#jak 2 au
rose13aris · 1 year
With this chapter, I've passed 100 pages on Google Docs! Holy cow, it's been a long time since I've written this much and I'm really happy I have!
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Just completed this commission for the absolutely delightful @precursor-brainrot ! Seriously dude, a million thanks, I had so much fun working on this piece!
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radioactivepeasant · 3 months
Snippets: Free Day Thursday: Blackmail au
(Having retrieved Mar, and removed Krew from the playing field entirely, Jak and Daxter are now trying to settle into whatever life looks like now. Not everything is so easy to leave behind.)
Jak had been away from the sea for too long.
Haven had robbed him of more than his innocence, it ate away at his memories until Sandover seemed like a half forgotten dream. Haven may have had its own coastline, but it was far beyond The Wall.
Jak had forgotten how swiftly weather changed on the ocean.
At first, he'd been intrigued by the sudden clouds blocking the moon. He'd sat up from the rug -- the bed was too soft, too big; it was a luxury he was sure he hadn't earned -- to watch the black tendrils snuff out the moonlight and wondered if clouds would lower the heat the following day. At first, the sound of the rain was pleasant. He didn't mind rain, even the cold rain in Haven. Even if he'd never had a roof over his head during storms in Haven, the mere sound of the rain was a reminder that he was alive, and free. In the prison, the walls were insulated so civilians couldn't hear prisoners scream.
In the prison, Jak had never been able to hear the rain.
For a while, he hovered between sleep and consciousness, until the hammering of the raindrops against the window blurred into a dull shushing sound. His mind drifted aimlessly, in and out of coherent thought. At some point, thought became memory, and memory, dream. He was in the Water Slums again, holding that bright piece of gold. Funny how, after everything, it was the Lurkers who had protected the pieces of the golden seal all these years. Was that why Praxis had enslaved them? Had they been allies of- well, his ancestors?
The flimsy dock beneath his feet trembled with the roar of troop transport craft. Thunderous cracks and booms as Krimzon Guards dropped by the dozens to fill the slums. This was no mere patrol this time. Someone had seen him. Someone had betrayed him. Called in the Guard in hopes of- of what? Leniency? A reward? There were so many. Praxis wasn't playing this time. Maybe that's why Errol wasn't there.
Jak knew in his heart why there were so many Guards.
This was an extermination. Praxis finally understood how dangerous the monster he'd created was. And now he was making sure Jak didn't escape again.
Would they dissect him after he was dead to find out how he could transform? If he died while in his dark form, would he transform back or stay a monstrous corpse?
Jak's eyes snapped open as a flash lit the room, blinding him temporarily. He acted on instinct, rolling under a gap he'd barely registered in his peripheral vision to take cover from the incoming gunfire. Another rumble filled the room as he desperately tried to take stock of his surroundings.
Not the slums. Indoors.
No. Where was Daxter?!
Slowly, his brain fed him more information.
Someone snoring over his head.
A soft texture beneath his fingers -- woven fiber of some kind.
The sound of rain.
The nightmare or memory reluctantly released its grip on his mind as Jak began to make sense of where he was.
This was Spargus. Not Haven.
He was here with Daxter and Sig and Mar.
He still had the seal fragment.
He had locked the door.
He had locked the door.
Hadn't he?
Jak rolled out from under the bed. After taking a moment to confirm that it was indeed Daxter snoring atop the mattress, he hurried to the door.
He sighed and began to walk away, before turning around and testing the door.
Couldn't be too careful.
And maybe checking the lock three more times was excessive. But having a door at all was so new to Jak, let alone one he was allowed to lock from the inside! How could he be blamed for not being used to it yet?
Lightning streaked past the window in an ugly purple-blue bolt, so close Jak could feel the static crackling across his skin. It reminded him of-
Don't think about it. Don't.
It was the color of-
No No No No No-
The image of The Chair flashed through his mind, and Jak felt ill.
No No No No No-!
He felt exposed, here in sight of the window. Vulnerable. Without stopping to think, Jak dropped to his belly and shimmied beneath the bed again. The blanket hung down off the side, obscuring him from sight -- and obscuring the lightning from his view.. It was as good a place to sleep as any, he supposed. Quiet, sheltered, like the alcove in the temple. Jak covered his ears to block out the thunder and counted backwards from fifty.
He was asleep before thirty.
