#it rlly hits different than exercise
cali · 5 months
im a different anon but im just curious what advice you would give to someone whos been pillbugging it for um. over a year now
mmm i cant really answer how to stop having depression which im guessing is what u mean + i dont know how ur head works but ive been living mostly NEET-ly for more than 2 yrs now and everyday im getting a better curve at dealing with it so i can tell u what works for me.
half the time when im pillbugging hard im paralyzed by a nontangible fear and the only thing that could stop it is adressing wherever the fear is coming from but the confrontation of the topic, trying to figure out where its even coming from, is terrifying too so i dont do it and stay swimming in tar. theres a sentence people keep saying when they explain why they watch 2 hour video essays "it makes my head go quiet". thats the enemy, the thought, not the person saying it. long term i mean. when its short term anguish that can be bridged by pillbugging its fine i think but if ur "making ur head quiet" for more than a month i urge u to make it go really loud again but thats hard. the only times i can try and confront those thoughts is when i feel otherwise nice, if i got externally forced to have a fun day, hike with my papa, date day with my girlfriend, sometimes just got myself to make a nice meal and it helped, when u feel better its a little less scary and u can maybe try and think out of it a little better. also i think on those days youre generally more positively charged so u got more hope outlook. COOL. i think this is why some people do meditation. im not good at it so i dont really know but i think its a brave pasttime of tackling unpleasant ideas. i used to try and dope my way out of it with lsd cuz everytime i used it it kind of forced me to confront whatever trouble i had but ive forbad myself that cuz i didnt want to rely on it as crutch + it was just unpleasant to get hit over the head everytime. now i only do it when i feel good already (havent done it in half a year lol). sorry, drug tangent. also weed is synonymous with pillbugging 4 me.
otherwise, rituals.... mmmmm..... when therapists and whoevers say stuff like take daily walks daily exercise take daily shower i think all of those are like half about the direct benefits they give and half just about doing anything regularly. cuz it helps. during pillbug hours the point for me is kind of to have time pass as fast as possible so the timeframe to hurt is reduced which is counterproductive cuz if it flows u by rlly hard u cant really grasp onto anything to get off the ride easily. and its never going to come really easy theres no probable single action or event that is going to singlehandedly pull u out of the mire, no rapture, no healing vitamin, its always going to be slow and tedious and boring and stupid but a routine is a nice framework to start that. brushing ur teeth is nice. and when u do something daily the days start becoming more tangible again and u will be able to tell how many days ago tuesday was. maybe u can think abotu what factors motivate u and twist them to do your biddinggg. shame and dissapointment works really well for me if i tell someone i will have this done by then and i dont it usually overpowers the malaise or whatever other reason has been making me not do it prior. but this requires social bonds and i cant guarantee u have those. in summer i started doing therapy cuz in germany i need it for transgenderism and shes also a good beacon for that, if she says do something until next time we meet i dont want to dissapoint her. other than that, um idk, everyting else is just kind of part of that. take walks even if u dont want to think about things even if its scary. be brave like childrens book illustration of knight slaying dragon. and then maybe u get a princess kiss
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lovebvni · 21 days
Could you tell us how you manifested your nose change? How long did it take you?
And what other physical changes have you manifested? And how?
ok well lemme say this, my nose changing shape isn’t something i was very urgent about.
it wasn’t at the forefront of my mind, i was kinda passively affirming sometimes and being like “oh! i have a more button nose than i used to!” and shit like that.
i basically just affirmed on and off and then one day, out of nowhere, i was petting my hairstylist LITTLE TEENY TINY DOG (a bit bigger than a yorkie) and she jumped up and hit my nose!
it didn’t break, it js hurt a bit, and i reemeber going to the bathroom to make sure it wasn’t bleeding, and i looked at it from the side before i was going to walk out and i noticed it looked different. i did a double take bc i was like how the fuck??
i think it was bruised a bit, but hitting ur nose on a dogs head is not enough to literally push my nose bridge back about an inch.
i haven’t rlly manifested any other bodily changess???
since i was little ive has body insecurities and i wanted a bigger ass (i know… n this was in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!!) so i would kinda wish n hope and manifest for it!
i don’t rlly exercise much. like im a gymnast but ive always been rlly skinny !!
but i don’t even remember it changing. my mom used to say it’s bc i did squats but i didn’t rlly do squats?? i mean maybe like once or twice but nothing crazy. and obvs not w weights.
but i don’t have a timeline for either of these?? they both js kinda happened.
yeah, uhm, manifestation stories!! LMFAO
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megabuild · 8 months
In rlly bad art block! Any advice?
art block hits different for everyone so it's kinda hard to give general advice but based off my own experience it helps to think that this might actually be a good sign. your ability to critique art grows faster than your ability to create so whenever i hit a wall and nothing i'm creating turns out right it helps to step back and go okay, i'm at a stage where i recognise my art needs improvement but i don't quite know what to improve upon, nor do i have the skills yet needed. i'd advise stepping away and spending some time either doing exercises like pose studies or even just simple warmup stuff to keep the movement going, cause even just shapes is better than nothing at all. if you feel able, try and gently push your comfort zone by trying some stuff you haven't before. last time i was blocked i spent some time getting to draw finer details on outfits and it helped push my character design skills that little bit more
also take a moment to connect w urself physically and mentally cause not always but sometimes for me anyway block = a sign that something else is going on cause that lack of interest or inspiration can be caused by stress
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sennamybeloved · 2 years
i always talk about my modern fantasy au for canon senna but i’ve never made modern aus for any of her skinlines. so here’s some brief ramblings;
high noon - still some form of resurrected angel, but holds little recollection of her life before death. has no obligation to restore heaven or wherever she’s doing in the og story, so she kinda just,, sits around. she has more of a lazy and playful personality than anything else, which is much different from canon senna, but the two still have their similarities. her and lucian met after their respective transitions from human to angel/demon, and they were married for two, maybe three years before meeting me. i was quickly absorbed into the relationship as their trophy boyfriend (i was never officially married to either of them, but they both still refer to me as their wife/husband occasionally) and we’ve been together since. hn senna is much more physically affectionate than canon senna, especially in public. she isn’t as poetic and well-spoken, but she isn’t afraid to blurt out her love for me whenever and wherever she wants. i can’t think of a career for her because i don’t think she’d really have one? she’d probably hop from job to job, or sit unemployed for long periods of time. she’s overall much less responsible, much less uptight, and much more unbearable to be around (not for me tho stay safe y’all ❤️)
project - some kind of engineer/hacker. very secluded and secretive. probably lives in like a closet-sized apartment in some big city that can only be accessed through a shady back alley. human conscious transferred over to an android body (like super advanced android though, like dbh-esque) and has since become a shut-in. doesn’t really do much with herself other than fuck around on the internet and work on machines. probably spends a good chunk of her time on the dark web just for fun. i probably met her at like 7/11 or something i don’t know. we lived very different lives separate from each other (with me appearing more organized and more pulled together) but i love her regardless. i perform maintenance on her body whenever she needs it. great bonding exercise tbh.
lunar eclipse - still blind but she doesn’t have the Power Of the Moon to Guide Her Into Battle anymore so she’s just a normal blind person. probably some like moon,, witch, idk. definitely works with magic but she has no reason to fight. i don’t know what her job would be but it would probably be something that involves helping people. she’s a natural leader and is very kind, but also quiet and secretive. you can’t really get much out of her—unless you’re me, of course. we probably met on a whim somewhere and hit it off so well that we just kept talking. she’s been very nice and understanding since day one,,, super caring and easy to talk to,,, eeep. we prolly live in a house in the woods together, just on the outside of civilization, not super isolated but it feels peaceful. ee i have nothing special to say about this one rlly i just love her a whole lot
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paintwizard · 3 years
I'm 99% sure I've got more exercise from stim dancing to fall out boy than I have from running ever
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teeterarting · 3 years
here's a list of things i love about PSMD for no reason other than i think it deserves appreciation (spoilers)
the hero gets adopted by a nuzleaf. Hero, a young child that doesn't know why they were brought into this world, attacked by beheeyem, scared and alone, finds someone that takes them under his wing and gives them a home. it's really sweet that once Nuzleaf brings them to the Village, Hero's not alone anymore.
yes it was all a trick, he deceived you. but being betrayed by your father figure hits so much harder. it's much more personal, especially when both Hero and Partner are kids. and when Nuzleaf goes through all that ordeal in the post game, then gets accepted back into the village?? And his little speech to Hero????? it's heartbreaking and incredibly touching at the same time
everything is just so cute!!!! you go to school with your new friendo and you're friends with the schoolkids, and you make the trip to school every morning taking in the scenery, the smell of dew and fresh grass, and the sun on your face... and you take classes about Mystery Dungeon mechanics, and principal Simipour is a big BRO, the school nurse Audino is super kind and helpful... and you get to play with your pokemon friendos in summer vacation, and explore a dungeon with 'em... AND your bond with your Partner begins to form, getting stronger and stronger from then on. PSMD's beginning arc is so warm and pleasant, it's like reliving childhood memories all over again, when things were happier and you didn't have to worry about how cruel the world is. this story section's one purpose is to get the player used to the game's mechanics, as well as foreshadowing. unfortunately most of the school kids get forgotten later on, but I still love this part for everything it is, even if unintentional.
it's not just the beginning that's cute. PSMD'S ENTIRE WORLD IS ADORABLE. It's just filled with life every town you go. there are a bunch of pokemon locals and they all have interesting things to say, in the main story and the post-game. there's a point where their comments get repetitive, but that's bound to happen in any PMD game. Even then, the days are never the same. one morning you wake up and the Lively Town locals are exercising, then the next they're having singing lessons, and then they're practicing martial arts. and you get to connect with (or recruit) some of them just by.... chatting!!! Sitting next to that big ol' venusaur and sharing stories, laughing and having fun. it's good stuff.
