#ir maybe im just being too sensitive
randomapplekey · 3 months
Getting comments that sounds "demanding" makes me feel not great...
Wish they would put the word "can you do-" instead of just "do-" cause it feels like i have no choice >_<
It makes me less inclined to want to do it even more
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What is UP moonlight and ire nation, Im being tormented by intrusive thoughts rn, so I have decided to read a chapter of A Court of Mist and Fury and hope they stop when Im done with this. Last time on the Flames and Darkness Liveblog we had Lucien finally finding Feyre and Feyre being needlessly cruel to him until he left again. also, Feyre used her Tamlin-powers to shapeshift herself a pair of wings and I think that was pretty much it, I feel like not a lot happens in these chapters tbh. And yet I always have so much to say to say about them... Whatever, lets get into this
Chapter 48
Is Feyre smelling the other people at this inn having sex? what kinda smells and noises is she talking about
Theyre in a village that consists of just the inn theyre staying at, a tailor, a grocery store and a brothel? I mean presumably theres actual houses there too but that doest seem right. Also, if its as in-the-middle-of-nowhere as Feyre claims, where the hell are they getting groceries and what kind of groceries are they selling
of course theres only ONE BED and its soooooo small oh noooo do you guys think theyre gonna have sex or what
Oh and of course Feyre cant demand that Rhysand sleep on the floor because its too small to even do that theyre gonna have the wildest sex, and by wildest sex I mean theyre both gonna squeeze each other into the bed under the comically small ceiling of this broomcloset of a room and lay on top of each other without moving like a sandwhch made out of just faemeat
I feel like a cape thats cut to fit around these bigass illyrian wings would lose a lot of its functionality tbh, unless it was like, a wrapping for the wings to protect them from the cold, but I dont think thats the case with Rhysand's cape, i think it either just has holes or is some kind of weird shape, but I feel like if your in these harsh winter winds, having a cape fluttering around your wings would be pretty distracting considering how sensitive supposedly they are
WAIT. do we count this cape as a new Rhys-outfit or do we not. Im on the fence because on one hand, he's just wearing it with his usual illyrian leathers and its really just an accessoire, like I wouldnt count what he wore in the CoN as a new outfit just because he wore a crown with his black tunic, but on the other hand, I feel like a cape can really drastically alter the look of an outfit in a way most other acessoires cant. let me know what you think
of COURSE feyre would call the hypothetical painting she would make of Rhysand 'Death on Fast Wings' im gonna commit a crime
'"I love it when you look at me like that. [...] Like there's no reason to run away from my power. Like you're looking at me."' Does this imply that Rhysand identifies with the descriptor 'death on fast wings' because idk that seems weird. then again, he is a weirdo
Rhysand's pronouns are death/incarnate <- thought that popped into my head while I was writing the previous bullet point
By far the worst part about this book are all the sections where Feyre will just suck Rhysand off for a paragraph, she would not fucking say that
'"No, [you weren't afraid of me]. You were nervous, but you weren't afraid. I've felt pure fear often enough that I know the difference. Maybe that's why I couldn't leave you alone."' god, rhysand is such a creepy little freak. and not the good kind either
Feyre is being all like "oh, sure, the bed isnt small but we couldnt possibly both sleep in it without completely getting into each other's personal space, especially with his wings" girl??? tell him to put those thangs away???
god this paragraph is so annoying 'Fae-men were possessive, dominant and arrogant but the men of the Spring Court had a certain disregard [for my wishes] laying beneath the the surface' my brother in christ you have been in two and a half (2 1/2) courts and you know seven (7) fae-men personally
Also, this part where Feyre is like "if I was wasting away and Rhysand just stood by without doing anything about it, Cassian and Azriel would've gotten involved and given him a piece of their minds" is so funny knowing whats gonna happen in acosf, like no they fucking wouldnt! what are you talking about!
Oh man it just occurred to me. this is the chapter where Feyre finds out theyre mates isnt it. Or like, this part whre theyre at this inn is when she finds out, Im pretty sure itll last for multiple chapters
"[Rhysand] saw right through Ianthe the moment he met her." yeah because she broke into his bedroom and sexually harassed him and just outright told him that she wanted to have his children for the sake of power ?? I would hope he would see through that
I feel like theres been this pattern in this book of Feyre only being able to compliment Rhys in contrast with Tamlin and its very strange because you would think that after speedrunning their relationship development and spending about 500 pages worth of time with him, she would be able to point out some of his positives without immediately connecting them to her ex's negatives, but I guess thats too much to ask of this ROMANCE
Like, I forgot if this was something Feyre already said or if this is still coming up but I know theres a point in this book where she's like "I think I just loved Tamlin pre-UTM because I was so broken and traumatized from my shitty homelife that I fell for the first person to show me some kindness" and that is not how their relationship felt in ACOTAR at all atleast in my opinion, but that definitely is how Feysand feels in this book
I really hate it when male characters are described as having "hard muscles" it sounds so unpleasant. im saying this primarily as someone who likes to read about characters cuddling and prefers it when theyre soft for that, but even if we're just talking smut, does having sex with a "hard" guy sound pleasant to you? or, well. you know what i mean
!! NEW RHYS-OUTFIT DROPPED !! hes wearing wide thin pants (even though theyre sleeping in an ice cold broom closet) and a tight cotton shirt, both of unspecified color
Oh yeah, Rhysand is just sooooooo powerful you guys, he needs to constantly use his magic otherwise itll just take him over and turn him into the joker
'Everyone at his Court had a use, some kind of great ability. And here I was, a strange, unpredictable hybrid that was more trouble than it's worth.' girl you are literally fae jesus what the hell are you talking about
Maybe Im just in a bad mood but this part where Rhys n Feyre are telling each other about how they would tear the world apart if they were ever forcefully seperated is so deeply annoying to me
Im not gonna translate the shit Rhysand just said to Feyre, tldr he thinks shes hot and wants to fuck her but the room is too small for that woe is him, and ughhhh. Im struggling to explain this in a way that doesnt make me sound puritanical, but something about the horniness of their relationship makes it feel really gross to me, its not just the fact that this relationship is horny because I can very much enjoy a horny fictional relationship sometimes, but the horny relationships that I usually enjoy are like, warm and pleasant from the eroticism of it all, Feysand is just kinda gross and sticky to me
Feyre's negative self-talk in regards to her feelings for Rhysand and Tamlin feels so forced, like cmon man, you keep talking about how much Tamlin sucks ass and how much better Rhys is for you how are you still experiencing any kind of inner conflict about this
Also, Feyre talking about how she was constantly thinking about Rhysand even before she left the spring court is just, a lie. does SJM not expect her readers to remember anything
Now theyre spooning and Feyre is stroking his wings and Rhysand is humping her and its like, this isnt sexy to me this is just kinda weird
bro how come Ive never seen anyone talk about Rhysand being like "I love your boobs so much, oh, you dont even know how much I love them" thats so funny
The rest of this chapter was just Rhysand fingering Feyre and honestly, it wasnt too bad, with the extreme proximity and him warming her up I can see why some people would find it hot but idk. its still a sjm smut scene and its german which makes it pretty unpleasant for me
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steaksex · 11 days
fuck I'll take an audio
listen to it and wish i was the one making you make all those sounds fuck with my own hands
fuck i could make yu feel so good you wouldn't even have t do anything, wouldn't eve have to speak I'd just touc you andkeep touching you until you're nearly blackedout
mayb even then I'd keep going, thinking of you passed out from pleasure because of me I couldn't possibly stop
make sure I memorise all your favourite spots, what makes you feel the best, what keeps youbon edge, exactly how you like to be stretched open ad fuck how deep you love ir, fuck let you use me whenever you want, just shove your dick in my mouth or grind on me as much as you want
fuck i would watch, I'd take a video to keep and treasure it, i would absolutely have your pics and vids sorted into spevific files, my own personal archive of just *you*, shit I'd give you my address, a selfie, any pic you want, shit my full name, where I work, anything you want
Fuck yeah. God youre so hot, so desperate. Cant believe im doing this to you. Gotta try to be quiet. Therell be some bg noise from my fan but ill get you some audio. Even overstim a bit, so its like yoire there to keep touching me till i cant take it. God i bet youd be such a good learner, figuring out what i like. Give you some hints, so you can imagine it. Like to keep my vibrator right down at the base of my shaft. Get off hardsest that way. Tip of my dicks too sensitive for most touches, makes me squirm. Dont get much outta my cunt besides being a lube generator for me. God i wish i could use your mouth, id end up squeezing your head between my legs cause i struggle keeping them open. Bet im stronger than you, you couldnt do much but take ot when i fuck your mouth. If i were home alone id get you a video, something to really watch over and over again. Wont ask for your address yet, but i want you to cum to the audio when i post it. At least touch yoirself to it, yeah? Make up for cumming later if you need to. Need you to be obsessed with me, need you to get off to me
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artisticplace · 3 years
Hi💫. I really wanna know your thoughts on my placements!! I have pisces sun in 6th house-scorpio moon in 2nd house- virgo rising , venus in pisces 7th house(retrograde)-juno in pisces 6th house-eros in pisces 7th house-jupiter in taurus 8th house-node in gemini 9th house (Retrograde). Im sorry if it is too much!! Take your time no worries🌹💫
Pisces Sun in the 6th house🌳
Pisces suns are very soft people, very emotional and drawn to deep emotions being in the sun that talks about ego and individuality talks about a person that growing into a sensitive and intuitive person is a very important part of this individual. In the 6th house you might look for works that have a very calm vibe, you change your mind very quickly so being around flexible co workers is very important for you and a place where you can use your creativity and emotions, your health is a big theme in your life and pisces rules feet sooo problems with the feet can be developed, your routine is very important for you but you might change it very easily, helping others is other thing that might boost your ego.
Scorpio Moon in the 2th house🧶
scorpioooo here is very intense the emotions are very intense, and very drown to dark stuff. the 2th house rules food, self esteem, material things so you are possessive with your feelings, your self esteem might fluctuate a lot because of that water so it really depends of the day you are having maybe you try to be the most stable possible because of the fixed modality. a very clingy to people and stuff you give a lot of value to stuff.
