition. Public perception, understanding, and acceptance of renewable energy technologies can significantly impact their adoption. Governments, businesses, and organizations should invest in public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives to promote the benefits of clean energy and address misconceptions or concerns.
Furthermore, international collaboration and knowledge sharing are vital in overcoming challenges and barriers to the transition. Countries and organizations can learn from each other's experiences, best practices, and technological advancements. Platforms for collaboration, such as international conferences, research partnerships, and knowledge-sharing networks, can facilitate the exchange of information and expertise.
In conclusion, while the transition to affordable and clean energy holds great promise, there are several challenges and barriers that need to be addressed. The upfront costs of renewable energy infrastructure, technological limitations, and the integration of renewable energy into existing energy systems are key hurdles. Governments, businesses, and research institutions must invest in research and development to drive down costs, improve efficiency, and enhance grid integration. Additionally, financial mechanisms such as subsidies, grants, and innovative financing models can help make renewable energy projects more financially viable. By overcoming these challenges, we can accelerate the adoption of affordable and clean energy, paving the way for a sustainable and resilient future.
Goal 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy is not just an aspiration; it is a necessity for the sustainable development of our planet. By embracing energy efficiency, transitioning to renewable energy sources, ensuring energy access for all, fostering public-private partnerships, and overcoming challenges, we can unlock the transformative power of affordable and clean energy. The benefits go beyond reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate change; they extend to improved public health, economic growth, job creation, and enhanced resilience against energy price fluctuations. Let us collectively work towards a future where energy is affordable, clean, and accessible to all, leaving a positive and lasting impact on generations to come.
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sleevebuscemii · 4 months
v important and also kind of a win that public outrage andprotests have pushed zionists to this point. they have lost so much face that now they have to pretend to be pro palestinian which is insane. KEEP TALKING ABOUT PALESTINE and remember that this is STILL propaganda; zionism is NOT a policy issue, it's NOT unique to netanyahu or to israels current administration.
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theculturedmarxist · 10 months
In 2020, Robert Kuciemba, a woodworker in San Francisco was infected with covid by a co-worker after his Nevada-based Victory Woodworks transferred a number of sick workers to the San Francisco site for a few months. 
Through the proceedings of the case it turns out that the employer knew some employees might be sick but they transferred them anyway and ignored a San Francisco ordinance in place at the time to quarantine suspected covid cases.
Kuciemba was subsequently infected and he then infected his wife, who ended up in ICU on a ventilator.
The California Supreme Court just ruled against Kuciemba on the basis that a victory, while, in the court's words, "morally" the right thing to do, would create "dire financial consequences for employers" and cause a "dramatic expansion of liability" to stop the spread of covid.
There’s a few stunning details to note in this case. First, the court agreed that there is no doubt the company had ignored the San Francisco health ordinance. In other words, they accepted the company had broken the law. And then concluded “yeah, but, capitalism.”
Secondly, the case was so obviously important to the struggle between capitalism and mass infection that the US Chamber of Commerce, the largest business lobbying organisation got involved and helped the company with its defence. Remember, this is a tiny company in a niche industry. The involvement of the biggest business lobbyists in the country tells us a lot about the importance of the principle they knew was at stake.
Thirdly, the defence of the company is very telling. They said “There is simply no limit to how wide the net will be cast: the wife who claims her husband caught COVID-19 from the supermarket checker, the husband who claims his wife caught it while visiting an elder care home." 
Well, exactly. Capitalism couldn’t survive if employers were liable for covid infections contracted in the workplace, and the ripple effect of those infections. And they know it. 
This case is something of a covid smoking gun, revealing what we always suspected but had never seen confirmed in so many words: the public health imperative of controlling a pandemic virus by making employers liable for some of that control is, and always must be, secondary to capitalist profit. 
This ruling is also saying out loud what has been obvious to anyone paying attention for the last two years: employers don’t have a responsibility to keep your family safe from covid. You have that responsibility. And if you give a family member covid that you caught at work and they get sick or die – even if it was a result of law-breaking by your employer – that’s on you buddy.
It is the same old capitalist story: the shunting of responsibility for ills that should be shared across society, including employers in that society, onto individuals.
This ruling essentially helps codify workplace mass infection and justifies it as necessary for the smooth functioning of capitalism.
