#it’s also day 200 on hrt
satelliteaccident · 2 years
in at least some of the world it is my birthday, and i am. SO grateful to be here.
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notevenalittle1294 · 1 month
Bonesaw hrt would be so fucked up. Turns out it actually works way faster if you remove the blood first and strain out all the wrong hormones. Rather than estrogen she would use a synthetic substitute thats 200% more efficient but also has side effects that no one on earth has ever had before and is going to baffle any doctor you see about it. One day you just cough up a worm-lobster thing that wriggles away down the sink. And you call her about it and she says “Oh it left! That means ur done :)” and u just gotta accept that that thing was in your intestines transing your gender for the last few months. Cheap though so who can say
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catboybiologist · 22 days
Okay i dont talk about HRT with people a lot and i started E when i was a teen so i actually didnt know estradiol injections were a thing until i saw your posts. I thought injections where a T thing and that we all got E through titty skittles.
I want to ask what the difference actually is because its piqued my interest. It sounds pretty annoying compared to a pill. Is it cheaper or more often covered?
also ps i know youre not my doctor but is 44pgml too low?
So first off, yes, 44pg/mL is way too low by any standard. The usual standard you'll see is 100-200pg/mL, but this is starting to be considered very, very low. More modern standards of care try for 200pg/mL at trough (the lowest you should be- on sublingual this doesn't vary much though). Generally 200-400 pg/mL is the more typical modern guidance. Your T is also very important here. It's very difficult to get your E high without your T going at least a bit down first.
With that said, self injecting E seems very intimidating at first, but has a lot of benefits, including but not limited to:
The main benefit is medical. Injecting E bypasses the liver. This means that you're stressing out the liver less.
This has an added benefit: you can safely get a much higher effective dose with little to no health concerns. Eg, Oral and sublingual generally have a limit of 8mg sublingual per day, and most of that gets completely destroyed by the body via the liver before it acts on estrogen receptors. Sublingual injections come in different forms, and the dose numbers aren't directly translatable, but no matter what you do, the effective amount of estrogen you're delivering is much, much higher.
Additionally, this means that your estrogen can safely get high enough to suppress T on its own. Once your T is down, and E stops being suppressed by T, the reverse will start happening- E will down regulate T production (up to a limit but that's an additional detail). That means something awesome- no blockers. No Spiro, no cypro, no bica- all of which have some concerns of their own beyond just E.
Yes, it is easier to access. Generic, sterile, injection supplies are easily available online in large quantities from reputable medical supply sources, and the injectable medication itself is generally cheaper and more likely covered by insurance.
This also means it's uh. Easier to access when access to HRT is... Non-conventional.
Whiiiiich also means another thing. Injectable medication is always limited by expiration time and the sterility of the vial, not the quantity it's packaged in. Which means that IF YOU KNOW WHAT YOURE DOING, you have flexibility in your dosage if you so choose. Eg, I have personally talked with my provider about how to do this safely, but I've recently tried dosages of estradiol valerate ranging from 6mg to 8mg a week. Again, remember that this isn't translatable to 8mg sublingual a day- 8mg EV injected a week is SO much higher than 8mg estradiol pills per day.
It seems intimidating, but honestly, I find a ~20 min routine on a Friday morning much easier to keep track of than taking multiple pills multiple times a day.
In general, it's considered the best HRT option, although most people ease into it with a period of time on sublingual first. If you can, get trained by a nurse to self inject the first couple of times.
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answersfromzestual · 18 days
"Understanding the Hair Growth Cycle and Causes of Hair Loss"
The hair growth cycle involves three distinct phases:
Catagen. The transition (catagen) phase signals the end of active growth. It can last several weeks.
Anagen. The growth (anagen) stage is when new hair fibers actively form within the hair follicles. What you might not know is that this process can last several years. TL;DR: Hair growth definitely doesn’t happen overnight.
Telogen. The resting period (or telogen phase) is when hair follicles become dormant. At any given time, up to 15 percent of the hairs on your body (including facial hair, arm hair and even chest hair) are in the telogen phase. This stage can last up to a year.
Shedding hair every day is normal — up to 200 strands, give or take. Shedding more than this might indicate an underlying hitch in the hair growth cycle.
External and Environmental Causes of Hair Loss
Many factors can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to increased shedding such as:
Poor nutrition
Medication reactions
Constantly wearing hats
Tight hairstyles (ex man bun)
As for the case of male pattern baldness, hormones and genetics are at play.
Let’s start with how hormonal treatments can disrupt your T-levels.
Hormonal Causes of Hair Loss
There is a link between low testosterone levels and issues such as a lower sex drive and poor sexual wellness.
Low-T is a factor and can be caused by conditions like diabetes, autoimmune disease, and thyroid disease.
The following can also cause a temporary dip in testosterone levels:
Poor nutrition
Certain medications
Testerone Hormone Treatment (often called HRT or TRT) comes with potential side effects, and in some people, it may trigger hair loss.
High testerone causes hair loss, so more T isn't better. Stay with your doctor's instructions. Don't mess around with your dose.
Genetics influence how sensitive your hair follicles are to circulating dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is a byproduct of testosterone and one of the most potent androgens (male sex hormones).
Testosterone and DHT are interlinked, and when T levels rise, DHT levels typically rise as well.