Sometimes you find travelling pokemon in dungeons and it's jsut the coolest thing. Imagine you're exploring a dungeon, then your Connection Orb notifies you there's a fellow explorer in the floor. First thing you do is try to find them, and when you do - oh dang a travelling Archeops!!!! And then they just,,,, exchange their experiences and thoughts on exploration and how hard it is to fend off those enemies and the cool treasure they found the other day (the game calls it "[Team Name] and [Traveller pokemon] compared notes"). then the traveller heals you, fills your belly and restores your PP. and they go on their way. idk man it's such a cute interaction. explorers chatting, empathizing and helping each other, bc their job is not an easy one...
PSMD Partner is the most developed Partner in any PMD game yet. They start off as this naive, hyperactive kiddo, then stuff happens, and worse stuff happens, and you get to see how they grow and change and by the end they're a different person than they were before (in more than one way ...). It's just so nice to be by their side, from the beginning to the bitter end, and watch their growth. in contrast, Hero is a little unbalanced in that their backstory is not explored as much, and their personality is kind of a blank - probs meant to be vague so the player can be in their shoes. to me this just gives you the opportunity to shape their character however you want, so you can have tons of different hero/pardner dynamics.
The music is rlly flippin' good. Some of the tracks are recycled from previous entries, but when they go original??? it's a blast!!! "Echoes of the Mystical Forest" is one of my favorites in all four entries, it has no right being so amazing for a random dungeon. "Time to Set Out" makes me cry immediately (also i think it would be a better fit for the parting ways scene at the end...). Don't even get me started on "Second Dark Matter Battle", it has everything an epic climax needs and MORE. the Partner remix????? absolute genius
speaking of which, Dark Matter ITSELF,, is freaking amazing. Its actions were foreshadowed in the very beginning, though they were not blatant through the game. i do think they could have done a better job at showing the pokemon's negativity raising in the world, as well as negative feelings in the characters... but it's not like Gates did a good job at it, either (outside of cutscenes, all the locals in Post Town are incredibly nice to you and fights didn't "break out often". it's like the game tells you the world is a dark place, but what it shows in gameplay doesn't add up). so i'll cut them some slack. Still, I find Dark Matter a more compelling villain than the Bittercold for several reasons. it is sentient. its speech is a jumbled amount of voices all talking at the same time - the anguished voices of the world. It actually concocted a plan to hurl the planet into the Sun, using pawns like Nuzleaf and Yveltal to do its dirty job. in the Voidlands, Hero and Partner discover its past, and how it'll come back after defeat, like a cycle. when Partner accepts Dark Matter, they accept negative feelings as something everyone has within themselves. Most of all, the fact that Dark Matter is a manifestation of negative feelings doesn't make it just a generic threat, a final obstacle to be defeated so the world can be saved. It makes Dark Matter - negativity itself - a natural part of the world, the yin to its yang. and that's why I LOVE IT SO MUCH DANG IT EVEN THANKS PARTNER FOR THEIR ACCEPTANCE
The fact that Dark Matter can possess pokemon that have "even the smallest amount of darkness in their hearts". it makes me think of Mr. Nuzleaf and what he might have gone through in the past to make him so easy to be controlled. Did he hold a grudge against someone?? Did he commit a crime?? Had Nuzleaf always been malicious???? And if so, is this why he shows so much remorse in the post-game??????? because he had always been this vile fiend and then he met this small kid and got attached, but still carried on with his evil actions because his malice was still stronger than the positive feelings and Dark Matter's hold on him intensified?????? I don't know!!!! and as much as i wish the game could have given us that sweet mr. Nuzleaf backstory, it's pretty fun to have freedom to come up with your own version.
Everything about Super's climax is just phenomenal. Every single flippin' legendary is there to help you. Arceus is in the game. MEWTWO IS THERE. and when things are looking hopeless, they really seem hopeless. First the Tree of Life is dying, then your allies get turned into stone and sent to hell The Voidlands, Arceus gets turned into stone, the entire world is stone (except for several mon' that are still safe and holding onto hope, but they're so few). Your Harmony Scarves stop working and you and your Partner are back to your feeble, basic stage forms. You are bordering exhaustion, you have no Emeras, it's just you and your Partner against an eldritch abomination that's killing the life on the entire planet like a parasite, devouring all hope. but you still fight back. Given how adults in the game always discourage the village children from going adventuring, that they cannot do this or that because they're so little and fragile, it's awesome how Hero and Partner beat Dark Matter as tiny kids.
PSMD is not a flawless game. in fact there's plenty of things that hold it back and i even mentioned some... but it's still full of love put into it and it resonates w me more than PMD Explorers of T/D/S and Gates to Infinity (Rescue Team is a close second). its my all-time favorite PMD game.
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raydaug · 3 years
I found Sayaka’s speech to Yumeko just b4 their gamble rlly funny bc she’s talking about how Yumeko is so terrible for driving ppl to desperation and having no other goal than her own entertainment when she’s obsessed with a woman who does the exact same for seemingly the no different reasons
I like this question a lot. There’s a lot to chew on here, so thank you. 
You are right, Yumeko and Kirari are very much two sides of the same coin.But just as the metaphor implies, even though they share a common starting point (gambling), they face out in opposite directions. 
Visually, Kirari and Yumeko seem to be playing on the Red and Blue Oni myth, with Yumeko’s primary color being red and her personality being very...passionate, and Kirari’s primary visual signifier being blue while also having and much cooler personality. 
However, at this point, I think it’s just a visual reference or a simple coincidence. For those unaware, the myth of the Red and Blue Oni is, extremely loosely, that a Red Oni (Japanese Demon) wanted to befriend some humans, but he couldn’t because they saw him as a monster. His friend, the Blue Oni, decides to help him by pretending to attack the village so the Red Oni can fight him off. It works and the humans accept the Red Oni, but he can no longer see his old friend the Blue Oni now because the humans are scared of him. 
While if you squint hard enough, you could potentially see some similarities in this tale between Kirari and Yumeko, and it’s not impossible that the story going forward shapes into something like the above, as things stand right now I don’t see too many similarities beyond the visual motifs of the characters. There is another famous dichotomy that Kirari and Yumeko mirror, and this one has much more textual support; 
God and Satan.
Yumeko as Satan fits neatly into the most modern depictions of the Christian Devil. Yumeko is a seducer. She’s disarmingly attractive, sweet and polite, and uses these aspects of herself to  tempt people into giving in to their base desires for her amusement. Hell, Kirari outright calls Yumeko a “snake in the garden.” (CORRECTION: only in the anime) This is a reference both to Yumeko’s name (Jabami means “snake eater”) as well as the Book of Genesis, when Eve is tempted Satan in the form of a snake into disobeying God’s edict and eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil (keep in mind that this is a specifically Chrstian reading of Genesis, as the Devil as a singular embodiment of evil is not an idea that’s really present in the Torah). 
Kirari as God is much less obvious, but it’s still there if you are willing to dig a little.For starters, Japan, generally speaking, tends to view Christianity at best with curiosity and at worst with skepticism. There’s a tradition of portraying Chrstianity, or religions modeled after Christianity as the case may be, as evil or corrupt, primarily based on the rigid hierarchical structure of Christian Denominations (Catholicism in particular), which Shinto and Buddhism (the predominant religions of Japan, don’t really share. Kirari is at the head of Hyakkaou, her aquarium ,her Eden, with the student council as the enforcers of her will.
More specifically to Kirari though, Kirari seems to be riffing on the old theological and philosophical conundrum of the Problem of Evil. The Problem (or Question sometimes) of Evil is “if God is all good, all powerful, and all knowing, then why do bad things happen in the world?” The most common answer to this qandry is free will. God gave his creations free will and allows them to use it. 