Damas was out of bed with the first crack of thunder.
In a way, he was amazed that his body still knew what to do after nearly three years of forcing himself to go back to sleep. Who was to say if Mar was even still afraid of thunder?
A high-pitched whine from the nursery pulled his body into action before he had even finished the thought. At the very least, Mar and Jak's puppy wasn't enjoying the weather.
When he opened the door, Damas found Mar sitting up in bed with his arms wrapped tightly around the puppy. They were still- so still! Just listening. Mar turned his head slightly and noticed his father. He put a finger to his lips.
"Quiet, Daddy. Are the bad guys close?" he signed.
Alarmed, Damas stepped into the room and looked around.
"What bad guys?" he signed back, scanning every nook and cranny.
Thunder rumbled, more distant now, and Mar pointed at the ceiling.
"There! That's the big boom gun, right?"
His relief that his son was referring to thunder was eclipsed by the dull, terrible understanding that Mar had become accustomed to the sound of gunfire and having to stay quiet. Damas sat down on tbe bed beside his son and stroked his head.
"Everything is alright," he murmured. "It's only thunder, dear one. No one can hurt you here. Daddy's here. Daddy's got you."
Mar crawled up into his arms and nervously chewed on his thumb.
"But what if they get Jakky?"
"Jak is safe, the storm can't get him either," Damas tried to assure the toddler, but his reasoning fell on unconvinced ears.
"Can you check? Just check, okay?"
With a soft grunt of exertion, Damas got up and tapped lightly on the door separating his sons' rooms. "Jak?" he called softly, "Can Mar come in?"
He could just open the door, he knew. Jak only locked the door that led to the corridor. He insisted on being able to get to Mar in an emergency as quickly as possible. But this wasn't an emergency, and Damas didn't want to risk damaging the little bit of trust Jak was beginning to have in him by barging in uninvited. He tapped at the door again, but there was no answer.
"Jak is sleeping, Mar," Damas told his younger son. "Let's let him sleep, alright?"
"No!!" Mar shook his head rapidly. "Jakky always comes when I'm scared! He didn't come in!"
Despite himself, Damas felt a hint of Mar's trepidation creeping into his mind. It was true that Jak was always the first one in the room when Mar had a nightmare. He had expected to already find Jak in the room once he'd heard the dog whine. Hoping he wasn't making a mistake, Damas eased the door open, just a crack.
"Jak?" he whispered.
There was no answer. Save for Daxter, sprawled out on the pillow, the bed was empty.
Damas pushed the door open, frowning. The other door was still closed, and Jak wouldn't have left without Daxter or his brother. Irrational worries about losing his firstborn a second time propelled him into the room, looking for him.
It was a pretty bare room. Rug, window with a bench beneath it, desk, and bed. Jak hadn't given it any personal touches yet. Damas knelt to examine the blanket Jak had left crumpled on the rug where he must have been sleeping again. Lightning flickered at the window, providing the briefest moment of extra illumination. The edge of the blanket stretched toward the bed.
Damas shifted to peer under the edge of the frame on a hunch, and his heart clenched.
Jak lay huddled in a fetal position, hands clamped tightly over his ears. His breathing was soft and even, and his face was peaceful, but Damas knew it wasn't sweet dreams that had driven Jak under there.
As thunder grumbled, only just beginning to retreat into the distance, Jak huddled tighter, reacting to the sound in his sleep.
Damas of Spargus was not a man given to fits of tears. To be the king of the Wastelanders often meant hiding his emotions beneath the surface where others could not guess them at a glance. Even so, for a moment the pitiful shape beneath the bed blurred as Damas found himself wondering what kinds of experiences might drive a youth as brash as Jak to hide from thunder.
They were not pleasant thoughts.
"Oh, oh little heart," he whispered thickly. With one hand he fumbled for the blanket and awkwardly pushed it beneath the bed, covering Jak as best he could from his angle.
"There, now. It's- It's going to be alright. You'll see one day. I will never let them take you again, I promise."
He knew Jak couldn’t hear him. He knew the words were more for himself than for his son. But what of it? He was not made of stone. His heart ached when his children suffered, just like any other parent worth their water.
Heavily, Damas turned to stand and found himself face to face with Mar. The little boy stood there, sniffling, with his Lurker doll clutched tightly in his arms. A worried pout decorated his round face as he edged forward.