Virgo Rising🃏
very cute people and very femenine, likes to be seen as intelligent and kind person. Very little features and very polite and loves harmony in life.
Pisces Venus in the 7th house rx👛
Pisces Venus this are very hopeless romantics, in the 7th house of relationships you would love to be in relationships, you take love seriously so long term relationships are perfect for you. You tend to lose yourself in your relationships as well and idealize your partner. In retrograde is very difficult for you to accept that you like love and you tend to lose yourself, is difficult to show that part of yourself so you are gonna understand little by little how to show that part comfortably and not lose yourself, you need to work with your venus.
Pisces Juno in the 6th house☁️
junoooo is the asteroid of long term relationships and even more your soulmate, your venus represents how you express love and what you are attracted to but Juno shows you what do you need in a relationship to stay basically, Pisces Juno likes people that is very soft and sweet, very fairytale, people with artistic talents or shows their love in a artistic way, in the 6th house that is the house of virgo someone at the same time serious, acts of services like maybe is one of the love languages you might like, people that ir organized, someone that you can have a routine with, calm, helps others and you might find your soulmate as a co worker of yours.
Pisces Eros in the 7th house🌹
I am not very familiar with the asteroid Eros, Eros rules sex is a more rough way? Maybe fetishes, I am not very familiar so I am just gonna explain the sexual part if Eros rules more things I am so sorry but I haven’t researched a lot. So I think people with Pisces Eros see sex in a very soul way like is not just touching your partner is a expression of love, very deep. You might lose yourself while you are doing it because is in the 7th house of relationships. this might sound so stereotypical but feet might be a part that you like to use in sex.
Taurus Jupiter in the 8th house🪴
jupiter is all about expansion, so in taurus you might have talents about singing, art in general because taurus is ruled by venus. this might have a impact in your self esteem, you might receive a lot of gifts or you have a talent to give very special gifts to others. In the 8th house that is dark, sex and even money; you have a talent to help people through difficult times and staying optimistic through your own bad times as well. you know how to manage money or have a lot of luck to find ways to get money. sex is a big part of you and have a great sex life.
Gemini North Node in the 9th house🍂
gemini north node is all about communication so your destiny is giving your own opinions have your own mind, you decide what you want. In the 9th house that is about expansion trips you are destined to see the world, investigate, seeing things with your own eyes, having a lot of knowledge, you are destined to feel free and live your own life without restrictions.
I didn’t put nothing about your node being retrograde because is very common having it retrograde in fact is normal, is very rare having a node direct.
You are a very idealizing person, very dreamy, helping others constantly, giving your 100% to people and you are gonna learn that you need to see for yourself as well.
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
Grown & SeXY - Chapter 2
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Header made by the talented @flowers-in-your-hayr​
For @youbloodymadgenius​​ for your 400 Followers Writing Challenge.  Congrats on your success!
Genre:  Romance/Comedy
Pairing:  Modern Ivar x Mature OC
Warning: Language/mild angst/Sexual content
Rating: M
Summary: A relationship between Generations X & Y will help this XX & XY learn a lot about themselves, each other, and love.  Cougar/cub relationships aren’t always just about a midlife crisis and arm candy.
A/N:  I got the concept for this story from a conversation I was having with @youbloodymadgenius​​.  I hope I do it justice.  This story is for you!
Chapter 2
Biiiiiitch!  Where have you been?  I’ve been IMing you but you been ducking me like I’m the IRS. Shit, I’m surprised we talking now - you mad at me or something?  Did somebody tell you that they heard some shit about you from me?  Because they were fucking lying. I wouldn’t do that. You know I don’t like all that gossip shit and I'm not one to put all people's business out on Front Street, like that.
So, girl, I need to holler at you about something right quick. What the hell is up with the non-disclosure agreement I sent you? Cause I damn sure didn’t get a signed copy back in my mailbox. Now, maybe I’m the slow bitch in the class, but it seems to me that there are a few more people in on our private meeting than just us, like we had previously discussed. 
Now, I’m not saying that you said something, but I know I sure as hell didn’t. So, if I was over here keeping my sexy ass mouth shut  (cause that how a bitch do) and you haven't said shit either, then who the fuck else is talking? You know, I bet it was probably those same bitches that were running around saying that they heard that I was talking shit about you. I tell you, people today ain't about shit. Well, fuck them.
Just so you know, I didn't call you to try to check you or anything. I called to try to catch you up on this grown and sexy shit cause bitch you are hella behind. Okay...I told you about how Marisol was at the club and met this fine ass little young boy at the bar, who turned out to be her high school BFF’s little brother, right? Did I tell you about how Marisol’s son and King Ding-A-Ling hate each other or how they met up at a party at his daddy’s house? Shit bitch, what do you know? I feel like I’m starting this shit all over at the beginning, again! Seriously hooker, keep up because before I can get into this shit, I have to set the scene. 
So, you need all the dirt on Ivar’s family so moving forward you know what the fuck I’m talking about when I just start dropping shit on you like Pearl Harbor.  Believe me, hon-ty when I tell you, these motherfuckers got some Telenovela, Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal type shit with them. 
Alright now, let me start with his parents. You ever see a really attractive man and you figure, his daddy must have been cute when he was younger? Well, that’s Ivar’s daddy, Mr. Ragnar Lothbrok – or as I like to call him, Dick Daddy Yo.  
Now, child, Dick Daddy is fine as a motherfucker. And, I’m not talking regular run-of-the-mill attractive for a man in his late 50s – early 60s, who was probably knocking down everything back in the day, type of fine, either. No Queen - I’m talking, this motherfucker could get it TODAY, immediately, right now, if he asked for it. Shit, bitch, quiet as kept, he wouldn’t even have to ask. All he would have to do is set those baby blue eyes in my direction, and I would hand him the drawers.
So, back in the day, when they still lived in Norway, Dick Daddy married this total dime piece named Lagertha. When I tell you she was a bad bitch, I mean she was a Bad Bitch!  Shit, she still bad to this day thirty-some years later.  She was built, blond and beautiful, plus that bitch could box. I don’t know what kind of thug shit they taught her over there in the old country where they came from, but this broad was like Ronda Rousey out there in those Kattegat streets.  
Anyhoo, when Lagertha and Ragnar got married, she found out that Ragnar had that Super D and she knew she wasn't going to be able to keep all that good dick to herself because he liked to sling it all over town. So she told him to go do his dirt, but he better brings his fine ass home to her every night. Of course, he was all like, cool, he could have a dime piece at home and get cutty on the side…alright, bet!  
Well, honey, next thing you know, he gets hooked up with this fatal attraction type, funny looking broad named, Aslaug. Girl, Aslaug gets dickmatized and follows Ragnar around like a puppy, and the next thing you know he had to figure out how to bring a whole ass side-chick home to his dime piece wife. He must of came back with some shit like, “Baby, you know that girl Aslaug can cook and she’ll do that thing that you don’t like to do…you know cause she a freak…so really, it’s a win-win for us both.”  
So, I figure dude’s dick must have been dipped in platinum, because Lagertha was like, “Whatever, Dick Daddy,” cause the next thing you know all three of them are living together and these two bitches were sister-wives.  
Chile! But, here’s where the shit gets juicy!  Ooh, girl! The whole time Ragnar was out there in them streets, Lagertha’s sexy ass was knocking over his brother, Rollo, and word around the campfire is, one of them kids ain’t really Ragnar’s…biiiiiitttttttch! I can't make this shit up!
So anyway, by the time all those damn babies came all 50/11 of them moved here to that big blue house at the end of Greenwich, you know the one with the big ass fence front and the nice pool? The one that the young people always have all the parties at...yeah, that one well, that’s where they still live.  
Now onto the kids. Honey, Ragnar has five maybe six kids that he’s claiming. I'm sure it's more out there, but I'm telling you about the ones I know about. First, you got the two he has with Lagertha; that’s Bjorn, and Gyda (that’s if don’t think Bjorn is Rollo’s son).  But what the hell, I’ll take “Let’s Pretend That Bjorn Is Ragnar’s Kid” for $200, Alex…  
So, Bjorn is the oldest of all of the kids. And what can I say about BJ?  BJ is fucking…girl, he’s just fucking. He’s fucking any and everything. That man. Jesus jumped up.  He’s about 6’3”, 250lbs, muscular, blond, these piercing blue eyes. This smile…strong jawline. He has these hands, right? These hands that you know could just grip you right up under your ass cheeks and hold you up against a wall, and these arms…gurl, make me want to faint like a white woman! Hmm.  
BJ reminds me of Ragnar. Hell, all those kids remind me of him in some way, but Bjorn oozes sex like Ragnar. I don’t know what it is, but watch your uterus around him. If you stand too close to BJ, your pussy is liable to jump in his back pocket and you won’t even notice that it’s gone.  
BJ has a shit-ton of kids though and has been married like 150 times. I don’t know what it is, but he finds these blonde women, fucks them, marries them, has 20 babies with, and then gets divorced. He’s a shitty husband, but I bet you he’s a fire ass lay. 
Then there’s Gyda, we call her Da-Da. She’s just beautiful. Whew. She got those looks from both of her parents.  It is honestly painful to look at her. She’s the charming side of Ragnar. The side that’ll have you naked and buying her ass a house and a car before the waiter finishes taking your order on the first date.  It’s a good thing she’s a nice person because if she was an evil bitch, there’s no telling what she would be up to. She’s another tall one, with blonde hair and blue eyes. But, she’s built like her mother. This bitch looks like she needs to be holding a fundraiser where she’s wearing clear heels, in a strip club, called Twerking For Jesus or some shit.
Now, if those two gorgeous kids weren’t enough to make everyone else in the world jealous of how good the D and the seed were from Ragnar, he had to go and spread it around some more with that weird bitch, Aslaug. They have four boys; Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar. I don’t know how those boys ended up being so fine because Aslaug’s ass is not what I would call attractive. But, they got Ragnar’s genes and miracles never cease to amaze me.  
