#in this house we protect the og Beast
roseadleyn · 1 year
the way to protect the female lead's older brother;
so basically just setting hcs. these are headcanons about the world of twtptflob. they are not canon. new fans or old fans, please don't take my word and accept these as canon.
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all five houses have a special little something
incase war between the houses break out
we know the house of agriche have a specialty of murder and stuff
but the house of pedelian specializes in this specific branch of magic that attacks a person's body systems
yeah... they might know how to heal but they sure know how to kill
the house of vertium has its puppets
these puppets are very... intriguing
they're people whose will has been drained out of their minds, making them brainless and hopelessly blank
so they have no choice but to be a marionette on strings
the house of gastor has these swords with herculean strength
and don't you think that's lame because they've beat ass with those
and lastly, the house of fipelion (1) has their beasts
beautiful and majestic, but deadly
from wolves to dragons, they've got it covered
obviously, war between such powerful houses would be devastating
like they care
anyways, onto the structure of their society
their society is rigidly sexist
i mean, we see it through the eyes of roxana, who is favored by lant
but pay attention to any other woman, even if it's in agriche, and you'll see the misogyny
like grizelda and charlotte, both pushed down and forced to use their skills for lant
hell, even roxana is a victim of it — she can't use her butterflies unless a male member of the house, lant or dion or whoever, allows her
she doesn't care and does it in secret anyways, but she literally would be killed for defying lant if she was ever to be found out
it just goes to show you
sierra is one of the biggest examples — she's nothing more than a very pretty possession or a beautiful little pet; first for lant and then for maria
even though sierra (these are my hcs) is very intelligent and incredibly well read, she's not at all able to exercise any of her knowledge,
because lant's wives have literally next to zero power — but that's a topic for another day (agriche hcs)
but... you wanna know *the* biggest example?
sylvia. sylvia pedelian, hands down, suffers constantly at the hand of misogyny
in her og life, she was an ideal little daughter and a lovely sex object for the male leads,
and in her next life, nothing changed — everywhere she goes, she's not known as the girl who mastered pedelian's technique faster than their heir —
she's just known as her father's daughter or her brother's sister
cassis does try to defend her, but their father shuts him down, reminding him of how oh-so defenseless, innocent and naive sylvia is
sigh... back to court matters
murdering someone depends on who it was, and why you did it
for house of agriche... man they don't care, commit arson for all you want, they'll literally not give a damn
for agriche, it doesn't matter who it was or why you did it,
they'll just murder you, because why not
they don't care for the departed person, they just wanna dish out punishment, especially if the person killed was from their own house assuming you're strong enough to even harm an agriche, let alone kill them
house of pedelian lets you off or punishes you depending on the reasoning
and since they're the house of justice and all that, they're very fair with this
if you killed one of their own house, or a helpless one like a child, they will punish you
but if the person you killed was a bother, like a genuine bother who was threatening you etc etc,
they'll let you off
house of vertium doesn't care either. and unlike the agriche they're chill with it. they won't kill you either. they're just like: 'oh you killed my son? cool, what's for dinner?'
same with house of fipelion (i literally know nothing abt them), except house of fipelion might send a beast or two after you if it was a member of their house
house of gastor basically just imprisons you and lets you out after a while, depending on who and why
it's basically like historical jail
they have a conference hall where the current heads, along with their heirs, meet to discuss 'important matters' — like finances, defence, for all their collective territories and for walbusta (2), etc
literally, they do nothing but argue
especially rischel and cassis with lant and dion
the other houses are so done with them
court fashion is fickle, and if you're not caught up with it, the nobles, especially noble ladies, tear you to shreds
sylvia and roxana are constantly compared on who's more beautiful, but they're not even aware of it — roxana avoids sylvia anyways we know why
obviously, no pedelian is allowed to marry an agriche, and vice versa cassis and roxana in the corner:
but other than that, marriage is allowed between the houses,
and some houses used to commit inter-family marriages *cough* agriche *cough*
they only stopped because it was causing deformities in their kids, and they couldn't possibly have imperfect kids!
by far the agriche aren't even the most messed up family. i wonder what house of fipelion is hiding?
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(1) i have no idea what the official name of the white family is. if you know then please tell 🫶
(2) it's the place where they have their ball thing. i forgot its proper name and was way way too lazy to check it.
this is not edited, by the way <33
tagging ; @loekas, @crownxie, @mysticmeena, @parkykwho, @d10nsaint, @hmerus, @dxmoness, @chxrrylxdy, @ykassu, @that-one-pretty-bitch, @dion-s-lawyer, @ithil-lucien, @palaceofghosts, @izumi-astra-123, @lady-navier0357, @nxccolo, @sidra-29, @cerisearan, @meow-meow-potato, @writerig, @dianaofsiodonna, @ana-s-boo, and @selenebroke.
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beloved-cat-gremlin · 10 months
So a lot of people got invested in my FNaF Owl House crossover with Cassie as Luz and Gregory as Hunter.
And I have been playing around with ideas on who to swap out with the characters in the show (I've got some good ones piled up already, might make a post about those). But the one I'm struggling with the most seems to be Eda.
On one hand many people seem to want Eda to be replaced with Roxy, considering the design parallels. On the other hand my personal take would be for Michael to swap places with Eda, since that has higher stakes in terms of story telling with William as Belos.
So I'm making a poll to ask which one I should replace Eda with. Heck maybe I'll even do both and create two completely different AUs with different character swaps.
I'll also provide some more in depth points for why both either Roxy or Michael should replace Eda, under the cut.
So question is:
Argument Points for Roxy:
Roxy seems to be people's first choice considering I made Cassie replace Luz. And in game Roxy seems to act very protective of Cassie, making it a good fit and parallel to how Eda came to care for Luz.
Roxy also has a lot of similarities to Eda in terms of design and personality. They both seem harsh on the outside, but do genuinely care for certain kids and both are sporting a beautiful mane of hair.
Bonus points for the curse aspect: Roxy could turn into a sort of werewolf instead of an owl beast, if we are playing around with the idea that Roxy would take a more human like appearance than an animal one, prior to the curse.
With Roxy as Eda I could also tie some other FNaF characters into the story as well. Like making OG Foxy take Dell's place, which would work both in context of the owl house as well as the FNaF world.
Shipping Bonus: If Roxy ends up as Eda, Glamrock Chica would make a perfect fit as Raine.
Argument Points for Michael:
With Michael as Eda there is a lot more potential to dive into a more story focused AU, rather than a simple swap one. With basically everyone agreeing that William would be Belos, it would work beautifully in a story telling way to put Michael as Eda.
In this context I would have to alter a lot of the original owl house plots and ideas to fit this AU, but isn't that like every AU, really?
With the idea of Michael being William's oldest son, it would mean that he too, is human. Meaning he too must have found a way to survive for over 400 years like his own father. And while not true for owl house canon, this does work with what we are given in FNaF lore.
And not just that but it does work in favor of some of the other characters that are swapped out. For instance: Helpy as King would work out well with Michael as Eda, since the fandom has basically dubbed Helpy as Mike's "son" so to speak.
It also works with my two potential replacements for Lilith. Either with Vanessa or an adult Elizabeth, it would work in terms of story for either of them as Lilith, if Mike was Eda. (Especially Vanessa who has a lot of parallels to Lilith's character.)
While the curse aspect doesn't have that big of an impact for Michael, I could make his owl beast form a type of werefox. To reflect the horrible deeds he had committed regarding his younger brother.
Shipping Bonus: With Michael as Eda it would be more than fitting to put Jeremy as Raine. Which does work too with context from both FNaF lore and TOH story.
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callisto-sykes · 1 year
So I just finished watching the new promos for the owl house and here are a few things I noticed:
In the trailer
- Lilith with short hair and it’s back to it’s og color that’s a slay but she’s crying over hooty who is a Jack in the box and I’m not prepared for that honestly I am also curious about how her hair got shorter my theory is that is has something to do with escaping the collector considering we know she and hooty were together at the day of unity so they probably experienced the collectors take over together
- raine is a puppet all the coven heads are also puppets but I’m focusing on raine because it also appears that eda is about to fight them. Edas hair is shorter and she is feathery, I’m going to assume it’s because she hasn’t had any elixir because she’s been captured at the day of unity and the reason she’s not a puppet is because of king and possibly because of the owl beast if it turns out the collector created the curse. king is also holding onto hooty watching in the corner. There are a few signs around saying keep out and beware of beast probably referring to the owl beast that eda has recently detransformed from so that makes me think maybe eda is escaping and has run into raine and the coven heads who are going to stop her from leaving. This looks like a good opportunity for a parallel to follies at coven day parade. And if I wasn’t already devastated about raine being a puppet I am hysterical at the thought of a fight between raeda.
- bump being captured is another devestating moment JUSTICE FOR PRINCY B but the other teachers have also been captured so the hexside students are in there own hope they’re ok
- the owl house graffiti probs from the emperors coven because it says so. maybe the owl house was a base for survivors for awhile because the graffiti wasn’t there in oh titan where art thou also one says there is no titan which definitely suggests that it was written after belos betrayed the isles. Also I love the parrel of the very first episode with luz saying welcome to the owl house it’s absolutely heartbreaking
- the hand. My immediate though was Caleb. So I think we’re getting a new grim walker that belos will possess like hunter especially because of the goopy look of the relatively normal hand and I have to say I’m excited to see how grim walkers are made but also utterly terrified :)
- amity’s face she’s obviously at hexside because of the background and i just find it so funny that she still so judgmental
- belos’s cave. it’s really cool to see that he managed to lock it with glyphs that’s really cool but also BAD BELOS BAD DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER GRIMWALKER
- HUNTER PROTECTING WILLOW she’s reaching for someone and Hunter is pulling her away and I think I know who it was from another promo which I will discus later. But let’s just think about the huntlow moment for now pls
- wtf is Mattys new look wtf I deadass laughed for so long when I saw it lmao. But I will admit it might be an homage to Steve which makes me laugh slightly less
- a battle in the detention pit. the wall of eyes is a give away but amity is slaying
- a scene where they pull some of luzs memories out from what I can see it’s grom and Phillip and I don’t think where ready for camilla to find out about all of that but I am hoping for an eda memory not just traumatising ones but there is an explosion that happens so maybe they go to the detention pit for safety??? But I really hope the memories will be ok and that luz isn’t trying to erase her memories on purpose
- then there’s a scene with the collector and king flying in the same street as the hex squad was in so maybe that’s why they are running that also confirms my willow theory from the other promo. This could mean king knows luz made it back to the demon realm and that leads into a theory from another promo
- Camilla fight scene slay
- eda turning into the owl beast at the end definitely confirms my previous eda was captured as the owl beast theory
Collector promo:
- the first thing king wants to do when he gets back with the collector is wanting to go see the owl beast I’m really happy he knows all his family is relatively safe and maybe he will help her escape and tell her luz is back if he knows :)
- MUM ODALIA LMAO RIP ODALIA GET WHAT U DESERVE no she’s actually miserable and I’m so happy she’s tryna make the isles her kingdom and the collector just wants pizza bagels. Also keen to find out why he calls her mum odalia?
- now my willow theory. The collector has Brought back more puppets? That’s what I’m going to call them and lone and behold willows dad is one of them. The puppets are the same from the street scene which suggests willow saw her dad went to reunite with him but ended up watching him be turned to a puppet and Hunter had to pull her away. I am very very very sad like actually sobbing but let’s think of the huntlow moment my friends THE HUNTLOW DO NOT START CRYING PLS
The Camilla and luz promo:
- I don’t have much to say not much to analyse all I can say is this probably happens pretty close to the start but Camilla is such a good mum like she really wants luz to stay their even though she doesn’t t like it
Yup so that’s my analyses of the promos LESS THAN 24 HOURS TO GO GUYS AHHHHHHHHH
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plutodetective · 2 years
I finished my Gothic Heroine Support Group Featuring Jonathan Harker fic! :) It’s extremely self-indulgent, but I hope you like it. ^^
Content warnings: Jonathan does not remember what happened after he swooned, and fears he may have been raped. There’s some internalized victim blaming and biphobia, both of which Psyche shuts down. And there are mentions of canon to the other stories incidents of adults preying on teenagers (Erik on Christine and a fairy on the Beast.).
As goddess of the soul, Psyche has soothing abilities, especially towards abuse victims, because I said so.
Yesterday, for I now sleep during the day in fear of what horrors may be awake in this horrid place by night, my mind has made a strange attempt to soothe my fears. Terrified as I have been of three monstrous women, the last time I managed to get some rest I dreamt of three much gentler creatures.
I was lying on the ground, only semi-conscious, and they were grouped around me, but there was no threat in their voices. Instead they sounded alarmed by my presence, and concerned for me.
“A gentleman! He looks as if he’s been through a war.”
“There has never been a gentleman here before, has there?”
“No, but that doesn’t mean anything. Gentlemen can be prey and, for that matter, ladies can be predators.”
“You are right, Belle, I’m sorry. Oh, look! He stirs!”
I opened my eyes and saw before me three young ladies, one dressed in clothes much more ancient than those of the three demons that had attempted to suck my blood, and two in what appeared to me to be French fashion. Of these, one was a child of no more than 15, while the other, as well as the one in ancient clothing, appeared to be close to my Mina’s age.
Harmless as they seemed, I have had no reason to trust in strangers lately, and so my first impulse was to put as much distance as possible between myself and these strange new visions. They exchanged concerned glances, and then the one in ancient clothing began to approach me slowly, crouching as if to convince a startled animal that she represented no danger.
“Please, do not fear,” she said, and there was some power in her voice that went right to my tense nerves and appeared to somewhat soothe them. “You are safe, among friends. Won’t you tell us your name?”
“Jonathan Harker,” I faltered, my voice still weak and distrustful.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jonathan. My name is Psyche, and these are my friends, Belle and Christine.”
I was surprised to hear that Belle was the child. What had she seen of the world, to know at such a young age so much about predators and prey?
There again, how could I know that she truly was 15, and had not simply been maintaining that appearance for centuries, like the monsters I encountered but a few nights ago? The thought made me fearful, and I once again backed away from them.
“You’ve been through much, I can see,” said Psyche, her voice once again managing to somewhat soothe me. “So have we. Won’t you sit down and let us tell you about it, my friend?”
I saw not what else I could do, so I reluctantly took a chair. They pulled other chairs close to mine into a circle and all sat down.
“I’ll begin, since I’m the oldest.” Said Psyche. “Once upon a time, I lived with my parents and sisters, and through no fault of my own men would worship me as I passed.”
That I could believe, for (forgive me for noticing it, Mina!) she was indeed of a surpassing beauty. She continued, in her ever soothing voice:
“But time passed, and though men told me I was more beautiful than even the goddess of love, no proposals came. Worried, my parents took me to an oracle, who said I was to be bride to a terrible monster.”
