#jnd au
2parka · 3 months
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Just another quick drawing session.
Daxter is so difficult to draw in his human form. I don't blame Naughty Dog for rarely drawing him in concept sketches and using his model for 2% of the entire TPL game.
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Preview of a series of paper dolls I’m making for Patreon of Jak from mine and @sparguscityangel ‘s Ball Jointed Doll AU.
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troblsomtwins829 · 29 days
I love all your JND art!
So what’s your favorite game and least favorite game?
What’s are your favorite ships and least favorite ships?
And do you plan on writing out your au’s or at least the lore?
Aw! Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying!!
I've only played the main trilogy, so I can't say anything about Daxter, Jak X, or Potato, (if I could, you probably already know which I'd pick as the worst) I love the original Jak and Daxter game, I have years of memories of playing it with my brother and more recently of playing it by myself. Jak 2 was probably the worst based purely on mechanics, despite how much I love everything else about it. There were some missions that I was stuck on for a while and that made it hard to stay invested.
My heart for Jakeira and Tess/Daxter. Sig/Damas is a close second (I can never not picture those two canoodling whenever they're alone) Not a fan of most ships with Erol or Jinx. I just don't like Jinx; and Erol in canon is a monster and doesn't deserve to be happy.
I definitely plan on writing out a large majority of my AU's, I probably have about 20 wips in my docs right now I'm slowly working through. I have a bad habit of keeping information to myself, unfortunately, so while posting lore bits has crossed my mind, I am a coward and am hoarding them. I will happily answer any and all questions related to them, though!
Come to think of it, I probably should post some lore bits, just to have a record of them out there that I can look back on instead of burying them in my docs so deep that I forget where I put them. That might be a good idea.
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radioactivepeasant · 2 years
Snippets Thursday
An entire chapter of the Faulty Info au where Sig rescues Jak from Errol, sees that he still uses a kind of Spargan sign language, and mistakes him for a recently kidnapped Spargan...which began as mental storyboards and two drawings and now is six somewhat disjointed chapters and I'm not sure what happened. Inspiration strikes at the most random times.
Warning for Angst
When the landing ramp came down, Damas was prepared -- or so he told himself.
He knew in his heart that if this lost Spargan really did look like Mar, look like his baby, he was going to have a hard time controlling his emotions. But he had to see for himself. A morbid curiosity he just couldn't stifle insisted that it had to know.
"What the-?!"
Ah yes. He had also neglected to inform Sig that he would be the one waiting at the oasis.
Damas shrugged and decided not to explain himself in the slightest. He was king, after all. He could keep his secrets.
On the ramp, Sig tipped his head back and sighed. "Alright," he muttered, "Let's get this over with."
Then he turned to face the cargo hold. 
"Come on, rookie. Watch your step."
Damas wasn't prepared after all.
The boy who crept warily out of the air train was small. Scrawny, even. He looked ill-used and underfed. And he looked astonishingly like Mar.
It was true that he was the wrong age -- by a good ten years at least -- but his eyes-! 
Pain and fear had darkened them, and bruises shadowed them, but they were the exact same blue as Mar's eyes. And though the ends of his hair were light enough to look blonde, much of it was an unbearably familiar shade of green. 
Pain swept through his heart like a blade, prodding and poking at the fresh wounds within. It felt cruel, seeing such a stark reminder that his son was gone, that he'd failed to protect him. Just as someone had clearly failed to protect this one.
Damas told himself it meant nothing. He told himself that they, like thousands of others in the world, may have had a common ancestor some hundred years back or such. That the resemblance was mere coincidence. He told himself that he would keep his distance until Mar was found, to keep some semblance of sanity. He told himself all of these things and more, until the father in him rose up from his heart to strangle those thoughts into silence.
Look at him! he snarled to himself, He is a child, wounded and thrown away by the very city that discarded you! Had their places been exchanged, you know that you would hope someone would treat Mar with compassion. You will not ignore this boy for the sake of self-pity.
Damas tightened his grip on his staff and his emotions and stepped forward.
"You are Jak, yes?" He spoke slowly, so as not to startle him. "Sig has told me that you use a kind of sign language only found among our people."
The boy blinked in surprise and made a questioning expression. "He said there were others like me?" He pointed back at Sig. "He said I must have come from your city where people can read hands -- before I lived with the Explorer."
Damas set aside the question of an explorer taking a Spargan child to ponder later.
"That is the most likely explanation," he confirmed. "It is fortunate that Sig found you; very few people taken by raiders make their way home again."
Jak looked around quickly, as if he worried that he wouldn't have time to take everything in.
