#it makes you wonder if it was the roxas in sora that pushed him to do that
storm-driver · 1 year
i think about this panel from the manga every day
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cq-studios · 2 months
Would you like to share anything from or about your Ventus (& Strelitzia) fic ?
Sure, I’m in the midst of rewriting it right now (doing that technique where you write it again but only the parts you remember) and the original fic was never finished but I can give some snippets.
Untitled “everyone thinks Ventus has a crush on Strelitzia but he actually can’t stop thinking about her because he killed her” WIP below the cut
Sora had finally made it back. After a whole year of searching, Riku was able to guide him back to the Realm of Light. Ven, like the rest of them, was smiling so wide his cheeks hurt.
The thing was, they weren’t alone.
A girl stepped out of the portal behind them. She wore a white dress and red bows in her hair. Something in his heart itched.
She scanned the people surrounding her, giving everyone a glance. Then her eyes landed on Ven. And on Ven her eyes stayed, alight with fear.
Ven’s stomach sank with familiarity. His breathing quickened. The itch turned to a jackhammer, rattling his core.
He took a step back. Then another. Then another.
It’s her.
Who’s her?
He broke eye contact.
“Are you alright?” Xion looked up at him with earnesty.
Through the fading dread, Ven managed a shaky grin and a nod. The girl’s brow furrowed but, thankfully, she didn’t push. He wondered if he and Roxas made similar faces when they lied.
“Come on, introduce yourself,”
“H-hello, I’m Strelitzia”.
The name rang in his head like bells. A cacophony just like the end. Like a new beginning.
It’s all my fault.
What is?
“Aren’t you going to say hi, Ven?” Aqua asked, concern not even hidden as she passed by.
Everyone seemed to be introducing themselves now. Strelitzia looked a little overwhelmed by all the attention.
“Uh, maybe… I don’t want to be rude but she, uh… makes me feel” he grappled for a word, “weird”.
He wasn’t sure that was a good enough word.
That didn’t feel right either.
Aqua paused for a moment, Ven could see the gears turning in her head.
And then here’s a couple of scenes from the older version
(This is a scene that takes place after poor Ven digs himself deeper into a hole lol)
Terra and Aqua shared a knowing look and big amused smiles.
“Wha-? What’s that look for?”
“It's just cute”
“You like her, don’t you?”
“I-I guess,” why is this important? “She seems nice, bu-” He paused mid sentence when he realized his friends’ smiles were growing even wider, “wait. You mean-” his cheeks were on fire in an instant, hands flying to cover his face, “Ahh! No! Gross guys”.
“You are around that age,” “Past it even”.
“Lalala! Not listening,”
“‘I can’t stop thinking about her’,”
“Guys, seriously, stop. It’s not a crush!” His confidence faltered, “At least… I-I don’t think it is”.
Maybe crushes did feel this way. He wouldn’t know, he’d never had one. But if they were supposed to feel like this he couldn’t imagine why anyone would want the feeling. It was just so... so suffocating.
“Hm?” The girl turned her head and eyed him expectantly.
Ven’s mouth suddenly felt like a desert. Was he really going to ask this? Was he even close enough with her to ask this? It’s a personal question. Maybe he shouldn’t bother.
No. He- He had to know.
He steeled his nerves and the question fell from his mouth, “do you have a- a crush on someone?”
The other wielder blinked in surprise and awkwardly, almost sympathetically replied, “Uh, yes, I do… why”
Ven felt so incredibly sheepish. In a voice barely louder than a whisper he asked, “What does it feel like?”
“Oh,” Something that resembled relief flashed in her expression, leaving Ven to wonder what she thought he was going to say, “(she’s supposed to describe it here but I don’t know how and I felt too awkward to ask someone lol)”
“So you don’t feel sick?”
“Feel sick?”
“That’s how I feel around Strelitzia…” “Aqua and Terra think I have a crush on her but-”
“But you aren’t sure”.
Ven shook his head
“Well, everyone’s different, but that doesn’t sound like a crush to me”
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Saïx’s final fight in the kh2 manga - a quick character analysis
(spoilers for kh2, 358/2 days, and kh3)
Setting The Stage: As Sora and his friends make their way through the Castle That Never Was, he comes across Saïx and Luxord, both prepared to fight them. Before Sora can prepare for battle, Luxord traps his friends (Donald, Goofy, Riku, and Kairi) each in their own cards.
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At first, the battle precedes how you would expect. Luxord challenges Sora to a card game in order to bring his friends back, Sora is reasonably upset at him and determined to win the fight, and Luxord may or may not be cheating. Saïx stands to the side watching this whole fight go down.
Saïx Takes Over: In the middle of Luxord and Sora’s fight, Saïx breaks all of the cards in half right in front of Sora’s eyes. When Luxord protests, Saïx threatens him with the same fate and he backs down.
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As Sora stands there frozen in shock at what just happened, Saïx takes the chance to get in the first couple of hits, knocking Sora to the ground. As he gets up, tears roll down his face, believing that all of his friends have died. When Sora finally gets the chance to hit him, he knocks Saïx back pretty far. This causes Luxord to call out his name and Saïx replies with “I don't need your help.” As he enters berserk mode, the maga shows us a flashback to 358/2 days to the Roxas and Saïx fight.
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With the usage of this particular flashback, it's clear that Saïx views Sora as Roxas, explaining his cruel actions here. By fighting Sora, he's able to get payback for their battle in days, he's able to finally destroy Roxas, to make him pay for everything Saïx believes him responsible for. Saïx prevented Luxord from helping him because this battle is something he wants all to himself. He won't tolerate any interference, he's waited long enough. As Sora finds himself on the ground again, Saïx asks him some Important questions. He asks, “You're still standing..? Why do you fight?” he then adds “Your friends are gone. You have nothing left to protect.” Lastly, Saïx asks, “What point is there in fighting alone?”
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I find all of these questions crucial to understanding Saïx’s actions in this fight.
Saïx hoped that by making Sora believe all of his friends were dead, he would lose all motivation to keep going. He would lose his purpose. Sound familiar?
Fast forwarding to kh3, Saïx admits to losing all sense of purpose when Axel made friends with Xion and Roxas, leaving him and Subject X in the dust. Feeling that if Axel didn't need him anymore, he no longer held any meaning. However, I don't think that was the only reason as to why he lost his purpose. Going back to kh2, Axel died as a sacrifice to protect Sora, leaving Saïx alone in the organization. During this time, most nobody's were not aware they would come back recompleted after they faded away, so Saïx had no idea that Axel would return. I believe Axel’s death was the final push for Saïx’ to completely lose his purpose and revolve all his actions going forward around revenge and jealousy. When Sora continued to fight despite the loss of his friends, Saïx became confused as to why he would want to go on when he had nothing left to protect. 
Sora’s Victory: Sora tells Saïx that he still fights because he knows that his heart is connected to his friends, even if they're not there with him. Saïx doesn't understand this himself until much later in the series. (Mentioned in his character files, “If I could just connect to others’ hearts, that would be enough.”) With a strong final blow filled with determination, he defeats Saïx. 
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As Saïx fades away, he looks up to kingdom hearts above him and wonders where his heart is. He fades away alone with no one to support his fall.
(If you're worried about Sora's friends, they're okay. Luxord had kept the real cards that held Sora's friends in his pocket, meaning the ones Saïx destroyed weren't the real thing. I'm assuming Saïx knew this but It made no difference as long as Sora believed they were dead. Jiminy Cricket was able to release them from the cards safely while Sora fought Saïx.)
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mirror-to-the-past · 1 year
So.... I bolted to the finish line of Dream Drop as I had nothing else to do today.
I am still collecting many thoughts, sentiments, attempts at analysis, etc, as I always do, but this game just had a lot to offer so I'm still weeding through the freshly tilled flowerbed that is my brain at the moment. Holy mother of run-on sentences (you're gonna see a lot of those).
First off, I wanna thank this game for doing so much for Sora and Riku's characters. The inverse development they had through the course of the plot was really interesting to follow, actually, and none of it's out of nowhere!
Since KH1, Sora's had the repression subplot and embracing the strength of others as his own. Here, he tried to do the same, but with everything that's happened to him since, all of which he doesn't even necessarily remember, and all of the emotions and memories he's been touched with and made more and more aware of- he's on shaky ground and the same ol' methods don't fit like they used to! Understandable! And Xehanort/13 Darkness gang just feeds into that. He expands on Sora's questioning of his identity, suggests the lack of validity of his emotions. Everything that could be used to describe Sora in a positive light in wake of what's happened to him, he finds a negative spin on it to really dig at Sora's core:
'You're confused about the direction your life has taken? Hm, wonder how much of you is even real. Your emotions? Memories? Could be fabrications. Or someone else's. Who knows...'
'Your heart is a refuge for lost souls, hoping to find a new future? Nah, screw that. Your heart's a prison. Your very existence binds people, Sora. And of course, you just love holding people back.'
'Aw, you follow where your heart leads? Cute. People's feelings have never led them astray before, huh? Why don't you just keep being a precious little idiot though, it works great for us.'
Xigbar particularly, was brutal as always. Loved the scenes with him and Sora in The World that Never Was. So well crafted. He towers over him, gets all up in Sora's business and you can see how uncomfortable Sora is. He pokes directly at Sora's two biggest insecurities:
Weakness; being incapable and helpless.
Not being wanted/needed, or dragging others down.
He goes on his whole spiel where he specifically highlights how Sora's pretty much leftovers. He acts like he's a good for nothing- "As if the Keyblade would choose a wimp like you." And childish for simply feeling the pain of others: "Oh... thank you, Sora's heart, for pushing him right into our clutches. Aren't hearts great? Steer us wrong every time." (Love that line) And Sora figures out that Nobodies have the capability of essentially learning to gain their own heart (CALLED IT, YES- BUT ALSO 😭 you poor guys. I think every party that could have benefitted either didn't care or didn't figure it out.), only to be further disparaged by Xemnas essentially being like 'Yeah, and then they got manipulated anyway, hah. Just like you.' Just two grown ass men bullying and gaslighting a teenage boy to heighten his insecurities. Because "possession" just seems to be a symbol for one losing themselves.
Xehanort as a character just gives those vibes of an individual who takes, takes, and breaks someone down until they don't feel like themselves anymore, becoming an extension of their manipulator. He preys upon vulnerability and lack of self assurance and it's so good, hah. So, that's the reading I find most appropriate for his thematic relevance, in relation to KH's continuous crisis of what makes up an identity. I mean, just look at how Xehanort describes the others they were considering as a dark vessel- Riku's "immune to the darkness," in other words, immune to obfuscation/has more solid connections. Roxas was considered as too driven, assured in his place in Sora's heart when he forged his own trial-by-fire path. Both people that came to peace with themselves and what they wanted through hardship, one way or another. Now, I'm not saying Sora hasn't felt hardship, but when your theme is "repression," he's up against amnesia, feelings of others encroaching on his own, and a lack of self evaluation. He has more of himself in others, at the moment, and that's leaving him vulnerable.
So, you can only imagine how Sora feels at the game's conclusion, denied a rank of Keyblade Master, those words lingering in his mind as one of the most recent things he's heard, near death(?) experience, and Sora had been filled in I'm sure on how Riku was endangering himself for Sora's sake. I'm sure he feels super great about all that.
(His "What do you want me to see?!" line after Roxas disappeared... haha... I'm well.)