At this, I cried out.
“Am I dead?!? Is this where the souls of those devoured by terrible beasts come to find their rest?”
“You are not dead,” Christine rushed to assure me. “We are not certain what this place is. We only know that we sometimes find ourselves here in our sleep, and that here we meet those who have been through troubles similar to ours.”
“I believe it to be the work of fairies,” said Belle, “but they will neither confirm nor deny that.”
“You… Communicate often with fairies?”
“All in due time, Jonathan. It’s still Psyche’s turn.”
I nodded, for I knew not how I could refuse their wish to explain everything in the manner they were accustomed to, but with the talk of fairies I began to fear terribly for my sanity once again.
Psyche kept talking, telling a wondrous tale of an invisible husband and a house with invisible servants, and of how, through her sisters’ treachery, she found out that her husband was Eros, the god of love. At this I made a face, and she smiled at me.
“I take it that you believe only in one God?”
“With all due respect, I do.”
“That does not matter at the moment, as long as you can believe my husband was far more than a mortal man.”
How could I doubt that, given all that I myself had recently experienced? I nodded, and she continued, talking of how her husband abandoned her while expecting a child, and of the trials her mother in law put her through so she could be reunited with him and ensure her child’s safety. I was horrified. How could a man thus treat the woman he claimed to love?
“I know,” said Christine, correctly reading the expression in my face. “We have told her that Eros does not deserve her, and that she was justified in wanting to know who she was married to. It’s… An ongoing process.”
“He has recognized his wrongs,” said Psyche, “and admitted that his desire to keep me safe from his mother’s jealousy did not justify the misery he initially kept me in. He has also apologized for leaving me at my most vulnerable. He is a god, and that means he didn’t grow up with the best examples. Given Zeus, I think my Eros grew up relatively well.”
“We agree to disagree on that,” said Belle. “I believe exchanging these experiences and giving each other perspective is why the fairies set up these encounters.”
“Why do you believe so strongly in fairies?” I asked, for her insistence on the matter was driving me insane.
“I believe it is my turn,” replied her, and began her own fantastic story. She spoke of how her father set off on a business trip and returned talking about a horrible Beast that had demanded one of his daughters in return for a rose the father had plucked from the monster’s garden. I gasped in awe of her bravery when she spoke of deciding to sacrifice herself to save her father, for the monster had threatened his life should he not send one of the girls. Internally, I judged her father for not dying himself, but the child seemed to love him so much I held my tongue on the matter.
She spoke of her fear when she first saw the Beast, and believed she would be devoured, and of her even stronger fear when he first proposed to her, and she believed her honor was to be lost. I trembled to hear it, my own fears taking over my interest in the story for a moment, but Psyche laid a gentle hand on my shoulder and I focused back on Belle’s words.
She spoke of a handsome Prince that would visit her in her dreams with words of love, and of how the Beast’s kindness, combined with her father’s words when the Beast allowed her to go home for a visit, convinced her to accept the monster’s proposal. And of how he then transformed into the very Prince from her dreams!
“And that is when the fairies enter the story.”
She spoke of how her Prince had been raised by a fairy, who began advancing on him once he was 16. Of how she turned him into a monster when she realized she would never have him, and how everything he had done since had been under the instructions of a good fairy that was helping him fulfill the extremely convoluted conditions to break the curse.
“Once I heard the story, I fully forgave him. How could I not? He was but a plaything of the fae.”
“And all of that at only sixteen!” I said, horrified.
“Precisely,” she replied. “But the fact that I forgave him does not erase the horrors I went through. It does not erase the time my family thought I was dead, or the nightmares I still have about the Beast turning out to be what I at first feared. I blame the evil fairy, not him, but those things still happened. And I believe this is why we are all here. Perhaps as a compensation for what I went through, the fairies, who did, after all, have the power to send me the Prince in my dreams, are sending me companions who I can share experiences and identify with.”
“But if that is the case, I’m afraid your fairies made a mistake. There are indeed similarities between your stories and mine, but I have no intention to be with my captor! My heart belongs to another, and Count Dracula has committed atrocities for which there can be no justification.”
“That is where I come in,” replied Christine. “I am sorry for your troubles, Jonathan, but I must admit I am glad to hear you speak so, for it means I am no longer alone. I have not stayed with my captor either, and I have achieved a happy ending with another. Let my story be a comfort to you in your time of need.”
She then told me of how her father, a musician of high talent, used to tell her tales of an Angel of Music, and of how he promised in his deathbed to send the Angel to her. Of how a man who spied on her innocent prayers pretended to be this Angel and thus acquired influence over her naïve youthful self.
“He taught me how to sing like the angel I thought he was, and I became a sensation at the Parisian Opera. But then, when a rival appeared, he kidnapped me.”
And there it was, the similarity between all of us. We had all been kidnapped, kept in captivity by monsters from who we feared harm and who- God help me!- seemed to desire us.
And who, by the way Christine spoke of her captor shopping for groceries, all seemed intent on overseeing our domestic wellbeing, for so had been the case with Psyche’s invisible servants and Belle’s animal ones.
But such a terrible tale was Christine’s, made all the more horrific by the fact that her tormentor was a mere man! All of our other stories were so fantastic in nature that there was something abhorrent in the fact that one as mortal as I could have put a poor girl through so much.
And yet, somehow it ended happily, for she managed to escape and be with her Raoul, and oh, how I hoped to achieve the same and see Mina once again!
“And now, dear friend,” concluded Christine, “it’s your turn. Tell us why Belle’s fairies have sent you our way, and how can we be of help.”
And so I poured my heart out to their gentle souls, telling the story from the moment when Mr. Hawkins called me to his office to inform me of the business trip and keeping from them nothing but that which was not fit to discuss in front of ladies. They heard me with much consternation, and all three gasped when I spoke of the monstrous women’s terrible meal.
“You are right, Jonathan. There can be no excuse for this monster.”
“Is it in your power to help me escape?”
“Unfortunately not. But we can give you solace and comfort, as we do for each other, and be a reminder that escape and happiness are still within your reach.”
My heart sank at the negative, but I nodded my appreciation for the help they were able to give.
“But Jonathan,” said Psyche softly, “I believe you are keeping something from us. We would not force you to talk, but if speaking of it could ease your heart, we would be glad to hear, no matter what it is.”
I startled. How could this woman be so perceptive? I believe firmly in one God only, but I had seen proof that there are beings that are more than human, and though I could not believe her a goddess, I could easily believe she was not simply what she appeared to be.
“I would not trouble you with this part of the tale,” I said resolutely, and she seemed pensive.
“What if the other girls left? Would you be able to confide solely in me?”
I was surprised to realize that suggestion did not strike me as absurd. A lady she could be, yet that something about her that seemed to make her more than human made it so that confiding in her didn’t appear to be as sinful as speaking to the other two. I nodded hesitantly, and Belle and Christine rose without any hint of disappointment for being excluded.
“Call us when it is alright for us to return,” said Belle, gently, and they left the room. I turned to Psyche, beginning to tremble.
“Your secrets are safe with me, Jonathan,” she promised. “You may think of me as an older sister, if it helps.”
It did. Looking at her in this light, it suddenly became easy to unburden myself to her.
“The night after I met the women… I do not remember much of it, but I have some flashes, and I fear the Count may have… Used me.”
Anger flashed in her eyes, immediately replaced by concern.
“Jonathan, that is a line none of our captors has ever crossed. I am so extremely sorry. I hardly know what to say… I wish I could kill him.”
“But that is not all…” I faltered, feeling I had come too far not to say all. “I… I must admit I felt drawn to him. So I am partially to blame.”
I waited for her concern to turn to disgust, but instead she appeared more compassionate than ever.
“Jonathan, listen to me carefully: nothing you could have done or felt makes what may have happened your fault, in any way.”
“Did you not understand me?” I asked, confused. “I find him attractive! Dear God, how can a man think that of another man?”
“Very easily,” she said, and although her tone was still gentle, it was also closer to stern than I imagined it could be. “There is nothing wrong in a man feeling drawn to another man, or a woman to another woman. Once you are safe and sound, and therefore in a better place to hear tragic tales, I will make you weep with the story of the love between Achilles and Patroclus. Believe you or not, the factual truth is that I am married to the god of love, and am therefore somewhat of an expert in these matters. I am sure that if you truly look through your sacred texts, you will find that your god doesn’t condemn any form of love either. You committed no sin, Jonathan. Were you not engaged, it would not have been wrong even to have voluntarily lain down with him, if you so desired.” Here anger returned to her features. “But you did not consent, and for that I curse that fiend. His is one of the worst crimes one can commit.”
Her compassion broke through my fragilized nerves, and on the next moment I found myself sobbing in her gentle arms.
“I was saving myself for Mina. Some might laugh at me for that, but I always believed in waiting for true love.”
“And you have waited, and still are,” she said, using the full power of her soothing voice. “You may return to her feeling as pure as you left. Nothing was your fault, and you have done and felt nothing to be ashamed of. It is not wrong to find people other than your betrothed attractive, regardless of their sex, as long as you don’t act on it. And you haven’t. Mina is a very lucky woman.”
“Thank you,” I gasped, pulling away from her. “I wish I could fully believe you, but even though I don’t, your words are still soothing.”
“You will believe them fully in time. This won’t be our last meeting, Jonathan. Belle’s fairies, if that is truly the reason for these strange meetings, won’t stop arranging them for as long as we can bring comfort to each other, and as long as there are new people entering our group.”
“Is it common for new people to appear? Has… Has anyone ever just stopped appearing?” I asked, fearful that someone in the same place I was might have met a dreadful fate.
“Only one girl, and it was not for the reason you fear,” Psyche assured me. “Her name is Jane. She found herself newly employed under circumstances very similar to yours, working for a man not without resemblances to your Count. But Jonathan, she married him. She recognizes he has done wrong, but believes a physical injury he suffered has been atonement enough, while he continues to treat her with condescension and think of her as something belonging to him. I believe she stopped appearing because she simply did not wish to continue to hear us, which I am sure will not be the case with you.”
I nodded. It was so comforting to be around these women, so opposite in every way to the last feminine trio I had encountered, that I could not imagine myself ever not desiring their friendship.
“Now, would it be alright for me to call the girls back in?”
I said yes, and she did. Belle and Christine entered giving me concerned looks, that turned into sympathetic smiles. Even without knowing what had happened, it was clear I had their full support.
“I’m afraid this meeting is drawing to a close. The time to awake approaches,” said Belle.
“Jonathan, think of us and despair not. I am sure you will escape, as I did, and live happily with the one you chose,” said Christine, taking my hand. I nodded, and suddenly, all three hugged me.
It was far from being unwelcome. I would describe it as sisterly, for its chaste nature, but the word does not sound correct. There was between the four of us a connection that ran even deeper. I belonged with these women, I realized, I was the same as they were, and the thought brought me a peace I hadn’t known since the Count had thrown my mirror out of the window.
“We will be here whenever you need us,” was the last thing I heard in Psyche’s gentle, soothing voice before my eyes opened and I found myself once more in the chamber of horrors my host called my room.
Encouraged by my new friends, imaginary or not, I decided to spend the day thinking of a plan. I must escape, like Christine did. Wait for me, Mina! I will find my way back to you.
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rezzyromance · 3 years
I told you you'd do great. (Moreau x GN!Reader)
Summary: The reader finds a baby in the village whos family was killed by lycans and takes it home with them and Moreau to give it a new home.
(This is the story that was requested and I accidentally deleted it. I hope the og anon finds this.) TW: Mentions of gore, violence, and death.
The door to Moreau's shack had been broken for weeks now. You had spent a lot of time and energy trying to fix it yourself, but had to give up as your frustration grew too overwhelming. With no where else to go, you had to result to asking, nearly begging, for assistance from the only person who you knew could help: Karl Heisenberg. He refused at first, claiming he didn't have enough time to be everyone's handyman. But, you had annoyed him enough for him to agree to build you a completely new door if you were able to gather the supplies.
So, that's what you were doing today. You were trekking through the woods from the reservoir to the village, hoping to gather enough spare wood for Heisenberg to build a new door for the shack you lived in along side Moreau. You've been pushing a wheelbarrow for what feels like forever, hoping it could aid in carrying your gathered wood back to the factory where Heisenberg stayed. You want to give up and give your sore arms a break, but the village is so close that you can't just take a break. Plus, there had been a lycan attack last night. They managed to wipe out what little population was left of the village, so the journey isn't a very safe one. You had a shotgun on your back which you barely knew how to use, but kept close just in case.
Finally, you made it to the village which was now a ghost town. You let go of the wheel barrow and sat down on the ground to rest. Your period of recovery didn't last long you heard a growling noise grow closer. Even though the lycans had massacred every last soul in the villiage the night before, a few decided to stay in the are. And now, they were all eyes on you. One was on a roof while two others began to approach you from the left. You scatter to your feet and run towards a house with a gaping door, hoping you'll have enough time to prepare your gun.
You get inside the house and shut the door. The inside of the house was a wreck. Broken glass covered the floor along with flipped furniture and blood splatters all over the walls, floors, and even ceiling. It was a horrific sight that only caused your adrenaline to rush more. The door began to shake and you could see them from outside the window. You rush to the room farthest in the back and lock the door behind you.
It was a bedroom. And inside you could hear the muffled sounds of crying. You shake your head, thinking that you're hearing things in your panicked state. But the crying never ceased. Instead, it grew louder. "How can there be any sign of life here?" you think as you tremble, attempting to hold your gun straight. "Where is it? What is it? A baby? How? Where?", these questions flooded your brain. The crying grew louder as you looked around, still no baby in sight.
Then, you saw something. A piece of paper on the floor, slightly wedged between a loose wooden floor board.
"Please, for the love of Mother Miranda, if anyone is to find my sweet Daniel, care for him. Keep him safe."
- it read. You looked at the loose floor boards from which the paper came from. "It's in the floor", you think. Suddenly, your own thoughts are silenced by the banging of the bedroom door. A grey and grotesque hand managed to forces it's way through the wood, clawing mercilessly as the horrific growls of the lycans fill the room. You grab the gun and stick it through the new hole, pulling the trigger. The hand recedes from the hole and a new one takes its place. This time, one of the beasts sticks its disgusting face through the gap. You cock the gun and pull the trigger once more, blowing bits of the lycans face in all directions before it's lifeless body falls on top of the previous one. The last one is only angrier now, pulling at the hole and causing it to grow. High on adrenaline, you don't budge from where you're standing as you prep your gun and shoot at the beast once more.
After the last gunshot, the only noise in the room is the crying from under the floor that had now turned into screams. You gather your thoughts and focus once more on the loose floor boards. You stick your fingers in the gap of one of the wooden plants, pulling it from the floor easily. You do that to a few more before the screaming child is revealed to you. There was a secret hole under the floor that the wooden planks covered which is where the baby was placed, wrapped up in a blue blanket. You can only imagine the fear and heart break the person must have felt as they saw their baby's face for the last time before hiding it underneath the wooden floors.