Researchers noted in a 2017 study that was done in Germany, which backs up previous research suggesting that developing bald spots from male pattern baldness might have more to do with sensitivity to testerone than the level itself.
Testerone converts a small amount of what is in your body into DHT by way of the 5-alpha reductase enzyme, which is found in small amounts in the body.
Secondary sex characteristics: any physical characteristic developing at puberty that is not directly involved in reproduction.
Why do we have DHT?
In young males, the body needs DHT to ensure the healthy development of the genitals and prostate. Ftm trans people obviously do not have testicles or a prostate. We focus on secondary sex characteristics like voice, muscle mass, and body hair.
As an adult? DHT doesn’t really have a large job to do anymore. Therefore, it can cause problems, like hair loss. In fact, researchers have found more DHT in balding scalps compared to non-balding ones. But not every guy’s hair follicles are ultra-sensitive to this sex hormone.
The more testosterone, the higher the levels of DHT in your body. That’s not necessarily a death sentence for your hair, but it is a fact.
DHT can attach to receptors in the scalp and gradually shrink hair follicles until they can no longer produce hair — a process known as follicular miniaturization.
If you have a genetic predisposition to DHT sensitivity, too much of it can cause hair loss.
While TRT doesn’t directly cause hair loss, increased Testosterone can lead to androgenic alopecia if the patient has a genetic sensitivity to the hormone DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
Androgenic alopecia is also known as male-pattern baldness and female-pattern baldness. Is the most common cause of hair loss in men and women.
Diagnosing Your Androgenic Alopecia
The first step to avoiding hair loss on HRT is to identify whether you have a genetic sensitivity to DHT. If you don’t, then it’s unlikely that HRT (and a resulting increase in DHT levels) will trigger hair loss.
Male-pattern baldness most often occurs in an M-shaped pattern starting at the forehead. It may also manifest as a slowly growing bald spot on the top/crown of the head. If you notice either of these patterns in your hair, then it’s possible you have male-patterned baldness.
Because androgenic alopecia is a genetic condition, you can also look at your family line for any signs of hair loss, as well. A common myth is that hair loss is inherited from the mother’s side, but in actuality, both parents can pass down the genes that lead to androgenic alopecia. This condition is polygenic, meaning it comes from multiple genes rather than just one.
It’s useful to work with a knowledgeable provider when diagnosing androgenic alopecia. Defy Medical offers consultations to discuss this topic in detail.
DHT Blood Testing
If you’re experiencing hair loss but aren’t sure it’s androgenic alopecia, or if you don’t have any symptoms but still want to check, you can order a DHT blood test. This test measures your DHT levels to determine whether your levels are elevated. Elevated DHT levels along with hair loss often indicate androgenic alopecia.
How to Avoid Hair Loss on (T)HRT
If you do have androgenic alopecia, there are several treatment options to slow and minimize hair loss.
It’s important to catch hair thinning and hair loss as quickly as possible, so you can preserve hair follicles. It’s much more effective to slow hair loss than to grow hair back after it’s gone.
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sparrowpharoh · 2 years
~Mutual Aid Request~
So let's start with the good news. I have a job starting this sunday (8/28). If the universe aligns in a merciful way, I should be getting my first paycheck on the sixteenth of September.
More likely than not that check will largely be consumed by the multitude of overdue and neglected expenses I have been unable to pay for, so how much of a finish line that date serves as remains to be seen. I may well have another two weeks beyond that before I actually have any real usable income.
BUT! Now is not the time for pessimism! Now is the time for hope, and may despair take the week off for a change. For now, my only obstacle is getting through the next few weeks.
Yesterday I spent the remainder of my available cash on as much groceries as I could afford to get through until then. Today I did the math and everything together is barely over 2k calories.
I do not think that will stretch over the next 20+ days.
I am looking into local food banks but I'm in a rural area, so even 'nearby' places mean a decent amount of driving and therefore gas. I currently only have enough gas to cover maybe a week max of commuting to work, if that. In addition there are other complications with food because I'm living in a stationary bus with limited electricity. My only means of cooking or boiling water involves making a fire, so I'm trying to avoid that as much as possible. I have no refrigeration and am in a constant state of war with the neighboring mouse and ant populations which make storing any food that isn't canned difficult and risky.
As far as medications I am immensely relieved to say that I have a surplus of my psychiatric meds. But I have only a couple days left of my HRT, which frankly does jus as much if not more for my mental health and stability.
If anyone who sees this is able to help, I will be eternally grateful. But if you can't, please, don't let this add to your stress. If you would feel guilt for not being able to help the whole of the earth with only two hands, then there is something you can do to help me, and that's to help yourself. Let your own wounds heal first and know that doing so will make us all stronger as a rising tide lifts all ships.
But if you do have the means to offer assistance, my cshapp is $SparrowPharoh and I also have a PP and Vnmo I can tell over DM. Or jus spreading this so someone else who might have more means to offer has the chance to see it as well.
$54/200 (tentative goal)
The work seems endless and every victory carries three more challenges with it. But there is light in the distance. I know there is.
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bottombatch · 10 months
Transitional Periods
I'm currently playing the game Season - A Letter to the Future. It's about recording all the sensations and memories of now for future generations. But it's also about transition periods. The characters in the game all know the world is going to change, but they do not know how. The main character spends much time pondering what this will mean for her and the world she knows.