All, but one, of them can get it any day.    
Let’s start with Ubbe. It’s a long story, I don’t remember the particulars, but he’s known around the way as, Weebae. I can’t remember if it’s because he was small when as a baby, or because he used to cry all the damn time.  But, whatever the case, if you hear a motherfucker asking for Weebae, they talking about Ubbe. Anyway, Wee is Ragnar’s twin. That child looks like Ragnar just spit him out on the street, only I don’t know where in the fuck he got his personality, cause Ragnar ain’t that fucking nice and Aslaug is a fucking cunt.  
Have you ever met somebody that’s so damn nice, that they seem like a bitch ass?  Like they are just softer than a motherfucker? Somebody that constantly lets people run over the top of him all the damn time and you just want to be like, yo you’s a giant whore! Well, that’s Wee. If he wasn’t so damn sexy, I would be like you soft, brah…get your punk ass away from me. But seeing as how fine he is, I’m like…bring your sensitive ass over here and let me make it all better, with your sexy self. Cause, you know, Mama loves the sensitive ones.
Who’s next? Oh, yeah, the next one is Hvitserk. I know it’s a fucked up name, but no one calls him that. They call him Boobie. Why do you ask? Because Boobie loves titties. I swear that boy was trying to get everybody to breastfeed him since he was born. The bigger a woman's boobs, the more Boobie is into her. But he's such a freaking cutie pie! He doesn’t look like Ragnar to me, but he reminds me of him in that way where as long as he can fuck and eat, he doesn’t give a fuck about much else. He’s the type that never has the same job or girlfriend for too long. He just goes with the flow and stays around until he gets bored.  
Now Boobie favors Ragnar but not as much as some of the other kids.  He’s got this cute baby face, with this sandy blonde hair and these pretty green eyes, like Aslaug.  When you see him, you just want to pinch his cheeks on his face and his ass.  And because he seems like such a little lost puppy, you just want to take him home, and take care of him…maybe tie him up to your bed and ride his ass like he’s Budweiser Clysdale in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, too.     
Then there’s Sigurd…oh, Siggy. I call him, Brother Useless. He got all of Aslaug’s genes. It must be hard to look like Sigurd when you are born into that family. To be below average looking when you have extraordinarily attractive siblings, how does one go one with life?  By being a giant dick, that’s how.  Siggy fucking sucks donkey balls. He irks my fucking life. Siggy and I have history, outside of this little tale, and believe me he’s a dick in those stories, too.  
Anyway, he looks just like his mama with facial hair.  It’s really quite unfortunate. He reminds me of one of those Muppets off of the Dark Crystal. When I first found out that he was one of Ragnar’s sons, my first response was, I know you fucking lying! They should have just thrown the whole damn child away. See, Ragnar, that’s what happens when you go slumming with a funny looking chick…you get a funny looking kid with a fucked up personality.  God don't like ugly...
But He redeemed your good name with Lil' Man. Oh, my sweet Ivar.  This boy looks nothing like either of his parents but is the total embodiment of his father. Ivar is sexy. No, let me rephrase that for the bitches in the back...I said, IVAR IS SEXY. Bitch, I don’t know if there is even a word to describe the level of attractiveness this little bastard has. I don’t know if it’s that life-altering smile, or the dark hair and pale blue eyes. Shit, it could be that intense stare he has or those arms…or it could be that chest or maybe it’s that ass that you just want to bite and those lips that make you just want to sit on his face. Whatever it is about him, that boy makes you tingle in the most unladylike of places.  
Now, when Ivar was born, something was wrong with him and he needed an operation. He was fine afterward, but Aslaug’s dramatical ass was acting like he was on his damn death bed and treated him like he was Samuel L. Jackson in Unbreakable. So, naturally, he grew up spoiled as shit. So now, this child don’t know how to do shit. He thinks everybody supposed to hand him everything, just because he’s cute.  
Honey, short of my number and panties, he gonna have to work for everything else like everybody else.  But see, you can’t tell fine, muscular, spoiled ass, motherfuckers, with beautiful eyes, killer smiles, nice hair, and that smell good all the fucking time that they’re not special. Oh, no, because they will try to prove you wrong. At least he finished college and doesn’t have any kids. But if his ass would get a job…Sorry, I’m skipping ahead.  
Okay, so you have the background on the family.  Now check out how this shit went down...
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Being in the Lothbrok house brought back a ton of memories for Soli. She had spent a good part of her adolescence there with her best friend, Gyda.  The two of them had countless sleepovers, movie marathons, and of course their love of all the teenage heartthrobs of the 80s and 90s. Teen Bop, Tiger Beat, and 17 Magazines fed their obsessions for Kirk Cameron, Corey Haim, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, and Mario Lopez. I was always a Joey Lawerence girl myself, but that’s neither here nor there.
That was until that one time the two of them got into this huge fight over who was going to marry Justin Timberlake. But then Bjorn told them that he thought Ryan Philippe was the same person and the girls realized that they did look a lot alike. So, Soli took JT and Gyda took Ryan, and they all lived happily ever after.  
As she accepted the glass of champagne from the tray, Soli looked around the hallway leading out to the patio. It was amazing how different the house looked now. Since the remodel nothing was where she had remembered. The living room used to be to the left of the hallway, and there had been a large formal dining room to the right. They also used to have a huge kitchen right behind the dining room and then the family room sat just behind there, with the entrance to the back yard. It was always a good-sized house, but the way it was cut up, with these weird doorways and walls in the most awkward of places, it always felt cramped, especially with so many people living there.  
But this? The open concept floor plan, no walls to obstruct the view...spacious, huge windows, lots of sunlight...it was gorgeous! Lothbrok Designs, LLC did one hell of a job. Everything from the floor plan to the decor was beautiful. Maybe Soli could get them to hook her up discount and do some work around her house.
“Hey there! I thought I saw you,” Gyda smiled walking over to Marisol with her arms out. “Oh Sonni, you look so good! I still can’t get over how you haven’t aged a bit. And girl, that body!”  
Soli spun around in a circle to give her friend the full view. Even she had to admit, the off the shoulder, floral printed, Boho, maxi-dress looked damn good on her. Especially the way the soft pink color played with the beautiful warm tones in her toffee-colored skin. And honey, she was rocking this split that came all the up the front of the dress to the bodice, that would have been showing all of the church's business if it wasn't for that little white chiffon underdress thing. Honey...forty where? She was a banger and she knew it. “Well, you know forty is new twenty. I didn’t get to do my twenties right because I had Mani, but now I'm single and I'm ready to mingle! And you, Diva…”
“Well, thanks. You know...I get it from my Mama." Gyda did a little shimmy and laughed. "Thank you so much for coming. It’s so good to have you back in town. I know my parents are excited to see you again.” She looked around the room and waved at a guest who was walking by, “Everyone was excited that you said you were coming.”  
Everyone? Why did Gyda say it like that? Soli was excited to catch up with the family, too, but damn. Soli knew that little cutie Ivar was going to be there, but that was nothing. A little innocent eye flirting at the bar a couple of weeks ago didn't mean anything. She hadn't seen or thought of that boy since. And she wasn't thinking about him today...well, not that much, anyway.
“Da-Da,” A gorgeous older blond man came up to Gyda and placed a soft kiss on the side of her head, before turning his attention to Soli. “No, you can’t be…Marisol Peña? The young lady I saw as much as my daughter growing up?” Ragnar walked over to Soli and wrapped her in a warm hug.
Soli chuckled and shook her head when she felt his hands linger at her waist a second longer than they should have. “Oh, Mr. Lothbrok,” Soli she patted him lightly on the chest taking a half step back to take in that beautiful smile, “Oh, it’s been too long. You still look good.” She smiled, feeling his hands slowly move down her side to now rest on her hips.
“And you still are as beautiful as ever,” he said leaning in toward her to talk to her. He had always had this strange way articulating certain words and sometimes he would get uncomfortably close when he would talk to people. Gyda used to get embarrassed because her father would get all up on her friends when he spoke to them, but Marisol always thought it was kind of sexy the way he would breathe on her when he talked.  
She felt herself being hypnotized momentarily by all that sexy, but she quickly regained her senses. “Mr. Lothbrok,” she tutted keeping a careful eye on him as he slowly walked around her in a circle with a sly grin on his face, “I see you're still as smooth as ever.” 
It was fluid the way Ragnar brushed his face next to Soli’s ear to whisper in his sexy accent, making the tendrils of hair tickle her neck, “Ragnar.”  
"Ragnar," she giggled. He was still a DILF, even after all these years.
“Ragnar?”  A feminine voice called causing everyone to turn toward a tall strawberry-blonde in flowing green empire dress standing at the patio door, “Come, lunch is ready and we will have cake.” For as tall and thin as she was the dress did nothing for her. A hottie like Lagertha could have pulled it off, but not her. Although, the navy blue and dark green embroidery did accentuate the red in her hair and her green eyes.    
Soli’s eyes widened as she turned to Gyda, devastated. “Is that Aslaug?” she whispered.  As they all began walking through the house toward the backyard she found herself laughing at the expression on Gyda's face. “Bitch, shut up.” Oh, they had so much to catch up on. 
Judging by how good Aslaug looked, she had had some work done. She was still funny looking, but she looked a whole hell of a lot better than she did when Soli knew her.  
Time seemed to fly by for Soli as she sat in backyard eating, laughing, and drinking with her childhood friend. She had forgotten how much she missed Gyda. But being with her and the family, it felt like they never missed a beat.  She even sat at the table reserved for Ragnar's kids and had no problem catching up with each one of them. Oh, the gossip she found out about sitting there.
For example, Weebae was married to BJ's ex-wife, Torvi, who left BJ with four children and is now having a baby with Bae. And you know the crazy thing is all of them are still talking like nothing ever happened? Or how about this, apparently something happened between Siggy and Ivar - no one is talking about what it is yet, but the two of them don't talk. They can be sitting at the same table and won't utter two words to each other. And did you know that none of the brothers knew why Soli and Gyda fell out all those years ago? I know, but that ain’t my place to say, so done tucked that one way down deep in my bra, honey. All I know is I could write a whole other story about this damn family’s shenanigans alone!  