This is not new. This is where the ‘just a cold’ and the ‘mild' narrative came from. It came from doctors and healthcare experts whose first loyalty was to capitalism. Not to public health. To money, not to lives. Abetted by media who uncritically platformed them.
While this ruling tells us little that we couldn’t already see from the public policy approach of the last two years, it is revealing (and to some extent validating) to see it confirmed by the highest law of the land in the United States. 
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gowns · 1 year
Why Kids Aren't Falling in Love With Reading - It's Not Just Screens
A shrinking number of kids are reading widely and voraciously for fun.
The ubiquity and allure of screens surely play a large part in this—most American children have smartphones by the age of 11—as does learning loss during the pandemic. But this isn’t the whole story. A survey just before the pandemic by the National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that the percentages of 9- and 13-year-olds who said they read daily for fun had dropped by double digits since 1984. I recently spoke with educators and librarians about this trend, and they gave many explanations, but one of the most compelling—and depressing—is rooted in how our education system teaches kids to relate to books.
What I remember most about reading in childhood was falling in love with characters and stories; I adored Judy Blume’s Margaret and Beverly Cleary’s Ralph S. Mouse. In New York, where I was in public elementary school in the early ’80s, we did have state assessments that tested reading level and comprehension, but the focus was on reading as many books as possible and engaging emotionally with them as a way to develop the requisite skills. Now the focus on reading analytically seems to be squashing that organic enjoyment. Critical reading is an important skill, especially for a generation bombarded with information, much of it unreliable or deceptive. But this hyperfocus on analysis comes at a steep price: The love of books and storytelling is being lost.
This disregard for story starts as early as elementary school. Take this requirement from the third-grade English-language-arts Common Core standard, used widely across the U.S.: “Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, distinguishing literal from nonliteral language.” There is a fun, easy way to introduce this concept: reading Peggy Parish’s classic, Amelia Bedelia, in which the eponymous maid follows commands such as “Draw the drapes when the sun comes in” by drawing a picture of the curtains. But here’s how one educator experienced in writing Common Core–aligned curricula proposes this be taught: First, teachers introduce the concepts of nonliteral and figurative language. Then, kids read a single paragraph from Amelia Bedelia and answer written questions.
For anyone who knows children, this is the opposite of engaging: The best way to present an abstract idea to kids is by hooking them on a story. “Nonliteral language” becomes a whole lot more interesting and comprehensible, especially to an 8-year-old, when they’ve gotten to laugh at Amelia’s antics first. The process of meeting a character and following them through a series of conflicts is the fun part of reading. Jumping into a paragraph in the middle of a book is about as appealing for most kids as cleaning their room.
But as several educators explained to me, the advent of accountability laws and policies, starting with No Child Left Behind in 2001, and accompanying high-stakes assessments based on standards, be they Common Core or similar state alternatives, has put enormous pressure on instructors to teach to these tests at the expense of best practices. Jennifer LaGarde, who has more than 20 years of experience as a public-school teacher and librarian, described how one such practice—the class read-aloud—invariably resulted in kids asking her for comparable titles. But read-alouds are now imperiled by the need to make sure that kids have mastered all the standards that await them in evaluation, an even more daunting task since the start of the pandemic. “There’s a whole generation of kids who associate reading with assessment now,” LaGarde said.
By middle school, not only is there even less time for activities such as class read-alouds, but instruction also continues to center heavily on passage analysis, said LaGarde, who taught that age group. A friend recently told me that her child’s middle-school teacher had introduced To Kill a Mockingbird to the class, explaining that they would read it over a number of months—and might not have time to finish it. “How can they not get to the end of To Kill a Mockingbird?” she wondered. I’m right there with her. You can’t teach kids to love reading if you don’t even prioritize making it to a book’s end. The reward comes from the emotional payoff of the story’s climax; kids miss out on this essential feeling if they don’t reach Atticus Finch’s powerful defense of Tom Robinson in the courtroom or never get to solve the mystery of Boo Radley.
... Young people should experience the intrinsic pleasure of taking a narrative journey, making an emotional connection with a character (including ones different from themselves), and wondering what will happen next—then finding out. This is the spell that reading casts. And, like with any magician’s trick, picking a story apart and learning how it’s done before you have experienced its wonder risks destroying the magic.