You hold the crying baby close, rocking it gently and attempting to make soothing sounds in hopes to calm the both of you down. There's no telling how many more lycans may be roaming the village, so you understand that you don't have time to waste. You hold the baby close to your chest and make a run for it towards the reservoir, leaving the original mission of gathering supplies behind.
You made it back to the resevoir with no other lycan encounters. Your running had caused the baby to continue to cry on the way though. When you were close enough to Moreaus shack for him to hear it in the distance, he staired out the window. He was shocked and confused to see you so panicked with a crying baby in your arms. "What happened?! Who's baby is that?!", he rushes out of the building towards you. "I'm not sure. His name is Daniel, I think, and his family had hidden him under the floor during the lycan attack last night. I saved him and had to kill some lycans and...", you stopped to catch your breath and gather your thoughts. "Moreau we have to help him.", you hold the crying child close, rocking it gently. Its crying grew quieter, but didn't stop. You looked over to Moreau. His hands were on his head and he was stunned.
"N-no! I-I-I-I can't! I can't take care of a child!", he blurts out. "We'll do it. We'll do it together.", you put a hand on his shoulder in attempt to calm him down. "I'll scare it! It'll hate me!", he grew more and more panicked. "Sal, please calm down love. Here' hold it.", you begin to hand the baby to him. He steps back. "I can't!" "I won't be able to do this on my own. We're this babies only hope. Heisenberg and Donna won't be able to handle it and Alcina wouldn't want to raise a boy." He knew you were right and couldn't argue. "I don't have anything to help! No food and and an- no baby clothes!", he says. "I'm sure the Duke will have something. He's got everything! And he's never hard to find. I'm sure if I left now to go look for him, I wouldn't be gone for 10 minutes and I'd come back with everything the baby needs and more!" He grew silent as he anxiously fiddled with his hands. "Here, you take the baby while I go looking for the Duke. I won't be long. You'll do great.", you begin to hand the baby to him again.
He turns around. "I don't want it to see me, (Y/N)!", he refuses. "Fine.", you sigh. "I'll set him down on the couch. You can watch him and make sure he doesn't fall while I'm gone.", you place the baby on the couch and give Moreau a kiss on his head. "You'll do great, honey. I won't be long.", you give him one last kiss before leaving. He was left alone with the baby who was now crying loudly, wiggling on the couch.
"Please don't cry! Please calm down! I-it's okay!", he quickly makes his way over to the baby, unsure of what to do. "Please..calm down..", he gently places a hand on it's stomach. It grips onto one of his fingers and pulls it closer. It's crying quits down into whimpers. "Are you okay?", he begins to wiggle his finger that the baby is gripping onto. It responds with a giggle that brightens up the room. Moreau's heart is left fluttering with excitement. He smiles and wiggles his finger more. The baby lets go and claps in excitement. Moeau begins to laugh to, excited by the fact he was able to make the baby laugh.
The baby began to wiggle and rock, attempting to move. Moreau watched it, unsure of what to do. Suddenly, the baby put all of the power in it's little body into rocking it's body to the side, attempting to roll over onto it's stomach. Instead, it began to roll off the couch. Moreau screams as he grabs the baby before it hits the ground. "You can't do that! You're gonna get hurt! (Y/N) will be so mad if something happens to you!", he held the baby close to his chest, cradling it in his arms protectively. A smile stretched across its face. He reached a hand up and began to tug at Moreau's hood. He looked down at it, confused on why it wasn't screaming at the sight of him. 'Are you.. not afraid of me?", he put his hands under the babies arms and lifted it up to where it can see him face to face. It continued to smile and reach for him. Tears began to form in his eyes. This innocent little life viewed him as a friend, not a monster.
You returned home from visiting the Duke. Just as you suspected, he provided you with a large selection of baby essentials. Formula, clothes, diapers, and even a few toys. You pushed open the broken door and gaze upon the sight in front of you. Moreau was holding the baby in front of his face. Tears of joy slowly washed over his face as the baby giggled. "I told you you'd do great.", you smiled.
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randomnameless · 3 years
Serious thoughts on Wilhelm, was he a friend of the lettuce fam or a power hungry human?
Pff what's wrong with fodlan nonsense
Rhea is biaised when it comes to talk about the human she blood-bonded with - but even Flayn, when she talks to Seteth, mentions how he and her mother used to spend time and fight with their "friends", so to the nabateans (at least to them), Wilhelm and the Adrestians they blood bonded with were friends.
The Lolcalisation lolcalised a lot, but while the "in 32 he set out to unify the continent" is unchanged, in the lolcalised version there is the "he crushed anyone who dared to seek more power" when in the og one it's just "he crushed the houses who wants power".
There's no "dare" or "more" - maybe it's a useless lolcalised thing, if people want power it’s obvious they want “more” power than what they already have... So the meaning more or less is the same.
Or not. The “dare” part?
I wrote about it earlier, but given how the localisation added more flair to what was supposed to be a boring text I wonder why they added this. To play in the NoA!Seiros agenda, her allies are as bloodthirsty/knight templars as she is?
Wilhelm went to unify the continent - meaning Nemesis was called King but had no political “kingdom”?
The loser modeled his crown after Rhea’s horns - is it like that post I rb’d, the Elites, who knew what were those beasts, wonder why this guy adopts one as his sigil? Is he opposing them? By wearing this and siding with Seiros, who wants them dead, and the Immaculate One, is he declaring war on the Elites ?
Did Wilhelm set out to “unify” Fodlan to kick Nemesis, or because he wanted to rule over the land, or because he wanted to protect the remaining dragons thus thought that anyone who might know how relics are made should be disposed of?
We don’t know.
What we know is Wilhelm died before the War of Heroes ended. We know Wilhelm knew what Seiros was, and did not turn on her to get a shiny bone club, he “saved and supported” her.
He set out to unify Fodlan and opposed Nemesis, to the point where “he gave his all” to the cause of defeating him.
Now, was he really on the Nabatean’s side or using them to get a country?
While I reckon it would have been nice to have a schemer who used the dragon’s plight to advance his pawns and become super king...
I don’t think it would thematically make sense.
I called FE16 earlier the game where Eliwood/Chrom’s descendants start a war against Naga.
We’re in a series where coexistence between species is always sought after - Rhea/Seiros would have been right to have trusted that human, and humans in general, after Zanado to get justice for her family members, just like she was right to spare the children of the Elites, because they are not their parents.
And this is why CF should be a gut punch, or the most adequate punch - The descendant of Adrah turns against dragons? Oh, colour me surprised, the dragons never trusted him and he in turn brought shit to the world.
The descendant of Anri, who was bestowed Falchion by Naga thus has the dragons’s approval, turns against them? Well, this is more complicated.
If Wilhelm had been a person who planned on using the dragons to reach his goals - then the morale of the story would be “Rhea should never have trusted him with her power and secrets”. Humans and Nabateans were never supposed to interact, or at least to trust each other. So when Edel comes with Aymr, it is normal, as in, she should never have done this and look, here is the consequence.
If Wilhelm had been a genuine good person who sided with dragons because he wanted to help them, and to get rid of Nemesis (with a bonus country?) - then Rhea would have been “right” to trust him with her powers and secret, the man never betrayed her. When Edel comes with Aymr, it is a tragedy, but a foreseeable one, “children aren’t their parents”, so while Dimitri isn’t Blaiddyd, Edel isn’t Wilhelm.
CF (because it’s only here where coexistence is outwardly rejected) is an anomaly in the series, because the one who wants to end this status quo... wins. Zephiel loses, but Edel wins.
Should Rhea have trusted Wilhelm? Yes, he had been on their side and advocated for harmony between humans and dragons. Should Rhea have trusted Edel? No, she had never been on her side, and advocated for strict separation between humans and dragons.
Or Maybe Wilhelm had been both, a friend to the dragons but also a human who wanted his own country - but why did he want his own country? To build a place where everyone can smile, like L!Billy? Or because he wanted to be King and not to share power with anybody, save maybe for Seiros?
Oh, and I nearly forgot - Wilhelm was a Holy Knight.
I meme a lot about it, and while HK isn’t a bishop on a horse but a more offensive unit - there’s still the WTF. Hartmut was a hero. Roland was a Paladin. Why Wilhelm was a Holy Knight? Is it a nod to Sigurd’s title? A nod the the healing hands of the King/Emperor? Or just, holy Knight because Seiros is a Saint, so they “sort of” match?
Why the dude used white magic instead of having a more mundane, and more badass, class like Paladin, or Hero?
I vote on “genuine loser who wanted to help” or friend of the Nabateans, to oppose Nemesis and more importantly, his own descendant. Rhea knows children aren’t their parents, but when it comes to the Hresvelgs, she made a fatal mistake and thought they would all be on her side, or at least never work with the people who sought to erase her kin in the past.
Welp ? Ultimately idk
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coinofstone · 4 years
2x02 The Once and Future Queen
Not entirely sure about this convenient excuse for an assassin to be sent after Arthur but ok. We find out later that it was like, a thing where Odin's son challenged Arthur to a fight to the death or something and Arthur didn't wanna fight him but couldn't really do anything in the moment to stop it - I don't remember the exact details but it bothers me that this is something we're told instead of shown. For one thing it's a pretty significant event that you'd expect to be depicted on screen, otherwise it seems like this happened pre-series and in that case, why does Odin wait so long? It's just a sloppy storyline, imo.
I do love that the cloak which is supposed to mask Arthur's identity and allow him to blend in to the crowd actually just makes him stick out like the most suspicious sore thumb in all of human history.
WHY does Gwen's house only have one bed? She was living there with her father, he's not been dead that long - and even still why would she get rid of his bed? So much going on in this episode is so forced, it's only the second episode of the season what possible reason could there be to force things forward this early in the season?
Love the comedy with Alex Price, the fake Sir William. This is quality entertainment, the entire bit.
I also love that the assassin is literally the only person in Camelot to question why Merlin is working for a visiting knight at the tournament while Arthur is off hunting a beast terrorizing the northern territories.
Merlin the OG millennial. Overworked underpaid and entirely unappreciated.
Nobody notices that the guy on the horse is like 3 inches shorter than sir William
Who HASN'T had that argument about a man not pulling their weight around the house amirite
Gwen and Arthur's first kiss is really cinematically beautiful.
Nobody questions Gwen going to Sir William either
Arthur's got the weirdest sling going on in the final scenes.
Love that they end it with the high comedy leech gag 😂
Commentary by Angel and Tony
Is Tony being a little bit protective of Uther's reign there? It was all very lighthearted and joking, when Angel says she's 'the once and future queen', Tony goes 'alright let's not get ahead of ourselves' and it was very cute. They're great together.
Apparently Colin plays an Irish drum quite well, that's interesting.
I'm starting to think Tony has a mortal fear of cold water.
Tony doing funny voices is the best thing.
He's said they cut scenes of Morgana both in 2x01 and 2x02. It certainly feels like she's been left out, but apparently it was an intentional thing done to her storyline. Kinda fucked up, that.
They said at the beginning that the entire jousting tournament was done because the stunt horse people came to the producers and were just like, you know, fyi, jousting is a thing we do if you wanna use that. Let that be a lesson kids: you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, and it never hurts to ask. (Unless you poked with a fake lance in the wrong spot on your plastic armor, which may result in a broken rib, which does hurt.)
Angel and Tony have absolutely lost their shit laughing at the weird choir music thing going on during the final joust and honestly I felt the same way watching it originally.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Star, November 30
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Kelly Clarkson getting married again 
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Page 1: As Britons marked Remembrance Day Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrived at Los Angeles National Cemetery to pay their respects and lay flowers from the garden at their new $14.6 million spread in Montecito but the controversial couple almost immediately came under fire for yet another misstep -- their biggest gaffe was hiring celebrity fashion photographer Lee Morgan to snap their supposedly private visit -- the visit comes on the heels of a report that Harry requested and was refused that a wreath in his name be laid at London’s Cenotaph during a royal ceremony that day so while the visit to the cemetery in L.A. was meant to show respect it was also Harry’s way of telling his family that if they’re going to be petty and exclude him then he’ll do it his way 
Page 2: Contents, Miranda Lambert 
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Page 4: Larsa Pippen spills the tea -- Larsa says Kanye West kept her from BFF Kim Kardashian 
Page 5: Julianne Hough came out as sexually fluid while married to Brooks Laich and now that the two have split Julianne is exploring lady love
* Speculation has been ongoing about who will take over hosting Jeopardy! after Alex Trebek passed away and one frontrunner is former champ Ken Jennings and other names in the mix include hockey announcer Alex Faust and Laura Coates of CNN
Page 6: The Bachelorette OG Trista Sutter recently revealed that producers of her televised 2003 wedding to Ryan Sutter planned to up the drama for better ratings -- admitting that a pal discovered a crew member’s notebook during the three-day festivities and showrunners had compiled dossiers on her guests in hopes of pitting them against each other
* Bodyguard Mark “Billy” Billingham has opened up about his 18 months protecting one of the most famous broods in Hollywood much to Angelina Jolie’s dismay -- he was hired by Angie and then-husband Brad Pitt to keep an eye on their six kids Maddox and Pax and Zahara and Shiloh and Knox and Vivienne and their biggest concern was the kidnapping of the kids and for Angie that fear bordered on obsession so her home is like a fortress -- she wants her kids to have a normal life but she’s also aware of the dangers out there 
* Star Spots the Stars -- Martha Stewart, Clare Crawley, Alec Baldwin, Jessica Alba, Bella Hadid, Viola Davis, Debbie Matenopoulos
Page 7: Jason Momoa shocked fans with his recent revelation that his breakout role in Game of Thrones gave him plenty of fame but no fortune -- after his character Khal Drogo was killed of in 2011 before the first season even aired he said he couldn’t get work and it’s very challenging when you have babies and you’re completely in debt; we were starving -- now of course Jason who shares two kids with wife Lisa Bonet has more than made up for those lean times but he’s not one to throw cash around
* After a single day of work Johnny Depp was axed from the third installment of the Fantastic Beasts films and he got to keep his eight-figure salary -- he was let go following a nasty defamation trial against a U.K. tabloid that called him a wife-beater -- now Mads Mikkelsen is going to be Johnny’s replacement as Grindelwald -- for his part Johnny will take the money and run and he’s panicked that this will lead to a permanent blacklist and his name is now mud in movie circles 
Page 8: Star Shots -- overjoyed by Joe Biden’s victory Chrissy Teigen and John Legend took to the streets of West Hollywood to celebrate, Duchess Camilla paid her respects to veterans during the 92nd Field of Remembrance event at Westminster Abbey which is a duty formerly fulfilled by her stepson Prince Harry
Page 9: Steve Martin cruising through Central Park on a CitiBike wearing gloves and a protective face mask, Miya Cech and Ben Daon and Keith L. Williams and Kayden Grace Swan flanked creator Daniel Knauf at the premiere of The Astronauts 
Page 10: Renee Elise Goldsberry and Sara Bareilles and Paula Pell and Busy Philipps shared a laugh shooting Girls5Eva, Offset caught up with some young fans while handing out free food from the Slutty Vegan Food Truck on Election Day in Atlanta, Caitlyn Jenner fueling up for a car-camping expedition with daughter Kendall
Page 11: Queen Latifah showed off a fresh new ‘do on the set of The Equalizer reboot in NYC, weeks after undergoing heart surgery Arnold Schwarzenegger was already behind the wheel again in L.A. 