"But I don't remember this place," he stated plainly. Damas thought he looked a little disappointed.
 "I don't remember raiders, either."
"Hm. If you were taken very young, your early memories might well be hazy." Damas leaned on his staff and gestured with one hand. "Start with the place you were taken to before the Baron captured you. Retrace your steps. What is the first thing you recall?"
The boy shook his head, then paused with a confused expression. He tugged at one of his ears, thinking, then timidly answered.
"A big light. I remember a big light, and then a beach. Then the Explorer said my name was Jak and I could live with him in Sandover and be his nephew now."
Damas glanced at Sig, mouthing Sandover?
Sig shrugged helplessly.
"Do you know how old you were when this explorer took you there?" Damas pressed.
If he could establish a timeline, they would have a better chance of working out whether Sig’s tagalong had any living family still in Spargus.
"Maybe five...?" Jak's hands dropped, and a troubled look replaced his confusion, as if he'd never truly contemplated it before. "But the Explorer didn't take me there. He just brought me home from the beach. I don't know where I was before that."
"Definitely not from the Black Raid then," Sig remarked. "Where is Sandover, anyway? I've never heard of it."
Jak shrugged, but seemed distracted. "It's the beach. Over the mountain from Rock Village. But..." Another recollection passed over him and he bit his lip. "...but when the Precursor door opened...the gem monsters came out."
Gem monsters? That sounded familiar.
"Metalheads." Damas said knowingly, "The big ones with heavy armor? Or the small flying ones?"
The boy shivered in the cool evening breeze and wrapped his arms around himself. He nodded and shut his eyes. "Both."
Well. Wherever this "Sandover" had been, doubtless it was long since destroyed now.
Sig blew out a breath and knelt in the sand in front of Jak. 
"Jak," he said, as gently as he could, "I don't think this Sandover place is there anymore. When...when metalheads swarm a place, they don't leave anything behind. I hate to say it, but you and whoever else went through that transport ring are probably the only ones who made it."
Jak didn't seem to understand at first. But slowly, a dawning horror filled his eyes.
"They’re...all dead?" he asked. His hands began to shake.
"Most likely." 
There was no good in sugarcoating the truth for the poor kid, but the sight of the despair crushing his expression would haunt Sig.
"No no no-" Jak shook his head rapidly.
He knew that the Sages would have been able to defend their own villages. But Sandover's sage had been teleported with Jak as the monsters arrived. And Jak wasn't so optimistic as to pretend Samos wouldn't have sent him to do the brunt of the fighting to save the villagers -- none of whom were proficient in combat.
He'd lost his friends, he'd been tortured, he couldn't lose the only home he had, he couldn't! 
His Uncle? The fisherman? Bird Lady? All dead? Dead like Gol and Maia? Dead like all those Lurkers Samos sent him to fight? Dead like the "Subject 001" Errol had made Jak fight? But where would he go? Was he truly alone?
Please please please no, I can't go back to that place-! I can't, I can't- Uncle, come back! Please come back!
"I'm sorry, kid. Really, I am. But we're gonna look after you now, I promise," Sig tried to reassure him.
Jak barely heard him, by the looks of things. His face crumpled, and he fell into a crouch beside the water. He stared at nothing, eyes glassy and uncomprehending. His hands came up to grip fistfuls of his hair, but other than that he remained frozen.
He looked so very young, huddled like that on the ground.
"Kid-" Sig croaked, "Aw heck, kid. I know; I...I've been there too. I'm sorry."
He reached a tentative hand towards the boy, but faltered. He'd just made it worse.
Damas clicked his tongue. In spite of his own grief, the fear and sorrow that ripped through him with every breath he took, he found he could still move. When he could focus on his people, focus on their troubles, it took him out of his head enough to function. Right now, this lost-and-found son of the desert bore a grief as potent as his own. He could put aside his own emotions for the sake of duty. He could drown out the agony in his soul by seeing to the needs of Spargus, beginning with the boy in front of him. 
Damas touched the boy's shoulder and cleared his throat. "Come. Night is cold in the desert, and you are not dressed for the weather. We will return to my city, and decide what to do with you there."
Jak made no move to obey. His fingers tightened in his curls and his breathing quickened. Gone. Everything was gone. For one brief moment he'd let himself hope that Sig would be able to take him home. That he would be able to pretend none of this had ever happened.
Should've known better than to hope. He had nothing now. He had no one. Not even Daxter.
Sig reached out to gently grip his elbows. "Come on, Jak," he said, and lifted him to his feet. Jak locked his knees to keep from falling, but he was mostly still limp.