-- article by katherine marsh, the atlantic (12 foot link, no paywall)
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worldspotlightnews · 1 year
China has not provided extensive assistance to Russia as part of its war against Ukraine even as the two countries forge closer ties, senior Treasury officials say | CNN Business
CNN  —  While China and Russia have strengthened ties since the Kremlin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, the US has not seen evidence that China has provided systemic material support to the Kremlin as Russian President Vladimir Putin and his government look for avenues to evade Western sanctions and backfill its military, according to senior US Treasury officials. One senior Treasury official…
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ISPP’s newest venture, produces case studies that cover a wide range of issues in public policy, administration, and governance with a uniquely Indian focus.
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hyperlexichypatia · 10 months
Neuroscience is real and important (while still beset by the same implicit and explicit bias problems as all human science and medicine), but pop culture understanding of neuroscience has absolutely made society worse, and I hate it. Every popular invocation of "dopamine," "serotonin" "trauma," "the prefrontal cortex," and "epigenetics" is used to justify some logically and/or ethically terrible conclusion. Recently I saw someone say that she lift weights to boost dopamine "Because my body doesn't make its own." My sibling in neurochemistry, that is your body making its own! A chemical your body produces when you exercise is still being produced by your body! Furthermore, why are we repeatedly told that exercise is good because it boosts dopamine, but video games and social media are bad, because they boost dopamine? Are dopamine-boosting recreational activities good or bad? The obvious answer, of course, is that it's just moralistic judgment -- exercise is Virtuous, games are not -- dressed up in neurochemical justifications. People even talk about being "addicted to dopamine" as if being "addicted" to a substance produced by one's own body can even be a meaningful or coherent concept. I'm not saying there aren't evidence-based things people can do to protect their neurological health (one that I strongly recommend is wearing a helmet). I'm saying that pop neuroscience is not a sound basis for logic, philosophy, ethics, morality, law, or public policy. If you're going to make an ethical or public policy argument using "the brain" or "brain chemistry" as a justification, consider, instead, not doing that. Instead, consider that other people know what's best for their own brains without your expounding on "dopamine" and "trauma."
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reportwire · 1 year
The US-China chip war is spilling over to Europe | CNN Business
The US-China chip war is spilling over to Europe | CNN Business
Hong Kong CNN Business  —  Two European chip deals have run into trouble over their links with China, a sign of concern spreading in the West over potential Chinese control of critical infrastructure. Last week, the new owner of Britain’s biggest chipmaker was ordered to unwind its takeover, just days after another chip factory sale was blocked in Germany. Both transactions were hit by national…
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alastors-antlers · 3 months
a brief take on the whole "Alastor's smile is permanent" discussion
hello all!
I've seen a lot of people theorizing lately that Alastor actually smiles all the time because his smile is magically, physically fixed onto his face. All of this seems to come from the fact that he's practically grimacing rather than smiling during the scene where he breaks down in ep8:
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As well as this frame of his deal with Charlie: (lower res sorry)
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I will say, I do like some of the implications of this theory. The sheer spite of his creditor forcing him to smile as an addition to their deal, almost like a sort of forced silence, is a neat concept. It's fun and dramatic. Plus, of all things, of course Alastor would claim the "smile at all times" policy and make it his own to pretend that it was his decision all along lol.
To be fair, though, I don't think we even need any magical compulsion to explain why he's smiling while he's having a mental breakdown. Actually, if we assume magical compulsion, I think we lose a bit of dimension from Alastor's character. (No judgement to anyone's take though, of course -- I just think this works in the direction of his established characterization, but obviously all personal takes <3)
Hear me out:
Alastor's persona is not just for others to see.
"A smile is a valuable tool, my dear. It inspires your friends; keeps your enemies guessing; and ensures that whatever comes your way, you're the one in control."
That makes sense given what we know about him. If he's always smiling, he seems like he has it together. You can't read him very well, especially not when he's actively trying to keep up appearances.
Now consider that when you think about ep8's fight with Heaven, we see that he's already been through so much in this one day.
He fights an army of angels, presumably not even at his own whim (if we go by his blurb about freedom in the Finale song); he loses to Adam, who he considers sloppy and mediocre; his staff, which we can assume holds some part of his power, is snapped; he comes close to being Angelic-power-killed; and to top it all off, he knows that others watched him get injured and then apparently die or flee, all of which would ruin the public image that he's trying to maintain. It wouldn't even be unreasonable for us to assume that he knows Vox was watching, given that Vox kind of has eyes everywhere.