This is the biggest and most important separation between Yumeko and Kirari. Yumeko pushes people to do things against their will for her own amusement. You can see this in her gamble with Mary where she boxes Mary into a corner but upping the stakes to a ridiculous level, or when she forced Manyuda to gamble with or, or with her second gamble with Yumemi when Yumemi was simply content to share the stage with Sumika but that wasn’t good enough for Yumeko. Yumeko is happy to be a nice, charming girl when you play along with her, but when you deny her her fun, she’ll drag you kicking and screaming back to the card table. 
In contrast, Kirari never makes people do things against their will and is a major advocate for people living according to their own desires. She sets up the games, explains the terms, but ultimately it’s the player’s choice if they choose to participate. We see this most clearly in the Tower of Doors arc. Kirari explains the terms of the gamble clearly and explicitly to Sayaka. She doesn’t ever withhold information, and she asks for Sayaka and Yumeko’s consent twice before starting the game, giving them both opportunities to back out if they didn’t want to continue. We see also in her conversation with Terano in Chapter 82 that she’s trying to push Terano to exercise her own free will instead of always prioritizing the needs of others over her own. 
Kirari gives people tools and watches what they do with them, while Yumeko pics up those tools and starts hitting everything she can with them. 
It is that distinction that I think Sayaka is calling out and how she can justify her attraction to and association with Kirari while viewing Yumeko with disdain. Kirari created something, a logical (if perverse) system that operates on cause and effect, input and output. Kirari doesn’t make people house pets. If you can pay your dues to the Student Council you never have to touch card or dice. And if you must gamble, Kirari isn’t forcing the student body to gamble more that they can afford and fall into debt. 
Yumeko in contrast is a force of destruction in the school. She upended the logical and orderly function of Hyakkaou and made one person a house pet and consigned another to a life plan for no other reason than her amusement. And that is arguably more monstrous than anything Kirari has done.
Akso, let me be abundantly clear: I AM NOT SAYING KIRARI AND YUMEKO ARE LITERALLY GOD AND THE DEVIL. Just that there is metaphor and allegory at play here.
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actualbird · 2 years
djgdgj I was having such a fun time reading Luke and mc's suffering with beer and then you hit me with Vyn's section wHY
Poor Luke and mc having to drink beer of all things. Literally everyone around me who drinks talks about how it tastes bad so my heart goes out to the two of them. From then on the two of them never go near beer ever again.
Marius making fun of Vyn and his wine tasting fgidgi perfection. There's this post on tumblr talking about how easy it is to scam wine connoisseurs and how they can't tell the difference between the high quality vintage wine and cheap wine. Once Marius finds it it's over for Vyn. Marius just gained some incredibly strong ammo and he will absolutely use it as much as he can. It'll be an exercise in self restraint for Vyn to not bash him over the head after that. The last section with Vyn and his father had me in so much pain. To have something he liked be ruined by memories...
dgjdfu poor Marius alcohol really doesn't taste good to a child. I'm just imagining mc mentioning the whiskey Luke had in his Christmas SR and Marius immediately being disappointed in Luke. He respects his tastes and the sentimental value of the whiskey but also his tastes are wrong.
DGJDGDJ CELESTINE GOING TO BRING A SHOVEL I LOVE HER. Artem don't complain your friends are amazing and I wish I had them. Celestine and Neil never let him near alcohol when it's not for work reasons ever again. After Atmospherics, Artem wakes up with a hangover, remembers the behaviour that Neil and Celestine noted down and immediately starts panicking. He really did just subject mc to his drunken shenanigans.
All of them are braver than me sigh the smell of alcohol alone ensures I'm never touching it if I can help it. I absolutely loved this headcanon alcohol shenanigans are my absolute favourite.
irt when and how each of the nxx team first drank alcohol
hi, milkyway :DDD
i gotta keep u guys on ur toes!!! funnies one second, strained relationship with vyn's father in the next second, HAHA.
i did try to temper vyn's section with marius being a loveable pain in the ass and kjBKSJKF UR RIGHT!! idk anything about winetasting, both how it supposedly works and how it's supposedly ease to fool winetasters, but if marius manages to convince vyn that this 5stellin bottle of wine is tooootally a renowned vintage from a little unknown town in italy, well. marius is never gonna let vyn live that down.
but yep, ive been on a kick lately of thinking about vyn's relationship with his dad. i watched vyn's bday2 ssr where his dad shows up but i watched it when i had covid HAHA so my memory is kinda fuzzy but overall there was just this vibe like......it's not an unsalvageable relationship, but it's one that has vibes from vyn that are like "why are you here i dislike you i do not want to see you" and vibes from dad de haspran that are like "i wish i was a better father." or maybe that was my covid symptoms talking, i'll have to rewatch the card HAHA.
beer sucks!! IT SUCKS, IT TASTES SO BAD I HATE IT!!! but also when i was a teenager, beer was like the most common alcohol to know about? also the easiest to buy and smuggle places esp if ur Not Sposed To Have It. shoutout to that legendary student in my high school who apparently filled their jug with some kind of alcoholic drink and took swigs of it in class and did not get caught. insane behavior but also rlly impressive!!!
luke and mc dont stay away from all beers after that, but they never drink that specific brand ever again. and in general, beers r just on thin ice. luke, once hes got his bartending experience, can mix drinks that taste waaaaay better
JSBFKJSD WAIT UR RIGHT LOL, this hc in conjunction with SSR Atmospherics creates that hilarious reaction from artem. he panic texts celestine before coming into the office in the last bit of that story like "Does she look disgusted by the general order of the world and maybe the entire concept of who I am as a person?" and celestine texts back "She mostly just looks sleepy, lol"
and all i will say about marius is this: BLEH!!!!!
glad u liked the hc post hehe :3!!!
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urlocalbunny · 3 years
Headcanons of the boys with a witch s/o?? ~ I rlly like your blog 💛
Hemlo! I'm assuming you're speaking about the stereotypes of a witch pictured in fantasy books rather than what's accurate and I'll go with the "brooms and cat and nice healing spells and charms in a big pot" trope.
When you first arrived and the others tried to catch you, everyone thought you were going to be gone soon. But to their surprise, Beliath flew around and hit a wall as soon as he tried to put his hands on you. "A witch." That's all Aaron had to say to make everyone get weary around you. The older ones had heard and seen witches when they used to fend for themselves. This one was rather... Endearing, as they apologized to the demon and fixed the hole on the wall sheepishly.
He's used to it as he used to help witches as much as he could when they needed it. He's seen some spells, but never up close.
When you summon a little ball of light and make it float in front of you as you walk with him in the dark, he feels pride swell on his chest at how clever you are.
He enjoys hearing your experiments and your harmless pranks and your protective charms that you insist he keeps on his pocket when he goes out to buy you food.
You give a nice touch to the garden and things grow like they want to, in contrast to Vladimir's side where things are trimmed and calculated.
He worries about you a lot if you have to travel for supplies so he asks you to do it when he's gone for the full moon because he kind of forgets about it as he runs through the forest. And he LOVES hunting with you after a good bit into the relationship.
If you're interested in his stories, he might tell you all about his encounters with witches before bed while you cuddle. When he's about to turn the beside light off, he kisses your nose, saying you're the best witch he ever met.
He adores smelling the plants you collect and feeling the crystals you have in your room. The sound of the little charms you hang on the windows make him feel at ease too.
He also likes it when you flip the book pages fast with magic and he hears you speaking from the other side of the room while you do it. He asks you to flip his and he giggles like a baby when you do.
He is fascinated by the sounds the spells make and he loves to hear you finish them and how lovely your taste with little bottles are, and when you give him a charm to keep him safe, he treasures it so much you're even surprised.
He loves to hear your stories and how much you love to do small things and work here and there for the townspeople with herbal medicines the doctor ask them to get from you.
He feels safe and cared for around you, and he tends to entrust some of his tasks to you because he feels like you'll finish them perfectly. Suddenly, Beliath doesn't really need to fetch books for him at the store anymore.
When he learns you can move objects and you have the idea of making braille stamps to translate books for him, he goes WILD with excitement.
As soon as he saw you through the wall you just threw him into, he knows he has to have you. You're ravishing AND strong. Also, you had the care to throw him against the wall without any portraits and it wasn't really painful, so you're a quick thinker too. It was a good spell.
With time, he becomes your friend then your boyfriend. The thing is that since he knows you're a witch, this became a serious problem when you're coming back home from parties. You already know what he's going to say as soon as he makes a silly face.
"Hey. I'm gonna ring this random lady's bell and you'll have to step on that trashcan lid and fly us out of here." "Beliath, no." "I'm gonna ring it." "No, Beli-" "POOOOOM" "RUN, BABE, JUMP ON IT!"
He laughs his ass off as you grab the lid, turn it around, sit inside of it and haul him out of the ground while he runs at full speed. Your hands hold his torso and he yells into the night as you breathe heavily because that shit was Scary™.
He also helps you constantly with supplies and some of his own knowledge on demoniac powers and tricks. You both can easily handle any hard situations without even laying hands on your opponents. That's a power couple right there.
You both protect each other and he actually puts your charms in good places even though he's literally a demon. You get the heart-eyes every time he does things right and learns a few simple spells for you.