Meanwhile, Riku. His whole arc was the polar opposite! By the end of this game, he was the most self assured than we've seen him the whole series! 🎉 Hooray! At least someone gets to be happy! :'D
But for real, *wow.* Personal quip, I doubt I need to go heavily into the queer connotations of Riku's journey to easier vulnerability and self acceptance, especially in this game, because I'm sure anyone who takes time to read this can probably see it, but wow. The way he learned to change his reflexes and actions throughout the course of the story in a number of small, meaningful ways was so sweet. It was cheesy, sure, but him openly laughing with the other teens in Traverse Town. Him admitting to the nature of his insecurities to help another, and then getting comforted by Esmeralda in return, who assured him it was understandable to have walls around his heart/keep parts of himself separate from the world when he was still unsure and figuring out his feelings (lines that drive me crazy, 2023). Him rolling his eyes at the "All for one and one for all," motto before reflecting on Sora's openness and inclusion, and deciding to give it a try, himself. So many little things where he learned to laugh and reminisce freely and it reminded me of the snippet of how he was when he was younger in BBS, which, speaking of- all those steps towards healthiness made it so that throughout the entire game, unlike CoM, where he fought in darkness with self hate, and Days, where he lost himself completely, he never battled with notable levels of internal darkness to try to win anything. He found his strength to protect the things that matter, like he always wanted, by being himself, unapologetically.
...I wish I played this game in middle school or something. Alas.
(Also Riku Dream Eater theory was a go, boys! Also like how there was no explanation other than *X. Heartless voice* "Yes adopted son of darkness, you were down so bad you changed species to protect Sora from bad dreams as soon as you subconsciously felt suspicious vibes." And that's all we're gonna fucking get, so deal with it *mic drop*. 😂 Was pleasantly surprised Sora's clothes were also plot relevant, and I feel better about disliking them now. They branded him, eugh.)
Speaking of being yourself, but perhaps being too many of yourselves, in this case, here's my obligatory "cries at the endgame" sentiments. This one was less hype than the others, but punched me directly in the heart instead. Oh. My. GOD? That whole sequence of Riku diving into Sora's heart (with all of his memories floating past? Lord I'd be so embarrassed if I was ever in such a situation- it's so personal, y'know?), entering its innermost reaches, answering the questions... holy guacamole guys I think I left a part of me on those sunset beaches, there. That whole scene was a KH1 reference with the questions (I answered in terms of how I best thought Riku would answer), Riku and Xion's sitting placements on the Paopu tree (also Riku saw Xion as Sora *fist pumps in sad success*), and I'm almost *certain,* especially since it was right before "What are you most afraid of" that my theory of Riku overhearing the Sora&Kairi dock convo in the first game was valid. I mean, just look at the dude's face after staring out at the sunset. M'boy Riku looked downright melancholy and I trust KH microexpressions with my life. (And speaking of microexpressions, Sora's smile looked suspiciously forced when congratulating Riku on becoming a Master, poor fella. He was trying so hard to be a good sport about everything with that messy situation.)
Dream Drop Distance did so much with how we're finally having all of the separate plot points converge and it was so surprisingly satisfying. Sora seems to be picking up more about Naminé, he's aware of Xion and is trying to figure out who she is. Roxas seems to be losing himself or doubting who he is outside Sora and aaaahh?? No?! My beautiful boy, don't do this, we'll get you out! I miss Axel, but we've got Lea, who keeps getting deadnamed (he got chosen as a Wielder by the universe for his troubles). I want to see more of Ienzo, he endears me, especially when he's told "shut up nerd" by Lea. Foreshadowing about Ventus (when he smiled upon feeling Sora's happiness with the Dream Eaters post-credits, something got me in my core about imagining Ventus experiencing all of Sora's joys and hurts while he grew up. I wonder if he'll feel any affection for Sora's friends as if they were his own, as well.). We finally got Ansem's data he implanted within Sora. Kairi is being brought back into the plot since KH2!! HYPE! *On my hands and knees*
Anyway this game was good. I probably have more to say because there was just so much but yeah.
Edit: Almost forgot the thing I groaned at my TV for earlier! ^_^
They composed a Heartsong and each of their hearts play a piece of a Duet version of Dearly Beloved, which is the Title Theme for the Entire Franchise, and Definitely Doesn't have any romantic connotations as a phrase or anything. Also they Definitely do not have a Two-Part-One-Whole Keyblade that isn't (so far, I'll catch up) explained, and is a phenomena not previously noted throughout the games, that has a Paopu Fruit hanging off the end.
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Man, all this stuff tuckers an epic gamer out. Think I'll go replay Hades, Stardew Valley, Undertale/Deltarune as a break, considerably less gay games. (Har, har)
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eradicatetehnormal · 2 months
Posted this as a comment, but here's a repost to tumblr:
I think that unless something big centered around Kairi happens, I'll always have mixed feelings for her. When I'm playing the games, I don't pay her much mind, but when I go back and think about her, it's so frustrating. Sora was reckless when he stood up to Riku with no weapon but got rewarded for his courage and learning his lesson about the power of connection. Riku is reckless when he joins Maleficent but gets to redeem himself by going through castle oblivion and eventually becoming a keyblade master. Kairi though? As mentioned in the video, when she's reckless in KH2 by jumping into the pile of heartless, she needs to be given grace by Riku and his ability to apparently pull keyblades out of his bum-hole.
It's almost as if the narrative, the very universe of Kingdom Hearts is punishing her for daring to try to be more involved. It's sad. I get that that's the point, but when Sora gets to rebound and save the universe despite his mistakes, it can feel upsetting and unsatisfying to see Kairi be able to barely progress in terms of her position. I get, understand, and agree with some points about the people who say that Kairi sucks because she doesn't fight, having a bit of a sexist mindset. Here's the thing though, when it comes to action movies, cheezy shounen anime, or most relevantly, RPGs, fights aren't just two dudes slicining at each other with "d1ldo sticks," as TheGamer'sJoint calls, them.
Fights carry narrative weight behind them. They represent things. Roxas fighting Sora represented the former's last-ditch effort to get out of the latter's shadow and take control of his life, only to end in tragedy, confirming, for then, that nobodies are fated to be forgotten. Xion's fight with Axel represents the hardships of crumbling friendships and how some desperately cling to something that isn't working out.
Kairi though? She never gets that big narrative fight. Sure, there's the fight with Xehanort, but that's shared with Sora. I guess it's cool that she got to stick it to the guy who tried to "fRiDgE" her, but most of the truly emotional stuff comes from the scene before that fight. It showed how the relationship between her and Sora has changed over time, where she hasn't proven herself to some losers in the real world, Sora has come to recognize her strength and is willing to fight with her as an equal possibly giving her some confidence for the battle. Still, she never has that character that's a foil to her.
She doesn't have anybody forcing her to push past her limits. She's essentially her own cheerleader. I guess Axel's there too? They didn't do anything with that.
I used to feel irritated with how much of her character is centered around her relationship with and to Sora and Riku, but the more I think about it, it makes sense. Particularly with Sora, I always thought of them as parallels to each other. Sora is everything Kairi wants to be. Someone who defied fate and expectations by rising above almost any challenge that faced him in spite of his weakness. Kairi is everything Sora thinks he is. Someone who, despite their best efforts and endless potential, end up failing most of the time and having to rely on others, never quite being able to get out of those training wheels. Sora is what happens when you TRY to be the knight. Kairi is what happens when you are FORCED to be the princess.
I hope that KH4 can find time to make that undertone to their relationship, more of an overtone, even if they're just feeling the relationship change through their hearts or something. I feel like people (myself included) miss Kairi's character because, beyond our misogyny, we're so accustomed to arm candy bimbos in action media, that we'll immediately look at most leading female characters through that lens. I wonder if more people would appreciate her character, had KH been a character-driven TV show instead of an action JRPG. I would love to get some more side material of her, whether it be a short series, a 3-hour visual novel, or another rhythm game. Something that really picks her brain.
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dominicsorel · 1 year
Also hi sorry I just wanted to say in the Disorder cutscene it goes Roxas -> Xion -> Riku -> Sora, which like. You could say might be a way to show the nobody's and then their others in order. But also having Riku right in the middle of it all is such an interesting choice too, again it being followed by the "Xion siphoning Sora's memories through Roxas" explanation, why would the memories be going through Riku at all?
Also also, at the beginning of that scene, Roxas has one of Sora's memories of Kairi, which he later tells Axel about, saying it felt like a dream. But if Xion is getting Sora's memories (especially the ones about Kairi from what we know), why did Roxas end up keeping that one? (And also seemed to forget Riku's memory right after, only mentioning that he saw a girl who looked like Xion and not like. Seeing his dead coworker. But Xion did seem to keep that memory.)
Perhaps the two of them are more trading memories which each other?
Anyway I don't know if you've talked about any of this before but I'm really interested in your theory.
Oh, I love how they bunch them together like that. No Kairi (if you've seen my BBS Kairi is Sora theory, you know I don't fully believe this nonsense about Kairi effecting why Xion looks like that) or just Sora in there, is there? Nope, they put Riku there. And my theory involves Sora's heart or a piece of it being with Roxas to keep it safe. If he's Riku's Nobody, it would make sense for him to be chosen as a safe place for Sora to rest. Riku is someone who will always keep Sora safe, even at his own expense and subconsciously.
It would explain all the odd feelings Roxas experiences during his journey (as Sora experiences similar things with Roxas and Ventus inside him) and why Carpet would say he senses a friend despite Genie and others not feeling the same way. Mickey Mouse in the KH2 Novel thinks Pluto is nearby but it's Axel who was just AROUND Pluto for a period of time. He says Axel "smells like a friend", hilariously enough.
Also, Roxas reacts similar as Sora did when Sora speaks out of him to Riku as when Ventus speaks to Vanitas from within him. They both express shock and weren't aware the other person was with them at all. The only difference being that they assumed it meant Roxas was Sora's Nobody in the first case. Wonder what would've happened if they had access to the power of waking back then...
Riku was more willing to fight Roxas because he didn't fully believe he WAS Sora's Nobody upon meeting him and just went off what DIZ told him. You can see the very drastic difference in how he treats Xion and Roxas. He acknowledges Xion as a part of Sora and gives her room and time to consider her choices as someone with agency. He does not give Roxas this same courtesy. Makes more sense to me if Roxas is a part of Riku if he's willing to fight him. "I feel like I'm my own enemy", he says in COM. Maleficent tells him to not forget to finish himself because he's also "someone from the dark" which is how Roxas introduces himself to Sora in KH2.
Roxas explaining it felt like a dream when it WAS an actual nightmare that Riku was in was very interesting and accurate. He even reacts in a flight manner as if it was too much for his psyche to bare while Xion got trapped inside of it, potentially siphoning it from Roxas in the process which is why it might have faded from memory or it could've simply been too much for Roxas to handle atm so he pushed it to his subconscious. Riku also has to save Xion as...a Dream Eater does.
Pretty deep stuff there. He doesn't save Roxas from it but he acts without thinking with Xion. He just "felt like it". Not so much with Roxas. I love the line in the KH2 Novel after Riku stops Roxas and asks him if he "feels Sora" because he states he's getting frustrated with HIMSELF and then pauses before thinking that the sentiment is odd. He doesn't understand why he went to see Roxas.