"Hey now, cherry," Sig murmured to him, "Remember what I said on the way here: Damas is king. Don't give him any trouble, and he won't give you any trouble. He's trying to help you, okay? So you have to listen to him."
"There are more metalheads in these dunes," Damas added bluntly, "And you are unarmed."
At the mention of more metalheads, Jak finally tore himself out of his stupor and started to shuffle after Damas. He paused, and looked plaintively back at Sig.
Sig shook his head. "Sorry, kid. I need to go back to Haven. I'll keep an eye out for your orange friend, and radio if I see him."
"You promise?"
"Yeah." Sig's cheek twitched in a half smile, but it didn't quite reach his eye. "I promise."
With that, Jak nodded, took a quivering breath, and followed the king to the buggy. He fumbled with the safety restraints for a few seconds before clicking them into place over his chest. It was nothing like The Chair, but he still found that he disliked any kind of restraining belt or cuff. Was it even that necessary if there weren't other vehicles to run into?
The answer, he quickly discovered, was a resounding yes.
Sig's friend, or king, or both, drove way faster than Sig did. Granted, there weren’t other drivers to be cautious of so far. And there was a lot of open space. The speed was a comfort to Jak in a strange way. He wasn't confined to one place, forced to be still, when he was on a fast-moving vehicle. He didn't have to be a hero or a test subject or anything to anyone when he raced. All your focus had to be on the vehicle and the terrain, or else you could end up crashing. It was...meditative, in a sense.
Damas accelerated over a particularly large dune and for three seconds they were airborne. Jak's stomach flip-flopped, and his pulse roared in his ears. It was dulled, compared to the excitement he used to feel, before he had learned how cruel the world really was. But some of the crushing weight on his heart lessened, just a little, as the buggy landed, rolled, and tipped back onto its wheels.
"Alright there?" Damas asked, glancing to one side.
The boy stared back at him with huge eyes. Solemnly, he nodded once, then signed,
"Do it again."
In spite of himself, Damas snorted. "In general, I try not to roll the Dune Hopper. It's not good to get that much sand in the mechanisms. But there are a lot of bumps on the way to the river. Don't worry, we'll be airborne plenty more times."
Satisfied with this answer, Jak nodded again. He settled back into his seat and gripped the restraints almost eagerly. The rapidly cooling temperature hardly fazed him as they sped over the sands. The bite of the wind against his face, the hulking silhouettes of rocky pillars, the sounds of desert birds calling to each other rose up in Jak’s chest, filling in some of the empty places the prison had left.
There was still beauty in the world. He could hardly believe it after what he had survived, but there were still places as open and as free as-
As home.
Jak felt himself shatter just a little more. He tipped his head back and looked up at the sky. Strange. The stars looked...different, somehow. The Lombax Major constellation was as bright and clear as Jak remembered it, but it was further to the south. Not by much, but enough to be noticeable to a boy who'd always watched the stars each night before sleeping.
Even the stars weren't the same anymore.
"You'll be going directly to the medics when we arrive." Damas broke the silence in a no-nonsense tone. "It is unlikely that you've been given all your immunizations. And Sig believes we'll need to give you something to counteract dark eco poisoning."
Immunizations. Jak didn’t recognize that word. What was he supposed to be immune to? And how would they make him immune? He squirmed in his seat as a particularly jarring landing made the harness dig into the dark eco scars across his torso. A small, pained sound escaped him despite his efforts to suppress it. 
Even with the roar of the engine, Damas heard the sound. One ear twitched, and he spared a sharp glance to the side. 
"There are two more large hills like that," he said apologetically, "Next time, I will warn you before the jump."
Jak saw the tower first.
It loomed above the rocky spires and dunes like a monolith, scattering light a surprising distance with a fiery beacon. For reasons Jak couldn't readily explain, the word "lighthouse" came to mind. Without thinking, his hands formed the shape of the word as he peered at the towering structure. Damas had glanced over to check on him as they had approached, and smiled faintly at the observation. 
"Yes, good," he said, trying to sound encouraging, "that is our lighthouse. It's also our water filtration system -- and where I live -- but when you are outside of the city, its most important function is to guide Spargans home."
"You live there?" Jak pointed to the tower. 
Well, he supposed keeping the beacon lit was an important job. Being king was like being mayor, but of hundreds more people, right? Of course maintaining the water and beacon would be Damas’s job. That just made sense.
Seemed strange to live up so high, though. Too far from the water. But at the same time, the idea of looking out of a window and being able to see everything did have a certain appeal.
"That is where all rulers of Spargus reside. At present it is my home. Someday it will be someone else's."
Damas spoke casually, and matter-of-factly. As if the idea of someone else eventually taking his place was such an established fact of life that it hardly bore remarking upon.