As a transgender person and a human, I think about transitions a lot. There are events that wholly and suddenly mark new seasons in our life; and then there are those that are slow, gradual.
Recently, for the second time in my life, I was part of a roadtrip across the country. Washington to Ohio. We were visiting my grandfather in the hospital. We made plans to drive out there when he could still speak. When we got there he hadn't reacted to any stimuli in two days. Hadn't been awake. Hadn't eaten in a week.
It had felt so sudden, and yet… I remember. Almost a full year before that, he and my grandmother came to visit my sister's highschool graduation. He spoke of his recent surgies. He choked on a piece of chicken and we almost called the ER. I can't help but think that my grandfather's passing was not so sudden. That I was simply not present for it until the very end.
When I think of transition periods, I think of my father. On the way back home to Washington from Ohio (the third time I'd made that trip) we passed through Chicago to see the Korean side of my family. They had just moved into a new apartment that was maybe 200 feet away from their old one. Practically just across the street. They asked my father to bless the new home. He is not that kind of pastor. But still, he prayed. He spoke on transitional periods and how they can be difficult. How family and community are important for such times. And I thought, "How ironic is that?"
How ironic is it that you would say this when you would not be there for my transition! That he would look me in the eye and tell me I was wrong. That I would have to wait until college and even then, do it by myself. That it would not be spoken of in his house.
Now, I wish I had taken more time to be present for my own transition. I am almost at two years of HRT, and yet, it passes in a blur. Two years of transition, so sudden. Again, I was simply not present until the very end. And I can't help but think it's because my father was so unwilling to be part of it. That it made me wish to just be at the end. As if being at the end of the transition period would restore that family and community.
But of course, it didn't. I've had to remake my family and it has been wonderful. They make me want to present. To memorize the now and appreciate it before the next transition.
There is a tiktok comment thread I think about a lot. Profound words in unlikely places are all the more profound, I think.
It goes: harashsidhu - this will gonna take 3 years
ashmanathletic - creator The time will pass anyways
I graduate next semester. I fear what that will mean for me. But I will be present for it. The time will flow like grains of sand and I will count them, for they will pass anyways.
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possumsinpeoplesuits · 6 months
Hard Lessons in Cosplay
So, I decided to go to the Texas Ren Faire yesterday, and after nearly dying by being a bit of a thembo, I'm here to share what I've learned so that my fellow people-who've-never-done-this-before won't also end up nearly unconscious because of a bomb-ass outfit.
So, first off, the good parts. While I didn't bump into any friends there, and I didn't see any other Locked Tomb cosplayers there, a lot of people liked the costume anyways! Also, the fans in the mask were a lifesaver, as having a way to keep my face out of the sun while still having a steady breeze was absolutely key to making it through the early morning's 70 degree weather.
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Now, for the parts that sucked.
So, you know how I mentioned it was 70 degrees in the morning, despite it being late October? Well, at around noon, that hit to 80 degrees. I started the day with a 1.5 liter bottle full of cold Gatoraide, but that got drained fairly quickly, and was soon replaced with 80 degree tap water from a water fountain. I was still okay on hydration, but I was losing electrolytes fast, and could no longer cool down as easily. To give a visual, this is how much I was sweating before I took the coat off:
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I took that picture the next day, after leaving the coat to dry all night. It was STILL that wet.
So, I made my only smart decision of the day: I started heading towards the exit, to call off my first outing before the dehydration got dangerous. The only unfortunate part is, it took me almost two hours to find the exit, because I was getting a little delirious and couldn't remember where I came in, and my map had soaked through with sweat and become unreadable.
But I made it! At around 3 or 4pm, I got out of the faire, ready to get into my car, crank the AC, and laugh off the whole thing. That... did not happen. Because I had no idea where I parked.
Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but the parking lots for the faire were divided into 30 rows, each roughly... two hundred yards or so long? So too long for my key fob to set off the alarm after walking the space in the middle of the rows.
I walked all the way to the end, then started walking back, and started stumbling because my body was starting to not work due to the heat. Some guy on a golf cart gave me a ride to the front, and I misunderstood him when he handed me a card of where I was picked up at so they could take me back when I recovered.
My dehydrated brain read it as "This is definitely where your car is, start walking again, you're almost done." So I walked there, checked all 200 yards of the combined north and south aisles... then walked back to the entrance, sat for a while to try to think up a plan, then when I went to ask someone working the entrance what to do... just kinda started blacking out.
So I sat at one of the stands outside the entrance, and while the lady running the stand didn't have the contact for the medics, she did give me some ACTUALLY COLD WATER, which didn't immediately cure my exhaustion, but cooled my brain down enough to work.
I eventually decided, hey... it's getting close to closing time. Eventually, everyone'll leave, it'll be cooler, and I can rest my legs for a bit. Someone even gave me a wet wipe to wipe the STALAGMITES OF SALT CRYSTALS off my chin.
This did, however, mean that I would be looking for my car at night. Normally, I'm pretty confident at night because I'm A. Fairly fit, and though I've been on HRT for about twelve years, I do still have them AMAB shoulders, and B. I was very, VERY heavily armed, with two two-handed Cold Steel Latin machetes, and a back up knife in my fanny pack.