My understanding of the siphoning memory power is if the heart is power, then wouldn't memory be too? The more experience you have, the more strength you have in life. And it's not necessary for it to BE at a conscious level either. We experience life-altering events some of us forget to cope but it still changes us. I guess the good thing in this situation is that even if your brain forgets, your body won't. Roxas gets weaker at times when Xion is at her best during Days. Not so unlike Riku's situation with Sora. Neither Roxas nor Riku wield the Kingdom Key anymore. Xion and Sora still do. But Roxas and Riku are still able to gain strength without taking it back from the other two.
Sidenote on the Keyblade situation: I just thought it was really precious that in the Days manga Xion compared holding Roxas's Keyblade to holding his hand.
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Tender Loving Care
Summary: When Naminé gets to go shopping at a store in Twilight Town for the first time, to have fun, she's shocked to find Riku working there. It seems he took a part-time job there because he wanted an excuse to run into the Sea Salt Family. Because after looking for Sora for more than a year, and burning the candle at both ends to do so, he finds himself needing a break from it: and someone to tell him it's okay to take a little bit of time off. And Naminé in understanding his situation all too well is more than happy to give him that reprieve. Namiku. Oneshot. Canon compliant. Post-Remind. Pre-Melody of Memory.
Tender Loving Care
Naminé had never been to a store before… a very sad statement, she knew. But she had only been born about two years ago, and had been in confinement for most of that time… and the Organization nor DiZ had exactly been big on the idea about her going to the super market.
She knew what they were like, of course. She had seen a number of them in Sora’s memories; and while Naminé knew it probably should have been the last thing she was worrying about during her imprisonment, a part of her found herself longing to go there, whether it was for clothes, toys, food: you name it.
She had wanted to be silly, too—even knowing she could get kicked out for such shenanigans—and sit in a cart and have Sora, Riku, or Kairi push her around in one of the carts, the way Kairi had once been pushed in one. It just seemed so much fun, and so freeing…
So Naminé was more than a little thrilled when she became her own person—something the former Nobody had never expected her friends would make happen for her: not even when she’d somehow ended up in the journal’s message about the people Sora needed to save—and got to go to her first store ever: somewhere she was right now, in fact.
It was a little dollar store inside Twilight Town’s mall, and it had drawn Naminé’s eye the moment she seen it, with all the colors and plethora of toys begging to be examined. It looked like a child’s dream come true to Naminé. And she had no doubt that whoever had designed the layout of the place, had done so with the utmost cleverness in order to bring kids in—as the children no doubt tugged on their parent’s arm to follow them in… And the space drew in the teenage artist, who had never seen such liveliness—and had never been free before—too.
“This place is lovely. Don’t you agree, Axel? Oh, look! Are those balloons in the back?! We could throw a party, for when we inevitably bring Sora back! And there are little air chairs that way!” Naminé was already on her way to the back of the room in her excitement, that seemed to be more pre-teen and teen oriented (also, with some art supplies leading on up to that section. Was today her lucky day or what?!), but before she could very far, Axel was gently grabbing onto her arm to stop her.
“Naminé, are you sure this is the first store you want to stop at? If you do, all the power to you! Don’t let me be the one to halt you. But if you’re worried about munny, or somethin’, you don’t have ta. Isa and I here have more than enough here, to let your first shopping spree here be whatever you want it to. Got it memorized?” Axel beamed at her, as he pointed an index finger to his head before winking.
Roxas and Xion—who were hanging back outside the store, because they must not have been as entranced by it as Naminé was—laughed at Axel’s antics. And Naminé couldn’t help giggling and smiling herself, as she wondered what she’d done deserve to such a wonderful family and happy lifestyle now. She certainly wasn’t complaining about it.
“But at the same time, if Naminé wants to go here, we mustn’t make her think we’re dissuading her from it, Lea,” Isa corrected his companion with a stern look, just as he came into the store and began heading back towards the area that had drawn the young witch’s eye.
“Yes. Isa’s right. This is the first place I’d like to go… if that’s alright,” Naminé explained. “But I don’t think that you were saying my interests didn’t matter or anything like that, Axel. Quite the opposite, really. You’re both too sweet.”
Okay… she was overdoing it, and Naminé knew it. She sounded too much like she was trying to please both Isa and Axel, as if she were afraid what would happen to her if she didn’t (and Naminé hated the stares she was attracting from a few employees who seemed to realize that she was aiming to please everyone, as if they realized she had been an abuse victim). But after all she had been through, she supposed that some habits would take a while to break. One day at a time…
“Well, if Naminé wants to check this place out, you know what that means. Into this store, we go!” Roxas exclaimed, quite literally skipping into the store to break some of the tension then. And if Naminé were a bit more comfortable with whatever she and Roxas were supposed to be to each other now, she could have thrown herself into his arms then.
Then, before she could blink, both Roxas and Xion were grabbing one of her arms and dragging her back to where she’d clearly wanted to head as the two of them laughed and laughed. And then she couldn’t help but do the same herself.
Eventually, the two of them must have trusted that she was out of her “I must please everyone” mode and would actually have some fun here, because they set her down and began looking at things themselves. And it was okay, for it didn’t take Naminé too long to become enraptured by the paints, glitters, and even streamers before her… so much so that she at first didn’t realize that Riku was working right in front of her, until she heard his familiar baritone saying rather cutely, “So, not even a ‘hi’ to your other favorite jailbird, Naminé? I see I won’t be getting you anything for Christmas this year.” (1)
“Riku! Oh my goodness, what are you doing here?! I thought you were in the Land of Departure with Terra, Ventus, and Aqua!”
Riku raised an eyebrow at that. And Naminé was about to try and puzzle out why, before she was unceremoniously knocked into Riku’s arms by a kid running just behind her. And if it weren’t for Riku’s fast reflexes she would have smashed her chin on the stool Riku’d been sitting on, but fortunately that hadn’t happened and she was very glad for that. She was done with being abused, thank you very much.
And somehow, it was only now—when she realized she’d almost hit her face on said stool, and realized that Riku was sitting on such a thing—that something seemed to really click in Naminé’s head. “You’re working here, Riku?”
Because it seemed that Riku had actually been sitting in said stool blowing up balloons. And Naminé couldn’t see how the store would let him get away with that, unless he was one of their employees. But she couldn’t help being a little confused by it all. Because surely if Riku was doing this, he thought it would help him find Sora in some way, shape, or form… Right? “…And you think this will help Sora somehow?”
To that, Riku simply shrugged. “Everyone needs a break now and then, Naminé. Even me. So, when I saw this store asking for part-time workers to help promote you guys’ upcoming balloon fest, I decided to give it a try. It’s a change of pace, at least. And I was hoping to run into you all… and to maybe have an excuse for the running into you, because maybe I do feel bad about not trying to locate Sora twenty-four-seven, yeah.”
And Naminé instantly felt horrible for almost having have accused him for slacking off in the search a moment ago. Maybe she didn’t feel as badly about that as she did for some of the other things she’d done in the past… but she still felt horrible enough.
And there was a part of Naminé—that she knew was wrong, and was trying to fight back now—that thought she didn’t deserve to have come to the store, after all, if she could still hurt people like this. And she tried to put some of that inflection into her apology here. “Of course, Riku… you do deserve a break and I’m so sorry to have made you think otherwise. You need time from the trauma, and to live your life, too. So, I’m thrilled that you’re here.”
“Thanks,” Riku smiled now, with that trademark smirk of his.
And it was when Naminé’s heart started fluttering at that, and she thought she might have been falling in love of all things, that she decided she ought to ground herself. “But you know, Riku… you really don’t need an excuse to see us. Ever. I’m also thinking that with all of the munny you’ve gotten fighting Heartless, you don’t really need this part-time job, either. Do you? You know what I’m thinking? You should quit! And spend the day shopping with my family and me. And then maybe we can even go to that aforementioned Balloon Fest later.”
Riku’s eyes widened fractionally at everything Naminé had just said. And, yes, his mouth was agape, too. And the former Nobody supposed she couldn’t blame him for being so taken aback that she, of all people, would suggest he quit his job, when she’d been all about getting her work done in the past, no matter how much it hurt her. But that was exactly why she needed to promote better living now, wasn’t it?
Riku didn’t respond right away. As she waited for him to reply, a kid sat on one of the shelves and made it dip down with his weight, and one of the employees came over to try and get the shelf to lift back up and to get rid of the dent… another worker added more yellow green air chairs to the stack of said seats—making Naminé wonder if that color was hot this season—and then the blonde had to panic for a second when she thought that Riku might have forgotten how to breathe, and she might have to give him CPR.
But finally, Riku was smirking once more—and Naminé had to tell her heart to be still once he was—and he sidled up to her and looped her arm with his. “Sounds like a plan, Naminé. I mean, this store alone is nothing like the ones that I know of. Usually, you just stand outside and peek at wares from a distance and tell the seller what you want… So, this here is kind of crazy. If this is just the start of the evening, I can’t wait to see what other opportunities this little vacation can bring me, with you by my side.”
Naminé thought for a moment about what to say to Riku’s comment there—as the two of them, arm-in-arm, began heading up towards the cash register where her family was—and though the little witch definitely looked pensive while she thought about it, it really took her only a second to figure it all out. Because this encompassed so many different things that she was feeling, didn’t it? “Hopefully much more, Riku. Hopefully much more.”
Author's Note: 1. Riku is saying that he and Naminé were both pretty much in DiZ's "jail," together (when they were trying to restore Sora's memories during Days/the start of KHII), so to speak.
Another story idea that I came up with while I was trying to sleep, or while half-asleep, or something.
Though this one I started a LONG time ago. Like, definitely before KHIV was announced.
For whatever reason, I wasn’t sure I’d ever finish this. I think I was lacking inspiration for it (I think because originally, I was going to have Riku and Nami go to the Balloon Fest and stuff, but I didn’t really know what to have them do there. But I’m glad that I cut that all out so I could finally finish/post this story. I don’t really know if that part of it was needed or would have fit in here, anyway, now that I look back at this. -shrugs-)
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larkawolfgirl · 2 years
It's Hard to Let it Go (Rikai)
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Category: F/M Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Relationship: Kairi/Riku, implied sorikai Characters: Riku, Kairi, Riku's Mother, Naminé
Summary:  When Kairi returns to Riku alone and without an explanation, he tries to keep them from falling apart any more than they have.
Read on ao3
Riku understands why Kairi made such a fuss about getting left behind now that he’s the one left waiting. It’s agonizing not knowing where they are, how long it will be before he sees them, or even if he will. The only thing keeping him from chasing after Sora is the fact he made him promise to let him do this alone. The others all want to celebrate, and he isn’t about to dampen their good time, so he takes a note from Sora’s book and puts on a fake smile and tries to enjoy spending time with his friends.
They stay on the islands for three days before, one by one, they each head off back to their own homes. Namine is the last to linger, seeing through Riku’s facade. She touches his arm and gives him a look that reminds him so much of Kairi it makes his chest ache.
“Are you going to be okay?”
“Yeah,” he assures her. As much as he doesn’t want to be alone, he thinks having her as a constant reminder that Kairi isn’t here is actually worse. “Go, I’ll just bring you down. Roxas and Xion will be much better company.”
She frowns but doesn’t protest. “Promise to keep in touch.”