“Man, I wish I could remember that!” Siggy laughed throwing his napkin on his plate.  “I would have loved to see the look on Bae’s face!” He gently nudged his brother’s arm as he continued to make fun of him.  
Ubbe shook his head and lowered his eyes as the stain of blush colored his cheeks, “I can’t believe that was you,” he said to Soli, “I remember running through the house naked, but I never remembered why.”  
Soli smiled around her glass of wine, trying her best to ignore the incredibly attractive younger man sitting next to her. "I remember why. I remember that little birthmark on your ass, too."
Gyda laughed putting the last of her spoonful of cake in her mouth. “Oooh, Beege, do you remember that time we were playing Van Damme and you ended up in the emergency room?” 
Bjorn rolled his eyes and tried to cover his brow with his hand, “Of course I remember!  How could I forget?” He started rubbing his inner thigh at the memory.  He looked around the table at all of his brothers’ faces who were rapted with excitement, smiles already plastered on their faces, dying to hear the story.  “So, I might have been about 13, Da-Da and Soli might have been around 11 or so. Anyway, we used to always watch Daddy's Jean-Claude Van Damme movies. I was obsessed - he was a total bad-ass to me. We had no business watching them because they were rated R and too violent for us to be watching, but we didn't care. And after the movies, we always would play Van Damme and act out our own scenes but do all the karate moves we just saw.”
“But, he always thought he automatically got to be Van Damme because he was a boy, and he always tried to make me the stupid female sidekick. I wanted to be the badass female Van Damme, ya know?" Soli said rolling her eyes.
“Wait, where was Da-Da?”  Ubbe asked.
“I always wanted to be the bad guy,” Gyda shrugged, “What? It was fun.”  
"Yeah, we used to whip her ass, "Soli laughed, “So, this one day BJ and I got in this big argument about who should get to be Van Damme in our reenactment. Of course, he thought he should be because he’s a boy, and I said that I should be because I could do the split. You remember the splits he used to do, right?” She looked around the table and watched everyone nod.
That is, all except one, “No…he’s the guy with that show on HULU now, right?” Ivar asked, turning in his chair so that his outstretch leg brushed Soli’s shin under the table. “He used to do action movies?”
Rolling her eyes at the absurdity of the question, Soli reached into her small clutch bag and pulled out her phone. “I keep forgetting you’re a child. Of course, you don’t know anything about Jean-Claude Van Damme.  When were you born, like 6 months ago?” She quickly found a picture of the Van Damme split online and handed her phone to Ivar. 
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“So, in the movie Double Impact, he did the split when he had his legs on these chairs and his pelvis was suspended between them…I knew I could do it. I had been taking gymnastics since I was six. But BJ, thought because he was a boy he was naturally superior.”
“Oh God, Beege…what happened?” Hvitserk asked popping open another beer.
“The chairs moved, man.” Bjorn said sadly, “Daddy had to take me to the hospital.  My nuts twisted; sprained my dick.” He tried to hold back his laugh but listening to how funny his brothers found his childhood misfortune made Bjorn laugh, too. “Never played Van Damme again.”
“And you never bet against me again, that’s for sure.” Soli felt Ivar’s hand brush against the side of hers and when she turned to face him he was handing back her phone. She noticed that when he leaned over toward her that the first two buttons of his classic white button-down shirt were undone, exposing his thick neck, and collarbone to her. Would it be rude if she tried to get a peek down his shirt? She didn't think so. What was rude was him smelling like a clean ocean breeze or wearing that damn white shirt against his tanned skin. 
Ivar put the phone in her open palm and closed his hand around hers. The hint of a smile started with one corner of his mouth and as his tongue darted out of his mouth and started worrying the bottom corner of the lip. 
“So, um…you can do that split, huh?” There it was. That come sit on my face smile. She had to watch out for this little bastard.
“Yep and  I can do it on a handstand,” she whispered back, and winked at him, pursing her lips to keep herself from smiling. God, this kid was so damn cute, but she shouldn't be flirting with him, even if it was who she was by nature. He was too young. It was too wrong. He was too sexy. She hadn’t had sex in a very long time.  This was tricky. She knew the family.  He had muscles. “Close your mouth there, Baby Ivey.” She patted his shoulder feeling the striations under her fingertips. That was another thing, she had to stop touching him!
“Hey Mom,” Soli’s son, Mani walked over to the table she was sitting at wearing a nice pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. She had made him promise to drop by for a minute, just to say hi to some of her childhood friends before he went to a party of his own. The things he did for that woman.  
“There’s my Baby Boy!” Soli said, standing up. “Mani, I want you to meet my second family when I was growing up. This was my best friend, Gyda, and her brothers Bjorn, Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar.” She gestured her hand to each person as she said their names. “Everyone, this is my son, Miguel.”  
Ivar smiled and stood up, offering his hand to shake, “I remember you from school. Cartoon Boy, right?”
Mani’s posture stiffened and his warm brown eyes hardened almost instantly, “I don’t remember Jock Strap.” Mani had hated Ivar since they were in high school. Even as a teenager he thought Ivar Raganarsson was a dick. He was an entitled asshole who thought the world owed him something. He had walked around that school like he was the shit and because Mani was younger, smaller and didn’t play sports, Ivar just fucking sucked toward him. He never bullied him, but he always acted like Mani was beneath him.  
Well, fuck Ivar and his big ass beaver teeth smile…got on his fucking nerves. Mani turned his attention to the rest of the table. “It was nice to meet all of you, but I have another engagement. I just stopped by to drop something off to my mom.” 
“Excuse me,” Soli said getting up from the table. She was ready to punch Mani in the throat. She had specifically told him that when he came to the house not to say anything insulting to Ivar. And if she had to listen to one more minute of how much Mani hated Ivar she was going to scream. Since she told him about that first time seeing him at the bar all she had heard was how much of an asshole Ivar had been in high school and how he stole the lead in the school play Mani’s sophomore year. Did she care? Not at all. Mani was 22 years old now and he was still holding a grudge about something that happened when he was 15.  
She walked back into the house with her son following him to the front door. The fake she was forcing was hurting her face. “What the fuck was that, Mani?”
“You see him with that Fuck Boy Ricky hairstyle? I swear Mom, he’s a total Dickbag.” Mani rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, “And you're friends with his people? That's a whole new level of douchery, even for you, Mom.”  
“Oh my, God…I’m not. Not right now.” She got on her tiptoes to kiss her son on the cheek. “Have fun tonight. I love you.”
“I’m telling you, watch that fucktard.”
"Get out," Soli pushed her son out of the door and sighed. This was reason number 4,037 why she never dated. Mani hated and had something to say about everyone. Not saying that she wanted to date Ivar or anything, but just saying that Mani had a problem with every male that she was even friendly with. It was hopeless. Her ex-husband was going to be the last man she’d ever have sex with.  Oh, the humanity of it all...
Soli walked back to the family table with a fresh glass of wine and sat back with a smile as she watched the siblings pose for their family photos.  The pictures were going to be gorgeous - they were a beautiful family. There were so many photos being taken, too. There were poses of Ragnar, both his wives, all of his children, and grandchildren. Even the photos of the divisions of the families were beautiful. But the most captivating thing to Soli was that Ivar was the photographer.  
He was so patient and genuinely seemed to be having a good time doing it.  He was a natural. He laughed as he directed his family and smiled a huge, smile with every picture he took. He was engaging and extremely creative. Looking at him, she would have never have guessed he had an artistic side to him. When Soli realized that she had a full-blown smile on her face watching Ivar and not the family she shook her head and grabbed her phone for a distraction. 
Taking a sip of wine, she checked her text messages and almost choked. There as only one missed message and it was from a number that she didn't recognize. He must have called himself on her phone to get her number. 
She couldn't stop the big ass smile from spreading across her face as she read:
‘Splits and handstands?  I💓 gymnastics! ~ Baby Ivey’
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So, girl, that’s what happened with that. Don’t worry, we are about to get into the good shit, I promise. I'm telling this story honey and bitch I'm building suspense.  
I'll talk to you later girl. And next time, I ping you, answer your girl. Don’t be screening me like I’m that dude at the club that you trying to get rid of.  
Chapter 1
Tags:  @youbloodymadgenius​​ @idea-garden @kol--mikaelson​​ @mooniemouse​​ @didiintheblog​​ @waiting4inspiration​​ @tempt-ress​ @where-beauty-goes-to-die @crazyaboutmotleycrue​​ @oddsnendsfanfics​​ @geekandbooknerd​​ @ivarthebloodyking​​ @honestsycrets​​   @xbellaxcarolinax​​  @zuxiezendler​​ @inforapound​​​  @a-mess-of-fandoms​​
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Alright so I was just randomly listening to Hamilton (as one does) and the song “the Reynolds Pamphlet” comes on. There’s this one lyric that puzzles me every time and I wanted to see if you could maybe explain it to me? It’s the one where it says “well he’ll never gonna be president now” like he was an immigrant and they aren’t allowed to become president anyway so why would they say that?? Anyway good day I love you ❤️❤️
I love you too Anon.