The Mayor of Sandover would have been appalled by the attitude.
But considering that the Mayor never really did anything besides collecting taxes, Jak thought that maybe he wasn't a reliable example.
The remainder of the drive went smoothly, and the buggy pulled through a massive set of iron gates. A second set of gates opened just beyond them -- a security measure against foes and weather both -- and Damas drove the vehicle into a circular hub of garages. There were more buggies in the little hangars: some small and lean like predators, others bulky and covered in spikes. Jak's gaze flitted from car to car as if trying to memorize each one. His fingers itched to try the controls, and test their top speeds.
But...without Daxter, where was the fun in racing? And after six months without seeing the sun, or being able to move freely at all, could he even still race?
Damas shut down the engine and stepped out of the vehicle.
Jak swallowed hard, and with clumsy fingers he unhooked the seatbelts. He still wasn't used to walking long distances -- Sig had said it would take some time to rebuild his stamina after so much forced inactivity -- and he could only hope they wouldn't be going far. At every unfamiliar noise he stopped, looking around wildly. If he couldn't see it, couldn't identify it, then it was a threat. 
The sand still retained some of the heat of the day, pleasantly warm under his bare toes. He could guess that it wouldn't feel nearly as nice once the sun rose. Maybe he could find something to trade for shoes...
"Oi, lordship. Thought you were pickin' up one of ours from the big smoke."
Jak turned to see a massive man exiting one of the hangars. Moonlight glared off of a very bald head, hooding the man's eyes in shadow. He was as broad as he was tall, and Jak suspected he was probably a formidable fighter. The man stopped in front of Damas and tugged one end of his long mustache.
"Who's the runt?" he asked. 
Damas drew his staff from the back of the buggy and stepped past the man.
"We'll find out shortly. He may be one of ours."
A small, desperate part of Jak hoped that these fearsome men would decide that he was "one of theirs". Even if it was only so that he didn't have to go back to that horrible, horrible city. Even if it was just so that he could pretend for a moment that he had somewhere to belong.
He flinched when a hand fell on his shoulder.
"Easy," Damas said softly, but he withdrew his hand.
"Follow me. The medics need to assess your condition."
Jak followed, but he folded his arms over his torso and gripped his arms tightly enough to leave finger marks in the skin. Medics were doctors. And doctors had needles. And scalpels. And examination tables. Jak tightened his grip to keep his hands from shaking.
This wasn't going to go well.
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hecketernal · 5 months
Whilst I understand why Naughty Dog prefers to put Jak in underdog situations, it would be REALLY, REALLY funny to have Spargus react to the fact Haven threw out the kid that killed the metalhead leader for em.
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segaphantom · 7 days
Look. I finally managed to post on time
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adhdavinci · 8 months
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ottsel errol is gods ugliest little soldier. the precursors HATE him
torn kinda likes him tho
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sparguscityangel · 2 years
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new fic: over haven’s walls is up on ao3!
jak, daxter, and mar find themselves lost in the forest, and there seems to be something other than metalheads and strange denizens lurking in the trees ....
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artstar1997 · 1 year
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Batch 2 for the Fairy AU is complete. Not much is known, except that their wings are based on different insects. I kinda see the House of Mar in the fairy au are butterfly-winged while most of the Krimzon Guard are moth-winged, with the exception of Erol, who has the wings of the postman butterfly. As for Sig and the Wastelanders, they have the wings of beetles, dragonflies, wasps, and hornets. Wings used: https://i0.wp.com/critterfacts.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/European-Peacock-butterfly-Inachis-io.jpg?resize=1080%2C810&ssl=1 https://i.etsystatic.com/6853575/r/il/e446e7/4523532584/il_fullxfull.4523532584_1dpj.jpg https://media.istockphoto.com/id/175123218/photo/butterfly-papilio-antimachus.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=blDEkwS4mvxDhFS8SdJRWeDpSELUCG3NXWmahLUcBhc= https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/05/10/27/48/360_F_510274877_68Yx6TmdJHQvOngkuJpxxgOtsrjFbrF8.jpg https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/Heliconius_melpomene_penelope_MHNT_dos_Femelle.jpg/1280px-Heliconius_melpomene_penelope_MHNT_dos_Femelle.jpg
Mar Twins Update:
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talesofsonicasura · 1 year
Light Overload
It's only natural for something to become overloaded with energy. The question is what if saving your best friend came with an unforeseen price?
Based on this poll. Enjoy.
Daxter didn't know what had gone wrong. Jak and him had just finished restocking ammo only to accidentally eavesdrop on some monks. They were talking about an some unexplored chamber within their temple. One which could possibly lead to a rare Light Eco treasure.