Weeks go by, spent mostly staring out at the sea and sky, wondering where Sora and Kairi could possibly be. Then, in the middle of the night, he’s woken by a pounding at the door. He’s still half asleep when he opens the door, but as soon as he takes in auburn hair, he’s tugging Kairi against him.
“Kairi.” He closes his eyes and breathes in the scent of her. She’s alive. He’s so relieved it takes him a moment to realize she’s shaking. Pulling back, he looks at her face to see tears. “Kairi? What’s wrong?” He glances behind her, now seeing that she is alone. “Where’s Sora?”
She chokes on a sob.
His chest squeezes. Something’s wrong. He wants to push her to talk so that he can do something--because there must be something he can do--but she looks so exhausted and devastated all he can bring himself to do is lead her inside. “Here,” he says, sitting her on the couch, “I’ll grab you a pillow and blanket.”
He starts to move away, but she tugs on his sleep shirt before he can leave. “Can I sleep with you instead?”
He swallows, nods, and takes her hand. They settle side by side on his bed and soon her head is pressed firmly against his chest. She’s crying, and he doesn’t even know why, although he can guess. One of his fists rests on her back while the other clenches at his sheets.
In the morning, Riku has to coax her downstairs for breakfast. His mother is almost as happy to see her as he is. The woman wraps her in a tight hug Kairi barely returns. She’s silent and hardly eats. Eventually, his mother excuses herself for work and wishes them both a good day.
Riku watches Kairi jab her toast repeatedly at her plate and clears his throat. “Are you going to tell me what happened?”
She eyes him then looks back at her toast. “Do I need to?”
There it is then, worst case scenario. He heaves in a breath. Sora can’t be gone. They won. They beat Xehanort and everything should have been fine now. He nearly breaks down with grief right there but he’s too worried it will make things that much worse for Kairi, so he lies that he needs to use the restroom and shakes through silent tears behind a closed door.  
They don’t talk about it again. Kairi refuses to explain what happened and tenses any time Sora’s name is even mentioned, so Riku stops bringing him up. She spends half her time joined at his hip, as if she’s afraid he’ll disappear if she takes her eyes off him and the other half training.
“You don’t need to work yourself so hard, you know?” he tells her once. All he gets is a grunt in return and an uppercut to the chin he isn’t expecting that smarts for the rest of the day. He joins her less as time wears on. There’s little point given they have no foreseen enemies. Kairi is the opposite. The longer she is back the more time she spends training, pushing herself until she is soaked in sweat and short of breath, until her workout clothes have holes in them and her hair is twisted in tangles.
It’s painful to watch. He knows why she’s doing it, which is why he doesn’t stop her. This is her attempt to make things right. So he lets her train day in and day out and hopes that eventually it will be enough.
It took some arguing, but Kairi’s parents and his own finally agreed that she could stay at Riku’s place, and even though it is a rule that she is supposed to sleep in the living room, after being caught in his bed more times than they can count, his parents stopped bothering. That’s why Riku jumps out of bed when he startles awake from a nightmare to find it empty. His heart beats rapidly in his chest fearing his nightmare has come true. Kairi returning was nothing but a dream and he is still alone here, waiting. He rushes through the house, checking every room but his parents, finding no one. When he passes the front door he hears something coming from outside and opens it.
Kairi leaps and slashes downward with her keyblade striking up waves of sand in her wake. Some of it flies at Riku’s face causing him to cough. She whirls around to face him, grip tightening on her shealth. “What do you want, Riku?”
Her voice is tight. “I didn’t know where you were.”
She gives a cheerless laugh. “ I’m not going anywhere.”
“Don’t, okay? Just don’t.”
“I’m worried about you.”
She turns to the side, summoning a ball of fire and shooting it into the ocean. “I’m not who you should be worried about.”
“Can’t I be worried about both of you?”
Her face tenses and he knows what she must be thinking, I’m not worth it . How many times has he thought the same thing? It makes him sick that Kairi, who has never done anything wrong her entire life (the girl refused to even snatch an extra cookie from the cookie jar when Sora’s mom told them to take one) is beating herself up like this. He is supposed to be the moody one.
He comes up behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders. She tries to shake him off, but he holds tight. “I know what you’re doing.”
She shakes her head. “No, you don’t.”
“Yes, I do. You’re trying to compensate for the past, but Kairi, this won’t make it better. All you’re doing is punishing yourself.”
“So what if I am?” she snaps. “I deserve it.”
“Why would you say that?”
“Because I failed him. All those times he came to save me, and I just let him. I was weak. I let myself get hurt again and just watched it happen.”
Riku moves his arms around her and she tries again to push him off. “It isn’t your fault.”
“Yes, it is! I watched him disappear, Riku! I watched him disappear and didn’t even try to stop it.”
“You couldn’t have.”
She tugs at his arms, trying to break his hold. “You don’t know that.”
“Yes, I do, because if you could have, you would have. I know you. You aren’t weak or selfish or stupid, but you are just as foolhardy as he is when it involves either of us. There’s no way you wouldn’t have not done something if you could have.”
She cries out, a high-pitched sound similar to a dog’s mournful howl. Riku just holds her and lets himself cry the tears he’s been struggling to keep back for her sake. At some point, she turns around so that she can press her face into his shoulder and cling onto his back. They cry noisily together for a long time.
“Thank you,” Kairi finally whispers, voice a bit raspy.
“Any time.”
He’s still holding her and is in no rush to let go. She doesn’t seem to be in any hurry either.
“You’re right. Me training now isn’t going to change the past. Nothing I do now will bring him back.”
Riku’s chest clenches again. Deep down he had known there was no saving him. If there had been any way to do so, she would have mentioned it long before now. Still, hearing that Sora was gone forever out loud cut straight through his heart.
“Yeah,” he says brokenly, “just like me hiding from your guys wasn’t going to undo the islands being swallowed by the heartless.”
He places a kiss to the top of her head. “No, this is about you. I just want you to understand that this isn’t any different. Go on and keep training. It’ll be good that you’re ready if anything shows up, but I want you to take care of yourself, okay? You’re going to take breaks and sleep and live your life, okay? If you don’t, then his sacrifice was pointless.”
She shudders with fresh tears before stepping back to meet his gaze. “You’re right. He wouldn’t want this.”
“No,” Riku shakes his head. He wipes at her wet cheek. “Come to bed, now?”
She nods and takes his hand. “Yeah. I’m exhausted.”
Together they walk inside and begin to live again.
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muses-morii · 9 months
@wayfaringnobody asked: ❛ how can you be this cheery already? we haven't even had breakfast. ❜ ( @ sora )
~ Sora ~
“How can you be this cheery already? We haven't even had breakfast.”
Sora laughed and gently nudged Roxas with his shoulder. The two of them were on the top of the tower and had watched the sunrise together. He knew that twilight was more Roxas' thing, but sunrises were beautiful too and he was glad his Nobody had watched it with him. He'd been up there, on his own at some early point of the morning, in the not-quite-light, but not-exactly-dark hour before dawn. Sora didn't sleep well anymore, not since the Mark of Mastery Exam, so this time of day was a friend to him, one he frequently hung out with. Sitting in his room, with only his thoughts for company had put him into a bit of a melancholic mood, so he'd decided to climb to the top of the tower for some air. It wasn't long after he'd pushed the attic hatch open and climbed out to sit on the rough roof that Roxas had climbed out after him. He wondered what had drawn Roxas up there. Was it him? His myriad of emotions that early morning? Or was this somewhere he came often on his own? And he happened to be in his place? Sora didn't ask, it wasn't important, he was just glad for the company. He always felt at ease in Roxas' presence. Being near his Nobody just made him feel better in ways that no one else could; he filled a hole in his heart that was simply open when he was gone. He wondered if Kairi felt that way about Naminé. Was it a Nobody and a Somebody thing? Or was it something else?
They'd gotten to talking as the stars had faded from the sky. Not about important, or big things, but the small things that made their lives better. Sora asked how things were in Twilight Town. Roxas told him that Hayner had broken his arm while fighting with Seifer. Alarmed, Sora asked if Seifer had done it and Roxas had laughed and said no. Hayner had tripped over those stupid slip on shoes of his broke it in the Tram Common. Sora smiled and said Kairi once sprained her ankle because of shoes like that. But she'd kept wearing them anyway. They talked about Sora teaching Xion how to cook and how she was an astute student. They talked about Roxas introducing Lea...Axel? To different flavours of ice cream and how his mind was blown. They talked about Leon getting called a Hero in Radiant Garden. No one deserved it more than him. They talked and talked until the sky turned a soft orange and the indigo of the night faded to soft purple and blue and smiling, Sora watched the sun wake up. Letting out a content breath, he shifted slightly, moving to rest his head on Roxas' shoulder for a moment. “Speaking of... What do you want for breakfast?” He asked. “I'll make you some!”
It was a good morning.
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scoobysnack1107 · 4 years
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So grateful I was able to commission the incredible @rainbow-taishi again for another gorgeous RokuNami piece! As always, Jin did an absolutely amazing job! The colors and atmosphere are warm, the expressions soft, and the detailing exquisite 🥺💞 Thank you again Jin for making making my day and bringing a huge smile to my face 💖
For anyone interested, I wrote an accompanying story!
You can read it below or on ao3: Un Rendez-vous Romantique
(special thank you to @jysumrae for using her French skills to help me with the title 💖 )
                                       Un Rendez-vous Romantique
 Naminé checked the time on her gummi phone again. Five minutes before seven o’clock. Five minutes before Roxas was supposed to arrive at the bistro for their date. Their first date she reminded herself.
    All around her, tables were filled with laughing couples sharing colorful concoctions that were placed onto tables by waiters dressed in well-tailored suits. Naminé, dressed in her signature white dress and blue sandals, was the only one sitting alone.
    She couldn’t help but wonder how seriously he had taken the idea. He had been the one that asked her out with that boyish grin she was powerless to resist. But this was the first time they would be together like this. Unencumbered by heartless, the Organization, Diz. Tonight, it was just the two of them in the most romantic place in town.
    Unless…he stood her up.
    Naminé’s heart sunk, and as the people milling by the bistro cast her curious looks, she started feeling more and more self-conscious. Did they think he wasn’t coming?
    “Don’t worry, Naminé. Trust me, he’ll come.”
    Startled, Naminé looked up and found Sora offering her a comforting grin. He was dressed in a white chef’s uniform and tall toque that somehow managed to stay atop his spiky head of hair. In his hands, he was carrying a large, unopened box decorated with golden fleur de lis and something scribbled on top in black marker.
    “Sora? Why are you—” she trailed off, suddenly remembering that her friend had become an occasional helping hand at the restaurant during his travels. Though, admittedly, it was strange to think of Sora as a chef in a high-end bistro like this. “Thank you. I guess I’m just a little nervous.”
    In the distance, the bell of the clock tower tolled, signaling the passing of another hour. Seven o’clock.
    Sora had to be right.
    “Excuse me! Coming through!”
    Outside the bistro, some kind of commotion had started. The tram stopping in its track as a boy riding a black and white skateboard came racing through. A flock of pigeons wandering the bistro’s checkered plaza dispersed in a flurry of feathers, and one of the waiters nearly dropped a plate of ratatouille before said boy arrived in front of Naminé’s table with an apologetic smile.