But, again... I'd already fainted once, I was running on empty since I hadn't eaten since that morning, and was about 9 hours into my 10 hour death march under the Texas sun. So by 8pm, in the woods, alone, I was fucking scared. I even considered just stumbling to a main road and calling an Uber, but I was afraid that being summoned to the woods by a masked goofball wearing machetes on their legs might be, as the kids would say, sus as hell.
And finally, FINALLY, at 8:30, I found my car. After systematically searching every aisle past the reserved spots, starting from where a worker estimated I would've been parked at 10am, and searching another eight of the 200-yard aisles... I finally heard my car beep.
I proceeded to drive directly to a gas station, drink an entire cold bottle of pedialyte, then went to a chicken place and DEVOURED as much protein and fried pickles as I could, drank another liter of gaotraide, a 32 ounce soda, and made it home.
The damage? Aside from the usual chaffing, and some little marks where the knee pads were bumping into the upper part of my shin, I ended up with blisters on the pads of both feet, and one that took the entirety of my heel. My mask had worn through the skin of my nose, I was missing a section of skin on my thigh because I had a forgotten soda in that pocket, I was sore as hell, and was still five pounds lighter than when I left that morning. I also had to get up and drink some more gatoraide in the middle of the night because I was feeling feverish, but now that morning is here, I'm feeling much more alive.
So, the lessons I've learned is... bring more to drink than 1.5 liters if you're going to be outside, consider cutting the lining of a heavy coat out to stay cool, remember where the fuck you parked, and if you do end up on a ten hour death march under the Texas sun, consider bringing a necromancer with you. You might need them.
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biggestdev · 7 months
Cheap (kinda) DIY hormone testing
Hormone level testing is something that came became an issue during my transition; I am going through my doctor for HRT, and my health insurance bit me in the ass. Since my doc is a small practice, they ship my samples out to get tested, and insurance only covers hormone tests if they take place AT my GP's practice. Like, in the physical building the sample was collected int. A weird cutout, but I assume it's something meant to fuck me over intentionally, and I can't make them budge on it.
So, I switched to an at-home, mail-in hormone test. I'm putting my two cents out there, just in case it helps anyone, I assume the DIY-ers out there are already aware of stuff like this. The test I ordered is from ZRT Lab:
Specifically, I ordered the "Hormone Trio" blood spot sample. There is a saliva sample method available (spit in a cup vs wipe blood on a sample paper), but their own research papers indicate the saliva sample isn't as accurate for testosterone, so I went with the blood spot method. It's not CHEAP by any means, at $130, but it's certainly cheaper than the $500 I WAS CHARGED by the local university hospital to do the SAME TESTS!
There is a caveat in the fine print that you should be aware of: California residents still need a doctor's note for ZRT Lab to process their samples. I don't know why, it's stupid, but it's a clear line that they draw.
This is the cheapest test I was able to find for these hormones, everything else either left out progesterone, or cost close to (or over) $200. I don't know if transmasc people need any other hormones tested, but for me, a transfemme, the three in the Hormone Trio test (Estradiol, Progesterone, and Testosterone) were the exact 3 my doctor was looking for.
As far as how easy it is to use, I found it very straightforward: it includes a lancet to poke a hole in one of your fingertips (the instructions said to go into the side of the finger at a weird angle, but I couldn't get enough blood to take samples, so I gave up and went right in the middle of my fingerprint, that worked much better), then drip blood onto the indicated spots on the sample card. Let the samples dry overnight, then pack it up and ship as directed (it comes with a prepaid shipping label).
On top of that, I was surprised at how little information they require to process a sample. there is a form sent with the kit, and I only included my name (chosen, not legal), age, gender, email, and a list of current medications. I also had to fill out at least one "symptom" (since they didn't have "is trans" in there, I just chose "mild anxiety", literally just pick anything), I know this because I DIDN'T choose a symptom at first, and they actually called me after they received it, telling me they need at least one symptom in order to process the sample. The nice lady on the phone actually started reading out all 50+ possible symptoms, I took pity on her and stopped her pretty quick ("oh you said anxiety? yeah, sure, that one".)
All in all, it took about 10 days from when I shipped the sample, to the results being posted in their online portal.
All in all, I'm happy with how easy and cheap (compared to the alternative) this test was, and I'll probably be using them for the foreseeable future, unless of course my insurance gets it's head screwed on straight and actually starts helping me instead of just charging me to do nothing, but we all know they'd light themselves on fire before actually helping anyone 😊
Oh, yeah, and this isn't an ad or anything, I did my own research and paid for the test in full, it's just a regular old review.