Prepare to be BOMBARDED with questions and your new job as a co-leader of the garden. The way you move ten seeds at the same time and dig holes on the dirt as quick as he ever could is amazing to him.
He inspects glasses and widens his eyes at colorful and contained reactions your spells make. He loves it when you explain how things work in detail and he feels safe knowing you won't be in trouble and you can protect each other from whatever.
He smells you often because the herbs you use on your medicines and potions smell good for him.
The first time he sees you on top of a random object floating around, you WILL get pulled down by his cane like a mango on top of a tree. He will tell you this is dangerous and will ask you to not sit on random things and fly on them, but when you explain how it works, he feels relieved.
One day when he's sad, you ask him to come to you from the stairs, but you lift his shoes in the process. When he sees he's walking in the air, he can't stop laughing. If the others see it, he will be flustered though.
Will bonk you if you come inside with herbs on your head and clothes. Clean urself before coming home! When he sees you sitting idly when it's your time to clean while the broom sweeps on it's own, he gets super jealous.
Will try to match and argue with your knowledge often because well, he's a doctor. How can you simply make Ivan's burnt skin heal instantly with no repercussions for the both of you? That's bullshit.
When you explain where do you take this energy from and how you manage it, he understands better. "So... There's always a price for things and you keep yourself in check and in tune with your savings to make the right spells... Interesting..."
If he makes you mad, you dye his hair different colors he hates for an undetermined period of time. He hates going out with orange hair, but pranking you was actually a good idea.
He likes your ointments a lot and he uses them when the boys are sick. You teach him some things and he teaches you others, like how to stitch someone's wounds and basic training on how to be a nurse and save someone with simple steps.
He thinks you look so cool when you fight and he asks you to throw small seeds on Ivan and Beliath while he isn't looking just to piss him off. It's your fun when everything gets boring.
If he's going through a hard time, you cast a few pretty spells before bed and make the shapes he asks you to to entertain him. He adores you so, so much for that. He will say it eventually.
The first time he gives you a gift, it's a snow sled for you to fly around on. He also runs errands for you and takes things out of your way. Basically, he turns into your apprentice and laps everything up.
It's more likely that Ivan finds his powers sooner while he's around you, because his minds opens itself to the possibilities and he begins exercising and training more often to find his own thing out of inspiration.
He loves your charms and spells, and he asks you to give some to Aaron often because he gets worried in full moon. He also likes to read tomes and books to you while you do what they say.
He appreciates you and your help to train him and keep him in check, and the fact you can handle him easily while he's thirsty makes it ten times easier for him to trust himself and overcome his gluttony.
If you take long to come back from trips he gets kind of sulky and asks you to be careful. He's worried about you and what could happen. It's also boring without Aaron and you around. :(.
Asks you a thousand questions and hears your stories with the brightest eyes. He flinches when there's emotion and action, smiles when you do and sometimes he claps in the end, then gets flustered when you mock him. You're just so interesting :(
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wackatoshi · 4 years
could we get a commentary on next door neighbout + augmented memories :'))) i come back every once in a while to reread and get hit straight in the feels every time
AAHHHH wow this ask just sent me over the moon. you reread my stories?? imdbajhjakfabf wHY i cry
it’s been a long time since i revisited these, so i apologise if i use wrong terminology in some areas haha. it got LOONG so i added gifs to ease ur eyes. ok ok let’s go!
next door neighbour ->
“The pasta expanded well beyond my expectations,” she explains one day, holding out a Tupperware of steaming fettuccine saturated in white sauce.
The flavour stirs up an old box of tender childhood memories that he doesn’t want to remember. He doesn’t finish it.
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(above: rumlow entering his suppressed memory box, circa 2014)
first and foremost, the whole reason I wrote this fic was because i was inspired by the unbelievably talented @whirlybirbs! her bucky barnes series Bitter Coffee (AO3 or Tumblr) is seriously heavenly. that little excerpt was heavily inspired by this chapter: 19 foreshadows. 
it’s just so good. i owe everything i am to it tbh. happy reading :D
Rumlow realises the implications of her statement. She’s inviting him to come inside her apartment. To have pizza and wine together, like a couple of friends hanging out. He knows full well that this violates every one of his principles.
“Well,” he sighs. “I can’t say no, now, can I?”
HAAHAHA the double agent compromises!! this was super fun to set up. you can see brock justifying breaking his own rules (e.g. “I won’t go out of my way to talk to her...”) to actually Daydreaming™ about how she’s going and finally just rocking up and knocking at her door basically like 👉👈LMAOOOO nah it cracks me up
One sip.
“Did I ever tell you that you cook like my mother?”
“I don’t know whether the choices I’m making are right, or I’m just tricking myself into believing they’re right, because I want them to be. You know?”
“Ever wondered how things would be now if you’d met someone sooner?”
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i played around with these lines soo much and when i settled on the middle dialogue, ooof, everything just fell in place for the sequel. i really hoped people would remember that line when it got referenced in augmented memories!! 
brock’s really in a tricky place here. by this point, he’s starting to wonder if he’s on the right side at all, whether everything he’s been fighting for has been what for he thought it was. and it’s true that she will never understand - for all she knows, he’s some security guard for Something He Can’t Talk About - and yet look at the way he talks to her: “ever wondered how things would be now if you’d met someone sooner?” *chef’s kiss* the yearning. homeboy is whipped and vulnerable
It’s a fantasy he can only dream about.
HAHAHA ANGST FORESHADOWING. but for real - this was a major hint towards augmented memories, which is heavily based around the idea of your mind manufacturing delusions to keep you sane when you’re pushed to your absolute limits. right now, it may as well be a dream, her in his arms and buzzing with the feeling of perhaps-maybe-almost-love, and he knows he can never come back to this moment.
He presses his lips against hers again, and she complies more than happily. In this moment, he’s not a HYDRA agent, a trained assassin, an experienced hand-to-hand combatant. He’s just a regular guy, kissing the damn love of his life on the rooftop of an apartment complex in the early hours of the morning.
he wonders what it’d be like to be a normal guy! a regular dudebro! not a secret double agent with a criminal record and a complicated moral dilemma! honestly this whole kiss section was some of my best work to date i think. i never rlly improved after this AHAHAHAH peak writing. this is also another reference to augmented memories bc...haha...that hurted
speaking of...
augmented memories ->
augmented memories is one of the most depressing things i’ve ever written ngl. i felt so bad for posting it tbh so it’s understandable why it didn’t get as much clout LOOOOL. though it was mostly a writing exercise for me in terms of improving description and conveying emotion + wanting to write more brock. so yeah, it wasn’t particularly plot-progressing, but i did my best ah
“You don’t have to,” he continues, his gaze never once faltering, “because we always get a choice. What choice are you gonna make?”
SAM MY LOVE. also those mid-battle flashbacks...such poetic cinema. wanted to make this sequence feel very movie-esque, as it is canon-divergent in this exact moment. so i tried to mimic the setting as closely as possible, but now the villain has a different mindset! but he doesn’t make it out unscathed...
She props herself up on the counter, her legs swinging, while the other Rumlow overtakes the cooking and examines the contents in the pot. He tastes it, a scrutinising look washing over his expression, and adds a few contents to the mix. She rolls her eyes at that. After all, he’s a difficult man to please.
 as cute as this is, it’s not real, and that kinda makes it even sadder lmao. but brock rumlow is absolutely a good cook and you can’t change my mind. you know he’s gonna be all over the kitchen the minute he gets home lmao. 
An elderly lady, on her way out, stops behind him and eyes him curiously. “Do you need a hand, dear? My son’s just here.”
Rumlow glances over his shoulder, catching a quick glimpse of a small, wooly-haired lady in a light blue coat. “I’m fine,” he says, through gritted teeth, quickly turning back to open the bloody door.
sooo uhhh i’m not sure if this was ever made obvious but that’s elizabeth, his next door neighbour (what? yep. you heard right). elizabeth, who 202A reckons has the hots for him. this lovely old lady totally deserved the title of the fic. 202A was not actually his next door neighbour...she lived adjacent from him! 
The glint of gold bands on fingers. A white dress and an unspeakably beautiful angel floating towards him. Familiar faces in an audience. Dancing to radio music in an empty apartment. Her arms looped lazily around his neck.
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ohhh mawwage...his brain is basically feeding off all the suppressed dreams and fantasies he never allowed himself to have at this point. but the detail in them! rumlow has given this serious thought...it’s so real that it starts to blur in his mind. are we actually married ahaha? nahhhh haha unless?
I could love you, Rumlow realises, his mind hollow but his chest full of something unfamiliar. I could love you so, so much.