Daxter and Jak knew that Count Veger had an unhealthy obsession with Light Eco. Something nastily similar to Baron Praxis And Dark Eco. If what the monks said about this room was true, then somebody needed to beat the screwball to it.
Should be a piece of cake! After all Jak had a brand new spanking Light form that could get past those trippy traps. It should've been easy but the situation was so much worse as Daxter watch his friend howl in pain inside a glass tube.
That 'secret room' led to a giant silo of Light Eco! Kinda like a reverse sibling to the Dark Eco one Gol and Maia tried to open at the Precursor Citadel. However this one didn't require a robot but instead a conduit. And Eco Channelers apparently count as substitutes!
Jak had went to look inside the strange chamber only for it to close on him. Now so much Light Eco was being pumped to the point he been forced into Light Form and... his body slowly began cracking. "Don't worry Jak! I'll get you out!" Daxter gazed around the room.
So far, there were busted consoles, more crappy Precursor tech, a display of 5 sealed metal boxes and... "Bingo!" A glass tube filled with glowing Light Eco crystals. If he breaks it then the machine couldn't pump anymore power through Jak.
Luckily, Daxter had some metal boxy ammo. He should've paid attention to the strange symbols on the boxes before he began throwing. Cause if the ottsel did then what would be unleashed on his best friend wouldn't happen.
"TAKE THIS STUPID BATTERY!" Metal edges of the sealed container shatter the glass case. The Light Eco crystals were sent airborne as the box snatched their spot. "Power should cut off right..." One side of the box began to burn an eerie purple as a symbol reared its creepy markings at the ottsel.
Dark Rabbit
A violet emblem with a jester cowl and long torn ear things looked back maliciously before breaking apart. Daxter watch as the white stream of Light Eco take a sickly greenish purple while the silo seal itself shut. "RAAAAAAARGH!!!" Jak's sudden inhuman howl nearly made the ottsel jump out of his kid but the sight was much worse.
Color began taking over Light Jak's form except it definitely wasn't the right ones. Dark greenish teal crawled between bluish dark violet, a thick blue stripe on the center of his face as zigzagging green stripes separated the violet outerside and those white eyes now a mean looking yellow. His clawed fists... Wait.
Daxter unconsciously took a step back as Light Jak began to shift into something bigger. It barely took seconds for violet and green to overtake the glass. The ottsel immediately took cover behind a dead console as cracks spread across the the tube before- *BOOM*
Daxter winced at the glass shards flying over him and the streams of smoke from an Eco powered explosion. He slowly began to step outta his makeshift blast cover. The floor by Jak's container been scorched black, the wall it hanged now a huge hole and a mass of smoke shrouding something.
Burning yellow eyes quickly met Daxter's brown ones as the little ottsel watch the owner stumble out. A large 25 ft humanoid rabbit bearing the same colors that took over his friend's Light form. Those once twisted tip ears now look like torn yet feathery, three horns messily wrapped in his red scarf now protrude from his forehead, and sharp teeth peaked out his round muzzle's mouth similar to the Dark Eco Plant on their first huge adventure.
That greenish yellow prison hair returned with streaks of bluish violet alongside now reaching his lower back, Jak's arms were huge, especially the hands, compared to the slightly long starter dad bod he's sporting, wild starburst jester cowl flair around his neck and those big feet replaced by bigger rabbit ones.
His wastelander outfit was completely wrecked. The only things that survived were his googles, scarf, remnants of his destroyed pants held by the leathery waist strap skirt albeit with two violet coat-tails now peaking out from it, and the large straps from his ruined blue shirt.
"D-d-axter??" A scratchy, growlish, and slightly deeper version of Jak's voice whimpered from the monstrous rabbit. Daxter's small form was a blurry mess as his eyes didn't want to stay open. The last thing Jak heard is the ottsel shouting his name before everything went dark.
Beastial Vampire
Daxter flinched at he saw the burning yellow bat on the box's side as the glass broke apart. Whatever been inside turned the Light Eco stream a sickly reddish orange before going into Jak. The reaction on his friend was instantaneous as those white eyes explode into a vicious violet.
Only on pure instinct did Daxter duck behind a desolated console before the container holding his friend explode. The ottsel didn't dare move as Jak's painful growls grew deeper and monstrous. He needs to be alive if he's gonna snap his best friend outta any feral haze.
Minutes felt like hours and Daxter went still at two long arms and bat wings laid strewn on both sides of his hiding spot. The limbs were covered in a dark teal caparace from the visible segments on the clawlike fingers. Wings weren't any better as that dark teal hide hung over torn black skin. He didn't miss the familiar yellow bat symbol glaring on the back hand's black hide.