    “I am so sorry, Naminé,” Roxas said, finally catching his breath, “I promise I didn’t forget. Really. I got caught up delivering letters again because Lea ‘sprained’ his ankle and couldn’t finish his half.” Roxas shook his head. Of all the days Lea felt it necessary to fake an injury.
    Naminé couldn’t help herself. She laughed, and the anxiety that had been chipping away at her nerves dissipated with the sound. “It’s fine, Roxas. I’m glad you were able to make it. I can’t say I expected that kind of entrance though.” Another laugh slipped past her lips when she noticed a stray feather in his hair.
    Roxas scratched the back of his head sheepishly. “I can’t say I really planned it that way.”
    Plucking the feather from the skater’s head unceremoniously, Sora handed his friend the box he was holding. “Well, now that you’re finally here, I’d say it’s time for you two love birds to enjoy your date with a little Tarte aux Fruits, courtesy of Little Chef and I!” Sora patted his toque affectionately, prompting a tiny gray mouse to peek out from beneath the hat before scurrying back inside with a squeak. “He’s a little shy,” Sora whispered.
    “He’s cute,” Naminé cooed.
    Roxas flipped open the lid of the box to examine the dessert. Inside the box was a round and colorful tart decorated with fresh strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, and peaches. “Sora, you know it’s just the two of us, right?” Usually, the bistro only served the desserts by slices. Not entire tartlets like this.
    Sora pushed the lid back down and pointed to the writing on top.
      Enjoy your date!
      - Sora and Little Chef
    “Yep! But you’re my friends and Little Chef insisted. It’s not like you can’t take the leftovers home. I’m sure Lea and Xion would eat a few slices for you.”
    Curious, Naminé stood up to peer inside the box too. Sora really was too sweet.  Everything about the dessert was handled with care, with each fruit arranged so precisely, Naminé could only imagine how long her friend had spent perfecting the delectable concoction. “Thank you, Sora. This is perfect, but you know, we’ll be saving you and Little Chef a slice too. It wouldn’t feel right for our chefs not to taste their own creation.”
    “Heh, guess not,” Sora agreed, scratching his cheek.
    “You can drop by the Old Mansion after work if you’d like,” Naminé suggested, “No one goes to bed early anyway, since it’s summer vacation.”
    “Yeah, and plus, you still owe me a rematch on Classic Kingdom Melee,” Roxas said with a competitive glint in his blue eyes.
    Sora chuckled and laced his hands behind his head. “So eager to get your butt handed to you again?”
    “I have Naminé’s good luck charm this time,” Roxas said confidently, “So, there’s no way I’m gonna lose again.”
    “We’ll see,” Sora said in a sing-song voice. The two boys jibed one another for another minute until Sora was called back into the kitchen by a short, portly chef with a silver whisk and a toque taller than him.
    Roxas set the box with the tart on the table and moved to pull Naminé’s chair out for her with a flourish. “Madame.”
    “How gentlemanly,” Naminé giggled as she took her seat.
   Taking the chair across from her, Roxas signaled over one of the waiters who promptly brought them two plates and utensils to slice their dessert. Naminé, her hands small and adept, cut them each a generous piece.
    The window behind them cast a warm golden glow and was embossed with the bistro’s name, Le Grand Bistrot, in neat gold lettering. Inside, the restaurant’s staff busied themselves, the sound of clattering dishes and whirring kitchen appliances blending with the soft instrumental tune floating from the speakers outside.
    Naminé spoke again first. “So, you and Hayner are entering the Struggle Tournament this year?”
    “We’re gonna win this year” Roxas boasted with a grin. He picked up his dessert but didn’t take a bite as sparks of excitement began to dance in his eyes. “We’ve been training every day since sign ups.”
    “Confident I see,” Naminé teased.
    “Always,” Roxas returned, his grin turning sly, “And besides, I’ve won the digital version once already. The real thing can’t be any harder.”
    Naminé conceded with a smile. “That is true.”
    As Roxas explained his new strategy for this year’s tournament, Naminé listened attentively, offering nods and questions at different intervals as she nibbled at her dessert. She liked seeing him so excited. After everything they had been through, happiness like this was well-deserved.
    “Promise to cheer me on?” Roxas asked. His gaze was intense now, making Naminé’s heart skip a beat.
    Naminé averted his eyes, playing with her hair as she answered shyly. “I’ll be in the front row the entire time.”
    “U-Uh, thanks” Roxas blushed at her words and drew his own gaze away. “But um…anyway,” Roxas coughed, “How about you? You mentioned buying some new paints the other day. Have you been able to try them out yet?”
    This time, it was Naminé’s face that lit up. She pressed her fingers together and tilted her head happily. “I have! I’ve been painting lots of landscapes with them, and I want to try portraits too.”
    “Is this your subtle way of asking me to be your model?” Roxas joked.
    “Mmm, maybe. Though, I’m not entirely sure you’d be able to stay still the entire time.”
    Roxas raised his eyebrows. “That sounds like a challenge.”
    “You really think you can sit still for more than an hour?” Naminé asked dubiously.
    “With the right kind of incentive.”
    Without hesitating, Naminé replied. “Sea salt ice cream?”
    “Bingo,” Roxas said and bit into his slice of the tart.
    Naminé didn’t try to conceal her laughter. Roxas really was predictable. And adorable.  “I think I can arrange that.”
    “Then, we have ourselves a deal!” Roxas held out a hand across the table, and Naminé shook it as if it was actually some kind of serious, contractual agreement.
    The two continued to talk, reminiscing over the new memories they had made in the real Twilight Town. Like the first time they had all gone to Sunset Hill for a meteor shower or when they took that impromptu trip to Radiant Garden because somehow Twilight Town had run out of sea salt ice cream. Granted, it had been a particularly hot day. But still…
    “I feel like summer vacation is too short,” Roxas complained, “and who thought it was a good idea to assign homework? We’re supposed to be on a break.”
    Naminé’s lips twitched knowingly. “You still haven’t started, have you?”
    “I tried, but the computer keeps crashing on me, so I can’t do any kind of research,” Roxas explained, pouting as he crossed his arms.
    “You and computers,” Naminé sighed, shaking her head, “What are you writing your report on?”
    “Not sure yet. Hayner, Pence, and Olette want to do something about the seven wonders, but that’s a little too déjà vu for me, you know?”
    Naminé tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Hmm, maybe you can do a report about the beach?”
    “The beach?” Roxas cocked his head curiously.
    “Yeah, like what kind of fish are in the ocean here or ways to keep our beaches clean,” Naminé continued. Roxas loved the beach. The first time they went, Roxas nearly tripped over himself running across the sand to get to the water, and he didn’t come out until it was time to leave.
    “Looks like we’re going to the beach this week then, huh?” Roxas asked with a coy grin.
    Naminé returned the smile.  “Looks like it.”
    By the time they were ready to leave, with their leftovers secured in a to-go bag, the last embers of the twilight sky above had faded, blanketing the sunset hues beneath a veil of stars. The night air was still, the bustle of the usually busy town subdued as most citizens retired to their homes to sleep.
    “I had a lot of fun tonight,” Naminé said, staring down at her feet bashfully.
    “Me too.” There was a brief silence that hung between them before Roxas added in a hesitant but hopeful voice. “Maybe we can do it again sometime?”
    “I would love that,” Naminé answered softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
    “Y-You know, there’s gonna be that new movie playing down at the theater this Friday. We could grab dinner here and then go see that?”
    “It’s a date!” Naminé agreed happily, and her heart soared.
    Roxas took her hand and intertwined their fingers. “It’s a date.”
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themadauthorshatter · 3 years
... I think you guys are going to like this.
358/2 Days REWRITE Part 2
Riku is around, but he's all over the place, and he has a mission: Find and capture either Roxas or Xion, unless he CAN manage both, so DiZ can use them to help Sora recover. He's on a time limit, though, because Sora's heart is damaged and the longer Roxas and Xion are around, the less likely Sora is to waking up or even sleeping; I mean, he'll BE sleeping, but it'll be much quieter and it will be absolutely pointless to try waking him up.
For the first few days or months, he keeps his distance, trying to decide who he's picking, sadly.
Pros of bringing Roxas to DiZ: He has the closest connection to Sora, being his nobody, he's got the keyblade, Riku can probably take him one v. one, if there are any problems, he just needs to get a reaction out of 'Sora.'
CONS of bringing to Roxas to DiZ: Have fun trying to run from the remaining Organization members, he'll have to avoid Non-form or he'll get beaten all to Hell, he runs the risk of hurting his friend for reals, Roxas is rarely alone, Roxas is one hell of a runner and fighter, he'll just feel bad.
Pros of bringing Xion to DiZ: She has more 'keyblade' potential, maybe her voice will help wake up Sora(?), she looks and sounds like Kairi, Naminé gets a new friend(as long as DiZ doesn't decide to throw her away).
CONS of bringing Xion to DiZ: She looks and sounds like Kairi, she's crazy skilled, she hits hard, she's laughable when she's mad, but it's gut wrenching to see her cry or be hurt, she looks and sounds like Kairi, Naminé is probably getting Thanosed when DiZ is done with her because he's a dick right now, so giving Xion to her as a friend will mean nothing, the connection to Kairi, he'll feel bad.
As you can tell, Riku is great at making decisions(sarcasm)
While he's too caught up to do anything, let's check on the sea salt trio, who are getting closer as friends, i.e. seeing Hayner, Pence, and Olette do stupid stuff a KH equivalent of TikTok, which the trio repeats on their own without a phone recording them, eating ice cream, talking, and exploring the Disney worlds for fun, both old ones and new ones that will appear in future games.
In this time, Xion becomes a mix of Kairi and Naminé, outspoken, but careful with who she runs her mouth to, smart, but still open to learn, protective and still needs something if a protector, etc. She is also a wickedly fast learner.
We also get organization shenanigans like Demyx being lazy on missions, Roxas getting annoyed at Xigbar for calling him tiger, dealing with  Saïx, trying not to annoy Xaldin, even getting head pats from Xemnas, and, for fluff, Roxas and Xion finding Axel asleep on the floor of the clock tower and the two scaring him away for shits and giggles. 
Yes, a lot of time passes, about 9-11 months, give or take.
Roxas and Xion also become closer as well with Axel being something like their chaperone, only he reports to Xemnas and Saïx.
Speaking of Saïx, he meets up with Axel one day and expresses disdain with the fact Axel would rather be friends with an unstable Roxas and a literal puppet that doesn't even exist.
Axel, on edge already with Xemnas on his back, tells Saïx to put a cork in it. Saïx only pushes back, asking if Roxas even KNOWS what Xion is, even what HE is. To both their credit, the two are wonderful at playing make believe and Axel, being the child he is, is a great at being their playmate.
Axel shoves Saïx back, snapping for him to shut his mouth before he says something he'll regret. Saïx, losing his composure, shoves back, asking if he should because Axel can't handle the truth; he never has been good at it, so it's not surprising.
Ring a bell, someone, please, because Axel throws a punch into Saïx's cheekbone. Saïx returns with a left hook directly to the side of the neck and knees Axel, who grabs his leg under his knee and rolls, making them both fall and throw more punches on the ground, bruising and bloodying each other in full view of the remaining organization members. Maybe we get a gag of Xigbar and Luxord placing bets on who will win, Demyx worrying because they should probably be stopped, Xaldin scoffing at the immature display, and then Roxas and Xion walking in and instantly getting worried because Axel is not winning this fight, as evidenced by Saïx slamming his head into the floor.