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mueritos · 2 years
hihii i hope you're having a nice day away form the weird ass anons you keep getting :]
i just wanted to ask if you have any tips on being patient with T results?? I'm ~4weeks/ 5 shots along and absolutely nothing is happening ! I know everyone is different & I'm getting bloodwork done in a couple of weeks that my clinician will review to make sure everything is okay, but it's disheartening to see and hear zero changes :[[ it makes me paranoid that my body will never start changing
This has been in my inbox for a few days so apologies for the late response, but I always say to people that start HRT that it can be so awesome, but SOOO dysphoric and painful. Not painful in the sense that you are physically in pain, but because you have to wait! Five shots for most people is not going to do much. Keep in mind that you are slowly and safely shifting your endocrinologically (is that a word?) female hormone range into an endocrinologically male range, so you’re going from anywhere between 80-200 t levels to 600-1200 t levels. Its going to take a while, and you have to also maintain those high levels for a while in order to see the changes that are associated with testosterone induced puberty. My body was changing for months, but my voice didnt start dropping til month 4. At month 3 I was getting so scared it would never drop, but the week after it was like night and day. You have to learn to be patient and kind with yourself as youre changing, but to also find ways to distract yourself! If you focus too much on every little (or lack of) change, youre going to be left very anxious and dysphoric 😭 Just hang in there and keep doing your shots as usual!
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moth--knight · 1 day
if you don't mind sharing, how exactly did you find out you had adhd? and how did you get through college w it?
hi anon!! not a question I expected haha, but sure, I can answer (but I rambled sorry, so putting it below the cut)
I didn't realize I had it until I got to college, mostly due to interacting with peers who also had ADHD and whose experiences mirrored mine in startling ways. I had always been a good student in terms of like, grades? But I struggled with getting ANYTHING in on time. It was like there was a mental block preventing me from doing even the most basic of things. Sitting down to focus on a simple 200 word response felt like pulling teeth despite the fact that I was objectively a good and fast writer, and pretty much every assignment I have done since middle school onward I have done at the VERY LAST MINUTE. I nearly flunked out of my first semester of college because despite having As in all my classes, I could not for the life of me get myself to write the final papers for three of my classes. My professors were kind enough to give me extensions of a full two months - and yet every single one of those papers I wrote the night before the final deadline, crying on the floor of my dorm room until 7am. I didn't understand WHY I couldn't just fucking sit down and do it. It did not help that I could focus on shit like video games for HOURS without moving. I would forget to eat, forget to sleep, forget to use the bathroom - I always felt very fucking useless and lazy, because I *could* focus, but never on the right thing. Not to mention that I could not form habits to save my life. Even now at 25, remembering to brush my teeth twice a day is like, nigh on impossible. Lol.
In college I met some friends who were diagnosed with ADHD, and all of them were pretty much like "hey your issues with hyperfixations and an inability to focus on simple necessary tasks and an inability to keep habits and so forth all are very ADHD coded my friend" and I was like "NAHHHHHHHHH. NO WAY. I'M FINE." <- words of a guy who was NOT fine
Even worse, my partner at the time had a therapist who just from stories of me was like "btw maybe you should tell your bf they probably have ADHD it could help them" which is like. Deeply fucking funny kdfsgfhdkjsal Anyway. My own therapist eventually also was like "99.9% sure you have ADHD" and I was like "sick what do I do then" and she was like "well you could get tested and get on meds" and I was like "ahahahahahahaha well I cannot afford that so nah"
I had no insurance in college and every dime I made I spent on HRT or sent it home to my family. So. I basically ignored the problem. Which. Was not helpful. Lol. Quite frankly looking back I am not sure how I managed to graduate at all. I was under severe and constant stress because of the way ADHD was ruining my life as a student. It was not fun.
I didn't really *accept* that I had ADHD though until after college, and I still have never gotten a formal diagnosis 1) because I don't have that kind of money to throw around tbh and 2) I don't need a doctor to tell me what I already know.
Whenever possible, I tried to set up parallel working sessions. I often sat with a large group of friends/peers in our library and we would work together. Having other people with me helped keep me on track, and even when I spent half the time talking, the other half I worked. Working alone I often got NOTHING done. Parallel play saved my ass on many nights and for many assignments. My junior/senior year when we had to go remote because of COVID I swapped out in person for video calls with multiple people. Same sort of vibe. Now as an adult if I want to get something done, I still hop on a video call with my friends. It helps me focus to have other people there, and the background noise of conversations is soothing almost. I don't know why, but it works.
If you can, have some sort of schedule imposed by outside forces. I really fucking suck at habit forming, and so making lists and just saying "I am going to do this then" does not work for me. But having set times I would go to class and go to work helped me manage my time better, and carve out blocks that FORCED me to work on what I needed to get done. I color coded my schedule and made sure that my class hours and work hours were regular; it made my 'free time' also more structured around those mandated times, which helped a little. It also caused me a lot of stress though. There are tradeoffs for everything I suppose.
Walking and pacing!!! This sounds nuts but like. I luv maladaptive daydreaming and have since I was a kid, so I kind of adapted that to help me with school work. If I had an essay or something I would put on some music and go for a walk or pace in my dorm room and just think about the assignment. It helped me generate ideas so when it came time to sit and focus, I had something to work with rather than staring at a blank page. I really suck at sitting still and thinking, so moving around helped me a lot.
Speaking of, I took a LOT of breaks. Which seems counterintuitive I guess, but allowing myself to get up, go get a snack, go chat with someone, etc, made it easier to come back and sit down and work rather than trying to just sit and focus and fail to focus for hours on end. I took lots of breaks but also got small pieces done in between every break, so it all added up in the end.
Anyway, sorry, this is a lot. the TLDR is I spent my schooling years either unaware or in denial of having ADHD, and it destroyed me. I wish I had accepted it sooner, and I wish I had more adults in my life that could have saw the signs and helped me.....but alas.