Daxter gulped as silence took over those painful whimpers and a shadow hung above him. Slowly he looks up to meet the large bluish grey face of what was once Light Jak. His messy greenish yellow mane from prison returned to frame a dark teal antler horn mask as sickly yellow eyes stare down at Daxter.
"D-d-dax? W-what hap-pened?" The ottsel wince at his best friend's confused deep growl sounding whimper. "I don't know. Whatever was in the box got into your system through the Light Eco link and did...this." Daxter couldn't the small pause upon seeing the rest of his friend's changes.
That dark teal caparace took over his upper body except the sides of his abdomen, Jak's lower half was bigger and more beastly than the top half. Thick dark brown coat with stripes lazily strewn about, a red bat emblem hung over two pairs of eerie orange eye patterns, red claws held onto the man's knees, those big feet now huge three toed bat ones and a long rat tail wag behind Jak.
He had to be at least 30 ft in size from how hunched over the man is, his back still hit despite the ridiculous size of the chamber. "Don't worry buddy. Everything will be ok but we need to get out of here. Although the monks might have to deal with a huge hole in their temple."
Masked Angel
An insignia of horned demon wearing a top hat been burnt into the ottsel's mind alongside the Light Eco stream's shift from white to red. Daxter couldn't help but feel stupid as he currently look at the aftermath done to his best friend Jak. The demonic angel which was once his light form.
Glowing dark blue skin had been overtaken by a dark blue scales, Jak's fingers were sharp claws that would make his dark form jealous, long jagged black horns poke from the prison hairdo he once had, huge black feathered wings hung from the young adult's lower back but his face or lack of took the cake.
A black mask replaced his friend's facial features with burning blue flames to copy any expressions. Even Jak's outfit wasn't safe as it been transfigured into royal blue tuxedo facsimile. Short long sleeve coat, large red cravat that had once been a bandana, his goggles now hung from a top hat and a white tuxedo shirt. He had no pants his lower half became similar to a doll as red leg armor ending in epic knife heels took over for the old pair.
"Daxter, it wasn't your fault." Jak's new echoey voice had the ottsel look into those flaming blue eyes. "But I was the one to toss that freaky box!" "And I was the idiot who walked into the chamber." Daxter went quiet as it became clear that they were both idiots.
He could already hear Damas scolding- Uh oh. "Jak, I think we might've set off a certain pointy headed royal bomb." The flames on the 15 ft giant's face quickly sputter upon realization that they were in big trouble. "Fuck. Think you can drive the Tough Puppy back cause well..."
Daxter sarcastically rolled his eyes as he knew about Jak's new height problem. "I drove a Zoomer by himself for that second class race! The Tough Puppy should be a piece of cake! Although you owe me some pants for the scolding were about to get."
Vengeful Remnants
"You think those boxes had different stuff in them? Or did they all have that creepy skull emblem with mismatched eyes?" Daxter absently mumble as he try to ignore slightly rotten meat smell under the huge blue trenchcoat covering his best friend's 17'5 misshapen form.
Whatever been inside that metal box clearly belonged to a R rated zombie film if it could transfer something like Light Jak into a Terminator dressed Frankenstein Monster. Bluish gray rotten skin, hulk like body with massive bone spikes that jut from; shoulders, knees, back, to even the top of his head(eeriely similar to Damas' crown), two holes on each side of his legs alongside a new back toe for his feet, greyish skull mask covered Jak's except for his pelican teeth like mouth and newfound heterochromia (right eye is now red).
Although the half broken rib cages decor on his friend's new outfit wasn't as bad as the chimera that made up of the entire right arm. One horror made from wriggling mass of snakes, mismatched reptiles, blue lights that were clearly eyes, two cawing bird fingers amongst the 'normal' ones and the mouth on the bottom palm. Yeesh!
Jak's outfit was now a huge dark blue trenchcoat decorated in spiky red straps, light gray flames embroidery on the back tail ends of his coat n sleeves, his bandana now a massive torn scarf and a large hood that hid his goggles alongside his hair. Overall the man could've easily scare off Kor with his new looks.
"Ow!" Daxter rubbed his head as he glare back at the snake head responsible. It carefully nudge the ottsel over to see the lost look on Jak's face. Guess even zombie animal parts are as observant as their alive counterparts.
"Jak! You better not be pouting about your looks again. We all know no one can reach my level of handsomeness but looks don't always matter." The undead man glanced at the small ottsel that hanging on his chimeric arm.