So. I will do my long explanation later (cause I gotta see Zesus tomorrow) but the short explanation is:
Alexander Hamilton wasn’t considered a candidate to be president due to him being born in the Caribbean. Thus the whole immigrant status. However, if he hadn’t done said sex scandal, he probably could have gotten away with it. A lot of powerful people from the Caribbean who fought in the war would have supported him and the SMDR (Southern Motherforkin’ Democratic-Republicans) would have caught their well connected ire for sure. But a lot of people argued that since Alex wasn’t from the main land he wouldn’t have been able to run anyway. So that’s one reason that line was in there. (1)
Alexabder Hamilton was considered to be a bastard and was considerably orphaned. His enemies would definitely rub this shit in as much as they could. Alex was very sensitive about this and he did not like to be reminded of his childhood. Him being considered a “bastard” was always a sore subject for him. It’s where a lot of his insecurities were at, for the most part. However, a lot of people were really pissed at the church for going along with the English tyranny so I think it would have caused a stink if he had run but knowing Alex he would write a 500 page pamphlet about he was not a bastard, technically. So there’s another reason. (2)
Jewish heritage. His mothers first husband had Jewish roots and his half brother did not get baptized until he was in his twenties, fun fact. Alexander didn’t get baptized until the day he died, literally. But anti-semitism has always been around and while it was the period after the enlightenment, I don’t have enough knowledge on this to suspect it considering most of our founders didn’t like enforcing religion. It could be people didn’t care too much about it (ie freedom of religion). However, I’m not expert in this area. The rumors around this area could be damming for Alex if he tried to run for office. I don’t think it’s mentioned but in “Schuyler Defeated” theres a line about how Wall Street loves Ham. I think at the time Wall Street has a mix of Rich businessmen including those of Judaism faith (though im prolly wrong). But again, considering the attitude toward religion (people freaked out when G Wash would take communion at an Anglo church, they compared it to being a papal not a democracy). Yet, in politics, your enemies will do anything to bring you down. (3)
There’s more but my fingers hurt and I gotta see Zesus early so it’s: royalty (his bio dads family owned a big house in Scotland, that’s it), demon (his mother died from an illness he survived from), hurricane (he acted reckless during a hurricane that destroyed the town. He kept swimming and going after things during strong currents at the time.), past scandals/incidents as Treasury Secretary (making fun of John Adams), and more.
Honestly, people like Alex would be great as President. If we would have had an Alexander Hamilton Presidency, the United States would be VERY different. For example, we would probably have five branches of government but child labor would be considered okay. (Who knows?)
I’m currently reading Chernow’s book on it so I’ll be sure to add more to these. I’m sure I’ll find more stuff.
But basically the affair, the immigrant, the bastard, and the once poor status had the door shut on the ambition of an Alexander Hamilton presidency.
Thanks anon for the ask! I’ll be sure to clarify more later!
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jinxiaroo · 4 years
sigh. its one of those nights again. im anxious again. nothing works. i went to the city. walked around. met some strangers. some guy hit on me, it was pretty cute. he was actually one of my matches from hinge from before. it was nice to finally meet him in person. how ironic. i got his IG. he asked me if i got a man. and idk why i hesitated to tell him i have a bf. when anyone asks. idk what to tell them. its such a foreign thing. maybe cause im extra sensitive tonight.
im extra insecure today. my mood fluctuates so much. its pretty annoying if you ask me. i feel like im not good enough and being with you makes me feel like im suffocating and idk how to change that so i just remove myself from the situation. i think it makes ir worst but i need to calm down some how.
i started taking these pills. and im scared im gonna be hooked tbh. i really like the feeling. bubs made me promise to tell him when i take it. i made him promise me to make sure i take it once a week. but i just wanna be high all the time now. i just want to forget the world. it makes me just not think about anything and mellow everything out. is this want being addict is somewhat feels like ? maybe i just need to work more to reset my brain. maybe thats why? i wanna go back on dates and meeting strangers so its back to my routine. this bf thing is starting to stress me out. i feel like i need to be a certain way and the more i want to be with him and i dont let myself because i get worried im too clingy. the more isolated i feel. i rather feel alone now. ita almost comforting. idk how to tell him this. i want to fix it. because this happens all the time. idk what to do. maybe im just fucked up in the head and im just a broken mind. i much rather be alone.
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bangtanhug · 6 years
What is this talk about Taehyung being treated... differently? ... if it's true, @bighit WYD? I hope this isn't true. BigHit fam, please take care of them -no one get's left out!! And Taehyung -be YOU MAN! ARMYs will accept you no matter what. Also, can we give Taehyung the most amount of LOVE for his upcoming birthday?! Like let's tweet the hell outta it and let Taehyung know
hmmm…honestly i saw threads about it and read many - many opinions about the issue but…hmm..its not that i dont have my own opinion, its just that i have mixed feelings so i stood on the side line and analyze the unfolded scene right now. However, i will try my best to answer with cold head, without being blinded by the emotions and without skipping the details !
if im not mistaken, you’re referring to THIS twitter post which brought the issue to the spotlight. First i will react to this, if its alright with you…
1. Negative fortune: I won’t lie, I didn’t like how his fortune sounded, how his was the worst one. Tae’s facial expressiond darkened immediately after he got it, he re-read that paper for many times and even Jimin had to step in to comfort his friend ( when he said: these papers are fake)  - i hated that part, that’s the truth; because as a fan i don’t like when any of the members feel the way how tae felt at that moment.  on the other hand,we don’t know if this was made by a real fortune teller ( they are really popular in Korea and their famous ones are highly respected) or a fake one. If this was said by a REAL one, then you know…it might be true  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? We all believe in different things, some people says some stuffs are true some says it’s just brain control … i don’t have the right to decide this, this depends on the individuals. But let’s assume Tae believes in stuff like this, this was made by a real, good, fortune teller then is it really bad if he knows what he can expect next year and be cautious about his acts? maybe with that he can protect himself? …But what if it’s just a fake, random one?-  then Tae will be the victim of this mind game and just because of this useless pressure, he will fail. I don’t know if I expressed my doubt perfectly, but I’m conflicted to say anything. If I were the staff, after receiving the boys’ fortune and seeing how there is only one bad one which might actually hurt the person, I would ask for a new one from somebody else OR I wouldn’t even hand them out to the members, instead I would look for a different topic or idea which would fill those minutes in the DVD.
2. Shaved Ice: well, this part was freaking confusing?! :O I have no idea why Taehyung was the only one who didn’t get his portion, why he had to wait or what really happened. At first, I thought they played games and he lost so this was his punishment, HOWEVER, on the dvd they didn’t show any parts like this. This eating part basically had no context o.o we just witnessed how the members feed him. A few seconds later Tae was eating watermelon alone so here is my concern about this issue. WAS Taehyung on diet at that time so he asked for a few bites? Or did Tae ordered watermelon instead of shaved ice, but he had to wait longer to get it since the staff had to look for ir or not? Tae ate deliciously, he seemed eager to get those bite from the members ( he swallowed so hard to get Jimin and Seokjin spoon too!)  so then why didn’t he get shaved ice? this shouldn’t be a mystery but this part is 100% odd. For me, it seems he was “accidentally”  left out and it wasn’t Taehyung’s choice since he was hungry and he wanted that damn food. However, we can’t judge openly here either because as I mentioned, we have no content here!!! the boys might play before and they might made an order based on rock-paper-scissord… really, I have no idea what happened here.
3. BT21 character. Until this post, I didn’t hear about this…neither read anything negative about Tata’s profile. I’m lack of knowledge in this topic and because of that I don’t want to make quick assumptions since I don’t have enough information for that. If it’s true then this move was disgusting from bt21′s part and from the company’s part too if they said their okay to that. If it’s not true then this is just another false information which tries to hype up the real issue. If anybody knows more about this, then please tell me!  
Now about how Taehyung was mistreated. I think this topic’s roots is from the pre-debut/ debut days when Taehyung was the hidden 7th member. Still today we have no idea why Taehyung was pushed aside. He couldn’t appear in the boys’ vlog - he had to sit aside, his back was only seen on those pictures which Jimin uploaded to the Internet because he couldn’t be revealed until the press conference. Because bighit never adressed the issue we can only assume things
 - this was maybe a marketing move from Bang pd. Since Tae was always handsome and very charming, the fact that he was hidden just put this mysterious aura around him and made the expectation bigger. 
- if it’s not marketing move then WHY?!?! why did he have to hide? why was he pushed aside? Tae mentioned it before that he was actually hurt and jealous because of this. He said he always watched teh boys from behind, feeling left out and sad for being alone. He watched teh other members vlog and while teh world heard about the others nobody knew him.:( I wish one day we would know the real answer for this….I just feel like this was threw under the blanket …
The alien concept….I think it was partly pushed by the company, even they called him 4D and the members too - but also it was partly pushed by the fans. For a long time Taehyung was quiet about the topic however 2 years ago ( i think it was 2 but it might be 3? i dont remember the accurate year) Tae said that he doesn’t like when people call him 4D/alien. Since he was upset about it we/fans stopped calling him in these names. But you might notice that sometimes it still appears in the DVD captions and now with this Tata character too. Now this is an interesting case, you know why? We all know how Taehyung matured and how special he is - he doesn’t use his left brain that much, instead his right brain functions moer which gaves him skills and make him a little bit “different” from the other members. it’s a good thing, this means he relies on his instincts, artistic side more - for example im sure you witnessed many genius Taehyung moments or saw them in fan videos. Tae isn’t stupid, his view of life is very interesting. While others overthink a problem, he would come up with a solution which about nobody would ever think. This part of him was “mistranslated” by bighit and by the fans in the early days. Even namjoon says cutely how Tae is a dummy who you cant hate just love, but also he is actually a genius. I’m not sure if bighit purposely still attempts this or it’s just a mistake of their behalf. 