Even so, I developed ways to cope that I still use now. It helped me a lot to start talking to other people who also have ADHD because it made me feel less alone. I've also tried very hard to reframe my thinking of myself as lazy/useless because like, I am not either of those things! I just have a disorder that makes shit hard! GRAH!
I have no idea if any of this is helpful anon, but I hope ??? it can be. I don't want to presume anything BUT if you too are in college and struggling I am wishing you the absolute best and I hope you can find a good support system. (And if you ever want to chat, my dms are open <3)
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bijesperfahey · 18 days
A collection of life updates since I feel like I've been MIA as fuck and I just kind of need to unpack a lil bit
My workplace is officially, formally in the process of unionizing which on the one hand is great because I have been pro union my entire life since my mom loved hers but I'm also deeply, desperately concerned that we won't actually win our petition since I know a hell of a lot of people have questions and also voting is taking place on one [1] day and if the period isn't long enough people simply won't show up to vote like ????
I had bloodwork done at the beginning the month and my cholesterol is worse (boo, thanks genetics) and I am also finally diabetic. I am not like.... shocked it's finally hit me considering my literal entire family is diabetic but I am crabby about it I was really hoping I could hang on til I was like 40
The good news being I'm not like. Super, ragingly uncontrolled just yet, like my A1C was juuuust high enough to flag me, so I've been put on just metformin and not any insulin yet. My doctor also scripted me out a freestyle so I can have an idea of what foods are effecting me how much which I actually really appreciate even though it's an extra like. $70 a month. The metformin is free at least
I owe 350 for my fucking appointment to refill my HRT because my insurance is a bag of dicks. My HR department is reaching out to the company about it because I was openly like 'hello this is one of two whole reasons I even fucking have healthcare you fucking assholes' so like. Fingers crossed they change their fucking minds.
And they couldn't even check my T levels at that visit because they couldn't get my blood! It could have been so much worse!!!! Fuck !!!!
Speaking of, I'm now on gel testosterone which is. Like listen it's convenient I've been sticking with the dosings, which means even though it's kind of more work it's probably better for me than the shots I was skipping all the damn time.
But it's also like $125 a month until I reach my deductible so that's annoying even though at this rate I will in fact hit my deductible this year
Also I'm moving in almost exactly a month so this is the exact time that I didn't want to have to deal with all of these changes because like !!! I have to save for the move ! That's the big important thing in my life, not all of the rest of this!
And I'm so grateful that I can afford to just shell out. 200 dollars unexpectedly on meds. That I can, theoretically pay off this visit over the next 3 months, until the next time I need to go in to actually get my t levels checked and do it all over again. But !!!! I hate it !!! so much !!!!
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elihslife · 6 months
5 Hour Nap
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As the title says... I just woke up from a 5 hour nap. 😴 Insane.
It's 30 mins after midnight. A new day. Looks the same outside as it did yesterday. Right now I put on a movie and decided I had to write. Just a mood I was feeling. I am feeling.
So the flattering boy and I are going out on Monday VS later today, which is no big deal. Hopefully less people, even if it's Veterans Day.
Gives me time to go run some errands instead.
I am officially over 200 lbs. The most Ive ever been. 204.something. Almost 205. Wild. Wild, wild, wild.
This is the most I have ever been. I wonder if its the HRT or if it's the excessive drinking and eating I've been doing. Ugh, guess we'll see as I try and give up sugars and other ish. I also really, really need to focus on going back to the gym and getting my steps in more.
I hate the gym.
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personalsteroids · 10 months
Rumored Buzz on Anadrol
I'm sure they say that when it comes to measurement and energy that Anadrol will be the king, but like I stated I felt like I received a lot more away from Dianabol.
AND… I like my BBB Way of life, (Babes, Beer and Blow) been dwelling it for 3 decades. Does 1 really need to stick to just the babes for that cycle and pct? or does it not make any difference at at acceptable sum?
I lent a gym Close friend some $$$ and he repaid me with two hundred 10mg Oxandrolone and 200 10mg Stanozolol. Any solutions on what amount or which or each which i could securely insert to my current HRT and any other terms of what to incorporate, cautions or your common fucking hella mad Knowledge.
We’ve manufactured all probable endeavours making sure that the data supplied here is accurate, up-to-day and complete, even so, it shouldn't be treated in its place for Skilled professional medical suggestions, diagnosis or treatment. Practo only supplies reference supply for popular info on medicines and doesn't assure its precision or exhaustiveness. The absence of the warning for any drug or mix thereof, really should not be assumed to indicate that the drug or combination is safe, powerful, or suitable for any provided affected person.
I’m on trt at 100mg examination cyp every week. I’m just coming off a small surgical procedure that held me out in the gymnasium for approximately two months. I’m all set to get again just after it and lean out for summertime. I have a bottle of deca 250mg/ml.
Este ciclo es recomendado para aquellos que quieren perder peso y acelerar el metabolismo. Para las mujeres que quieren ganar masa muscular, la dosis puede ser aumentada hasta los 20 miligramos.
Algunas investigaciones apuntan a que el anavar tiene un efecto anabólico que es muy beneficioso en la ayuda a la ganancia de masa muscular, principalmente para aquellos que se están iniciando en el uso de medicamentos anabolizantes, y también para las mujeres, gran parte del público que consume el anavar.