"No one in Haven could stand my Dark Form! Even our friends were afraid of me possibly becoming fer-" "Sig and Tess would say otherwise. Damas is too dad-like to even judge plus I bet even Kleiver doesn't give a shit on your new appearance."
Daxter climbed over and made himself comfy on his best friend's head. "Despite everything that happens, you are still Jak. My crazy best friend ever since we were dumb children poking Wumpbee Nests and driving grumpy Green Eco sages nuts. Can't be a Demolition Duo with one person after all!"
The undead giant stared back at his friend for a seconds before breaking into a deep chirr like chuckle. "You got that right Dax. Thanks for always having my back." Daxter merely noogie his friend as things felt a little too sappy.
Toxic Griffon
"... this is the insignia of the 5th Forbidden Treasure. We believe the undiscovered room uses these for some unknown mechanism." A violet outline of a bird face breathing smoke stare back at the paper in Damas' hand. Seem had approached him for a potential sweep of the temple after uncovering a secret passage which led to Haven City.
Guess the threat Count Veger posed was enough to spur the monks to seek his help personally. Sig stood beside him as the man had discover Jak and Daxter weren't in their rooms. Damas knew the boys' habit of getting into trouble especially when it stems from trespassing. They already snuck inside the Monk Temple before.
"What the absolute hell is that?!!" Sig's sudden shout Damas and Seem quickly turned to the desert. It was Tough Puppy but Daxter is the one driving with Jak nowhere in sight. A bad picture that only got worse as they saw the cause for concern.
Following behind the ottsel was a large 20 ft griffin like humanoid that eeriely resemble the insignia Seem just showed him. It had the white feathery head of a bird with piercing yellow eyes, a violet beak full of sharp teeth, red n gold blades on top its head, a yellow green fiery mane too familiar for Damas' taste that went from the head and stop halfway down lizard like tail.
Violet spiral markings covered the beast's muscular body specifically the upper chest, shoulders, ankles, wrists alongside the sides of the tail. Sharp red claws protrude from the birdlike talons whilst four large red rimmed white wings that protrude from the head and neck was what let the giant glide after Daxter.
However Damas felt his heart drop as he notice someone hanging off the gold horn. An item that revealed just who this giant bird was: a familiar spare of goggles that could only belong to the ottsel's best friend. "Sig, tell our men not to shoot down that beast immediately! It's Jak!"
The Wastelander's non mechanical eye went wide as he look at the giant bird and saw the goggles. "By the Precursors, I swear those two never cease to surprise with their antics. I'll alert our fellow Wastelanders to stand down but Jak's definitely sleeping in the Leaper Lizard pen for this."
Damas looked at Seem who manage to mask their shock although he could still see cracks in the monk's calm demeanor. "To think these boys couldn't get into anymore trouble." He'll need a good cup of tea later but he had two youths in need of huge lecture right now.
And that's it! Our dynamic definitely gotten an earful for this little mishap but Jak's form could be considered enough of a punishment. I wanted to try a slightly different writing style for these snippets that the story slowly progresses through each one despite the different iterations.
Jak doesn't blame Daxter for this. Things were clearly out of their control and his friend did the best he could to save him. Is this new form permanent? Yes but it can be mostly suppressed into something smaller and more manageable for Jak.
He still has his Light powers but also access to Dark Jak. Although some Light Eco based abilities been altered depending on each version of Jak's new form.
That's all I have for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you back in Spargus!
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rose13aris · 1 year
With this chapter, I've passed 100 pages on Google Docs! Holy cow, it's been a long time since I've written this much and I'm really happy I have!
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It's a quiet day in Spargus and your daughter just learned she can throw bath bombs in the dishwasher.
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troblsomtwins829 · 1 month
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In a universe where Maia escapes the catacombs, survives the wasteland, and ends up meeting with Jak and Daxter again, wouldn't it be so interesting if she became a mentor figure. As an expert in Dark Eco, she'd be able to help him understand it better than he ever could on his own. to work WITH it rather than fighting against it. To Adapt and Adopt his Dark Form not as another self, but a PART of himself.
I think that would be interesting
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radioactivepeasant · 29 days
Demon Baby crack au (Sig adopted Jak but once they figured out he was Mar from a previous time loop they had to figure out Custody Schedules)
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Daxter: "You sure about this?"
Jak: "It's fine, Dax."
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Damas: "What was that?"
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(Demon Baby DJ practicing the little bits of ASL I've been learning for work 😅 I'm finally getting grammar down (or grammar for my area at least)
DJ, menacingly: "Don't tell Dad."
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Damas: "Jak, you can't just transform to get out of trouble."
Jak: "Yes I can."