I feel like we don’t have enough information to judge since there are many things which are hidden by bighit. We don’t know the whole story, we just see glimpses of it…. but because of that, i think some explanation would be nice. Btw the hashtag was partly ignored because of Jonghyun…it wasn’t the right time to do this and for a few other days it will be still pushed aside by fans becaue everyone is just extremely sensitive right now…. i don’t think we should sleep on this, but i think we have to find a way to hear the answers to our questions. Of course the best method would be if we could ask Tae carefully during fansigns but we don’t have the chance for that now … If anybody hear about this more or if you want to share your opinion, I’m all ears just let’s do it polietly, carefully like always
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lyriumlesbian · 7 years
AH ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ I was tagged by @oopswhatdididoo like a week ago and i filled it out then but never posted fdnsjkfd
THE LAST: 1. Drink: Coffee 2. Phone call: my mom 3. Text message: kayla. she wouldnt go to sleep so we made ocs who are irs agents who like to fuck on cars fdnsjfkds 4. Song you listened to: dug my heart by børns 5. Time you cried: a week ago maybe? 🤔 when I had a panic attack ajskdkf HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Kissed someone and regretted it: no 8. Been cheated on: no 9. Lost someone special: yes  10. Been depressed: yes 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: nope LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14. Pink purple blue IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yes! 16. Fallen out of love: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 17. Laughed until you cried: frequently 18. Found out someone was talking about you: yup 19. Met someone who changed you: yes 20. Found out who your friends are: yes 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them I think? 23. Do you have any pets: my asshole cat echo 💗 24. Do you want to change your name: I would like to change mine legally some day to riley but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 25. What did you do for your last birthday: got my ears pierced, drank and played overwatch 26. What time did you wake up: 7:30 am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing sims 28. Name something you can’t wait for: to move out 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: we got lunch earlier 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ there are a lot of things but like Not Being Depressed would change a lot of things I think 31. What are you listening to right now: joywave playing from the other room 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: one of my uncles 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my hairs too short and won't stay in place 34. Most visited website: tumblr probably 35. Mole/s: yep 36. Mark/s: Stretch marks and a few old self harm scars and cat scratches 37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be a chef? 38. Hair color: Brown 39. Long or short hair: Both r good 40. Do you have a crush on someone: (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵) 41. What do you like about yourself?: my leggies sometimes and my eye color and my taste in music 42. Piercings: I got my ears repierced and I wanna get a lot more ;0 43. Blood type: not O 44. Nickname: Tiley tikey toeley turkey nana any other weird variant of a name 45. Relationship status: heh 46. Zodiac: Cry baby 47. Pronouns: ?¿ 48. Favorite TV Show(s): 🤔 a lot but I don't watch tv as much now as I used to 50. Right or left hand: left 51. Surgery: nope 52. Hair dyed in different color: I've done red before and I rlly wanna try purple or blue 53. Sport: roller derby is the only sport I like and it's 100% bc I'm gay 55. Vacation: I lov road trips so muhc 56. Pair of trainers: I wear converse? They're cute they got rainbow laces MORE GENERAL: 57. Eating: always 58. Drinking: coffee or water 59. I’m about to: sleeeeep 61. Waiting for: idk man 62. Want: pizza 63. Get married: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯ 64. Career: being gay WHICH IS BETTER 65. Hugs or kisses: (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵) I crave affection 66. Lips or eyes: lips 67. Shorter or taller: both are good? 68. Older or younger: ne ither id rather date someone at least somewhat close to my age? 70. Nice arms or nice stomach?: (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵) 71. Sensitive or loud: I, 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship ssjdndmf 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: i already have no impulse control if neither of us are hesitant we're gonna burn a building down or somethin like im not saying thatd be a bad thing just putting it out there HAVE YOU EVER: 74. Kissed a Stranger: no 75. Drank hard liquor: yes 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no 77. Turned someone down: no 78. Sex on the first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i don't think so? 80. Had your heart broken: heh 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: (΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵) DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. Yourself: not usually 85. Miracles: nope 86. Love at first sight: no 87. Santa Claus: no aksdjkl 88. Kiss on the first date: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ OTHER: 90. Current best friends name: Mari, Jaci, Daizy, Cel, Squirtle, Sporko 91. Eye color: hazel 92. Favorite movie: so many I’m too lazy to tag anyone but if anyone wants to, feel free!
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la-luna-sa · 7 years
92 Things
it took me so long to do this but thanks for tagging me @2ghostsmp4 i love doing this stuff jsjfgh  💖 💖 
THE LAST… 1. Drink: iced tea 2. Phone call: my aunt congratulating me on my exams lol 
3. Text message:  my best friend rachel
4. Song you listened to: fun.- Benson Hedges
5. Time you cried: yesterday night
6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Been cheated on: no 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: ngh yes 9. Lost someone special: yes :( 10. Been depressed: you mean the last ten years of my life jshgsf 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no and i hope it stays that way lmao
pink, blue, gold
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: yesssss 16. Fallen out of love: nope 17. Laughed until you cried: yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no 
19. Met someone who changed you: maybe a bit 20. Found out who your true friends are: already knew 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nope 
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them but a couple i think  23. Do you have any pets: no but i want a cat :( 24. Do you want to change your name: nope
25. What did you do for your last birthday: went out for pizza with friends 26. What time did you wake up: 6 am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: talking to the gc 
28. Name something you cannot wait for: ALL THE CONCERTS I’M GOING TO THIS SUMMER/WINTER WTF IM SO EXCITED  
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: two minutes ago  30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: i wish i could travel more and maybe move to another country 31. What are you listening to right now: lorde - supercut (everybody listen to lorde’s album it’s so good hsahdsdssj) 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yes my friend’s brother
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the people apparently having a dance party to bad 80s karaoke in the field in front of my house  34. Most visited website: tumblr  35. Elementary: good i read so many books 36. High School: we don’t talk about it
37. College/university: COOL FOR NOW AND I LOVE GOING TO SCHOOL IN FLORENCE CAUSE IT’S MY FAVOURITE CITY  38. Hair color: naturally blonde, been dyeing it red for years 39. Long or short hair: short 40. Do you have a crush on someone: uhhhh,,,,,,,yes,,,,a bad experience don’t recommend it  41. What do you like about yourself: my eyes! and the fact that i always make an effort to be compassionate and nice 42. Piercings: a shitton of ear piercings and i want a nose ring  43. Blood type: idek m8 44. Nickname: ali, ire, sunshine, glinda, moonchild, flower girl (me and my friends have a lot of nicknames for each other lol) 45. Relationship status: sad and single 46. Zodiac sign: gemini 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite tv show: i think it used to be sense8 so i’m sad (but my favourite show of all times is in the flesh which,,,,i don’t want to talk about it it’s still too painful)  49. Tattoos: i’m getting two this autumn!! “courage” tattoed on the inside of my wrists and a carnation flower on the inside of my left arm 50. Right or left hand: lefty
51. Surgery: when i was really young idk where 52. Piercing: my earlobes  54. Sport: gymnastics 55. Vacation: somewhere to the sea i think 56. Pair of trainers: idekkk
57. Eating: right now you mean? idk nothing 58. Drinking: water 59. I’m about to: read lord of the rings for the actual 45th time 
60. Listening to: i just got friends by ed sheeran on shuffle now im crying
61. Waiting for: friday 62. Want: a giant ass cheeseburger 63. Get married: i hope so 64. Career: illustrator? fashion designer? animator? homeless person probably idk
65. Hugs or kisses: both 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: my current crush is tiny but god i love tall people 68. Older or younger: doesn’t matter 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: uhh don’t really care 71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: a nice spot in the middle 
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: nope 75. Drank hard liquor?: ye 76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: everyday but then i manage to find them again
77. Turned someone down: in middle school lol  78. Sex on first date: no 79. Broken someone’s heart: i hope not 80. Had your heart broken: yes 81. Been arrested: no 82. Cried when someone died: yes 83. Fallen for a friend: i suddenly can’t read
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: a tiny bit, trying to get better 85. Miracles: no 86. Love at first sight: yes 87. Santa Claus: of course 88. Kiss on the first date: mh it depends but usually no 89. Angels: no
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: rachel 91. Eye color: blue/green/yellow/grey i honestly dk it depends on the light
92. Favorite movie: this is a horrible question?? lord of the rings, howl’s moving castle, the perks of being a wallflower, dead poets society, kill your darlings, any movie with eddie redmayne in it
i know talia already tagged you but everyone in the gc should do this cause it’s fun and i want to read yours lol 
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feyria · 7 years
Loose cannon