"Where's Jak?" he asked.
Damas wiped his eyes quickly. "He's....um...camping."
He lifted the edge of the blanket hanging off the bed.
"See? Every- everything is alright. Why don't you go back to bed, sweetheart?"
Mar gave this all of two seconds of thought. Then he squirmed beneath the bed to snuggle up to his brother. Jak relaxed minutely, as if he knew Mar was there.
"You watch out for the bad guys, okay Daddy?" Mar signed anxiously. "Don't let them get us."
Damas winced. "No, Mar, I won't let anyone get you. I'll just. I'll sit here in the door until the storm passes, alright?"
He was still there when Jak woke at dawn.
It was warm when Jak woke. Not in the way he would've expected from the desert, but a close, sweaty heat. With a soft groan, he forced open eyes sticky with sleep. Mar lay there, curls plastered to his round cheeks with drool as he cuddled closer. Well, that explained the heat. The kid was like a walking vent of yellow eco. Jak started to sit up, only to crack his head against solid wood.
Jak fell back on the floor clutching his forehead.
The bed. He was under the rottin' bed!
Jak groaned and dragged his fingers down his face. Right. The storm. He'd had...what, a nightmare? A flashback, maybe? At least he was still too low on dark eco to transform. The thought of Damas seeing that shape so close to Mar scared him more than any flashback.
It took some doing to slip out from under the bed without waking either Mar or Chopper. As Jak maneuvered backwards around the pair, he found himself unexpectedly grateful that they'd all had such drastic changes to their diet recently. In Haven, where the dog ate whatever he could find, it was not uncommon for everyone to be awoken with truly foul canine flatulence. And that was on top of how Jak usually smelled after working twenty hour "shifts" without rest!
Jak eased out from under the bed, rubbing his bruised forehead ruefully. His blanket was still tangled around his legs, albeit half pinned under Mar. Gingerly, Jak unwrapped himself and tossed the excess back under the bed with his brother. Then he paused. Granted, he hadn't been in the best state of mind the night before, but...hadn't he left the blanket in the middle of the room?
Movement caught the corner of Jak's eye, and he turned quickly to find Mar's door open. He'd expected that, given the child's presence. But he hadn't expected Damas to be seated in the open doorway, half asleep. He had a blanket around his shoulders and his hair tied up in a scarf, and only the knife hilt his hand rested on betrayed his true nature.
Gradually, Damas became aware of Jak looking at him. He slumped against the doorframe and yawned.
"Oh good. Th' storm's over."
Jak cocked his head and frowned.
"What...what are you doing?"
Letting out another jaw-cracking yawn, Damas let go of the knife at his belt and sleepily scratched his cheek.
"Ah. Mar was scared last night. Flashbacks. I promised I'd stand guard so you three could sleep."
He blinked slowly for a few moments, then inhaled.
"Oh. Right. I owe you an apology, Jak."
Slightly suspicious, Jak narrowed his eyes as he stood up to look for his boots.
"I entered your room without permission," answered Damas, as if it were the simplest answer in the world. He gestured with one hand to the edge of Jak's turquoise blanket. "Mar didn't see you when he looked into your room. I called in, but you were asleep by then."
Damas had been in his room.
That meant he'd seen him sleeping under the bed.
Jak couldn't pin down a specific feeling about that, but he didn't like it.
"Why did you come in?"
He sounded a little hostile. He couldn't help it.
"To prove to myself that you were still here. Still safe."
Damas shrugged wearily. He gave a muted groan and rubbed a crick in his neck.
"In the dead hours, even children's fears are contagious."
"Did you touch my stuff?" Jak peered at his foot locker as if trying to gauge whether it had been tampered with.
"I gave you your blanket," Damas acknowledged. "Then I told your brother to let you sleep, and set up post in the door here. It's been-"
He squinted at the window with bleary eyes.
"Three? Four hours, maybe?"
With a loud groan, Damas grabbed the door frame and hauled himself upright. Jak wondered at the amount of clicking and popping sounds that seemed to be coming from him. Was that all his spine?! Damas rubbed his face and stretched.
"Thank the Precursors it's Fifthday. No meetings until noon, barring incidents." With a sleepy wave, he began to shuffle back into Mar's room.
“If you need anything, get Sig. I'm going back to bed.”