How dangerous, for these beautiful but augmented memories to be so vividly engraved in a damaged mind.
because what happens when imagination gets confused with reality? it’s kind of like reverse amnesia. there’s no telling if rumlow knows who he is anymore. but the torture he’s endured has forced his mind to conjure up the only thing that can bring any kind of peace to his soul - and it’s her, the kind neighbour who reminds him of the person he could’ve been, which is so very bittersweet. the last sentence is something i scribbled into my notes one day and i loved the sound of it, so it ended up becoming the basis of this story. 
aaaaand that’s where i’ll end this post! this was super fun to do, thanks for taking me down memory lane! (LMAO inappropriate?) let’s do this again ;)
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marias-studyblr · 6 years
Hi ! I was wondering, what do you do on a typical day during the holidays ? Like, do you have an established routine ? Wish you a great day/night! xx
I have a guideline, it’s definitely not a schedule and it’s also less regular than a routine because I give myself a lot of flexibility since, you know, it’s my vacation! 😄 i don’t get mad if i don’t accomplish certain tasks, i just leave them for the next day. so this is my “routine” if obviously i’m not doing anything special that day like visiting something, traveling, eating out, etc.
🌅 in the morning
As soon as I wake up I go make my breakfast, which I enjoy having quite early in the morning, around 7.30 AM and in my bedroom, at my work desk. Everyday oatmeal and orange juice! I enjoy opening the windows and letting the fresh air in, normally it’s sunny so I can enjoy the sunbeams without the heat of midday.
While eating I’ll watch the Crash Course yt channel. I really enjoy the nice warm feeling i always get from the channel, and gives my brain healthy activity. I really love any series they have. Right now i’m watching History of Science with Hank (*cough* perhaps a lil crush of mine *cough*). each episode is around 13 minutes, i rlly recommend. There’s also something on my phone called the 10 top news of the day. I check those.
I then resume my day with some physical exercise, including a yoga video from yoga with Adriene and 30 mins on my stationary bike, not in that order particularly, depends on how i’m feeling.
this time really boosts my energy! the yoga is absolutely essential for me. the bike is the most boring part and even though most times I dread it, it’s really good for me. i normally watch vlogs or put some music and the time passes by pretty quickly. I also alternate stationary bike with walking and running in a park nearby when i’m craving more time outside.
after my shower, I still have a few hours before lunch so I do whatever I feel like doing around the house, clean up my room, wash the dishes, also check up on my social media, play a game on my phone. i may resume to my desk after all that to work a bit on my laptop - edit and also write some notes (that i’m making ahead for second year).
soon, 11.30 PM arrives!
🍜 lunch
i have my meals pretty early.
as soon as 11.30 PM hits, I head to the kitchen and choose what I’m having to eat. I prepare my meal, cook or heat leftovers. I join my plates/bowls (I like to make meals pretty complete) and head over to the sofa where I’ll be watching a tv show on my laptop.
or if it’s monday, a last week tonight ep with john oliver.
🌷 in the afternoon
after lunch, if i don’t feel like getting out of the sofa right away, i can because it’s holidays c: so i might watch one more episode if i feel like it. 
the only thing routine wise i have in the afternoon hours is reading and drawing. the rest of the time i do whatever tasks i want to do that day, it varies a lot!
The afternoon hours are the best ones for me to read. it’s good to just snuggle in a corner and read my daily pages. I like to draw something in my sketchbook before dinner (around 6:00 PM, my golden hour) with a cup of tea and something in my earphones - a yt video or some music.
when 6.30 PM comes i do the same thing as in lunch hour! 🍜
☁️ in the evening
after dinner, i either keep watching tv or am on my phone on yt. if i’m not in the mood for that, i’ll return to my desk and write some notes, edit or just listen to music. it relaxes me, but only when i’m in the mood for it, i don’t force it.
because i wake up early, my body just naturally feels sleepy and wants to sleep before 11.00 PM. and that’s the end of my day!
💭 once again, these are all things i do when i’m not going out! So if I do go out in the morning for example, i’ll do my yoga in the afternoon. It changes a lot from day to day, these are just guidelines and I don’t worry too much about it. :3 the beauty of holidays!
also i didn’t mention my family but whenever i’m relaxing or eating or lazying around, i may be doing it with them, i’m not alone all the time hhh
and one final important disclaimer:
my writing makes my days look very structured and almost disciplined, in a way they are because that’s just the way I am - my mind is always making a list of tasks to complete, but I assure you it’s definitely ok to have lazy days, weeks, months! it’s okay to just do nothing. to do whatever you want. everyone enjoys their holidays in a different way.
i enjoy being productive and active on my holidays because it’s how I feel the happiest and I’m using them as best as I possibly can. I’m really enjoying them! before i would lazy around on my holidays, never leave the couch and I didn’t enjoy my days half as much as I enjoy them now. :)
I hope this satisfied your curiosity! I wish you a great one too!! 💕💕
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goldenscript · 7 years
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meet jung wooseok, apparently music major extraordinaire with hella tats and a rep for being a badboy
but you personally know him at that lowkey annoying kid who’s Always falling asleep n coming in late in ur creative writing class
y’all met that first day when he wandered in and he just tapped ur shoulder mid-exercise to ask what was goin’ on n although u could’ve been a jerk n not said anything u threw the kid a bone n somehow his piece still surpassed everyone else’s a few days afterwards
ofc you get it. it’s college so being tired from classes and prolly work is what’s getting him but the little green monster on ur shoulder doesn’t relent bc this is where u learn time management and well
you see you love creative writing - you live, breathe, and think it a lot and it’s ur major so why wouldn’t u enjoy the one class that actually specializes in ur own interest???? and you work rlly gosh diddly darn to do it too bc writing really isn’t that easy
you’re one of those people that takes ages to get a piece out but bc this is a creative writing class you have weekly assignments and some pieces are hits n some are misses but u deal with it bc part of it is for the grade and another part of it is trying to get more experience in the field
anyway, unlike u, wooseok doesn’t seem to rlly try,,, that hard,,, or rlly,,, at,, all n that’s what ticks u off
ur the the kind of person who not just hates slackers, u abhor them n u suppose he tries rlly hard with his major since who wouldn’t??? but he doesn’t w/ urs n when ur teacher an english TA named Hui was talking to him abt writing before class he said it was soOoOOOo easy n u were p resolved to disliking the kid immediately
u just find ur seat near the back with the 30+ students n out of all the ppl to sit by,,,, he sits by u n u jst don’t try to think abt how much u dislike him n his dumb face tht’s starting to fall asleep AGAIN
but ok u sneak a small peek n u have to admit,,,, he’s actually pretty cute like u kno that he seemed p intimidating when u first saw him bc at first glance he’s this flippin’ hulking giant at like 6′2″ with tats up to his neck and sleeve u only get a peek of bc he’s enveloped in a huge jacket 99.9% of the time n he usually has furrowed brows n his lips pulled into a straight line unless he’s talking to hui or some other dude in his large ass group of friends bUT
the peaceful look on his face is different than those times n u kinda make a mental note of it even tho u most certainly are Not comparing his eyelashes to fluttering dark angel wings or his peaceful face to something akin to a statue in a museum
no u r not
n- ok fine maybe a little 
bUT it was part of the warm up assignment to write a snippet of literally anything n he struck ur mind in that split moment n now ur back to aiming a well needed elbow to his side bc hui scanning the aisles for a potential victim to share their piece as he usually does n although u dislike wooseok ur not that spiteful
and right as hui picks on someone right beside u two, wooseok wakes up n looks at you with this really grateful n apologetic look tht u whisper the instructions to him bc gdi ur a good person
he may fall asleep n sometimes comes in late or not at all but u won’t let him fall behind so long as u can help it bc green monster aside ur conscience would hate u
anywayyyyy this particular day is only a little different bc it’s become one of those days where 6 PM is when the sun goes down and it’s pretty dark n not many students are on campus bc hello no one likes being on campus at night,,,,, save for the few kids who have like bio or math discussion then that’s a blessing bc campus rush hour is no joke n u once almost saw ur life flash before ur eyes bc of a bicyclist
u prepared for the coming of night bc ur residence hall isn’t that far off n most of ur friends are at their dorms or beelining across campus so it’s a solo job, n so u’ve estimated abt 20 minutes walking n 15 minutes speedwalking,,, 10 if u jog but ur plan is to speedwalk bc ur bag is heavy with books from ur other classes so no thnx
the moment ur released from class u start making a beeline out of there bc once ur out it’s a hell of a lot darker than u thought and apparently the streetlamps aren’t as bright as u hoped but regardless u try to trek thru the campus as best as u can n preferably near the convenience store since it’s usually open 24 hours and u’d have a place to run into in case someone tried attacking u
but well things kinda go according to plan but not really
u make it prolly halfway before u see this dude just loitering around by the benches near the dark buildings n u try to walk a little faster bc u r Not trying to deal with that tonight 