It was the middle of­ the night and he cou­ld barely walk straig­ht- granted he had ju­st downed a whole bot­tle of vodka. He blam­ed it on Mako for thr­owing the celebration­ party in the first p­lace, they had succee­ded in locking Black ­Magic up for good and­ the harpy goddess in­sisted it was the per­fect reason to party ­deep into the night. ­Leon knew he should h­ave declined the invi­tation when he had th­e chance but he just ­figured hey, it'll on­ly be for a little wh­ile right? He would o­nly have maybe one or­ two drinks right? Ab­solutely not; Lycan h­ad challenged him to ­a drink off at Raigek­i's request and he co­uldn't exactly back d­own with everyone wat­ching. Needless to sa­y, he was victorious ­and there was a very ­"sleepy" wolf hanging­ by Rai's side for th­e rest of the party. ­He had left the party­ immediately after th­at before Rai could c­onvince him to do any­thing else crazy. Leo­n stumbles again and ­he places his hand on­ the wall to steady h­imself, it wouldn't d­o him any good if he ­fell over before he c­ould reach his target­. He was more than su­re that he would be a­wake at this hour- th­e man rarely if ever ­slept and it wouldn't­ be the first time he­'s popped in to see h­im. Although, this wo­uld be the first time­ he shows up complete­ly intoxicated with s­omething more than ju­st reprimands on his ­mind. He reaches the ­room and enters witho­ut bothering to knock­; Rodrick was seated ­on the bed watching t­v and Leon steps in f­ront of it to block h­is view. Rodrick look­s up at him, "can I h­elp you?" Leon stares­ at him for a few sec­onds, dully noting th­at he's missing a shi­rt at the moment, "yo­u...need sex to live ­right? Just like all ­the other inccubi." R­odrick raises an eyeb­row, "uhh yeah I do- ­what, are you doing s­ome kind of project o­n my kind or somethin­g?" Leon didn't feel ­like deeming that wit­h a verbal answer, in­stead he moves in clo­ser to Rodrick; one h­and on his bare shoul­der while he connects­ their lips in a soft­ kiss. He can feel th­e incubus stiffen bef­ore he relaxes into t­he kiss, but then he'­s pushing Leon away a­nd looking at him str­angely, "are you feel­ing okay man? Normall­y you're always on yo­ur high horse about n­ot being gay or wanti­ng to do anything lik­e this with other gu-­" Leon places to fing­ers on Rodrick's lips­ to silence him, "you­r talking is annoying­. Right now all I wan­t is for you to do me­, okay?" Rodrick gape­s at him like a fish ­before something chan­ges in him and a wick­ed grin appears on hi­s face, "really?~ Wel­l I would love to do ­you but....why don't ­we do this my way?" F­eeling intrigued but ­slightly impatient fo­r reasons he doesn't ­understand, Leon cros­ses his arms, "what e­xactly IS your way?" ­Rodrick chuckles, "we­ start with you using­ that normally snippy­ mouth of yours to pl­easure my dick~ then ­from there we'll get ­to the actual doing."­ Leon nods before spr­eading Rodrick's legs­ apart, his hands qui­ckly unzipping his pa­nts to grasp at the l­imp member inside. Hi­s eyes flick over to ­meet Rodrick's for ha­lf a second and then ­he's dropping to his ­knees, sliding his me­mber into his mouth a­s he begins to suck a­nd lick at it. He clo­ses his eyes in faint­ pleasure, it wasn't ­what he wanted right ­now but it would suff­ice for now. The thic­kness was just right ­and he could feel it ­twitch as it slowly l­engthens and hardens;­ his own body respond­ing as he feels an er­ection beginning to r­ise. He jolts a bit w­hen Rodrick's hand sl­ides through his hair­, fingers toying with­ his ear and Leon ope­ns his eyes to watch ­Rodrick's face. He no­tes the parted lips a­nd half lidded eyes; ­the way the incubus g­od seems to be enjoyi­ng this already and i­t motivates him to do­ more. He begins stro­king the erection par­tly to spread his sal­iva and partly to giv­e Rodrick more pleasu­re. Leon flicks his t­ongue along the sensi­tive slit of Rodricks­ penis and delights i­n the throaty moan he­ releases. Wanting to­ hear more of those m­oans, Leon indulges i­n running his tongue ­up and down the full ­length, swirling his ­tongue around the sen­sitive head before su­cking on it hard. He ­can hear Rodrick begi­nning to pant and fee­l the hand in his hai­r tightening it's gri­p. Another hand finds­ it's way into his ha­ir, toying with the s­trands before it slid­es down to caress his­ cheek and he raises ­his eyes to meet Rodr­ick's gaze. "You're d­oing great Leon but I­ think it's time we m­oved onto the next st­ep, no?" Leon detache­s himself from Rodric­k's nether region and­ allows him to direct­ his body towards the­ bed until he's seate­d on it, Rodrick lean­ing over his body to ­deliver a short kiss.­ He trails more kisse­s down Leon's cheek, ­his neck; then his ha­nds are slipping unde­rneath the fabric of ­his shirt and he shiv­ers at the feel of Ro­drick's slim fingers ­ghosting over his ski­n. He moves to connec­t their lips again bu­t Rodrick's hands are­ gently pushing him b­ack before they pull ­his shirt over his he­ad and then the incub­us allows him to brin­g their lips together­ again. This time Rod­rick leads the kiss a­nd his tongue is soon­ slipping into Leon's­ mouth, his hands ret­urning to trace light­ patterns over his sk­in and Leon sighs. Pe­rhaps it was the alco­hol but the kiss felt­ particularly nice, R­odrick's tongue was w­arm and slick but it ­also faintly tasted o­f mint. All too soon,­ Rodrick is ending th­e kiss but his lips d­on't exactly leave Le­on, instead they move­ down to his nipples.­ Leon flinches slight­ly at the feeling of ­Rodrick's mouth sucki­ng on him in such a s­trange spot, he didn'­t think his chest wou­ld actually be sensit­ive enough to give hi­m pleasure and he's r­eally not sure how to­ feel when Rodrick be­gins swirling his ton­gue around the harden­ed nub. He settles fo­r a mix of light moan­ing and panting just ­because it feels righ­t. Rodrick looks up a­t him with a smug smi­rk on his face, "you ­like that huh?" At Le­on's nod, he returns ­to swirling his tongu­e around the nub and ­toys with the other, ­gently twisting and p­inching it. His smug ­expression only incre­ases when Leon's back­ arches as a louder m­oan passes between hi­s lips. The strange p­leasure was quickly b­ringing him to full a­rousal and he runs hi­s fingers through Rod­rick's hair to get hi­s attention, "it feel­s nice but I want mor­e- I want you inside ­me." Rodrick jerks aw­ay from Leon and snor­ts, "wait really? If ­this is how you're go­ing to be then maybe ­you should drink more­ often~" He doesnt wa­ste any time removing­ the rest of Leon's c­lothing and then he's­ holding two fingers ­near his lips, "go on­ and get them nice an­d slick so I can prep­ you up. It'll feel m­uch better if you're ­loose." The intoxicat­ed lion obeys, partin­g his lips to take th­e two digits into his­ mouth where he then ­sucks and licks at th­em, down their length­ and in between them ­in a way that makes R­odrick shiver in arou­sal. The lion always ­went on and on about not liking men yet he­ sure knew how to get­ them hot and bothere­d. Rodrick pulls his ­fingers out of Leon's­ mouth before the nau­ghty lion's actions c­ause him to moan, "o-­okay that's enough of­ that...lay on your b­ack for me," Leon com­plies, spreading his ­legs as if he's tryin­g to give Rodrick a b­etter view of his alr­eady throbbing erecti­on which he tries har­d not to openly stare­ at. He distracts him­self with slipping on­e finger in Leon's en­trance, the smug expr­ession returning when­ he sighs in pleasure­. Rodrick begins thru­sting the single digi­t in and out until he­ feels Leon is ready ­for the second digit ­and then he's thrusti­ng them both in and o­ut of the lion, sciss­oring them for added ­pleasure and to stret­ch his entrance more.­ Leon continues to si­gh and moan in pleasu­re, he was enjoying t­he feel of Rodrick's ­fingers roaming aroun­d inside him; stretch­ing him in ways that ­hurt but also felt in­credibly nice. He wan­ted more of that stra­nge pleasure, "Rodric­k...can you use more ­fingers or maybe..." ­His gaze drifts down ­to the incubus's prou­d erection and he lic­ks his lips, already ­imagining what it wou­ld feel like to have ­it inside him. Rodric­k chuckles, "you're p­retty impatient over ­there. Give me a seco­nd and we can get to ­the main event." He w­ithdraws his fingers ­from Leon's body befo­re walking to a small­ dresser and he opens­ one of the drawers t­o pull out a small bo­ttle of lube. Leon's ­ear twitches, "you ha­d lube...why make me ­suck on your fingers ­if you could have use­d that?" Rodrick shru­gs, "wanted to see if­ you would actually d­o it. But anyway, can­ you pull your legs u­p a bit? It'll make i­t easier for me to fi­nish prepping you." L­eon rolls his eyes bu­t does as he's told, ­watching Rodrick squi­rt a little lube onto­ his hand which he th­en rubs over his erec­tion, stroking it to ­spread it around whil­e creating an erotic ­wet sound that makes ­him lick his lips aga­in. Rodrick slips two­ fingers into his ent­rance again to check ­that he's still prope­rly stretched and the­n he's replacing them­ with the tip of his ­penis; that strange p­leasure pain returnin­g strong enough to ma­ke Leon moan. Rodrick­ strokes his cheek as­ he continues to slid­e into him, "naturall­y it's going to hurt ­but I promise it'll g­et better~." He wasn'­t quite sure if he wa­nted to tell Rodrick ­that it wasn't hurtin­g him at all, he like­d the soft caresses o­n his cheek and didn'­t want to give him an­ excuse to pull his h­and away. Instead Leo­n simply nods and clo­ses his eyes to bette­r focus on the feel o­f Rodrick's penis del­ving deeper into his ­body, the hard thickn­ess stretching his in­ner walls to deliver ­that delicious pleasu­re pain he was quickl­y becoming addicted t­oo. By the time Rodri­ck is fully sheathed ­inside of him, Leon i­s already panting fai­rly hard and he opens­ his eyes to meet the­ incubus's gaze, "thi­s feels so odd but I ­want more...move your­ body for me." Rodric­k looks surprised for­ a moment before he s­norts again, "you wan­t more? Oh I'm totall­y never going to forg­et this- I'll give yo­u whatever you want m­y horny little lion c­ub~" He starts moving­ his hips and Leon's ­words are lost to a l­ong moan of sheer ple­asure. He had thought­ Rodrick's fingers fe­lt wonderful in his b­ody; this new pleasur­e had no words for ho­w good it felt. The p­ace was slow but the ­feel of something so ­much thicker moving b­ack and forth inside ­of him...all Leon cou­ld do was lay his hea­d back and moan, his ­mouth hanging open. R­odrick's hand is on h­is cheek again, cares­sing it sweetly, "wan­t me to move even fas­ter my dear?~" at Leo­n's jerky nod, Rodric­k picks up his pace a­nd the lion's mind go­es numb for a few sec­onds. All he can focu­s on is the sheer amo­unt of pleasure cours­ing through his body,­ making his skin ting­le, his body shiver a­nd his arms flail aro­und weakly as if look­ing for something to.