Page 12: Bachelor alum Hannah Ann Sluss running errands in L.A., Joey Fatone nearly stole the spotlight from actress Kate Katzman on the red carpet at the screening of her new film The Comeback Trail, Francesca Farago carried a pup while posing for photos for her swimsuit line 
Page 14: MTV EMAs -- Alicia Keys, David Guetta, DJ Khaled, Zara Larsson 
Page 16: Zooey Deutch having lunch with a friend in L.A., Tracy Morgan returned to his old stomping grounds to cut the ribbon at the $30 million Marcy Houses Community Center in Brooklyn, Olivia Culpo rushed to a meeting after a coffee run in L.A. 
Page 18: Normal or Not? Ariel Winter carrying an enormous roll of bubble wrap -- not normal, Joel Michaely jumped for joy at the screening of his new film The Comeback Trail in Ft. Lauderdale -- not normal, Wanda De Jesus and Jimmy Smits enjoyed a stroll around Brentwood -- normal 
Page 19: Gretta Monahan before filming a segment on The View -- normal, Bridget Moynahan and Steve Schirippa made a grisly discovery on the set of Blue Bloods -- not normal 
Page 20: Fashion -- stars stun in silver -- Angelina Jolie, Thandie Newton
Page 21: Becky G, Elsa Hosk 
Page 24: Phil Collins and Orianne Bates are slinging mud as their split gets even nastier
Page 25: Dallas alum Patrick Duffy and Happy Days actress Linda Purl are dating
* Ben Affleck plans to spend Christmas away from his three kids in Cuba with girlfriend Ana de Armas who hasn’t seen her family in months and is desperately homesick and Ben will do anything to make her happy -- the couple then plan to celebrate the new year touring South America -- Ben’s ex-wife Jennifer Garner is not happy about his plans because she’s at full capacity after tending their kids solo while Ben was filming The Last Duel in Ireland but Ben has made up his mind 
Page 26: Cover Story -- Kelly Clarkson’s rush to the altar -- the star is healing from heartache with a hot new romance but as she tells pals she’s ready to wed again some are worried she’s moving way too fast -- pals are wondering if her mystery man could be country singer Brett Eldredge but Kelly is keeping her new guy’s identity under wraps for now
Page 29: Inside Kelly Clarkson’s ugly lawsuit -- the star is fighting in court with her former father-in-law Narvel Blackstock 
Page 38: Entertainment 
Page 48: Parting Shot -- pregnant Hilary Duff on the set of Younger in New York City 
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The True Story Behind An American Werewolf In London (1981), And The 9 REAL Werewolves That You Might Bump Into This Full Moon
What makes a horror film a cult classic?
Is it a suspenseful and seriously-addictive plot? Is it iconic characters with quick-witted one liners? Or is it the way the director throws out the old rule book and redefines the genre forever?
An American Werewolf in London (1981) doesn’t score so highly on any of those questions, but despite hitting the big screen amongst a herd of werewolf-inspired movies, it is officially a cult classic.
But why? 
With CGI so bad it’ll rival a low-budget episode of Buffy, and with sex scenes so bad it’ll rival a high-budget episode of Buffy, this Yankee doggo wouldn’t need a silver bullet to be floored at the box office these days.
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However, when the hum of the theatre-goers melted away into a hush as the opening shot of the Yorkshire Moors back in ‘81, this film was set to terrify the audience.
Jump-scares worthy of Annabelle 36: Yes, This Doll Still Ain’t Dead redefined the genre, with the shockingly realistic transformation scene taking centre stage.
Back in the 1980s, you didn’t see stuff like this. 
That’s why to the previous generation An American Werewolf In London is considered one of the most terrifying movies to date. But to me, the real terror doesn’t lie in the engorging snout of the American tourist, nor his every-decaying gap-year bestie. 
It’s how realistic this movie is to real werewolves.
Today’s post is all about how accurate the film’s portrayal of the werewolf is to the legends of the beast, and the roll-call of the 9 most famous real werewolves.
Let’s get spooky!
First, Let’s Recap Of An American Werewolf In London (1981)
The horror genre is infamous for many things.
The grotesque violence against women, female characters with less complexity than a box of condoms, and plots thinner than the women cast as final girls.
This film is no different, but it's the latter point that really matters here. 
The story starts with two American tourists who decided to spend their Gap Year in England. 
Yeah, me neither.
But instead of having an emotional connection with an elephant in India, they stumble into a cosy little pub named The Slaughtered Lamb. Chockful of secretive villagers and satanic imagery - oh, and a vague warning about the full moon - our scene is set. 
Basics, they tell ‘em: “Teach english to the primitive villagers all you want, just don’t go on the moors or you will get pregnant and die” 
Guess who gets lost and ends up on the moors. What’s that I hear? Mysterious howling that is getting closer to them? 
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One of the pair - Jack - is attacked first, and is mauled by the wolf-like being. David is attacked too, but the pub-goers shoot it before it has a chance to rip his throat out.
But moments before he passes out from the pain, he does not see a creature. He sees a naked man, instead. 
(Dun dun duh)
David wakes up 3 weeks later in a London hospital with no recollection of the attacks, but a policeman fills him in, claiming he was attacked by a lunatic. David’s dead pal Jack then makes the first of his appearances in a kind of ghostly-corpsy form. He lets him know that what attacked them was a werewolf, and that David is now one. 
Jack urges David to commit suicide to prevent an attack he cannot control, and to end the curse that makes Jack appear as a ghost that will continue with the existence of the bloodline. During his stint in hospital, he falls for a nurse who he shacks up with when he leaves hospital.
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During his first full moon, he stalks the streets of London, slaughtering several in the process. He wakes up in a wolf enclosure at the London Zoo, unharmed by the creatures and with no memory of last night.
Eventually, he begins to piece together the reality of his, uh, werewolf-ness, and attempts to prevent another massacre by getting himself arrested, but he fails. He is drawn into an Adult Cinema by Jack, and meets the ghosts of his other victims who helpfully suggest suicide methods for him to try. 
David transforms for the last time, and continues his attack into central London until he is cornered in an alley. His nurse-lover rocks up, and attempts to calm him. For a moment this seems to work, but he is then shot by police and dies. 
A sequel did follow up this film, and and sees a similar story set in Paris. The setting isn’t the only difference, however; this time we see an underground werewolf society that’s looking for ways to control the, uh, werewolfness using drugs. 
How Accurate Is This To The Legend Of The Werewolf?
Haunted houses, mass murderers, and the creepy details of infamous court cases - it doesn’t take much to justify typing ‘based on a true story’ onto a movie poster.
But the original inspiration behind this film doesn’t just follow one vague story about a vague ghost doing vague ghost things like taking that 10 quid out of your coat pocket even though you spent it on that candle from TK Maxx and are officially in denial that you have a problem it’s not a problem mum it just really rare to find that candle okay these are american imports.
The writer-director, Max Landis, wanted to focus his film on something real, on “something where you really [didn’t] have to suspend disbelief”.
To Landis, Werewolves are an “international” monster, with each individual culture having some man-beast supposedly roam their lands and ravage their communities. He even cited historical cases like in France or in Wales where people were burnt to death for their afflictions, cases that will get their attention later in this post.
So if this film was directly based on the legend of the werewolf, what was the legend of the werewolf?
A werewolf is a human that can shapeshift into a wolf having been cursed by another, or by an affliction from another werewolf during the night of the full moon. 
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Then again, tales tell of drinking water from the puddle created by a wolf’s footprint or wearing a fur belt too much that can cause one to become a ‘wolf-man’.
Scientists have debunked claims stretching back as far as 27 AD with a variety of medical causes unexplained in years gone by, from Lycanthropy (a disorder from which one believes they can transform into a wolf) to Werewolf Syndrome (medical conditions which involve excessive hair growth), to Poryphoria which coincidentally is also used to debunk rumours of vampirism. But the widespread belief that once dominated the world suggests supernatural forces could have been at play, too.
In fact, only in the 18th century did official court cases stop referencing werewolves in Bavaria and Austria.
Nevertheless, this hasn’t stopped myths and mysterious stories from still cropping up today. 
Historically, werewolves and witches were often closely aligned, whether the wolves were used by witches for their own purposes, or they were ridden by them. Therefore, a link was forged between witchcraft trials and the hunts for the man-wolves.  
That being said, it wasn’t just witches they were closely allied with: Germanic tradition might have focused on the former associations, but the Slavic countries considered them closely allied with vampires. This belief in werewolves in Europe - the epicentre of the beastly action - emerged in the 14th century, and peaked in 16th century france. 
This is where the first link between the historical cases of wolf-men and the movie emerge. If the number of werewolf cases grew during one era, this can point to 2 things: that rumours of werewolves fuelled more rumours, or that werewolves were real and thus spreading the curse.
So, when Jack appears as a corpsey-ghosty-being-thing and tells him that the werewolf bloodline needs to end with him, the film conforms to werewolf legends.
Specifically, werewolves were considered to have a variety of give-away traits whether transformed or as a human: unibrows, curled fingernails, low-set ears, and a certain swagger were dead giveaways for werewolves in their human guise. 
Or, when in wolf form, it will bear characteristics such as not having a tail, bearing human eyes and speaking with a human voice. So yes, that scene in Twilight is an accurate depiction of a werewolf. 
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But aside from David looking like a wolf during his transformation, one of the key similarities between historic cases and the film is the post-transformation effects:
Having returned to human form, werewolves are often weak and completely debilitated. In fact, severe depressions are often mentioned, too, something that must become pretty annoying if its every 4 weeks. 
Remember when David was in that coma for 3 weeks?
Remember when the ghosts lectured him on suicide methods?
Speaking of folklore mirroring the film, remember the totally-not-creepily-named pub? Ah yes, The Slaughtered Lamb:
The five-pointed star was enough satanic imagery to suggest a divine link to the werewolf that isn’t explored in the movie, but historically curses from gods, saints, and the devil are mentioned. The latter is specifically true for Russia, suggesting this werewolf might be fresh from Mother Russia. 
Oh, and of course, witches supposedly did deals with the devil, suggesting a witchy-satany-link that explains the decor of the pub. 
Given their warnings of a full moon and a desire to protect the young men from their original forays onto the moors, it suggests the decor was put in place as a protection against the supernatural forces haunting the area, or maybe even a deal with the forces to protect the pub or village itself. 
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The penultimate parallel is the OG attack itself.
The policeman claims David and Jack were attacked by a lunatic. And if you check out this post on the full moon, you’ll know how well this fits the concept of the werewolf. 
The final key similarity is this: 
The Ancient Greeks and Romans believed in the power of exhaustion to cure people of werewolf, uh, -ism. The captured victims would be subjected to unruly levels of physical exertion in the hope that it would drive the beast from the body. 
We discover in the second film that the actual ‘cure’ is adrenaline. By engaging in activities which encourage enough adrenaline to rush through the body, the beast can be kept at bay.
This is confirmed by the concept of killing a werewolf in the first film: when the werewolves are shot, they immediately return to human form. 
Quick flashback to GCSE biology, ‘couple dots connected, and here we are.
The 9 Real Werewolves That Have Existed Throughout History And Might Still Exist Today
So - we know that An American Werewolf In London is pretty-gosh-darn-accurate to the legend of the mythical beast that is the werewolf.
But it’s not like werewolves actually exist, do they?
Do they?!
#1 - Pierre Burgot (1502)
The 16th century was a pretty shite time to be alive. If you weren’t dying in childbirth, you were being beheaded for adultery, you dirty b*tch.
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Pierre Burgot was facing such a predicament, but his was slightly more furry. Whilst tending his sheep like most french farmers, three men on horseback rocked up and asked him if he’d like to renounce god and follow them, instead. With the promise of protected sheep, he accepted, and was later turned into a wolf as a part of the contract.
Then, in true devil-worshipper-werewolf fashion they terrorised the region, willingly becoming wolves to kill, pillage, and eat innocent civilians. 
When Burgot was eventually attacked during a quick snack, he was discovered in human form, mirroring the movie titling this post.
#2 - Giles Garnier (1573)
A hermit concealed in the woods who may or may not turn into a wolf is a pretty common tale still cropping up today, but back in the 16th century, this was more popular than ever. 
With a taste for childrens, he began to pick off and partially devour young locals. The villagers’ proof of his attacks, however, did not simply come from pinning the attacks on a recluse:
They saw a wolf maul a young boy and followed it to see it transform back into a human form - the human form of Giles Garnier.
Garnier even confessed to his shapeshifting-situation. 
#3 - Perrenette Gandillon (1598)
A 15 year old boy was livin’ his best Middle Ages life when he saw a wolf lunge at his sister. With its human hands it grabbed her and killed her, then switching its attention to him. 
It might have left deep wounds, and he might have died days later, but the boy had just enough time left to cough up a brief description of the hairy hands he saw grab his younger sister - and the scar gracing the wolf’s body.
From here the villagers led a mob to the house of Perrenette Gandillon, a woman who bore the same scar. This was actually a very common way to deduce a werewolf back to its human form. The thing is, they then worked out that it wasn’t just her who was getting wolfy.
Her whole family had actually been spotted in beast-mode, something they later each confessed to. 
(They were even believed to pace on all fours in their prison cells.)
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#4 - Jacques Roulet (1598)
This is the ultimate werewolf story, bringing together an ostracised member of a community and family relations that would make Christmas dinner more awkward than my UKIP aunt naming dropping Jacob Rees-Mogg.
When a young boy was found mutilated and two wolves seen, they were hunted down until a man dressed in rags and in a daze emerged from the darkness.
Jacques Roulet was his name; slaughtering innocent children was his game.
It is believed that he and his amigos had been given their powers by the devil himself, and the eventual confession of these amigos supported this claim.
#5 - Peter Stubbe (1582)
Whispers of werewolves have littered court records and conjured up local legends for centuries, but there are some people that stand out from the crowd - this is one of those werewolves.
Peter Stubbe was a well-off farmer who made his name in the community. Unfortunately, how we remember him is different to his community. Supposedly, Stubbe made a pact with the devil, requesting that “at his pleasure he might work his malice on men, women, and children, in the shape of some beast”.