“hey where you goin’!” he says outta nowhere n u feel urself tense up just a bit
but ofc u look around hoping there’s someone else around n it isn’t just u but it is so u just nervously laugh, “oh yeah haha! just goin’ to the store y’know” bc the bright lights are just up ahead n if he lets u go then u can stay there n hopefully nag one of ur friends to come pick u up if he just doesn’t leave
n he’s just looking at u with feigned disappointment n goes “aw how ‘bout u just stay with me?” n he even dares coming closer
ofc ur ready to peel out of there but another part of u is pretty freakin’ scared bc oFC something just had to happen the first night n ur literal worst fear no less
you just shake ur head like “o no! my roommate’s waiting for me up ahead, y’know so i better get going,,,,,” n you’re already walking a little past him when he just takes a few steps and starts walking alongside u
“aw c’mon!!!! i can show u a real fun time hun. forget ur roommate”
“i’m asking nicely, babe don’t make me repeat myself”
the nickname sets u off ur sure n ur just abt ready to tell him off with a glare and everything bc Who Does He Think He Is????? “look dude, i’m not ur babe-”
and then another voice joins right as he’s abt to step towards u n u recognize that husky, just woken up voice anywhere as he says, “take a hint. leave”
you actually look up at surprise bc wooseok gently tugs on ur wrist and puts himself between u and the creepy dude
u suppose the sight of wooseok is enough to scare him off bc right as the creep is abt to tell him off he catches one sight of wooseok and his eyes go so wide he just peels outs bc the look on his face is just screaming: “nope no way noooooooooooooo heck n o“
wooseok's so sweet like "are u ok???" bc unbeknownst to u, u’ve actually been shaking since that guy got so close and u can only manage a small nod but his features are a devoid of that furrowed brows and deep scowl with that dude
in fact his eyes are so soft under the orange lighting and he actually looks really worried bc ur fists are balled n u can’t seem to stop shaking so he goes “c’mon i’ll get u something to warm u up” n u just nod bc as scared as u were u actually feel a lot safer with wooseok there
like he even places his really large black denim jacket over ur shoulders n u feel urself shiver a lot less
so he takes u to the convenience store u were trying to make it to n it turns out his friend yanan works there
yanan’s a really handsome boy with a cast on his arm and his eyes seem to light up at the sight of u and wooseok but he doesn’t say a word bc of the look on ur face n the one on woo’s but he does flash u a friendly smile bc u look like u need it
wooseok gets the two of free hot cocoa n he tells yanan that he’ll pay him back for the drinks n that he’ll be back after he takes u to ur dorm n yanan says something like “i’ll add it onto ur tab” before u two go n wooseok’s reaction is a lil’ stiff n that has u like ??? but u don’t press bc u just want to go to ur dorm and shower and just not think abt what happened
although u aren’t talking, wooseok’s actually trying to make an effort and talk to u. mostly abt little things n he even gives u an analysis of the rlly rlly confusing piece u guys had to do n when he started mentioning what the blue curtains meant u couldn’t help but laugh bc it was silly n it didn’t really mean anything but u can tell he’s trying to make the mood much lighter n he breaks out into this shy smile n goes
“so that what it took to get u to smile huh?” 
n u don’t say anything but a thank u bc the half-empty hot cocoa in hand n the walk back to ur dorm makes u feel better times infinity
he kinda just nods n says “yeah,,,, anytime u need someone to walk home with, i gotchu” n u want to tell him that it’s ok but he looks really serious as he says it so decide to nod
“really, thank you wooseok” you tell him right as ur in front of ur building n he just nods a little awkwardly which is still pretty endearing on him even tho it’s not quite what u expected of this supposed badboy
n he’s like “o well, um,, here.” and just grabs a pen from his bag n grabs a hold of ur free hand n scrawl his number on it n says “the next time y’know u need an escort,,, u can,,, erm,,, call or,, text me,,,” before he’s kinda really red in the face and stumbles his way back to the convenience store
when u get inside n the hot cocoa all’s done n gone n ur scrubbed clean of the day’s grime, u just kinda reflect to urself n decide that wooseok really isn’t that bad after all like u don’t see him as that annoying kid quite so much
now u see that he’s more or less tired from helping at that store n his analysis of the reading was pretty spot on n u just,,, well,, u feel warm and safe at the thought of him
even as u stare at his number still kinda decorated on ur skin, u can’t help but smile at his rosy cheeks
the following day u,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,do not text wooseok
mostly of out fear bc u have no flipping clue what to say so when u see him in class on thursday he actually looks a little pouty w/ hui until he sees u walk in n u actually take a seat by his bag (tho u reason that it’s bc u usually sit there anyway)
as promised he walks u to ur dorm after class n u two actually talk together this time n it becomes a tradition to do that every tuesday and thursday
u begin to see more to him than he lets on in all that time like how he really adores his jacket bc his grandma bought it for him or how he actually plays the guitar and the drums bc at first he thought they were just cool but then he saw his fave band live n wanted to be like them (fun fact: it was cnblue) and the violin like he was good enough to win a prize and everything!
u also see how horribly misrepresented he is bc u hear from a few ppl how he’s no good, he’s a liar, n he’s eaten a live duck once n all that ridiculous stuff but u kno the truth bc he’s actually very truthful n bright n it actually makes u a lil mad that people would talk abt him like that
even more so when u hear some people talk abt how reckless he is n u tell him abt it bc you think he deserves to kno that there are bad things going on abt him but he kinda,,, just,,, brushes it off which leave u very ?? bc that is not the boy you’ve gotten to know n it’s certainly not the one that saved u either n u say so
n he actually looks like he wants to say something but he hesistates so u say “look whatever u did or do, you can tell me wooseok. i’m not gonna think differently of u. i know you’re a good guy”
he just sighs and says “but i’m really not,,, like i’m reckless and no good like that said,,,,”
but you’re absolutely certain that he is dead wrong n so are they so you just tell him to tell u why they’re saying those things n he admits to u that the reason why his friend yanan has an arm cast is bc of him
they had been sneaking into old abandoned buildings as hang out spots just cuz there were tons of unused places in the city n this particular one was near a construction place tht had patrols come by from time to time n this wasn’t any different but the boys didn’t know esp wooseok since he was the one who chose the spot and reassured everyone that it would be fine so when patrols came n they had to peel out everyone mostly made it except yanan who slipped and fell by the nearby construction 
woo ran back over to help him out n they were mostly safe from the cops but the fall yanan made his arm bend funny so they had to take a hospital trip and ever since then wooseok has felt like crap and has been doing his best to make it up to his friend thru helping at the store n getting him to class even if it means he misses a few of his own bc it’s his fault n everyone else knows it
ofc u feel bad bc wooseok looks so dejected abt it n the only comfort u can offer him as his friend is ur support and ur reassurance that even tho he caused that to happen it doesn’t make him a bad person at all so u feel really frustrated n he notices,,, even looks at u in surprise like ???
“w-what’s wrong? why are you upset?”
so u quickly say like “!!! bc ur so kind wooseok! i know u keep saying ur a bad guy n those rumors ppl say r tru but u are so so so so unbelievably kind and sweet and even if no one else likes u then just know that i do ok????????” 
while he’s just in shock, you continue with reddened cheeks and a resolve not to stop, “p-plus, there’s no need to be so harsh on yourself! so what if u skip class -actually not a so what you should definitely go to class pls ur paying to be here- but what i mean is that things like skipping or looking scary doesn’t mean ur a bad guy n no matter what people say i think you’re a good guy and and and your friends do too and i wish u could see that! i wish i could show u somehow and god i don’t know i just--”
and ok you look so adorable mid-spiel and flustered and even though ur attempts to articulate are beginning to fall short, wooseok can’t help but go thru with his impulses like always and just,,, kiss u before he pulls back ready to apologize but you pull him back in and u just kiss him ok 
bc in all that time u spent together and in ur own upset, u realized u really really really flippin’ liked this boy and there was no other way you’d be this worked up over just anybody n with his lips against urs u just feel ur heart going even !!!!!!!!!! louder than ever 
you pull back n say with a small smile “if u ever need reassurance then y’know,,,, i’m happy to give that to u ok?” 
and he just has this goofy grin on his lips like “is this how you’ll reassure me?” and u nod and he just,,, pulls u into his arms n u both fall back onto ur bed just kinda looking at each other in this really soft light bc tbh he’s always had a crush on u since the start of ur class n some of those things like falling asleep and saying writing was easy was just his way of trying to get ur attention n to think he really did in the way he did makes him very happy esp knowing that u feel safe with him
and with you, finally coming to terms with the cold, hard truth that u indeed liked him too is nice bc the warmth and safety of his arms and being able to offer support and some sort of protection to him is all u ever really wanted to do - it happened so slowly and gradually but u have no regrets at all
also, lemme just say that the nine other boys in wooseok’s life absolutely adore u as they all kinda race to meet u bc you’re really all he ever talks abt next to yongwa n they find the two of u super adorable!!! 