When the two stand up to keep fighting, Roxas and Xion race between them, the boy in front of Saïx and a very nervous Xion in front of Axel, who tells her and Roxas to stay out of this or they'll get hurt.
Roxas obviously refuses, but Xion leads Axel away from Saïx, who asks if Axel really needs children to protect him.
No, he needs to protect these two idiots, especially Roxas, who hasn't moved and his eyes have gone Non-form-y, like he's about to transform.
Saïx returns with berserker eyes and smashes Roxas into the wall by his neck, daring him to try it.
It draws a gasp from EVRYONE, even Xaldin, but Saïx scoffs that they shouldn't try pretending to be worried, what with how unstable and how much of a nuisance Roxas is, not too mention weak, which he says while watching Roxas try to break free. He kicks at Saïx, and misses, but Saïx smirks and summons his claymore, wanting to see how tough Roxas really is.
There's a reason Xion pulled Axel away and is so nervous, because said reason puts a hand on Saïx's shoulder and asks him if he enjoys this façade of a life and would rather not disappear.
Yep. Xemnas is here, and everyone backs down, including the the bet making Xigbar and Luxord, who so they can have deniability.
Saïx snaps out of berserk mode in the blink of an eye and begrudgingly lets go of Roxas, i.e. lets him drop down.
Axel and Xion start toward him, but freeze when Xemnas eyes them, like scary eyes.
He has an announcement: There's an imposter and he could be anywhere. He's in a coat just like everyone else's, but his hood's usually up. When he's not wearing it, he's a silver haired teen. Oh, yeah, and his name is Riku.
Axel, Roxas, and Xion all gasp, Axel because Riku was in Castle Oblivion and probably knows where Sora is and Roxas and Xion because it brings back memories from Sora.
Xemnas sees the reaction, but only focuses on Roxas, asking softly if he's okay and if he was hurt.
He's fine and he wasn't and he shakes his head to chase away Non-form.
Xemnas still helps him up and orders everyone to keep their eyes open and report ANYTHING on this imposter because the sooner they catch and... well, just catch him, the better, that part being Xemnas not wanting to upset Roxas, make him go into Non-form, and have everyone need to knock him out to calm him down.
Xemnas takes Roxas away to be checked on, in case he was really hurt and doesn't know it, and Roxas asks what will happen to Saïx and Axel for fighting. He didn't see a lot of it, so he’s not even sure who started it.
They’ll be 'interviewed' and reprimanded accordingly, but they won't die, so relax.
What about the imposter? Who's Riku? And who's Sora??
Xemnas stops checking on Roxas and puts a hand on his head, which he doesn't need to worry about because the organization can deal with it. All he needs to do is keep doing missions and giving his 100%. Roxas sighs that he IS, hell he's giving 150% because Non-form's acting up, but he's kept it calm, even with the hallucinations of Sora, Ven, and now Non-form.
Xemnas finishes checking for any wounds and commends Roxas, saying that is why he chose him. Before Roxas can ask, Xemnas tells him to go in the lobby because he has a mission with Xaldin.
Roxas does so and passes by and reassuring Axel and glaring Saïx, though Roxas glares back.
Xemnas has the two sit down and that warmth he had with Roxas is GONE IN A SECOND, asking both of them what they were thinking, picking a fight in front of everyone and endangering the two most vital components to the plan. Saïx jabs that Axel is letting himself be distracted while Axel states he's doing his job and doesn't want either of them to get upset or angry to the point of dysfunctionality. Besides, He did not start that fight, which he didn't even WANT to partake in.
Does Axel have legs? For now he does, yes. Can he stand? Yes. Can he DEMONSTRATE that he can stand? This is getting tedious, but sure, and Axel stands. Now can he walk from where he is to the far wall? Again, this is tedious, but yes.
If he did ALL OF THAT, why didn't he actually do it?
With no words, Xemnas dismisses Axel, telling him to accompany Xion on their mission.
Axel nods and leaves Saïx to be scolded.
We cut to Riku as he watches Roxas and Xaldin fight of heartless and some knights in Beast's Castle, maybe even go toe to toe with Beast himself, who manages to catch Roxas off guard and momentarily confuses him with Sora.
Xaldin knocks him away and the two leave, Riku coming out and asking if that smaller nobody really was Sora.
Beast admits it was a spur of the moment, but he could have sworn it was Sora.
Meanwhile, Xion and Axel fight hard in Hollow Bastion, squaring off against Squall, Yuffie, Tifa, and Cloud, where we see both more of Axel's gymnastics and Xion's ability with a keyblade.
The fight ends when Xion stops who she believes is Riku the imposter and chases after him, Axel following her in case shit hits the fan.
Xion follows Riku to a cliffside and he gives her an offer and a warning: either give him Roxas or hope that they never meet face to face again. Xion arms herself and demands to know what that means, but Riku also arms himself right as Axel throws a chakram between them and tells Riku to fuck off before he gets hurt.
Riku gives Xion one last glance before falling off the edge and leaving through a dark corridor, making it look like he just disappeared like a badass. They’re both confused, but still call it a day, Xion asking if Axel is okay after that fight with Saïx, because he’s still a little banged up. He expresses he’s fine(he’s a big boy!!) and tells Xion not to worry. 
She’s going to anyway because Riku is after Roxas, and threatened her with a fight if she didn’t bring Roxas to him. Axel, although he’s shook, tells her everything will be fine.
LIES, because Xion is sent on a mission to defeat Riku. All she needs to do is knock him out and they’ll come collect him, no problem.
Xion IS strong, but not strong enough because Riku wipes the floor with her and is about to take her to DiZ when dusks, samurai, and Non-form Roxas, who also gets whooped, but at least fairs a little better. 
The two wear Riku out enough for a lance to graze his arm, an arrow/bullet to hit his leg, and a few cards to distract him. 
The rest of the organization arrive, even Saïx and Xemnas, the latter using thorn/vine things to bind Riku’s hands behind his back. 
He remarks that Riku’s a lot bigger than he thought he would be, stronger too, and we get one of those creepy manga Xemnas moments as he grabs Riku, pulls him close by the jaw, and states he’ll have fun seeing just how strong he is; he knows that Riku is hiding Sora, Kairi, DiZ, and his witch, and will tear him apart with his bare hands to know where they are.
With Riku thoroughly freaked out, Xemnas stands and everyone returns, all tired and ready to find Sora. 
Xion, however, isn’t. Because Riku said some very interesting things to her during their fight. 
She considers telling Roxas, but he’s too worried making sure she’s okay, because Riku was tough. She goes to Axel instead, knowing he has a key to the dungeons, and he’s instantly skeptical; she asked if he could take her to see Riku. Xion lies through her teeth and says she just wants to rub in Riku’s face that they won and he lost.
Axel agrees, but decides he’s going to follow her, just in case.
They arrive as Xigbar leaves, asking if they’re going to welcome the new arrival and need help in doing so.
Xion counters that she’s actually going to return a favor and would like to do it alone. 
Axel’s surprised and Xigbar whistles for her to stand down; he was just asking because she got kicked like a soccer ball, no harm in asking for help.
He leaves and Xion goes toward Riku’s cell, asking Axel to stay by the door until she’s done.
He does so and Xion walks towards Riku’s cell, where she and we the audience see Riku is banged up from being interrogated; looks like Xemnas is taking his time.
Riku asks what she wants and Xion responds with a deal:
Tell her about Sora and she’ll give the organization a good enough lie to let him go so he can help Sora. During their fight, the two had an argument, Xion saying she was going to protect her friend and Riku snapping she had no idea what friends were because she’s a nobody and a replica, and the reason Sora can’t wake up.
 Spark Notes of the deal: If Riku tells Xion about Sora, Xion will give the organization an answer that will buy Riku enough time to get back to Sora.
Fair, but he has one condition: If he tells her, she was to decide what she will do; he’s not refusing because she genuinely wants to know more about Sora.
Xion agrees and Riku tells her to take a seat, because they’re going to be here for a while.
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winterstarqueen · 3 years
Hey buddy um can i get some headcanons where is new at high school sorry if this sounded stupid but i would like to hear some if that's alright
It’s nice to meet you. (KH boys x female reader)
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Sora would show you to your classes and sit next to you at lunch. He would ask you about your lunch and you told him that you made it yourself. Even the strawberry cake. You would give him a little bit. “Say Ah!” You would say smiling.
He would make sure that you arrive to classes safely and if you have the same class. He would always sit next to you. If he falls asleep during class. He was probably dreaming about you. You would gently shake him and say. “Sora bear wake up.” Usually he would wake up upon hearing your sweet voice.
If he had any troubles at homework or test. He would only want you to teach him. Because you teach him in a different way. He didn’t know why? But, he got better grades if he studied with you. Not only that he loves you being his study buddy. If you helped Yozora too he would try to get your attention. Because you are his study buddy. Not Yozora’s. If you studied with anyone else he wouldn’t mind. Sora secretly has a crush on you and he didn’t want Yozora to take you away. Sora may or may not have a learning disability.
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Roxas would show you around and let you join in with his large group of friends. He’s very popular. You wouldn’t be sure,if he was only friends with you just to be more popular. But,you quickly learn that he’s just a nice guy.
Roxas would go great distances just to get your attention. He would spend extra time with his friends. Like Xion or Naminé. But,you wouldn’t care. You would only tell him. “I think that you should focus on your studies.” Or “Roxas you should probably eat your lunch. Otherwise it might get cold.” He wanted to make you jealous. But,it failed every time.
Sometimes you would mix up him and Ven. You would share your lunch with him. “Here! Let’s share this chocolate cake!” You would say smiling. Roxas would push his brother out of the away and share the chocolate cake with you. He would later kindly tell his brother. “Please don’t share cake with (Y/n). Is there anyway that you can buy a sweater? So,we won’t get mixed up.” You still mixed the twins up and pay more attention to Ven. Roxas would switch places with him just to get some attention.
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He would be very shy upon meeting you. However, Ven would open up to you. At times he would shyly look at you. He would sit next to you and hide his face in a book. He would beg for you not to notice him. But, you knew that he was there. Sometimes you would look his way and hold his hand. You would always catch him off guard. Just to show him that you care.
Suddenly if he began to act weird. You wouldn’t understand why he wouldn’t talk to you. As much as he used to. So,you would give him his space. Ven didn’t like this and would try better to talk to you. In fact he would try his hardest to get closer to you.
On weekends the two of you would go to the bookstore and look at books. You loved seeing his face light up. When you both of you reach for a book. Ven would back off and shyly look away. You wouldn’t quite understand why? You knew that he was shy. But,still he was extra shy around you. If only he would talk to you the way he did with Naminé. Every time you would run into her. You would leave them be. “I’ll go look at the calendars.” You would say. Ven would try to follow you. But,he didn’t want to be rude to Naminé. If you only knew that he was crushing on you.
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Riku wouldn’t want the new student wondering around all alone. So he would show you around. He would tell Sora and Kairi to watch out for you. If someone would try to pick on you. Then Riku would kindly tell them to back off. If they don’t listen then he gets angry.
Being in different grades kinda stinks. At least for Riku it does. You’re so cute that he wants to spend the whole day with you. But,he knows that the age difference puts him in a difficult place. He still walks you home after school and makes sure that you’re safe. You wouldn’t quite understand how he feels about you. But,you thought that Riku is very sweet to you.