All was quiet for a moment, with Jak staring in bemusement at the now empty doorway. In the back of his sleep-addled brain, he wondered if this is what it felt like to be Mar when Jak hovered.
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bedazzledstrider · 7 days
“Stop drawing circus shit!”
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No 🤡
Unfinished Obvi
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hecketernal · 6 months
Mar's Tomb Investigation AU
Sig hears about the Mar's Tomb break in. Understandably, he investigates for any possible ties to the young Mar. Good thing he already knows the right pair of rookies to talk to.
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2parka · 4 months
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Just another quick drawing session.
Daxter is so difficult to draw in his human form. I don't blame Naughty Dog for rarely drawing him in concept sketches and using his model for 2% of the entire TPL game.
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adhdavinci · 8 months
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ottsel errol is gods ugliest little soldier. the precursors HATE him
torn kinda likes him tho
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lenny-link · 2 years
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Part 1 of me and @chachalove160 crossover Au: Move Hero High School Au
(Yes it’s basically J&D R&C and SlyCooper in high school lol)
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itstiffs · 2 months
PAUL ARON P2!!!!!!
kimi P4!
jak really took that fast lap as if saying "That's MINE bitch"
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sparguscityangel · 2 years
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new fic: over haven’s walls is up on ao3!
jak, daxter, and mar find themselves lost in the forest, and there seems to be something other than metalheads and strange denizens lurking in the trees ....
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rose13aris · 1 year
Happy update day! I’m trying to give my characters some breaks because apparently I’m heading through the game at breakneck speeds. Whoops. 
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How niche can we get Jak and Daxter? 🤣 Chibi, saloon girl Dark Jak from the vaguest cowboy au.
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radioactivepeasant · 2 months
Because @troblsomtwins829 reminded me I also have...a lot of unposted art its over 400 send help
Some highlights from SpyxFamily au!
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Jak when Daxter first rescued him from The Fortress versus just a few months later as Tess's foster brother. He's very concerned by some of the photo filters she puts on the selfies to protect identities. One of them is an otter, for crying out loud!
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The bad news: Jak has to go to the same school as Errol, the creepy nephew of President Praxis, in order to make contact with a high profile target who wants to defect (its Ashelin, who despises her cousin and her uncle, Erol Errol Sr. who ran the DWP)
The good news: Erol Errol Jr. doesn't recognize Jak and is slowly losing his mind trying to think of why "the quiet kid" seems so familiar. Also Jak ran over Erol's beloved motorcycle with a truck. It was not an accident.
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devlinross · 1 year
Ecolite Tattoo Reference
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In my fanfic, these are all the tattoos that Ecolites get.
Ahhh I'm so grateful for my friend who I commissioned this from! He's so talented. If you want to see more of his art, his Instagram is in the corner.
Ecolites are a people who started worshipping eco instead of the Precursors after the Metal Heads invaded. To show their devotion, they get tattoos full of eco, allowing them to channel all the colors of eco safely.
Only royalty can get Light and Dark eco tattoos, and they're most symbolic. Dark and Light eco are too dangerous to channel.
Starting at 15, an Ecolite gets their first tattoo and then gets one every year after that until they're 18, signifying that they're an adult now.
Royalty typically get Light and Dark when they're 19 and 20 respectively and it signifies that they've come of age to rule.
Check out my fanfic if you want to know more :3
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hecketernal · 6 months
Sig's Foreshadowing (Or Lack Thereof)
(Spoiler Warning: Cause I am talking about major spoilers in the Jak and Daxter games, even if it is an older game series.)
It kinda always bothered me how they handled Sig's spywork in Jak 2. I know Sig isn't the main character (and hell they might have not even planned him being a spy until Jak 3), but all the other characters who are spies or double agents get a moment or two of build up or foreshadowing. ((Unless everyone else is just super shit as spies and Sig is just that good whilst still not managing to find Mar))
Tess gets the scene with Torn as well as the scene where she explains that she is a spy to Daxter. Kor gets all the scenes where his reactions foreshadow/make sense with the knowledge that he is the metalhead leader. Ashelin gets her own scenes to show how she works against her father. So...Sig's lack thereof just kind of sticks out like a sore thumb to me.