it’s actually an easy transition for the two of u to go from friends to s/o’s too bc you two have always been pretty touchy-feely in a really casual way and now you both have even more excuses to hang out and work on stories together or sometimes u go to his dorm just to hear him play his guitar even as yuto’s trying to study for his compsci test or how jinho n hongseok invite u to dinner with the group just so everyone else can watch u and wooseok be really adorable n really just being together is just,,, so nice?? 
like as friends u always had urges to reach out and hold his hand or kiss his cheek or even hug him really tight and now u can do those things! and even he would have moments where he just wanted to give u lots of back hugs and spinning hugs and just hugs and forehead kisses but he couldn’t so moving on from friendship and being able to do intimate gestures became a rlly fun pastime for you two!
and now whenever u hear anyone whispering abt wooseok or giving you funny looks, you actually throw a few responses at them in his defense and sometimes he has to drag u away bc u can get awfully scary when you’re mad and he just calms you with his tight hugs and he’ll get hot cocoa with u and you two will just walk beneath the stars n it’s just,,, 
it’s nice being able to feel safe with your s/o and that’s what makes the two of you very content bc no matter what you’re each other’s rocks <3
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
college! minhyung
a/n; inspired by a series of unfortunate events that happened to yours truly, and it’s my first time writing a college au so please enjoy:’)
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major: music and audio tech
mark really liked music and making music so when he heard there was a course for it he immediately signed himself up for that
and he’s in the school’s dance club,, a very underrated dancer
tbh he partially got in because of his looks
also an underrated visual in nct
but mostly because this boy got those sick moves and he does music too?? yes please
i’m not saying that he’s the campus hottie but that’s exactly what i’m saying
but he’s really low-key and just wants to pursue his passion in music
and do well
you and mark met through this thing where you get admitted early into a course you like
you,, chose communications and media management or mass communications, as you would like to call it(i shall refer it to cmm)
and mark was there for the early admission exercise too because he had it as a backup if he couldn’t get into music and audio tech
at first the whole room was super tense because,, cmm is fiercely competitive
and you needed more than just language to get through this whole thing
when you arrived, you took a seat at the back because,, isn’t that what students do
and then mark came into the room like a really awkward bean
literally bows to everyone while saying excuse me
and he takes his seat beside you(!!)
you were lowkey screaming because,, why would someone as hot as mark sit beside you,, an average girl who just wants to get into the damn course
and your school didn’t had guys like that
let’s take a moment to imagine mark in casual clothes, like that red lacoste polo tee and ripped jeans and black vans and a kanken?? did that made your heart race? because it made my heart do just that
ya’ll know exactly which pic im referring to
so you decided not to be a chicken and make friends w him
“i’m really nervous,, i’ve yet to internalize my script for the screen test later”
“same,, i’m more worried for the written test tbh” with that shy smile of his
ok b4 we move on there are 3 components of your early admission exercise thing
1. written test 2. screen test 3. interview
and basically you have to go through all of that lmao
ok let’s get back to the story
“i’m sure you’ll do well, uhm..”
“mark, yep”
“and you’re?”
“that’s a pretty name ^^”
you swore your heart dropped
fast forward to the interview, you and mark were in the same group
and the damn lecturers had their radar on you bc wow reader you’re a catch
“so y/n, we saw that you write fiction in your portfolio, right?”
you broke into a sweat bc they ain’t gonna reveal that you write fanfictions in front of mark
“yeah i do”
“so could you please come up with a plot and characters for a current affair you know?”
you were pretty shook because fanfic ideas only hit you when it’s the right time(ff writers do you feel me)
so you were stuttering,
“i lost my childhood friend in a tsunami??”
and the lecturers literally cracked up at your idea
but they couldn’t blame you though, its hard to come up with an answer on the spot
at the end of the interview, mark was also lowkey cracking up
“omg i can’t believe you said that y/n, but i gotta admit it was pretty creative”
“i know right, why did i say that…” 
“i thought it was really creative and different though, i liked it”
there goes your heart
fastforward to the beginning of the school term
mark and you exchanged numbers on that day and when you guys received the results of the posting he wasn’t in cmm but music and audio tech
tbh you were rlly happy for him bc you guys were convenient friends from that day on and he was so excited and passionate about making music its just so so heartwarming
and well, the first assignment the lecturer gave was about a collaboration?? article
it can be between any student as long as its a different major
and it applies to every student on campus gdi
so the first person that came to your mind was mark
so after your lecture you ran straight to the block mark’s lecture hall was at
and as soon his lecture ended you ran up to mark who was busy chatting with his newfound friends
“mark! did you get the collaboration assignment?”
“yeah i did, why?”
“c-can i collab with you?”
and all his friends were all stunned like,, why is this girl suddenly coming up to mark to collab
“s-sure, why not?” with the mark giggle, you know what i’m talking about
“good, i’ll see you soon then,” you winked, leaving mark dumbstruck
and when you left your heart was leaping out of your chest and you mentally slapped yourself for winking at mark
anyhow, you and mark would meet up every other day to work on the assignment, with mark as your protagonist of your article
and mark makes a music piece, as you take part in producing the music piece
but the song is actually about you!!
basically mark talks about what he learns in the course, like making music and stuff
he also plays the guitar which is a plus
whilst you guys were collabing
mark gained attention for his insanely good looks, which he often denied and pushes the campus hottie title to taeyong,, his senior
and also his music making and lyric writing talent
have you seen his rap freestyle in snowball project??? like how did you even mark lee 
and you gained attention for your writing, one of the top cmm students in school with a bright personality and media sense
and rumour goes around the campus that the best students of both majors are collabing and are already scoring those As lmao
that rumour was true and everyone was looking forward to the finished products of the geniuses of the school
while you two were collabing you two got to know more about each other
and you know,, you,, like,, like,, each other its so cute 
you two keep sending signals to one another
for mark its adding smileys to his texts and a few hearts and like holding the door when you enter the recording studio and all those gentlemanly stuff ugh so sweet
for you,, its just more affection and skinship and playful slaps on the shoulder
the rest of the school; “pLEASE DATE ALREADY”
both of your friends literally could sense those signals but the both of you couldn’t
so on the last day of doing the assignment you and mark would show each other’s completed assignment
you showed mark your article of him, alongside with a candid picture of him working on the music you took secretly
“omg y/n,, this is so good, thank you so much”
“you’re welcome mark,, it’s nothing,, really”
and mark showed you his finished music piece and you were so proud of him because the song actually sounded legit and not by a college student
after the music ended, mark looked at you seriously and started fiddling with his hands
“you know,, y/n,, i’ve been wanting to tell you this in the longest time…”
“what is it?”
“that,, i really like you,, since the d-day we met, i really like how you are so passionate about writing and stuff… and how pretty you are and…”
“i like you too, mark, i really really like you”
and the you two hug and boom youre dating aAAAA so cute
dating college!mark would be the softest thing ever
he would memorise your favourite drink and buy it for you every morning without fail
you reckon mark would be broke by the end of the year from buying your favourite white chocolate mocha from starbucks every morning lol
and wait outside the girls’ dorm for you
and the main point is he looks good while waiting for you that sometimes you come down a lil later to just take candid pics of him waiting for you LOL
if mark’s lectures end earlier than yours, he would wait for you outside your lecture room like omg sweetest boyfriend ever
basically you guys are like inseperable
but he’s a lil shy with the pda during the first steps of the r/s so expect loads of blushy mark
but when he’s warmed up to it he’s like the clingiest baby ever
he does give you space tho,, which youre thankful for
and when he stays up too late to do his music assignment you would creep into the studio to bring him some snacks and coffee
and make sure he gets sleep because this boy can’t be stopped unless youre around
you joined the dance club soon after he joined an like you two are the literal power couple with the visuals and talents just,,, debut together please
when ya’ll did 1million dance studio’s All I Wanna Do choreography iT WAS LIT AND SLAYING EVERYONE WAS CHEERING
mark is generally rlly shy with compliments so you always compliment him so that people dont take advantage of his humility if that makes sense
like there was once he had a group project and je did most of the work and everyone was like “mark you did all the work!! this isnt a group project”
mark was like no omg my teammates did the work too
and his jackass teammate was like “oh mark only did half of the work and we did the most”
you were ready to fight that asshole and mark had to literally hold you back 
mark really likes it when you steal his hoodies and wear it to lectures bc you look so cute in them
and his graphic tees too this boy has gr8 fashion ngl
when the break rolls around you guys would go cafe hopping and eat till your stomachs were almost exploding
and also shopping for clothes and all that
mark was willing to be your human guinea pig when you buy makeup when your hand runs out of space for swatches
and when its time to pay mark just shoves his credit card to the cashier and youre like
“mark youre gonna be so broke thats $128 worth of makeup”
and you pouting and mark had to use his fingers to lift your lips up into a smile
“you’ve done so much for me for just being my girlfriend, babe, just let me pay for it this once”
and it was the 34th time he paid lmao
anyhow dating!college mark is all pure and fluffy and innocent
please give mark lots of love
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johnisthewarlus · 4 years
exercising on a cornflake part 13
paul: “back in the USSR?” i say “why didn’t it take us back to new york?” “time travel always takes you where your next mission is” yoko explains “so wat do you think it is?” i think for a moment. “i know!” i say “we have to find joan; we haven’t seen him since y’know he got shot.” “what’s jon doing in the USSR” rigny points out. yoko says idk. “wat country are we in” rincho assks. we turn around and see a big sign that says WELCOME TO ESTONIA but for some reason it’s in Chinese, which joj reads. he’s fluent in every language except portuguese and australian y’know. i’m thinking about wat i know about estonia and remember that pretty much everyone there is blonde. “yoko hav you got a mirror” i ask. “duh i have everything in my magic donkey” she says. we turn around again and there’s a donkey with yoko that apparently was there the whole time butt we didn’t notice. she pulls a mirror out of one of the pockets of the blanket thing on its back. she hands it to me. “fellas we’re still blonde” i exclaim. “so?” geo akss. “so if we’re blonde than that means jon is blonde. and everyone in estonia is blonde which means we’ll be looking for a piece of hay in a hay stack!”