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Damas: "...we won't tell Sig. (I must have "sucker" written across my face...)"
(Normally Damas is unfazed by DJ shenanigans because he has a toddler already and knows what he's up against. If, however, said dark eco kid gives a very pointy smile and asks "Spike-Dad" if he wants a cookie too...well, sometimes he caves.)
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hecketernal · 5 months
Everyone Thinks Jak Is Dying AU (Aka everyone miscommunicates to some pretty ridiculous and angsty levels but Jak's totally fine) ((pls read I swear I still have some comfort with this hurt some funny with the tragedy pls hear me out))
Explanation: I had had this weird impression that Jak was flat out dying from dark eco poisoning, when I was a kid. It seems kid me had made some assumptions from listening to Baron Praxis' propaganda stations where he flat out says, "The dark eco inside you will eventually kill you, Jak," and the way Jak first reacted to getting light eco.
Everyone else seemed to die in the Dark Warrior Project. Hell, they flat out acknowledge Jak should be dead himself from the amount of dark eco pumped into him. Even if a slow death via eco poisoning isn't what the games were going for, it would still make sense lorewise. The game will insta kill you for falling into the stuff.
Buuuuut for a moment just consider...applying that misconception to Damas and Jak's growing paternal bond.
Jak, in his freshly betrayed wariness, decides to hide his dark eco abilities. He's tired. He can't trust anyone except for Daxter, but Daxter is The Exception in capital letters and everything. Jak has found a force he can't or isn't equipped to beat within the long, hot stretch of the desert with no Keira to build a contraption to get them out. He doesn't even know... if Keira cares enough to build some zoomer with a heat shield or whatever would come to her mechanical mind for them anymore. None of his "allies" spoke up very loudly to defend Jak, so Jak stashes his otherness away. Well, he hides it to the best of his abilities. He'll never be a spy, but he can manage a few marauders in some Arena of Death with just a gun and some effort. Transforming had always been last resort anyways. With fear from his betrayal instead of anger leading him, he never transforms in front of all of Spargus to see. He's doesn't want to be Baron Praxis' renegade weapon, the man made monster that slipped its leash. He wants a moment without that. He can't go back to the kid from Sandover. He doesn't want to, but the idea of being just another exile like everyone else is...heady.
Jak doesn't know that he can't hide what's already been seen. Dark eco scars are distinctive, and Jak's were very visible during his stint with unconsciousness and heatstroke. The monks had attended to the two boys, but they had not done so silently. Precursor monks did not care to censor their muttering about dark eco corruption. Their prayers for salvation or less pain for the boy were easily overheard by the alert King of Spargus. It's likewise impossible to hide the way dark eco skitters towards Jak. The way it sinks into his skin. The way his pallor goes white. His face pained. The way the newest recruit sometimes clutches an arm, angling it away from view. Jak does manage to hide the growing claws with this action, so good for him. Bad for Damas.
Damas is under the impression that Jak is dying. Dark eco poisoning is an unpleasant but often inescapable death sentence for even the strongest warriors. He's known good Wastelanders that had to be buried after just a brush with the energy. It might be slow with this new recruit, but it will come all the same. Won't it? Damas tries his best to remain distant. His heart has already been shattered from the loss of one child, but it seems those broken shards are destined to break a little more. Jak is so damningly earnest for someone who tries to act jaded and tough. Damas can't remain distant. Every wall Damas builds is blasted away by the young warrior's newest actions. Damas is doing his best to hold himself together, but inside he is a mess. He doesn't want to lose another son. When Jak spoke of not knowing his father, Damas realized there was one thought more agonizing than losing another son, a lonely son dying fatherless. It catalyzes the father for he cannot stop thinking of himself as anything but a father. Isn't this what he always told himself he would do anything for? Another moment with his child? Damas will not squander the time they have left. Besides, the desert is rough and fickle, and violent death has come for all of Spargus' other kings. He might worry for naught. His death might come for him sooner than Jak's.
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new au featuring ratjak/jatchet?
"And, if my memory serves me correctly, my son recently married that precurian? What was his name? Prince mar?"
The lombax chuckled darkly, clearing taking delight in the way Alister's hands clenched tightly to his staff, how the other seemed to stiffen with each word.
"No. He goes by Jak these days, doesn't he?" He asked. A rhetorical question, really. He floated down, bringing himself face to face with Alister. A wicked grin on his face.
"And, I believe they have three children, correct? Their expecting another one, isn't that right, old friend?"
That sentence made Alister growl. His face showing a whole swirl of emotions, most evidently, anger.
(No name for this au yet, but I wanted to write this down somewhere before I forgot. Feel free to ask questions)
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