His pact resulted in a murder spree spanning 25 years. By the time he was supposedly discovered as the culprit of the murders haunting Bedburg, he was described as devoid of humanity during his time as a wolf, and he had no memory of his actions once returned to his human form. 
#6 - The Beast of Gevaudan (1764)
Our story starts in 1764, when the residents of Gévaudan started noticing people were dying. Sure, it’s nothing new for 250 years ago, but when their throats were consistently being ripped out, concerns were raised.
With 210 attacks being blamed on these legendary man-eating animals or wolf-dog hybrid, this became a myth all too real for the inhabitants of the area. Lone men, women and children near livestock were the victims of these attacks, suggesting a totally normal beast attack, right?
But when they discovered that only the necks were being targeted, this pointed to much more mythical roots, explaining why we consider this one of the most prominent potential sightings of a werewolf to date.
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#7 - The Livonian Werewolf (17th century)
You’d think werewolves would be mysterious marvels of nature, rarely divulging the realities of their lives, right? This guy bucked the trend.
Thiess of Kaltenbrun was a typical Swedish bloke who spent his time practicing folk magic, wearing fur pelts, and becoming a wolf. Widely known to be a werewolf - despite being in his 80s - the authorities brought him in for questioning on an unrelated matter. From there he spilled on his specialist lifestyle.
He claimed he and others of his kind would only change on certain days like Pentecost or Midsummer Night by throwing on a wolf pelt, a common method of becoming the mystical being.
He also claimed that they would kill and ‘gather’ meat in wolfy form, but cook it in human terms. 
Yet the most peculiar point he made was that werewolves were not demonic creatures, but were agents of god. Werewolves would spend their free time travelling to hell to battle the devil and the witches, and bring back the livestock they had stolen, contradicting all other tales we have seen so far.
#8 - The Southend Werewolf (1952)
William Ramsay was only 9 years old when it first happened. One day, he suddenly felt an icy shiver take over his body, a smell like rotting meat float around him, and an aggression overcome his mind. He was shivering, he was growling, he was in-tune to his senses.
He had - or so he claimed - become a werewolf. 
He then finished up his transformation by ripping a fence post out of his garden. Super-human strength was often reported whenever this would overcome him, confirming that all these signs bear a similarity to cases of demonic possession. 
Other events of turning into a werewolf bear similar resemblance, including him attempting to attack and kidnap a prostitute and biting doctors attempting to restrain him. After every event, Ramsay would fail to remember the attacks. 
He even checked himself into a mental hospital in an attempt to get to the bottom of his affliction in the 1980s. They found no explanation for these events.
And it was following these similar cases of him ‘turning’ - including one that involved the police and splashed his story across the papers - that the Warrens decided to pay him a visit whilst in London. They deduced that this was a Demon Animal Spirit. Having been suspicious of his claims prior to their investigation, they then claimed an exorcism was required. So, Ramsay was flown out to the USA, and an exorcism performed by Bishop McKenna occurred. 
At first, the exorcism did fuck all. But it was only when the bishop touched his forward and asked the demon to reveal itself that Ramsay once again began to turn. That was the final time that Ramsay ever became a werewolf.
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#9 - A Mysterious Beast Is Killed In Montana (2018)
Strange and unknown creatures are always being killed, captured, and caught on camera. But with the ‘hoax’ label stamped firmly on most of these cases, they often go disregarded. This is not one of the cases.
In May 2018, deep in rural Montana, a creature was shot dead by a rancher. Cloaked in long, grey fur, bearing huge claws and an oversized head, this was no ratified beast.
The authorities had no clue what it was. 
The teeth and paws were too short to belong to a wolf, and the floppy ears and fur did not point to a doggo, either. 
Do You Think Werewolves Exist?
If you liked hearing ‘bout werewolves, I’m sure you’ll love to hear a new ghost story everyday, right?
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mywholelove · 4 years
Understandably, my great uncle, Marcus Garvey was misled by satan into endorsing the #slavetrade facility, created by pagans called #panafricanism.
I was also panafricanism as a profferred ideology, until I independently went to Africa in the 90s, and amongst other discoveries, saw that it was a prettily packaged, concept of malintent, created to apply human trafficking, or slave trading, and is similar to such things and phrases as " new world order ", a concept to promote mass murder, to the agenda of a league. Like santa claus, which actually is a satanic entity from east of Germany, it still sounds kind of attractive, from a distance, due to the imagery imbued in it!
panafricanism is a way to expand slave trade, without checks or account.
It's no surprise then, that in a eu state this week, ( romania ), someone was recently tried for trafficking over 1,000 vulnerable children, with intent to rob and burgle across all eu and other possible countries.
There are various reports of other activities against communities in United States of America and other places, which have received greater exposure, since the USElection2016 of United States President Donald John Trump, and his attention to the more effective protection and security of USA by improving US Military, and US Secret Service.
The eu is defined as a #paneuropean operation. #panamerican is operated across America by nafta, #panasian across Asia and Australia by asean, and panafrican across Africa by ecowas.
From the evidence, facts and truths I have witnessed, asean, ecowas, eu and nafta are the regional panafrican, panamerican, panasian and paneuropean entities, to manage the their activities under united nations holdings.
When you look beyond aesthetics, the Holy Bible, and other scriptures, reveal these in clues. This explains to me why the serpents, ( most main stream media and other plagiarist entities such as politics, religions, showbiz, sports and such ), are used to manipulate the ways of masses, in order to flatter and trick to the agenda of the league or cabal.
Watched closely, most main stream media and aid agencies promote projects which cause #familybreakdown, and war, diseases and distresses.
The Holy Bible refers to and defines the system called by such names as telnet, vax, superhighway, world wide web, internet, etcetera, as ' the backbone of the beast '.
Family breakdown is explained all through the Holy Scriptures including in the books of #Genesis, #Exodus, #Leviticus, #Deuteronomy, #Proverbs and #Revelations, and in spite of the multiple edits and obfuscations by those who support satanic or sat-un-ic agendas, ( most often those in politics and showbiz, the largest industries in this world over the millenias ), the references to Ethiopia, Ghana and Jamaica can be found. It was during my trips in Africa, that I discovered that many of the prophets and lands mentioned are in truth what are now called 'African'.
By cunning manipulation by organized crime entities, such as created by sat-un and its use of family breakdown, manipulation of the health, history and security of communities, panafricanism, as diesel being presented as ' clean ' in 2000, is presented, offered then enforced on compliant communities prepared to prostitute or embrace the sat-un-ic entities. They force people to focus on micro aspects, while they're being distracted from the greater agendas.
I was shocked when I overheard on multiple occasions, a relation reply to a question when she was asked ' what good she was achieving by dating a racist European', by her friends, that he maintained her house, bought her things and took her on expensive foreign holidays. Approval by society?
This may also explain why aid agencies operate plots and plans to encourage division of family, and therefore phrases such as " it takes a village to raise a child ".
It sounds pretty at glance, but then ask them,
" how many of your kids were raised by villages; or is that a facility to only be applied to those you consider as live stock for your exploitation? "
Due to #familybreakdown, most people, in spite of the abundance of evidences, still believe that there were no Negast, Akhan and other people from Africa in America, before the 1400s!
A combination of lessons from my daddy, my own observations and my research led me to discover that Negast or Nigga people have been established in America since at least the second century ' before christ ', about 2,200 years ago, long before Gama, Vespucci and Columbus, but family breakdown is designed by sat-un to hide knowledge and cause confusion, and the desire for social approval.
I see panafricanism as abject racism, to facilitate human trafficking, prostitution and slave trading, in support of the ' new world order ' agendas.
This also explains why, a un general secretary, the late Kofi annan, though born in, raised and very familiar with Africa and african cultures, never addressed the proliferate slave or barbaric, abominable, infidel, pagan practices across the whole world, and other matters. It took the babies nursed by western white women and islamic cultures to identify, and bring to world attention and action, the slave trade, and child slavery, then to develop and implement the system we now call #FairTrade.
During and following the severe droughts in Somalia, Ethiopia, and such, brought to our attention by pop stars like Midge Ure, Boy George, Michael Jackson, Bob Geldof, and many others pop music superstars, after some rains during dry season months in the 90s, the un administrators were at very first trying to figure a way to secure their continued funding. They'd rather flies, swollen bellied kids, than lose their funding. That's beyond sadastic politics.
As a result, in 1995, on an Indian Ocean or such island, I heard that they convened meetings. From those meetings, ( I figure ), they developed the ' jihadi ' and ' climate change ' narratives.
I discovered that the united nations pays up to $120,000.00 for a slave in the eu, while serpents ( main stream media entities ) distract the public with prejudices, pecuniary and other means. There hasn't been a war in Nigeria since the 1970s, so how come so many refugees claiming asylum in Europe, America and so on?
Iraq is further away from Nigeria than Nigeria is from France. People seeking social approval, never question obvious things.
Do you remember when many billions of US dollars, UK pounds, etcetera, were used to justify the mass slaughter of, ( say ), native Americans?
It was, until very recently, acceptable, encouraged and taught to children!
As a young kid of 5, 6, 7, etcetera, ( being Crazy ), I used to wonder
Couldn't they find a way to be friends, and ' make things better? '.
There is and always will be enough for everyone and more.
Never forget; God Jah is Greatest. Those who have a sat-un-ic agendas will try and countermand that position by many means.
Ras Tafari is the way of love, which brings peace and prosperity, irrespective of whether this is subsequently claimed by sat-un and or its serpents. The Most High God Jah states specifically that it is a vanity and a sin to work for nought. Where ever the counsel of Rastafarians is heeded, respected and adhered to, results in meaningful peace and prosperity.
Our Creator God Jah is truly greatest.
We give praises, glory, blessings and thanks to the Creator of the Universes, the Most High God Jah.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Warrior Nuns Through TV History
TV nunning is a broad church. Sometimes, it’s all gunfire, demon-dissolving punches and running through walls, as in Netflix’s latest comic book adaptation Warrior Nun. In that show, a mystical artifact gives a non-believing teen superpowers passed down the generations from holy sister to holy sister. Defeat the demons, protect the world, praise the Lord, and so on.
Other fictional TV nuns lead quieter, more cake-focused lives, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t also fighters. You might say that like superheroes, not all warrior nuns wear capes. You’d be wrong – nuns definitely wear capes. They’re called mantles and though roomy and practical, likely represent a significant time commitment with regard to ironing.
Warrior Nun‘s superpowered teen follows in the echoey footsteps of a whole conventful of fictional TV nuns remembered here – some good, some bad, some inordinately fond of biscuits, but all, in their own way, warriors.
Sister Mary Loquacious in Good Omens (2019)
Played by: Nina Sosanya
Allegiance: Satanic nuns of the Chattering Order of St Beryl
Warrior level: Novice
Weapon of choice: Infantilising baby talk of hoofikins and widdle demonic tails
Specialism: Biscuits with pink icing
Most likely to say: ‘Fancy me holding the Antichrist! Counting his little toesy-woesies!’
Getting into heaven? Absolutely not
Demon Crowley and angel Aziraphale may have been Good Omens’ major players, but Sister Mary Loquacious kicked off the whole mess by accidentally confusing the infant Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Prince of this World and Lord of Darkness with the human child of a couple from the Oxfordshire village of Tadfield. Easily done.
Sister Agatha in Dracula (2020)
Played by: Dolly Wells
Allegiance: The Army of the Faithful, St Mary’s Convent of Budapest
Warrior level: Intellectually? Top Tier. She’s Dracula’s ‘every nightmare at once: an educated woman in a crucifix’
Weapon of choice: Wooden stakes and double-barrel wit
Specialism: Scientific rigour and one-liners
Most likely to say: ‘A house of God is it? Well that’s good, we could do with a man about the place, eh sister?’
Getting into heaven? Ja, if she cared to grace it with her presence.
Unfazed, brave, funny and intellectually curious, Dutch-born Agatha put both her faith and folklore to the test when she took on Count Dracula, meticulously gathering research on his powers and learning the rules of the beast to try to use them against him. A true scientist and quite a woman.
Sister Michael in Derry Girls (2018)
Played by: Siobhan McSweeney
Allegiance: Our Lady Immaculate College/Rawhide
Warrior level: Untested in battle but doubtless lethal
Weapon of choice: Apathy, withering sarcasm and eye-rolls
Specialism: Judo (on Fridays)
Most likely to say: ‘Sweet suffering Jehovah’
Getting into heaven? I wouldn’t be the one to stop her.
You won’t find an ounce of sentiment beneath this wimple, Sister Michael’s dry disdain for the pupils at Our Lady Immaculate is expressed only through cutting remarks and declarations of boredom. Not a fan of priests, the French, love songs or… most things, she’s an authority figure for the Derry Girls. Every so often though, like when she turned a blind eye to Erin and co. distributing their banned lesbianism-focused edition of the school magazine, she’ll surprise you.
Sister Jane Ingalls in Orange is the New Black (2013)
Played by: Beth Fowler
Allegiance: Catholicism
Warrior level: Basically nil as she’s a committed pacifist, though she does punch Gloria in the mouth at one point for PR
Weapon of choice: Civil disobedience and the Good Book
Specialism: Activism
Most likely to say: ‘I was afraid nunning was going to be boring!’
Getting into heaven? Sure
As a young novice in the 1960s, Ingalls fell in with the bad nuns and got a taste for non-violent activism. A bunch of protests and a memoir later (full points for the title: Nun Shall Pass), and the church didn’t want anything to do with her, neglecting to cover her legal fees after she handcuffed herself to a nuclear facility, landing her in Litchfield.
Sister Harriet in Hunters (2019)
Played by: Kate Mulvany
Allegiance: Anti-Nazi, Pro-Quip
Warrior level: Top level. A highly capable operative.
Weapon of choice: Gun, blowtorch, you name it
Specialism: Threats of extreme violence delivered in the voice of a Downton Abbey marchioness.
Most likely to say: ‘I will set you aflame, child’
Getting into heaven? There’s some intrigue as to her real deal but she certainly seems to be on the right side of history.
This MI6 agent/Nazi-hunting nun from Amazon Prime’s Hunters is something of a Scary Poppins. She does an excellent line in death threats and action-movie quips. She’s deadly, has a shady backstory, speaks in a cut-glass English accent and is fond of biscuits. In other words: our kind of nun.
Matron Casp in Doctor Who ‘New Earth’ (2006)
Played by: Doña Croll
Allegiance: Sisters of Plenitude
Warrior level: Merciless eugenicist
Weapon of choice: Cat claws and science
Specialism: Incinerating conscious and begging-for-help human cloning experiments without a spark of fellow-feeling.
Most likely to say: ‘Who needs arms when we have claws’
Getting into heaven? Nah. Space prison more like.