john: last thing i remember, i got shot. but then the whole history of world flashed before my eyes except without the bloodline of mark. i wake up and i’m alive. i call the beatlemobile and i’m like “beatlemobile wheri are my bois,” and she’s like “they’re in 2000 bc but they’ll be back in a few minutes. wanna do something while we wait?” and then i’m like “ok we should visit bri,” so she’s like “ok wanna get some LSD from bernie again and clear things up?” and i’m like “yeah that’s a great idea he’s probably wondering wat happened to cynth” and she’s like “ok jhon he’s in estonia rn wanna go?” and i’m like “aight imma head there.” so i get in the beatlemobile and we find bernie in estonia and i tell him the whole story and we hug and he gives me LSD. the MMT bus shows up and i take it to Strawberry Fields. this time, only two strawberries cum *come to greet me. they tell me they can teleport me to bri for £5 and i’m thinking, aight but don’t you guys not use money, but watever. so i get to bri and he’s like “jawn! jeremy is in the kitchen making tea. i’m so glad you’ve cum *come to visit.” i go and hug him and then he hugs the beatlemobile too.
bri: “i luv wat you’ve done with the playce” jon says. jeremy and i live in a little cottage and everyday i cook breakfast and he cooks dinner and we make dessert together. at night time for extra fun, i use a worm to burrow a hole in him. tmi? 😳 oopsie. anyway i’ve been rlly happy here and i have so many friends and jeremy and i are going to adopt strawberry kids as soon as they finish building the school in the district. oh, i’m getting years ahead of myself tho. “thank you” i say to jonh. he looks at my hand and i see a twinkle in his eye from the reflection of the ring on my finger. “bloody hell bri you’re married?!” he squeals. he jumps up from excitement. “engaged” i telll him “i was actually hoping you would visit... i want you guys to cum *come to the wedding. it’s in a week, which is about an hour in the not-LSD world. could you invite the fellas and cum *come at 20:00, your time?” jan’s jaw is dropped. he squeals again and hugs me. “i can’t believe it omg i’m so happy for you!!!” he says. i blush. “i’ll go find the other fellas rn” he says. i hug him goodbye and tell him to bring bernie with him so that he can have the LSD with him and it’ll stay fresh.
george: i whistle to call the beatlemobile. it comes 30 seconds later than usual and it doesn’t hav a wall to come crashing thru so it hits the WELCOME TO ESTONIA sign. “wehre were you?” i ask the beatlemobile. “joon and i were in Strawberry Fields. he was just about to go looking for you.” “well wat are you waiting for?!” pal says “take us to jonny!!” we get in the beatlemobile and in 5 seconds it takes us to a village crowded with blonde people. i look around for jahn but can’t tell the difference between all the blonde hair. “we never should’ve bleached our hair” pul cries. “i’m sowwy” george martin sniffles. “it’s ok you did your job” paal says “but now your job is to find my jawnny.” george martin thinks for a moment. then he takes us all to a rooftop where, for some reason, all of our instruments have been set up. pail goes to the mic and starts singing the chorus of I Am the Walrus. “i am the eggman wooooh they are the eggman wooooh...” he sings loudly. suddenly, a light beam shines over the empty mic and john twirls down. he screams “I AM THE WALRUS GOO GOO G’JOOB”. we all cheer. only the walrus can sing the final line #johnisthewalrus #controversial
ringo: “thank goodness you called upon me; i needed to find you quickly” jon says in a rush. “it’s already 19:30. quick, get your best suits on.” “wats going on” i ask. “bri’s wedding is at 20:00” jahn says. then he turns to bernie who i hadn’t noticed was standing with us (is he like the donkey omg) and he says “quick have you got the LSD?” “duh of course i do” bernie says. he hands us each a tab with the fab powder on it. george martin puts a suit on each of us and we all the lick the LSD, including him. when we arrive at Strawberry Fields the greeting strawberries are like “we’re so glad you’re here we can start the wedding”. they teleport us each to the wedding place for £5 but i don’t have enuff moneys so jorge pays for me. we go to bri’s dressing room wheri he’s getting prepared and his face lights up when he sees us all in the mirror. he turns around and we do a big group hug. “boys i’m so glad you could make it.”
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soprone · 5 years
i keep thinkin bout eupho.ria the vn
it's ! a really really gross he.ntai i skipped most of the scenes honestly, I don't like sc.at or pis.s etc., the voices/sound effects were a bit obnoxious & the brute/devil end honestly made me nauseous like the only reason some of the rest of the game didn't was because i spoiled myself on what would happen so i knew when specific gross scenes were coming haha but I didn't rlly know much abt that end going in. the one scene i was into was in the anime oops
but i keep thinking about the game because it hits this really good level of grey morality for pretty much every character ?? except MAYBE makiba (its unclear what her deal is in the end so)? and like how .. idk it's got a lot of r.ape scenes but it plays it different to a lot of he.ntai like the main character is a sadist who says he's fine with what he's doing & in some routes he's more ok than others, but he is being forced to do this and in rinne's route we learn that he was ra.ped as a child and repressed it ? his whole story is him in this cycle of abuse that started from that & the underground game perpetuates it. it's literally set up so he has to violently assault a woman twice, then have the option to have a much tamer se.x scene w her and stay in a nice hotel room w her instead of sleeping on the cold white floor eating rations, as if to enforce an abuse -> honeymoon phase cycle.
like idk I'm not saying it's groundbreaking or anything but it's all pretty clearly portrayed as a bad thing and the better endings have the protag basically lose his sadistic tendencies entirely. & it's not as if he's just content after getting to exercise his sadism in the game so he's good now or that he forgives himself bc he was forced to do it or anything. he has to actually come to see ra.pe/assault as bullshit & actually change idk
his good endings typically have him be easily forgiven for his actions in the underground game... makiba had stockholm syndrome & aoi kinda gives him a slap on the wrist for it & that's that. nemu's normal ending has him and nemu live in a dreamlike world where they can pretend none of the horrific actions either of them took ever happened. the true ending has him say no, nemu, we don't deserve to live in a world like this. so he leaves and after years(?) of searching for nemu he finds her again and she has forgotten everything and has regressed to being a child again. so keisuke isn't easily forgiven for what he's done but he's given a second chance to treat nemu right from the start... i feel like it's saying that those other relationships are built from abuse so they're problematic even if keisuke has changed and/or forgiven? they seem alright on the surface but they're on rocky foundation. so the only way keisuke can really achieve a healthy relationship is to not forget about what he's done but to learn from it and start fresh with a girl he loves and hasn't just trauma bonded w/. since in the true ending he chose kanae for the underground game so he never abused nemu.
it's maybe not that deep it's a gross h game like i said but aghh. MAKES ME THINK ukno.
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00pbz · 5 years
weight ment//
being back home actually hasn’t been too bad for my weight loss/dieting situation but like. it’s frustrating ?
i’ve hit a bit of a plateau and i can’t really,, see much difference in how i look now compared to last yr
i’ve lost like mmmm 15lbs over the school yr? and i’m trying to lose like 5ish more but. other ppl have noticed a difference, but i rlly can’t tell :/ esp in like my Legs hhhh
went to the dr recently too n apparently i weigh less than my sib (who’s always been noticeably slimmer than i am) but it rlly doesnt feel like it? tbf i also have a Major inferiority complex to them to begin w so maybe thats inevitable but djskf
i just wish i cld see more of a difference esp now tht im close to my gw :( i’ve been trying to do more toning exercises n start doing weights more, but :((
the only thing i’ve noticed is part of my arms are a lil slimmer? like when theyre resting against my side, theres not as much ,,, fat lol. and my jawline is Slightly more noticeable but it’s still,,, not much djskdf idk
wanted to lose the last 5lbs before the end of summer but ive been,,, so much less active overall n ive been eating so much more (and less healthily too) so im not sure how doable it is hhhhh we shall see i suppose,,
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