Reality: With a great food plan and moderate dosage it received’t cause you to bloated, it’s nevertheless 90% diet! Most bodybuilders again in the 1970’s used Deca Andriol testocaps up until about fourteen times out from a contest before dropping it and took no anti-estrogens all through cycles. The late Sergio Oliva utilised solely Deca/Dbol for a contest prep staple and was a best bodybuilder!
I think we a solo will Have you ever feeling like rubbish. I'd personally use take a look at with it, the 19-nor compounds contend With all the dht receptors and you can genuinely really feel like crap without the need of check in there
Go on working with Arimadex or Aromasyn all through your 2 wk wait before beginning Clomid, and keep on with it even though on Clomid and Individually speaking, I would go a week past your Clomid with it.
Christian Vasquez (November 5, 2012): “Sustanon 250 is the greatest steroid I’ve utilised. It's got substantially elevated my toughness and dimensions although not offering me any Unwanted side effects. I'd advise it to any individual who wants to bulk up devoid of stressing about drinking water retention or other regular side effects.”
It’s also important to bear in mind the doses for Women of all ages are unique and frequently decreased than Those people for guys. Girls start to knowledge physique mass gains at two hundred-400mg of Deca drugs weekly and While the aspect-outcomes are generally significantly less extreme for Females on Deca, they're able to nonetheless be serious.
Following we get to the cousin of Deca, NPP (Nandrolone Phenylpropinoate) NPP is basically what test prop will be to Testosterone Enanthate; it’s a shorter version of nandrolone that packs pretty a punch at just 200 mg/week.
La vida media de Anavar es de aproximadamente 8 horas. Se recomienda dosificar este compuesto dos veces al día.
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cpharmaceutical · 11 months
C-GEST-200 Softgel capsule MANUFACTURER/ MARKETER C Pharmaceuticals SALT COMPOSITIONDomperidone (30mg) + Esomeprazole (40mg) STORAGE Store below 30°C
Product introduction
C Gest 200mg Softgel capsule is a natural female sex hormone, progesterone. It is used to treat menstrual and pregnancy-related issues that are caused due to hormonal imbalance.
C Gest 200mg Softgel capsule also prescribed along with estrogen as a part of hormonal replacement therapy for preventing endometrial hyperplasia (thickening of the lining of the uterus). It should be taken with food. It should be taken at the same time each day to get the most benefit. You should continue taking it for as long as your doctor has told you to, even if you feel well.
The most common side effects include abdominal bloating, abdominal pain, dizziness, headache, depression, breast tenderness, hot flushes, vaginal discharge, joint paint, and urinary incontinence. Side effects are more common during the first few weeks and usually lessen as your body gets used to the medicine. You may also experience bleeding or spotting between your periods, consult with your doctor if it happens frequently.
Before taking this medicine, inform your doctor if you have, or have had, breast cancer, unusual bleeding in the vagina, or liver disease. You will probably have several tests both before and during treatment to check your womb. Also, tell your doctor what other medicines you are taking as some may affect, or be affected by, this medicine. In general, it is advisable to avoid alcohol and smoking.
Uses of C Gest Softgel capsule Capsule
Description of Hormone replacement therapy
Menopause is the time in a woman's life when her period stops. It is a normal part of aging. In the years before and during menopause, the levels of female hormones can go up and down. This can cause symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Some women take hormone replacement therapy (HRT), also called menopausal hormone therapy, to relieve these symptoms. HRT may also protect against osteoporosis.
However, HRT also has risks such as:
1. Breast cancer
2. Heart disease
3. Stroke
Certain types of HRT have a higher risk, and each woman's own risks can vary depending upon her health history and lifestyle.
NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Description of Female infertility
Female infertility means when the female is not able to conceive even after 1 year of trying (or 6 months if the woman is over age 35). If a woman keeps having miscarriages, it is also called infertility.
Causes and Risk Factors
Common causes of female infertility include: 1. Physical problems 2. Hormonal disturbances 3. Lifestyle 4. Environmental factors 5. Cervical issues
1. Your doctor will recommend you to get a few tests and examinations done. They include: (a) Blood test (to check the levels of hormones) (b) Endometrial biopsy (to examine the lining of the uterus) 2. Ultrasound or x-ray of the reproductive organs 3. Laparoscopy
Complications and When Should You See a Doctor
Most cases of infertility in women result from problems with producing eggs. In premature ovarian failure, the ovaries stop functioning before natural menopause. In polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the ovaries may not release an egg regularly or they may not release a healthy egg.
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0calcatboy · 5 years
Me: hmmmm what is my TDEE? I know it's 1,4000 and I'm going to continue to pretend it's 1,200 but what is it?
Google with some graph of the average man's TDEE: Hey fucker. Hey you pathetic piece of trash. Hey. Did you know No Man Ever has your TDEE. Did you know that. You tiny little child. Did you. Are you goddamn aware.