When some other guy asks you to the dance he gets worried. So,he kindly ask if he could talk to him. He wanted to know if he only likes you because of your looks. That is usually so. So Riku would talk to him about you. When a guy insists on going out with you. Riku tags along. He cared about you so much. That he didn’t want some loser to look out for you. Because you deserve the best. Someone like him. At times he would try to make a move. Only because Sora would tease him. Riku was just hoping for the day. That you would not see him as an older brother.
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Terra would walk you to classes. One day he asked if you would want to play video games. After school. You would say yes. This would end quickly. Because Terra would get annoyed with his siblings Sora and Olette. For some reason they kept asking a lot of questions about you. So instead he would take you downstairs to his family’s restaurant for a snack. Then it was his parents’ turn to ask questions. You weren’t paying attention as they asked these questions.
If you forgot your favorite pen. He would always have a spare. It looked just like yours. He was always prepared if you lost something.
He didn’t like it when some guy tried to take you away. After all he had a huge crush on you. So when he would make sure to question every guy before he got to see you. This is probably because he’s secretly jealous. But,either way your safety comes first.
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Vantias thought that you were like the others. Annoying and lame. However one day he got a black eye. You had no idea how he got it. Because you were still new. You thought that he got bullied. So, you brought him to your house. “Keep the ice on.” You would say. He didn’t like it when someone told him to do something. As soon you grabbed his hand and helped him with the ice. He felt something for you.
Vantias would put notes in your locker. All without you knowing. He didn’t want to look weak or scare you away.
One day Vantias heard a popular guy. Talking about you. “(Y/n) is so cool! I think it time for me to...” Before he could finish Vantias grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against a locker. “If you ask (Y/n) out. Then you will regret it quickly! I know what you’re about and what you do to your dates! If you do the same thing to....” Vantias yelled. This guy was known for cheating on his dates. “Vantias? What are you doing?” You asked frowning. He frowned upon hearing your voice. “(Y/n)?” He asked. You must have just walked up to this. Because you didn’t hear his words. Vantias then let go of him and approached you. But,you turned around and walked away. Would you ever talk to him again?
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As soon as he saw your face. He knew that his past came back to him. He wanted to start all over. No he had to. There was just so much dramatic things that happened at his last school. He had to change his name and everything about him. But, he still loved you.
You wouldn’t realize that you were looking at your old friend. You didn’t recognize him at all. He would pretend like he was meeting you for the first time. If you would offer to help with homework he would go to your house. Instead of you going over to his. You didn’t need to see photos of him as a child. You would immediately recognize him. He couldn’t let that happen. The reason he moved away was to protect you.
He would walk with you to and from school. After all he had to make sure that nobody tried to harm you. If you got sick. He would get all of your homework and let you use his notes. But,seeing you again made him fall deeper into love with you.
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vannahfanfics · 3 years
How about a RokuNami fanfic with the “Moonstone” prompt instead? I think any white gemstone can be synonymous for both Roxas and Naminé, so I’m trying to keep theme running. 😚🤍
Always here for a good RokuNami request! Moonstone symbolizes unconditional love. It’s a very pretty stone, and a good choice for both characters here. I hope you like what I came up with!
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Roxas sunk onto a bench, draping his head over the back with his mouth hanging open in an aggravated groan. He ran his hands over his face, rubbing his tired eyes, before peering through the gaps in his fingers at the sky. The clouds moseyed along the blue expanse like sailboats drifting in the doldrums of a calm sea. The sun burned a bright white ball in the sky, sending pleasantly warm rays down to earth. It really was a nice day, or so he had thought when he’d set out that morning determined to buy a present for the girl of his dreams. 
Naminé, he thought dreamily. Just the echo of her name in his head twitched his lips into a smile and sent a warm, fuzzy feeling fizzling through his body. After settling into Twilight Town, the feelings of affection he’d harbored since they met in the strange mind-link of Sora’s heart had only grown; now, he was fostering a full-blown, head-over-heels crush. It didn’t take long for his friends to pick up on his wistful sulking, nor why. Hayner had warned him the previous evening that if he didn’t confess soon, he’d do it for him. Thus, he’d resolved to buy a nice gift to give for Naminé as a pretense for professing his love. 
Unfortunately, nothing in this blasted shopping district seemed worthy of the pure, beautiful girl that had Roxas absolutely smitten. 
The first place he’d tried was the art shop, naturally. He’d eyed a set of professional-grade colored pencils and a lovely floral-patterned sketchbook, but then he’d recalled Naminé telling Xion how she didn’t want to replace her pencils anytime soon because slowly winding them down to little nubs had a certain charm. Then, he’d meandered next door to a store specializing in bath goods. All the scents were lovely, but… He didn’t really find anything that just screamed Naminé, so he’d left empty-handed. After perusing nearly every store in the small strip mall, he was beginning to wonder if he’d find anything suitable for her. 
“If I don’t find something, though, Hayner’ll make a fool outta me,” he grumbled along. He scowled at the image of Hayner dragging him to the girl and spilling all the embarrassing fawning Roxas had done over the girl. No thanks, he thought and pushed himself to his feet, sighing. There had to be something at least halfway-decent in these shops, and if not, he’d just have to buy something that was maybe just a little less than perfect. 
He ambled into the next shop: a jewelry store. Naminé didn’t possess any, as far as he knew, so he already felt a little heartened as he looked around the various displays. He pored over the glittering jewels, silver chains, and gold rings organized neatly in the glass case, perusing while the attendant helped a couple giddily picking out wedding bands. He found his mind drifting for a moment to Naminé as a blushing bride, her body framed in a flowing wedding gown clutching a bouquet and smiling in utter joy. 
Whoaaaa, slow down there, Roxas. You’re venturing into creepy territory, he thought with a frown, leaning down to rest his forehead against the cool glass of the display case to calm the blush raging across his cheeks. As he turned his head, a black velvet mannequin neck caught his eye— rather, the silver pendant hanging on the slim shoulders. A perfectly round, smooth stone hung from the chain. It was bluish-white, with streams of iridescence playing over its surface. Roxas was drawn to the necklace, and the attendant— finally finished with the engaged couple— took notice. 
“Ah, a gorgeous necklace, isn’t it?” the woman smiled as he walked over, heels clicking against the polished white tile. She leaned against the counter as Roxas stared intensely at the necklace, transfixed. “It’s a cabochon-cut moonstone— the perfect gift for your lucky lady.” Roxas was so entranced with the pendant that he didn’t even have the wherewithal to blush at her open teasing. The gemstone was absolutely beautiful. It reminded him of Naminé— elegant, soft, pure, bright, like a star gleaming in the night sky. 
“Do you know what moonstone symbolizes?” the woman asked when he finally looked at her. He shook his head, and her smile widened, slightly mischievous. “Unconditional love.” This time, the blood did rush to his cheeks, tainting them an opaline pink. He looked back to the pendant. He couldn’t get the image out of his head of it sitting so perfectly on Naminé’s chest, of her smiling bashfully while the traced the smooth circumference of the stone with her fingertip while her pretty blue eyes fluttered demurely. 
This was it. This was the one. Roxas had to have this necklace. 
“How much is it?” 
“Far too much for a teenager to afford,” the woman joked. Roxas felt his heart plummet in disappointment and he looked at the necklace longingly. “Buuuuut,” the attendant hummed and slid over to the mannequin, making Roxas’ heart flutter hopefully, “I can tell that you want this very badly. I’ve had it for a long time and I’ve been debating putting it on sale. I’ll give it to you for however much you have.” 
“Are you sure?” Roxas gasped, unable to keep his mouth from falling open in shock. The woman smirked amusedly and slipped the pendant off the mannequin, holding it up enticingly. 
Roxas immediately dove his hand in his pocket to fish out the wad of bills he’d been toting around all day and slammed it on the counter. All of his hard-earned pretzel and ice cream money, gone in a flash— but it felt so worth it when she placed the pendant in a sleek black velvet-lined box and set it in his hands. He just knew that Naminé would love it, and even more, what better way to confess his feelings than with a gemstone necklace that symbolizes the purest love there is? 
He felt giddiness rush through him when he flipped the box open, admiring the moonstone pendant set in soft white cloth. He thanked the jewelry store owner, closed the box, and rushed out of the store, eager to deliver his present to Naminé. The sun had crossed the horizon to blaze at its highest point in the sky, shining down on Twilight Town and filling it with warmth. At this time of day, he didn’t have to search for the girl; he knew where she would be. He made his way to the crack in the wall leading to the woods outside the abandoned mansion, clutching the jewelry box to his chest as he ducked through the hole. The temperature dropped several degrees as he emerged on the other side, enveloped by the shade of the tall, leafy trees. 
He walked the dirt path winding through the woods. His heartbeat pounded in his ears, blocking out the usual melody of twittering birds and rustling leaves and lightly crunching earth. The grass tickled the fabric of his pants as the wind blew it along the edge of the trail, like the blades were wishing him luck. He came to a bend in the path where a knoll overlooked it, cool earth raining down from the jagged hill as the tree roots of the massive oak sprouting from the knoll dug through it. In the shade of its broad, leafy branches was a half-decayed log, brown, moist mushrooms sprouting from the moss-covered flesh— and upon this log sat Naminé. 
She didn’t notice his slow ascent onto the knoll, too engrossed with the wild cosmos flowers growing in a patch of sunlight. Her fingers glided across the paper to bring the delicate pink petals and spring-green stems to life on the smooth page. Every so often, she would pause to sweep her platinum blonde hair out of her face and inspect her sketch, looking for any places that needed improvement or color adjustments. Roxas always thought her drawings were perfect, but Naminé’s trained eyes always found something she could do better, adjusting and adding until she finally decided that the piece was finished. Her drive to excel in her art was one of the many things he loved about her. 
He watched her for a few moments, entranced by the gentle motions of her sketching. However, the necklace box burned in his hands, eager to be slipped around Naminé’s neck. He coughed politely to make himself known, and she looked over her shoulder with a light, cute gasp and an inquisitive look that made his heart flutter. 
“Oh! Hello, Roxas,” she smiled. Ugh, that smile always did him in; it was so sweet, so pure, so welcoming. She turned on the log as he approached, patting the spot beside her invitingly. Roxas kept the box out of sight, tucking it in his hand next to his thigh, as he eased down on the log. The half-decayed wood bent a little under his weight and the moisture clinging to the mossy surface seeped into the seat of his pants. When he gestured with his chin at her sketchbook, she smiled bashfully but tilted it so he could admire the cosmos blooming in hues of pink and red and green and blue on the white paper. 
“Great work as always,” he praised. Naminé blushed and retracted the sketchbook, using her free hand to tuck a swathe of her pretty hair behind her ear. Her blue eyes fluttered shyly as she peered at him through her lashes. 
“Thank you… What brings you out here, Roxas? N-not that you aren’t welcome, I just… It’s not often you come out to see me while I’m drawing.” 
Roxas shifted on the log, heat rising to his face. His palm sweated around the velvet lining of the box. Come on, Roxas! You worked so hard to get this… Just get it over with! He took a deep breath, then exhaled. Eyes still closed, he held out the necklace box. He cracked his eyes open, though, when Naminé inhaled sharply. Her hand had drifted up to her heart while the other hovered over the box, her eyes wide with wonder and surprise. 
“This… this is for me?” 