I really wish we had gotten more development there. Instead of the mission where Sig sends you into Haven Forest to take care of special camouflage metalheads (which like...why the hell would Sig even care if there were special metalheads in the forest), we could have had Sig sending Jak into Haven Forest to take out guards that have prototype camouflage armor. Sig can't risk blowing his cover, but Jak is a KNOWN Baron Praxis hater. Jak as per usual wrecks the KG's day. They could have then had the last KG enemy drop a data chip or something with Sig then asking for it. Hell, I wouldn't have complained about a full on cutscene with Sig rockin in after Jak takes out the KG. I'm just imagining the scene with Jak walking away with the camera lingering on Sig, as he wonders aloud, "What are those Krimson Guards up to out here?" Hell, maybe let the man look at the data chip with a determinded look.
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Jak and Daxter AU
So Jak and Dexter fandom, I have an AU I wanna share it’s kinda self indulgent but I wanna share it anyway. it is also a crossover with paella magi madoka magic cause that was a big thing for me when I first came up with this au and stuck around.
@radioactivepeasant since I really enjoy your Jak content I tagged you since I want you to see this. Its kinda a mess right now but I hope it catches your interest.
So everyone knows at this point that King Damas of Spargus is Jak’s father, and is the previous ruler of Haven before Baron Praxis overthrew him. 
So my au is that whenever Jak was born he came into the world with a twin. 
So Damas is looking for his sons, but by the time Jak & hit twin meets Damas  he's actually got a son and a daughter.
This twin has been given the name Kira. 
So when Count Velcro (its Veger!) kidnapps the two when they escape they get separated Young Jak/Mar is found by the underground while Unfortunately Young Kira is swept up into the dark warrior program, as Young Kira was passed over by Kor, she was left in the slums and in area where the poor and unfortunate were vanished off the streets to be used as test subjects in the dark warrior program. 
Kira thanks to her bloodline and being relatively young was able to survive these Dark Eco experiments relatively unscathed, Kira has permanent horns, stains on her skin from dark eco exposure, sharper teeth with stronger jaw structure, (if you put fingers close to her mouth there a good chance you’ll lose them), night vision and a tapetum lucid. (the things that make cats eyes glow in the dark)
The Puella Magi stuff comes in briefly when an Incubator shows up and offers a wish Kira’s wish is rather wordy and is best boiled down to a desire to know and understand the why and how the Dark Warrior Program operated. She made the wish got the information and decided to GTFO.
Her “boon” from the wish was she automatically gets the basics of how or why something eco based works, provided that the thing is man made if its a precursor artifact she’s gonna come up with zilch.
She uses the warp gate in the prison to escape by overclocking it with eco with the intent of scrambling it so she wouldn't be followed, by overclocking she got spat out in another timeline/universe where thanks to the timey wimey ball grows up and becomes an adult in a similar manner to Jak. 
Kira received her name from another contractor she met, Kaho Okumura. In this context it was chosen since it sounder like the English word for killer, and for the Japanese onomatopoeia ぎらぎら romanized “kirakira” which means the sound of something glimmering or sparkling, sometimes referring to a determined gleam or sparkle in ones eye.
Kira’s personality is prickly, she's very guarded and tends to be very snarky, and jaded with people. Though she almost never beats around the bush and is very blunt, she says what she means and she means what she says. she often works on her own and is incredibly self reliant. She also does not enjoy being touched much. 
But if you’ve known her for a while and have earned her trust Kira will loosen up, shell be a bit more open with her expression instead of having resting bitch face all the time, she’ll be willing to play games and relax instead of constantly being on her guard and ready to defend against a physical attack. 
Physically she's shorter than Jak but not by much, she’s about eye level with Jak’s shoulders. she’s also somewhat stockier, having a fair bit more muscle definition and strength then Jak, who is built more for running, parkour, and the like. Kira is built more to brawling, and physical strength, and can take more hits.
In a physical completion Jak would beat Kira in contests of speed and agility. while Kira would beat Jak in contests of strength or endurance.
Kira is well versed in rock climbing as the area she ended up in is very mountainous with lots of cliffs. 
Kira’s gun is a modified sniper rifle that fires metal bullets that have been infused with eco, while Jak’s morph gun shoots blasts of raw eco.
Kira also refuses to touch light eco with a 10 foot pole.
Kira and Tess would get along surprisingly well, since with Tess’s skills as a gunsmith would catch Kira’s attention and she would want to compare notes since Kira modified her gun herself.
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