The Sisters of Plenitude, healers on New Earth, may have called their work ‘the tender application of science’ but ‘the incredibly painful application of bastard cruelty’ better sums up their human cloning farm. This order takes a lifelong vow to help and mend, but clearly not to do no harm. And their hospital doesn’t even have a shop.
Abbess Hild in The Last Kingdom (2015-)
Played by: Eva Birthistle
Allegiance: Uhtred of Bebbanburg/the Lord
Warrior level: Advanced (but retired)
Weapon of choice: Dagger
Specialism: Throwing buckets of cold water on a sleeping Uhtred and sawing through the necks of dead Danes
Most likely to say: ‘I have killed, and I will kill again I’m sure, but hopefully not today’
Getting into heaven? Big yes.
Hild’s journey in The Last Kingdom took her from nun to warrior and back again. Rescued from attack by Uhtred, Leofric and Yseult, she swore to become a fighter and more-than earned the title. Eventually, her vocation called her back to the church, where she now remains as the Abbess with whom you don’t mess.
Sister Jude in American Horror Story: Asylum
Played by: Jessica Lange
Allegiance: Catholicism and the teachings of Monseigneur Timothy Howard
Warrior level: Complicated
Weapon of choice: Forced commitment to an insane asylum,
Specialism: Guilt
Most likely to say: ‘All monsters are human’
Getting into heaven? Bad things happened under her watch but she does try to atone
The head of Briarcliff, an institution for the criminally insane, Sister Jude is a complex character with a complicated trajectory. She mistreats, but is also also gravely mistreated.
Sister Monica Joan in Call the Midwife (2012-)
Played by: Judy Parfitt
Allegiance: Raymond Nonnatus, patron saint of childbirth
Warrior level: Yoda
Weapon of choice: Forceps and fey literary quotation
Specialism: Sniffing out and emptying hidden cake tins
Most likely to say: ‘My first responsibility is to ensure the consumption of this cake’
Getting into heaven? Hundo P
AKA the best Call The Midwife nun, and an OG resident of Nonnatus House ever since the BBC One series began. Owing to her advanced years and developing dementia, Sister Monica Joan is now retired from midwifery, but in her prime there wasn’t a birth canal in Poplar that hadn’t welcomed her up to the elbow. She’s highly educated and extremely well-read with an instinctive love of beauty, poetry, cake and Doctor Who, which makes her the patron saint of all our hearts.
Sister Sybil in Camelot (2011)
Played by: Sinéad Cusack
Allegiance: Shady but ultimately loyal to Morgan
Warrior level: Witch
Weapon of choice: Dark magicks
Specialism: Child sacrifice?
Getting into heaven? Nah.
When Uther Pendragon banished his daughter Morgan in Chris Chibnall’s 2011 Camelot, she was raised in a nunnery by a sister who was no stranger to the dark arts. When Morgan (played by Eva Green) returned to claim her birthright, Sister Sybil was the one whispering poison in her ear and teaching her how to channel her powers.
Sister Bertrille in The Flying Nun (1967)
Played by: Sally Field
Allegiance: El Convento San Tanco in San Juan
Warrior level: Negligible
Weapon of choice: Not so much a weapon, but her flight-enabling cornette was the big thing.
Specialism: As the title suggests, flight
Most likely to say: ‘When lift plus thrust is greater than load plus drag, anything can fly.’
Getting into heaven? Si señor.
A creation of Tere Ríos’ book The Fifteenth Pelican, Sister Bertrille was the fresh-faced nun-next-door whose cornette combined with the Puerto Rico coastal winds allowed her to fly in the 1960s TV series. According to Sally Field’s excellent memoir In Pieces, the whole experience was more drag than take-off.
Miss Clavel in Madeline (1988-2001)
Voiced by: Judith Orban & various
Allegiance: An old house in Paris/the Catholic church
Warrior level: more sentry than prize fighter
Weapon of choice: Education! (Read: day trips to the circus)
Specialism: Waking up in the middle of the night with a nagging sense that something’s off kilter with her young schoolgirl charges, then singing a song about it.
Most likely to say: ‘Vite, vite mes petits’
Getting into heaven? Mais oui
The headteacher at Madeline’s Parisian boarding school in the Ludwig Bemelmans’ books and their various TV and film adaptations, Miss Clavel is a kindly sort. She gives her young boarding school pupils warm moral instruction and generally manages to extract Madeline from the mouth of whatever tiger she’s crawled inside that week. Not ferocious, as warriors go, but kind and dependable.
Septa Unella in Game of Thrones (2015)
Played by: Hannah Waddingham
Allegiance: The Faith of the Seven
Warrior level: High Bastard
Weapon of choice: Wooden spoon and ignominy
Specialism: Torture and bell-ringing.  
Most likely to say: ‘Confess!’  
Getting into heaven? Not in one piece she won’t after what Cersei did to her
The Geneva Convention didn’t reach the Seven Kingdoms. If it had, then the supposedly holy Septa Unella wouldn’t have beaten Cersei Lannister with a water ladle and made her drink from the floor like a dog before parading her naked to jeering crowds around the city. Not a nun to mess with, unless you’re a Lannister.
Sister Assumpta in Father Ted (1995)
Sister Boniface in Father Brown (2013)
(Briefly) Olive in Pushing Daisies (2007)
Mother Superior in Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005)
Kassia the Byzantine nun in Vikings (2019)
Warrior Nun is available to stream now on Netflix.
The post Warrior Nuns Through TV History appeared first on Den of Geek.
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kbbey · 6 years
Fantastic Beasts Review! (Spoilers)
This is basically just a big rant about how I think Tina Goldstein deserves better. 
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Okay not even gonna lie I was disappointed in this movie. Maybe I just had to much hope in ma girl Tina but I wanted so much more from her! 
In all the interviews and everything they were talking about how Tina had this newfound ‘confidence’ and while she did I felt like she did absolutely nothing with it. 
I really wanted to see her protecting Credence because I feel like she is/will be the only one who can get through to him because she was the first person to show him kindness/protection from his mother in FBAWTFT. 
Also, the first half of the movie I feel like we didn't even see her and they kept talking about her roaming around France and when they finally see her she's been captured?? Like no way sis she has so much more smarts than that. 
During the big-ass cemetery fight scene she had literally no role... her only effort to save Queenie was like screaming her name as she walks into the flames?? Like no sis. 
WE DIDNT EVEN GET TO SEE HER GRIEVE QUEENIE. We saw like 3 minutes of Theseus and Leta’s goodbye... no offence but I don't really care although I am mad at another female death
I just feel like the OG Team was really overlooked and undervalued in this movie and that makes me a bit sad
In saying that things I liked;
- costumes and score were really really noiceee
- QUEENIE EVERYTHING QUEENIE except for that which we will not mention
- Newt’s adorable Tina smiley newspaper clipping he had in his case which he then very proudly showed to her
- Newt being SHOOK when he found out Tina got another boyfriend (and asking Jacob about it)
- salamander eyes 
- Tina being mad at Newt and referring to him as “Mr. Scamander” knowing full well it will throw him off
- lady telling newt to take his shirt off
- eyes like salamanders 
NONETHELESS, I’m sure this is all in JK’s plan to setup some pretty epic movies I’m just super salty we have to wait a few years for more
Also I really like Leta offering a hand to Tina as she got out of the case like she could have been a bitch but she wasn’t and I STAN (also Zoë Kravitz ammiright)
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demonslayvr · 5 years
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'fore blazing home came atumbling  ;  there was a family of four  (  childhood v. )
PRE GAMES  /  NOVEL’S  /  MANGA’s.   pretty clear  --  this is any interaction that has been plotted or otherwise during dante’s childhood til the fire.  by default he’s going to be about 6 - 8 years of age with the latter age at least a couple months before the fire.  
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quite indeterminate yet the bang of a gun and the slash of a sword still remain a constant ( undetermined v  )
PRETTY OBVIOUS.   i haven’t made a decision where shit goes yet thus its undetermined.  will change during thread once we plot more on it or i figure something out myself.
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not everything has a simple ending.  crashing demons is easy but other things ? that can be tough  (  multifandom v  )
GENERAL CROSSOVER / MULTIVERSE v.   pretty generic verse for when either dante himself or another character   outside   of the devil may cry canon gets tossed comes inside it.  i’ll probably branch off if and whenever i make verses for  in - fandom specific  threads when i build something for each one of them but this is it for now.  sometimes this verse tag will accompany another one  ;  which just means whichever verse he’s in and what you should follow development wise is connected. basically just a multi - fandom tag for crossover threads,  lads.   
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die trash man  ;  take your sword and SHOVE IT  ( crack  )
GENERAL CRACK.   as the package says it’s just a verse / tag for crack whenever it happens.  sometimes it may 
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a flash to a past that holds bitter air.  pain was a story here.  you wish not to go back   ( post dmc5 / alternate interaction v )
ALTERNATE INTERACTIONS.   pretty much like with the multifandom verse tag this one is simply going to go with   any   other version of himself dante interacts with.  might get latched onto with another verse tag just for my own sanity but  . .  yep.
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low feelings  ;  simply moving along to find dangers and distractions ( devil may cry one v. ) 
SET JUST BEFORE,  DURING OR AFTER DMC1 AND BEFORE FOUR.  pretty much as the previous sentence says lads.  he’s an angstee boy but not as angsty as his two self i guess lmao.  but yeah,  this verse is a huge back track in terms of development and how he is in the verse   below  this one.
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bang bang bang kiss of the gun & blade ; where are we?  (  post dmc5 - main )
POST DMCV.   follows the full OG dmcv canon til end  -  depending on interaction this could mean that any vergil written with and dante are in hell still doing whatever the fuck they please   or   after the fact and home and going on with their lives.  or trying  ;  considering vergil is back in his life and alive.  this is also the   DEFAULT   verse of the blog.
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there's a fire in your veins that speaks your losses yet you continue to bend in remembrance (  atla / lok v.  )
SHUNNED.   known for killing his twin brother,  his very name and even more so in taking jobs to pay the bills   --  jobs that more so upset the delicate balance between the human and spirit realms.  
dante sparda   comes from the fire nation  -- his father a previous high general in the army  ; one that tried to broker peace in a time where it was unheard of while the fire nation ruled. his father met eva when he was traveling the earth nation and secretly begun a relationship with her.  their love was beautiful,  eventually in as much secret as possible eva bore two young boys:  vergil and dante sparda.
happiness was not to last however as wind was caught of the affair and the children,  leaving eva and the young sons to go on the run with sparda defending their escape.  the name sparda was drug through the mud as the man was never heard from again after that night. unknown what became of him as deflected firebending set the house ablaze.
short years pass,  spending it on the run from those who want to end the chapter of embarrassment  --  but it finally catches up.  one evening eva comes running,  telling her boys to go  --  to run and hide.  forget their names but stay at each other’s side.  the twins do as told and don’t look back  ;   the last time they see her.  however in their escape they end up separated,  captured by soldiers of the fire nation.  dante’s anger and despair of losing his entire family causes him to lose control  ;  lashing out on the soldiers that caught him and running away
“ you must change your name  ;  forget your past and start a new life as someone else.  “
that he does.  he changes his name and disappears,  alone.  fast forwarding a couple years he’s a spirit hunter  ;  taking jobs that rid   “  evil spirits  “  that cause issue or problem for anyone that pays a good amount.  a mercenary that cuts down those who’ve wronged the wrong person  ;  non and bender’s alike.  his father’s sword,  rebellion,  at his back to assist and create a dancing display of fire just as much as his bending.  he’s a difficult one to get close to but once you cool him off   (   haha )  he’s a loyal friend and ally.  
with the war over at the end of the series he’s more vocal of who he is  --  even though he was  previously   but with some of the fire nation’s  “ norms  “  kind of relaxing from fire - lord zuko’s rule   . .  he’s his father’s son.  his mother’s son.
lok  verses are basically  . .  kinda the same.  except i guess he’s older   . .  ??
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pay off the debt to save your skin  ;  something within broke and former gentle soul crushed under weight ( dmc 2.0 v )
CANON DIVERGENT.  dante snapped,   perhaps it was inevitable  -  perhaps losing too many people tore what little the cambian could handle to pieces and the person that emerged from it was more a threat than he was before.  after the events of devil may cry 1 after realizing that he had  ( supposedly   )  killed his brother there was something in him that couldn’t handle it and everything begun to crumble.
in this timeline something in him changed, and while it wasn’t immediate  –  little things when he would have been understanding over a situation didn’t sit as they should.  but it happened quickly.  with trish’s betrayal he didn’t help her,  allowing her to get crushed by the tumbling rocks  ;  simply standing there and watch it happen.  its drawn out,  with him coming over to crouch beside her as she struggled to heal.  in his allowance bore cruelty,  snarling that she should have known better to betray him  –  mundus shouldn’t have done what he did and expect him to now not try and go after him.
he,  as he does in the normal timeline,  states that while she looks like his mother that she has no soul,  no fire and for that she’s just a puppet.  he shoots her more than once,  killing her   –   the last time he sheds a tear.  he reaches mundus,  who commends him for his actions yet the hybrid isn’t having it.  the fight with mundus goes about the same but with dante  killing him   for ultimately forcing him to murder his brother,  being the one who set the orders to   burn down   his home  –  twice   –  and turn his life upside down.
he goes through the portal mundus opened to  try   and escape and ultimately assumes himself as the  new king  of the underworld.  he still runs his business since even though he’s king there will always be factions that don’t   like it   due to his bastard blood and he’s more than happy to snuff it out.
his attitude is   mostly   intact   (  though this is said   loosely   since he’s less talkative and jovial   )   though now it’s unsettling at times since his jokes and humor can be a bit morbid  – let alone how his aura feels.  its dangerous and uncomfortable to be around  ;  his care for humans as a whole is almost non - existent except for a small inkling for lady.  
BIG NOTE:  THIS TIMELINE IS SET AFTER DEVIL MAY CRY ONE,  KIND OF   SKIPS FOUR    (    though it   IS   likely nero still exists but dante doesn’t care much about it  or know   )    SLIGHTLY INVOLVES TWO    ( aka:  dante gets annoyed that some idiot human is making helicopters messed up with demonic juju and wants to become king.  so he kills arius  )  AND INVOLVES   SOME CONTENT   OF FIVE.  