“Yes,” he nodded and, with a trembling hand, opened the box to reveal the moonstone pendant. Naminé inhaled sharply again and brushed her fingertips over the smooth blue-white stone. “When I saw it, I thought of you.” 
“It’s beautiful…” she murmured appreciatively and looked up at him, her cheeks flushing rose. Roxas removed the necklace and motioned for her to turn; she did as bid and swept her hair away from her neck. Roxas draped the pendant over her, fingertips barely ghosting over her pale skin when he clasped it. He pulled her hair back into place as she cupped the moonstone with both hands, admiring it like the most precious jewel. Her blue eyes reflected the pretty white stone as she stared down at it, her lips stretching into a joyful smile. “Thank you, Roxas… It’s absolutely stunning. Tell me, what kind of stone is this?” 
She echoed the word in wonder, rolling it over her tongue as she stroked the circumference of the stone. Roxas swallowed thickly, blush darkening, and continued, “It… It symbolizes unconditional love.” 
She looked at him with wide eyes. He almost flinched, but he didn’t see fear or rebuke in her eyes— mostly shock, with a flicker of hope within the blue depths that allowed him to push through the rest of his confession. 
“Naminé, ever since we met, you’ve been someone special to me. I was perfectly content fading from existence because I knew that we’d be together forever somehow… But when we were given a second chance at life and came here to Twilight Town, I was so overjoyed that we’d be together for real.” He scooted a little closer to her, swallowing again; Naminé was just gaping at him, her cheeks flooding an opaline pink. “Naminé… I’ve loved you since the moment we met in the digital Twilight Town, even though I knew deep down that it meant I would be going away. Maybe then, that was just because we were linked to Sora and Kairi… But I know now that I love you, Naminé, because you’re you.”
“Oh, Roxas,” she breathed, tears beading on her lashes and dripping down onto her shining cheeks. He gently thumbed them away with a wan smile, and she leaned into his touch, inhaling shakily and squeezing her eyes shut. She clutched the moonstone like it was the only thing keeping her tethered to the world. Hiccuping happily as he cupped her cheek, she opened her watery eyes to smile brightly at him. 
“I love you too, Roxas. You and you only.” 
Roxas smiled in relief, all the nervousness finally melting from his body now that his feelings were reciprocated. He cupped her other cheek to cradle her face, absolutely entranced with her flushed, teary face. Even crying and hiccuping and bashful, she was still so beautiful. Roxas found himself leaning in without even realizing it, overwhelmed with the desire to kiss her. Naminé’s eyes fluttered closed and she tilted her head welcomingly, offering no resistance when his lips smoothed over hers. He inhaled deeply at the absolutely euphoric sensation of her soft lips, and her scent of vanilla and paper and pencil shavings flooded into his nose. It soothed him like a drug, filling his head with cottony intoxication. 
He slid his hand between their bodies to wrap his hand around her own which was still clutching the pendant. They kissed for several minutes, and though he’d love to kiss her until the end of time, he forced himself back. He didn’t go far, resting his forehead against her own and smiling serenely. He could almost feel the moonstone pulsing between their hands, empowered by the love shared by the two teenagers. 
Simple, pure, unconditional love. 
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
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goddessofroyalty · 3 years
Kadaj takes a wrong turn and ends up in another dimension unable to restrain himself from flirting with Sora who not only reminds him of his mom but at one point defeated the Cloud and Sephiroth of this universe and he finds the power of eminent asskicking in a partner is very sexy.
Basically Kadaj actually acknowledges Sora in a way no one has before and Sora's thinking that he can actually indulge in his silver haired bad boy kink at long frigging last with someone who isn't too old for him, a walking paradox waiting to happen, or Riku who, thanks to Kadaj, is just now realising he's just missed out on something wonderful.
Considering who his parents are and what he was raised around it really is no surprise Kadaj ended up with a bit of a competency kink. Of course, he finds people able to kick ass attractive - nobody else would fit in with his family or be able to keep up with him.
Sora, yeah, has a bad boy kink (and apparently Roxas and Xion inherited it from him as well) and really he can’t be blamed that the first one he got a crush on was Riku that never really got fully resolved either way so has left him with a particular weakness for silver-haired bad boys. Something Kadaj is happy to exploit (although is it really exploiting when Sora is very happy to go along with it as well?).
Riku is brooding about the fact that Sora has found himself a new silver-haired-similarly-aged-bad-but-not-evil guy to shamelessly flirt with. Although if you ask him he will completely deny that fact - he isn’t brooding. And even when pushed to explain what is he doing then he gets even more defensive and maybe says he’s worried that Sora is going to get himself into trouble. He doesn’t specify what that trouble is but everyone knows it’s name is Kadaj (although I suppose he’s also worried about trouble getting into Sora and a bit vice-versa....).
Sora is... probably rubbing it in just a little to Riku. He’s not mean about it but maybe it will make Riku realise that worrying about Sora more like a mother than anything else was getting under Sora’s skin.
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dcvotion · 3 years
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Anonymous said: Riku i was wondering. What if you teamed up with roxas when you met him in the world that never was as he was going to set kingdom hearts free. I mean you both had the same goal. Plus why didn't let him go do what he promised to xion.
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     He didn’t like to TALK about that time, not when he had worked so hard to push forward from it all and become the person he was today        but the past was the past, and thinking about it wouldn’t change the present, would it? There was no harm in revisiting old wounds and turning over memories once laid to REST. It wouldn’t change him now, for it already had.
     This was the mental excuse he gave himself to push himself into talking.
     “It wasn’t as simple as that.” He began with a folding of his arms, head bowing ever so slightly as he turned his attention away in an effort to CONCEAL the look in his eyes: Regret would be the only thing seen in sea greens. “I had my goal, and that was to wake Sora up. That’s it.”
     One would argue he had a one-track-mind, especially when it came to SORA, of all people. It had been the only goal he had: To ensure Sora was safe and sound; Make sure Sora woke up with all of his memories in tact; Keep your promise to protect what matters. 
     ROXAS hadn’t mattered to him, at that point; XION hadn’t mattered to him at that point.
     It was only Sora        Sora, Sora, SORA.
     It was heartless, to a degree, and he knew it.
     “I did what I thought would be best... Sure, it might have not been the best way, bu It got us to where we are now, didn’t it?” EXCUSES, he knew, but the results couldn’t be argued... even if he wished things had been different. “... It doesn’t excuse the hurt I caused.” Came the quiet murmur then, allowing himself to be open, just as he’d tried to do more of over the years. Being closed off, keeping things to himself, allowing thoughts to STEW in his head until they bubbled over        that was what led him down that dark path once, and he wouldn’t allow it to happen again.
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     “I’m trying every day to make up for it.” And that made a WORLD of a difference. from the Riku of then, to the RIku of NOW. “Roxas and Xion are both my friends now, too. I owe them a lot.”
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minijenn · 3 years
Keys to the Kingdom Preview
No I’m not giving ya’ll any kind of context for any of this. You’ll just have to figure out what’s going on here for yourselves. Either way, writing Larxene and Marluxia is such a fucking delight they’re such assholes and also Xion and Namine are my daughters someone please help them: 
“Naminé,” Marluxia begins, his tone falsely cordial and charming. “What a pleasant surprise it is to see that you’ve returned. It seems as though so many of us Nobodies are making a comeback these days.”
“It looks like Sora had to come rushing to your rescue again, huh, Naminé?” Larxene taunts, feigning sympathy. “You know, it’s such a shame that no one can save him from what’s happening to that fragile little heart of his. Not even you this time.”
Naminé winces at this, sees Xion tense up out of the corner of her eye. Through her lasting connection to his memories, Naminé knows just how much danger Sora’s been in lately, a message she’d tried sending to Kairi countless times from the depths of her heart. A message that she’d never been strong enough to successfully deliver. 
“Y-you… you don’t know what you’re talking about,” Naminé calls the duo’s bluff, even though she knows it's a worthless effort. Not when just about every member in the Organization is likely well aware of exactly who their thirteenth member might eventually be. 
“We do,” Marluxia counters coolly. “But if you don’t believe us, then perhaps you’d like a firsthand look at just how far he’s truly fallen…”
He takes a step forward at this, though he doesn’t get far before Xion suddenly pushes herself in front of Naminé, brandishing her Keyblade protectively as she glares harshly at both Organization members. “Leave her alone!” she demands firmly. She may not have the faintest clue about what sort of history Naminé might have with either Marulxia or Larxene, but she can tell by just how frightened the other girl behind her is that whatever that history is, it can’t be anything good. 
“Uh, who are you supposed to be?” Larxene sneers, sizing Xion up condescendingly. 
“I believe,” Marulxia interjects just as haughtily. “That’s the puppet. Our former fourteenth member, Xion.”
“Really?” Larxene asks, incredulous. “You mean that thing actually had a face under that hood this whole time? Who could have guessed?”
“Enough!” Xion shouts, still gripping her Keyblade securely. “Whatever you two are here for, you’re not going to get it. Especially if you came to hurt Naminé; I won’t allow it!”
“X-Xion…” Naminé mutters softly, surprised that she’d even bother standing up for her. That she’d so brazenly rush in to protect someone who had failed to save even so much as a scrap of memory about her before. 
“Oh, great, looks like it knows how to run its yap now too,” Larxene rolls her eyes, ignoring the question outright. “I wonder where it picked that up from? Probably Roxas. Or Sora. It’s not like either one of them knows how to shut up either.”
“We wouldn’t dream of bringing any harm to Naminé,” Marluxia says calmly. “Not when she can still be such a valuable asset to the Organization’s cause.”
“Ooo, sounds like you were thinking the exact same thing I was,” Larxene grins over at her longtime partner-in-crime. “The old man’s getting super close to dragging Sora onto the winning team anyway. What better way is there to push him over the edge than by tearing every last one of his memories to shreds so he can have a ‘fresh start’ with all of us?”
“A novel idea, one that could very well lead to a measurable reward from,” Marluxia agrees, not regarding the rising alarm in either of the girls standing before him over such an unspeakable scheme. “Presenting the master with a way to completely submit Sora into his unquestionable control could certainly go a long way in winning his favor…”
“And,” Larxene adds in a devious whisper. “It’d make the crazy geezer take back everything he said when he chewed you out for trying to haul the stupid kid back to him before. Who knows? We might even wind up with a nice promotion as a bonus. I know I’d do just about anything to see the looks on Xigbar and Saïx’s faces when we bump them both right out of the upper ranks!”
“Not to mention….” Marluxia muses, lighting skimming the lingering scar on his face Sora had left him during their last encounter. “It’s a chance to put that bothersome boy in his place… But of course--” he sets his sights on Naminé once more. “The only way we can accomplish any of that is with your help, Naminé…”
“No,” Naminé hisses immediately, her formerly fearful manner sharpening into rage at the very suggestion. At the very thought of harming Sora’s heart, or anyone else’s heart, as badly as she once had before. “I already told you last time; I don’t care what you try to do to me, I am never letting you force me into hurting Sora, not now or ever again!”
“Oh, wow, ‘big, bad’ Naminé finally grew a backbone after all this time sitting scared on the sidelines,” Larxene teases viciously. Her already malicious grin widens as her knives flash into the spaces between her fingers, practically glistening in the light streaming in from the window. “But ya see, the thing about that is, I can think of plenty of things we can do to convince you to change your mind…”
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