In a moment like this, in the finale, you could say that Alastor has lost (at least on some level) everything that we know matters to him. He doesn't have access to all of his magic, and it's limiting him. He's reminded that he doesn't have freedom or control over his own destiny. He certainly has taken massive hits to his powerful, composed persona. But he's desperate, and furious, and terrified, and clinging on.
That's why he's smiling.
It's not that he can't stop because he physically can't. It's that he can't stop because to him, the smile is the last thing that is still within his power. When there are so many moving parts that he can't predict what happens to him next, he can control how he responds to it. In these last fragments of autonomy, there is solace.
He needs to keep telling himself that he has it together and that he'll eventually scheme his way free, that there's a solution, that he won't be in chains forever; because letting his pretense slip would be admitting that it's all starting to actually get to him. That maybe this time, he doesn't have an escape plan.
In addition, if you read his interactions throughout the series, we also see something else: Alastor's reputation is of paramount importance to him. At multiple points throughout the series, when others disrespect him by discounting his power or presence, he gets visibly annoyed. And in the battle, we see a glimpse of the part of his personality he seems to be trying to leave behind - a normal Alastor, who's just some guy from Louisiana. No transatlantic accent; no unflappable malice; no sharp wit waiting at the ready. Maybe even unremarkable.
Dropping his smile - arguably the most prominent part of his brand - would be admitting that in reality, he's not the Radio Demon of legend that he aspires to project. And if he doesn't have that... where would he be?
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solisaureus · 1 year
look this is gonna be a hard to swallow pill for the pjo fandom,
but the sun and the star is coming out at a really important time in the USA -- homophobia is on the rise, books like this are being restricted, and policies are being debated and passed to exterminate queer and trans people from the public sphere. having a positive example of a queer relationship in fiction, especially as part of a mega-popular middle grade series, is going to be important to a lot of the queer 10-14 year olds that make up this book's main demographic.
i have never, ever seen a percy jackson book have such a negative reception online. and it's just a coincidence that this is the first queer-focused installment of the series?
people are seeing the extent of the hate and thinking they shouldn't bother reading tsats at all, that they have already heard enough from people who hate the book. I have had people reblog my positive posts and say "maybe i'll give this book a chance, this is the first nice post i've seen about it." that's really fucking sad yall.
maybe tsats wasn't what you expected, maybe it contradicted your headcanons, maybe you prefer ships other than solangelo. you don't have to like tsats. but the amount of vocal hate for it is ridiculous. other pjo books do not get this kind of hate -- picking apart and complaining about every tiny little detail, ridiculing the writing style of both authors, mocking the attempts at sincerity, even sometimes mocking people who did like the book.
i have never seen this harsh of a response before (and i'm old -- I've been a percy jackson reader since the lightning thief came out in 2005) and especially not from such large portions of the fandom to the point where people who haven't read it are feeling discouraged from doing so.
Please look at the big picture. your opinions don't exist in a vacuum. maybe this is a hot take, but at some point the hate is indistinguishable from how homophobes talk about queer fiction. i'm just saying there are better things to turn your anger towards, and if you hated this book so much just do what the rest of us do and write fucking fanfiction to make yourself feel better. fucks sake
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heritageposts · 5 months
. . . But in 1948 Israel declared its sovereignty from the British Mandate through the besiegement of indigenous Palestinians. The new nation retained Regulation 133(3) with an important caveat: It was amended to give military commanders complete control over where a body is buried, as opposed to the original “community to which such person belongs.” This is the legal basis of postmortem detention, and over the last 80 years the scope of the law has expanded greatly. Namely, who is subject to postmortem detention by the military (from “enemy soldier” to the blanket term “terrorist”) and when the state is entitled to seize bodies (from “times of war” to “forever war on terror”). Regulation 133(3) can now impose restrictions on funerals when a body is returned to a family. When Palestinian prisoner Mustafa Arabat succumbed to torture in 1992, Israeli courts ruled in favor of the military to enforce that his funeral be held in the middle of the night and only attended by immediate family. Today, families whose bodies are eventually returned to them must abide by the military’s rules on how to express their final rites. Israeli law explicitly defines these funerals as a threat to “public order” and grants soldiers power over a family’s grieving.
. . . full article on The Nation (29 June, 2023)
[archived link]
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