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to enact your revenge most had been taken  ;  body & mind broken so it could begin   (  witcher v  )
———–   destiny.  you hear it more than you’d like to admit.  destiny is what brought your parents together  ;   one monster and the other a witch.  two were born,  twins and raised in care by the witch til fate came to pass and ripped the three of you left apart.  in trying to halt destiny the father,  sparda,  had done his best to hold it off  ;  disappearing one afternoon when the boys had been young   ——–   so long ago.  his hope ??   that staying away would bring a kinder reality and future.
fire and blood,  a mother doing best to protect her children was found disemboweled on the floor within the crumbled castle foundations.  the youngest child was told to hide,  hide away and if the mother didn’t resurface   . .  to run.  she didn’t,  but the youngest fought his way out of the castle   —-  skills of his mother surfacing with an aptitude for beast slaying in the same scope.  his father’s sword,  created by hellish and beastly means was his and aptly used to start a revenge   —  to   KILL   demons in his mothers name.  and in his brothers   —   as both were believed to have perished in the attack.
in a short time and with training the young hybrid killed demons for a price   ;   eventually catching the eye of a witcher.  the nature of the hybrid himself and the skills he held were of interest   —   brought to kaer morhen to be trained as a witcher.  almost losing himself in the process yet he endured,  it further altering his physiology that was already different with the hybrid nature he had.
with the trials and effective torture to   be   a witcher an astounding success he buried into the extensive training to pursue the beast that slayed his family while also being a monsterslayer for hire.  
———–   destiny.  you hear it more than you’d like to admit.   destiny and fate has brought you here.  brought you a thought lost ache in your heart for the family lost all to avenge them and   kill   the beast that killed   them.   you feign your disinterest,  your lack of care but there is much of it in soul.   destiny   is a cruel mistress,  son of sparda.  yet perhaps she may gift you the   KINDNESS   to provide retribution if you are to   live   long enough.
Notes 1:    with his father’s blood and how he is part beast,  his body temperature is more abnormally hot than normal  –  able to reach just below lava temperatures without it seeming to create any problems for him.   Notes 2:   his magic is mostly fire based,  secondly offensive  (   akin to geralt’s in show how it can push things back,  etc  ).  with the fire being used to distract he’s referenced to a dragon at times which he ignores. Notes 3:   dante’s still trans because i say so   ;   while magic used to be used to help him pass he’s since has procedure through coin to get effectively top surgery  —  the scars easy to pass off due to his occupation.  bottom surgery hasn’t been attempted but with becoming a witcher,  like the rest,  he’s infertile. Notes 4.    he’s   school of the wolf   because i said so,  wolves are cool and it has geralt so sue me  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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you wished you could forget ; everything else seems to blur but not him. not the brother you lost. (  IT v.  )
AFTER THE FIRE  you found yourself in foster care with your brother in tow. foster turned into adoption with the family that adopted the two siblings ended up bringing the two of them too derry,  maine.  immediately the youngest sibling knew something was off about the town  ;  the atmosphere unsettling but kept it to himself,  not wanting to blow the change he had with his brother at having a new life.  (   he and vergil are still cambion’s,  but their power is,  like,  kinda not as Large as it is normally.  still half demons tho folks.   )
the youngest had trouble settling in a new town,  smaller than the last  –   economically  (  as he and his twin were upper class before this )   and town size in general with more seeming conservative values.  he was lucky to find himself in a slightly liberal and understanding household as he was a transgender kid who no one knew any less of. something he was more careful to keep to himself.
everything was fine,  the brothers settled in and all was well until it wasn’t.  exploring the woods and the barrens  –  finally opening up to his brother that things were strange in the town and he could feel something off.  they went looking but in doing so  . .  there had been an opening of weakness for the two  –  distractions and a trap.  their mother,  burned and in pain asking for their help  ;  of course the two came closer.  there was a small difference in this faux recreation and trauma that dante noticed  –  calling out for his brother to stay away but,  unfortunately the youngest saw the eldest fall victim to the trap  –  terrified and running away when he couldn’t do anything but possibly fall victim too.
time passed,  school continued on with whispers and comments on how the twin had probably did it himself,  causing the kid to isolate himself from everyone even though he knew what he say.  adults didn’t believe him but there was a group that seemed to have had a run in with this   . .  fuckin’ clown.  
(   going off:  smol™ dante getting involved with the losers after he straight up talks to one of them about what happened and what he saw  /  big™ dante having gone off like the rest of the losers doing his own thing aka kill other demon / eldritch things as normal kinda sorta and then re - meet up with them  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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same person but different mistakes  ;  still wrought pain upon brothers ( altered outcome / divergent v. )
CANON DMC DIVERGENT.   pretty much a what if  /  reversal if dante led the life vergil did instead of vergil himself.  it’s pretty much the same events but with dante the cause of them or involved instead of vergil.  his attitude is close to what 2.0 dante is but not entirely there in terms of destruction.  however he is still trying to deal with the aftermath of nelo angelo fame and dmcv’s whole thing.
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ARISE ;  for you are reborn into something greater.   ARISE    baricontralto angelo - fight.  ( post dmc 5 div. nelo angelo dante v  )
HE HAD BEEN COCKY. the cambion had been cocky upon returning back with his twin from the underworld   ;   cocky that with his twin that nobody could beat them if they simply worked together.  and he was right.  he was right up until he was wrong and time,  well  . . time wasn’t kind.    it had been nine months   since their return from the underworld from cutting down the qliphoth and in that time a   familiar blue amulet   found itself back in dante’s possession.  it had been lost for several decades,  having been lost to the boy during the day he had come home to find gavreel and the family slaughtered on the lawn.
he kept it close,  he knew the meaning   –  he knew that there was   peace   again but  .  . he knew the danger of once again having this but would not dare get rid of it   –  he’d ride the coaster until it stopped.  he’d be happy to have this shred of happiness and he felt he was finally allowed to have something   –   happy to have his brother back and have some semblance of family.
that was,  well,  until he   lost   the amulet.  he didn’t notice that he did,  believing it was still in pocket during a small run in with demons  ;  a job that he had taken alone   –  it seemed that fate was playing her hand that day.   it had been dropped during an evasion and was lost upon his shift ahead   –  he didn’t even spot it.  the job became less easy,  it tiring him considerably as the  small group   of demons became larger   –   and while it was initially a challenge   . .
it soon became taxing.  as the larger the numbers the more exhausted the demon hunter became,  the more he started to slip up.
it was only then did he realize that this was no job.  it was a   trap   and he was caught in a net he couldn’t tear himself from.  a familiar feeling emerged,  one he   hadn’t felt   for decades.  a demonic force that he had thrown fury at that same time.  he hadn’t been this week before.  he knew who this was and   . .   he was in trouble.  this trap had been calculated and he had fallen into it hook,  line and sinker.
the distraction of the feeling,  of the demonic energy rising in the space leaves him vulnerable  –  attacks slicing at his back,  his arms and legs   –   a lucky slash to his throat leaves him struggling and gripping his throat.   he hits his knees before he realizes he does  ; he ultimately   —   unintentionally   —   bows    to the demon king before he passes out, demonic weapons and claws slashing into his back.
the next   redacted years   in the demon world are a nightmare that  post   angelo dante would have trouble remembering for all that happened are buried deep in repressed memories.  the years blur together,  but dante holds for a long time  –  dante suffers,  he burns,  he aches,  he struggles    –   he perseveres.  for a time anyway.   he recalls and holds onto the trade out  . .  that this could have been   vergil   here instead of he.  last minute changes,  bouts of laughter as he accepted the job and ran out the door.  
see you soon   he had said.  but the jovial air had long past.  memories begin to muddle,  to ebb and fade in and out as things became foggy.  a struggle to remember  –   a struggle to fight but   . .   not all fights can be won.  this one eventually was lost.
out of years of torturous pain and bloodshed arose a new pet,  a puppet that was loyal and true.  one that slaughtered doppelganger after doppelganger of brother and self,  of friends and allies that the king knew that the former knew.  he was satisfied that his little puppet would do just fine.  that perhaps he could lure in his old   ;   have the complete set  –  for use of the younger did fine in breaking the elder.
this soldier has two forms  ;  one that fed to his devil trigger (   generic nelo angelo  –  not much power is used for it  –  basically it’s dante on the regular tapping into demonic power with his first devil trigger.  he’s stronger than normal,  having given into his addiction to human and demon blood and grown more powerful because of it  )  
and another that feeds into his   sin   devil trigger  (  essentially the  ‘  dragon  ‘  -  esque look.  however its almost imperfect in how the black scales have become the darkish red  / brown  ;  something not quite right.  scales do fall off without warning from time to time, revealing a near lava like flow underneath.   )  
baricontralto  . .  a name to be used to not arouse suspicion  ;   a soldier that would destroy armies and bring cities to their knees in the name of his master.   time would be swift for the pawn to be used,  for the king himself was pleased.  he was cocky with his new toy  . .   and it wasn’t long before he was to be used   . .  
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despite all your losses & destruction ; despite trauma &  trials  . .  my darling boy you’re still you. (  undertale v.  )
[  fight  ]                     [  act ]                    [  item  ]                   [ mercy  ]    
                                     ↳   [  dante sparda ]                                      ↳   [   check  ]
IT WAS UNPRECEDENTED.  a human and a monster coming together and falling in love.  falling in love after the war to a human   witch   that found herself in the closed off underground after a tumble.  sparda protected eva from the monsters at first,  keeping her under his care  –  yet the umbra witch found herself using her powers and skills to assist in healing a monster in peril.  
keeping eva out of harms way was  . .  difficult due to her humanity being a source of contention.  monsters wanted to escape.  eva rather enjoyed being alive.  in the end eva’s healing magic to save and protect those around her and her love and the fact that she was  older   and not prime use to open a proper exit to the human world.  asgore swore eva off limits to monsters as she was kind and a healer to them all.
in time sparda and her married and she bore two children  ;   hybrids   –   part monster and part human.
but not even the king’s word could stop those who still feared humans and humanity.  those who held   rage   toward a species that had caused so much trouble and locked them away for thousands of years,  if not more.   a fire erupted into the underground,  started at the quaint yet spacious house and spread further throughout the underground.  by the time it had been put out  –  eva had been recovered,  dead,  in the home attempting to escape herself but the boys nowhere to be found.  with her last ounce of magic she had sent her boys away,  far away and out of the underground and topside.
now alone and separated from his remaining family and traumatized by the attack to his home the hybrid remained alone  –  growing up such until he found himself protecting humanity against   other   monsters   ;   demons.  demons and monsters that had managed to stay in the human world but grew dangerous and lost themselves.   dante sparda grew to love his humanity yet slowly accept the monster part of himself.
with a job giving him   whispers   of the brother he thought he lost through his own hand now somehow residing in the underground  . .  he flew in to investigate,  still holding some anger over what had been done to his family yet   . .  holding   determination   and patience to deal with the rumors and what he’s about to come across.
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shrimpyscriptmage · 6 years
Missing AU’s
So I decided to compile a list of AU’s I had but either lost because the person ditched me or still want with multiple people because they are amazing. Putting it under a read more because it might get kinda long. If you are interested in doing one of these AU’s then please let me know I would love to continue these. So bad. There are other ideas I have based on other Fanfic’s which would be fun to rp out. you can also ask me about those. Of course you don’t need to read the fanfics. If the premise (aka how I name the AU) seems interesting you can ask me and I can give more details. I will try and have a brief story too though. Some of these AU’s can be triggering so here is your warning now for Abuse and Possibly Rape.
- Modern Bully AU/Mafia AU- Had this one with Irxnslayer. It was kinda a mix of two fanfictions I read. I would love to redo this one except do it a bit differently. Details can be worked out with the partner. Fanfic 1 link and Fanfic 2 link    Story- Levy is in high school when she is targeted for bullying by Muse B. What Muse B doesn’t is that Levy is abused at home. When Muse B finds out they do what they can to help Her.        Optional Point I like- In the fanfic Levy had a daughter. So that hints at Molestation/rape as well.
- Greatest Showman type AU- Another Au I had with Irxnslayer. Again it was based off a fanfiction with aspects og The Greatest Showman in it (mostly Levy having acrobatics experience) The partner would be ringleader of the circus. Fanfiction- LINK    Story- Levy is on the run from an abusive boyfriend when she finds herself hiding in a covered cage. The cage happens to be for a circus Tiger. The tiger sensing her fear help hide her. Hearing the commotion Muse B who is the ringleader offers her sanctuary.
- Dragon Bride AU- Another with Irxnslayer.  It’s pretty much based off of an Rboz comic. Comic- LINK Comic Explanation- LINK    Story- I won’t type one for this. The comic Explanation is worded better than I can write.
- Rockstar AU- This one is pretty open and a bit self explanatory. Was based on the anime Nana a bit. (Ren and Nana I should say with the drug use and etc)
- In times of war- Another one with Irxnslayer. Era can be determined I kinda wrote it as a back in the day ww2 because that’s what my head was stuck on but it can be open. Basically Levy’s Husband (husband just works best) Being deployed, oh and Levy is pregnant.
- Beauty & The Beast AU- Another one that is self explanatory.
- Surprise Reunion- I had this one with two different people who aren’t around anymore and I love it to death. It is based on a fanfiction. Fanfic- LINK    Story- Levy is forced by her parent’s to move across the country. The night she finds out is right after her 16th birthday. Upset she goes to Muse B’s house. Muse B is her childhood friend but they both are in love with each other. Her parent’s don’t approve of Muse B. They share their feelings and have a romantic night. Muse B helps Levy pack and once the relationship between her and Muse B is noticed by her parent’s things go sour. The move happens and Levy is forced to cut all contact. Soon after moving she finds out she is pregnant with Muse B’s baby since they didn;t use protection. Levy’s parent’s threaten to take her baby if she finds a way to tell Muse B. She has the baby all while going to school and working to save up money. After graduation she moves back to her hometown with her almost two year old and the first step is to tell Muse B everything.
- Modern Au- One with irxnslayergajeel where Gajeel was in a wheel chair. I still want an AU like this.    Story- Muse B is driving to run an errand. After getting of the phone with wife Levy he is in a bad car accident. Levy rushes with their child to the hospital to find him in a small coma (length can be determined through plotting). When he does wake up Muse B is in a wheel chair and they struggle together from there. (Another aspect we had was Levy was in an abusive relationship in hs until Muse B saved them. They have been high school sweethearts since)
- Marry Me- Based on the song “Marry Me” by Thomas Rhett. I do have this AU with someone but more pls. I love it. The music video perfectly describes how I want to do this thread. Song- LINK    Story- Levy is set to get married but realizes she is in Love with Muse B instead who is her childhood friend and has been in love with her as well.
- Light it Up- I did make an open starter for this one. It’s based on a song as well. Song- LINK    Story- Levy and Muse B are in the middle of a fight. Her phone ends up out of commission for a few days (either taken by friend or dies) She finally get a hold of Muse B after a few days and noticing all the texts and missed calls.