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doctorfoxtor · 3 years
if you think you hate my long posts, I'm this 👌 close to losing my grip on reality
100 days of productivity
day 18
verapakill is this first-line tx for haemodynamically stable SVT in asthmatics
AF w/ RVR can reduce A2 loudness
the best biomarker for reinfarction within 1 week of initial infarct is CPK-MB; tropes can be used as they will rise again from their baseline, but CPK offers a much tighter timeline
LBBB → rule out coronary ischaemia w/ CT coronary angiography or stress echo or adenosine stress perfusion MRI or whatever IDK man you do you just leave me the hell out of this
Aspergillus clavatus antigen triggers malt-worker's lung, which is a form of hypersensitivity pneumonitis
100% O2 @ 7-12 l/min or sumatriptan are equally effective at aborting cluster headaches
prophylaxis for cluster headaches is w/ verapamil or lithium, typically if headaches occurs daily for >3 weeks or if they significantly interfere w/ QOL
sildenafil is also a PDE-6 inhibitor at high doses (erectile dysfunction dose of 50-100 mg stat is higher than PAH dose of 5-20 mg thrice daily); PDE-6 is highly involved in the retina and inhibition leads to blue-tinting of vision
contrast this with digoxin, which engenders xanthopsia through Na-K-ATPase inhibition
spasticity due to spinal mets → if not baclofen, can use diazepam 5 mg thrice daily, especially if comorbid anxiety and insomnia
subcortical dementia: cortical internal linguistics, wordfinding and memory are preserved in early disease as opposed to in corticol disease; however, verbal output (similar to Broca aphasia), alertness and personality are diminished earlier on
bilateral idiopathic cervical plexopathy typically affects C5/C6, characterised by profound wasting of muscles
domperidone cannot cause drug-induced parkinsonism specifically because it does not cross the BBB
syrinx: LMN ssx w/ loss of pain & temp sensation ('cape-like distribution') in ULs + UMN ssx w/ loss of dorsal column sensations in LLs + Horner's syndrome
brain abscess → IV 3rd gen cephalosporin + metronidazole
carbimazole is more potent than PTU, but PTU uniquely inhibits peripheral deiodination of T4
apparently progesterone replacement in HRT increases the risk of breast cancer like wtf lmao this goes against what I've been taught in med school BUT WHATEVER I DON'T HAVE THE SPOONS TO ARGUE
OA vs RA viscosity of synovial fluid
OA synovial fluid glucose ~90-100% of serum levels
topical selenium sulphide for versicolor is mainly for children; for adults, use azole/terbinafine shampoo/solution
seropositivity to RF/anti-CCP is actually a poor prognostic factor in RA; joint erosion within 2 years of symptom onset and insidious onset are also assoc w/ poor prognosis
beta blockers can trigger or worsen plaque psoriasis; progesterone suppresses plaque psoriasis (hence the post-menstrual or post-pregnancy drop in prog can cause flare-ups)
naltrexone may trigger or worsen IBS symptoms, so prefer acamprosate for alcohol abstinence instead in this population
piecemeal necrosis is a feature of chronic active hepatitis
increased hepatic copper deposition is a complication of cholestasis
pancreatitis Glasgow scoring: PANCREAS → PaO2 <80 mmHg, Age > 55, Neutrophilia (WBC >15k), Calcium <8 mg/dl, Renal involvement (urea >100 mg/dl), Enzymes (AST >200, LDH >600 IU/l), Albumin <3 g/l, Sugar >180 mg/dl
5-ASAs have no role in small bowel Crohn's
HCC in Child-Pugh class C cirrhosis is a palliative diagnosis as the hepatic reserve is insufficient to tolerate resection, chemoembolisation or radiofrequency ablation
classical Kaposi sarcoma is seen in older, immunocompetent individiuals (with a male skew?); they are completely asymptomatic
dypnoea + ↓SpO2 despite normal PaO2 + lactic acidosis → methaemoglobinaemia
endogenous water production comes to about 350-450 ml/day (1 ml/g fat, 0.6 ml/g carb, 0.42 ml/g protein)
in nephrogenic DI combo of thiazide + low salt diet can reduce urine output by almost 50%... somehow
even more confusing, vaptans have been show to improve the action of vasopressin on the kidneys in X-linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (possibly by binding to cytoplasmic V2 receptors and improving their translocation to the cell membrane; relcovaptan, a V1a antagonist, has the strongest evidence base for this)
causes of agranulocytosis: valproate/carbamazepine/ethosuximide, clozapine, propylthiouracil/carbimazole, chloramphenicol/cotrimoxazole, H2-blockers, NSAIDs, allopurinol, mianserin/mirtazapine
rosuvastatin is not metabolised by cytochromes, but OATP 1B1 is responsible for hepatic uptake and inhibition can lead to toxicity
mesangial proliferation is an insensitive finding in glomerulonephritis; thickening and splitting of the basement membrane is more specific for mesangiocapillary (type 1 membranoproliferative) GNitis
HLA-DR2 appears to be protective against autoimmune diseases
in bite wounds, treat pts allergix to coamoxiclav with doxy+metronidazole (good anaerobe coverage)
Wolfram syndrome = AR inherited, symptoms of DIDMOAD (DI, type 1 DM, Optic Atrophy, high-tone sensorineural Deafness), maybe red-green colour blindness idk I don't make the rules
apples and celery are often covered in birch tree pollen, which is a common allergen; hence, apples and celery are frequent triggers of oral mucosal allergy
haemochromatosis displays pseudodominance
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