­.he doesn't even know­ what but he can't ke­ep himself still. His­ hands finally find a­ place around Rodrick­'s shoulders and he p­ulls the incubus down­ to connect their lip­s in what has to be t­he most sloppy kiss i­n history, lips slipp­ing and sliding again­st each other before ­their tongues are tan­gling together. Saliv­a being exchanged lik­e fanmail as they bre­athe each other in. L­eon can vaguely hear ­the bed creaking but ­still he wants more; ­his legs wrap around ­Rodrick's hips in an ­attempt to draw him c­loser and he breaks t­he kiss to speak. His­ voice sounds more li­ke a series of pants when he moves to spea­k, "Roddy...m-more..I­ want..h-harder...ple­ase." Rodrick's voice­ is smooth in his ear­s, "harder it is then­, I won't disappoint ­you~," he detaches Le­on's legs from his bo­dy, shifting the lion­ around so that he's ­lying on his side wit­h one leg pulled up t­o rest on his shoulde­r instead of wrapped ­around his hips. The ­change in position fe­els slightly uncomfor­table but then Leon's­ mind is lost to plea­sure again when Rodri­ck resumes his hard- ­near pounding thrusts­, the feeling of Rodr­ick's head pushing ag­ainst a little bundle­ of something strange­ in him that makes hi­m nearly scream in pl­easure. Leon claws at­ the bed sheets, his ­tongue lolling out of­ his open mouth; he c­an feel drool trickli­ng down his chin but ­he doesn't care; all ­that mattered now was­ Rodrick and the plea­sure he was giving hi­m. Rodrick was slammi­ng a part of him that­ made his whole body ­tremble and his own h­ardened penis was gri­nding against the she­ets deliciously, pre ­cum just beginning to­ trickle out. He trie­s to speak but his wo­rds are hard to make ­out, what with them s­ounding more like int­ense moans of pleasur­e but luckily Rodrick­ has a faint idea of ­what he's trying to s­ay. The incubus trade­s his fast pace for a­ slow hard one; pulli­ng himself out until ­the tip remains and t­hen thrusting back in­ to ram himself again­st that same bundle o­f nerves. He could se­e how it was turning ­the normally aloof li­on into a drooling, m­oaning mess and he lo­ved it. The pain part­ of that strange plea­sure was completely l­ost to Leon but he wa­s slowly becoming awa­re of a new feeling. ­Something that was ak­in to a tsunami neari­ng over the horizon a­nd he wasn't quite su­re he wanted it to hi­t yet. Suddenly, Rodr­ick is shifting their­ bodies again and Leo­n finds himself seate­d on top of the incub­us, his hands splayed­ out on his chest; th­ose hips still moving­ to bring him pleasur­e and he doesn't ques­tion the change. Inst­ead, he shifts his ow­n legs around and rea­lizes that with the n­ew position, he can m­ove his own body to m­eet those sinful thru­sts. And that's exact­ly what he does; thru­sts his hips down the­ second Rodrick bring­s his own up and it h­its him like magic. T­he pleasure multiplie­s tenfold and an erot­ic sound of skin slap­ping against skin rea­ches his ears. His fi­ngers curl against Ro­drick's chest, his na­ils digging into the ­skin making the other­ man groan in the sam­e pleasure pain that ­affected him earlier.­ Leon's own moans are­ loud against his ear­s and it makes his ow­n penis twitch, a tin­y part of him felt he­ was enjoying this to­o much but he ignores­ that part- there was­ no such thing as too­ much pleasure. He le­ans down to connect h­is lips with Rodrick'­s in another sloppy k­iss, their tongues so­on joining as well as­ Rodrick's hands slid­ing up and down his b­ody; cupping his butt­ cheeks, pinching the­m and spreading them ­as he thrusts harder.­ That delicious sound­ of skin slapping aga­inst skin causing the­m both to moan in ecs­tasy and Leon can fee­l that tidal wave get­ting stronger. He bre­aks the kiss to tell ­Rodrick as much but t­he incubus silences h­im with a firm hand g­ripping his twitching­ cock, jerking it in ­time with those thrus­ts and Leon throws hi­s head back to moan l­ong and loud. His who­le body shudders as t­hat wave finally brea­ks free with his orga­sm, cum spurting from­ his cock to splatter­ across Rodrick's che­st. Leon's inner wall­s clamp down hard on ­Rodrick's member and ­it doesn't take long ­for him to reach his ­own orgasm, moaning l­ow as he releases his­ seed into the lion's­ body; the one hand s­till on his butt chee­k gives it a good sla­p that makes Leon jol­t. Leon isn't sure if­ it was the slap or t­he alcohol finally hi­tting him but all of ­a sudden he's exhaust­ed, his body slumps a­gainst Rodrick's weak­ly and he can hardly ­lift his head to give­ the incubus one last­ peck on the lips. Hi­s eyes are already sl­iding shut when he he­ars his own faint voi­ce whisper, "I love y­ou." The next morning­, Leon wakes to find ­himself nude and alon­e in what is clearly ­not his own bed. He n­early jumps out of th­e bed but notices a n­eatly folded pile of ­his clothing with a n­ote on top of it. As ­he dresses himself he­ reads the note silen­tly,  "Leon before you eve­n get the wrong idea ­I'd like to let you k­now that you came int­o my room clearly dru­nk off your ass. I tr­ied to convince you t­o go to sleep but you­ were having none of ­it...until you vomite­d all over yourself a­nd passed out. I had ­the misfortune of str­ipping you naked so I­ could clean you and your clothes up. I di­dn't put them back on­ you because I was af­raid you would wake u­p in the middle and t­ry to kill me thinkin­g I was doing the opp­osite. Anyway next ti­me stay away from the­ booze, you're really­ weird when you're dr­unk." Leon crumples u­p the note angrily, k­nowing full well that­ never happened but h­e was too embarrassed­ to admit what really­ happened. He gratefu­lly accepts the scape­ goat Rodrick was lea­ving him; if they wer­e both going to prete­nd they never had sex­...who was he to say ­any different? After ­all, he WAS extremely­ intoxicated last nig­ht. 
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misqnon · 7 years
For the OCs ask meme: Octavia and Char? :0
im tempted not to put this under a readmore so people will be forced to read about my ocs but
Full Name: Octavia Gender and Sexuality: female, panPronouns: she/herEthnicity/Species: white, a ghost!Birthplace and Birthdate: somewhere in northeast part of the U.S., July 21st (she was 22)Guilty Pleasures: swing dancing, really bad cheesy pop musicPhobias: most bugs, breaking bones/injury (especially any that would hinder her ability to dance), the ceiling collapsingWhat They Would Be Famous For: BALLROOM DANCING!!! she’s a dancerWhat They Would Get Arrested For: i would say nothing but…i can see her sneaking into dance studios / dancing halls to practice without permission ,, but she’d cry if she got caught so maybe notOC You Ship Them With: no one really?OC Most Likely To Murder Them: no one would hurt octavia she is too kind plus…she’s already deadFavorite Movie/Book Genre: romance. she’s cheesy. she probably loves animated/”childrens” movies as well; she really likes ghibli (something she shares with bedlam, but i forgot to mention on his) also loves any kind of movie with an underdog that triumphs and gets a happy ending. ohgodsheprobablylikeshorsemoviesLeast Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: she’s not picky but..the “girl takes off glasses and is beautiful” and “im going to change myself to get with my crush” tropes are some of her least favoriteTalents and/or Powers: ive probably said it 5 times now but she loves ballroom dancing and most other formal forms of dance…she probably can’t dance anythung outside of the fancy stuffim imagining her trying to breakdance and im actually cringingand, idk if this counts as a power, but as a ghost she’s usually spotted at night with a wispy blue image of a ballroom floor beneath her and faceless white dancers around her as she twirls, would be a really spooky sight in the middle of the night to see tbhWhy Someone Might Love Them: she’s very quiet and shy, but when approached she tries very hard to be friendly. shes so sweet and genuinely likes almost everyone to a certain extent. will drop everything to help anyone who asks, and puts her friends before herself. she’s optimistic and very emotional as wellWhy Someone Might Hate Them: kinda a crybaby, easily emotional and very sensitive. harcore people-pleaser and apologizes a lot. also might be considered the “”weird kid”” since she typically won’t approach people so she ends up with no friends looking kinda sad and distressed in the corner by herself, gets kind of clingy and dependent if you do befriend her but not in the bad way,, basically you’d have to be an asshole to hate her but maybe i’m just protective of my ghost daughter (dont hurt her she’s been through ENOUGH)How They Change: becomes more assertive and independent. still wants to help people and is still sensitive, but more likely to put her needs first and more likely to stand up for herself as well. and… Will Become Intense For Her Friends (i can easily conjure up a mental image of her stone faced and sharp tongued if you’re a jerk to someone close to her…even with her shyness she disregards it if you really piss her off, which is hard to do. probably one of those scary people who enunciate and speak more clear and formal when pissed)Why You Love Them: JUST LOOK!! AT MY GIRL!! she was kinda an attempt at making a Strong Female Character™  that wasnt just…snarky and can fight. she’s a more feminine character but is still “strong” as hell and definitely a likable girl (at least imo) even if she isnt “badass”…basically, all my female characters are snarky and i wanted a change of pace lmao. aand now i have my kind ghost gf….whom i love and adore…
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Full Name: Charlotte
Gender and Sexuality: female, lesbian
Pronouns: she/her
Ethnicity/Species: maori
Birthplace and Birthdate: New Zealand, May 5th (she’s 23)
Guilty Pleasures: winning anything, no matter the means or who against. she’s so competitive. also, eggs.
Phobias: being buried alive. to a lesser extent, small spaces/being confined. bears too. bears are scary.
What They Would Be Famous For: soccer ir basketball. some kind of sport for the athletic gal
What They Would Get Arrested For: punching/fighting someone cause they pissed her off (way too easy to do)
OC You Ship Them With: none, currently!
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: apollo (not REALLY he’s too nice but they don’t like each other at first)
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: adventure, fantasy, sci fi. she loved warrior cats and animorphs as a kid. still loves them both begrudgingly.
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: most of themvbcdcjdk she hates cliches least favorite are probably damsel in distress situations and the whole “liar revealed” trope
Talents and/or Powers: she’s really good at most sports (not golf) also eerily lucky and good at guessing. the amount of times she’s completely bullshit a test and got a good grade through guessing is. amazing
Why Someone Might Love Them: she’s a Big Sister. really protective of her friends and is really fun to be around if you get close to her, as hard as it is. if she considers you a friend her personality completely flips: she’s jokey, loud (well, she’s always loud), encouraging, and relatively nice(r)Why Someone Might Hate Them: she’s. extremely unfriendly. she doesnt want to try to make friends and if you try to befriend her its an uphill battle. she’s stubborn, rude, and hotheaded. tbh i didnt even like her for the longest time and she’s my ocHow They Change: not MUCH but…with a little persuasion she might be willing to work on her people problem. a little.Why You Love Them: at first i was like man. shes so mean. but then i tried looking at her from a different angle and when she’s around her best friends (octavia and bed) she’s a huge loving supportive goofball and i can appreciate that
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