#its a doozy
extrajigs · 10 months
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MORE BEASTS OF THE BLOOD SEA. Well actually just whales, very pink ones to! The usual info dump is found below!
The Blushing Fluke is a large whale belonging to a larger group of baleenless baleen whales of the Atlantic. Flukes are divided into two main groups, which habit different areas of the Atlantic. Which by the by is divided in two by a scab field into the sunless Northern Atlantic Fester and the Eternal Hemorrhage, which is slowly diluting back into the global sea. These fellas inhabit the Fester! Here the air is frigid and the blood is hot! Being that these guys are huge they struggle with the problem of overheating in the 93 degree blood bath. Their solution is the ability to inflate and hold their tongues up and out of the sea. The blood engorged organ is chilled by the freezing air and they cool right on down. This solution helps them maintain their large size while subsisting off the blood around them, simply swimming along slurping up the cooler surface ichor as they go. The large size is moreso to ward off predators, the fester is home to the Atlantic's immune system, which does not take kindly to animals eating it. Their large size lets them take a bit of a beating before they outrun their attackers, the macro-macrophages if you would.
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fireflywitch · 10 months
new chap this weekend~ *cue ominous music*
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"I sat on my ass and didn’t do anything for a year. I waited for everything to blow over. I’m not waiting anymore.”
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angelmichelangelo · 4 months
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so im still working on my big big tmnt fic that has taken me months to finish (im so nearly there) and now that i have my desk set up and certain.. friends.. lol watching over me, i think i should be done by next week :D depending how distracted i get lol or maybe how motivated i get, possibly by the end of this week 👀
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cyberhai · 1 year
Oh, you think you're white and autistic? I shit you not I threw my hands up in the air and yelled "hooray! :D" after my first kiss.
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ofthecaravel · 7 months
Um ouch? That chapter of Brandy actually sucked out some of my soul I think. I’m in the fetal position on the floor at work😃
i am so sorry and also so pleased
last chapter tonight! :D
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cupcraft · 1 year
does anyone want a ctommy poem teaser.... *smiles evily*
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thegeekyartist · 1 year
I haven't posted fic in a while but just know I've got 30k and counting of Nandermo slowly building on my drive.
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posting new fic tomorrow keep your eyes peeled and tissues nearby
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rogersevans · 2 years
part five of enchanted coming soon....
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djmousewife · 2 years
anyone want to discuss todays bad decision?
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nightlight-rising · 3 months
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final commission from my batch! Don for XXVeil. this one was a doozy
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ghoulangerlee · 1 year
finished chapter 2 of you share not the blood of our our ours just gotta edit it and post <3
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psykoe100 · 8 months
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A mask of my own face.
I’d wear that.
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it's been a looooooooong time since I drew this guy
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totem-but-shark · 3 months
interpreting foolish making a few of his own skins as qfoolish knowing how to sew and making his own clothes is one of my favourite headcannons because one of qfoolishs main ways of expressing his love and care is acts of service, he loves through actions. So it only makes sense that he might tend and care for the clothes of his loved ones too
imagine qfoolish sewing all of Leo's clothes, each new shirt or sock getting slightly larger than the last as she grows up before his very eyes, feeling immense pride as he goes from sewing tiny rompers to elaborate dresses that take days to complete and rolls and rolls of fabrics just to her liking all for his little girl. His heart melting ever so slightly as he starts all over again knitting a red and white striped scarf for a baby Pepito.
qjaiden showing him her wings and foolish immediately insisting she hands over every vest and shirt she has to add wing holes into the back so she never has to feel constrained and hide herself ever again.
For the longest time qroiers clothes were plagued with tears and gashes. Rips in his overalls after bobby passed, the gash in his hoodie from a friendship turned backstabbing. He can't find it within himself to fix alone, he hardly knows how. Until he's adopted, qvegetta and qfoolish taking him in with open arms and suddenly there's another hand steadying his shaking fingers because qfoolish cannot undo the hurt qroier has faced but with needle and thread he can help his son repair what he has
Mixing this with another headcannon, I like to think that the suit qroier wore at his wedding might've been one of qvegettas from one of his failed marriages. Knowing he'd never allow himself to wear it and let himself be hurt again, and so instead wanting his son to have it and see it finally worn at a happy wedding. One based upon genuine love. Though he may never experience that moment himself at least someone he loves can, the cycle continuing for qvegetta but finally breaking for roier. But Vegetta is BUILT, broad as a brick wall and muscled like no other. So foolish steps in, adjusting the shoulders and waist and whatever else until it's perfectly tailored for qroier ready to walk down the aisle carrying the love of both his fathers with him.
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turtle-ly · 4 months
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gotta get what you can still get
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