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almaasi · 7 years
reaction post typed while watching SPN 13x07 “War of the Worlds”
in which I explain exactly why I don’t enjoy Buckner/Ross-Leming episodes (beyond obvious problematic issues and pacing), and why Meredith Glynn’s episodes are better imo
don’t know what to expect, so it’s gonna be SURPRISE
not expecting greatness since it’s the deadly duo, but i’m hoping this won’t become a “cas is leaving and won’t be back or mentioned for 8 episodes straight” thing
(or a “these writers are racist and misogynists” thing)
why do they never just fly back out the way they came in??? THE WINDOW IS OPEN YOU CURSED BEAST
whoop time to pull my window blind down ‘cause this show is so dark and i can’t see shit
i have yet to care about asmodeus
and i decidedly don’t care about lucifer
i care about mary in the sense that i don’t want anything bad to happen to her but i’m fine with her not being part of the main story
does that downtrodden black demon have a name?? i’m still rooting for him either way
also still can’t tell if michael’s vessel is a white dude or not
(edit: i think maybe no)
frankly i am still unsure why jack blasted team free will across the room, repeating his last mistake, given that doing that killed someone before??
was it like a “if gonna hurt everyone and here let me prove it” thing? or a “i’m getting you out of the way so you can’t grab me” thing??
*insert stock footage here*
cas lists all the worst possible scenarios
yea he’s a dad
why is david haydn-jones credited in this?!?!?!?! WHAT
maybe a flashback
cas: “my contact is already anxious... won’t speak in the presence of a stranger”
sure jan
what’s the bet the writers have a pool of “reasons cas has to go alone” and they just pick one from a hat
dean: “so introduce me, then i’m not a stranger”
good. please.
but tbh i’m kind of amazed dean is healthy enough to let cas go alone and not worry that he’s gonna lose the guy again, given he just got back from the dead
the was asmodeus is purring “jaaaaaaaack” makes me imagine him as a snow leopard
edit: i could definitely see him on a tarot card, a snow leopard with a scarred eye, sitting on a throne
“the jack”
i enjoy that lil twist on his name. like the jack in playing cards
such manspreading
asmodeus: “say wW’hH~at !”
hurr hurr
i’m finding it hard to pay attention to michael and lucifer talking about stuff
these episodes always feel like uuuurughghhh gotta push through
this kevin is very different
kinda twitchy
maybe autistic? (i mean... could he have taken that "worm” insult more literally?)
lucifer: “can’t you see michael is a monster? pure evil??”
kevin: “okay i’m confused, aren’t you SATAN”
so lucifer just leapt through the rift
where is mary though
how did all those people not see satan fall out of a GIANT GLOWING RIFT
“no eye contact, beverley”
random guy named karl is dead
yup thanks let’s add another non-white person to the deadly duo murder list
i just had a weird moment where i was like “ugh the filler episodes are so dull” and then realised this was a plot episode, and actually i like the filler better than the plot because the plot is just shoehorned in by buckner and ross-leming between interesting episodes
paused for a bit to feed my cat
and while i did i was thinking i’d like jack to meet kevin. i’ve been thinking about that for a few weeks, but it seemed impossible for obvious kevin-is-dead reasons, BUT NOW
so the witch told the winchesters she needed protection, then left without explaining why
and then the winchesters had to follow her there, to a place that was hard to find
and then tell her “we followed you here”
and it was hard to find even though they followed her????
and they just enter the house not assuming it’s a trap of some kind
i replayed it, sam says “but we followed you here”
that “but” makes a lot of difference okay we’re good
this cabin looks exactly like all the other cabins they’ve used as a cabin
look, in comparison, i love meredith glynn’s writing (e.g. the one where sam and dean visit the therapist, the one where dean loses his memories). because yeah, her stories are whimsical and i adore that - but sometimes they’re also gory and can get dark. yet her characters are soft and emotionally available. and they make decisions because of curiosity, or worry, or sadness, or grief or... y’know, something core-deep and with lots of different perspectives within those emotions.
whereas buckner and ross-leming.... every decision their characters make are fuelled by straight-up anger and fear. and it’s usually surface-level - reactive, or sudden, without narrative depth giving a clear reason for that anger.
and i’m not saying that anger-fuel can’t be interesting, it’s that it makes it hard to watch for me. the characters feel more closed off, more directly just going for a “kill or be killed” thing. they want to hurt people, get revenge, use force to get information.
it’s not necessarily out of character, it’s just that a) there’s a lot of it, and every character seems to function the same way even though they’re different people, and b) the setup to those scenes isn’t enough to make me understand why they all begin by fighting, or torturing someone before asking nicely.
no, i don’t like ketch at all, but skipping straight to the I’MMA PUNCH YOU UNTIL YOU TELL ME WHAT I WANT TO HEAR doesn’t work for me
at all, on any level.
and this scene where dean punches ketch?? it directly parallels the information-gathering methods of dean, ketch, and asmodeus within this episode, and that just puts dean in a bad light. and honestly i can’t even tell if it’s intentional or if the deadly duo didn’t know what they were doing and they don’t know how else people ask questions.
it’s not “different because it’s dean doing it”. it’s a villain’s move. they all did the same thing, and it was violent and unnecessary every time.
so dean and sam know the parallel universe contains familiar people, still alive (freakin’ bobby for instance)
but when they realise ketch doesn’t recognise them, why the heck don’t they even consider maybe he came through the rift
it’s not like it was ages ago
they lost their mother through that rift probably three or four weeks ago
wouldn’t they assume maybe there was more than one portal ??
“his twin”
ugh more fighting
i don’t wanna watch ‘cause lady angels are probably gonna die
man i hope cas would leave them alive after being told the angels are going extinct
angels fight to the death way too often
edit: ??????? nobody died???? i’m impressed
lucifer calls cas “cowboy”
mmmmmmmm that’s right
dean’s lil sheriff of heaven
lucifer: “meth-head kevin tran”
ah that explains the twitchiness
“agent russell”
as in kurt russell i assume
cas: “yesss i would like to see you too, the sooner the better”
and awkward
asmodeus shows up
there’s so many characters in this story jeez
i have no idea how the casual viewer could keep up
whoa that ending was sudden
.................hrhghgh i dunno
i’m still of the opinion that one of this writing duo is better than the other
the scene with lucifer and cas in the bar was pretty well written
the plot reveal with ketch and rowena’s magically-undead spell made sense and was well-spread throughout the story, but i fail to see why ketch would tell the winchesters about it
i’m a lil :/ :/ :/ that ketch is back ‘cause dear god i thought we were rid of him already
where is mary??
everyone is so angry
i hope rowena is alive though
this was all a big jumble of plotlines and... to be fair it could’ve been a lot worse. the pacing wasn’t as messy as usual. for revealing a whole ton of info, it was pretty decent really
hmm 6.5/10 maybe
just cause it had almost none of the things i like watching, but it wasn’t necessarily bad...........
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faceofmalawi · 4 years
Kanye West says he’s done supporting Trump and is contesting for president under the ‘birthday party’
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Rapper/Fashion entrepreneur, Kanye West, has come out to announce he is no longer supporting US president Donald Trump, days after announcing in a July 4 tweet that he was going to be contesting for President.
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In a wide ranging phone interview with Forbes, published Wednesday July 8, Kanye declared he’s “taking off the red hat”, saying he liked Trump because of his hotels but he didn’t like that Trump hid in a secret White House bunker in June while protesters stormed the White House. Kanye also stated that he had Coronavirus in February and that proposed Coronavirus vaccines were the ‘mark of the beast’ that would stop people from going to heaven. According to Kanye, he hates the fact that Democrats assume all black people have to vote for them and he wouldn’t mind taking black votes off Democrats even if it means support in Trump. He added he was down with POTUS because “I like Trump hotels and the saxophones in the lobby.” As for his presidential run, Kanye says he’s got some unconventional ideas to help get him there as he’ll be running with a new party called the Birthday Party, because … “hen we win, it’s everybody’s birthday.” and that Elon Musk will help with his campaign. According to Kanye, he envisions a White House organizational model based on the secret country of Wakanda in Black Panther. Read the weird but interesting interview below. “I would run as a Republican if Trump wasn’t there. I will run as an independent if Trump is there.” “Trump is the closest president we’ve had in years to allowing God to still be part of the conversation.” “One of the main reasons I wore the red hat as a protest to the segregation of votes in the Black community. Also, other than the fact that I like Trump hotels and the saxophones in the lobby.” “One time I talked to Jared Kushner who was saying we don’t have Black leaders, we just have hustlers. Why? Because they killed all the Black leaders.” “The same Democrats have threatened me…. The reason why this is the first day I registered to vote is because I was scared. I was told that if I voted on Trump my music career would be over. I was threatened into being in one party. I was threatened as a celebrity into being in one party. I was threatened as a Black man into the Democratic party. And that’s what the Democrats are doing, emotionally, to my people. Threatening them to the point where this white man can tell a Black man if you don’t vote for me, you’re not Black.” “Let’s see if the appointing is at 2020 or if it’s 2024—because God appoints the president. If I win in 2020 then it was God’s appointment. If I win in 2024 then that was God’s appointment.” Speaking about the Coronavirus cure, vaccines and mark of the beast, Ye said; “We pray. We pray for the freedom. It’s all about God. We need to stop doing things that make God mad.” “It’s so many of our children that are being vaccinated and paralyzed… So when they say the way we’re going to fix Covid is with a vaccine, I’m extremely cautious. That’s the mark of the beast. They want to put chips inside of us, they want to do all kinds of things, to make it where we can’t cross the gates of heaven. I’m sorry when I say they, the humans that have the Devil inside them. And the sad thing is that, the saddest thing is that we all won’t make it to heaven, that there’ll be some of us that do not make it. Next question.” “It’s when I was being offered the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Awards at MTV. I remember being at my mom’s house, my mother-in-law, because my house was being worked on, she calls me ‘son’ and I call her ‘mom,’ I was in the shower thinking, I write raps in the shower. It hit me to say, ‘you’re going to run for president’ and I started laughing hysterically, I was like this is the best, I’m going to go out there and they’re going to think I’m going to do these songs and do this for entertainment, how rigged awards shows are, and then say I’m president. And I just laughed in the shower, I don’t know for how long, but that’s the moment it hit me.” On his foreign policy, view on abortion and being a political novice, the father of four said; “I haven’t developed it yet. I’m focused on protecting America, first, with our great military. Let’s focus on ourselves first.” “I am pro-life because I’m following the word of the bible.” “I have to say with all humility that as a man, I don’t have all of the pieces in the puzzle. As I speak to you for what a political campaign—a political walk, as I told you, because I’m not running, I’m walking. I’m not running, we the people are walking. We’re not running anymore, we’re not running, we’re not excited—we are energized, Someone can say, ‘Hey, I got a brand new car for you, it’s across the street and you get so excited you run across the street and get hit by a car trying to run to your new car. That’s how they control the Black community, through emotions, they get us excited, we’re so excited, but then for 400 years the change doesn’t truly happen. “Well, God has already started the healing/This conversation alone is healing and revealing/We all need to start praying and kneeling… another bar after that, but when a rhyme comes together I’m going to complete it, not inside the lines created by organizations that we know as our reality. The schools, the infrastructure was made for us to not truly be all we can be but to be just good enough to work for the corporations that designed the school systems. We’re tearing that up, what we’ll do is we’re not going to tear up the Constitution, what we will do is amend.” On contracting Covid-19 and running in 2020 Kanye Said; “Chills, shaking in the bed, taking hot showers, looking at videos telling me what I’m supposed to do to get over it. I remember someone had told me Drake had the coronavirus and my response was Drake can’t be sicker than me!” (laughs) “God just gave me the clarity (running in 2020) and said it’s time. You know I was out there, ended up in the hospital, people were calling me crazy. I’m not crazy. Between all of the influences and the positions that we can be put in as musicians—you go on tour, you put out all these albums, and you look up and you don’t have any money in your account. It can drive you crazy, through all of that I was looking crazy because it wasn’t the time. Now it’s time. And we’re not going crazy, we’re going Yeezy, it’s a whole ‘notha level now. N-O-T-H-A. “I don’t know if I would use the word policy for the way I would approach things. I don’t have a policy when I went to Nike and designed Yeezy and went to Louis and designed a Louis Vuitton at the same time. It wasn’t a policy, it was a design. We need to innovate the design to be able to free the mind at this time.” Speaking about using the ‘Wakanda’ management model in the White house and prayers in schools, Kanye said; “A lot of Africans do not like the movie and representation of themselves in…Wakanda. But I’m gonna use the framework of Wakanda right now because it’s the best explanation of what our design group is going to feel like in the White House…That is a positive idea: you got Kanye West, one of the most powerful humans—I’m not saying the most because you got a lot of alien level superpowers and it’s only collectively that we can set it free. Let’s get back to Wakanda… like in the movie in Wakanda when the king went to visit that lead scientist to have the shoes wrap around her shoes. Just the amount of innovation that can happen, the amount of innovation in medicine—like big pharma—we are going to work, innovate, together. This is not going to be some Nipsey Hussle being murdered, they’re doing a documentary, we have so many soldiers that die for our freedom, our freedom of information, that there is a cure for AIDS out there, there is going to be a mix of big pharma and holistic.” “Reinstate in God’s state, in God’s country, the fear and love of God in all schools and organizations and you chill the fear and love of everything else, so that was a plan by the Devil to have our kids committing suicide at an all-time high by removing God to have murders in Chicago at an all-time high because the human beings working for the Devil removed God and prayer from the schools. That means more drugs, more murders, more suicide. Speaking about police killings and Joe Biden, Kanye said; “One of my to-do lists is to end police brutality. The police are people too. To end laws that don’t make sense. Like, in the George Floyd case, there was a Black guy that went to jail and it was his first day on the force. So if it’s your first day on the force and it’s your training day, and this OG accredited cop with 18 violations already starts filing out, are you going to jump in front of that person and lose your job that same day? Especially in this climate when 40,000 people lost their jobs? This man was put in a position where—and also he probably didn’t realize that the cop was going to take it that far, he probably was so scared, in shock, paralyzed, like so many Black people. I’m one of the few Black people that would speak openly like this. “A lot of times just like political parties they feel all Blacks have to be Democrat. This man, Joe Biden, said if you don’t vote for me, then you are not Black. Well, act like we didn’t hear that? We act like we didn’t hear that man say that? That man said that. It’s a rap. We gonna walk, all the people. Jay-Z said it best. For the other candidates, I just gracefully suggest y’all bow out—Trump and Biden, gracefully bow out. It’s God’s country, we are doing everything in service to God, nobody but God no more. I am in service of our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ, and I put everything I get on the line to serve God.” On his other priorities and his campaign slogan, Kanye said; “Clean up the chemicals. In our deodorant, in our toothpaste, there are chemicals that affect our ability to be of service to God.” “Well my second album is called Late Registration. I got a rap … The other thing is, my campaign is Kanye West YES, not YEP, not YEAH. YES. YES. YES… When I’m president, let’s also have some fun. Let’s get past all the racism conversation, let’s empower people with 40 acres and a mule, let’s give some land, that’s the plan.” Source: ireporteronline Read the full article
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